-THE OMAHA SUXPAY BEE: AUGUST 13, 1911. HELP WANTED MALE Costlaaed. CALENDAR a.lm-n V ntel We want reiishle snd cspati ai-snian at once u carry oit attraitiv Imi vt caltndara. fsns and advertising e-'.a.'ies in Nrbravka. W have a apl'nd.i i n- carefully selected by men long In th-s tjstn-e, and w h- hsve themselves ,ld tr.ia clam of rood on the road (or ears. i n our liberal com mission basis plan, a ralnniin who will devote his time ex'lu,ely to our line should have no difficult) in clesrtnsr from IV' to lioi pr wek. If ou are a man w ho will work and ran celt goods, address Sales Manager. KaJamaz. Advertiving Co., Kiltmuno. Mich. Attain tris advertise rr.ent to your reply and fc'.ve full particulars regarding our pest r-us.ness exi-erlence . WANTED. AGENTS Wondeiful oppor tunity; act quick; sell Ambrew" t'onom trated beer extract, make Heal. Genuine. Intoxicating beer, right at home, fly a-liLng water; saves 1j0 pr cent brtaer price; not near-beer, not substitute, but real .aer beer; no liquor licence required, imill pack age, carry week a supply; deliver a you pell; "Ambrew" la the concentrated ingre dients of real laser beer; same materials used by all brewera for brewing the beat b-er; bis seller; enormous demand; large profits; Just send postal; we ll show )ou now to make money quick. American Product Co., Dept. 27. Cincinnati. O. EASY MONEY, little work-a reelatlun. Cavender sold 210 In 4 days. Applewhite took orders in minutes, Irresistible selling proposition. t-nj quick for details sworn atatements. facts about wonderful Automatic Kasor Sharpener. Marvelous accuracy amaaea everybody, tmly success ful Invention of Its kind la existence. Slls Itself. Local agents, manarers. ev eryhere all or spare time fc"J 0m to Iii0 weekly. Write at once The Never Kail Company. 11 Colton Bldg.. Toledo. O. WAXTEU-A hlnh rlaaa salesman, with cleaji record to sell our fireproof account register In Nebraska. One who has suc cessfully sold cash or account registers, computing scales or Jewelry department preferred. A real opporunlty tor advance ment to capable man. References required. Thai Champion Register Co.. Cleveland, O. DO TOU make leas than 160 a week? Smith. I a., writes: fjr.a tn two weeks." Host wick. N. T-, 'Mike an average of 11 a day." Every family, hotel, restaurant, shop hats, tableware. Jewelry, metal goods to be replaced. Gray's outfits plate, gold, silver,, nickel, etc We furnish recipes, trade secrets and teach you. ' Rtyal Dipping Process. Plenty to do. Oner business overcrowded; plating; shops scarce. Infor mation and sample plating free. 6end postal. Gray A Co.. mating Works, S3 Gray Bldg., Cincinnati, O. A HIGH CLASS, forceful piano sales man or Insurance agenC Is offered the oppor tunity of a life-time by forming an as sociation with a strong manufacturing com pany of Chicago and a strong business concern of lost, to control their product tn this state. Product protected by United States government. Entirely new prop osition with clear field and unlimited pos sibilities. Great pay to man Who can secure and manage first class salesmen tn every county In the stats. For par ticulars address T 130. care of Omaha, Bee. SALESMEN to see the drug and saloon trade: can easily make 1100 weekly; en tirely new proposition; 90 per cent buy; as a side-line can matte $54 weekly. Con centrated Saline Co. of America, Cincinnati. O. SALESMEN wanted In every state in the union to sell to retail stores a new guar anteed sock, also to sell ladies' hosiery snd men's neckwear on commission. Associ ated Manufacturers, Allentown, Pa. SALESMAN wanted on commission basis only to carry line of veilings and nettings as side-line for small towns of Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, lows, snd Ne braska . Write Well Brothers. I E. 17th Et. New Tork City. SALESMAN Wanted Earn C5o per month; sell dealers highly advertised article; exclusively or side-line; no samples t carry. Imperial Co., St. Louis. Mo. HIOH-ORADE salesmen outside of Omaha; permanent position: $206 to two monthly; call only on business men; C expenses advanced weekly; no samples to carry. International Co., S Mclntlrs Bldg., Dayton. O. FOR a dainty dessert use Palsefrs ice cream. If Mrs. J. B. Simon. ISO No. th St , will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. WH want hustling agents In every com munity: capable of handling the sale of our Betsy Vacuum Cleaner; more powerful suction thsn any electric; strictly one person machine; works like carpet sweeper: cleans twelve inches In width; weighs a pounds; built of cold rolled steel through out: all nickel plated; would sell for II) as readly as any. Ws ara retailing tt for KS. Apply at once. Sebrlng-Jamee Co., McCor mlck Bldg.. Chicago. 111. WHT work for wages when yon can maks from ITS to Situ a week selling the js'ew Era Rope Machine, makes stronger and better rope, out of binding twine at less than the price you can buy It for at the store. B- W. Day, Sole Agent. Tit Brandels Theatre Uldg., Omaha, Neb. WE CAN use on or two good salesmen for Nebraska or the west. Our line is jewelry, neckwear and novelties. Liberal commissions. Reference and experience first letter. Mum give bonds. Address sales manager. Bos. 4U. Waterloo. la. WANTED Salesman in states of Kansas and Nebraska to carry side-line of brass and Iron beds on commission; make small snd largo towns. Address. Miller. Uall A Son, Chicago. LAND salesmen by large, strong, legiti mate land company with highest reputa tion, to sell 10-acr farms with free town lot. Finest body of land in the south, on new railroad. Guaranteed improvements on townslta. Irrigate with artesian wells. Monthly payments. Successful men earn ing up to monthly. Liberal commis sion. Write Fowler Brothers Land Co.. Frost Bldg.. San Antonio. Tex. AN answer to this ad will maks yon money. Bartlett Supply Co. Brow BUu Omaha, Nab. COLLECTOR FOR CTTT WORK; GOOD COMMISSION; INVESTMENT RE QU1RJOX OMAHA NATIONAL BANK BLDO. WANTED Agects to sell on a osmmls Sloa basis Qvw-acrs tracts on large body of Ungated land for supplying canning- fac tory with produce. Highest market prkiew and laiwest yield any where m tn west be us I investors. P. B. Mi. Bill ings, Mont. SALESMEN wanted at once: Ire men only. Call between JS a. m. and 4 . m.. at MM sV kkh St.. Ruosa 1. Omans Neb. FACTORY prices make sales easy; half tmmmif straight business; ne scheme; large variety goods; workers maks tlDO month: your chanoa. Standard Silverware Co. Boston. Mass. AGENTS Both sexes; e manafartwre and oontroi the fastest selling bowaeaold specialty ever Invented. Connulry Co., U Liberty Bt. Now York. AGENTS maks SO per osat proftt selling our gold window letters, novelty signs and changeable signs; tu varwxiss; swrawsi demand; cataiusrus (res. Auiltvaa Cat, Ul Van Bursa HU. Chios so. lit - AGENTS Big nvsssy seUB swr Msvfety Corn thavsr; sails on sign.; mmkM ptatcNl; uo each, with two bled; 4 ms for sample. Superior fpafisliy Ce 3 breed -way. New York. W ANTED Agents; pesSUveiy the fastest seller, biggest money maker. Try tke '-Eden goods. Edva Mfg. Co.. m Third Ave, Brooklyn, New York. AGENTS Make nw.y setnag m saetsj 110 leturs for utfloe wtwdows, stars troose and glass stsna. Any ewe eaa pwt thsoi on. eampsee tree. MetsJUs Bigm C, xf si. Clark SC. Chteago. AGENTS Either sea. sett si hosavry; 7 psr eewt prefH; (OeAa tree sery. delpl AG as o dally ould urr IMnu "Wear frii. ' Weak delphta. Pa. AGE NTH Live SetasM. tws ternery( set as our exclusive retireaeciiaitvef HUM dally easily ma4e; mmm artwiej writs quick. Henkaei Cosatsssy, 41 New Terk. SIGN painting aesjl, Ma) P essst proftt; in aid rtinimt wtudew letter made; sssisst meissteS . eastAt free. S nor eaa posauv-ily gisrsntied FrnhDsssd 1 otter C .571 Milwaukee Avs, Ctuoasx. M KN or women la every dWfrict to handle a una of asw style brushes sad breasts. Sell a peuer si te arucle than sis" jMcrj fcj-e stiy in- sarsnieed riileeed Pwilse HELP WANTED MALE Areata aad toltiwt ratU4. AGENTS Monahan made f. first week. Carber g?4 two days, demonstrating great est money savtr.g device ever invented, saves HO per rent of cost stai'le article la universal dally use, no competition, virgin territory, big money for you, demonstration . makes sale. Don't miss this. W rite today, ' B. Heaver. 141 8. 7th. Pa Una, Kan. 'Al.l.MIAN-A man that can give A-l II reference and Is cspeble of taking charge rt a selling office and warehouse. A man I familiar with brushes and brooms prsfer sble Box B.anchester, O. PALKSMAN-Experleoced In any line to J een general irmae in ,vri. v.mvittm i-pex -laity proposition with brand new fea- I ture Commission with L'& 00 weekly for! expenses The Continental Jewelry Co., Clev eland. O. CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line. High commissions. I WO i monthly advance and permanent position t.i right man. Jess H. Sraltn Co., Detroit, Mica. PIANO contest salesmen for practical partnership Its your o port unity If ou can sell the goods. Tell your full story frst letter. Will meet and coach you. The Galloway Co.. Box 66. Chicago. FIVE MILLION fj? Liberal commission. Agents' sample free. CARSTARPHEN ELECTRIC Co.. Denver, Colo. I WILL PAT very liberal commission to agents who can sell a high class Industrial slock now of fered at is a share. It Is the best Invest ment In America today. Will pay a big dividend and go up to lout) a share in time. BA NICER. P. O. Box 66. New York. AGENTS-Mais big money selling auto specialty; U00 to IsuO a month or mors easily made; writs today. Department 1. Millar Mfg. Co. Lincoln, Neb. WANTED An honest, earnest, energetic man to take charge of and handle district sale of U. S. Fire Extinguisher; no ex perience required, but must be a hostler and capable of taking cars of large bust- D1U., &U1CUV. UUlll.- WANTED TOWNS1TE AGENTS. Wanted, good reliable, energetic men or women, who can gtie bank reference or bond, to sell town lots tn a new railroad town; liberal commission, is a proposition that will sell. In writing give reference, ai.u unless name of reference Is given In quiry will not be answered. Address Lock Box t, Rogers, Arkansas. MEN and women agents make big money soiling our new goods; no capital or experi ence required. Free catalogue; samples. Writs Daniel Rltter Co- 121il W. Madison, Chicago. 111. AGENTS Positively the fastest seller. V.1 mnnw m.ka" umnl lOrv If not satisfied will return money. Banking ref erences, caen Jig. a Brooklyn, N. T. CS0 MONTHLY Positions waiting for automobile drivers: we teach by mall; write today for first lesson, free. Coey's School Motoring, Chicago. C5 WEEKLY and expenses to trustwor thy people to travel and distribute samples for big wholesale house. C H. Emery, 6J S., Chicago. ' TAKE a boat ride at Lake Manawa. We will give a psir of round trip tickets to J. C. Blxxard. 241" No. Sd St.. if he will come to The Bee office within three days. AGENTS WANTED New. novel, mysti fying, . "Kay" Cameras; microscopes; big sellers. Samples, particulars JO cents; de ducted first order. LauterbacJ) Company, 1133 Broadway, New York. SOLICITORS and crew managers for the fastest selling kitchen novelty ever In vented. Western Home Supply Co., Kb Northern Bank Bldg.. Seattle. Wash. AGENTS to handle Multi-Cover hat pins; cover with own materials to match: hat or costume; sells on sight; big profits. Robertshaw iiXg. Co, S66-C Broadway, New York. WANTED. AGENTS legitimate substi tute for slot -machines, patented. Sells on sight for 11. . Parttculswa, - Otsh Co.. Anderson, Ind. EXPERIENCED solicitor In Nebraska to give entire time In presenting high class prctposttioa to merchants and physicians. Collection agency solicitor preferred. In come tiX to B.000 annually. Excellent opportunity and advancement for a pro ducer. Address A. F. C, 341 Wells Bldg-, julncy, LL ' WANTED. AGENTS Make tS.OO a day. needed In every home: fast sellers; write for samples; catalogue free. Spencer Nov elty Co.. 41 Green St. Chicago. HI. PICTURE AGENTS, LOOK-Portralta. Sic; lx frames. 14o. Pillow -tope Ibc, 48-hour shipments. China platss, oUlettes, bromides. Rejections credited. All the lstest sheet pictures. Ws help besflnners. Catalogues free. Berlin Art association. Department 15. Chicago, TdO OO MONTHLY being mads by general agents, employing and managing canvas sers. No monev or experience required. Parker Chemical Co.. Chicago SALESMAN Traveling, wanted to carry line of notions and fancy goods as aide line; liberal commission; stats territory Hope Manufacturing Co., ffl Broadway, New York City. EXPERIENCED underwear and hosiery man for Neb., Colo, and Wyoming; must control trade. State references. Jacob Meyer Bros.. 607 8. Fifth Art, Chicago, 111. SALESMEN WANTED-For full particu lars write The Union Pacific Tea Co, Omaha, Neb. CtoriesU ss4 Of Me. OVER 1000 LARGE EMPLOYERS USE OUR SERVICES IN SECURING HIGH GRADE APPLICANTS TO FILL POSI TIONS SUCH AS MANAGER SALES MEN. BOOKKEEPERS, STENOGRA PHERS AND OFFICE CLERKS. IF YOU WANT TO BETTER TOUR POSITION DON'T FAIL TO SS.S Ui WB NEED AT ONCE): Manager with sales and executive ability, ftto.so Office manager, L . Bookkeep er. 7S 00. Billing clerk, express expert ssioe. ts.4B. Travel lag salesman, groceries speoUlttos, roa.Sk A set billing clerk, good penman. ieXSL Ass't bookkeeper, good penman, kst-wX Stenographer, IK. OS. NO CHARGE UNLFttS POSITION SECURED WESTERN REFERENCE A BOND AS3N. 7X3-J-4-S-4 Omaha Natl Bank Bldg. 8ALE8 . MANAGER who Is experienced and tnoronghly familiar with Nebraska terr1to--v. ll.MO-t2.000. Bookkeeper. Mfg. firm. ITHI0. Stenegrapber. out of dry, f(6. Oolleoior. prefer young man whs can rtvle motorcycle, ICS. Three specialty salesmen, must be fa miliar with the grocery specialty, 1 se ll 54. Shipping clerk, drug experts nee. ttV OffVe clerk, eoal firm. S. CO-OPEIUTIVE RKJTCRENCB CO., (Establlehed FOUR YEARS la Omaha.) 1S1A-1I City National Bank Bldg. Bookkeeper rt-M Three tip. Rnad salesmen Iso-fiuO Architectural Draftsman, good salary. Colleetar . fi-0t Aoountant CfL R. Exp.) two Office Clerk , . THE TAN AOKNCT, m Bee Bldg KBinMT young man. stndent prefei i ed. ts work as clerk Saturday afternoons: fair remuneration; rsfertwres resjunred. O SU, Care Hea. W A TED At onos. flrst-elass tn and stMMt iron worker. Good wages. Ap ply uakar Oats Co.. Fort Dodgs, la, Prug faers Kn'sst, BeemsA TWO good he m makecs teo. Belie s-ssarcLe. Fsusw tmnn sensory, f ft BROOM tyer wanted. Good workman only. Omaha alrouat yaotory. PRINTER All around country man. Muat understand Babcock press and be tvxul abstainer. Permaseng to itfbt ausa. LEA Kit featW traga. Twstxoa tfijek ftfi stess. Westera Wsrksr laststwts. ISLk ad Dodgo. It's Getting to Be a Familiar Story Omaha, Neb., Aug. 9, 1911. Omaha Ik I Advertising Dept. j Gentlemen: , I have a email add. in your paper, "Mare for Sale." I have sold the horse and I want to say that I never knew before that your paper was such a good advertising med ium. Yours truly, HAKVEY HOBART, 332 Neville Blk Omaha. Please stop the add. at once and send me statement to date, H. H. RESULTS THAT'S IT RESULTS." HELP WANTED MALE (Continued.) Mlscellaaewaa. FOUND Faultness Cleaning worms, suits steam pressed, itjc HI b. Lr.th. D. SS4. TR1-C1TY BARBER COLLEJEJ Men to learn barber trade. Tuition, 113. An So. 1.-th St. WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile business, largest and best equipped shops. Nat l Auto Training Ass n. Omaha, Neb. RELIABLE Employment agency, hotel and street help. 161 Davenport. Automatic Phone Bug's. Hi residence, fl. W A N TED Mail clerks, carriers, clerks In government offices at Washington. Oman a. Neb., examinations daring Septem ber. SmO month. Annual vacations. Thou sands of appointments coming. Candidates coached free. Franklin Institute. Dept. tij H. Rochester. N. Y. U.S. 1100 MONTH AUTOINO. AVTO SCHOOL, OMAHA. NEB. LARGEST AND BEST. WRITE. WANTED 1.000 men to eat i eggs for 10c Coffee John. l0t Dodge. SIT WANTED BROOM tyer wanted. Good workman only. Omaha Broom Factory. BOY WANTED Must be well recom mended. Albert Edholm. Jeweler. BLATZ Wiener. Tel. Doug. 1081 for case. MEN We have good positions waiting for you If you will learn the barber trade now. Hundreds of graduates running shops calling on us for help. Cmly few weeks re quired by our new method. Complete out fit of tools given. Diplomas granted. Wages Saturdays. Great scarcity of bar bers this season. Personal Interview or card mailed will explain how to better your circumstances. Moler Barber College. 110 S. 14th St. LABORERS wanted. Hoy A Elxy Co.. at NebrasKa Tel. Bldg.. Ltth and Douglas. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien 's because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. W. R. Cahlll, Ap't . The Hamilton, will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 90-oent box of O Brlen s candy free. Gayety Thoater Is Always CooL C00 MONTHLY and expenses to travel and distribute samplas for big manufac turer; steaoy worx. a. bchener, 46 8. Chi cago. KNTVFS mnA Athe t-itftla TA cw w' Hickory St. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE) LADIES, retitlemjtfi. hnvi mnA o.n our 5c and 10c household necessities: make rw per cent; no cash In advance required. For particulars address The Carter Co.. Chattanooga. Tenn. LIBRARIES Public library and museum. 1 and Harney. LIVERY AND BOARDING A. Melcher, Livery. Feed. lbU Leavenworth LIYE STOCK MARKET OF WEST ShlD roar Stock tn RnntJi On.li. MTe mileage and shrinkage yemr con. algnmenu recrivo prompt and careful attention. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCHANTS Byers Bros, dc Co. Strong mad responsible. WOOD BROS., B4-S Exchange Blk. ONE of the best, Oreat Western Com. Co. The Standard Com, Co US Exchange Bldg. W. R. SMITH A SON just handle sheep. W. r. DENNY A CO, ta Exchange Bldg. TAGO BROS, handle cattle, hogs, sheen. CLIFTON Com. Co.. 221 Exchange Bldg. Donahue dt Randall Co.. MS Exchange Bl. InterotsXs Co. Better results. Ship to us. BURKERICKLY CO.. 101 Exchangw Bldg. L E. ROBERTS A CO.. B Exchangw Bldg Allan Dudly dc Co., 23S-T7 Exchange Bldg. RALSTON FONDA. Live stock and commission merchants. FARMERS Live Stock Commission Co., f0-U Exchange. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE neiese ill VeaieXes. MCKINLEY, horse trainer; ride, drive Ingle or double. Bring In your kickers, runaways and outlaws. Satisfaction guar anteed. 4& N. Sth St.. South Omaha. Fok BALE All kinds of good horses, til N. Cst St. 'Phone Douglas aOOs. SECOND-HAND wagon. SOI Cuming St. DRAFT TEAM, wagon and harness; POO. Wsoster M6. SECOND-HAND surrey, very cheap, m Leavenworth. CARRIAGE MAN'S SNAPS Fine tato closed carrtaga (or Mk Fms coupe for Be. Use candy wagon for lI. Mt phaeton for 176. Other good buggy snaps. DRUMM0ND A. L, VAN GORDON, hospital tor horses and dogs. FOR SALE Horse buggy and harness. tiki. MM. Grant. W. TBI, FOUR horses, two boggles and two doubts sets of harsisis. inquire Saerman s msimss. Mth aad Clark Bts. HARtrE. buggy and hasweas anas. N. Jstk Ave. lad. B-Usi. 811 FOR SALES. Fssslly drtvlng horse. s-year-td samrw. harness and runanouL Or will trade for equity in real stasia Ca4 at office of W. Faraans. Smith A Co., 1U Faraass at. ABRAHAMaON Coal aad Feed. W, 4a HARNESS and leather. Stock Yards Sad dlery Co.. 114 N. Sath. CaAs sued Ttsaw. ANGORA CATS aad Kittens Handsome creatures for aak at No. ths I by Court WU k4 s4 l4a4TfiXW JS.JktA ML LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left U la ths street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore them ts the rightful owner. Call Doucias 4. OMAHA Sc COUNCIL BLCFKS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. TEDDY BEAR cleaners and dyers; Both phones. Bert Page, the boneless kid, at Qayety. BLATZ private stock beer. Tel. D. WKL LOST A cluster pin, between Bth and Leavenworth and Hardens' store, valued as keepsake. Phone Harney iei.' LOST A 13 50 gold cotn stick pin. Return to office Brandtjs stores. Reward TAKE a boat ride at Lake Manawa. Ws will give a pair of round trip tickets to John Peter. 4715 Cer.nr St., If he will come to The Bee office within three days. DON AND MAE GORDON at the Gayety. STAY long as you like at Gayety. MONEY TO LOAN VRY AND CHATTELS. N0TICET0 ALL If you were positive that our rates and terms were the best in the city, wouldn't It psy you to see us when you need money? A comparison of our raiea with those of other companies will convince you that this Is the place to borrow. 11.20 is the weekly payment on a j0 loan for fifty weeks. Other payments in the same pro portion. If you need money write or phone State Mortgage Jboan co. Brll ArllnKton Block. 1511H Dodge SC Phones uougias , ino. A-a MONEY! MONET'.I WHY BE WITHOUT MONEY? when it can be obtained of us on your FURNITURE. PIANO. WAREHOUSE re ceipt, fixtures, stores, building, horses, wagons or. In fact, anything of value. Also advanced to anyone holding a steady SALARIED position. Rates lowest. Terms easiest. Confidential and quick. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. Id Floor. 106 Paxton B:k. S7 S. 18th St. Phone Doug. 1411 and A-1411. MONET loaned salaried people, women keeping bouse and others, without security; easy payments. Of flee In 17 principal eiUea Tolman. sua umana rta. sau sus., iur merly N. Y. L Bldg. CHATTEL LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., VO Bee Bldg. vouf. ues; a-ih rrr n rr . a T A.TT1KM Dodge i w telephone Rod KlJk DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 MOVING. STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMAN'S DELIVERY CO. MoT hi; furniture paoaiDg; fireproof storaga City office. Hi i. 17th. Doug. M; Ind. U-IML OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO.. cleans your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaners, lut a lsxh; aS a 17th. Doug. aim. CO.. fireproof storaga, household goods. pianos aim . . , uiu shipped. Warehouse. IsGg Burt Bt. Tyler uL Office. 7th and Leavenworth. D. tai. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES FRANCIS POTTER, teacher of mando lin, guitar and banjo. Baldrige Blk. TeL Doug. Ibol. LUCY M. MILLER, goto violinist, teacher. Web. 134S. Music lessons. 1824 Farnam. Phone H. Id? ALVTN E. POOLE Violinist. IU6 Farnam. t HAVE soma private money left with me to loan on improved real estate in amounts of fHO to tt.000. Sum bit your ap pUcatlon. D. rtS. F. H. DRAKE. A-17SS. OFFERED FOR RENT sussl Hew ass THE 6HRTNER. Of. So. Mth St. uuwh a'j iwn; pest board; private family; West Farnaxa. Call nmo w till DOUGLAS 6T, rooms and board; clean; newly papered. Douglas 78. O. M. E. hauls trunks. O. tu. A-asn. ELEGANT rooms, homo cooking. CX no THs HARNEY; boms cooking. Xta Har ney. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT, larxe front room with private lavatory; excellent board; near car una or waisiug oiatanca, Phone Harney 1388. NICELY furnished modern salts of rooms; I or 4 young men or women. lu N. 16th St. DESIRABLE room, first class board. 1J South Nineteenth. til N. MTH Furnished board and room; very nice location; close tn. BOARD and room, home cooking, ffi per u tmrAm tar four or flvA Iwira t. n Charles Be Phone Harney 6SM. E19 DODGE. Nice parlor, modern front room suitable for two, . with first-class horns cooked board. FOR a dainty dessert use Dal sell's Ice cream. If Mrs Gliiesple, U07 Grant Sc. will corns to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. FURNISHED room and board, tilt' Harney St. It07 HARNEY Home cooked board and rooms; close In. PLEASANT, commodious room, with best ef board, In small private family; refined neighborhood, on Park car line; reasonable. 1106 Pacific St. TeL Harney 1426. GENTLFMEN Rooms, board; new home Harney CJ7. , TWO furnished rooms, Tat. W fester tsTX II N. at. CALL AT 514 N. ISD If you airy front room, modem, oi a large, n- Beet ref Hit Dodge Sc. elegantly furnished south front double parlors; cool and modern, one ether large south front room. I RONT aad baok parlors, modern. Chicago. ISH LA RGB. elegantly furnished roam for two or three sntletnea. oa boulevard, all modern, hot and oold water, clues In. si A7 N. istn at. IiOUBLE and alngls furnished rooms, an raadsck tka la. iM AS. InA hsj . i OFFERED FOR RENT rsrslikri Rowsss Ceatlaeew. DBWIT 'uina Usee. IM A Vwraaisk WELL furnished rooms; walking dis tance; white porcelain bath tub. 101 a. 2Sth St- DOUBLE room, close In. everything mod ern, hot and ooul water, steam beat. 301 N. Utn St. l3t DOUGLAS Furnished rooms wKh all modern oonvenlenoes. Close In. 1444 N. irra-4 ntosxy furnished rooms; modern. TUB DOUGLAS Two newiy furnished rooms; strictly modern, clean, cool rooms; shady lawn and porch Geotlsmen pre ferred. Phone Tyler IS3S. FURNISHED room In private home; strictly modern; on car line; for one of two gentlemen; reasonable. 611 N. 40th. J'lS DEWEY Ave., strictly modern rooms ' with A, vltSnnf llsht hniUAbAr,1n hIL r. - .nwf.u f 1 . i,- eges. Harney 119a. BEAUTIFUL front 1510 Capitol Ave. parlor and aloors. ELEGANT furnished room In a first-class location, with private family. Bath, hot and cold water, gas and electric light; tele phone and walking distance. Tel. Har. IUK. NICELY furnished room for gentlemen; private family; Majestic apartments; South front; up-to-date hot and oold water bath; references required. Price reasonable. Telephone Webster U&, FURNISHED rooms. C-S0 to gL 12 Dodge. NICELY furnished front rooms, modern conveniences, desirable location. Ml oV 26th Ave. THE HARVARD, modern rooms. Mtn and Farnam. AIRY, light front rooms, excellent loca tion; modern; walking distance. Ilu. Phone ntd aui aui rx. im (. FURNISHED rooms In nice looalltv. for lUO up. Near cars; bath, modern. Ku4 Webster. THREE blocks to courthouse. Clean. modern rooms. 3 So. IWth. 318 N. 17TH St.. furnished rooms for tran sients. Very reasonable. 2321 HARNEY Modern furnished rooms, 12 M and IA0 per week. Walking distance. 1702 FARNAM. modern furnished rooms; good location: walking distance. v LARGE, cool, front rooms and others, tG33 Harney, gentlemen. Tel. Harney too. LARGE south room, nicety furnished; suitable for two or three; all modem, nearly new. K77 Harney. NICE rooms, third floor The Albion, South Tenth. FURNISHED complete, gas for cooking. Phone In' rooms. 1M Douglas, D. 7ta0. A-17M. XTTCtTT e, I 1 V. A nuin T i i i .Im,. light; 110 per month; 2664 Douglas St. Pbons Harney 1S6J. TWO well furnished front rooms with board; on car line. 16 South 10th St. 222S DODGE Furnished rooms, with all modern conveniences; close In. WILL rent furnished room cheap to lady. Party wanting company. House modern, on car line. Call Webster W61. NICELY furnished room with private family; large, two closets; fine room for 1 or t persons; near car Une. J6 Poppleton Ave. Harney, 2060. US S. 26TH ST. Large newly furnished room suitable for two or more gentlemen or ladles with or without gas plate. Also one smaller room very reasonable; strictly modern. Kit FARNAM Three furnished rooms; good location; modern; board It desired. Harney M7a ' 111 8. 2ETH ST. Modern furnished rooms with all modern conveniences. &! BO. ISTH Furnished room, suitable for two young men or couple. FURNISHED rooms, with modern con veniences. Red 6814. ONE or two rooms In private family. &27 Mason St. WELL furnished room, modern, electric light, til per month. 222 N. 25th St- 'Phone Douglas frx. jvit-iUji rumisnea rront room, wun an modern conveniences, ill North list , u . . . . Parnam Kt fa Una 2KT HARNEY. See these. close-in. comfortable, double and single rooms. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front rooms; large closet: strictly modern: walking dis tance; gentlemen preferred Phone Doug las 6K1 or address K8 S. 24th DESIRABLE front room; walking dis tance. Red S47L Hotels and Apeurta eats. rrrWT s-TmicTsws-n tinnvn en Uemen. THE CHATHAM. 11 S. Ulh W. DODGE HOTEL. 13th and Dodga; ail coal auuuds rooms; special week rata OXFORD and Arcade, special wki'y rata. D REX EL hotel. Nice rms. Mod. ila N. ML EAGLE hotel; rooms, day or week, SM S. ltth. THE 8CHLITZ Hotel; our So plats din ner ths best In the city. WINDSOR HOTEL Rooms. 60c to ILfiO. rirrln TTritol Council Bluffs. Rooms Luu to r.OO per week. MILLERS' hotel, S3 N. 26th. Stockmen's headquarters. The New Elk Hotel Now open all outside rooms 53c and Me b' day; week. 12 up. 117 N. 16th. D. 737. rsumtekted Hawses. FOUR-ROOM rooaera anartmeat; Biabed. Webster 44A NICELY furnished 4-room modern house, on paved street; oris block from ear; twenty minutes' ride te center of town; very reasonable to deelrahia party. Call Web. 4Mu FOR RENT Nicely furnished brick flat to someone who will buy furniture st rea sonable price; all modern; good lecauoa. D MM. Bee. FOR RENT Furnish sd bouwa, from Oc tober 1. tor ons year, te reliable party) references required. Answer. G H7, cars Bee office, or phone Doug. Mot. FIVE-ROOM furnished apartment, steam heat and every modern convenience. Cor Dish apartments, southwest corner of Into and Vi iluam St "VVV FARNAM SMITH CO, XM iirua as, OFFERED FOR RENT tConrinued.) Apartments Flats. "ST. LOUIS" APARTMENTS. 1JJ. 8 JJd. i-r.. strictly mod . - Sherman Ave., i-r., strictly mod., 127 30. i-"l S. lMh. -r., strk-tiy mod.. tr.M. Howard, -r, strk-tiy rood.. ery close in. I.'T.j 34T Howard. -r., strictly mod., close In. tM. ill William. -r., strictly mod., close to B. a. M. depot. l. Tl N. 1, i-r.. strictly mod . (32 Ml. ITU g. th. i-r.. strictly mod., choice loca tion. Owner pays water rent, tii JJ 8. Tth Ave., i-r.. strictly mod., very close in. 137 .ft. ItH ft. Marys Ave.. 7-r.. strictly mod., beautifully decorated and In a very choice location. H0. ZT1T Jackson. tr . strictly mod., within walking distance. . PAYNE SLATER CO.. Sole Agents. Sixth Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. -ROOM apartments, completely modem. Scargo Bids . So. Omaha, above M N. t4Uv Tboa. F. Hall, til Remge. D. 71. A -tea. .VROOM heated flat, strictly modern; SJ2 S. 2tlh Ave. Tel. Red tin. THREE and s.x-raom Dais, klarus Block, ih and Webster. FINE 6-room apartment on West Far- bam St.; beat, shades, gas stove and jani tor service . very choice. JOHN W. ROBBINd. 1H2 FARNAM. TO LEASE APARTMENTS. TO LEASE A few lTRiCTLY MOD ERN' 4-room apartments in the MAPLES, J&th and Harney, complete cept 1. The most refined and high class eieam heated apartments In the city, fee Jsnltor or N. P. Bergers. Tel. IVmglas 31 tot S. OD Elgtit-room. hardwood finish, new flat, walking distance, best location, IMwOO. IM S. WTH AVE. Attractive, large -room flat, second floor of practically new brick; strictly modern, clean. In best con dition. Phone Harney UK. BIX rooms, modern, 222S Howard. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. FINE eight-room modern flat. Mth and Pacific, Wright A Las bury, out So. lath. Pbons D. 162. HUNTER Realty Co, elegant apartments, Ul N. t&th. FOR RENT 6-room fiat, close In; 614 No. 22d et-; large room, good localu , run and cas stove: new Dlumbtnr bath and toilet; t SO. Tel. owner. Red &J&4. O'BRIEN'S chocolates are famous every where because they are the beet. It Mrs. Sheppard. V4 Wirt St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order tor a ad-cent box free. FIVE room apartment. The Mason, tlst and Mason. 140 per month. Douglas 167L CHOICE SMALL APARTMENTS. THE STERLING. (Corner l!h St. and Sc Mary's Ave.) Apartment No. 7, 4 rooms, t.00. Apartment No. 21. i rooms. 142.00. . Apartment No. 23. 4 rooms, 132.50. Apartment No. 25. & rooms, 142.00. These apartments are strictly modem and up-to-date In every respect. Open for in spection today. PAYNE At PLATER CO., Sole Agents. Sixth Floor Omaha National Bank Bldg. MODERN 4-room flat. TeL Harney lis. t-ROOM steam heated modern flat, KX 8. 13th St, IX. I-room fiat. 1102 8. 13th. 110. FELL PINKERTON CO.. 1 Board of Trade Bldg Stlrctly modern 5-room apartmenc be sides hail snd hath room newly decorated. 18th and Farnam, 140. JOHN W. ROBBINS, 1S02 FARNAM ST. 214 FARNAM ST. A 6-room strictly modern heated apart ment. A bargain at tX. PAYNE A SLATER CO.. Sole Agents, th Floor Om. NaC Bk. Bldg 4-ROM modern flat, oak finish. 130. 6-room flat, 24th and Dewey Ave-. S3&. tt ii v c jt mrrrr 12M City Nat Bank Bldg. TeL D. 1471. THE STANDARD. Don't fall to examine these fins g-room, full modern, steam heated rata. Private halls, shades, cas raturea. janitor, tree hot water all year, walking distance. Summer IZ3, winter 133. compare witn any, even at double price, ieases, reierences. Sols Agents, 6th Floor. Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. NEW five- room finely arranged apart ment strlctlv modern, steam heac Cor nlsh Apartments, southwest corner of 10th and William fts. W. FARNAM SMITH A CO, li Farnam Sc male clerical Don and Mas Gordon. Gaytey Thrills. SUITABLE FOR ROOMERS. t27.50 No. 607 S. 29th Sc. r. all mod- house, also have house adjoining of same number of room. Would connect for right party, which would make good light housekeeping proposition. IS No. Ks 8. d Sc. 10 r. mod. house newly papered and painted. We have al ways rented this for more money, but owner says cut 1C 1106 We have a connected row of three houses of I r. each. All mod. and now well occupied. A money maker. PETERS TRUST CO.. Omaha Nac Uink Bldg. APARTMENTS. HeaC hot and cold water and janitor service furnished. ALSATIAN , Two five room apartments. One on first floor and one on second. Price. ISO.Ou. Ill South Soth street. IVY Beautiful four room apartment on Sherman avenue. Price 130 summer; 3S winter. ARMSTRONG WALH COMPANT. Tyler. 1636. 2 6. 17th SC 41S8 DAVENPORT modern. 7 rooms, best residence district. Harney yfA. , Don and Mag Gordon, Gaytey Thrills' FIVE-ROOM basement apartment In the Alma. 27th and Harney. 12.50. Phone Harney 2029. 110 a: Nice five-room flaC mod. ex. heat 4 No. 21st SC ROBINSON A WOLF. 435 Paxton Block. Phone Douglas 2411 SIX-ROOM apartment In the Sherman. Web. 6765. NICE 6-room apt . modern except heat, tl. 1135 N. 17th. Phone H. 5724. Farateheu Heasekeeplaa- Roosts. TWO nicely furnished rooms, complete for light housekeeping. 2011 Dsvenporc TWO rooms tn modern flat for light housekeeping; on Farnam car Una; 3d floor. U22 8. 10th. or 4 nicely furnished 1st floor and 2d floor roorna all modern, with gaa, bath, etc.; reasonable terms to steady roomers, walking distance or take Farnam Sc car. 2707 Dodga H. f. TWO suites of strictly modern furnished housekeeping rooms; desirable neighbor hood; easy walking distance. Price reason able. B0 S. tth Ave. Phone Harney 14.1. FTVE and six-room flat: modera except heat; in good condition. 'Phone Douglas 66C6. XM CHICAGO Partly furnished light housekeeping rooms. NICE rooms for light housekeeping. 113 B. 24th, NICE rooms and board. IPtS Howard. TWO deslrabls doss In rooms for bght housekeeping. 16.1a. CI N. Idth. m FARNAM. furnished housekeeping rooms for rent. WELL furnished modern hoasekeeplng rooms. ftV Be Mary's Asw. Rod 4kuk PRETTY hems fumlsed, lswn, swnlng, shade, worth 14. for li!. privilege ef buying furniture on payments aad rent 111. fell H. 40th. Leavenworth car line. TWO furnished reams, ttist Marey, A 437. EXCELLENT south front aartos, far ntahed fur houaekeeplsg er slseptag; phnae tree. 36T Harney M- THE HOWARD Small housekeeptng apartments, hod In wail, Ufc-lo. ZiM. and bswaid. OFFERED FOR RENT Faraleaed Hsssekssslsg stoasss. TO quiet couple, suite of boosekeepirg rooms ail modern, very reasonable, set So. Alb Ave. TWO fumlshrd rooms: references r ulred. m.idern. t"7 Wwey Ave 1U N Tll. Furnished bousHieeitng roumk Fhong Harney Suit till CHICAGO. Modem furnished roims for light houss keeping. 1KI OHCAOty l-roora houeekeeplng apartment, bath, rw. trlgerator. gas rangs. i'hone 772s. - HARNEY ST.-M.yiern furnlse4 light housekeeping rooms. Rates from 1109 to A(sx WS 8. TH A VS. Two pleasant house keeptng. conveniently equipped, newly fur nished, outside rooms, large Lawn, modern walking distance. A COOL plunge In Lake Manawa will overcome that hot feeling. If A. Fheppard, 4HH Poppleton Ave., will come to The Bee office within three days we will rive him a pair of round trip tickets to Lake Masr M0 S. 25th Ave., two pleasant rooms, conveniently equipped and newly fur nlrhed; outside rooms, tor housekeeping Large lawn, thoroughly modern, walking" diet an ce. 2407 CAPITOL Ave., modern rurmhe4 rooms for tight housekeeping and sleeping. Good location. TWO suites of strictly modern furnished) housekeeping rooms: "desirable neighbor hood, easy w alking distance. Price reasons able, dtw S. th Ave. Phone Harney 147k Vataurvlaaeel stossns. THREE unfurnished rooms; modem! heated; private family; walking distance. D. 621 tat Burt. TWO unfurnished front rooms, strictly modem, walking distance. 2Jut Davenport. References. Red 746. FIVE rooms, modern except heat, eat blcck from car; adults only; coal stove furnished: only two in owner's family. Ai ply 704 8. kh SC Hawses aad Cettasrea, S175 Cash $26 Per Month New and Up-to-Date Five Room Modern Cottage F. S. Trnllinger J. N. BISHOP, furniture moving and storage, 2 men, tl an hour; speeciaity hauling planoa pbone Web. 21M; B-1407. TWO modern houses. M5 S. 26th. TeL H. 3075. HOUSE, 1023 Leavenworth, all modernt R. WS. FOR RENT An exceptionally fine and modern I-r. cottage on the south side, 124, Including water; key at 660 New Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. FOR case of Blatx Beer Tel. Doug. iL Houses. Ins. RlngwalL Zlrasaals Th. Bldg. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co.. Tel. Doug, tvi. City office. Ul a i;in Sc. Bee Blag. DOUBLE bouse. U13-U16 South SM Sti six rooms oa each aids, 3U " Tata pbone Douglas 4uto. Oav Vaa A Storage Ce. packa.morea,starw feeuaehold goods. Kir proof storage; set IStn. branch. AW a Ilia. Tai. V. sua a-IXo. 3 MONTHLY rents a good plana, A. Hospe Co.. lall DouguM Sc TWO g-room cottages, beauutuly located. HI and 721 So. 87th SC Webstar iim. 2111 Wirt SC, t-room modern house; nlos yard, shade trees. 135.00. FELL A PINKERTON CO.. 213 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR a dainty dessert use I'sixell's lea cream. If Frank Haynes. 4815 pine BC, will come to The bee office within three days we will give htm an order for a quart brick of this fine ice cream. 1101 MAPLE, S-room cottage, partly modern. Web. 2585. CALL and examine our rental UaC Wo have a good variety of houses from which to choose. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Florence, i acres, near car. I&. 1SS4 N. 3ftth St.. 6 rooms. 118. 24 N. I rooms, modern. 2&. S2j California, M rooms, modern. 113? S. 31st Sc. 10 rooms, modern. 3t:5 Cuming, store and t rooms. 3. JOHN N. FRENZER. BOTH PHONES. 10-room modern house with large lawn 74 N. 27th Ave. 125. "-rooms. &M N. th Ave., city water and corner lot, U. JOHN W. 1UJBBINS.-1W2 FARNAM ST. NINE ROOMS. CLOSE IN. 5u2 N. 2ist f-t.. a strictly modern brick dwelling, newly decorated throughout and In a choice location, reduced to 47.0. PAYNE A SLATER CO.. Sole Agents, th Floor Ora. Nat. Bk. Bldg 151 1 N. JOth St., I big rooms: full modern) front and back stairs, big elost-ls; newly decorated Inside and out, compare quality with anything in city at 133. Special terms to desirable permanent tenanC T. J. HOOK office. Uul N. lMh St. -ROOM house. 2511 Corby. Suitable for one or two families. Key next door west, phone D. 2714. MODERN, I rooms, opposite park. 40. Modern, rooms. 21 H. nl 120. PHONE HARNEY IK I. EIGHT-ROOM modern house, located at N. 2fth 8c; IM per munth. Vincent D. Dermody, lul4 City National Bank Bldg. Douglas Tai. FOR RENT. SIX ROOMS modern, very ohetee; large yard: to desirable tenant only.. R. L Sbepard. H73 Lotbrop e-L 7-ROOM modern house, cloee to depots) im So. 11th 6c Phone D. I7i. FIVE rooms. 114; rooma, Ui (26 & tsUv i