Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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i 1 I
A -
Nebraska Nebraska j
Eute Superiiteiident Has Set Yft
Eeugxed Sebrajka Place.
FiM-itlrf aa rnrna
ae-eMs la Wew Jen
traWf s Talk
it 0erra"
ey la ea.
fFYrm a Fte'f Correeiondent )
LINCOLN. Neb. Aug. f .5-cil
TVhlie no definite nord has b-en given ovt
at the elate buue a to hia whereabouts
it ta belM-ved UuU elate S upe.-inteadtnt
Crab-re ho left the city Saturday after
noon, la at River Faiia. TVla . whither he
haa gone to confer with memliers of tne
mat board of reaen rc.i'JH to the ac
ceptance of the p-twidrncy of the rtate
normal hool at that p at-e.
Advices coming from luilnaukee yester
day Indicated that Fuprrintendent Crab
tree bad decided to accept the place and
by several of his close friend in thla city
uch it is thought w Ul be the case. HI
resignation baa net yet been rli:ed la tbe
hand of fWivera-jr A Id rich, but the state
fiKolir ray that be baa talked with
Superintendent Crbtretin regard to the
Cerener to Talk ea Rate.
Revee-al week after sending a letter to
t ha committee on nrrarjgemrnt in which
be art out that he wouid be ('.ad to apeak
at the aasembly of governors If he could
hare aa a subject "Pt ate Control of Rail
war F-atea and Their Relation ta tha Fed
eral Ooveramorit " Govrmor Ald-ich ha
received word that the gathering would be
ploaaed ta bava aurb a diac uatilon epos Ita
prorram, nmt to be led a- " c-onduciad by
taa Nebraaaa executive.
Tha fatbertof la ta t eld at Spring
LaJia. N. J, eepternber i-. ad tha for
emora of meet cf the atatea of tha union
hare aLfc-nlfied their Intention of bei&c
prevent. Oovcrnor Aidrioa aaya that be
win anaJrae tba dedaloa of Jodfe Sanborn
of tha fuderaJ court la which tha wa-oeat
paaaeiticar fare emrtmmt of Mlnaaaota waa
raufhir dealt with at the bar of Justice
Secretary Fisher in
V North Platte Valley
la Addrcu to 2ta.ii Heetui; at Mitch
ell Sayi Settlers Already on
Ground Hare Fint Cre.
ciai.r The visit of the aeeretary ot tha
Interior to the North Platte ralJey to lock
rrvr Uh project and acquaint himself at
r ret hand with the problem cocneated
... . 4i
uay. A oieetina; waa bld ia the Opera
Lous at Xjtchell, where tha aevaraJ prob
lem were diacuaaed and with most a,tia
factory oommeata from the iwcretarr.
Queatlaaa of seepage and aandy landa
under the north aide project, a petition
from land awnera of tha south side project,
favor-in; It construction and from taa aa
sodaled caca.1 of the valley for co-opera-tha
ownership of tha Pathfinder reaenolr
w ers amon j the many Important subject
taken bp.
The aecrtary stated hla position aa
friendly to the peP mvr actually
upon tba rrciund. "1 wian to say he aaid,
laat the policy of tba department la. and
ita sym;athy ahaU be, rather ta the Bat
tlers wbo ara already here, the a those
w ho are" cot yet hare." Thla was brought
out by the auscuaaion as to wnetner ma
Soeramest'a poliry should be for first pro-
fectto the Irrte-atora already at work
under the eeveral canala and building up
new projects only to the capacity of the
river supply or to build new canala to the
extent of the government appropriations.
withholding- from the o.der canals any
right to reserve supply rn the Pathfinder.
Hia atutud la approved by all.
The Tyrolean yodiera. or Alpine aingera.
gave two very enjoyable entertainmenta
la the opera house Tuesday and Wednasday
Baak at Sfll, . Bewyewea.
BEULX rorrHE. a Aug. T. iSpe
ciaX The Northwestern State bank at
Newell, which, temporarily closed Ita doora
after the suicide last month of It cashier,
tt-tdln Hameister. In Dead wood, baa re
- iirad for bnainaaa. the ahortage of about
i-m having sma made good and the af
fairs ef the bank found In good condition.
Tha bank la now In charge ef the preetdtmt,
F. i rpenrer, and A. E. Walker, wbo haa
been appointed aaalKtant cashier. When
the baak resumed it was expexted there
might be a run. but it did not materialise
and the normal bualneaa la now bemg trana-
rail frwaa Eaabaaikaae'at Fatal.
DEADWOOl), a Aug. T. tepecial V
After lyiiig unaconeieus five daya, Patrick
Kmitfc, aged O, djed at St. Juerpa'a huapltaJ
of lajurtea received tn a fall frm an em
baakmesl under the North western treaUe
bera. Smith waa a aectioa roan for the
rtingtoo railroad and haa resided tn the
JliHa about ten years, but no one baa any
trat-e of relative.
rara atee-k show at Deeklev.
DiUJUR, Sen.. Aug. 7 ( Special. At
a aaeetlTig of Dahlar bualneaa men Satur
day evening, September 14 and U were the
dates art for the Corn enow and Live Stock
exhibit. Aa tss-cuiive committee waa ap
pointed. There will be a big anowlng ef
corn and live stock, liberal prcmiuma w-i'J
be given. Merchanta wUl maA apecial bar
gaat si liia aitd repreaentaUvea from wnole-
aale bouaea will give tiee demonai raUons
of their warea. No fake ahewi or gambimg
will be permitaaTT but there will be plenty
of good, wboleeome amusement. ProaUnent
apeai are will be present. A free . Mexican
os try la one of the novelties promised,
kruil Haw Mlealaa-.
CIEXEVA, Ne.. Aug. ". Special r A
few days age Daniel Lief ever Wft hia board
lie pl&ce rather ir.ateroul and haa been
rniasmg since, air. W. H. gtesait. has
guardian, would like to get mm news of
hia ward, who is mentally unbalanced. A
snort time before be left be told aoae
oi.e he lntetitird leaving to got work oa a
farm, lie ia ta good circumstaacea and
n a f'be farm ia this county. He la ef
c-diu:a hdghr. wa-ka with hands in
ni keo, beaul bent and usuaXy talking to
himarlz. la
S.tx gray
. X
TT ret urnad b.
himself, ia coaverBtag bta teeth are ooa-
pteuoua. He 1 about e years old. has
.lgnt gray eyes and brown hair and thick
hps. He haa dlaappeared before, but aooa
ret urned home.
Oafard Maw Takra as B
OkX'HD, Neb.. Aug. T. Seui. e-Totn
Ouptoa. manager of the P. Ii. Guptoa ele
vator bare, who suffered a double fracture
of the nrht leg from the kick of a bar
a weak ago. waa taken to a boawtal tn
Haatmga undy. At tb time of lb acci
dent the broke) bona nrotrndvd through
the fieeh. Tb faulting flash avouad pra
ketitrd tb ua v V tne ordinary i-laater cast,
and complicatic-ns have ansrn. soaking tb
raoeval of taa patkau I a boeiwtal ad-TiaalM,
" " V." 7."
i TralM nel tHrr4 Over t Hi Ml
Psrlflc arlliil.
1 fairbcrt. Aug. t-pev-AU-
. in ii im w ri tH Kork la ana miirvad
tfcrousn Faubary haa b-a lfa-red hjr
; the lub'iut! on the lios b'taawi fniitli
' Center ar fl riiilPfhtirs;. Kan. All the
' rifjiir itsae: trr and f-eighl traJna art
dtiur v.a the I'mcn I'lrtf t raimad
' tr-Xr, No-ton. Kan., to Bfllfrti., Kaa. Th
! tnbpumi tra:na are d-tcArc-d
4 via tbe iJurtinrfa from Lincoln to tenver.
' Thi la on of tlie worn wa-.rj'm'.s ta
i Kixk U.acd ha had ta u.u t in o( t a
ccuntry. in the ce( hhorh,.-' of tee've
inches of ra:n f-11 w.rt of Snrth f'etuer
near bel air. Kan., last Wednesday ar.d
bolee are mear.ed from f."ii to forty iret
det undur the rails.
0tla Driti ebt Mob a a.
OSCEOLA. Neh., Aur. 7 rrta! Tele
k.t am.) 0col'a hifh achcl bonda were
dffpated in a f:-ec:al elerti"ti held today.
The amount aked f ir wan rs.ww. The tna
jLi.rf.' far the botvda tacked s.x of beJt.
of fici at.
Wehraaka Boy Iajarew
CREfTUN." Ia.. Auk. " (Sicial.V-While
viaitinK with hie rarenta at Gnthrie Center.
th l-?e.r-oid e--n of Mr. and Mra. BarnuM
Wteeler of Nebraska a as arctdeatally ahot
while with a hunt ng party. The lad Is la
a hoarrftaJ at G--thrie Cecter ta a serious
Nebraska Enjoys
More Good Rains in
Many Parts of State!
Rainfall is Guitc General Sanday, -ic-cordieff
to ieporti of the
Railroad weather reports show that Ne
braska got anether one ef "those mlilloc
dollar raina" on Sunday. Affording to the
rejwrta It was pretty general all over the
On the fnion Pacific lfnet. heavy rain
was reported from Omaha to Fremont and
from Lincoln to Beatrice. Point between
Lincoln and Peatrice also came tn for a
good wetting.
Prom Fremont to Kearney and on the
branches south of Valley good precipitation
was reported, although It was lighter than
at the other place. The aejne waa true of
points north ef Columbus, Grand Island
and Kearney.
Ont at Broken Bow and Seneca on the
Alliance division there were good rains ac
cording to the Burlington. Alliance. Bel
mont and Craw-ford came in few heavy rains
Saturday nigh!.
That the rtvtirt rains have caused soma
eonaideratile damage to the railreada in
eouth cer.tral Nebraska Is attested to by
F. N. Wervrin. editor and proprietor of the
Beaveir City Times-Tribune, who waa tn
Omaha on Monday. Mr. Merwln. in an
attempt to reach Omaha, was forced to
drive to Oxford and from there went to
Holdrege. catching the main Una of the
Burlington at that point.
According to the reporta received at the
weatb-e bureau the rain of Sunday eight
waa general over most of Nebraska and
westren Iowa, the -prrrtpttatlon ranging
from a trace to 1.9 Inches, the heaviest
being at Hastinga, Neo.
At Omaha the precipitation during the
twe showers aggregated .a of an inch.
but waa muck greater from Florence
north, all the way te Sioux City.
Noah Has a Bad Fall
from His Motorcycle
Former Sonrke Pitcher it Dumped
While Ef turning from
Charles Noah, better known aa "Big
Chief," at one time a member of the
RourV staff, while returning to hia home
from Calhoun shortly after 7 o clock 8ua-
day night fell from his motorcycle and sus
tained twe severe cut on his leg.
The former Rourke member had been
pitching ir the Calnoun team and waa re
turning oa hia eTedy motorcycle when
his machine skidded, throwing Noah about
five feet. Floyd at. Smith was passing ia
his automobile at the time of the a-ecidrr t
and picked Noah up and took Mm to his
home at US North Thirty-first avenue,
where hie injuries were dreaaed by It.
Jonaa. Neah probably will be out of the
gam tor the rest of the season.
IntrMrt Hia t
Akeaa rsatrstt to Be Lrt
Contract to repair the Iiodra street
tnarartara 'road practically baa been
awarded to E. I. Van Court at 12 eeata a
square yard and H.S a ton for crushed
rock. The work was begun by Mr. Van
Court Monday. It will cost (MP to S30C a
mile and will total about four nuiea.
Mr Van Court submitted the only bid
for this work last Saturday. The county
etmm!eeioner permitted fcim to begla at
once to aave lima The contract will be
let formally and signed next Saturday.
Contract for grading four county roads
probably will be let next Saturday te
Turner a Kracht. lowet bidder. They
bid li'S tn cants a yard. J. W. WiW
linr-is, Russell Condon and George W. Con
don tied oa one road at 17 cent, and the
two Condnis tied on another at the aame
figure. These eontracta will be let r-at-orday.
A contract i'-l be let te Munahaw
a Lee for grading one road, they having
a low bid of un reata
Tww Iter Babir Are, Added to the
Last at the Prewb Ate Baby
Ta Q dark sk.nned Italian babies ar new
arrivals at the babies' d ia Biverview
J park. The mother of one of thtro. Pete.
died cf beat Iroetratioe and neigh bora
brought the little t-montha-old fellow to
the cajr.u.
The othrr Uttle Italian la Jimmia, It
month e:t waoie mother Is ill witk
t) phoid tr er is the Swedish k'iaaiua boa
pitai. Lttti Wliiianv tbe t-motita.d klddi.
may haa a ham offered him after art
i a -opl bav manrfected an interest ia
the little fellow whe is now so lively that
the nurse put alas on the floor, where be
kirka up bia heels and laugh and crown
Will iam Is an orphan who baa ava at th
camp ai-'-ce it or-nd.
la wltb a Baa-,
wounded w-tth a gua ar pierced by a rusty
nail. Butklen's Arnica Salve beeia tb
trouble, tiuaraetaed.
Bealwia Drug Co.
For aal by
Vajutrd ii pb Eird. with the Kaia
Body to Follow
Wtar Are Flatertclaed altk Trelley
Ride ill Refreabaaeata Wktrh
Were torved at Happy
A'thourh the t.rrer poi-Jcn of lb fia-e-mt-s
to the National Aa'oc.atioa of Sheet
Mtal Cintrertora. why are te bold thir
ar.r.L-al ccr:x e rt ion m Omaha tU:s wes-k.
d'd not arrive until lete Ji-ciay afrerr.oon
xc or rorr e tiTie during ti e n'.cht, the
arriard rn baod early Mwdif morn
ing and has tnen making Iteelf very much
In evidence at the association headuar
fn at the Hotel Rome.
The mcrnir.s ea largely occupied with
tha refiFtration and diatrlbuting cf badra.
and by naos all whw had antred were
aiely cataloarued ntT'tbe archivr of the
xtTiety acd decorated with a badira pro
r'a:rc!ti whether he waa delegate, alter
nate, member or g-uest.
Officers Teeae Tewlght,
The national ofrjeera generally bam net
arrived, but all are expected aa the ape
cial train which la to come in at I tt p. m.
over the Great Western. This Is bringing
almost twe hundred delegates from the
New England and eastern states. Third
Vice President John H. Huefie of Omaha
M temporarily In charge, but with tha ar
rival of President Robert J. Braiey of
Providence. K. I.; First Vice President
Frank P. Smith ef Norfolk, Ya and tha
ether high offloen of the order be will
yield the eoeptre.
Monday evening the gentlemen of the
convention will brave the terror of U.
Gjtrkana at the Ak-Sar-Ben Den. and
along with the tenr.ia expert, tha trap
shooters and the sheriff will bow before
the mighty potentate who rules ail Qui
ver. .
Pbaata fee- Eaire-t-tataaaent-
A notable feature ef the convention
the esjieda! ratio which have been taken
for the entertainment of the women who
have accompanied their husbands to the
convention. For Monday evening a trolley
ride te Happy Hollow club has been
planned. There are to be light refresh
meats served. Mra. John Hubs. ia promi
nent in thla part of the entertainment
work. Aasletttig her aa members cf the
reception committee are Mra. M D. Hassle,
Mrs. E. A. Clark. Mra. J. P. Williams and
Mra. J. B. Green. There are also about
twenty Omaha women wbo have been des
ignated as convention hostesvea.
Miller Park Golf
Players Qualify
Warren ii Low, with a Score of SeT-enty-Eifht
PlarCff ia Tw"
Thirty -two qualified in the play for tha
club chamulaoahlp at the Miller Park elub
Eaturdav and Sunday. Warren sapturtng
the qualtlylng meeai score wim
first sixteen of the thirty-two cuauxieri
will play for the elub cup and the second
sixteen for a cup presented by the dlreo-
tora. Following ar me acoree;
vr.. 71 Welch
T Kerr.
Loughly - iann ....
Witeon. aa Stocking
Ki . ajacoD
J B Dooley
Ii. K. Gillepie-
Hume ..-
J. 1 Merriam...
t3 Rasmuasen at
K Lloyd M
, 4 f-prague
, KMiner U
, S Btngl 1
. M Calvert 1
. n Ellis iW
. I Griffin 1M
8S Laudden l'
. U Vina Ht
Is Fiauallr Bobdaed and la Given
ninety Day I JaJl by
Jaige Crnwfor.
Jessie Walsh, a negrees of many aliases,
fonght desperately Saturday night when
Amartazit Jailor J. M. TuTba eaurnt ber
attemptisg to srougg-le cocaine and other
dpe" to negreas prisoners In tha county
jail. Though the woman is am" eh
fought like a ttgraaa. Talbot aelaod her
by the hair, but tt proved fabw and cam
off tn bis hand. Tba woman Bed. hut
Talbot recaptured bar. She then grit a
grip on his right thumb aad twisted !t
almost out of Joint before be oubdued
her. She was given ninety daya tn Jail In
poao court Monday.
The woman bad entered the ail oa pro
tens that aha had a basket ta deliver ta
tha matron's department. Talbot naught
her yuat aa aba waa allpean- a chunk of
g-tua opium and two boxes of oooafa aad
inarpbin ta ingiasaas ta the bound-ever
Omanaa Great Home Paper.
la rewvd by people who aaau ould facta
ta bows that Is neat.
Every wornAa's heart responds to
the charm aad twjctast of a baby's
voice, because nature intended her for
motherhood. But even the loving
nature of a mother shrinks from tie
orae-ai rcause ; nch a time is regard
ed as a period of suf erin; and dan jer.
Women who use Mother's Friend are
saved ranch disconfort and snfiering;,
ar ". their systems, being- thorocghly
prepare by this great mnedr, are
in a healthy condition to meet the
iiJ -ith A: least possibio ; oiering
cn l .-ir. Uo? I riead is
recompensed only for i e rtLei and
co -.or. .-i cxpect-jit rrrothers ; it is ia
no sen;: a remec- lor v oua ills.
km it r y--rs of rrxcesa.
thi thcC As Oa en'n-a. rLl
ceived Ire j v omen who or, ns
are a g-uarsrte ef the benefit to be
derived from ' i nsc. This remedy
does not accomplish wonders but sim
ply assists nature to perfect ; . work.
Mother's Friend Hays P'Pfrra, pre-
i aays nausea, pre-
the bre-asts, and
ia every war
contributes to
Stronr:, bealthr
motherhood. Mather 's Friend is no! A
at dree; stores Writ; for our free
bo-k f-r expectant mothers.
Kara fteot TTlat tV
auactrts fans aaigsaa araaCam,
ricklBaea for dlstrtc-t Jadra. adw.
B B- Btirtae Purm.r'r , t - .
art ft H:ofl Ar a TtMtubiir-in i nr",dt
for Ceanty Treaaapir.
tawited to Meet Togo A a ire:rer of
the Nation l fm-m club of Waahir.rtoa.
Victor Roae water of The Be haa mSrod
aa lnvitatj'-n to iwrt Admiral Heiha hiro
Ttco, imperial Japanese naT. whe will
it a guet of that club on the eTe.t'.r.g cJ
Monday. Auaruet 7.
Men nklLg Work Several men w rio
atiuld mak excellent jar.acr have a;. !.J
to the Awc;ated Charltieii for mora. They
are rn?n hi are out of ork and upon
'tnt lamiiie are de;n&ft,t and the
rharities ofrce would like to pet them
cmething that would make th m a living
Xnlarge Pood Inspection Senai-tanast
The government food lr.a;iectio cepartment
on the fourth T.or of the federal bu:idtn
is In receipt of s quantity if nfcelving that
will be p.aced in the room south of thoe
now occupied. This will enlars the work
. con-.. giving nearly double the space now
XoutM Memorial Picxie The annual
rlcn.c of the Sundav whool department of
Kountae Memorial church win be conducted
Tueaday afternoon. It haa been planned to
recreate and jollify at Fatrmount park.
Council Bluffa. Cars tearing the picnickers
will leave Fourteenth and Harney streets
at 1 o'clock Tuesday afternoon.
acmer atotama from Tost W. B. Miller,
manager of the Hotel Roma, who ha been
out of the city more than three week en
an extensive automobile tour through the
eastern stales, returned to Omaha Sunday
evening and la load In hia praise of auto-
mobling aa a mode of spending a vacation
and of the roads which ha encountered tn
route. Crater l XaxntwrUg Joaiah E. Cramer,
superintenoent of station B. the postcffiee
at Twenty-ninth and Leavenworth streets,
acd whe 1 now In the Omaha General hos
pital w here he was takes on account of a
general breakdown, is reported to be irn-
proving rapidly and tt Is believed that nnrr
a short rest he will be able to mum hit
Colonel aCoOnna Ooesee ! Colonel'
vVilliam McCuna, for years with the Buf
falo Bill show, arrived bare Sunday even
ing from a six weeks' outing at Colonel
Cody's hotels at the Cody entrance to the
Park. Mr. McCune spent most of hia time
at the Pabaaki Inn at the eastern entrance
to the park. During his alx weeks' stay
be has increased hia weight from 1H ta 14
Baleamea Bats; Instructed A number
cf local managers and saleemea for the
Helct Pickle 'company are holding a sort
ef convention at the Rome hotel on Mon
day. Tuesday and Wednesday of this week.
The time is to be spent tn instructing the
traveling representatives In aalesmanship
and rn introducing them to the new Heinz
product. At the same time an exhibition
ia being held In the olive room at the Rome.
Here are to be seen an of the "Efty-Beven
varieties" and a number of new ones which
the company haa recently added for good
CsiiipTla of Blocked Street Residents
in the vicinity of Nineteenth and Locust
streets are preparing to file a protest with
the crry cowndl against the complete block
ing of Locust at the Nineteenth street In
tersection. Early In the season Nineteenth
from Ohio to Binaey street was ordered
paved with asphalt. The contractor graded
and curbed the street and at about the
aame time placed a pile of broken art one ex- 1
tending from curb to curb and mountain '
high In Locust. Just west of Nineteenth
street. There It haa remained for nearly
three month, completely blocking travel on
that street.
" --.".V., - Warn
, y l Baths
- 1 lUv
For Ail Kinds o
AHhauit Orunn 9oat and Oattaiiat ara
SM T mm bk4 eeaien i eimn. a uaeral
amp ( .-. was o nr aoakn oe ttae fafe
and traatwrni at skat aad hair, will be mt. maw
faa. aa lyslli M Twnrura." Beaa. JL laiiia
Dr. Lyon'
Toofh Powder
neutralizes the destructive
acids of the mouth cleanses,
preserves and beautifies the
teeth, and imparts purity
and fragrance to the breath.
Shekel lcuikty!
Got tb
Orilafll ana Genuine
The Food Drinkf orAUAges
txi sax. bait ciAa irrtAcr. n povota
Not ia any fililk Trust
1X7" Insist on "HORLICaTS
aaan yaafcag
as! aa E : NkuaV-. w a v -t - .
II 11 1
I'M l .t I them for Taluable nrtmihirnn. tv
AIS 1 1UBI XOiiS j
for "OU Ftiluoned bp Br" fled li. J.7recaVei Slapyei ererySttal
-aau wuj
Beautiful Tooth
Thar are but tew peopieo wbo have
thorn. Good teeth everyone might have
If they would go to Dr Bradbury. The
cuickeat. aaaieat and least painful are
the only rnethoda empleed ua ail
hundreda ef oar patient, both la aad
ont ef tha city will gladly tell tow about
the good dental work and our up-to-aste
r of doing thinra. Crown and bridge
wor irvra pw uu-io. folates t r.M
fit from (4.09 to all le. Pain leas extrac
tion ef teeth. Nerves of teeth removed
without hurting you. Work warranted
ten years.
IT Tear
For Good Beer,
"Gzre me some Old Flu!
iaaed Ljer Beer.1
It's bard to get tKa gmaazM,
old Cerrnan latr beer now
ada yt but bere it ittnmppj
rich and znellai Old Fasba
ioned LtLgcr Beer.
Order a botUe-poBr it out,
cold and sptrklin yonll b
surprised bow good it is. No
wonder! it's msarle in tbe real
old German way no otber
beer M more rtilrtortt
Pint bottles only -cf clear
Sass, so you can see it's clean
and pure; the red or yellow
wrapper keeps out tbe light,
preserving tbe snap and life
Order a case sent borne. '
Douglas 647 lad. A-1216.
Save the Caps
from bottles of Old Fasbioned
Lager Beer, and exxbanje
them for raluable prenihims.
Ask us for bcxk of over 2,400
pfrtTirTTrns it's free.
Btcauf it's predigested
ft i excelltnt for n'-clc.
uvak or "run down"
If (n dwiibt, ask
your physician
tt eeataleo a -frieadly g !
aUacevarad ia a Bxj.gnaa food by
Btstchalxof f. of the kaetenr Xw
t:rta. Parte wbich dastraya taa
aiaeao genaa that lata la anew
ovary one a lateen a ea,
Than tan lllf itlil nazla
poiauo that taese rami throw if
are kept treat U We a. Taa
bleed ta saaaa pass aA alsaa
rood bleed net only sua nee
yl well, bat keepa haa aa. Vse
P-BLU-aVae aa a W bererwr
and the bieesa ef ywath will ro.
ara te year ebeefca, yr ate
wiu be 11 vale and taat feestnaT 4
- vui
tt aaaaa ef rich creamy antra,
feraaeated and apealally yrapaaiaa
ta a sutm lined vat. e brtsg e
b flvar and saako U aaeaimaaljr
tt geeaW ass tra milk, net
tike bnenieallh U baa a daee ail
Get f ear trial (I'M ao4i' a
any soda fowntain. Kotei,
bnffet or rlab. Taea
order ns to clcraa faaa
llj giz bortic bo rwar
Esiry Cecasy
laid n
Zxreg. 411. Is. a-41L
to Toronta, Montreal, tha Man.
kek Lakea. New Enxland and
the Fishier, and Hantlnc R
aoru cf Eaatera Casaaa.
ffw taraiiga tsataa eny tnaa Cblraga
The ena real sccnle root U
SeatUe, Tacoma. Portland. Spo
kane. Vaacoavcr, BclLafbam,
Kill a las kiwtlaa
PeoiutpWve nattai and taf onaa
tioa oa apaUoauoa s nay rai-
U-Calder, Saa. Art CLL Cubtr
M Be. Qark BU Paon. rraff. Mr.
CUoat Bteaarsat. Ooa.
ta auatcxaarr. t. p.
41 Saoldie auda. MaMmmOttr
tit Pin.
& Go,