Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1911, Image 1

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Fhe Omaha
Tuiir liv' ami iirr or Tiwtr
l.ittU r'rwa.a set! Fla fnnt.
M.maz::ir rag;r of Earn I wis.
For Nhr laita hnwrs. cooler.
Kor Iowa Siiowars.
VOL XLf-N). &1.
Deadlock Between
France and Germany
Over Morocco Still On
Out of the Troubled Waters
Senate Defeats Ormnal La Falletta
Measure, but JuLipts His Sub
stitute as Compromise.
TOOK THE li!V.":
v ,
iTouuj Ealitlaw. in Lorrm , ,u7esti
ffitioa. Testifies He Knew Maney
Was Paid for a Tote. '
lprtment of Justice to Prosecute j-Tfac1 utpiomat3 Hoping far Settle
Tmts and Manopoliei tliat Do 3ot
meat. While Standing Pat British
E laso ire ud doit Business.
Troubled Over Situation.
Encle Sam's Auti-Trust Bureau Tind
inx Mich Work.
One Thousand Complaints Are Sow
Bc-mg" IavstiTated.
rntwarr j
I)wlri t
3HINGTON Jal T.. Thf Ewpartnmnt 1
of J jKtir to planninsr ImmmUaM pnti- J
ttiui of ail frusta and monopoiws on.u
not rtiHSolve. or taa other steoa to obey
the ShHrman iuw. as it has been tntrnrted
m the Standard nil. Totewo and Piwder
tnmt esseR. Attorney .enerl Wlcrkersham
b auThortry for the statement
To rnalte the -Sherman iaw effective.
the '
rieoarrment i anrt-tr-mt Dureau w
inn worked to it capHClty. Probably LM ,
compliunta of axistlnn monopolies, re-
stralnts or lileira! aaT-eements to control pnre of oommodltiea. ranting rrom
feaxher dumers to teiephemes are now be
lna; lnviTlitai-.i. The secret anenrs of the
bureau hare been scattered ail over the
eounrrv and in many instances an lnveerT-
gatlon af an al.e)fd tram to oina- on la j
a. doaen states at the same time.
One of the promised results of this policy
la that the itov-rnment will nave in in
court before the end of the calendar year j
probably a ansen nu-L. - .
broad sense, the irovernmeni i " -"-
ay be divided into two classes:
act ons m
v. which the Sherman law, as inin-
. . . nuHume
nrTil oy tne supreme -
plies, and those where tne p.una.
.,n or control of properry by ownership
of paeents In mvolvaaj.
The cases now pending aa-ainst the Elee
trcal mist and the proceedinap aaalnst
the rnlred Shoe Machinery company, pre
sent questions rerardlnx patents.
Tolmstone Breaks
Endurance Eecord
Chicago Aria. tar Remains in Air for
Mare Than Four Hours, Traveling-
ITeariy 2C0 Miles.
11 IN EOLA. July 27. St. Croix Johnstons.
the eh.cago aviator Broke u.
rarartm for monoolanas and bl-,
. . i ,
endurance records for monoplan
n.anes today when ha remain!
he rmtunm ,
arr fur four how
- - I
and three-fourths seconds, f'reuna uw avi
ation course of about five miles thirty -tuna
t: mm. He waa eompslled to alight befnre
his fifty gallons of gasoline ware con
sumed because of engine trouble tn hia all
Amencan Moiaant monoplane. Tha previous
American record made at San Fran Cisco
January 'JD. lust, waa made ay Parmelea,
hia record being 3:-i.
Counting gasoline, oil and accessories,
with his own weight Johnstone carried
about m pounds of weight In hia Elgnt,
which waa made at a rat close to sixty
miles an hour and about 30 feet above tha ,
ground in a gentle breeaa.
Althuugh his angina waa skipping badly, I
Johnston said he could have remained J
aloft mucli longer. I tjtutions under its appointment by Judges
"I had taken some sandwiches up with , ud UcPhenaa at uie Cnlted States
me." he said, "but when I earn to sat , rcxiit court. The company's decision fol
tham I found them soaked with oil. I was ; Iuw, ta eMummltlon mto o,e iejpL. q,lea.
very hungry anu came aowu iu m i
thing to eat.
Blames Nagel for
Slaughter of Seals
Dr. Hornady Says Secretary of Com
merce in His Order Hade So Dis
tmction aa to Age or Sex.
WASHINGTON, July 27. Dr. William T.
Homaduy. director of tne New Tor ao
ulogical park, declared today before a
huiis lnvsaogating committee that sacra-
tary of Commerua and Labor Nagel waa
pracucaily reapcraalble far the slaughter of
yuung seals undei legal age en tha Prtbl-
lof land. 11 said no dlau action bad
been made ae to sex or age in the seal
The Weather
For Nebraska Friday fair, cooler
'".) Iowa ailuwers. comer.
T-aa iiului at swasa T
Dag. m.. .......
j a. m .....
T a. m
il a. m
i a wx
IS a. m
11 a. ni.
Li at
- 1"
71 !
- 77
" ji
. g2
-In. m....
i m n
j t,. na.. .......
4 p. m A !
3 p. m a
a- m,
7 p. m. ........
o. m.
. riiuyanuva
mi. una. um. tarn.
. a UM 11 t
. 7 74 m 74
. 71 S 4 S
.. .is) .us T T
K.r;iea. yeeternay.
Lih ysieritavy...
llrtwui win nanuun. .
frampilai nan .
Tamparatur and praclpitaQon departures
f viu the Runnai .
Nurxai lammraiaia 77
C x 1 um tr ui day . I
ni' utm since March 1 tQs
Ntiraal ar mutation. ... .14 men
L efriKBcy for tan aa.. .i4uut
Tiul ra nrail auuNi starch 1 LA locoes
L:!uiauicv since aarm m-iias
T.rvieecy eo. periua t!rs..j2.j lucnes
Benud. laka.
a T r. M.
Taann. Hiiria- Kalu
1 p. aw eaa. (a J.
("havtann. oaxuuy ..;
I-avenport. part eiaudjf ..K
Louver duudy n
laa Miilnaa. part snmiTl it
City, ciwudv r
wart cloudy -
Nuru Piaua. alaur .. .73 St
enana. etuaaty H m
t"iaaia riiiaily 7 SS
atautrt Ory. uoasty at s4
Mali Lae. eiaaar a)
S arMlau alAiialv , S 70
S tit 1 try. near at aj
V a eaear a
T snanaalea (naa af samBiSlmliss.
.1 1
lu-Miee. Oo-i TM
i -aae Taao am
ii-ae eua aaa- I
-" '
arV'aaay tor ear.
ef Weather.
PAKii. July 27 . The deadlock between
France snd Germany continues, but '
France expect uat a war w.n be tmurf
for a peaceful solution. To this end It
la prepared to go to the limit of oonrille
tion. out cannot agree e.tner to evacuar
Morocco or hand nvr Hint blocks of
African terrtorv mer-ly m return for
rmiiiiv' reiterated assurance that
Frame will not be Iwuifmd in the future
in H jnwd.
The international pea.-e advocate point
out that th real danger of the situation
k, , th nanon offfnilina: "rmany
pr1d by (lr'.v:n it Ulto a eomtfr l. 0111
whirh she miaht strlUe in anr ,
TTtB Matin today dvnt-a an artirl to '
what .t iyii "the Orman liiufT.' claim- j
inn that no on in Germany would tnm
of darm tn rlak of a str iai airainat j
u tnpl entent. Tarn pamr Od:
"Tn, Anadir inc-dent moi""
Empror William efforts to obtain bet
ter relations with Gr-a: Ertuun wer- ;
pur-ly hypn"y. Tha rual aam was to
separat Ensiand and France."
U)SDON. July 27. Premier A('Ut-!
maiu a. itiivmint in tae Houre of Com-
mona today on tne wiojm-.j. 01
wucll tMly bora out Uie descrtpti.m of the .
uum ona of real anxjerj'. The poai- ;
non the pr-mier sai.l. had reached a.
pomt at w!llCh it waa bound to become ;
difficult and haraneinit um
' waa found.
a wmLoa
Mr. As'iulLh aald Great id rt tain waa not ;
. a part-.- to the conversations proceeding
France and Germany. out :
' aarnestly and sincerely desired to see tnem ;
1 Mmtit in an imiurnient favoraoie and I
LBi4Ctury t() parties. He appealed to :
nmlw, not to sees, to enter into the '
4eUulB of the situation at the present
. moment. The premier said the government 1
had tJiought it rlKht from the beirlnnuig to
clear that tail In it a satisfactory i
i i-" X3 y n mnatr Karrri san .
dlacuaslon of the sttua- '
"tu ""vjt
Lewis Says Cortelyon
PTnm 1 0 CkA o TJoO-rnrifT
LQ '
1 St. Louis Publisher Alleges that Fraud '
Orders Were Illegally Bsued
Against His Concerns.
WASHINGTON. July 27. That former
Postmaster Cortelyon "absolutely brake his
word" and that "the seetmd-class mail
prlvllega to s sword whttm the Fostomce
denartment keens hana-tig over the heada
r -
ef publishers M keep them from opening i
... nr,ncnr arHciais"
was daelarad today by g. G.,Lawui. praai- j
dent or tne tsrwnr r auuauiMa "l !
Unitov Mira tha house po-tofSce -x-!
Penintui as committee. t
Lews charged that mall fraud order"!
were unjustly and unlawfully Israed,.. ,. , lmh,, him a-'r
against hia company.
"Mr. Corteiyou broke bin absolute word at tna suggestion of th Tribunes ooun- message, supported as it to by the testi- i nownere Imposes on any one the duty of: to hardly possible that any attempt will mittee. "We are satisfied that the presl
to me." soul Mr. Lewis. "botH In regard ! mony at Mr. Erares of the coast and j hmmmvimiot ' mRd" to land " for 311 and tt" Iorml deDt WU1 bUI ttU" Cim snt
to the fraud order which he Issued aga.nst ; . . ir, ... .k i avodoetiu aurvev. before the congressional i fa-.. ihava tne rumor m r . delegat'.nn will probably lend Its aid to to him within the range prescribed and
our bank and also aa to the order against .
our woman's magazine. He promised us ;
haarmea In both cases, but did not give i
us any chance at a. I.
ST. UOClfc. July .-jrr.ciala or tne at.
Louis Union Trust company announced to- j
day that t company would decline to
serve aa receiver of the E. G. Lewis
publishing, realty and financial In-
ttona involved In the receivership.
More Violators of
Sherman Law Fined'
Six Men Who Are Members of Three
Companies Plead Guilty in
Sew York.
XTW TORE. July 27. Philip 8. Dyer,
secretary and treasurer of the American
Horseshoe company, who waa indicted for
being a member of the "pool" known as
the Horseshoe Manufacturers' association,
described as an Illegal combination and
eonsplracy In restraint of trade and cum.
r wi-v aneri before Jnd Arch- '
w . L . a t ,
Diia in umifja cLun circuii caun, iaziu
K, e-,-.l . r . ,n. !
entered a piaa of nolo contendere. Dyer
waa fined C.088.
Tha fines thus far Imposed on thirty- j
eight defendants who have mads their I
pleas total (43.9B9.
Pleas of nolo contendere war accepted
today by Judge Arch bald from Dana R. '
Bill lan. head of the supply department of
the General ZSectria company, and Wallace
! 8. Clark, bis assistant, and from Henry A. '
Reed and Henry D. Read of the Bishop
I Guttapercha company.
These men were
! fined C aacn.
i A similar plea, by means of power of
j attorney, waa received from Richard W.
'. Camstock. vice president of the Rhode
i Island-Perkins Hai sasuoe aampany. A fin '
of Cos waa Imposed.
' Senator Bailey
; Quits Committee
Texan Does Sot Want to Aid Stephen
Investigation Because of Methods
of Taking Testimony.
WAJHINOTON, July S. Because ae does
j not bailee in th senate' s met nod of tak
I big tesnmony in investigations. Senator
i Baiiay today restgsnd from tha commute
I P""" icuona. o made no
explanation to tna senate and the 1 sauna
Don was accepted srtlnout eonunant.
? hia fnends. Mr. Bailey aald afterward
that be oould sot eonaant ta enter an the
work required in tha Investigation of tha
charges against Senator Skiepnenson.
I hava been appointed on tha subemn-1
I mlttae an
sonsader tha atephanaiMl ease." I
ba ssud. "Sty eon victims b that th strict
rules of evlilaiiaa aoould suntrel la all j
sect) rmnnrlaa Tna ssnsis kiiwa sat ee-
wrej aaaun niai. anaa aemiia a 1 amf or 1
I asusavat sea say way nlssr tn da- ! I)
use af auasl isgnlrida aa such a
mt tha
Was Ca&iiiar of Bank at the Tune and 1
Znew of the Affair.
Twenty-Five Hundred Dollars the
Amount of Cash Paid.
AkMMtl-m tkv tttwravTa. hut CMtM
tauat rrrtaiaj Evtiiraev Has
Jasslvrl with Rnrlac TrUal
f taw 1m.
WASHINGTON. Jmy 27. Expresnina" hl
firm cnnviction that his father, former
State Senator D. W. Hoiatiaw. repeivel
SZ.: from a man who offered to pay him
that sum to vote for Lorrmer for the sen
ate. Herschel t. of Iuka. tU.. to
la y appar?d oefnre the Lofmpr senate)
nmmiiiM and aiihstantiated his faxher's i
j.j cnnX,!1,B(,n." The lather Is too 111
m apMiar TnB mJn prT(illclnK- dooior a' cer-
uflL.alea u, gfict.
The mm waa 014anil.r o( nl8 father's bank
on June UlB djite the father claims
to nav8 received the money from Senator
John Brodenck and fmm knowlejixe ob-
nj position and from sups he
put m grldHiice proved that hia fatlier
received the money. The son told the
story of how the Hoist-aw family received
rh hlnw nt rhu fathnr'a cnnfesaunn and of
iji, tiiher teiUn him that every word
of it waa true.
nl cross-examination. Attorney Hanecy,
represent: Hi Senator Lonmer, said that
the deposit slips had been juusied. bath at j
the present and at the Erst Larimer in- :
Tnsit iuJaVT mil
In azpianaaan be absolved
attorneys or others connected with tne r
. . i
i committee from hia charge.
! imm Xsmm a DacaasO.
I .............
i.uvt Liuai t iiiiuinAiiuu .m - u i
i suddenly when i&r. Hanecy parsmted in
waa temiinated ',
the witness, ailar ha said he had'
no Knowledge on the subject, aoout indict-
menu brought against his fainer.
,.Vui !
Lnim'na.u a-ggeatad taat ouiar wit-
i nesaes could give btttutr testimony on the ,
: Dolnt and aasmtnl Mr. Hanecv that every
i -
w1tti-- uin..l wn,. ,1 ho rnmiKu 1 M
I attend the hearings II possible. i
I Thoma McGoirs of a Chicago detective
I agency told of working on th so-called j
White coafsasion. Hu was explaining tha
i extant of his worn when the uommittea atl-
iaurnja jr tne Far ma fcr,t tn
. .. . .
UaaV.r a Ul UU BVSTI V lL-SaaU . UIB UGLB1.U W"S aIll
ampioyad by the Chicago Tribune, j
nut wnen m turneo aver to a caza s Attar.
M Wysuan. th ainformation he obtamad j
dunnii tnat oerlod and. anreredi tbe aar -
JU,., aitomer. that rt3ctul
only paid, him for hia work during
th Mn had v,- mnivd hv
' he hud advanced to Whita far a board bilL
ha anew both Senator Lorimer and
Edward Hinee hecuuat, tooth had bn hia !
r v... j. '
not mean Senator Lorimer personally but .
Unmf a bank.
Another Skeleton
Recovered from the
Wreck of the Maine
HAVANA. Cuba. Juiy 2. saeieuia.
UiUSV. T3, W taa, s4 v luaj aaugau t- uwira . i
ldentlflcauon. waa discovered yeateroay an (
tha berth deck on tha starboard side of the I
vi.""- These are the first bones found I
below the main deck, which has beau en-
I Ureiy explored.
warrant ufficer, .whose )uarters wars In
that section of the at This nuLaes tha j
total number of su far recovered I
approximately fourteen. leaving sixty
bodies unrecovered. Practically all hope
bus been abandoned of the recovery of
other remalna forward of the central su
perstructure, as all that section has bean
Preliminary exploration of the after
berth deck, including the ward room and
today, but the
onlT rtMiuit wu tn dlsKovry xjulz tul turn
lt- r"" oarauone
been tnrown
:ly Impeding the work of ex
ploration. The junior ward room waa ex
amined, but nothing of Importance found.
Practice Farmer Who is
Well Known as a Writer
W. Hervey. iiniriara edl-
of the Twentieth Century
who waa years of age
Thurailay . to ana af tha best known
practical a7rarulturaiiats and siocx
raisers tn the stats of Nebraska.
Bocn on a sunk farm in Jeffer
son county. O., on Juiy a. UMa, be
recaaved an educatiusi ba the own
man schools and Id MtiNeaiey and
Hopedale euUcarna Earry, however,
ha turned his anenaaan tn exhibit
ing and raiding pure bred stoca.
embarking in that buameas when
but a lltxle aver la. During Bis en-tn-a
residence tn Ohio Mr. Hervev
was prruninant ba a larva aumoe;
of stiM-hmen s issnuiatlnns. and was
inatnimetital in "T"'TT"f the flnav
pure bred shanp ratwa aaseaaaiiun
In the ITnitaat Statsa.
Moving to Neoraaka twenty-ei irtjt
yean ago be settled In Knox county
and snsn haams to taa a prmxuneni
part in stock raising circles there
Far taa last twenty-two years Mr
Hervey has been ensaewd la juur
aalistlc work with tha Sibraaaa
Fvmar, th Omaha World-Herald
and baa bean ax years in his pres
ent soaatlnu. He to axso largely en
gad hi stuck ratal ng and exhibiting.
Mr. Harvey to a memtaer af th State Board of Agriculture, a mem her of
th Beavrd uf Manager mt th state fair, aad aerretarv of tae Douglas Count?
Agricultural society, and president of the N'Hiulu Aaauriuiioa of r air Mansv-
He waa marnal tn 1371 and Is th father af six children, all of whona are
living, mt. aad Mrs. Warvey raasoe at
From the Oeveland Plain Dealer.
Says Root of Controller 3ay BLitter is
Left Untouched.
rtmttr lsslsu oalf War s
I Mnaaalr as (anr Gaiaar
Bt tai ftartala Title- Ryava
klTaa Casta Aa-saatM.
WA3HCTGTOI. July 27. Gifford Ptnchot. ;
I formeriy government forester.
uui now .
" i
-vua ... ,,f .h. ManiMfijAi tonarvaLiaiL as- !
v -. . w
: sociauun. today laaued a siaiinent de
claring- that President Taft "leavea tha ,
... . -n.. ..- . m
root oc tne manor "uiu """""- "
. j . ,
ata njeaajuja to the senara, oenyuia i
coaid u; monopoilaaOua of the
W3J trnnz at Controller buy. Alaska.
ptnchof a statement Sollawa:
Tha presidanf j detente of his eoorsa In i
.ha Cnntroller bay aflair shows how hard '
lt . w a guaU excuse far a bal'toar Dahlman:
l ' " I OMAHA Julv 57
m aaawaria I
-U laa,B
11 ' 8
nt m. matter wholly '
the root of taa matter wamiy
In spite of ail explanations, 1
. t., mil.
the Sact remaiaav V" Mr. Taft haanng
lrh - around Controller bay without
none, tn the nubile has given the Inter- i
eats behind Rvan an opportunity to actrajre '
rh., kev to the channel of Controller bay
k- ,h. m.hiu, knew whit waa irninir on.
The man. which to a part of the president's j
committee now investigating this question, i
appears to show that the mile and a hall j
at uie aoore front taken up by Ryan, to-I
etner wim tne tracia wau;u ma
l ment retains, and on which lt prohibits ;
; private entry, dues effectually control the j
' valuable portiun of the channel. j
Pmalie Sksalg Kecaua Ceaatrai.
i "Eut w aether the president to right or !
' whetner the map to rigiit. and whoever '.
, Ryan and his associates will be shown i
to represent, lt to true, and will remain j
true, that the lands aouut Controller bay
i should never hava been let go. Th publla !
I will agree with Colonel Roosevelt that !
. , , , . . .
HtSmV lefSa IXiiaiasVl imnisj UUftUa IM as aa, a. wi aatswaau
Tha so-called BaillngBr-Plnchot invastl-
nr.nn " ru.t u.1 Th. eM A t Hta mihlln fn
" . " . . .
tne extensive and successful efforts which
are being made to monopolize the resourcaa
of Tha fact developed by this In
vestigation constituted a solemn warning
and a call an the executive far special
I watchfulness In protecting publla property i
In A1""' In view of the need tar a firm
and careful policy thus emphasised It
was the president s duty to hold th ter
minal lands around Controller bay In gov
ernment ownership.
--- Available, tar I real
As with the coal lands, tha Otia to tha .
Urbor lands which are the key t tha ooal
uuida, mkiouia hm9 btwa Uatia t aay wmit
until congress could act. Ia tha meantime,
contrary to tha general Impression, tha
very tact that these lands were In a nav-
I Continued on Second Page.)
sW t 'yy,.
: i
GIUEllE W. Hv riM n
Aaaocuue E.iltor af The Twentieth
Century Farmer.
LIS Morta Fm-tlatn
3-.. ft
0 a
Commission Plan
Petition Filed with
City Clerk Butler
The Bee Completes Its Undertaking
and Sext Proceeding Come from
City Authorities.
The petition for the oammisslon plan of j
j city government for Omaha, tor which
i signatures ware secured by The Bee. was 1
cieril Butler at hia office j
&...: . i ...
. . j- uou jtmirruay aiLvnunm.
..... . ueuiion conuuni au names, renre-
senuns ail classes of citiaenship in tha
being L7W more than to re- !
auirad to mik rh S
quiren to muu tne 31
per cent of legal
proceaure aevoivea upon the mayor and
alty authorities. i
At the same time of Cling the petition, j
the following letter waa addressed to 1
1911. Hon. James C.
Daalraan- Myor omaoa: Sir Permit me
mform you that I hava una day filed
with tne ctv clerk a petition oeanng tna '
signaturtw of qualified voters to tne ausn-j
, . - u"-
' Tm:rrr
ing affidavit asking for auomission of the
""un of "i"Pung uie cimmlasion plan i
-...."."L. .'"a.".Iln'" !
Neoraaka session laws for lull. As the law !
City Clerk Butler glanced through the
bulky petition and remarked. "It's pi el lv i
not weatner ra pux auoiaonai work on us
here, just whim we want to get away for :
vacations, but I guess Its all right.
Excursion Train
Crashes Into Freight
Near Hamlet. S.CV;
e , -
Seven Persons Balled and Mare Than
Fifty Injured in Smashup 3SearIy
All Victims Are Seeroes, g. CL. July 27. Seven people
were killed and between fifty and seventy
five Injured, many of whom will die. when
j an excursion train from Durham. N. C,
running as second No. 33 on the Seaboard
Air Line, bound for Charlotte, rushed
; head-on into a freight train In tha yards at
, this place.
At the general offices of tha Bea hoard
Air Line railway at Portsmouth this after
noon lt waa said that seven people were
killed In tha excursion train wreck at Ham- '
fortT mjurad. Practically all tha
vtctima are negroes.
Antomohile Party -Comes
from Winterset
Fourteen Motors Make Trip to Omaha
Over the Short Line
1 Fourteen automobiles left Wmtsrsat at
17:30 yesterday morning pllotsd by lowans
j srui aoreUtaVavna w rui w-jiku w wvt-iu- j
: atajs. rh randltliina of th. 9hart iMntf I
j mud, wnicti run Cram Imm .Malnas to
1 1'nnnHi niuf r 4-axifi krr tiits tlmt thrf IumI
pasaed through two hrwna th- number hI ;
, mcreaaan to iwenry.
I The party arrived In Council Bluffs at 4
i o'clock and was met by members of the
i Commercial club, who snowed the autotsts
! about the city, law tnev came to Omaha,
where they made uwlr heailquarters at the
; Paxton hotel. Thia morning he party will
' "axpiore" thia city, and after dinner will
j return.
Nearly all of the officiala of Madlnrm
I county are In the party, which number
' aver ink.
Jaaa V. RaaVUfle, Js.s
Masa Bas4 tslckav Teaea Aaa.
Fa aaa a Away.
OCEAN CITY. N. J . July r. John T.
Radcllffe. famous as a ba.1 player tn th
ows and aarly 'Tun. died suddently at 'Inaa 11
City Tacht alub here yesterday. Ha waa j
S years um. naaciirte waa a marnnar or
tna eeieoraiaa axmeiurs at rntiaaeipnis
playing as catcher and shortstop. He was
. regardad aa ana of the great bare-hand
cauiaers of bis time. Radctlffe lived m
LaT1 blam- ?jTy iZZ
taaiala 4 hresad by
27 The Lacunle. a atwer anop ui tne
.enla. built for uie unard imnmp
1 paay
sei S
waa launamaal bar ulv Th-
m n (Treed sy Mxv Wuualaw Beau,
Ad Qub Men of State Join Omaha in
Jiaiton xour.
Effav WU1 Mm Xaata Tkia
a Lavaal artaaual Csaveatlss
Swhaalaaa Pvrsaita 9taaa am
the Way.
! miduie ground, the democrats having se
"Let's go Nebraska!" "Nebraska, the j oureii a record vote on tne anginal Under
Live State"' "Lets go Omaha!" 1 wJOU D111 jumnu wtth tne republican in-
inne mm aomn ui um aioanua auu)
bv the members of the Nebraska Publicity
leug-ae and their families, who left Thurw-
day afternoon for Boston to attend the
Using Cluna of America.
3ixry Nebraskans are In the party anil
of this number seventeen are from this
city. Lincoln comas next In point of num-
The special train, with every conceivable
convenience, left Unco In at 4
. . r .
mnd mil u 39 tor Chi0,ur3- w
n clock
here tha
be entertained for a short
Detwaan train a rrara t-nicagn- uie
train a From Chicago- tha
i Nebraskans will stop at several cities on
too way to Boston and will be the amesta
of the commercial clubs at these places. !
As Omaha bad the convention of the'
Associated Advertising Clubs last year It
the cause of Dallas. Tax., or St. Paul.
Minn., both of which towns seem to want
the convention pretty badly.
The tallowing are in tne party
Scott and wife.
O. E. McCune and wir
1 Victor Whit and family, 3. Dariow, A. L.
Gale. Frank Harwood. H. A. Thompson, j
jr.; W. IE. Conley. D. W. Edgely. Jack :
Monks and C. B. Bogus, jr.
LINCOLN. July 27. (Special, r The Lin-)
coin Ad club left at 4:30 this afternoon for .
Boston, where its members will attend the ;
annual convention of the Associated Ad- j
verttBlng Clubs of America. The party was i
, composed of th fonowtng people from Lin- .
C(rfn: Mr and Mrs. waiter l. George.
. and Mrs. a r. Mciteivta. m.-. and Mr. !
' v w'tftul Mr ana M"- l. omie. ;
i Las N. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. BL L. Marry.
H. B. Kelso, A. G. Barber. E. B. Wilson.
H. W. Coulter. H T. Foleom, E. Herpoi-'
sbetmer. Leo cVmkup. Mr. and Mrs. Jeaas
Pound and J. B Whitmer.
From other points tn the state i the
fnllowlng: Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Haskell,
Ord: F. C. Aeaeter and famllv RinH.iinh
Aubry Duncan. Table Rock; C. B. Cab-
niss. Norfolk; H. T. Wilson, Laurel; Mr
and Mrs. E. M. Marvtn, Beatrice; George
Wola. mayor of Fremont; F. A. Scher
ztnger. MelBrm; James Gorthy. Benkelman;
Norfolk; B. T. Wilson, Laurel
Frank Hanaar. Frlaad: William v M-. ,
rjorcaster; B3. L. Lufkin. Fairfield.
The Itinerary of this Nebraska party
takes them fit at to Chicago, tneno to De
troit. Niagara, Falls, Rochester, down the
Bt. Ls a 1 euoe rrver to Montreal and Boston.
PLATTSMGCTH. Sen.. July 27 .Special
Telegram, e Tha directors of tha Plans
mouth Commercial club held a meeting to
day and elected E H. Wasoott to ratnasant
this dry as the deaagata to tha convention
of tha a sen mar ad advartislng Club of
Ajnsrum to r npi asuut the Nebraska Pub
licity league from Platrsmouth.
, - ,
j T1T1 CinTl 2,11(1 U ijlTien
Exchange Epithets
Lively Jterlnde in House of Com-
mons that Jfearly Leads to
LONDON, July ST. There waa a lively
Interlude from the nationalist benches In
tna House of Commons this afternoon In
tha form of an exchange of compliments,
which, had lt occurred anywhere else, cer
tainly would have lad to a personal sn
aounter. William O'Brien, leader of the in
dependent natiunailsts, oompialned to tha
I eveaaer that he had bean Insulted by uuea
I tlons put by Thomas Lundun, nationalist,
j tor tne East division of Limerick, who as-
serted that O'Brien waa the descendant of
1 the most blackguardly Informer that sver
; ap p as red In Ireland.
J When London refused la retract the re
j nmrk, 0Bnen anouted:
"You are an Infamous liar and scoundrel.'
Lundun made a diva for th tndapendunt
but friends San ad his ouat tails
.aid the lauldetu
It had tndl-
, aied. howevar. hew ' a. are all the
af a truoe batwean the nationalist
HUNTLEY. Moat., Juiy ST. Lea Morns.
1 aged S. ef Presuas, Neu., waa stnuia Bv
a Nartnern I'aclflc j g traaa here
a mjunaa
wa-ah, praead fataa yes
iy saoxniasV
Democrats and Insurants Taite to
Accomplish Result
Secured in Upper
Stands 43 to 32.
Vartanm Im vest iara rtaa naxlies mt rmm
( Mllair Hsrln aaW a
Ttke I t anra-ea ..miaf
ftar dafaatua- tha original ToUstta
am and tha oonsa aiU. tha sanata pa ad.
48 tu 33. a eompronuaa wool revlaloa bill,
of farad by a Tollstta.
After a brief session tdjimnasn waa
JT until suBomw. voa Lpunlna sotuia
tazlX raviaiun aahata than, so aarmlt
nilna; minority report.
Larimer acuoa inTsatlaatliiar wmmtttsa
eoacanaa its kaarintf.
I Xlactlon sub eonunirBs aunaloara M
I op charjaa aa-smat annmr Stanhaa-
soa of Wisconsin.
I Xonaa frsa list bill raportad aad aoama
I nnfinlahil Basmaas. Adjoaraaa at t:l p.
i so. to oat at asoa. InUaJ.
Sabata on aa-w ootuu narlfl rsvuuoa
! nil bag-aa.
Indian eommlrtae aantmnad laissllgu
turn into Coipparwa T"H- affairs.
PostoXlics oommietaa cuntnnned haatlin
5-'i tamtr- ,
Kn iaai somauaas aaodad to aail for la
of so-ia. ad. "aujnay
Adjoumad at U:ki p. at. to mast at aoua
WASHINGTON, j oiy 27. A cnmpromtwi
wool bill offered by Senator La Foliatte of
Wisconsin, a motificauon of both his own
and Uie house bill, waa passed by the
senate, 48 to 1. through the union of demo-
i crata and republican insurgenta On thia
surxenta. The measure adooted reduces thn
' r,.v wool dutv to JS uer nent ad valorem
: and corresnomlinuiv rducea the duties on
wooien articles.
: house democrats will pursue with re
giird Ui the compromise bill. House Leader
1 underwood several daa ago served noBoa
tni,t house would not an:ent tha
original La Foiletta
, The "rasular" republican members of the
aanate finance committee announced that
, hecause of the carrying out of the darrut-
! eratlccepubliuan-iaaurgent woul program
tHav would refits to aerve on tea confer.
enua committee betwean Uie two hiiuasr.
"The situation is entirely to our 11 king
! Cauirman Penrose of the finance com-
' w" "J Pr"-eed next winter with what-
er tarm revision may oe neuesaary man
! w 3nail have uie tariff boards report and
can work intelligently."
Although president Taft has made no
definite utterance to that effect lt had
been stron : 7 intimated at the Waits
House that he might feel called on to
veto a wool tariff bill, passed In advance
of a repiort on that schedule from the
I tariff board.
I The passage of the bill came after a de
i feat of Uie Lnderwuod house bill 44 tu
I on almost a party vote, and after the
! original La Fodette substitute had been
I voted down with only the republican inaur-
gents In its favor. Having secured a vote
: on the Underwood bill, as passed by the
; house, the democrats then supported a mo
i t.on made by Senator La Follette to re-
consider the vote by which their till waa
; defeated.
I As soon as uie motion to reconsider had
I been carried. Mr La Follette offered his
' compromise. He said lt represented a re
, dueaon of the duties In his previous
mdmHnt. Dem.Mirats accepted It as the
best that could be obtained. All tnsurga
but Porah, Iilaho; Dixon, Montana, and
Jones. Washington, voted for the aam
promise bill, while the democrats were
unwaimoua in their support uf it.
Flsual Vats.
Tha vote an the final passage of the
compromise bill follows
For tna BUI Republicans- Bourne Ore,).
Brtstow iKan.;, brown iNab.i, Clapp and
NeLsou iltniu. Crawford iS. U. , Cum
mins and Kenyan ila.i. Gronna and Mu
Ciunber N. L-.;, La (Toilette (Wai, Pom
dexter (Wash.;, Works KTauj.
for the Bui Eermcrats. Bacon (Ga-i.
Bailey (Tax.;. Bank.iead anil Johnstun
lA.a.;. Bryan and F'etcnar tF'.a.;. Cham
berlain 'Ore.). Chilton and Watson iW.
V11, Clark and Davis lark.;. FoMter and
Thorn ilai, Gire and Owen (Okl.;. Hltcn
enck (Neo.;. Jonnnon (Me), fctern and
;Wiivelv ilnd.;, Martin and atmmuna iVa.i,
Marline (N. J). Myers 'Monti. New .amis
i iv.. irii.innan 1
i ".'H
Nev). O'Gtirman iN T.j. wverman and
Prxynter iKy.J. Pome-
1 ritiinn 1 M.i. i, bmiui
Tuy:er iTinn.1, Wii-
liama (liiss. ;.
; Eefbu t'SrXZ
Quart bricks ofDal
zell's Ice Cream.
Boies of O'Brien's Candy.
Round trip tickets to Laka
Ail f,ivn away trse to tnose
woo tUul uuiir as in. tha xat
Read Via want ail vary day.
jour muri a will as pear so me Cms,
may be mors Cua ojica.
No puzzle to sol v aor gun.
scrtstluas u get Just rs4 turn
Want ada.
Turn, to tha want ad
Looking Eackward
This Day In Omaha
Tiurty Tweaty Tea Taasa Aga
malseirial a mt aaa la sins