TIIE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, JULY 2f, Men's Oxfords Now at Real Bargain Prices Your choice of all our Men's $3.00 nnd $3.50 " Ne braska" Oxfords, now at $2.25 Your choic of all our Men's $4 and $4.50 "Bcl" Oxfords, now at $3.45 One-Fourth off All Men's Trousers Summer 11 (Except Blues, Blacks and Corduroys) Our Tronst-r deparliupnt i 0110 of the largest nnd tno?t im xTtant in our store. It's stocky niv as comilete antl it V fabrics nd patterns as carefully selected as our Suit .'tucks. Each :i.ou's sales number thousands of pairs. Naturally the end of the season finds us with several hundred pairs, consisting of only a few of a pattern. These we must poll at once. To do this, every pair of Summer Trousers in our store (except blues blacks and corduroys) is now price! at 25 off regular prices. There are all shades and patterns in the affeortment and all sizes from 30 to 50 wai&t measure. $1.13 to $5.25 for $1.50 to $7.00 Trousers mimi.;,!., .r. ir"'--1- "' ' - - -n i II " - i- pft? n , ?L 1 i A conscientious endeavor on our part to clear our sample floors and our warerooms of all 6pring designs so as to show you all bright, new goods at the beginning of the fall season. IT'S A DEEP CDT 111 PRICE iznnioi It.vt Tables . lt Tables Tables Tsbls Tab. Tables Tsbles I !!&. Tables lv I I J12 v 110.00 M0.ee ll 75 I1CS 00 10.60 Tablts TABLE. SS.SO S0 ... .$ ia.00 ... $18.60 ....$38.00 . .907.44 . . .0&3.OO . . 0750 ...$84.00 XKOH llM Fampla Iron Beds Sample Iron Beds 00 Iron Bea . 1.00 iroa P.ls . 1100 Iron Beds . 14.00 Iron Beds . . OOo 11. 8 3e $4.78 $.80 $.0 BID! fSt.00 Brass Pods tll.M tiS 00 Bra a Beda 13.60 $40 00 Brass Bade $400 $. Brass Bed a 838.00 $;. Brtu Beds $48.00 COaGBXsTATIOaT BOOK. AJTD DBSKS Book rases $17-80 Bookcases Bookuwi Bookcases liocki II 00 14 00 40.00 41 00 100.00 04X10 ; 87.00 3400 IS 00 114.00 T.TBBaBT CASES 04- $8-40 $17 00 10 00 141.00 fl.7 $114.00 .S1O.S0 Cl ... $18 00 Caere M7.O0 Cui $81.76 Cum $75.00 T.TBBOBT TABLES 1.00 Tablss 14.00 Table .. .88.40 . . $8.40 , .f 10.00 . .01 0.0 21.00 . . $4S-0O . . $87.00 I0.0 Table 17.75 Tables 16 0 Tsbles 45 00 Tables 71. 00 Table 111.09 Tsbles UATIXS atOCXXmS 1)0 00 Rockers $?2.00 Mockers i7.t0 Rockers ...Mt-60 $41 $0 Rockers .. $83.50 $00.00 Rockers . . .83S.0O OBXrrOaTTXBS mi Phlffonlsrs . .$4-S$ ilO 60 Chiffoniers 1L00 Chiffoniers csxrrowxxmm Value SaJa J? ii.oo 51-!?. 50.00 JfJ 6 oo loo 10.00 -It 0.00 .... .818.00 .$!. MOO SO.00 Prices pared down to tho very limit. The savings are most snnnaar they range from H to H- Buy now and save the difference. COXVEXIEXT TERMS MA OK TO 8 ITT OPEN SATURDAY until 10 P. M. DRES1ERS Some magnificent pieces In genuine ma hogany and beautiful Circassian walnut, also In bird's eye maple, waxed oak and nov elty furnishes man with wood beds, dress ers and chiffon iers to match. SaVESSXBB Quan. Valua Price $11 i $1 I $20 00 00 00 $22 00 .$10.00 ! 14.00 4100 50.00 46 00 .$t0 00 !m oo 141.00 170.00 214.00 In S73S SOO $1030 1SJIO flSAO sas.so S30XM o.oo .00 iJOO $7SS loa.oo $134.00 GO-CART CLEARANCE Every Go-Cart In our entire line ta marked for quirk removal. One-motion Oo-Carta of every de scription, aleo Reed Carta. Baby Burslea and Par ambulatora all go at a terrific cut In price. Btrmrrs $29 00 Buffeta ..S1SM i 27.76 BuffeU ...S1S.SS 32.60 Bufeta ...1030 47.50 Buffeta ... $38.60 ICO 00 Buffeta .$36.00 $76 00 Buffeta ..145.00 $f5 76 Buffeta ...S51.M $110 00 Buffeta . $64.00 CaZSTA CLOSETS $20.00 Cloaeta . ...SltK) $25 00 Closeta 01SOO $47.60 Cloaeta ....$04.09 15 00 Cloaeta ....$71SS $17.76 Cloaeta ....$57.4 DATXBTOBTS ItO.OO Davenport a S1S.SO $1$ 10 Iavenporta S01.8S !46 00 L'avenporta $T4M 52.76 Iavenporta S31.es 76 00 Davenporta S0O.O0 $111 Davenporta $1.SS $10 Lravenporu $108UM RUGS tMPBBXAX. BUOS 11.40 Blae x ..$S.0B M$i Ple 7H $0.75 $6.00 Blae xlH $4.00 . aOTSl BBtrSSBLS tlS Slza tall ..$10.7$ BlTBXJi mues flJ ; ft. ...rr.Ts $20.00 IHZ104 $U0 JlO 00 Jail ft. . .$1730 TELTIT BUOS $ 76 kill ft. . 01S.70 $4 60 xii ft ..$oas Ito.oo iosuh $-rs . aXEIaSTEB BUOS $20.60 axlOS flSOO $10.00 Ixll ft. ..$1SA0 sumro czitM $1.60 Chairs OOO 12 60 Chairs $1.60 $4 00 .00 $40 00 i 41.76 55.00 76.00 66.00 $20.00 $27.60 $1500 $42.60 Chaira CluUra autoii Steel Hga. MM Bteel Sleel St Ml Cast Caat Caat .U' SBSSSB"$a "slw SSBSSJBSr JaBaaaaaaaapa iT$anifff!swPnj J"SRHOaasPt tJt. - "BiaBBBaBiaseT" $a.oo Rga. S3S30 Rga. $38.40 li-lta. $4S.7 Rga. Ra siaoo Rica. $1.75 Rsa. 031.00 Rss. $87.75 Z.BAT1STES OOUCKBS Value Sale Price 200 S18.60 17.60 $28.60 40 00 S3S.O0 76.00 ......$46-00 0.00 ..$0SO0 120.00 . ..$8730 BRIEF CITY NEWS Stave Boot mat IS. snseOsts Faas -Bsxraa Blcklaaoa for dutrict Judge. Ooamty 43Urk, Twm sewey-Adv AajLatopboae oonoart, Uasacom park. Saturday, i u i. lbs. F-- Sooarea Dlsevea UUaa Endeman aa (i anted a divorce from her huabajid, . I f. Kaduaaa, la district court Friday. JolLustoa a Sick BTan - Ed Jobnaton. real raiaus daer and former aaayor of South uir.iU. is confined to hie borne and hla 4 condition la said to be quite critical. rtifct Prist Expert Wasted -The civil lervlce commluion la advertlalns for a tin-er print expert. ExaiiUnaUona will be beld In Omaba at the federal building la Aug-uA. BsUtb asd Balla So AlaaXa W. A. Smith, general manager of the street rail way company, and W. 8. Bullard will start for Alaska for a moo lb of summer travel Saturday nlght. I Tkleres Oarer Off Cotklag Thieve entered the home of bt. C Peterson. 11 South Sixth treet. Council Bluffs. Thiusday ) eight, and carried away clothing valued at $12& The Omaba police have been asked to assist la locating lbs burglars. aVojlwBalpa, mater. Try him. D-I10I Bebraaka U Better Reuben and David Bundberg have returned to Omaba after aa absence of tea years. They are the rueata of L i. Rose of the Rome hotel. The boys have beea try ins" farming; In Alabama, but have concluded that Nebraska Is a far bet ter state for agricultural purpoaea. a City Kail To bring the city ball within the requirements of tbe new fire ordinances, firs secapes are being put up Id the rear. Tbe escapes are of tbe familiar stairway type with platforms each floor, extending from the fifth story to tbe baaemeat level la tbe alley. Iiesa ta Bswaal Ore John Brows of Mount il orris. X. T- who was arrested Wednesday afternoon for slabbing J. C Taylor, proprietor of the Princess theater after betas; elected from tbe theater for creatine; a disturbance, and also Ralph Jooea. police automobile chauffeur, who Interfered, was bound over to the district court oq $600 bonds by Judge Crawford Friday moraine Fast Ba with ArtOlsry Corps Because the United Ststes government wants Its Oae Hundred and Porty-seoond coast ar tillery corps In Sea Francisco aa sooa as poedble tbe Cnion Pacific will run the train ea the same time schedule as the speedy Overland Limited, the mall and passenger express. Is run. Tbe time made from Omaha to tbe eosst will be fifty-two hours. The entire trip of the corps la from Fort McHenry at Baltimore to tbs Pacific One hundred and four men and three of ficers maka up tbe corpe- Tbe special train ooraos la oa tbe Illinois Central Mon day alght at 12 30 o'clock and leaves ea tbe Vnica Pad fie. .MERCHANTS TO PLAY HOLLYS 3 New Man to Head the Nebraska Dairy Department Prof. Frederlk Rasmussen, who has beea elected professor of dairy hus bandry of tbe University of Ne braska, begins work st bis new sta tion September L Prof. Rasmussen la a native of Denmark, where be grew up on one of tbs best dairy farms in the country. Later he came to the United States and graduated from the Iowa Aarlcultural college la IS. After his graduation Prof. Rasmussen was Instructor In butter-making at tbe Asrtcultural Col legs of Purdue university and later became professor of dairy husbandry of tbe New Hampshire state col Itge at Durham. N. U- Prof Ras anuseen has bad wide experience la dairying, under different conditions. La rlx. g visited Denmark twice sloes his graduation to study tbe dairy methods In that country. Ha la at present acting as Inspector of but ter for a large order being manu factured for use of the United States nary, and will come to Ne braska as soon as his duties in tola connection are ended. PROF. FREDE&IK RASMUSSEN. DEMOCRATS AID INSURGENTS Coalition Pushes I Follette'i Wool Sill Thxoug-a Senate. PJ3E0SX PREDICTS A TITO CbaUramaa etf Flaaatee Cssssaltte Sara tkal PreeleVret Will Be Jaotlfleel la DiaaaBreval ( BIU Peadw lagt Board's Begisrt. x,eeal Teass eare New Flteber la AlWe ( Wasiera lewaw Next Sunday ' afternoon tbe Council Bluffs Merchants will play the Hollys of Omaha at Athletic park, la the Bluffs. The batwiee will be Albee aad Duff for tbe Merchants, and Cunalagham aad Claire for the Hollys. A ths Merchants were la ' need of a good pitcher to strssurthesi their base bail team, they weat to aa expense to get Pitcher Albee, one of the bent pitchers ta weetera Iowa, who bae a good reoord for tbe last two years. (Frees a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINOTON. July 2S (Speciai Tele gram.) Tbe adoption of the Lav FolletU oompremlss Is tbe bouse wool schedule did not some In the nature of any sur prise ta tbase who have been following ths tactics of the democrats and the In surgent republicans. When tbe democrats agreed last alght tn caucus that they would support the bouse bill first, falling in which they would support La Pollette's substitute, the jig was up so far as the regular republican were concerned. Tbe Insure ants had taken control ef tbe senate away from the regular orgirilsa Uoa. rsareoo ea tbe Sitaatlesu Senator Pan rose, chairman of the fiaanos eo remittee and leader of the regulara, took tbe defeat of bis forces with his usual calmness. Impsrturbably be watched dem ocrats play Into La Pollstte'a bauds aad gave no outward sign of the pent-up feel toga ertthin him. After tbe rote be said to Tbe See eorrespondeBt that the aotlea of tbe senate would strengtnaa President Taft instead of embarrass bin, for be ex pected. If a bill re via lag the wool schedule should reach tbe chief executive, B would be vetoed oa tbe ground that congress bad not bad tbe benefit of tbe ftadlaga of tbe tariff board, wbloh eould not possibly report us til next December. It was ths eplnioa of Senator Penrose that a manly, straightforward m see age, giving- the rea sons tor tbe vets, would help tbe prsatasut Immeasurably and eaee nsri show that be Is a man of Iron, with tenacity of pur pose and a wida grasp of conditions. "My Judgment Is," saM Senator Penrose, "that Taft will grow blgs-er and bigger from this, because be baa the courage of bis convictions, and as for tbe wool sched ule It ought to be vetoed, because the American people bare not had a chance to study the question, and they can only have full knowledge of eoedltions when the tariff board reporta I am still of the opinion that we will get away from Wash ington not later than August 16, for tbe democrats will see by that time how futile their hope Is that tariff legislation will be enacted at this session.'' Senator Brews voted with L Folletie oa all questions wherein tbe wool schedule was a factor. Aid fee Crawteri, The house committee on military affairs today ordered a favorable report on the bill to permit the otty ef Crawford to eon struct a pipe line across tbe Fort Robinson military reservation In order to tap the White river above tbs fort aad thus secure more abundant aad purer water for its needa. Represents tire Kiakald appeared before tbe committee this moraine; aad made a statement which apparently was convincing, aa a abort while afterwards tbe blU was favorably reported. All that Crawford Is asking- la permission to con struct a pipe line across this reservation, bains willing to bear all tbs expense, Rspresentatlve Ktnkald said this afternoon that be bad etroruf bops that be could pass this bill through tbe bouse at this session, and has assurances of the eupport of Senators Rrowa and Hitchcock in the upper branch. Representative Klnkald today recom mended Mrs. Louise L Montgomery to be postmaster at Rica, McPnersoa county, to succeed Charles H. MUlsr. reaig-aed. Hs also reoemmeaded tbe appointment ef H, Clay Ro Maine aa postmaster at Wallace. Llaeoln county, vice Jamas S. Bobbins, resigned. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lissltt of Hebron, Neb., are tn Washlng-toa today taking la tbe eights of tbe capital, TUa aftsmooa Representative atloaa escorted them to tbe White l.euee te meet Praailint TaA. One-Third Off Our Boy's Wash Suits We hare Included In this sale every Boys Wash Suit In our store. Tbe assortment con sists of Imported Piqnes, Repps. Galatea, Lin ens, Chambrays, etc., made In the newest of this season's styles. Sites for boys of 3 to 10 years. 63c to $2.30 for 95c to $3.45 Suits Exactly Half-Price Men's Suits on If you have not yet taken advantage of this sale, you'd better do so at once. There are still dotens of suits that will exactly suit your fancy. And half-price hrre. has s meaning you'll not appreciate until you wear one of these suits. $5.00 to $12.50 for $10.00 to $25.00 Suits $8.00 Genuine Cow Hide Leather Suit Cases Reduced Satur day to $4.95 BjBsBavasjevssaBMSBesBBansunseSeVBSBnee easasasseBBesasasasawsasasesssBBBeea ( $2.00 Men's Union Suits I Reduced to $1.15 Men's Silk Lisle. French Lisle, Nainsook and BctIyWs" Union Suits that sold at ft. 09 Slid (2.50, reduood $1.15 Any Panama or Straw Hat in Our Store Saturday for 96c Including all $2.50, $3.00, $3.50 and $5.00 Grades. 0f& STOCK AS WE GO TO PRESS CONSISTS OF S5.00 Panamas . .41 $3.50 Straws. 29 3.00 Straws 54 I f2.RO Straws , 74 $2.00 Straws....... 71 f 1JM) Straws.. ...... .....83 Your Choice of all our Fine Manhattan Shirts 9 Store Open Until Saturday. SMrafm 'Tho House of high Merit? Stein-lilocii Clothes, I legal Sboes, Stetson Hats, Manhattan Shirts. At Cut Prices on Saturday All our $1.50 and $1.75 ITf?. .$1.15 All $2.00 grades, J J All $2.50 and $3.00 grades, only... $1.88 Any 50c Necktie in our Store Saturday 25c (Except Blacks.) AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Live Stock Men Disgusting: Propoied Boost in Feeding Caarf e. OTHER MEETESGS TO BE HELD Ceaartl Mr ties Pesttpeaew Catll Jfeat Ths radar Mrs. Maetalee Suffers Attars: frena Hsakaal While 111 Herself. In accordance with the notice of tbe Ne braska Railway commission a meeting of the members of the Uve Slock exchange was beld reaurday afternoon In the Ex change buUdlcg to consider the petition of the Union Stock Tarda company looking to the advance of prices on hay and corn. Ths association decided to appoint a com mittee to conaider the advisability of pro test against ths advance of price a Ths stock yards company has asked for an advance from (20 to tSi per ton on hay and from H.40 to tl.H per bushel oa corn. Ths Traders exchange will hold a meet ing this afternoon at which the, same sub ject will be dlsouesed. It Is expected that further action will be taken by the two bodies. Coaarll Meetlas; Pat Off. Owing to the long session of ths board of review the expected meeting of the city council was postponed from Thursday until nut Monday. A meeting had been called for last night in order to have the coun cil vote the U.0UO which will be due en August I, for lntsrest on ths Improvement bonds of the city. It was aleo proposed to put some Impor tant lmprovsment ordinances oa second trading. City Treasurer OllUn Informed ths mayor that tbe Monday meeting ef ths council would gve ampls time to ths treasurer's office to get ths money to tbe fiscal agents In New York la time for the opening of the new fiscal year. Mayor Trainor at ths meeting took occa sion to say that be bad Instructed the city clerk to send out notices to all who beld elsAms agsinst tbe city to gst thsra In be fore tbe next meeting of the city council. Hukul Attacks Wife. Mra Madniec el fc3 North Twenty stghtfc street, sick and destitute with three children te support, was attacked and threatened last alght by ber husband. Joseph Martnlsc, who Is said te have Just been discharged from tbs lnsana ward of ths county hospital. To add to the already grave troubk of tbe unfortunnts she was evicted from ber boms yestsrday and Is aow being eared for by ths Assoclstsd ChartUsa Mra Macantsc. who U la a delicate state of health, bss been making aa effort to support herself and three helpless children during tbe Incarceration of bar buaband In tbe eouaty hospital. Wednesday evening. Martnlsc came boms supposedly cured. Towards dusk tbe man Is as ta have made a violent assault aad grave threats asainat hla wife. Tbe assist ance of the neignbors was Invoked and Maclnlee was arrested by Detective JoKa Zialoudek. His wife, whs is ae longer able to work, was takes tn charge by tbe representatives of tbe issor-lslsd Cnartess and planed la a room where she will be maintained until aba Is able te work again. Jerry aad Bis OaaassOsTSk. Seven hundred men of Cudahye packing house Urn aoed yesterday aoea while Jerry Howard, candidate for tbe democratic nomination for sheriff, delivered a touching philllpio oa his two opponsnts of whom be delicately said that their beads were filled with more beir ell than brains. The Honorable Jerry In his dissertation on the follies and foibles of bis rival "Doo" Tanner claimed that ths "doc" bad fought the recall movement tooth and nail until he aaw that tbe wish of the people was too strong for him. Mr. Howard said that whsn tbe senator had come to tbe point In his work on ths recall movement where be saw himself a loser be bad with admirable forethought and prescience climbed Into the band wagon and Joined heartily in the shouting. Mr. Howard mill continue his campaign among the packing bouse men to day and tomorrow. Sew Baptist Caarcku South Omaba Baptists are Jubilant over tbe determination of the board of trusteee to a tart work at onos on tbe new church at Forty-third and J streets. Tbe church haa beea In course of eon structlon for soms time and tbe basement is already completed. Tbe plans eontera plate aa auditorium and several class rooms for Sunday school. There will also be a study for tbe pastor. Rev. T. C I lair)'. It Is proposed to make tbs church one of the most complete In tbe city from a standpoint of comfort and decoration. Mr. Dsley, tbe pastor. Is especially rejoiced ever ths fact that the work la being done on a cash besia Fire Bstarel I aspects. Ths ni. mberi of the tnr and Police board made their annual trip of Inspection to tbe city fire balls this morning. Chair man of ths board. P. 3. Trainor, reported tbe department seemed te be tn a moat efficient condition aa regards equipment and discipline. Tbe board found that fire ball No. t was in need of repairs and it Is planned to transfer the equipment and men of tbe company to one of the new fire ha! la an til the repairs have been made oa tbe old ona The board also found that there would be need of more boee for the new companies about to be Instated. It a prob able that one new company will be organ ised August L This will add six new men to the roster of tbe department. An other company will be organised later. Marie City Oeetp. Joseph Koutsky of Silver Crsek Is in tbe rlty for a few days on businesa The exchange, bank and barn buildings ef ttie t'nion etoca. Yards are being rvpiaated. Mr. and Mra Benjamin Ilarrlaon of Fifty fifth and w streets announce tbe birth ef a son. Deputy CJty Treasurer K. p. Roggen. Is confined to bis borne with a new attack of quinsy. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tettva returned yesterday morning from a visit te Oxford Junction, Is. Winona lodge No. Df. Modern Brother hood of America, will Bluet tonight at Woodmen hall. 'Phone Bell South Ms Independent F-1SSI for a case of Jetter Oold Top. Prompt de livery is any part of city. William Jetter. Joe Panllie won the gold watch at the Eaglee dance Wednesday night. The dance as ths largest of the eeasva, ta point ef attendance. CRESSET Is selling shoes at only one place in South Omaha at hia aew Iwoatloa on west side of MUi street. Mats no u-lstaaa. The Snamroek dub will bold a special nesting of vital Unpurtaaoe Friday evening at the dub rooms. Ail members are re quested te sttsnd. Mls.se Anna aad Lotos Martin will eav tomorrow afternooD for bait Lake City, anere they will apend several weeks with relatives and frtenda For a ease of good beer order PUeeaee Style, ttohrwlan i-iue Pais, or berg avri from Nebraaka Uquor House, South 1107, lnd. F-1J7. There will be a meeting of Federal t'nion No. 711Z. at the Shamrock hall on Friday evening at t o'clock. All members are urgsntly requested to attend. Mrs. J. S. Walters, wife of Councilman John 8. Walters, has been compelled to re turn to the hospital tor treatment. Mrs. W altera has beea ill for soms time. Gus Blschoff and Charles L. Krauia of ths Independent Packing company of St. Louis and heavy patrons ef the South Omaha live stock market, were tbe guests ef J. W. Murphy yestrrdsy. Messrs. blsch off snd Krause were here ta tbe Interests of their company to' Inspect the quality of bogs and to look over Cudahy's new bog killing house, which has a national repu tation among the followers of the packing indurtry. The two visitors lsft last night for Kansas City, where raey will visit be fore their return home. The traders of tbe Stock exchange will bold a meeting this afternoon at the Uve Stock exchange for tbe purpose of con ndsrlng tbe proposed raise in the price ef corn and hey. Misses Nslda and Nodls Wolf of Chi cago, en route to Colorado, have stopped etf la South Omaha and ars the guests of Miss KatM Tombrtnk, lilt North Twenty fourth street. Frank Bernhardt, said to have escaped from the Fort Crook hospital, was arretted at ( o'clock this morning by Detective Ka ioudek. Bernhardt will be detained until the arrival of ths poet authorities. J. W. Bowers of Odell. arrived Thursday bight for a visit with his sister, Mra w. J. Olssoow, IS 6 North Twenty-fourth street. Mr. Bowers who has Just recovered from a surgical operation wlU undergo an other one while he Is In tbe city. Mayor Trainor, speaking for tbe Board ef Review, denied that the taxes acre be ing raised this year. He said that ths board waa simply putting ths taxes at the same rate as prevailed Ust year. Tbe ap parent raise Is over the county list. Mrs. Agnes Marhacek, who died Wednea dsy afternoon, waa burled thla afternoon from her lata residence, IX W street- Mra. Maobaeek waa M years of age at the time of ber death aad Is survived by her hus band. Intsrment in Laurel Hill cemetery. Chief of Police Briggs, aftsr a pleasant vaoatlon In Iowa and Wisconsin, has re turned borne to resume hla duties at the bead of the local police department. Dur ing the absence of the chief Captain Hank Llafelder was acting chief of the depart ment. The price ef bogs tontlauei to advenes ea the light receipts earning U all the five principal market centers. South Omaha's top ysstarday being Si.70. Slnos the recent Reneral raina the raisers have become eon dent and are not marketing as heavily new that tbe eora crop is more assured. Two Iowa Farmers Bite Hard on Fake i " Horse fiace Game KAKSAS CITT. Mo.. July tt.- who said bis name wsa Morten aad that he was one of two Iowa fanners whe mort gaged their homes for lLOUv and sent tbe money to "J. B. Haggtns tn Chicago, who was to bet It on a horse race aad "clean up" a small fortune, came here today te get 18,000, the amount be put up, and his ehare of the winning a. He has failed to find "Mr. Hagglnn" According te ths story told by Morten, "J. B. Hagglns" of Chicago several months ago visited hla section of Iowa and sonde many friends among tbe farmer. He was especially Interested in Morten and bis neighbors. When be returned te Chics go ths two often sent him email amounts ef money, which "Haxjins" would bet ea raeea. Tbe farmers won many times the amount of money they bet. A short time ago, Morlan said. TIag gins" wrote to him advlams; blm and hla neighbor to raise all tbe money they eauld. saying be bad lnslds Information on a big race and would win a fortune for isrh Tbe farmers mortgaged their homes for $8,000 each and forwarded tbe eoeoey as "liagglaa" TARTAR 0 LIKELY TO RECOVER BlM Shet hy Sasa Halite WU1 Peelers! Chases Shawl He &e Welt. Carlo Tartaro. the Italian, whe was shot Wednesday night by Sam Nallls In a quar rel ever tbs lease ef tbe building at 1224 Capital avenue. Is now out ef danger. Po lice Surgeon Harris says. An operation was performed on the man and tbe bullet, which went through the ab domen was located. Unless peritonitis re sults, tbs Italian win probably live. Should he recover, Tartaro 'a troubles probably wlU not he ever. It is said tbe government has a charge ta place against him. He Is ac cused ef baring eatlosd AUoe Pell, a 1 yeerold nacre girt from Chicago aad after getting her here placing her ta a disreput able house at Jflt Davenport street. Detectives had bee looking for Tartaro, because of this charge, tor two days be fore be was shot by Hallls. Ills where abouts was sot known. Tartars wee arrested by Detective; mean ing sad Duna July U en Informatloa from Chicago that be bad seriously cut s man there. He was later releaaed wbea word earns that his victim refused to prosecute Suffered With Diarrhoea For two days I suffered terrible agony with Diarrhoea aad Ortptnc pains, srheei a friend recommended Wakefield's Blank berry Balaam to me and I sent ewt aad grot a bottle. The effect It had en me waa wonderful. It quickly relieved the para, quieted ms and I went to sleep aeoa aftsr eommendcg the Balsam When I weave up I was cured and have not had aa at tack of ths trouble since. I have been subject te bowel trouble and have tried a good many ether Isnnilaa with no satisfaction, but this one Is Jest what I needed and I take pleasure In writ Ing yon this letter telling ef my experteoee with It. Very truly rears, R. STACK. tSth and Buffalo Ava, Chicago. Hundreds of people (grown people and children) are living today who owe Uaatr Uvea to Wakefield's Blackberry -t-i-e It has eured hundreds If not thoasanSa sf casta of Diarrhoea and summer bevel troubles ha ths past sixty-five rears after ether remedies have failed, lee evary-wbsra ShctectlfcuUcf! AT ronTaiaabHori ka,o gtaswMUat . Gettfa Original saw Genuine HOElllCK'S MALTED r.HLIt; S tf,id Drini ' or AllAje- Not in any Milk Trust ij insist on "II O RUCK'S