11 BRIEF CITY NT.WS. AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA 1 we ems awa estop seT THE BEE: OMAHA. SATTKPAY. AUGUST 12. 1911 - stoat Prut IV fc )t;os Tar -rv-i rsre- V atiaT rsrtrer'.y rf C-.ir. BwtMk U ft Rrpb-XaA CAadl&eto to :utr T a. mftck. XMstrwt padre rw re- fl-T-tloQ. Auras: IS. prtenerlee. A. Itoy. DWOId Pudge CaavP- Oers frv re-er?'ie. appear. r"TBfKa rrifaarr. Police Jadft CaSa Ttt Aotlc j B'.aiitt Export. j TAX CCYYTvSTSTEa L32S ! slewajt of Rta Los srs e-tVrd m Hoard of rMltartM kaeerta (ml EMM farrowee Pewr 4r4 Tawwsead. t lmsjweod Park .MwsttTi ef tae rtm P.fof-ad cborch wul eaT tbeir , armaal awtta at Ecrwond park fAtardai . 1 Clrood ctaa to Mm Tbo atalaart ' t ltopwburaa elm rT.e a rai!T at k-e--etb ax. 4 Cwr-.ia rr-ts ir4ay eejs- A .7 eaadtcetre are Hama atta POod ror-e rait faTow-B wre 9trtr4 ia djrrrx-t wart Friday-. Icacrie Uuiwrkrr exalBat Jtn C LaaMtaMravr. bTteeJe PveekTc araa. Cut ta x.Aul. Uroca Bctick na Jota Ooioeieto doiAe Waddlae; Aaarrersary P-rr. aad Xira. ; -.ha tr f :7 lin" ta Ur kM3d o.d omo..esd iarttaica to tMr frteade la Osceba It a rec?jaa a hjca t?r j. T-i; j Acri C at nx Park itha AlaarAA, C- ta ca-e- I tbr f.fueu U.s( atai-rerearr. Pwddtor Mae abamide lwn -S. A rCa. a r-Ai-c. rMn4 a erokoe aboeider at la o'clock Friday Knurs - ti drtnt ton a an teT" Gftecs tbe atfJi ta an ma train r,ar Wcuw aeaitcbed and rem ear til beree aad aa after be bed o Cii b ewt- H u taaaa ta fcto booM. IJ aw.ta Taaxa atra. la Um Wr! P"c -aira Caaria hat trt-raTT aTW'iKi ttt aa !?r-"4 if ret a tlx aocst iK 4 to ir: wTli hm BnMSi' rwi a4 a:-k )i law Nri tiat a fan arl acr'-rata a ewcirt W IN 4 kmJ af taa raM la 4j ta tv o-t traaarr lta tH Csaor'a; rrrcrraa. tia pa- Judr a rrfrt f t ' o'h of Jir a irlll naaJ fft arorir ta 4 aaat f-ra ot mwrt. it r"ara tfcat n cam ra rc'r f In i T'r cosrt ari It rvTC-A at Ja5r. C ta fo'ar r a?wi4 xn.a ajfprtwfwi; f.r tt 1 rr '." tfc iy-r"rt pourL !;nr rat ta rb i am ta ta e--ty lail. rti-.r (axl Cm arrraa t- vara ; a.: hl! aa iL It ta irtrt;nc la sat ttat 13 eaa vara g r nai t. rittcmM't Wrk Im4t. City Tax CoctuckmSo&ht Jarry r-txrra kaa MRifM ka ha;a aa Ih work a( tw Baara af Eaacat:oa aai Rrje-v ill ta r&raa ta va toa ka6d rr ta O'.r dark rraxk Good, -wnm Li rraixst tan to tfca oty cwaicll at ita ttt sj llc. Th Bsra ai ta sacraa ta ral tata ta w ajraraat af :Ti a -aiJjrt-oo e rraoea: jrprT7 ta tfc xTt af Acrcf-ira to tba Boarl aX Trm t-e a to'aJ torrwa ml CT.Hn rrrr tbe a tafit cf ut joar. Tiua asaouat add4 t- tb c.tj tax ccaacwlaHr'i aiiat!oo f Cl.Ma.TCjl ta bnac ti.a total TaJ-oaUoa v ta t-r, r T .i a fca- cr-a ?rh tb tax )ctt will to ea The ocdi-uaaj acr aaad. harvavr. tiat ta fa aaort wvaii rarb aTJt wti tba r irtjoa oa rarroajf tr ta: koarw bad Was take fr-oca tba dtr ra tcrta Tia wurk ct eaJcslkSB tt trii:3 Vmr t2 tow ba p3a fc-rwarS wMJl a3 & patrit. n u ts alow fi wujool to caa efwtr sra f:aea; far rear. , It J erc! tat tha Irry wta aanont ta alout ::- u: . w&xrk la tLa 1 tax ai-ar paia to Ti j cxj. ratbltoa Ptoa Vmlr. futA OtraJha Cathoiira of St. Karr'i AawunrtMa ttiirh ara planmnc tar a lair 1 to t pmi ta Ocit for tha j of partr-c afX taa raasaa.se iM oa tba Fora AAaOClAtjca to Auist la Xa Pararal toraoaa iu tba tacc?Mrs of forrcseit ml City Ordinaao ta ta e. i" ECCrt-J Pltaea. ara axial -7 worttx pwoT''. wctKla alTaa la toin aourtt. Rrr. Joairpk ! CTauade ak. J fcyotk Twasv mtczz.i atrort. At a mtJ ba a laat filt in ta roca ; Ja ejr(( u, erf i ooaJ 4aiara. f ari Jaiera ta Caea la TrwaW. nna arm atis-A! ffd. fra4 u C0"- Proprtwar af a aoa.-4-r . ,J w w. tH n-o,. tow In tka irxaBity af Twaetj-anta aaJ -Tiro'.x a a ca -t- cai arrar tk rovuTj uaaarer aaa rsraird H. M. 3tHaarr ta air r Mraocal Ul for htm fatarr. aa S.a4 r.rta rear ara. Tba oowatr cmrAianaara reofra a imtr treza QCatytr TDarvdar. ta wtoch ba aaa tat tha X to : rTurx) aa rear aaa tba Baar to par aia awa taxaa Tsta error wiil to earrartaa ana tba rf J4 rrM.lt. 1ATM Caijany ama filfaat ivlf eaaat for IT7T ta JT-or of tba Cteat-a Eae Trte Lie at ad rVwar awiaur aaaiaat tba ctvr at rtoraaca far aimrtc a6tao acr rtam waa rrtara4 fer J&aa tab la oooo wait PVkdar- Tba aaJt aaa oa a W wtuca tba 4 rtoraaea dtr ewtocQ rafaW ta tar aa acaewat lark of tsada. Tba aaw atty uaarxfl ta w3ka to par. bat w-rfoa a oaurt Ja&amaet tar Summer Oxfords Reduced Ast Wczaa'j "Nebraska" Oifcrd cr Pamp that d to $3..). Satur- T HZ dar at Aiy caa's or ?CJ ' "Ne braska" Oxfonis, o or Saturday at Men's Lisle Hose, 12 C "Whisp?i" Weight Iis finished Hce, in 9j.aw sU. shades, at IA2t "Paris" Gaxtrs", 14c The resrular 25c grade j I Satardar, at XTv Men'i Handkerchiefs 12H? Jappocette Hand- Ca kerchiefs redace-i to...9t $3 Suit Cases, $4.95 Genuine Cowhide Leather Suit Case-, 5-5 quality, at Your last opportunity to buy Summer Trousers at 25 off If YOU'RE coin? to profit by this sale of Trousers, b sure you're here bright and enrly Saturday, for Saturday will mark tb- close of this rre.'it sa'e. We have included in this money sav ins: evert every pwir of men's and young men's surr.mer trcu.ers in our store ( except blues, b'.ack and corduroys and we've re-luol every price ex actly 25 rr. There is yet a snl -variety of pat terns and siz-s V fit men of every build from 3 to 50 waist measure. And remember. ONE-FOURTH off OUR Trousers means more to you than ONE-HALT off in other stores. $L50 to $7 Summer Trousers, now $1.13 to $5.25 Store Open Saturday Until 10 P. M. I ft (ft S)(Dc $4.95 'Tha Housa cf nnr- t - -w j Take Your Pick of Any Han's Shirt in our store, Sat urday, for (Except Manhattan and Collar Attached Shirts.) This include all white shirts, all China silk shirts, all silk stripl f annel shirts and fire madras custom tailored shirts, that frold to $2.. Men's Underwear at Big Reductions Nc Jart a few cvJi lo la thi al. tit arary y(w of bb a uinfr atiarwf-ar IB oar tor. aid all rrari to ttcnt co-b:f o? lu ral taIb. Men's J2.50 Union Suits reduced to 95c All summer union suit? that Kld to QCj $2-50. lii-les, nain4ks. etc Saturday. vwC Men's 75c and SL00 Union Suits reduced to Z2c All summer union suits that fold at 5 and 75o. lile finished and lalbrirsr?-n. Saturday Men's 50c and 75c Shirts and Drawers 33c All lisle and talbricran shirt? and drawers that sold up to 75c, Saturday, reduced to Men's 35c Shirts sxd Drawers reduced to IBs All balbripz?.n and lisle finished shirts 39c 3k and drawers, that sold up to 35c; Saturdav. 18c Inu cf rtaxa jock CWtkaa. MMTMi fkiaa. totoaa XM. ltamtotaaa Kama (Joal Men Start Move Jior Accurate Weight: POL.1T14.AL- " L POl ITIC!.. POt ITICAL, POLITICAL- POLITIC AL, IE rt&aat a WtU PretLlTa tba XKirtna af uutif tba mnlu taaat M tba CRT crdssasra rrcratir paaaw pro- Litevsc abort bto asd prortdiz for poajaaoaaax af aaa rt wba aaU abort waM 1 miti Tba araajcaatlaa alaa ataada for fair treatoaet cf tta nceaaster. asd wSl itat tba cur a efScara wba baa cbarga af thla praotoa ta sota li-r astr- Tfca erf ntaatloa rot lta atari tbiwacb tba effarta af Bwrcbasta. aerraa ta acooa T tba ieallafica ta tba cttr f'xnaffl. wba caltod tba eartuc. A cocatftatioc aaa act of kr-wa wra adopted, aaa eOcere aiactaa fc tba eoaic Tear, aaa altbeacb eatfr twaatr-Caa aainea ware plao4 aa rarer iaat asirt. trk that racr are aa aecta4 ta to aotoa ta tba acax trw aara. Tba cami roaa acrwptod tba arraslaatVoa entbavt baatiaaoa, aa a-rtdaaoaa fer tba cantor of furl daJara wba MaM tba coertit xLXn. aad ti boJldra aiae were aot aivw ta 4Pi Tae fraa maa. kawwrar. odad ta bo d off far a fww dare ta dia- w . cJj tbe aaartrr. asd Ttora WT3 tie a apanai tnaoitd caiird for MfOdar aftarBooa at tba cf!V of E. A. Kra.'p. ax Fourtaaetb aad Mcauiaa auarta. at wklci Ctsa tbrr wia deoda wbatber ttor w3i easer tha ariau- If ru-rata, is ta a pack af tracbi aa a rm.1 of aa aZcajed practwa of iaspcraaa ati&K aa aff.car. Cobfa Is aad ta ba-ra bra prsrMrd witk a etar wbicb be fabl la aJ caaea wbara ba aoadbt tcnact aad soqimsIloo ksd ctoxUraca. It is said tbat Cobra baa, tatad ta ak f-r aotbic- wbra ha wore bis etar. After bar an at tbe aacra to tma ta look far eorae asore rriienoa. It ta expected tr.at bua trial wlJ prcra ta taraaozd to tba poiica. Wim Pbaat Xearlr Da. Tbe saw waiar aaxt af t&e Itira Rsck Tarda eompacr i rajidiy aearte cvasjMa 3oa aad tStm we-Os are wcue ta dar b dar- Tba aaw p-art wGJ ba aw of tbe krmt works of )tm tsl ia tlua part cf tba eovrtrr aad WJ eapacmT prove of (Teat becaffi to tbe pactVd aacta. It la amid that tb Stock Tarda ccaa pa&T bad to par eocae faarr pneaa for tba upoa wbjeb aoxaa of tbe wHs bare drtvaa. Caaa table Crawa laalaraaat. rv-rpt-y traffic blorkaia at TwantT atxtb aad P auesta rtotarday af.ersoon Hanrr IClSar. a drt-rar for Itax Swrtxer. taesaa far a' If tnoaapo'ia Jrw4rr a- 17. A. FOSTER Republican Candidate for DISTRICT JUDGE 41h Judicial District Subject to the action of the Republican Primaries, August 15th, 1911. . avda 3. a c.i-d .a. aruto. -era. ta a:ad ta tare na t ao aa- Vr a Bsa-aca awta. aa aaa A. L. Parar- tta eoalpaaw af Cooeiabla T--.r r or H ill Kna . L Coc-xs to tba axtt of XL Einu aere etsea aa aloe rraaadaata. " tT ti cot- j stable. wo roct tae k"t t aoaoa atat-aa. wbrre tba aaartar w-j tna-T adad-cat-d JCl"-iar. who afrwrd to rr daS a too fw ata awoaraca. Cafflanab'a CaTSUw fci'raaatlT racoaawd tba attaatyt af MiZVr to sxafara bis wttb at eaota. rortBaT tba luiai 'law at tba police ta ttoa Mi'Jrr a;aaad to rack Errreast BL1 Cam-aa. expaiaizd tbat tba ta aj y icoa ta tba ramotajsia-a baaTrT was tSrwori ta fajilt af aarwae exrrp ta otoataMe. wbora jtrr I'srmri waa aa tba wrot af tba atraac. Ctuaa fctarrcutad tbe exaUeurooa by :&; KUier tbat Cerr.raa was ao Isda-a. Tba poara. rawcrelti&C tba Kan taaoea af tbatr aowTra. atood Vr tba cxtaodad larrtaws Wrwaea U. I ckmUi aad b artaoser. j tavraJa La I re to ad. 1 - tsai's of Tboaas Larfca of tia cry j ara la rroaxpt af sm tbac to!:faie btr. j Lrk-n'a tr. tbrwwcb ta Dswm rf aa a eert af trtaawk aaoac tba aid tr-otuia and aebbara cf tie taasOy. Tta t&iJuw-t-t ta taaaa froca oeaa of tba Inab pa?on. imiasa P Lark a cf ftowtb :arat.a Nab.. T. A. A was a rat-am v-.aitar is Ha aaa bora Tbe raoraocastac'rea af tba foOowla- coca paaiaa aicaod tba eocatXstioa; C Braadaia Coal CkMar acr. Uarra It f.aaa d la a Coal eosa paar. auatnaa Jarotbara Coal oeeBpacj, Owc-f Cbb Caal ccmja-By. Jba Pa ware eaaapaT. C a. Jiwirarai Coal eespaxr. rko HsaaJt Coal coccsaar. L Lort Coal oaf . '-ar. GbOa Coal coaasr. Contact A Sq-rea Coal eaeapaaT. HaseBe-arbna Coal oaauanr. L. B. btcCVaa Coal ecaipaaT, yabraaaa Fwel eaapaar. rJackaaa If.Tntor ooxapaAT. o- oraaa I arafifr Haarr Ftorr Paad aad Caal Aarsaaa rsal eaaapaay. C. W. H J aur. caBtrai eoaj aad caaa Cbartea WeatarTjeld Caal eocapaar. bleCaf tmry fcrotbrra Cfcaj cemrjary. J. W. Bedford ; i ooiBpasy. rpd:ae Ljbar as Coal r-vtj a&d tbe P. 2. Crouton A ipaajr. PIONEERS PREPARE FOR ANNUAL PICNIC T l T atabve mm alww to Kafe Hew tw . i Ik Haw anacy psaaffa of -r (a wttb aaw arajfT Huaia leTra to aia tba sakaeva a i seas rr tasi'Hf af laeawca-la was tae lasai ina wbtcfe acnatad tbe atss cf tba XAMiaa couaty asaaaera Tfcaraiar aftar- waaa p-a&a ware dtociwasd f jt tbe to be betd to rraoca Aug-sat itorcAi af tba af tba day ka epKe mt f ill btaj-t3a tulaa, mmiTT caw mtttoa. Mr. toad be dida t kacw aaw to asaaa U mar is aad ba taodbt It at to to left af Ma procraam. Wbartiipom Carta Joa apaka ale aoara sf aaybody wbe woe aa larata-aac of vhe tret saisnrnl af a atraat. WVaa aaal' Vmiil to rw fc aw a racaa ka rapalad ttaU cacb KaXtore ware Vmtl. to aai f aa 'y (a tba s limn foaa. Tbca as a coral ary af doabt came tba a, aarsisi of bow Vto as names iswaa ta be wra at raws, cape or Ml- FRED HL M0 YE' ON THE WATER BONDS In order to correct the malicious report to the effect that Fred H. Hoye had opposed the Water Bonds at the recent elections the following letters are given to the public: Mr. Hoye's Inquiry Omaha, Neb-, Au. 10, 191L Horn R. B. Howell, Member of the "Water Board, Omaha, Xeb. Iear Sir: Thoae who are trying to make political capital asrsinst me are, I am told, misrepresenting me as hav ing fought the water bonds in the recent special bond elections. As a member of the Water Board in close touch with tho-e two elections, I ask you in all fairness to correct this false statement for me, as you must cer tainly know that the Second ward, where I live, and have influence, if anywhere, gave the bonds substan tial majorities both times. You also know from our conversations thst my endeavors were directed for the bonds. Sincerely yours, FRED IL HOYE. Mr.. Ho well's Reply Omaha. Neb., Aug. 10, 1911. Mr. Fred H. Hoye, Omaha, Neb. Dear Sir: In reply to your letter of this morning, I take pleasure in Eta ting the facts, so far as yourself is con cerned, respecting the recent water bond elections. You assured me before the election on June 27th that you were for the bonds, and you gave me the sam-e assurance before the last election. I would suggest that the substantial majorities given the water bonds in both elections by your pre cinct aad ward, where your influence is unquestioned, affords ample evidence of your good faith in this im portant matter. Very sincerely, R. B. HOWELL, Member Omaha Water Board. km It will b-e noted that Fred IL Hoye's record is clear on this point as it is on all others, public or private. As a member of the Omaha City Council he incurred the lasting enmity of the public ser vice corporations by his stand for the rigit cf the public, and as a result of his actions then he is now required to defend himself against slanderous attacks. His rreord will bear the closest scrutiny and is au eloquent recommendation for Lim to the people, who will rtinisa-.ber him at the primaries on Tuesday. VOTE FOR HOYE SHERIFF IE i;D. D. MILLER Rey.rJWaa Ca1iato foe County Treasurer la tr.-e etaia t!ft Kje asotJxrr cama f-on sis.!. . fcasaTTit. WsiM aad Me ttsc -aa a ar- Caaa tewaaT-aa. Mr L--k-3 ts I -ar ta a ar xteea-T aad f r-n of aal rar asd pe-kers Sr-ctb Caa.rK aad ts e:ee aaajciatad a'-l btaaara JS. Cik-a A Co tha rra cry awoda wara boaaa f m of tbat evy. laianaM FaAe SlpA Waat bausrvad ta to A vary krae gmjom waa atpssl ai tba bad last rr wbra tta poEoa arrested 'WnajB Maan of Ocavba aa tba crArwe cf aor-rt& tk It ta alewJ L&at M wt ?ji iiea s la aa erdrevor to bare tbaca taavra la bis caesu; Tsa pnlna. after a earefal raoecaoar ta tba wake af Viain &oa a raak aa S'Ja tjm aa be waa aboat to adlreaa aaccar party He wae aswl aader a K waad aaatotua aalria. .1. Taar cbetoa of a3 oar Sua aad aacae of ear s a rr -an m. w. m - mm T'-T a aoicwa. csfta axtacbod. aaw paseraa; oa s-ti - I s. fiarrdar. Cat S5 Tear U Osaa&a. 23 Tear ia Beat rwa, Fornerlj of Milker. Sr-aart Jt EeaAoa. I Win Appmnxii Tov Sapyor-L. roa KEKirr. FRED H. HOYE. VOTE FOR WILLIS G. SEARS Candidate for Renomlnation for District Judge PW U4lt . W. G. URE i draaa. bstber ri na Mora lata joe toto jt far OVR jac COCXTEa 1 i -ea aa aura artatocraiJ. aad oawaral j to erar&ow-as wttk ba-caixta. Bow calcd a aiioaooa ta tba kk&d of c iaw j -,,,00, a fawt wVra tby ware tla Ibaar Crat yoaraaa oapaneacaa. JoLatbaa Btwarda aswetod tbat ua cape aad baaa 11 S Mil, a, r S DFaO." eatd ITacle Joe. wa ara aot ta ra arasT aaa. aw re punirs to a society aad ww waat real encury g Oae af a dreea of wrai iaa tarn tbat "bu wae aaod ocoarb for tba Uasia Joa eat kkwas f ap ajaa aa a c Ae lie lit a rasa tottsa waa aduatad aarbartataeT aa amA--tx ta a3 aajaeara to tba iajt to atteed. tar If a i kiMtaisa La at Tbe Boa. Km 1 aaaab ablrta aad drawara. Vra aad boyr aucaar caa. aft-B'e Caa ayapaeaara Vei l waab awsta. ataca M. B. U. Faacr aaa. aaa. Taer cto.ee of a3 ttosa aa.tarday. rTEAW HATS. fcC waeka to New Terk Cuy a .Ik rauat-Taa a&e tr jecda, Tta tm cf 3T3d wCl saaet teckti a: -.a t '.rr. er-aoi to arrad t -r a pcxj: t iumi x:t. Waoee, kda "a at Madrra Brotber bo" Afir.-rxa. a-L: boo x rsnar Prvtoy B.rist, Avot n. f-ir . as r t JT!er Go Too f-nwr pt aa tery -o acr part of aty STl'aa Jrt'sr Cbjof eX tba T.r rwcwrt35ait V '- Kaa baa bc-.&t a aow f.ra tears ta n-i. Tt.ay ara troc trara aad are be -sod at f-re to-a No. 1. oe af so toar ereer PUjitVEE. 1m. tar iu ix rra ra-a ar B IraM troas N-braaaa Lfiur ria-ae. su.a , ljar. lad. P-iatT. ton Pare 4artet w-ili ar.va a daa FatBt-dar avara- ac Ftum a a. Tt.teth aia i axroria, to a tick a nv ; itoios ara tartied. j 7?a asoo s cfro'r cf tta Pjoi Preaay itanaa tva an-I tor prat-Oca at I a. av Prvtoy Ai U. at is ckrca. IwetT-iua asd i streria. Tbe iwosUaa-V orwcaa rCH.tcax c'lb w.j im at tb Laur Tc-a Pncay dt at I a r- Tae f ut r -ti- ; xcutuia w.a aaae-n-to at T Jt. AI--ar itiny yekra of lints ia Coiiij coiTfc.ics cf ttkt Ccn.tr .U&kiOUA.'j -DiorJ ttc CA- diiao cf Jttie V.". G. SAr for rt-noc.ii.at.ot a: ti. pnciary ic uos. ter T'-ea-iir. aca to Rtjuil.ta of IjCif AJ Wui ;ifxs co'.BUt tw niAke t.r of tU iiOE:'zst:&s He 11 c;pcl by a t-orr';;': editor cf tti&e ton, : a a C,cu.c4 by lak to Ll IcfulAlsra by tie ja-e. Ad by A3 A:torLy. a i,o a-aei lfi cere ti.a QMii.cci'i.e j-rctlceai 12 fe- court. Ttty kr iroper'y work'.rj tfeliar. if J-ire Sara is re-aiettad. tt -en.i trr to cer.; rta rcnutttt-d orr-cff .c-E of Jcat crb ca Ke ait Tte roie cf all orlert at lie r. ary :c-tioa. jt : V- I I '- i " - ' j Ail repok- Cboto Of aay so aai ia tse aoaoa 1 aa .-pea bmui. uf Ux aota Oca .j SATTTXDAT aC Ru c. .a ij cw b.d ai t-ss 1 - vnrarixi fHDZ kdimfiva norti - ona int.-tini airrt. j frautraav raaaicaT ai s a o-jca. ware .it eaoap , i:aae are twH w "-. Wr sad atra. A. XL Atsa uunor rs 1 Capcara Eecsry T2afar w-U kw'-iA of A - C akra-ai rai.as at ui Ta oavsaa A to daaad PW era be rew. -ad- ! ? f arday at Le Ts f ea c-ia. , u(r 1 w -M- , . w . ,. - , ,. 1 Tta aiwmbere cf tba cAsa of "a w-aj tr to lAe. ;coeJ fcjlj: tTarraaara fr a aKU ta S'aaley Brabcc aad a Js of ia aotb , to t.d oa fcacirday aewstd rosctA atrwrt. asxace tba tn, t j P,T A r Vlr. , ' ta a rturt. la ai vT-.r4 taeeo ta tic-e lr kLao avaj-wj. r luprw " a raw 1 baCar httu iir. w X--a Ae sect Ijt aoa a ri a aoarck of arauiA. Ttrewis cara-a'y !a a ja.a of bay a t.r startsoi a fr a tr-a rp at ir a V'Cjco I'.oca a-da y 't. . trr&oo St : orlot rroJTij't a or cf tie I-ra frL5B-t ;tirl at Uiua Its t- ti'Ji "a; lr-rdet c!.b m , iu a ("--ai cwi-L at 7 k itAi 1 at li . CJ-r.ji-! z.aei. AU txiri ar aieviad to sliced as 1-pa.-.t -.e-S . Lo urxi . . 1 Cv .m, t.'a 1 .:- z of .aa fe.bc-a. c a -I Lis t -ra if is paro-. T iw ".r strM a.a cctatj Tj : -TMtrai iia p.a ixjs K:ra.-( trca tia rtscac. R-t1 I.la was AJ yertrrfsT 4-..-Tjooa Cr Trxt ua.r jL. .a co sa- v..- - a 1" : c sr."-r Trf iJ a rr v -.rs aa jt taa t' s as ir frr-B ariacT Ic-a )T-ka. sd 1 tr. ana cf Jtna E.t-a. dd arrry afr owa ai .?. ix-tc-i-ta iX t-a paraaia ra f-arpy wiBtj Wrv'-i tta -"ty f Sjrb ifi ftn w.I taae poe tt.-s r-w .rr at cj-a at &s fix ,y ro arsc 10 t Marr a tsamtr Mrs. A-&crt .LbaJ waa at ia.aod at a a. daar hp a ar-tire ef kar f-rda Tjcut Tba f .- Slnis Pj.s Ui.ii. auk w -". &araa &..-a-Bd. kATtL-K rrc . Ka- a L-. Jfc-srr ki-r'-j Ta rr ia g.--mtijk. sLaJdat patrrrrc. J liif, Ida fw:T- Eaixna Ttb.r Hoara Car. M MV Ai Fcaer. Li-a Lard- Tch-.ii y-.. Esrit aid it Ai2j fcrt. e-.t of f ka MASKER FLSERAL IS HELD btody o ILUooto Bsskrr k aa stadVod j Life U ara Bartow at i Ptortsas i tb. PTTTSlfCrTH. Xab.. A -a S-Tbe ocral cf Carry A Manser, tbe teraer SajLkr cf Paari. m.. wta eocsaiKtad sai am at ea Praactooa. occurred bare yto terlay (ssv.ix fjtaraj oarvtcee at tba kce cf a raiatrva. bIcE.bora of tba faarCy attended. CHARLES E. FOSTER POLICE JUDGE 'Caadtefat. far Mcrratiiattoet Re...l.s TIcae4 Primaries Aug. 15, 1911 GradokU U-lTerslty of Ne fcraakA. a rrarticitx Attorxey, sd formerly Dcp.ty Cotaty AtUrxey Ixiiirlak County. VOTE FOR HI 73 A Prominent Republican Says of the Treasurership Fight L L. Ba"el. Krpio.! raa rard.da-.a for CtaaTy Trur,r, a-.;, carry a-rvry wardl la aV-sta Orcata aai p-mi-ic..T aary earl Sa Omaca la tr.a trreeonre4 r-t be ar-.:i tar, . ar,ar.Ty cf a.l te ta raw In ro.r aa exszly Ha Is raaaiaa- M tls reocrd aa a 4f -ly s.4er Hr-.i irrs. T-- sad F---r &;:i Cra wiii un ta rec ea t a rertrri t .s aa be wi-1 aot be parauttod to raa away frost !t tta trree yaara Jf- Tra waa Coaty OttTji.oetr aa4a. oorbairaaaa af t-.a reuiTy boirfa fjtaa .n-:rua ta f Mad p.a-nly af r.sae to paraje f.s favertto orm-tlos aa a eea-reaoer tak t't: t ,jar Te ctse-aer taa reeora ara ere tr tie pabJc. ao ttat ta wbo rm aaay rwad. - ecaaaaajar tak aooas eMw it Vr t"ra t-w-k aAractara cf toctiical.Tioe ta tie A-S r'-V I C 11 1 " ", !" 1 1 "ri ; k- - - J A ttoaasi oaa Wowad f Msiiered asreaj La t-y Bwk oe a i faJTw. tba bra.ttd- wacr far aroa. asd aa.t Boatoa Di-ua; Ca. fiooaoos aaaod far to biieraesa Tte Eoa. If b, aa Oware be wwd adawrcae emTeiarer Jaw. asd aa a reaw t. tte fata cf ?cTaka. ta CVy af OsaAa. ooatb OaraJ-.a. rJc-dUe Ccatiy ta ima. l.v!-idiac ta rfex, i.attA. ware tariod eat of oiaty tbutoacj dc.lara af tasee oa araccrta bc-t la t-r Vr. W. O. Tra la Us awl aao. la tbe ease of W P JotLaaw. u fater-ta -saw; K.aaie F. I ra tla w-fa. asd ettera Treaa-arer"a daaee wore takes ia t -s o a ir-a ta the aacLe t f k'a fatber-ta-Mr ckssoTL. sks V : p. Cra. feia wife, sra Vr Wtteca T Craaafa. tls keW aeee utisr. oa tbe uuc caa -4ra tar Its f aa ta tba ecur-.ty f its faratar aenaat aad taur aacb a was witu aacb a rocer s o . 1 taaa lataann af tte saoaa toaorraat offlce la tka oo-sary tiat ef Co.a-y a&d City Troaearar Toa. B.a rra la ruarrf o tla record la twuf -aa cescty. aipjy bacnuaa ae caaact rva sway fresa It or carry off tte po&Jercka aioccr taa rocorie tbat ooatAJa U. Oa tse oar bead, Mr. I L. BriaaL CoisTy aad Cry Ewpaty Trwaoarer. boa k paticwt aad ploddiea "trw or af wood aad drawer af water tar sUrtt lamm n Boatlxe; tbe pvtiK witk a. (oaeaat mA popAr azj it-f if. aa nxrt aocewat aet af tte r-st or tor. a maa wariA aAewiAc aad oae wbe aaa llo taotT af --'-a; At. 1 OaXSTT