Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1911, Image 7

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d C'wt taste" 1 mf I w aet.
i yjjj, y.p irin eo is-,
41" Chr!cs. fc-r nwd. U bairn ti rv.
!. N. list Av.. 5-r m-wl. ex. heat.
Jl.tJ Plnndn. 4-r . colore-)
" N ith Ave.. W-r DrlcV, divide for
tt: r;e fArro.tes
TH ("tr.ah Nat. Dou or A 272.
t-WiOM itiKifrn hmi loomed at 94I'i
I. 25th St., t per m.iriTh
Doug. 73k. 1LU City .Nat. Bank Bid.
EIGHT-ROOM bouse, modern, at Ul
4ttt ht.. on XV. Farnatr-Dundee Una Ta
Htn Sal or Douglas 444,
O'iieS 1 P"-rT " the city.
3;28 Ohlraro St. T rooms, ir.od., large
ymd and ham. It.
rarnam .t.. rwm. mil, tro.
a4 Hamilton .St . 4 rooms tia.
KIN i'.V A LT BKUn.,
Brande Theater Bldij.
FOR a dainty dewrt u- taiera ice
Team. If V rs. A. Anderwn, 3u California
8C w!Il soma to Thii Bee office nithin
three days wa will give hep an ort"r fur
a iuart brick ot thia fins lea cream.
STRICTLY molem. -room h"ua: vacant ,
Sept. 1. IM. Addrana H 9a. Hea. !
- t
liVES ROOMS, ail modern and food 1
oondltlon. at ZWl 3. 24th St. j
FIRST-LASS 5-rotn cottaxe. all new fin
lah. modem except furnace, fine location
lawn, chad a. W'jbater Z, Irt St.
NEW atrlrtiy modern a-room cottae.
ibUl Praiu
thm kUPLK 8T. B room., modern rt
apt furnace K2.M. Hall Distributor Co..
A-ettel t. ;4ua.
FTTE-ROOM aottajfe. modern, fins re
pair, (ood location. Harney i44.
16.T7 N. 19th dt.. modern except furnace.
rooroa, aultaoie for two man and wit
far.iliiea, CO.
ciraca St., T rooKa, modern, fine
ha pa. (20.
iUM C oar lea At., room oottAeTa, email
barn, tU.
S3 N. 28th Ave.. 7-roome. email barn, til.
1M7-I OmaH National Bank Bid.
T-ROOM modern hottee. SOZ North Xld
tZft. Phone Doualaa tie.
TOR RENT To mail family, modern
ptne-room house, east frnt. beautiful lawn.
Hardwood. na and eieetrlc Uaht; 1 block
north of Weat Famam ear. 118 3. Sth St.
PTione Harney Ki.
t0401 S. 4Zd. t roonu, atrlctlr modern, t
block a to Frnam car.
171-78 Braodels Bid. Lioug. 2SS8. A-33EJ.
STRICTLY modem f-roora house, splen
did opportunitlea for roomers, near uni
versity. Webster 234.
OMAHA Express Co 411 N. 17th. D. 04.
FOR RENT Six-room modern hemes at
K1S- North J8th St.. 83u, Web. 9.
S BOOHS in finest condition: modern ex
cept furnace; owner leavlnir city: houae for
rent cheap to small responsible family;
fins place: see It f: rat. 1811 X. lath at.
S-ROOM modern houae on Dodos SL.
within walking- distance; water rent paid;
L. ji, HAMMOMD, S3 Bd. of Trail a.
WEST FARNAM, new brlok, 6 b. r., 1
oaths, fins location. Hi N. th Ave.. KS.
0e South 8th. 88 a moniu. m
I rooms. Telephone Doulaa 4040.
BEVKN-ROOM modern house. In rood
onditloa; larva corner lot and shads trees;
root etX U14 Ohio be Apply VH Laihrov
at. Tel. B-M4.
ITS aV MTU ST. Eight rooms, oompletsly
modern. 8S&. Thos. F. Hall. 4X8 Ramce
Bids. Phones Douglas 740&. Ind. A -440.
NICE, clean 5-room cottage, modern x
capt heat, toll Wirt St. - -
SIX-ROOM cottage, strictly modern. 818;
o aiilidren. iZ2 Parker. Tel. Douglas tuff.
NICBJ, modern. T-r. cottags, 2949 Harney;
two new, modern, 10-r. houses, hot water
beat, 2634-2622 Harney St, For sale or rent,
modern 10-room house, hot water heat. 2618
Harney St. Inquire
Hens haw Hotel. Pbuna D. 12M H-10H.
wrvTr.nryoM modern cottage. 170 8. tth
t. Phone Harney 1U0.
tares) it Offlawsw
TWO td floor Crelghton block:
also store at 118 S. 16th St. Alfred Thomas,
Agent. strat Nat l bank blag.
FOR RENT Store in new "Pullman
building." next to Burlington static n; a
Twry desirable location for millinery and
dressmaking or hardware, notions, novel
ties or other business to catch out-of-town
and south of viaduct trade.
Pullman Building. TeL Doug, lall
Ufi and u18 Farnam S Tel. Har. 249a
iPLENDTD layout of offices In "Pull,
man Building, next to B. A M. station.
Haatais moderate. Imperial Investment
Co, Pullman Bidg.. TeL Douglas ltl&
FOR RENT Oaod room suitable for store
room or manufacturing purposea Inquire
Aouhor Fence Cow. M Si. 17th 6L
MeCAQTTB BT7ILDINO. Uth and Dodge.
tDuoslte new Cnion Padflo headquarters,
gesiralila offices for rent, remodeled and
decorated: rents nioderaXa. service com
plete, omaha Loan and Building associ.
t).0 Nlcs iarga store room and a . . -d
basement, good location for grocery
aoti meat market lutA A. 3uth at.
ub Paxton Block.
iie.ue Five rooms, ground floor, N.
Vat St.
rhona Douglas 2411L 43B Paxton Block.
FOR best grooery and meat market la
any, with (laturea; a snap . 4 N. isu.
glNQER drop head sewing machine:
good as new, (10L Other furniture cheap,
U1 Cuinliig.
ONI drop head Nebraska sewing ma
china Rachel Henwig. Nebraska School
tor Dwaf. Webster Ua.
Ty v write rm.
0TJT uLC Smith Broa tTpesmtsr.
fX W. Swaasua Cow. Distributers. In Far-
FOX type writ era &ea Brandels Bldg.
Hot weather prtuss iiamlngton. CS;
gUnith Premier 130. OUver, $U. Under
wood. 8e: U C. smith, Vt, Monarch, frk);
Jewett. 819: Chicago. IS; Danamora lu;
torn. to. Largs stock to solect trout. Fu.l
gnaraiitss B. F. 8Wi.o. ctA. UU
I amain lit, OUf.
8ULNT aa Oliver typewriter from ths
Ouver Typewriter Co. Te4. Douglas a la.
SMITH PREMIER medals. No. 2 or No. 4
In exceileut eondiuun, rented three months
fur t:ve doi.ara.
Una and Dougiaa,
TYP!BWJTERS for rent, three months
89, Cestrsi Typewriter Exchange, luA
VIMS sprtgh Plaao. goad oondltlun. rea
vr!1". Ustvwg "t- Tei. Douaias sill,
BUSCH-43ERTZ ptaaoa Ml Old Boston Blk,
FINS Ejiaba piano, square; vary caeaj u
t AJTES O es stocked With second-haad
,ias ad atsee and makes; Antar
, a Biatpiy fa., Ulw runu St.
FOR aVaXJE Ksr aud ssceod-fland hi -bard
ana soul tabiea We lead the world
In chat be ex'-uraa Eaay prmi,;a
su-uaawt .a -ttaika-Catduuiar. 7 go. luia.
M Isrr I lmae,a
rwatla ae4.
j SIX FO'jT bcK-ltk. mr oak fin-
' lali. for . a at Jlu Appi Geurgs rt,
; ilr Jhl. lee Publishing Co.
CHICAGO Upholetefng A airaii Wka
We eed mat-xee retail, wtioifrtifl prleea;
gen. fun. lei'Sir; 2d hand fumitura bought
aid void; n-itm.-esees and springs ititda
jvar. Ind. k"-i. 2oi7 N. Bt, bo. Omana.
New and second-hand mXm mil Kama.n
I FOR SALE A food organ. In flna condi
tion, a. so a good Iron bed. springs and mat
tress; will aeil chean. Ca.l at So. 2rth
Ave., or phone 'A turtir aJ.
PHi:.iO vacuum lea cream freesei a, CS
I Leonard Ice boxes. Wiemer. 14 A Famam.
( LUMBER n mccount ot rarnoval wil!
ii a. 1 the new and old
lumber aay beiow cost irice. Act quick
to itet In on rhia Ph tie lmiig-iaa i4ii
Ijworajt Wrckin Co.. I22t 3. IStb.
3ECMND-HAMD phononrapha. C.jO and
up. .AH N. IStn.
""MAHA Ice Cream Cone Co.. D. 8601
SWIM MINI la fine, ao ! F1ah, the Piano
Tuner, fi-i. Wb. L.
ALiJOtjT NEW bujigtea and watfons.
Vaiioua kinds. Cheap. 1T"U Capitol.
Good Dietrich upnirht pinno. fT5: Emer upright piano, rnvwuid case, fins
condition. 113; a-octave orvan. handsome
walnut case, ynur own price. Harr. Ml.
4tn fltjor. old B aton store Bldg.
LARGS flat top desk. (Vebeter. KSi
Alice Johnson. 3us- Brandels Theater Bids.
A COOL plugs In Lake Manawa will
overcome that hot feidlng. If J. P. Brown.
1719 N. 24th dt.. will come to The Bee office
within three days we will give nun a pair
of round trip tii:kta to Lake Manawa.
W1LLARD EDDY. Solicitor. 1539 City
Nat'L Bank. Tyler li-; lnd. A-18M.
H. A. 8TTTRGE8. patent lawyer, 648 Bran
dets Theater. Phone i-oug. 3Uy.
D. O. BARN ELL. Pax ton Blk. TeU Red-TU7.
UECHANO THERAPY maasags treat
ment, rheumatism. Dr. Margaret Hal
loran, NevUla Blk. D. 77aL Open after a
Dr. Burks. Chronic Disease. Omaha, Neb.
Bath, salt glow aromatic
treatment, sane. Allen of
Chicago. 1U S. 17 La bu, first flour. D.
SIT t pf )Ci treatments. Mrs. Steele, ex
' 'A Jll, UU p.rt oir t'r. U7 a 17th. Z fi.
IfoL'NO WOMEN conung to Omaha as
st2&ngers ais invited lu v. sit the Toung
vv omens Clirtstutn aaaociation building at
Seventeenth at. and tit. Miu y Ave., where
they wlil be directed to auitable boarding
places or otherwlae assisted. Look for our
travelers' aid at ths Union station.
moved to 20S 4. 19th dt. Douglas 1211.
M.liS GE Hwedlsh movement; nothing
better for rheumatism. Ladies, C; gentle
men. fl.SO. Apt. 2, 1BUS Farnam. Doug. oUU.
DRUGS at cut prices, freight paid on 810
orders; catalogue tree. Sherman & llo
ConneU Drug Co., Omaha, Neb.
f X flV TREATMENT. Mrs. Steele.
.il-J-00-1.VJ.i. lif! r;(h- 2d floor, room &.
STRICTLY private confinement horns
We find homes for babies where mothers
are not able to cars for them. 18 Daven
port. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast
off ciothing. in tact anything you do not
need. We collect, repair and sell, at 134 N.
11th St., for cost of collection, to the
worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 412S and
wagons will call.
HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace,
strengthen. 5uc. BELL DRUG CO.
V CrX K.Tin Treatment. E. Brott. 710
AlXi.vJJUJ.J.Vj go 16Uj gu 2d floor.
MRS. SNYDER. Swedish maasags. hatha
radieror snd vibrator treatment. Tie
Dunsany. Flat 1 10th and Pierce. D. 4S&
MaSHAGR-Swedish movements; excellent
for rheumatism, nervous and kindred ail
ments: treatments. 81.00. Drs. B. Pribbe
now snd Harriet L. Joy. Suite 41 Wars
Blk.. 3u S. lith St. Tel. Douglas 2TO.
Glsddiah Pharmacy, 13th and Dodgav
MASSAGE. Rlttenhouse. 309 Old Boston Bid.
W7E RENT and repair all kinds of sew
ing machines. Ind. A-1043: Douglas lb3.
lilh and Harney Sta
ADETJGHT hair food grows hair. Mme.
Frayer, Megeath Sta. Co.. 16th and Farnam.
. HKRK Is health, no matter what your
complaint. No drags. Omaha Oxpathor
Co., SM Brandels Bldg. Writs for free book.
O'BRIEN'S chocolates are famous every
where because they are the beet. If Mrs.
A. Blakiey. L.718 Park Ave., will come to
The Uee office within three days ws will
give her an ordsr fop a 40-csnt box frea
TWO fine poller canaries, with two
bleeding cagea U15 Charlaa,
Lew V. Raber, Printer rwTug'S.0".
PHONE TND. A-2 for good printing.
Lyngatad Printing Co., 18th Capitol Ave.
RIES-HALL Ptg. Co- 109 3. 14th. Ind. A-35I4
FRANK J. NORTON. B8 So. 17th.
Bee Building.
There's a Reason." "I minimise your
title troublea" Both phones.
MIDLAND Guar. Trust Co.. 1714 Far.
H. U. Neala prsa; J. Campbell, sea D. 24
PETER JESHEN. Jr. Co. TeL Doug 230.
REED ABSTRACT CO., oldest an (tract
Olliue la Nebraska. 3u4 Brandeia Theater.
( acres In Sarpy county, one-half (H)
mils south of ths olty limits of South
Omaha; has a good (-room house, barn,
ohlcaon house, wall, cistern and a very
en vineyard and all kinds of fruit.
This la one of ths cheapest, properties oa
Che marks today and anyone looking tor
a bargain should first :t this property
befiiiw buying. For further parrtcalarg call
(Weils Real Estate
& Ins. Agency
lUt Farnam Street.
Ty!r ium. Ind. A -SIS.
u!3 North ttta Streea. South Omaha,
South 12, lad. F-Ust.
Continued. 1
bcildf.r' nroBaATiot. ;
SIMONSCN A NOHBT. Tumaoa and tin t
w.ira. Doux-aa ml j
C.vr.L C. THnMPKN. eernitit contrei"r: .
aidewu.k. lie and !.. Web 4T3. liar 4iJ7. i
See That Cotttage Among th
at iMJ Sherwiwd Ave. walkln dlatanca.
new. 5 rroim. compii-tely modern, oak
Hntah. porcelain plumhinn. art :U!itln fix
t'ire: beet of evarythlns- Ear price, easy
Tyler liJC
2. South 17th at.
1 GOOD flats. 11 snd U rmrnii each, walk
ing distance. iak finish first f!mir. modem
in every reanect. for an Investment. They
can't be bf-at. P 5"0 for the two.
F. D. WEAD. im Famam.
$330 CASH;
Juat Anmelatait hn. ,-w k . -1 n,M
dining room, kitchen and one bedroom on
me uni tioor; two oearooma ana oatn on
ths second floor; full bricked up cellar;
first olass plumbing and heating through
out: houss is ntcsly arranged and well lo
catsd on east front lot. cloas to a c hook
Price. CLfiOO.
1614 Harney Street
Stocks. Bonds. tMO Brandels Theatre.
9-ROOM house, modern except heat;
cheap If sold at once; leaving city.
Ames Ave.
For Sale Lots west of Hanscom park
In Field club district. Tel. O ling. Imper
ial Investment Co., Pullman Building.
BARGAIN a-room. mod. horns. 914 a. 32d.
13 ROOMS All MODERN, 86,000.
We have a two apartment house, con
taining IS rooms, 2 bath rooms. T bed
rooms, with parlor, dining room and
kitchen In each apartment, with new
piumblng and good heating plant.
1 his property la too laree for present
owner and it is a splendid proposition
ior some one wno win ouy it and divide
it into four s-room apartments. Owlnc
to the arrangement ot the house, this
work csn be done at a very small ex
pense and when completed the apartments
win rent for 3 each. The buver can
live in one apartment, rent the rest and
make a good Investment out of your home.
lne building la well built and In good
condition, only 12 minutes' ride to ths
Center of the city, one block from the
Dodge street car line and In good resi
dence district.
It is lust north of Ohio on the Florence
Boulevard. A good 8 or 7-room modern
house will be taken In exchange at the
right price. .This proposition Is certainly
worth looking into.
400 Be Bldg Doug. 4270 A-4270.
See owner: T rooms and bath. 594 Bran
dels Bldg. Douglas 1670.
BARGAINS, city. MoCague Investment
$7,800 for a Residence
worth not leas than 810,000, near 30th and
Pacific 100-foot frontage, plenty of shade
and large barn. A large, beautiful homa
610 Bee Bldg.
'Phone Douglas 9707 or Ind. A 4377.
MAKE offer lot 8. block 8, Syndicate Hill
add. to Omaha M. Hall, 1110 D he, San
Diego. Cai.
8-R0OM cottage, 3 lota, in Benson; well
Improved. Phone Benson 1HL
WE have calls for 5. . 7 and 8-room
ho use a Send 11a a description of whst you
hava to sell. To I and A Wiley, 810 Bee Bldg.
Phons Doug. 8707, or Ind. A -48 ."7.
1,500 A. UNIMPROVED cut-off Umber
land; much fine timber on land; a to 7 mi
tram Eureaa oprings; tins tor unit ranun
and general farming, 4i.i. epeoai bargain
in uuyroved tarma, U to pd.
Eureka bpruiga Axk.-r
1,du9 ACRlkS rich bottom land, six miles
from Newsr. llu per acre; terma Fine
orange grova, h lunoa, sorty aurea, 87. mu.
Oiner bargatna. A. A. Henueraun, &ewara,
COTTON plantation. 480 acres, elegant
10-room dwelling, plenty tenant huueea;
good nam and outbuiiuings; rich, biaca
10am; iu grow oa.e cotton or la ouaueia
corn par acre; woven wire fence, 2U
cultivation; 3u9 merchantable umber; haid
wood; healthful location, 4 miles (ran good
town; good neighDorhoud; near school and
church; price ta).M; reseouabis terma.
Address Joiinatun A welila oar Souihern,
Trust Co.. Little Rock, Ark.
All classes of umoer, (arm and fruit land
In Araansas. Louisiana and Mississippi,
trom j 111 U per acra Wna J. U. stay
noida. Camden. Ark.
bEST fruit and general farming lands
for price in U. aV. Is aearcy Co., Ax a. bend
tor booklet snowing 88 to 115 land near
town. W. M. Heneon, Lssils, Ark.
stEaT fruit and general farming lands
for pnoe la U. ., nearay Co.. Ara. tfeod
lor booklet showing (b to Hi land a ear
town. H. M. Hanson. Lsslla Ara.
OZaRE LA-ND CO.. Oravette, Ark.
Btoea ranchea, fruit tarma berry Cetda
email tracts installment Pian, to ami prop,
erty. liuaineaa uoueea Wilts ua
Z&Jl.. SMOOTH, IS rod. railway statin n:
km fenced. 4V cult.: small house: two wells:
two pubile roadsi 82,au9. Union Sank
Trust Co.. Real Eat. Dept. In airy. Ara
9 TRACTS of land In tna eorn and ai.
faifa district of Delta land; black sou, good
euhools; lands will doubi In vaiua In three
years; now rent trum 88 W 87 per aara
Writs us what you want.
Pine Buff. Ara.
1A a mi out 1A In mi 1 1 IS K le.b .if.if.
or clover land; fair imp.; good neighbor
hood; sV 200, 8 ml. from town of LOuu; near
P. O. and school; nearly all mootn up
land, 98 cult.. baL timber, t8 otovar, I el
faifa, 9 bearing archartL U8 tsnosd hog
tlgnti extra good 4-r. rasldenAa stars,
lodgs bids., new bam, dark red sandy
losro; good eomraunlty: delightful loeauos;
bundancs good water: 8aJoa, suhattitt 99
e-year loan leuO; tsrms easy.
slarsnall. Arav
FINEST irrigated fruit and dairy land la
California very cnean, 907 Bee Buig.
839 ACRES, close ta town. Paintatcnawaa.
I1V W1W m w mm . . ' IUU U iaan
Uaianca to suit. Wrta tor tsrms, la
- . 1 a. TlI 111...., . . .
FARM lands In ths Canadian west, town
lots lu railroad divisional points, property
In Watroua the Cii:aoad e Aiaaruia.
Writa W. M. GaitMaitn. Watroua, easv
CANADIAN lands. OfTios Z39 S. mil.
I OWN a section of good wheat land
situated, lees lima twe siiiae frew gmwiag
town In Hasaatchewar.. Will sell tor 429 pe.
acre. Ad.'.reae. M. J. Csaretheia. P. U. Bog
Winnipeg, Manitouev
rtHH ai haich ron ialb 1
REAL ESTATE I hava lanta list of
ianua id (ha liooaa and aaia iu diatrlci.
no better in Cauada. H. 1. Loai-h, Kwav
town, eaak.
uOLCCM wheat lands for saia Im
proved and untuiproved prairie larma any
else. Alberta, saakatcnewau. WouUhead
uuy. Uatroua Bass.. Can.
section first-class land at $A per acre for
-ii.. .-een nmea trutu At,on. ' too water
Five dollars per acra cash, balance easy.
lr.-ie'..un riju; S. jiiifu. 4&
Rae St.. Regtna dask.. Canada.
lflo-ACRE best Irrigated farm. Colorado,
finely Improved; new 10-room dwelling,
barn: potato cellar holds 10 carloads; j
arree of wheat, jo acres alfalfa; no waste
land, every foot under old water right;
have another farm, can't wora both; 49
miles north of Denver, 49 miles south of
Greeley. C. A. Gregory. Mac aula-.
Denver. Colo.
NORTHEASTERN Colorado wheat lands,
112.50 to 81d per acra A few Improved
farms. C0 to t-5. Writs J. B. Raannardt.
Sterling. Colo.
TWO quarter sections lying together un
der good ditch In operation, nearly all lr
i.iiiuie; gooi alfalfa land. Retnu.ahments
can be bought for 8500 each. Shlelds-Beggs
Land Co., Fort Morgan, Colo.
Ida fa.
Finest Idaho Horse Ranch
440 acres best farming land: Improved;
in Center of vast free range. 814.0U0. Fur
terms ar.d particulars address owner. B.
C. Bertleson. Em met u Idaho.
Stock ranch, acres, adjoining opn
range; good buildings, fences and bearing
orcnard. tba per aero, worth (liiu.
Stock ranch, 240 acres; water (or all year.
cither bargains In stock and fruit ianda
relinquishments and locations. For fu:l
Informstlon address
P. O. Box No. UL Gleans Ferry. Idaho
THE easiest way to find a buyer for
your farm Is to insert a small want ad
In the Dea Moines Capital. Lara eat circula
tion In ths atate ot Iowa 4S.0U9 dally. Ths
Caapital Is read by and believed in bv the
standpatters of Iowa, who simply refuse to
ner. nit any other paper in their homes.
Ratss 1 cent a word a day; 81.28 per llns
per month; count six ordinary words to ths
Una Address Des Moinss Capital, Des
Moines, la,
ZW ACRES four miles from Fort Col
lins, Colo, well Improved, Irrigated land,
ail under cultivation; price, CIS.
330 acres In Guthrie county. la.,' 4 miles
from town, land lays good, well improved,
close to school; 200 seres under cultivation,
balance pasture; price. 8122 per acra, good
92 acres in Madison county, la, 'well im
proved; H miles from town; isnd lay good;
price, J11S per acre; good terma
A. C. SCOTT. Casey. Ia.
FOR SALE OR TRADE My equity in Vj
section of raw land. 3 miles of Sorenta, 7
miles Kit Carson nd 9 miles Wild Horsa
Cheyenne Co., Colo.; on U. P. Rjr. ; lays
good; shallow water district; 1 mil to
river; alfalfa grown successfully nearby.
Prica 820 psr acre, encumbrance 31,260, op
tional at 8 per cent, due May 13, l-l 14. Will
trade the equity, tl.laV), for residence of
equal vaiua I have "4 section joining
this which Is clear, to trade for town prop
erty. Same prica. Would carry back 11, out
on this at per cent. Waiter H. Boya.
Newton. Ia.
359 ACRES and 173 acres of southern Iowa
land, improved, well located, good soli.
rght price; tor sals or trade; 87.uu equity
In brick store bunding; a first ciasa In
come property for saia or trade, quick, on
land merchandise or automobiles. Address
Box 3, Diagonal, la.
lav AClUa, -asa county, Iowa, farm im
proved and well located; pnoe. 812S per
acre; my equity is (Ib.ikM. Want southern
Minnesota or Dakota land, clear. No in
flated prices considered. One 10-horsepower
portable gasoiins engine for what
hava you? Address C. W. McCauatland,
Cass county. Do rah. lav
FOR SALE By owner, 120 acres Improved
land, mostly in crop to oorn, wheat and
oats, ail fenced and in good farming com
munity; only 100 miles northwest ot Omaha
and where crops are always good; terma
to suit purchaser; prica 3nu It taken soon;
also 49 acres improved at 869; 100 acres In
crop now; tsrms to pissse man with small
capital that wants to own a boma Lock
Box 202, Manning. .Ia
ls miles good town; land ail lays good;
all In cultivation and tarns grass 7-room
house, cellar; barn, 24x34; cribs, good weiL
fine orchard and grove, mile to school.
This Is a fine homa If sola this month
will take 81UJ per acre.
218 Clapp Blk., Des Moines. Is
Act quick, options expire July 1 and
prices advance V to 310 an acre on that
4 acres, unimproved, at CI an acra
M0 acres, unimproved, at 8u7 an acra
Its) acres, ununpruved, at 840 an acra
20 acres, unimproved, at 34k an acre.
240 acres, improved, at 3M an acra
U0-ACRE Improved farm, T mile from
Mason City, 3 miles from small town, 87S
an acre; easy term and splendid bargain;
13 4-acre unimproved farm 12 miles from
Mason City, 2Vi miles from two other towns,
only 840 sn acra We have the best bar
gains in northern Iowa Come and se ua
Mason City. lav
FOR SALE Splendid farms, well Im
proved, ranging In pries trom 8W to 89 per
acra This Is choice Iowa land, m well Im
proved oomm unities, near town and schoola
There la no more fertile or beautiful part
tor partlcuiara T. a. Rsdmond, aUblsy,
lfiO-ACRE improved farm in Lyon Co.,
Kan.; 4 mile from town; 20 miles from
Emporia, county seai smooth land; ail
unuer crop except At acres set to hay;
good 9-rouin houae. barn and outbuilding;
fine grove and orchard , 8s Per acre; will
carry 12. juO at 8 per cent. For furtner iu
turmauon address Doctor, Bog 6a, B, R.
2, Madison. Kan.
I HAVE lands trom 88 to 312a per acre;
I always have the bargain at the lowest
pries; writs or come and see me and I
assure courteous treatment; also the best
of refer an cea L, L. Webster, Welling ton,
VERNON parish. La; ths land ox sun
shine, sou, ouinaia market, aster, heath,
good prices, cneap; writ LsesvLu Baal
estate and Improvement Co., C, M, Mo
Farland. Seo'y-. LnaavUie. La.
LOUISIANA farm and Umber lands;
good tor trues, corn, oaiti, eta., on as
count ot cotton pest, cheapest land on
market. Hail. Eidax A Baooit. Monro
I iimanm
FOR tiALE a.l) acre wet lands, Terre
bonne parish. La. Can be recu,med at
from Ca to lu per acra Fins truck, corn
and trull land. Bsciamsd .ands now sell
ing at 8100 per aora Will sell this tract
now for qulca turn at 84 per acre; liberal
terma E. P. Brady. Macbsra Bidg.. New
Orleana La.
FINE farm homa 320 acres. 3 miles from
good town; biack loam S01L Ail fenced,
large tram dwelling, bare, granary.
Disc nine sheds, etc. luO acre la field, hi
ore timber, baianoe clover and timothy
and meadow. Ideal dairy farm, 44 per acre;
one-uurd cash, baisnn easy term. M. J.
Koib, Fosston, Muov
FARM. SNAP 429 aore toval prairie
land. Jut in orop, haiano pasture and
meadow; good buildings, 8.s Acra Uorhart
Aiciuaun, Msnkata, Minn,
FOR SALE 199 aurea of good new hard
wheat land Bear Waihaiia. Pembina
county. North Dakota Fcr particular ad
ores owner. A. I m-sasa, ZU Third Asa,
N-. Mlnncauoila Mian.
SEND fur a list of our fin Improved
souihern Minnesota lands; we have hun
dred of Bteaaed customer. C, K. Brow
Land Co-, uttlnes MAdeiia and Naw blun.
I ll-i Mew
A SNAP: must be quirk: 20-acre im
proved farm in Murray eounry. Minnesota;
ha first ciaa kuiiainsa faunae, apianuij
greva rcnard. two suios from town, W rite
oha Umilas, ir.. Uarviu, Mioa.
rtRX ad hikh uu nmjtLR
I HAVH a farm ot S39 acres fH mtiea
from Rood town. .10 muea from Aiinneapoiia
U4) acres under cultivation; at.out a acres
meadow, ba.anea timber; can ail be opened
up; rich aoii, good house, barn and other
buildinxa Pr'ce r-r sere. Also KO-acre
farm two miiea from good town; 49 acres
under plow, 14 acres timber, good rich soil,
(Vroom houae. two barns and other out
buildings, windml.l, fine natural grove, or
cnaid just commencing to bear. Price,
83.oO; easy terma Write owner. Charles E.
bnaason. Ela River. Minn.
LANDS No. 5S0, IdO acrea 7t miles Twin, Kxi ul-aule auU, atate map mauml
ilh ait-iags boos tor 3D centa Hubert
Land Co.. Phenta Bldg., Mlnnaavoua
il.vcHa.NGE ojt acres excellent timber
land, located near railroad, with ready aa,e
tor timber for ties, tumber and fence pouts,
good farm and. noruiern Minnesota, will
exi-hanse fur farm landa improved or
wild, or will take Income property; eome
incumbrance and will assume on improved
land or Income property
1M ACRES. IS miles from St. Paul. 8 miles
from Rosemrmt; ail fenced: biack loam
soil: So acres cultivated, baiancs pasture
anil biack osk timber; only 836 per aors for
Immediate aa.e; half caab.
I Jo-acre improved farm. 18 miles from 8L
Paul. 1 mile trom Rich Valley station;
it-room house, windmill, large barn and
other buildings, ail in good condition; black
loam soil, clay aubnoli; always buen culti
vated by owner; lnU acres under plow. I
l' iivu. u-eea, moat.y apples, balance
good timber land. Special price and terma
I W. FAR. W. Mortty, Ploueer Press Bldit.
I St. Paul. Minn.
If you are thinking of immigrating waet'i
tnia year, write us for deacrt.tlve liter,
ature of our lands in Minnesota. North
Dakota and Montana We cavn suit vou
no n.atter what you want and wliere
you want It, and can sell yesa anvwhers
from acres to l.Oftt. William K. Gibbons,
Lock Boa a. Cormorant. Minn.
I9.KW equity in good quarter in southern
Minnesota: juarers I mlli-s from l'.i..,1
town, having house JBx3f. new bam Cx40.
with gsble roof, small granary and f.nca
Want machine, stock 0 drv goods. Prica
8S) per acre. benj. A. Cone, Window.
MISSOURI FARMS Nons better on
earth, hljrhly Improved ISO acres: raises
, anything. 8m). Other decided bargain.
j writs ua uiuiam rteaity Co.. Gilliam. Mo.
I M0-ACRE farm, all cultivated; fine house.
Ku. - . ei . - 1 . .
vm ... can, uin-UHfl WUUIUUQ, QQ
spring water; 2 miles from town; 7 miles
gration Co.. Piedmont. Ho.
-FOR SALE 95 farm a large and mail,
between Mississippi and Missouri rivars,
average t& per aura Writs for big price
list. William Crewa Wright City. Mo.
STOP! Don't go a step farther than
Douglas county, down in ths beautiful
Osarks, raise anything: oorn 80 to bueh
ala per acra ail other crops in proportion;
cheapest good land on earth, 16 to t'-O per
acra Free information. Broaa Rsal Estate
Co., Ava. Mo.
FOR SALE Finest farm In Leavenworth
county. Broaddus faim of luO acres. 114
miles from Fort Leavenworth. 8&.UM1 brick
residence. 509 4tv-year-oHl walnuta luu augar
maple trees, natural gas two telephone,
free delivery. l miles from Santa Fe sta
tion; examine , remises and write Mra X
L Klrby, UU8 Feiix St. au .Joseph. Mo.
CONNOLLY. Land. 88 up. 1619 Dodga
MISSOURI farm. 260 seres; 4-room house,
barn; 100 acres wheat, 200 acres corn; level,
biack dirt: 3 miles railroad. 8 acra Chaa
E. Huckstap Realty Co.. Elsberry, Mo.
400-ACRE tract of land: LSuO bearing
fruit trees. 4 to 7 years old; 2 wells; Mo
acres timber; Csmden county, free range;
mail delivered at door. Price 314 per acre;
82.U0O down, balance tonus to suit. W. P.
Merrltt, Lenox, Ia.
ths coming farm state, 212-60 to 320 per
acre. Write for description. Shaw A Clark
Land Co.. Hackney Bldg., St. Paul. Minn.
FOR SALE Bitter Root Valley, 320 acres
fins fruit land; old water right; best sec
tion of the valley; fins proposition for sub
division; fair buildings; easy terma Ad
dress owner. E. O. Lewis. Siavenaviila
320-AC RE homestead relinquishment for
sale; also one hotel; one bakery; one gen
eral store; one saloon; one teed store. Ad
areas Charles F. Brown. Geoaia. Mont.
FINE 640-acre ranch. 12 mile from town.
2 quarters tarns hay, Balance wi.d bay and
pasture, 410 acres level, balance aughuy
lulling; heavy black soil; two Lowing
weia; i-rwim house, bam. granary auu
chicken house; telephone; h mile to school.
ihia is an exceptionally tuie rancn wu a
suap. n il sail on easy terma George E.
conina, owner, Atkinson, Neb
100 ACRES In Chase county, Nebraska;
12 miles south of Elsie; If taken soon wlil
tak 3i;.s9 an acra; this is a good quarter
aecuou and can ail be farmed; will take
a good lvlO or 1911 automubu on the deal
and carry til baiaoca F. A. Garland,
Chariton, I.
Llou-ACRE farm T miles southeast Baa
sett, Rock oounty, Nebraska; 200 acres in
corn this year, large acreage In timothy
and clover, good set of Improvement.
Price, 31? .VP per acre; one-third cash, bal
ance easy terms at 8 per cent.
30 F. L. A T. Bldg..
Sioux City. Ia.
FOR SALE Fin Otoe county farm; fair
improvements; icvei ituiu, at x,o.oa per
acre. Address Box 123, David City, Nsu.
840 ACRES! improved, deeded; a ature do
ing good business, tlO.ouo; halt cash.
V. aiker A Co., Brandels Theater tuig
NEU-ON. all Bee Bargains in farms.
FOR HALF An exceptionally fin 180, 2
miles of eievator. six mile of Wyndniere;
good, heavy, bias; sou, Wild Rice river
1:1 rough paatura Ftas asw buildings, well
of excellent water, windmill, etc.; aJs per
acre. This Is a snap. Look Bog UL
Wyndmsre. North Daieotav
Low excursions weekly to Mandan, Mor
ton oounty. North Dakota, where you can
buy our wheat lands by paying 82 per acre
down, ba-anoe on time to suit- Gt our
free maps and tact. Wm. H. Brown Co.,
Mandan, N. D., or i N. La nail St., Chi
cago. BUY AT strEOATB. MONT.
There an honsst opportunity for you to
DOUBLE YOUR MGJNEY in a lew years
by buying our Musselshell vadey lands at
BY EGA IE, MOM T. ulnars are maaing
big monsy wuy not your Ai.uuu acres sold
sine Ikuh and over i.M acre amo Ftturu
sjy. ia.JOO acre to choose from at 810 to 820
per acre. One-third uown, baianc la Ove
equal annual installments at 4 per eent
1st and H Tuesday a Iilustraied luldar
trea Send tor it.
Live local agent wanted in Iowa Lib
eral commissions to hustler Agency an
plications solicited. Write us today.
Land Owners.
Room D, Watkin Bldg.. Fargo, N. D.
ONE of the meat farms in Richland
county, consisting of 2t acre of good,
productive land. Joining Wyndinera Fine
large building a lot of fruit, nice grovs
and never-failing flowing well. Price
tul. a per acre and eesy terma Martin
Paulson Land Ca. Wyndmare. North Dakota-
190 acre 3H mile from town; now, mod
era house, barn, Uuiamont; 360 pear prune,
bearing; Law young tree, l.uug grape vines;
good water; wood. Or will sed B9 acres
with ail Improvement. Investigation u
lloitad. C H, Webster, The Delias. Ore.
Fine body land; dose Portland, Lewi
river vailay. Bargain pnoe. Write for
information quickly. MacDuffe 4k Wild,
UsT8 Belmont, Portland, or.
FOB, SALE Or trad. VB acre in Story
oounty; all in cultivation; owner nas moved
sway and must sell. Address Wtilard
John, Muakoge. OkL
Seats, Carwllaa.
LANDf 8W0 per nu made growing figs
for preserves on the I.ilanda Orchai-"la on
eaar monthly payments. Sea Island Or
chard Company, Charleston, A C
Bestk Daawtsu
We have a list of Eumainda county tspnd
for sats at from 31 and up per acre. If
interested write ua tor partisuiars and we
win send our prices and pocket mi it
you own land In South L-akots, ilst It. with
ua Our motto is "A Square Deal to Buyer
and Sailer " Give us a ohanoe to prove
our statement. Haavold Land Co.. Mine.
Edmunds county, touth Dakota.
WILL sxchancs choice farm land near
Flerre. the capital of South Dajonia, for
good Iowa or Nehraska land. What have
you to after West Land Co., Plerr.
40O-ACRE corn farm, out from Sioux
Fails, excellent 'mprovements. lanxe grove
and fruit; a.l in cultivation: price for iutck
saia F6; easy terms: also 20 well Im
proved, easy terma and ino acres unim
proved. These are bargains for quick saia
R. A. Silviua owner, Sioux Falk. 8. D.
Close to the Minnesota line;, heavy black
soil; clsy subsoil; lies very level and all
under cultivation. Must b sold within 39
days to nose an estate. Half of this year's
crop goes with the price. 834 pep acre,
easv terms: 3.t.000 will handle It and It la
a snap. No gravel, no stones, no foul weeds
Address W. F. McOee. Laka Preston. A
Fair improvements. Prica 36.900. Equity.
33.400. Alaska Real Estate Co.. Amanita.
S. D
FOR SALE Section good raw lancL all
fenced: good flowing well. 8 miles Trom
Planklngron. S. D. For partlcuiarar write
J. E. O MaJIey. Philip. S. D
FORCED SALE To close partnership;
TOi acres hardwood timber land, llvuig
aater; 40 acres second bottom land; 75
acres cultivated. Lies on tooth, aloes of
Cotton Belt Ry.. miles from, Maiakoff,
Tex. Railway switch H mile. A bargain
at 323; pnoe, (IS per acra H. C Vanda
veer. Athena Tex.
FOR SALE Sixteen-acra Improved farm
at Aldlns, Tax., 12 miles from Houston.
Good roads. All under cultivation. Flna
fig and orange land. Mra. M. 8. Stafford,
owner. Aidlna Tex.
TEXAS LAND8 I have some wonder
fully attractive prices for hnme-asekers
and Investors. I handle bargains only.
Writs your exact wants. D. E. Hlracn
field. Waco. Tex.
10 ACRE FRUIT and truck farm a 815
cash, baianc monthly; no interest; no
taxes. W. S, Jones, 415 Brandels Theatre. 1
TEXAS landa 210 Bse Bldg. D. 1122.
SPECIAL snaps In Texas Gulf Coast
land. Tom Ayrea Land Co., Brandels,
Raw alfalfa and orchard tracts: water
now on land, with permanent water ritrhta;
tlir) per acre; easy terms: write Moaea
Lake Land and Irrigation Co.. 507 Leary
Bldg., Seattls. Wash.
WRITE thia company for information
about Cokevtlle and western Wyoming op
portunitlea. HEUTT REAL ESTATE CO..
Cokevtlle. Wyo. .
WE exchange properties of merit. H H
Culver. X12-L2 O. N. B. Bldg. Douglas 78k.
T TOT wone MrhtRM with tnnM
Rrandela Theater.
I HANDLE exchanges everywhere. For
result see ma Dean. 817 Bee Bldg. D. 1TV1
99 CHOICE farm, in Madison and ad
joining counties, for sale or trad - tor
took of goods or Income property.
Wlntaiwet, Ia.
Manufacturing business, located In
Omaha, patent right for 64 counties, large
stock on band, one of the finest articles
in the atate. Sickness reason for selling;
will consider good property in exchange;
price, 37.0m); clear. Act quick. Box 478,
FOR SALE OR TRADE nine 60 foot resi
dence iO.s in government townsiie ot Wit
ten. Tripp county. So. Dakota, runabout,
motorcycle op what have you. H. H, 2929
S. Lincoln, Neb.
TRADE Eastern Nebraska farms tor
Omaha Income property. Nicholas, 415
Brandeia Theatre,
160-acra irrigated farm under government
canal in southeastern Wyoming. Address
P. O. Box G. Torrlngton, Wyo.
FOR SALE My 32.000 eqtUty in one of the
best Improved 4o acres ot Irrigated land near
Mission. Tex.; all in crop; would consider
trade for 40 or au acres closs to good town
in central Iowa; improvements must be
good. Address Isaac Houck, Muuiun. Tex.
QUARTER section land in Alberta; half
mile from depot, for grocery or variety
store in Omaha or other Nebraska town.
Address W-V7L Bee, Omaha,
FOR SALE or exchange for city Income
section ot good school land, located In
Brown Co., 4 miles from a town through
whlcn surveyed. P 968. Be.
EXCHANGE tor what you want. Shopen
A Co.. Exchange Experts, Paxton Blk.
WANTED City loans and warrant. W.
Farnam Smith 4k Co.. 1X19 Farnam be
GARVIN BROS.. 2d floor N. Y. Llfa t&o!
to 211M.0UI on Improved property. No daisy.
OMAHA Property and Nebraska T-"t
1014 Naw Omaha National Bang Building.
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
LOANS to horn owners and noms build
ara with privilege of making partial pay
ments semi -annually. W. H. THOMAS, evl
slrst National Bank Bldg.
W ANTXD City loan. Peters Trust Co.
8109 to 119,090 mad promptly. F. D,
w sea, nww uiu.. iui sua iinuun ota
110-112 Brandat Theater Bldg.
vestment Company. Omaha.
5- KUnXoa clty Anil farm propsrty.
'2tH. MEIKLE. 2u6 Ramgs E
LADIES and Gent Tailoring, McLoland,
IMS dharman Ava
FOR a dainty dessert us Daisell's ice
cream. If Mrs. Nicsoi. 914 N. 28th Ava..
wlU ooms to Ths Bee office wltiun three
day we will give her an order tor a quart
or lex of this tine lea ciaam.
WANT to borrow 830 ofl second mort
gage loan. Will pay good rate and pay oa
principal interest monthly. C sa, Bea
TAKE a boat ride at Lak Manawa. We
will give a pair of round trip ticket to
C. E. Field. 2210 Spencer St., if he will
com to The Be of tic within three in, a
BEST price paid for 2d hand furniture,
carpet, doming and shu Tel. D. 2ST7L
CHEAP lot In Kan wood or Fairvlaw addi
tion: will buy your equity. N ate. lie.
EVERY prson knows who D. J. O'Brien
la because hn has made Omaha famous
wtth hi sandy. If B. R. Terrv, 3sul No.
!Td St.. will come to The Be office within
three days w will give hun an order fur a
te-unt box free.
I YOUNG cout'le wants two unfurnished
rooms in mdern htime, good location pre
ferred. 4i Bee Bldg.
i WANTED TO RENT About August 2&.
hv man and wife, iwo partly furnished
rooms In nnniem heated htuee. preferaolv
near Walnut Hill or North 24th St. car
line. F n-niMtiliiK" need roneiats ni4,v of
ood sa.iltary couch and dreeaer Best reT
erencea given. Ailuresa D-7. H"e
WANTED Board ami room, or Hunt
housekeeping scrommixlattons. msn and
wife with two nmsll children, good loca
tion, not too far out: ChriHnn Science
family preferred Add-eaa B :"7. Bee.
WANTED By a sober, industrious mail
steady work of any kind; must be steady.
1 hone A-SiiH.
WOMAN wants place a housekeeper oa
farm near Omen a; small wages. G S77. Bee.
A YOUNG man with three years of tech
nical training in civil engineenug deetrea
a position in his line Phone Red 2ST7. or
write W. T.. 25u St. Mary a Ave
COLORED girl wants employment aa
chambermaid or dining room work. Phone
Doug. tkKU.
WANTED Br elderly man. poet Ion as
night watchman; old resident of city, tem
perate and responsible. Call Tel. Harney
WA-NTCT Men's laundry, slso or 4
family washings to take home at one a
Mra K. A Thar p. 19u8 So. 4th.
WHITE woman wants work where she
can go boms nights and Sundays, Doug.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stqnng
rapher wants position In city or country;
a years' experience, best ot references. Box
998. Caatana. la
E-tPFRT atenotrmpher want work even
ings. Telephone Harney 443L
washing w a ntetd -Ham sy 4.29.
YOUNG man expecting to attend the Urtl
vnralty of maha law school wiahea a po
sition in connection: can glvs all day at
very reasonable Binary; experienced In un
dertaking busineaa O gSV. Bra
WAITED Pupils to learn shorthand;
"irtvate lessons; reasonable. N. iSO, care
A MIDDLE-AGED lady want work. Jew
S. rth ftt-
YOUNG lady stenographer. I years' ex
perience, deeires nonltlon worth st least
t60 aaiary. 112 8. 20th; Tel. Tyle- 1147.
COLORED laundress wants work; best of
references. rr7 N. 25th.
A WIDOW lady wants a good home as
housekeeper; no objection to oountry. lto4
No. 27th St. Web. 3136.
ODER, industrious billing or aes t ship
ping clerk and collector wishes position at
once. Call Douglas 1293. A-3316 from 8 to
a o'clock.
EXPERT automobile mechanic and
driver wants charge of public or private
garage, or first class driving Job; seven
vars experience, five of them In leading
factory; beet of references. S. KM. Bee.
WANTED Position as electrician fore
man or supertntendfnt. to take care of
plant: have own toola: do all my own re
pairs: good recommendation If required.
X an. Bee.
WANTED Situation by competent
woman as housekeeper or cooking In a
mall private family; best of referencea
D 975. Bee.
A MAN. familiar with paper hanging,
painting, carpentering and other work,
would Ilka to communicate with owner. K
862. Bee.
Abaolute Title Given The unallotted landa
of the Choctaw and Chickasaw Nations of
the Five Civilised Tribe in Oklahoma and
not including the coal and timber segrega
tions, will be sold at public auction to the
hlKhest bidder at the following terms, time
and place at not less than ths minimum
price stated In the advertisement: Grady
county. Chlckasha. 58 tracts. 37.500 acrex,
November 111; Stephens county, Duncan,
730 tract. 99.300 cres; November 9. 7. a;
Jefferson county, Ryan. 7i2 tract. 46.400
acre. November 9. 10. 11: Love county.
Marietta, l4 tracts. 76.5ot acres. November
13. 14. 15. 16; Carter county. Ardmore. L17S
tracts. H3.3U0 acres. November 17. 18. 30. 21,
22. 23; Murray county. Sulphur. 352 tracts.
26.009 acres November 24. 25; Garvin county,
Pauls Valley, "21 tract. 3S.a" acres. No
vember 27. 2S. 19; Met.' lain county, Purcell.
2w tracts, 14.6iiu acre. December 1. 2; Pon
totoc county, Ada, 599 tracts. 45. "HO acres.
December 4. a. 9; Johnson county, llano
mingo. 5e4 tracts. 39.200 acres December 7.
8, : Marshall county, Madlll. 279 t facta
laai acre December 11; Bryan county.
Durant, 5" tracts, 3S.K0 acres. December
12. 13: Atoka county, Atoka. 1,309 tracts,
124." acres. December 14. 15. 18. W. 19; Coal
county. Coalgnte. i tracts, 54.9"0 acre.
Uecember a. 21. 22: Hughes county. Calvin.
437 tract a 50.7i acres, December 2. 27;
Pittsburg county. McAlester. L8 tracta
167.100 acre. December 25. 29. 30. Jantu
ary L 2: Haskell county, Stlglerr 418 tracts.
30 rsi sere. January 3. 4: Latimer county,
Wi'.burton. 151 tracts. 15.000 acres. Januarv
5; Leflure county. Poteau. 275 tracts. 21t0
acre. January 8. Pusnmatana county.
Antler. Ml tract. COiu acre. January 8,
9. 10; Choctaw county, Hugo. 5H1 tract a
37.SOO acres. January 11, 12. 13; McCurtain
eounry, I (label, 775 tracts. 54.5C acres. Janu
arv 15. If. 17. 18. 1H12. Not more than liO
acres of agricultural and 640 acres of other
lands will be sold to one person In any one
nation. Agricultural lands are those hav
ing a minimum valuation of 88.00 or more
per acre. Terms are 25 pep cent at ths
time of sale. 25 per cent in twelve months
and 60 per cent in two yeai-i, with pep
rent interest. Payments must be made In
the form of draft or certified check, pay
able to J. G. Wright. Commissioner. Upon
full payment being made at any time deed
will Issue. Immediately after approval of
sale certificate of purchase will iesue and
puseeaslon be given, but cutting of timber
or drilling or mining for minerals thereon
will not be permitted until full payment
of purchase price. Right Is reserved to
reject any or ail bida. For Information
applv to the CommiHsioner to the Five
Civilized Trtbea Muskogee. Oklahoma op
any of the District Agents aa to lands
within their respective districts. Lists of
these landa have been prepared by coun
ties, showing the terms of saia ths de.
acrlptlon of the various tracts and mini
mum price. It will he Impracticable to
furnish each Inquirer ail of thee lists and
it is suggested that persons desiring euctt
Information specify the locality In which
they are interested. Blue prints of the
various counties, showing ths location of
ths land to bs sold, will bs furnished upon
application to the undersigned upon the
payment of 850 for each county. In
the form of draft or postal monev ordep.
J. Ci. WRIGHT. Commissioner to ths Five
Civilised Tribes, Muskogee, Oklahoma, Au
gust L 191L
Bids will be reoelved at the office of the
village clerk of the village of Genoa, Ne
braska up to 12 o'clock noon of the 15th
day of August, 1911, for the digging, fur
nishing, laying and filling of liu feet of
8-lnch water pipe and L4&5 feet of four-inch
pipe, said pips to bo placed 8 feet under
ground, and el 00 ths furnishing, placing
and connecting of 8 hydrant. The village
board reserve the rignt to reject any or
ail hid
Dated, Genoa Nebraska. August 2, 191 L
P. R. JOHNSON. Vllians Clerk.
Aug D7t
Mayor DaAlBaaa (.rants Persslsslwa to
Lafaog Oraaalaalluag to Hank
a That Day.
Permission to hold the Labor day parade
on the city street September 4 was granted
the local trade and laVir asssmbly by
Mayor Dahlman Monday. The parade wlil
start at 11 o'clock In the morning.
Immediately after the procession th
labor men will break ranks and go to
Cdurtland Beach for ths annual Labor day
celebration. There will be speech' by
Mayor Dahlman, International Organiser
Finder and others, and various a th let la
apurt. f r whlrh good prize will be given.
A band concert will b another featura
Th Key to the Situation Bee Want Ada.