Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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    Tim BEE; "OMAHA, TnTKSPAY, AUGUST 10, 1911.
badly wounded by an Armenian laborer,
who gave the name of Charles Odanlan.
A rib deflected one blew of the dagST
aimed fur lllaclur's liaart nnj his Sternuta
caused a scouiul blvw aimed for the same
spot te make nothing more various than a
flesh wound. Udanlan has been arrested
and Is In jail In this olty,
Delegates to the National Sheriffs' Convention
lb Diamond and the Man
Th a man wbe
The Alteration Is On
Carpenters, iron workers and numerous other "alterers"
are with us, overhead and underfoot, vieing with each other
in an endeavor to hammer quietly the improvements will
outweigh the "present inconvenience.
Here are some price-tern ptors which turn a deuf ear to
remodeling noise and bustle:
SO pairs of Children's Low Shoes, of white canvas and leather, sizes
2 to 8. Some of them brought $2.00 the price, per pair. Is
Rather than pack those dainty Lawn and Dimity Dresses, for Juniors
and small women, to Iteep them out of ' piaster ' ahawera,' w hare
made changes on the price tickets which will soon chanito the owner
ship of these exquisite garments. Many of them bad a. f 9.7 5 price
any of them now
A few Boys' AVool Suits left in 14, 15 and 10 year sixes some
Khakis, too', all sires 1 ' -
A creditable lot of Boys' Caps every one a half dollar value choice
25c . .
tut wjm
. 1518-1520 FAHNAM STREET "
Store Closes 5 P. M.
bUMhla, compared with 14.1 bushels in 1910
and 14.7 bushels, the five-year average.
: Oata Condition, S5.T par cent of a normal,
compared with 68H per cent on July 1, tl.t
per seat In WIO sad 82.1 per cent, the tea
year average. Indicated yield Per acre, 23.1
bushels, compared with 31.9 bushels In 1110
and 38 4 bushels, the five-year average.
The amount of oats remaining- ou farms
August 1 Is estimated, at S4.342.O00 bushels,
compared with (3,249,0)0 bushels on August
1. 1910, and 52.6113,000 .bushels, the average
amount on farms 'August 1 for the. last
live years. - t i ,
Small drains.
Barley Condition, 66.1 per cent of a nor
maJ, compared with 73.1 percent on July 1,
70 per cent In 1910. and 88.1 per cent the ten
year average. Indicated yield per acre,
1SS bushels, compared with 22 4 bushels in
1910, and 24$ bushels, the five year aver
age. . RyeThe preliminary estimate of the
production of rye Is 0,77,000 bushels, as
compared with 33,039,000 bushels last year,
and 31.414, 000 bushels, the average annual
production for the last five years. Pre
liminary yield per acre 158 bushels, com
pared with l.l bushels In 1910, and 16.4
tfushels, the five year average.
' Buckwheat-Condition, 82.9 per cent of a
normal, compared with 87 9 per cent In 1910,
and 91.1 per cent the ten year average. In
dicated yield per acre, 18.1 bushels, com
pared with 20.9 bushels In 1910, and 19
bushels, the five year average. The area
planted to buckwheat this year Is 801.000
acres, compared with 826,000 acres last year.
Potatoes and Tobacco.
Potatoes Condition, 62.! per cent of a
normal, compared with 76 per cent on July
1. 7M per cent In 1910, and 84.8 per cent the
ten year average." Indicated yield per
acre 718 bushels, compared with 94.4 bush
els In 1910 and 98.9 bushels the five 'year
Tobacco Condition, 68 per cent of a nor
mal, compared with 72.4 per cent, on July
1,, 71S per cent In 1910, and 83.1 per cent the
ten year average. Indicated yield per, acre,
673.4 pounds, compared with 797.8 pounds in
1910 and 82.1 pounds the five year average.
Flax. Condition, 71 per cent of a normal,
compared with 80.9 per cent; on July 1, 41.7
per cent In 1910, and 83.8 per cent the .ten
year average. Indicated yield per acre 7.6
bushels, compared with 4.8 bushels in 1910
and 9.8 bushels, the average for 1905-09.
Rlee, Hay and Apples.
Rice Condition, 83.1 per cent of a normal,
compared with 87.T per cent on July 7. 87.6
per cent In 1910,. and 88.3 per cent, the ten
year average. Indicated yield per acre.
82.7 bushels, compared with 33.9 bushels In
1910, and 33.4 bushels the five year average.
Hay Condition, 68.6 per cent of a normal'
compared with 64.9 per cent on July 1, ant
87.1 per cent the ten year average. Indl
cated yield per acre, 1.14 tons, comparu
with 1.S3 tons in 1910 and 1.41 tone, the fWi
year average. Arsa planted. 43,017,00
acres, compared with" 45,691,000 acres In 1910.
Apples Condition", 03.9 per cent of a nor
mal, compared with 57.9 per cent on July 1,
47.8 per cent In 391(1, and 53 per cent thi
ten year average.
Valasae of Wheat, Oats and Corn
Smaller Than Last Tear.
WAS1IRINQTON, Aug. 9.-The total pro
duction of the' principal crops of the
United States for 1911, us Indicated by the
condition on August 1, reported by the
Vnlted States department of agriculture
today la aa follows: '
Oop. 1911.
Corn, bu .1.630.2il.4l0
404.044. 0"0
1.126.715.00 'i
984. 4.19.000
v inter wneat, tu.. fM.l43.tKl9
(Spring wheat, bu
All wheat, bu...
Oats, bu
Barley, bu. ......
Rye. bu
Potato, bu....
Buckwheat, bu..
Tobacco, lbs
Flax, bu
JUoe, lbs
:49.S3 000
49.129 000
Hay, tons..
Preliminary estimate
board. . . "
Thomas J. ordbrolc.
AUBURN. Neb., Aug. 9. (Special.) .
Thomas J. Nord brook died suddenly last
night at his home nine miles southwest of
this place. Mr. Nord brook was about tt
years of age and was u strong, robust
man, and had not been ailing. He was one
of the wealthy men of- the county, a tier
tjisn, and settled hi'ro In the 'DOs and de
voted his energies to- farming, succeeding
beyond his expectation. He reared a
large family of boys and blrlrand'ls sur
vived by his widow.
Joks M. Alkliua. ' ' '
FAIRFIELD, Neb., Aug. 9-4Speolal)
The funeral of .John M. Atkinson took
place yesterday. The deceased was 73 years
of age and was one of the early aettlera
of nay county.
v. 4.rraab(rt''r'H-lvf ,
Howard Ueraglity and Miss
Aug. I
- Julia- U.
French, uluc of llri. Aided C.
tilt. wire niarrlrd here t uav at the Hutel
Ceuttul. Thty left by a northbound train
after the ci'iclnony. Tim bridegrom Is the
sun of the owner of a suuill livery, stable.
'Wirt- Ciirr" ttli4 tt'tliu.
'H li-AHO. Auk. 9. Thie younu men
ewiurilid John 8 hrotdt r of Milwaukee out
it nl.ji ly means irf the archaic "wire
tapping" faka tcr today.
A wtil kn'r;a -is Mot:it woman after
eutftrlng . miserably for lvo duya from
bowel coiiiplaiiit.was"ured" )yvni Coa of
t h-nibtrlaln a tVlic, Cholera aim Diarrhoea
ttcuicdy. For sale by ulj dealers,
Saturdays, 9 p. Jt
Proposed Baise of 25 Per Cent in
. , " Freig ht Rates Suspended.
Railroads Oprfattua Betneea Mis.
soar! and. Mlaataalppt Wait te.
t barge a me Rate on All
' Classes of Cattle.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 9-Frelght tariffs,
which increase by 25 per cent the charges
for transportation of "feeding cattle" and
sheep between Missouri river and Missis
sippi river transfers.' including Chicago,
were suspended today , by the Interstate
Commerce commission until December 13,
1911. '
The proposed rates were filed with the
commission, by the Minneapolis A fit. Louis
railroad and the Iowa Central railway,
effective August 16, and by the Chicago,
Burlington 4 Quincy railroad effective
September 1. It is probablo that others
will file similar rates, which will be sus
pended as they reach the commission.
For many years freight tariffs filed by
the railways between the Missouri and
Mississippi rivers . have provided that
"feeding cattle" or "stock cattle" might
be shipped at 75 per cent of the rate
charged on "fat cattle," the reason for
the difference being that the "feeders" are
concentrated during certain seasons at cat
tle markets for sale to stock raisers and
then reahlpped to the ranges to be fat
tened. K
' On shipments of this kind the railways
obtain three hauls on the same cattle from
substantially the same markets coming
and going aa "feeders" and returning from
the ranches as "fat cattle."
Confer to Present
Firm Front to Men
All Western Lines Said to Eeoeive
Series of Demands from
Shop Workers.
CHICAGO, Aug. 9,-Railroad official in
Chicago began arranging conferences- to
day to dleauss the strike that is said to
threaten all western lines, with the pur
pose of -presenting an Undivided" front if
ictlon, is taken by employes.
; Offlqlals of the Chicago, Rock Island &
.apllc,ral)road denied, the strike rumors,
ihi. said. their employe had jnada no de
mands. Other lines admitted that the pos
sibility of -a strike was being discussed in
infornikr conferences among officials. V-
According to reports In circulation among
railroad men, all the western lines have
been sent a series of demands from the
shop workers, the principal Items In which
are' as follows:
Physical examinations and personal rec
ord blank requirements to be discontinued.
A flat Increase of 15 per cent in wages.
An eight-hour day.
Time and one-half for day service after
5 p. m., and double time after midnight.
One apprentice to be employed for every
five mechanics, and this rale to be main
tained. Apprentices not to work overtime.
' Employes laid off on account of a reduc
tion in force to be re-employed in the order
they have been laid Off.
Place work premium systems to be abol
ished. 1 ' The management of the Southern Pacific
railroad has issued a circular pointing out
that the demands would mean an additional
outlay for that company alone of 12,796,000
each year. . .
It is set forth in the circular that In the
last five years the wages of the shop crafts
have been Increased, on the average, 12V4
per cent and In qema Instances as high aa
JO per cent.
I.. ! .
Another Casa OMara 1st Illinois Slaal
lar to that of Mlaa Hasrl gehmldt
of Vandalla, ,
1'L gt KltNH, HI., Aug. 9 -A faaa of pro
longed 'ep In many respects similar to
the case of Miss Hasel Uchmldt of Van
dnlia. 111., was reported to Physicians here
today. Little Anna Qualdonla, tie 7-yaar-o!U
'daughter ut Mr, and Mrs. tSyivealer
Qualdonla, for several days lias shown
symtoms of extreme drowalneaa. anil all
effprts to k) lier. awake .for. mc than !
a few nilnutaa' at a tim. i.u ... i r
a time have been un-
On a.kenm tn4a- morning- she' was
taken for a short walk, but Ircuuadiatrly on '
rtturning she again' fell asleep and has 1
since remain.-1-, fh- ..i 5. i I
sinie iemalne4 id. The physicians here !
na e made repeated effprts to aouae here,
but w.thout success ' . 1
l- Kl' l MilliM iii a itt
j.ri i.NUHAM. ill., Aug. -After several
fays of Investigation, physicians now de-
clare that 'the fourteen-week trance from!
Wiiieh Mils Has I fohnildt, daughter of John '
jc,,dt of V.ndalla. III., awakened Frl- j
ua.v, wa proxiRiit on by a strained nerve
in the brain and the tension of the nerve
tiasue oil caurivj by et cilement'or Worry, i
I.A .t. I III.... ..
..,i, uiai axniniat. is1 now known as
Fayette county s "Miss Hip Van Winkle."
fB. 4
NkrV .VOHK.,,..
UveRroob ..v..
.NEW 'AaTI.B...
(.'HKHUol kiU ...
iii; .
. Kuitwaaai
. k. w. a.
. Varuoa
J- ..........
K P. HtilMlm.
fci'om ,
Kitilnd V..
9'. Sar iruaa.,.
. Q. Waaaiostus
" . ,' 1 ' ' "" ', bJf t-.- J.y-.r 1.' . ..-w" . 'i-:.:' : s
Noted American Financier Dies in
Arms of Wife and Son.
Death HeiaOTea ls His Prime One
the lloldeat Speealitturs and
, Pietnrea(ue -Flan re, In
SportlnK World.
PARIS, Aug. . John W. Gates, the
American-.financier, died, at 8:10 o'clock
this morning In the arms of his wife and
bis sort, Charles .Q. Oatea. .
The end was peaceful and It 'seemed a
though ho was falling asleep. The usual
restoratives failed In the last oriels.
Others prenent at the bedside besides the
family were Drs. Oros and Reeves.
His Iron constitution and courageous re
sistance, backed by every resource of med
ical science, were unavailing.. He had
battled for weeks heroically with a -disease
of the kidneys and, when It was be
lieved that he -was almost sure to recover,
contracted pneumonia. ...
Several times the patient was reported tq
be at th,e point of death, but with the
aid of powerful stimulants rallied. The
pneutnonio and kidney ' troubles hod
amel!6rated somewhat Monday;, but early
Tuesday morning there wis a recurrence
of the congestion of the kidneys which Was
followed by a further attack Tuesday' noon.
Tuesday night Mr. Gates suffered a gen
eral relapse and gradually sank , until
death intervened.
Mrs. Gatea and the son, Ch- G. Gates,
had been at the bedside almost constantly
since Mr. Gatea' lllnesa was pronounced
serious. '
Will ?Tot A A feet Stork Market.
All arrangements for the disposition of
the body have been made by Harry St.
Francis Black, president of the United
Btates Realty and Improvement company
of New Tork. Mr. Black said:
"Mr. Gatea loved life and said that
be wished to live. He wanted to do
things in life. Our people ''had an Interest
in .Ma -picturesque personality, butj;they
may I not have perceived 'his strength of
mind aa those who served on directory
boards with him. He was frequently spoken
of as a 'plunger,' but his operations' fwere
always founded on wonderful studies th
figures.. Wail street will not. sea hl Ilk
agarn for aome time."
Mr. Black said that the death ol Mr.
Gatea ought not to affect the stook market
because the financier had not operated ex
tensively of late, but had conservatively
placed hla fortune largely In substantial
securities. Some of Those here who 'were
near Mr. Gates estimate that his estate
will be found to be nearer 140,000,000 than
The body of Mr. Gates will be placed in
a vault at the Interdenominational Amer
ican church In the Rue de Berrl, where It
will remain until taken aboard a steamer
Tor removal to the Vnlted States. The
funeral sen-Ices will be held at this church '
on Saturday.
The body will be taken home, probably
on the Kaiser xWllhelm Der Grosse, which
will sail from Cherbourg on Wednesday of
next week.' It was on this same vessel that
Mr. Gates had planned to sail tor New
Tork In the first week of July., t
v . Sketch. Of Life,
The death of John Warns Gatea removes
In hla prime one at .the boldest and most
successful American financiers and a pic
turesque figure in the field of sports. Since
UM, when he organised the Southern Wire
company, Mr. Gatea bad been a man with
whom It was necessary to reckon in the
particular industrial affairs to whloh he had
given hla attention, in reoent years he
found relaxation from business cares in
becoming a prominent patron of the Ameri
can turf.
Mr. Gates began his business career aa
proprietor of a hardware store at Turner
Junction, 111., near the farm where he was
born in 1853. His parents were Ansel A.
and Mary Gates. At St. Charles, 111., In
1B74 he married Dellora R. Baker, who
with a son. Charles O. Gates, aurvives.
' The family has maintained a home in
New York City for years.
loni News Nolra,
CRESTON The Creaton Elks lodge team
accepted a Challenge for a return game of
ball from the Oskaloosa ball team to be
played at Oskaloosa, August 27. , In tha
game played 'here the latver part of July,
Cfeston won by a score.'of 12 to 4.
CRF38TON The committee appointed by
the council . some .time ago to investigate
the proposition o - the city buying the
water wocks plant has reported and are
In favor of a special election by the city,
voting on whether they would be willing
to purchase' at a ooit of UdO.Oou. The bond
ing co an pa ay ak 1130,000 and reserves the
right to accept or reject the decision ol
the city, by special vote on the $130,006
. CRKSTON Considerable damage from
wind and lightning is raprted from Marion
cqunty during the moral of Sunday and
Sunday night.
GREENFIELD The Greenfield Chau
association Is mare
tauqua has closed and It Is stated that the
than fl.imo ahead of
"P""a, unm uay urou.ui out a crowa
oi nearly .vxi people. Mr. Mryan alno
. Lanoka it tha fnrritn vha utaiimiu HimH.v
DENJSON-Mrs. Henry a. tiuliok. one oi
the old and respected residents of this
cl,y' d',r(, on Hunday and the burial took
Place today. Mia. Gtillrk cams to this
county with her husband, who was a union
aoldiar. in UVi and tne family hum hua
beau heie vn since. She was a devoted
member of tho Uuptlat church and not
ong fcaVs the aodety here property
in Lea Main. . ... ,
DENTSCJV The rcent copious rain in
,nl x,clnl,y has given farVners renewed
certainly "noi t.5" 'l.t. , tS I Ur..
""i in th:s county of good corn.
LOl.N-lrurk. and knocked fbn the
railroad track and through a wire fence
noise oeioiiKlng to 1 . r . Jonra, north
! cess lo the naht-of-way of tnu Illinois
Central yeaterday morning, and while
(a&lkinir dita'n tha I'entpr of the. trulr
struck and thrown through the fence Into
the pasture from whicn he wandered.
BiuiscM, sciatchta aual a dihiocated knee
cap are moM Mppartnt outward Indica
tlotie of the accident. -. ...
Bolomon us Keil fur iadoii. if ha were
In Ix.siiietrs' in Omaha he would aivert;ae
la The lice.
Head of Big Banking
' House Doing Business
in France Arrested
Institution Incorporated in Delaware
Has Offioes in New Tork, Paris
' and Other Cities.
PARIS, Aujt. 9. A warrant was issued
here today for tho arrest of Marina Jean,
manager In Paris for the Credit Fonder
Amorlcalnc, a banking institution, incor
porated undor tha laws of Delaware. In
addition to offloea In -New Tork and Paris.
The bank has branches in every big city
in France. ' ' .
As a result of complaints, the police last
month searched the Paris office of t'he
Credit ' Fonder and the residences of
Its " directors. The booka and papers of
ttie concern were . seized. According to
the police the bank waa , organized some
years ago and laauod a prospectus claim
ing that it had a capital of $10,000,000 fully
paid up. They allege also that slnoe its
organization the bank has Issued bonds
to the extent of 110,400,000. .
. Its method of doing business, tha potloe
say, was" to exchange shares of the bank
for gilt-edged stocks, but as the bank
s'hares were not quoted on the bourse, tho
holders wore unable to dispose of them
and the bank refused to take them back.
. The police further alleged that the bank
claimed to own 2.000,000 acres of land ' In
Virginia, rich In coal, olf and timber, and
much real estate In-France and the United
States. In responds to thslr cablsd in
quiry, Vhe police say, the Delaware state
attorney said a preliminary Investigation
Into tha bank had not been reassuring.
The New Tork branch of the Credit Fon
der, Is said to be In charge of Jean's son-in-law.
Woman Sentenced by
; Judge to Work on
Street in Bloomers
-IOLiA, Kan., Aug. S. lola city officials
With the exoeptlon of Judge-SmelUer, are
up la arms because a woman has been sen
tenced to. don g pair, of bloomers and Join
the street gang from the olty Jail. Judge
Smeltzer yesterday sentenced Mrs. Ella
Reese to work on the highway, and ordered
that the city officials provide her with the
' Street Commissioner Qlwin refuses to
have a woman in the chain gang. '
Mrs. Reese did not go to work breaking
rock or sweeping the streets today, because
the bloomers had not been provided, and
the officials say they will not allow the
woman to carry out the sentence Imposed
upon her. During the day the city com
missioners. Mayor Bollinger and Mr. Glynn,
poured over the statutes In an endeavor to
find' some law that would invalidate the J
aantanna Th.v fallal ' 'I
-Judge Smeltxer insists that Mrs. Reese
must work upon the streets as ordered by
Finding no law to aid them the city offl
clals are attempting to compromise. One
commissioner' suggests that Mrs. Reese be
made to darn socks and mend the clothing
of the ether prisoners.
Lobeckis Sued-on
' Promissory Note
Echo of Old Caw Comes Up When
' Gurner A. Lindquist Aiki $2,180
of Congressman.
Congressman Charlea O. Lobeck la made
defendant in a auit to collect 13.180 on an
old promlasory note by Gurner A. Llml
Qulet. a merchant tailor. In district court
Tuesday. Suit on a second note for the
same amount probably will be started later.
Tha suit la an echo of the case, of Al
bert C. Dukes agalnat Gurner A. Lind
quist, Horace B. Irey, ,C. O. Lobeck and
William McCague. in which Dukes was
victorious, some fifteen years ago. Adolph
Lindquist purchased the judgments which
tho court awarded Dukea. and all were set
tled between him and the defendants in
one way or' another except the judgment
against Lobeck. ' For this he took two
notes from Lobeck.
Adolph LlndqUlst disposed of the nots
to durhtr A. Lindquist,' the plaintiff In
the' suit Just started. The plaintiff as
srrts that Lobeck has made some pay
nirnta on the notes, but made none dar
ing his 'service as city comptroller and
haa made none since he resigned the
comptroller's office to become congress
man. ' ' '
Two Rnoavrays ' !Vear Marafealltown.
MARSHALLTOWN. la.. Aug. .-(Spe-clal.)
Peven "were Injured, none danger
ously, but three painfully, and all had nar
row escapes for their lives In ' two bad
runaways, one near this city and the other
near Green Mountain, yeaterday afternoon
and last night. Those Injured were: . In
the 'Green Mountain accident-Flora, Clara
and Mildred Iiovee. and In the runaway
aear here Mr. and Mra. Lebbeus Smith and
two daughters, Hope and Klfla." Tha ltovee
girls all jumped when tho hurse they were
driving ran away, Mildred sustained a
fractured arm and the othera were badly
bruised. An automobile frightened the
Smith homo and it daali.d off a dike road.
Mrs. 'BmltU and' daughter Hope were badly
hurt when the buggy iruahed against a
tre. ' ' '
Olarovara Barled Mnner
IOA-riTY. la.'. Aug. .-.Sperlal Tele
Krani.VT. T. Meade,' a fanner near Iowa
,Clty.--dua- up la.&M In gold when he de
stroyed an old barn today. Hla father,
who died four years at;o, probably buried
the treasure.
. 4a aatoaiulttlm, m ptamm, m raara,
suburbua luta tea ettaes- valaalil
prlsea are to be la The Bee JlocL.
lovers' tvutrat ly start la l Uays.
Des Moines Commissioner of Police
Tells of Property Lots.
Dee Moines City HaUway Files Answer
In Strike Case Alleging; Strike
Order Violates Federal
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
Vis MOINES, la., Aug. - 9. (Special
Telegram). Superintendent of Police Roe
today lsuod a statement showing that the
total damage to property done during the
rocent street car strike amounted to J 00.60.
Tho damage was almost entirely to win
dow glass in cars and hotels, broken by
porsons others than the strikers. He Jus
tified the action of tha police and Indicated
that the polloa in faot cared for property
and were prepared at all time to prevent
any harm to individuals. Des Molnos
busineaa men aro urging a movement for
the recall of Commissioner Roe because
of alleged failure to protect property.
The city railway company today filed an
answer in court In the strike Injunction
case alleging the order of court terminat
ing the strike is in violation of the fed
eral constitution.
Rock Island Gets Bend.
The formal transfer of the 8t Paul A
Des Moines railroad property to the St.
Paul & Kansas City Railroad company, a
subsidiary of the Rock Island, waa made
today when the shareholders of the farmer
met and approved the sale of the road.
Robert Walker of New York, chairman
of tha executive committee of the Rock
Island, on behalf of that company was
present and voted tha proxies of all share
holders, none of wham waa personally
present. Vice President Fred C. Mac
MUlan of the St. Paul Des Molnea at
tended the meeting as the representative
of the dissolving corporation.
More 'chnola Favored.
Bight more high schools were given the
normal training course by the state super
intendent of public instruction. This
makes a total of thirty schools to be
designated aa normal training schools.
Tho eight which were designated are:
AubUdon, Malvern, Red Oak, Woodbine.
Ida Grove, Rock Valley, Manchester and
Marathon.' '
Will Bleet College Treasurer.
Tho State Board of Education haa a
meeting at Vinton next week when the
board will proceed to the election of a
treasurer for the atate college for the
blind. The board of education system
oontemplatea a treasurer at eaoh institu
tion and the board recently took over the
blind college Cor handling.
The board has also called Prof. Holden
A fine serge, regular $28 value, made to order for
$17.50 in coat and pants.
' Any number of nice grays and tans, made to order,
$17.50 reduced from $25, $28 and $30.
Every garment guaranteed perfect in fit and style.
MacCarthy-Wilson Tailoring Co.
304-306 South 16th St. Five Steps South of Pamm.
0SX models foi?s
Special summer
Corner 20th and Farnam.
Bread ... 5c
Wednesday is Raisin Bread
ISrfrl''e aa'g wnaaia ri
t i
US I 111! I TTTTTTTTnrall II III I 1 1 fsTPaTW lllllslll IIMssl alaMMsllslsssssslsll i
Tip c Host Popular Bread Today
, 3f! , Ti? Tv bread by f tn bi""t "ns
I I I I" Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs fl
I TT" . ilay. AVIth our Immense plant and dellv- U
JL Xj J ' f y, '"tem' no Krocer is allowed to offer (iv
To the Public:
llerenfter the distributors of "Old Fash
ioned Liif?ar Deer" in Omaha will be Caek
ley Brothers, Telephones Douglas 1148,
Independent A-2143. Cackley Brothers
succeed the firm of Courtney & Company
in selling this delicious old German lager
.n.--. ,u aaiieBiia-tii iana , i an """
to appear before It In the matter of ex
planation of his accounts.
Fire Reports Are Coming.
Ktate Fire Marrhal Roe has received over
100 reports of f;rcs In the state since the
opening of his office July 1. The report
that one fire chief at Webster City would
refuse to report proves unfounded aa he
has made reports of fires. At Dubuque ar
rest has been made of one person sus
pected of the Incendiary fires In that dty
and the fire marshal will have charge of
the case.
Hapld Building of Railroad.
The Rock Island Is making excellent
time in the building of tho new cut-off
fmm Des Moines to Chariton to shorten
the route from central Iowa to Kanras
City. A great deal of grading has been
done and some laying of rails at the north
end. H is estimated that Che branch line
can be finished by Christmas time and be
tn operation.
Kind Ions Is Too Lenient.
Members of the State Board of Control,
who have visited the prisons in (he east
the last week, declare that as compared
with ofher states, Iowa Is too lenient with
convicts and there la too niucli freedom
ajlowed the men. In Iowa the prisoners
are permitted to have all the newspapers
they desire, but this Is not done elsewhere.
They are also permitted to purchase extra
food to add to the prison fare, if fhey
have the money for the same, w'hloh la
not generally done In the east. Tha board
contemplates a number of changes In the
Blodarett Appeals to Jadge Imlthv .
D. T. Rlndgett, the Des Moines attorney,
doing time for uttering a forged instru
ment, will ask Judge Walter I. Smith
tomorrow for a hearing on his claim that
ha has been Illegally incarcerated in prison.
Blodgett wll) aend his argument and fhe
reoord before Judge Reed to Judge Hmlth
and Assistant Attorney General Fletcher
will file a brief tor the state.
Cook Offers to Lector.
A representative of" Dr. Frederick A.
Cook, the arctic explorer, who says he
got to .the North pole first, waa before
the atate fair officials today with a view
to securing a date at tha atate fair for "his
lecture. Ha has been making the leoture
platforms of Iowa this summer with great
Old Settlers' Day at Magnolia.
MAGNOLIA, la., Aug. . (Rpecial.)
Magnolia citlaens are bow preparing for
the Old Settlers' day, August 24, and the
annual reunion of the Latter Day Saints,
September 1-11. High officials of the
church are expected, and If the weather
remains favorable from' 1.800 dally atten
dance up to 5,000 on Sunday are expected.
tabbed Bight Times In Fight.
MARSHALLTOWN, la,, Aug. (Spe
cial.) Stabbed eight times while In a
fight at LeGrand ' laat night Charles
Hlsoher, a steam shovel engineer, waa
prices expert work.
Telephone Doutr. 3040.
lip Top bread Is by far the bl.aast seller
In Omaha. South Omaha and Council Bluffs
today. With our Immense plsnt and dellv
ery system, no Krocer is allowed to offer
It for aale except when absolutely fresh.
at a11 grocers
Day 5c at all grocers.
iltir- rr
AfTX' T la ne gainsaying
y&'vtf Indeed, avary-
pna rn'OVnlaoa
(ha diamond as
tbo Ultbalt
mark of afflu
ence. It cuts tha
v.-oprer apart
treat oUwrt lt' given blm a high
pin xi In your estimation at first
Rlffbt. The hleh Charr.utor of. tho
Stents At this Store, thslr beauty,
ihilr tutting, makes tuci th
most deelraUe 31a.aior.Cs, Thay
all to tUct isiprccotan of reflno
ment and polish vbich 11 people
keek, They are ntoderRtcly prlcuti
RfiC irlvc buyers ereaiest Value for
their mcnay.
Dent Merely Iltiy Invaat.
BlxUc&tti and JInnwy V
:yr. Lyons-
Teofh Powdsr
cleanses, preserves and beauti
fies the teeth, prevents tooth
decay and imparts purity
and fragrance to the Dteatn.;
Beautiful Teeth
There are but. tew peoples who have
them. Good teeth everyoue might have
It they would go to Dr. Bradbury. The
quickest, easiest and least painful are
the only methods employed by us and
hundreds of our patients, both In and
jut of the city win ri
;Udiy tell yen a boot
the good dental work and our up-to-date
ways of doing thlsgs. Crowis aod bridge
work from I&.00 per tooth. Plates that
fit from 14.00 to U 2.1.0. Painless aatrae
tioa of teeth. Nerves of teeth removed
without hurting Too. Work warranted
ten years.
game Leeattoa. '
raaae D. 1TM
XBM ran am
Canadian ..
Pacific ;,'.'
Excursions ' '
to Toronto, Montreal, the Mua
koka Lakes, New England and
the Fighlng and Hunting Ra
aortg of Eastern Canada.
(Tve thnmsfc trains Ifr Iraki CVrna,
Tha one real acenlc route to
Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, Spo
kane, Vancouver, BelUngbam,
Victoria. -
salenata through tr aim troia tu Fast
tV. Bantt aa (aa koaklaa ":.
Descriptive anattes and lalonna
tlon on application to as- sail
road agent.
A.B.Calder, ten. Agt. C.E.E. (fisher
Oi Bo. Clark 8t Pass. Vratf. Kn,
Cliloafo Montreal. Oau.
i. atzraosraafT. t. .--
ell BbeUUer Bid
Kansas (JUy
Public Admitted tfrev
Wednesday and Thursdaj
August 9th and 10th.-
DR. BAILEY, Dcnthb
has returned to Omaha and ,
and opened new offices
704-10 City National Dank Bldg. ,
Tel. Doug. 2560' '
' W.-G. UKE
Fle thonsaad feet of the ateat
modern morlar plotares, shown la
tae open air every evenlna at ai30,
Cnaafa of plotares aver evsa-tea-.
nw, zjtBoai, okabto ax.x
BOOM, With mnalo by Smith',
probestra, BOATIstO, aOLLta
aaa otbes attraetions.
1Mb Vleal. (trooass la Bbaa
9rove. ITre. sUtobaa
Vaudeville and Photo Play.
Dine Out Doors
coox.z-T ixaoa iw omasa
ncaiiTaa ztky attaiat
Admissloa 10 Oeata
, . fc. a T'