Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 31, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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M larellnnrno tun : !nrd,
New and second-hand win. ISIS F.irnam.
13 f', delivered to nnv part of city Wooden
Rox an Packngc Co. Webster C.VW.
SIIA-VIN'GK snd fin-. big Irn l do.
A' llvered to any part of rltv
13. Wooden Pox and Pkge Co. Web. fir.
Foil SAI.E-Hhow cases and office fur
nlture at Hnfoy ft Heafoy's. 21S 8. 14th.
Alloe Johnson. 30- Rrandcls Theater P-ldg.
Xirtheryn Nikola. 634-6 Brandels Theater
I). O. BARNEIX, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red-7117.
HIRAM A. PTUROE3, reg. attorney. 648
Brandeia Theater, til Jr. Douglas M&.
, . . .
WILLARl) EDDY. Solicitor. 1530 City
Nat l. Hank. Tyler 1530; Ind. A-1864.
MKCHANO THERAPY massage treat
ment, rheumatism. Dr. Margaret llal
Joran, 2!2-8 Neville Blk. D. 77tl. Open aftor 6.
TO F. W. Z. of Chicago. Wally come
home at once. Hurry. Kdd.
DR. BURKE, diseases of women. Omaha.
CI r A MPnO treatment. Mrs. Steele, ex
Dllivl'll VJy. pi oper't'r. lu7 8. 17th, 2 fl.
AflKKTinTr'a,m''nt- K- Brott, 710
JUAUXNrjAllso. istn Bt-f M floor(
MASSAGE Swedish movement; nothing
belter for rheumatism. Ladles, $1; gentle
men, II. M. Apt. 2, 1802 Farnarn. Doug. 6021.
YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha aa
strangers are Invited to visit the Young
Women's Christian association building ut
Seventeenth St. and St. Mary'a Ave., where
they will be directed to suitable boarding
place. or otherwise assisted. Look for our
travelers' aid at the Union station.
n,wl Kiimsrifnn Maternity Hopltal
v.uuv. ..w..... (licensed). 740 First
Ave., Council Bluffs. Ia.
$25.00 REWARD
The above reward will be paid by the
sheriff of Cheyenne county for the arrest
and detention of Henry llandley who left
hi home near Dalton Neb., July 6, 1911,
and wa laat heard of from Kearney, Neb.,
where he sent a letter to his wife. From
tone of letter It Is evident that he has
become mentally unbalanced and his wife
wants him detained.
He Is a small man, blue eyes, blind In
one eye, weight about 126 pounds, 40 years
old; wore when last seen, brown pants
with belt, new green shoes.
Wire any Information, collect, to J. W.
McDanlel, Sheriff, Sidney, Neb.
iViXWVUU 107 g mhi 2d floor, room 6.
moved to 203 8. 19th St. Douglas 1311.
STRICTLY private confinement home.
We find homes for babies where mothers
are not able to care for them. 2618 Daven
port. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits cast
off clothing, In fact anything you do not
need. We collect, repair and sell, at 134 N.
11th St., for cost of collection, to the
worthy poor. Call 'phone Douglas 4125 and
wagons will call.
HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace,
strengthen. 60c. BELL DRUG CO.
ADELIOHT hair food grows hair. Mme.
Frayer. Megeath Sta. Co., 16th and Farnarn.
Qladdlsh Pharmacy, 12th and Dodge.
MASSAGE Swedish movements; excellent
for rheumatism, nervous and kindred ail
ments; treatments, $.1.00. Drs. B. Prlbbe
now and Harriet L. Joy, Suite 401 Ware
Blk., 309 8. 16th St. Tel. Douglas 27S5.
MASSAGE, Rlttenhouse. 308 Old Boston Bid.
MRS. SNYDER. Swedish massage, baths,
radiator and vibrator treatment. The
Dunsany, Flat 8, 10th and Pierce. D. 43S0.
WANTED The address of Alice Winn,
daughter of It. R. Winn of Muscatine, Ia.
(married name unknown), by Mrs. Emma J,
t Winn) Webb, 1536 S. 19th St., Lincoln, Neb.,
and Mary E. (Winn) Munson, 400 Emerson
St., Denver, Colo.
FOR SALE OR TRADE 10-months-old
bull (bltoh) pup. Will sell reasonable or
trade for collie pup or dog. Tel, Web. 6776.
Lew W. Raber, Printer p0
PHONE IND. A-2020 for good printing.
Lyngatad Printing Co., 16th & Capitol Ave.
RIE8-HALL Ptg. Co.. 109 8. 14th. Ind. A-3624
MIDLAND Guar. & Trust Co., 1714 Far.
H. II. Neale, pres.; J. Campbell, sec. D. 2S63
REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract
office In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Theater.
teenth floor City Nat 1 Bank Bldg.
8IMON80N & NORBY, furnace and tin
Tork. Douglas 2440.
Five acres Just across the line of
Sarpy county, about one-quarter ( )
of a mile outside the city limits of
South Omaha. There Is a gogd six
room house, barn, all kinds of fruit,
well, cistern, etc. The owner of this
property lives out west and has au
thorized us to offer this land at
$4,500. This property must be seen
to be appreciated, BUT WE WANT
O'NeiTs Real Estate
& Ins. Agency
1505 Farnarn St.
612 North 24th St., South Omaha.
Tela.: Tyler 1024; lnd. A-3313.
South 192; Ind. F1192.
1743 BINNEY. t2.50o-7-room. modern, hot
Water heat, corner lot. shade. Part cash,
balance to suit. Call Owner. Web. 73).
640 ACRES Improved, deeded; a store do
ing good business. $; half cash.
Walker 4k Co., Brandeia Theater Bldg
BRAND new house. ( room and bath
all wired; outbuildings, lot box I a , 2 blocks
from car. Phone Reason 621 after 6 p. ro.
BARGAIN A-room. mod. home. SI 4 8. (3d.
four miles of city; smooth upland, one
half In cultivation. About 60 trait tres
beginning to bear. No house, but fine tie
for one. $1,260, flOO cash If you build at
axja, 2A it you do out build.
Pwurl bu. Council illuXfs, la.
city rm'i'i:i i i ttit sai.r
We Have for
Sale Residence
Lots Within
The choicest residence lots In the
city today, located within walking dis
tance and still In the choice residence
district. Just one-half block from the
highest-priced ' property in Omaha,
near school -and churches, close to
three car lines; there is water, gas,
sewer and permanent walks. We
would like very much to show these
lots to anyone, as we know the prices
will be interesting both as investment
and home site. Call us up. Doug
las 3382.
Gallagher & Nelson
490 Drandels Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
We have a two apartment house, con
taining 13 rooms, 2 bath rooms, 7 bed
rooms, with parlor, dining room and
kitchen In each apartment, with new
plumbing end good heating plant.
This property Is too large for present
owner and It la a splendid proposition
for some one who will buy It and divide
it Into four 3-room apartments. Owing
to the arrangement of the house, this
work can be done at a very small ex
pense and when completed the apartments
will rent for $25 each. The buyer can
live in one apartment, rent the rest and
mako a good Investment out of your
The hulldii., Is well built and In good
condition, only 12 minutes' ride to the
center of the city, one block from tne
Dodge street car line and In good resi
dence district.
It in Just north of Ohio on the Flor
ence Boulevard. A good 6 or 7 room
mdern house will be taken In exchange
at the right price. This proposition is
certainly worth looking Into.
Norris & Martin
400 Bee Building. Doug. 4270, A-4270.
For Sale by Owner
A beautiful 6-room cottage,
with city . water, fruit trees,
fine grape arbor, seven shade ,
trees, chicken pens, 24-foot
chicken house, barn and buggy
shed. WIJ1 sell on easy pay
ments. $17,50 Per Month
Apply at
3107 AVENUE C.
Council Bluffs, Iowa.
6-ROOM house, nice big barn and three
lots all fenced, cheap, 3712 Iratt 8t
I'hone Webster 6003.
Furnished Home Close In
Very desirable furnished home, to rent
everything that Is wanted In a home; rea
sonable rent.
490 Brandels Bldg. Omaha, Neb.
OR SALE-7-room all modern house:
SOU Jackson St. One story; good home -or
large family; on monthly installments. 12 00
Addrer c'LVBeT "
Non Resident Owner Wires:
Business Property
Two one-story brick stores, 22d and Cum
ing Sts., paved alley. Rental value. $480
per annum. Tenants do own repair. Price
14,250. Easy terms; money at 5 per cent. '
A two-story frame dwelling In good loca
tion; rented to colored tenants at W0 per
annum; house la In excellent repair. Price
$1,850; only 50 cash.
Ion't fall to see them. We will submit
436 Paxton Block. Phone Douglas 2418.
New Cottage
11.500 TAKES IT 4 large rooms and bath
room; cemented cellar; porch, fine view;
close in; $J0 cash, balance monthly. A. H.
Benton. 310 Bee Bldg. Phone Douglas 2904.
82x92 Feet
On 19th Ave., close to Jackson St., $65
per front foot. Just the place for an apart
ment house.
Toland & Wiley
610 Bee Bldg.
Phone Douglas 6707; Jnd. A-4377.
Located In Benson, within two blocks of
car line. In a locality where all new home
have recently btr- built. This house was
built fr a home and Is of the very best
material. Has been papered throughout
snd la one of the most conveniently ar
ranged plans. Owner has cut the pries to
$-!.0u0 If sold Inside of ten days. Will sell
on small payment down and the balance
about the same as rent.
HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St
For Kale Lots west of Hanscom park
In Field club difctrlct. Tel. D. Kit. Imper
ial Investment Co., Pullman Building, 8.
loth St.
FOR 8ALK Pacific Express office build
ing and stable, the latter choice warehouse
property, trackage. U. P. Stebblns. '
Beautiful residence lot. 43xt"9V4 : Fort St
near Mh; level and shady; street paved on
car line: only tlo a foot. C. Ralph, 6313
Ureer, fcfc Louis, Alo, . - -
See That Cotttnge Among th
at 1S09 Sherwood Ave, walking distance,
hew, 6 rooms, completely modern, oak
finish, porcelain plumbing, art lighting fix
tures; best of everything. k'.Rey price, easy
Tyler li36. M South 17th St.
FINE lot for sale. 11.500. Inoulre 825 S.
3ft h. I
FOR SALE If you want a farm or farm
lunds In southwest Alabama, we have all
kinds, especially alfalfa, corn and cotton
land, from 1 to 1,000 arres. For full in
foimatlon write to us. Hefner Camp Realty
Co., Arkon, Alabama.
BEST fruit and general farming lands
for price In U. S., Is Searcy Co., Ark. Send
tor booklet showing lii to Jli land near
town. W. M. llenoon, Leslie, Ark.
2.6UU A. UNIMPROVED cut-off tlmlwr
land; much fine timber on land; 6 to 1 ml
irom Eureka Springs; fine lor truit ranch
and general tannine, V.b. Special bargain
In Improved farms, 110 to Ho.
Eureka Spring, Ark.
COTTON plantation; 4) acres, elegant
10-room dwelling; plenty tenant houses;
good Darn and outbuildings; rich, black
lomn; will glow bale cotton or 75 bushels
corn per acre; woven wire fence 200 acre
cultivation; 200 merchantable timber; hard
wood; healthful location, 4 miles from good
town; good neighborhood; near school and
church; price $20,000; reasonable terms.
Address Johnston & Wellls. care Southern
Trust Co., Little Rock, Ark.
1.500 ACRES rich bottom land, six miles
from Newark, $10 per acre; terms. Fine
orange grove, Florida. Forty acres, $7,600.
Other bargains. A. A. Henderson, Newark,
All classes of timber, farm and fruit lands
In Arkansas. Louisiana and Mississippi,
from $." to $25 per acre. Wile J. D. Rey
nolds, Camden, Ark.
23.1A.. SMOOTH, 1 ml. railway station;
100 fenced, 40 cult.: small house: two wells:
two public roads; $2,600. Union Bank &
Trust Co., Real Est. Dept., Searcy, Ark.
lbO. 6 ml. out. 10 In cult.. 120 black alfalfa
or clover land; fair Imp.; good neighbor
hood; $3, zvu, s mi. irom town of 2,000; near
P. O. and school; nearly all smooth up
land; 06 cult., bal. timber, 26 clover, 3 al
falfa, 6 bearing orchard, 135 fenced hog
tight: extra good 4-r. residence, store.
lodge bldg., new barn, dark red sandy
loam; good community; delightful location;
abundance good water: I3.UJ0. subject to
6-year loun $M)0; terms easy.
Marshall. Ark.
BEST fruit and general farming lands
for price In U. 8., Searcy Co., Ark. Send
for booklet showing $6 to $15 land near
town. H. M. Henson, Leslie, Ark.
OZARK IAND CO.. Qravette. Ark.
Stock ranches, fruit farms, berry fields,
small tracts Installment plan; town prop
erty. Business houses. Write us.
60 TRACTS of land In the corn and al
falfa district of Delta land; black soil, good
schools; lands will double In value In three
years; now rent from $5 to $7 per acre.
Write us what you want.
Pine Buff. Ark.
S20 ACRES, close to town. Saskatchewan,
170 acres in wheat; $19 acre; third cash.
Balance to suit. Vv-te for terms. 126
Brodle St., Fort Willi!
lams, tn
it.. Can.
I OWN a section of good wheat land
situated less than two miles from growing
town In Saskatchewan. Will sell for $20 pe.
acre. Address, M. J. Cavrothers, P. O. Box
Winnipeg, Manitoba.
FARM lands in the Canadian west, town
lots In railroad divisional points, property
In Watrous, the Carlsbad of America.
Write W. M. Oalbralth, Watrous, Sas
katchewan. GOLDEN wheat lands for sale. Im
proved and unimproved prairie farms, any
sixe. Alberta, Saskatchewan. Woodhead
coy. Watrous, Sask., Can.
REAL ESTATE I have a large list of
lands In the Ooose and Eagle lake district
no better In Canada. H. P. Leech, Rose
town, Sask.
Raca County, Colo.,
10,000 ACRES
Artesian Belt of
Southeastern Colorado
The land is level, black soil from 5 to 8
feet; artesian water la found at 350 to 600
feet. Albert E. King, Rooms 1015-16 First
Nat. Bank Bldg., Denver, Colo.
NORTHEASTERN Colorado wheat lands,
$12.60 to $15 per acre. A few Improved
farms, $20 to $25. Write J. U. Relnnardt.
Sterling, Colo.
160-ACRE best Irrigated farm, Colorado,
finely improved; new 10-room dwelling,
barn; potato cellar holds lo carloads; 50
acres of wheat, 60 acres alfalfa; no waste
land; every foot under old water right;
have another farm, can't work both; 40
miles north of Denver, 40 miles south of
Greeley. C. A. Gregory, 406 Mack Bldg.,
Denver, Colo.
Finest Idaho Horse Ranch
440 acres best farming land; improved:
In center of vast free range; $14,000. For
terms and particulars address owner, U.
C. Bertleson, Emmett, Idaho.
FOR SALE Two lots, numbers 5 and 17,
block E, Englewood addition, Highland
Park. Address J. 11. Bennett, OsValoosa,
320-acre farm In Pocahontas county; cor
ner right in to.Nn.; building one block from
depot and creamery; ten-loom house nicely
furnished; fine grove and fruit trees; beau
tiful building sue facing south; cattle barn
44xl0; 24-foot .posts; stanchiona for about
fifty cattle; two silo bins; room for loo tons
of hay; also feed cutter, corn grinder and
16-horsepower gasoline engine; horse, barn
tor 15 horses, with liayloit and grain oius;
windmill and three water tanks; farm
fenced In six f'elds; 70 acres hog tight.
Price $106 per acre on very eusy terms.
J. A. CAKKULL, Hollo, la.
240-ACRE estate, ail the very choicest of
land, nothing nicer in the state, $i,0u0 or
more of Improvements, all in good shape;
6Vi miles from two good towns. Must bs
sold and soon. I have the exclusive hand
ling of this. Price, $5j per acre. Match 1
delivery; cash, balance oVs per cent. O.
M. Emery, Northwood, Ia.
FOR SALE Excellent 240-acre farm In
corn and blue grass belt. Adams county,
Iowa; farm all well fenced, oo acres hog
tight, 1M acres tiled, and all In excellent
cultivation; 12-room house, largo brick cel
lar with cement floor, cement walks, large
new barn and mill, with good Fairbanks
engine, new hog house, other outbuildings,
all In good repair; good stock and barn
yards, large grove and good orchard, four
good wells, excellent water, two windmills.
For further particulars address Mrs. Anna
M. Nash, 153t High St.. Dea Moines, la.
THE easiest way to find a buyer for
your farm Is to insert a small want ad
m the Dea Moines Capital. Largest circula
tion In the state of iowa, 43,uuu daily. The
Caapital Is read by and believed in by the
standpatters ot Iowa, who simply refuse to
nr. Ml any other paper in their homes.
Rates 1 cent a word a flay; $1.26 per line
per month; count six ordinary words to the
line. Address Des Moines Capital, Des
Moines, la.
350 ACRES and 173 acres of southern Iowa
land. Improved, wall located, good soil,
nght price; for tale or trade; $;,ucu aqulty
In brick store building, a first class In
come property for sale or trade, quick, on
land merchandise or automobile. Address
Lo 3, Uia&uAsJt 1. i
leira Contlaaea.
FOR SALE OR TRADE My equity In 4
section ft raw land, X miles of Sotenta, j
mllea Kit Carson and miles Wild Horse.
Cheyenne Co., Colo.; on U. P. Hy. ! lays
good; shallow water district; 1 mile to
river; alfalfa grown successfully wearby.
Price $20 per acre, encumbrance $1,250, op
tional at 6 per cent, due May 13, 1!U4. Will
trade the equity, $1,H6U, for residence of
equal value. 1 alao have section Joining
this which Unclear, to trade for town prop
erty. Same price. Would carry back $l,ti0
on this at 6 per cent. Walter 11. Boya,
Newton, la.
ISO ACRES, Cass county, Iowa, farm Im
proved and well located; price, $125 per
acre; my equity Is $18,500. Wsnt southern
Minnesota or Dakota land, clear. No In
flated prices considered. Ons 10-horse-power
portable gaollne engine for what
have youT Address C. W. McCauslland,
Cass county, Dorah. Ia.
120-ACRE Improved farm, 1 miles from
Mason City, 2 miles from small town, $75
an acre; eauy terms and splendid bargain;
134-acre unimproved farm 12 miles from
Mason City, 24 miles from two other towns,
only $40 an sere. We have the best bar
gains In northern Iowa. Come and see us.
Mason City, la.
FOR SALE-Splendld farms, well Im
proved, ranging In price from $S0 to $90 per
acre. This Is choice Iowa land, In well Im
proved communities, near town and schools.
There Is no more fertile or beautiful part
of the state than Osceola county. Write
for particulars. T. S. Redmond, Sibley,
A well improved farm in Harrison county,
Iowa. Corn land, clover land, alfalfa land,
blue grass land; 40 miles from Omaha. V
miles from good coilega town. $75 per acre.
Part payment taken in smaller farms.
Apply to GEO. O. CLARK, IS Pearl St..
Council Bluffs, la.
REMEMBER It takes But a few strokes
ftf the Den lo stats thjit vmi tum. .
In The Bee. The advertiser wants to know.
240 acres, 2H miles out; 1J0 acres in wheat;
yt uenvereo. to ouyer; level, rich, deep sou;
kood well and winamill, $.'".250; terms.
Other wheat and alfalfa lands, all aisvs
and prices. L. F. Schuhmucher, owner,
Meade, Kan
320 ACRES. 1H miles out. 200 In wheat;
V4 to buyer; balance pasture. The late rain
and snow assure bumper crop; level as a
floor; $22.50 per acre; terms. W. B. Cul
bertson, Scott City, Kan.
WE have some choice bargains In corn,
wheat and alfalfa lands for sale In Benton
and Rush counties; write for list of farm
bargains. American Investment Co., Hol
singion, Kan.
HO ACRES, six miles from Mlneola, 600
acres In wheat, or.e-thlrd to buyer; new
4-ioom house, stable, well, mill, tank, pas
ture fenced; rich mack soil; has raised
good crop every year since broken out;
great bargain. $35 per acre. Terms. The
Roy C, Beard Land Co.. Mlneola, Kan
320 ACRES, 3 mllea good town; fenced;
well Improved; all smooth land; rich black
soil; good orchard; R. F. D. ; phore; fine
surroundings, $i; good terms; will ex
change for hardware, implements or gen
eral merchandise. W. 11. Mott Hering
ton, Kan,
320 ACRES 35 In alfalfa; 10-room house;
large barn; granary, etc.; two miles to
Lamed, Pawnte county; bO acres pasture,
balance In cultivation; rich, deep soil
abudance of water; wells and mills; $23,500;
terms. Butte Realy Co., Hutchinson, Kan.
VERNON parish, La.; the land of sun
shine, soli, climate, markets, water, heath,
good prices, cheap; write Leesvllle Real
Estate and Improvement Co., C. M. Mc
Furland, Sec'y., Leesvllle, La.
LOUISIANA farm and timber lands;
cood for truck, corn paiMa ,
count of cotton pest, cheapest lands on
market. Hall, Elder & Benclt. Monroe
166 ACRES. 15 miles from St. Paul. 3 miles
from Roeemont; all fenced; black loam
soli; 50 acres cultivated, balance pasture
and black oak timber; only $& per acre for
Immediate sale; half cash.
U0-acre improved farm, 16 miles from St
Paul, 1 mile from Rich Vallev,-
-room house, windmill, large barn and
oiner Duuuing, an in gooa condition; black
loam soil, clay subsoil; always been culti
vated by owner; 180 acres under plow 7
acres fruit trees, mostly apples, balance
good timber land. Special price and terms
W. F. & R. W. Mority, Pioneer Press Bldg..
St. Paul, Minn. '
FARM, SNAP 230 acres level prairie
land, 200 in crop, balance pasture and
meadow; good buildings, $75 acre. Morhart
& Atchison, Mankato, Minn.
FINE farm home, 320 acres, t miles from
good town; black loam soli. All fenced
large frame dwelling, barn, granary
machine sheds, etc., 160 acres in field, 40
acres timber, balance clover and timothy
and meadow. Ideal dairy farm. $36 per aore;
one-third cash, balance easy terms. M. J.
Kolb, Fosston, Mian.
A SNAP; must be quick; 200-acre Im
proved farm In Murray county, Minnesota;
has first class buildings, fences, splendid
grove, orchard, two miles from town. Write
John Holden, Jr., Garvin, Minn.
If you are thinking of immigrating west
this year, write us for descriptive liter
ature of our lands in Minnesota, North
Dakota and Montana. We can suit you
no matter what you want and where
you want It, and can sell you anywhere
from 40 acres to 1.000. William E. Gibbons,
Lock Box s, Cormorant. Minn
...... - - uw, aw cvt-ieB, id nines twin
Cities; good tillable soil; state map mailed
with 45-page book for 30 centa. Hobart
Land Co., Phenix Bldg., Minneapolis.
. Dt-nu iur a nsi or our una improved
southern Minnesota lands; we have hun
dreds of pleased customers. C. E. Brown
Iand Co., Offices Madelia and New Rich-
mnu, Alum.
FOR SALE 160 acres of good new hard
wheat land near Walhaila, Pembina
county. North Dakota. For particulars ad
dress owner, A. Lucasse, 227 Third Ave.,
N., Minneapolis, Minn.
$S,000 equity In good quarter In southern
Minnesota; quarters 2 miles from good
town, having house 2Hx30. new barn 32x40,
with gable roof, small granary and fencj.
Want machine, stock of dry goods. Price
$') per acre. BenJ. As Cone, Window,
280 acres, IV. miles to town and beauti
ful lake, 40 miles from Minneapolis, no
waste land, good large buildings, JiO per
acre, $3,000 cash, long time on balance.
Will sell 2I0 acres of this. Excellent crops.
T. II, Daly. 702 Palaco Bldg., Minneapolis.
I HAVE a farm ot 320 acres 2Vi miles
from good town, 30 miles from Minneapolis,
100 acres under cultivation; atout SO acres
meadow, balance timber; can all be opened
up; rich soil, good house, barn and other
buildings. Price $32 per acre. Also 80-acre
farm two miles from good town; 40 acres
under plow, 15 acres timber, good rich soil,
5-room house, two barns and other out
buildings, windmill, fine natural grove, or
chard Just commencing to bear. Price,
$3,50u; easy terms. Write owner. Charles E.
bwanson. Elk River, Minn.
FOR SALE One of the best and cheapest
farms In the Mississippi delta, consisting of
1,500 acres, 700 acrea in cultivation. In Sun
flower county. For price and terms write
to me. J. D. Rlggs, Selma, Ala.
THIRTEEN sections In Dawson county,
near Sidney, one of the beta towns in the
Yellowstone Valley; also have other lands
that we are retailing In any sise farm you
want. Write your wants. Prices are right.
The Hay ward Land Co., Glendlve. Moat.
MISSOURI FARMS None better on
earth; highly Improved 180 acres; raises
anything. $M. Other decided bargains.
Write us. Gilliam Realty Co.. Ullllam. Mo.-
FOR SALE 66 farms, large and small,
between Mississippi and Missouri rivers,
average $35 per acre. Write for big price
list. William Cregy; Wright City, Mu.
FICE. 120 acres a) $60. Extra Improve
ments, praorti jly new modern house.
15 acre superior orchard, land, mostly
fresh, level to foiling, FJne climate,
well Watered. Must seeto appreciate.
Milerj-om atatlorr Write for particulars.
JY, lT5, wwuiToruaa,
Mississippi (' tinned.
STOP! IVm't go a step farther than
Douglas county, down In the beautiful
Oxarks, raise anything: cwrn 30 to 60 bush
els per acre, all other crops In proportion;
cheapest good land on earth. $ to $-"0 per
acre. Free Information. Brosa Real Estate
Co., Ava, Mo.
FOR SALE Finest farm In Leavenworth
county. Broaddus farm of ltiO acres. 1H
miles from Fort Leavenworth. $5.0H) brick
residence. 600 45-year-old walnuts. 100 sugar
maple trees, natural gas two telephones,
free delivery, 1V miles from Santa Fe sta
tion; examine premises and write Mrs. J.
L. Klrby, 1108 Felix St. St. Joseph. Mo.
MISSOURI farm. 360 arres; 6-room house,
barn; 100 acres wheat, 2U0 acres corn; level,
black dirt; 3 miles railroad, acre. Chas.
E. Huckstep Realty Co., Elsberry, Mo.
SO-ACRE farm, all cultivated; fine house,
barn, fences, first-class condition; fine
spring water; S mllea from town; 7 miles
from railroad. Southeast Missouri Immi
gration Co., Piedmont, Mo.
the coming farm slate, $12.60 to $20 per
acre. Write for description. Shnw & Clark
Land Co., Hackney Bldg., St. I'aul, Minn
FOR 8ALE Blttrr Root Valley, 320 acres
fine fruit land; old water right; best sec
tion of the valley; fine proposition for sub
division; fair buildings; easy terms. Ad
dress owner. E. O. Lewis, Stevensvllle,
320-ACRE homestead relinquishment for
sale; also one hotel: one bakery; one gen
eral ioro; one saioon; one ieea store. Ad
dress Charles F. Brown, Oalatu, Mont.
FINE 640-acre ranch, 12 miles from town.
3 quarters tame hay, balance wild hay and
pasture, 400 acres level, balance slightly
rolling; heavy black soil; two flowing
wels; 5-room house, barn, granary and
chicken house; telephone; ' mile to school.
tins is an exceptionally fine ranch and a
snap. il sell on easy terms. George E.
Collins, owner. Atkinson. Neb.
HOM ESTEAD 320 acres for $150 In cash;
about 20 miles out; good plow land; not
sand. Another one for $175; $25 cash and
$10 a month. J. A. Tracy, Kimball, Neb.
1,130-ACRE farm 7 miles southeast Bas
sett, Rock county, Nebraska; 200 aicres In
corn this year, large acreage In timothy
and clover; good set of improvements.
Price, $22.60 per acre; one-third cash, bal
ance easy terms at 6 per cent
220 F. L. & T. Bldg.,
Sioux City, la.
160 ACRES in Chase county, Nebraska;
12 miles Bouth of Elsie; If taken soon will
take $L'.60 an acre; this is a good quarter
section and can all be farmed; will take
a good 1910 or 1911 automobile on the deal
and carry the balance. F. A. Garland,
Charlton. Ia.
I WANT to sell 2 of best eighties of
land in Nebraska. Will take modern car
of 40 horse power in part payment. It.
F. Schiller, Norfolk, Nebraska.
North Dakota.
ONE of the finest farms In Richland
county, consisting of 265 acres of good,
productive land, Joining Wyndmere. Fine
large huildinga, lots oi fruit, nice grove
and never-falling flowing well. Price
$.'7.60 per acre and easy terms. Martin
Paulson Land Co., Wyndmere, North Da
kota. FOR SALE An exceptionally fine 160, 2
miles of elevator, six miles of Wyndmere;
good, heavy, black soil. Wild Rico river
through pasture. Fine new buildings, well
of excellent water, windmill, etc.; $35 per
acre. This Is a snap. Lock Box 11,
Wyndmere, North Dakota.
FOR SALE 160 acres choice apple, pear,
cherry, grape land In the west; six miles
from town, one mile from railroad; soil
deep volcanic ash. The Dalles (Ore. prlxo
wlnnlng land.
100 acres 34 miles from town; new, mod
ern house, ham, tenement; S.V1 pear prunes,
bearing; 1,500 young trees, 1,000 grape vines;
good water; wood. Or will Bell so acres
with all Improvements. Investigation so
licited. C. H. Webster, The Dalles. Ore
South Carolina.
LANDS $500 per acre made growing figs
for preserves on the Islands. Orchards on
easy monthly payments. Sea Island Or
chard Company, Charleston, S. C
Sonth Dakota.
FOR SALE Section good raw land, all
fenced; good flowing well; 6 miles from
Planklngton, S. D. For particulars write
J. E. O Malley, Philip. S. D.
320 ACRES for rent; 115 acres broken;
good level land; good house and well;
shares or cash; take possession this fall
Box 125, Reliance, S. D.
We have a list of Edmunds county land
for sale at from $19 and up per acre. If
interested write us for particulars and we
will send our prices and pocket map. If
you own land In South Dakota, list It with
us. Our motto Is "A Square Deal to Buyer
and Seller." Give us a chance to prove
our statement. Hasvold Land Co., Mlna,
Edmunds county, South Dakota
WILL exchange choice farm land near
Pierre, the capital of South Dakota, for
good Iowa or Nebraska land. What have
you to offer? West Land Co., Pierre.
S. D.
400-AC RE corn farm, out from Sioux
Falls, excellent Improvements, large grove
and fruit; all In cultivation; price for quick
sale, $85; easy terms; also 240 well im
proved, easy terms, and 160 acres unim
proved. These are bargains for quick sale.
R. A. SUvIub, owner, Sioux Falls, 8. D.
Vu 1 1 t m nrnvomsn t l4x C t-. ..t
$2,400. Alaska Real Estate Co., Alaska,
Close to the Minnesota line; heavy black
soil; clay subsoil; lies very level and all
under cultivation. Must be sold within 30
days to close an estate. Half of this year's
crop goes with the price, $35 per acre;
easy terms $3,000 wit) handle It and It Is
a snap. No gravel, no stones, no foul weeds.
Address W. IT. McGee, Lake Preston, S.
Buy orchard and garden lands near
Houston, the greatest and moat prosper
ous city In the southwest, where values
sro going up all the time and fortunes
made In real estate in short while. Easy
terms If desired. Address, E. C. Robertson,
Vela. Tex., and a lo-acrs farm In the Rio
Grande valley, where the farmer's cash in
come is as perpetual aa the days that coma
and go. S. II. Jackson, 706 First National
Bank Bldg., Houston, Tex.
WE are subdividing 2,300 acres of fertile
farm land In Jaclrwon county. Splendid
crops every year. Rainfall about rignt. 14
Inches. For description, plat and prices
213 E. Houston St., San Antonio, Tex.
SAN SABA VALLEY, the garden spot of
Texas, home of the paper shell pecan. We
can buy land for you or Invest money, 4
per cent net to ycu secured by mortgugu on
these lands. Correspondence solicited. Re
fer to First National bank, San Saba Na
tional bank. Ward, Murray ft Co.. and the
members in congress .'roin Texas. Kelley
Burleson Co., San Saoa, Tex.
WRITE for Information about the "In
land Empire," also Spokane, Its metropolis.
Farms, fruit lands, c'.iy property. Make
our office your headquur(rs and Informa
tion bureau when on our city. IOWA
REALTY CO., 400 Llndelle Block, Spokane.
FOR SALE 10,000 acres In Laramie
county, Wyoming, in Golden Prairie dis
trict; suitable for farming; now stocked
with cattle and sheep; will sell with ranch;
will exchange for eastern Nebraska or
Iowa farams. I. T. Bell, Owner, Cheyenne,
WYOMING farm and stock ranch. Im
proved, fenced, well watered, 20 acrea.
Will be sold beat offer next alxty daya.
Write owner, Andrew Wilson, Parker,
WHEN answering advertisements found
In th Want Ad tolumus, please mention
'lye u.e
Good 6
Farm Mortgages
Always on hand and (or gale tn
amounts from $300 to $3,000.
412 New York Life Hldg.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Farnarn Smith & Co.. 1320 Faruam St.
MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co.
OMAHA Property and Nebraska Lands.
1016 New Omaha National Bank RulUltntt.
LOANS to home owners and home build
ers, with privilege of making partial pay
ments semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS, 501
First National Bank Bldg.
WANTED City loans. Peters Trust Co.
Representing the Penn Mutual Life In
surance company, with assets of over $117,
OOO.wiO, I am prepared to accept all the go-id
loans offered on Improved Omaha
estate. Business and residence loans nudu
w Ithout delay.
City National Bank Bldg.
$100 to $10,000 made rromptly. F. D.
Wead. Wend Bldg., 1Mb and Furnam Bts.
GARVIN BROS.. 3d floor N. Y. Life. $500
to $100,000 on Improved property. No delay.
310-312 Brandels Theater Bldg.
vestment Vompany, Omaha.
?i AV rLctr'n r"v nnd farm property. W.
O IX U2 CU MEIKLK. 2i Ramge Bldg.
Net to the Investor on our care
fully selected farm mortgages
on Improved Nebraska farms.
Kloke Investment Co., Omaha.
WE exchnnge properties of merit. It It.
Culver, 812-13 O. N. B. Bldg. Douglas 7S65.
LIST your exchanges with Jones, 115
Brandels Theater.
I HANDLE exchanges everywhere. For
results see me. Dean, 617 Bee Bldg. D. 1332.
property In Hastings, Neb. Address
Lock Box 12, Wilcox. Neb.
CLEANING, Pressing. Mcleland, tailor,
1M6 Sherman Ave.
WANT to borrow $310 on second mort
gage loan. Will pay pond rate nnd pay on
principal interest monthly. C 855, Bee.
BEST price paid for 2d hand furniture,
carpets, clothing and shoes. Tel. D. 3171.
EXPERIENCED woman; day work. Tel.
Douglas 7904.
WANTED Position as plumber helper;
22 years old; experienced; In or out of the
city. Del Branch, 6M2 Leavenworth St.
T A rV nnnUln with alltaHv TIM.
pie, more for a home than for pay. 618
S. 10th St. Miss Funnle Kopald.
WANTED By a sober Industrious man,
work as watchman or Janitor. Must be
steady work. I'hone A-2M9.
YOUNG man wants position as plumber's
helper, 2 years' experience. Cnll D. 4117.
AN elderly ladv would like a home as a
housekeeper for an elderly gentleman with
out family. Phone Web. 3135. 1604 N. 27th St.
i uioj'.rtl.iU yuuilK loan, rJinir,i,r., ,i
office and store work, wants a position
wnicn win ioy over e
ences In regard to ability, honesty, etc.
G 8.:9, Bee.
aw UlnH nt wnrk thnt I can do at
home. Mr. Pryer, 2602 8. 12th St.
BRIGHT young man of IS wants clerical
position. Operates typewriter and Is quick
at figures. Would like a position with
chance for advancement. Not afraid of
work. H 860, Bee.
WANTED Position as salesman by
Tniina man is T.ittla Avnerlence and
willing to work. Answer at once. F 858,
YOUNO man of 18 would like position as
i . . i ! .. .. n- wmiM 1IU
to get into some advertising agency. WiU-
, . . - jm I n OTA 1-1 aa
ing to icarn aim a boou wuiwi. v aw,
Union Pacific
Depart. Arrive.
San Fran. Overland L..a 9:45 am a 7:40 pm
China and Japan F. M.a 4:05 pm a 6:46 pm
Atlantic Express a 6:45 am
Oregon Express nil :35 pm a 6:10 pm
l.os Angeles Limited. ..a 12:45 pm a 8:30 pm
Denver Special a 7:04 am a 7:27 am
Centennial State Spec'l.sll 30 pm al2:25 am
Colorado Express a 3:30 pm a 4:60 pm
Oregon-Wash. Limited. al2 50 pm a 8:20 pm
North Platte Local. a 8:16 am a 4:45 pm
Grand Island Local.... a 6:30 pin al0:90 am
Btromburg Local M2:41 pm b 1:20 pro
Illinois Central
Chicago Express a T OO am a 8:43 pm
Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:00 am
Mlnn.-St. Paul Ex b 7 :00 am
M.nn.-St. Paul Ltd m 6:00 pm a 8:00 am
Mlsaonrl Paclflo
K. C. Ac St. L. Ex a :20 am a 7:40 am
K. C. As St- U Kx all:15 pm a 6:60 pm
Chlcaso, Bock Island 4t Paclflo
Rocky Mountain Lld..alt:38 am al0:S8 pre
The Mountaineer a 6:45 am a 7:46 am
Omaha Day Express a 4:80 pre
Chicago 1-ocal Pass....bl0:35 am bl0:19 pm
Chicago Express a 4:10 pm a 1:10 pm
Des Moines Local Pass a 4:27 urn al2:12 nm
thlcago-Nebiftska Ltd. .a 6:06 pm a 1:47 am
Tb Mountaineer a 8:01 am a 6:40 am
Local Pass, to Lincoln a 9:46 am
Colo.-Cal. Express ....a 1.16 pm 4:00 pm
OkL. & Tex. Express.. a 6:0u pm all:46 am
Chi. -Neb. Ltd. Lincoln a 6:68 pra
Rocky Mountain Ltd..al0:46 pm aU.30 aa
-bicagu JL northwestern
Twin City Express a 7:46 am al0:20pm
bloux City Local a 3:45 pm a 3:28 pm
Minn. St Dakota Ex a 7 00 pm a 9:15 am
Twin City Limited a 8 45 pm a 7:30 am
Minnesota Express alLOOara
Carroll Local a 7:00 am a 6:10 pm
Daylight Chicago a 7:40 am al0:40 pm
nucato Local alj.u. oui a :s
Colorado-Chicago a 5:10 pm (1:2) pin
Chicago Special a 6:u2 pm a 6:49 am
l aclflc Coai-Chtcago...a b:.'5 om a 8 28 pm
Los Angeles Limited, .a 8:60 pm al2 80 pm
Overlanu iJinitcu a 7:. pm a u lo mil
Carroll Local a 4:30 pm al0:wi am
Fast Mall a 8:ju pm a 3;& ptn
Cedar Rapids, bloux City
and Omaha a tss pm
Centennlil State 1.1m.... II 40 am 11:11 pro
Long Pine a 8.00 am all:00ara
Norfolk-Uallas a :U am alO.14 pm
Long Pine-Lincoln ....a 8:15 pra a 6:20 pm
Hastings-Superior b 2:15 pm b 6:10 pm
Dead wood -Hot Springs. a 8:65 pm a 6:20 pm
Casper-Lander a 3:66 pm all. 00 am
Fremont-Albion b 6.80 pm b 1:S4 pm
Chi. gtn. Mllwsskts A t. Paul
Overland Limited .. ...a 7:60 pm t:L3 am
Omaha Chicago x....b 7:15 am
frry Local a 6:59 am 11:00 pm
Colo.-Cal. Express ....a t:u) pm 8 25 pm
Colorado Special .a 7:42 am :M ant
perry Local o :w pm u.Ui put
Omaba-6t. Louis Ex. ...a 6 30 pm a 6:15 am
Mall and Express a1:0iain all: 15 pin
bianb'y Lei uroin C B )b 6:00 pm blO.16 ant
Chlcaao Gea Western
Chicago Limited a 8:116 pm
Twin City Limited a 6:1b pm a 7:tt am
Twin City k-xpresa a ai am a a 30 pm
CMcago Express a $ aa pa
Local faasengir a 6:16 pm
Barllnarton atatioa, ItMh sal fttaaoa
Depart. Arrlva
Denver AV California.... a iu pm a 3 15 p,
PuV byund Lwna..n 4. id kul B j
Nebraska points
illavk Hills
! I..I1C0III Mil
I .uithel r.xpiess ...
NeoiasKa points
Kruraxka Kxpiess
Lincoln Local
.a 3..V am
. 4:1V pin
. u i .-o
.all o- 1-ni
.a a -V am
.a k.l am
.b a is pm
.a 7 :A5 pm
a 918 am
.all . -W pm
.a .15 am
.all:. pin
.a 4 20 pm
.a ( JO pm
.a 9:16 am
.b M pm
.a 4.30 pm
,al0: 15 pm
.a 1 16 am
.a 4 to pm
a s:10 m
1. Ij.lrf ol
a I :vu ins
a 6.10 pm
a 10 pm
b 9 OS am
blu.lo ant
11 Mil pm
a 8:60 am
a 2:40 pm
all lj pm
a 7:00 pm
a 3:56 pm
a 8:110 am
mo 30 am
bio. 45 am
on 45 am
a 6 46 am
a 6:10 pot
fcchuy ler-i'iai ismouin
Lincoln Local
Chicago Special
Denver Special
Chicago Express
Chicago Fast Express.
Iowa Local
Creston tla) Local....
fit. Louis Express
K. C. St. Joseph
K. C. St- Joseph....
K. C. At St. Joeph
Webster Station lath ntitf Webster.
Missouri Paclflo
Popart. Arrive.
Auburn Local b 8:So pm tll:55 am
Chlcaao, St. Paul, Minneapolis ,
U 111 n h a
Depart. Arrive.
Sioux City Express b 2:25 pm Ml OA pm
Omaha Iocal e 6:15 pm
Sioux City Pass e 6:86 pm
Twin City Pass b 6:45 am
Kloux City Local o 8:25 am
Emerson Local b 6:55 pm b 9:10 am
only, ta) dally.
London Paris Hamburg
AmrrlliA. Aug. 11,, 11 A. M. Prnni'vlTAnts. Aug.
14. KaH ii. Aug. Vic. Aiij. II. !. OrAnt.
Sept. 1.
mii-CArUon s 1 Parte HcRUurnnt.
Sn-ond ("Abln Only Hamburg Illrvrt.
Will Call at Pl month anil (.Tiorbourg
Hamburg-American Line, 160 West Ran
dolph Bu, Chicago, 111 or looal agent.
Black Bust Reports in Spring Wheat
Belt Not Fully Credited.
Wheat Hales Kasler After Sharp Ad
vance of Day Ilefore nnd Yes
terday's Sellers Are To
day's Bnyers. I
OMAHA. July 23. WU.
Foreign political news was more asairlnf
this morning, otherwise crop prospects were
regarded bullish and less Kussliin exports
available. The domestic cash demand la
fulrly active considering the advance In
prices. However flour buyers have not been
luliowing the late upturn.
Ulnck rust reports and further damage
In tho spring wheat belt yesterday were
not fully credited today.
Corn was less active than wheat. Scat
tered ruins fell over eastern Iowa, Illinois
and Missouri, but temperatures are raising
to bo followed by fair weather. Experts
continue to repArt crop conditions as un
favorable and claim heavy general ralna
will havo to be had to make a good crop.
Wheat ruled easier after the sharp ad
vance yesterday. Rust news was not con
firmed and yesterday's buyers were sellers
today. Cash wheat was strong to IiqIHo
Kcuttered rains and easier wheat values
gave corn a setback. News generally con
tinues bullish, however. Cash corn was
weak to Vi'&iViC lower.
Primary wheat receipts were l.tiS.otvj
bushels and shipments were 544,000 busels,
against receipts last year of 1.5o2,C'i0 bush- "
els and shipments of 670,000 bushels.
Primary corn receipts were 4I4,000 bushels
and shipments were 241.0W bushels, against
receipts last year of 443.000 bushels and
shipments of 281.0110 bURhels.
Clearances were 10,000 bushels of corn,
600 bushels of oats, and wheat and flour
equal to 198.000 bushels.
Liverpool ci.,sed d to l'Ad higher on
wheat, and higher on corn.
The folowlng cash sales were reported:
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 2 cars. 80c; 1 car,
85V4c; 6 cars. 85c; No. 3 hard, 1 car, 84c;
No. 3 spring, 1 car, 87c.
CORN-No. 2 white, 2 cars. 62c: No. 4
white, 1 car. 61. c: No. 2 yellow, 1 car. 6V4c;
No. 8 yellow, 4 cars, fioc;. No. 4 yellow, 1
car, HOiAc; No. 2 mixed, I car. 60'c No. 8
mixed, 6 cars, 60'4c; No. 4 mixed, 1 car,
G0M.C; 1 car, ftWtc.
OATS No. 3 white, 1 cnr. 39V4c; 1 car,
39c; No. 4 white. 2 cars, aSr.
Omnhn Cash Prices.
WHEAT No. 2 hard. R4U,Mc; No. 3 hard,
R1iVfjKc;, No. 4 hard, 7irMc; rejected hard.
6i 7!e.
CORN No. 2 white, filffd'c: No. 3 white,
614ffi'2c: No. 4 white. COirfilVio: No. S
color, 6ramc: No. 2 yellow, (SOViWVe:
No. 3 yellow, 60fii04e; No. 4 yellow, fiflVfcffJ
60i,ic; No. 2. 60484XH4c;, No. 3, 6000014c;
No. 4. 6f(fiOHc.
OATS No. 2 white. 39'4ST304o: standard,
39fff39Vte: No. 3 white. .& 3!i4c : No. 4
white, 37MW3Sc; No. 3 yellow, 3Sj39c; No.
4 vellow. 37V.i37ic.
BARLEY No. 3. 7WSc: No. 4, 74ffS4e; No.
1 feed. fifWSc; releeted. 64nc
RYE No. 2. 79rsoc; No. S, wqTtVC.
Carlot Receipts.
Wheat. Corn. Oats.
Chicago 6i;i 123 j7
Minneapolis 217 ... ...
Luluth 107
St. Louis General Market.
ET LOUIS, July 29. WHEAT Firm; No.
2 red, track, MiKr,o; No. 2 hard, tWJUc;
September, 86ijo7Vso; December, 91V&01ViC.
CORN Steady; track. No. 2. 65V4c; No. 2
white, 67MrC; September, 64Hc
OATS Steady ; track. No. 2. 38Vc; No. S
white, 40c; September, 41c; December. 44o.
RYE Cnchanged; 86c.
POULTRY Firm; chickens, 10c; springs,
13c; turkeys, 16c; ducks, lOVic; geese, 6c,
BUTTER Firm; creamery, 214j2oV4c.
FUGS Steady at 14c.
8EBD Timothy, I6.0O&9.60.
PRA N Quiet; sacked, east track, $1.05.
HAY Stead v; timothy, 315.004121.00; prai
rie, 816.0J4i'a0.00.
PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged: jobbing.
117 12 Vi- Iard, unchanged; prime steam, f7.3j
ti7.40. lry salt meats, uncnangeu; ooxeu
extra shorts, IS.87H; clear ribs, 3s.87li; short
clears, 6025. Kacon, unchanged; noxea
extra shorts, n 02'A; clear ribs, S9.87i4;
short clears, J10.25.
Receipts, equipments.
Ftour. bbls 9,000 8,000
Wheat, bu 91,000 VO.ouO
Corn, bu 7,000 41.0IK)
Oats, bu 169,000 41,0W
Kansas City Grain and Provisions.
unchanged; No. 2 hard, (wSlc; No. 3,
91c; No. 3 red, 84c; No. 3, 6l(u3c; Septem
ber, ouac; Dtceniber, 90o.
CORN Unchanged to i4o higher; No. 1
mixed, 62Vx'Cl63c; No. 3, 62-VuuJc; No. 3
white, 63c; No. 8, 63VU63c; September, Wc;
December, 60&60c
OATS Unchanged; No. 2 white, 4O(40!4cS
No. 2 mixed. 35(U38Vsc
RYE 91c.
HAY Weak and lower; choice timothy,
IlK.Wtt) 19.60; choice prairie, 816.50)17.00.
RU'iTFjR Creamery, 24c; firsts, 22c; sec
onds, 2oc; packing stock, 18o.
LOOS L'xlras, 19Vc; firsts, 15 Vic ; MO
onds, S'jc.
Receipts Shipments.
Wheat, bu 1&5.UU0 22.0o0
Corn, bu 66.000 eb.i'Jo)
Oats, bu 15,000 o.'f)
Minneapolis Uraln Market.
July, 98Vic; September, Wto. December,
ll uovUl uoft; May, 31.04',; cash No. 1 hard,
$1.02; No. 1 northern 1.01i(il.0a; No. i
northern, 99-jl.00V. No. 3. SO-U'-WV.
SKLDS-Flux closed at 62.15. Hurley, Wc'J
tl 05.
CullX-No, S yellow, 62V4c
OATS No. I white, 8yc.
RYE No. 2, 7IKOS0C.
HKAN J0. iiOil.00.
FLOUR First patents, 15.006.20; second
patents, 34.&0u4.75i first clears, 83.35ua&l
second clears, 82.3&fr'2.60.
Milwaukee. Grain Market.
tl.05ViiUl.06!; No. t northern, ll.Ol'tj 1.05, No.
1 velvet chaff. 11.01 V; No. 1 velvet chaff,
iHCiiiwc; September, WViawSc; December,
OATS Standard. 4041c.
BARLEY Malting, tucil.OC.
Peoria Mnrket.
PEORIA, July . CORN-FIrm; No.
while, 65c; No. t white, 65c; No. t yellow,
64c; No. 3 mixed, 64c.
OATS Steady; No. t white, 39c; standard,
3bc; No. 8 white, 36 fee; No. 4 white. Jc,
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS, July . WOOL UnchanROd;
territory and western mediums, 171:; t nu
mediums, lO'rjfH'.tc; fine, HuH'iC.
Oils and Hoaln.
SAVANNAH, July .-01LS-Turpntlne,
firm, at 49'e.
1LOSLN' Fii-in; ty(ea F and O. fO.L'uC ML