Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1911, Image 1

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    The OmahaI Daily
Whose Birthday Today?
Tour IVijr's and Girl' or Thrir
Little f riend and Playmates. 80
Msrazlne Tage of Each Isaue.
.iFU oi jo,!
Collisions Between Police and Idle
Dockmen and Carters Axe Sharp
and Frequent.
Women and Men in Fijht to Prerent
Movements of Food.
Freih Meats Advance Sharply and
Thousand of Tons of Fruit Spoil.
Board of Trmtr lloiri to Brian" Abnat
Arrriirt Between Kmployere sad
EnpUrri Beforr End of the
T -ON DON. Aim. . Increasing disorder
and progress toward peace were the con
trary feature of the dock strike today.
The men of dockland who are already feel
ing the pinch of deprivation, have adopted
drastic measure to prevent any attempt
by nonuntonists or clerical staffs to move
a wheel, and collisions with the police
were frequent and sharp.
The Foard of Trade Ik composing the
difficulties of employers and employes and
some sectional disputes have now been set
tled, with every prospect that the demanda
of other sections will be satisfied before
the end of the week. This latter condition
Is the only one on which the men will call
off the strike.
Meanwhile London was practically with
out Tans today. Thirty thousand carters
quit work today and thouaands more
planned to Join the Idle ones before night.
The strikers had frequent fights with tbe
police. Women joined the men In present
In a replenishing of the marts with provi
sions. ,
Tho fish porters havo Joined the strike
movement. The wholesale prices of cnmea
beef have advanced 7 to 10 cents a pound
since last Friday. The manager of one of
the largest houses importing American beef
said that unless the strikers settled by to
morrow there will be the greatest beef
famine this country has ever known.
Teas of Fmtt netttnn.
Tons of California pears. Tasmanlan ap
ples and French fruits are rotting in their
crates and Covent Garden is almost with
out fruit. Practically no business was
done on the Corn exchange.
Benjamin Tlllet, secretary of the Dock.
Wharf. Riverside and General Workers
I'nion of Great Britain, announced today
that orders had been iasued calling out
every man of the ort of London. The new
order will increase the number of strikers
to 100.000.
Tonight the Combined Millers' associa
tion of London telegraphed the home secre
tary asking for military protection against
the striking dockhands. A bread famine
within the next three days is certain if
present conditions prevail. '
Big Stories to Girl
Cause Arrest as Spy
Coast Artillery Private Tells Sweet
heart He Count Trying to Get
N Great Government Secret
NEW TORK, Aug. George Petr. the
eoast artillery private at Port Totter., who
was said to have been accused by his
fiancee of being a spy for the Austrian
government, declares he is neither a spy
nor an Austrian count, which title he Is
said to have claimed In pressing his suit
upon Mlse Clara Anita Dyer. According to
a published Interview with Petr, he de
clares he adopted the title of "Count Wid
ish Greats" to Impress Miss Dyer, and
told her he was In a subordinate position
In the American army because he was try
ing to get a great government secret
Later he went to Lexington, Ky., where he
found that Miss Dyer's parents were op
posed to his suit. Realising his blunder
ha broke off the engagement.
Four Thousand Men
Witness Execution
French Seamen and Soldiers Witness
Death of Two Comrades Con
victed of Murder.
TOTTLON, France, Aug. . Upon the
order of their superiors 4. OX) men from the
Wench fleet and garrison today witnessed
tbe execution of two seamen named
ueguea and Ls Marechal. The men were
convicted by court-martial of having mur
dered a comrade named Carrel in order
te rob him of S eents.
Mr. Hnsnnhrey Introdnnee Retiolarloa
to Iwt Inenlry Jato Haads at
Special Committer of rive.
WASHINGTON, Aug. . Representative
Humphrey of Washington presented to the
house today a reeiautton asking to have
the house committee on interior depart
ment expenditures discharged from further
consideration of the Controller Bay Inves
tigation and to have the matter put Into
the hands of a select committee of Ave
members of the house.
The resolution declared that after start
ing the Investigation the committee failed
and refused to permit competent aad ma
terial witnesses who have appeared before
It to testify as to facta they know and
that the committee "has abandoned such
The Weather
For Nebraska Unsettled.
For Iowa Unsettled.
Temnerntnre at Usaaha
f a. m. .
r. l
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President of the National Sheriffs'
7 yr.-.-a
Mr. McCabe Admits
Changing Text of
Court Decision
When Finding in Missouri Pure Food
Case Was Published Benzoate of
Soda Was Left Out
WASHINGTON. Aug. 9.-Charges across
the table that technical questions were be
ing raised to keep back evidence In the
Investigation of the Dr. Wiley case created
excitement in the house committee on ex
penditures In the Agricultural department
today during the further hearing of Solici
tor McCabe of that department.
Solicitor McCabe admitted to tbe com
mittee that in officially publishing for the
I Department of Agriculture a court declnlon
In a Missouri pure . food case he had
changed several words In the Judgment of
the court. The change eliminated benxoate
of soda from the decree holding certalu
subetancea deleterious.
Solicitor McCabe admitted today that
William H. Harris, a coffee expert, is em
ployed In the bureau of chemistry under
terms exactly similar to those in the case
of Dr. Rusby. which McCabe refused to
sanction and which brought about the
charges against Dr. Wiley. McCabe in
sisted there was a difference In that Har
ris was the only coffee expert the depart
ment could employ.
Holstlaw Regarded
Lorimer and Jack Pot
Bribes as Gifts
State Senator Says He Did Not Tell
His Friends About it Because He
Did Not Consider Amount Large.
WASHINGTON, Aug. . The senate
Lorimer committee today adjourned Its
hearings in Washington to resume probably
early in October in Chicago at the call of
Chairman Dillingham. Attorney Healy of
the committee announced that the list of
witnesses summoned had been exhausted.
"And everybody else." he added.
The last session of the committee was
occupied with the final cross-examination
of former State Senator Holstlaw of Il
linois who claims he received 12,500 for Tot
ing for Lorimer. i
"You said you considered the C 500 and
7O0 you received from John Broderlck as
gifts?" asked Senator Kenyon of Iowa.
"Yes, sir."
"You didn't care particularly where it
came from?" asked Chairman Dillingham.
"If you considered It a gift, why didn't
you tell your friends that some one thought
so much of you as to make you a large
"I didn't consider It much."
Two Alleged Electric
Promoters Arrested
Inspectors Say Men with Scheme for
Making Electricity From Sun's Rays
Get Current From Nearby Plant
NHW TORK. Aug. s George A. Cove,
president of the Southern Electric Gener
ator company, incorporated In Arlsona for
15.000.000. and Elmer Bsworth Burllngame,
stock selling agent, were arrested today
by United States marshals and held for
examination on October 10, Burllngama In
15.000 bonds and Cove In B. 500. They were
charged with using the malls to defraud.
Poetofflce Inspectors declare that th
company claimed to have perfected an In
vention for the generation of electricity
from sun rays, but investigation proved
that the power at the company's plant
really came from commercial companies
supplying electricity. .
Prince Henry's Auto
Crashes Into a Tree
OSNABRUECK. Aug. .-Pr1nce Henry
of Prussia was in another automobile ac
cident today, but escaped unharmed. He
was returning from Holland, wen his
car swerved from the roadway and crashed
into a tree near Kloppenburg. twenty miles
I southwest of Oldenburg. The prince's com
j panlon. Adjutant von I'sedom. was slightly
I Injured and the chauffeur's skull was frac-
Defeade ( raaaeroa Dsn Has Ble-eJ
Pelieslss ta Old Ballet
MILWAUKEE. Aug. t John Diets, "the
defender of Cameron Pun," ls seriously
ill at the Waupun state prison, the re
sult of blood poisoning from a wound re
ceived In the memorable battle with deputy
sheriffs last October, according to a tele
gram received today by George Schultes,
chairman of the Diets defense committee,
Mrs. Diets wired that Diets' right hand,
where he was wounded, had become In
fected. A bullet struck tbe hand and
shattered It. Spllnttrs of bona were driven
Into the flesh and It has been Impossible
to extract all of them. The wound festered
ualil Diets' coadlttoa la now precarious.
1 .'. :
Steel Truit Official Probably Will Not
B Asked Any More Questions Abont
Campaign Contributions.
Attorney Lindabury Says Witness
Would Not Answer Anyway.
Conference Held at While House by
Chairman Stanley.
Counsel Announces Corporation Gnv
Big "am. Bat Hays Dors Not Ki
Whether Campaign Was
National er State.
WASHINGTON. Aug. I George W. Per
kins probably wUl not be asked any more
j questions about campaign contributions and
! thus will escape citation for contempt be
i fore the bar of the bouse or representatives
by the Sun ley steel trust committee of
I Inquiry.
The committee determined In a turbulent
executive session today, not to press ques
tlons relating to Mr. Perkins' personal
campaign contributions. The matter of in
quiry into the campaign contributions of
the New York Life Insurance company and
tbe United States Steel corporation. It was
said, was left in abeyance. A further ex
ecutive session was held this afternoon.
"Even should any other questions regard
Chairman Stanley, Representative Lit
tleton and Sterling of the committee and
Herbert Knox Smith, commissioner of cor
porations, had a conference with President
Taft at the White House following the ex
lng campaign contributions be pressed."
said Attorney R. V. Lindabury of the tteel
corporation, "they would not be answered."
ecutive session AU refused to discuss the
conference. Chairman Stanley and his as
sociates. It was learned later, went to the
White House to ask the president to fur-
I ther reelase the reports of the commls
j sloner of corporations on the steel Inquiry,
with a view of getting at some of the mat
ters sought In the Inquiry.
President Taft, It was said, promised to
furnish to the committee all information
In the possession of th ebureau of corpora
tions In regard to the steel trust which
could be furnished within the law. (
When the afternoon executive session was
ended and the committee about prepared to
proceed with the examination of Mr. Per
kins Attorney Lindabury announced that
the steel corporation In ' 1&04 contributed
210,000 to a campaign fund, but whether It
was national or state h did . not know.
He said h would produce the papers as
soon as possible tnd that Mr. Perkins was
not connected with th eeontrlbutlon.
Nearly Five Hundred
Miles in a Single
Flight in Aeroplane
PARIS, Aug. I. Jules Vedrlnes, the
French aviator, broke the record for a
single long-distance flight today In com
petition for the Mlchelln cup. He covered
sno kilometers . miles) In seven hours
fifty-six minutes and thirty-six seconds,
beating Loti dan's mark of 702 kilometers
(43S miles.)
Cartlaa Aviator Trie Oat New Ma.
chlae at Kearney aad Has
Good access.
KEARNEY, Neb.. Aug. . (Special Tele
gram.) Charles P. Walsh, the daring Cur
tiss aviator, made half a doxen successful
flights In his Farnum biplane here this
afternoon and carried the first passengers
that have ridden with him In Nebraska.
Miss Marguerite Scoutt was carried about
the field on one flight and A. M. K aster
ling, a newspaper man, was taken on the
second flight. Walsh also carried two pas
sengers, Oliver Norton and Curtis Oehler
for a short spin over the field.
Walsh drove his machine In a twenty
mile wind and had It under perfect con
trol. On a long distance flight he circled
the town from the aviation field, three
miles west. He was driving a new machine
as his other was wrecked here last Friday
when he crashed Into a telephone wire. A
crowd of 4.000 people gathered and were
given free admission to the field, the flight
being under the auspices of tbe Commercial
Walsh circled and dipped In tbe air. and
although his plane was blown by the wind,
showed a thorough understanding of Its
management under difficulties. Manager
Manning, who Is superintending the flights
la Nebraska, was pleased with tbe exhi
bition, which was made on a perfect field.
A series of flights are to be given at Fre
mont next week.
Taper Partlaw f Carlton Hoaee, Mick
Patronised by Americans,
ta Damaged.
; LONDON, Aug. S.-Flre broke out through
the roof of the Carlton hotel at tbe corner
of Haymarket and Pall Mall this evening.
Many fire engines were quickly summoned.
, Intense excitement prevailed In the district
and there were many thrilling escapes. The
hotel Is much patronized by Americana.
I The fire was confined to the two upper
: most stories and so far as known no one
' was hurt. The fire started in the top of
rear part of His Majesty's theater and
where the kitchens are situated. All occu
pants of the portion of the hotel Involved
Sennte Comaaltte.
WASHINGTON. Aug. . The arbitration
treaties with Great Britain and France
wore earnestly defended today by Boeretary
of State Knox before the senate foreign
relations committee. He eapeclaUy under
took to show the agreements robbed the
senste of none of Irs privileges.
Opposition to the British and French
general arbitration treaties on the ground
l that the Monroe doctrine would virtually
be abrogated so far as those two nations
were concerned was not taken seriously
by President Taft and Secretary Knox to-daf
1 mf km l hwwmm
MzT 7S8Ssr
From the Cleveland plain Dealer.
Depntyof Cook County, Illinois, is
Re-elected President
J. St. Dankel of Grand Island, Ritirr
la for tho Hend Office la Chosen
for Second Office Ex
citement Rnna High.
On the fifth ballot and after the hottest
fight ever known in the annals of the as
sociation. In which ward politics and bal
lot box-stuffing were resorted to, Charles
W. Peters, deputy sheriff of Cook county.
Illinois, was re-elected president of the
National Sheriffs' association yesterday
afternoon. The election of the Chicago
man was made possible by the withdrawal
of Nebraska's candidate.. James M. Dunkel
of Grand Island, who up until that time
had been leading the race. The final vote
was" for Peters and 47 for Louis Bck-
hardt of Davenport, the candidate of the
Iowa delegation. . .
The ballot-stuffing came on the fourth
ballot, eight votes all In the same hand
writing being found rolled up together in
the box. There was Intense indignation
and disgust manifest and for awhile It
looked as If there wss going to be serious
Sheriff Ben Ness of Des Moines offered
to withdraw the name of Eckhardt from
before the convention If the Judges should
disclose the name on the ballots and It
should happen to be that of the Sows can
didate. After some discussion it was de
cided that this would be highly unfair,
however, and Ness withdrew his motion.
Centeat Wnxee Warm.
This affair was preceded by a little
fracas over the voting of C. P. Froom.
chief of police of Council Bluffs, by the
Iowa delegation as a deputy sheriff. Sher
iff Bralley made an Impassioned speech In
which he threatened to run in the votes of
every police officer in Omaha on the same
grounds. This affair blew over, however,
in the excitement attendant upon Dunkel's
Sheriff Dunkel was then elected vice
president over Sheriff O'Rourke of Mon
tana, who was put up by the Iowa dele
gation. Sheriff Gerber of St. Paul was
unanimously re-elected to the office of
There was no struggle over the next
convention city, as that ls chosen by the
offioars. . '
On the first ballot James M. Dunkel.
the Nebraska candidate, led the field with
fifty votes; Louis Eckhardt, Iowa's can
didate, coming next with forty-two votes,
and Charles W. Peters, present Incumbent
of the office, third with twenty-six votes.
It requires sixty votes to elect.
It ls a fight between Nebraska and Iowa
primarily, with the rest of tbe states united
practically as a unit for the Chicago man.
A desperate effort was made by the Iowa
delegation before the balloting started to
put Peters eut of the race by Introducing
a mo Q on to the effect that no president
oenld succeed himself. "Bill" Loftts of
Iowa put the motion and was greeted with
howls of applause from his backers and a
few of the Nebraska delegation. Cries of
unfairness, however, were many, aad hot
debate followed.
Sheriff K. F. Bralley of Omaha turned
the tide by moving that tbe motion be
tabled, declaring that it was unconstitu
tional and unjust, and that hs wanted to
vote for the man he wanted whenever he
wanted to.
Sheriff Peters wss nominated In s, rous
ing speech by Sheriff Charles Werner of
Springfield, 111., who declared that his
candidate's twenty-eight years of service
as the actual sheriff of Cook county should
give him the position hands downy
Sheriff Dunkel was nominated by Sheriff
Hoagland of Lincoln, who characterized
the Nebraska man as short of stature, but
broad of shoulders and mind.
Sheriff Eckhardt was nominated by J. J.
Dunn of Dubuque, la., who said that he
thaurht the honor should he hn '
around and not kept In the bands of one
NEW TORK, Aug. S The battered bodies
of two boys about IS years of age, who
had evidently stolen a ride here to see the
city, were found on a roof of one of the ;
cars of the Pacific Coast express, which j
came In this morning on the New Tork 1
Central road. Tbe train carries only mall i
and e 1 press matter and starts its run from
Rochester and only stops at Syracuse.
I'tioa aad Albany.
The lads were probably killed as the
train passed through a tunnel. Their
features were badly damaged and they
nave not beea Identified.
Which Door?
Secretary of the National Sheriffs'
1 TVTA. GlfzElER -Jr.
Exciting Chase of Joy
Riders Over Chicago
Streets in Stolen Car
CHICAGO. 4 Aug. . An exciting chase
after an automobile going forty miles an
hour, in the course of which a dozen re
volver shots were fired by policemen, at
tracted the attention of pedestrians In
Michigan avenue near Twenty-eigTuh street
today. The touring ear of former Alder
man Nathan T. Brenner was stolen by four
young men from In front of a hotel and
several hours later the men were seen
speeding over the south side boulevards.
Detective Layho", who formeely was an
acrobat, watched for the "Joy riders," and
when he saw them coming he drew Tiia
revolver, stepped Into the street and com
manded them to halt. They slowed up for
a moment and then dasned away again,
but not before Detective Layhon had
leaped on the rear of the car. He fired his
revolver over the heads of the men in the
machine in an effort to frighten them.
After running two miles. Sergeant Nelson
and three detectives came to his rescue and
the automobile was stopped. Three of the
alleged thieves were arrested and ons ran
away. Tbe men arrested gave tbe names
of Frank Burns, James Mulqueeney and
John Harris.
Mrs. Reese is Not -Breaking
Iola, Kan., Officials Refuse to Exe
cute Sentence Ordering- Woman to
Chain Gang.
TOLA, Kan., Aug. S. The order of Judge
D. B. D. Bmeltser of the Iola municipal
court that a woman convicted of an of
fense of a vicious nature should ta default
of payment of her fine don overalls and
work out her sentence on the rock pile
like a man was denied here today by
Street Commissioner G. C. Glenn, who re
fused to allow Mrs. Ella Reese to work
on the struets with the city's men prisoners.
Judge Bmeltser In sentencing Mrs. Reese
said it was a "mistaken sense of delicacy"
for her to be treated in any other wVy.
In pursuance of tin Judge's order Mra
Reese today was led from Jail to a down
town street where city prisoners were
working. She did not wear overalls.
"I am quite willing to work at anything
the Judge wants me to," Mrs. Reese said.
"But I do not think people of Iola will
permit It."
Before Mrs. Reese could take tier piace
with the street workers Commissioner
Gkenn arrived and called a halt. Mrs.
Reese was taken back to Jail, while by
standers cheered Glenn.
Judge Smeltxer when informed of Com
missioner Glenn's action declared that Mrs.
Reese .must go to work like other prison
ers or lie In Jail Indefinitely.
President Taft Itiii Nomination of
rostnmnater to Senate All Over
again, Aenrding to t'astont.
WASHINGTON. Aug. S. The Postoffiee
department yesterday added a. long-balated
"h" to the city of Pittsburg. Pa., so that
it will now read officially -Pittsburgh." In
consequence President Taft sent to the sen
ate today trie nomination of William li
Davis, postmaster at Pittsburg, to be post
master at Pittsburgh. A renomlnatlon is
required In caaea where the name of post
offices axe changed.
'a r:
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French Steamer Emir Sinks in Straits
of Gibraltar.
Boat Goes Down in Fevr Mlnntes aad
Only Fifteen Pnneengers aad
Twelve Members of tho
Crew Are Saved.
GIBRALTAR, Aug. .-The French
steamer Emir foundered today five miles
east of Tarlfa, Spain, in the straits of
Gibraltar. Ninety-three persons were
drowned. The ship sailed from here at I
o'clock this morning for a Moroccan port.
An hour later, in a dense fog, it collided
with the British steamer Silverton, bound
from Newport, England, for Taranto, Italy.
The crew of the latter rescued twenty
seven of the Emir's crew and passengers.
The Silverton later put n here with Its
starboard bow stove In and her fore peak
full of water.
The Emir floated only a few minutes
after the collision. Sixty-nine passengers
and twenty-four of the crew went down
with the shin. Twelve of the crew and
"fifteen passengers were saved. All tbe pas
sengers were French.
The Emir was a vessel of LSI tons and
was owned at Marseilles by the Compagnle
de Navigation Mixta.
Boiler of Rhine Steamer Explodee.
ROTTERDAM, Aug. t. A boiler on the
Rhine steamer Gutenberg exploded today
with fatal results. Two sailors were killed,
the captain and several passengers were
seriously injured and three other persona
are missing and It Is supposed they were
blown overboard. The funnel and portions
of the boiler were hurled through the walla
of a building on shore.
Pope Has Refreshing
Sleep and is Better
ROME, Aug. S. Pope Plus, who, owing
to the intense heat had been restless during
the night, had a refreshing sleep in the
cooler hours of the early morning. The
rest seemed to have been effective In re
storing the strength of the pontiff, who on
awakening had a lower temperature and
suffered less from the gouty pains.
As the pontiff's bed chamber, which has
a full southern exposure, is small, with a
low celling, the doctors today decided to
move his holiness to tbe floor below where
he will occupy a large room next 'to his
private library and looking west on the
court of San Damaso,
Dr. Petaccl and Dr. Marchlafava when
they visited tbe pontiff togethere were not
satisfied with his condition as they found
his organism less ready than before to re
sist the attack. For this and because of
the heat they ordered his removal to a
larger, airier and cooler room.
Modern Brotherhood
Re-elects Officers
T. B. Hanley Chosen President at
Triennial Convention of Supreme
Lodge in Session at Denver.
DENVEP. Colo., Aug. S. Ejection of
supreme officers was the Important feature
of yesterday's session of the triennial con
vention of the Modern Brotherhood of
America in progress here. In the majority
of cases former officers were re-elected.
Among those named yesterday were:
President, T. B. Hanley. Des Moines, la.;
vice president, George E. Beatty, Tipton,
la.; secretary, F. L. Balz. Mason City.
Ia.; treasurer, A. H. Gale, Mason City, la.;
John M. Grimm. Cedar Rapids. Ia.. was
elected to the board of directors.
Army of Philippines
Camps in Detroit
DETROIT. Mich., Aug . Elaborate prep
arations aave been made for the entertain
ment of tbe delegates to the twelfth annual
reunion of the Army of the Philippines,
which opens its cession In Detroit tomor
row. Two hundred and fifty men are ex
pected to attend. The first session will be
held Thursday evening, Commander-in-Chief
A. H. Anderson presiding. 1
Officers will be elected on Saturday and
Melville W. McManua, commander of the
Detroit orzanlzatlon, 'has been endorsed for
the pout of commander-in-chief of the na
tional body.
Next Sunday, August 13, will be the thir
teenth anniversary of the taking of Manila
by th American army.
Yield Per Acre Estimated Generally
Redacted, But Increased Acreage
Will Result in Big- Yield.
PaDa From About Five Per Cent Below
Average to Fifteen Per Cent Betow. .
Government Figures Indicate a Gen
era! Slump Over Country.
Tntnl Prodnetlen, While Smaller
Than Last Tear, le Larger Than
Ten-Year Average Tleld
Per Aero Lighter.
WAflHTNOTON. Aug. A tremendous
decline In the conditions of crops, general
throughout the country and traceable to
drouth and Intense beat occurred during
the last month, as Indicated by official
figures and estimates made today tn tho
monthly crop report of the department of
agriculture. The report today Is the worst
as to general crop conditions that the de
partment has Issued for any single month,
since 1901.
The area most seriously affected extends
from New Tork and Pennsylvania west
ward to the Rocky mountains, embracing!
all of the great corn, wheat and hay pro
ducing states in the country. In the south
ern ststes, with the 'exception of Vir
ginia and North Carolina, ample rains
served to maintain generally favorable con
ditions throughout the last month. These
conditions thus far continue to be favor
able. CondTtions in the raciflc northwest states
are regarded as excellent, although during
July that territory suffered from a brief,
but excessively hot. period.
The figures contained In today's report
Indicate a material slump In the prospects
of all crops. Corn, which at this season
ls the most Important, declined during the
month from a condition of about S per cent
below the average, as Indicated by the
July report, to nearly U per cent below
the average. In some states it fell off In
condition nearly 30 per cent. This does
not Indicate, however, that the crop will
not be a great one, because the acreage
of corn this year la exceptionally large.
The condition of the crop at this time
Indicates a yield per acre smaller than in
any year since 1901. although the Indicated
total production has been exceeded In
only five years In the history of the coun
try. It Is pointed out that the deteriora
tion In the corn crop was checked some
what by the rains during the latter part
of July. Experts Incline to the opinion
that the crop may be further Improved by
the generous rains of the past week.
The' weather during July caused a fall
In the condition of corn which Indicates
a loss of 328.000,000 bushels from tbe esti
mated total production of tbe previous
Spring wheat fell from a condition of a
month' ago of U per cent below the aver
age to approximately 27 per cent below
the average. Indicating a loss of about
35.W,ono bushels. The Indications of the
total yield of wheat per acre are tho low
est since 1WH.
The oats crop ls very short, according to
the figures of today's report. It has been
smaller three times and larger seven times
during the past ten years. The crop of
hay probably will be the smallest In fif
teen years. The total yield of potatoes
Indicated has been less than this year's
crop only twice In the past ten years. It
ls regarded as likely, however, that the
late planted crop on account of recent
rains may Increase the total estimated pro
duction. The condition this month Indi
cates a loss of about 35.64,0O0 bushels
from last month's estimated yield.
Conditions in the tobacco growing ctates
during July were such as to reduce the
estimated total yield of last month by al
most 24.000,000 pounds.
While the crops In many Instances prob
ably will be short tn the yield per acra
and In the total production they will not
be small, as shown by the following esti
mates of the yields of the standard crops:
Coin, iXUl.OOO bushels; winter wheat,
4U.1U.000 bushels ; spring wheat, 20.64.OSe
bushels; ats, SIT. 800,000 bushels; barley, US,
352.004 bubhels; potatoes, 241,893,000 bushels;
tobacco, VI, lid. 000 pounds, anad bay, .,
1L8.000. tons.
Following ls ths report In detail:
Corn: Condition. 9 ( per cent of a nor
mal, compared with 80.1 per cent on July
1, 79.3 per cent on August 1, 1910, and Rl 2
per cent, the average for the last ten years
on that date; Indicated yield per acre. 23. S
bushels, compared with T1A bushels, the
1710 final yield, and 27.1 buahela, the aver
age for the last five years.
Winter wheat: Preliminary returns Indi
cate a total winter wheat yield of about
4S5.14V.000 bushels, as compared with 44.
044.000 bushels finally estimated last year
and 450.130,000 bushels, the average annual
production in the last five years. Ths
yield per acre ls about 14 bushels, com
pared with 11 1 bushels in 181 and 1SS
bushels, the average for the last five years.
The quality ls St per cent, against Ml per
cent last year.
Mprlns Wheat Below Average.
8pring Wheat Condition 89. S per cent of
a normal, compared with "3.8 per cent oa
July 1. 61 per ceii-. In 1910 and 82.3 per cent,
tbe ten-year average. Indicated yield per
acre. 10.1 bushels, compared with 11.7 bush
els in 1910 and 13 5 bushels, the average for
the last five years.
All Wheat Indlcared yield per acre, 11.
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