Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 12, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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boreraer Aliricli Decides to Airiat
Forxer Leiiitca X&a.
rat Saeerlnteadeet Will Rnin
la November, Wea' !rw Mrs Will
aft 1 ln Their BVevevda
la XrkrMks.
(Tram a Staff Cui re pen dent
aJNCOLJC. Am. II Sprtl la n
l pricing his del erem ostium to appoint J.
at DelseK. formerly ef Lexi- r.n. to be
tat Mpertnt reader, t tC schools when
eraprtntHAert CrtHrr. rev sr. a. rrmnr
Aid rich today tried L1 following state
ent: "I av received o:oe tht TV. Crab
tree tnteeid ta r-- am aa nt sapr
fnteadect oo or bou NTrbr 1 Mrt
I ease he caj-rtei out hi Intention nr
Intention la to appoint Jim E. Teisn.
pns at deputy ftu uprlnierdt. ta f.U
fa place made vacant by Fr-.'f- Crabtr".
Mr. Deis:! piece will be taken bv
Robert L TJlr, now of the Bfn Bcw
At least, tba posstaoa will b of
fered Dim, so I aa Informed,
"la raaa Prof Crabtree earn exit B's
Intention to rel-n I hti deemed It via
t apootot Prof. Delae'l for tb reason
that ha ta familiar with the rWJoe and
naethed d detail cf th office of the
preeint Stat superintendent an! It would
cnue n rapture or ether d'aawmtment.
t am star, ta eerrTlr.g en the affairs cf
V aducaxioaaJ system aa devolve apt,
the state s-upertntendnt-
Delsetl .is a man ef wid crur
is educational affaire, bai-tr.g be-a
Identified with Nebraska schools fv a
a-nartcr af a century, and ta thor-'ughly
familiar with ail of th various depart
Bxr.ti of oar entire high school system
"Prof. E"VU. on of the younger t-prr-latenAeats
of high school to this state, ia
young B-aa of sntach promise, thoroughly
educated and ia the rigor of health and
strength, and ba certainly wCl he a valu
able acoaiattloa la this office ta case Prof.
Crabtraa acraaEy retg-as on or about
November 1."
Mr. tiil baa climbed the educational
ladder round b round, aa a pupa ta tfc
rural schools, aa a teacher ta those schools,
aa principal ef nl'.tft erheols and aa super
intendent at city srhooia Ha vorked ha
rar tarooalh tha state aormai school at
-i by aervtnc aa )tn)to and doing other
.r.jaJ labor. When Governor Mtckey ao-
pointad Mr. Deisefl aa a utember of the
State Noraaal board be said:
"I hare faith ta a man vbo baa vorked
Grand Island Beet .
Sugar Plant May Be
Greatly Enlarged
Pluu Ecirj Xxde U Tz la 5ew Xa
tkisrj if Additioaal Acrt
r Caa B SVrtrtd.
GRAND island. Neb. Au. M r At a rcefere-re betveea th mm-
bera cf the eiecat!Te coasajmaa of the
Ccmiccrcia: dkb aad OeoeraJ Mazcer
Hf of trt Amaricaa Beet uar ccm
raay aad Ltl Xaaaaer fM it ta ex
Pned that the Grand Island pUnt of the
eoTr.pajjT ra as aocn a tha carrnaia-n ef
ir.l is p-.mpleted, which win be about tr.e
latter rrt ef December, be corctSe-te-'T
oreraaa!f4 ad c"Tt new and nvre rood
era B3ch'jeTT. The t?ta! o-.. j for t jch
tnrrcvemen'S win run t about W V '
Tbe Grsrd I:ax.d p act was the mother j
r-rar j.iant la tnie nit mr-.a i iocaj i..y
one of t-o. It baa been In rpe-at-tm. with
the xeptoc of a year or two. tyr twea-ty-or.e
T -a-l. inc!vi:r IPU. and the ac re
ar' tor it is rach that there w-!U be a lot
r-jar caking catrnairn. Tbe bet tare
wi'.hstiod tie dr-mth f!l better than ra
aiy other crop, and they are in etcehent
mcditim. The a!ra of tbe club wl.l be to
inereace the acreare withSi a raiii'JS of
trwM Rwk aad aa.
5ILTEK CREEK. Neb.. Ao. XL-'Pv-ctaLV
Ten rerlaaie of crashed rock bare
b bluett for use on the sa-y road at
te so-ns er,i f the t-icae over the T are
mer. south cf "liver Creek Tbe rrk was
f' by Po.h eour.ty aid the baiaea
B-,5 t.f fi.Trr Creek acl wl be hau:-d
er: tbe road ty farmers !ivtr. la te
rtrtr.!ty. This crushed rock, whea rcle4
with sani. trikes a rermanert r ai arid
rets aa hard and s':!d as city paTnert.
The tea carloads wl make about 1 f-et
cf road.
More Students
Will Come West
For Education
He-riitrw of State rniTenity Giret
FigruT tliat Icdicau Lavrptr
Attendance from ZaJt
(Froao a Ftaff Correypordentt
LINCOLN. Aos.. 11. Sp..ifcl- Indica
tion potct. accordiror to st-"ar Harru-n
I of the state anlversitr. to a larger atteol
! ance at that Institution tfcaa crer be!ore
' and this rear a enroilmert ta expected to
j exceed that of Ul by frotn e to b sta
! denta The costastly tecreaatrg BuaaJr
j of students from eastern statea Is a matter
; ef comment aicocg snfrersity a jthorttiea
7...r r rr.rr,;",i Piined i it. tan tsat
II '". . ' . . I.- - ... " -
stands ready to retuTeeiate tve rart to j
such aa eitut tbat it will be gcx-d fir an-
ether twenty-rear run. That ljtt: d:f?l- j
euitr wiU be exi'ener.ced is tte general be- j
lief boee more m'-drn ne.VJ in tbt i
culture ef the beet hare eliminated ao
ma.-B rt te hand labor whch farmery
p-ored Irksome. Cily the thinnina retnaSns
cf the hand labor and on c"r-a of
twenty acres or o'er tbe factory provided
this labor, brlufsr the ra ta do it at
so much per acre. A cumber cf former
local rawer will be taken by the factory
to see the beet telds to more wertera
oovattea this rrar.
Swedish -Lutheran
Conference in Wahoo
Jtbruai Conference ia Celebratl.
rweaty-Fifta AimiTeraary of
Its Orfa&ization.
TTAHOa Neb, Aug. U- ' ; PpectaD-T:
twenty-fifth aatlerary cf tbe or radia
tion of the Nebraska conference of Lo
theran ehurcbea In Nebraska la being ce.e-
kis) way through achool and obtained his . t rated here this week.
edacatioa through heroic efforts aa Mr.
Dalaen haa. I believe that the tetererta
of aa Institution like that of Peru will be
aafely guarded by one who bad ta work
hji way through it as Mr. Deiaell did.
-. DelseU's sjcceae with boy Is phe-
TtenaJL During his long tenure of office
uperlatsednt at Lexington there was
high acfeool la the state that earoUed
gradaated a higher percentage of bora
It was Mr. De'.aairs effort at Lexington
that gave that school mora than a state
wide reputation.
Be began aa a farmer boy ta Astalope
county, was a student at Peru, prtcdpal
at Beakatmaa, superintendent at Lexington,
funic aormal principal at North Flatta
aad depaty atate auperisteaileat for aaarty
ft year.
Mr. DelaeU anaoeac-sd yesterday after-
Boea that aa had already decided vpoa
upcrtataedaat Robert L Elliott of Broken
Bow aa his depaty. Mr. ElUou ia a typical
repreaeetatrra of tha progrecsiTe young
aapertBteadeerts of tha state. He Is aboat
V year of age, a native of IUtnola and
Bored with hia parents to Nebraska in his
early childhood. He attended the rural
schools of Wayne county and began teach
fcig la tha rural schools ta Btastoa couaty.
Urn 4m m liiat. V..l. XT . 1
caeg at Wayne aad eiace eta graduation
from that institution haa attended tha Vni
earaity cf Nebraska for nearly three yeara.
He haa served aa principal at PUger. Stan
ton county, aad was tor a time a me re bar
ef tbe faculty of the Wayne Normal, and
from there went to the supertateadeney of
Wane county. HI work as city aperia
taadeat at Chadroa and Brckea Bow has
attracted tha attention of educators
throughout tha state. He has been elect ad
far the third year as auperiBteodent at
Brokea Bow and haa aerred three saislon
aa principal of the Brokea Bow Normal
Eiaott Is a nataraj born leader and
iser. whi.e ha was a student la the
turwrsity be waa a meatiber of the state
tanivereitr debating team la tbe Iowa
Nebraska debate. Nebraska winning unani
mously. Us ts aa able speaker.
Thin spotatmeat cam te Mr. Eiaott un
solicited, be having been recoeameaded to
Mr. PaiaaU by moto of the leading educa
tors of tha staua.
Tha ftate Luther leag-ae ta meetrcg
Jointly aith the conference. About frty
pastors are present together with dele
gate. The asinrs wi3 eontlnne through-
eut the week. A large tent haa been raiaeo-
oa Lather eo3eg-e campa where most of
the pre gram are heid.
Tha first program was given on "Wednes
day evening, which co-met rd cf musical
Miecttoas rendered by rerreeentative from
the different Luther leajraea ta tbe state.
Ihuraday foreaooa was set aftde for the
bukineas meetmg cf the state league. The
ooafereaee proper begins its sessions In the
ever teg.
Tie Swedish Lutherans have mad great
advaacetaact la their ch-Jrc a-ork daring
the last twenty-Ove years. There are forty
rar.gTvgatioas to the state together with
be same amber ef Luther leagues. The
ork waa purely missionary at in sxaru
aa pm
litr !
ftltaataaw at Ike laatitaUaa few ta
re-ek4-Mlae-d Skewa Llttbs
aTPJCE. Neb.. Aug. U. f ;clal
la typhoid fever cituaooa at the Insti
tute for the Feeble Minded here is but tttle
bx proved. Dr. Tkooaa, tbe superintendent,
sper-t a restleas day Thursday, and hia re
pay ary is yet ta doubc Thar are at pref
ect aaeteea eases ft the dtseaaa. and aa
far. five deexha have been reported. Dr.
WUsoa of Lincoln. prealdeRt cf tha Statt
Board of Health, tnvwaugaied coaditioct
LltlavttM la Kearney Cwaaty Ovew
Meaner Paid for Catching
M INDEX. Neh, Aug. It i Special )-A
lawsuit which Is the outgrowth ef the cap
ture and conviction of Bert M. Taylor.
ab eommlrted the erto of mirder three
years ago nd who waa executed for the
same, ha occupied the attention cf the
county court tor two days and haa at
tracted considerable at tec. -Jon on account
of the parte tcvoiTed, When Taylor waa
captured ta San Bernadmo. Cal-. the dep
aty ahertff gave to Aaa Ransom, then
sheriff of Kearney county, a wrlttea power
of attorney to ooHect the reward of? ere!
for the capture of Taylor. A dispute arose j
as to who was entitled to the reward and
ex-restrict Judge Ed L. Adams and R- E.
Adam, who Is a broth er-tn-Law ef ex
Shertrr Ranscm. were etcptoyed by Ran
som under his power of attorney to collect
the reward money. In due course cf tle
Adams ft Adams, aa at tors ays for Ransom
aad bis rJSetat. Ward, collected gup. re
tained one-halt th amoant as fees aad
turned ever t aad took reea.'i-ta for tie
remaining from Ranaom. Ransom
never remitted th asocey. Ward oom
macosd aa acfloa against Adam A Adams
and Buvnaom. charging teat the tee
charred -was fraud ulaist. njxsonscloeable
aid anreaeraah-e and was aa agreement
between said defeadasta to defraud and
cheat the plaintiff out of all his claims
aad demanda." Th amount claimed waa
fO and th jury brought In a verdict f '-r
fM against aU the defendants- R. E
Adaraa Is ruaoiag for county udge and It
waa charged by defendants that the action
waa f-ntTimaarel te embarrass him politi
cally by L C Paulsoa and ta partner.
W. S. HorVaa of McCoca.
a tfndetacy among th prrepecav studests
of thit section to get at least a portion
cf their collegiate educatioa ia this section
cf the country. The attendance cf sradeats
from over the state Is looked to be greater
thao In any prertoa year aad promise to
keep step with th usual Increase tn this
The old student who return this year
wlU fiad fewer charges la tbe faculty than
for some years part. Tbe attraction fjr
professors from this school to others ha
not been so great this year aa for aeverai
years la the part.
Chief among the change In faculty Is
the departure cf Dean C R. Richards cf
the engineering college and the aseumptl?n
of a part of bis duties by Prof. J. XX Huff
man cf Purdue university. Prof. Hoffman
is to be professor cf mechanical engineer
ing. Vut th deacshtp Is left vacant. An
other charge is th replacing at Prcf. G
W. L. Tarlor by J. E. Le Rossirnol of bead
pr ofeasor ef political economy.
Fred it- Hunter auoceeda A E. Darlsaoe,
deceased, aa principal cf th school cf
agriculture and becomes a member ef the
university athletic board. Fred Rasmussea
become bead cf the dairy department ef
th college of agrloultura, succeeding A L.
Haecner, resigned. E. O. Stiehm becomes
the Crrt all-year athletic coach that th
university has had. this place havir.g been
established only last year. W. J. Duppert.
acting bead ef the department cf forestry
last semester. Is appointed to that position
With these as the pricdral faculty
change, th ahaeoc of Prof. K W. Cald
well and Dr. A E. Guenther will be notice
atie to old student. Both faculty men
have a leave cf absence tor one year. Prof.
Caldwell being ta Europe and Dr. Guenther
In New Tork City.
A change la the adtninistration of the
teachers' college Is br-!ng mad whertby
the col lege will enroll only students who
have had two years' work In other col
leges, these to receiTe degrees from th col
lege !a which they originally matriculated
az.d aot from tbe teaxfcers college. Ia ef
fect thia makes the teachers' college strictly
a professional school.
Art Tea Wildisf tkc Pidurti (
CaTTt&t EfltU il Otf Via dial?
Three t'.me a week e d ra ay a
n-w ss'ect. They depict ti;M3-t-
Is eTeryauarter of t"e g ot
T'."ey are alsays (tFplsyeJ ty
six t-e to ti day bffre tT
are pnbilsbed la any local reper
laciircti ef Aibdnl Tcfc'i Visit
Were f.rst tlljtratd la Kuxg
f war eon s witdoaa
m w a
TTTikb Last Call
for Bio, Bio Savings will soon
be sounded.
Oar great Half Off Sales have been a surprise to us and our customer?. Ther didnt ex-j-eot
to find so many, manr barg-ains and we didn't expevt to see ?o many seekers after them.
It has been an event to excite the admiration of the ewncmieally inclined and the envy of
our competitors. And, the most satisfying thin? about it has bevn. that no one has come and
found audit to criticise. They found thinirs just as "wre said they would. Those? who come in
the next few days will find what we say they will, and disappointment will be the lot of
those who do not heed our cry of "Last CalL"
Men's Suits at Half
W gtStl hart tboat l.C'OO Suits, divided Terr
evenly among the varlcut tizea. colors and
styles, it raay take yoa a Uule longer to ulect
tLan It did ia tbe bericai&K. cut tbe saving !
Just as Erfat and our tlai Is yours. Especially
large Is tbe aaortmot cf our famous 1 15.90,
$20.00. IIS. 00 Fancy True Bin Sergei at
S7.50 810.00 812.50
A few $10.09, tli.OO Salts left at
815.00 517.50
The Half Price Trouser Sale
Ceruir.! wgg a wiidfall for savljn rcea. It
cam Just t s tiro wbea an extra pair wag
needed by most every fellow. If you were slow,
doa't Imagine yoa'rg left your opportunity.
Ther Is a plenty ift a'l sizes at all price. Brokea
lots of straight bottoms nd all Outlns; Trousers.
$2.50 to $7. SO Trousers for
81.25 to S3. 75.
Please Save Half on Your Summer Furnishings
Ton seed Shirts, TLderwear and such things 'J the time. We've a considerable stock of Broken Lots
that we cast se'.l now. We will cot carry them oTer. We would rather have yon get them than some
peddler. Therefore, a favor to ns and yourself see these bargains:
Brokea Lot of $100 to IS fO Shins for 50c 81.75.
Broken Lot of $1.00 to $10.00 Underwear for 50c 10 85.00.
12 SO asd 13 00 Ramie Linen Underwear for 81.25 Eo 81. SO.
Broken Let of SOe to $2.00 Silk Neckwear for 25 t0 8100.
$2.00 and $2.60 Manhattan Shin for S1.3S.
$2. SO ilaabattaa 6 a in for 81.5S.
Boys Suits for Half
Thetse Broken Lot contain some of every sis
sad every strle any one of then would make
a splendid hool gait and hell seed that ere
$2.00 to $19.00 Wool Salt. 81.00 85.00
$1.00 to $4 00 Wash Suit for 50r to 2.00
&Cc to $1.00 Waa Pants fcr 25? to 81.00
Getting Oxfords at Half Price
Is very nearly like getting something for noth
ing. Leather It high and no relief la sight.
TouTl not buy such good footwear at such price
for raanv years to come. Broken lot, cf course,
but ft Ct for most every foot. $2. SO, $3.50.
$. Oxfords lor 1.25 81.75 S2-25.
Fallertea Ckaatasfaa.
XTTLLERTON, Neb Aug. 11. - Special.
Itany families are already catnpir.g in Pul
ertos tark. Tha taalfth aeasioo of the
Fullertua Chautauqua opened tonight. Dr.
D. T. Robertson of Colorado win be the
platform superintendent this year and con
duct the morning round tah'a. Miss Elisa
beth Talcctt will be la charge cf the Seton
Ir-d-an work for the children and a Toung
Mea's Christian aseocacoa phys-cal
director wili assist ti-e t..ya in their pay.
Some Endorsements for James B. McGrew, Republican
Candidate for State Railway Commissioner
Central City rkaataaaaa.
CENTRAL CITY. Neh., Aug. U. 'Spa-clai-
Next aeek the second annual Cen
tral City Chautauqua begins- The chaa iirograms coocnu every aftoTiCKKi
and evening during the art and con
clude with a program Sunday afternoon
and a grand sacred concert by the Rcya!
Italian Guard band Sunday evening.
It gives the Advocate great p'easure
to speak a few word of commenda
tion for our fellow townsman, J. B.
McGrew, who is the republican candi
date for railway commissioner. He has
been a re.-ident of this state for about
twenty-five years and nearly all of this
time has been ensafred in the banking
business in this county, where by hi3
honorable and conservative manner of
conducting business he has won a large
circle of friends. He was elected by a
large majority as a member of the sen
ate from this district and he pursued
such a straightforward course during
the session, always being for a square
deal, that he has the distinction of
Wing one of the fairest and most up
right member of that body. He hail a
from the great Republican Valley in
the southwestern part of the state
that is entitled to recognition on the
ticket, and if elected we feel safe vt- , j . . .
4 , . . We are pleased to note that
in stating that he will give everv , T ,r . ,
.v.. v.. v.. ; ei,' Senator J.B. McGrew, of Bloom-
tiiitr iiuai liiis ij u-5ii.tr3 niiu int
1 A - f-
f - - - - I i r'ss'-i?" ' 'a in- -' "
James B. McGrew, Bloomington, Neb.
Our friend. Senator J. B. McGrew of
this district, has filed as a candidate
for railway commissioner. Xo one
can deny Mr. McGrew 's ability in mat
ters of the kind that would come be
fore him should he be elected, most of
the questions that come up before that
body for judgment being problems of
a business complexion, and in the set
tlement of which his long years of
practical experience in the business
world will come mighty handy. His
heart will be in the right place, too,
that is, for fairness and justice. Mr.
McGrew won this reputation when in
the banking business, and as far as we
know never took a mean or unfair ad
vantage of anybody in all the various
dealings he had with men. This is say
ing a good deal, because, too often, you
hear it said that so-and-so pinch.ed
him" when he caught .some one ia
trouble. The testimonr is the
men of America was held ia Ciller, Thurs-
t day, and fu a very aueaeuasful affair.
Faurbury was wall represented at the pic
nic, a special train conveying several hun
dred Visitor to t.'.at point. The Fall-bury
band furnished music fur the occaaioa. The
t2ir. " "'..V1. & man who is f&zatical on either
cient Order Untied Workmen lodge an 4
later received th co-eperauca cf the Mod
ern Woodman. Th pWuc resembd more
cf a carnival than the customary picnic.
Former Adjutant General Jeha C Hartl
gan ct Faurbury delivered the Zaia ad
dress of tbe day and apoka oa fratarruvl-
at th Institute yesterday,
that everything peescble waa
and b stated
Jehaeen Wsstaea te Have Pleete.
TECVM3EH. Nb. Aug. 11. Src!al
The Modern Woodmen of America c-ampa
af Johnson county are going to hold a b.g
picnic at the fair ground in Tecumseh
on Tuesday August IX The camps cf ail
the towns ef th county aav agreej to
Mike Harrington
Again Takes His Pen
Addresses Semocr&t of LVebravA
Ccnccrxir? Ciidudacy -of
C. L. HaraiuL
being dor.
fiannvnr -T "R tnflroxr nnt
wife returned to their home here howfZV' "
- ;-nr, u. kia 0 r,;-f - . .. . -ur. jucurew. ".Mac always
Board cf Rail, CMon. fo" E oa 17"TITrt T "git" is what oa
ers a square deal, and that is . J..' . u Lmln dnni tie legislative bear bout him, We beUeve
a . w w. . e , V i- ,V ft Usl 4t VVU.Ui.31WUi: rtw . ...
Senator McGrew made an envi- 6ession- Ace :5enalor was EePl verdict will be returned
able record as a member of the busv tands with his after he has served his time in
upper branch of the late legieda- nany friends, when he came ti!e office of railway comrnis
ture, always found advocating down to the office for his morn- ?ioE, "He vs all right" will
oe ine common opinion yon u
ended and
what is demanded rather than
side. Bloomington Advocate.
V. . - . . 1. . a - .U. ' . . 1 rrw r-
... . mc liitraiurre iimi were to uic maiL. ia rsenaiAr rw.
Deacanruaate tf - iha vr,aCCM it .t.. . , hear when his term is
st primary lor Tiaj A .i n;uai- ... . the office turned over to
a.Vls4ai A'-e. X. -- a Va, i Oil Q ' rwi Tt At Bvm , ,11 e.sxs u .
railway com- ... ..j a nai tua, u censor. Frank m Sent tipI.
ta check tbe spread of th disease. Monday
ta water from th nw well at the Insti.
1st will be turned sat the staadpip. aad
quantity ef chloride ef lime wlU be used
ta the water la order to give th pipe,
aaaln aad everything about the building
g thorowgh cleansing with a view of srak
2tg it a sanitary as posaibi.
tak part. Thia Inaugurates annual pir
ns- f c th fraternity in the county, aad ,
next year tt will ba held ia on of the other
wna The committee ckueea tor tia
Suffered Vilh Diarrhoea
For two day 1 swTfsred terriUe agony
with raai-ikusa aad Ocxxcg aama. when a
frveast recotniviended Wakefield s Black
eat I Pa'.aam t as sad I seat ut aad got
g botU. Ta fftct St had oa m was
wwederfsU It estekly relieved the paia.
juieted n and I weat to "eo aooa after
eamnvencirg tbe Baisaa. Whea I wok
a I was eared and have aot had aa at-
ef the trouble since.
ibect te aewej trouble and
is s ga.iid by another
:ler.gthy tt.tie dated at ONU and ad-
town. The committee ctueen tor th , . x . . .
work are at work oa tbe pr:iminr of , AftCT . pro,T j..,, rt MJ,:
eat a etae aa A W atTak k sa wgn " T Ke - I . . .
" - ' i uv t.Ta a.r.a rAri.rra tvi ihm
Sute Senator J. B. McGrew of
Bloomington will
before the Augu
tbe office of state
rrussioner. Mr. McGrew has an ,v ,,v rni v. orks for the people of the state
... , , continue tLat toacv. iiwareth . . , ,. .
excellent record as senator and jeecoxe ' Eot 'or uy clique or party.
will no doubt receive the nomi- Here's our good right hand,
nation. Franklin News. "We feel it incumbent upon ns Mae; Franklin county is proud
to congratulate Senator McGrew of yon. F ranklin County
J. B. McGrew went down to upon his splendid legislative (Dem.) Tribune.
Lincoln last week and filed as a record. He has proven hime!f
rpTinbl iVin rAr.irlfitA fnr tfi nf- trr ! st evsrr ttim ir Via iirctit. TV; frillnwrir sr pnrirRAvriont Twvt lA?r!c1ntr?r TTia fotTrtnr
Th return ef "Mke Harrir-gtoo la hi I . . . ., .. ' . .... ......
verbal bvut with c c Harmaa. rua-ng 1 oi state railway commi ssi on- uencv. ot a partisan act tas was contained in tne resolution.- ntizens in t ranklin county be-
f or tha democratic nomiiuiUoe lor raja ay ! r fo mo,Ta a mti'lr r- mwl kavi V ; - fn. V . A . .nta.l V.t- tY -m n K 1 i n n !r tl o 1. .aa.J dnl 1 n
- - ----q - - ' . -" v u v. iiiv - - - - r ... ... . w . v. w , . i
record in the state renate last cratic and proirrerisire in his vot- county convention of Webster mend him as an able, honest and
winter and has the stuff in him ing. We have failed to find him county: industrious public servant, to
to make a pood commissioner, at anv time lined up behind anv "We further herebv endorse higher official honors at the
a suc-
The following resolution was unan
imously psa py the repuhllcasi con
vection cf franklin county:
"We take pride in the clean
record of Hon. James B. Mo
Gretr, as state senator in the
eared. Th serwres ex the Tecum S j Ut tne rai-roaa ar trir tj ncmir-at in Vfrr w-i.11 rMo tr.- In .,o,w, TT, , i f.:,Vl t eV.., V- 1- ,f V 1 .t
coctracted for. c prirnar-es is C. i iiarmsj ef HcU-' -r-- - vi luijvioiii'a. nc ii..auc a laiimui uic invm ui um wuiwi iwui uauu - ui mr jtrujiic ui tlic BUito
ihe s got to promise us a better servant snd no man can decry the 26th senatorial district, tho of Xebra.-ka, and hereby endorse
train service iere at Ki vert on. his fidelity to his constituents. Hon. J. R. McGrew, of Bloom- his candidacy for State Railway
Riverton (Dt-m.) Renew. Riverton (Dem.) Review. ington, Nebraska." Commiisioner."
U.H.v V-. . Km-m rMTnMt fnr Our
. a, -rf-t . .... ... -- ir. niraua. J a ietstty aruc
vie ,iepare in tAe sr.aia ay raiirua car-i
la th afternoon there w. ill be a long pro- aat me to go bWore in stale corjutie
gram cf sport, laciul-ng racing, etc. 1 a1 ,;r ' lt1 h pan-t:;.teu ta t-.a fur-
1 the election of Cowsui fur oooiiruasiLiner.
A ,tor as ria c
Ther WIS be a baa b3 gam. Brobabiy
between ta Johnson aad Firth team
special program wCl be provided for
i oaxi to ea
jv, i dais Harmaa now Mai t j tx ected to
icvmuy inth or witnuut a iurv and entire stretgt in th de&ovaue frimar-.e t ward m tcT
tak ef the trev
jfi nave kea su
have tried a g
r with av satiafac
BUdrevBi If
i T
proie hi prac;uoa in th handlig i-t H-rT-- TtM " a-rrcy canilet
el y Hsu's. u.eee rorruj f:naa- That
Aug. 11. kpe- out aef ur th stats
t'mon I'acJ'
attest rtsxmsa
son. of
. . . ,uomoM. a urn M-.J s. iw WUllam waa quit, lousry j TeisuS, poed te ri nTm of "cai:
injured wfcC trying t catch aoen colts j arr.aavii. a stste eeeimntse haa itu ' l J u.-i.t oc trie s.r-rst rtuvn of
ia a paatura Th pasture la large and he;arttT to issue subpse&a to compel tae I Uj lhrw Tfc --i it - by tt cr
fcsJ rola im ceestanr w-k Oeorre Tarlor !"1 of any w.iaees. I wont tas. ' trat i . m -J be out Mm tt s-r.a.s
had gun, ta eeespany wit a ueorg Tayier. u, ordinary LtM .... R. . r c.earod aaay tr.e eletun returns nl
t ca.cfl a t t break. A bua.h ef kjw ef no way by anich tn truth couid
awe and Belts had been drtvea 1st a j be t eacept by kaemg aa aruoa tn Co -rt
comer and Taylor threw a rop r ft !Te,-wlta,f t?4-1? s-bpteaiaed and
- . - . - , m r i a ptvifl
I renOia that he is a cere
in mails .a tr. hands cf mor eur.autg men.
rests oa r'roi support. The demorrats
air. Harrnaa is r-urauiru? the eourse amsi ittrir disapproval ,f railroad iKterferenc
U aaro m by rex-ruea kiretng tor tem.y i to " PO-'c by b-ryiruj Mr. Harmaa good
yeuvra. fcut dunn ai ef taat ture 1 hare sad deep t-e repub.t.aa eugr.t t aid
g jne ahead and f of r.t theta la tae ce.rt
oa treig-t rat. scl uri aseenger rates
snd in the ratroa paaa svsiem aad t
J "? ssS noa tn awuii of it com
I in making aipoeure within has artr. If
list good nvea caa be svoraineted then tae
':r.'fft r t !l".e pecp e wul be sat no snatter
n&ich wtria If on good ansa ran be
iafenlea. but this aa as yuat ' turned ts rua aad Wlilaams ra la treat of
what X aevded aad I tak pieasure ia writ
lag ran Uu setter telitag of my ex perse no
nit U. ery truly your.
ftu aad Buftal Ave, CuUcaga.
Haadrad t aeeftl (growa Beopk aad
etliareai are itvtag today wae ewe their
tree te Wakefiesds r la. A berry Balaam,
tt aas cured haadreda if net tbeueaad at
tease of SHarraeea aad summer bowel sa tt past maty-five year after
B4t fAulea. - wwrr
theta te heal them rff.
dow and tramp aim bad y. caaiag a
deea gaaa ta tae calf ef hia teg and ra-
rioong nvnverous minor injuries. He was
brought ts town at enca. and, iinlans cna
plicataoa set ts, he wf3 be around aga
in a few dam
rws but ur nnsaisi , n .. 'iu iui i nae statea eith r
tae tewti-! tsffli ga. and much
They knock ad kuatU.1 r-" V1 l am
tHisj mfcen Csspii ran. It is a euftcient
ansner to say that I anea s-yik-tg of it at
the tutie if 1 had anowa in oorrupt
neUiucs liuat er used te ect Ceagui I
wowid hair wntdrawn from th preaidcctial
aiertorau Uc ket and taken tne Kusii against
nveodsweat aad Werkaaea rtrnte.
rtlKBURI, Nek, Aug. 11 ifpeclal )
Tbe tfteeata anaual ptcnie of tha Ana set
Order failed WtrtftM and Modarft Weodr
anow it i m mri pre-.-itct a hers lb ra.i
ruads ooud eoairoi tt ccmucralic vot
itutt thai VJt waa cast f jt Hartnar.. Ve
tera tt pec iva ia U stnailer los'.s .ad
jiuy preciacta cjan ui th riiroi
irsr c-red ia namir.aur.g th rmsir
ru rirr as i in r ia ear I r t.ti it is ecu
BDt tneft a esen rhaoc ttai their e-u th 'Mi: in the repuhlkaa
y-nrruar hm. and if that should be eon tt
!Lp,e li be iivat aay
chance to lext a r - ay irsinMuui
iakorabe ta let
that taey i-l succeed
n..r. ; of a Tate Tea getiUerraa ta tansies laninsted. either la our pr.marvs or th
i-epuol.caa prirruarUe, then tte saea who
a: s sir.cerely o; posted to corpora's rul In
IL rail ay ceanmission al'l hav a chance
lo vote fr a sruta wfc w;ll protect them. tar. .ess ecm re.ta-aa cf stand
mat rs ruas naa n ra..rceJ Uim and ir-;-.res
Better ha accuser caa aay aa
much. For rri. I surny can. I have never
traveled a rtuje oa a rau:resa.d in nv Mf. fr
ar.icn I have not p-d cuvsa And if t.-n st,b If tfc.t rre as not oa tl,eir
rai roaas had any club ever me that they
coi use sccvssfu iy in tn tiKtr years
that I tan betted to n-au th war oa
tr.rir wroncdairgs ttey eoui not -
tt: tt te aa to aae ivt ci'ih
E-t ta ao,jtting tteae lartacs tae ar
BCiv US.S llai 1 -. l.t V.arti VLr.aaw
Csariein It a! eater ca.ied "vutti ris n-uMvja " and It
la the repuMicas i describe It truly. Ttev ua falaeiKMMl
A aether S.Oww aatesaeWUe la' Ceatest. Aeneas
eg artaee laaasr. A eg wet It.
- 1 waom. at'ta er earthing e!
a then, ia tumir.g tse aittutk
at that may aud
attuatk..n. The .rf .rt ef tte raiirrad at "-t pr'jaTnv an b.usi.y. jam ay trrm tt party l -e. Th eaeation
that tune is ta d. t -de th vet e rauroad j This is not any iruaiter between ! is n tether a it .an ahail be nom. n ted
nnsuariorwr arraf j the other tar caa- I Mr. Harmaa and tr-i av.t The maa ts a i ,nr rai!ay cestumsanuner are baa stood la
didst. sL the rairoed crow. aJ rr.ts s-. rs r tr te m acept that I know eosne- 1 hand aad glev i te rauruada ia cor
for harnvaa. At lka tnemeat ta railroad ; t mg of htm political. y. I da not hr I ruptir-g our politic and whoa elaoi b-;e
peiitwis.: are edevring t caat thaxa bosuO-ty ta t-a (or lu tatern le- I of scces U the penusj-is nt Iseed
Hsnetks rttebie.
CENISON. Ia. Aug. U- Bpecial The
third anaual bnresho B4trfcng contest for
reaidects ef thai ceunty ha taken puace
at i . out There wae amri tctereet taaen
ftlaertdaa Brerher bf Vail were th county
champiua af R. W. Robertson and B Co
af Cekatt- The wtr.aers won eaeveai ut af
twelve game Fourteen pair eAayer
wer la th coat-
Th K7 t tfte attaauoa Want Ada,
combines quality sacnavotny. More
cap to the nosa4 becaaa of the
splnl,4 cof rrowtia. (aperb
ajrara, cases of tt bieod.
On pownd wd coaviac jon. 30c
bwaad at year grocer a
TOMC BROS, O Maanea, U.
Ther are tw kiada S psora.
rest's sa '