Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 20, 1911, WOMAN'S SECTION, Page 8, Image 16

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Captain Montague Farket Expects to
Resume Excavating Soon.
Article of the ton tract Are Most la.
tereatlna; aad Art Here Repro
duced for the Beoeflt of
the 'Readers.
JERUSALEM. Auk 19.-Word U received
here that Captain Montague Parker ez
pects to resume the work of excavating
for sacred relics in he Valley of Blloam
very shortly. Meanwhile a decision aa to
whether the captain s contract with the
Turklrti government can be technically
construed to Justify hla operations at the
mosque fif Omar l awaited with Interest.
It will bo recalled that after much ex
ravatlng nad been done and some relics,
It Is claimed, recovered, the work was
interrupted by charges tht the explorers
had violated the holy mosque of Omar,
obtaining access to It for the purposes of
excavating by bribing its guardians. Popu
lar feeling wu so interne against the
foreigners that after they had withdrawn,
the government ordered the arresj of the
guardians of the moaque asrtd pursued an
Investlgaiion into the circumstances of Its
alleged oVtsecratlon.
Now the contract between Tarker. repre
senting an Anglo-American syndicate, and
the Turkish government has come to light.
Its perusal leaves one In doubt aa to
whether the explorers can be shown to
have exceeded their rights. It develops
that the Turkish government waa a part
ner to the transaction and waa toishare In
the spoils.
The contract contains twelve articles,
some of which are worth reproducing. It
was signed on October 26. 1906, by Captain
Parker and Zlah Paaha. the then minister
of finance, acting for the Turkish govern
ment. Article I provides that Parker
la to furnish all the necessary funds and
operate in the name and under the auspices
of the Turkish government. Article v
has to do with an extension of the contract
in the matter of time by mutual consent,
in article xl Parker releases the gov
ernment of any damages growing out of
the possible failure of the enterprise. Ar
ticle xll provides that In ease of a
difference of opinion or misunderstanding
between the two parties the question shall
be submitted for decision to a committee
of four men appointed equally by the
Turkish and British governments ond. In
the event of a deadlock, the deciding vote
shall be entrusted to a fifth man named
by the Turkish minister of justice.
4rtlrlea of Cob tract.
The other articles summarized are as
Article II. The Turkish government un
dertakes to furnish whatever land or prop
erty the captain may select and determine
upon as the site wherein to excavate, by
adopting every feasible method of 'pro
curing and transferring the same to the
cnptaln, whether by right of purchase in
the case of the property belonging to pri
vate individuals or by issuing a grant of
land In case of the property belonging to
the crown.
Article III. Captain Parker Is bound to
refrain from commencing his operations
anywhere In the vicinity of Jerusalem until
the transference or grant of a given piece
of land is legally ond properly executed,
anV a wall erected about the same. -
By the terms of this article the captain
Is furthermore given the privilege of ex
cavating one full year from the date of
commencing operations, after the lapse of
which period the work of excavation must
be discontinued, unless the government
should grant a further lease of the land
and renew the privilege of excavation.
Article IV. Whatever articles or objects
mow Ha. iina rt rfjwt HurlnB tha pnnria f
xcavactlon by Captain Parker must be
shared In equal proportions between the
government and the members of the ex
pedition, either in kind or by rendering to
the government the equivalent of Its share
in money after due and i roper appraisal.
ArticleVI. The Turkish government as
sumes the privilege of appointing two re
liable Inspectors of Ottoman nationality
whose duties will be to superintend and
observe the process of excavation, but who.
In the performance of their duties, shall
have no right to interfere or Intermeddle
with the plans of Captain Parker or the
means or methods he should employ in
carrying out his purposes. Each of the
aforesaid Inspectors shall be entitled to a
monthly stipend of 100 Turkish as com
pensation for his time and services.
Provide Military' Force.
Article VII. The Turkish government en
gages to afford Captain Parker such mill'
tary force as ha may deem necessary for
facilitating his operations, protecting the
lives of thoee engaged In excavating or en
abllng him to surmount difficulties and
overcome obstacles should the latter pre
sent themselves at any time. A certain
sum of money is fixed wherewith to pay
such military force for its services as well
aa to cover any Incidental expenses It
should entail, such to be furnished by
Captain Parker.
Article viu. in addition to the terms
stipulated In article vli, it shall be incum
bent upon the local government in Jerusa
lem to furnish all the means, facilities and
plot action within its power to enhance and
expedite the work of excavation as well as
promote the security, interests and wel
fare of those engaged In It.
Article IX. Captain Parker binds him
self, in the event of coming upon any valu
able finds during the course of his excava
tions, to enclose the same In a stout case,
to cause his seal as Well as those of the
Inspectors to be fixed t heron; thereafter
to arrange for Its safe conveyance to the
seacoast and thence on board ship to Con
stantinople under his direct surveillance as
well as that of the local government. "Hie
vcase or cases In arriving at Constantinople
shall b deposited in the depot of the minis
try of finance pending the arrival of either
Captain Tafker himself or his legally au
thorised deputy, whereupon the contents of
said case or cases wilT be divided into two
equal shares.
Article X. Each of the two contracting
parties shall appoint two trustworthy ap
praisers, whose duty it shall be to divide
any valuables unearthed Into two equal
parts, or. In the event of Captain Parker's
electing to pay the government In cash for
Us share of the finds, to fix a proper valua
tion thereon.
for these statements), chief of the bureau
of military Information, but the Rich
mond end of the chain was the old Vrn
lew mansion. There she received and
harbored the secret agents who stole In
from the federal army; when no frdral
agents could reach her she sent her own
servants as messengers through the con
federate armies. There," In the Van Lew
house in the heart of Richmond, she con
cealed many of the escaped union prison
ers from Castle Thunder, the LJbby, and
Belle Isle; there she planned aid for those
who remained in the prisons, to whom she
sent or carried food and hooks and cloth
ing; for their relief she poured out her
money thousands of dollars until all her
convertible property was gone. Clerks In
the confederate war and navy departments
were In her 'confidence; counsel for union
sympathiser on trial by the confederacy
were employed by her money.
These statements of General Pharpe's
were made In a letter which was written
to recommend that Miss Van Lew be re
imbursed by the government to the amount
of 115,000. The money waa never collected.
W, O. Beymer In Harper's Magazine.
Glorious Memories of the Flace Impel
France to Hold It.
Great Explorer ofEarly Day Was
Led to the Congo by Katlvea
Paris Mourns the Death of
Mile. Laatelme.
PARIS, Aug. 19.-L!brevllle, the seaport
which it was understood Germany wished
France to cede to her, has many glorious
memories. Towards the end of the last
century a French warship cruising In those
waters for the suppression of slavery, cap
tured a vessel loaded with blacks who were
at once liberated. They founded the town,
and out of gratitude for their deliverance,
called it Libreville'. It has always been
the capital of Gaboon and, until quite re
cently, waa also the capital of the French
Congo, before Braszavllle sprung up and
developed so rapidly.
The roadstead is magnificent; it Is one
of the finest of all Western Africa, The
town lies hidden in the rank vegetation
of a tropical forest; here and there a few
white dots peep from among the leafage.
Memories of DeBrassa.
Over the whole region lies .the memory
of Savorgnan de Brasza. the explorer. The
story of how he first saw the great Congo
river is one of the most exciting in the
annals of African discovery.
Leaving the coast with the purpose of
finding a way to the basin of the Congo,
he and his followers were met by an en
voy of the local king who assured him
that the river waa quite near. De Braxsa
courageously followed him, but trusting to
his account of the distance, omitted to take
a' supply of water.
The marched all day over an arid pla
teau without seeing any signs of a river;
the next day also passed without any re
sults. The explorer began to have doubts;
he asked himself If the native guide had
not betrayed them and if they were not
doomed to a horrible death In the wilder
ness. The mm, however. Insisted still that
the river waa quite near, and the little
party stumbled on In mute despair. Night
fell, and while V Brazza became more
and more desperate he saw suddenly at
his feet a aat sheet of water
In the dusk.
t.reot Actress Dead.
The death of few actresses have caused
such a profound expression of regret and
sadness as tho tragic end of Mademoiselle
Lantelme, who In private life was Madame
Edwards, the wife of the man who founded
the Matin." Lantelme might be said to
have been the great favorite of the
Parisian theater-goer.
She Was young, talented and beautiful,
with a personal mannerism and magnetism
of speech and acting that not only caused
admiration, but evoked something of a per
sonal liking on the part of the thousands
who went steadily to see her play. She
was perhaps best known for her work In
the celebrated Boulevard piece, "Le Bols
Sacre." Her last appearance was in a
sketch in a mjslc hall on the Champs
Elysees. here one of the other prominent
features was a chatty burlesque on the
visit to Tarls of the American sailors.
Some newspapers have thought to see a
mystery In the death of I,anteime, but
It seems established that she accidentally
fell Into the Rhine from a window of a
houseboat to which she had gone for air
during a fainting spell.
New York Girl Assist la Honking
Bis Fish In Troplo
A shark, caught In the bay of Hamilton.
Bermuda, waa brought In by the steamship
Oceana, of the Bermuda Atlantic line, the
New Tork Evening Mall aays. It is the
property of a New Tork girl who assisted
in capturing It and who subsequently .,-ave
what she called a "shark tea"" to which
sho Invited all the passengers and the of
ficers of the ship.
As the Oceana was steaming out of Ham
ilton three sharks were seen astern. The
cries of the passengers brought the officers
of the vessel.
"Ict's catch them." cried MIfs E. A,
"Yes. let's." repested Miss Helen Ixivell,
slso of New York.
Second Engineer Olaf Iorenon secured
a strong line and a big hook, and. placing
a piece of pork on the hook, threw it
overboard. The three sharks made a
simultaneous snatch at tho bait.
When Lorenson tried to pull up the shark
he found the monster too strong for him.
He enlisted the aid of two sailors, hut the
combined efforts of the three did not avail,
and Miss Patterson and Miss Lovell and
other women passengers lent a hand.
The shark was finally pulled aboard and
was found to measure six feet. Miss Pat
terson Intends to have the shark stuffed.
Frlarhtened Into Fits
by fear of appendicitis, take rr. King's
New Life Pills, and away goes bowel
trouble. Guaranteed, 23c. For sale by
Beaton Drug Co.
Tho Booklovera' Contest Is now onl
wv u wwwv rp&wu&, - wf m
ffi uiirS -
" v - - 1
tlesuarkahle Coaraaro aad Skill of
Richmond Wosaaa Goe
Miss Van Lew. a Richmond woman, was
spy for the federal government the most
Important spy of the rebellion. Inasmuch
aa her work merited General Grant's tri
bute, "Tou have sent me the most valua
ble Information received from Richmond
during the war." For four long years, with
out respite, she faced death to obtain that
information; day after day suspected,
pled upon, threatened, persecuted, she
worked with a courage far higher than
the excitement-mad valor of battle-fields.
The greater part of the military Infnrrtt.
tion received from Richmond by the army
of the Potomac was collected and trans
mitted by Miss Van Lew. tin estahllithed
five secret stations for forwarding her
cipher dispatches a chain of relay point
whoae farther end was the headquarters of
n Ceorge H. Sharps (.the authority
"Yankee Doodle came to
town riding on a pony.
Stuck a feather in his hat and
called it MACARONI,"
Students generally know that this reference
was not made to a food produce but to a "DAN-DY"-a
dude of the eighteenth century. The
application is still clear MACARONI, the food
product, has been dandy since the time of its de
velopment up to its present state of excellence.
HARRIET S. MacMURPIIlV the State Food
and Drug Inspector, in a recent statement, asserts
that Skinner's Macaroni is a "PERFECT FOOD,"
that it contains large percentages of all the nutri
tive elements which constitute FOOD VALUE.
At the bottom of this page you will find a cou
pon worth FIVE CENTS to you. Cut it out turn
it in to your grocer with five cents and get a full
10-cent size of SKINNER'S MACARONI (MEZ
ZANI) o SPAGHETTI. Then write to us and wo
will send you a new book containing one hundred
of Mrs. MacMurphy's BEST RECEIPTS. Send a
postal for this book today they are going fast.
As to the difference between Skinner's Maca
roni and all other brands including imported Ital
ian makes,
Here's a List of the Live Dealers in Omaha, So. Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicinity Who
Keep in Stock, Sell, Guarantee. and Recommend Skinner's Macaroni:
Talk is idle,
hence we have provided the means whereby, at our
expense, this article may be tested in a practical
way. It is beneath nobody's dignity to hand the
attached coupon to a grocer.
ALL WE ASK-iucident-ally
all wo require after
that the risk belongs to
the quality of Skiilner's
eba M 10t Package
package of
Sign and present with & cents to
your grocer and get a full lOo
Note We redeem only one of these coupons
, from each purchaser.
This Coupon to be signed by you and by your
Your Signature '. ...
Grocer's Signature
Hot Good After September 8.
Note to Grocer We ui reiieui this coupon
from you tor so in cash. Skinxier Mfg. Co.
1118 H. 8 Oth St, T. Krawetz.
1401 BT. lBth St., B. Welner, Boogies
18th aad Charles Bts., P. Cavanough,
Webster 3398.
1004 S: 13th St., Metropolitan Impt.
Co.. Douglas 8390.
718 B 16th Bt, QlacovlUe & Rod la.
BIS B. 14th St., S. Buffet & Son, Bong-,
las 818.
8913 Lake St., J. Berman.
8901 H ,30th St., W. L. Wallace, Web
ster 1738.
3168 Ames Ave., J. S. Sherdeman,
Webster 8496.
163b Vinton tic, W. H Karnett. Doug
las 7480.
34tn and OaldweU Sts,, J. Margules,
Webster 4378.
84th ant Maple Sts., Geo. Ross, Web
ster 3674.
3bj H. 84th St, Pardum St Slpple,
Webster 636.
4 (no. and Cuming Sts., Rosenblum
liros., Harney i358.
ltfio iae sw,, i-'urrell Grocery Co.,
Webster 487.
84ta anu Cuioago Bts., Kosenburg 4
Co., Webster a29.
600 tt. ifetu m j. iiatt. Webster 4636.
lain ana ouauug bts., Bee hue Gro
cery, Webster oIjo,
. 33i Utimiug att., e. Rlaeman, Web,
sier 6939.
lm ana ooast Sts., F. H. Hansen,
Webster 833.
S3o0 M. ifitu St., J. Lohrman, Bong,
las 8U64
84tu and Ames Ave, R. Kulakofuky,
Webster 376
26as gnerman At., Wm. Rudloff,
Webster 1144.
letn anu Kates Sts., K. Robinson,
wetster 6u3.
39tn and fiupont Sts., J. Kudlaca.
wuu souievM.'d St., Boulevard Gro
cery, Harney 8105
3koJAtuur at., J. J). Crew, Barney
S6u4 b. 33d St., D. J. Hughes, Har
ney 4638.
lbud 1-axs ATI, O. Kronstead, Kar
new lttJJ.
lit l--i Ave., II. Buglen, Barney
1m Park Ave., ,Chas. F. Shaw Co.,
barney 1746.
1'Vin uid v vol worth Ave., M. New.
itiiin. Uougia 64bl
15e M. 84tu -i., c Greenberg, Boug-
las 60i.
34tn and Kason Sta., J. P. Jeppsen,
Douglas 1047.'
Hid k-ia at., J. I. Mulf(nger, Doug
las 1737.
719 Buraett 8t., E. M. Jensen. Web
ster 433d.
2iU Leavenworth St., Reed Bros.,
4ougla 1613:
8143 .o&vnwortn St. Wm. Vom Weg,
Douglas 1176.
849 fc. kith lit., M. Gerber, Bonglae
84th and Leavenworth Sts., M. Rach
in an, Boagla 8074.
8405 Lsaveswortb St, N. Chaason,,
Ked 7fct4.
8430 Leavenworth St., Nels Johnson,
Douglas 7771.
8711 Leavenworth St Jno. Resnlchek,
Harney 1866.
37ta ana st Wary Ave, Julius Wa
enberg. Douglas 6106.
8918 Leavenworth St, H. Lelsge, Bar
ney 968.
3034 Leavenworth St., Elmer Ander
son, Harasy 8130.
3318 Leavenworth St, A. Shaw, Bar
ney 604.
4679 Leavenworth St, J. Wlsler, Bar
new 3343,
48th and Marey Sts., P. H. Ebener,
Harney 616.
88th and Davenport Sts, Oscar Schlal
fer, Harney 1336.
34th and Awes Ave, Lorens Petersen,
Webster 969
140 X 17th St;, H Franzen.
401 H. 30th St, P. H. Chudacoff, Bar
new 3740.
8833 Chicago St., M. ZuckschwerL
Harney 3653.
8616 B. 11th St, Joe Lacina, Bougies
1014 Faclflo St, A. Singer, Bouglas
1033 S. 10th St., W. II Mailand, Boug
las 4036.
1038 B. 10th E. Groth, Bouglas 8394.
Tth and Fleroe Sts, Geo. Stribllng,
Bonglas 8096.
403 Woolwort ATS, G. A. Mulflnger,
Bonglas 8384.
6th and William Sts., Jos. Vopalka,
Bonglas 7341.
8708 8. 10th St, G. Pit ha, Bonglas
8708 S. 10th St., Mrs. J. Sautter, Bong
las 7348.
-1944 S: 10th St, L. Kulakofsky, Boug
ies 7430.
10th and Hlokory Sts, A. B. C. Gro
cery, 8330 S. 30th St, O. E. Johnson Co,
Bonglas 7469.
80th and Martha Sts, I. C. Sten-
tier, Bouglas 8664.
84th and Cuming Sts, G. Meyers,
Bonglas 1630.
87th and Grant Sts, B. Garrup.
3680 B. 40th St, G. E. Tletsort, Web
ster 3303;
30tli and Plnkney Sts, J. Sherman,
Webster 8685.
36th and Charles Sts., Carsen Grocery,
Harnsy 3919,
3131 Burt St, A. J. Stlce, Barney
3008 Hamilton St, P. O. Peterson,
Harney 3881.
3036 Hamilton St, C. E. Nelson, Web
ster 495.
40th and Hamilton, Thome & Synagg,
Harnsy 394
40th and Hamilton, Stein Bros, Bar
ney 670.
24th and Hamilton Sts, P. Allison,
Wbtr 3094.
1730 Oass St, A. Lebovltz, Red 7303.
8358 8. 30th St., J. B. Graham, Bar
ney 1185.
86th and Spragu St, Joe Morgan,
Waboter 438.
84th and Seward Sts, A. Kaplan,
Webster 434
13th and Jones Sts, Chas. Hlns,
Bonglas 4658.
17th and Vinton Sts, D. J. Jordan,
Bonglas 8676.
1534 Vinton at, Cllnes Bros., Bong
las 1385.
1836 Vinton St., C. J. Passlck, Bong
las 3739.
8318 Vinton Bt, Hlbbler & Co.
85th and Davenport Bts, Rice Bros,
Bouglas 618.
87th and fort Sts, J. E. Kirk, Web
ster 4958.
8634 X. 30th St, J. Chrlstensen, Web
ster 8383.
8308 AT. 36th St, M. Blank, Webster
8103 V. 86th St, H. Sorenuon, fWeb
stor 3648.
618 IX. 80th St, Pursley & Co.
1401 William St, Chas. J. Knozacek,
Bonglas 8178.
3119 Ames ATS, M A. Bouquet, Web
ster 5170.
3703 W. 16th St, O. Larsen, Webster
16th and Bfanderson Sts, C. M. Hur
Htea'l, Webster 8803.
1431 X. 84th St, J. Berkowlti, Wb
ster 1619.
84th and Clark Sts, Aug. Anderson,
Webster 8374.
84th and Ames Ave, Mrs. 8. PerseU,
Webster 6oa. .
1703 Clark St, Moeller Bros, Web
ster 1619.
19th and Clark Sts, Gem Grocery,
Webster 3O10.
Both and Oraoe Sta, N. Brodsky,
Webster 3669.
3506 M. 16th Bt, W. J. Addy, Web
ster 8437.
80th and Blondo Sta, Sam Flnkle
nieln. Webster 1903.
87th and Lake Sta, U Zlev, Webster
48d and Grant St, J. Adelson, Web
ster 3544. .
S4th and Fort Sts, J. A. Gross, Web
ster 468.
1830 Vinton Bt, F. Karsch & Co,
Bonglas 3377.
18th and Chicago Sts Tuchman Bros,
Bouglas 167.
1439 N. J 9th Bt, C. Thorson, Webj
31st and Manderson Bt, C. L. Vlz-
zurd, Webster 1068.
1435 H. 3lth St. A. G. Welnsteln &
son, Webster 32E3.
8506 If. 84th St, W. M. Gentleman,
Webster 301.
84th and Lake Sts., Jno. Peterson,
Webster 1783
39th and Cmnlng- Sts, D. Blumenthal,
Harney 8139.
30th and Faul Bt, M. Slobodlnsky,
Webster 6399.
1933 Clark St, C. Peterson. Web. 8696.
30 th and Grace Bts, H. Spiegel, Web.
ster 3343.
1010 XT. 16th Bt, S. Novltsky, Bed
17th and California St., Katleman &
Hannlgan, Douglas 8890.
1618 Capitol AT. Chas. H. M alii bo n,
Douglas 3614.
1361 So. 16th St., Kotera & Sloup,
Bonglas 6573.
16th and William BU, J. Bernstein,
Bonglas 3897.
3306 ho. 16th St., IL Humpert. B. 3098.
8960 Spalding St, C. B. Edquist.
Webster 8707.
3618 W. 30th St, H. Zlotky, Web. 833.
07th and Ames Ave, J. W. Vance,
Webster 3818.
84th and Farker Bts, F. Hagelln,
Webster 3996.
84th and Farker Bts, C W. Shrader,
Webster 44.
84th and Elnney Sts., W. J. Hunter,
Webster 3631.
3333 H. 34th St., H. E. Hetherlngton,
Webster 6648.
3908 H. 84th St, E. R. Pankratz,
Webster 3965,
4110 N. 84th St., M. Frleden, Webster
8133 Military At., Marks Bros,
Webster 8118.
1430 Military AT., I Jankowiski,
Harney 874.
4038 Hamilton St, M Schlffer, Bar
ney 6781.
8916 Farnam St, Mrs. C. Hart, Bar
ney 4060.
8908 Faruam St, J. Bastlan, Harney
88th and Dodge Bts, H. Blchel, Bar
ney 3109.
8314 Farnam St, J. H. Beard, Bonglas
3018 Farnam St, B. Altman, Bed 3003.
30th and Farnam Sts, J. Dreifuss,
Donglan 167.
84th and Farnam Sts, R. E. Welsh,
Donglas 1544.
40th and Farnam Sts, Wilkie & Mit
chell, Harney 1436.
3137 Farnam Sts, A. Peterson, Bar
ney 1698.
113 H. 16th St, Boston Meat & Gro
cery Co., Bonglas 1089.
16th and Harney Sts, The Bennett
Co., Bonglas 137.
16th and Dortge Sts, Hayden Bros,
Donglas 36O0.
17th and Bouglas Sts, Courtney &
Co., Douglas 647.
8614 Sherman Ave, R. H. Goff, Web
ster 8409.
1138 H. 18th St, S. Newman, Web
ster 3045.
8631 Sherman Ave., Sara Goldware,
Webster 3976.
80th and Lake Sts, Tom Johnson,
Webster 1576.
19th and Lake Sts, Edquist St Carl
non, Webster 8453.
4101 H. 84th St, Mrs. F. B. Whitney,
Webster 6378.
89th and Spalding Sts, Mrs. N. B.
3708 Iff. 30th St, Mra. U. Woodruff,
Webster 4086.
3503 XT. 30th St, I). Tuckson, Web
ster 816.
3384 V. 30th St, I. P. I.lnd, Douglas
8107 Cuming St, Jacob Goldware,
Bonglas 6935.
86th and Cuming Sts, L. Sommer,
Harnsy 648.
8696 Gaming St, A Frank, Bonglas
6937! B-8S30.
8418 Cuming Bt, G. W. Serena 4 Co.,
8654 Cnming St, H Phillips, B-861.
85th and Cuming Sts, 2502, E. Jep-
J. Hoffman,
W. Johnson,
sen. Harney 8358.
9434 Cuming St., W.
Bonglas 3J03.
8404 Cnming St, C A.
Bonglas 444.
8006 Coming St., C. P. Wetsln,
las 1338.
604 n. 46th St, Garotte & Cotanla,
Bonglas 3669.
1330 uapltol AT, S. Ralsman, Bong-
Foley. Who
les 7536.
16th and Wirt Sts, O
ster 73.
3311 W. 16th Bt, Armand Peterson,
Webster 733.
16th and Corby Sta., H. RaJlman,
Wsbater 1675.
84th and E Bts, G. G. Bremer A Co,
Booth 160.
80th and O Sts, J. PI von V a. Booth 770.
1301 Mo. AT, W. J. Nagle. Sooth 380.
84th and A Sts, Mrs. R. Raven,
Sooth 117.
3917 H St, International Gro. Co.
8555 S. 81st St, Frank Brogatz, Sooth
8108 K. St, H. C. Smelley, Sooth 184.
37th and X Sts, C Flngerloa, Booth
88th and W Sts, F. J. Egger, Sooth
6136 T St, J. F. McLaughlin, Sooth
466 S. 33d St, S. Mortensen, Sooth
3131 BW St, Bandolo 8c McNeil, Sooth
1339 B. 84th St, F. A. Hart. South
330 Iff. 84th St, Allls A Allls.
8504 K. Bt, H. Dletz, South 97.
418 X. 86th St, a F. Penfleld, South
8616 B St, U X Ellsworth, Sooth
339 H. 86th Bt, Marcus Bros, South
3831 Q St, Chas. Volz. Sooth 1388.
830 8. Main, 8. T. McAtee, Black 191.
1013 W. Broadway, O. N. Applequist.
Bed 839.
739 W. Broadway, John Olson, Bed
8313 W. Broadway, Fred Ever, Black
8000 W. Broadway, J. W. Marin,
Black 914.
34o9 W. Broadway, I. A. Gilllnsky,
Black 594.
801-3 W. Broadway, Peterson Bondo
Co.. Bed 371.
8300 W, Broadway, J. Patterson, Bed
600 B. 15th St, E. Marsh, Black 381.
134 W. Broadway, L. Green.
601 E. Broadway, M. Stern.
1108 5th Ave, J. Keppner. Bed 481.
1001 Main Bt, Rutiolph Toller & Co,
Black 119.
638 16th Ave, O. C. Sorenaon, Bed
36th Iff. Main Bt, W. A. Stone, Bed
100 B. Broadway, J. Zoller, Bed 330.
17 H. Main Bt, Max Olson, Bed 366.
936 Ave. F, C. M. King, Bed 1678.
603 H. 8th St., K. M. Nelson, Bed 503.
637 W. Broadway, C. J. Cronkleton,
Black 408.
356 Benton St, Mrs. O. Talbott,
Black 3337.
804 E. Broadway, V. Jennings. Bed 68.
935 E. Broadway, 11. C. Peterson,
Bed 1446.
loo W. Broadway, Bart el St Miller,
Black 359.
18 W. Broadway, Peoples Depart
ment Store, Bed 153.
1339 E. Fierce Bt, lien Hlrnh, Bed
8337' Broadway, C. J. Lewis, Black
1600 High St, J. B. Juclfl. Bed 786.
400 W. 8th St, A. Lewis Black 8057.
Florence, Koto., Anderson & HolUngs-
worth. Florence 367.
riorenoe, Heb, Ttios. W. Dugher,
Florence 433.
Benson. Heb, P. Kammenzlnd, Ben
son 303.
Benson. Heb, J. M. Stelnlerg, Ben
son 335. ...
Benson, Heb, Out A. Wuff. Benson
Balaton, Heb, U. Hupner, Balston 41.
15 "17 Howard
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