D IHE OMAHA SUNDAY "BEE: AUGUST . 13, 1911. .11 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET! activity Shown, There Being Good Demand for All Grains. 3TEBUASXA WHEAT GRADES HIGH Vfcwf, llmni Half Cet, Wall Cora Draff a Trifle Oata An Firm t Oae-roarta ( Oat Hlghe. OMAHA. Aug. 12, lU. Thar waa an active markft and a good tiarnand for everything coming In. Wheat waa strong, advancing halt a otnt- Corn remains unchanged to Vo lower. Oat are firm to higher. Receipt of wheal are lighter by about one-half than they were a week ago and heavier than a year ago. Heeelpta of oata have oef n very light for om time, tha Nebraska crop being email. T' - s ........... . u.mir - .. i v. wi u mi w mvwii " hade heavier than a week ago and about the same ai a year ago. The quality of Nebraska wheat coming In la exceptionally high. Primary wheat receipt were S89,00O bush el and ahlpmenta 711.000 buahela, against receipt laat year of 1,188, IWO buahela and ahlpmenta of ttS.1 buahela. Primary oora recelpta ware 41a, 000 buahela and ahlpmenta 4S7.0OO buahela. against re oetpta last year of iTO.OOO buahela and ahlp menta of 323.0U0 bushels. Primary oata recelpta were gJo.irt) bushels suid ahlpmenta 446.000 bushels, against re celpta laat year of l.Wi.00 bushels and ahlpmenta of 413,000 buahela. Clearance of corn were 2 000 bushela. oata TOO bushela and wheat and flour equal t 154.000 buahela. v Tha following aalea were reported: ' WHEAT No. I hard: II cars. S9,c; 1 car. 90c; 1 car. Hc. No. I hard: 1 car. 90c No. S mixed: 1 car. 91c. No. 4 mixed. 1 oar, 88c , CORN No. I: S cars. B94c. No. 4 yel low: 1 cam. 68"40. No. 2 yellow: 1 car, OOo. No. white: I cars, y.c. No. 4: 1 oar, 680. No. I: 1 car, uc; 1 car, 5Vc. OATB-No. 4 whlt: 1 car, 39c. 1 car. $ra No, t white: 1 car. 40c; 2 cart, 40',X Oaiaaa Caak 1'rlft-a. WHEAT No. t hard, 9rg'J0ac ; No. I hard. Wo; No. 3 mixed, 91c; No. 4 mixed. Mo. CORN No. 3. 6Hc: No. 4 yellow, Vc No. I yellow, 60c; No. t white. 604c; No. 4, q; No. I. 69W5o. OATaV-No. 4 white, 3VJro; No. a white, 0Q-H4a. Carlat Heeelpta. Wheat, Corn. Oata Minneapolis 171 ... ... . Iuluth Omaha 61 J2 Chicago 216 82 307 CHICAOO CHAIN AMD PROVISION Srwatwrw of tn Traalag aa Cicala rVtcea oa Board ( Trade). CHICAOO. Aug. 12. High condition and Urge- acreage of wheat almost ready to harvest in Canada pulled prlcea down to day several pega. Closing figures were 3tto to VtfeHa under laat night. Corn fin lahed Q to toe down and oata unchanged te hia off. Provision made a net gain of UHo to 86c. Tha Canadian government's estimate on the wheat crop proved an unpleaaant sur prise to the bulls. According to the offi cial view, spring wheat In the Dominion as a whole warrants an average as high as SO per cent and for the northwest province so to rs. Moreover, tne aumoruies were counting upon a yield this year greater than laat by an Increase of 1.600.000 acres. It waa stated In addition that every day of escape from damage meant Just so much mora wheat to safety. The American northwest, too, sent news generally depress ing as to prices and optimistic aa to crops. Another source of selling pressure waa te fact that adverse reporta from Russia re garding tha smallness of the expected ship ping surplus had been duplicated last year, but turned out altogether misleading. Al though a couple of temporary rallies took place during tha day's session, a heavy ton prevailed tha greater part of tha time, especially at tha opening and near the do, and was emphasised throughout by the slowness of export demand. Outside limit touched by the September option were MHgr3 and 93c. with last aalea net lower at M9le. Corn eased off owing to rains over Illi nois, Iowa and Nebraska. The market was also affeoted beartshly by the downward tendency of wheat. September ranged from Vi to closing weak c down at 8tVs"flfAe. Cash grade were etaady. No. I yellow was quoted at ttW&etc Thar waa a slight drop oa oata a a re sult of the movement of new crop con tinuing of good volume, with the grading excellent. High and low point for Septem ber were 41c and 42c. The close at the latter figure showed a net loss of Vto. An Idea that the recent selling of pro vision had been excessive brought about a rally In prices. It Waa argued that hog product war reasonable aa compared with other edible. When tha gong struck pork had risen XiUc to 36a, lard 34c to 2So and rib Utto to Suo. .Tha Wading tutor raaajaa a louowa: Manitoba, ?s M. Future a, steady; October, a 4d; December. s I"vl Cures fvvt. llrm: new. American, mixed, la 6vi; old. American, mixed. 6s 8 id. new, American. Kim drteu, as d. futures, steady; September, a Vd; October, is ivto. !3LW HRK UKXERAL MARKKT Varlaaa Qsetatloaa at tha Day Coaasaedltlea. NEW TORK, Aug. It FLOUR Firm; spring patents, t6.kio 40, Kani.se airaiguio. Hivo, winter rtiaignta. 4.u04.1v; win ter patents. o4JU'4.au; spring clears, $4 4.ai, winter extras. No. $, .; wmiei extras, No. X, M 1J Jyto- ty tiour, steady; lair to good, a4.owa4.t0; cnoice to fancy, KsOfeeOO. C-.ri.lt-AL-steady ; fine white and yel low, L,1.4u; coarae, Ljl.i5, kiln dned, 10.26. . ilflAT hpot market, easy; new. No. 2 red, Msc elevator and t. o. b. aTioat; No. 1 northern, Duiulh, new, $1 HVi. t. o. b. alloal. Futures' market waa quiet and eaa.er under moderate Belling uf disappoint ing cabiea, favorable reports trom Canada and a less active export demand, cloaing at He decline. September, cloaed at tertc; Ueurmber, M 0.S- cuit.s ripot market steady; No. 2 corn, 7i'c. elevator; domestic basis, to arrive; txtiort. No. i, 71c. f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was without transactions, closing Sc net lower to c higher; September .cioeeu at ;, December, 70Hc. OATS Spot market steady I standard while, 6c; No. X 44vc; No. 3. 464c; No. 4, 4ic. Futures market, nominal. HAY Firm; prime, 1.6; No. 1, tl.401.4o; No. 2. $l.JO13o; No. J, 86g90o. HlDti Uull; central America, 20c.; Bogota. 21c- l.t.Ai Hfc-H Firm; hemlock firsts. 24V 27c; seconds, 2Ju3viC; thirds, 19Q30C; re jects, ISc. PROVISIONS Pork, firm; mess, 119 tVff 19 50; family, flS.-JOOO; short clear, 118 26 917 50. Peef, firm; mess, 110nllo0 fam ily, $12.503 13.00; beef hama, :.Oiti32.ou. Cut meats, quiet, pickled bellies. 10 to 14 pounds. tlo.ijxul3.00; pickled hams, S140U. La,d. tesdy; middle west prime, tfc.9Oti9.00; re lined, barely steady; continent. South America, 110.26; compound $7. 257.60. VALLOV Steady:, prime city thuds.), tS'ic; country, oTitiSc. UL'TIEK Steady ; creamery specials. 27c; extras. 24c; first, 3H'524,4c; seconds. S2Qic; thirds. 2rK20Vkc; factory, current make, firsts. 20Q2oc; seconds. 19VxC- CHEESE Firm; skims, S10c. EOGS Steady ; fresh gathered extras. 2-Jtf 24e; extra firsts. 19J0c; firsts. 1741Hc; fresh leathered dirties, No. 1. ldVc; fresh gathered checks, good to prime. 13c; poor to fair, er case, tSnfl.SO; refrigerator, first season's storage, charges paid, 21c; seconds, 13 20c; western gathered, whit. W&23C. POl'LTRY-Allve, dull; western springs, 14c; fowls, HV314c; turkeys, 13c. Dressed, firm; western broiler. 14918c; fowls, 11& ltic; turkeys, 12315c. Cera aaa Wheat neajlaa Balletla. Record for the twenty-four hour ending at a, m. Friday, August 12, 1811: OMAHA DISTRICT. Tamp. Rain Stations. Max. Mln. fall. Sky. Ashland, Neb.... S8 Auburn Neb 88 tR'k'n Bow. Nb. 73 Columbus, Neb... 70 Culbertson, Neb. 80 Falrbury, Neb... S Fairmont. Neb.. 77 Gr. Island, Neb.. tH'tlngton. Neb. 67 Hastings, Neb... 73 Holdrege, Neb... 70 IJncoln, Neb 85 No. Platte, Neb. 80 Oakdale, Neb 6S Omaha. Neb 82 Tekamah. Neb... 73 Valentine. Neb.. 70 Slnux City, la... 66 Alta. Ia 6 Carroll. Ia 68 Clarlnda. Ia 90 Sibley. Ia 60 Minimum temperature for twelve-hour period ending at I a. m. tNot Included in average. DISTRICT AVKRAOK3. No. of Temp Rain District. Stations. Max, Mln. fall. Columbus. 0 17 Loulavllle, Ky 30 Indianapolis. Ind. 11 Chicago, 111 3S St. Louis, Mo 25 Pes Moines, Ia.... 21 Minneapolis. Minn. 80 Kansas City, Mo.. 34 Omaha, Neb 18 Cooler weather Prevailed In the northern portion of the corn and wheat region, but temperature continue high In the southern portion. Showers occurred In all except th extreme southern districts, and were heavy In localities in Nebraska, Iowa and Illinois. Falls of on Inch or more oc curred at th following stations: In Ne braska: Tekamah, 1.40; Oakdale, 1.06. In Illinois: Dixon and Streator. 1.40. L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster Weather Bureau. olea. Opan. Hlgh- Low.-1 Close. ,Yas y bept.. Ipeo... yjay., . hrn Wept. Beo.. May. Oata : Sept. Deo. 9 VtHWM XQ303 103 1 I I. I. not 42Si I 41'Al !444ilWl 44Sl44Sfe4rW ;Mar...t47W1alC7VMIl 47kl rora i Sept... 17 10 'Jan.... IIS Sept... W !occ...l 0H tjaa....! 3 67 mt I Sept...t 06-7S , OOL...1 100 I Jaa....W !3HHI92H4 02SI 1 02Si,l V Mi6Mm5vg4 4lWl 4lWl 43 4-W 17 30 17 10 17 30 h rrs Is USal 1 tt U 621 1 17i I 10 1 87H1 10 t M 17MJ 3 76 19 17H15 UH IN 116 IN i a .'. ( - 33Ssl I 00 10 I I 92 l III V 10 I 40 9 00 I 90 .Cash quotation were a follows: I FIjGUK Firm: winter patents. t390ra4.S0 Stralghta 3.60'4.20; spring slralghta, MUtf 44; baker', J fcOSH.so. RTl No. I. rfcKViO. BARLEY Feed or mixing, tftSTOc; fair t rnoio nailing, vucqii.i. Timothy. tU.(M 13.00. Ctovar, KHOUS1LO. PROVISIONS Pork. meea, par bbl ni.36ls.Bte. Lard, per wo loe.. x.us. hort ribs, sides lloose). aiMt.lH, Total clearances of wheat and flour war equal to 1&4.000 bu. Primary receipt war SU.UuO bu., compared with 1.138,0u0 bu. th I eorraspondlng day a year ago. Esitlmated recelpta for Monday. Wheat, lit ears: oom, U oar; oau, U car; hogs, a.ono head. Vhlcagu Cash Price Wheat: No, I red. ll.olU: No. I red. 88titWc; No. I bard win ter. lr5c; No. 3 bard winter, tOHQWo: Nos 1 bard spring, old. Il.14a91.ll; No. i northern spring, old, tl UiffLil; No. I north arn spring, new, 31.0acrl.il; No. I northern spring, aid, 31 (IStfLll; No. 3 northern spring, aaw. tl.0Ul.K; No. 3 northern psring. old. tLIM-ld.sS; No. 3 northern spring, new, 94oO Ul; Na 8 spring. 9'kjnMSc; No. 3 aprlng, 9rX; velvet chaff. t3Se; durum. 9oc)i (Lu. oorm: no. a, iwo; no. i wniia, fttWratc; No. 3 yellow, 6Sltf7c; No. t. eH.atiefcc; No. 3 white, W'hsc; No. I yellow. MefV); No. 4, 64.ue; No. 4 wbJM, 4WBrVci NO. 3 yellow. N 4. 6Mre; No. 4 white, 4Viffco. Oata: No. 3 whit. 414mc; No. I whlta u0iDc; No. 4 whit. 40H)e; stand ard. evSla. Rye: No. 3. t3rtfS3Ho. Bur- ley, snmaLla. Clover: fu.00i3ls.uu, Timothy: . Il.Bli4U. BUTTKR No market. EOOS No market. Receipts, 10,403 raaea. U n a B u "WWJJ awnea, wq 10"Q; twiaa. Uiaiflao; young Aroerlcaa, Uo; long noma, uvuvtc KOTATOSts otMdy; Jarae-ys, tl.3N8a.30; " MJnneaotaa, raostpta, M ears, ILldaLU. JHHJL.TRT Uva, firm; turkey. 12c; chicken. HHc; apiinga. 13 So. VKAX-4HwUly; to to so-lb. wts. 0e; SO I s-10. wva., nrwi; e to uu-io. wts oaiiy mcnriDiBi ox produce: Artlolea. Flour, bbl. Wheat, bu.. Cora, bu.... Oat, bu..... Rjra. W barley, ba.. Rec'p'ta. S'pm'ta. 1S.0OO ....tMftio ....11. 700 ....07.W0 4 00 19,J 25.tn0 3T1 264.OI0 l.ftx) 1.600 Carlot ReoelDte Wheat. 31fi ear, with m of contra-1 grade; corn. 33 cars, wtth M of contract grade; oata, aw can. Total re ceipts of wheat at Chicago. Minneapolis and uuiutn tooay, sas cars, compared with t-tl ear laat week and iul car th cor re spending day a year ago. Mllwaaae Orata Market. MTtW A l K E D, Aug. 13. WHEAT-No. 1 northern, n.Wttl 10; No. I northern, 1.07 3)1 0H; No. 3 hard winter, l&Stac; Septanv er, 'Ne. icenioer. e v. A)ATa Standard, iXoc. JiARLEY Malting, tl. 0wjl.lt. Lltrsl Urala Market. LIVERPOOL, Aug. U-WHEAT-epot. tsady; No. 3, Maulloba. 7 Iwd, Na. 3, 69 .00 Pt. cloudy 67 .00 Cloudy 60 .38 Cloudy 63 .14 Cloudy 60 .SO Cloudy 64 .00 Clear 68 .00 Clear 61 ta Pt. cloudy 58 .90 Cloudy 62 .00 Cloudy 61 .63 Clear 68 . 00 Pt. cloudy 60 .16 Clear 69 1.06 Pt. cloudy 68 .01 Cldudy 62 1.40 Clear 62 . 40 Cloudv 63 . 82 Cloudy 68 .78 Cloudy 69 .66 Cloudy 67 .00 . Pt. cloudy 65 .17 Cloudy NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Prices Continue Downward MoYemen PreoipiUtely. U5I0N PACIFIC AGAIN WEAKEST Market at Ma Tim Reflects Aay Degree af Rapport, Ewa Prlera Are Attractive to tha In. veetore. NEW YORK, Aug. 12.-Wlth practically no cessation the stock market continued Its purging process todsv. Prices fell with greater precipitation 'than at any previous time In the present movement and losses increased until they ran from IS to 20 points, compared with a fortnight back, in shares which for years have ranked among the certain dividend payers. I'nlon Paclflo was again the weakest stock, opening with the greatest loss and yielding more than 4 points in the first fortv minutes. The selling of this stock, which amounted to lCWi shares In the first hour, was most persistent and gave rise to a variety of rumors which dealt In part with houses of International fame. There were no known developments over nigbt to which the renewed selling might he attributed, but the retirement of Mr. Frlok from the Harrlman directorate was again referred to as sn Indication of the attitude of the substantial interests. Added to this, the mnrket prices touched a level which might seem attractive to Investors. London, which seldom participates In this market on a Saturday, was again reported a purchaser, but the extent of its op erations was probably negligible. The market rallied very generally befor the end of the first hour, but this was fol. lowed by another movement In I'nlon Pa cific which sent that stock lower than before. At that level buying orders again lifted the list until some iHsues, notably I'nlted States Steel, were above the preced ing dav'a clnslna. The volume of selling diminished perceptibly and" the Hat - for the first tlnje bore si nf ltterment. statement was a of over t-X The feature of tl an actual decream 000,000 w hile the cas was within populfc increased by almos Bonds declined In stock market. Tota t ahout to.tO'.oOO .nates. Reserves A 000. mpathy with the sales. par value. tl .610,000. United States government bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotation n stocks ware as follows: sImi Hick. low. Cto-s. Allls-r-haimers pf 100 SI 11 to Amilfunated CVipper 14.000 41Vfc 41 41 American Agricultural Mt American Bert Sugar l.tOO (OS 4t (04 American Can l.KO H American C. A F v.... "0 b0 414 toi Am. I'Mton Oil 1.300 U 2k4 i2 American H. U pM..... too U MS s Am Ice Securities 1BH American bloated tfO 814 814 t American Locomotive too MS . H American S. It R K.W H S 4S American B AR pM too IMS 104 S )3S Am. Steel Foundrlf StiO M S8 IK Am. Sugar Mrtnlnf too 111 113 114 American T. T l.tmO 134 114 134 American Tobacco pfd 100 M 2 ll American Woolen ..' 2 Anaconda Mining Ce Too 36H "S 3AS Auhiiwn I.too 104s 101 W't Atchleon p(d 200 102 101 1"2S Atlantic Coast Line 1.400 122 121 gMv, Baltlmora A Ohio l.H 102 101 ml Betblebem Bteel l 0 1 30 , II Brooklyn Rapid Tr 4.100 16 74 ?4S Canadian Pacific t.WM 837 t3 Wl Central Leather 600 14 14 24 Cantral Leather pfd M Central of New Jerae? ISO Chaaapeake A Ohio 6,700 73 12 73 Chlcaao It Alton , ..... 90 Chicago a. W , new 1W to to 0 Chicago O. W. pfd 310 40 40 40 Chicago A N. W 110 140 140 140 Chicago. M. A St. P t.900 114 113 114 C, C. a A St. L V higher 14t 14 IMS 1"4 to Vsi -rower than - yesterday' New Tork closing. London closing stock quotations: Consols, money ....73 Illinois Central ... do accost 7 LoulaTtilo A Koah Amal. Covpor U Mo . Kan. A Tea. Anaconda 7 New Tork Central. Atrhlons !" Norfolk A Westers so old IM do pfd Baltimore A Otile..l Ontario A West era.. 40 Canadian Pacific ..144 PenneilTsnla I Chesapeake A Ohio., 7 Band Mine 1 Chi. Oroat Weaera. Reading 7t Chi., Mil. A St. P.. Ill Southern Railway .. t llen U do pfd TO s Denver A IUe O ... I Southern Pacific ...114 do pfd H In Ion Pacific 177 Mo K do pfd 71 do lot pfd 1 11 t' S Steal 114 do td pfd 41 Wabaah It Grand Trunk ! do pfd US MI.VKK Par. quiet at 24d pr ounce. MONET 1(91 per cent. The rate 01 discount In the open market for short bills Is 3Nt3; pr cent; for thre months' bills, 3 3-1637 per cent. Clearlnar House Bank Statement. NEW TORK. Aug. 13 Th statement of clearing houae banks for the week shows that the banks hold 321.61i3.600 reeerre in excess of legal, requirements. Thla is an Increase of 3rit04$.3nO In the proportional cash reserve as compared with last week. The statement follows: DAILY AVERAOK. Amount. Dcresse. Loans 31.3.SOO.nW n,iVi6.000 Specie 351. 94O.000 M0.OV) I-gal tenders S4.244 .000 454.000 Nvt deposits 1.524. 13K.00O 28.0000 Circulation 47,651,000 Banks' cash reserve in vaults 872.190.000 Trust companies' cash reserve in vaults . 63,991.000 Aggregate cash reserve 436.190.OilO F.xcea lawful reserve 21.693.5) Trust companies' reserve with .clearing house member carrying 2& per cent cash reserve. t.OM.OOO. ACTUAL CONDITION. Amount. Decrease. ..3X,951,076,ttt t-.'o. 271.000 1 Aug. .... .. S5.240.V0 "6.755.000 Aug. 10... .. , S4.2..OO0 4"47,W) . Aug. 11. .. 1JI15. 2U .000 47.73&.OUO Loans Specie lyCKftl tender Net deposits Circulation Banks' cash reserve in vaults ..' Trust companies' cash reserve In vaults.... Ag ngate cash reserve Excess lawful-reserve 83,000 o.fMS.l") 417,000 15S.000 191,000 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Considerably Higher for the Week. HOGS MAKE A GOOD WEEK'S GAIN Fat Skeep Steady All tke Weak, erltk Tat Lamb Twenty to 4arter sad Feedrra Quarter to Fifty rente 11 taker. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb.. Aug. 12, 1911. Receipts were: t. ni:ie. Official Monday Official Tuesday J. MS Official Wednesday 5, ."SI Official Thurada;- 3-o.W Official Thursday 4TJ Estimate Saturday o3 llugn. Sheep. 2.103 11.6:4 941 8,04 t, 4 ' 2 4.M6 4.700 17.27S 12,ul5 6.S0O 6.7.0 Sla day this week....2.51 63 143 Same days last week....24,8lS 4K.6T 61."o Same da vs 3 weeks s go.. 19 n0 45.290 31 $31 Same days 3 weeks auo . 13. 6.'S 4S.U7 W.otJ came days 4 weeks ago.. 17.290 6".t9 12.01 Same days last week.... 23.949 S.Si 6.'17 The following table snows the receipts of cattl. hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to dale as compared with, laat year: 1911. 1910. Inc. "Dec. Cattle 316 452 S9V61? 2w Hogs l.rS9.(ei9 l.S63.2 3S5.823 6heep ... 872.45S 9T4.1K 167' The following table siiows the average prices of hogs at South Omana tor the last several days, wltn cotnpHrisuns: Datea 1911. 1910.,19l.llTil9U7.1906.l0 876,478,000 63 flrn.ono 4S9.478.000 36.8.",950 Trust companies' reserve 8,946.600 clearing 90 64 .ap 100 70 .00 93 : . .40 78 62 . 60 96 72 .00 ' It Z .40 73: 6 : .80 M ... 70. .00 76 63 ' .60 Colorado F. A I Colorado A 1 8outhora. ... Conaolldated Oaa Corn Prod u eta Delaware A Hudson. .... Denver A Rio Grande... D. A R. Q. pfd Dlatlllors' Securities ... Erie Erie lot pfd Erie Id pfd General Eloctiie 500 r I0 Ml t.7O0 187 f.00 11 100 166 7O0 26 it t 60 60 13S 116 12 1S 100 1.100 11.8O0 . 1,100 ,' ' 190 64 U 30 48 3 104 4 til M 1 41 lt 16H 24 M 0S 44 8t. Low Is Oeaerat Market. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 13 WHEAT Cash, firm; track No. 3 red. ttwmc; No. 3 hard. 90c$31.02H; eeptember, 89V9c; Decem ber. 9414c- - CORN Steady; track No. 3, 64c; No. 2 white. 644Hc; September, 64c; Decem ber, 62j62c. OATS Weak : track No. 3. 39939HC; No. 3 white, 41c; September, 41c; December, 44'.0 RTF! Weak. !c. ' FLOUR Firm; red winter patents, 34.104? 4.60; extra fancy and straight, 33.904.10; hard winter clears. t3.flOfiS.30. SEED Timothy, 313.5001176. ' COR NM E A L 43. 90. BRAN Storng; sacked east track, $1.07 1.08. HAY Strong; timothy, 13.0023.60; prai rie. $16.00(g95.00i PROVISIONS Pork, unchanred; Jobbing-. $17.60. Lard, unchanged; prime steam. $8.S24t38.62. Dry salt meats, lower; boxed extra shorts. 3.S7c; short clears. $9 60. Bacon, lower; boxed extra shorts. $l0.12ty; clear rlba $10.374; short clears. $10.60. POULTRY Steady; chickens, 9"4c; springs, 12c; turkeys, 16c; ducks, 10Hc; geesej6c. BUTTER Dull; creamery, 31g26c. EOOS Unchanged, 14c. Receipts. Shipments. 400 " 100 I.too lntorboroush Mt ., Inter be rounh Met. pd , International Hanrestar . Int. Marine pfd....- International Paper International pump Iowa Central Kansas City Southern..., K. C. 80. pra Laclede Oaa LouleTllle A Nashville.., Mian. A St. Uotrhi .. M , St. P. A S. 8. St.... Mkowurl. K. A T. ....... M . K. A T. pfd Mlasourt Paclflo National Blaoult (National Lewd N. R. K. of M. Id pfd.. New Tork Central N. T., O. A W Norfolk A Western North American Northern Paclflo Pacific Mall PennsylTaate , People's Gas P., C. C. A fit. L Pittsburg Coal Preasod Stool Car Pullman Palace Cr .... Railway Steel Spring... Reading Kepuone steel i.auu Republic Stool pfd 400 400 l&S 1(1 181 S,u0 V24 113 124 S.00 41 4 4 400 188 18T U7 . 1 KM 18 1S 16 t.tOO 41 41 42 tOO lit 114 114 400 14 14 -14 11 11 . U 17 17 IT ' t ri 1,100 104 101 103 700 142 141 142 100 se so - -it tOO 111 131 131 . 1,100 ' U tl 11 t.100 41 40 41 114 400 60 10 W t l,0 108 105 10.1 00 40 t 00 104 102 103 tOO 70 70 70 11,400 11 lit lit too M t m I, 121 110 120 mo 104 104 104 10O 14 M 3 100 18 18 1 tivt too 1SI 18t 1M 200 11 10 10 M.OOO 146 141 144 2 J n si Flour, bbl. . Wheat, bu. Corn. bu. .. Oata. bu. .. S00 ..69.000 ..90,000 ..66.000 8.000 Ri.ono 41.0o 93.000 Kaaaas City Grata aad Provtolona. KANSAS CITT. Aug. 13 WH EAT Cash. unchanged; No. $ hard. $0tr97Hc; No. 3 8 ;c; ro. i reci, 7ni)ie; no. I, 85HfIwnc September. 90JT91c; December, 4(24c May. 6Sc. CORN Unchanged: No, I mixed. 2472Ho; No. 3. 614c; No. 3 white, 62o, No. 3, lHc; September, 63c; December, (lc; May, Cfo. OATS-4mc higher; No. t white. 410 w: no. t rruxea, 4Mff4U. RTB-(o. . HAT Unchanged; choice timothy, $18.06 Tjis nn; cnoioe prairie, no. barrio 00. BUTTER Oeamenr. 26e: flrsu, Be; sec- oons, 11c. pacaing stock, itc. TOGS Extras. 1H; flrsu, 16o; seconds. ivtso. "Receipts. Shipments, Wheat, bu. Ill X ttsooo Corn, BU- 46.0O 8S niVj Oata, bu. $,000 1,000 Mtn aaa waits Orata Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Aug. 12 WHEAT Sep tember, $1.03; December, $1.04; May, $1.0r- No. 1 hard. $1 07; No, 1 northern. ll.04VQl.om; No. $ northern, $1.00i21.06; No. $108108. FLAX $14. BA RLE Y rOcejwltH. CORN-No. $ yellow. 5o. OATS-No. I whit. ia43c RTE No. 3. 82S4C- B RA N 40 6063 .00. FLOUR First patents, $R.3fl.4r: second patenta $4.7u46; first clears, $3. 660 J-76: ooond clears, $3.&553.7a 100 tt. 200 44 46 17.M0 114 112 114 1.800 18 17 17 1 2S 0 4t 2 47 44 Rock liland Oo tt.ooo 28 16 Rock Island Co. Pfd 4.000 r t It. k t t r. H pfd too 41 41 St. Louis 8. W . St. U 8. W. pfd. Bloaa-Sheffleld 8. A 1. Southern Paclflo Southern flailwar Southern Hallway pfd...... i.000 t 17 47 Teanoaaoa Ooodot L800 .11 12 It Toiaa A Pacific too 18 14 18 T.. St. L. A W auo 1 II 18 T.. St. I .A W. Dfd 46 Union Paclflo 114.4W 172 160 170 Union Paclflo pfd (00 12 1 : fnlted state Realty l.OoO 70 70 84 with house members carrying 36 per oent casn reserve, $65,894,000. Summary of state banks and trust com panies In Greater New York not reporting to the New York clearing house: Amount. Decrease. Loans $630,574,300 $3,061,700 Specie 65.396, 100 449,ls Legal tender 12.206 200 182.60 Total deposits 72329,600 336,000 Increase. Boetoa IflalBg Stacks. BOSTON, Aug. 11 Closing quotations on stocks were as tollows: Allouei M Miami Copper 1 Amal. Copper 41 Mohawk 42 A I U AS 1 Newada On 17 Anions Com 11 Mplnaing Minos .... B. A C. C. A 8. M.r 10 Torth Butte ........ 17 . 10 ivortn lAse a . 4 Old Dominion 40 .408 Oaoeola M . Parrott S. A C 11' . 88 Qulary ., 47 . 11 Shannon . 1 Superior 24 . .t Superior A B. It.... 4 . 10 Tamarack It . 4 V. 8. 8. R. A M.... 11 11 do pt 44 4 Utah Con 14 It t'tah Copper Co 44 t Winona T Butts Coalition Cal- A Arlaon. Cal. A Heels... ConUnnlal Oop. Rant C C... F.aat Butts C. M... Franklin Giroux Con Granhy Con Greens Ctnaooa .... Ia) Royals Copper. Kerr Lake Laka Copper La Salle Copper .... Asked. Aug. $.. Aug. 7.. Aug. 8. Aug. IS... I J 711 7 581 t 451 66 30 7 18 I 7 59i t 36, 6 7i, 6 21 6 79 7 r, 7 o I 30i 6 74 11, 5 M 717 I 7 79! 7 4; I 5 fO t OS, 6 84 7 8.H., 7 81 7 41 6 40 6 hb. 5 :6 6 5 7 JfiVjl 7 S3' 7 S4 6 60 6 8j 6 6. 7 lvH 7 i 7 4i; 6 41, 5 86, I 6 14 Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yards. South Omaha for twenty-four hours ending at 3 o dock p. m.. yesterday: RECEIPT S-CARLOTS. c, m. & st. p ; 2 Wabash 1 Union Pacific .. 8 C. & N.-tv., east 4 C. A N.-W.. west H C, 8. P.. M. A 0 12 C, B. A y.. east 2 C, B. & Q west 3 13 3 C, R. 1. A P., east 6 Total receipts 3 72 3 DISPOSITION HEAD Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company. Cudahy Packing Co... Armour A Co Schwarts-Bolen Co.... Other buyers.......' Hogs. Sh'p. .. 6.8 .. 818 .. 1.177 .. 1,3"6 ., 3U3 227 227 1,400 li Ji 18 124, :oo 72 71 72 loo 118 118 JU United States Rubber. United States Steel... t'. 8. feel pfd Utah Copper Va -Carolina Chemical Wabash Wabaah pfd Westers Maryland ... Weattnfhouee Electric Weatern Union Wheeling A L. B LeMsh Valley Total salsa for the day, tSl.luO shares. 44'a 84 1 29 67 4i 73 S 1 14.000 18 144 148 ... 4,700 .... 4O0 700 I.too 4o0 "... 1.40 48 t4 14 30 67 46 74 44 84 1 66 49 71 Pklladelphla Prod ace Market. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 13. BUTTER Firm; extra weatern creamer! ea, 28c; do nearby prints, 30c. iXKS Firm ; goo demand: Pennsylvania and other nearby firsts, free cases, $6.04 er case; ao current receipt, Ire cases. 40 par case; western firsts, free cases, per caaa: do currant receuDta. bai bum $6.U?6.4u per caaa, CHEEf E Firm; New Tork full rraama, fancy. iiQUc; do fair to good, 12Hl3c Peoria Market. PEORIA. Aug. 11 CORN Firm; No. 3 white. 66o; No. I yellow, 44 c; No. 3 yel low. 4o; No. $ mixed. 4-o; No. $ mixed, too. OATS Higher; No. $ whit. 3He; stand ard, 3c; No. 1 white, SVo. '' Ttalatk Oral Market. DULUTH. Aug tt WHEAT No. 1 bard. $106,; No- 1 northern, $1.0V; No. 3 north ern, $lfcgl0G; September, 1.0014 asked; tecembr, $1.04 nominal OATa 4ic; to arrive, 41 o. Coftea Market. - " NPW TORK. Aug. UOOFFEE Fu turea cloaed ateady. net 1 point higher to 3 points lower; August, $11 Tt; September. $U.7S; October. $1161; November, $110; rwembar. $U 1: January, tll.lt ; Februarv. $11.16; spot coffee, steady; No. 7 Rio. 18c; No. 4 Santos, lie; mud. quiet; Cordova, 14$ 16c, ttomlnal. New York Money Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 13. MONEY On call, nominal; time loans, easier; sixty daya, 2V. C3 per cent; ninety days, S4j3 per cent; six months, 3i4 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 4&4H per cent. STEALING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4.S375 for sixty-day bills and at M-oi.7634.tUu for demand; commercial bills, $4.83. SILVERr-Bar, 62c; Mexican dollars, 4ac. BOND4$ Oovarnment. steady; railroad, weak. Closing quotation on bond were a follows: It a. rat. at, .... e mc M. aL 4a...... Se eoapoa.... O. a to, rs.. .lso Jana 4a r .! ao s .&si n 8. 4a. ra do ooupoa Allts-Chal. 1st aa. Amor. A, te Am. T. A T. c 4j Am. Tvbaoos do as 44 W K. a So. 1st St.... T4 U 8. deb. 4s 131... S3A. ...W L. A N unl. 4a tN ... 11 K. A T. 1st 4a. ; ..101 do (on. 4s 17 ,..108 Mo. lclllc 4s..... 77 . 8 N. R. R. of M. 4a t OMAHA GENBIlAli MARKET. BUTTER No. 1. 1-lb. carton, 28c; No. in 60-lb. tuba, 27c; No. 2, 25c; packing, 17c; CHEESE-lmported Swiss, S2c; American. Swiss, 22c; block Swiss, lsc; twins, loc; triplets, 16c; daisies, 16c; young America, ISc; blue label brick, 16c; llmburger (.2 lb.) lac; llmburger u 10.1,-wc. .... POULTRY Broilers, aoc per id. ; nens, 13c; cocks. c; ducks, 18c; geese, ibc; tur keys, 24c; pigeons, per don., $1.20. Alive: Broilers, 12H-c; hens, c: old roosters and stags, 44c; old ducks, full feathered, lOo; geese, full feathered. 60; turkeys, 12o; guinea fowls. 16c aaich; pigeons, per dos., 75c; homers, per dos., $2.60; squabs. No. L Per dog., $1.60; No. 3, par dog., 50cj ben tur keys, 16c FISH Pickerel, lWJpwniws, 10c; piae, ic; trout, 15c; large crapplea, vane; epanisn mackerel. lc; eel, lsc: haddock. 13c; flounders, Uct rren catfish, ltc; ros shad. 31.00 each; shad roe, per pair, 60c; aalmon, 15c; halibut, 10c; yellow perch. Sc; buffalo, 8c; bullhtads, 14c - BEEP CLT PRICES RTbs : NO. l, lie; No. 8, ISc"; NorS, Va. Lotnr No. 4.-147 Na 3, 14jc: No. S. lie Chuck: No. L 7c; No. 3. 6c; No. 3, Mtc Round: No. L c; No. tve: no. S, sc fiav: ino. K e. 3, 4c: No. X. P.c Mltli.llA.KiJur aidshiu; vauwr lila soft shell, par lb.. Uo; In sack lota. It leu Atraxu naua; rer Uk, uc; is. same a. ana, le leea. FtUnsrta: Prr lb Idst; fa. sauda lna. So Uasa, Paanaxs: RoasMd. par lav, f; raw, par in, 7c rican: LArga, per lac: la. aaack lots, at Leas, ffsinutxc C3allr torula, per lb., nV;; In saurli st. t Honeyt Now, 34 tramea. U-Tt-p&rjTTta. aTTC Agpf-sr prrprli . bt4 Baa- fcu- kaw. gLSa. rarrcy aesert. par kencov SL36ty3.fi; Jumbo, yimfty HJ&tgZJ CSTTta6airpea: CaOlfiu-nia, staoataseV. 4b cwsmt, par crate; prnvy era era, Si canst. 32.0.; Xsriilaa, 37-33 sism, $2,601 Artrsnsas, Pny. gar crata, 51 AI; standard, per crate. BJH. DaXea: Aacbor brand, new. 30 14b- pkgs. In boxea. per box. IX 00. U rapes: Kintm, per l-La..Dra SOc ' Lemons: Llmoneira brand. extra fancy 300 six, per box, UM: 800 slse, par V . ea. T m a I ImAn.lM tmrtft Stft .1.. per' box. '$6.00; 360 size, per box. 'tC.00; 140 and 420 sixes, 60c per box leas. Oranges; Niagara Redlands Valencia. H-i2 sine. ier box. 9 Ufa; bo-iiw-zoo-zis-ao s ta. ia.o0: choice Valencia. (0-M Maea, $3.76. Peaches' California, per box. $l.Stt 1.85. Plums: California, per crate, fl.gfj, Prune: Tr'gety. per 4-bsk. evrate, $xa Pears: California, per t-lt). box, (2.76. Watermelons: Georgia ax.d Florida, per ib., mc. . VEGETABLES Beans: String and wax Der hatriDtr. $2.60: per mkt. bsk., $1.00. Cab bage: Home grown, per lb., 3ViC , Cucum bers: Home grown, 1 and $ dos. In balu, foe. Egg plant: Fancy Florida, per dos.. $1.60. Garlic: Extra fancy, white, per lb. I2o. Lettuce: Extra fancy leai, per dos. 4oc. onions: Home grown, whit, per crate. $200; yellow,' er crate. $1.76; Cali fornia, in sacks, per lb.. Sc. Parsley Fancy horn grown, per do, buncbas. 4ac Potatoes: California white stock, in sacka per bu., $1 HO; Miunesota, per bu., $X60. Radishes: Per dos.. 30c Tomatoes: 'Isn- neaae, per 4-basket crats. 76o. Cottaa Market. NEW YORK, Aug. 12 COTTON Fu tures closed steady. Closing md: August. 12.10c; September, 11.18c; October, 11.16c November. 11.11c: December. 11.16c; January, 1106c; March. 11.17c; Slay. U.2c; July. U.3&C 8pot cloaea quiet; miatuing upianni, u.euo middling gulf. 12-67x3. No sale. lacar. Maurlxet. NEW YORK. Aug. It. FT7CJAR Ftrm; muscovado, g test, 4.37t44r4.43c; eaua-iragal. M teat 4.sTt04 c: molasses sugar, at t 4.12C4.18- Refln. tirm; cftaerjea. granulated. 6.76c; powdered. 6-aac. Totals 4,262 CATTLE Receipts of cattle, aa usual on a Saturday, amounted to the next thing to nothing, so that there was really no market.' For th week receipts foot up 26.660 head, being slmost 2.000 head larger than last week and larger than any recent week. The market aa a whole has been in very satisfactory condition. ... Beef steers have been good sellers all the week and the best grades of corn feds are safely ltVjrefte higher that one week ago, with the general run of fair to pretty decent kinds of killers l'V(15c higher. Cows and heifers, owing to the large re ceipts and to the fact that they were very high aa compared to beef steers at the beginning of the week, caused some fltic- uatlon in prices, but at tne ciose -or tne week value are substantially the same as at the close of last week. Very little corn fed stock Is arriving, the bulk of the supply consisting of grassers from the range. Tha volume of business doing in Blockers and feeders showed a decided Increase last week and the trade took on more life and activity than has been the case during most recent weeks. The country aemana was good and as a consequence prices are e-rarlua.il v ImDrovlng. until at the close of th) week they are safely 152oC higher than on week ago.. Quotations on cattle: uooa to cnoice corn-fed beef steers, $8.8007.35; good to choice range beef steers. $6.2&!jj.26; fair to good corn-fed steers. .win.tw; isur to goa ransre steers. 34.60tfl6.25: common to fair corn-fed steer. $4 6043 ti. 00; common to fair range steers, ii.7V(j4.&0, good to choice corn fed heifers, $4.7S6.60; good to choloe range heifers. $4.7&6.2&; good to choice corn-fed cows, $4.6056.25; good to choice range cows. $4.00jr4.i6; tali-, to good native cows. $3.75 4.60; fair to gtoa range cow, rwji.w; oommoa to lair cows, fUMa4.,b; good to 14 N. y. c . tm aaw, .afnv oi -t - .ie no oeo. aa oaa Ate hi eon see- 4s.. H ev v n. H. A H. .106 cv. 4s 110 .107 N. A W. 1st 0. 4s. 7 . n as cv. 4s iu . S4 No. Paclflo 4a . .-w oo as 71 . SS O . I. rfd. 4a.... 41 . rwa cv. a e iiu.. e v 1 do eoa. 4s 101 V MMlDf SOB. do or. te A. C U 1st 4a Bai. A Ohio 4a.. do ls as g. W. 1.. Brook. Tt. er. 4a Oa o Oa. te... (a. Leather is. '. ot N. J. g. ts..Ul 8t L A A r. fg. 4s 80 reo A Ohba 4s...l te son. to m fa rat to M 8t L. B. W a. 4s., T cCleaae A A te... tt eo 1st geld 4s.... f a, B A Q 1. 4s... ! . A. U . 77 -;:;: "7 i J. aa. m m.r. a ea "w " cr. ..,, pt C. H. I. A P. a. te. 71 do 1st rat. 4a M do rfg. 4a So .Railway is. !! Colo. Ind. la Tt do an. 4a T toio. mia. w w vorao ractiio aa lot CAH r. A a 4s H do ev Is lot OD. A H. ev. 4s..... S. do 1st A Faf. 4s.. en A R. O. 4s S U. t. Robher B . llu. do rof a 1t V . Stojol M ia....lM iwuitn ee ........ rm -,t.v. t Tecn. as.. se s-no p. u weowo us se. IDS do sea. 4s ' da lot A ex. 4s.... 41 do cv. 4s. ear. A-. sa western Md. 4s sr do sarle. B 74 wt- . cv. ta .M 1 two cwew v euirai ea..... si 111. Csa. 1st rei 4s H Ma. Pac e. la 11 Sal. Mot. 4a Tt Saaaia Is .U HA soortered. " New Tatrfc MtBtaa- Stack. NEW YORK. Aug. 13. Closing quotation n mining stocks ware: A Ilea US outt!e Chief ....... I Oak TSBBat steak., tt lisxlcaa .1S4 bo beads It Ontario ...luo Oa. Cal. A Ta. n ovair lot Mora Silver it Standard - V lroa tllear tt YeUo Jacket St eiyMdrtiw Coa. ..... at Otlorea. Leaisa Stae-k Market. LONDON. Aug. 13. American sacurltiea opened steady and about unchanged her today. Later most of the list advanced on liarh. evhv-Arlna hut Southern Pacific IV snd Union Pacific 1 on realising. Th closing was dull, with price ranging from Wool Market. PT. LOT7TR, Aug. It WtX)le-TrlaRge; territory and western med.ums, nvlte; r medium. 14Vffl7Vc; fine, lt3Uhie. Oils aad Haata. - SAVANNAH. Aug. It OILS-Ttmaenttn firm at 6o4si5- Rosin firm; type F and G. $ e0. gtsasa City l.lvw Stock Slarkwt. KANSAS CITT. Aug. It OA TTLE Re ceipts. 600 head. Including 4u head of southerns. klarket steady: native Btwt $S.0i":r7 ; aouthern steera, $3.75j.7; sou th em cows and helfera, $2.nr4 6; aatrva cow . ., K . I r ft t. fe. at.iBew mnA fS. era. $3.6u.iV; bulla ilXuH-i: calve. $4.00 B7.00; western ateera, sa4xiBaa; weatern con, C.TSiJtxOrv. HrsiSR-eltt. 1.000 head. Market steady; bulk of sales, $7 aVfYI a), oeavv rr 60 tri w; parsers ana outcnera, f oofft sD firhts S7.4Uttr7.l5o, SHEEP AND LAMBS Raoel-ptxv none. Market ateady: muttona. S3Uwtrt.7&: lamb. $6.607.16; fed w ethers and yearling, $3,360 4.au; tea western ewea St. Jonwnh Llv Stock Market. IT JOSEPH.' Aug. II. CATTLH-Rw- eelpta. 100 head; market gteady : stecra. $6.00 tr7 S: cows and belfers. $3.00437.00; carves, $s.E?rr 00. HtGS Receipts, 3.308 head; market lower; top, r.t: bit!k of salsa, ST.Sa&l.tfi HEEP AND LAMBS N on on '; market. Bamlnai; lambs. SaOutyi-lu. Stack la tht. . Wa Btiwk mt th. S.. u4 ii i i i?m w . . . ... luvr pal weatern markets yesterday : South Omaha St. Joaeph 1"0 Kknsaa City fr St. Louis Chicago 4.7 $.301 lOi) 360 7.000 Total 1.6S0 18, tOO $.500 Fsc choice stockers and ineuei. I.vjj3fv: fair to good stockers and feeders, s4.tsaii4.su, common to fair stockcts and feeders, 14 Au 4 oo; stock heifers. t-t-tOgt.o; veal calves, ei.ot'b'o.tv, bulis, stags, etc.. 2e6 4 90. HiAis-I'ackers aim shipiers -nal their day" in the hog yards, forcing generous de clines on all weights. Traae In packing stuff dropped to levels 64iloc lower, closing with Some show of strength, while the mar ket for shipping grades had a farther dis tance to fail, the adjustment to ordinary butchers Involving a break of 10jic Dull ness pervaded the niarKet from the start anil e en when packers raised their hands a trifle at the close, movement was any thing but active ri'ippile hsd small volume, amounting to only seventy-two losds. but the sue of re ceipts was completely Ignored In buying c.'icU-s. The better kinds of hogs moved largely on shipping orders, outside pur chases giving a total of about sixteen loads, fully 20 per cent of the estimate. Clear ance was delayed until well along toward 11 o'clock. Range In prices continued wide, choice lights making a lone top of 17.. V, while the big bulk of stuff landed St a spread of $7 0117.15. The $: 66 limit, it will be noted. Is only a .dime under yesterday's top, the hlahPKt made since January.. During the week runs have been light and a couple of runaway markets resulted Packers resisted advances on most days, however, and today's .break leaves trade that shows only moderate, though uneven, trains. Packing stuff Is closing about lrfr 15c above a week ago. while shipping rrades range from a dime to a quarter higher. The demand has been broad from ontclde quarters on all days, about !S per cent of the total receipts being tent to other poln's for slstitrhler. Representative sales- No. AT sn r. 11. ...(...KM 120 7 On 11 7M . . 7 no 84 2 1J0 7 07 87 72 ... 7 o: 88 IM ... 7 05 7S 140 10 7 01 81 Itit l0 7 06 F.4 11 ... I T8 2.H ISO 7 05 S t"8 80 7 01 67 17 40 7 05 tb !18 SO 7 08 tt ITS 170 7 OS 8 tl. rows and heifers $J OOgS.00;. calvatjtn.. tstBs loafl lots, $4 'vr75.Wi. HOitS-Receii-ts, 1600 hed : market, Sfllfsj higher; pias snd lights, $.V7.jr7.M; packers. $7 0ij7. . butchers and best heavy, $7.stVtf T..5. CHICAGO S-nK STOCK MaflKE't Dcraaaa for tattle Staaor IIosj aad) Sheep Straws. CHICAOO. Aug. II CATTLR Receipt, estimated at head. Market dy beevea, $6 0rvr7 65 ; Texss steers. $4.$gt$it western steere. $4 lOtiH 40 stoeker Mn feeders, $3.0iii6.50; cows and helfera, $3 KXJ 110; calves, 35 7V33 SR. MOOS Receipts, estimated at 7.000 head. Market strong; light 17 tftOT MS; mixed, 17 Ht7.o: hea-r. $7.00tfJ7.80; rough, $.XiC 7 20; good to choice heavy. $7 tf ' Pl. $' Ktl,.70; bulk of sales. $7.SnT7.7R. SHEEP AND LA MBf Receipts, tW mated at I.Roo head. Market strong; ta tlve, $2 40WS.R5; western, $2 7MfS R; yjar llngs, $3.7r.i4 .W. Lambs: Native. M.0ut7-vO$ western, $4.7507.10. STUNTS OF NATURE FAKERS Midsummer Activities of Peipl Wki , See Thins and Tell Aboat The 44 . "4.. 69.. 70.. 84 . 51.. 7S . 71. . 71 . M.. (1.. 48.. ;.. 66.. 7.. 47 . 44.. M . 41.. IM 140 Jtil .... 11 .... I.-tl t8 !7 !18 .... ITS !8 tn S"l :i:, ii V4J li.7 741 17 548 :tn 1W1 to 7 f5 7 f ... 7 oj 130 7 IH ... 7 05 ... 7 06 140 7 07S ... T 07 ... 1 07n 40 7 07S sn 7 07S 7 071 T n: 40 ...7 i:o 1 07 ....l-.'5 ....271 ...,:o ....r.3 ...,J77 120 7 07 7 07 7 07 7 10 80 0 7 10 27 IW 7 10 224 180 7 10 No- At. th Pt, 8 tit ISO 1 T In 41 14 ... 7 It 44 181 tn 7 10 6 7M 40 7 10 71 140 .... 7 10 M jn 40 7 10 t: 148 240 T 10 64 t8 ... 7 10 188 U0 T 10 t t4 no t 10 84 1S 11W T 10 14 118 80 7 10 41 1SS 4 7 10 84 1 80 T 11 76 141 80 7 11 71 SS ... 7 15 68 ?JS ... 7 IS 78 m ... T 18 78.., 717 80 7 It t.1 117 11 T IB 67 171 10 T 18 88 te ... 1 U 77 110 SO t 17 J 27 180 7 :0 41 159 ... 7 10 71 111 40 7 10 77 104 40 7 IS . 124 ... T 15 80 14 el 1 18 78 Ill 80 7 tS 16 1 ... 7 40 76 236 80 7 80 44 lit at 7 M 1DS AND ENDS. t. ...... iso :oo 7 00 SHEEP Receipts of sheep have been very liberal this week showing a total of 53,143 head, the heaviest of any week since the week ending November 19. The arrivals have consisted almost entirely of rsnge stock with the majority Of arrivals con sisting of sheep mostly on the heavy wether order. Lamb, owing to ' the moderate supply, have tteen In very good demand throughout the week and at the close are safely Xfy&o higher than a week ago. Good Idaho lambs sold up as high a-i SUv5. Heavy sheep were rather slow sale on most days, but in spite of that fact prices continued about steady, closing In about the same notches as last week. Light or bandy weight sheep on the other hand closed the week a trifle strong. Feeders have been in very good demand throughout the week, but the supply of thin stock has been very small, most of the arrivals carrying sufficient flesh to put them In the killing class. Still the demand has been so good that the country has bought a large percentage of stuff thst would really do to kill. All classes of feed ers are safely 2crtj50c higher for the week. Considering ths amount of flesh that a good many of the feeders are carrying it Is very evident that buyer Intend to give them only a short feed, returning them to the market early In the fall Quotations on sheep and lambs: Good to choice lambs, SBfXViJ.a'i; fair to good Iambs, $5.6043.60; feeder lambs. $5.0065.50; fair to choice yearlings, $4.104.76; feeder yearlings, $4.00(S4.40; handy wethers. $S.403 3.76; heavy wethers, $S.15t3i3.40; feeder weth ers. $3.10(33.40; fair to choice ewes. $2.76ig3 25; breeder ewes, $4.00ff4.75- feeder ewes, $2.25 4J3.00; cull ewes, $1.602.2S. St. Louts 1. 1 we Stock Mavrket. . 6T. LOCTS, Aug. 12 CATTLE Receipts, (50 head; no Texans; market steady; na tive beef steers. $4.60077.00; cows and heif ers, $S.vg7J5 stockers and feeders, $.0OtT1 4.76; Texas and Indian steers, $4.0uo.; Amos Kidder, a Nw Jersey farmer, Sj the only man who la boasting of a pro perous crop of sweet corn this tesaSotg. Early in the spring he determined to try k , new method of keeping birds from hlg field, and erected In the middle of hi flv- acre patch of newly planted corn a woman scarecrow, the first and only woman tn a multitude ot men scarecrows In theee part. . He-dressed her in hobble-skirt styla . " The crows, which ar proving a verltahi plague to other farmers, wer evidently " neither accustomed to Kidder's woman of fashion nor attracted by her, for with" esthetic eye and a fine sense of dlcrlmln, . lion they passed Kidder's field by antic favored the corn reed of his neighbor, Kidder has been roundly criticised by varl- 1 ous women's clubs in this section for his Irreverent and satirical, us of femlnln fashions. But his corn looks better than " that of any one else tn the county. ' ' Asbury Park, N. J., has a crow-blackbird that flies to the beach, perches on drift wood and rides the breakers for a half hour dally. Its horn Is near Deal lak. The bird was first discovered by L8h Til. ton, captain of the life saving crew,' OS Sundsy. Following Saturday's storm th surf was . full of pieces of driftwood, and tha slrtJ . had little difficulty In finding a. perch. : Since then the bird has returned daily. II" alights on the Casino, and then hops down to the lifeboat on th beach. Captain Til ton has a piece of wood that he. throws into the surf for the bird. It ride with the smell until the board Is awash, ana then flies to a bathing pols until Tltlon throws the stick In again. . , I Aa snappy a cock flsht as sny etd-tlme sportsman would hope to see took place In the tropical bird farm near Kansas City between a silver pheasant and a- golden pheasant. It was part of a long feud.- The sliver pheasant has been the bully o J that part of the inclosure south of 'tht ' chicken aire. He Is about twice th Slat of the red and yellow bird known as tht ' golden pheasant, and his spurs are Ilk steel gaffs. But something stimulated ths red fowl's courage and ha bored tn with his bull-like neck until th silver bully's head was as red as his and there waa new bully in the poultry yard. ' . "The golden cock's strength Is mostly ta his neck and head," the keeper said. "Bul th feud Isn't over yet. It's discouraging to th big fellow to have his silver coat all mussed up and his face scarred. But tin fight In him will com back 'with his goof looks.'.' . .. .. There was a good deal of croaking an nervous twitching of heads among tht flamingoes 'and pelicans Just, beyond ;tht , fence while the fight was In progress. . What Information Advertisers Need :: ... i. . . . ' What Some Men Lose Who oLack It Do you know, Mr. Advertiser, who batys your goods? Do youJusow wherts thtry lire what they read ? Do you know why soma htryi and why ' others don't buy? Why some prefer a rival manufacture? ' Do you know why-some sections pay .better than others? Why you lose ' trade when you lose it? Do you know what damage substi tution is doing how and where and why? Do you kriow-aJl your opposi ' tion? i Do you " know, . above all. how -your arguments appeal? . Have you tried .them at;-4)t-face? It forms,' we 4xnaiderr tha greatest contribution we ever have made to ad vertising. It is the science of doing by dever maneuvers, what used to be dona by tiraeceBt and attack. It does a year's work in a week, sernae tknes. It secures. byxneras9ve,natson wide distribution. It has placed marry an article, from the very, jump, an .a profit-paying basis. ' It removes the trrsef tarn ties, rTninl mizes risk, msiitiplies staling power. Many millions of deUars,-whoch were otheimee lost, have been, pocketed Jjry men-wbaeemplgryed it. 'If rv&te-wcr4iaicmetliut We, too in the past have groped er way m tJbecdatk. . And we know that it doe wi t pay. We now canvass con vomers, from house to house. We- now-gxj to dealers, from town to town, before we start sell ing in print. 1 We know what they-wan, and why. We know what forces we have get to face. When we frame a campaign we know the actual conditions. We deal with no theory, no guesswotk, no chance. The effect has been to avoid mistakes, to create defenses, and to- multiply re sults. The facts- will give you new respect fer this Agency. We want to explain them to you. All tfcis ii told, fertJM fmtitJme, In a book. It'P4&aUs,vw-Tvn-i beferethe srtsrofcourtcces. The ideas have been gathered fronva thousand sources. We oeee them to coun tlesst kl e men. , To pay the debt, we offer them to others. Also to give ysru a new Ideajef what sdvertislng enencyrnaxu. Any man with a selling pnrJbtkm U wclfxsme to this book. In juitioe to himself he should get it. Cutout this reminder t put it br your pocket. Then, whm coTrvtmient, .write' us fer the book. And we want to discuss a new science with you the Science of Strategy. A Reminder to -write Lord & Thomas Trude Building, Chicago, for their latett book'Real Sale$manfiip'in-Print " 290 Fifth Aresuia, NEW YORK LORD & THOMAS . Advertising j 132 North Wabashw4,j;!K ,Ji?V.s t