aeewV 1 "m ! I ! ? 4 V ji 1 OFFERED FOR RENT twres asd Off leewc.,s,tlne4, eTT" r"nm ''"'i' for alnrs Anchor retire Co, N. 17th e.t. Capitol A.. Ho, I,. al k for barter shop. , ;:,., Ln, w front.. J7TT7 N. Xih Webster 1257. OFFER EL t u i SALE re. -r,n"RNn7lE "f four-room apartment r. t . L A ins tic: f hone Ioug. 6.i . ilng. SINGER drop hi ad sewing machine food as nw, 1)0. -U.ei furniture cheap' rn Oumiiijt. r HEATING PloTf. three-quarter bed And porch chair. 4il Chicago fcft BUT u L C Smith A Bros trprwr'tw B F. PwansoB Co, Duttributere, ' l&n F-r-MO Bt- FOX tnTltr. 5s4 Brandei Bldg" TTPKW RIT.ERK. Ha weather price Remington, fa Smith Premier S. Oliver, S3, Undrr wood, t0. U C. huiltb, S4t; Monarch, MO-Jrwett- Chicago, S; Densmore, til' Fes, SIS- Large cluck to se.ect trotn. puii guarantee B. F. tWANiluN Co lij t ' trwa Bt, City. RENT an Oliver typewriter trom the Oliver Typewriter Ce. Tel. Dougias 281. SMITH PREMIER model. No. or g 4 In excellent condition, rented three months for fiv dollar. 6M2TH PREMIER TTPK WRITER CO lftb and DouglaA ' Mirtwil lutrueiu, FTXE uprlgTit piano, good condition. rwa sonabie. leaving ciu. lei. Iniugiaa 6617, MUerIUra. SAFES Overstocked with second-bans ales All aiaee and makes; bargains Anter- i "'"i11 , ami i amain et. FOR tALB-Nf and seohd-hi.nd bil liard and pool tables We lead the world ta cheep bar fixtures Lasv puvmen'a Brunswick-Balks-Cot lender. 407 So. lma SIX-FOOT bookkeeper desk, oak -in-Ish, for sals at Slu.lK,. Apply Geora K VriKbt. bes I'ublikuinc Co. CH1CAOO Vpbnletenn Mattree We Bell ina.ttraHea retail, wholesale prima, pern. turn, repaira, kd hand furniture bought And aold; niattreeera and Bjirinca niade vex. lnd. r-l4t. iidl K. Bt, Bo. Omaha. NOTICE TH1& Onod Pietrlrh upright piano. FT; Emerson upright pieJio. rosewood case, fine condiuon. flZi listop e-octave nrpan, handsoitie wamut cae, your owa price. 4th flour old boston Store Bld. Kew and aeoond-hAod aufea HOC FVrnem. KTsDLLNG OOD w (2.B0. fielivered to ajiy port of city Wooden' box aoid I'akAire Co. Webster FOR RALE A rood orran. In fine condi tion; Also a rood Iron bed. sprlnps and mat tress; will sell Call at SJU No. Uttb Ave., or phone Vv e Imt t:r Seta. OXLA. V AVJO mf.rBd te any j.i,.rt of city 3. Wooden Box and Page Co. Wrh. fc.Ki. I'RJMO vacuum loe cream frersera. 425 Paxton. GOOD BICYCAjgSSgjff Ijeonard loe boxes. Wiemer, 24 & Faraam. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson. Wfi-t Brudeia Theater Bide KAtheryn Nikolas. C34-S Brandels Theater. PATENTS II. o. BAKNFH J 4, Pax ton BIk. Tel. Red-7117. WILiLARD EIDT, Solicitor. 330 City Nat L Bank. Tyler lZXi; lnd. A-1B64. H. A. FTTRGES. patent lawyer, MS Braa dels Theater. Phone loug. Sets. PERSONAL IIBCHA.NO THERAIT massace treat ment. rhrumatiMn. Lir. Margaret IlAi lorun. Neville Blk. I). 7!uL Open af t-r t lir. Burke. Chronic Ulneaiie. Omaha. Neb. 4 C AfiV Bth, aalt glow aromaik) JM - tTOvJ u treatment, same. Allen ut Chlcaco. 1K &. 17U St, first fiour. L). ?bail. KTI fPnn treatments. Mrs Eteele. ex. D I J IVi X W optr t'r lt7 . 17th, 2 fl llAdsAUE cwedish movement: not hint better lor rheumatism. Laudiea, tl. petit le men. S1.M. Apt. X Fartiam. lout .HiL V OLTNG WOMEN coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Toung Women s C'.nriKtian assoi union building m Seventeenth Ht. and Ft Mary's Ave., where Chey- will be directed to suitable boarding piKoM or otherwise asHisted. Look tur our travelers' aid at the I n) on station. PRVGS At cut prices, freight paid on tlO Order , catAlogue tree. Sherman it Alc Connell In-ug Co, Omaha. Neb. $25.00 BEWAKD The above reward will be paid by the sheriff of Cheyenne county for the arrest And detention of Henry Haadley ho left hi home near ralton Neh.. Julr 6 sjid was last beard of from Kearney, Neb., where he sent a letter to his wile. Prom tone of letter it Is evident that he has become mentally unuaianoed and his wit Wants him detainsd. He is a smail man, blue eyes, blind in one eye, weight about VS pounds. 4i years old ; wore hen last seen, brown pants with belt, new green shoes. Wire any Information, collect, te J. W. IdcXJAiuel, Sbei.II. fcidney. Neb. K & CO! A CiV TREATMENT. Mrs Steele. 1 1(17 6. 17th. 'Ml floor, room b. JAME4 CORK ELECTRIC COWPANT moved to M K into fct 1'ouglas iill. STK1CTLT private confinement home We find homes for babies where mothers are not able to care fur them. lk Daven port, 7 HE SALVATION ARMY so'.lcits eust off clothing. It' Ifcct anythlti; you do not reed. W e colk -rt. reiuar and m-II. at 1H4 N lith St., I'T cost of collection, to tbt worthy pool Cull 'phone Douglas 41S and wagons wil I. H1NIKH3 TABLETS will build, braes trengthen. ur 1. ELL T'hl'G CO. t 4;VF,TTTetIn,,- E Brott. TU' RS-IiAT FlOOD REMEDY. Glsddlah Phamiacy, Lth and Dodge. MASSAGE Swedish movements, excellent for rbninisticm, nervous and kindred nil men Is: treat n.ents C M. lrs. I. Prible tot and Harriet L Joy. Suit 4m Ware Blk, k at Uth St. Tel. Douglas raL MA&.SAG&, Kittenhouae. tUk Old Botoa Bid MRS SNYDER. Swedish masFiigs. bsttis rarlistor snd vibrator treatTTit.t r e lunaany. Flat L loth and Pierce. D. 43HU WTE RENT And repAlr all kindu of sew lng machines lnd. A-1KS: I'ouglas luGI NEBRASKA CYCLE CO, lith and Harney Sts. ADELIC5HT hair food hair Mine. Prayer, MegeAth StA Co, itth and Pamam. HFRW Is bealth no rcMter hat vour wmplaint. Ne Crura Omaha Oxy-pathsr Co, but Brandeis Bldg. Writs for tree hook.. PRINTIN3 Lew W. Raber, Printer nJ,. BUS BLPO. ENTRANCE ON CoL'stl. PHC.NE IND. A-K for good printing LAiigstad Pnating Ce, 16 til A Capitol Ave. JtlLB-HALL Ptg OB, lUk ft. 141A. ld- A-Asi REMEMBER at Lakes But a few suwkea f the ps Is stats taat yoa saw the "a." as Taw adveruswr wauta ts kua REAL ESTATE A Bf TRACT OF TITLE. MTT'LAVD Sum. Trust Co.. 1T54 Tar H. H. Neale. Jn-es.; 3. CAmj.bell. ewr. D SJ rrrra jessen. jr. Co. tm. rv.u. nr. FRANK J. NOETCN. 36 So. 17th. B-e Building Thrr r a Kcaf'Ti ' "l itilTilmlae your tttle trrul.lea." Ioth Jhonr. BEL KTATK DEALER. EEr Afsmun CO oiO-st abstract off 1 1 to Nebraska. JHrendeia Theater. t lLDCRI' KrORMlTIOX. FTMOVRfiN NORET. furnace And tin work Iouplaa J4. '"ARI. C THMPEX. rwrnpnt roctracltrr; id-a;k. 11c and lie tnb Hat COT. C1TT PROPER TT POR BALR Benson SATURDAY, AUGUST 5 Rome of the greatest bargains ever of fered In Benson. 1 have eient some time In getting tnpether some of the best bargains In res.dence prop erty ever offered In Benson. Look over thin list and If there Is any of theite prop erties that lnterewt you come out and see them. W e can prove to you that we are offering these at a lower Interest than many of the bouees that are being offered for sale. Rave enough on jour Interest to pay your taxes and water. Remember these bargAlns will not last long. Remember. Saturday. Aug-nat a. WHAT IX) TOTJ THINK OP THIS? Nine-room modem house, one block from oar and two from school. SXK down and 120 a month. Prioe. tl.WO. Five rooms, modern except heat, located on one of the best streets In Benson, a block and a hnlf from rsr arid two from school, tliflii down and t'T.M a month. Four rooms, two blocks from car and MoreR. This property has bath room with out fixture beautiful end attractive. 1M down and IIS a month Four rooms, close In and first payment and TToTiihly payment to suit purchaser. I'rlce. tl fcMi. One of the most letitTTtful and attractive homes In Benson. Bunralow ef fect Seven rooms and mnflrn. jsoo down and Cll.fiO a month. Price. 12.WI0. Five rooms end modern except heat, lot lx41. colonnade opening, large bedroomK and floored attic. cash and terms to sutt on balance. MEET ME AT TITTLE'S FT-RNITTRE STORE. Residence Phone Benson ETT. Office Benson 4IS. B. F. KISTLER, We Have For Sale Residence Lots Within WalkingDistance The choicest residence lota in tbe city todfcy, located within waiting dis tance and still In the choice residence district, just one-half block from the highest-priced property in Omaha, near school and churches, close to three car lines; there is water, gas, ewer and permanent walks. We would like very much to show these lots to anyone, as we know the prices will be interesting both as investment and home site. Call us up. Doug las S362. Gallagher & Nelson HO Brandeis Bldg., Omaha, Neb. Five Rooms, New, Attractive Walking Distance Let us show us a real cottare home; one that is built properly and attractlvelv throughout, having oak flninb In living rooms, colonnade opening. high grade plumbing and lighting fixtures, fine attic and cemented basement, first-claas fur nace: in fact, a model home m every renoect. Nice south front lot. In a fine new addition of attractive home. every occu pant a home owner. Onlv If. to 20 minutes walk down town, which means a saving of a good many dollars every year, while our prioe for Uu cottag-e is less than "ilmitar proierties beyond the walking distance limit. Into down and balance on monthly payments will buy it. Scott & Hill Iiougla SKIS. SOT McCague Bldg. 5 Bed Rooms A great many ieople want a home with S bedrooma. To suit these people we have a fine v-room modem iiouae at li3a S. 2:th. 1 .biock east -of Hanw m Park. Houae 1 in one of the best locations in the city. Pine east front lot. Just H block from car. Close to good church and school. Price only STj.&M). If interested call at b.-uae or phone SELBY 4. Board of Trade Bldg. D. 1510. Will Build Warehouse We have a quarter of a block in the wholesale district with R R. spur to It. w in puna tor a good tenant. Harrison & Morton Kit Omaha Nafl Bank Bidg. d. a. New 6-Room Modern Fine nome, good location, 111 North iiih. Lot 41xir.7. Only I2,:00. W. H. Gates, (44 New Omaha National Bank Bids. 'Phone Ikoug. 12 4. $7,800 for a Residence Worth not leas tlian SiO.fiuO. near SOlh And Pacific; 100-foot frontage; plenty of shade and larga barn. A large, biautlful home. T aland A Wiley. Sit Bee Bidg. I "bone Doug S707; lnd. A-4TT7. Rock Bottom Price The Dr. Davidson borne. 133 R ta Ave, which has oust him nearly Saeae J am auuionsed to sell for the next few davs fur SaJBA This oeriainly Is a big sarn fioe .v me rooma sinctly modem, oaA finish, sa-toot lot. pear park. Terms: Ouly about one-third down, and in kialanoe motithlv like rent lmni tall tu look inie tins propoait ion fur it is a snan. t'TANLUT P BoS'l v 1CK. Tylar lwa ITS Cur Nai 1 Laiik Bids. REAL ESTATE riTT PROPER TT POR AL1 (Continued.) Here's Your Chance Good Homes Cut Price Must Be Sold This Week 2015 Grand Avenue This fine home, only three years old. must be sold and soid quickly. Is a full, two-story sauare house, splendidly planned and well bui't has full basement, ce mented, good heat ng plant and plumbing, t-creened porch and screens for Ail win dows and doors. All walia nloely decor ated. Beautiful lawn and terraoe. sodded yard, oeniant walks, pared street, newer, water, gas and electric light; lot fell feet. The outside has lust had two ooats of paint. It As mooem and complete la every way. P.eoeotion hall with pjen stair way and colonnade opening; good parior. dining room, kitchen pantrv and rear entry cm first floor, three bedrooms And bath on second floor. This house couldn t posslWr be dnplicwted for less than li.frK) The owner Is asking $r..W. and will make easy terms to re sponsible pAT-ty. It is in a splendid IocaUos ana Is worth looking Into. Norris & Martin 400 Bee Building. Douglas C70. LOTS WAIaKLXG DISTANCE ' $50 CASH, $15 PEE MO. PRICE $S00. In Bhull's addition on 4th. th. JBth and ?7th, Poptileton to Woolworth. Best val ues in (iitiuik Every lot has city water, sewer, gas and cement sidewalks. (mly li. minutes' walk from down town. Many fine modem home" now being built by purchaser of thee lots. HASTING & HEyDETN. HH4 Harney St. S ROOMS WEST FARXAM All modem, good condition, good oorner and well locaied; mortgage of K.Wiu. 6 per cent; want ll.Oiiu for equity. This la your chance if you want a good deal. Glover Realty Syndicate, Douglas StiS. e&EO CASH BALANCE ON PAYMENTS New 6-room cottage, parlor, dining room, kitchen, two bedroom and bath, furnace, laundry, sink and full cemented cellar, nice lot, south front- Near 2Kth and Man derson. Prioe, C.SS0 for quick sale. BIRKETT & TEBBENS, 43 Bee Bldg. Phones Douglas 4T&4. Independent A-T7M I BEAUTIFUL, FIELD CLUB HOME The most desirable heme 'in the Field club district, eight rooms and finished attic, modem in every re spect; lot 0x1 2 0; parage. Price in teresting. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 490 Brandeis Bldg. Douglas 3SS2. MAKE offer lot S. block 6, Syndicate Hill add. to OmahA M. Hall, 1H1U D St, San liepo, Cal. LOTS IX FIELD CLUB DISTRICT. For sale Lots west of Hare com park In Field club district Tel. 'j mis. Imper ial Investment Co, Pullman Building. ivAKGAlN k-room. mod. home, V14 K. IM. FOR SALE A bargain, a new (-room cottage on monthly payments. Phone Webster 141. See That Cotttage Among the Trees at 1509 Sherwood Ave. walking distance, new, 6 rooms, completely modern, oak finish, porcelain plumbing, art lighting' fix tures; best of everything. Lasy price, easy terms ARMSTRONG-WALSH CO., Tyler 136. 30 South 17th St. 6-ROOM house, nice big barn and three lots ail fenced, cheap. S712 Pratt fit. 'I'ti one Webster turn 3S19 CHARLES ST. $3,750 This R-room modem home, well built, nloely flniahed. full lot, paving paid, nice shade, is prioed ripht. Investigate. Glover Realty Syndicate, Douglas Sta. SIX-ROOM modem cottare. 18(11 Fort. SUSHi; k.i cash, balance SC ier month. SMITH INVESTMENT CO, Real Estate. Stocks. Bunda 40 Brandeis Theatre. NEW 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, $2,650 Located on Maple street between 18th Ave. and th, half block from car line, house No. 21& Maple St. Rooms all good Else and well arranged: 40-ft. itt: bouse has first -class plumbing throughout; ce ment sidewalk In front and around house. Terms, SJ6u cash, balance about the same as rent. HASTINGS HETDEX. 1B14 Harney St. Dundee" Vacant lot, has i.ewer, water, pas, cement walks. Cme block to car. Price STaO. Owner, Address J-W. Bee. S2&0 CASH. $25 per mo. for 5-room cot tage, modem, but heat full lot. near Hanacom park. Price f- 400. Look this up. P. O. NEILS EN A CO.. 70S Omaha National Bank. Phone D. 2J0t. BIG REDUCTION SIX-ROOM house, large bam. moe yard. 2CI Parker. Inquire Douglas TT26. FOR SALE cheap. 6-room cottage and S large lots. Owner, 2TL North 3isi St. REAL ESTATE FARM AKD MAACM LAAD PUR SALE. Araasaaa BEST fruit ana snersJ farming lands toi price In L. i &arcy c. Vik oeud tor booaiet ahowmg au to I if. u hd iwt town. VS. M. llenaun. Leaue. Ail.-- S.ouw A. L'MMl'HuVti' ti.t-ti. urnuer iaoid. much line timber 0:1 lanu , b to j ml ,11,111 L ureas e,priiiga. fine tui tru.t tatiJi and general faimitia. SChi. topecial Paiga.B 111 unproved farms. ia to SAi. W M. JLNK1NS A CO, Eureka springs. Ala l.buu ACRES rich bottom land, six miles from Newara, tin per acre, terms. Pine orange grow a. i lunua r oi iy aciea, S7.aua Other bargauiA A. A. Henaeisun, Newark, Art ansae COTTON plantation. 4ikt acres, elegant 10-room dwelling, plenty lenai.t houaee, oud liam and outuuiiditiga, rich, black 10am; will grow bae cotioii or 7a buaueia cum par acre; woven wire lenoa, 2U acres cuiUvatiL-n. 200 merchantable timbej-; tiard wood, healthful location. 4 miles trom good town; good puihtKirhoud, near sciiool and church, price SA1.0HO. i-eaaouabie terma Address Johnston A Wellis. care Southern 1 rust Co, Lime Roca. Ark. BEST IN AMERICA FOR PRICE. All classes of umber, farm and fruit lands in Arkansas. Louisiana aud Mississippi, trom Si, to LS per acre. W n J. D. i.ey auioa, Ce mocn, Ark, r , SMOOTH, I'm ml. railway station; iuu lenoed.. 40 cult.; small house; two wells; two pubac road; fc,"i- Vniun Isana A Trust Co, feeal Eat. lepc aeaxcy. Ark. btST trult and general farming lands for price in V. A, etearcy Co., Ara. band lor booklet showing S5 ts S15 land near town. H. M. Uenaun. Leelia. Ara OZARK LAND CO.. Gravatta. Ara. Stock ranoliea, fruit farms, berry field a. smail traits insiaTlment piaa; town prup erty - Business houaea W rile ua TRACTS of land la the corn and al falfa district ot Iieiia land; black sou. good s iiuoa, lands will double in value In three ears : now rant trims St ts ST per aura W nts us what yoa want P. C Hol.T.tVTJ. Pus Butt. A, k REAL ESTATE FARM AKD RA9f Cat LARD POR SALE Arkassu CwatlawedL 10. ml. eut. lOMi cult, IV black alfalfa or clover land; fair Imp ; good neighbor hood, ft' Wu. ft ml. trom town of l.a. near P. O. and school, nearly all smooth up land; cult., bal. timber, B clcvei . I al falfa bearing orchard, fenced bog tight; extra good 4r. residenoe, store, lodge bldg., new bam. dark red sandy loam: good oommunlty; delightful location; abundance good water; tLXKi, subject IS e-yaar toan k'. terms easy. WILLIAM GIL.MORE. Marshali Ark. Oaaaalaw HI ACRE, close to town. "Bjncatrhewwsj, ITti acres in wheat; SIP acre; third cash, balance to suit. W'rte for terms, US Brodie St, Port Williams. Ont, Can I OWN a sectioa of good wheat land situated less than two miies from growing town in Saskatchewan. Will sell lor LK pej era Address, M. J. Carrothera, P. O. Bog 177. Winnipeg. Manitoba. FARM lands In the Canadian west, towa lot In railroad divisional points, property in Walroua. tbe Caristiati of America. Write W. M- UAJbralth. W atroua, k wan. GOLDEN wheat lands for aaia Im proved and unimproved prairie farms, any stse. AUerta. Saskatchewan. Woodhead coy. Watroua Bask, Can REAL ESTATE I have a large fist of lands in tbe Gooee and Eagle laae district, no better Is CanadA H P. Leech. Ruas town. 6ask. CANADIAN lands. Office tMt S. rth. CaUiaraU. PTXEfeT Irrigated trurt and dairy land in Califortila; very cheap. SO- 1M Bidg. Cal wra slew MkVACRE best Irrigated farm, Colorado, finely Improved; new 1 ft-room dwelling, barn; potato cellar holds 10 carloads; Ml acres of sheet, bO acres alfalfa; ne waste land, every foot under old water right; have another farm, oan't work both; 40 miles north of. Ienver. 40 miles south of Greeley. C. A. Gregory. . Mara Bid, Ienver. Colo. Raca County, Colo, 10,000 ACRES CHOICE UNIMPROVED LAND IN THB Artesian Belt of Southeastern Colorado The land is level, black soil from I to I feet; Artesian water la found at 250 to MO feet. Albert E King, Rooms M0-16 First Nat. Bank Bldg, Denver, Colo. NORTH EASTERN Colorado wheat lands, tZl.bO to U6 per acre A few improved farms. CD to t& Write J. B. Bernhardt. Sterling. Colo. Finest Idaho Horse Ranch 440 acres best farming land: Improved; in center of vast free range; $14.0UU. For terms and particulars aadreBS owner, B. C. Bertleson. F.mmert. Idaho. CHOICE DEEDED LANDS. WITH PRI VATE WATER RIGHTS. IS SNAKE RIVER VAL LEY, IDAHO. Slock ranch, SiV acres, adjoining open range; good buildings, fences and bearing orchard, 6f, per acre, worth JKio. Slock ranch, 240 acres; water for all vear, $55. Other bargains in stock and fruit lands, relinquifilimenis and locations. For full information address P. O. Box No. 131 Glenns Perry. Idaho lewaw THE easiest way to find a buyer for your farm is to Insert a small want ad In the Dei Moines Capital. Largest circula tion In the state of Iowa 43. (H dally. The Caapltal 1 read by and believed Is by tbe standpatters of Iowa, who simply refuse to (emiit any other patwr in their homes. Rates 1 cent a word a day; II. 2, per line Ier month; count six ordinary words to the Una Address Des Moines Capital, Des Moines, ia KO ACRES, all tillable; five-room house, bam. separator houee. windmill. tank; other suitable outbuildings. Five miles to town. J72. Small caah payment. Balance i l-r cent. W. L. Carrlco, Missouri Valley, la Sa ACRES and 171 acres of southern Iowa and. improved, well located, good soil, rip tit price, fur sale or trade; S7.UUU equity in brick store building, a first class in come property fur sale or trade, quick, on land merchandise or automobilea Address Box L Diagonal, la. ISO ACRES, Cams county, Iowa, farm im proved and well located; prioe, Si per acre; my equity is S16.WIU. Want southern Minnesota or Dakota land, clear. No in flated prices considered. One 10 horse power portable gahollne engine for what have you Address C. W. McCaustland, Cass county, Dorah. la 130-ACRE improved farm, 7 miles from Mason City, 2 miles from small town, STB an acre; easy terms and splendid bargain; lS4-acre unimproved farm If miles from Maaon City, ii mile from two other tonus, only S40 an acre. We have the best bar gains in northern Towa. Come and see ua MASON CITT REALTY CO, MasoD City, la POR SALE OR TRADE My equity In 14 section of raw land. 2 miles of Sorer.ta, 7 miles Kit Carson ijid in lei Wild fclors. Cheyenne Co, Colo.; on L'. P. Ry.; says good; shallow water district; 1 mils to river; alfalfa grown successfully wearpy . Price S2t jir acre, encumbrance Sl,2u0, op tional at C per cent, due May IS, 1,4 Will trade the equity, tl.kbu, lor reaidenoe of equal value. 1 aiso have secuon Joining this w hlcb ir clear, to trade lor tows proi erty. Same price. W ould carry baca Sl,kua on this at t ier cent. W aiior U. Buy a, Neanon, la." FOR SALE Splendid farms, well Im proved, raiigli g in price from SaO to SDO per acre. Tins 1a choice Iowa land, in well im proved cummunuies. mar town and achooia jiiere oi no mure teruie or beau tlx ill prt of the State I liaA ljat.,ula noiimv U 1. tor panic ulara T. , n""tit Sibiey, ia. JUNE SNAPS, WINNEBAGO CO. Act quick, options expire July 1 and prices advance u 10 S10 an acre on that uate. u acres, unimprov ed, at ST.l an acre, hu acits. unimproved, at S.o an acre, liie acres, uuimiirot ed. al i-lt an acra -no acres, unimproved, at HK an acra. MO acioa, improved, at a5 an acre. S. a a." BL PFALO ILX ILK, 1A. Pop. s ALE By owner. SS0 acres Improved land, mostly in crop to corn, w heat and oaia. an tenet u and in good iarming com munity; omy lot1 niiiea northwest ol omaha and where crop are always good; term to suit purchaser; price fk it taken soon; also 40 acre improved at $: ltki acres in crop now ; terma to please man wits small capital that wants to own a noma Lock Box 201. Manning, la S6- ACRES. PuLK CO, Siou. I'm good townj land all 1a good; all in rum vat ,on and tame grant; 7-room bouse, cehar; bam. JMxiiO; crlba. rood well, fine orchard and grove, V miie to school. This la a f,ne home. If sold this mouih will take wo i-er a-re. S F. FR1CK LAND CO, a Clapp Blk, lea Moines. la. SNAP IN IOWA FARMS Only $75.00 Per Acre kX acres, email improvements family or chard i acres w acres corn, bai auoe timber pasture, all smooth land, ex cellent sou, 1 miie trom railroad station, at miles from Omaha Would eucauAer a kl.aua house, some caan and balance terma ts suli Old age os uses me ts sail tm larm. H S7S. Bee.. fiw ACRES four miles trom Port Col ons, Cois. wail Unproved. Irrigated land, all under cultivation, prioe, : ''i. S20 acres in Guthrie county , la., 4 tnliea fruat town, land lays good, wail lmiiroveA, oioss to school; Suu acres under cultivation, balanos pasture, prtoa. ftUft per Bore, guod terma at acres tn Madison county. la, well im proved: Bnaas trom town; land lays good, prkoa, S-li par sore: good terms. A, C stCOTT, Casey, La REAL ESTATE FARM AKD RACH 1 D POR ALB (Con tin sad . Slam. ISO-ACRE improved farm In Lyon Co.. Kan ; 4 mile from town. nine from Lniporla county seat,, smooth land. a. I under crop except acre set to haj . good -room bouee, ham arid ouibuildincs.. fine grcve and orchard. M per acre, anil carry Si.WW at a er cent For funher lt fornistion sddrees Ioctor, Box 60, R. R, X. Madison, Kan. 1 HAVE land from tl, to S12. per acre. I a: say have tbe bargain at the lowest price; write or come and see me and 1 assure courteous treatment; also the beet of references. L. L. Webster, Wellington, Kan. Lew to lam. VERNON panh. La ; tbe land ot nun- shine, soil, climate, markets, water, heath. good pnoes, cbeap; write Leeevllle Real Estate and Improvement Co. C M. Mi 1 ax land, becj , Leesvlua La LOUISIANA farm and timber lands; good tor truck, com, cattle, etc on ac count ot cotton I "est. cbespest lands om market. Hall. Elder A Beucit. Monroe ixiuleiana. FCiR 6ALE fii KHi acre wet lands. Terre bonne Parish. La. Can be reclaimed at f-om Slf to 12(i per sere Fine truck, corn and fruit land. Reclaimed lands now sell ing at Sioo per acre. Will sell this tract now for quick turn st 4 Jer acre: liberal terms. E P. Brady. Mar.heca Bldg, New Orleana La FINE farm borne, 820 acres. S mile from good town; biack loam soli. All fenced, large frame dwelling. bam. granary, machine sheds, etc., ltM acre in field. 40 acres timber, be.ano clover and timothy and meadow. Ideal dairy farm. Lli per acre; one-third cash, balance easy terma M, 1. Koib, Fosston. Mum. FARM. SNAP r acre level prairie land, 200 Id crop, balance pasture and meadow ; good buildings, fib acre. Morhart & Atchisun, Mankato, Minn. FOR SALE 1H0 acres of good new hard wheal land near Walhana. Pembina county. North Dakota Fur particulars ad dres owner. A. Lucassc 2J7 1 bird Ave., N, MinneaiKilia Minn. SEND for a list of our fine Improved southern Minnesota land; we have hun dred oi pieaeed customers. C. E Brown Land Co, offices Madeila and New Rich land, Minn. A SNAP: must be quick; jno-acre Im proved farm in Murray county. Minnesota; has first class buildings, fences, splendid grove, orchard, two mile from town. W rit vohn Hoiden, Jr., Garvin, Minn. LANDS No. u60. 100 acres. 78 miles Twin Cmea. good tillable soli, state map mailed with 45-page book tor (0 oenta Hobart Land Co., Phenix Bidg, Minneapolis. Minn. EXCHANGE 020 acres excellent timber land, located near railroad, with ready sale tor timber for ties, lumber and fence posts: good larm land; northern Minnesota; will exchange tor farm lands, improved or wild, or will take Income property; some Incumbrance and will assume on improved land or Income property. HENRY RISES. MORA. MINN. SN.0K0 equity In good quarter in southern Minnesota; quarters 2 miles from pood town, having house 20x30. new bam SinG, with gable root, small granary and fence. Want machine, stock of dry goods. Price, tsu ter acre. BuhJ. A. Cone, Window, Minn. I HAVE a farm ot E30 acre Z miles from good town. SO miles from Mlnneapolia 100 acres under cultivation; About SO acres meadow, balance timber; can all be opened up; rich soil, good house, bam and other buildings. Prioe S3i par acre. Aiao S0-acrs farm two mile from good town; 40 acres under plow, li acres timlier, good rich soil, 5-roora house, twu barns And other out buildingh, windmill, fine natural grove, or chard just commencing to bear. Prioe, Si.fcUO, easy terma Write owner. Charles K. Swanson, F.Ik River. Minn. IBS ACRES. 15 mile from St. Paul. S miles trom Roaemont; all tenoed: black loam sull; 50 acres caltlvaied. bstanoe pasture anu black oak timber; only tub per acts fur immediate sale; half cash. Uu-acre improved farm, 16 miles trom EL Paul. 1 mile trom Rich Valley station: j Hogm house, windmill, large bam and 'Other buildings, all in good condition; blank loam soli, clay subsoil; always been culti vated by owner; 1H0 acres under plow, 7 acres fruit trees, mostly apples, balance 'good timber land. Special prioe and terma I W. F. A R. W. Montr. Pioneer Press Bids, j St. Paul. Minn. ATTENTION, HOMESEEKERS. If you are thinking of immigrating west this yAT, write us for descriptive liter ature ot our lands in Minnesota. North Dakota and Montana. We can suit you no matter what you want and where you want It, and can sell you anywhere from 4o acres to 1 m. William E. Gibbons, Lock Box a. Cormorant. Minn XliHirL MISSOURI FARMS None better en earth; highly improved 1Kb acres; raise anything, SHO. enher decided bargaina Write us. Gilliam Realty Co, Gilliam. Mo.- FOR SALE fii, farms, large and small, between Mississippi and Miasouri rivers, average S& per acre. Write tor big price imt. William Crews. Wright City, Mo. STOP! Don't go a step farther than Douglas county, down in the beautiful Oxaika, raise anything: com su to tin bush els per acre, e.l other crop in proportion: cheapest good land on earth. $5 to St0 per acre. Free information. Broas Real Lstaie Co, Ava. Mo. FOR SALE Finest farm in Leavenworth county. Broad d us farm of lnO acrea. 1S nuica from Fort Leavenworth. STj.OiIO brick residence. 500 4i year-old walnuts lt sugar maple trees, natural gas two telephones, free delivery. ! nine from Santa re sta tion; examine premise and write Mrs. J. L Kirby, 111 Felix St- Si. Joseph. Mo. MISSOURI farm. SbO acres: 6-room bouae. bam: lUO acres wheat. 200 acres com; level, black dirt: S mile railroad. Soi acre. Chaa E. Huckstep P.ealty Co, Eisoerry. Mo. HO-ACRE farm, all cultivated: fine bouse, barn, fences, first-class condition; fine spring water; I miles from town, 7 miles from railroad Southeast Missouri Immi gration Co, Piedmont, Mo. Meats ma. WHOLESALE TRACTS IX MONTANA, the conung farm stale, SI2.&0 to SJ0 per acre. Write tor deecr.ption. Shaw A Clark Land Co, Hackney Bidg, Bl. Paul, Minn. FOR SALE Bitter Root Valley. SJb acres fine fruit land; old water right. Peal sec uon of iht valley; fine proposiuon for sub Oj vision; fair buildings; eaty in nit Ad orsha owner. L. O. Lewis, bitvensvllla Mont. 220-ACRE homestead relinquishment for sale; also one hotel, one bakery; one gen eral store; one aaioun; one leeu store, ao CJesa Charles F. Brown. OaiaiA. Munu THE GREAT JUDITH BASIN. Montana, will beat any grain country in raising grains and grasses. It has a Delightful climate. W e are selling our lands on the easy pay ment plan. Get up a colony. Secure our maiis and tacts. W m. H. Brown A Co, i N. La Salie St, Chlcagu, or Hubaou. Mont. BUY AT kTEGATE. MONT. There an honest opportunity fur you to I1 BLE YOCR MONEY in a few year by buying our Musselshell valley lands at KYLGATE, Mu.".T. other are bit; money why nut you? 20,ow acres sold since lKuk and over i.luo acres since Febru ary. 17i,tiO0 acres to choose from at SiO to S20 per acre. One-third down, balance In five equal annual nisiallmeht at a per oent INVESTIGATE AT ONCE Low fares on 1st and kd Tuesuaya Illustrated 1 older tree. Send for 1L Live local agents wanted in Iowa Lib eral eommiasimis to hustlera Agency ap iilacanotis solicited. W'rile us tooav. W HE-ELOCK A WHEELLK. K, Land Ow-nera Room D. Watkin Bldg, Fargo, N. D. ne FINE S40-acre ranch, 12 miles from town, S quarters lain hay. naianuc wud nay and pasture. uw acres level, balance sughtiy roiling, heavy biack soil, two flowing weia, t-room bouaa. barn, granary and chicken bouse; uuephoae; hi xuli to Kkwi. Tma is an aaeepuunaily fine rancn ans a snap. W u sell on easy terma tseorgs E. Ooiiins. swxasr, Atk iiiann. Kan. ISO ACRES to Chase county. Nebraska; 12 allies south of Eli; If lakes suua will take S!7.av as acre; this Is a good quarter section and can all be farmed ; will tak a good Ml or im automubu oa the seal and carry the lis imi A. Garaana. CnArn REAL ESTATE FARM ASD R4CH L A D P SALE rkraika Ceetlaaec. This Week QUARTER SECTION XT LAND FARM, an exceedingly good one fir the money within leaf than thirty miles of South Omaha, and within two mil of small town in good section of Can county, Nebraska. There are ninety acres under cultivation, balance good pasture and wooded land Tbe improvement are mod'-st. but the g-eier share of the land lav well; in fact fire, and soli i good The crop will how for themaeives. iTioe R per acre well worth S1, 7iW cash. tL.SM' more Ma-cb 1. balance b j ear at only per cent Good for gen eral farming or stock raiding purpose A farm you need not 1 ashamed of Nice stream in pasture If you need something well worth whiie then act at once a it s lU not be with u long We bve an extra large list of farms, but a few barpatiiR ORIN S. MERRILL COMTANT, 12i-12l4 City Nat 1 Bank Bldg Farms Farms Farms W have a very large numler to pick from, all Blsea, from 40 acre to 1.000 acres, near Omaha, and all prices. A lew extra bargain a hich will not last long Come on and tell u your wiKhrs and let u show y ou the good. ORIN S. MERRILL CO.. Rooms inS-1214 City National Bank Bldg 1.100-ACR-E larm T mile southeast Las sen, Rock county. Nebraska. 21' acres In com this year, large acreage in timothy and clover, good set of Improvements Price. SHi-oti per sere; one-third cash, bal ance easy term? at f per cent. CARL TENNIS. 220 F L. T. Bldg, Sioux City, la I WANT to sell I of best eighties cf land In Nebraska Will take modern car cf 40 bores power In part payment. 14. F. fochliier. Norfolk, Nebraska FOR SALE Fine Otoe county farm; fair lmprowments; level land, at S70o per acre. Address Box 12S. I 'avid City. Neb. 640 ACRES Improved, deeded; a store do ing good business. fHl.ttuc: half cash Walker & Co, Brandeal Theater Blag, OmahA. NKLfON. 511 Bee Bargain in farm Xert h Dakota, ONE of the r.ncst laxms in Richland county, consisting of 265 acre of good, productive land. Joining Wyndmera Fine large buildings, lots of fruit, nice grove and never-tailing flowing well. Price LOT.hO (kit acre and easy term Martin Paulson Land Co, Wyndmera, North Da kota. FOR SALE An exceptionally fine lit). 2 miles of elpvstor, six miles of Wyndmere; good, heavy, black eolL Wild Rice river through pasture. Fine new bullduign. well of excellent water, windmill, etc.; 135 per acre. This 1 a snap. Lock Bux 11. Wyndmere, North Dakota. Oklatv FOR SALE Or trade, 1HR acres In Story county; all In cultivation; owner has moved away and must sell. Address Wlllsrd John. Muskogee. OKI. Ore grew. 16P acres 8 miles from town: new. mod em house, bam. tenement: Sat jmdbt prunes, tearlng ; 1,500 young trees, l.owo grupe vine; good water; wood. Or will sell 80 acre with ail improvements. Investigation so licited. C. H. Webster The Dalles. Or. INVESTORS' OPPORTUNITY Washing ton. Fine body land; close Portland. Lewi river valley. Bargain price Write for information qulcklv. MacDuffee A Wild, 3038 Belmont Portland, Ore Bests Carolina, LANDS Ton per acre made growing Bgs for iireserve on the Islands. Orchards on easy monthly payments. Sea Island Or chard Company, Charleston. 6. C SVawth Daawta. SOUTH DAKOTA LAND POR SALE. W e have a list of Edmunds countv land for sale at from (IV and up per acre, if interested write us for particular and w-e will send our prices and pocket map. If you own land in South Dakota, list it with us. Our motto is "A Square Deal to Buyer and Seller." Give us a chance to prove our statement. Hasvold Land Co, Mine. Edmunds county, South Dakota. WILL exchange choice farm land near Pierre, the capital of South Dakota, for good Iowa or Nebraska land. What have you to offer West Land Co, Pierre. S V. 400-ACRE corn farm nirt fmm ci.n. Falls excellent improvements, large grovel anu iriin; an m cultivation: prioe tor quick sale, tub; eary terms; also S40 well Im proved, easy terms, and ISO acres unim proved These are barpains for quick sale R. A. Hllviua owner, Sioux Fall. S. D. 180 ACRES IN DEUEL CO, S D. Close to the Minnesota line; heavy black soli; clay subsoil; lies very level and all under cultivation. Must be sold within 80 days to close an estate. Halt of this year's crop goes with the prioe. S3 per acre; easy terms: Sli.000 win handle it and it li a snap. No gravel, no stones, no foul weeds Address W. F. MoGes, Lake Preston, S. D. ONE-FOURTH SECTION FIVE MILES FROM TOWN. Fair lmprovementa Price. S5.S00. Equity. ST..400. Alaska Real Estate Co, A.aaaa, S. D. FOR SALE Section good raw land, all fenced; good flowing well; 6 mlies from Planklngton. S. D. For particulars write J. E. OMalley, Philip. S. . lexaa FORCED SALE To close partnership ; 700 acres hardwood timber land; living water; 4(10 acres second bottom land; "71 acres cultivated. Lies on both sides of Cotton Belt Ry IV, miles from Malakoff. Tex. Railway switch mile. A bargain at S25; prioe. Sit per acre. H. C. Vanda veer. Athena. Tex. FOR SALE Sixt een-acre improved farm at Aidine. Tex.. 12 miles from Houston. Good roads. All under cultivation. Fine fig and orange land. Mrs. M. b. Stafford, owner, Aidine, Tex TEXAS LANIiS I have some wonder fully sttractive prices for home-seekers and investors. I handle bargain only. Write your exact wants. 1). E. Hirech fieid. Waco. Tex. 10 ACRE FRUIT and truck farms. Sit cash, balance monthly; no intereM. no taxes. W. S. Jones, 415 Brandeis Theatre. TEXAS lands 210 Bee Bldg. D. H1B. SPECIAL snaps In Texas Gulf Coast land. lorn Ay re Land Co, Brandeis Theatra WaaatKC-terau IP.R1 GATED WASHINGTON FRUIT LAN I S. I Law alfalfa and orchard tracts: water now on land, wiin permanent water rictus. Sin" per acre, easy terms; writ Moses Lake Land and Irrigation Co, 507 Leary Biug., ceattle. Wash VrSBtac. WRITE this company tor information about Cokevilie and western Wyoming op portunities HE ITT REAL EPTATE CO Cokevilie. Wyo . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WE exchange Jiroi-erties of merit. H H Culver, KU-1 O. N. B. Bldg. Douglas 7s&! W ESTERN Nebraska land to trade tor Oniaiia income piootrty 01 near acim Address. 6 H70. Bee LIST your exchanges with Junes, atf Brandeis Theater. I HANDLE exchanges everywhere, por results see ma I eau. 617 Bee Bldg. D. ?"T POR SALE OR TRADE Residence property In Hastinga Neh. Aud res Loca Box 12, V itoos. Neb TRADE 130-acre farm, looatsd In Mis souri Valley, for A smaller piece of land lo caied near Omaha- Andreas, HMK, Be. EXCHANGE tor what yoa want. Shopen A C, Lacnange Experts, Paxiun Bia. M CHOICE farms, ts Madison and ad joining counties, fur sale or trade lur nocks of geoos or moom property. r. L JON Ll LAND CO. W intarset, la. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE u ontlnued I FINE ranch for sale or traile for a rood, clean stock of merchandise; ' scree under ru'matiott. fie nine of r ver f-ort. 1n Gregory count, .-uth IakoTa Address Jackson Bros, IaUa ScuU) Dakota PVT. RALE OR TRADE. l"0Brre irrigated larm under government canal in eout heasti'rn W'om'Tig. Address P. O. Bex G. Torrington. W j o. WANTED To trsde go'-d isnd or equltf , in lsTia inr aoiHi vimn ei ,r oi mer I chandise. Address Oyte Chanibera, lajUlaa. j S D. TRADE Pastern Nebraska farm 'Omaha tn-oroe prolerty. Nlchoiaa j Brandei Theatre. fop AA REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED City loan anfl warranta W, Fartiam Smith A Co, 1X30 Farnsm St. GARVIN PROS.. d floor N T. Llfs S.4K to Silk'.OUti on Improved prmwrty. No delay. OMAHA Projerty and Nebraska Landa O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO, 1(116 New Omaha National Bank Building. MONET TO LOAN Payne Investment Co, LOANS to home owner and home build ers with privilege of making partial par menu seml-ai.nually. W. H. THOMAS, d First National Bank Bidg. WANTED City loans, peter Trust Co. rw to S10 000 made promptly. F. rx w eaa. v eau ciug, imh and t arnaro Bta. CITY and farm. JOHN N. FRENZER. LOW" RATES. REM Ifs-CARLBKRiS no. S10-812 Brandeis Theater Bidg WANTED FARM LOANS. K-lok la. vestment Company. OmahA. 5 ft SLoCJ on c,,' nfl ,ltrTn property W. H -2tR. ME1KLE. 205 Ramg. Bldg WANTED SITUATIONS ADVERTISING manager (cttv and matl order) o! exceptional ability, with thorough knowledge of window decoration and card writing, would like 1o connect with high rrade retail or wholesale establishment. Omaha referenoes. Address M So. Bee. . . . . . c rhinos; ana uusxing, mena- l.i W n- lr,,.i I. . V. ... I . . . ...... tx- fc-Tirr c . TOfNO man would like steady Sob: will ing to work. W-a. Bee. WANTED A position as general repair man with party who has s fair sised list st house. W ill attanit b, t, t, , ..- carpentertng. etc. Phone Webster 25U4. or Buureas iv sua. iiee. WANTED Genera) housework. Koreans. Address, P. O. Box 104. So. Omaha. Neh. nriiiEtrn wants day work. Welister 54SS. COLLEGE man wishes position tn store Best of references. C STB. Bee. FIRST-CLASS practical nurse can M engaged at once. Call Webster ILIA I WANT to dictate to shorthand pupil, Price reasonable. O SSL, care of Bee WANTED Position as salesman by young man of la. Little experience and willing to work. Answer at onca F Baa. Bee. TOI N8 man of 1ft would like position as assistant window trimmer, or would Ilk to get in some advertising agency Will ing to learn and a good worker. G. SUB. Bee. BRIGHT young man nf IK wants riHni position. Operates typewriter and is quick at figures. Would like a position with chance for advancement. Not afraid of work. H K0, Bee. BURINE8S college girl wants to work tot? poard and room. Phone Harney E14L A FIRST-CLASS bushelman wants a 1 sition; stranger in the city. E 87a, Baa. POSITION as Janitor, referenoes; willing to work, P KM). Bee. LADT wants work of any kind. D 874, WANTED By a sober. Industrious man steady work of any kind; must be steady. Phone A-28K. LADT desires stenographic or clerical po da ""f 878 1Bka"n' ecvelo(ell lc- J-08 WOMAN want a place a housekeeper or larm near Omaha; small wagna G g77 g, A Tf it'Vn v, .V.-. . - . , . " - ' 1 ,J w't ywimrm Ol xecn- nlcal training in civil engineering desires a position in his line. Phone Red 7I. or write W. T, 2502 St. Mary s Ave. WASHING WANTED Harney 4128. TAKE a boat ride at Lake Manawa. We will give a pair of round-trip tickets to Peter L. Saul. 248 Hamilton St, if be will come to The Bee offloe within three days. YOUNG man expecting to attend the Uni versity of Omaha law school wishes a po sition in connection; can give all dav at very reasonable salary; experienced in un dertaking business. G BSk, Bee. COLORED girl wants employment as chambermaid or dining room work. Phone Doug. sora. WANTED Position as stenographer and general office assistant; with experience 1 can give good reference, R" Omaha Baa. Council Bluffs W ANTED By elderly man, position as night watchman; old resident of city tem perate and responsible. Call Tel. Harney WANTED Men's laundry, also S or 4 family washings 10 take home at ones. Mrs. E. A. Tharp. Ilk So. 4th. WHITE woman wants work where shs fan go home nights and Sundays. Douv CHRISTIAN woman of education and re finement wishes position a housekeeper on farm: is an excellent cook and fond of country life and prefers place in widower s home w here there are small children. R Mi, Bee FOR a dainty dessert use Dalsell'i los cream. If Mrs Rathlex. 270C S lth Bt will come to The Bee office within three day we will give br an order for a Quart brick of thj fine loe cream. WANT family washing. Call Harney lliO A MAN familiar with paper banging, painting. canentering and other work would like to cotrmur.ifte with owner ot rental property K W2. Bee The Trus Fellow Up Systcn Wherever you go, let Tha Bee follow you. Scbacrlh bfcra need only to notify onr circulation department and the address will he changed as often as desired. Getting The Bee ia the aame as get ing A C&H ItWtr Frea Eczt Keeping you p o a t e d on what's doing among frienda and associates. It s the only np-40-dat way. THE OMAHA BEE is the home paper of Nebraska