itE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: AUGUST 6. 1911. r V r i. COMMISSION FACTS ARE RLADi' V j viucck i-o: try on Be rero of jcnxititial tMffmut i-av; ITSIU. rat el lltr or- meat Hs. lailfM set aa II - Wrlttva K laiei eating Art. i. 'it law f tmiaha :. art arwu in t..t O : J .TO kBI. .t-.- 1 t.,r f eOOiJt Ul c-utj-, k. KAb iortlj 42 J ' 1 1 IaUM lit bcior Ukj . . . .ie fr-r 't-r i. . h. J uv- and tabu 1ro at :hs t'vi: :x i nt a.a.UUe li.f:n.fcti n ua -U. ..jt-.. iM ca?;uaj'atlvc d.vim tu im ituuuw'i, llu lor llx tact tbat etlijut et muntrU-al BrobieuJi t.trt . writ tin rij lew long tMaa upon ine uWut. Ai.nuji'. now its t rntu in rooie tr.-n ii die- ut ail mm ia tee L'nmd Mtm. ej;ei :menL tia toe plan wre maw- a ;ra .: ago. 1 here air, boa eve; , a -..uiier of h.-.&ti magas.rie artl-lr p; co.uyc icm student ant. nearly eve:; prominent rrvltv ha trequent editorial rcit. ejic Ic lie euccettr ut Ux paa la different pari ot la country..- Jnt. ef ai. lniunston . the law Uwt.f aa passed by the Istbraika lcg.s!a luie. ' " lu tha reereace room at ths puhl-.e library will be found indices lJur.j el. :T..r snort matst-al and several longer arutt. t such a It. account Pi lb Ies Moim-a exper.meiu nutUtid ia MeClure m Una for May, li'lD. fc) George ii- Turner. the eer by - Oswald Ryaa la tla Political Science Review it " February, 1FU. This our tu written at f Harvard university a&4 was awarded the i CaJdwift ' pra of lac Xat'.ano! Munkc.pal laacoa tor I ha iScat vork m nnntrll'! f- faira. t Iatrrratlac Cr;sr ii4lr. Tha Nauunai lduucipal Iratror. which ? iPaita yaaTijr .anil daruaaaa aJl tttiifilelptil t proalrra. iti'iom ood tnatcr u. on afl ? ilnjraut ia lta laat frv reparta 7h ' laat four eoBfercacea vera la Froridenca. . 167: Fttitburg. UOC; Clneinr.atl. Wif. and fc Bullalo, lilO. r Another socd mum of aianaraj inrorma- tioa la th report of tbr Naw Tcvf k burraj ! g of Bisnleipal raarcli. Thrra art al rarua rttjr charter, and the annual rr j! porta of Ifn Moicaa cad Galraarnn. Throe H tainca are all era lablr for uw by the pub J Me and 'will be gtrra out for Jf runa.1 on re fi Queet. i The procjimaLinn of the mayor lor the J eiorilon of Pertr:r.hrr I it sow bring printed f and will l e ;.cpC rtrly U:'.m rtk. ' Validity of Si 311 Order to Be lested by Omaha Merchants 5 ISoritt Sleytr ii Arrettf d, bBt Appcali ? to. tts Dutrict Cou-t to iUte a Teit Case. Validity of the city ard nano under whinh ihe police are eetklnf ta foroe raercbaate its elaar the aldeiralka of ebetJTet)ra eVe - and daplay caeee be taetad ta the die 1'trlet court by Morlti Meyar of the Morrta "Merer Car company, 14 Tarnam atreet. Bunuaopad betota Polloa Jn&sa Crawford tar ebctructlac the walk Saturday morning, Ut. erer plaaded ' cot rul!xy and aakeft. that fair company fa eoarirtod and fined without fh formality of a trial, atattnf tie Kwichea ad orfltoanaa i -J i- - P Judjre Crawford pronouaeed the clear toompay eruUty "n4. tlc4 It "Sli and ooale. iir. Meyar at onoa rev notice of appeal Ad CleaVaa BTPaaJ bond'ln the aua) of Hob. t Otter 'therchanU who ' obieet to being forced to rctnor sign and dlaplay caaaa jwlll divide lb expenaa of the dlatrlot eourt trial with the cigar company. The caae will be triad during taa October arm of district ooar-t. SAVING IMSTITUTE WILL PROVIDE A ROOF GARDEN tt Arresco'el la ta Give Baaire B-a-flt rreab. auael Exblltrattaa Breeaaa. I Surm and phyetciane is charge of the 'Child Bering lnpttrnta at tl South Forty eoond etreet are preparing for aa Innova tion ta efeguard the health of the in tanta A roof gardes on top of the In stitute building, ahalea by great awninge ,bn one aide and end. will be made, and thle arrangement wia allow the tote ta 'Veoalre much beneficial air. Seds wUl be t laeed oa the roof and eickly children will "e allowed to elerp where the benefit of la vig orating braezee can beat be had. llS PLEASED WITH BABY CAMP Tcmlla Warkar fraea Ctty LTblaiLa It la a aaele lataUtattM. 2 Mra. talker W. Emlth t Kasaa City, ai. promlBeett in Juvenile work and aaoa tak charge ot a much talked of new hoys' koine now under construction ta that Jury, visited Juvenile eourt Saturday mom ftng aad & a good word for. the manner kn which Justice is administered ia that Institution. Mra. Smith is la the city for The bore' home ta Kansas City, of which he is to be tne neaa, is ia mrorui some giovel ideas. Only boe batwen the area tf aad U are te be allowed ta the fcftma. IVork la to be secured for each boy, and ferfeqa be baa reatched an earning abllrty ot jtt a k the boy is ts be diacbarged frora jfhe Ite-Stniin. Mra. Bm'th baa visited jpiaat et t rharttable teettrutlons of the eity and afusaks rashly mt them all. but aer (uind the f by eamp ia the beet BRIDE COMES "FROM BOHEMIA JParie But e tifk ef la m T Var ta Jtrium Her ta ' Ttkle Cavt-y la this eeuntir les ttaa s-yoar. Freak iRoloubek. a BobemtaM. working npea a Item near Tmdxe. Nea-. saved money itnaogh t sd t the laad ef Ala nativity nil tTt sr tos oid sweet heart, r-naaa-stg tiuvugh aa lntarnretar lioiaubek took ut a Uosnaa ts snarry Miss Pioraotiae (ftzur. wha. la answer to Holoubek'a sum tp.tynm. and red aa Omaha but three days kiu. al the ovurt heaaa ba .turdar raeralag. yilokMbsk was aooompiaJed by hia fa SiT bride, wha was a blushing, buxom (oang lady, with her drees betraying her e.te arrival la Its quaint addity. OKDS READY FOR DELIVERY ret tsasieei as,o seat laaae Valeed at se Oe te m tkU 5 Final wVsna ta sraparatiesj ef etreet tm iirrwment hoods raised at M M were Ukea at ta alfioa ef taa city cemntreller Aatarday. aad tha hiss a. eensisttng ef 71 LruCcates of bW each, will be put la the imnd of tha aooaty neaaarer for delreery laaday. They will be seat te New Tor uatae Brea.' kaak. Clacal agaata for state, and by that taetixuti.-m delivered R ths purchaaer. tbe N. W. nalacy eora Vv J . ... Sheet Metal e- "f" Vd i 1 , -. f - V. METAL COliTRACTORS COME rpxe-S.t&tire Mea of Groiriaj Tnde a Qsoaha This Wtti. LOCAL I Ikr fcr-l Xrtml teelrei tkmm 6tm ka. la ri ITbn the ser emth axmaal ranTrstke of the XatioBai Aaeociatiaii ef Shrat i'naJ 0oe aactoas acgins In Omaha lamorrta. 11 i likety that am itat froia ta e axa and anitiai will be oxrx:trId at Irwal boiitrlrira. Braidea the rrguiar dmefra.iea. the annual aatbcriBga of Cne vutMi ooiuractors alwaj'S draw a goud maay people a ho are inter ested ia kindred line or hava direct busi ness doalisirs with Uie centraotora. The tmeeiies of sbwt metal wurking Is growing a Ok tremendous strides and the member ehla ft the awaociation and the interest ta Its nruourfliagu kery pace with the physical drveaoroiirnt of this siedai lranrk of the build Inf tadwu-y: which, by the way, is one of th brst on an sd in the cwtrctry. al though .t is ; r-bable tbe yauaReat natianal trade orgaatzsUim tn the United States. It was formod vitb a email menibrrahip at Fhbaddph'a on XTasulugtan's birthday, U. After a.s jear.oI custance Its mra benhip orrtrs ihe ecu oocntry, tajciag la ct' firms tr.i TorrioratltHM Vttgaged tn tin roofing, warxn air furtxv vork aad the ciUmt iiaea ot sheet sne4ai oanatrwooa. Its local orgatliratians are siren the widest latitude ta their parUculor fields, for. s Banretary. Sdwia t Aesbrook. says. "Trade condition la fbs eheeot metal business vary grcaxly ia every section of tbe country. Conditions ta one city may be entirely d-f-laraat frjoi thoaa ta ansC her olty only fifty miles ClstaaU The class ct trork v.-ill vary Craat-y. as wiU Uie ve rat aad other oocdiUons that affect - prieea. For thaas reasons feel it is abaoiute.y neoeaaary the locaii slipi tare j'.ekUyit their own Jooai affairs. Thee iacaa are dirasUy afftHataAytUi the national' ngaciaatlaa. as stats aasociationa have noi'so far fa and a plaoe ta ,our organ rsaa." . " . , ttrona ea Eculavraa fide. Baoretary Brabrook inalats Mm aheata of the sMooiatioa are purely busineaa. 3t was orgs n laed for the advancement of the sheet snatal business throughout the eoun try and ta protect the business in tar est of taa- focal atoert aoetal contrartor," he saya. "Ws balieve la trade protection; there is a natural channel through which the supplies should reach the anaumlng publie. That ebannel is from the mans farrurer ta the Jobber, from the Jobber to the dealer, and tbe dealer te the consumer. This national organlaatioa believes that tbe oaoeumer I better served by having his work dans at a reaaonaois profit by the local dealer, and far this reason It firmly Insists upon the Jobber and manu facturer -directing the eaiea t their ma terial through the local sheet metal eon tractor rather thaa direct to the oonsumsr astO. having the work d .in by poorly paid and tncgrioiant cram? .mechanics. "Tbe organisation has and is using its bast endeavors ta procure tbe very best qtiaitty of UB plate, abeets. etc.. f'btaln abla. Te this end in February. 1. It called a oooferanca with the manufacturers of Ua plat in ths Tnlted Btatea This conference was held at rtalumore. and in some respects is hletorie. It was the first of its kind ever held between the buyer la general and tea manufacturer. For one whole day the question of getting the bast roofing plate made was discussed between the sheet meial ooatraotor and ths manu- TO I3TEETAI5! II r : VV v4 a-WJiea fma varwua sialra ff tbe : lit -v A -il tacturer of tin plate. Jbs reeuh wss the j owners are cordially invited to attend, appointment of a cpmmlttoe. which has j Thursday afternoon wlU be glvea over atnoe been known as ths Joint committee 'to aB outiog, aad Tburadaj evening a ban es tla plate. This oomminse is composed ' , ,-d at ths Hottl Kama. of lour roarers, members or the sso- datlon. and four manufacturers of tin piste. The present members of tbe com mittee are from tbe national easor-tstlon: EL W. Klr-hsrCs, Philadelphia. Pa ; W. A. Ftnglea. Baltimore. Mi.; H. O. A. Mllhan, Brooklyn, N. T.: Sdwia U Besbro:k, Phil adali'hia. Pa. From tbe manufacTuers of tin plate: TT. V. Fittrburg, r ; Theodore A- Qeeeler. New Toik City; H. N. Taylor. Phiiadli.a, Pa i Jcha J. O'Connor. " Pa. Thl commit tee has issued a n-oat deal of literature en -7'- .-I j ' ". 1 $ ,, : " Contractors the subject of good tin roofing. A standard set of 7eclfi cations for laying a good tin roof baa been adopted by the nation association, published la pamphlet form and sent to over t.OCrj architects throughout ihe oowatry." 1 H aid ataaar'tae Fwrmaciea. The erperienoe of the good work dose by tbe Joist committee on Ha plate led to thr appointment of a errmtnittea at the Cleveland convention rn ISfTT to take up co-oneratfve work with the manufaotureis of warxa a)r furnaora A 10 per cent of the naembers of tbe national association install warm air furna-, the reason tor this co-oprrstive effort Is apparent. Later tbe Federal Furoace learoe was orranlsed. and a committee, of which J. P. William of Omaha Is a member, was appointed te work in harmony with tbe Federal Fur paos league on tbe mutual business inter ests involved between tbe two organisa tions. . . The entire national aesodsitiori Is man aged frara the national beadquartera, . n etouth Fourth efaart.' PhiladetobJa, "Pa., wnder the raswa'perayrt mt a ercretary. ' Na ttonal Sacratary Pra brook devotes praetl eally hi entire time ta tbe work of the f eenctation. This year lie has traveled nearly K00 miles and t-ielt4d in tbe In terest ef the organisation about sixty of the tri-oirJ dttes tn the middle west. Mr. StaTiroek also edits tbe Master Sheet Metal Workers" journal. Or-4 Rsblblt at Aaditortaaa. ' OKionra txf -the association confidently anwrt the tmaha ranvention will have the finest and larweat exhibit of sheet metal building ' proSucta that has ever been brought together. Everything -pertaining to building conrtruciton in the sheet metal line will be on exhtnitloa at the Auditor ium from Monday unt3 Saturday. This exhibition win be entirely free to ths pub lic, and all are cordially invited to call at tbe Auditorium and examine the exhibits.- TT.e eartera delegations will reach Omaha by special train over the Chicago Great Western railroad on Monday afternoon. Tbe business sessions proper will begin Tues day afternoon at 1 o'clock, and will con tinue TTednesday afternoon. Tbtsrsday rooming aad Friday aft erne on. Tbe aes lons will be open ts all, except Thursday mornrng. which win aa aa eaecutivs see-, sioa for members only, Wednesday evemlr.g there wm be popular lectures on tin roofs. Illustrated by stere optican views, by H. K. Tsylor. Philadel phia, Pa. Charles a. Priser and others, representing the Federal Furnace league, will speak oa the merits of the warm air f'rmace at this popular meeting, and ar- chltect. bulldera, eon tractors and property Wans Hss4tsllty far TCesaesk. Wemea aooompanylng the delegates will be bosplveUy entertained by the wives ot j Omaha members. The Omaha reoeption committee for tbe women is composed of Mesdames John H. Hussle. E. A. Clark, f J. F. vTlUiama. M. I. Hussie, J. B. Orewn. 1 sad the members will meet every morning ; at 10 o'clock tt tbe Hotel Roiue. On the Vet ef "convention bo teases" are j Mesdsmes Alexander Munroe, F. Neabit, ; L. C." Tfcraiie. H. K. Oieelmg, H. Kunde, Newcomer in Omaha x A. FREEMAN. OF BENNETT'S A. Freen-ian, Maaager Bennett MilU i.ery. tteweumer In Omalia. author of miuiy original snil'-lnery tnaovailena. has proaeuared Omaha a euoces from his standpoint. Mr. Freeman It waa whs undertook te guarantee deli cate wllluw plumes and other luer. cnandise ef a perishable character. Hs "put ever" ths plaa for a combina tion f ten big stores ta buy Taw " stuck through i.lm and la new ea-' gaged tn using this Immense purchas ing power for the benefit ef Beaaett tuyere. Mr. Freemaa haa gene te New Terk la order tt at be may mora thoroughly carry out hia desire aad txreasinn. "atatiafaeUtMi te say rua lur.Krs. satlsfactiuci to me , jeie Obri 11 . ' . ?v II ! Ill i . . II rtn 1 II . : ' II ! 11 '1 Oai Jc.r.Mav rif ITanier M. 1 luimw Ki. U ajca-ssa. Cia.-las itjrt land, t hai e Cwaiaa I Kajav av Gandde, .M-ra .X. '. rir-r A--a aaj M-a lieaaoik Feature of tbe awrtaleinwit ptaaaed Uy tbe lm al -o.-ra rarloAe a tmUfj rd ut tbe Mtay :v ,w tiuK. Manda Jig; aa aatbtareaag reae Tuae- ocy aftrrmKa wAJi Niiwlowta a; Hilr ireat. tbe h a.' umm Ml.l ; aar aad daaua at the FVaM craa Waar4ar ewa aug; outing ac Sa-e t'kaiaday ar irrooaa;, ana attcrdteea ai the a nasi I Lianqum la tie rttjxs,: ru.t te Ia.!sx( art gmJJrry ?r.iy utarrocn. railoTci b a fare a all reeiJoa at tbe Jtosie. wtiea re L'iiimet ui will ke aarvwd. Nebraskans Enter Boston in Triumph' Boosters Sail In witi Chixnet aid At tract ilich i-tiejition tt Eab The Nebraska delecatioa ef Ad mea ' tbe oanveatioa at Boataa attracted mock attentioa at Ua Bub of the frjverse. The members sal.ked farlh with chlnrao on. and bederaed with Ak-9ar-tSa oolora A Boa ton paper annum -a the triumphant entry of the Nebraska contingent, as follows: One of tbe birre.t and moirt eleabtira ely gotten up deleaauons to arrive ia town tor . the oonvenuun was that from .ebrai-ka. i which came in on a special train at the ortk station, nnder the leadership of 8. H. McKnlvey, tbe pubiisher of tha Ne braska Farmer. The deleral.on numbered seventy-five advertising men. te say noth ing ef the many pretty Nebraska women ana rnrls w ne aoootuiiamed it- Each man carried what is called the "Ak-i-er-Bfn" umtirvlla, made in red. rreen and yellow sextar.ta and ad wore white bate and band el the same colors. At the North station they fonned in hne nd marched brave;v to the lienor., tbe ladi of the tarty taking autos aad earn an the i case h&t'pe.nej to be. j The deif:a.tion left Omaha last T-wJay, oomn le BortTi by war of ".'hxacu. Ie- : iroit. Buffulo. MontreHl a:.d the M. Lav- renoe. a jecisl train ifcTjlng tbem Uirougn witbuut change. At jvuniata miie where the party slf'pped off or Stu-day. a near cs'iarr.ltV hefell the happv de.ecntifm. The Llnpoln Fat Man. otherwise knuvn tn hi frieno ! a ! tkiukuji. tipping t ie scal at WiU. J ventured fi-rth to the euuo ol the- whirl- I iml on ih ?iKer r" er The rocks were siir.j.HTy ana slanted eorrMwhat and the first thing the party knew Mr. Poukur- Flidirc ri lair Into tbe rhaim. Readv band graeped hi collar and he wa brought to safety lust a his left lee was solng over the brink. The names of his rescuers were not lortnoomtre. air. Soukup luuipdi wia uwi care to laia. AGED MAN MAINTAINS HE HAS A SOUND MIND la an Answer lie Says that Be le Able te Take Care ( Bis Owra Bstaieeaa. P-obert Pape txiwer of South Omaha, thou uaughter aaked for the appoint put ot a g-uardiaa tor him m the county court several weeks ago. alleging that be was mentally incompetent to care for aa estate ia Illinois valued at close to tOKl.OOO, filed ' an answer to. the charges Saturday morn ing. Lower aSmlta that b is 87 years old. and that he has had several surgical opera tions performed lately, but that he is fully advised as to his buoitieas affairs. Further more, he says that be has conveyed away most of hi estate in Illinois, which con sists in chief of ST acres of land in Tonrell county. Mrs. Caroline Homan of Grand Island. Neb.. Bled the petition for guardianship. T-JV-er living with Mrs. Onks Ihnen, another daughter, at North Twenty- seventh street. Oouth Omaha. . He ftk-d his answer In person and presented a surpris ingly hearty appearance for one of bis age. Closing Ills answer, Lwer reproaches Mrs. Homan for oet baring visited him oftener and comments at the strangeness ef bar concern tor his financial welfare. RICHARDSON IS UNDER ARREST Blair Beree Trader Waaite. e tharsra . - . ef IkMtUi ravdeeter Cam twred ta UsaakMk BLAIR. Ktk, Aug- 6. (Special Tele gram.) Sherman Richardson, aa old-time burse trader, whose home Is In. Omaha, wanted here for the shooting of Con ductor Pounds of the Northwestern rail way about two tBonlba ago, was ar rested by Omaha police and brought hers Friday afternoon by Sheriff Moncka. Tbe shooting of Pounds, whils 1 not serious, was ths result of a scrap brought on by 3 Insulting remark that Pounds U alleged to have made to his brake. man In the hearing of Richardson's son. 1 wha was arrestad at tbe time of tbe shoot ing, but let off with a light f me and la new apposed to be on the reservation near rValthlU. Fount aad bis crew will be here the first of next week and Richardson WiU be given nl preliminary trial. Srrlow I.acera tl4a and wounds are healed without danger of blood poisoning by Bucklea's Arnica Salve, the healing wonder. IKe, For sals by Beatoa Drug Oo. FOR CDUfcTY TREASURER. W. G. URE r-n rr p!:!.T(mr'f', mi i,-"-rrr,p-,irT ."'rTr-'-iJ i J 'trw!'4-r,7 v H a ; l. r lb V!r. Bosaell was for Bine years, a member cf tha Btato Board of Atrfrulture, aad aexrod 4 ) ears u Ua treasurer; also two yeara oa the Board of Ma-adrera. A clean record of four years as Treasurer of WahiEj-u)n County axd ttree veare aa Asalataxt CaaLler ef taa CiU aeai Slate Bax.k of liiair. SCIlLiflLLEU ! H fc3 r$i FoV HE3 li 'FDAIKl, SAfl -t our n i aV5 l!i la ra T' n Itoxts Itii 3 Dnjx EaJ sgad T I VJ Lj fci U K?tJ II U . JUST PAY SJ Ijnnirt Unornr (MorKUr) 11.- -a, -ea. I and eoBtioaiax far 3 DAlo, I I rin ei si ULU r v . t ! I J 14 U HI BH I 111 S JW" pr-c j i rj i I VI 0.O O Sa - I I 1 kiV-s. Vllllll X jT . . II I t I" IW. Cart Adm. P j j if " S-r':S a. t wd rEATTX fxa mt rarxa, If 1 ( PIANO CO. ill - . on a S T rUilnac t 1 i i t , y a-tantnacoirers iinoai ana uouii wujwj U FARWAH STREET, OrlAHA, NED. JJ e-- 11 1 i i mil.. i mi i 1 1 1 1 !-- mimlmammmtmmmmmminumm,mmmmmHKmi0r ifrl iWIat Fred Hoye Did in the III k&SzsssZM f ' ' r-, - - - e 1, flinsjsaisir PUiUtLaUrai " ' ' - J - - ' ' U Ptcl Etvsa, Zili Q St, t;ati Ogahl U - . - T ' J. - f lit f Blb law " U " I i I I t - 'ML - J I t :v-.f. J- '.' I v . i i . r . -r ' . - - 1 VOTE III All WMUS FOB Dn. II. A. FOSTER School Board! -n. I favor tbe use of gefaoul buildings for I -- ,r-' I favor tbe use of gefaoul buildings for Imptwtsatnt dab nteHiaca. CHARLES E. FOSTER POLICE JUDGE Candidat for Nomination on Republican Ticket Primaries Aug, 15, 1911 Grkfiukte Uulrargitj- of . N- brastt. a practldiiK attoriiey, and forinerly Deputy County "Attorney Douclat County.' VOTE FOR HIM E. Z. Russell Candidate for the Eep.b lican nomination for State Railway Commissioner. A native of Nebraska, and tarenty thre rears engaged in farming, is . a part of tbe record E. Z. Bn&fceH, whot-e likeness it printed bereTritli, Las to offer. & MUELLER'S i - ifir ' ill ,-.!. ; ,' - J 0 .. t trtecslon of tha contract with tte Qua . . tcr iirttit liebta at fSO and taaiated oa a reduction to t '.'; secured a reduction tn the coat of electric ttguta from f 114. SO to f 14.10 and later to 175.00 per year per lamp, alln a rcr- alty of l on the company'a cross receipt to the city. Secured a hearinx tor prominent cititens and property owners at contcre&cea to fix tax leriea despite fierce opposition ot other cou&cllmen. Aselsted tbe OMAHA REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE In their ftm oaa atrngrle to raise tha taxes of the Public Service Corporntlone and fourM with the exchange In the council chamber which resulted In ralalng the value of the public service corporation' property to the aarae basis aa that of other citizens for purposes of taxation. InauiTiratod reforms In tha method of pasting pavtpg- ordinances which pretested taxes for such lmproremeiiU heing attach&d acd In validated. Advocated the collection and disposal of rarbage and waste by tha city. Saved the tax-payers larce sums annually and ; secured better work by helping- to establish tha city asphalt rt-pair plant. Waa instrumental in having rentals amounting to several thou sands of dollars annually collected from partiea who held leases en abandoned streets and alleys and other ground belonging to tha city. Mad a a rigorous light for proper paving specificationa which lnaured the city good paving at competitive prices, Voted to force tha Gaa comptny to reduce the price of gas to all consumers and was la tha thick cf tha fight to prevent the extension of tha contract with tha Gaa company for street lights at 42k a year. Supported the ordlnanc preventing tte snaking of contracts be tween tha City aad public utility corporations, except by special or dinance. Supported tha ordinance to regulate i. price of telephones and after a lively fight forced a reduction of 1 a month tu tha rental of residence phones.' Waged tha fight ta require public service corporations to re pair aad replace all pavementa damaged by tha companies la their operations. Voted for universal Transfers. - Voted for the ordinance requiring tha Etreet Railway ta aell at half ratea school children tickets. Voted for ordinance requiring Street Railway to aell six street car tickets for 11 cents and 15 tickets for f I DO. Uote tor Hoye for She. if ( 2 nzr I iTT