Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1911, Page 3, Image 3

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State Board Kednoe fklary to Dtufh
ter rf School Head.
t termer Ceaerml Marti a Herara
Fr MrHlif Atteraere Cm,
real erlta lUtfvtit JWt
Itiktra Rat Doeasta,.
ffrom a Staff Con-eapoa rt-)
LINCOLN. Nab.. Auf. S Special. V-C.
B. IIuimI, former chairmaa ef th popo
list rtat central committee end at present
head of tb Kearnay Industrial aehool.
was rudely bumped today whan the Stat
Board of fuMlo Icd and Buliors
failed to O. K. a rats mad In aalary for
one of his dauirtrtera Land Cooimlselooer
Bowles not on'r frowaed upon the larrer
aalary. but cot It down St par month,
lravtnc th Manuel family monthly roll as
follows: C. B. Manuel. uperrotendeot,
tlW; Mrs. C. B. Manuel, matron. ;
Bessie Manual, stenographer. 148; Miss
Ruth Manual, noosekeepor, IBS; Perry
lama brother-ln-laar, school farmer, IE,
total, sans.
ItaWn DaeleJ) tM
"If tb Sanborn decision raoently (Iran
in tb etrcuft court of Minnesota In rate
cases arteta- In tbat state through efforts
of the oecninoawvalth to re- railroads.
Is sustained by the United States supreme
court every state ta the union had Just as
well desist In attempt to enforce such
reruUtory legislation." Is the word
brought ta tale city by i epTosentaflves of
the state's lea-al department who hare
Just returned from a (-atherteK of attorney
enterals hast held at St. Louta
Purther the statement Is mad at the
capital that If the Sanborn decision ts sus
tained by the federal supreme court Ne
braska's chance of retaining1 th J-cent
fare act wlH be very slim, as win the
chances of other states wher similar laws
are now la effect and operation.
"Tb revenne method of drtermlnlns;
operatlTe expenses as between Intrastate
butane and between frelrht and passen
ger tins! in and of apportioning values of
railroads as between Intrastate and Inter
state bustnees and as between freight and
paaeenror ' business Is one upon which
Judg Sanborn based his decision for the
railroads." says Attorney General Martin.
The contention Is made by those who In
sist that all states hare ths power to regu
' late common carriers within their boun
daries, that the rerenue theory will not
he adhered to by the court of final ad
judication at the expense of accuracy or
Justice. The very conditions, they say,
which by It are claimed to here been
avoided by the methods adopted are
brought about and emphasised by the use
of this theory or method of determining
operating expenees of railroads and their
values with distinctions being made be
tween mtrajnai ana imervii pumnvn
and between freight and passenger re
- Owes lee elm lata Laws.
United States Senator Robert Owen of
Oklahoma, writing from "Washington, has
asked Attorney General Grant Martin of
this state for Information In regard to all
progressive legislation passed by the Ne
braska state legislature in the last few
year. Under today's date the state of
ficial has sent te the well known democrat
the following latter, giving the Important
progreasrv legislation which this stat has
recently seen enacted, a number of
measures of which are adopted at the pre
ent time In only a few of the states In
the union. Attorney General Martin say a
"Nebraska now has on her statute books
a direct primary law which provides for a
presidential preference vote, for the popular
election of United States senators under the
"Oregon plan,' and the nomination of all
state and county officers. This state has
had ths direct primary system of nomina
tions sine 107; it has bad the corrupt
practices prevention art since U9t. The
legislature, which adjourned In April, 1911.
provided for trie submission of the initiative
and referendum amendment te the consti
tution. It also passed an act providing for
city government by commission and acts
which provide for a partial recall of city
Chat tree Leave la Jfovossber.
"This question has been difficult for me
to decide," said State Superintendent Crab
tree today with reference to his acceptance
of the presidency of the River Falls (Wis)
normal school. "The first offer which I re
ceived from th regents cf this institution
was mad on condition that I could leave
tny present position to begin work In Sep
tember. The committee consented and ex
pressed a willingness te give me time to
eomplet arrangements for putting ths new
city certification law Into effect, request
ing me to begin as soon as possible and on
that condition I have accepted the posi
tion. I think that I win have completed
everything and have gotten things to shape
as that I can leave by the time of the
state teachers' meeting In November," he
Kiem Baasaraa: Ltaalt.
As a result of protects of intereeted trav
elers, with whom the Lincoln Commercial
dub recently received an Invitation to Join,
western railroad managers have agreed to
modify their propeeed ruling limiting the
ze of trunks which may be carried as
baggage without excess charges. The modi
fication was announced at the close of a
conference In Chicago yesterday.
Original! jr the roads planned to limit
all baggage te a length of forty Inches, ef
fective January t 112. They now agree to
wt a limit of forty-five Inches in effect
saly L 1W2. and a forty-Inch limit July L
t14. thus gtvtng trunk manufacturers and
commercial travelers tlm eln which to ac
rueLom themselves to the change.
It Is not knewn whether or not this order
am be acceptable to the conference com
mittee. The committee a as appointed with
power to appeal to the Interstate commerce
commission and the terms which it was ad
vised to secure was a limit of fifty Inches,
effective January 1. mj. Action by the
railroads resulted from many unusual sixes
and shapes of trunks new In use.
Governor Aldrich
Addresses Veterans
Record Crowd of Tea Thousand Heart
EzecntiTe Discourse on Issues
of State Interest
CENTRAL CITT, Neb.. Aug. S 8pedal
Telegram.) Governor Chester H. Aldrich
was the magnet which drew a record crowd
of over 10.000 to the City park this arter
noon, where the sessions of ths annual re
union of th association of th Grand Army
of th Republic are being held.
The governor dwelt at length upon th
absolut manner In which th psopl nils
ha Nebraska. The people are Just and
square and want to do business on a live
and let live basis. The people and the
people alone are responsible If had men
are elected for under the primary law the
people rula
The governor declared that sine the
great reform legislation of 1907 and the
laws regulating the common carriers,
greater prosperity had been enjoyed both
by the people and the corporations. Great
business Interests hsve been made more
productive and the res-illations have also
resulted In a great benefit to the common
carriers. r
The governor dwelt strongly upon the
Importance of the railway commission.
He said that 'above all it must be an
Impartial tribunal and he warned the
people whether they were democrats or re
publicans to scan their tickets carefully
before primary day and ascertain who
might be trusted to administer equal Justice
to all and who might be put forward by the
railroad strikers. The governor drew a
parallel between Ohio, with Its vastly
greater population and its perfectly de
veloped resources, and Nebraska, whose
development was yet In its infancy. He
declared that In Ohio the state was com
pletely under corrupt control. He dted
the enforced retirement of Foraker and the
bribery scandals and the corruption in the
legislature. Nebraska Is thoroughly pro
gressive, the governor declared, and the
people rula No man could hold a seat In
congress from Nebraska for a single day
wbos record was as corrupt as those
who have represented Ohio.
Nebraska )
Over Sevealeea larkri Has Fallen
Wlthta Laat Thirty Days la
District. . .
ORLEANS. Neb., Aug. S. Special. -During
the last thirty days It has rained
on thirteen days here, the precipitation
totalling 17.SS inches In that time. The
bottom lands along the Republican river
are flooded yet. The river went out of Its
banks August S and Is still out, reaching
ths highest point In the history of the
county today at noon.
All wagon traffic has been cut off from
Orleans to the west and south. The
Burlington has run two trains .here since
August I. The St. Frands branch out of
here will be Impassable for st least two
Omaha Atteraey Leees Salt for Fee.
BROKEN BOW. Neb., Aug. S.-Speclal.)
Thomas- B. Murray, an Omaha attorney,
sued J. W. Lundy of Sargent for S100, al
leged to be due for attorney's fees In work
done by Murray in an attempt to defeat
the Custer county court bouse bonds. The
case was tried yesterday in county court
and Judge Holcomb dedded against Mur
ray and in favor of Lundy. Lundy claimed
that be had never employed Murray and
knew nothing of the matter. It is known
that an attempt was made after the bonds
were voted to have them declared illepai
but nothing ever came of the effort. It
was this work that Murray alleged he had
been employed and for which he had never
been paid.
YerW Chaataaqaa Oat af Itehl.
TORK, Neb Aug. t (Special.) York
Chautauqua for 1911 was a record breaker
in attendance, and the session closed Sun
day with nearly 000 season tickets sub
scribed for the Chautauqua of 1912. The
Blspham concert drew thousands from all
ths country round. Every number on the
program was rsrried out as announced in
the prospectus, on time and without a sin
gle cancellation. Financially rti Income
will be sufficient to pay all Indebtedness
of former years and .have a creditable bal
ance of cash on hand. Th president. Al
exander Bennett, and the managers have
worked lndefatigably, and the public re
sponse ha crowned their efforts with ,un-
i precedented euro.
John L. Kennedy Orator at Dedication
of Monument.
Oaaeaa Maa Dlaraesee Growth af State
aaa Eveletlaa of lie La we' Dim
eeaislas oa Doty of Ite
CENTRAL CITT. Neb.. Aug. (Spe
cial) The monument to commemorate the
old Lone Tree stage station was dedicated
her today In the presence of a great
crowd which In attending the district re
union of the Grand Army ef the Republic.
Address of Mr. Keaac-dy.
John L. Kennedy of Omaha was th
orator of the occasion. Hs spoke of the
work of the pioneers and ths Importance
of th Overland trail to the development
of the west The eld tree is gone, he said,
but th monument erected today will stand
for ages to mark th site and remind the
passing travelers of the day when the
eye of the passing pioneer was eager to
catch the sight of the old cotton wood
tree that served many thousands as f
landmark. It was not a duty but a pa
triotic privilege cf the men of Merrick
oounty to mark this spot. Th western
movement did not stop when It reached
the coast, but swept over the islands of
the Pacific. That there Is still work ahead
for the men who are descended from the
sturdy pioneers was the lesson of the ad
dress "In the Industrial and commercial world
there are many grave problems to solve,"
said Mr. Kennedy. "Who is to solve them?
They are quite as important as the open
ing up of new territory- It will take Just
as much courage to solve tbem; courage
of a different kind, but courage neverthe
less. Conditions in any country which per
mit a few men to become fabulously rich
in a generation are radically wrong. How
and when are we to change them? Com
binations which crush out competition and
stifle personal ambition are a curse te any
country. How shall the curse be removed?
Great aggregations of capital are neces
sary to great enterprises, but they must
be kept within legitimate bounds. Oppor
tunities must be open and equal. The
natural resources of the country belong to
the people and should be owned and con
trolled by the people. Monopolies are a
menace. Capital must te protected In Its
every right; but labor should hsve lfs full
share of the fruits of Industry. Why
should we not bring our minds and our
hearts as well to the solution of these
problems? It will not do to cast these
burdens wholly upon others. The prob
lems are ours. We should grapple with
them In the spirit which Inspired the pio
neers. The large Interests are orgsnixed;
the people are not. The lack of organisa
tion should he overcome by increased
vigilance. Intelligence and patriotism.
Faraaera Mae Aid la Bis; Task.
'To share in the solution of grave public
questions it Is not necessary to live in a
cltjr, or frequent the marts of trade. There
is more Independent, Intelligent thinking
done on the farm than in the city. In the
dty men have composite ideas, from con
stant contact with each other, while on
the farm they have individual Ideas .be
cause of the lack of constant contact. If
our institutions are to be preserved In
thdr simplicity the men who own and till
the soil must be active in expressing them
selves on public questions. This la particu
larly true in the west. The east Is largely
dominated by money; the rent Is domi
nated by men. In the east cash controls;
In the vwst character counts. In the coun
dls of the nation the men who stand out
against corporate aggression and repre
sent the plain, common people of the coun
try are from the west. Times and prob
lems have changed, and we must change
with them. The earlier conditions are no
more. Stand before a map of the United
States and cast your eye on an irregular
line running north and south. Immediately
pM of the Pakotas. Nebraska, Kanra. !
Oklahoma and Texas. When gold was dls- J
covered in California there were but few
white people west of that line; today there
are nearly 17.000.0n0. almost one-fifth of the
population of the United States. Will the
people of the western states let slip from
their grap the rlrhts and privileges In
herited from the pioneers, whose rich sed
blood flows In their veins? Perish the
thought! These questions touch not the
partisanship, but the patriotism of the peo
ple. Much has been done In the solution
of these problems; more rrmalns to be
dona I have every confidence in the per
petuity of our Institutions. I believe abso
lutely In the supremacy of the govern
ment over every corporation, no matter
how created; I hold that the creature must
ever be subject to the creator, but these
fundamental propositions are guaranteed,
not by standing armies, but by the rank
and file of the people themselves; not in
line on the battlefield, but at the ballot
Kennedy closed by advising the
young men to stick to the solL to bring to
it all the education and training possible,
but to hold to the farm and help . erelop
the state, for the influential men of the
future are coming from the farm.
tent are going up and there will be a
large attendance from several states. Both
returned and outgoing foreign mlssiotiaiie
will be present The camp Is on Sixteenth
street midway between th motor line and
the Burlington drpot In a beautiful, shady
trove, with abundant water supply . Serv
ices at a ra. and S and 7 M p. m. All
questions regarding meetings and tenting
cheerfully answered by Elder D. S. Devora,
Betlevu. Neb.
Foarth of Moath Fixed t Deride
Whether City Shall Go fader
CossailBetoa Form.
BEATRICE, Neb . Aug. S -(Special Tele
gram.) At the meeting of the dty oundl
tonight Mayor Griffin set October 4 as the
date on which Beatrice Is to vote on the
commission form of government. Th
trouble between the Matthews Construction
company of Kansas, which has the con
tract for building the new water works
Plant bare, and the water committee, which
resulted in the reaignstlon of the commit
tee, was settled bv the appointment of an
other committee, consisting of M. M Fa l
O. L. Stem-art and Don Collery . The so
ciallst mayor asked for the removal of
Rudolph Woelke. fire chief, at the expira
tion of his term, his successor to be se
lected by the volunteer firemen. The coun
cil will oppose such a more and will stand
by Woelke
Buffalo Bill Finds
Cradle in Which He
Was Rocked as a Babe
DES MOINES, Aug. Colonel W. F.
Cody (Buffalo Bill) yesterday located
through a Pes Moines man the cradle In
which he and his sisters and elder brother
were rocked in thdr Infancy.
Colonel Cody had long been looking for
this cradle and from time to time had
heard rumors that It was somewhere In
Iowa. The relic la In the possession of
wlter D. Olney. a former resident of
Scott county, where Colonel Cody lived be
fore his parents took him to Kansas.
The cradle was among the articles of fur
niture left behind with neighbor when
the Cody family started on their overland
Journey to Kansas In a "prairie schooner."
Olney obtained the cradle from David
Lower of Scott county on th latter
death several years ago. Colonel Cody's
father made th piece of furniture himself
giggly Taste Better
JV Ever notice how muck leer food tastes
PPv wljen well erve(l and daintily garnisned? VVJW!
Pabst 1
re - BlueRibbon 5111
1 rW " a clean- fully afcted Leer. It gives a keen 0f
Wil 'w If lvv r-T- appetite for wholesome food. In its Jiy wMy ''
WkMH ta'?-) handsome package it adorns any SL
SBlrfcl uL even Ur
?-Lri:Z.-?' :Z n fl j3wV' TeUDas)lsi TS.S.M7S b.
Mr. R. MeLaagalla aad Mas Helen
Fltca. Formerly af Maoea City'
Will Be Married Meaner.
MASON CITT, la, Aug. S Special.) At
Manchester, N. H.. on the evening of Au
gust 14, will occur the marriage of Harold
McLaughlin and Miss Helen Fitch. Both
of these young people were graduated
from the Mason City High school and here
thdr love and courtship began. They have
been separated by the broad ocean for a
number of years, but recently Mr. Mc
Laughlin secured a leave of absence for
five months and a visit with his parents at
Clear Lake Is soon to culminate In his
marriage in New Hampshire. Mr. Mc
Laughlin Is a mining engineer of consid
erable prominence. He repreeents a Lon
don syndicate and Is In full charge of
their big copper holdings at Panulcillo.
Chile. They will sail on August IT for
Liverpool, will stop a week at London,
another week In Paris and will then con
tinue their ocean voyage to their future
. - rs. v v am
r mm
-"- soar saae. omma. ao I M
Kara Blan Down Three Tfmea.
ABERDEEN. 8. D., Aug. . (Special )-
George Schilling, a farmer near Askaaka.
In Walworth county, has reason to believe j
a hoodoo is camping on his trail. Three -times
this season wind has blown down a !
barn on hla farm. When the first storm i
Tattened out the structure Schilling re- '
built It, only to have It blown down a !
second time. Again be rebuilt the bam.
and last week a storm once more laid it
on the ground. Lightning has done con
siderable damage to live stock, haystack
and email buildings In the vicinity of Eureka.
Aviation Meef ta Taaktea.
YANKTON, S. D., Aug. S Special.)
Charles F. Walsh, well known in the avia
tion world, has been engaged to make
four flights In Tankton on the 17th and 18th
of this month. The event Is under the
auspices of the Tankton Commercial association.
Tabor Wlas at Rapid City.
RAPID CITT. S. D, Aug. (Special
Telegram.) Labor won Its first bsttle In
securing the unionising of the Job of the
Elks' building after a one-day strike This
caniea an advance of IS cents per hour to
brick masons and a nine-hour day.
Aa Aato CotlUtoa
means many bad bruises, which Bucklen's
Arnica Salve heal quickly, aa it doea sores
and burns. 25c For sale by Beaten Drug
ra, rtaoaaaah t arter Expiree W hile
at Haetlaae 4 ailed There by
Brwther'e Death.
HASTINGS. Neb.. Aug -h Special Tele
gram i Mrs. Roaannah Carter of Hillhoro.
la , who came to attend the funeral of
her brother. Bruce Duncanson, died of
heart failure late yesterday while the body
of her brother was being taken to the
cemetery. She became ill follomlng her
rrlval here. The body all) be taken to
IMWboro for burial. -
lisp ftroatabars.
STRUMSUVKH, Neb., Aug. (Special )
The Swedish Methodist Camp Meeting as
sociation is holding Its seventh annual
gathering on their grounds Just outside of
the city. Rev. Leonard Strom berg of
Keene, Neb., is th chaliman of the asso
ciation, and twelve other ministers of the
j state of this denomination are present, also
Prof. M'alleniua of the 8wedUh Theological
i seminary of Evanston, 111. Miss Hilda
Swan, a missionary from India, jukt ar
I rivej from her fiftd, is also In attendance
I at the meeting. There are about thirty-five
J tents occupied by vlsitom and over 100 del-
egates present. The meetings are to be
continued over next Sunday.
plrST ready Maa rl pw--.
FAIRBURT. Neb, Aug. S-Ppectl-John
Demos, a Greek, who has been con
ducting a candy kitchen and ice cram
j arkir on the north side of the square sine
the Siring of 1908, has depsrted fnr parts
unknown and considerable disquietude is
prevailing among the various merchants of
Fairbury to whom he Is Indebted. Demos
had a flourishing business snd It Is a mys
tery why he should have left Fairbury. No
attachment has been made on the property
left in the store. Frank Tersonett hss
taken chsrge cf the building and Is re
modeling the store and will open for busi
ness in a few days.
Black Hand Sends
Threat to Kill Boy
CHICAGO. Aug. Antonio Mareno
whoee S-year-old son was kidnaped by
"black hand." blackmailers, received a
third letter from the kidnapers late to
day. The wrltrra made a direct threat to
kill the Mareno boy If the ransom is not
paid before daybreak tomorrow.
"If you don t send us the money," read
the grim letter, "we will send ths boy
home to you !n a box. salted."
The police at a late hour tonight ex
pressed the oplnoln thst Mareno had got
ten into communication a it the kidnap
eis and had paid them the ransom de
manded for the return of the child.
Hwaea Nun Cheat Open.
BROKEN HOW. Neb.. Aug S (Suetlali
uivkbii ww m cnauiauqua opened, this
afternoon, the attendant- at th first per
formance exceeding fcio. The star attrac
tion of th week, la the apeakers' program,
l the address of Frands J. Heney of San
riarr-taro Friday evening. The Royal
Italia) Ouards band la the big musical at
treoa will cluee the program axt
krabara Doaetere Make tsar.
8TROMSBI HG, Neb.. Aug. (Special )
Tenerday the Commercial club of the
city went out a hundred strung on a
boosting trip to the surrounding towna.
miktnr a Wtfh-mlLe Irii. 1h .
Ieen automobiles carrying th bouxtera
They made the loans of Swede Home,
j Hordrllle, Polk. Arborvllle. Henedict.
Greaham. Surptixe. Rising City. Shelby and
j Okcvla. The direct object of th trip wa
autriuB me v ii uiauqua. a nun begins
here on Tuteday and lasts on aeek ana
pro ing thst Blrumsburg is a live town.
Vlad-a Hainan Folk.
MIXDEN. Neb, Aug. t. (Special Tele
gramsGovernor Folk spoke at the chau-
i iia Hits uf It-1 n('ii to a 'ariie a ui'en-e.
The cl.autauqua management tendered him
a banquet In the Odd Fellows iall. Thirty
plates were laid. Toasts were responded to
by l". A. Chappell. J. S. Canady and others,
C P. Andi-rbery acting aa tuastmaster.
Governor Folk responded to a toan. The
attendance at the Chautauqua is good anil
its continuance la assured for the future.
The bvm ttaoklaiera Coatee! to he
luatltatea la The Ilee eoatalas a4
prise that will airaa a livelihood tmr
a faaally aa ! aa time ahall last.
e aaaoaarenaeat flaaday, Aaaaat 1.1.
Weals Five Taoaaaad tor Brakea U(.
TDCl'MSEH. Neb.. Aug. -Special.
H. F. Rathe of Adams is auing Gag
county for damages la tfcs sum of Ji.C- for
Injuries h received when his rig went
through a broke brtsga His leg was
talll of Uaa I.. rraf) Probated.
BROKEN BOW. Neb.. Aug S (Special
The aill of Dan L. Sweeney, a forme
resident of 1 roken Bow and owner of rea
estate in this county. Logan and Unco
co-jmie. was admitted to probett th:
ae-k. Mr. Sseaney disposed of aa estau
vaiutd at t'i "t o bis atCow and children
the former to receive ha'f and the children
share equally. The widow Is administra
taws Meetlaa at Brlleva.
EELLE-VCE. Neb.. Aug. i. (Special -Th
annual camp meeting begiaa la Belle
rut Wednesday evening, with EXaar George
V Weavers of Tabor. la. la charge. Many
'"Just Say"
It Nuns
Original and Girtulnt
Tbi Fo l-drlnk for All Agis.
More heahiij tlaa Tea or Coffea.
Agrees with the weak rat rtgexbem.
Detcioua, rivigaralkig tad nutritious,
RirJ nujt, tnahrl grain, powder (arm,
A qsick hack prepares! b a miaatau
Take m saWnl. JUk lor HORUCTS.
Other are imitation,
how one who holds a Burlington ticket can tour the Pacific
Coast over routes that include all of the interesting cities and
much of the industrial development and scenery of the West.
fCoast tourist tickets, including Cal-
?r n ,i i i T-i . . r-t .
iinornia, roruana ana ruget sound,
lJ August 10, 11 and 14 to 17th.
Coast tourist tickets, OJ fi" Coast tourist tickets every
direct rontes. August M -Jday, including California,
10, 11 and 14 to 17th. U W Portland and Puet Sound.
Denver and Coast Trains from Omaha at 4:10 P. f.1. and 11:35 P. M.
Let me help you plan the most attractive coast tour at the lowest rates.
J. B. REYNOLDS, C. P. A., 1502 Farnam St., Omaha, Neb.
Bell Phone, Doug. 1238. Ind. A-3323.
Uricsol promotes the general health by acting
directly on the kidneys and liver. Improves
the appetite and produces buoyancy, both
mentally and physically, to a marked degree
W. A. Tea der Hianhorf, II. t California St.,
S)aa TTsnctaap, wrtMs:
"I sire teal si mj thanks to the eririaeter e.'
Urirasl. far it has aiad. a near aiaa ef a Af mt Mif
feima ariLk rhnuBausn fureix ewatba. neeivm ae
keiiwt from toy l-hfaiciana asa anuimy, pauet
aaaatietne. that 1 took a f em botttaa ef Oacaof eCi-tad
a cartel rur : al iet ociy did it care car rfaaama
twt. lut h benetced bif diaaatioe. riwlaud tmj
bewr). and 1 found it a aaoderf ui or e Unk.
I kav. rained m araiaht and h Las (iraai m the
activity and vicar e roanc bulb. 1 ena Bow eat and
dr.k what. 1 ueotra. wiiheut fearef rheosoatiaaa.
for wnrnevrr I feci vrrrtptiena of ire retaca, a lev dumm
mi I'alC&OL will eJa. an. rhf.
Uricsol has been curing the afflicted for ten years pasL It is not a
cureall, bat h a proved remedy for all rheumatic disorders
Prfc $1 tkc bottle, aoataiaiaa 64 dseta- Sol Distributer
rom BAltM AW BECOlOTXritCr rr
Sherman & fteConcell Druf Co. and Owi Droi Co., Oirabt, Nth.
The Thing
' To Do
If W your pockatbootv soralii
wateh. or mm other srtlcU cf value, ths thin
U doU U folio tt eiaropl of man otbor
people aha a4rrtlae without dl7 la th Lost
Sad fossa colon. f Th Boa
Taat la what moot poopl do wfcaa they loo
article of valu. TaUphons as asd U yor
U ail Omaha la Slag I aftTaoo
Put It In
The Bee