-f- 14 TIIK BEE:- OMAHA, SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1911. 1 1 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Black Suit Newt Still Continue! to Come from Northwest. HIGHER VALUES AEE IS SIGHT Rata Irt catterrtl Orer Wn(r Carat Belt and Indication Arc lor Unsettled Weather Farther East. OMAHA. July 28. 191L Korolgn nmn came more bullisli again thla morning, the Moroccan altuation biing considered serious. In addition to tlila crop new from the northwest waa on the sen sational order, report advising the spread ing of the black rust. Export demand continues good ana lib eral sales are being made on all setbacks, giving an outlet for th heavy primary stock. Ueneral market sentiment la work ing strongly In favor of higher values. Rains were scattered over the western crn belt and Indications are (or unsettled weather further east. Crop reports, how ever, are taking a bullish view of the crop situation and the next government crop rpport is expected to show deterioration. Shipping and cash demand la picking up and prices ara better. Alarming reports of black rust spreading In the northwest advanced wheat talues sharply, northwest marketa leading. Cash wheat sold lHc higher. Lack of general rains In the corn belt and bullish reports by crop experts caused shorts to cover. Strength In wheat also gave the market strength. Cash corn sold fc'io higher. Primary wheat receipts were l.W.ftOO bu. and shipments were 307 000 bu., against re ceipts last year of 1,407,000 bu. and ship ments of 427.0W bu. Primary corn receipts were 3S0.000 bu. and shipments were 3OS.000 bu., against re ceipts last year of 408,000 bu. and shipments of 2W.000 bu. Clearances were 25,000 bu. of corn, 265 bu. of oats and wheat and flour equal to 823,- 000 bu. Liverpool closed ttd 16 ' 4d higher on Wheat and 8d to H1 higher on corn. The following cash soles were reported: WHEAT No. 2 hard, 4 cars. 84c; 2 car. 83c; 1 car. 83c; No. 1 hard, 4 cars, lc; 1 cars, 83V4c; 1 car. 8S'4c; 1 car, 83c; No. 4 hard, 1 car, 82c; 1 car, 78Wc; No. 2 spring, 1 car, 89c; No. 2 mixed, 1 car, Mo. CORN-No. t white, 1 car, 62ic; No. t white. 1 cars, 6254c; No.- 1 yellow, 1 ear, 61c; No. 1 mixed, 1 car, 8Mc; 1 car, 604c: No. S mixed, 1 car, Hc; 1 car, C0c; 1 cars. flOHc; No. 4 mixed, 1 car, 604c. OATS No. S white. 1 car, 3W4c; 1 car, 8S4o; 3 cars, 89c; No. 4 whits, 2 cars, SSfcc; no grade, 1 car. 8814c- Omaka Cash mors. WHEAI-No. X hard, 83Hg"!c; No. I hard, 82is&c; No. 4 hard, 7tas2c; rejected hard, t.hc. CORN-No. 1 white. 6262c; No. 3 white, 2p.2Hc; No. 4 white, 61Vi4n2c; No. 3 color, eiM!2c; No. I yellow, 0iftlc; No. 8 yel low. t0fr61c; No. 4 yellow, SOijWsc; No. t, G0&oc; No. 3. eOVUtSOVc; No. 4, f&Mf OATS No. 3 white, 8Wr40c; standard, 894'3Mic; No. 8 white, . aS3eV4c; No. 4 white, ax'YQ&c; No. 3 yellow, 88a8!H4c; No. 4 yellow, 38(&384c. BAULKY No. 3. 79s86c; No. 4, 74$84o; No. 1 feed, &'79c; rejected, 647c. RYE No. 2. 7M(S0c; No. 3, 78790. Carlot Receipts. Wheat Corn. Oats. Chicago 383 87 290 Minneapolis 102 Omaha 7 47 13 Dululh 22 CHICAGO GRAIN AND PROVISIONS Reports of Black Rnat Will Not Down and Prices Keep Advancing. CHICAGO, July 28. Assertions that black rust In the wheat fields of the Dakota and Minnesota had gnawed down the prob able yield there to barely 100,000,004 bu. brought about today a substantial advance In the market price, atest trades were lc to lV4c higher than last night. Corn closed a shade off to He up. oats with a gain of Ho to lc and provisions mora expensive by 2Hc to SOo. The rise hero In the cost of wheat, though tiff, did not more than half equal the added charges Imposed at centers much nearer to the afflicted region. Minneapolis, for example, put the price level up an even So per bu. Opinions were freely ex pressed that the rust was going north as fast as It could travel and had already In fected two whole counties bordering the Dakota side of the Canadian line. Sep tember ranged from 880 to 90H604c, with the final tone steady, lVic net higher, at McH- Rains In Illinois and through parts of Kansas, Missouri and Iowa led to relative weakness In the market for corn. Sep tember varied from 63Vio to frttic and closed a shade net lower at Sc. Cash grades were In good demand. No. t yellow finished at 63V(Jo. Persistent commlfslon buying took a good deal of oats off the market and made the feeling In the trade firm. High and low levels for September were 41o and 40440. with the closing c to Ho up at 41fl41HC Pork closed 20c to 30c higher, lard the same as last night to 60 higher and ribs at 2V" to Mi "4c advance. Tha leading tuturea ranged as follow! Articles. I Opon. Hlgh.j Low. Close. Tea y. Wheat July... Sept.. Pec.... May... Corn July.. Sept... Deo,... May... Oats Sept.. Pea... May... Fork Bept... Jan..., Lard Bept... Jan.,., Ribs July.. Sept.. Jan... 86! R8 8TT4I 861i 901 88 M I 24 981974 844 97S 62H1 S 63 644 63V63Hr4 614 639 til 41 W 4 40U 614H ' 418.' 444! 43S!434tiH 47 V 17 00 14 00 17 26 16 15 8 70 17 20 16 16 16 90 16 85 3 rrvt1 8 674 t 674 8 6246S H 3 6241 8 7241 8 7H 8 674 8 60-24 8 80 8 80-24 ,8 75-74 7 724-5 8 27H! I 33 IW II Z24-S Cash quotations ware as follows: FLOUR Firm; winter patenta, 33.90ff4 35 winter straights. 33 65fi4.20; aprtng stralghu' 34.Uxm.3o; bakers. 35.80. b ' RYE No. 2 814c. WAHLKY-Feed or mixing. 6010c: fair to choice malting. 8ocb81.oS. SKEpS-Flax, No. 1 southwestern, nom inal: No. I northwestern, nominal. Timothy WW'S 18. 26. Clover. 33W4j16.oO. PKUVISIONS-Me pork, pery bbl.. 317 25 917.37. Lard, per 100 lbs" W-40. Short ribs, sides (loose), 37 754i.624. Short clear sides (boxed), 3a.374feg.5u. Total clearances ol wheat and flour were equal to 4W,ou0 bu. Export for the week aa shown by Bradstreet's, were equal to 3. 514. On) bu. Primary reurlpla were l,6u8,0OO bu., compared with 1,511. 0w bu. the corre apondlng day a year ago. Estimated re ceipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 610 cars; corn 127 cars; oats, 3J1 cars; hogs, ll.uuo head ' Chicago Cah Prices Wheat: No. 2 red new, Bo,4t7c; No. 3 red. new. 844i6Vc: No. 1 hard, 894c; No. 3 hard new, 8IW 84c: No. K hard. new. 864fis8c; No I northern 314 1074; No. 1 northern, new, SMt9-; No. 3 northern, tl.02'u.LK,4' No. S northern, new, Nt8,.; No. 3 north ern, vuutfco; No. 8 spring, new, 2fe94c: No 3 spring, new, 8jtUo; velvet chaff new" taVuJuc; durum, new. KSOiXV. Corn- No U'.,''ut.14c; No. 3 white. iatlt4c ; No. 8 yeU low. .;Sj4c; No. 3, sW',c: No. 3 white 6u44iitiu; No. 3 yellow. tviV.a6;iV; No 4! SSS.oWHc; No. white. 6V.;a4c; No. 4 yel low. i-4(UX2c. Outs: No. 2, new, 3t,Vrt 3'oj No. 3 white. 40MHIe; No. 3 white, new, SaMitOV ; No. 3 white, S9V,4i4uw-! No. 3 whilo, new, 3Si'..94c; No. 4 while' new, S8v; viandard, 3S)k)4c: standard' new, 3snm04o. Rye: No. 2. :j814o. Hr ley: bk.-m 31 . la. Hay: Timothy, 10.0'l.uu clover. 310 ou l.w). ' UUTTFR Steady; creameries. 204r25c dairies, lnno. U " lXKiii Steady ; receipts, 8,712 cases' at mark, cases Included, (kul3o; flrsu. 154o prime firsts. 17e. CHKKSfc-8teady, daisies. 124lSc; twins 114ful2c; young Americas, llLuWo: lon horns. lSK,Sil34o. ItTAToiii Steady; choice to fancy 31 so 1 55; recti pu. 20 cra. VEAL Steady; N tt a) lbs., tc; o to SS lbs.. 4i&104c; 85 to 110 lbs.. 11c. Dally movement of produce: ReceipU. Shipments. Flour, bbls , . is.rooi 13,4,,) W heat bu Ss (KM 7ii.mn) torn, bu IOd.Oim tot toil Oats, bu aiis.WSJ 3il ,uoO R'- ou 2aw) l.vm Jrley, b ,ouo T.ioj Carlot receipts: Wheat, cars, wim I?3 contract grade; corn. 7 cars, with U contract grade; oats. 2: cars. Total re ceipts of wheat at Chicago. Minneapolis and lniluth today were 5U7 cars, compared with 7tV4 cars lust wevk and ild cars the C" THinding day a year ago. . Liverpool Grata Market. LJVERI'OOL July 28-WHEAT-Bpot. trady; N 3 Manlbjl. 7s 7dj No. I Mani toba. 7s 64d: No. 8 Manitoba. 7a 4d: fn. tures. quiet; July 7s 4d; October, 6a lOd; j De ember, 6s lid. I CORN Ppot, firm; new American mixed. 6s 44l; old American mixed. 5n 8d; new American kiln dried Ea M; futures, quiet; September, hi bd; October, 5s 64d. M3W YORK tiKJI KRAL MARKET Uaotatlons of the Dir oa Varloaa Commoalltlea. NEW YORK. July 2. FLOUR Steady to firm with wht. Receipts. 14X'l bbls.; shipments, X,0ii3 Mils. Rye flour, quiet. (. OKA M EAL Steady. PAULEY Nominal. WHKA'i Spot market, strong; new No. 8 red, 3.14c, elevator, and 944c, f. o. b. afloat; ro. i noithern Oulutn, ti ll, I. o. b. afloat, l' Uturts market was strong and higher on active buying, due to very unfavorable re ports regarding the outlook for the Ameri can spring wneat crop and the political situation abroad, cloning H'(il 4c net higher. July closed at Mc; beptember, tviV-'u closed at 95 7-lUc; December, US faW-ic, clored at 904c Receipts. 226,310 bu. CORN Spot market, firm; export No. 2, 6i)Vi:, f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was w.tliout transactions, tloalng nominal. Sep tember closed at 69c and December at iOc. Receipts, K.SU0 bu. ; shipments, 272 bu. OATS Spot market, higher; standard Willie, 47c; .NO. 2, 44c; No. A, 44c; No. 4, 4tk;. Futures market was without transac tions, closing nominal. Receipts, 70,1 JO bu.; shipmenlK, ti bu. HAY etf ady; prime, 31.46; No. L tl.Kft 1.40; No. 2, 3l.(i..'lii; No. 3, Itf93c. HOPS Finn; choice, 1910, 32.Ota2.O0 ll-, IM Ocii'.Ou; Paciilc Coast, 1910, t.w 30.00; iy'9, 18,ootU'21.iiO. 1 HIDES Firm; Central America, 20',4c; Bogota, 2042'. LEATHER fcteady; hemlock firsts, 244 ti'i'.r; seconds, 22f2JVsc; thirds, iyoc; re jects, 14&15c. PROVISIONS Pork, firm; mess, $1S .o09 190D; family, f 1K.00U'1 00. Peef, firm; mess, 310 .uOtg'll.OO; family, 312.OC12.50; beef hains, tJt.noiiiaoOo. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies, 10 to 14 lbs. 610.0013.00; pickled bams, 314.00. Lard, firmer; middle west, I8.buu.7a; refined, .firm; continent, 39.00; compound, barely steady at 37 0M37.25. TALLOW quiet; prime city thhds.), 6c; country, StPc. BUTTER Steady ; creamery specials, 27c; extras, 2c; firsts, 23g24c; seconds, 2l:s224c; thirds, 19(g20c; state dairy, finest, 24c; good to prime, 21$22o; common to fair, lSii20c; process, special, 214c; extras, 21c; firsts, 194tf204c; seconds, 174ol8c; factory, cur rent make, firsts, 194c; seconds, 19c. CHEESE Steady; skims, 84&94o. EGOS Steady; fresh gathered, extras. 22 fe2ac; extra firsts, 2u-'lc; firsts, IS d 19c; seconds, 16ia!l7o; thirds, 14'(fl5e; fresh gath ered dirties. No. 1, Uc; No. 2, llftl2c; fresh gathered, poor to fair, K'dlOc, fresh gath ered, checks, good to prime, lOfallc; fresh giithered, poor to fair, per case, 81.503 2.70; fresh gathered whites, 19g23c; western fresh gathered, 184tP20c. POULTRY Alive, easy; western springs, 16c; western fowls, lfxjil6c; western turkeys,- 13c. Dressed, weak; western broilers, IWiilSc; western fowls, 1 IS 154c; western turkeys, 124) 160. OMAHA GENERAL MARKETS. the retail trade In 1-1 b. cartons, 27c; No. 2, In 30-lb. tubs, 25c; No. s. In 1-lb. cartons, 25c; packing stock, solid pack, 18c; dairy, in 60-lb. tuba, 20c; market changes every Tuesday, , CHEESE Imported Swiss. 32c; American Swiss, 22c; block Swiss. 18c; twins. lGc; triplets. daisies, 16c; young America, 17c; blue label brick, 16c; Umburger 12 lb.) lfc; hmbnrKer (1 4b.. 19c. POULTRY Broilers, 20o per lb.; hens, 13c; cocks, 9c; ducks, 20c; spring ducks, 184f20c; geese, 15a; turkeys, 24c; pigeons, per dos., 31.50. Alive: Broilers, 124c; hens, 94c; old roosters. 6c; old ducks, full feath ered, 10c; geese, full feathered, 6c; turkeys, 124c; gulena fowla, 15c each; pigeons, per dos., 60c; homers, per dox., 33.00; squabs, No. 1, per dox., 31.50; No. 2, perdoz.,50c; hen turkeys, 15o. FISH Pickerel. 10c: white. 15o; pike. 14c; trout. 14o; large crapples. 620c; Spanish mackerel, 19c; eel, ISo; haddock. 13c; flound ers 13c; green catfish, 10c; roe ahad, 110 each; ahad roe per pair. 50c; salmon. 15c; halibut. 8c; yellow perch, 8c; buffalo, 8c; bullheads, 14 BEEF CUT PRICEi-fUbs: No. 1 rlba, 16c; No, 3, 13c; No. 8, 94c. Loin: No. 1, 18c; No. 3, 144c; No. 3, 1140. Chuck: No. 1, 64c; No. 3, 6c; No. 3, 64a. Round. No. 1, 94o; No. 2, 94o; No. 3, 840- Plato: No, 1, 44c; No. 2, 4c; No. 8, 340. FRUITS Apples: Dutchess, per bbl., 84.00; per bu. bsk.. 81.50. Bananas. Fancy select, per bunch, $2.252.50; Jumbo, bunch, 32.75(9 i76. Cherries: Home grown, per 24-qt case, 32.50(32. 78. Cantaloupes: California. atamlard, 45 count, 33.60h4.0u per crate; pony crates, 64 count. 33.00; Jumbo, 37-33 alss, 33.00. Dates Anchor brand, new. 80 1-lb. pkga. In boxes, per box, 32.00. Gooseberries: Home grown, per 24-qt. case, 33.00. Lemons: Limonelra brand, extra fancy, 300 size, per box, 87.50; 860 also, per box, 37.00; Loma Limonelra. fancy. 30 size. Der box. lx !t- 860 size, per box, 36.50; 240 and 420 sizes, 50o per box less; cymbal brand, 300-360 sizes, per box. 36.00. Oranges: Niagara Redlanda Valenclas, 96-126 slses, per box, 84.00; 150-176-200-216-250 sizes, per box, 34.60; choice Valen cia, 80-96 sizes, 33.78. Peaches: California, per box, 11.46. Plums: California, per crate. 31.85. Prunea: Tragety, per 4-bak.' crate, M.90. Pears: California, per 60-lb. box. 33.25. Watermelons: Georgia and Florida, per lb.. a. VEGETABLES Besns: String and wax, Per hamper. 82.60: ner mkt hair 11 m Cabbage: Home grown, per lb., 440. Cu cumbers: Hot house, 14 and 2 dox. In box, per box, 81.501.76; home grown, per mkt btlc of about 8 dos.. 81.60. Eh Plant! Fancy Florida, per dos., 31.50. Garlic: Extra fancy, white, per lb., 12c Lettuce: Extra fancy leaf, per dor, 40a. Radiahea Per dog., 830. Onions: Texas Bermuda, white, per crate. 32.25: vellow. ner 31.00; California, in sacks, per lb. 8Hc' Parsley: Fancy home Brown. re Ant bunchea. 4fic. Potatoes: Vlrzinla. n stock, in bbls.. per bbl.. 35.75; California white stock. In sacks, per bu., 32.00; home grown, per bu., 11.76. Tomatoes: Tennessee, per 4-bsk. crate, 90c. MISCELLANEOUS Almonds: Pallfnrnl. soft shell, per lb., 18c; In sack lots, lo less. Braxll Nuts: Per lb.. 18c: in sack lota la leas. Filberts: Per lb., 14o; In sack lots, la less. Peanuts: Roasted, per lb., 8e; raw, per lb., 4a Pecans: Large, per lb., 16o; In sack lots, lo less. Walnuts: California, per lb., lftc; In sack lots, lo less. Honey: New. 24 frames, 33.75. Cara and Wheat Reglos Balletln. Record for the twenty-four hours enriinar at 8 a. m. Friday, July 28, 1911: OMAHA DISTRICT. -TemD. Kaln. citations. , mux. Bky Ashland. Neb..... 88 Cloudy PL cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Clear . Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Pt. cloudy PL cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Cloudy twelve-hour Auburn, Neb 88 Br ken B'w. Neb. 93 Columbus, Neb... 83 Culbertson, Neb.. lot) Fall bury. Neb Fairmont. Neb.. Hi. Island, Neb., to Hartingtou, Neb. 83 Hastings, Neb.., Holdrega, Neb.., Lincoln, Neb 88 13 88 No. Platte, Neb. ii Oakdale, Neb.... 80 Omaha. Neb 36 Tekamah, Neb... 80 Valentine, Neb.. 04 Sioux City. Ia.. 88 Alia, la 88 Carroll, Ia 8! ClailnUa, le 84 Sibley. Ia 36 period ending at 3 a. m. DISTRICT AVKRAQE3. No. of Temp Rain tall. DIstiloL biailuns. Max. Win. Columbus, 0 17 82 64 .04 Iuisvllle, Ky 20 Indianapolis, Ind.. 11 Chicago, 111 25 Si. Ixiuls. Mo 23 l'ea Moines, la.... 21 Minneapolis, Minn. 30 Kaness City, Mo.. 24 Oniuha, Neb 18 84 64 .04 83 64 .00 84 60 .00 i 90 62 .20 i 88 (4 .40 84 64 .90 ! 82 64 .00 1 90 64 .00 1 Showers were quite general In the west ern districts of the corn and wheat region I wunin ins iai iwenty-iour Hours, except in western Iowa and Nebraska. The rain were heavy at points in the upper Missis sippi and upper Missouri valleys, and In localities In the lower Missouri valey. lUaiufulla of one Inch or more occurred at (he following stations, vis: In South Da kotaAberdeen. 1.30; Bloux Falls, 1.50. In Minnesota 43t. Paul, 1.60; Winnebago, 2.0o; New rim, 2.80. In Kansas Toronto, 1.J0; I'odge City, 1.00; Sedan, 1.10. In MlMiouri lirunswlck, 1.0U. L. A. WKLSH, Local Forecaster. Weather juuoii. Milwaukee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. July 28.-WHEAT-N0. 1 northern. tl.O5Svfjl.0OH; No. 2 northern, tl-04k4JLKH; No. 1 velvet ehaff, 31.00tyl.03; No. i velvet chaff. WUubfl.oi; No. 3 hard. KKjiooe; hepiembt-r, 90Sc; December, 94c. ATS-Standard, 40Vtj41e. Peoria Market. PEORIA. July 28. CORN Higher; No. 3 While. U'.c: No. 4 white. No 1 vellow I Me: Xo. 3 yellow, 84c; No. 3 mixed, 64c; No, V loisrg, O-MJ. OAT si Higher; No. S white. 3S4fl39Vic; taudard. Sbimio' No. 3 white, Ssuio; No. 4 white, 3740. Bank Clearing. OMAHA. July 28 Hank clearings for to day were 32.088.306. 17 and for the corre sponding date last year 32 489.564.83. Alln. tan, 80 .00 80 .00 81 .00 87 .00 80 .00 05 .00 ftu .00 64 .00 66 .00 84 .00 66 .00 C8 .00 63 .00 86 .00 68 .00 67 .00 U .00 70 .00 87 .00 67 .1)0 64 .00 b .36 Lure for NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Actirity Greater Than During Early Part of the Week. SOME INCIPIENT. BEAU RAIDS Market Recedes Slovrly ana by N All af the Early Galas Are Wiped Oat, with Soma Nave Low Records. NEW YORK. July 28. The reactionary tendency which has characterised opera tions in the stock market the greater part of the week waa again displayed today, though to a lesser degree than on the preceding two days. The list moved Ir regularly In the early session, during which time there were several Incipient bear raids. Opening prices were generally higher, grains In many cases being a point or more over yesterday's close. This waa a natural sequence to the higher range for American securities In London, whore less alarm seemed to be felt as to the outcome of the Moroccan negotiations. This better feeling was clnflrmed by international bankers, whose advices from various con tinental sources were mostly of a reassur ing chitrarter. The market receded slowly and by noon nearly all early gains were eliminated, with a few new low records for the present movement. During the remainder of the day the market was slow and dragging, with no changes of Importance. News of first steps toward reorganization of the American Tobacco company In con formity with the supreme court's Interpre tation of the anti-trust law roused only moderate Interest, for the reason that no Intimation waa given aa to what plan of readjustment would be finally adopted. The preferred stock gained two points and the bonds Improved slightly. Honda were steady. Total sales par value, 31,880,000. United States bonds were unchanged on call. Number of sales and leading quotation on stocks were aa follows: 84la HtctL Low. Cloa. AlTlt-Chftlmeni pM Amil. Ooppr, ei-4lv American Agricultural 2.800 7i MT4 87 HV, 84 V4 1114 sev4 (5 t414 22 88 40 V4 1 40 10 88V, 118 13S 4 8114 88 111U. loi 4 130 Vt 1044 86H 81 143. S8V4 K'4 t'8 8114 to 8814 4414 148 m4 67 81 84 14814 14H 171H 88 67 3BV4 51t 88 44 HJ14 184 8714 14KV4 17H American Pt Sugar American Oajt Americas C. ft 7 American Cbtton Oil American H. A L. p(4 Am. Ice Securities American Linaeed Amartcan Locomotive American B ft R Am. 8. A R pM Am. Steel Foundries Am. Sugar Refining American T. A T American Tobaoco pf 6 American Woolen Anaconda Mining Co. Atchison, ex-dlv AUhisnn pfd Atlantic Coaet Line Baltimore ft Ohio Bethlehem Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tr Canadian Paclno .'. Central leather Central Leather pfd rentral of New Jersey Chesapeake ft Ohio C9iloaKQ ft Alton Chicago Great Western Chicago O. W. pfd Chicago ft N. W..., Chicago M ft St. P C. C. C. ft Ft. L Colorado F. ft I Colorado ft Southern Consolidated Oas Corn Products Delaware ft Hudson Denver ft Rio Orsnde D. ft R. O. pfd manners' Securities Krle Brie 1st pfd Frle td pfd General Klectrlo tlofl 100 700 400 ""40O too 2,100 84 us MH 'tis B7 40 7 00 11H 1,000 llttt '"400 ti" . 100 88 ,no litH too 1014 too laoUj 0 lOK, 100 K 3,900 8014 11a 134 H 'iiii M 111 lot 1J0V, 10104 80$ 800 100 100 'i,'eoo 'iik 100 4414 100 14S 8,900 1X1 S "'soo ii" "ioo "'too iT" 14 124 146 in" 100 SSVi i.fo u 1.S00 87 200 474 no 18 I, o0 184V4 v.4 8fi4 to 4H 1t4 u 67V, 14I4 45 Great Northern pfd Great Northern ore cus.... Illinois Central Interborough Met Int. Met. pfd International Harvester .... Inter. Marine prd International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kansas Cltr Southern K. C. So. pfd Laclede Gas 4O0 1110 800 8744 14&14 18 (0 1,(00 00 129 l 11 4044 18 84V4 714i 108 V4 ISO 80 13H 94'4 87 4B4 181 ftfVi 107'4 49 10774 too 400 1O0 41 1H4 404, 14 Louisville ft Nashville Minn, ft St. Louis M . St. P. ft 8. 8. M Missouri, K. ft T M , K. ft T. pfd Missouri Pacific no 14H tAO 88 100 i7 no 44 tOO 134 V, 100 (64 100 108V4 00 49Vs 1.000 108 'i.'wo m'i 800 2 1.200 184 14 184 844 47 V, 48 '4 183V1 66 V, 108 48 1074, National Biscuit National Lead N. R. R. of M Id pfd.... V. Y.. O. ft W Norfolk ft Western......... North American .-. Northern Pacific Pacific Hall Pennsylvania People's Gas ,. P.. (i. C. ft St. L Pittsburg Coal Preened Steel Car Pullman Palace Car Railway gteel Spring iiov, 13(1 74 nvt 44 18444 184V4 108 Mli 11 8814 400 It 161 884 Reading 69,000 too 800 1,100 toe 100 mn 188V4 1M 2'4 4 81 Republic meet p.niihll, fltl nM 74 I ' 84 14 S1V4 94 vt I Rock Island Co 81 Vt 84 4H "is" iii" 114 71 4014 11 11 47 Uj 18T4 86 74 4"S 78 llvt 48 67 V, 1H 84 80 74 7V4 Rock Island no. pfd St. L ft 8. P 3d pfd St. Louis 8. W St. L 8. W. pfd Slow-Sheffield S. ft I Southern Paclfle Southern Railway Southern Railway pfd Tennessee Copper Teiaa ft Pacific 1.... T., St. L ft W T . St. LAW. pfd t'nlon Pacific I'nlon Pacific pfd tinned States Realty United States Rubber United State Steel U. 8. Steel pfd t'ua Oopper Va -Carolina Chemical Wahash Wahash pfd Western Maryland Weetlnghnuse Eleotrls Weetern Union Wheeling ft U B Lettish Valley Total sales tor the day. 84 4714 "J 4 81 70 1.100 70 8. 800 1.400 300 800 too ton too 44.200 400 100 700 121 8144 72 V4 4o4 1 V4 H4 47 189 V, 80 14 74 41 12144 I 1 71 40 10 to 42 188 6 74 40 71 119 48 87 1614 14 80 78 79 10 114 te.ioo 7944 too litvi 1,700 4814 1,000 88 700 1KT4 100 84 V4 1,100 81 900 744 800 1M 1,100 177 175 185,400 shares. New York Meney Market. NEW TORK. July 28. MONET On call, steady. SfiH per cent; ruling rate. 3 per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Time loans, stronger; 60 days, 24 per cent; 90 days, 3 per cent; six months, 3l per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER 44H per cent. BTERLINO EXCHANGE Steady with actual business in bankers' bills at 348425 fur 60-day bills and at 34.8616 for demand. Commercial bills, 34.8350. SILVER Bar, 52c. Mexican dollars, 46o. LONDS Government, steady; railroad, steady. Closing quotations on bonds were as fol lows: V. 8. ref. ta, rec-100 Int. Vt. M. 4a. 87 do. coupon 100 ejapan 4a 87 da Is rs 1U1V, do 4s IK av nniHin ......... .v. , n . , m . . II S la res' 113 I. 8 dab 4a 1U1 M I do ooupos 11 L. A N. unl. as 9D Allls-Chal. 1st 8s.... 76 M . K. A T. 1st 4s. 17 Amer. Af. Ss 101 ei0 Ht vsi A. T. A T. o. 4a...l07 eMa Pacific 4 77 An Tobacco 4s 19 N. H. H. of M. 4s 71 do ta 106V, N. T. C. s. U Armour & Co. 4s. 91 do deb. 4s 90 Atchison feu, ls N. T.. N. H. A H do cv. h do ct. 6s A a L 1U 4s llal. A Ohio 4s do 8s do 8. W. 8s Brook. Tr. c. 4s.. , On. of Oa. 8s Pen. Leather 8s t?. of N. i. f. s, Clias. A Ohio 4e., so ret. 8s ectalcecu A A. s .111 c. s .112 N. A W. 1st 151 a. 4a. 97 107 . t do i t. 4s . 98i No. Pacific 4a.... . 91 do 8s . 0. g. U rfdf. 4e . 86 perm. o. 8s 181! .llisi, do eon. 4s . 98 Pesdlns sen. 4a.. 99 I ' M i 90 .103 . 1 i : 88 io 1st gold' 4sT:" M M44 . . L. 4 si4 C. B A Q. 1. 4s ia ssa. 4s 48o. Pao. cal. 4s 824 o. M. A I P. 1 Ws 82 to c. 4 t C. R. I. A P. . 4s. o J ref. 4s do rf. 4s. MS ., KsH-a, 10714 i,-n,.lnMid6V.::::- EN?.onfr -r 010. ,na D a H. ct. 4s Li io i" A rf. Is.. V D.'a R. O. 4s 88 l'. a Cubher 6a . . . . lot . do ref nwtlllsrs' 8s . in. p. U 4s. wsbasa 1st M. vm do sa. 4s. da 1st A sx 88 da ct. sr. A 8814 Western Mil. 4s 84 ! do series B Oea. KIM. Cl III. " 1st TSt Wt. Else. CT. 8s.. 844 . 8.. .181 'wis, r.ntrsi 4s ui 4s 04H4 Mo. Pme. 8s 844, Int. Mat. 4a. Bid. ... lt Panama ....is ostss Mtalagr Stocks. BOSTON, July 28. Closing quotations on stocks were as follow Allouss 80 Miami Copper . Amal. Coppsr 87 Mohswk A. C L A 8t4 NeTsas l0 Artaoss Tom I814 Nlpl,e4n Mines B C. ('. . at. 18 North Butte .... Butte Coalltloa 18 North Leke Cal. A Arisoaa 8t Old Domlnloa ... "el A Hecla 480 Osceola Ceulensial 11 Parnxt 8. C . 41 . 18 I . 844 . 82 . 8 . 4SS4 . 88 . Ta . i 8 . 84 Cop. Range C C. ... SO ""NJMIocy East Butts C. 1144 Shanooe 10't Suuerlor A B. hi. 8 Tamarack rs l S R A M. 4H de pfd t'tsh Vn 4'4 t'tsh Vpusr Co... franklin Otrous Cos Oraubr Ton Greene Csnaaes, . . . lale KuyaJe t opper. 81N4 1 . 484 I ; isifc j Kerr Lake Lass Copper ... Ls Salle Copper 844 Wluoos s .108 8t olverlB Bx-dlT. Aaked. Loaaoa Stock Market. LONDON, July 28. American securities opened steady and slightly higher today. I'rtcea Improved during the first hour, with Union l aciflo and boutbern faciflo leading. At noon the market waa steady and values ranged from c to ISo higher than yester day's New York clone. Consols, money ... do account Aeil. Copper .... Ansceeda , AUhlaon Atchison, pfd Baltimore ft Ohio. , T8 Lnnlsnlle ft Vah ,1HV4 ,71 Mo., Ksa. ft Tnas. . f , t4 New Tor Central ..111 7H Norfolk ft Westers.. Il 1H So pfd 81 n Ontario ft Westers.. 4T.4 IOI14 Pennsylvania 84V4 Csnadlsn Pacific ... Chesspeeke A Ohio. !V4 Rsnd Mines TV, Reeding II 81 va Souihera Railway I3V4 Chi. Greet Western . Chi. Mil. De Beers ft 8t. P. ,1 do pfd T4V, . 18 soul hern paclfle ....llv, . I44 Union Pacific I4V4 . 4 do pfd 17 . S V. 8. steel Il4 . 88 do pfd 1?04 . 47 V, Wabash lv . 88V a pfd 88V4 .148 steady at 24d per ounce. Ienver ft Rio. 0.. do pfd Erie do 1st p(d do Id pld Orsnd Trunk Illinois Central ... HLVKItHnr, MONET 1 'SI 4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is lNtilH per cent; for three months' bills Is 2M,-si2 3-16 per cent. REPORT OF TIIK CLE1R15Q HOUSE Traasactloas of the Associated Basks for tha Week. NE WYORK. July 28. Bradstreet'a bank Clearings report for the week ending July 28, shows an asrsxeeale nf 82 Mti A4.1 1x10 aa aKalnst 3',!H7,228,uon last week and 82.78S,787, vw in tne corresponding week last year. The following Is a list of the cities: CITIES. Clearings. Ino. Dec. i 1 81.7'. 492.0001 6.5 378,688,000 10.6 143.784.0nO b.b 138.910,010 4.1 66,603,010 .3 44.?21,O0i 4-4 4R.847.O00 6.4 41.&37.0U0 t.O 8a,&4K.0UO 19.1 111,840.0001 6.0 16,014.00( 9.0 20.28,000l 7.0 3o,737,0ti0 84.41 19,350,000 ..i.. 11.6 13.tj,Oi . f.o 17,814.01H 32.6 H, 877.0iO 14.6 12,7a,OiiO 17.1 17.814.OiO 32.6 11,108.000 lO.g 7,31,0O; 3.6 9,754,000 14.9 ,:. l.Oio 10.1 7.8Sii.O)0 11.3 8.633,001) .8 6,426.000 7.2 S,9iS,00n 13.3 6,096.000 8.0 6,304,010. 13.0 8,813,0001 20.3 1244,000 22.4 6,843.000 30.8 6,0m, 000 1.8 6.730,000 11.1...... 4,323,000 2.1 4.1OT.0OO 11.7 8,687,000 4.6 4.4W.00O 26.4 4.146.00O 9.8 8,678.000 4.9 8,4S3,00 16.6 4.061,000 6.1 I 2,823,000 19.7 8.3T,&,000 4.9 I 2,824.000 15.8 I 8.024,000 17.7 8,07,0(10 19.9 I I 8,0G3,C00 7.4 I, 529,009 7.6 2.467,000 8.6 2,632.000 7.0 1.98.0()0 8.1 2,384,000 20.7 1.744,000 19.8 2.182,000 17.0 1.313,000 7.6 8,212.000 8.7 2.602.000 16.1 1.930,000 8.2 8,109.001) 12.4 1,786,000 6.7 1.643,000 9.7 1,916,000 39.8 1,203.000 6.1 1,634,000 9.2 1,461,000 9.9 1,419,000 8.1 1,331.000 17.0 I 1.4!iO,0O0 L3 1,267 .ft O 3.4 1,317,000 8.3 645,000 10.8 1,492,000 33.2 1,291,000 9.6 , 1,008,000 .2 2,210,000 187.8 - 1.018,000 : A. 1,084,000 ...... 787,000 0.0 877,000 8.4 916,000 8.1 9a,000 21. 2 610.000 18.8 1.403,000 14.7 981,000 18.1 6a,000 22.7 8&6.00O 30.3 263,000 32.7 888.000 13.1 823,000 10.4 606.000 26.0 668.000 .9 610.000 1.5 621.000 22.4 499,000 9.6 492.000 10.6 238,000 4.4 616,000 8.2 60I.OOO 27.6 401.000 13.3 871,000 1.5 155,000 21.3 209.0(10 26.6 616,000 4.1 955,000 14.298,000 33.3 13,684,000 28.4 New Tork Chicago Boston Phlldelphla St. Louis Kansas City , Pittsburg fan Francisco...., Haiti more Cincinnati Minneapolis Cleveland New Orlaana Oetrolt ..1 OMAHA Iis Angeles Louisville Milwaukee Seattle St. Paul Atlanta Portland, Ore..... Buffalo JOenver Indianapolis Providence Richmond Washington, D C. St. Joseph Fort Worth Memphis Salt Lake Cltv.... Columbus Albany Tacoma Savannah Spokane. Wash... roiedo Hartford Rochester lies Moines Nashville Duluth Wichita Peoria Norfolk Oakland, Cal Sioux City New Haven Grand Rapids Scranton Birmingham Jacksonville, Fla. uKianoma ... Syracuse Augusta, Ga. Worcester .., Evansvllle .. Springfield . Dayton Portland. Me Wheeling. W. Va... little Koclc ! Charleston. B. C... iKnoxvllle Chattanooga Lincoln Davenport Wilmington, Del... Mobile Wllkes-Barre Kalamaxoo, Mich,. Sacramento, Cal... Topeka Cedar Rapids, la.. Macon Fall River Toungstown New Bedford Springfield. Ill Fort Wayne .tXl I Sioux Falls,' S."i! canton, u Akron Helena Columbia, S. C Lexington Fargo, N. D Erie. Pa ' Rockford. Ill 1 Qulncy, 111 1 Blooomington , 111... I Chester, Pa Q,.iveinlxi r South Bend, Ind Lowell Jackson, Miss Blnghamton Decatur 111 Mansfield, O Fremont, Neb Vlcksburg, Miss Jacksonville, 111 York, Pa Waterloo, Ia Houstont Galvestont tNot Included in totals because containing other items than clearings. 'Last week'. New York Mlnlnc Stocks. NEW YORK, July 28. Closing Quotations on mining atocks were: Alios 10 Little Oilef .. 6 ..190 ..m ..171 ..104 .. It Com. Tunnel stock.. Mexican do bonds Con. Cal. A Va.... Horn Silver Iron SI I tot U-adTllle Con. ... Ofterod. Ontario Opblr Standard Tallow Jacket St. Loals General Market. ST. LOUIS, Mo., July 28. WHEAT Cash, higher; track, No. 2, S3?86c; No. I hard, 88t(lt4c; September, 860. CORN-Hlgher; track. No. t, 66c; No. t white, 67H(fttc; September, t3c. OATS Higher; track. No. 2. 8838Hc; No. 2 white, 4Kg40Vvc; September, 41V4'41c. RYE Unchanged; 86c, KLOUR Firm; red winter patenta, 33.90 4.00; extra fancy and straights, 13.403.60; hard winter clears, 32.80ifr3.10. MKED Timothy, 85.00ijj9.60. CORNMEAL 32.60. BRAN Dull; sacked, east track, $1.03O 1.05. HAY Market, dull; timothy, 315.0031.00j prairie, 3130040.00. PROVI8 IONS- Pork, .higher: lobbing. 7.40. Dry salt meals, unchanged; boxed, 117.1TV;. Lard, higher; prime steam, f7.3&ty extra shortn, 3tt.87Mt; clear ribs. 38.87; short clears, 39.25. Bacon, unchanged; boxed, extra shorts, 39.87H; clear ribs, S9.87tt; short clears, 310.25. POULTRY Firm; chickens. 10c; springs. 13c; turkeys, 16c; ducks, 104o; geese. 6c. IH'TTER Steady; creamery, 21(f26V4o. KGGS Weak; 13V14c. Receipts 9.700 12,000 67.000 126.000 Shipments. 6.400 44,000 43,000 43,000 I Flour, bbls 'Wheat, bu. ; Corn. bu... iGltl. bu... I NEW YORK. July 28-COTTON-Ppot I closed quiet; middling uplands, 3.50c; mld- ' dling gulf, 13.76c; sales, 1.900 bales. i Futures opened barely steady; July, 12.90 ,jl3.Uc; August, 12.2iS12.5c; September, y October. 112T.c; December. U.tic; March, 11.30c; May. 11.41c. ,v I COTTON .. sbarrW thteanie. . . . . Cotlon futurrs closed steady; c-loMng bids: ' Jul y, 13,12c; August. 12.07c; September, i'. Bieei wa os ii . ji.ai'c; octoDer, ll.zic; xsovemoer, 11.11c; ie !.!' V"?- "'"Vcember. 11.20c: January, ll.loc; March, 1.26c; w.v I tin I "l' HOSIa. NEW YORK. July 28 OILS Cottonseed OIL. a nft firm; prime crude, nominal; prime summer yellow v, spot, 35.6Oy6.00; August. 85.67t76.8S; mber. t6.61U..i3; October, 86.4:45; t?-pte PETROLEUM-hteady. KOoiN 4ulet; strained, common to good, ' o DO. ! TURPENTINE Quiet. BAVANXAH. July 28.-TURPENTINE r 11 111, '.yc. ROSIN Firm G.. t0.504J56. type F., t-506.65; type Oatska Pvoaaeo Market. BUTTER Creamery, 3lc; packing stock, 18c. KtiOS No. 1. 15c; No. 2. 9c I'OL'LTRY Uroliers. 12tc; roosters, 4c: hens, '.c, Uuiks, lot ; gec, 0c. Dalath (iraln Market. Dl'Ll'TH, July 38 WHEAT No. 1 hard. 31.04V; No. 1 northern, 11. M; No. 3 northern, 31i'vIl 01a; July, 8104, asked; Kept 111 ber, tl OO. bid. Wool Market. 8T. LOUIS, July 28 00L Unchanged; territory an! western mediums. 17tfl9c; fine mediums, lUSV-Ci fine, HijUVsa OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Eeceipti Light and Prices Good and Strong. HOGS AEE FIVE TO TEN HIGHEE Nat EaOBSjk gheep or Lambs to Make m Market Demass Very Fair, with Prices ghowlasj No Change. BOUTH OMAHA. July 28, 1911. Ilecelpts were: Official Monday .... Official Tuesday Official Wednesday Official Thursday... Estimate Friday.... Cattle. Hun, slieep. ... 7.88 3,832 11.4H ... 4.324 11.705 9.M7 ... 4.2R1 .S?0 4.326 ... 8.631 7.011 8 49. ,.. 1.003 7.210 1.623 Five dayg this week .19 647 40.148 33.876 Same days last week.,..13.oM 42.818 30.840 fame days t weeks ago.. 17. 200 61.253 21.9H9 Kama days 3 weeks ago.. 16.3, 9 38.6.4 10 891 Same daya 4 weeks ago. .17. 12 65.358 .3 Ovi Same days last year.... 22,486 40,819 46.624 The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and slirep at Soulti Onirflia for tlie year to date, as rnmuared with las; vear: jsn liMO. Inc. Cattle '.64.9SJ 643.449 21.536 Hogs 1,610.913 1,257,447 363,4H Sheep 8,706 857,817 9.SNS The following table shows the average prices) of hogs at South Omaha for tha last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 1911. 1910.il909.19O8. 11907. 11908. 11906, July 31.. July 23.. July 24... July 25.. July 26.. July 27... July 28... S2V4 a 32 8 431 7 69 6 321 5 881 34 5 92 C 62 311 6 941 6 6S 6 24! 6 961 6 25 i 48 8 88 7 67 7 671 8 281 8 27 7 61 5 47 6 36-V. 444 5 55 5 60 6 99 16 60 64 8 811 7 461 ( 131 5 971 441 6 68 631 8 23 7 3. 6 07 46 6 61 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union Stock Yards, Houth Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 8 o'clock yes terday: REC13I PTS- CA RLOA D8. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'ses. c, B. ft Q.a east 4 1.. 2 3 's 41 .. 2 4 27 7 1 1 Wabash Missouri Pacific 1 Union Pacific 14 C. & N. W., east C. & N. W. west.... 14 C, St. P., M. A O C, B. A Q., eat C, B. & Q., west.... 8 C, R. I. & P., east.. 2 C, R. I. & P., west.. 1 Total receipts.... 141 mSOSITION-HEAD. Came. nog Sher Omaha Packing Co 99 Swift and Company 279 Cudahy Packing Co 166 Armour 4 Co 126 1,130 24 416 1.260 2.022 1,302 W. B. Vansant Co 29 Hill & Son 29 F. B. Lewi 18 Huston A Co 13 J. B. Root & Co 6 J. H. Bulla 4 MoCreary & Carey 71 S. Werthelmer 13 H. F. Hamilton ... 7 Other buyer 281 938 Totals .U45 6,220 8,272 CATTLE Cattle receipts this morning were light as usual on a Friday, only about I, 000 head being reported In. This leaves the total for the five days at 19,647 head, a gain of 6,000 head over last week and a decrease of almost 8,000 head as compared with the same days a year ago. For a Friday the market on cattle was In splen did, condition. Buyers all seemed to want fresh supplies and were out In the yards early In the morning, with the result that everything In sight that was fit to kill changed hands in very fair season. The prices paid were strong as compared with yesterday. It Is safe to quote the market at the present time as fully lOloc higher on desirable beef steers than at the close of last week. In some cases the gain has been even more than that. The few cows and heifers in the yards this morning changed hands very readily at good strong prices. The market was more active than usual on Friday and very satisfactory to the selling interests. Prices are 10(3160 higher at least than last week. There were no stockers or feeders of any consequence In sight, but what few there were commanded good firm prices. The desirable kinds of stock and feeding cattle have shown a little improvement thla week under the Influence of a better outlook for pastures and a better fat cattle market. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef steers, 88.4U6.70; fair to good beef steers, 86.9wr6.40; common to fair beef steers, 84.2Uy5.85; good to choice heifers, $5.00(316.60; good to choloa cows, 34.606.25; fair to good cows and heifers, 83.7D4.40; common to fair oows and heifers, 82.26'i(3.7i; ?ood to choice atockers and feeders, 84 60 10; fair to good stockers and feeders, 34.00 (i4.fl0; common to fair stockers and feeders, 33254.00; stock heifer, 32.75(3.76; veal calves, 83.60(4.60; bulls, stags, etc.. $2,764, 6.00. Representative sales: BEEP" STEERS. No. A. Pr. Ne. A. fr. 14 1018 4 80 18 1118 f tt 19 874 4 U ' It 131 48 80 1098 8 38 14 1197 40 It 110 8 80 cuwn. , 828 92 838 , 988 847 3 76 10. ..871 3 88 ..1078 I 90 .. 800 4 It .. 980 4 28 1 78 t 00 8 00 I 10 8 It 8.. 14.. 18.. 3.. 12. . 13.. I.. 190 4 40 n.'.'.'.'. , 808 ... 811 4 70 4 80 6 to 874 8 15 ...1076 ...1010 800 894 t as 1 80 HEIFERS. t 80 I 4 00 14 4 IS 1 4 W BULLA t 86 1 8 80 1 . 891 . 878 . 708 . 803 . 670 .1S4 . 878 . 968 .1180 4 80 6 00 f 81 . I7 8 78 .1900 4 84 1180 8 86 CALVES. 110 1 00 1 860 8 Tt 4 fit 4 16 1 188 I 00 140 6 n lhl t IS 100 8 00 10.'!! STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 8 678 8 88 T 717 4 80 HOGS Hog trade took another shoot upward, but prices were uneven at ad vances. Early bualness consisted largely of sales a dime higher, a broad shipping demand being partly responsible, while the late market settled down to a basis merely strong to a nickel up. Demand early was active, becoming quiet and even dull to ward the close. Supply constHted of about 110 loads, an estimate that afforded some little argu- ment for strength. Shippers were In the trade with heavy order for smooth animals of all weight, buying In all about tTrvty flve loada. Outside purchases amounting to one-third of a moderate run Indicate a general shortening of receipts, of course, and auirur well for a healthy demand dur ing the balance of the summer and eaVly fall. Clearance of yards was delayed until well along toward 11 o'clock. Spreads remained at narrow margins and overlapped In many instances with skippy and common lights. Bulk ranged from ti.r5 to 36.70 and choice bacon grades leichel t.So. 15c above yester day's high price. No. At. 8h. Pr. No. At. 88. Pr. ' M 80S ... 8 80 89 JIM... 8 88 ; 88 -i:3 40 8 88 18 Ut 80 8 88 1 (I l:0 ... 8 83 Tt :-41 ... 8 88 I 70 1.4 ... 3 85 88 264 80 3 88 ; 84 81.1 ... 8 88 87 H 180 8 86 88 804 80 8 88 88 201 840 8 48 80 878 ... 8 88 68 2t7 M 8 85 81 m 160 8 88 81 20; 80 8 88 I 88 2S 120 88 88 232 180 88 40 281 80 8 65 12 !14 ... i 88 I 88 271 ... 8 8.1 88 2n 80 8 88 ! 8 278 ... 8 68 81 231 20 8 86 67 i 80 8 H74 81 240 KM 8 86 ! 81 Ml 40 4 f7 71.. 244 120 8 88 i tHU ... 8 t74 88 II i; K ' 88 fWi ... 8 87 87 1 1 160 8 85 ',' 11 t?0 80 8 80 68 260 40 3 88 i 61 8M ... 180 .284 '40 8 86 ' 11 2K8 ... 8 80 Ti 116 120 8 U i.H 240 ... 8 80 it 2.18 40 8 Hi 60 8:i0 80 8 40 40..: 274 40 8 88 81 861 ... 8 88 11 238 14 8 88 80 Ui lis) 8 80 88 246 It IK 88 846 ... 8 80 88 248 ... 8 88 I 80 218 180 8 80 48 2.16 80 8 05 I 84 2M M 3 80 88 200 40 8 84 I 86 2U 14 8 80 0 2.M ... 8 10 ! 61 880 ... 6 80 ' 18 281 ... 8 10 66 lh ... 3 80 .18 188 ... 3 10 87 2x0 ... 6 40 14 tit ... 8 10 66 27 ... 8 40 IS 218 ... 8 " 68 !4 80 I 80 14 ill 180 6 Is 16 148 80 3 80 17 ;ll 160 I 10 68 841 ... 8 80 80. ...... .287 ... 8 70 66. 248 120 8 80 tl 881 ... 6 78 88. ...... .124 ... 3 80 88 2! I ... (10 18. .... ! 124 6 80 78 218 ... 8 11 '4 11 t)8 M 8 80 47 814 48 3 124 66 218 ... 6 84 68 248 ... 8 12W 88 28 80 6 80 88 201 80 6 16 86 ..244 100 I 80 68 24 ... 6 Tt 16 18 ... 8 80 12 IX ... I 76 84 lei 140 6 SO 88 1W 80 8 78 68 2 40 I 80 61 201 ... 8 16 88 24t e 3 62 V. TO -'4 40 6 18 II ,'7 SO 8 6?4 16 Sot ... 6 H it. 2&8 ... 8 S84 88 2.17 80 3 80 88 81 j 40 6214 76 ..If. 7 ... IK 41 i?4 ... 4 66 18 1V7 ... 6 Ul M tit 80 8 88 18 82 80 8 8 8 88 It 8 88 70 187 ... 8 88 " I. SHEEP Fresh receipts of sheep and lambs were too small to give valurs any thing like a normal tryout, but feeling In buying circles waa generally ateady and various sales showed little change. Only five cars of rangers arrived, mostly Idaho wethers, but thl Offering waa Increased by part of a shipment of stale lambs, about ihe only stock held over from yextrrday. Thus far this week receipts have been moderate. Idaho, Oregon and Wyoming sending In the big bulk. Sheep have pre dominated In the run and fully three fnurtlis of the total had plenty of flesh for killing purposes. Weihers have been run ning fieely on most days and while big iiuuU'tia uiew coimlilerable bearish atten tion because of their frequency in supply, oecilnes in this as well as other branches ol the trade have been moderate. Present limit on choice grass aethers Is 84.00. wltn gooa ewes selling around 8J .6041 rj.tki. strictly 1 t.iiinc jennings nnunt possibly reach 86.00, uut the ordinary run of breakers have been ranging around 34.50. These prices show lewes of 10ul6o from a week ago, wethers getting poorest treatment. Demand has been rather quiet as a rule, a condition that is partly traceable to sellers' obstinacy In following the bearish course of markets at other points. Fat iambs have been In very fair supply and strings usually carried small feeder ends. Trade was well sustained until Just lately, present prices averaging about lac lower tnan a week ago. tiood ones have been moving around o.75, indicating a top quotation or 37.00. Feeders huve been holding at big dis counts under fat classes, thin sheep selling at full dollar spreads, with lambs moving 31. .V! I.75 apart. Demand has h:td limited volume ana conservative tone, thrltty feeder lumbs selling at 30.00 and less. iuoiuiioii., on a..o .mulls: Lamb, good to choice. 6.7fiHi7.00; fair to good, x.z.p4i.'i'o; iiti.iI", jiarl.iiKH, lui. to choice. 4..Ky .i.oi; yttirilngs, feeders, .t5i S4.0O; wethers, fair to choice. W.66ca 4.00, weihers, leetteis, .!.8.0-J.40; ewes, fair to choice, 32.7u0i3.76; ewes, feeders, $2.8n(ui.7o, eves, culls. 31.6oti2.26. Representative sales: No. 227 Wyoming wethers 647 Idaho wethers , 183 Idaho wethers 246 lclnlio wethers , )8i Idaho lambs, culls Av. . 94 . 110 . 105 . 8S . 48 Pr. 3 86 3 83 3 85 8 tv 4 35 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Prices oa Cattle Are gtrongr and Hogs Go a Dime Higher. CHICAGO. July 28.-CATTLK Receipts, 1.600 head; market strong; beeves 35.10W 7.26; stockers and feeders, 83.006.S5; cows and heifers. 32.10ii5.S6; calves. 85.50fi .00. HOU(4 Receipts, 14,000 head; market lOi'i 15c higher; lights, 36.75ft 7. 30; mixed, 36.70'tf 7.30; heavy, 6.70(&7.25; rough, 36. 404(4. 60; pigs, tn.30(t(6.8K. SHEKF AND LAMBS Recelptc 12.000 head; market steady; natives. 32 6ti4 25; yearlings, 83.90(5.15; native lambs, t-t.TwU1 7.10. Kansas Cltr Lire Stock Market. . KANSAS CITY, July 2S.-CATTLE Re ceipiH. 3.30, Including 2,000 southerns; mar ket steady to strong, active; dresKed beef and export steers, tti.16jj7.00; stockers and fieders, 33 2.Vii5.40; native cows, 32.0O(J6.25; native heifers, HOoiiil.OO; bulls, 33.16ji6.20. HOGS Receipts. 3.500 head: market 6c to Jvj 10c higher; bulk of sales, 36.8O3j7.00; heavy, SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,100 head; market, ateady; lambs, 36.&0ir.86; yearlings, 84.50itf5.60; stockers and feeders, 2.60tT3.75. St. Loals Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, July 28. CATTLE Receipts, 1,600 head, Including 600 'i'exans; market steady; native shipping and export steers, t6.00fi6.75; stockers and feeders, 32.6Mi4.76; cows and heifers, I3,00(f7tj.a0; bulls, $2.75 5.2,; calves, 85.O043.76; Texas and Indian steers, 33.406.00. HOGS Receipts, 6,800 head; market 10c higher; pigs and lights, 34.60&r7.25; packers, 37.1.Vy7.30. SHBEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.700 head; market steady; native muttons, 33.60 CT4.25; lambs, 34.0O&7.10; stockers, tl-00?J3.00. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. July 28. CATTLE Re ceipts, 500 head; market steady. Steers, 5.00(i6.85; cows and heifers, 83.0O4f7.00; calves, 33.2."(&7.00. HOGS Receipts 8,600 head; market 10c higher. Top, 37.00; bulk of sales, 36.80 6.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 600 head. Market steady. Lambs, t6.25(7.00. Stock In Slghe. Receipts of live stock at the five princi pal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha l.OOO 7.200 1.500 Kansas City 3.300 3.600 1.000 St. Joseph 60O 3,500 8,500 Chicago , 12.000 St. Louis , ...(W.U.OOO.iJ ,0O --2,700 .......7,900 86,000 20,700 Totals Minneapolis Grain Market, MINNEAPOLIS, July 28 WHEAT July, 97'S.c; September, 99-4.f!W4c; December, $1.001.00A; May. 81.044, nominal. Cash, No. 1 hard, tl.03; No. 1 northern, tl.01Htj 1.02; No. 2 northern, eHa31.01V. Prepares to Comply With Court Decision Notice Given of Taking of Steps to Ee-create American Tobacco Company. NEW TORK. July 28. Step toward "re creating" the American Tobacco company, out of the elements now composing It, in harmony with the decision of the supreme court of the United States, were taken today when announcement wa made of the formation of protective committees by the holder of the 6 per cent bonds, the 4 per cent bonds and the preferred stock. The chairman of the 8 per cent bondholder committee I Alexander J. Hemphill, president of the Guar anty Trust company. HI associates In clude Albert H. Wlggln, president of the Chase National bank, and T. Dewltt Coyler of Philadelphia. The committee's notice refer to the de sire of the American Tobacco company to comply with the order of the supreme court and urged united action on the part of the bondholders. Similar representations are made by the committee for the 4 per cent bonds, of which Charles H. Sebtn, vloe president of the Guaranty Trust corn- 1 -"-"". " i holder' committee, of which J. N. Wal lace, president of the Central Trust com pany, Is chairman. The three committees join in requesting that certificate of bond and stock be deposited not later than August 28, next. Organized Labor is to Prosecute to Full Extent of the Law Every Man Connected with Kidnaping of the McNamarai ii to Be Pro ceeded Against. WASHINGTON, July 38.-4jrganlel la bor proposes to prosecute the Burn De tective agency for It part In arresting the men charged with destroying with dynamite the newspaper plant of the Los Angeles Times. In an appeal for fund with which to defend the alleged dynamiter at their forthcoming trial. Issued today by the American Federation of Labor, it I de clared that every man who wa connected with the kidnaping of the McNamaraa will be prosecuted to the full limit of the law and that punishment will be meted out "to detective agencies that assumed to be superior to the law." Iteal Estate Transfers. Real estate transfers a reported to The Ree July 27 by tht Pottawattamie County Abstract company of Council Bluffs: Leonora Patrick et al to Armlnda F. Perry, two-thirds of nw. me of 12- 71-40, w. d 81 00 Heme to Parah 11 Perry, two-thirds of nei of 12-74-40. w. d 1.00 Saiah M. Perrv et al to Armlnda E. l'erry, two-thirds of nwS 12-74-). w. d LCD Armlnda E. Perry et al to E. Leonora Patrick, two-thirds of swVJ of 15-74 4, w. d 1.00 Same to same, one-half of eH se'4 of 13-74-40. w. d 1.00 J. A. Malr and wife to Mary Jane Mair, lot 80, block 3, Wilson Terrace add., w. d 100 Sis transfer, total. 343.00 , AS DUN SEES THE Trade Condition. Affected by legiflsv tion and CourU' Deciiion. ' IMPROVEMENT IN IRON TRADE Footwear Market Slow, fa Bayert N. rmlagly Beln laatloaa Akaat Laying; la Stocka lor tka Fatar eaaoa. NEW YORK, July t8.-Dtin'g Weekly Review tonmrow will say: A variety of conflicting development affect trade conditions, among them tha passage of the Canadian reciprocity bill, unsettlement over the outcome t tha nego tiation touchlnh adjustment of affair in Morocco, and the decision of the Interstate Commerce commission In the Spokane jate and similar cases. These Influences, how vr. are mainly of Importance In their relations to the future. Moderate Improve ments mark conditions In Iron anT leel, although In eastern territory pig Iron buy ing Is of reetrlrted volume. The best Jaw ing is In finished steel produots There Is further slight expansion In mill opera tions. The hading Interest Is working at a little over 70 per cent of Its Ingot capac ity, while blast furnace operatlona are In creasing, three additional furnaces having been In commission. Track supplies are In greater request, recent contracts placed at Chicago aggregating about 19,000 Tons. More animation Is reported In plain struc tural material and steel bars. In pig Iron, trade Is spasmodic at the east with the nvHn.a innallv fW small IntS. While In thS central west there appears to be less dla poHltion to grant large contracts for either bsslc or founry grades. The footwear market continue slow. Visiting buyers In Roaton are cautious about buvlng ahead and do not place the number of new orders anticipated. TraTTe Is quiet in all kinds of leather, but tan ners rve now doing more business than earlv In the month. Price are generally strong and quotations are firmer OV n tracts ahead than on moderate quantities for present requirements. Four Killed When the Engine Hits the Automobile Machine Caught on Grade Crossing of the Pennsylvania Near Pittsburg. PITTSBI'RG. July 28. Four prong were killed and one seriously Injured tonight when the engine of a fast expresg train on the Pennsylvania railroad atruck an automobile at a grade crosslg at Wllklng burg, a suburb. The dead: EDWARD S. BATCH ELOR. aged 62, Wllklnsburg, superintendent of the Union Stock yards of this city. MRS. MARY BATCH ELOR, aged 70, hi , mother. MISS MAY FERNLET, aged 21. of Cin cinnati, O., a niece of Mr. Batchelor. MRS. JOHN RKED, aged 46, of Wilkin burg. Injured: Miss Blanche Reed, aged 18, daughter of Mrs. Reed, sutalned serious injuries. Her nose vat broken and she wa badly cut. The four victims were hurled a great distance and met Instant death. Miss Reed was found In the machine. At the Reed home Mr. Reed 1 dying of heart disease and doe not know of the accident. SUITOR'S SUIT MEETS CHECK Cruel Father Tries to Argue frith Swain with Hickory Bast Ball Bat. Because he so assiduously pressed hi suit for the hand of Beulah Bolten, the 27-year-old daughter of N. Bolten of 121 Pine I street, the father of the young woman last night struck L. L. Snyder, the suitor, In the back of the head with a base ball bat. Snyder wa picked up In the Bolten front yard and taken to the police surgeon's room. A bruise on the back of hi head, a swollen Up and a black eye were medi cated by the doctors and wrapped up. The young man and hi sweet heart' father were locked up charged with disturbing the peace by fighting. In police court Friday morning Bolten said he had warned Snyder to keep off hi property on several different occasion. ' He said hi daughter had rejected Snyder' attentions and refused to go out with him when he called last night The case wa dismissed by Judge Crawford. American Warships Patrol Haiti's Coast Foreign Life and Property to Be Safe guarded by the Gun boats. WASHINGTON, July 28. The American warship off the coast of Hattl today be gan an active patrol of the the country' shores. The scout cruiser Chester, which haul been assigned to safeguard foreign life and property on the northern coast, sailed from Cape Haitlen for Port de Palx, where It 1 reported serious trouble exist. Tb gunboat Peoria I cruising down the western coast Because of rumors of trouble at Jeremte, on the lower western coast, the gunboat Petrel has been dispatched to that locality.' The Des Moines and Petrel will look out for condition in the couth. Great Western Tram ;-c? V-a I 4a 4fNt . I !V . .ttuns in upen owitcn Engineer Rose ii Killed and Fireman Smith, Both of Set Moines, Badly Scalded. KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 28. W. Rose, engineer, was killed, and Hugo Smith, fire man, wa badly scalded, when Chicago Great Western passenger train, No. S. wa wrecked Just outside of Edgewater Junc tion, at 8 o'clock tonight. The home of both men ar In Dea Moines. The train left Des Molne at 12:30 o'clock today and was due here st 8:28 tonight. The engine and baggage car ran Into an open switch, with which it is supposed some one had been tampering. Both the englno and the baggage car turned turtle. Reside the engine crew no one wa Injured. Smith was brought to Kansas City and placed la a hospital. SHORT HAY CROP IS REPORTED Cat Throaahoat Many of the Itatee Is Only A hoot One-Half of the Average. NIAGARA FALLS, N. T., July 28. That there will be a heavy shortage In the hay crop thla year I indicated by the report submitted to the National Hay association here today. Nearly every hay-growing section ha suffered from the drouth. Illinois report a S3 per cent crop; In diana. 66 to 0 per cent; Ohio, 70 per cent; Massachusetts, 78 per cent; Michigan and Pennsylvania. 30 per cant; Minnesota, West Virginia and Tennessee less than half th average production. New Jersey s an exception, reporting a fine crop. In New Tork state there will be about a to per cent crop of timothy and practically no clover hay for th market. ,Te 1 f t is in