Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1911, Image 1
The Omaha .Daily Bee. Looking Backward This Day In Omaha 7 Twenty Ta Tnn Ar WFATHER FORECAST For Nebraska Loral shi For Iowa Local shown t. Baimriai rag VOL. XLI NO. 44. OMAHA, TUESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 8, 1911 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. BALFOUR MOVES VOTE OFCENSURE I Leader of Opposition in British House of Commont Brings Veto Bill j to Acute Stage. anaaannnawa ' CHARGES AOAL1ST MINISTERS Motion Alleges that Illegal Adrice Was Given to 'King. ACTION J PRECEDENT VICE PRESIDENT OF NATIONAL SHERIFFS' ASSOCIATION. DES MOINES CAR STRIKEJN COUR'i City Railway Company Disposed U Question Order of Judge to End Trouble. PRESIDENT HARRIS ARRIVE! Comei from Chicago to Take Up Lega) Controversy. CARS ARE RUNNING AS USUAI "Have a Peace?" ASjuith is Boldly :cnsed of Violating 1 the Constitution. THE PREMIER SCARED II Jerrlnaly '1 11 1.11 llalfoar tor 111 lippnrlnur Tl...... I uespecled Million nml Ii-li-inl III" Conni', LONDON", Aug. 7. Tile liift phase of th ftsht over the veto bill, designed to re the puwer of the House of Lord! over liniHlatlon originating In the lower rhamber, was entered on In the House of Commons' thl afternoon when A. J. Bal four, leader of the opposition, moved a vote of censure for the government. Mr. Balfour's inuiTon. of which he gave notice on Auguxt 2. was as follows: "That the advice given hl majesty by his majesty's ministri-H whereby they ob tained from his m a pledge that a sufficient number . would be cre ated to pars the tarllainent bill In the Hhapo In which It left this house, Is a groxs violation of constitutional liberty which among other 111 consequences, .the people will be precluded from again pro nouncing on the policy of home rule." The former unionist premier emphasised that he was conscious of the gravity of situation and the seriousness of the step which he asked the house to take. "The ministers," said Mr. Balfour, "hav grossly abuxed their rights of advising the crown and by abusing those rights put themselves above the constitution. They have acted wholly without precedent." Premier Asqulth In reply Jeerlngly thank ed Mr. Balfour for "this opportune though unexpected motion. It waa the very thing that the government wanted." "We took the only course consistent with honor and a true regard for the dignity of the crown." j Mr. Asqulth maintained that the only method of dealing with the situation waa through the use of the royal prerogative. "I hold my office," he added, "not only by the favor of the crown, but on behalf of the people, and I should be guilty in deed, of treason, if at the moment of a great struggle I were to betray 'their trust" Governor Carroll . Orders Prison Probe Instructs Attorney General Cotton to Inquire Into Fort Madison Chargei. ' DES MOINE8 Aug. 4. Oorernor Carroll today ordered an investigation of alleged Improper conditions at the Iowa peniten tiary at Fort Madison. He has instructed the attorney general to at once Inquire Into charges of mistreatment of the prisoners, unsanitary cells and general negligence. The Board of Parole and Warden Sanders are Involved in the investigation which Is the result of charges preferred by David Brant, eldtor of the Iowa Republican at Iowa Ctty. Judge M. A. Roberts of Ottumwa and Parley Sheldon of Ames were named by Attorney General Cosson as his aasoolates On the commission which is to investigate prison conditions tn Fort Madison. RIOT NEAR ' CROCKETT, CAL Pear Shot la Conflict Between Cnlon ad Koaanloa Mrs at Sasjar Raflaery. CROCKETT, Cal., Aug. T. Four men were shot and several others injured in an encounter here last night between for mer employee of the California-Hawaiian refinery, who went out on a strike several weeks ago, and a number of non-union workmen from Ban Francisco. John Cronln, a striker, was probably fatally wounded. Eugene Crypt, a watchman, C. W. Pryts, a striker, Eugene Lasalla and a non-union man named Becker, were seri ously wounded. The Weather For Nebraska Fair. For Iowa Fair. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday. Hours. peg. t a. m............, 68 a. m is T a. m. . 0 ! a. m 71 - m. ...,,,., 78 10 a. m. 76 11 a, tn. 77 U n 7 1 P- n ! p. m. ,'s3 P- rn. tt p. m a S p. m. gj p. m. u 7 p. m ."a S P m. t m iw tMi m I 1 1M - U MI I f ft mi m I I I i.hh . TlT"Zli'' CwaissrailT Local Record 1HI 12ia 1900. 190. Highest yesterday M M M 7 Lowest yesterday .... 8 it TS 64 Mean temperature 74 71 to 70 Precipitation .... .14 .00 .00 .0i) Temte return and precipitation departures from the normal. Normal temperature 74 Kxcess for the day 0 Total excess since March 1 639 Normal precipitation 13 Inch Kxceas for the day .Clinch Total rainfall since March 1.... I H Inches lficlency since March 1 10.18 Inches pendency for cor. period, 1910. .13. ii inches Deficiency f on cor. period. 19U9.. .M Inch Reports front Stallone at T r. M. Station and State Temp. High- Rain of Weather. T p. in. eau fall. Cheyenne, clear M K .00 Davenport, clear M 18 ,0s lnvr, part cloudy M H .00 Lhm Moines, clear B0 M J a Dodge City, clear M M .00 lander, clear M U 00 North Platte, clear in M at Omaha, clear 81 84 .14 , Pueblo, clear SO 2 u 1 Rapid City, clear M S4 oa I Wait Lake City, Clear W K ,14! Santa r"e, clear 13 hi .00 ! rUieridati. cUar M SO .OS I Sioux City, clear............. SO u . . Valentine, clear U (4 Ml L A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. I Jj : ; .W s 1 JOHN K. O'ROURKE, Butte, Mont House Republicans and Democrats Play Game of Base Ball WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. I.Ike a lot of boys waiting for school to let out, almost every member of the house of represen tatives today waited anxiously for ad journment, and the great congressional base ball game between the democratic and republican members of the house, sched uled for this afternoon at Georgetown field. The gate receipts will materially assist in the work of the Washington Playgrounds association. Representatives Webb of North Carolina waa slated to pitch for the democrats. While Representative Oldfleld of Arkansas was expected to catch. Other democratlo players follow: Reilly, Connecticut, first base; Klnkead, New Jersey, second base; Harrison, Mis sissippi, third base: Carter, Oklahoma, short stop; Driscoll, New York, left field; Murry, Massachusetts, center field; Hughes, New Jersey, right field, with Hef Iln, Alabama; Curley, Massachusetts, and Garrett, Tennessee, as substitutes. The republicans chose as twtrler Repre sentative Kendall of Iowa, with Burke of Pennsylvania as catcher. Other republican players follow: Porter, Pennsylvania, first base; Dong worth, Ohio, second base; Pickett, Iowa, third bane; Ames, Massachusetts, short stop; Lafferty, Oregon, left field; Jackson, Kansas, center field; Woods, Iowa, right field, with Murdock, Kansas; Anthony, Kansas, and Howland, Ohio, as substitutes. Victor Berger of Wisconsin, the lone so cialist member of the house, was spoken of as umpire. McCabe Questioned About His Activity f or Benzoate of Soda Solicitor Tells Committee that Mann facturen Not Using It Were Mak ing Fight on Remsen Board. WASHINGTON, Aug." 7. The activity of George P. McCabe, solicitor of the Agri cultural department in trying to uphold the famous antl-Wiley bensoate of soda decision by the Remsen board and Secretary Wilson was probed today before the house com mittee on agricultural expenditures. Mr. McCabe admitted .that before the national convention of state food and dairy Inspectors at Denver in 1S09 he had on an official trip through several states "inter viewed every man I could get at and told him to come to Denver and uphold the department's ruling." This campaign to secure an endorsement of the antl-Wlley ruling from the national gathering, Mr. McCabe said, was fully Jus tified because the manufacturers 'who did not use the bensoate of soda In their foods were making an advertising campaign and were trying to gain noterlety by opposing Secretary Wilson and the Remsen board. A letter written by Mr. McCabe to Dr. Wiley In September, 1910, challenging the latter's statements that there were 25,000 "cure-alls' and patent medicines on the market, was introduced. Murder and Suicide at Fairbault, Minn. Thomas K. Talbot Shoots His Wife to Death, Then Slashes His Throat with a Razor. FARIBAULT. Minn., Aur. 7. Thomas K. Talbot shot his wife to death her today and then killed himself, dying from a bullet wound. He also slashed bis throat from ear to ear with a rasor. Talbot had been engaged in the real estate business In Iowa and last week cam home to visit a few' days. It is said he had been drink ing heavily. MR. LOOMIS ON SECRET FUND Former State Dryartmmt Official Throws Little Light on Bmer. irarr Kxpendttares. WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. Franols B. Loomls, former assistant secretary of state, appeared before the house committee on State department expenditures today but his testimony threw little light on th department's secret emergency fund. A statement furnished .the committee by the Treasury department showed that the secret expenditures from the emergency fund have averaged about 110,000 a month for many years. ; - Mr. Loomls said th only time he re ceived any money ' from the emergency fund waa "for expenses covering a mis sion to San Diego, and that was properly paid from that fund. j POPE HAS RELAPSE AND MUST REMAIN IN ROOM ROME, Aug. T. Pope Pius X has had a slight relapse today. The relapse came sud denly aggravating th cold with which ha has suffered and being accompanied with gouty pain. Dr. Gluseppl Petaccl. private physician to his holiness, and Dr. Ettort Uarchlafada, consul ting physician at the Vatican, being notified of the unexpected change In the pontiffs condition, visited him Immediately and directed that he re main la his room. Both Men and Operator! Yield ti Judge De Graff. LL ROE SLATED FOR TR0UBLF Comiulsatoaer la t'hara;e of Police De partment May Have to Face Re call In ton Men Are Well Satisfied. DES MOINES, la.. Aug. 7. Normal oon dltlons existed In Des Moines today. WH1 street car traffic resumed and every cai In the entire system on the city rallwa' running on schedule time, there were n surface indications that there had been 1. strike at alL The controversy between Manager J. r. Harrlgan and the carmen's union, which under the mandate of Judge Lawrence It Graff of the district court Baturday nlghi became a legal question, was apparently forgotten so far as the conductors an-i motnrmen and their passengers were con cerned. The first cars were out of th barns early this morning and as the da wore on traffic resumed its wonted pro portions. Union men here generally hall the court') action as a splendid victory for organize! labor movement with the injunction to ofter used against them turned to their benefit The leaders, however, hesitate to express an opinion on the matter. They want tr see what comes of it But at preseni cognisance of the order of the oourt con tinues. The men will continue at work Indeflnitel until some court order Intervenes, it H understood. Fred Fay, international board member o the carmen's unton, will remain In the cl for several days to watch the court pro ceedlngs. If the injunction is made perma nent he expects to return to his home Ii Tpsilanti, Mich. President A. W. Harris of the Des Molnc City railroad arrived from Chicago todaj and went Into conference with Genera Manager Harrlgan. MAY TRY TO RECALL ZELL, ROF. Commissioner of Police Department Likely to Have Coatest oa Hands. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. Aug. 7. (Special Tele gram.) As a result of the street car troubles a movement Is being considered by the large business interests to apply the recall to Commissioner Zell Roe of the polio department on the ground ha exhib ited a manifest disposition to side with the unruly elements in th eclty, who took advantage of the strike to destroy property. It is represented that Roe did not per forfm his duty and he Is subject to re moval, but that a petition asking for his recall would test th esentlment of the pub lic President N. W. Harris of Chicago, head of the Des Moines city railway, who ar rived today to look tfter his property, in dictted that he would fight the court order settling the strike and no permit it to stand. He also intimated that if the court order does not hold the whole controversy wll lbe opened. GOMPERS DENOUNCES ORDEH Labor Leader Says It la Loslcal Re sult of Illogical Premises. WASHINGTON, Aug. 7.-Samuel Gom pers, president of the American Federa tlon of Labor, in discussing today the In Junction which has temporarily broken the street car strike in Des Moines, said: "The Judge's order is simply the logic a result of an Illogical promise. It is th natural development of the unnatura. abuse of the injunction. The whole pollc.' of the species of injunction has been t tie the men of labor to their work an. to mak ineffectual any effort to secure Improvement In the condition of the. worker or to effectually protest agalns: the deterioration of the conditions of the workers." BECKEMEYER QUESTIONED BY LORIMER'S ATTORNEY Representative as It Was Under stood that Abrahams Was to Lead Break. Washington, Aug. 7. The first thing counsel for Senator Lorlmer did today when former Representative H. J. C. Beckemeyer, who claims he was paid for voting for Lorlmer, was turned over for cross-examination ' before the Senator Lorlmer committee was to elicit from the witness a oonfessioa. of falsehood. "When Charles A. White and Detective Turner came to you to verify the story th Chicago Tribune was going to print, you told them you had not received any money from Lee O'Neill Browne or Robert E. Wilson, didn't your' asked Attorney Elbrldge Hanecy. "Yes, sir," replied Beckemeyer. "And in so doing you lledT" "Yes." ' "And you knew you wer lying r "Yes, sir." Beckemeyer said it was true that he voted for Lorlmer of his own free will and accord. H decided that way he said, a few minutes before he voted, after a talk with Representative George Alshuler who shouted: "For anybody who could beat Hopkins." Without ever having heard anyone say that "Manny" Abrahams received money tor voting for Lorlmer, Beckemeyer said he inferred that Abrahams was connected very closely with th matter; that Abra hams waa closer te Brown than the wit ness and that Brown had told th demo crats that they wer to vote for a re publican when "Manny" did. TWO YOUNGSTERS HAVE FEAST Boys Break la to Boieu and Carry Off Cheese and Ham Mocy Bern, stein Has Them New. Mike Balkovlo and Louie Langpor, two lS-year-old lads, got into a Northwestern box car Sunday and helped themselves to a big cheese and a bam. When the pollc ran across them shortly afterward they were having a feast Tb boys have been turned over to Mogy Bernstein. From the Minneapolis Journal. WAR DEPARTMENT PERTURBED Report of Spy iii a my from Austria Causes Anxiety. PETE'S LETTERS ARE SENT IN ' orrespondeaee Which Girls Says Im plicates Soldier at Fort Tottea Forwarded to Waaa In at on. ' ' v V WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. The War de partment today for the first time In many years Is perturbed over the case of an alleged spy in the army. Captain James Watson, th army re cruiting officer at Indianapolis, Ind., has advised the department that he holds af fidavits charging Private George Peters ivtth being an Austrian secret agent. The probable object of the alleged spy was to discover for his government the composi tion of the remarkable high explosive "dun nlte" used in army and navy shells, and ald to be far superior to any foreign ex plosive. One of the papers in possession of Cap tain Watson Is an affidavit of Miss Clara A.. Dyer. She said Peters was stationed at Fort Totten, N. Y-, and that he was an Austrian spy. She said she had been en gaged to hini. Petr's Letters Sent to Washington. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Aug. 7. Captain James D. Watson, the local recruiting of ficer, forwarded to the War department at Washington today the affidavit made by Miss Clara A. Dyer, accusing Private George Petr of the One Hundred and Thirty-fifth coast artillery of being a spy from the Austrian government. Captain Watson alBo mailed the letters Petr la alleged to have written to Miss Dyer, Corporal William II. I-ahr of the army recruiting station here, today said he served with one George Petr. in Troop M of the Sixth United States cavalry in the Philippines and Montana. Corporal Lahr said Petr waa an Austrian who posed as an American army officer. Miss Dyer, it was reported, had left the city and was in Muncle today, but efforts to locate her there were unsuccessful. Petr's Record Good. FORT TOTTEN, N. Y., Aug. 7 The commandant at Fort Totten said today that he has received no information either from the War department or from Captain James Watson, in charge of the recruiting office at Indianapolis, regarding Private James Petr of the. On Hundred and Thirty-fifth coast artillery, whom Miss Clara Anita Dyer of Indianapolis Is said to have charged with being a spy In thej employ of th Austrian government Petr has been stationed here a year and a half. He is said to be one of the best soldiers at Fort Totten. Before coming here he served three years in the cavalry, the greater part of the time in the Philippines. The commandant said he believed some mistake bad been made. CRAWFORD BILL PASSES HOUSE Cona-reasmaa Klnkald Seen res Permis sion of Lower Body to Raa4,ls Across Reservatloa. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Aug. 7.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Representative Klnkald this morn ing secured th passage through the house of a bill permitting th city of Crawford to lay a pine line across Fort Robinson mili tary reservation, tapping the Whit river above the fort and thus securing pure and uncontamlnated water. The city of Craw ford is to lay the pipes at its own expense. Th bill now having passed th house, Senator Brown will take It up in the senate at th earliest opportunity and secure its passage through the upper branch. Jamea B. Barry and wife of Greeley are visitors in Washington today and wer guests of Representative Magulr at the capitol today. Captain J. H. Butler of Omaha, who has been making a tour of eastern cities. Is in Washington en rout home. Captain But ler during his stay her will b th guest of oCngreastnaa Lobeck. Cashier Confesses to Hiring Man to WreckOff ice Safe Frank Walsh of New York, Who Had Agreed-to Destroy Ledgers Show ing Shortage, Overloaded Safe. NEW YORK." Aug. 7. Following the death of Frank Walsh today In a Jersey City hospital, the police declared that Samuel Brown, cashier of the Long Look Milling company, had confessed that he had employed Walsh to blow open the safe in his office and destroy two ledgers, which, he said, would show that he was about $2,500 short in his accounts. Walsh's eyes were blown out and his body was charred from the effects of overloading the safe with nitroglycerine. Up to the end he refused to incriminate Brown. Brown Is held a prisoner, and later the police arrested P. J. Ttmmons, who, they say. Brown mentioned as having sug gested the employment of Walsh to dyna mite the safe. " Tlmmons was charged with murder, arson and conspiracy. Denver Man Tries Burn Up His Family 0. W. Wheeler Sets Fire to House in Which Wife and Three Children Are Sleeping. DENVER, Colo., Aug. 7. According to evidence now in the hands of the police, A. W. Wheeler deliberately set fire to his house here yesterday afternoon while his wife and three children wer asleep, then stood in front of his place to see his family Incinerated. Wheeler disappeared as soon as he saw the efforts of the firemen to quell the flames were successful and when he saw that suspicion pointed toward him as the Incendiary. Wheeler had been ar rested four times,, for nonsupport and last Saturlay was put under bond to support his family. British Cruiser Cornwall is Floated assaasawaasa Warship Which Struck Ledge Near Cape Sable is Released at High 1 ' Tide Uninjured. HALTFAX, Aug. 7.-The British cruiser Cornwall, which ran on the ledge south of Cape Sable, two miles from where the Canadian battleship Nlobe struck, was floated at high tide early today and pro ceeded to Clarke's harbor, apparently unin jured. When the Cornwall reached Clarke's har bor It took the damaged Nlobe in tow and started for this port- The starboard en gines of the Nlobe are in excellent shape, but the port engines are disabled, making towing necessary. Washington Doctor Mistaken for Cougar SEATTLE, Wash., Aug. 7 Dr. Bertrand Muscott, tZ years old, a physician and sportsman of Anacortes, Wash., was shot and killed by John Rogstead, a logger, who mistook him for a cougar. The doctor and his wife were camping in the wilderness on th Olympic mountains. Rogstead, who waa working near the camp, heard a noise In the bushes and suspecting It was made by a mountain Hon, shot A party has left to bring out the body. Dr. Muscott cam from New York British Spy la Germany. BREMEN, Germany. Aug. 7 An Eng lishman, said to be an officer of the Brit ish Yeomanry, was arrested here today, accused of spying on th German fortifi cations on th North sea coast The pris oner, whose name has not been learned, waa subsequently admitted to bail. - STATE SHERIFFS FOR DUNKEL Nebraska Man Boosted for President of the National Association. THREE MEN ARE IN THE RACE Sheriff Vote Funds for a Test Case , Which Was Fongrht la Hall Coaatv Reaolotloas of Sympathy. Enthusiastic endorsement of J. M. Dunkel of Grand Island, the present bead of the state association, for the presidency of the National Association of Sheriffs, was the out com of the state convention which met yesterday afternoon at the cour house. Plans were laid for a most strenuous campaign, every 'Nebraska sheriff agreeing to make himself a committee of one to work for Dunkel. They started things off with a rush by aranglng to go to the depot in a bunch and meet a party of Mis souri sheriffs, who were to arrive last nlgbt The race lies between three men appar antly. Charles W. Peters of Chicago,' 111., the present incumbent of the office Is being talked of for re-elcUon. Louis Eckhardt of Davenport, la., has a strong bunch of boosters who are pushing him for the Job and tagging everyone they met with a button. Dunkel la th third. Fairbury, Neb., was suggested by Sec retary James Churnsld from that city, as th meeting place for th convention to be held In December, and waa approved of by the delegates without a dissenting vote. A resolution of sympathy was voted for the family of Sheriff Claude E. Fuller, who was shot and killed while In the discharge of his duty last May when he attempted to arrest a man at Pawnee City. It was voted that the association pay the attorney's fees and court costs of the ac tion brought by Sheriff Dunkel in Hall county to get the decision of the supreme court on an lnterpreatlon of the law In regard to the payment of sheriffs fees. Each member of the association was as sessed S15. Sheriff Hoagland of Lincoln, who retires this year after continuous service in some police activity since 1878, mad a few re marks apropos of his sorrow at having to leave as a good a crowd of sheriffs, and waa warmly applauded. Sheriff Hoagland is th oldest sheriff in th state In point of service. Sheriff Bralley of Douglas oounty, who also retires this year, ' mad a similar speech of farewell, assuring the sheriffs, however, that he would be present at the Pawn City convention next December. Maay Are Present. Nearly fifty counties were represented at the convelton, and among the crowd there are men who have statewide reputations. J. M, Dunkel of Grand Is land, president. Is the man who cornered the notorious "Shorty Gray" with two companions on an island on the Platte river last spring. Gray is alleged to have been the ring leader of the desperate band of safe blowers who terrorized Dankers in Ne braska last year, was captured after a hard tight, and after he had escaped from a sheriff's poss at Norfolk where he had his gun shot out of his band. W. F. Sammona of Kearney Is called the "horse thief sheriff" by his conferees, as he is known to hold the record for catch ing th largest number of that particular brand of criminals. O. D. Hedge of Webster county Is a proud possessor of the title, "The Biggest Sheriff If th But of Nebraska." He tips th beam at 242 pounds and says that he doesn't hedge for anybody, not even Sheriff Bralley of this county, whom he admits, however, is no spring chicken when It comes to slse. John W. Gates Ha Good Night. PARIS, Aug. 7. Those attendinsr John ve Gate reported today that the financier had had a good night and that his nn.i condition was unchanged. Yesterday the pnystctans were more hopeful of rcmvurv as Mr. Gates continued able to Uke nour- isnpieni, tnougn nie general condition was weak and th heart action still caused anxiety, STATEHOOD BILL UP IN THE SENATE Vote on Measure Expected to Come Before End of Present Legisla tive Day. MR. NELSON OFFERS SUBSTITUTE Has Plan that Meets Objections of President Taft. NO AGREEMENT YET ON WO0I Possibility Conflicting Interest! Are at a Deadlock. FIGURING: UPON AGREEMENT Leaders Still Believe Knd o( Extra Session May Be Reached Be tween Aoanst Fifteenth and Nineteenth. BSHATB. Met at 10 a. m. Debate begun and vot ohdnld on arlsona-STew Mexico statehood during this "leflalatlv day," which permits ex tension of consideration a day mor If necessary. ' ' A. Polndexter of Washington defended tn Initiative, referandnm and recall fatnr of Arlsona constitution. Lorlmer election oommltte heard testi mony of former tate mepresentatlv Beckemeyer, who admitted telling various falsehoods In connection with th ease. Ho agreement reached by oongrosa oa wool and free list revisions. Cotton mill men from Carolina failed to arrive for flnano committee hearing on cotton bill, hut expected tomorrow. Horthrn manufacturers evince no lav terest. Senator Borah spoks against th Ju diciary reoaU of th statehood bill debate. Senator Stoot of Hew fork favored th Kelson amendment to th statehood bill requiring Arlsona to stria out th Judi ciary reoalLi EOUSEl aaanwamaa hovbb. Met at noon. Miscellaneous business. Stat department expenditures Investi gating oommltte examined former As sistant Secretary of Stat Loomls regard ing department's secret funds, but with out practical results, Soliottor MoCab of th Agricultural de partment was aubjeoted to a gruelling cross-examination In th Wiley-Bamsea hearing Berger of Wisoonsin, socialist, apok la advocacy of old age pensions. Party leaders Informally figured on ad journment between August 15 and IS. Letter from Pish Commissioner Bowers, assailing Bepresentatlve Towasend of Hew tious" charges regarding seal slaughter, Jersey for alleged furthering of "flctl read before houss Investigating oommlttee. Adjourned at 3il0 p. m. until noon to morrow to permit members to-atttnda ball gam between th republican and democratlo members of th houss. WASHINGTON, Aug. 7. The Joint res olution providing for the admission of Arizona and New Mexico as states of th union under an enabling act of the last congress was taken up immediately after the senate met at 10 o'clock today. Senator Nelson of the committee on ter ritories promptly offered his substitute for the house measure. The substitute was framed to meet the wishes of the president and it has been stated that it has received the endorsement of a sufficient number of members to ensure Its passage. The pres ident has taken a , determined position agalnet the inclusion of Judges in th re call provision of the Arizona constitution. The Nelson substitute requires the electors of Arizona to vote that provision out of the document as a "fundamental condi tion'" of admission. The house resolution merely provides for the re-BubmlBslon of this feature to th house. The Nelson substitute also differs from the house resolution in that It makes no requirement that the people of New Mexico provide an easier way of amend ing the constitution. The debate begun today promised to be a lengthy one. The agreement for a vote today is for th "legislative" and not the calendar day, which means that by recess ing each evening the senate can carry its discussion through several calendar days. Senator Polndexter of Washington spoke in defense of the initiative, referendum and recall features of the Arizona consti tution. He declared it was a travesty on self government to try to compel the people of Arizona to adopt a constitution which they themselves do not want, but which the peo ple of other states think they should have. That there has arisen during the last few years a quiet, subtle way of getting rid of federal Judges was a startling declara tion in the debate made by Senator Borah of Idaho in opposing the Judiciary recall. He asserts that the department had found a way of having federal Judges removed if their opinions did not suit th department heads. , Senator Root of New York spoke In op position to th recall of Judges feature -ot the Arlsona constitution and In favor of the Nelson substitute to the house bill. RUMOR OF DEADLOCK ON WOOL Gossip that Tlenp May Delay Adjoara. ment. WASHINGTON, Aug. 7.-Rumors wer current today that a deadlock existed be tween Senator La Follette and Represents- Quart bricks of Dal zelL's Ice Cream. Boxes of O'Brien's Candy. Base Ball Tickets Hound trip tickets to Lakej Manawa. All given away fra to thosa who Hud their uamag in tn want I Read th want ads avery day, your Dam will appear tometliua, may b mor than one. No puzzle to solv nor sab crlptloDs to get just rad tn want ads. Turn to t& want ad pace. BOW.