THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, AUGUST 10, 1911. r rr i T leiims lvien ana onooiers vie tanas to the semi-finals Soma Tut TTork it Sees La tie Chaa piocdiip Do tit. 7CZAT UTD KOCH STAY EI Bt?M ul Ailmn r Ft-svc-rleles Hard te av abbs 1 rv-f- laelr rttiea ia th n Bala Daktn. OoeXessSnc for snejuens is tb aetm-cmai f the rM"-' ciay wsrt double, els ti hat nT---t war pulled rff at tha Field WaaaeaOer memlr.g. Tb witnre fsr ta Bsl I fill plane Mi tb way tbr will be MUlui up vti they meet tht rml Tnsreoay afternoon ar MoQniston a aettth NUU pla- Branson tit Kont k Dakota; Horr ana Jmi ef t. Lsul ly Anenoif ef St. Md and JheJlay of Alston, Ok.1.: Sirrrt aa ef Pltxsbwrg play ano VsXay at Onthi, urf B nd Whlt- Mi ef XartoiX -, P-ay Ainu a.- tea af Dalles, Tax. The fight tar the kaw cf paying Che aeml-r.aal round wa bet and a3 th snaxobes were good- Koch and McKay, the fonur Oenaaa dry criaTripinri, and McKay, Indianapolis champion ul reoactiy issved to this city, won a. plaM for Omaha by defeating Bradley of Dee Mane and Sin clair of Toieda, la-. In -X -a Tkt Omaha pair outplayed th 3owan straight throng h. Armstrong, the Bt. Paul player, ul John Seller, official referee, the Ok.l.ht3i matt, played a great cam defeating Hughs, th Denver and Overall Of Bt. Loula They von the first tw set In hart araer. tba ramea roii-t Quickly, bat tn tb act Rugrbaa and Owtll took brace and err ram waa a battla. Ttia twa otbar OtnaAa iMffli la the rna trt wrat out la abort nrfler. Etrert asd of PSttaborf; trlznnMd Robinaon kb4 itcKmMT oaaily. and Hoerr asd Tirnea tb St. Lma axpeirtau attnpir gob- bUl tts Koran and MrCuiioufh of Omaha "rbTia pcmetlcSas abota. Cawytowkli DwVUa. Tba two UegiiUKmi, Paul and Earoer. pot BP a baanefal exhibition of vbat taain . voek vUl do ta trtmmfc tbo WaUerateadt Vwotbara of Omaha, -. -. The aontb yjcz.ta aSmplT alka r 'Iti. ovorr - ft-mg- ta aiarbc plants the ban back a tb eoart. up to tbo mot, or any other rule of tbo tame that the 'Walleroteadta aeomed to be wlllin to try. Wlnatos and Whitehead of V.reiEla de f eaited nahcr asd FVber of Cbloaco Id three hot Beta. t-C t-X. H The Srat Bet the Chloaro brotJMra led off Mtrons; and 2iad the Virt-taia voadera -worried for fear at they would looe the oat. wlwm the yimaa were douoa. However, the oaatars- - pcDed through that aet aafeiy by dint of real hard playuir and took the twv f ol- wltb eue, t-Z. Tba Tlrrmla Wd nv wuuwii m Jittw vw ptarrinK to win an throu k the tonraament, pt aeoinliif to ret warmed up to tbo fame tmtil aoar the end of the flret aot. Braneoa and Barum, tbo ftooth XalDta team, ctaatly oneted toah and Bo tot, tba twa lewacLa. from tbo champioDabtp elaaa Todseoday atornlnc. wtnal&f la e-c P-l Branaoa and Barton -ana piaylac n thetr eld atyla. wortdnx owy rnniaiait and (ocalbor all tbo tlaa Plar la Tklod Bwtd. Tbo alrtaen player oompoxtac In tba fhtrd round al&ctaa Toeaoay were from all the wide atrecch of terrsorr from tbo SCaaloslppt-taaeoon to tbo Atlantic, and from Canada to tbo Oulf. Haay of tboa Vara chamjHflne of ettbar einriwul r atata tranunesu. Tbo ooane of aeren of tba poedy inatcbao ta prorrooa at tbo aasao time on tbo oxnirta made tbo moat brUbant tacjile picture that Omaha baa mr loeaod an- X.H. J. BeiridaJl of PtttoborK, won tbo moot penaatlonal and bard fouxbt mabob of .the flay, dereatm Hnrh V Whitehead of Nor folk. Ta-. a-X. -K a-. BondaU played tooaoiy 1 tbo flret aot. Wattoboad y-'vt pita t?me and time araln and plaeinc the will, but aaar tba middle of the aet tbo PUtabtarwr took a brace atowtr our etoadUy took point after ajart til from ata apvawaata aa tbo Mc eoe of the after- la tbo afiaraooa of Important k raOlory watched and tho entaatanta all throucli the JRjae erta. Aftar he had loot lour etralaht Jte tbo aeonnd aot aftar wlnalnc the flrat. AKaadall made one of tbo meat remarkable VptJU fifbta owor oeoa haro and dafaatod Vrhitoboad la a whirlwind finish with both bontaatanta piaytn oa their norraa Tbo day was hot and a burnlns ana BBorebed tbo yoUow ooorta, makmc It bard to aeo tba ball and bard to play. Flret aet:. Oamoa. Pta. Flendall . 1 4 Whitehead I 4 1 J W 34 Beoond eat: Gamoa Pta TUatdall J447 1 I M Vbltaboad .4 4:iS4 44 r Third Bet'- Gamea Pta I endaQ 444444I414T44I i 4 , hltefaead .1411411141141 44 il Kendall: Total gaaaea. 13. total peinta teheed: Tatal aajnea, 11; tetal etata. la- Joe Ai uisti uavg of St. Psnl. the ekll'fnl Twta CKy ywuth with the raquet. took Jobs Bartoa of Bleu Fall to a tnmmtng. I-, 4-1 Armstrong mad the mistake of trying te play Barton at hi own game the first ant. Barton play a strong net Same and It was late m the set before Armstrong seemed to gain control of the gdtuation, but he finally won by carefully placing the ball with well dirwtted force ful shot first ba one corner and thea is la other, keeping Barton os the move. Walter T. Hayes of Chicago met W. C. Prod' I of St- Lout in two speedy seta that tried tbe metre of the former middle west champion. Hayes finally took th roateet. d-t. tb Mound City player coming bark etronr In the second aet and g-"ing the Chic. roan a run tor his money. ! J. H Wtnstoe cf Norfo'.k. Ta. walked j tbroarh two easy sets tn hi usual long legred manner with Jack Cannon of Ken- j aas iTiy. Taking in cociejt, -i. I I Paul Mcvuustnn nearly met hi Wtariae arbes he got started In th first set of bus match with Roland Hoerr of St. Louis Horn ran him U-t th first set, the two egruag long on the ceuce gama How ever, tb Older player's skill prevailed la tb kmg ran and b tcx' that set and th ase foliewtng. 4-1. O. H. McKay, the iBdnapolai Crry moau put the last Omaha m tbe running. Arthur ciihner. Tueadar Bcntiner has been playir.g a good, gams all t-u-ovgh. but McKay waa toe speedy for aim. taking th match, t-l. 4-1. Daablrs let pr-4r. Tbe preliminary round of doubles can earung of fooneen Bnatchee was r.ntnd !Tweedy night Tb mauhea in the prefim tnery round ' sere not etperiaiiy eneedy. Hatch and rarreil. the Rod and Gun club tcaie u Cmiaha. put up a good haul liuctie ef li and OkrrsU cif a 1.U:K Tt.s M-vu,i.s tirvurs ff New Orieaa ' ,-. i-vu an anna an alaSdea ef iawelry SsJAh. a4 a apeeCr. f th rlaUars T)aoi 4 1 PI 05X OF THE CEJLCXS AT TEE CLAY COUST 107115X7. In"" M . V '3.. .1 . Hl'GH O. WHrrrHEAD. Norfolk, Ta nine M, -L Tbo flret round of Aonblaa will be played this mornlrg. Plarero Defaalt. Fourteen matches were played In the oonaolatJon round, half of them ktfnr ds fanMa, man playing- ta tfc doubleo chain plonahln, prof m rtng to default rather than Joe their Chance in we fltmblea. Tre matehea were pAyefl oa the Harpy Hal low club court, which ware renerruaiy offered by these olob to the Fieid club to help them run eff fha many matehea. An tomobilea ocnrreyed the niayera from the Field club ta the aoena of the battle and return, 4 tba Day. THTAD BOCTTO SaCQLEa J:3- BnS-:1' PlttabCTt. beat Hurn a nhoad, orfo:. Vs., a.j. -4 -i0 irTy Vewu-rtoo, Val Vlooa. Tex. beat F. P. 6Uccuir, la. H. Waiter T Haj-e, Chioan, beat W. C. Brodux. St. Lomi, 4-t. M ton!7"rr0t' X lDhn Br" of11' MoQulattm, New Orieano, beat o.acd ioerr. feu Lenta, u-t, 4-L rC; " Wlcton. Xorte.s, Va, beat Jack uannon, Kani.aa Oty, a-l, -. OmahfYii ATth" Barib Oaaoalattea Blarlae, praXikinabt Boorrx rl?. Wr;-t. Omaha, beat K. HHler, Omaha, ry default. Oa. I?- 0aU T id'att'. Kewmao Grove, Neb, beat t A'1"'' i-aamey. Neb., 4-1. -a rJr.?- Jtifr . Chioaaa, beat Fred Ijufrene, Omaha, by default. a "Jr. P. uart. la, beat 3. Albion, OkL, by default. - T. Baiiey, Adosi. Daiiaa Tex, beat Paal Jtor Plattamontb. Xsh. by natault. C Offutt Omaha, beat la. C Hartieom. AfrnT, Neb, by Aatauit. Leo Wllaon, Omaha, beat X Ttr,-w.. Omaaa. by default. O. k. Bayrwia. Omaha, beat Hal DranoIL t Br nersnn. Omaha, beat T. Baneker, M. M. a-i. KaaaeU C 1L Denny, Badfield, &. JUiy. Ornaha, 1-k. 1-4. M- Celpetaer. Omaha, baa Omaha, by default- IX, F. beat O. Haakell, Myron Buca. Omaha, beat Lao Tan Camp, Omaha, -, K H. l Leable. PRELTbtrjCABT ROOD. Fawbar Brotbera. Chioaro, beat and wiiuama tmaha, s-4. 4-1. (-r Adoa and Bhaioon, Iaiaa. Tex., Potter and Seriener, Omaha, 4-4, 4-4. Buck beat Kobtneon and MciLicney. Omaha, beat Hadley and aardnar. Omana. 4-1. 1-4. 4-L aierer and Recdail. rittetiurc beat Ken nedy and feuoode-ood, Omaha and New Tork, 4-C, 4-k. Koch and McEar. Cmaha and Iniiinti,- oiis. oeat ti PTt ana OTIutt. Omaha. 4-1 "1- I rr ana Jeziea. Louie. Msat Col- petaer and Powell. Omaha, 4-4. 4-1 Koran and UrCuilourh, Omaha, beat Meyer and Wllhama AUianoe. NeL, by de fault. liutrhes and OvtiraO. Denver and Ft. Louie, beat Hatch and Farrell. Omaha. 4-4. 4-. 4-a Armatroxtf and Bailey. Bi Paul and Ckla boina, beat BrocLi and IdcOonneU. Lou s and Omal-a, 4-t 4-4. htaoQuietoa Brotbera Texas and New Orieena. beat Burns and Madden, Omaha. 4-4. 4-1. Waileratoadt Brotbera. Omaha, beat Nec ley and Rorere. Omaha 4-t 4-4, 4-4. roan and Sweet. Dee Wo.nae. beat Cald- wil and Webster, Omaha 4-1. 4-4 Bradley and 83nrA.r Ie Molce and To.edo. Ia, beat Omana. -l.a-a.g4. and Becaet, Falter and Morgan, piattamouth, Neb beat Hamaoa Brothers, Kearne', Neb., by oetaslt. Flret keaai. MaoQulatoa brother. New Orleans and Teaaa, beat Walurstaadt broth era. Omana, 4-tl. 4-. 4-0. Branaoa and Barton, South Dakota, beat Dosb and Sweat, Iowa, 4-4. 4-4. 4-4. I v in si m ana n.ii.eea. irgtma beat ; Fleher and Fisher. CUcigu. 1-4. 4-t. 4-1 I Ados and Sneitoa, Daiiaa, Tex., beat 1 Fa - tar 1 -,vara Morgan. Piattamouth, t-L 4-4, and Re-iall cf Pittbui HibBisok ana HcKJnney or Omaha Koch and McKay of Omaha beat Bradley and ehnciar of Da Mornes and Toledo, 1 4-1. 4-1. 4-h Hoerr and Jonas of Bt. Loin beat Ki and MeCuUougb of Omaha. 4L 4-t 4-L Armstrong and Bal sf St. Paul and Albion, C'kl. beat Hughe and Oterail cf Denver and St- Loula, 1-1 4-4. 4-1. aire wf tbe feena Ray Branson, the Mitchell, fc. D., tennl plaier. ha agreed to be lb official referee tfor the l:wa state tournament te be heid in Dw Motne nert weea. Conrad Touna ta induced bv inuix f eertais silver coins some. doses or four- teen laos 10 chai-t tn tiai.s tor tha players. ' bniig eater and make inemaeives f i,tr- ally useful In spit ef their usuaLy loud woioed I soora tor tennis a feral of Omaha proml Infill foifers sere to be seen ai'.tmg Quit 'p-aoeiih;y oa the Field club galiery and I sat Thing the tennia gama j Iowa and Oklahoma are planning two ietat tourtiameiii following th national iciay ctturt at uinaba lesa will hcud 11 , eiate tournament at I Mmtxia. aug-usr :14-J. and ttaianoma at ILr.xi. Oah, August Drummoad Jane sf tU Leius added an (ther laurel wreath to hi ouIm-cuob Tuas- vo t K ,..H.,..l .. . .. bancs down Irummund oefeaicd Kid I An,in r llmm 14fnii in I t.i f , , .. carried err the prise The tr-un.amit srnt or? la grt st i. lurig pisig pt, gam of the moiLtiL being tbe , It was 'J r hara y sat te venture Intu Ui psviiioB of Lit, a Jri niu. mv i"i lur.iKm vutO V in. 1 mm. w.ii t.. i 1 1 w muiif ever tables, net and wiarj-ti.u.g in s.ol. ROOMING HOUSE IS RANSACKED Eagaar Lada-tat aa Hew. rrwrt aad tarry 4tff 44 ertb af Plaadrr. F. C Partina wbo condocta a reaming house at S4 Howard suwet, rented a room t a brace of crook Tuesday, but lie did not know it at tb tima Tba tact that hie new tenants were criminai-y inclin came te bun forrlMy later in tbe day sbee other compart of th beuee rvptd tt In uf all tl4ur 4-aliabiea The teo thieves j to .4 thrts suit - .its, loading lien wiih all tb things tbey couid fiad. iniiutin-g 3 . - , ... . . ' 5 ' ', batwaaa jssk j T 7 I MORE SHOOTERS AT THE TRAPS i I 5ncber ii Incrrard to Orer Two Eiadred 'Weixeeiaj ICornirj. GALLERY ALSO I5CAES IV SIZE Watt aad Joe K tbo Aaaatoare to 5 of tbo Ufa The aooond blc oay of tba abooCnc toumasiont oa the Omaha Otm dub rrounda anriaa the rlTor opened wttt PX cctranta waitliic their channel to aet bo hind the trapa aereral hew men haTlz arrlTod Tneoday hlxfct and reclatared Wodseeday morxmx. The larfeet raliery of the trarnameiit waa present, many women belt m the crowd behind the I roll Ua.t aeparatod the ahootara from the public. OaaaraHy. the ahootlnc waa behind that of Taee&ay. due pnnelpaUy to the blab wind that swept an uaa the Celd from the north, ma sir g tho Clahte of tie targeu unsteady and erratle. The ahootara are dmded lute tarty BQuada of five men each and at neon twecty-elxht equais had ahot off aeewBty Eri of the IM tarceta Bewea of the eaaade had not had as opportunity of gerOna; up to the trapa. At the noon misuiiilein Oemga Potter White and Joe Kouexty lead the amateur, baring each broken aevesty-four of their oeveEty-fJv target Among the prcf eaej onala W. R. Croaby. Fred Oirtrt. John R. Taylor and L. a German were tied, with aeventy-tour tar ret each. Owing to the great length of the pro rtn and In order to Cnlah the Btt'. before dark the doublea ava been out out. The management ha been fooled on the aiae of the tonrr.a meet. It waa snrmip, that ISO to 174 entrants would b the znaxi mum and the grounda were planned fur that number. The result 1 that with Kt men shooting, the wait of the equada are long and tedloua. However. It 1 too late now te clear off additional apace asd In stall more trapa and the tonmament will be Cdalhed with the present number la action. Clark High Tweeeay. In the professional ciaaa. Homer Clark of Alton, LX. a high man, finishing with a score of 141 out of a poaalbl lau. While his ahoonng wa conaidered good. It wa not the best record that he ha made, tor at the last rtats unuviament In Oklahoma City, he broke lift targe out of a poe able 0. At that shoot, he broke IK tar ceta without a cuaa, winning the gold medal Among the amateur, George P. White of Watenown, 6. D.. walked oK with the honor, knocking down 147 of the HA tar s' eta The last ninety target were broken without a nasa Whit hold the ohamplon aulp of South Dakota, having won It tare year la aaeceeaion, hi average during tie three aeaaoni being 16 per cent. The acore of the big shoot of the day fol low: SCORE FIRST DAT S SHOOT. N umber of Targets TX W. K. Grubb 11 J 21 u a 14 1( U 11 1R wot...ji itaimauuM i ia i J. a. Beversoa.U li U 14 il i 1 l ii ie-jr( M. llUKUAul . H 1 14 Ul in Ik -j v -ia ' I V,'. fenuuiway .l u . il ii 14 u ii a-ijn . A. Urowu. JIJMaai41il N. Munty i it 14 i4 14 a 1 14 - 14 itu a. A. Huntley 1 li i4 16 li a m It ibi4 P. W u;ve it 1 14 i4 1 li i ii is i7 Bay TayiW a 14 ii ii i li 14 14 1 144 leUbe er 14 i4 jti il u jjt a 14 le il ii? lata. ii 14 ii ii 14 jJ) 14 il rrea Neusun 14 14 14 li 14 li 14 14 1 144 Fred l eal 11 14 14 14 li J 1a Is 1, ii i4 Dan 1 Biuing ..IDlililliuUillill 14 i K . G. iiliis 1 it i4 is a j4 14 14 aL 1 i4 1. C. Davidson.! J i 14 il li 14 14 14 17 Fred aubert ..Ii4i4iilii4lilili i 4t, H. Dewta ...... 14 14 14 14 14 -4 i4 li ii ii .42 Jess Xouxif . . .ii li 14 ii 14 14 14 14 li 1 .44 - G. cpeitoer..4 liiililAiiiiiili ii , H. il. tiLunger. Iii4 144iiii4iiil ii ii a, a. ..Uiil4i4iiili4i414 ii 1 A. UOHisit ..At i ii 14 it, 14 a1 ii li 14144 AXt K 1 ISm ... 14 A Alt A 14 Ail At Ah AM i4f AA. Tj. I .M -. If II . H -. , . fc 1v T CrUV OUiLltf ... 1ft .H . k II, ,L A . li ... "... Fred Ca.c well. .14liilill414111ill: li 144 ! C. O.HL.iSurih.ii 4 14 ,4 14 11 it In 11 1aa i J G. Van t-4.Ll.j4 14Jii4111tlli4 1 ii M nManw 14 -i i. li x At ii aM lb A nidsr ... A C. Connor ii 1 14 i 14 1 14 14 At 14 44 1 .1 ii 14 14 a At il i4 a 1 Ai r. .eie -Am AM Am A AA A AA Am Am AtAil uBl U il 14 14 -4 J 14 14 14 is aJU 4- aaeuy ...44 14 ii .4 am 14 ii 14 14 14 aid Ba-T d li 14 14 44 14 i4 44 i4 14 il -IT Jfahn -Ntve. 14 iiiiii4iiil14ll ie aa A iaswur-b ,. . .14 14 14 ii 14 il il 11 44 i4 aM 1 . Gem-ui . .14 11 14 il .4 14 14 i 44 ii 14i a- a. Dunnei 14 14 is 11 14 il -1 1 b Vs. H. J-'ii-n...l 14 14 44 At 14 aM ii it aIuM I? XL. VV . ) Ik-lty . 14 A Ah am AB 14 il 14 i 141 R- 7ajror . .14 14 ii ah -4 14 14 IL 14 li- A. M . iaeai-i . .14 i4 11 il il 11 - 14 a aaaa McDuna-d lillitUitiiititii 14 ey Dan M hi-ney Rehhauaer 14 14 il it, 14 ii ii 14 14 ii -41 T. A Lart,,l IV -111-114141414 14 14 -41 M. iL Nevui . .14 iv li L 14 14 44 14 il 14 ve. Maxwtl ..ii ii 14 li -1 14 aa li 14 ii i44 (. 4uger ..14 14 34 14 4 XI, 14 il i2 A H. ir ...i 11 14 li 14 ii 14 ii 14 14 i4v C. A. Thorp ..iil4iii4i4l4ii liw Bert D-aun ...iil4iKl414ii4il,i4 14 ii4 ioi.ii Den ii 14 11 14 14 1 1 14 Is aU M. F. noi.K . .m lii 34 14 lu 1(1 n, ji n li ii, C Daianey iillilliliilllaiill 14 ii? W. W m a.kiii ii iiiiiiudiiittf A. F. BaiJ- 14 li 14 11 14 i 14 14 14 ii il? H. F. t-uh ...14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 li la U. 1- tarter 14 it ii 14 14 ii li ii li 14 W. VeaiB . John Bauer lu nievsr f. Uuioi .. J. B. Day ... W. H. hieer L. K. Kiel . C A. Lewi J. F. Beard McNan.ara C -aa Day . .. .11 14 14 ,4 ill ii 14 14 li ...14 ii 34 11 14 14 11 At il 1' ...Ai i. AA AA il ...14 14 Li 11 li 14 14 li ii 14 -k, ...ii il 1 ii 14 11 44 li j ii lit 1 14 ii ii li 14 ii 14 i4 i4 . ..i4 14 14 14 14 14 ii 14 ii 11 14X .. .14 li 14 14 14 14 li 11 li 14 iV . .14 14 11 li 14 14 14 14 14 iv iJ . . ii 3 li 14 11 14 .4 11 14 11141 ...I4 1ilii41414i414i4 ii' ii 14 ii in 14 ii ll ii ...Iii4liiil41i iiiii I LlUierbui y .. A. Mwooon i Geo Mauaie I Prank uray j C 7. Rankin Ld O xu-ien ..iiliilliilllliliii 1 U7 .ii i4 14 ii 14 14 1 14 li 14 1m . 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 ll i -tt . ..14 14 li ii i ii it li 14 14144 ...i4iiliiilil44lili ii ,, .. .L 14 ii 14 11 14 14 -1 ii 14 lii i4 ii it 14 14 14 14 14 14 4i4 ...-ilii41iiU1114 14i 14 iiT . . .14 il 14 ii 11 ii iO 14 li 14 13 H Inxua fthroeoer .. V" 6 jatee Gutxian If - Dlm-' D. itWM .i4 1iillil4i4i414i4 14 i-4 .11 il i il 14 i4 w i 14 imAt C. P- Dickey ! Moureary Li Ik 4 ii il 4 14 11 -i 1 iii I K . Murray ..11 14 14 ii il -6 14 li 14 14 1 W. kuvrrie . ...-4 li 14 il 14 ii 11 14 14 14 ii: I W. R Crosby. .i4 1ilii4iiiiiiiCii ii I bL F. Turur .-14 14 14 14 li 11 ii li 1, i. iA jl. R C nsa-a . .14 li ii IX 14 li 14 li ii ii i a. B. V are . .14 14 i4 -i 7-1141444 lr: 1 c. G. GeaUy . .14 li li 14 14 14 14 34 14 1, iv I Carl Gouct-er ..ilHiitiUll-iiliiili 14 la t luaerbau4-a ...14 li 34 14 is 14 14 li ii it H- D. iliiliiilillll l it t . H. h.a:.4h ..i4 1i4141ili14iili 14 141 aeabrr Ld ..i4 1i41411ii.l41i,li 1 1,4 r'-- - " ' ...liialilililiiilili li i hadQuarters m Chi it it u il - J it 2 u iTTi ! T,?",.1 i"' Jk. BWUUll i. " i . : t. fi TT , , TT f" if i.aini'ii am am Am, i. as as, u ab Am i Ira Nf a 11 14 14 1 li il 14 li 14 b F. hhert .-lllljlllliiiailll 14 Ul C. BdJia . it 14 14 14 14 11 14 11 il 14 i4U i bTUaIA.,4 14 14 14 14 14 14 11 14 14 144 i i Dseii Ai 1 J it At 14 14 14 14 14144 w ritt.nan.14 14 14 14 14 li ii li ii i W Wngnt 14 111ililJ!141illl4 14 : G. ' Tay iur.. i4i4lililil4i4liii li j J ve.son ..U 1 11 li 14 11 11 14 li ie '-i I H. Duis ...14 14 ii 1 ilil 14 21 11 14-Isi ' W. uk-ay ..11 li li 14 ii 11 14 ll 11 "i ,i i Walt 11 ll li 1 IX 11 14 14 ii ia 1 i J. iL. Graham 14iiiliiiilii4li li ' L. pliKita...ll 1 ii ik 11 14 14 ii ii li 144 Vi'eaUicrnad li 11 li 11 U li li 11 i l bt It. Mil. Ill .. 14 14 44 11 11 14 11 li 14 123 MUtlktlKni . .11 ll- 18 14 14 li 14 J i4 iv IA a H cnnf .11 li 14 14 14 li Ia .a . i Ca Keimtra . .14 44 14 li 11 11 11 14 14 11 IA ! John Mian -li 1! 14 11 li li li li li 1a1m F WUiaiu 14 I 14 v 1 11 l u lus RotKO-lrun 11 U 14 14 11 14 It 14 14 is J. H. liu ....11 11 11 14 14 11 li 34 I 11 IA 1 F. H KSiaiea..h' 11 11 1 1 11 11 It IS liti j Gk io.ui... Li U li 14 I! 14 11 14 14 1T A. .!. n 34 U ii & li il 11 ii 14 14 1st, ..". 'oiima 14 i i li li 11 11 ji li ii 34' ; f FreU 14 IS li 14 24 11 li li 14 14 141 1 I -bam tier 14 15 14 11 11 14 1 ii 11 isis 1 Urul ...11 11 11 14 i! 11 li 11 11 ii-,- ! ! A- 1 Miit 14 11 14 14 . . . I Pi 'XLir-;:- t? 14 If 14 J4 14 K I! 11 14 1S4 4 U 44 44 Mill m-am I r tt ior nonorsi .5 5 be atixr ,.M it M U J M M B j MULUMkU is ii ii U U U J It 1 ,. .Am a- tm ..! ii 14 At ii 14 14 1 14 is 44 fra aA - t Hiiuii 14 li li 14 le ta I llUKaaau 44 il 14 14 ii 14 i 14 14 14 im V - A. t.lto&.tA M 11 II 1, It IS 11 A J. M fwjsue ,.14 At II it 14 ii 14 14 1) i 4 J Kaetaay ..14 IT il 14 ir li U 14 11444 tveokare U Ui4U 4144: i i- f-vvt-arnr ..44 11 44 44 U 44 4 4 U-a i, MuJwli M444iiii4Ui4i A-m av. i .44 14 li -i 44 ii 14 H t4 44 4M 1 ia ir,aaai .UllMK II k b k i L M. I Imukjmu ,.41 4I4414il444444 4ST H. ilius J II 14 14 )4 44 14 Ia 4i 4 K. W areer .OI )4 14 U 44 M 41 4 U la V, . Keoar .....U 11 14 11 11 11 14 14 14 11 la rv 1 sew oena ..14 14 14 14 44 14 11 14 li C. C Henahaw.ii 14 1J U U 14 li li li u W. R Hooa ...11 14 li 14 li II 14 14 li 14444 3. Petereea .14 U 14 14 U 14 11 It 14 14144 i 44 a. at; 4 14 11 11 U 11 li 14 11 14 :r t.'m Kd.y 14 li li 14 ii 14 14 ii 14144 T. EUOOWt 11 34 14 li 11 14 14 li 14 it F. B. Obpeey ..11 11 U 14 11 II U 14 11 11 IB C. Thornton ,.M U 14 U 14 44 14 li 11 14 1 w. h. Haadr ..) 11 I 14 n 11 n u i j ,i tt w .14 14 14 14 34 14 U li li 14-44 W. H laJ:y! H Taiiaa ... 34 14 34 li 11 li li 14 IS) li li 14 11 11 14 14 11 14 11114 11 11 n 11 11 1( ii 1 11 ii-ir 14 14 li 11 li U 14 14 14 14341- O. 3. Graves 1 11 li 11 U 11 II 14 lfc IT 11 11 U 11 11 41112 11111 i H. Iians T. Jarred 11 U 11 li U U 11 14 11 11 11 Gee Toeaer .. Hoitatr.gar .. illiam .... 11 34 34 11 11 11 14 11 11 14 1: 11 U li U 14 11 11 11 11 14 UC 11 11 14 li 14 14 li 14 It 14 1 E Bigier 11 14 1 11 U 11 li 11 11 1 11141 MagTiUSan ... .1 14 il 11 II H 14 11 U t ITt A A Chek . . . .11 11 a il 14 14 11 11 U 11 1C f T Levering 1) UUUUlialiU B 1 Linderman ....14 14 11 li 14 1434 li U lifil IT. JL Patch ..14 U 3 14 34 11 11 14 14 it ill J. rtanrren.U 14 li 14 U i4 li li It li i4 Metitgonwy ,..14 U 1 ll 14 li 14 14 tt 14141 JL. 6afce 14 li U 11 14 li 31 II li il MelttnneU 41 14 ii ii 14 U U li 14 14-441 B. H More . Si 11 U 11 11 II li 14 11 11 III G Keating I li 14 ll 0 11 li li 3 li-iii E Briade 11 U 11 14 31 I 11 li 1 H iTIay ..14 II U 14 14 U 31 iTii li-141 3 a. Thiiif-aon II 14 I 14 If' 1 11 U 11 13 2 TpvtK-TiJ li It 34 14 li II ii li 14544 ChnetmBon U 14 IS IS 11 11 il 14 II 1311 Cunmr gham ...11 U IE 11 11 ii 34 14 li 14 -sf Geo. Hug htm .J4 11 14 It 14 li li li 14 44-441 Bert LeSroa .. T 11 11 11 14 14 11 14 14 14 i J. Pander 1 li 11 U 4--. The aomnd big event of the day the twe&tj-Sve Aoubae targeta, fifty-nine men laj-tloipetiaa, i. S. Tmmg of Ciilnero lee!lr,g the amaievra with a ouore of 4i and W. B. Croaby of O Fallen, IIU at the head of the protase'iunal otaae with a soon of 47 targeta The boot of the shooters wee as follow S. Toung el K. F. Turner 17 Fred Gue a J. Cheaaer... k, Bert Lewis......... K H Woodruff... a Ira Newels.. 14 W. R. Crusfcr 47 aa. fc Germs p 44 A E.. Bates 17 D. D. Gratea.. 4i J. b Granam. Ed. O'Brien H. H- Beanay.... R. IL Murray B. F. Yeech C G. 6;eiicer..... A. R. Cheak H. D. Frtwman.... F. Camnt-eil K. Ciark F. (eierrnu N. B Jaoobeon 44 Tom Graham. C J .Ntsoa. li N. Mintey K George Reamers... St 41 E. . Breck nnoge 41 Joe KoutsA) 11 to K. C. bensnaw.... X K W. D. T4VBH&C.. I. 13 F. Weatherhead... li 44 J. T. I-Ilv 17 tt William Teach r: H. G. Taylor 40 B. B. Ward. S3 A Gate st C. H. Into KS L. P. A Hartley. F. G BUI.... Art Kl.lan ... rV. C. Conner . J. T. Flieliry. R. W Ciancy. H. Tixfn .... D D. Bray . . S A K Chamber... kt C C W Ohey S 17 R Thorrjfwn m 41 B. F. Eitrt 1? 4? A. L Putt 5 41 J R TavJor r l W. H Clarey K J N. Noel William McCreery J A. Muldoon M li. Bauer r Stranded Woman Asks for Milk for Her Little Babv Does Jtot Thiii of Ecntlf Euibati ii Sotified of Eert Wlierw aboatt. ' Ptrarded on her way to rejala her hua ; band, Mr. John W. Morgan cam to tha ofTlo of the AsBoclatad Charities Wednee- day morning and anked a drink cf nuik tor '. her baby. She did not want food tor har I self, when aha first Baked for aid; eh waa thi tiki r,g cf the baby, too email te , understand It own want or mn ia them, j Anorfcer child, a boy large enough to walk, i acoompanled her. 6h had been left by ! her huaband In Alneworth, Neb., their former home, and be went on to Btuart to follow hi trade ot carpentry. Eh came a far as OrT aha, when he wrote for her, but had no money t go farfher. Her hu bar.d vu wired by the Aaeociated Char- 1Uea -na he will be Bent to him Thursday morning. Hawkins Uses Hammer and Knife to Settle a Dispute fttarreli with Earry JCoore Orer a Woieaii and Inflict Probably Fatal Injuries. Harry Moore, negro, to assaulted Wednesday morning by Walter Hwkin. alD cf the same raoe. and tb r urgeon are - now working on the paoe.nt mdeavormg to ; save hi life. Haw kin and Moore Quarreled Tuesday night over a woman. Wedneeda y morning 1 Hkwkin went te where Moor to work- lng at Twenty-fifth and Grant street and 1 announced that he would settle the dif j fcoulty. In proceeding he drew a knife. Biaahmg' Moor acros the left cheek and 'seek. When Moore fell Hawkins grasped a hammer and beat hi victim over the bead. At noon he was rriil living bnt to In a very fctr-:u cond-tlon. He rrobab'y sill not live through the day. Rallrwad etes aed Persaeala. Jarr C. Kelhy of the legal department of tiie Burlington is liack from Chicago, s here be sent .eveial aays airo to conier with the head official of the road. The private car Columbia 4 on Its way from ti.e Facific coat. bear:ng George list! man. th camera and piste mas cf il:ntli-tcr. N. T It 1 coming over th I'nion farific and bore It will be transferred to ti e Mi'vuukee. Carl C Wrigfct of tb Northwestern, ac c.'ni, miAri ly Airs, bright, leave torilrht Ut Giwwood. la., where they will spend u morrow and Iriday attending a hoT.e tximlng of tre old settler of southwestern Iowa Mr Wright hted at Gienwood f:r many year and Mrs Wright waa born there. Quuig Hayrkea anKintant general pas enrer agnt of the Milwaukee rtaii. with rag ci. bat wbo hu been t-nos, lert lor ttie field of hi labors last l.ii.l During yesterday afernoon tbe (in; in the Miieaukee orr.oe I'layed Bomething of a joke u-on tieir old w-vorker He left his hand gnp sitting 'n th tiffioe and went out on the strert. Tbe griji was an did one. 'iiav ll .g seen better days While Uayties wa ae-ay tne noys took up a eolation ana, 'ir-1 eut and louittt the beet traveling ''Hg they oould Tnd. The tbey transferred Hayne' poamtsioa from tn oid to the bw bag. Vja Hyne' return he wast unabl to End hi o.d bag ana thinking it had been stolen, refused to he comforted until it was explained to fa.m mi th cnang naa ueen irot Pstatrrs a M Psictar' union, local Ko. K smoker Thursday evening at pie at t p. rn. . will gtv Labor Tes Bill Uat Defeats nmt Seetrva. KRIPBAIXE. annrslla. aug. "THir" Lang defeared Hi.l" Hqulre la the fifth booay ef a buut for th boa vy-wwrht cUmiwiiuiiifi cf Australia. Lane weighed in at 1! and e-aiare at 174 pounrta. Tbe odds vera t ie 1 an Ler.g. arb bad all the , bst of it throughout. rx'UT taeiasfitt peo- saw tr bout. .. , -. . . . 5"h Ax; is U bituaooa stes Watt Ads. InniTi I cnYii nmrpviTFCTj' 7ita Other ArtiLi and bwwiti- Vita Other Axtaa and sUrse&ta- Ufa Ee ieoeirti EsteriTfa. ATX ITEXEGATIS Alty TTTRTTJtVT ay af ti tiawls stalrea Bit wrrta aasT Kaewtrts at Pa tea Havel Beadfeirten, a tbiBaiailitT aa.toyes asad sjer,bH at any arerteae meeOnga. and tnla fact 1 largely due to tbe Worrell Manufac turing company of St. Lenta which aa- 1 umed the burden of sntartalnmr th dele gate and making them feel that tb whole world and th beet part ef Omaha belonred , ta them. Well Kaewa ta Obbbwb Under the direction ef F. L. Hexla who. Vy the way. 1 not a stranger In Omaha tbe Worrell oompany established headquar ter for tha aheriffa at th Paxton hotel, where hundred ef visiter were entertained la royal faahten between convention ses sions A part ef the entertainment pro vided, and. la fact, the meat important 1 social event af convention week, was tb reoepUoa given te tbe delegate by this oompany at tbe Rasas betel. Heal, who is a pi osmi um 1 eiil extraordinaire, eMua. In aa cxregittoBany alalght-ef-aand Bkaalpnlaaor. f labsd one BREAKFAST CAPS IN VOGUE Hstv SsrrealaeT Ie far Early Msnlig, Bn Ike Case. Th breakfast cap or bowdotr cap became ( a BeosssTty whaa the more eiaborats styles ; of hair dreaaing came Into rorne a few year ago. Woman of taste and neatness I are reluctant te appear at any time In tha day with tousled or -undi ussed hair, but th Urn required to "Ac an" tbe coif fure that have been worn during recent ! year cannot be spared In tbe early morn 1ns hours, neither by the matron who su- 1 perrlsea bar own house be Id nor by fbe ' woman of leisure, Boot the necessity, one ' may almost aay the luxury, of th break fast cap. Our English sister,-' who are more par- j tlcular about these things than any woman , in the world, adopted this dainty head- , dres a long time ago. It popularity In thl country is now In evidence every- i where. Wnl. tbe chop have been offer- ing these cap tn all aorta of beruffled and ' beribboned ahapaa to fascinate the woman of meana they hav so tar shows no mod el that can be laundered weTJ enough to appeal to th practical woman a sal Shape that may be laundered are a Bevel and charming a anything of the kind could be, and they ive a very great ad- vactag of being made la such a way that laundering will Improve Instead of destroy their TtTarn Tineas Each one 1 eon-ati-neted ae that It may be palled out flat en tbe drawing atTing-a, and every dainty bit of embroidery and lao Ironed out oare tuUy. PICKPOCKET IS AGAIN AT WORK AeeaBBpltsaed "Dip" Kehe Two Mara Mrs aa Sherssaa Aveaae tret Car. A heavy set man, aa aocomp'Jachd pickpocket, who ha been operating ex tensively on Bhermaa avenue street car for a number ef weeks, has renewed hi aotrrttiea Doren Smith, 404 Grand avenue, report to the polio that he rode about six block on a Bhereian avenue car Tuesday even ing, and recall h ring been jostled by a heavy set man. Later Bmltb found that hi pocketbook containing ISO was missing. E. R McOinnla. T77I California street, re ports a smllar experience at about the same time. MoOinni say a heavy set man bumped Into him while riding tn a car on Capitol avenue, and i out tla, H3 description of the pickpocket tallies exactly with that of tbe man who Jostled Doren "ii During the last eight week it has been reported that th game of pick ing pocket ha flourished on Sherman avenue oar. A thort time since Mr. Peter- eon of tbe city engineering department lost a wallet coat air, trig about tend. This happened on a Ebermkn avenue car w-hlie ' be wa returning from the dry employe picnic at the Rod and Gun club. ASK FOR PAROLE FOR WING attaiaey Will Be Heard by Jde Esrelle Tbarsday for teeth . Who real J4 sto. I Application for parol of Arthur E. Wing, whe face charge of grand larcery and j breaking and entering because be tOj i automobile to satisfy hi eras for driving 1 them, was mad to Judge Lee S. hsteiie by MeGUum Gaines a- Smith. Wing counsel. ! Wednesday. Judge Eetsii conferred briefly ; with County Attorney English and ent word to the attorney that he will bear tem Thuiwday. The proposition of th attorneys la to plead guHty with the understanding that th boy wiil be paroled. They contend hi case l an unusual one in that he ha none of tb Instinct of the natural , criminal. He merely wa o evereome by hi mania . for eperatms; car that h became lrre sponsibie, tfcey sy. Wing la at liberty under tV ball. : If the bone for th Jail and th fur fitahing of t-l new court house arc not woted new they will hav to b voted later as a necessity, tor th new building cannot be used unci the board ha-h money ta gulp th Jail, furnish th building asd grade down tha grounda A failure to rott th bend win only postpone the data an: eaus aa cnnecisy loss to th taxpayer Thy are new paying about X)0 per room I rent for airraid court rooms and office and a new court hous and jail 1 of no value unless furnished so that It can be dr. Ddegate arliax in tne awawal (oavas ' tka ef the Natl 1 n f3ertf&r saw hkrlna wQ leas Oauba JsbBaBt awer tba aaae- ai&esBt iBuiiatlea em is Bid tbsas. Newer ! bare tba 1 irs at the esir4Mn bad I el sy Bcrtnmg ior mis piano. 1 nen, in aaoiuon, they ram through having: their tLlldren learn to play get a rcadcal adncatlon Ir. All the eijeh la on Haepe. for tie sliir.htly uaenj planoa. whlfn sell front SCO to 111", may be returned alter tho youngetera tare learned to play, and all tbe rosta then apptted oa a new inurnment- Tbe first piano cct nothing and tbe children buniptd and th die pad to their utmost the damase wag not charged agaiast the rarer, ia The slightly naed pianos may he taken from the store any day. Il'a a good plan to investigate. Hoape also rent piano at 1100 a month and aenda a scarf and atool along. PAY WHILE YOU PLAY A.. HOSPE (CO. 1S1S-151S riOTGLAS ST. OMAHA, Branch 6tore iP7 Broakdway, Ck-oarfl Elaffa V4etrra Iyreucntative ftsr Woatlrs-iuske' Ms son at Haanlia PUaMsa. II EARLY EVERY DELEGATE PRESENT KNOWS FROM EXPERIENCE THE MERITS OF ANTI-CORROSIVE SHEET PRODUCTS WE D0NT TELL THEM HOW GOOD IT IS THEY TELL UBl I I AT OUR BOOTH (You 0at Mi. It) YOU WILL BEE MANY PRODUCTS OF VARIOUS KINDS ALL T0NCAN METAL MADE. ASK FOR A SOUVENIR P. S. Our Opea Hearth Soft Steal Sheets a2 so freely that we don't have to avdrertise thea, but vre cant help uyisg that when the Dreis & Krcnp Co. Wanted gxd aheeti to use in deinoitratiiig' their brake it this thov thej bought ' 'Stark Open Hearth OalTavaised." THE STARK ROLLING HILL CO. CANTON, OHIO. We Carry All Standard Sizes and Gauges w s We Can Furnish Quick Roofing, Trough, Hade of Tonoan f7etal. PlUE-SIIUGAliT-niLL CO., COUNCIL BLUFFS TS6 Bit-Ill POLITICAL. REDUCED TELEPHONE RATES FOR OUABA HOUSEHOLDERS While a Member, of the City Council Fred Hoye Secured a Redaction of $1.00 a Month In Home Tele phone Tolls, If there ia any reward for public merit Fred Hoye aboard have th gratitude of th householder of Omaha for tb successful Etht be made In th City Council to hav tb price of home telephone service redooed CO a month. The candidate for tbe Re publican nomination for sheriff, while a member of the council some year ago, as- KFted tn the fght to hare home 'phone rates reduced SLOO a month, and ha to gather with a few ijuncilmen, waa suc remftu after a strenuous battle. Although 112 a ywar may not look Ilk a large sum to many residents of the city, the saving of that aum annually to hardworking folk, through the effort of Fred Hoye. mean a large alio of happiness to th home where there are a number of children who need clothe and cboea It 1 hardly likely that tbe people who were benefitted by Fred Hoye work on their behalf whfis a member of tbe council will forget that he 1 a candidate for th P-epublioaa nomina tion for Fheriff at tb primariea. Augut li. Should they look to their own Interest they will certainly vote for Fred Hoys You Wm tr- "" - ill-: 1 ..i ' i The Hocr alisbUy-used-piaco-sale plan li one ry wtifh buj-ra win La two a ay a Ttey rat no chance to lose Ltroufch havlr g tha piano dainajfcd, tor tbey in Stock Pipes Tanks, All Best In Sjrt poLmcax. J. L. KALEY Republican Candidate for District Judge Has furred as County Jndg?e and was County Attorney of Doug las County . FOR FBXRIFT. FRED H. HOYE. for eournr trcasvker, W. G. URE" CHARLES E. FOSTER POLICE JUDGE Candidate tor Nomlnatlwa oa Republican Tlokat V Primaries Aug. 15, 1911 Graflotte rairerslty of Ne braika. a practidrg attartey. and forraerlT rputy Conrty Attorney Douglat County. VOTE FOR HIM in Two f ays 0f' 'iC$rK