Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1911, Page 10, Image 10

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Genial E. 0. Green and Hii Band Hold
Forth at Paxton Hotel
MasU sr Qmart aad OrrkMtn at All
Hoar f Ir Glad H4 Es
traded to All at th aer
lffs ronvratloa
Down at the Paxton hotel there la a con
tingent of hustllnc men from tha olty of
Dubuque, la., who are opening the eye
of Omaha people opening the eyei of the
delegates gathered Jn the city for the an
nual convention of the sheriff of the
United States. They are the greatest en
tertainer that Omaha haa ever teen, and
let It be known that Omaha haa seen
some mighty clerer and capable enter
tainers, for It haa held within Its border
gome of the best convention ever brought
weat of the Mlslalppl river. But nqne can
touch the group of men who come from
Iowa and who are stationed at the big
hotel, where the lobbies and rotunda are
crowded day and night with the rangy
guardians of the law from all parts of the
I'nlted Statea and Canada,
These entertainer comprise the traveling
Med leal CkemlraJ Force,
and managerial forcea of the famous Mid
land Chemical company of Dubuque, la.,
the largest and greatest concern of it kind
In tha world. At their head in charge of
the convention la the genial Ft. G. Green,
who meets and greets you with a smile
that Is genuine and who extend his hand
with a quick thrust and grasp that makes
you feel In an Instant that he I sincere.
And after you have talked to him only a
few minutes you realize that he Is In
earnest-4hat he means all he says. There
Is none of the "lolly" In him. He doe not
need to jolly, for he Is of the type of men
that anyone Is pleased to meet. He stand
six feet high, with smooth face heavy head
of hair that ! tinted with gray; pretty
teeth and a pleasant smile. You Imme
diately go out to him and say, "There
really Is a nice chap. He has more In him
than business. He is a gentleman." .
Tou are right. R. G. Green Is a Jolly,
good fellow. He la always the same. Meet
him at 1 o'clock In the morning, just when
some of the delegates are crawling toward
their bed chambers, and ha bursts forth
with a hearty salutation so familiar to all
who know him. Meet him at o'clock in
the morning (for he is ona of the early
riser about the big convention hotel) and
he greets you with a cheerful remark and
bid you follow him to a place where there
is more than good cheer. And you follow
him, too, for that smile that sincere ef
fulgenoe of the deep, true heart of his is
the magnetic force which compels your at
tention. All Good Entertainers,
But, then, all the many men of the Mid
land phemlcal company who are gathered
In Omaha for this big convention are good
entertainers. They all take special car
to see that every one who come to the
hotel Is treated In the mot cordial manner.
The minute you land on the second floor
of the hotel, . where the company occupies
all the space yes, the Midland company
headquarters are on the entire second floor
of the big hotel you feel the atmosphere
of hospitality. Some ' one of the group
rushes .out to you and takes your hand.
Then you are led to the buffet.. . Ifs a
cool, refreshing place, and you want to re
main there all day. The best part of It is,
you can remain there all day If you wish.
Chief Green is willing; that you should
stay all day and night That just shows
how good a fellow ha Is. But you get this
from the first; his hospitality Is not a
veneer: it Is the genuine mahogany, with
the beat polish, and it will wear for years
and years.
The Midland fellows are busy every hour
of the day. They have been on hand since
Saturday night, and they will remain until
tha close of the national convention of the
sheriffs, which time will be up Wednesday
night. They are taking care of everybody
that shows up at the hotel. So, you Omaha
people, show up at the Paxton hotel within
these next few days If you want to see
how the greatest entertainers in the world
take care of people.
Chief Grte the Beet.
Bvery place Chief Green has been he has
shown his superior ability as an enter
tainer, and it is not too much to state that
he has few equals In the country. He has
trained the men under him In the same
tactics, and that makes the Midland Chem
ical company on of the greatest entertain
ing forces in the world.
Tor Omaha people there Is a special to
terest attaching to the visit of tho Midland
' chemical company to this city. I O. Hill
yard, president and general manager of the
firm. Is an old Omaha boy, who thirty
years ago ran about the Streets of this
city selling Tha Bee. And history haa It
that he sold more Bees than any of his
competitors and made so much money that
he had to leave the newspaper field and
seek room for his wonderful energy to ex
pand. Today he stands among the greatest
hustlers in the business world. The suc
cess of the famous Midland Chemical com
pany tells what he has done. H has es
tabliahed on a very firm foundation one
of the greatest chemical companies of the
world. His early training In Omaha, he
declares, did a great deal toward helping
him to become a very successful man of
the commercial world.
ale More Than Doubled.
Through the ale of 1U Antl-Ormlno and
other preparation the Midland Chemical
company has become known all over the
world, and today it is sending its products
to every corner of the civilised globe.
During the last year Its sale In the United
States and Canada have more than doubled.
The goods are th best of their kind, as
everyone who has used them attests.
The Midland Chemical company has been
able to promote its sale into this rapid
growth through the effective use of th
advertising- mediums. Let It b known
right here that this company Is th heav
lest advertiser of any Arm In It line in
the world. It use newspaper space and
other mediums of publicity without the
least restraint.
Antl-Germlne, which Is an Insecticide,
germicide and disinfectant, is now being
used to the exclusion of all others by the
United States War department. Antl-Ger
mlne Is used as a disinfectant in nearly
every county Jail In the United States, tn
addition to thousands of hospitals, police
stations, poor houses, asylum, achoola and
hotels throughout this country and Canada.
It la such an effective disinfectant that It
Is always highly recommended by those
who hav tried It It keeps placea clean
and removes disease germs tn a most won
derful manner.
In the Philippines the United States gov
eminent has mad very extensive use of
this disinfectant and has found it to be
unequalled by any other. Several of the
old houses In Manila were cleaned out
through th use of Antl-Germlne. At Pan
am a the remedy was applied In certain
placea for the purpose of killing mosquitoes
and It served Its purpose very exiecuveiy,
Bkloa Aatt-Gcrsstao.
The "steamship trust" Is a large buyer of
Antl-Germlne. Eyery ship sailing from the
Pacific ports of this country use Ann
Germlne. On the great lake fully half of
th ships use this remedy.
Though Antl-Germlne I th beat known
product of the Midland Medical company,
It In nut U ouly on p it out by this firm.
i "I rrrrn n -rvrrrrrrrS 1 li
h'i i i i i in iinn si Mm.
for An-Bonnes-
S p. mi
9 p. m.
Sept. 1
Remarkable Sale Blankets
$3 and $3.50 Blankets at $1.09 Pair
The best cotton blankets that are to be had. Extra large
size, weight J?1 A nl 4 pounds to the pair, in fancy cheeks,
plaids, tan, gray and white. You will save one-half on the
very finest blankets that will be so much in demand for the
coming cool nights. There never before was a
better blanket bargain. Limit 3 pairs to each
customer, at, per pair
Sale of 2,000 New Waists
Worth 75c and 91.00, at 29c
The year's biggest waist bargain. Women's
well made Bummer waists in colors and
white. Many low neck and sailor collars,
many trimmed in colors. Others finished
with laces and embroideries, also plaiu
tailored. All gool new styles. fA
- Short or long sleeves. Actually i.J
worth up to 75c and $1; at, each: .
On Sale on Plain Floor
Women's 50c Ribbed, Cotton and Lisle Fin
ish Union Suits, on Main Flior, at
Mercerized taped neck and arm eye; also fine lisle ribbed
vests and pants, cuff knee; regular sizes worth tip to
50c each big bargain square, at, each 15c
48-Inch Swiss Embroidered Skirting at 69c Yard
New wide band effects; elegant designs, in English eyelet
and combination effects worth $1.50 a yard AQ
at; per yard ; Ovi
Thousands of Yards Embroidery, Edging. Insertions
Excellent needlework, worth up to 12c a yard, at, yd. Gc
Soft Finish Bleached Muslin at 3 l-2c Yard
10,000 yards bleached muslin in mill lengths that are per
fect. A great new lot, special for Tuesday on bar- 91
gain square in the basement. Limit of 20 yards, yd W JQAj
Women's Fall Tailored Suits Made to Measure
Or You Hay Buy Tho Models Outright
Throughout this entire week we conduct our special
showing and sale of the new authentic models in women's
fall suits. "We will have these suits made to your, measure
and you may choose from hundreds of models and hundreds
of new materials. The models may also be purchesed as
they are.
Tlie only store In Omaha where you p,rt in
terest on the money jrou spendS. & II. Stamp.
White Rep Skirts to Make
Twenty-six Women Happy
All are fresh, desirable skirts, marked at a figure that
will sell them at sight.
Made from extra quality white rep in newest styles-two-piece
effects, paneled backs, buttons nt side, etc.
'Only twenty-six of them at this special price -
Regular $5 Values at $3.95
White Serge Skirts are also offered at
special prices for Tuesday's selling only
finest French serge with paneled backs
and fronts, elegantly tailored throughout.
Regular $8.95 values at $5.95.
Fruit Specials for Tuesday and Wednesday
Fancy Colorado Peaches, the crate $1.15
Extra fancy Sweet Corn, the dozen ears .10c
Four large, extra fancy Cucumbers for 5c
OSX remodelo furs
Special summer prices expert work.
Corner 20th and Farnam. Telephone Douar. 3040.
Hardly a sheep ranch In Montana, Ne
braska, Wyoming and Idaho Is without
tho sheep dip manufactured by this firm.
Besides this dip, the company produce
sweeping compounds, liquid soap, powdered
soap, boiler compound and drlpoleum, a
disinfectant for toilet rooms, which I made
for a drip can patented by the Midland
Chemical company.
The Midland company is only a few
years old, but its rrowth has been so
rapid and so sound that it today tops all
the other firms of its lines, and prom
ises, within tha next year or two, to be
come so large that It will stand far above
any concern of it nature In any part of
the world. The company has representa
tive in all tha principal cities of the
United States, Canada and th South
American republics. Its campaign for
trad tn tha south has brought excellent
results, and it representatives are now
pushing right into the heart of every
country on the continent and gathering
an immense trade.
Festival Day for Firm
Put for th first days of this week the
heads of the company and the salesmen
are forgetting about business. Thoy are
entertaining. They do not car to talk
business unless people who come to the
Paxton wish to learn about th products of
th firm. Thla la featival week with the
Midland people, and they want every ona
to know that now. "Com down to th
Paxton hotel apd we will show you how
you can hav a good time at our expense."
That is the Invitation of th men who
control the forces that is th invitation
of th genial Chief Green. He want to
meet you this week, for he knows you will
be glad to see what his forces can do. The
sheriffs, who are In attendance, are with
Chief Green and hi boy all the time.
They recognise him a a very good fel
low and they want to show him that they
know he is "right" In every way. Visit
the hotel during th day of the convention
and you cannot help running onto
Chief Green or some of his men. He is
there with all tha goods, and h want
you to come on.
Th Midland company ha provided an
orchestra of several pieces and a quartet,
which are furnishing muslo at all times of
day and until late at night If it la fine
muslo you wish to hear, go to tha hotel
and hear the orchestra play th sweetest
of all th latest musical pieces from th
musical comedies that are meeting with
great success in the east.
List of Salesmea.
If you are not entertained by Chief Green,
then one or mora of the Midland Chemical
company's traveling salesmen will greet
you and show you about. Hera Is a list
of the traveling salesmen of th company:
r. M. Barlngly, Richmond. Va.
W. B. Martin, Dubuque, la.
R. C. Campbell, Augusta, Me.
F. M. Johnson, Knoxvtll, Tenn.
C. V. Earlt, Columbus. O.
J. DuLAids, Phoenix. Arts.
tt. C. Green. New York City.
J. B. Henry. Jacksonville. Fla.
J. B. Pfiffner, Dubuque, la.
R. Q. Green. Chicago.
F. I Boring, Indianapolis.
Frank Pitt. Milwaukee.
H. U Wegner, Butte, Mont.
F. K. Morgan, Goldfleid. Nv,
J. C Uettron, SUvar City, N. M,
II. M. Arrowsmlth, Walla Walla, Wash.
A. B. Gerlach, Argents, Ark.
William Nelson, Seattle. Wash.
William Cohan, Flshkill-on-the-Hudson,
N. T.
J. L. Jordan, Vlcksburg, Miss.
A. C. Edmondson, Toronto, Can.
A. C. Pflfner, Buenos Ay res, Argen
tina, South America. .
J. G. Esplnar, Sevtlla, Spain.
Knight Wall, Havana, Cuba.
Lorlng Olmsted, Mexico City, Mex.
T. U Graham, Winnipeg, Can.
Mrs. Weakley of Omaha Cannes Arrest
of Conple Charged with Exhibit.
Ina; Boy at Carnival.
RAPID CITY, S. D., Aug. 6. Kept in a
cage with a pair of South American hyenas
which were being shown with a carnival
and bitten and scratched until he moaned
when anyone touched him is the experience
of a 6-year-old boy named Jenree, accord
ing to the charges of State's Attorney
Denn who caused the arrest qf th child's
foster parents, Mr. and Mrs. James J.
Johnstone, at tha Instigation of the real
mother, -who 1 her from Omaha. '
Th petition of th state' attorney sets
out a story of treatment incredibly in
human. In which th child wa exhibited
by a carnival company In Minnesota and
Iowa In th cage of "grav robbers."
When th child wa U months old his
father placed hlra In an orphanage in
Omaha. Later th Johnstones secured pos
session of him, atlhough the records do
not show that the child was legally adopted
by them.
While the boy was being exhibited In
Spring Valley, Minn., th Minnesota labor
commissioner was induced to bring an ac
tion against the Johnstone, but they fled
from the state.
The mother of the boy, who Is now Mrs.
Henry W. Weakley of Omaha, learned of
the child's whereabouts and condition and
she started proceeding to take him from
th Johnstones.
A Bloody Affair
Is lung hemorrhage. Stop it and cur weak
lungs, coughs and colds with Dr. King's
New Discovery. 50c and $1.00. For sal by
Beaton Drug Co.
Blackberry Dalsam
Quickly stop Diarrhoea. Dysentery.
Cholera Infantum and all bowel trou
ble without constipation. No opium
nor other habit forming druga. Accept
only Wakefield's. It cures after otber
remedies fatt. I5 or I bottles (or
11.00, Everrwbere,
Concerning Those Oxfords
and Pumps at $1.00 a Pair
There is still ample choosing
for the woman who can wear a
small size or a narrow last.
Included in this wonderful asson
ment at one dollar is every style and
leather that has made the season fam
ousoxfords and pumps that women
have been glad to get all season at
13.50 the pair.
But because the stock is now down to
small sizes only, you choose at 1.00 in
stead of 13.50.
Round Trip, Daily Until September 30
$Q COO and 26.00
$QQ60, 32.00 and 34.00
tf Toronto
$30 00 ind 34.00
"& Niagara Falls
SQAOOiiH 34.00
OL Buffalo
$ I mO, 41.00 md 45.00
$nn80, 38.8C ind 39.10
$4 COO
00 and 45.00
Hew York City
JIO50 and 44.50
M Atlantic City
$1035 Md 46.35
QeL Portland
Fast trains at convenient hours mait direct connections in Chicago
with all lines east. Liberal return limits and
favorable stopover privileges.
You travel in luxury sou enjoy
1401-1403 Farnam Street, Omaha, Neb.
, 3 - , ,x '.'.''A
I ' Gc?it - - .
I :: -,'- ' , - , . ? ' ' ' J iS.,,' 1
f .:; - v ' . - . ,' 1
I: , v. .... " '
V-v " '!
" -vw" i ' 1 - 1
lilil-fe if t
Republican Candidate for County Treasurer.
A resident of Omaha 25 years. For the past 8 years Deputy Treasurer
(2 years Deputy Treasurer under Mr. Mennlngs and 6 years Deputy County
and City Treasurer under Mr. Fink and Mr. Furay). Is familiar with the
duties of the office and knowa the conditions under which the business has
to be done.
If nominated at the primaries on August 15th and elected in November
will use his influence for the adoption of a CONSOLIDATED TAX, so that all
regular taxes may be paid ai one time, or, if desired. In two payments. Thi
will result in great convenience and saving to the taxpayers and will greatly,
facilitate the transaction of business. ;
Republican Candidate for
County Treasurer
25 Tears in Omaha, 23 Tears
in Business, Formerly of
Miller, Stewart & Beaton.
I Will Appreciate Tour
Is anxiously awaited by,
those who are specially
interested in lands, tha
sort that buy and sell
end encourage others to
do likewise.
Tuesday and Wednesday
Will Be Misses and Boys Days
at Drexel's
Tuesday and Wednesday We Will Gire
25 Off on All Misses', Chil
dren's and Boys' Shoes.
It 1b now the boys' and girls'
turn at Drexel's Big Mid-Summer
Clearance Sale. And such values
at such prices never were offered
before. All our high grade Misses',
Children's, Boys' and Youths' Ox
fords at 25 per cent off an op
portunity you can't miss.
Extra ipecial, $2.00 Values, $1.00
100 pairs Misses' and Children's
Patent Colt Turn Sole Oxfords
$2.00 value $1.00
Young Women's Russian Calf and
Patent Colt Oxfords, values
$3.50. sale price $2.73
Young Women's Russian Calf and
Patent Colt Oxfords, $3.00 val
ues, at $2.25
Young Women's Russian Calf
Ankle Strap Pumps, $2.50 val
ues, at 91.80
Misses' Russia Calf and Patent
Colt, $3.00 value, at $2.23
Misses' Russia Calf and Patent
Colt. $2.50 value, at $1.80
Misses' Russia Calf and Patent
Colt. $2.00 value, at $1.50
Misses' and Children's Russia Calf
Ankle Strap Pumps, $2.00 value,
at $1.50
Children's Oxfords, $2.00 xalue,
a $1.50
Children's Oxfords, $1.75 value,
at $1,32
Children's Oxfords, $1.50 value,
100 pairs Misses' aad Children's
White Canvas Oxfords.. 50
The kind everybody wants.
Comfortable and wear qualities
that make them the ideal scout
shoe. ,
$2.60 grade .....$1.85
$2.00 grade $1.55
Drexel Shoe Co.
1410 Farnam Straet.
The Orman .fe Crook contracting ar.d
grading; outfit, used in the construction
of the Belle Ifourche Dam. will be offered
for sale at pjMic auction at Orman
(twelve miles from Belle Kourche), Bouth
Dakota, on Wednesday, September 6, 1911,
at 10 o'clock.
The property to be sold comprises a
very extensive outfit, Including- two seventy-five
ton Vulcan shovels, fifteen
Davenport locomotives. four traction
engines, sixty-six four-yard Western
scrapers, concrete mixers, road rollers,
pumps, machinery, buildings, supplies, etc.
Complete inventory of the property to
be sold may be neen at the office of the
Trustees in Denver, and the property may
be examined Dy applying to the custodian,
W A. Daniels, ut Orman, South Dakota.
Circulars describing the property will be
furnished on application. The property
will be offered in convenient parcels.
Terms of sole, cash.
BIB B. k O. Building-, Denver.
Tafi's Dental fas
prints clean news and clean advertising.
PIts thousand feet of the most
modsra moving- pictures, shown la
tb opsa aUr every enlnf at 8 :30j
Change of pictures every even
KOOst, with nmsto by Smith's
Orcnestrs, SQATUU, KULLI
and other attractions.
Fla Plonle
3 ror. Free 1
Grounds la Shady
sirmcsm now
Betty sV Zema Ransdale; Gibson
flttln R,Tt.tia. Ti.. . .
L t55 Moving Pictures; Big Pipe Organ.
VI linF Pally 1 to 6; 7 to 11; Program
laUUb'changes Sunday and Thursday
VILLEonix " 10 Cents
Vaudeville and Photo Plays
Dine Out Doors
licassTM svaar iruua
admission 10 Cull
In a class by itself
As an office building, there is
not another in the city which
will compare in the solidity and
beauty of construction with
Everything has been and is being done to
make this fine building thoroughly comfortable
for tenants who office here. New elevators with
the most modern equipment have been installed,
greatly facilitating the transit of hundreds of passengers
daily. The magnificent court and lobhy have been altered
and redecorated, as well as the corridors throughout the
building. It has been the aim of the management to keep a
high class of tenants in the building and to do that it
necessarily follows that the accomodations must be the
If you are looking for a permanent office, we invite you
to pay us a visit and see for yourself the advantages we
offer. . .
WV list a few offices va
cant at the present time:
.. ROOM 846 A very attractive apace cn the sixth floor, facing Sevon-
teenth; having In connection a commodious vault which affords
space for stationery, valuable papers, etc. This room rents at,
. per month t BJ8.00
ROOM 648 Was especially designed as a suite desirable for law) era
There are three rooms of good size, having solid tile partitions
between all the apartments. The suite Is In the southeast corner
of the building, looking out on Farnam and Seventeenth streets;
Is conveniently located to the elevators and all the court rooms
of Douglas county, affording every convenience, Per momn,00.00
HOOM 441 Directly opposite the new Court House facing Farnam
street. Our front offices are much in demand on account of the
prominent location. This room Is 13Hxl9V6 feet In size, and is
subdivided with frame and glass partition, giving two offices In
one. Rental price, per month 8.10.0O
ROOM 820 Is a choice corner office having a north and west expos
ure making this space attractive at any season of the year on ac
count of good light and ventilation. We will arrange this space,
19x20, suitable for tenant, and there being a vault In the room
It affords extra protection for valuables. Rental, per month $40.00
The Bcc Building Company
Bee Business Office. 17th and Farnam Bts.