TTTE BEE: (flfATTA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 4, 1911. 3 WANT ADS i ffmt ads rewired aw any time, bnt , to Insure proper classification bo out ; ' b presented before 12 o'clock m. tor the ereninft edition and before 7:80 for morning and Sunday editions. ' Want ads received after such honrs will have their first Insertion under thm heading Too Late to CUaslf jr." CASn ItATES Ton WANT ADS. REGULAR CliASSIFICATION One Insertion 1H cent- per word and 1 Cent per word for each subsequent in aertlon. , Each Insertion made on odd dyt 1H cent per word. 1.B0 per line, per month. xTUtrs apply to either The uauy w 'Hun day Bee. Always count six words to line. Want ads for The Bee may be left 1 1 at any of the following drug stores J one is your "corner druggist" they ! J are all branch ofllces for The Bee and if your ad will be Inserted Just as j j promptly and on the same rates as at if the main office In The Bee bnilding, Seventeenth and Farnam streets: Albach. W. C, 40th and Farnam. Raum Drug Co., 2m N. lth St. Reranek, B. A.. 1402 8. 16th 8t. ; Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Remls Park Pharmacy, 334 and Cumlnf. Plaka-Brsdlsh, 2H02 Sherman Ave. Clifton Hill Pharmaoy, 2213 Military, At. Caughlln. C. R.. 4725 Iavenworth Bt Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th and Lake. Cooney Pharmacy, 2223 South 16th 8t Cermak. Kmll, 1204-8 South 13th St. i Killer A Co., 22 Leavenworth St. Fouler A Arnoldl, 213 N. 26th St. Freytag, 3. J 1914 N. 24th St. Fregger Drug Co., 1802 N. 16th Bt. Florence Drug- Co., Florence. Neb. Oreen'a Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific. Oreenough A Co., 1028 8. 10th St. Oreenough A Co., 10th and Hickory. Goldman Pharmacy, 24th and Leavenworth. Johanson Drug Co., 24h and Spalding. ' Johnson Pharmary. 2920 Famam St. Hsnscnm Park Fharmacy, 1501 8. 2!th Ave. Hlnterlong Dni Co.. 31st Ave. 4 Farnam. Hoist, John, ?4 N. Ith SI ' Huff, A. L., 2!24 Leavenworth. ' Kin. H. 8., 24th and Farnam. KounUe Place Pharmacy, 2302 N. 24th St ! Lathrop Pharmaev. 24th and Hamilton. Mares. Fred L., 201!) Central Rlvd. Monmouth Pharmacy, fttd and Cumins. Patrick Drug Co.. 102 N. 24th St. Parsings. Dm Co., 24th and Ames Ave. Hohaefer's Cut Price atore. lfith A Chicago. J Wmut Hill Pharmecv, 4h and Cumin, i Wniton rhnrmnrv. "Hh p"d Once. DEATHS AND FUNERAL NOTICES. BIRMINGHAM Frank J., aged 63 years, August 2. mil. Funeral from family residence, IMS North Bevententh street. Friday at 8:30 a. m to Holy Family church at 9 a. m. Inter ment Bt. Mary's cemetery, Houth omana. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Fred ' Walsh, 6812 Leavenworth street boy; J. R. Vaughn, 2518 South Thtr-tv-second street boy; Anton Rlhel. 1229 South Fifteenth street, boy; F. A. Olvege, 3119 Taylor atreet, girl; Charles Gotchee, 12J North Twenty-third street, boy: Hter II nr. 2706 Kansas avenue, boy; Frank Elli son. 1903 South Twenty-eighth street, girl; Henry Ekstrom, 609 South Thlrty-Blxth street . Death Charles H. Carter, 7L 131S South Thirty-second street. CARD Or THANKS. We wish to thank all our friends and relatives for their kindness and floral of ferings during the sickness and death of our beloved husband and father. Frank Tomsu. Mrs. F. Tomsu and Children. MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following marriage licenses were Issued today: . Name and Residence. Age. james P. Jensen, Omaha z2 Mary Peterson, Omaha 22 Fred R. Mlley, Council Bluffs 21 Ines Tarrell, Council Bluffs 18 Proctor J. Doleys, Omaha 21 Bessie Mathauser, Omaha 18 ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTLEMAN UNDER TAKER. embalmer, 1614 Chicago St D. 1659, B-1669. MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATI-;, In sums to ult 310 Bee Bldg. 'hone Doug. tts4. UNION LOAN CO. PHOTO SUPPLIES Kodaks and cameras. The best develop ing and finishing in the city. MEGEATH STATIONERY CO., Photo Department lath and Farnam Bts. OFFICE STATIONERY ?'"?.l.v KOTERA A LEAR Y CO., Tel. Doug.aa llKiO. After August 1st 718 H. 16th Bt ED ROTIIEltY Bchts Atlas. Full cigars. Cafe In connection. 111 b. Hth at. LYNCH BROS HEATING AND iJ11'VU iJAVO. PLUMHING REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackson 8t D. 1477. 1,000 letterheads (good bond paper), 1 OuO. Estimate and sample furnished. Other printing. Tlsard Printing Co.. Omaha Coin. College Bldg., 19th and f arnam. Red 6tMi. SMOKE COSTELLO'S Omaha Cut Plug, fcoti N. 16th St. NUW YORK'S latest success talking mo tion pictures. Jewel theater, loth and Douglas, one week. YES, the NEBRASKA 8USPENDER Mr U. CO., OMAHA. Neb., makes the besi "Costless" suspender (to be wurn under the shirt when you wear belt). Insist on getting "The Nebraska." If your merchant can't aupply you send 60 cents and we will send you a pair direct by mail, postpaid. TWENTY per vent less than Omaha pricw. HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L tits., bourn Omaha. Louie Ahko, best Chinese cafe. 1417 Doug. OUR LETTER duplicating work Is unex celled. A trial will convince you. Uotu r hones. Western Duplicating Co., 400 Ilea Bldg. ROYnF.N Well boring and pump work. XV-lX Fhone Webster 19S8. R. E WELCH. Pure Foods. No. 1 4-lb. sack very best flour. 21.26 : 23 lbs. granu lated sugar, 11, with each $5 purchase of groceries. 24th and Farnam. MRS. CHARLES C. H UNGATE, china firing. KO Brandels Bldg. Tel. Webster U. 8. RESTAURANT, best 15o and 200 meals prepared. 1510 Dodgs. CHOP Suey, Chinese and American dishes. -tel. ind. A-1352. 1313 Douglas. THE best treat for wife and baby la a ' dish of Dalsell'a Ice cream. If Mrs. J. 8. Moon, 17U4 N. 27th St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this tine Ice cream. STEAVENSON, Both Phones. carpenter, contractor. SULPHUR STEAM BATHS Wants 600 people to take baths. 507 No 34th. South Omaha. KINNEY A BON harness dealers. AH work done by hand. 923 No. 24 in St. FENNER. artificial limbs. 53 Douglas Blk. HAMILTON CAFE. Mrs. Fullaway. 34th and Farnara. 1 GOOD PLUMBING CO. D. 19U. Red 2177 B. F. WURN. Brandels Bldg. ay eg la rt pairing, ut THUC1 Cut Price Tailoring; Tli South Itia. EMIL GANZ C-ERTTFIFD PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 101 h rutin Block. Tel Doug, lm WILLOW BPRINOS beer, liquor, cigars. riches. jbito, mm vuuiiw ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued. BARKER BROS. PAINT CO, lroi4j Farnam. Ind. A-3821; Douglas i'M. W do picture- Framing and Ulazln. SPECIAL DISCOUNT this month on Paint Glass, Varnishes and Wall Paper. DRINK Grandma's Wild Cherry Phoa phate, tonlo and blond purifier; better and cheaper than lemonade; all grocers. 10c. DOUGLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas Ml. PICTURE framing. one-Htlrd cheaper than department stores; most select etock of framed pictures at reduced prices. Omaha Art and Frame Co.. 707 8. ISth St Phones Douglas 1094. Independent A-2561. LADIES' and gents' shine parlor, 220 8. 16th Bt. B. H. Colo Sign Co. D. ret. 1311 Farnam. nORDONthe magaslne man. 2423 8. 24(h Umsha. when your magazines expire call Douglas 7163. Steamflttlng; repair work. Call Ind. B-1772 MAGOARD Van A Storage. Pack, mora (tore and ablp H. H. goods. D. 1406; B-2428. ALABAUGH. Taxidermist 1701 Leaven- worth. D. 3221. The New Elk Ilotel. Now open, all outside rooms, 85c and 50c by day; week. $2 up. 817 N. 16th. D. 7287. W. 8. Heatoa, American furnaces. H. 3643. OMAHA Furniture Repair Works. D. 2481. YOU'LL alwavs be harpy If your wedding ring comes from Brodegaard's. 116 8. lttk Bt At lbs slga of the crown. COAT and PANTS to order, 117 60. Mao-Carthy-Wilson Tai.'orlng Co.. 304 8. lttb bt E. ROWS, WELL BORING. Benson 846. DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Casady Co., 8. W. Cor. 14th and Douglaa u u A U Or.UliWrltt tirm insurance. BEAUTIFUL Concordia park. 69th and center. BEST bracer for men. Gray's Nerve Food Pills, 1 per box, prepaid. Sherman A Mo- Lonnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. Plumbing A hardware. G. A. Hill, 116 N. 40. REEDER COOKING COAL, 36.50. Charles A. Westerfleld. both Phones. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING ARKINS. 81 8. 15th. UPSTAIRS. Missouri Filter Mfg. Co., Ill 8. 14. D. 4714. BAUER'S CAFE, best in city, tit 8. 18th. VINCENT CAFE Best 26c meal, extra Sunday dinner. 320 S. 19th. PENNELL, Millinery, R. 3, Paxton Block. DOUGLAS CAFE, 106 S. 14. best 20o meal. J. A. ANDERSON, Life Ins., 306 McCague, 8CHMARSE, hat factory, cleaning, re pairing. 1520 California Bt New England bakery. Best lunch. 212 N 16 HEAFEY A HEAFEY moved to 2611 Far nam. BARTONE laundry; cleaning and press ing. 1620 Capitol avenue. JEAN GILBERT JONES piano studio; Davldge block. Leschetizky method. PLATING and lamp repairing. 2106 Far nam. WIEMER, hardware, paints, glass, wall paper, painting and decorating. 2236 Far nam. ATTORNEYS GEORGE W. SHIELDS. Brandels theater. attorney. 826 AUTOMOBILES HONKajETHONK HERE'S THE BEST PLACE IN OMAHA DRUMM0ND, 18th and Harney Bts. NEW and 2d -hand autos. Derlght Omaha. WRITE for list of second-hand auto mobiles. Some exceptional bargains in run abouts and flve-paaaenger cars. MITCHELL MOTOR CO. TIRES OMAHA RUBBER COM PANY. Everything In rubber. Murphy Did It SI FIVE-PASSENGER Midland, good order, ttfiu. 2515 Leavenworth. STODDARD-DAYTON four-passenger; perfect condition; a beauty; cost new last year 33,5ou; sell for 31,600 cash. Dill A Huston, Grand Island, Neb. I- CARRIAGE MAN'S SNAPS Fine 3500 closed carriage for 365. Fine coupe for 396. $:"' candy wagon for 375. two phaeton for 376. Other good buggy snaps. DRUMM0ND Eighteenth and Harney. KNUDE, 711 So. 16th. repairs auto raril. ators and lamps. FOR SALE OR TRADE White fit-Amor runaDout, witascnea, my Leavenworth St NEW ERA auto cycle; five H. P.: nearlv new, for sale cheap. Address Box 66, Madi son. reo. VISIT THE CLOTHES DOCTOR at THE wakukubi., auo r ahinam. Doug. 1729. 14 horse-power runabout tion. Cheap. O 866, Bee. Good condl- LAKE MANAWA Is the coolest place to be found. If Mr. Snyder, 1774 8. 9th Ht., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a a pair of round-trip tickets to Lake Manawa. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business, rail on GANGSTEAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 3367. IJSTEN! A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY. Great chances to make fortunes are too often lost because men fall to Investigate. A new, fresh, clean, fine Paying business, one that hnsn't ben worked to death and worn threadbare, one you handle without being pushed and crowded, one In which you have ail the say; absolutely exclusive; nicoa little to carry on: experience un. necessary ; can be handled by an individual or a company; fine for Incorporating; an independent fortune can be made out of It. Address s.s, . RESTAURANT doing good business. fully equipped. Will sell at a bargain if taken at once. "8" Omaha Bee, Council bluffs. FOR SALE Only drug stock in southeast Nerraska town; good farming community; good trade; crackerjack one-man store; 31,760 cash. Address Y 118. Bee. FOR BALE or exchange, a tea and coffee store, complete; fully equipped and doing a good business; located In a good Iowa town of 7.000 population on the trunk line 1.1 me C. U. & vj iw. R ; win :..: or exchange for a small farm. Address V. p. Wittenmyer, Oskalooaa, la. A BARGAIN. A good, clean stock of groceries, shoes and gent s furnishings for sale In a good town li Loup valley. Crops never looked better In this locality. Will take a little trade; good reason for selling. Box 691. Scotia, Neb. FIRST-CLASS position for man who can furnish $125. 1911 Farnam St 35 000 DRUO stork In i population central Nebraska ton; $12.0 yearly busi ness. No trade cons dered. Don t write unless you mean business. Address, X 10 IT3 TO) 11 11 The Bee will run your ad for a situation or a servant girl free until you get the desired result. Telephone Tyler 1000. BUSINESS CHANCES Cat nued.) FOR BALE Firs, class 35.000 stock of hardware; good Nebraska town. Address Y 117. Omaha Bee. DENTI8T, DOCTOR. A good dentist, also a good physician, would do well to locate In new "Pullman Building," next to Burlington station; very desirable location for south of viaduct bus iness. Imperial Investment Co., Pullman Bldg., Tel. Douglas 1616. FOR SALE Dairy consisting of 22 cows, 6 horses, route and wagons; will sell all or part H 2147. FOR SALE Stock of groceries and variety gooda. Address Y lit cars of Omaha Dally Bee- - GROCERY and variety store stock and fixtures, with or without property. Reason for selling, bad health. Address, L 863, Bee. FOR BALE Five-year lease and furnish ings of best paying hotel In South Dakota; modern and up-to-date. The Turner, Cen tervUle," 8. D. WANTED Bids on painting 3-story double apartment Call between 1 and 6 p. ro. 631 8. 25th Ave. Rooming; House tor Sale. SACRIFICE SALE OF ROOMING HOUSE. Excellent locstlon, very close In, nice rooms, low rent a money maker. Can be filled with students In thirty days. This must be sold at once, make an offer. NATIONAL INVESTMENT CO.. Douglas 0691, A-26W1. 20 ROOMS, strictly modern, all full, rea sonable. 714 North 18th. TTVTr.TJV nerson knows who D. J. O'Brien Is, because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Mrs. 8. Dresser, 1505 N. 25th St., will come to The Bee office within three days we win give ner uiuet ii a 60-cent box or u criei ctmujr hct. CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT, chiropodist, manicuring, nair dressing, hair goods. OUr Nat Bk.. D. 2333 DETECTIVES Aw a u a afrm flpvlra Detective aa-encr. Inc., bonded. 428-9 Paxton Blk. D. 1319; A-1311 CAPT. T. CORMACK. 617 KARBACH Bik. ZACK ELLIS. Both phones. 306 Neville blk. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalxell's Ice cream. II Mrs. j. a. uuuu, ho huuihuu ar win mnu to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick or nne ice cream. DENTISTS BAILEY A MACH. 3d floor Paxton. D. 16. DR. KLOPP, 16th and Locuat W. 1476. DR. ALBERT A. CRANDELL, 613 Bee. Bell phone. D. wc TkKV, a. boat ride at Lake Manawa. We will give a pair oi rouna-tnp ucuis 10 3. McArdle, 2416 Hamilton St., If he will come to The Bee office within three days. DRAINAGE 3. 3. STUBBS, room 415, First Nat bank. DRESSMAKING DRESSMAKING. Tel. Tyler 1269. Mattlson, Modiste. Doug. 4603. 2410 S. 10th. Terry's Dressmaking College. 20th A Far. FIRST clasa reasonable. Web. S9CL FIRST-CLASS dressmaking. 648 8. 26 Ave. DRESSMAKING, 282 Farnam. Harney 1817. v WOLFF, ladles' tailoring. 620-622 Bee Bldg. Dressmaking, first-class; reasonable. H. 4172 M. E. Neflnsky, gowns. 608 Paxton Blk. imaTnTa .hnitnlat.. Ar famous everv- J IVA I... K v.liwv u... - . - - where, because they are the best. If Mrs. Howard Davies, 2632 Charles St., will come . n-v. daa Affin. within three dava we will III .1 11Q .. ....... ' - - give her an order for a 60-cent box free. EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL HARTHUN ELEC. CO. D. 6293; 316 S. 14th. POTH ELECTRIC CO., repairing dyna mos and motors a specialty. D. 6837. SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS, dynamos, motors and repefrs. Le Bron, 313 6. 11th St. Douglas Vl. EDUCATIONAL MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COL LEGE Fine new building; all busings branches taught. Our graduates are In de mand. Enter at any time Get our catalog. MOSHER A LAMPMAN, 17th and Farnam St , Omaha. WANTED Pupils to learn shorthand. Private lessons; reasonable. N 630, Bee. Summer Term BOYLES COLLEGE la Now Open.' STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY DAT. Omaha's largest and most successful Com mercial College. Business, Bookkeeping. Stenography. Telegraphy, Civil Service and Salesmanship The catalogue Is free. Ad dress H. B. Bovles. President Omaha, Neb. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN r,ITT?TATV3 LAUNDERED. 2816 UIVXVXlO u,wey Avt. Tel. H. lias. WILLOW PLUMES made from your old or new feathers, a b. un. u. turab. WILLOW PLUMES made from old and new feathers. 13 S. 11th. R. Sokolof. L. L1EFF. 8139 Fsrnam. Harney 6410. Ladles tailor. Now ready for fail season. M. SELICOW. 66 Furnam. Harney 2047. ICE Cream, 30c quart. 41st and Hamilton Sts. FOR a dainty dessert use Daliell's Ice cream. 11 Mrs. 1. j. Harrison, za iuu well St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart unujs, vi hub ante it,v vi ccn. FLORISTS A. DONAHUE. 1607 Farnam. D. 1001. A-10M. HESS A 6WODODA. 1415 Farnam Bt I. HENDERSON. 1513 Farnam. D I I TAKE a boat ride at Lake Manawa. We will give a I air of round-trip tickets to U. A McNice, 2 Charles St.. if he will come to The Bee office within three days. FURNACE AND STOVE REPAIRS Don't Wait g Telephone today to avt your furnace. earn or hot water heater cleaned and ready for fall use. OMAHA BTOVE REPAIR WORKS. U08- Douglaa Bt. Doualas st. A-3611 Furnaces set repaired. Haberstroh, H.2971 WHEN answering advertisements (ound In the Want Ad columns, please meal Ion The Bee. V?TF SITUATIONS V ANTED ILaiLa SERVANT GIRLS HELP WANTED "EMALE Clerical aad Office. PRIVATE LESSONS IN SHORTHAND At vour home or office. Unlgrach Co.. p. o. Box HisH, Omaha. Factory aad Trades. GIRL to learn halrdresslng. 413 Paxton block. GIRLS to learn hair dressing. Oppen- heltn Parlors. Prices very reasonable. Ilotel sad Restaaraat. CHAMBERMAID, Carey Hotel; 18th and Howard. Hoasekeepera aad Domestics. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your Domestio Help Wanted sd FREE until you get the desired results. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. WANTED General housework girl. Good wages. 4M8 Douglaa Bt Phone Harney 6222. WANTED young girl, under 16 years to help with housework and care of children. No. 15 Majestic Apartments. 16th and Yates. DESIRABLE women between IS and 40 years of age, residents of Nebraska, wish ing general hospital, laundry or dining room work may find good employment by addressing Lock Box A, Ingltslde, Neb. WANTED Girl or middle-aged woman to take care home; small family; no washing. Apply Mrs. Wolf. 436 Paxton Bldg. WANTED Danish or Swedish working housekeeper In family of two. Apply even ings, 1013 B. 29th St M. F. Thomas. MUcellaaeoas. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Bt. Mary's Ave. and 17th Bt, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. ' WANTED, young lady to work In tele' graph office as messenger, good chance to learn tedegraphy. Call Room 106 Bee Bldg. A LITTLE spare time each day from now until August lit will pay you well In com missions In addition to winning one of the prizes In The Bee's "Ad Getter" contest. Call on or write Bee Want Tad Editor. Omaha Bee. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien is because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If J. P. Dermody, 1314 N. 25th St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a 60-cent box free. HELP WANTED MALE- Actaf Saleaaaca aad Solicitors. WANTED IMMIGRATION AGENTS to Interest parties in Irrigated fruit land, will divide commission equally. Write M. A. Snyder, Clifton. Colo. BECKER, MAYER & CO. CHICAGO, ILL. Want competent clothing salesmen, well acquainted In NEBRASKA, KANSAS, COLORADO, CALIFORNIA and the NORTHWEST; must have established iixde; will turn over large business tu right men. WHY work for wages when you can make from 375 to 31 w a week selling the New Era Rope Machine, makes stronger and better rope, out of binding twine at less than 4 the price you can buy It for at the store. R. W. Day. Sole Agent. 733 Brandels Theatre Bldg., Omaha, Neb. I WANT a man to sell an old line life Insurance special policy In Iowa. Salary and commission. The Western Mutual Life Insurance company, Home office: Coun cil Bluffs, lews. AN answer to this ad will make you money. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Blk., Omaha, Neb. Factory aad Traoes. Drug 8torea(snaos).Joba Xnlest Bee Bldg LEARN barber trade. Tuition $15.00. Special class. Western Barber Institute, 14th and Dodge. Miscellaneous. FOUND Faultness Cleaning works, suits steam pressed, too. 113 S. 15th. D. 884.- SEVERAL young men Omaha or vicin ity to fit for RAILWAY MAIL CLERKS, POST OFFICE CLERKS AND LETTER CARRIERS. Salary $50 to 875. Pro motion. Address P. O. Box 7(3, Chicago. U.S. 3100 MONTH AUTOING. AUTO SCHOOL. OMAHA. NEB. LARGEST AND BEST. WRITE. WANTED Men to prepare for automo bile business; largest and best equipped shops. Nat'l Auto Training Ass n. Omaha, Neb. RELIABLE Employment agency, hotel and street help. 1610 Davenport. WANTED 1.000 men to eat ham and eggs. 10c. Coffee. John, 1404 Dodge St WANTED Mall clerks, Carriers, clerks In government offices at Washington, Omaha. Neb., examinations during Septem ber. $0 month. Annual vacations. Thou sands of appointments coming. Candidates coached free. Franklin Institute, Dept 218 11, Rochester, is', y. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalxell's Ice cream, ir Mrs. c. Tuiun, zz h. zoth St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick 01 tnis line Ice cream. LIVERY AND BOARDING A. Melcher, Livery, Feed. 1616 Leavenworth LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horses V en Idea. Fort SALE All kinds of good horsea 118 N. Zlat Bt Phone Douglas cwu. FINE driving mare. $125. S3 Neville Blk SECOND-HAND wagon. 25U6 Cuming St FOR SALE One good horse for sale cheap, znui i-uming ft- CHEAP horse for cash. 2564 Cuming DRAFT TEAM, wagon and harness; $200. Webster s. FOR SALE Good bay team weighing 700; nearly new wagon with coal bed and iet of harness. 721 So. 16th St. MK1NLEY. horse trainer; ride, drive single or double. Bring In your kickers, runaways and outlaws. Satisfaction guar anteed. 421 N. 25th St., Bouth Omaha LOST AN 9 FOUND PAIR gold glasses. The finder will be suitably rewarded by notifying W. 1 Crawford, WvtUr tl' LOST AND FOUND (Continued.) PERSONS Having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Hallway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 48. OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. notice"to all If you were positive that our rates and terms were the beat In the city, wouldn't It pay you to see us when you need money! A comparison of our rates with those of other companies will convince you that this is the place to Dorrow. JL20 is the weekly payment on a 350 loan for fifty weeks. Other payments in the same pro portion. If you need money write or phone State Mortgage Loan Co. R-13 Arlington Block. 15114 Dodge St Phones Douglas 2466, Ind. A-2465. MONEY! MONEY!! WHY BE WITHOUT MONEY? when It can be obtained of us on your Fl KNITUKK, hlANU, W AREHOUSE re ceipt, fixtures, stores, building, horses, wagons or, in fact, anything of value. Also advanced to anyone holding a steady SALARIED position. Rates lowest. Terms easiest. Confidential and quick. RELIABLE CREDIT CO.. 3d Floor, 308 Paxton Blk. 217 S. 16th St. Phone Doug. 1411 and A-1411. CHATTEL LOANS AT REASONABLE RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 320 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1356; A-1356. MONEY loaned salaried people, womea keeping house and others, without security; easy payments. Office In 67 principal cities Tolman, 603 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg.. for merly N. X. l ttiog. WC FLATALTi51 Jlge Street DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMAN'S DELIVERY CO. Mov log; furniture packing; fireproof storaga City office. 216 B. 17th. Doug. 894; Ind. li-LML FERR1N, Moving A Bt'g. Tyler 12O0;B-17S. OMAHA VAN A STORAGE CO., cleans your carpets on your iioors; eiectno vacuum Cleaners, on o. iui ovj . Aim. uuug. iei, VERNOR TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO., fireproof storage, household goods, Dlanos and baggage moved, packed and hlnn.d Warehouse. 1508 Rurt St. Tvl.r 1118. ornce. an ana jjeavenwonn. u. zil8, MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES FRANCIS POTTER, teacher of mando lin, guitar ana oanio. iiaiunge Blk. Tel. Doug. 3S63. Muslo lessons. 2824 Farnam. Phone H. 1817 ALVIN E. POOLE Violinist. 3155 Famam. OFFERED FOR RENT Board aad Rooms. LARGE, nicely furnished room: best board; private family; West Farnam. Call Harney 46. ONE or two beautifully located rooms with board; walking distance; large yard. shade trees, veranda, eto. An Ideal place tor summer, aw a. zcitn Ave. O. M. K. hauls trunks. O. 611. A-2611. MODERN furnished room with first-class board, near three-minute car service, or walking distance. 'Phone Harney 3389. NICE rooms; home cooking. modern. 1809 Chicago St NICELY furnished parlor room, w'tn home cooking; all modem home lmprve ments. 2610 Dodge St THe HARNEY; home cooking. 2323 Har ney. EXCELLENT board and room, $6 a week. 2319 Douglas. DESIRABLE room, first class board. 618 South Nineteenth. AN evening at Lake Manawa Is well spent If T. M. Conklln, 2417 Seward St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a pair of round-trip tickets to Lake Manawa. Famished Rooms. TWO furnished rooms. Tel. Webster 6971 H19 N. llh Bt 2125 DOUGLAS Two newly furnished rooms; strictly modern; clean, cool rooms; shady lawn and porch. Gentlemen pre ferred. Phone Tyler 1228. TWO rooms, all modern, good location. private family; gentleman preferred. Phons H. 4T3L DEWEY Kurepeaa Hotel. IJih NICELY furnished room. 2006 Bt. Mary's Ave. all modern. NICELY furnished room In good locality; all modern conveniences; refined home for lady employed. ZM N. 23d St. Tel. Red 4232. TWO modern furnished rooms, facing south. 2206 Douglas. WELL furnished rooms; walking dis tance: white porcelain bath tub. 101 8. 26th Bt NICELY furnished room, modern, elec tric light; $10 per month; 2664 Douglas St Phone Harney 1657. 412 N. 22d, a large-area room; yard and shade; neat and cozy; rent reasonable; references given and required. NICELY Dodge St furnished, cool rooms, 1707 COOL front parlor; also other cool rooms; reasonable; l'i blocks from post- Olllce. nil uouge- CALL AT 514 N. 23D If you need a large, airy front room, modern, close in. Best reference. LIGHT and airy; nicely furnished; easy walking distance; modern; references. ZX) No. 26th Bt. Red 7045. 1811 CASS ST., light and cool, for one or two people. S412 Dodge St., elegantly furnished south front double parlors; cool and modern; on other large south front room. 161$ 8. 10th St.; large, cool, well furnished room, suitable for two; bath and phone. Breakfast If desired. 2 OR 3 nicely furnished front rooms, main floor, complete for housekeeping. 2ull Uavenport Bt. NICELY furntxhed room. Phone Ind. B-29t6. 1916 Chicago. FURNISHED complete, gaa for cooking. Phone In rooms. Wi Douglas. D. TU), A-17&6. 7025 8. 17th St., light housekeeping rooms, all modern. FRONT and back parlors, modern. Chicago. 1818 OFFERED FOR RENT Faralshed Rooms WELL-FURNISH ED rooms; modern. 101 ONE nicely furnished room, all modern. with couple; good neighborhood; walaing distance. 'Phone H 4!'S3. NICELY furnished room for aentlemen: private family; Majestlo apartments; Houth front; up-ie-date hot and cold water bath; references required. Price reasonable. Telephone Webster 1223. FURNISHED rooms, 31.50 to $3. 16a Dodge. NEWLY furnished front rooms, strietlv modern. Cheap. 813 So. Mth Bt. PINOLE or double modern rooms for gentlemen; references required. Close In. 612 No. 18th St FOUR choice modern rooms. 1L&0 to $4.50. 2.1)3 Farnam. PLEASANT rooms with or without board Pbone B 2066. FRONT parlor, hot and cold water, mod ern, close in. 608 N. 18th Bt 2125 DOUGLAS Two newly furnished rooms; strictly modern, clean, cool rooms; shady lawn and porch. Gentlemen prc- lerreo. 1 none lyier FURNISHED rooms, modern: cars: tele phone. 2513 Chicago, ?C I f T . V fnmlsttiAil fennt rrr m niml a.n fonvenlences, desirable location.' 201 8. 25th Ave. FURNISHED rooms. 613 North 17th. ELEGANTLY furnished front parlor and other rooms. 1S21 Leavenworth. 2701 FARNAM Modern, up-to-date rooms. summer rates. Tel. Harney 2673. NICELY furnished rooms. 714 S. 17th Ave. MODERN furnished rooms. 613 8. 18th St. 2223 Dodge: south room, modern: home cooking. THE HARVARD, modern rooms. 24th and Farnam. MODERN furnished room, with first- class board, near three-minute car service or walking distance 'Phone Harney SIS9. NICELY furnished front room. 2017 Harney. NICELY furnished rooms, modern. 621V4 S. 19th. LIGHT and airy, nicely furnished, easy walking distance, modern; references. 220 N. 26th Bt Red 7043. $16.00 Large, well furnished front parlor. strictly modern, with use of piano; nice bath, plenty hot, also ice water; both tele phones. One small room. 2563 Bt. Mary's. LARGE, elegantly furnished room for two or three gentlemen; on boulevard, all modern, hot and cold water, close In, at 207 in. istn Bt. DOUBLE and single furnished rooms, all modern, close in. a in. mn st ALL modern, large, cool rooms, close In. 1812 Dodge St. DOUBLE room, close In, everything mod ern, hot and cold water, steam heat 202 N. 19th Bt. NICELY furnished rooms, modem, rea sonable rates, ziu in. atn tit. FOUR modern rooms. Shriver. Har. 663. BACK parlor and one large north front room. 2015 Douglas. 1508 S. 24TH ST. Two nicely furnished rooms, moaem home, cross town car. TWO rooms In modern flat for light nousexeeping on r arnam car line; a rioor, 1622 8. 10th. FURNISHED room In Private home strictly modern; on car line; for one of two gentlemen; reasonable. 811 N. 40th. NICELY furnished rooms. 2043 Harney. SOME good close In rooms for young men or man and wife; $2 to 15. 218 N. 19th Bt 2.VT7 Harney, large South room, nicely furnished, on parlor floor, all modern, suit able for two ladles . or gentlemen; walking distance. Hotels aad Apartments. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 B. 13th Bt DODGE HOTEL, 13th and Dodge; all cool outside rooms; special week rata OXFORD and Arcade, special wkl'y rate. Ogden Hotel gJ p881ruf.K.Koo,n DREXEL hotel. Nice rms. Mod. 614 N. 16. EAGLE hotel; rooms, day or week. 606 S. 13th. WHAT does a name mean? If you want to know just try O'Brien's candles. If Mrs. Pat Foley, Z7Z7 Hamilton St.. will come to The Bee office within three days we win give her an order lor a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. Famished Iloases. FURNISHED HOME CLOSE IN Very desirable furnished home, to rent; everything that Is wanted In a home; rea sonable rent. GALLAGHER & NELSON, 490 Brandels Bldg. Omaha, Neb. FOUR-ROOM modern apartment; fur nished. Webstar 4458. Apartments aad Flats. FIVE room, steam nested flat. The Dunsany, loth and Pierce Bts., $25.00. Ap ply 3U Brandeis Tbeater Bldg. Douglas 1571. 6-ROOM apartments, completely modern. Scargo Bldg., bo. Omaha, above 620 N. 24th. Tbos. F. Hall, 433 Ramge. D. 7406. A-440. i- 8-ROOM flat hardwood finish. $50. 606 8. rd. FINE five-room apartment on West Far nam street; heat shades, gas stove and janitor service; very choice. JOHN W. ROBBINS. 1802 FARNAM ST. etPRRB nothing like U4 or 6 room flat, all modern, tff N. X3d Bt. THREE and six-room flata Alar us Bluja. 16th sod Webster. FOR RENT Kenwood Terrace, 3330 Har ney, modern, 9 rooms, newly finished, tile bath and vestibule. First class through out. Reference. $J0. Key next doqr, Harney. 6 ROOMS, modern except heat, $1S. Owner pays water. , 1140 N. 18th St. $27.60205 S. S0TH. 6-room modern flat; gas range, window shades; newly decorated. $15 2 S. 3oth, 6 rooms, modern except heat; water paid. WALKUP REAL ESTATE CO., 872-76 Brandeis Bldg. Doug. 2&U8, A-3355. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. FINE elKht-room modern flat, 3oth and Pacific. Wright A Lasbury, 606 So. 16th. Phone D. 152. APARTMENTS In Collin's block. 2.50 25D.S Cuming St.; four-room modern apart ments, with private bath, gas range in kitchen, gas and electric light; to put in steam heat in tue fall; to only small fami lies; from $14 to $18. THOS. W. IIAZKN. McCague Block. 'Phone I) 1300. APARTMENTS FOR RENT. $25 3-r. and bath, 1708 Burt St., steam h6at' LAFAYETTE APARTMENTS. 2, 3 and 4-room apartments for rent In New I-afayette, 17th Ave. and Jackson St., Including vacuum cleaning, refrigeration, laundry and Janitor service. Four blocks from business center. Prices on appllca- tln- GEORGE A COMPANY. 902 City Nstlonal Bank Bldg. SIX ROOMS In Sherman Apartments. W. 6765. Faralsked Housekeeping Rooms. TWO nicely furnlshid rooms, complete for light housekeeping. 2018 Davenport. FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. iU So. 18th St. DEMIHA RIJ-' ho'irekeeplng rooms,- all mcdern. 2111 Douglas. LARGE housekeeping and sleeping rooms 2013 Harney. OFFERED FOR RENT Faralsaed lloesekeeplaa Rooms. WOt DODOE. housekeeping rooms on first and bathroom floors; modern; phone. m FARNAM. furnished housekeeping" rooms for rent NEWLY furnished light housekeeping rooms, (las free for cooking and lights. Laundry privileges. Strictly modern. Two rooms in each apartment Si 3 Bo. 26th. t.lPl'.P ntnmm f.w llvht hnillclfMnlnS. C21 South 2oth St. Call after 6. WALKING distance, car one block, fine location. Must see to appreciate. With or without piano, no objection to music or practice. Newly papered, furnace heat, gas. nice bath, plenty hot and Ice water, both phones, $16. 2f63 St. Mary's Ave. FOUR completely furnished rooms for houxekeeplng. Desirable nelghoorhood. To couple without children, lleterences re quired. S66 No. 40th St ""HOUSEKEEPING rooms, nice location, close In; $2 to $5.50; modern. Red 6814. TWO desirable close In rooms for light housekeeping. $a.50. 218 N. 19th. 2li9 DOUGLAS Housekeeping rooms, $11 a month. rooms. 2."i69 St. Mary's Ave. Red 4300. MODERN furnished housekeeping rooms. 2516 Davenport FRONT room for light housekeeping. 1808 Webster. 8 OR 4 nicely furnished 1st floor and 3d floor rooms, all modern, with gas, bath, etc.: reasonable terms to steady roomers; walking distance or take Farnam Bt car. 2707 Dodge. H. 66S6. TTO-n n .l.ln.lll k. .... - I . . v v. v j niuun u 1 UI II I 1 tH) housekeeping rooms, desirable neighbor hood; easy walking distance. Price reason able. 660 S. 2tith Ave. Phone Harney 1471. riTBNlRHBn south mnitii tnw ti-t.. housekeeping, gaa furnished. tThi. Kis u 22d. TWO clean front rooms for llaht hnuaa. keeping; gas furnished; $4 60. 618 S. 22d. SUITE of light housekeeping rooms, also large front bed room. Iil3 Douglas. Unfernlaaed Rooms. UNFURNISHED ROOMS 34 month Bachelor, 1613 Leavenworth. Houses aad Cottages. 260$ MAPLE ST. five rooms, modern ex cept furnace, $!.60. Hall Distributor Co A-4406, D. 7403. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded cheap freight rates; moving and storing Expressmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug dm. City office. 216 8. 17th Bt.. bee Bldg. 7-ROOM modern house, 602 North S2d El $26. Phone Douglaa 916. " DOUBLU house, 1313-1316 South lid St; six rooms on each side, $30 eaco. Tele phone Douglaa 4040. $3 MONTHLY rents a good piano. A. Hospe Co.. 1513 Douglas 8t Otn. Van A Stores Ce pecka.inoves.stor-t household good. Fireproof stars; S04 1 llth. Branch. 90S 8. l7ib. Tel. D 4l3 A-Ui, Benson Transfer Moves Furniture. D. 1691. 204 South 38th, $45 a III lull, lul liuocra, 8 rooms. Telephone Doulas 4040. EIGHT-ROOM bouse, modern, at 111 8. 44th Bt. on W. Farnerr- Dundee Una Tel. Harney 3361 or Douglas 644. UNEQUALLED, central. T-room bouse. FA) N. Ud. OMAHA Express Co., 1 N. 17th. D. 1361 "SEVEN-ROOM modern house. In good condition; large corner lot and shade trees; rent $23. 1602 Ohio St Apply 1UK Lathrov bt. Tel. B-3244. , " Houses, Ins. Rlngwalt, Brandels Th. Bldg. Houses iB ." p"ta ot "ty. HUUBC3 CrlKtl sons A Co., Bee Bldg! 172 8. 28TH ST.Elght rooms, completely I modern, $35. Thos. F. Hall, 433 Ramge -Bldg. Phones Douglaa 7400. Ind. A-4406. FOR RENT Excellent 6-room flar 614-4 No. 22d St, $22.60; good neighborhood tine view. Tel owner, Red 6244. TWO -room cottages, beauttfuly located. 719 and 721 Bo. 37th Bt. Webster 2690. SPECIAL FARNAM LINE Eight-room aad ball, modern, deco rated, well kept, lawn, trees, fixture to suit, fireplace, east front, one block to Farnam and Fortieth line, close to cathedral and best homes. Lease at $40, maybe less to right party. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha Nat'l. Doug, or A-21C2. 5-ROOM modern; combination fixtures. 1913 Charles. 'Phons Harney 1104. 6-ROOM modern cottage, near Farnam line. 2740 S. 9th. Phone Harney 1650. FOR RENT 7-room house, good neigh borhood; newly papered and painted, large yard and nice porch, walking distance, one block to 4 street car lines. See E. Jacob, 1816 Burt St., or telephone Doug. 62HS. Will be vacant Sunday. Come and CLOSE IN COTTAGE! 104 SO. 26 11 1 AVil Six nice light rooms on a fine street high, ground, walking distance, newly decorated, all modern, only $26. See this at onoe. PAYNE A SLATER CO. Sole Agents, 6th Floor, Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. HOUSES FOR RENT. $10 per month 3-r., 2921 Douglas St., ' partly modern flat. $20 per month 8-r., 2154 So. 4th St., mod ern except heat $25 7-r., 210 Grant St., modern. $;W-6-r., 2:13 Dewey Ave., modern flat $:so 7-r., 2."3 Pratt St., modern. $: 7-r., 311 No. 3",d St., modern. $:C 9-r., 4M4 Webster St., modern. $."0 8-r, 1326 So. 9th St., modern; strictly first-class. $65 B-r., strictly modern house In Dundee, nice yard, close to car line. $32.50-10-r. flat, modern, 2020 Rurt St. GEORGE A COMPANY, to city National Hank Bldg.. SOUTH side, walking distance; new and thoroughly modern 6-room cottage. Applv lor key at Mj Oniuhu Nut I Hunk Bldg. 6-ROOM cottage, modern except heat; near car line big lot: good neighborhood: located at 2055 N. 18th St. Get key next door south. Look It over and telephone Harney 1509. S40 401 S. 42d. 8 rooms, strictly modern, 2 blocks to Fnrnam car. WALKUP REAL EHTATK CO.. S72 76 Brandels Dlilg. Doug. 28:. A-3". STRICTLY modern 9-room house, splen did opportunities for roomers, netr unl veisity. Weljuter 2SM. 6-ROOM cottase. modern except heat, 2T.V5J Pierce St.; walking dibtance. Hard coal stove for sale.0 FIVE-ROOM cottage, modern, fine re pair, good location. Harney SGI4. Stores and Offices. Four up-to-date store rooms, just south of Union Outfitting building. 613-UIS S. lOI II Ol. . . " ......., ..... ... lights, new floors, ceilings and decorations. t einenteii oabemenis: ronnm huuui feet. Rental $7i.uu to $lou.ouO per month ei-n. 2212 Farnam St New store room. Jiut ......... 1 .. 1 .1 1' vMII f .... , It'iriA ulinu, win. dows, deep basement, steam heut. Oood location for automobile supply business. Rental 1125 per month. 624 B. 10th St. Room 22xnO feet. All In best of repair. Modern. Show win dow. Steam heat. Good basement. n nnllftnllnn 1215 Farnam St. 3 stories snd basement, i 11' i'ei ieniw. u ,"-r ii.-.t,... 413 N. 25th St., Bouth Omaha. Large store room and basement. All In best of tei'M'. Steam Ileal. Rental W' per month. 1414 Harney Bt. 4 stories and basement. S3xl2 feet. First floor has modern show window, steel celling, etc. Steam heat. Rental $Xll.OO Per month. 2919 lavenworth St. Good store room. $22 50 per month. GEORGE A COMPANY. ri02 Cl;y Nul l Bunk hid D. 756. TWO office M floor Crelgh'on block, also store st 116 8 16th Bt. Alfred Thomas. Agent fee First Nat'l Bank lilog. 1 -if 1 t! it 1 v u