Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1911, Page 11, Image 11

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L I I L . . I' - L-l II II I I .11 , C'-
The BEES Junior Birthday Book9
U 1
"Mow that they've made the dirt fly for
the Dtw subway la New York," said tha
jSoibled Tourist, "visitors will coon be
bio to make a complete toar of the city
Without leaving Usa eellar. In fact, 11 an
hattaa Island win ba a regular Swiss cheese
aaadwteh a, couple Of siloes of Island with
a lot of holes between 'am.
"Not that would Ilka to call New
Tark a second atory cUy, anr mora than
wa'd care to eall any of bar cl tisane second
story men malees wa ware talking over
tha 'phone.
"While they are about K, I would sug
gest that ther bare one or two of the
saw subways open out Into tha bar and
equip the Una with a few ubraarlnea oa
wheels, thereby creating a submarine eith
er for 8 tat en Island. Coaay laland and
points east. I haven't got -a pal en t on this
Idea, bat I think I'll vet one.
"Might be A food plan, too. to run ex
cursion parties to the bottom of tha bay
sot forgetting to bring them bach nf
course. It sounds cool,' anyway.
" 'Seeing New Tork Underworld br
Land and .Water1 might be aa attractive
sign for the cara. If the subway Isn't an
underworld, I'd like te know what la.
Sometimes It'a hotter thaa the world be
law that. ' ' . 1
"A nloe oeot plunge Into the bay off the
Battery wouldn't be at all bad after a long
hot ride down from the Bronx. A subma
rlne subwar car would naturally ba a little
more stuffy than the other kind. If that ie
possible, but after it hit the water H ought
4a ba aa eool-es an lea chest. , -
Tha aubnaartna subway Idea would seV
a lot ef tunnel work. too. As long as the
ears didst bob up suddenly underneath a
ferryboat or ram Into tha pHlng of the
f Fair Ladies of the
ai.ii. Bantamls. Harrison oooupiea ui
distinguished position, of the twenty:thlrd
president of the United States, bis wife
waa tha bead af the social affairs at the
eapltal and tha mistress of the White
House. -
Mrs. Benjamin Harrison's maiden name
was Caroline LavUla Scott. Her father,
Prof. John -W. -Soett, waa a. member of
faculty of Miami university when bis
tie daughter was bora K Oxford, O., on
ctober 1, IStt.-
He afterward ' became president of the
emlnary la Oxford from which his daugh
ter, having completed her education, grad
uated In MM. It-Is interesting to mote that
Benjamin Harrison took his degree at the
university during tha earns year. On Oc
tober 19 following he and Miss Soott were
It was during her husband's administra
tion that .this bond, made early in their
TTvee. was severed br the death of Mrs.
Harrison in Washlngiten, D. C, on October
X. m, afer nearly forty years of wedded
life. '.'" ' ' .
. Mrs. Harrison was a woman of keen
Intellectual Insight, broad culture and wide
sympathies. A, constant reader and student,
she found, time t. devote to tha several
literary clubs of which she waa a member.
She was a good amateur musician, and also
devoted some of her time to painting.
Mrs. Harrison's family was composed of
two children a eon and daughter. The
former, Russell Harrison, graduated at
J.afayette la 177 aa a mining engineer, and
er various activities la the world of en-
Oh, It's a Great Place to Die
THola Is aa island looatei la the water
(salt water)." It 4s a part of the Islai of
Panay, which is also surroanded by salt
water (aqua salo). ' Tha Island la bordered
aa oae aide by a stone wall and on the
ether slds by bamboo shacka. These are
plaoed there to keep the Island from being
bed away la the aforesaid salt water.
Hollo la beet known for Its claim aa the
second city, because everyone knows its
the second city, because everyone says It
la, A stranger after looking it over, re
marks: "Ood help the third city." This
elty Is blessed with a purely native admin
istration.' Tha mayor, the consueles, the
chief of pottos, the chief of board ef health.
the elty engineer, etc., are ail natives ana
hey act aa such. The American army ana
the postoftlce sre eou wrw.iw
Americans which In the minds of many Is
aa injustice. - .
The town is blessed with several news
papers whose pol'cy is to get advertlse-
ta. Amuaeinenia
prodm-e here the grandest cr operas, am
we must be thankful that their composers
are dead, for to hear them as rendered here
and live happily ever after is Impossible.
The cinematographs are here with their
eoqtlnuour performances, tragedies and
comedies are bars portrayed for the small
sums of ten. twenty and thrrtr centavos.
Tans are continually kept in circulation to
keep llie anreU amoving, the management
believing that tt would m be fair for one
part of the house to get it all. Tranaporta
Uon Is furnished by livery stables. Here.
In these stsbles, you can procure fast sud
low horses, that will mova. trot, gauop,
top, back, turn somersault all at their
pleasure and for the pHoe of the fare. No
extra charfie Is asked if you don t get to
jour destination. VTs have two Ice plants
who furaUh Ice made of water. The board
of health i next to' this so far. Clubs
are numerous-American. Spanish, English
aad pollc'eaien cluba They are opened to
uautftJ-s and welcome U extended pro
vleUag yeu belong to the class nine.
Tha town Is illuminated I sometimes
by electricity. Coal oil, eeeoanut and
candle power lights are turned on at
dark and. turned off at dark. Tha finan
ciers of the toan are H. Nix on the
Chatter and 'the editor of the Utar. .The
population. Is. osmupoUtan., , Ton will Oral
here American, rtea. Republicans Eng-
lsh. Immadiatlstas. Jews, Callrornlans and
mission srlea. They are a laving community
aad helpful to one another. Americans here
are all wealthy. They work because they
kke to. The moaqultoas do not dlstarb
you ta fact, no one pays any attention to
them when under a mosquito bar. The
eireels era beautifully raved with mud.
The markets are monuments to Hollo.
Products of all descriptions can ba pur
chased here. The market is flunhed with
water every day and night provMioc It
'- add
ralas or the tide Is a trfl high. The usual
rket smell Is of course here. with, the
addition of other smells. Cuts ulUs dabs
of beeUenut Jul it can be seea everywhere.
Unudug glatsoe of the luscious tuba are
strt out for your detectatloa. la tha tuba
giak can be seen the rsmaderie, the stint
e equality' of the ffcil'pi'inea. Everyone
wrong allp they'd be all light.
'Guards on the submarine line could be
equipped with Bailors' unl forma, ,Just te
create a little atmosphere, and the Aqua
rium oould "be made one of the regular sta
tions for the same reason. A little toar
from the Aquarium to tha Statue of Lib
erty by the submarine subwar ought te
make a hit.
"The plunge tram tvie mouth of the sub
way Into the bay would be an exhilarating
shoot the chutes and calculated to remove
all dust, dirt and noise.
"The new route would probably resalt In
another convenient novelty block la the
(CopyrlSTht, UU. by the N. T. Herald Co.)
White House'
gi nee ring became asayer of the United
States mints, first at New Orleans and
afterward at Helena, Mont The daughter,
Mary, became tha wife of James R. Mo
Kea of Indianapolis.
(Copyright, 1MJ, by the N. T. Herald Co.)
drinking -out of the same glass, tao or
lllustrado, rich or poor, sick or well, it's
all the same, and down she goes. It'a
clean, it's healthful and we los Americanos
should pattern ourselvea a little after our
dear little brown brothers.
The police here are ever watchful for the
welfare of the cltlten, be he pantav.or pant
less. The fire department? Ah! Te of
other towns take notice: Tha wells and
tha town pump are at all times there and
ready, and so Is the bamboo merchant. Oh,
you Inhsbitants of other cltlee, come one
and all and visit this gem. this Jewel, this
lalapaloosie! Come here and die!
P. S. Plenty of room in the graveyards.
Hollo Star.
Great Thoughts
True love fears no winter.
Anger Is suppressed hv sweetness.
The pen is the tonrus of the mind.
Prove thy friend are thou hast need.
Strong reasons make strong action A
Who stands still In mud sticks In It
A friend at one a back Is a safs bridge.
He who Uvea well Is the best Treacher.
Most men know
what they hate, few
what thev love.
Little children. 'little
Borrows: big chll-
dren. big sorrows.
Is more Jealonsv- between rtvsl
rival beau ilea, for vanity has
do ses.
I'M 60 HUNqY!
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I rAl??yr Hf i i m.yj. a. -! I I li i I ii . '. 'gstMOI-e.
Coryright. 1911, by Tha New. York Evsalnc Teasgrsai
(New Tort Herald CoJ AM fUgjati lUeerre..
vWrspQ L&3 Sf ( WMNt Ur YaKI HCE J j
ls lj 'A
yAy "ii J T lose their Vtw,a?rMAV
' L yjKw clothe.
Loretta's Looking
"Oh! to be free! Free! Free! This hid
eous shackling of my Individuality! This
withering submission to conditions! This
nauseating consent to slavery 1 Just te
break the bonds aad be free!
That Is the way you talk. Every small
convention that galls your rambunctious
personality you want to snip out of your
life pattern. Tou hate to be agreeable to
people you do not Ilka. You rebel against
what you term the hypocrisy of it. Tou
want to make a slit right through tbs allly
little restrictions that are imposed on yon
In your home. Tou want to split the whole
hollow show of religion asunder. Tou want
to break the ties that bind you to rela
tions you do not like. Toa long to shatter
the Idea entertained by your formal and
snippy aunt that you approve of her cen
sorship on your friends. Tou burn to rush
out mto the social byways and cheese tha
acquaintances whom your conventional
family regard as the lame, the halt and the
blind and treat with cold charity.
Tou ache to hew and hack to ruins the
senseless system of segregation, which la
slats upon a man being a man and a
woman a woman, and each preserving their
distance from each other. Tou believe In
the possibility of perfectly open and pla-
There Is no old age la the Braseat day.
No longer does grandma alt by tha firs
sewing, with spectacles and cap, while bar
grandchlldrea play at her knee, and look
upon bar with laving reverenoe. Few old
people alt still by the fire nowadays, un
less they be very old Indeed and unable to
do anything else. Nowadays thsy are
about all day, aad most of the night, en
joying life, seeking pleasure, discovering
how much there is to be seen. dona, and,
above all, talked about. In a world that
no longer craves rstlrement.
Nobody Is so young as the old nowadays;
nobody loves lifs aa they do; aad the re
verse holds true of heavily laden, respon
sible, bored and sensible youth. Nowa
Hid HAlfe? IS fALSE?
- ' I Vav il-V 1 -- mm), 1 1 m. innro I
- ' , m . m Mr i j l. . i . i i w r, i ... ... i r, - " . u a,, f mi. i a
Glass-Held Up to the
tonic friendships. Tou would like to
scramble and hash and throw In the gar
bage can all of ths Insistence upon your
regard for your sax. Tou do not see why
a girl must be forever conscious that aha
la a female. You think that friendships
with men can ealst on grounds far above
the sex plana.
Tou gouge and slash at the ways of so
ciety. Tou fly off at every tangent where
the pressure of home Influence la momen
tarily removed. You resent your mother's
suggestions. You disregard your father's
requests. In short, you are a feminine out
law. There was a place for you In the days
when pioneering was possible. Now, . you
seem to ba caught In tha intricate wheals
of a fully constructed social machine, and
they grind you to the misery and rebellion
which you express In such frantic and dis
jointed way that you ars looked upon as
a "queer girl," "a freak" or, by the very
narrow minded, as a positively dangerous
You mske of yourself exactly what the
outlaw cf civilization Is. You alienate
other girls. You arouse the distrust of
less dar'ni people. You Inspire the con
tempt of those who know that real cour
age Is in making the best of things as they
Wonderfd Present-Day Grandmothers
days It Is youth that &ta an tha
knitting, while It la dear young grand
mamma who sports, so to apeak, with the
kit tea on the carpet.
Grandmamma Is no longer old. She is,
suppose. Just 80; but whst matter? She
can still enjoy theaters, dinners, bridge,
and, In certain Instances, ws learn she can
still dance at that age. She baa not much
to worry her, because she la probably bow
supported by the aged young. She. has
reached delightful pensioned or fixed In
come days. And now, after having been
old la youth, she becomes young la old
age. it strikes her that the world, as
8tevenson told the children, is "full of a
number of things." She will see them.
They All Knew the
Female Outlaw
are till they grow better. You are a de
structive force Instead of a builder in the
big scheme. '
Does the outlaw, shutting himself from
his kind, do anything worth while? He not
only does not, but be turns his most splen
did virtue to base uses. He makes it the
tool of his vices. You have ths virtue, too.
It is the one which discovered America.
It Is theone which gave the world a Sav
ior. And It is yours, given you with more
generosity than most receive. It is cour
axs. Why do you not find happiness in its
ue. Why not associate youroelf with the
great men and women why have had it.
Instead of being merely a femiin outlaw?
How? By forgetting yourself and remem
bering that every courageous person who
ever lived has hated sham and deceit, has
rebelled against senseless conventions. Zlut
with this difference! They have tried to
overcome the thing they hated with the pa
tient application of courage, a steady re
sistance. Instead of a soda water fls
alness that exhausted Itself la the mak
ing and accomplished nothing. Feminine
outlaw, stop gashing and slashing! Begin
tha kind of opposition to wrong and de
celt which overcomes by a continuous and
steady pressure.
chalrmake tha most of them. In time.
Wonderful grandmamma. She will prob
ably marry again. News comes from Bos
ton to the effect that even now two old
people 7. the man; the woman 71 have at
last succeeded In getting married and in
dodging the worried elderly children who
were trying to prevent them. This Is but
one of many such Instances.
But why shouldn't old people marry? If
they heve youth in their hearts there
seems to ba no reason why they should
not emulate the ways of ths young.
If you' would be known and aot know,
vegetate In a village. If you would know
aad not be known, live la a city.
AREN'T too
-mWrr a.ra.
' ' , ' . V. -
1O0 North Twenty-seventh street
Name and Address.
Gertrude Allen, 1194 Georgia Ave
Rose Bornsteln, 9C9 North Seventeenth St
Jack Berg. 1623 Nicholaa St
Charlet G.' Binder, S624 South Thlrty-aeventh St..
Charlie A. Barker, 4401 Jackson St
Lola E. Cory, 3481 Sahler St
Walter Conn, 114 South Thirty-second
Opal Dilley, 2824 North Sixteenth St..
Gay Harry Dodaon, 3116 Burdette St..
Edward Donnell, 840? Dodge St
Beasle Evana, 1610 North Twenty-geventh St Long 180o
Beasle Frieden, SOU North Thirtieth St ... Howard Kennedy. . 1898
Peter Ferolltto, 1818 Pierce St Leavenworth ...1900
John M. Gibson, 3021 Meredith Ave
John F. Graaer, 2768 South Thirteenth
William Harms, 4149 Lake St
James Harvalis, 2426H South Sixteenth
Barbara Hogya, Tenth and Paul Sts..
Arthur Hansen, 2029 Lincoln Ave....
Mary E. Herrington, 2414 Erskine St
Edward E. Holland, 418 South Twenty
Gladys N. Jones, 1S25 South Twenty-eighth
Florence Jones. 1906 North Twenty-eighth
Henry Kulakotsky, 2312 North Twenty
Johan Kahler, 3414 Cass St
Paul Leldy, 4705 North Twenty-ninth
Hatel Mahannah, 3516 South Twentieth
Gordon MacAulay, 2708 Dewey Ave
Ruth Mcllvalne, 2115 Grand Ave
Eileen McCune, 2320 North Twenty-eighth
Raymond E. Mattlsen, 3221 Poppleton
James McGahan, 2422 Valley St
Edward Miller, 815 North Thirty-second
Cornelia Nelson, 1932 South Twenty-ninth
George Nelson, 1819 Van Camp Ave.. Castellar .1908
Elmer Novack, 1719 Castellar St..... .Castellar ..1905
Henry L. Petersen, 8220 Miami St toward Kennedy. . 1898
John Petersen, 4330 Ohio St
Nellie Proebstlng, 412 feouth Forty-fourth Ave. ..... High .1893
Frances R. Petersen , 3022 Franklin St Long .1901
Gladys Putnam, 4022 Farnam St. -...Saunders 1898
Elsie M. Rogers, 612 Lothrop St. .....High ......... .1898
Leo P. Ryan, 4718 Marty St
Bonita E. Roberts, 2438 Ellison Ave
Homer D. Robblns, 916 North
Ivy Ray, 2904 Decatuf St
Irene Roth, 1010 Lincoln Ave. . . .
lEsther H. Simons, 2821 North Thirty-sixth Ave Druid Hill 1899
Carl E. Swanson, 3308 Sherman Ave .....Lothrop 1898
Anna Sanderholm, 1422 North Twentieth St Kellom ..1897
Isle Sushin, 1446 North Twentieth St Kellom 1903
Kitty Slaven, 1709 South Tenth St ...Lincoln 1896
Benhart Simpson, 2314 Hickory St Mason If 'JO
Helen Sorensen, 8201 Lincoln Boulevard High 1893
Sam Savad, 411,'orth Twenty-second 8t Central .1903
Carl Tilton, 3126 Hamilton. St -. Franklin .....1905
Matilda Theiler, 1412 Bancroft St St. Joseph 1899
Willie Taylor, 312 Florence Boulevard..... Saratoga ........1897
Magaret Tillingham, 1916 Cuming St .....Kellom ........ 189?
Margaret M. Witkovskl. 2810 Dupont St ;iigh .....1894
Magaret M. Witkovskl, 281 Dupont St.. Dupont 1901
Alma E. Wolf, 2015 Izard St Kellom ........1904
Walter Wesler, 4679 Leavenworth St Beals ; 1902
Elizabeth Wagner, 8107-Deuglaa St Central ....1902
The Habit
Wlfh the coming of hot weather the
grumbler comes Into his own. Grumbling
is as Insidious as lnfluenaa, and as In
fectious. A woman will walk out In the
morning strong and happy, ready to do
her share of ths world s work, and per
haps a fsw yards from her own doorstep
will meet some other woman who Is
grumbling so badlv as to be heard across
tha street "It'a going to be hotter than
ever," the stricken one will explain Indig
nantly, "Isn't it unbearable?"
If the first woman Is susceptible, this Is
enough. Grumbling will break out on her
Instantly. For hours to come she will hate
the beauty of the day and infect all who
come In contact with her.
Pome women grumble because their holi
days are over; others grumble because
they Tiave not yet arrived; but the most
Insistent form of the grumbler is the
Woman who laments against the hot
weather. She complains against her food,
her clothes, her work.
It would drive mewt women near to
argue with grumblers strict solatlon Is
their only hope and ours so thst it is of no
use protesting. Ws caa only keep cool by
walking In our own way.
It 'would drive most mo wen near to
apoplexy to change the 'routine of their
dally lives; most housewives would be
much more upset by the thought that their
iizfs is fhe
Day We
August 10, 1911.
School. Year.
.Park ....,.....1901
.Cass ..1905
.Long 1104
..Windsor ..-...-.1904
..Columbian 1898
High .1901
Ave.-, mm . High ....... mm 1 894 .
Lake ........... 105
Central .1104
, Central .1898
..Monmouth Park .,.1904
St ......... .Bancroft .. ...1908
Clifton Hill.. 1904
St Castellar ........1898
. . Caae ..-.,.... 1901
.Castellar ....... 1908
Lake . . . . 1899
- fourth Ave.. Central ..1897
St Park ........... 1 897
St Long ........... .1904
- first St...
..Lake -... 1900
..Saunders ......1900
. . Lothrop . .1898
..High ........ .1898
. . Farnam 1899
..High 1892
Ave... Howard Kenendy. . 1899
Ave Park. 1901
Vinton 1899
St Webster ..1896
St Dupont . . 1905
Clifton Hill ..1895
Forty-second St.
, . Beals ... .1901
.Saratoga 1898
.Walnut Hill 1902
.Long ........ ..1905
..Lincoln ........ .1857
of Grumbling
families had not had "regular meals" than
by fussing about an oven.
After all, the best thing to do In hot
weather is to grin and bear it. Grumbling
will not make the burden any lighter.
Your husband is
ball fan, isn't he?"
something of a base
" 'Fan' doesn't begin to express It, Fred
is a regular windmill."
Miles Darden. of Tennessee, bora in 17M
and died in 1657, attained the height of
seven feet six Inches and the weight of
1,000 pounds.
Prof. Wilson Whltoa. a celebrated Atner
Ictn Instructor of deaf mutes, was born In
106. He bore a high reputation for schol
arship and Intellectual ability.
Nubs of Knowledge
It takea nearly four pounds of grapes la
make a bottle of wine.
It is said that there is never an odd num
ber of rows on an ear of corn.
The leaf of a pineapple riant can b
wrought Into serviceable cloth.
The chances of death In England are at
per oent leaa than In India.
About 7,Mfl.ajO 4onp of coal are annually
consumed In London.
Pulleys were first made In 6l B. C.
Letter writing
103S B. C.
began to be an art la
Romans made glass bottles and drinking
glasses In tt. -
A rope-making machine waa patented la
England la 17M.
Death was first ordained as the punish
aaat for murder In S B. C.
tea In I71t.
colonists began te drink
Herodotus gives us the initial record of a
total eclipse of the sun when he observes
thst about 1 B. C , In the last struggle
between the Medes and Lydians, hostilities
were brought to a sudden close by the Say
turning Into aifuh