Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1911, Page 12, Image 12

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Good Wearing Shoes
for Women, Men,
Boys and Girls, New
All at One Big
Bargain Price.
One Dollar a Pair.
Woman's Bergo II o n a e
Sllpt Good, 4 n
serviceable aoles 11
11 sizes V
Infants' Soft Role 8hoa
and Strap Slip . m f
pert, all colors, 1 JIP
tee Mar
Ism Sale
In Brandeis' Basement
" ."We've planned this sale for weeks, scouring the Eastern market for shoes made to
sell fn two and three times the price we ask just One Dollar a pair.
You'll need new shoes in another
you'll pay in September. Thousands of
"Women's Juliet House Slippers. 1
Women's Patent Leather Ox
fords. Women's Ankle Btrap Pumps.
Women's .White Canvas Oxfords
Women's White Canvas Pumps.
Women's Strap House Slippers.
7 ....
Women's Sample Shoes. .
We have more than doubled the size of
clerks to "wait on you.
month. Buy them now at less than half what
pairs for late summer and fall wear.
Men's Solil, Serviceable Shoes.
Men's Oxfords.
Boys' School Shoes.
Girls' School Shoes.
Girls' Velvet Slippers.
Misses' Roman Sandals.
Girls' Patent Leather Oxfords.
our Basement Shoe Department to hold the crowd. Fifty
A Special Sale of Women's and Misses'
Silk Or
esses a
t $5.00
Made to sell at $10, $12.50 and $15
Just 200 of these dresses made to sell up to $15.00, Thursday only, $5.
Thereare various sizes, some .are odds and ends, others samples, they
range in size from 14 to 20 and 34 to 42. Many different styles;' colors
and blacks; high and low neck effects. All the correct styles in stripe
sines, bordered silks, plain and' fancy blacks, many
with sailor collars, all frill front trimmed. Greatest.
.. lot of stylish, practical Silk Dresses ever offered in
Omaha at a price, anything like this. Thursday, as
long as they last .............
4 Specials in Basement Cloak Department
women's & misses
wool suits, good
practical styles
worth 7.60 up to
Taffetas, Jap Silk
and Net Waists;
blacks and colors;
worth $2.50 up to
$5.00, $1.50
Slightly soiled and
mussed Lingerie
Waists, worth $1,
and $1.50, will go
each . .....50c
Good quality Silk
Petticoats, colors
only; $2.50 qual
ity; will go on
T. $1.25
Women's Summer Neckwear at 15c and 39c
Dutch and Middy Collars, Yokes, Jabots,. Cascades, Side Frills,
Stocks, etc., very prettily made on bargain square.
W liM it
Every time you spend a dime ask
for S. & H. stamps.
A Dismissal of Boys' Summer
Suits at S2.95-Thursday
Not a one of the assortment that you could buy under any
other conditionsNfor less than $5.00
--by some standards they would be
worth more.
All are this season's best patterns,
weaves and colorings.
All wool fabrics and the class of
tailoring you would naturally ex
pect in n boys' store as widely
patronized as this.
Double breasted, knickerbocker
styles -many in weights suitable for
fall wear.
Ages six to sixteen.
Choice of All Boys' Wash
Suits at $1.89
Russian and sailor blouse styles of tub
tested fabrics, accurately proportioned and
warranted to hold their color. Values up
to $4.00 the suit.
40c Mouse Waists, Thursday, 2.1c. A
good variety to choose from.
A Clearance in the Men's Store
Although only the prices to the various offerings are mentioned,
you will find goodly assortments as regards styles and sizes. Only
timely merchandise that you need now and will be pleased to wear.
$2.00 Coat Shirts in many patterns, $1.15.
$1.00 and $1.50 Coat Shirts at 89c.
$2.00 and $2.50 Soft Cuff Shirts of finest grade silk
and linen, $1.39.
75c Night Gowns, special at 49c.
$1.00 Porosknit and lisle Union Suits at 59c.
ALL STRAW HATS-excepting Panamas-AT VS PRICE.
Sale Women's White Canvas Footwear
Just 200 pairs to go in this Thursday sale. Lot Is composed of
women's white canvas button boots with plain toes and nA
high arches and heels-all sizes. These are shoes that reg- 9 7(
ularly sell at $3.50 the pair. Thursday Viltlv
Incidentally, wo mention that ws have Jnst
received our mid-laminar shipment of women's
whlto canvas button boots and pomps.
the boat stylos aro shown In
Prices range from ga.50 to S3.5Q the pair.
Oxfords .and Pumps at $1.59 -
One lot of women's oxfords and pumps
made of first quality patent colt, dull and tan
leathers and formerly priced at 12.50 and M
the pair-sizes 2 to 4-Thursday, $1.69
the pair.
Children's Barefoot Sandals
to S, 8 to 11 and lltf to' 2-Thursday. ,
that usually sell at $1.00
the pairsizes 5 5
See the next issue of this paver for particulars of
our Great ONE DOLLAR SALE of Women'
District Judges Decide it is Not Nec
essary at This Time.
Bar that the Count? Attorney Has
' of Authority to Act It
the Facta Warrant Aar
No grand jury will be cabled by the
Judges of the district court to take up the
charges of registration frauds preferred by
the "Water board. This decision was unani
mously reached by the judges In a meeting
held Wedneaday morning at the call of
Judge Lee S. Kstelle, presiding Judge of
the dlstrlot, in response to a request from
the Water board for a special grand Jury.
In a letter to the board the judges call
ottentlon to the abundant provision af
forded by law for action by the county at
torney, and further said that it was a little
doubtful whether the court had the power
to Issue the call at this time.
The opinion given by pounty Attorney
English coincided with the decision reached
by the Judges. Judge Sutton was not pres
ent, he being out of the city.
Will Send Man to Investigate the
Laboratory Method of Pro.
( ronlrf,
The methods of the Omaha gas labora
tory In keeping oloae tab up on the Gas
company in the quality of gaa served to
consumers will be investigated by the
government experts who were preparing
stsndard teats for federal use. Gas Com
missioner Crowley haa received a letter
from the bureau of Standards of the De
partment of Agriculture stating that R.
8. McBrlde, chemist, representing the bu
reau, would be In Omaha August 14. Ha
will be shown through the laboratory In
the city hall by Dr. Crowley.
At the very beginning of the work of
the government chemists In relation to
gas standards Dr. Crowley was Interested
end It was largely through a conversa
tion which he had with W. F. HUdebrand.
chief of the bureau, that the Investigation
was begun.
Month Dakota Town Barnea.
ABERDEEN, 8. D.. Aug. t-Flre last
nivht wiped out the little town of Pollock,
H. I). Telegraph and telephone wires are
douu and details are not obtainable. Pol
lock is In Campbell county and has a popu.
lailoa of &4
Omaha-Denver Road
Tourists Returning
Have laid Out "What They Assert is a
Most Excellent Route to
. the Mountains. '
H. F. Heublnger, C. It. Babcock and It.
M. Maynard, vice president, photographer
and engineer, respectively, of the Iowa
Publishing company are expected to arrive
In Omaha some time on Thursday, com
pleting the final stage of the Omaha-Denver
Transcontinental Highway tour, be
gun over two weeks ago. The men are
bearing a letter from the Mayor of Den
ver to Mayor James C. Dahlman and will
probably deliver It on Friday.
Of the large party which set out from
Omaha, several have continued the trip
further west,' some have returned by rati
and others have stopped along the route.
S. A, Searle, vice president of the asso
ciation, who made the trip as a represen
tative of the Omaha Commercial club and
who returned Wednesday, Is most enthusi
astic over the route, which the tourists
followed and ewer the reception accorded
tbem alongi the route.
Innocent Eifer le Uladlr Corrected
la Mow a l.emdlnc Cltlsena of
Spokane, Wash.
Information received through C. S. Bteb
bins of the Union Pacific railway, referring
to the Interesting chapter of remlnlscenses
of Omaha In 1879 which The Bee reprinted
Sunday from Mrs. Strahorn'a book, enables
ua to correct an Innocent error In the In
troduction to the article.
The fact that the book Is dedicated by
Mr. Strahorn to ' her husband gave the
Impression that she was a widow, whereas
ilr. Btebblns assures us that. Mr. Strahorn
Is very much alive and la living with his
wife at Bpokane, where he Is one of the
leading cltlsena engaged In promoting
water power and Irrigation enterprises and
building railroads. Mr. Strahorn originated
the North Coast railroad and carried It al
most single handed for two or three years,
w hen he sold It to the Union Pacific. This
Una was consolidated with other Union' Pa
cific lines In Oregon and Washington last
December under a new company, the
Oregon-Washington Railroad & Navigation
company, of which Mr. Strahorn Is a vice
president and general manager of Its line
In eastern Washington.
The Yellow Peril.
Jaundice, malaria, biliousness, vanishes
when Dr. King s New Ufe Pills are taken
Guaranteed, tbc For sale by Beaton
Drug Co.
Cut Price Sale of
Thursday, Frinay and Satur
day Exceptional Shoe Value .
All of our Howard & Foster's
high grade men's oxfords, all
sizes and widths, all leathers
14.00 and $4.50 sale
Price $2.00
Hanan, Clapp ' & Boyden $6.00
and $6.60 oxfords for men
t $4.25
Hanan's men's $5.50 oxfords, in
Russia calf and Tlcl kid $4.15
McDonald, Kiley, Furbush men's
$4.00 and $6.60 oxfords $3.85
Men's oxfords a miscellaneous
lot, worth $3.60 -82.55
The shoe every boy . wants.
comfortable and with the wearing
qualities that make them the
Ideal boys' shoes.
M 11 gra 91.85
$2.00 grade $1.55
Women's $5.00 and $5.60 ox
foids Hanan, Foster, Wright &
Paters $3.85
Armstrong Women's $4.00 ox
fords twenty complete lines
at $2.00
Krippendsrf & Selby Women s
$3.60 oxfords fifteen lines
at . . , rej
$3.00 Welt Oxfords. , taken from
miscellaneous lines, all priced
at '$2."5
1410 Farnara Street.
P Taffs Dental tas
W0ST remodels fur
i Special summer prices expert work.
1L Corner 20th and Farnam. Telephone Doug. 3040.
Most Unique Popular
Newspaper Feature of the Year
The Bee's
Junior Birthday
Krery dr The Fee Is printing the names of boys and girls la
Omaha who are celebrating their birthdays, day by day telling when
they were born, where they live, and what schools they are attending.
Our readers can readily keep track through the birthday book
of the anniversaries of their little friends, of the children of their
neighbors and of their children's playmates.
Every boy and girl In Omaha Is watching The Bee to see what
other boys and girls are having birthdays on the same day with
The Interest of the birthday book Is likewise heightened by
being Illustrated with reproduced portraits of one or more of the
day's birthday boys or girls.
This great feature began with the first of January last, and
will continue throughout the remainder of the year.
The total number of birthdays recorded will exceed eighteen
thousand, and Includes the children In every family In Omaha who
are going to school It Includes public, private and parochial schools.
Have your children got the habit of consulting The Bee's Junior
Birthday Book?
When once Interested, old as well as young will be captivated
by it, and watch eagerly for each succeeding list
The Bee's
Junior Birthday Book
Daily in The Bee
Measure The Bee against other local papers in
respect of' quality as well as quantity of timely
news and interesting articles from day to day
and TheBee'e superiority will be demonstrated
Unusual Opportunities in Thursday's Sale
Store Closes
at 5 P. M.
Except Satur
day at 9 P. M.
L" " " " ' " Ay. if'Jf'V V Store Closes
niA fUM Except Satur
I H l V'j-THfi v- I dayat9P.M,
BgJEsAmssjsaf sLaJstsrsSTi 'sivist fc-m .ASh sy ussm smss
Regular Values to $20.00
New Lot Just Received
Another big shipment just received from tlvo New York
manufacturers. The best Silk Dress purchase our buyer
ever mnde. The Season's most approved styles, including
Foulard trimmed soft tnffctas, messaline, foulards, pon
gees, choice colorings and styles. No undesirable or freak
ish patterns and colorings in the lot. You'd pay around
$20.00 for the same garment a few weeks ago. j OO
Thursday they're vours at V,uu
Demi-Tailored Lingerie
Waists Also beautiful em
broidered waists, splendid
line just received, on sale
Thursday, at $2.98
Ladies Wash Dresses -Gingham
lawns, etc., well made,
good colors, all sizes, val
ues to $2.50, at, yd. $1.00
Lingerie Ginghams a nd
Lawns Values to $3.75,
choice styles, splendid as
sortment, at $1.95
Wash Dresses, worth to $12
lingerie, allover embroid
ery, marquisettes, etc., dain
ty new designs, choice $5
Ladies' and Misses' Suits
Values up to $25, styles and
weights, suitable for early
fall wear, choirw . . $8.50
Children's Wash Dresses
Pretty Ginghams and other
wash fabrics, values to $2,
good colors and style 69(
Wash Dresses, Worth $2.50
in ginghams and cham--brays,
prettily trimmed
choice of bargain of the
season, at, each 89c
Children's Dutch Dresses
Made in Berlin, prettiest
wash dresses shown this
season. Thursday half price
$1.50 Embroideries, at, Yard 49c
A beautiful new line of 27-in. Skirt Flouncings; 45-in.
Skirt Flouncings and 22-in. Allover Embroideries, odd
lengths from the looms, every yard perfect, regular $1.25
to $2.00 yard values, as shown in 16th street fl
iri nrlrtTP Tlinrsrlnv nf npr vnrd m mf VV
In the Domestic Room
81x90 Sheets, seamless, always
sell at 79c, each G9
72x90 Sheets, seamless, our regu
lar 69c sheet, each 58
15c Pillow Cases, each
,12 He Pillow Cases, each ..)
A good Bleached Muslin, our reg
ular 10c grade, at, a yard 7
A good Unbleached Muslin, our
regular 8Vc grade, at, yard Q
White Goods of all kinds, worth
up to 25c, at, a yard ....10
Percales, 36 Inches wide, neat pat
terns, at, a yard 10
Fancy Stripes and Checked Oing
hanui, 12 quality, yard 8ttt
Lawns and Batiste, good assort
ment of colors and patterns, at,
a yard 7s
Cotton Foulards, neat patterns,
at, a yard 10
High Grade Wash Goods
Poplins and Pongee In all colors,
2 7 -Inches wide, at, yard ..J55
Imported Poplins, In all the new
est shades, at. per
yard 50 and 39
Repp In . fancy stripes, at, per
yard 18
Madras, for shirts, all neat pat
terns, worth up to 39c, all at, a
yard ........... .,... . 25
Ginghams, neat patterns, 82-ln.
wide, at, a yard 15
Lawns and Batiste, good assort
ment, at, a yard 12
Bordered Lawns, 40-ln. wide,
good styles, at, a yard . . . 18
36-ln. Percales, at, yard . . 12H
Fancy Silk mixed goods, newest
shades, at, a yard ...... .35
Our Motto is to Fight Trust and Combination Prices.
Read this ad and compare what
with us:
48 lb. Mack best High Orads Family
Flour, for 11.15
10 bars Diamond C or Beat 'Em All
Soap, for 260
10 lbs. best White or Yellow Corn
meal' for lfic
lbs. ood Japan Rice, 7 He qual
ity, for U5c
4 lbs. fancy Japan Rice, 10c qual
ity, for 2 5o
BromanRelon, Jellycen, or Jello,
per package .,7Uo
Gallon cans Oolden Table Syrup 85c
Gallon cans Apples or Pumpkins 25c
McLaren's Peanut Butter, lb. ..15c
Grape-Nuts, package 10c
Bnyder's or Blue Label Catsup, bot
tle for 2 So
Crosse & Blackwell'S Jams or Mar
malade, per Jar 25c
1 lb. cans Campbell's Soups ..IViC
The bent Tea 81f tings, lb 12 He
The beat Oolden Santos Coffee, at,
per pound 20c
Butter and Err Frloes That Are
Wot Controlled By Trust or
Combination Prloeai
The ben Dairy Butter, pound 21o
Kancy -No. 1 Creamery Butter, per
pound 25c
you aro paying if you are not fading
Good Country Creamery Butter, at
per oind 23c
The best Fresh Eggs from the
Country, dozen J7e
Full Cream Cheese, lb 15c
rrssh Vegetables Prices, the Talk
of Everybody, it Pays to
Trade at Kayden's.
8 bunches Fresh Radishes ......Be
fl bunches fresh Onions 6c
4 bunches fresh Beets or Carrots Bo
Good Cooking Apples, peck ...,10c
2 heads fresh Celery ,.6o
Fancy itlpe Tomatoes, lb 6c
Large Heads Fresh Cabbage ....5c
t heads fresh Leaf Lettuce . ...6o
3 Cucumbers for .....Bo
2 lbs. Pie Plant 6c
Fancy Denver Wax or Green Beans,
per pound ,.10o
New Potatoes, peck 40o
Fancy 1 Denver I'eas, quart ....THc
Fancy Denver Cauliflower, lb. loo
Crab Apples for jelly, market bas
ket, for , ..860
California Bsrtlott Pears for Can-'
1 bushel boxes Fancy California
Bartlett Pears, box 90.75 .
Try MAYDEN'S First
r; 11 iisr taisT w w us xssr asu s
Fry's Shoe Store
For Thursday, Friday and Saturday
We will add to our season's clean
up sale some lines of high grade low
cuts at prices cut lower than ever.
For the man who wears a small
Ita choice of 100 pairs, j)Ce
values 13.00 to tfl.OO 9"y
150 pairs $4.00 and 18.60 values.
We have fair sues SI 4 5
In these
SO lines $5.00 and $4.00 values
all .Hires can fit
any man.
pom wohis.
Choice of 210 pairs broken lots,
ff.uu ana 10ns and
black low cuts
250 pairs tan and black kid, calf
and gray suede, $4.00
and $1.60 values
200 pairs patent and dull pumps
ana vxroras, values,
up to $4.00
I1 " " " " rr ti rr-rp
Lean Where It's Best to Farm
... V
Tnlnklng snout baying land? Wsnt o kaow U
oil and cllmaio best suited for serial farming T
Oar Lasd Bureau gtvs free Information about
oil. climate, conditions In all parts ot too evnntry.
Writ the Laaa Information Boreas. The
Twentieth Century Farmer. Omana, Nob., today
and your questions will gal prompt attention.
We have gatbered data and can toll los wnat
you desire to laar.
Free InSormation