in THE BEE: 0MA1TA. SATURDAY, AUGUST 12, 1911. s : n n n h H n $; FOLITICAL CALDRON BOILING loyal Club Refuses to' Endorse Either Hummel or Flyna. JUDGES' BRIGADE VERY ACTIVE Larue Tnrnoat of Jk-andlnaTlas Rr rrlTri Nrli I.trndarrm and Ms tens to a Sum" " !prrrlin, Tt Thursday night's meeting- of ths Loyal club, which 18 a focUI and refreshment so clety up In the Klghth ward, a nharp flht- was precipitated over an attempt to endorse Joe Hummel In his present candidacy, not withdtandlnB the club s constitution pro hibits all political endorsements. Joe's friends made urgent appeals to p "P the constitution Jimt once for the club' speolnl favorite, and. to make It nonpar tisan. Joe Ilutler came In with a motion coupling up an endorsement of Tom Flynn. democrat, with the same resolution, deelartn that "all Joe s republican boost ers are also for Flynn," and that the two should no toKfther. Seeing what was com ing;, and not ure whether democrats or republicans were In predominance, the members present quickly got behind the constitution and ruled the whole endorse ment buHlnrss out of order. The district Judges asking renomlnatlon all say each tub stands on Its own bottom, but word comes from Washington and Burt counties that six of them were cam paigning In a family group in one automo bile and dealing out picture cards by the deck. All the district court bailiffs like wise are scouring the country precinct:! playing up the whole seven, all for one and one for all. fHM, of course, they Insist there Is no combine, nor even a gentle man's agreement. A good turnout of Scandinavians asHcm bled at Washington hall Thursday night to receive Nels Lundgren, candidate for sher iff of Douglas county, and listened to a number of Swedish, Danish and Norweglait , speakers. Lundgren received a mighty ovation when he stepped upon the plat form for a speech. In which he extolled the abilities which fitted him for the office he seeks. P. A. Edqulst acted as chairman. To play no favorites, Ed F. Morearty, re publican candidate for polio Judge, re ceived, about as much applause as Lund gren. The Danish Singing society and the Norden Hinging society made the occasion enjoyable by rendering a number of their native airs, and the Viking Military band furnished muBlo. The executive committee of the Fontanelle club was convened Thursday to adopt and promulgate a resolution reciting the faith ful services of Judges Charles B. Letton, William B. Rose and Jesse L. Root as Judges of the supreme court and as worthy of re-election and expressing It to be the opinion of the Fontanelle club that they should receive the support of republican voters at the primary. "The franchlsed corporations should not be blamed for helping Joe," declared one of his chief fuglemen. "How are they going to get favors If they do not recip rocate for favors they receive? Joe has shown them In the council that he is their friend and that they will have a friend In the sheriff's ffice If they put him there. Then, too, they must think of the example It sets for others In the council. If the franchlsed corporations and pub'.lo works contractors dldnt stay with Joe this time bow could they ever expect a councilman to take their end of It?" Every one who knows him speaks well of Charles E; Foster, running for police Judge on the republican ticket. "Charlie" Foster was for many years It) the office of Bal drlge A DeBord, and Is regarded as a high class man among the younger set of law yers. "Jerry" Howard's bulletins on the demo- cratlc sheriff situation are not coming half as fast as they might. "Jerry" Is saying a lot of things on the street corners about his competitors that would make mighty inter estlng reading. The police court must be a fine breeding place for political sprouts. The police Judge, Bryce Crawford, has taken out a transfer to the county court, and Judge Dickinson, the popular prosecutor, whose service on the district bench Is always spoken of highly, is seeking his old place as district Judge,, while the clerk of the police court, John J. Mahoney, la sure he is out out for the democratic nomination for police Judge. The police court has no bailiffs, otherwise they might be In the running. At Roe Itran. A dels At Ful1 Ail t.n flMrMlt til J I EXTRAORDINARY SALE 3,000 Pairs o! Men's and Women's Onyx Silk Hosiery PURE THREAD SILK Onyx Pure Silk Hosiery is known from coast to coast. We also inclule Onyx silk boot hose with lisle tops, lisle soles, double heels and toes; also plain and dropped stitch ef fects blacks, white, tans and fancies. Onyx Hosiery for Men and Women, worth up to $1.25 a pair, at, pair. . . . Women's Imported Cotton and Lisle HoBlery, plain and fancy lace; dou ble soles, heels and toes; worth BOc a pair, at . . 25? Women's Cotton and Lisle Mercerized Finished Hosiery. Plain nA allover lace, worth 2c pair, at, pair Men s Shawknit and silk lisle finished Hosiery, worth 25c pair, at, pr. l"Jo Women's, Men's and Children's Cotton Hosiery, worth tac pair, at, pr. 14 ft fa 39c Jt si i i n jsSs Final Clearance OF MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S SUITS All our light and medium weight suits must' - be sold regardless of cost of manufacture, Suits , that formerly $ sold at $15. S18 and $20, your choice ws 1(0)8 Ths bsst suit barcwla of the season. Women's Summer Underwear Women's fine ribbed, lisle finished Union Suits, lace trimmed, all else?. worth BOc, at, suit IC'ii ? 1K Women's fine Ribbed Cotton Vests and Pants, all slies, worth i&o, ea. lBo Women's fine Ribbed Cotton Vests, ail sizes, wnue, pin ana oiuo, "'" 20c, at, ech lOo Children a M union nuns, summer ana mu wtijuu, uj in a. m jr mm mmi mm i sot af"S mf. Women's Long Silk Gloves at $1.00 a Pair 18-button length Kayser's make. In Tricot or Milanese weave, white, black and colors. Get That Pair of Trousers Here SATTBDAY IS THE SAT AITD KERB 18 THE PLACS for you to choose that extra pair of you need. Hundreds of pairs of styl ish trousers that are POSITIVELY WORTH Irom a to 5, $1.00, $1.90, $2.45, $2.95 Men's Hose Ml the new fanot colors Inolading black with white xset, aOo val ues, at per pair , Sc Boys' Suit Special Two pairs Knicker bocker pants, new ,..$2.50 Por any straw hat in the house formerly sell lnr up to $3. Tor fancy band straw bats worth 91. Silk fJeckwe3r . XTew fall patterns and shapes, 60o rt r seUers, at eaon HC only n si n - it u r Handkerchiefs Hemstitched sheer Irish Linen, neat hand embroidered and printed designs; all kinds fine embroidered, scalloped, lace borders, etc many A 9-ii-f worth 26c; at, each. . . . A 2 Ribbons Wide all silk satin taffeta rib bons, messalines, black and white stripes, fancy Dresdens, etc.; black, white and colors worth up to 85c a yd., r, at, yard. v Brandois Drug Specials i Z5a Lllao Talcum., So K6o baultol Tooth Paste 10 too Hanitol Cream 14o tOo Dr. Uravea' Tootti Powder So 60o Pond's Vanishing Cream o 60o Palm Olive Cream, at 30 60o Hind's Honey and Almond Cream . 40o EOo Pompelan Mas sage Cream .... 34c rxarvMB secttow 60o Java Kloe Powder, at aeo 2&c Satlnett Bice Pow der 14o 75o Moubert's Rice Powder SSo 11.00 Flower Qlrl Toi let water oito KOAP8 7 cakes Cocoanut OH Soap Boo t cakes Palm Olive Soap l&o Maxlne Elliott, box of 8, for BOO Packer s Tar Soap 15o 5 cakes Ivory Soap 19o 1 lb. Borax, 20-Mule Team So I Be Bottle Peroxide Bo BATH CAPS One third off. fl.00 Traveling Cases, at 9o CIGARS Bo Owl. 3 for .... lOo Box, $1.65. George, 8 100 So Henry for Box. 11.66. 10c Official Seal, spe cial 0 Tom Moore, Inv., box at 91 85 Princess Mercedes, at, box WOO Chancellor Club House box of SO .... 93.60 Btraaza goods II, 3-quart Fountain Syringe 69o $2. SO, 4-quart Fountain Syringe Sl.M 13 Dr. Scott's Prophy lactlo Douche, spe cial $ 76c Rubber Gloves 38o BRANDEIS STORES AMl'SEMKNTI, AMUSEMENTS, OMAHA OriE DAY, MONDAY, AUG. 14 CROlwrj rfe; BUFFALO BILL. BIDS YOU FAREWELL His r.ailsf Poalrively the Ltmt mm the Saddle. An Exhibition to Waica the Whole World Has Contributed and Tin Vast Continents Applauded FATAL QUARREL AT MONTEREY Frrmli R Mnda, Ssa-ln.Lsw of fien rral nyea, la Killed hy lull C. Rein. EI PASO, Tex., Aug. 11. A special from Monterey, Hex., says:v "Fermln K. Sada, son-in-law of General Bcrnurdo Heyea, was killed here yester day by Luis C. Reyes, also related to Gen eral Reyes. The killing was the result of a quarrel. A !MM pin no player In the new ure nniikiurrra' I ontrat. See an. uoani'i-iiirnt Snadir, Antml 13. THE OtJCIDENT . ANU CJMXJtsIN'X' IN HKVIKW A GREAT DRAMA OP CIVILIZATION WITH A TYPICAL CAST ACTORS IN THE EXHIBITION AMERICAN INDIANS BEDOUIN ARABS U. 8. ARTILLERYMEN RUSSIAN COSSACKS U. S. CAVALRYMEN JAPANESE SOLDIEJIY WHIRLING DERVISHES DEVLIN'S ZOUAVES HINDOO FAKIRS MEXICAN RURALIES AMERICAN COWBOYS AMERICAN COWGIRLS OERMAN CUIRASSIERS ROYAL IRISH DRAGOONS ROYAL ENGLISH LANCERS SOME SCENES AND INCIDENTS PIERCE INDIAN BATTLES SPLENDORS OP THE ORIENT INDIAN WAR DANCES QUADRILLE ON HORSEBACK SKILLFUL SHARPSHOOTIN01 MILITARY MANEUVERS XPERT ZOUAVE DRILLS BUILDING AN INDIAN CAMP CAVALRY CHARGES ARTILLERY DRILLS INDIANS ATTACKING A TRAIN WILD BUCKING BRONCHOS MUSICAL ELEPHANTS CAMELS OF THE DESERT SPECIAL HOMESEEKEES a. m. s tm t SOUTHWEST TO M1S80CKI, ABKANSAS, OKLAHOMA, LOUIS LAN A, TXAS, KANSAS,. Tickets on sals first and third Tuesday In each mo&to. 8topovers allowed on both the goi&x and re turn Journeys. thos. r. godj?eey Psaa. sad Ticket Asemt, 1423 Faraam Street, or VuUm StstioB Omaha. ' FEATS OF HORSEMANSHIP ROUGH RIDERS OF THE WORLD, LED BY THE HERO-HORSEMAN COL WM. F. CODY, the ONLY and ORIGINAL BUFFALO BILL . WHO POSITIVELY APPEARS AT EVERY PERFORMANCE. RAIN OR SHINE ' Twfcs Diitr. t mmi t P. M., a jRattar M Ika Wastkai Admission (includint seat), fioo. I'hildren under V years, half price. All -Seat Protected from Sun and Hain by immnH Waterproof Canvas Canopy. Urand Stand Chairs (iaoiucUag admiaBioa), tl.00. On bal day of Exhibition a MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO.'S STORE, 16th and Tarnarn Sts. NOTE Do no fall to read the latest and most exciting- book aver written. "TbrUUnf Xilres of Buffalo Bill and Pawnee BUI, by frank Wlnoh. Price $1.00. On sale at THli SHOW UUOU.NDS. or may be ordered at all book stores. LAKE MAimuA FREE M0V1SS PICTURES riT thonsand feet of the most anodera moTinf plotnres, shown la the opea air every evanlne at 8:3a, Caanr of piotures sxy svaa Ur. ITXW, X.ABQB, OKAsTS BAXI, BOOK, with mnslo by Smith's Orchestra, lOlTIBIl, SOLLII COASTEB, SOLLES SKATIBO and other attxaetlons. Tine Jlenio O rounds la Shady Qrove. S"ree Xltohea BASE BALL OMAUA vs. ST. JOSEPH ROURECE PARK Aug. 12-13-14 Bunde Ana. 11 nrst (Hub Called u0 Monday An. 14 I.adlaa' say OAMBS CAXI.BD Si4S Oajr leaves Uta and jraxaaa at St30 LEW RABER BH BLSa. BatnuLOs on Court Tel. XU IMS B1W 1,1 nriu P The 1911 Grand American Handicap and Trap Shooting Contest Jewel Theater 10TH AND DOUGLAS Friday and Saturday 1 Courtland Beach IilQ FESTTVAL BAM) MX 81 C I TODAY AT 8:00 TONIGHT AT 8s IS THOUSANDS DELIGHTED WITH AMERICAN BAND OP PROVIDENCE, R. I. Warren Fales, Director Bowen IU Charcb, CornC Soloist ROME SUMMER GARDEN VaudevUIa and Photo Plays Dine Out Doors rxAca iw omaka ilSCUJITBA UI BVaiSIAO Adaaisrtoa 10 Oaata How are your Oxfords! Can you use another pair? Here '8 your opportunity. There's months of Oxford wea ther ahead of us; and we make this great clean up sale while the buyer has time to get full value out of his investment. BUY OXFORDS NOW These Prices Will Show You How Badly WE WANT TO SELL OXFORDS FOR MEN For the man who wears a small size cholcfc of 100 pairs, nr values 3 to $6. . . ; 931 150 calra 14 and $3.60 values. We have fair sizes in these 15 lines $5.00 and $4.00 values all sizes can fit ffO r any man , . ,failJ Howard & Foster's $4.60 and $4 Low Cuts, tan and n qp black . ..sJaJaifrf Boyden's and McDonald $5.00 and $4.00 patent and tan low cuts & Kiley $3.85 Johnston & Mnrphy $6.00 Patent Tan and Calf Ox- $4 25 $1.95 FOR WOMEN. Choice of 260 pairs broken lots, $4.00 and $3.50 tans and QTa black low cuts r3v 160 pairs tan and black kid, calf and gray suede, $4.00 II? and $3.50 values ejl.Ti 200 pairs patent and dull pumps and oxforda, values up to $4.00 300 pairs patent, tan and dull, $4 and $3.50 low ZlegleT Bros, and Wright & Peters $4.50 and $4.00 Oxfords and Pumps, aii a nr leathers Laird Schobers and Wright & Peters $5.60 and $5.00 Pumps and Oxfords, patent, Q Of dull, velvet d.0 FRY SHOE CO. 16tt and Douglas Final Grand Cleau Up of Men's and Young Men's Suits. Our Policy of "No Goods Car ried Over" Results in a Startling Drop in the . Prices of Dependable Clothing. "While our Mark-down Sale to date has broken all previous records in amount of business done, our stock is bo large and the time is so short that we have de cided on still more drastic price cutting. We have now made what are probably the most radical reductions that Omaha has ever known on goods of equal quality. The unvarnished truth in this case will no doubt appear startling and sensational to many men. Everything here is our legitimate, carefully selected stock, and the figures show exactly how much you save. This offering is now divided into two big lots at two little prices $1 At Seven Forty-five are traits that sold up to $20.00, in' fancy worsteds, homespun, caftsimeres, blue serges; stouts, longs and reg ulars; any size you want in the big lot 7.45 At Twelve Fifty are units that sold up to $30. In fancy fabrics and a big stock of blue serges in staple and college ruts, including all broken lots of I tart, Schaffner & Marx fancy pat terns . $12.50 Now is the Time to Buy Not to Hesitate Don't forget our Big Trousers Proposition our Annual August Trousers Sale $1.35, $1.85, $2.85 and $3.85. A choice from over 3,000 pairs to select from' $2.50 to $6.00 values. IHlaydersi Hiros. t x For' Wealth of Health 'S1 t f RED KRUG BREWING CO. .' Hit; Vtmirtn-wm r J Consumers Sistxfbatstsi Ms Nittlsr. 3214 St. 24th St, Oust Pk4 Eton, 2.24 Q St, Sis Oaths C Urn, Cmma Bblit, kws SATURDAY Another Big Day In Our Midsummer Sale $990 Misses' and Children's We still have good sizes in our 94 and 1 4. B0 Men's Oxfords in all leathers, but ton and lace that we are selling at. . 100 pairs of Misses' andpn Children's White CanvasMiP Oxfords at WUll Children's Oxfords, regu- as ma lar 1.75 values at.... M.uu Misses' Russia calf and Am di patent colt. $2.60 values 3 bj JL St H A BOOELBT with views and full Information of our Firs and Bur Klar Proof Vaults by simply send ing us 'your, request by malt Bend for It today and learn how much Seearlty It. 00 and up wards yearly will give your Jew els, Wilt Policies, Deeds and Bon da Omaha Safe Deposit & Trust Co. - Street level n trace to vaulta ' lele raraam St. CIGARS BY DOX SATGRDAY OKLY Well ot ettes. box of 50. .$1.75 Permit, box of 60 $1.75 Tom Keens, box of 60 $1.75 Bachelors, box of 60......$X75 Henry Oeorge. box of 50....$1.75 El Wadors. box of 26.... ...... OO Schmidt's Pharmacy 24th and Cuming Sts. calf, ankle strap pumps. $1.89 liOX BOOUT The kind that every boy likes and the real Boy Scout Shoes: 2.60 grade.. 81.85 $2.00 grade.. $1.55 Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farnara Street T SJISSII ISSM aVstATMafaeSlI DAHKilUPTCY SALE The Ormsui Jb Crook contracting and grading outfit, used in the construction of the Belle Fourche Dam. will be offered for sale at pjhllo suction at Ormaa (twelve miles from Belle Vourche). South Dakota, on Wednesday, beplemher 6, l.ll. at 10 o'clock. The property to be sold comprises a very extensive outfit. Including two seventy-five ton "Vulcan shovel, fifteen Davenport locomotives. four traction englnea. sUty-slx four-yard Western scrapera, concrete mixers, road rollers, pumps, machinery, buildings, supplies, etc Complete Inventory o? tbe property to be sold may be seen at tbe office of the 1 in uanver, ana tne property may be examined Dy applying to the custodian, W A. Daniele, at Orman. South Dakou. Circular, d.eciiblng the property will be furnished on application. The property will b. offered In convenient parcels. Iron of sale. cash. WaXXXAlt Xv DATTOV, Trustee, BIS at k O. Bulidlag, O.aver. In a class by itself As an office building, there is not another in the city which will compare in the solidity and beauty of construction with THE BEE BUILDING Everything has been and is being done to make this fine building thoroughly comfortable for tenants who office here. New elevators with the most modern 'equipment have been installed, greatly facilitating the transit of hundreds of passengers daily. The magnificent court and lobby have been altered and redecorated, as well as the corridors throughout the building. It has been the aim of the management to keep a high class of tenants in the building and to do that it necessarily follows that the accomodations must be the best. If you are looking for a permanent office, we invite you to pay us a visit and see for yourself the advantages wa offer. - We list a few offices va- cant at the present time: room 646 A very attractive space on the sixth floor, facing Seven- teenth- having In connection a commodious vault which affords space tor stationery, valuable papers, etc. This room rents at. per month ' l.oo jjOOj was especlaUy designed as s suite desirable for lawyers. There are three rooms of good size, having solid tile partitions between all the apartments. The suite is In the southeast corner of the building, looking out on Farnam and Seventeenth streets; is conveniently-located to the elevators and all the court rooms of Douglas county, affordlug every convenience. Per montn.SdO.oo jwjQv. Directly opposite the new Court House facing Farnam atreet. Our front offices are much In demand on account of the prominent location. This room is 13VxlVa feet In size, and is subdivided with frame and glass partition, giving two offices In one. Rental price, per month 30.OO ROOM 830- Is s choice corner office having a north and west expos, ure making this spsce attractive at any season of the year on ac count of good light and ventilation. We will arrange this space, 19x20, suitable for tenant, and there being a vault in the room It affords extra protection for valuables. Rental, per month 910.00 The Bee Building Company Bee Business Office. 17th and Tamam Sts. FOR SHERIFF. FRED H. IIOYE. FOR COUNTY TREASURER. -W. G. URE (Binders Free Call st XOth and Csntsr Sts. Omaha Gas Co., Omaha Reliable Dentistry Tafi's Dental Rotms V