THE OMAHA SUNDAY PEE: ATT.rST 13. 1911. REAL ESTATE itt puortRnr ron hljc (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITY rBOPKUTT For I ALB (Camlnwl 1 REAL ESTATP CULT fnOPERTT FOR IAL3 iCoatmssU REAL ESTATE C1TT PnoKHTT FOR SAl.Bt iContintied 4 REAL ESTATE city rmiPERTT row ials (Continued.) REAL ESTATE citt rnopKRTY rt saljb (Continued.) REAL ESTATE CITT FHOPKBTT FOH 8X19 (Csntlaued.) r r EXCEPTIONAL BARGAIN ONE OF THE VERY BEST MEDIUM PRICED HOME BAR GAINS WE HAVE ADVERTISED IN MANY A DAY. C S. U-h Pt.. (Central Boulevard. cornr of Jons: East front. nics rvmi. rw-rtlun hall end bath; hot water heat, urus'iallr fine l-r:e fttur. lrlebr.rK . limp and piano switches: vv fins ntk fir1ri 1wninlr. with oak floors; fine plumbing futures: except tonal! v good cement basement, with Iron (ratine on be-m-nt winlr. .md Kry-i garage. It ia inly question of wanting a piacs and seeing this that will convince you it (a a bargain. HERE IS ANOTHER. MUST GO THIS WEEK OR WILL BE RENTED Cnintns- St.: This la an uniiaualtv rood property, verr well rmtlt. flrst-clase, rTilr In.iria .n4 nut IS amr. moms, with Kith iirotnirn and down an.l in th halls; an ecellem furnace, good plumbtnr; verv fine, romtrtrnrlon fixture, with lota of side brackets: 56xl Iwt "I rnundwtth barn; wily half block from th car and block and a half from the NEW CATHEDRAL. The owner haa moved to Oilcaao and prefers to eel I than rent, and If you are look In for anything of tfclg kind do not fail to m It thia week and mk ua a propo sition. $7,000 . Factn Har.smm Park. Ixli1 fet. with fine oak trees: east front, good, well tmltt. -room. modern house: a verr choice location and al right pries. NON-RESIDENT OWNER WRITES US TO, MAKE QUICK SALE OF THE FOLLOWING. 1? 3. Tilt Ave.: Overlooking Turner P''; beautiful location; east front, with a spipndlrt. well built. 10-room finished in oak. wtth hot water heat, other wait modem; fine ahade and lot 41SS feet. Only half block from Farnam car. Chancs here to et a property at the right price. ANOTHER NON-RESIDENT OWNER WANTS QUICK TURN The northeast corner h and Howard Pts . In the cream rf Wrt Omaha, oro alta the beautiful home of N. H. Loomts. attorney for the Union Pacific; u2xM feet of ground; both streets paved and paid for: fin ahade and veiy good T-room. all modern house. Location la ideal and the owner waaitmg to sell badly. Look at It and It'll ua what you will give. DOUGLAS STREET BARGAIN $9,000 101 Douglaa St.. aria feet, with two- atory brick bulldlnr. covering part of the lot. halsneo vacant, with track In allev. Hcntnl. ttfO par veer. U.OOO to U.000 In cash will handle thia and balance can be ar.'inged. Thia la a bargain. 7?o GUARANTEED NET INVESTMENT $40,000 A good 4-etory brick building. In the beet of the wholeaale section, on lot 44t1S2 feet: now owned and occupied by responsible Jobber, who la expanding and pre f "re to take ten-year leaee and per all taxes. Insurance, etc.. and 7 rr rent net. You can't beat 7 per cast cn anything you can buy that la good. Investigate. D. V. SH0LES COMPANY AS City National Bank Bldg. Douglaa 49; Independent A-2043. 9 South and East Front Corner No. 2004 Locust street, lot 74x124. house only six years old. built by original owner for a permanent home, beautiful porch on south and east Vestibule, reception hall, parlor, dicing room and stairs finished in oak and cherry; a spendld kitchen with soapstone sink, fine refrigerator room, hall leading to cellar, has coat closet, lavatory and door opening on sidewalk. Second floor haa four good bedrooms, linen closet In hall, extra large bathroom, tile floor and walla, big tub, lavatory, toilet and foot tub; attic over entire third floor, with hot and windows, fine place for billiard room. cemented bottom, good furnace, coal bins, laundry sink, toilet, etc Press brick foundation, cement walks around house, driveway, good barn or garage, tine shade, easy walking distance to five or six Protestant churches and one large Cathollo church; also near public schools. House just decorated with beautlfnl patterns and painted outatde;. unoccupied at present. If this looks good to you. give me an opportunity to show you the property; it's better than the ad claims. Price, 17.250.00. Owner would accept small property as part payment. Telephone Tyler 1508. Stanley P. Bostwick 1225 Clt7 NaUonsi Bank Bid. Hanscom Park Bargain If you are looking for a good home with five bedrooms, don't fall to se this. House has large inception hall, front room with fireplace, library, dining room and kitchen on first floor; on the second floor there are five bedrooms and bath: there Is also a fine attic; beautiful yard with a great variety of ahrubbeew and trees; house haa always been occupied by owner; house la too large for him reason for selling: a genuine bargain for t&uO; Immediate pos resaton. SELBY IX 1S14. ill a of T, Bid. 2341 South 35th Street Rlx-ronm. all modern house; first floor fl rnhei In oak. second floor In ptne and birch, sanitary plumbing, high grade light ing fixtures, guaranteed furnace, full base ment, larre, near park. In fins neighbor hood. Price, 12.750. Will consider cheaper house or vacant lot as part of first pay ment. J. W. Rasp Co. Brandels Bids;. Doug. lfi&S; A-asi Choice Residence Lots Owner anxious to sell, expecta to leave for Oreaon within ten days. Will make price attractive. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 30 Brandels Bid. Doug. Only $4,750 for an all modern. close-In 8-room bouse. Thia goes direct from the owner on the beet of terms. Will consider trade for vacant lota. Telephone Harney 60. liarry H. Put nam. UM Burt. Home la beautiful Prairie Park Every thing in perfect order: hardwood finish; s alleys, hams, or outbuildings, no fltea; nothing to attract them. Bargain at $4.duu; very easy terms. Between Josiyn's and tl.000.000 cathedral. Itt Thai exclusive high price district. av.i0 ft., making four choice luts or large grounds for two pale nil a! residences. For Quick sale price s me. I. N. HAMMOND, SSI Board of Trade Bldg. $2,300 A new 4-roora modern cottage, with gas. J eiectrto light, sewer and water; corner 1 lot. i;iH: ia being offered In the northern part of the city In good neighborhood at i above price: part cash, balance easy terms. Ask to se this. Bemis-Carlberg Co. 11-11 Brandels Theater. NON-RESIDENT HAS A BEAUTIFUL LOT TO SELL On Scmh Sth street Just north of William street, large ahade trees and shrubbery, til i ret paved, paving all paid. Prua UuO, HA3T1M18 HETDEN. 114 Harney bt. FIELD CU B DISTRICT Desirable house 7 rooms, reception hall and Lih. strictly modern, electric light. Fai. and opm piumhing At furnac. nul :itit tuivea kiret. hull block txoia car line. Osuf, Ws e. u Ave. verT flpast OUartar M oak ..Oors, cold water, electric light, seven full Cellar under entire house with solid Sola Agent." KOUNTZE PLACE BUNGALOW At 1608 Laird St. we have a very at tractive five-room bungalow, which was completed spring; has hardwnnd throughout, with full cemented basement and good furnace. There Is a living room, dining room, kitchen? bark hall for Ice box; gas range and gaa heater go with the house). Also shades. Owner ordered to an other town Is the reason of sale. We ask CSuO. SOUTH SIDE COTTAGE No. jnu H. Tint St. Is a new cottage of lira rooms and bath: also Is piped for fur nac; has combination fixtures, cemented basement: neat yard and is very attractive. We hold this at S2.30O and can make good terms to right party. Owner has moved in and will show you through. Peters Trust Co. Omaha National Bank Bldg. New 6-Room House $500 Cash Balance In monthly payments like rent, buys a new 6-room, ail modern horns on Sth Ave., south of Woolworth Ave.; just betas; completed; rec. hall, Uvins; room and dtmna room will be finished In oak; balance In hard pine; complete wtth lighting fix tures, nodding, cement walks, etc, H.tiu. The Byron Reed Co. Both Phunes. 21J 8. 17th. MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK Make an offer on auy or ail. r-rooin contuse, modern, ciuse in. 2th and Jackson, corner lot, ail clear. 5-room house, modern, small fruit, gar den, chicken house, stone walks. la and Fort. I vacant lots, 44th and Dewey. Corner; beautiful view. Cheap, 1 vacant lot In Oxford place. 8outh front. Several other good bargains, also choice rental property. Come In. MOLL & SEAY, Douglas tin; A-Jhi s Board of Trade. Close In Almost new oak finish house. rooms and reception hall, strictly modern, hot water heating plant, best that money could buy; full basement, with laundry; lot 40x14a, east front: paved street; permenent walks: everything paid. Owner goir.g abroad to live. Price only ti.UH. 8ee us at once about this. Birkett & Tebbens Sole Agents. 421 Bs Bldg. Phones Douglas 4754, independent A-1754. Fine Shade and Fruit Orchard Hill Lot 50xl; paved street, paving all paid. This house Is m.dern In ev-ry way; beet of underfeed furnace; decorations and woodwork are In flrst-ciass condition; good barn or garage. Price. $1.30. Easy .terms. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Phone Tyler U3B. ao a TTth 8L $4,000 Home IN HANSCOM PARK. 137 S. Jth el., T-room, modern bouse, flrst-ciass repair, large lot. paved street and permanent sidewalks. This la a nice horns la every respect, and you will b pleased If y-ou kxig el it. Price Is low for a quick aais. Iinmedlata possession. J. W. Robbins 1 FARNAM ST. PHONE DOUQ. 63. FOR SALE BY OWNER MODERN T ROOM HOt'SE. HALL AND PATH KQOM N. iI"H tt. HAKiiAiN TtRlia TO SUIT. CALX) AT ili DO. 1TH, EASY TERMS NEW 6-R00M HOUSES NEAR KOUNTZE PLACE; No. 1I1S-14-1I Laird St. ana block from IOt.1 St. Blvd. Each houaa haa full oemented easement, eutatda cellar entrant a. fine fur nace and laundry sink, with large closet (can be used aa bedroom) In room and library, with large oloset (can be used as bedroom), 11 flnlahed and floored in oakt kitchen, pantry and refrigerator room; sseond floor has twe fine bedrooms with closets. Urge store room, linen closet and bethl best of plumbing throughout house. Houses are south fronts, well built and well finished in srery de tail and will stand the closest lamination. Cement walks In street and around houses. Tarda graded and sodded. Bach house can be aoid on easy terms price $J.40v--$60 down, balance raoi.tlily. Two of the houses are cottage style and one a bungalow. All open to day for your inspection. PAYNE & SLATER CO. 6th Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. EASY TERMS New House West We are building two 7-room houses on 15th street north of Dodge street, by day labor and we are quite proud of them. I hey are about the best that can be gotten In frame houses of their sise. There are 4 bedrooms and attlo. tiled bath, large liv ing room, beamed celling, dining room with bay window, and a dandv Iclti hn and I Pantry with some new features that don t add much to the cost, but are a delleht i to the housekeeper. Hot water healing system. Our workmen are there and vou I cn go In most sny time, one house ;s sold jto James Fnrysth for his home and we want another good family for the other house. We will sell this on a very Llose margin, befaure we are Improving that I whole block. We haven t checked up the .exact coat ret, but the price will be about i AM). If you have your own plan of a home we will build It for you on one of our lots In this block. It must be a good houee. Nothing else goes hu-e. We will mail you a plat of the block showing alaee of lots and prices. Tele phone for one. Harrison & Morton 1 Omaha, Nat. Bank. Tel. D. Sll Twenty-Five Acres Finest Fruit Farm and Vineyard in Douglas County Twelve sxrea trrnvM twn ...,,- riee, one acre etrswhi-ra im h.- . - firty "apple and 100 plum trees; good 5- room rrams bouse and first -class barn for five horaes and four cows; wagon shed: chicken nouse and outbuildings of every descrip tion; good brick and cementci ov and cistern. There Is a half acre of peonies on the place from which own mr,A tis worth of flowers In two days last summer. Farm Ilea three miles northwest on the Calhoun road. Prioe. I una Pron i. clear, but the owner might consider a small residence In Omaha as part payment. Armstrong-Walsh Co. Phone Tyler 15M. 210 a 17th St. WEST FARNAM HOME 356 N. 41st St 7-R00M Has reception hall, living room, dining mora, kitchen and one bed room on the first floor: three large bed rooms and bath on the second floor. This property la sit uated on an east front lot. 64x110 feet, paved street, 14 blocks from car line. This plac was built for a home about three years ago. On account of business changea owner is moving to another lo cality. Will decorate house to suit pur chaser. Can see (his property at any time. Price. M.0. HASTINGS & HETDEN. 161 Harney 8t. soiTH side bargains. 5-room, with 4 good basement rooms; mod. Price. K.jno. 4- room, on South 20th Ave. Price. I1.0M. 5- room, south of Vinton on 21st St. Price. U.ZA S-room, mod., new house, near 11th and Martha; will take good vacant lot part payment. Price, 12.&0. S-room. near llth and Martha: will take good vacant lot, or 1700 cash. Price, tl.O0. ! Blx-apartment brick. South 10th. Price. Two t-story. 7-room: mod. but heat: on Dodge near 36th t. Price. S&.500 for both. -k Wi I ..-..n A- ii.h irK,.r'yir. always rented. lU.ttO. Well located Bt. Price, fc.yoo. Ul-U Karbach Blk. Phone Red 3607, A-3S45. On Farnam St Hill $10.0O Modem 10-room house and two east front lots, one block from Farnam Ht. car line. t 8.000 The same house with one lot. This house is In "apple pie order and the price is cheap. $ S.UOO Eight-room modern house, with east front lot. on 3&th Ave., near rnrnim car line. Owner will take other real estate for his equity. J. H. Dumont & Son Phone Douglaa 0. IMS Farnam Ht.. Omaha. WB handle all kinds of houses for sals and rent; if you want to buy or rent a house, call on us. FISHER & CARLSON. Omaha Nat. Rank. D. M9. rooms, five closets and large bath room, with fine plumbing: house haa fine com. btnattou hot air and hot water furnace, screens and storm sash; nicely decorated, cement walka and steps; street iaved and all Improvements paid for; good sited lot. facing south. Valued at $5,019. but for quick sale will shsde price, as am obliged to leave city, t ail and for yourself and nxaa me aa offer. M. H. GIBBS tTZ Hamilton St. A SACRIFICE SALE fix-room good cottags all modern except heat, at 1014 Amos Ave.; paving all paid; on car line and close to Boulevaid. for- .2S0. $5M ruh. balance easy terms. It rents for $21. Don't disturb the tenants, but see ua at once If you want this snap. Birkett fir Tebbens 43 Res Bldg. Phones Douglas 474. Independent A-1T54- ' FOR SALE BY OWNER Thres new cottages. Just completed. All modern In MM City addition oa South 11th St. near German Home, on car line. Elec tric and gas fixtures. Guaranteed furnace. Full lota 45x110. Pries I2.vv.u0. Small cash payment, balance monthly to suit pur chaser. Call Douglas IJHU or Ked WVi. FRED ARMHRLBT. 311 Vintoa St. FOR LEASE Owner going abroad. leas on favorable terms a modern seven room house, completely furnished; not Ires than two years. For Inftrmaiioa ' phone Harnsy 4M4. $3,250-NOW $2,650 t-room col tags and t large lota. look at It. Usl and Miami. Owner. NELSON, ill Bee. Home at rrlflco. borlflolN S-rtXMP, BW4. ovsaa. ait o. sM. EASY TERMS EASY TERMS t-it-v-t- xt-it' tmnt-Tiv TT,-vr-t r- lnr,u0 Interest, nnd payment? stated actu ir 1.NE .NEW MODERN IIOLSE HV "T all required. If you want eome- HOT WATER HEAT AND OAK FINISH Reception hall, parlor dining room, butler's pantry and kitchen, room for Ice chest, full basement, four bed rooma on second floor; modern bath room, finished in white enamel; closet in each bed room; linen closet in hall and clothes chute to basement; stair way to floored attic A GOOD, HON EST, WELL-BUILT HOUSE, at 1804 Lothrop St.; south front lot 40x124, with paving all paid for: Been asking $4,800, about what the bouse and lot cost. Owner has written to cut the price to $4,300 cash. House is va cant; go and see it. That ten-room modern house, with large grounds, at 2024 Wirt; corner 100x12 4. with lots of shade, for $6,000. Nine-room modern double bouse at 1518 North 18 th St.. arranged for two families, for $4,000. Six-room modern fine home at S121 North 24th St; lot 41x127., for $3,200. New six-room house at 2556 Spen cer St., corner lot, for $2,900. Six-room, good, warm house at 940 North 25th Ave., with large grounds, 62x127, room for another house, only $2,100. Seven-room, new, modern house, close-in, on 26th St, Just north of St. Mary's Ave.; oak finish and hot water heat; lot 36x140. Owner leaving the city. W. H. Gates Room 644 New Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phones: Doug. 1294; Web. 2688. Buy Now-Buy Right $2,5002124 Charles St.. a very neat S-room cottage, modern except heat; paving all paid. .tOt h and Jackson. 7-roora cottage, hot water heat, nicely papered and new floors. S.VO cash. jlrt N. 4lid. 7 rooms, all modem: In good condition; paving all paid. $.V) cash. W.400 S03 Myrtle Ave., Bemla Park, neat 6-room all modern home: paving paid both streets. This Is a bargain. CWo 20th and Ames Ave.. 6 rooms, two stories: practically new house; modern but furnace. Terms. tJ.T Walnut Hill, fine S-room modern home; paving paid; nice shade; extra good value. M.200 Bemis Park. 8 rooms, modern, hot water heat, large corner lot on Boulevard. I1.U00 cash. Cheapest house In town. 4.S00 ..3 Dodge 8t 8 rooms, modern; corner lot. $1,000 cash will buy the equity; balance i per cent loan. 5.A Cathedral district; elegant new 8 room modern home; well built; Ideal ar rangement. S.;6o Close in. 3th and Dodge, fine 9-room strictly modern house; 5 good bed rooms; garage and rirH-ewav. Can handle with fl.500 rash. Can rent for $T- DUNDEE .ret our list of houses and lots v. k..".- INVESTMENT 10 Per Cent Net Brick flats built V!, and near Farnam St. Apartment House One of the best In city, paying better than 1 ier cent ntt; waiting ll't. $3o '". Frame Flats Well located, good renters. 1 per cent net. $4.20 and $4.70. Glover Realty Syndicate IZIA-22 City National. Phone Douglas WO. BARGAIN FOR SALE BY OWNER M41-2443 Plnkney St. Two new eight room houses. Just completed. All mouern. First floor flnisned in oak. Four bed rooms, and laih on second floor. Com bination lighting fixtures. Guaranteed furnace. Cement walks. A large roomy house with full lot. Price. S3.&u.. Terms: small cash payment, balance monthly to suit purchaser. Call Douglas 13-jO or Red 3374. v FRED ARMBltrST, Uli Vinton St. $350 Cash Balance S20 Per Mo. Buvs a nractlcallv new. S-room cottaze. modern except furnace; it Is nicely located, only khurt distance from the Ames Ave. j car Hue and ts priced very reasonably at j The Byron Reed CQ, Bf-th Phones. Ill S. 17th. 1 SNAP $."UU CASH f BALANCE EASY TERMS For a new t-room bungalow style cottage: electric light, good well and force pump, good cellar, good chicken house, walks and two nice east front lots, one being a corner, all for $l.b60. If sold this week, as owner is leaving city. Call at the office and we will take you right out. Birkett & Tebbens 423 Bee Bldg Field Club District 2Sth Ave. and Poppleton Is a very de sirabls location as vou doubtless know. We want to show vou the house. IK 1. on HI 1 the southeast corner. It Is a very desir able home, containing rooms: is oak finish snd thoroughly modern. The price has been reduced to K.ouu In order to eXtect Immediate sale. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Doug. 171. A-UN. See Owner rooms, bath, hot water heat, nearly oil ruvdern, uo car line. 'JuuZ M. swtu. a $175 Cash $26 Per Month New and Up-to-Date Five Room Modern Cottage LtnGF-Il and f'.nial ed with a little more fty;e tliau ur't.naiv. and In a location that mi, lor a high graue nouse, a ncmuiwi IumuI for those who im )ul a lluie par ticular. Oniy una block frt.m car line, con Crete walks in. permanent grade istai ilFheU. spiendld eat front iot. Mxizi: h'b and signtly. on a hill of giod houses, ail houses surrounding are weil kept, i-cupled by home owners. Wide 2t-ft. front vxrch to the east. fittd with heavy railing. xi top and U baluster. Lulest design bunka low door with eight bevel plates, conveni ent vestibule entrance, south and eaat llvlng room. very wide mission opening to bright dining room, with estra deep bav window to the south: large kitchen with nigh, wide wintows. pantry al.ont tixd. well lighted, back porrh for relrlKerator: Inside entry to lariee tieiiirnt under entire house, two fine mH'i;n rooms and large tloset for euch; bath room 11 feet lone, fully equipped rU 1 with beM Krmi plumlun-t. lnstalUd by . h.Eli grade plumbers, hravy roll rim tub. stuhon jet wash .town wier c!"wt. golden oaK tank, heavy lavatory with 4-inch apron, hot anil cold water; one-piece porcelain sink with baok. electric lights, socket for electric light or fan. 5-ltRlit ceiling shower for living room, DO-Inch beaded art glu&a amber dome In dining room; mK. maple and pine fin ish, polished oak floors mbtx-d to dull gioss. llu;lt rlht. no Inferior workman flnp or material; double floors, clear red wood slrttne, tar felt between walls. 2xS JoU's. double hrtdeed and lS-inch centers, will stand without -ttle. cracks and shaky floors. Two ornamental dormers in roof to give attractive mip.-arance; a home you wtll bo i roiid "f. ancf your rent will buy It. Price. K.i. tl cash and $M per or I1U0 cnnh anu t f er month. Monthly payments tnir real kcki, in Ilret (oration, kocki n tchbors, ntar car. act gulchlv. for these locations are hard to get. See me today us enriy as po.slMe: can be sen only on ."-iimlay and eventnae. (This Is not the p'are aiverrlsed last week: it was sold Monday.) .Come to my re'dc-nre today, 115 Halcyon .Ave.. ricno!i Phone Benson 122. F. S. Trullinger 4219 Farnam St. room, all modern hours, lot 4xlC8. fine shade, paved street: tnis Is not an old ln.iis. but comparatively new. In good condition and In a fine neighborhood. Pries STANLEY P. BOSTWICK. lOi City Nat. Bank Bldg BARGAINS, companv. city. McCague Investment WEST FARNAM STREET 7 rooms and bath; hot water heat; com bination fixtures: nicely decorated and al most new house: lot 50x132. Price, M.tAM; terms; built for a home. TOLAND & WILEY, C10 Bee Bldg. 'Phone Douglas 67CJ7. Ind. A-4J77. DUNDEE LOT Northwest corner ."lOth and Burt, tast front, in or.e of the bet south and section of for home, taken im- Offered at it great bargain If mediately, JTjO. DUNDEE BUNGALOW Six rooms, hardwood finish first floor: all strtctly modern; full slxe basement; full size lot; nice lawn. Thia property haa just been completed and Is ready to move Into, being beautifully decorated throughout. Price reduced Irom 3.3nO to tl.WO if sold immediately. A first-class little home at a very low figure. See me at once. ERNEST SWEET. U36 City National Bank Bldg. INVESTMENTS $10,000 Four 5-room brick flats, rented for $ each; total Income tl.JOO: v 1 11 located, extra well built. 3 ears old. Owner wants to use the money and will consider reasonable offers. $30.(00 Corner. fiSxrt. with new two-story and basement brick building, track age, "treets paved, leased for $2,600. Another story can be added for $1.0(0. which will Increase the in come to $3,') or over 10 per cent gross. $.000 Six apartments, built last year, gross Income. $3.S40. Net Income over 11 per cent. Choice location. J. H. Dumont & Son Phone Doug. 690. 1606 Farnam St., Omaha. Only $2,100 For a modern ft-room home, situated on paved street: east front, fine shade trees artA fruit iriw. twurinir Torrfta' ("lit raah ! balance $5) per month. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1S20 Farnam St. Tels.: Doug. 104; A-10&4. Georgia Avenue Home Cheao 1",1? Georgia Ave., 7 rooms and hall, with 4 bedrooms un :d floor, besides a large fin ished room in attic; house in excellent con dition, and will make a good investment or home. Owner will leave city In two weeks and haf made low price for nuick saie. Irice. $1,300. The property ia cheap and should sell iuickiy. STANLEY P. BOSTWICK IZa Citv Nat l Bank Bldg., Sole Aent. New, West Farnam $5,000 Seven rooms, completely modern: oak finished house, located near 31st and Daren IHirt Sts.; newly decorated und In ierfeet condition; paved street, paid. This Is a beauty and you will buy It on sight. Lt us show you. Armstrong-Walsh Co. i Phone Tyler IIM. Hi) a. 17th St. LOTS IN FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. t . . . u h. Dark Co.. Pullman ounuiog. ACIIEAOE FOR. SALE. 20 Acres Situated on Wt Dolge St.; fine location for chicaen ranch truca farm; acres In aifaifs. 2 acres grapes, bearing; every ax re tillable. Price, lis' per acre. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 120 Farnam St, Tela: Doug. 1svt; A-lOtt. THE SUNDAY BEE It anxiously awaited by those who are specially interested in lands the tort that bay and sell and encourage others to d: lilacwisc. Building Lots KOUNTZE PLACE Between Kountze Park ami the University of Omaha, on Ulbt tu 4th fctretts. Phikney, Evans and Tratt. AN OPPORTUNITY for you to buy high-class residence lots in a beautiful restricted residence addition at remarkably low prices. S800 TO $1,000 ONLY A FEW LOTS LEFT Buy where others are buyinir nnd whro you will not only be i I 1 l 1! . prOUM'ltMl UY UUllUiiit ivauiLiiuun, all arouml you. Close to the Lost ear servieo in the city ami only 13 minutes' ride from the business district. Compare them with any lots offered you anywhere at the same price. N0RRIS & MARTIN 400 Dec Building. Douglas 4270; A-4270. Dr. Davidson, Superintendent of Schools, having removed to Washington, we offer his very attractive home. No. 133(i South 30th Ave., for sale at a bar gain. The house has eight rooms, is ii excellent re pair, has an east front upon a paved street with all. special taxes paid and occupies a full sized lot. ALFRED C. KENNEDY 200 "First National Bank Building Telephone Douglas 7-2 or S. P. BOSTWICK 1223 City National Bank Building Telephone Tyler 13lX3. REAL ESTATE VABM A3 D UA.NCU LAND FOR J4I.E. Arhasi is. Z.300 A. UNIMPROVED cut-off Umber land; much fine timber ua land; a to 7 mi trom Eureka springs; fins fur fruit ranch aud general farming. $7.50. Special bargain in liuuiuved larmi, $10 to $30. VM. JE.NK1XD & CO.. Eureka Springs, Ark. l.fcuO ACRES rich bottom land, six miles from Newark. $10 per acre; terms. Flue uraiige grove. Fiona. Forty acres. $7,au0. Other bargains. A. A. Henderson, .Newark. Arkansas. GOOD CROPS In Benton county. Ar kansas. The recent drouth did no damage there. Flue climate and water; land Mill cheap. Write Banks dc AUcock. Hlwacse, Ark. FREE LAND Half million acres elimi nated lrom forest reserve. Booklet explain ing where and how secured. JOc. Slate maps l"c extra. Everton Land Co.. Ever ton. Ark.' SMALL, homes; Incomes, easy payments; healthy; near railroads. Address Ixark Home and Ranch Development Co., Denton. Ark. California. CALIF0RNLV. LUTHERAN COLONY LAND TEHAMA COUNTY Why not live and expend your energies where It Is sure to count? Remember that Tehama county, California, has a record of no crop failures In all Its history. When you sow you are sure you will reap abundantly. Your work yields good re turns. When you plant you are sure to gather a harvrst. It Is a country of no thunder, no cyclones or hurricanes, plenty of ws arKf good, deep, rich solL We want you to see the laud. Visitors to the proirty report In glowing praise. Excursion August 17. Round trip, t'M. TROWBRIDGE-BULSTER CO. Selling Agents, 404 City National Bank Bldg., Omaha. Neb. FOR SALE ISO acres near Holtvllle, Imperial Co., California. Irrigated. au in alfalfa, aoundance water, drvoted to ualrvitig, cows panure on atlajfa year round. Price, :i.m; $10,oJ caan, ualance I $L"uu yearly. 7 per cent, further pajticu- .ars. Augustus ii. iiruiuiu, uu, uu iiaiidala Ave.. Loa Angeiea. FINEST Irrigated fruit and dairy land ia California, very cheap, do? lit Uiua. FREE literature will I sent to anyone interested in the wonderful Sacramento Valley, the richest vailey In tn world. Unlimited opportunities. Thousands of seres available at right prices. The place for the man wanting a home In the finest climate on earth. No lands for sale, or gmu4 to give reliable information. Bi'.C HKTART SACRAMENTO VALLEY DE- YEIAIPMENT AdaoCIATION. aacramenio. t Cal. HOMESTEADS. Cheap Lands, Ranches. Improved Farm, orctmrd Tracts Califor nia and Oregon, new country. Free book let. L. F. Curtis, Com r., N. C O. Ry., Reno. Nev. CANADIAN WHEAT LAND A bait section first-class land at tA per acre for sals, itevea miles from station, good water. Five dollars per atre cash, bsiancs easy, inspection inv.tea. Apply S. lioldeu.iii Ra bu. Rsgtns. Sask.. Canada. CANADIAN lands. Office d. 17 tb- Do you want to make a profitable In vestment or buy a valuable farm, then come to Canada, (jet In on ti. ground floor with the W tiv. Pearson Co. Ltd. Personally conducted land excursiuu tu laat mountain valley district, r'asaatchewan. LrstM oiuaha Tuesd-ty, Aug. Li- Ll us ei,oW you t hs best wheat land In Ins world. Uumprr crop now ready to har vest, round trip. Se J. i. Watt, Z t Locust, abvut it, Pbwao Wk Zsta. l., ,11 1, titm inuf wu. ' " REAL ESTATE FARM AN U MA.LM LAU FOIl SAL. 13 Colorado. FOR SALE Homestead relinquishment, consisting of 8J0 acres, near Hucky Ford. Culo. W ill sell for cash or Uade tor town property. Address Box , Wayne, N c b. Ida hi a. Finest Idaho Iiorse Ranch 440 acres best farming laud; Improved: In center of vast flea range; Ul.vMJ. Fur terms and particulars adaress owner, li. C. Uertlesou. Kmiuetl. Idaau. CHOICE DEEDED L...N US. WITH P1U VATE WAi'Elt lUliliTsi. 1W a-s'AKE KlVtH v'AL LEV. IDAliU, Stock ranch. acres, adjoining open range; good buildings, fences and beaiius? orchard; t per acre, worm $lvu. ntock, -40 atiea, water tor ail year, $55. Other bargains In stock and fruit lands. rellnu,iitstimems and locations. . lor fu.l nfuiination address P. O. Box No. 131. Glenns Ferry. Idaho low. THE eavlest way to find a buyer for your farm is to insert a small want ad in the Dea Moines Capital. Largest circula tion in ti.e state ut lows. 4i,uuu oauy. flis Caapital is read by and believed in by tbe standpatters ul Iowa, whu simply refuse to per.i.ii any other paper in their numea. Kales 1 cent a word a day; H.-J pr lino tier month; count hi ordinary words to tbo line. Address Das Muiues Capiuu, Dea Moines, la. - 1 Wo good farms In ' Gwman Catholic coir.niunuy ; -J acres three miles from town, good improvements, all tillable, ii:j; luu f. T-a l miles I rem town, ail under cultivation, fair improvements. $i.'T; ood tettns. K"r further particulars address ri. 1- Bielefwldt. Dedhain. la. tVa I HAVE lands fiom $5 to $13 per acre; I always nave tbe barguiu at the luwni price; write or co:i.e and atj ua and I i assure courteous iieatuieut; uisu the best oi reiercuccs. x. i weusiex, vk eiiiotun. Kan. (!OOD farms, from Mid r acre up; forty miles west of Kansas City. 'A'rus for list, Edd Searles, Ea.tun, Kansas. Loslsiansu VERNON parish. La.; the land ot susv (hlno, soil, cumale, luarkets, water, heath, good prices, cheap; write LavUie HkmI instate and Improvement Co, C, M. J&u Farland. oec'y.. 1-eesvine. La. LOUISIANA farm and Umber iandst a God tur truck, corn, uuiits, etc., on ac count uf cuttuu peat, cheapest lanos ua market. Hail. Eittor t lieucit. Mouxo LAHiisuaia. FOK SALE iiZ.uuu acres wet lands. Torre bonne Paneb. la- Can le recailriea at from' tli to Is per acre. Fine irucg, corn and fruit I an as. Rvclamied lands now sell ing at $lw per acre. Will aell this tract .low for uulta turn ut $4 per aire; liberal terma. E P. Brady, Maclieca BiOg., Neis Orleans.- La. Jd tanrssla. FARM. SNAP SJD acres level pralrls land. In crop, baiaxics pasture and meadow; good buildings. 7S acre. Murbart at Atctusuii, Mankato, is uia. IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE I?f ReUwood Co., ' Minnesota. 4) to acres at $50 to $75 per acre. Address owner, A. W. olsun. Walnut drove. Minn. I HAVE a farm ot 230 acres ZH raliea from good town. W miles from MlnuestHiis. lis) acres under cultivation; arxiut SO acres meadow, baiaace Uraur; can ail bo opened up; rich soil, good uuum. barn and other buildings. Pries 131 pr acre. Also 80-scro farm two tulles trom good town; 40 acres under plow, is acres timber, good nca suil, s-room nous, two barns aiid othar out buildings, wlndmbl, fine natural grove, or rhard Just commencing to bear, price. U.iuu; easy terms. Write owner. Charles E awaosun. Elk iuvtr, Mina. MINNESOTA! MHAIimvUNUii AND FLiMJDW(iOI) SETTLEMENTS UT Ltil'UJ COl'VTT. NEAR DLLl'TH Farmers, gardeners and dairymen waited. Ideal ciimats, rtcn soli, aoundact iaiufa.1 great rmi. 1 lotos of red clover un ,)u own line f refluent train service. lint markets In America. Prices low Terms easy. Homeseeaers assiste.1. IlluatraieO. literature free. Write LAND COM H jj ar 1. It. It. it, lis) Wolvin illdg., Dui'uUi.