Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Image 9

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    Omaha Daily Bee.
1 HE
Wit. he
r. fletlew wed eweehs
he kn ef eaUMelw-
Hosiery Bargains
Women's Fine Bilk HonWy In
Mark, white and rolcra and all siaes
a specially tooi number for 50c the
pair. Oas lot of Tsbii'i e
Lle Howe. Saturday. 5f U rir.
or S pair fr tl.flO.
Candy Specials
60c lh. Flaffeta OiocoUte the
klBd with tie soft creamy eemters
at 2c- Oc OmlW iHpped Oera
roeJ. &atur"sy V- tie lb. tPe box
of Pit Salted iYuiu, s;rial tor
Saturday, ifc
Store Closes
Saturd'y Even
ing at 9 O'clock
All other Air at i m.
given with ev
ery Purchase
IVrTit fen-pe to uk for tnem.
First of All-Reliability. After That. Prices as Low as We Can Make Them
- m r Tt
Time Enough Yet if You Hurry to Secure
One of Those Men's &22.50 Suits at 59.75
W are about to ths mi 3 of our dearanos aalea in tie men's store, vtlch necessitates Aerial?
action on poor part.
Tfcls special asaorcmeiit for Satsrara ilHr.g it ocapoaed of alioot 1(0 of the season's tholcest,
tropical and medium we!s:ht, all wool setts In tana, greys, brown a. fancy nirtcrea and seme atapie
uaJes mil that hare sold all season at $15. 00 to $12. JG, priced bov at $.76. Generally only
on of a kind, not all slses from 4 to 44.
Aimo two lots of odd trxurrs are priced aa follows 15.00 nines at f2.75; IT. Tallies at
And one lot of youth's Ions naata suit worth to $16.00. viH be closed out at KL7S.
Bays Clothes Lessened in Prise Buy Them far School
Great bargains ererr one of them All new patterca. coloringa, fabrics and styles meascrlEK tip
to our neTer-Tarjiiig: etandard of Quality and workmanship. Ttj are hand tailored made for serr
loe as veil as pood appearance.
75 Boys Suits, worth cp to $3.50, Saturday, $1.89.
Boys' Suit that are worth up to $5.00, at $2.75.
Boys' Suits that have sold up to $10.00, at $4.95.
Choice of Every Man's Straw Hat in the Store--
Panamas Excepted-Saturday at SI. Values to S4
Mee'a "6ujrtor" i 00 Bilk
lisle anion volts In tan. Hi
saimon. white and grey; Sat
urday SI ..
Men's sa.e oft shirts -with
French cuffs. S1.SS.
V.M' tH'O
At 6C
Meti s Kfe mesn
f-ea shirts and
and baTbrig-
Men SS.OO soft end nlsitet
heeom shirts at S1.1&.
Ven coat ahlrta vith
Wfti' S5c rat tlaa, IS rach,
t rw for ISc
OrcaUes4 FNtntadn Pen.
Plan, PlamC aitxl PSc7
Sa tba sjiiM ac backf
! ftiit hupiiiil tm f onatsia pm ani ymt ariS
ttta cmr rti.t n pttr lew wtMl ft
Anna naC tar arUal n M aatd la da.
Jaa t?G JL laa. lKUflt.
to. r
A roaiilrtr display of U)sa famona
pna may now be sn la fur Hamer
strast arlndna-s They're on sale in
the stationery atora
Sporting Goods
All Fishing Tackle
Poles, reels and other
supplies, at Off.
Bae Bail Goods cf ail
X. kinds., at 25 per cent off
All Bathing SnlU for men
and boys ...Half PrMie
Choir of each and ererr
Base Ball Suit In stock
t 50
Bae Ball Caps as long
as they last f
IFc and fr Galvanlaeil Kefric
erur Pans 10s
flTi Covered Galvaaisad Ash
Cans Sl-85
1 Ccvered Oalvajilred A i
Cans, a larrer sis SlO
Mc Oarbace Paila. aitb cover,
at rsc
lr Llprhtnins Esc Beaters and
Mixers le
l&e heavy Tin Palls, a-quari
size 100
Cljolce tit svery Screen Door In
the store values from f 1 M
to ll.'i Saturday omy.-SOs
He Ixrng Handled Point Ehpv-
ela, to eloee out K&e
12 00 fa-o-burner Gas Plates
lir Combination Glass and
Iron Lemon Squeezers ...S&e
All RrfriprsTutors and Ice
Cbewts trtll be sold Sat
urday t a dlaoount t
2 per cfnl from tbe
rrvgnlar price.
Curtain Strei chert that
usually sell at
Saturday 9SC
Vollst Fapae Three rolls ef
1.006 sfceets each of fins
Quality, sanitary, soluble
tiaaue, Saturday "
Bix Soils of Tolls Vapor
t0t Sheets to the roll
Heplenish Your Silk
Glove Supply From
This Store ia-ataoa laarta Silk Wiia,
in brt and Mark ana all oolora aud
sisea. Sl-OO tbe pair
rsaraas lS-aartoa laarUa U O-Hiiaa,
In all roiors eteria:iy ihe atiaoea tbai
ars bard to ret and slaes; 1.T Ue
Karssfs lS-Vsrkoci Vanrta waits mux
Ueeaa. In all aixes, a very serial vaiuS
at aijfiO tba pair ,
tlTSi STKCaAXr-lS-bmHoa toartk
ZalaiS O.aTaa, tn ail eolora and siaea. a
regular frOe valua eperlaily priced for
Saturday at trao tbe pair.
w Music Extra!
The Remainder of the
C. C Mickey Stock.
Saturday. 5e the Copy
Hundreds of Omaha's nitnric lovers
avai.ed themaelres ef this marmfioetit
oj'forturiHy last Saturday but tbe stock
a as so larpe selection is IB nowise im
paired for this Saturdays shopper.
Cboios ef Bota. Tooal and Tnsli iimsiital
ltuste at ao, or S lor sbc
Sobbs of tbs Tsoal Homa Sveet
STrnmbarsi Hon etc
Aftera-arda, A rv ef tbs Xb-
jki.fer. Serenade.
I -ream of Paradise
In Ojd Madrid,
The Pal ma.
Just before th
Battle Mother.
iiy Old Kentucky
lxift Chord,
One S-aeeuy Sol
emn Thourfct,
Fuck of Apea,
Rot ked in tbe Cra
dle of tbe reep.
Still aa the Night.
Simple Confession,
Tim o' Shan'.er,
Thine Ca n,
Wearlns of the
Good Kicht.
Rare Shoe Bargains for Hen, Women and Children
200 Pairs of Women's $3.00 Oxfords in sizes 2 to 4 and widths AA,
A and B; odds and ends to close out 98c the pair.
100 Pairs of Vamn! WUtt OaBTaa Xlffe Tbnas,
worih li.tO ths pur, SaturdBy. aa-8S
wuii vasTaa nuein
formerly priced at IJbO; Saturday.
C1.45 th pair.
m sad Oafards for
this season a styiea. in blacs ana
taores-uiar It Tatuea at H-S tbs
All Men'a 9X.OO Oaforda. Saturday, 1.75 tbe
pair tan, Russia, calf, doll and paUnit colt leatfter
in all aises from S H to 11.
One lot of Boys' aairpls Oifra ss, worth t!0 the
pair. Saturdav, S1S Pieniy of warm weather aliead that
will caul for just such footwear as this.- And twmdea. tbey
wia he fine for school wear.
AU ilsssn'. eaUdroa ant larrs W pasons and as
fords at a disewint of SS pas oast. Satarday.
Anvil t borua
Alpine Hut,
Battle of TVat-erloo
Puddlrs Floaera.
t upia a t 'atroi.
Con Amore,
E.-ielaelas Glida
E'ehins Star.
Paiiinj 'Waters.
Ineb Melodies,
Heailer Beiis,
La Grace,
Jolly Fellow's
" alts.
Overture Pstrimic,
Price Imperial.
Rlppliris fTavea,
Rank and File,
Shepherd Boy.
A Sweeping Clearance is Responsible for Those
Prices on Women s ana iiissob
t1 an . sr fVA s f tft T 2o Aja T5rH M-A m TsA T? iT r.ra.tR. in this ramT 's test 54-inch
women s io w sum iucii, "t r ,
models-rlain tailored and with Persian trimmed collar; some have sailor coars-AU
sizes in the lot with the exception ol ainraay, or iuir ) v
. lea avlaln M iH JaB. . 1 1 t )W lastS
MM'i 1.V(W to S25-00 Wlk fonlard aad Mesaiine ittss k
b'.acs and hne; black anfl white checas anjTanajrhite poia. &ta-roe hih necA
In the assortment sites from 84 to 41, while they last. ff5.00.
Junler Coat- at 55.UU
Misses Suits at S5.00
Plain tailored models made of Shepherd checked
materlala- and gray atriped suitlnpi and lined with
best lining:; sites 14. 1 and 16; ralues $10.0 and
112.00, Saturday, IMtt.
Twenty plain tailored Jctlor Coats of bs tsrpem
and coven. In tan. Mack and navy; sises 18, II . and
17 medium weights suiuhle for school wear 110.00
and S1S.C0 Talues at s.(i0.
China an. Pieces for
Home Adornment
fl.50 Pnreaa MarNe Basts of ail
kinds, to close cut 25
1.60 Majolica Candlewicks with
sold tracing., pretty odd snspea,
for 75C
&c Iecorate4l Baby Plate. -45
3c decorated Enjllsh earthan lea
Pots IOC
45c bine deoorated Intch Plaoqnes
$1.00 Mariana Bupars and Creaan-
era at. the nair
Fancy China Berry Seta, In fmu
designs, worth I1..&. Saturday,
t St
Tin top Jelly Tumbler, -pint
size, do ten SO
S doten beary Fruit Jar Raboers,
Saturday f S5f 1
A Ims All of Our Own Popular
Mow Samrday, at Ktc the Opy
A new shipment of handsome, well
made Musle moils will c-o on sao Sat
urday at Sl-OO for your choice.
Toilet Goods
11.00 La Treflo and Axuxea powder
Pciuonl s fcOe powder at ........Sis
II bit Oriental cream at H-OS
fcOc jar pom(eian massase croam. .
60c box Bradiey s sea sail at S&e
ir-c Balhasaeet powder at... ISc
2bc Wuinerc shampoo at ISe
VToodburj-'s ic Jacial cream... is
Mennema and Colrale'a tbo talcums St
only ISc
bOe Pebeoo tooth paste at .......... .
One lot of lRc talcums at ....So
l'6r bottle Hire root beer at loo
60c bottle peroxide. Saturday at SS
I be per pound Borax, Saturday. .. . 10s
ivc nax cieaner at w
be Tanslefoot fly paper, S Shasta for.Ss
sa turpat-alL bathing caps
at 26 per c ent oft.
Fancy Home Grown
Petatoes. 40c the
Peck ef 15 Iks.
Extra fancy Colorado Freestone
Peaches, tie crate 91.15
Extra lancT California Bartlett
Pears, a full bushel box. 52.4S
Fancy home grown Tomatoea, the
basket tC
Country Gentleman Swt Com,
the doten ears IOC
4 large Cucumbers --5C
J beads large site Plain Lettuce
4 bunches Beets 5t
I bunches Carrots 5c
Fancy Cooking or Eeatlnr Ajple.
Whltneya Crab Apples, market bas-
v-. sac
Fancy ripe Bananas, docen ...... ISe
Strlns or Wax Beans lb
For Your Sunday Dinner
yrotr-t vntiraif mnA rmir eTnCW fr TirraalTi Vfmr frrooerea onlT Wfftere
every item is tested for purity and la of a known quality tbe best quality.
i lb. ran B. C Bakmc
Powder, and 100
stamp, for ... ...HOO
Berineit'e Capttol iak
lr.s Powder, and .SO
stamps. h. oan . . . o
SS-Tb. sack Ssanscrs
Mat near S130
Can Benneitt'a Oarltol
Evergreen Corn, and I
stamps 10c
bare Ivory Soap. B&o
bars Pel a Naphtha
S(ip, for BSC
Iocblo atamps
alaasd Bufx.
Bottle Snider' s Chile
Sauce, and It stamps,
for a&c
Can Snidar's Baked
Beans, and It stamps,
for ISO
I cans Snider's Baked
Beana. a&d It stamps.
for SOe
Larfr er Gillette s
Mustard, and 20
stamps, for ISe
bars -Eactria npai
"Whole Rice, per ). So
Ess Plums, the cab lOe
Bennett's Best Coffee,
and stamps, lb. Sc
Bennett's Best Coffee.
and t sfsa. I lbs. X
Golden Coffee, and 10
stamps, lb See
Assorted Teas, and SO
st am pa lb sna
Aseorted Teas, and K0
stamps, lb. ...... -SSc
triotly rrsek XVrra, at,
per aoaea SOe
Pull Cream Cheese, and
It stamps, lb SOe
Vlnrisia Sa iss Cheese,
and It stampa, lb. a&c
14-lb. sack tiamond
Crj-stal Salt, and 2t
stamps, for afro
,Pk. Inamond Crystal
Salt, and 10 stamps,
for XOc
Bennett's Capitol Ex
tracts and 20 stamps.
iottl lac
I cane Fwirt'e Pride
Cleanser, and 1 1
stamps . S5c
White or Tellow Corn-
meal, sack - - ISe
Quart can 5. W. C
fryrup loo
Lut-tiey's Asparatrus
Tips, can Sfre
Batter Srertals
tauatt'a Oapdtol Oiaeim-
ary Batter, la. SOe
Preak Otrantry Batter,
np from Sac
Pas Capitol Wi,et or
Cata, and 10 stamps.
for 10
&0c can Old Mission
Ripe Olives SOe
V0c ran Old Mission
Ripe Olives ISc
J5c can Rjchlleu Ebadrr
for SOe
Iten a Borne Made
Cookies, the lb ISe
Quart can GaileraB
Pure Ollva ou be
If you foloa Uie Ben he t im
meat advertisements for Sat-.fJ
urdav, it won't take Ions o 11
determine wby the larrt.
crowda are to be found here
Quality aoee hand la band
a ith our Jew pneins
Spring Chickxns lG1
Steer Pot Roast,
and GC
Pork Roast ...9Uc
Pork Butts llc
Shoulder Steak, 2
pounds .15c
Boiling Beef, 3
pounds . 15c
Lamb Stew, 3
pounds - .-.150
Veal Stew, 3
pounds -.15c
Hamburger, 3 Ibc 25c
Pork Sausage, 3
pounds . 25c
Lamb Legs lOVsC
Lamb Chops ..lOcJ
Veal Chops . ...10c
Small Bacon ...ISHc
11 lbs. Leaf Lard.. .SI
Norway Herring, per
keg GO;
Proof that He Supported the luae at
Special Elections.
AiUJ 01 01-rUhIXlUa AA11.1 U
Letter, that Peesc-4 mm Tkereaay
Skew Mr. Here te Hire Been
Active la Behalf ef tbe .
Bohemian Athletic
Teams Have Gone
to the State Meet
JCen and Women to Represent tie Lo
cal Orguiix&tions at
Dodpe, Eeb.
Secre tary of State Here to Look Into
Deaf School Improvement.
la Order te Keep Eirraw Itala tne Alle-weal by State fee
the lafnnetil Plao.
Are BeTised.
In their des;eration for an lxSwe tbe ep
punents cf Fred H Hoye are eoins to ary
letisth. One f tbe sll'.y stories they ha
set afloat is to the effect that Sir. Hoye
opposed the issue of water bonds at tbe
Aooompanled by a crowd of friends and
supporters, tbe three athletic teams of the
Tl Jed Sokol left last -ven;r.r at
I .SO o'clock over the Northwestern line for
I'odSe. Neb where the state meet is to
be held. Tbe athletes numlur forty-three.
The Omaba teams have ajways taken
recent special electiona Tbs truth Is that j Prominent j.iaoe. in me k iii i extension provided ir an eisnt-incii ui
noia out pooa rromise to oo so attain, i ne
Addison Walt, secretary of state, made
another visa to Omaha Thursday to in
vestigate further tbe water main question
at the school for the deaf. Tbe plans
eras n by the city engineer tor tne
Hoys favored tbe bonds and uaed his
J i f uenoe in tbeir behalf at botb the special
Y "tiona In proof of this asseruon tbe
rjioaliiC lerUfs are submitted:
OMAHA. Aug IB. Hon. FL B. Horn ell.
W-mt-er of ths Water Board. Omaba: Iear
Sir Those who are trying to make political
capital against me are. 1 am told, nus
rprrnentiiis dk. a. havir.K toupht the Wht-r
bvnda in tie reot-nt special bond etec'tions.
As a member of the enter iKiard in done
tou!ii mnn inw i eewctrons i asa you j, 4ue to lhe jnt death of tlieir father.
In all fairnei to oorrett this tale state- i
xnent for me. as you mast certainly knoa-
that the tveoond ward where 1 live and
influence, if anywhere, save tbt
e(tai)ua ma.xtri ties botb times.
il.o knoa from our con era.tlons that
my eTiot-sor mere directed for the bonds
Smoerely youra, FIiKI H. HOYE.
(MAU1. Aue. -Mr. Fred H Hoye.
Omalia: I "ear &u in reply to your letter JAmTet Home SatUday JLOmir.B' SJld
01 tm. amnuuc i ulki iir- ui iti niun.
facta, es tar aa yourself is concerned.
iepecunc tbe recent water bond elections:
Ton assurd me before the election on
June Uiat yoa arere fur tbe bonas and
you sae me tbe sum assurance before
tbe last election.
0 would surrevt that the substantial
maomies ctvea tbe eater bonds in both
eeclions by your precinct and ward, mbere
your influence ta unqueaiioned afford,
airple eviajnoe of your sood faitb and
jKisitino in tins Important matter Very
sincerely. R. B. HOWELL
Member Oaiaha Water Board.
that tl
J l.ave
Too all
woms's team Includes tbe three Ktnact
sin en ea oh of whom has sussessrrely
' scored individual honors in ths last three
' years. .
Tbe abiwuce of Frank and John Rlha
! "1J seriously criiple tbe mes s team, how
' ever, for they are considered anions tbs
best athietes in the Tel Jed Sukol. Tbeir
determination not to participate this year
!Mrs. Munger's Injury
Regarded Seriously
an X-R&y Exajnination Will
Immediately Be Kade.
County is Paying
Its Many Back Bills
This is Kade Possible by the Receipt
of Six Hundred Thousand Dollar,
of the Tax Levy.
Accounts against tbe cvunty which have
been pi lice up since it ran out of money
last May, arreeeting St&.OHO to InO.dOO, were
approved by tbe county eommiaaioners te
committee -of the whole Friday afternoon
and will be ordered paid at Saturday's
meeting. The rece'pt of 10(10 of the tax
levy last Saturday makes payment possi
ble. About Sii.OOO of the bills to be paid are
for roads and bridgea
Yillafe Board Passei Besolctions
Which. Make Hard Sledding-.
Beaset Reraees Water raaaerttaai te
tbe Sew Sterea Mast Be Tares.
ty-Ft're Peet Berk freea
the let lAae.
Grooery stores In tbe viTlaya of rundee
will have bard work getting started under
the new lsws wbicb have been adopted by
the village board. The nee- store being
erected by rr. Porter for I Simmer st
Forty-ninth and Dodge is tbs target for the
Mra W. H M unper, wife of Jufia Mun
ger. who was seriovtsly injured la aa auto
mobile accident near Hartfifd, Cr..Tin. last
weeX win arrive la Omaha Sattu-Aey xnorn
tng, accompanied by her buabatisL
Immediately upon her arrival, she win
undergo aa X-ray exatmnatloQ te ascer
tain the ex art nature of her Injuries, whteb
turn out to be mora serious than was at
Erst anticipated. Mra Muhgnr's hack was
badly wrenched; tier right leg was tn-
iyured s that she baa been unabie te walk.
and ber aboulder. also, was wrenched.
Mrs. E. A JacksuA, a daughter, from
r'allta A D, arrived la Omaha Friday
The board of public lanac and buildings,
represented by Mr. Wait, is anxious not
to exceed tbe lu.ti0 appropriation wbich the
k-citJature set aside to ret water to tbe
institute and an eight-inch main seemed :
too large. Assistant City Engineer Campea
a bo drew tbe plans bad provided also for
crosses or Ts" at the side streets so that
when the paving Is done afuj tbe pipes
are laid It will not need to be torn up
again by property owners who w ant te con
nect with the main. This made a more
elaborate Improvement than tbe board
wished te undertake and disagreement was
the result.
Mr. Wait agreed finally to have a six
Inch main oa tbs grounds Instead of a four
hwu as be had planned, but th question
of ths suss of tbe feeding pips was left un
decided. City Engineer Craig Is out of
the city and the potation ef the city In the
matter H1 nut be defined uiilQ he re
tuma Mr. Cam pen said Friday morning:
"The elght-lncD. feeding main and the aix
lnch main on tbe grounds could be put In
far UADOl The crosses will save tbe dty
tearing up Its new pavements a few months
after tney are put down and ought Ui be
put in."
Mr. Walt has retained to Lincoln and the
question la not nearer a ablution.
laws. This store Is the first one that
anyone has ever tried to build off Under
wood avenue and property owners have
now pending an tnjuncntion suit agaist
It. Heretofore aU the store buildings but
ore hsve been In tbe one building on Un
derwood avenue, which was recently
The new grooery Is having trouble get
ting water connections because the people
in Sunset addition refuse to allow their
main to be connected with it.
Tbe village building Inspector has re
fused the new store a permit, and now
tbe new laws Just peaeed provide that no
building tn the city shall be closer than
twenty-five feet to the lot line on streets
running In one direction, or Eve feet facing
tbe other way. All sorts of penalties are
provided in special plumbing and construc
tion regulations and tbe power of grant
ing permits is taken ever by the Tillage
Thief Hart. Brlrk Threw h Bran
els Senre 1.4aw te tie e.e
Two suit oases were stolen from the Dovs
las and Seventeenth streets show window
of Bran del store Thursday night, the total
value of the loot being but U. Tbe thief,
evidently about to start upon a ecatkou
trip and being shy of funds, heaved a
brick throurh tbe plate glass window and
pulled out the bags. There Is no clue to
the thief. The polios are working on the
H. C. eelie of Ca, one of the can
rtirt.tea for the republican nomlnatlos for
stats rails a r commissioner wnc is in the;' to oi-en the house for her mothers arrival.
city, explains his rrusalra thus: !
1 am in Omalia trying to get acquainted
with the republics voters. As Omahs ha
bo candidate this year for the rstivwr
eoromisKioa. I thought this a good field to
As a little eampeiftiii.g for myeelf.
'I am th on!y republican candidate
located anywhere Bear tbe central part of
the anate. and as Cfcnaha and Ldnoola each
nave ate member, tbe republican, are
naturally thinking that tbe out-e-tate abould
have a representative ea the commission.
T nave resided la Nebraska for thirty
fjve years, all the time in Polk county,
and am now county attorney thera This
mrr first adventure in state nolitica on
Six-J ewa acooust. but 1 ass In tbe fight to
jr win, and the man thai beats me will
know be has bees ts a primary election
''Omaha and On coin as ths tws oom
toercial centers of Kebraaka ought te b
and ne doubt are Interested bs knowing
that If I aa elected tbey w.l bate a rail
way cesnmuunoner wbe would not allow
tbeaa te he discriminated against In the
Bnarter at rates In favor ef ether com
petitive pobBta lAnooilB and Omaha are
part of emr great state and what ts
tbem Is good for tbe w-bole etata
It la Mrs. Jackson's Intention to have
a I'ttle family reunion over Sunday. Mra
P. II. Bell, another daughter, of Silver
Creek. Neb., is to reach Omaha Friday
mrht with her two children, and Horton
Punier, a son. of North Platte, will arrive
A a aeteieebllr, a lm a nark, two
eebBrbeC lets mm either '-relnahi
rlMie are te he la The Be Smk.
kevwre Ceiateet te elart la m few aVara
See aaapaanraeal la The Seaway ale
ef Aaawat IS,
Webster' Three
Rooms at Atlantic
City Cost S200 Week
Returning oyagera from Atlantic City
report that the fame of Omaba la being
upheld In f na style by John L. Webstar,
s ho Is resting there between his arduous
labors as attorney for the a ater board. On
his advent Mr. Webster engaged apart
ments at the Marlborougb-Blenbelm at a
oust ef 131 a wees, tor which ne has three
rooms and a bath without board. How
long tbe Webster outing is expected to last
Is not stated.
A Saturday Salo of
All Stuauner Waists at . HALJ f'tUCWl
All otmner lireeeee ml ... .HALF MUCK
Ecry article ot svmmer coods So be ckased out as reenaraahi Vow
fssiaJB. wimmj girn iaaxauas so
mt sbtax mw r m
A slaae slarer cm la the see
Ladies Eat-isast PaunaiaJtatra.
817 BoatLh ltXh txrees.
Piano Bargains That Are
Within the Reach of AU
CATURDAY morning we are going to start the great
est clearance sale of pianos ever held in the west,
in order to make room for the heavy shipments of new
pianos that are coming in Included in this sale will
be found some of the greatest piano values ever offered to the piano-buying
public. Both new and used pianos will be included in this "regardless of cost" sale of pianos.
Below are a- few of the rare bargains that will he offered:
WHEAT $45.00
KIMBALL $75.00
SIN GEE $85.00
SINGER $100.00
HAINES & CO $109.00
WEGMAN (Used) ,
.. $125.00
.. $150.00
KRANICH & SON $150.00
WINTHE0P $150.00
CHICKEEING & SON (Used) $150.00
FISCHER (Used) $175.00
KNABE $190.00
ITERS & POND $199.00
CHICKEEING BEOS. (Used) $250.00
KRANICH & BACH $250.00
Douglas St. Entrance Piano Dept.
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