Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 06, 1911, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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    TnE OMAHA StTNTUY BEE: AT70T7ST 6r 1911:
paaa eaasaweaiBBBBflaaBaBBaBBaaBBBBBBaHiiaaaBBBBBBBaBisBaissssassssssssssssaBissBBBaBB I
l iMiirnviu'a i
I ;
Two Nebraska
German Societies to
Meet at Grand Island
Convention of German-American Alii
tnce to Be Folowed by Two Con
cert! of Snengrrbund.
GRAND ISLAND. .Sb, Aug. 5.-HP-clal.)
The various rommiures of the local
0firna- America n alliance and ut the
Uelerkran society, tlie latter brine the
local member of the Nebraska ftaenser
bund. have the preparations for the annual
convention of the Nebraska alliance on
Auaruet U ami 13 well In hand. The alli
ance convention will deal with the matters
political and aoclal affecting; German liber
ties, the teaching of Grrmnn. the privilege
of maintaining German schools and Ger
man In the public arhoola. etc., while the
Kaenicerbund will have a It main purpose
the biennial aortal gathering In which the
societies join In Oerman song, the united
choruses being under the direction of Th.
Hud. Reese of Omaha. A women's chorus
of fifty of Omaha will also be In atten
dance. ' The united male choruses will num
ber over 300 voices.
Under the auspices of the Saengerbund
concerts will be given Saturday evening.
August 11, and Sunday afternoon, August
IX, at !: o'clock.
The programs follow:
Eaturdar Evening August IS I O'Oock.
Address of president of the
bund, Mr.
AJtx-rt v. a, Heyde.
Address of welcome. Mayor Cbarles O.
Overture festival
Tbe Shepherd's Song of Sunday. .Kreuiser
United Male Chorus.
Grand aria. Op. Ir Frelschuets
..... C. M. v. Weber
Soprano solo, Mrs. Wagner-Thomas.
Jtoee of the Wood Fischer
United Male Chorus of Omaha, with
: tenor solo by Mr. Ferdinand
' Letimann.
Wals Rondo: The Spirit of Gladness..
Omaha Ladles' Chorus.
Longing for Home .Helm
United Male Chorus
Part IL
Overture Martha .... Flotow
March Op. : Tanah abuser .Wagner
Omaha Mixed Chorae.
The Two Grenadiers Relatnger
Baritone solo. Mr. Carl Gloe.
Trio Bella Saratoga Albert!
Mrs. Warner-Thomas, Mr. Leo
mann. Mr. Peter Laux.
Soldiers" Chorus Op-: Faust Gounod
Omaha United Male Chorus.
Wals Marie Werner Waldmann
Soprano solo. Mrs. A. Icken.
Th German's Word and 8ong......Wansel
United Male Chorus.
Sunday, August 132:30 p. m.
Part L
fa) March
(b) Overture Light Cavalry ...Suppe
The Home of the Loved Ones (popular
United Male Chorus.
Luetsow's Change C. M. T. Weber
Lincoln Germ aula Society.
Johannlslled E. Koellner
Orpheus Society, Omaha.
Gavotte Glow Worm Links
Soprano solo. Mrs. Icken, and
Omaha Ladles' Chorus.
.Welcome. Lovely May ......Carl
United Male Chorus.
Part II.
Overture Poet and Peasant.... .Suppe
A Legend of the Rhein Th. Reese
Omaha Mixed Chorus.
Lob des Ungarwelna.. ..Xange
Barttena solo. Mr. Carl Gloe.
Der Elnsiedler an die Nacht. ........ JCarn
Hastings Male Chenn.
Farewell of the Day Victor von N easier
Solo, Mr. Peter Laux and Omaha,
Concert Walts: Parla Ardltl
Soprano solo, Mrs. Wacner-Thomaa
March Wanderlust Peuachet
. United Male Chorus.
Jasnee If evaaree aae Mia Ia Terse L.
Oraalu Mauri Friday Ceav.
iaug Coeatr Hetee,
WEST POINT, Neb, Auc IA. very
pretty wedding took place yesterday at th
farm bom of Mr. and Mis, W. T. Omsk
In St. Charles township, th oontraotlsc
i parties being their daughter. Lav era X,
' Mid Jam MoravM. Th oevemony was
J performed by Rev. O. H. Bamktn, pastor
of th Evangelical Association church at
West Point. Th groom 1 farmer Urine
' bear Niobrara, Iweb, where th couple will
'in future reside.
Marriage license bar beea Issued dnr
I Ing the week to William C Wilson and
.Mis May M. Lusch of Lincoln, Leonard
S Kempt and Mis Katie Millar of this
a county, ruiey iiavan ana suss iu
i Perslnger of Fremont and to Jama Mora
i veo of Niobrara and Mis laverns Grunk
i of Custilng county. Th marriage of Mr.
; Haven and Mis Perslnger was solemnised
by County Judge Dewaid at his offlo In
Wst Point
News, haa reached th ciiy of th daath
at Pender of C. H. Hartwlg. a former well
known resident and business man ot West
Point.. Mr. Hartwlg was 71 years ot age
and leave a widow and five children. Th
cause of death was a paralyUo stroke.
Tbe excavation for th new auditorium
building at West Point haa been completed
and tbe masons 'will shortly commence the
Miss Augusta Wlesel. daughter of John
wieae a weu anowa vuaung county
tanner, died last week of consumption. Be
was 23 years of age. Th funeral services
were conducted by Rev. J. Baahford, pastor
of th Congregational church.
The livery and auto firm ot Clausen t
Weandea has been dissolved and business
will be continued hereafter by William
The instructors at th fort booming teach
ers' Institute at West Point are Prof. 8.
M. Moss of Wiener, grammar, arithmetlo
and history; Prof. F. M. Gregg of Peru,
school hygiene and pedagogy; Prof. O. R.
Bown of West Point, read ng, orthography.
physics; Prof. Keese Solqjnou, Norfolk,
vocal and instrumental music.
Ft ret Prlso la Prat. Usurtta's Heaalag
Coateet Was Wa ty Mis
Grace Bheclu
ST. PAUL, Neb.. Aug, a, (Special) The
thirty-thii4 annual session ot tbe Howard
County Teachers' Institute closed Friday
afternoon after a matt profitable wk of
work. Th total enrollment was 110, and
the teacher war faithful la attendance
and application to work. Th instructors
war Prof. F. M. Gregg ot Peru Normal,
Prof. O. W. Neal of Kearney Normal:
Miss Minnie Nwmaa of Lincoln aad Prof.
B. H. Martin of this city. Lecture were
delivered during th course by Prof. H. P.
Caraon. x-8tal Superintendent Fowler,
aad Wednesday evening Richard I Met
calfe of 1 Jnooln lectured on "Politic aad
Politician." Yesterday evening th teacher
war entertained by Kutfec Knox of Uni
versity Place, th reader and Impersonator.
Th reading eon last conducted by Pro!
Martin elicited a great deal of Interest.
rirt prise was won by Mia Orao Bab
. ... u abd th second by Mias Klai Caddis.
lnUtute was under th personal dl
rakUoa U 4 L Vagi. ouity auperlBUnd
nt at f UhUa InairucUO
Nebraska Woman Who
Mrs. 11 A. Russell of Ord, Neb.,
was one of the first persons In the
United States to become convinced
that the nations of the world, each
with Ita separate languages, should
have one languaare In common by
which to tarry on their International
. And so she began the study of Es
peranto, the universal language In
vented by Prof. Zamenhoff of War
saw, Poland, twenty-five years ago,
even before text books and readers
In the language arrived In this coun
try, sending for them to London.
When she had mastered Esperanto.
Mrs. Russell started a club for the
study of the language In Ord, and
from that sprang up many clubs
throughout the state, one of the
most enthusiastic of which Is the
Omaha Esperanto society, of which
her daughter, Mrs. W. B. Howard,
has been secretary since Its begin
ning three years ago. N
Mrs. Russell, who Is a New Eng
land Yankee hailing from New
Hampshire, has as many languages
at the end of her tongue as she has
fingers for she knows ten different
languages her native English, the
Latin and French, which she studied In her school days, and German, Welsh,
Swedish, Danish, Spanish, Esperanto, and another universal language, Adam
man. Mrs. RusseH Is also an active club woman, belnng secretary of the Ord
Daughters of the American Revolution and ex-president of the Woman's club.
Mrs. Russell is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Howard, and is looking: forward
to th picnic which tbe Esperantos are going to hold in Hansoom park August 18.
Track Washed Out
Between Holbrook
and Cambridge
Train Service Over Burlington from
Hasting! Slocked From Six to
Sine Inches of Bain,
LINCOLN. Neb., Aug. S. Special Tele
gram.) Train service on th Burlington
between Hasting and McCook is prac
tically blocked as a result of many rains
in that section of th state. All east bound
trains Into, this city are from eight to
twelve hours lata. Between Holbrook and
Cambridge 1000 feet of track is reported
washed out and similar reports are com
ing in from the Burlington's line between
Oxford and Superior. While facts as to
the amount of rain which fell in western
Nebraska and th Republican valley ere
not ascertainable on account of the wire
being down. It is known that between six
and nine inches have fallen in th last
twenty-four hour in that section. Rock
Island trains, which have been detoured
via th Union Pacific to Denver since
Wednesday night's rain will be sent over
th Burlington aa soon as th main line
west from this city Is again in operation.
Reports from northwestern territory show
that between on and on and a half
inches of rain tell last night alone ita line
from Llnwood to Harvard.
Oa f Most Imposing; Strwetwre) Ob
I tavts STmlr Grastut th
- Reus TaX,'.'.r - -
(Tram a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Aug. . (Special.) The grand
stand at th state fair grounds, over which
there was much discussion and considerable
hanging out at the close of th last session
of th legislature because of th reticence
of th house to allow a (100,000 appropria
tion therefor, is no wnearing completion.
Th amount' finally appropriated by th
stat tor th structure was 115,000, th bal
ance of th cost of th stand coming out
of th pockets of th Stat Fair associa
tion. Th new grandstand is on ot th most
imposing structures on th fair grounds
and was spoken ot by on man who saw
It tor the first trm a being a big aa ail
out-of-doors." It will aost when completed
(3,009 and will seat almost as many people
aad to as good advantage as th Iowa,
grandstand, which cost 111X000. Four tons
of nails war used la its construction. It
to 411 feet Ions. SO feet wide and win seat
comfortably 1400 people. Th roof is forty
six feet above th ground. Th tram is of
steel, while th roof and superstructure
are of wood.
A. A XeKjBa leo'Ce-easa Parlor Is
Robbed Tre NUthts la
GOTHENBURG, Neb.. Aug. I Three
nights recently A. A. McKlm's Ice cream
parlor has been entered and cigars, candles,
etc., stolen. Th last tlm Mr. McKlm
spent th night at hi store to watch and
when toward morning th door was un
locked and a man entered, leaving a sec
ond man Just outside, Mr. McKlm fired
four shots at th burglars, . but missed
them. They mad their escape without
being identified by Mr. McKlm.
Mr. M-. Delahunty of Lexington, mother
of F. M. Delahunty of Gothenburg, died
Sunday at her home. Burial was in th
Catholic cemetery. Sh was on of th
pioneer residents of this county.
Mlas Myrtle Marshall of Gothenburg and
Hugh Northrup of Lincoln were married
at Kearney at the Methodist Episcopal par
sonage by Rev. Mr. Balna. They went to
Lincoln, where they will visit for a time.
Attorney Roinlgn haa filed papers against
Mrs. Millie Eh men and Mrs. Helen Smith,
th object of which Is to take from the
former her 7-year-old son and from the
latter her 11-year-old daughter on the
ground that they were not being reared
under proper influences. Th Judge has not
passed upon the matter yet, but Is holding
th cases under advisement until he learns
th facts more fully.
Aaaaal Caralval Will Be Held
. Seeoad Wooat la Oetoaew lastead
of la Aasj-ast.
HASTINGS. Neb., Aug. To th ETntor
of The Bee: Tour Issue under date of to
day, contains a notice to the effect that
the central Nebraska fall festival iCJ b
held August t to 14.
This Is erroneous Information as the
date tentatively decided upon are October
I to Tt, and for th benefit of your hun
dreds of readers la Nebraska, th Chamber
of Commerce would greatly appreciate It
If you would mak this correction in your
Thanking you la advance for th an
ticipated eourtesy of your eompllano with
this request, I am. on behalf f our board
of directors, respectfully yours.
C A. D1SBROW, Secretary.
York Baeka Heat (aaetaaeaa,
YORK. Neb., Aug. fc (Special.) Lsat
evening at th Chautauqua there was al
most 6G pledge signed to take ticket to
th amount of ever SUttO t start th Chau
tauqua at 111
Ten Languages
- - ; h v- .
v , " .- i '
I i 7
Girl Killed by Storm
Near Ogallala
Alioe Fulton, Six Tears Old, Has Skull
Crushed by Flying Board Hol
lingsworth Home Burned.
OOALLALA. Neb.. Aug. 6. (Special.)
During a windstorm Wednesday afternoon
several accidents occurred in this vicinity
and one person was killed, Littl Alice
Fulton, years old, was struck on th bead
with a flying board and th skull fractured,
resulting in her death at 1 o'clock Thurs
day morning.
Th two-story farm dwelling of Carl Hol
Kngsworth, six miles north of here, was
struck by lightning and burned. Mrs. Hol
Ungsworth and the baby were th only ones
at home. Th house and contents we
totally destroyed. Insurance SL800.
At McGath, fourteen miles west of her.
th wind picked up a small shack in which
th Union Pacific bridge gang had taken
refuge from the storm. Th shack was
carried across the track and over a high
bank Into th river. John Hogan was badly
cut and lacerated about the head and face
and was brought here to Dr. Likens, who
dressed his wounds, but the doctor say
with good care Mr. Hogan ought to recover.
Two other men were slightly injured.
Manker's Body to
Be Buried at Red Oak
Family of Former Banker Arranges
to Hare Corpse Taken to Old
Home for Interment.
LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 6. (Special Tele
gram.) The body of Carey Al Manker, the
Pearl. 111., banker, who killed himself at
Ban Francisco following his confession
made as to past financial Irregularities,
will be taken to Red Oak. Ia., for burial,
according to Mrs. Manker, who gave that
information out this morning. Red Oak
was a former home of the Mankers. The
date for th shipment of th body from
California has not been definitely set. A
siBter of th dead man la in San Fran
cisco at the present tlm and will look
after the details from that end.
Oomsnlssloaers Vote to Re-pair TTsai
aged Stractarea aad Orator
Five Hew Oaea.
BEATRICE, Neb., Aug. i-( Special.) At
a meeting of th county board yesterday
steps were taken to rebuild and repair th
bridges damaged in Gag county by th
recent flood. When th contract for build
ing bridge was lex to the Standard Bridge
company of Omaha It was voted to hire aa
inspector, but this was don away with
yesterday. Five new concrete bridge war
ordered constructed In certain section of
th county. Th board adjourned to Au
gust 22.
L B. Shlnn of Lincoln died her yester
day la Fall's sanitarium, where he had
been receiving treatment. He was) a na
tive of Illinois and thirty years ago lo
cated in Pawnee county. Eleven years ago
he moved to Lincoln. He wa S year of
age and leave a widow aad two son W.
C Shinn of Lincoln and El J. Shlnn of
Healthy Stomach
a necessity
If you would enjoy Ufa. It Is even
more. It I the key to health and
access. It you allow It to go back
on you. you may as well throw up the
sponge. But there Is no need of doing
that. Keep your stomach and entire
system In perfect condition by the reg
ular use of
Duffy's Pore Malt Whiskey
It stimulates th flow of th aaltva
for th digestion of th starchy food
and aloo stimulates th output and flow
of th gastric Juice for th digestion of
.other foods. In this way and by it In
fluence, th rood I properly digested, th
nourishing porttMi of It ia rightly as
similated and la absorbed Into th blood
to be distributed to every organ of th
body for nourish meet and repair.
2uf fys Pur Malt Walakey Is the only
whiskey that was taxed by t Oooera
saaat aa a snedinlas dadag th paalaa
AU druggists, grocer aad dealers, or
direct, ti t) 4 a larg bottle. Refuse sub
stitutes and imitations.
The Softy Malt Walakey O ,
M. T.
Beatrice. The body was taken to Lincoln
yesterday afternoon for Interment.
M. V. Nichols, a wealthy resident of this
place, yesterday paid a fine of fl and costs
in justice court for driving his touring car
without Its being equipped with a number
according to th state law.
Rvldesre Attains! r. P. fooley of
Wymore Is Snfficleat
In IIolil nia.
WTMORE, Neb., Aup. S. Special. V-The
charge of kidnaping aralnst C. F. Pooley
was dismissed yesterday when the case
was called for trial In Judge Crawford's
court. County Attorney McQIrr recom
mended that action because of insufficient
evidence. There Is also much doubt that
Dooley Is the riKht msn or thM a crime
hail been committed. Last Monday a man
thouKht to be IVwley took the -year-old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martm Shl-
merdla nto his bugiry and drove off with
her. Women who saw the act tried to
stop Pooley and falling told Mr. 8himerdla
that his daughter had been kidnaped. A
party started In pursuit, but failed to find
Pooley. Tbe little girl showed up about
an hour later crying, and was unable to
tell what had happened.
Pooley was arrested the next day at
Liberty near where he live. H was
brought her and arraigned, pleaded not
guilty and released under S500 bond. He
ray that he did not take th girl riding,
but that hl brother might have. The
little girl says that th man sh rod with
took her a few blocks and let her out
near th stores up town and gave her four
pennies to buy gum with. Sh was not
Asks Secretaries of Board of Health
to Tara All Meae-y Iato State
fFrora a Staff O tenondent)
LINCOLN. Aug. 6. (Special.) Following
th pace set by other departments to
hasten In under the provisions of th
Gerde accounting law enacted at the late
session ot the stat legislature. Bute
Superintendent J. W. Crabtre. as secre
tary exofflclo of th State Board of Health,
baa requestedoth board of secretaries of
th Stat Board of Health to turn all cash
coming Into their possession Into th state
treasury within thirty days of Its receipt,
all expenses to be paid therefrom by
voucher through the offlo of th gov
ernor chief clerk. Lou Flerenbaum, the
latter construction on of Superintendent
Crabtre' own.
Th new act has lately been complied
with by th different departments whloh
formerly handled their own cash and which
after paying bills turned the balance over
to the stat treasury, after retaining such
amounts aa It needed to supply a working
fund for th current month.
Will Tear Moaatala la Aatos.
AN 8 LET. Neb.. Aug. t (Special.) Mr.
and Mr. C. C. Cooper and daughter, Emma
Laura, and Emma Sharpless. Ansley's
automobile tourist, left her Friday morn
ing in their touring car, fully equipped
with a hunting, fishing and camping out
fit for a month's outing in th mountains
around Denver and Colorado Springs and
The Baggageman is not interested in the make of
your trunk all the more reason yon should be. Check
your trunk through, confident that it can't be smashed.
But it takes a strongly built, stoutly bound trunk to with
stand the hard usage it will have to bear on the way there.
We carry the trunks we know xrill travel well. Visit
our basement and we will show them to you.
This is the only place in town where you can buy
Mendel Wardrobe Trunks. like .bore illustration. A favorite ot the
traveling public. Tou hang- your clothes In a Wardrobe
Prices - $30 to 9110
Mendel Duplex Trunks, combination wardrobe and tray trunk two
styles.- Prices $22 $37
Mendel Convertible Steamer Trunk, either ladies' or gents', contains
hat box, tray and plenty of bangers two styles
Prices $22 to $37
Matting- cane, reed, fibre and genuine leather suit cases. Prices
up from $2.00
Matting, fibre, cane and genuine leather traveling bags. Prices
at . . . $1.50 to $54
House, Office
Corner 16U aad
7 rr
For Home Consumers
Daag. 119; lnd.A-2119
I'Jm. J. Doekhoff
Retail Dealer.
OIll.o, 803 8. 7th St
fr . m .js- jar --?aw
other Blacks of interest- If th snow Isn t
too deep they expect to drlv their car to
th top of Pike's Peak. Two year ago this
summer they spent three months touring
through fifteen of the eastern state and
part of Canada In the same car. Dr. and
Mrs. Toung of this place will accompany
them on their Colorado trip In their car.
Pemberton Will
Case is Decided
Judge Say Decides that Adopted Son
is Not Entitled to Tract Willed
to Mrs. Pemberton's Nephew.
BLAIR, Neb.. Aug. 6. (Special.) A short
session of the district court was held her
on Thursday afternoon for th hearing of
a few cases In equity, and the rendering
of a decision by Judge Day, in the Pember
ton will case, which has created more
than general Interest In this county and
may yet be carried to the supreme court.
The sitting of four district Judges on th
bench at th same time Is without presi
dent in this county. Judge Troup, who
has th assignment to this part of the
district, was accompanied by Judg Day
for th above will case and Judges Ken
nedy and Redlck. who were Invited to th
bench through Courtis y. In 183, before the
law of adoption in Nebraska were In ef
fect, the lat Attorney John T. Redlck of
Omaha, drew up a contract for George C
Pemberton, a will to doETw.hcr ddw rt dd
Pemberton, a well-to-do farmer, living near
Arlington, In which he agreed with the
mother of a small boy to adopt the child
and make him his heir.
The Pembertons had no children and the
boy, known as Thrad Pemberton, grew to
manhood, and went west tor several years,
returning, upon th death of hi adopted
father, who left no will and claimed the
stat under th contract making him th
hair. Th estate consisted of to) acre of
valuable land and considerable money,
held by Pembertoj and his wife. Mrs.
Pemberton, also owned forty acres of land
and a residence property in her own nam
In Arlington. At her death, ah willed to
a nephew, a son of her brother, th forty
acres of land held in her nam. Th prop
erty in Arlington sh gave to Thad Pember
ton. Mrs. Pemberton' brother, Mr. Swert. Is
almost blind and a cripple, so bad as to
be almost helpless of every moderat
means, owning a small trult ftnn in Michi
gan. Mr. Swort. the brother, who one
lived In Arlington, was present with his
son, a small boy, who Inherited the forty
acres. At court last spring, when Thad
Pemberton entered suit to contest th boy's
title to the land. A great deal of sym
pathy was created her and in Arlington
for the boy and his father in their hard
fight for the small part of the estate left
to them. Judg Day decided In favor of
the boy and his father. The claiming of
this small portion of the estate by Pem
berton. who had received so much. Is
generally denounced. A feature of the sea
ion ot court on Friday was th sitting of
Judg Redlck on the bench hearing a de
cision rendered, in which wa involved a
contract written by his father forty-eight
years ago. ,
Th Key to th Situation Be Want Ads.
and Hotel Furnisher,
Peat equipped dental offVeo la tbe anlddle west. Rgaeet
grade dentistry at reesoaaeie nrtoea. fr-ereeiala fUllass, Jul
lxae tae toot. All tnetm sneata earefally sterilised after oaea
Farmaoi En oof,
Omaha. Kafe,
(Hinders Free
Calf at 20th and Cantor 8ta.
Omaha Gas Co., Omaha
Vf. G. URB
tae JUlre Steak Grew era.
ut Price
at the Family Druggists
We bare at different times awsamed various "Nom de riumes" and
Synonyms that we believed were appropriate to our firm or Its business ac
coutrement. In this our competitors have sometimes facetiously assisted us.
No title, however. Is more truely suggestive ot our facilities for doing busi
ness than that of Family Druggists. In our drug stores may be found at all
times the TEXS OF THOl SANDS of srtlcles the public expects to find In the
modern and up-to-date drug store. We seldom disappoint eitber In matter of
having tbe desired Item, and also a satisfactory prloe togetber with a prompt
and efficient service.
Shoulder Brices
We sell several
brands of Shoulder
Braces and have
an expert fitter.
$1 to $3
rtiAPeul0 roa
Standard Drug Store Uoods at Cut Price.
Rexall Shsvlng Lotion SSo and 4o
40 kinds Malt Extract, t for BSo
l. I I). Kraenia Cur 8o and 8o
Kezall Orderlies 10O, SSe aad SOa
Horsford s Add Phosphat e and 89o
Dole's Pineapple Juice ....loo, loo, Sso, SOo
Robertson's Grape Juice, 1 gallon ooi. . . 7bo
11.00 Plnkham's Compound Be
Fellows' Syr. Hypophos SB and $1.34
Rexall Beef. Iron and Wine S4
Roses' Lime Juice .., ,..& and SOo
Johnson's Floor Wax. - lb Oo
Ruby Floor Oil. 1 qt. Oo Vi gel. TSo
26o 4711 White Rose Soap 15
10 or 11 kinds of Tooth Powder and waeh,
I for
BOc Florida Water for 6
Household Ammonia Be and lOe
Violet Ammonia 16 and SSe
Olycothvmolli.o SSe, 4Ao and So
Red Ceilar Flake for Moths, pkg ISo
10c Dasget A Kartell's cold cream S4o
Cooper's Remedies 45 and S9o
Eagle Condensed Milk 19
"Zemo" Ecietna Cure 89o
Vlnol, the great tonic, always Bl.OO
"Til" for tender feet So
T.lslerlne (genuine) , lOo, SSo, 45o, 89
Borden's Malted Milk 40 aad 7 So
P. D. TV Ecicma Cur 89o
Hay's Hair Health .5o aad 89o
75c and $1.00 qualities - 39c
Write Lur catalogue If you do not live in Omaha. Phone us if you live in Omaha.
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Cor. 16th & Dodge
OWL DRUG CO., Corner 16th and Harney.
HARVARD PHARMAOV, Corner 24th and Farnam.
LOYAL PHARMACY, 207-0 North 16th Street.
In a class
As an office building, there is
not another in the city which
will compare in the solidity and
beauty of construction with
Everything has been and is being done to
make this fine building thoroughly comfortable
for tenants who office here. New elevators with
the most modern equipment have been installed,
greatly facilitating the transit of hundreds of passengers
daily. The magnificent court and lobby have been altered
and redecorated, as well as the corridors throughout the
building. It has been the aim of the management to keep a
high class of tenants in the building and to do that it
necessarily follows that the accomodations must be the
best. "
If you are looking for a permanent office, we invite you , j
to pay us a visit and see for yourself the advantages we
"We list a few offices va
cant at the "present time:
ROOM 640 A very attractive space on the sixth floor, facing Seven- .
teentn; having in connection a commodious vault which affords :
space for stationery, valuable papers, etc. This room rents at, -per
month . .$18.00 ,
ROOM 548 Was especially designed as a suite desirable for lawyers. 1
There are three rooms of good sire, having solid tile partitions -between
all tbe apartments. Tbe suite is in the southeast corner,
of the building, looking out on Farnam and Seventeenth streets; 1
is conveniently located to tbe elevators and all the court rooms j
of Douglas county, affording every convenience, Per month, AO.OO ;
ROOM 44a Directly opposite the new Court House facing Farnam .
street. Our front offices are much in demand on account of the
prominent location. This room is 13x19 ft feet in size,' and is !
subdivided "with frame and glass partition, giving two offices In )
one. Rental price, per month ,$30.00 ,
ROOM 820 Is a choice corner office having a north and west expos
ure making this space attractive at any season of tbe year on ac
count of good light and ventilation. We will arrange this, space,
19x20, suitable for tenant, and there being a vault In the room
it affords extra protection for valuables. Rental, per month f 40.00
The Bcc Building Company
Bee Business Office.
laud inFonr.iATion bureau
Thinking about buying land? Want to know the
soil and climate best suited tor certain farming?
Our Land Bureau gives free information about
soil, climate, conditions In all parts of the country.
We have gathered data and can tell you what
you desire to learn.
Write the Land Information Bureau, The
Twentieth Century Fanner, Omaha, Neb., today
and your Questions will get prompt attention.
Drug. Salle
Extra Specials for
4 cakes Ivory Soap for . . .... ,.15
3 cakes Wool Soap for ......... lOt
1 lb. Mule Team Borax ........?
16c Peroxide for -...7
Eagle Condensed Milk 14
26c Bar-Keeper's Friend Polish. 1S
Doxen $1.50
Special sale this week,
60c size at ...........
All Sanltol 2Sc Items we sell t An
tor Av
Hires' Root Beer Extract 1.1c
enough to make 6 gallon . .
by itself
17th and Farnam Sts;