TIIE OMAHA SUNDAY . REE: AUGUST 13, lOllf "UflT .i fv.iit-n rma a4 Otaer V-rtrpnt? Dura ajTiH la iDwa air! Elinci.".. Ihee 3tHuwtH KrriWjn Vr-ww'a, Nebraska Oticwfc Eiceptio-iMiJiy Fine Charles Irjw t.? lute-'. PscrrCii Spy? I-j Trill'. I;j in YOURS MAY MAKE AFFIDAVIT City Attcrnsy Rands Dovs. Opinio oa t.H Ssaj-xt c-rcria r two TassEQimss rarrw M M Wt-Tr sa- CWai !!. ai,iA( f!-5sr.i t 1k X W?WU t-c ,-.! c. t7i j. qnioii, riivjiji;.. i arm j Jm a ste iiv er.!l "'.W h. -.'-"W'i !iJwfc .' OK! Rewv ii)v'.; 'A Sb Vhai was - 'i .'is-it I: r!krtR: vy ?s wpulmr n- J'.ic. ;iJ; :jiv Jte.. N-ntCbuanAinf tiu fwp b -e rattan- h;- amy nieuns.. J ai ten tile. rOt Jft.. ls XtnS Onallru wmii mmuu- iwty ' rtrwrr fuitenm fOtr of & vain tint was ktomt!! rvor.- atirat. rvjnr;. pnr:lfm o? Nrhraa'-ii.. tflro smuUmm unrtlfra of Soiuln rmkma Stilw llri Tnnrt'.i Jirfl iif Kan::"., and rn TH ww-jj. aKtrnifllntf winll imr: Itrm OUnri .J i 51, n!. wyrrnnmn. JTlf.sr.r r.lu.. it witJ 8 !f" " tMWKe r.rncliH-.u.'.:': .lr Su; 'l!toi,Ii . Ici tfau Hm U-1 DT Lr -,iB':imi,,!- ' - The o. to tSirfa k a mrdldn Jum-A 5f ... . . . jt iliac c Wnw s-j m? 3J o n .. . . .. . luridly tu tile. lapti snmik mmt ilk a itir.h i . . .,, . . ,. I t?rv day slniLTp Te lauan Swairo aijamt "ni to. Xorfoll:, fe-v; rvm ts" i!SnIi-tl Byhovrr' that In a fnntii'f of Itwtaiic? I moiinteil ti more I'l-in a.'inlf '. vh. .lon; t!is' Black HIMm linn ttm- -.irn to- ljx Beavient at I'"rcnnmt.. ;.-nr:at4 m little butter t!ian .1111 .u-l. Il'i t.'ie w:i ili DrriRtfii of the- Kilchnm val'.ey tin w.'.m a Bray dowipour- iluoljjT. 2ir;it. TVcri almost ln-fiaurtli:ii " acn Inch. i"Viin 3Torfolk: uix the Hlliomr.HUl hraTich. Uiro wpr havy slioworH, wtld'r ovr In ilrrstirv n.H Ttipp countlfn. VaiMto UnUota. thTr a a heavy jiuin.. i..uiu.t.-i;a-i-; a:i nirht jit! Well; into, tin- ir.. TSTiat fr mv Nr.rfnll; ha' rainfaill fani;?ill forma trace li IUrn and; out. atonic Xln lnfnc' ar auu-!v 9d C.T.-Unr.. JCnnes rjiw Cliatttnar'v EJJEhrin Miera WBcn ahnivrr-v ani6 harr rair tix'ara Cip mi J hiilt couiorj-.r. A.1 BrvMoi Uhkv vas s half '.tu:'. as.t e 1ivk Ct. ftvi trc m inch. Jit lb Jafca irit -n'r,- leiivy, llilUiw.' CvVj.' fhrcugft lA lrTV laofsc J1 t-X V"'in4 Kj tanks. On thr na.ai't Skiovtr Hiw. from .Lincoln vxat. torr fcofily place tbst aot iK'ca nviixon. ltc Coolc gxit aa WsiL a. l!(kim. HrjW- IfCf. EuRkt ukl Cur--i t'Jtf (U a baft ircb. AInaa; Um Culoa IacUlc It radud Irom Frccunt 14 Ohjiim Cvvrr poftkm of th 8t. Jew A Grand lalaaJ lias tram Grand Inland La Mobr-th. Kan., waa oAkad, ttta areio(taUoo raaattur from one-half ti an buttt. Azmm at all ataUona en th Nurfolk. BpauUllntf. Callaway and A '.Won brant; Ilea report heavr raltia. aom ofyum aoylna' that It waa a rtarulaf do 1 A pour, ottirasnclnar yaatardar aftar n.vA and oontloulns during tha greater portion of laat night. occui'ie nee. Iif anni'M tAat. cm las prac tically b?n maile m;!iiiii tlkt tout rwi wrrfti 11J that by tlio mliMe- uT :JLiptenibr will nut r.f tlie way of" frust. Tfcw ian.jn Is oomllis: out lr gpod ahape. u' ii.tvinrr. ivu t jpusm. a new t t i t. ami In mult, InnUlfes ar:; ic have cui:ti:ic..ncedl Im cap. ii a. cirr'n al nmft a lii'Rllt aw 1!ha C XT tit . The win trr lance, Mr., f-ana mlfc:ts. will ba thn bpft in year, A month aiTi It lonaonl mk it th" potato n op mlKht. bo- rwarltr a U&ire but In the l.ir-t -pri their 6a ir tatc-na em raw llfn and Mr. I.atm lava aanr Ur waJwit In fnr PJ'"S ! fair yield. ail t-JK ire KAILIIOAD mOFEBTT DAMAGED Terrtfla nalna lleported from Iowa and Illlnola Palate. Ono of the heavleat raalni In tha hlatorr of tha Mlaeloalppl rallejr paaaed over east ern Iowa and western Illinois rrlday and TrW'.u.y nlehC Fasoengars arriving on tha thwoplom'S Overland limited Haturtfay 'ming state that reports from tflwns ue the river maiuated ihat the rain- aggregated three and four Inches over large area. They heard reports of gon bridges and roads being washed out, crops destroyed and some live stoota drowned in tha low lands. For miles on either aid of the rivar the low lands were uruler water and the streams overflowing their banks when the train passed through tha flooded dlstrlst. Of the Omaha-Chicago road, the Milwau kee was tha greatest sufferer", The Over land Utnited due In Omaha at 0:1S was devoured and did not arrive here until 1:30 o'clock last evening. There are a number of grades washed away an the main tine, west of Clinton, Ia,.T and east of Babula. III. On the line from Clinton to Dubuque, 1.000 foot of erode eighteen (tet high has bean washed away, Advicoa are that over an are fifty miUa north and south and twenty-five east and rain fall in torronts tar tea to twelve Attempt to Destroy Anna Wilson Home .Palatial Straoturo Kcocatfy Offered for a Hospital it Vltitcd by a Pirefauj'. A supposed attempt to doetroy the Deug las xtreot building wttiah Ann W)iwn r efit; offered U the eftf for a Hoeptui ill mppea in the tend shortly afuy g 0-cJvk Baturdey aftrni. A pejrhy maw eatoita fasuiAtf frefll rear of the palatial tumm and ha iw tnediJttnl ytumed lit a a!), RaapoadiBg, t;-. flrsmnw hm4 a p H rWHf n4 tapers alku in Um year port t &4 bull.llns, T.ut fire wo vninewUfhat teofore 03? damage waa drno, ' 'NEBRASKA AKOjOWA PATENTS tuit f Tkoae t WImm tXtavH Mava naeai m ft mm Utwm Official list 'of Mtera atoi (4 lion, Isued front tb VW mu y" t at Wsshloffton, P, C, M KWWWIH (4 low and XeevgAM, wr WW w smc August ii, iu, yMVMl frsis ffw tnce of Wlllsrd feMeY (it PMM and counwlor Irt plrt( Pjr National bank buUtot, 0Ke(Mr rf la John O. AUiv- f OiMlltl, ir (r quiittng-franvx, Tv harl nfteKrtW rvf AHiwfit, firt tvr air-brah Pv? - . y, isaau C, fc- e CtmWaV lr f9? lirvry;iiphlc cannwOx .,. . . . . o ahiv H of tW K-A, fer -U.y JLMrv .VI. CWWK4H 4 i UMtth v for (ln-!TViins t To -hlp WtrM rr-MMSr jt Inr cornlc-Klit".- , . To. Joef al Uvtoy, fj? irofieiler.. . , , , . To AnJtTTT J.. (vwgo oT FiMSfcl J' fcr sprine-hlnaei- . . Ttv Philip .J.- faea1 df VrfrU fl'afer Rachlnc-moW.- . . . Vo Pailip Of 9rt4f fif To' ,-ary Wllf' of faint P&, hr pltwv.. l o Ar- J.: fri&J? 4 t&trf &Rm(Htt . tniclv . . Tio Xiniam' C-. FW- rtf r.tfiit faV, vi- rfvnnf-va4v. mwH'rinTrt To ?Tirioie- '.v.- rrrWwM.f n rireiriV iaV, fc.--.- dltohinn-marHlHV 4i-!-raa' rimii(Vsf' Ja oirtii' .iwr- V iiwjwti fa' i 3ajt' SJKn: CfKvfhn;1 Wy"V ft&i KiS'i'll cirrr(rpi:yNH'' fof Wyoming' rf'.ril VfMal Work'in's!: tiut1 tli" tMll1 T 1 n 1 , . f iiMfiuiiiv ri'.-ri oi a IWT .&9titi.tlfi f Sir?' SrrfVfrkV hV fti'tir3 0 f- ill vT4 f-.frrf tMM' if tK Wd4y-.vwjttwllr,p"f' 1. tVoYWrMa-ji'bVA'JJer tv?-, ftHf 1 vWifA'V vrtt' iS Grocery Company YantsItsPayfor Some Provisions 3at tic liaa 7&o Cbatractid Has Cctkctzd Cis Frufcfa and DisappearciL Sixty I Ui liana. Burlinetoa railroad labor ers, appeared before County Judge Charlie Is!le Saturday and vociferously declared tiu-y do not owe tha Italian Importme aroeery company for t23k7T for provisions. Tbo company had gamisheed their v acres and had them brought into court to show wium why they should not pay. 'With the assistance of a trio of Interpreters It finally was learned that each Italian paid his share to Fellsss Mazza, who, instead of paying the grocery company, vanished with the money. Joseph Ealerno. of the company, said he refused to deliver the provisions until each Italian had signed a promise to pay for himself and all the others. It developed, however, that Matia signed for them and they could not be held for what he did. Crushing Injuries Result in Death Theodore Pansor Fella from Eleventh Street Viaduct aud Dis9 in the Hospital, Theodore Fanor, who fell from the elev enth street viaduct Friday evening at 7:39 o'clock, sustaining crushing'- Injuries, .died in St Joseph's hospital Saturday morning at 4 o'clock. In the fall to the railway tracks below the viaduct one of his legs waa mashed to a pulp, his Jaw was broken and he received Internal injuries. Pansor was found by empioyss of the Union Pacific Railway company, K. V. Bti bert, 6708 Marcy street, and Frank Delflarn, 1419 South Fourteenth street, as thsy were walking up the tracks to eo home, Pansor was in an unoonsoious oonditlon When found, He wae taksn to Bt. Joseph's hos pital In the police ambulance and attandtd by Police Surgson Peppers, Its regained consciousness after reaching the hospital, but eould not talk, From what oauld be gathered, he walked to tha highest part of the bridge and crawled up and sat on (be ratlins. A strong wind was blowing and after having sat there but a few minutes he lost his balanaei The police are, re- luetaftt to believe the sttiry told by Pansor, but aannat offur any other cause for tha fall, unless his Intent was suicide. Morchant Injured in Auto Collision GuUi 7'tsti 6t Tnt C&ihdsn TrMs? Eapwiiy Dads Street, CraeiiM lata Ett'27, Piimk a fttfliNSBftiia , A, ftfkHBa, a wntUMt Mir9 4 ASH ea&ttel av W tavBint? Br gsiiwlfty- Sa.4 wfttto Mvine umiH tm tfinawt a t&e (M$fmiim f4 ti3 iw auwa Wf tin 414 lb wi5 ras 4tta4 tf erm Ptt 9t FH (tltun, wb -s ifivlag n&iUf attaa ftoags a(fsst, Urn Wi3 amestsd. pilsfiMa) sm&a (naf pr'iwt yae (tfiflfiS eX tte rata of pwaatfrOw aiiea a hf fim wae Ma fadiuai fawo, 0" oU eras a4af red, a waa aeoartad t? UUtatl & fcasia "Ffe imsav M tOictt Niesaa was Somo Light on Siou City Murder Mystery Lsi fLsaa ylczka f-.ntf XWk4 iW? $T 7ariy fJ fifrn'f ( iKrr yrr wUk of a pr'SiiSUSf fiJfSV ff-W Kt-. rftrf i"e -F Stof? f nrif r-i' Tito l' t'hV c'u ir f'.? S&iZB tn ur WPIrinc.' MitWAMK gf.T? fiitfj eiic 'I? if iiwiik'e road arorfff tif 'to th"' gam ol hanging. pro-"ti4ct'lve gif?fb Into Bennett en MAtetie ccufesV Pout DakotsT:- tlrif ere T V cnc-P??- r-t -' merit: bur w'hfeH if s of ;'w)si.-' !rtSiar reservation; Tfie rt'rer.?- cJcir.ri" ment of thi fjaS Is 6it w't'? if SzrPurrei: tn tSaf 6S Octdbef J ,T7,' . it -vi! ft", rotihd" friir t'cliets ttf CHsfnotr'aln rri Ra'ptrf 6lty' ft-' 0.; at arf uni-ct-slfv J r-V In1 orflr' that peVftef rrray rVf - the" couhtleV C(J bV" evened.-' . . The BeSrjett that fcc?JSW at far.of fife a ftreVtftev, itt'out. Sd!..i?; ? xf" H pfK-e fingiUs .IfSf Sff: tc f tvfrrtf:ffr','a' M ,c r-r t" t t j A ww nWnc i ta INs Mtt of tJ jrV!Sitw4 x-.- ires dwiixx I t c4ty tetk atwrduj m&rrUas y O; AUr- nej- 13ns, ml asreee tVs nine e ixi takwa by the city" tasi aivtwre .iuiia tke warmetwd to van J ui ta CJiit Mm Iks oaj- iet:. Ttao tlUv.Js. hwc ax otKoatsil ecr t tn- Miotics Xmui Om Mat t pcajtc, jwt A tati scan law apectfoaiV ynivjf-s. 11.4 offutitA C Ur csqr ttiasr & a ii;- wa b' Baabft, CStf Cl.rt. i 1 answer tn rvHiat. we aai ve.hwu ;uu u tu tn . i..iit h w Mwur o vuto aa ;iw AukueI ur.inurieu ubn efeuiui aas failca to .Bolster, win akieva Uiat. 1 aava cureiul.y in..;siisi:i UK (Mnvm and it is m uuiiuuii mac nur auiaiitlsU elecioi- has tut) i.i,;il to voia aL uue ynnianea rt'Katdles jt v-heiher or uat. icux euicidr been us.siPim. Tiiia u. otiuuon. ivfn tu u uur ubuiusa; u August j, llil t. uccit.a .J, 01. aruTL 1 eu b! consU.iit.on o.u.-Uf-s Liac ekieuat jtiail be tree an ! ;nre sliail e a otitaranco or Ira- riEiiiniF.nl in. uiw nJi af a. njaiuieii vdw 11. -..f!s che p'f.r-tiY ranr-i!8"." Section 1 ut iruoe I o tha constitution piuv-O:.-, inai e-ty aiaitf yi.-on ot tnu ai$a of Jl ,aia. of line rtute enunipraied ' 3hiil oa an aiei.Lor." Ikt section turtuer piuv.U. inaL ducik Bmrm snail nave te khI u in tli- staxe iu saunth anfl In th toiJDty or fceviuct r vma ror suc'ii term aa inc. oe erowMd a? law. Our suxufeR fcaiinia loat every ma.a pei son uc ila a&a ta ik yar or upwards o-lon'-t l1 uaei rlUflM cBMinrrated. snail os ait ;'cxr 11 wea jnoricj sha.l nave ta- aidMi Vkiii-jaji ie siaie six. aionth. in IM crMuiiy .? and ta tiia. precinct ur vwnt ita air. Eectlun T3 of Cobbcy a Annotated F4aiutcs of Aeoruka for lii. the satoe be- Ine a ian oi Uie prunary c.iHion kaw wtVMies Uui no iuireixieri(l elector shall t pnaiimt to vtue units cms niaKes an ailwara seiumc lonn the rtainn why be iatlcd 10 rtKimr and delinrs what reasons may te given. 1c iiu bcea held by toe supreme court ef tbts siaie ia the case of filate against Corner, i: Rett.. 2H5. that under the see- that the riicht of an elector to vote at an elrtion cauinot be abridiced or denied, and that any law which denied to any qualified elector a right to vole provided he is able to prove himseif such any time before the closing of the polls, is void. That the court has further held In the case of btate against Drexel, 74 Neb., 77. that th -! Inna nf the constitution heretofore quoted apply to primary elections, as well as to regular or general elections. It therefore follows that so far as said section BS7 seeks to deprive any qualified voter ' from voting at the primaries, said section Is without force or effect. It does not, however, follow, that the whole of section 5879 Is void. I therefore recommend that blanks in conformity with said sec tion be nrenared and that unregistered electors before being permitted to vote at the primary be requirea to prove tnem selves qualified electors in the manner therein set forth, except so far as being required to give one of the reasons set forth In said section. To my mind the eiector may give any reason he sees fit. In answer to your inquiry relative to the second affidavit mentioned In said section ;, which relates to giving the pary affiliation where none was so stated by tha elector at the last registration, will state, that It is my opinion that the same may bo made before any or tho Judgee of election or before any other officer authortxed by law to administer an oath. tcsgpecuuiiy, JOHN A. BINE, City Attorney. POLITICAL. I am a candidate to succeed my&oK for Judge of thg District Court of thlo Judicial District, and If tha votorg bxi- Il0v I havg boon fair and square la performing tho duties of my offieo. I would very much appreciate tftalr sup port oa primary day for another torm on too be neb. Abraham L Sutton r k VOTE IS ALL WARDS FOR PR. II. A. FOSTER TOM School Board j favor tiie uae of school buildings for improvement Club meetinga. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. W. G- URE POLITIC I,. POLITICAL. I T. DYSART Qeminds His Friends I lah to remind my friends that ,belng a candidate for County Judge, with but one opponent, the preaent Police Judge. Bryce Crawford, and with the unusual number contesting for other offices, and other unusual and surprising conditions in my favor, my nomination seems assured, unlea you faii to vote. If you wlab. me well, do your voting Tut lay. J. T. BTSAaT. lo Oouaty J edge. JOE B. MUEL REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE for SHERIFF " POLITICAL. POLITIC L. ! . "- 1 rCssn-rn an rrrsnisrsi nmni JswIlssMilsissai isiftiaiiiSasiriTiil iinsri i i Li 11 iiej 11 1 1 nss.iTm sushi wi 1 1 n is.ssw Jce B. HoaoI Fcspctfolly Solicits Your Support. I have lived In Omaha since IS64. being a property owner and tax payer. Formerly wo.kcU as a carpenter. Waa Street Comnil lslonor dur leir the- late? Fitk K. Iooe.''ai Aninrsiration. the sm-vC 01" wnicfi I per Iurrae.1 fait'rftrlifv and (o. tle. bet interests f th laxtMjrevsi. As: a wxni!H- t the preewtsc city Oatnctl iirpiu:Til tlie Occopotlora Tar- .ti-oc. rJavtwa; a t vff Jt t! cr-setf; earninc of all rweW'? vw7eei3niisfli aO"tpwt(-ii to. rfro.i.:nai.ff?3r M a jear an alrw biv4lwia tm ftWe. a. tax era ntvj9. T fr ti jvMwaupe f tlw OvUTrwrej trvrtw; lie? pioTlei ll.e gaa w'fceii l irevlim.- weme la tbe nT-Pi'.. HHtmwJ wc, be-itio- S'treei Car Servtca ami Exuo5i?-a P lta Unej " diWrnnw tm tif the citr- t ni a. nnm di!ew im i am'ViiP Own-'sj'ajj) of aJS TtsWI"; Servtea CfcSBWilew.. tfcerrcTe. saiip-iwmne the Tljrar BhtidHi a nola e'erttonr rrri5 iry w-rtrn a. CmcneHtwa have alvrajst TBiad on tm alte f tJia w wnaiirrsl t"W Crartrai!i?rB. TQnttrnma-iUSy swil'i'.HItrrur; j'tta.- wiH'ort. ftp Vies f3ir " KbmrilT mS TbW taw Oimvr&, J rcmuuw vurT'wmi Wit- inr'ieTi tu tb lft of iw aV411ty antalsJtrt. Warn- w Sattvr auns xu sfiecip-r rcTr-w-n 1 arjnsrMv 1 rvra rrapex.tfu.ff'y. JPOSZ 3.. UDU9L. FRANK. C. BEST a Thomas B. McPherson Alf. C. Kennedy, I John P. Breen Dr. A. C. Stokes. 1 T. A. Hollister E C. Hodder I A. G, Edwards J. W, Smalley John M. Macfarland Only Republican Candidate for Nomination for Judge of the Supreme Court from Douglas County. John M. Macfarland, one of the most prominent and successful law yers of the Nebraska bar, has filed for the republican nomination for Judge of tho supreme court. ' He has practiced In .the supreme court of this state for thirty-three years. He has tried over thirty murder casrs and now has over one hundred civil and criminal cases In the district court of Douglas county and in the supreme court. He has moro cases In the Douglas county district court than any other attorney, and that has been bis record for over two years. Theee are facts and they prove conclusively that Mr. Macfar land has a most enviable reputation as a lawyer. Ills long and success ful experience has made him famil iar with every phase ot the law and procedure In practice, and there Is probably no lawyer In Nebraska better qualified to fill the Important position ot Judge of the supreme court. He is a diligent lawyer and closely studies his cases from every angls, and this qualification should be a requisite for every supreme Judge. As supreme Judge he would prove a valuable acquisition to that tribunal aa hls..unceasing Industry would aid materially In advancing case, for final hearing. Mr. Mac farland Is a gentleman of even tem per, good Judgment and compan ionable at all times. He has a ker-n sense of Justice, which certainly is a good recommendation for a supreme i . " - , . '! ' x-; v ' S!-- ' 1 . ,lV. - Judge. He is the only republican candidate for this position from Douglas county. One-tenth ot the votes of Nebraska will be cast In this county, and It la figured that It Mr. Macfarland is nominated he will bring great strength to the republi can state ticket as well as the local ticket. He Is a man ot strong mag netic personality, and his host of friends will do everything In their power to advance his interests. The republicans of Douglas county espe cially, and the republicans ot the state genprally.'wlll make no mistake In voting for the nomination of John M. Macfarland for supreme Judge. p JTV Virw VOTE FOR The Noaiinalioa o! the Old Veteran Geo. C. Cockrell Republican Candidate for Justice oi the Peace i Cn Primary Cay, August 13, 1911 For the office of County Com missioner we glady recommend Frank C. Best, who Is a successful business man of known integrity, and as a member of the 1907 legislature, which Is recognized as the best legislature Nebraska ever bad, Mr. Best proved himself a strong character. His business ex perience qualifies him for this Im portant office, and with such a man in charge of the expenditures of the office, the taxpayers' Inter ests are sure to be protected. From the fact that a million dol lars are annually expended &y the County Commissioners, the taxpay ers should see to it, that men ot ability and known Integrity are elected. J. P. Jerpe Vincent Randazzo Jacob L. Jacobson S. V. Gustafson HOW T VOTE DISTRICT JUDE DICKINSON, CHARLES T. 0 Mark your ballot as shown above. Judge Dickinson served the PEOPLE as district Judge from 1896 to 1904. Was defeated for re-election by a combination against hlui. Let the l'EOri.E put him back. He has no combination or clique back cf Uim. SSELL BLAIR, NEB. Candidate for the Republican Nomination for Seat) lUiiway- C6SlSiig9i63Wi, A native of Nabraaka, fifid twgptjfrliiFea -aaro eagagad in farming, U a part of thj reeav4 PL Z Ilusoell has ta eff e, Mr, liuaH waa fo? ittiw ygafa a fftsmbar of tha. Btattt Boar4 of Agrieulture, an4 6arv4 4 yWFS aa ita treaauref fllao two years oq tha Uoa of lnn&vs, A elaaij feaarij of foti? years aa Tra&&iiff o( Washington Gounty aa4 thfm years as Assistant Cashls? of tha Cltigana State BanU of J3hti?, WANTED Votes for the O'd Veteran o T, GoFdom Who possesses the ability and experience to make for Omaha it competent Democratic Nominee, Attorney at Law, I'lillllHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIHIIiillll!! CHARLES E. FOSTER POLICE JUDGE Candidate for Nomination on Republican Ticket I Primaries Aug. 15, 1911 Graduate University of Ne braska, a practicing attorney, and formerly Deputy County Attorney Douglas County. zmmmmaxmm VOTE FOR HIM SIiMaiiniai ii l lifT- Alexander C. Troop Republican Candidate for , i;' Re-Election for DISTRICT JUDGE Respectfully solicits the support of the voters at the Primary Election August 15, 1911 I. - ..J Primaries Tuesday E30 t"JAl!ili For Judge of DISTRICT COURT L I tots roit Joseph P. Cleland ror Board ef Bdaeatloa. marVB- X.IC AaT rrlmary. luumau taat ke LTV US USS, has duldraa aa4 ta II A. FOSTER Republican Candidate for DISTRICT JODQH 4'th judicial niiViiei J . L. KALEY Republican Candidate for Districts udge fcjsv&3 fc vWity 'vlgej &4 aw k mm awwtt it IM.i St vW.bx,t trtjf aoa. uatereetea aa we soil oo is. J iraitl imrnjl, Aam Oat i;