Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1911, Page 9, Image 9

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Fair Ladies of the White House
Durfng Oeneral Grant's terms as prenl
ent of the Vnltad States Mi wife, Julia
Dent, Grant, waa a conspicuous figure In
the social Ufa of the capita!.
She u born in ft. Ixiui. Mo., on .Tan
nery J. lS2,'the daughter of Frederick and
Elian WrenshaU DeoL Her paternal grand
father warn Captain George Dent, who led
the forlora hope at Fort Montgomery when
It wis stormed by "Mad Anthony" Wayne.
She wag of fH ting ancestry to be the wife
and helpmeet of a great Soldier. One of
her maternal ancestors was John Wrffl
shall, who came to America to escape re
IlKlo 'a .Intolerance.
Bha became engaged to Grant when be
was a lieutenant. Their marriage was
(Poned by the war with Mexico, but
llfially too place on August 22, IMS.
Mrs. Orant passed much of her time dur
ing the heavy days of the civil war with
her husband In camp, or near him. She
accompanied him to Washington with his
victorious army. Bhe was by his side
throughout his two administrations and
accompanied him on his tour of the world.
After General Grant's death a bill was
S -v Jj
passed bv conprcss granting her a pension
uf fc.000 a year.
After her long association with him
through the arduous years of his life It
seems fitting that she should be ' beside
him In death. Her body is interred with
his In the Grant memorial tomb, on River
side drive In New York City.
(Copyright, 1911, by the N. T. Herald Co.)
Finds Wife and Son After 21 Years
i vmm muN nuaata m
Br pa rat ad for twenty-one years from his
wife and boy, both of whom he had long
mourned as dead, victims of a fire which
destroyed half of St Johns. Newfoundland,
In 1HB0, James B. Keneflck has been united
4 his lost ones in Jersey City.
Voc ten years, since ha learned that his
wife and child did not perish in the St
John fire, Keneflck baa searched for thsm,
following - claws from Canada to Brasil;
but always In vain, until by chance he
ran serosa an erstwhile fellow fisherman,
James CarroH. The latter told him that
Mrs. Keneflck, with her baby, believing
bar husband had mat death in the flames,
had accompanied the Carrolls first to Bos
ton and later to their present home. In
iwt City.
fceneflck. . now owner of a fishing
schooner, one of the many that make up
the famous Gloucester (Mass.) fleet, lost
no time In getting to Jersey City. His
wife and son. now a stalwart man of 2S,
with, a responsible position In New Tork,
were apprised of his arrival, awaited bis
coming with mingled emotions, hoping yet
fearful that It was not husband and father,
for to them It was a resurrection from the
grave. It was a tearfully happy reunion of
the three. Plana are now under way for
the celebration of the sliver wedding and
after Keneflck has disposed of bis fishing
business In Gloucester he will give up the
calling of the sea and spend the rest of his
days with his family.
Of Course
- Tba Inspector was examining Standard I.
snd all the class had been specially told
beforehand by their rnaater: "Don't answer
unless you are almost certain your answer
is correct."
History was the subject
"Now, tell me," said the Inspector, "who
was the mother of our great Scottish hero,
Kobert Bruce?"
He pointed to the top boy, the'n round the
class. There was no answer; the children's
faces appeared blank. Then at last the
heart of the teacher of that olass leaped
with Joy. The boy who was standing at
the very foot had held tip his band.
"Well, mjr boy," said the Inspector, en
couragingly, "who was sher
"Please, sir, Mrs. Bruce," Dundee Ad
vertiser. .
TV(?N MM L03t
its jtrstt wot
JEYU 76. WE rVCffT
taT 'EM FlttST H4FV,
1 t AH THI5 13 A
t gKTN wlifrMT. CrCT
WSJ HOMJ Ui. mW0m "nana.
1 JL
I - j y ' V ' '
j&arpsr Lao va
1 JL 1 .
Loretta's Looking Glass-Held Up to the Giddy Chaperon
A chaperon la ordinarily a necessity
and a nuisance. But you are a Junketing
JolUfler who takes advantage of the han
dle to your name to pull yourself Into a
plice where you are distinctly not deair
sSe. .
Sometimes some foolish girls got the idea
IhaVlhey want a gay chaperon, so tbey
can dog-ear the edges of the book on
octal . usages. . But how they are . disap
pointed!.. What chance have they, when
youf fertility of fancy and your marrlage
liberatad personality are on the scene?
To" '-,antly appropriate the informalities
v-andT the man-.
You are the only one of the crowd who
i not In sight when looked for. The peak
rif your. parasol protrudes from behind a
gVlm tree trunk and the curling wreath
off ojgarette amoke that waves in the vi
cinity .proves you. are not alone. Tour
articular undeslrableness Is manifested
at the "couple parties." Ton have got to
.have a man .to amuse you. Po there Is al
ways one girl hanging around and Jooise
berrylng a couple. But, as you like mas
culine variety and have the assurance
which. comus of being married and know
ing the mala creature, you look around
and summon the one who suits your fancy.
tba Igrla have a kind of tolerance for
fjefcooteberry because they never know
when they will be it.
Thar .isn't anything actually .wrong
about .your "goings on." . But there Is
so much that Is objectionable that It's
hard to know where to begin enumerat
ing. .
In tha first place, you have a husband.
And tha girls at tha picnic have not.
Tou were invited to play propriety as
Inconspicuously as possible, and to busy
yourself . with the real work about the
lunch, while the girls did the dainty and
decorative. Instead of living up. to a tacit
agreement, you use your married knowl
edge to win tha men.
Tou know a man tikes to smoke and
listen to a woman's chatter. . Tou also
know that he loves having his feet high
on tree trunks, bis arms under his head
and his eyes fastened on the green wilder
ness of boughs above against which tha
wreathing grace of, his smoke rings show
to advantage. So you teU him to smoke.
Tou give 'his feet liberty. And you do
not aspect to be entertained.
What chance have the girls at the par
ticular man whose comfort you know so
well how to consult without even asking?
To aave her soul, no girl can keep from
regarding each man who comes into her
neighborhood from the standpoint of, his
desirability as a mate. It makes a man
feel drawnout and stretchy to measure up
to her Idea of Prince Charming. Whether
ha aspires to the position or not, he wants
to feel that he could fiU it.
But with you, he can Just be his ease
taking, ring-blowing self.
It's snippy of you! Tou were a girl
yourself orce! And you r.d not Tatter
yourself that the rags and tags (hat the
man tosstrs you laxily, the compliments he
gives you as a' sort of pay for the priv
ilege, of being comfortable, are Indications
of his slavery to your charm. He Is prob
ably thinking as he lies with his haf over
his eyes and you' chatter, that your bus
band has married an amazingly silly per
son. For it Is silly for a woman who has
11 the big chancxs of married life at her
disposal to aeem unduly Interested In the
worthless flattery that a man flings her
half-earelessly. Unless you have your hus
band fooled, you really stand well only In
your own estimation.
Good Practice
A young lawyer, recently married, at
tended a bar association banquet, and after
the dinner found himself far .from sober, a
fact he realized with a feeling of regret and
dread. He confided his dilemma to an old
Judge, and an expert in legal as well as
social usage, who gave him this bit of ad
vice: "When you go home and. she makes her
accusation, file your answer, denying each
and every allegation as set out In her com
plaint, my boy; and don't concede a point,
or your opportunity Is forever gone. Now
is your chance to make your reputation, so
that she will have tha utmost confidence
In you." Metropolitan.
Nature meant to make woman aa Its
Borrowed Eloquence
This is fhg ayfeCgilebrate
13 rTThT Id!
3 '
Julj 27, 1911.
Dr. C. W; Aked, the famous minister, re
ponded to tha toast of "Eloquence" at a
banquet at San Francisco.
"But it is better to be allent," said Dr.
Aked In conclusion, "than to be eloquent
by unfair meana. There was once a divine
whose good wife said to him:
" 'James, dear, the Rev. Dr. Tenthly ha
made over 1300 by the publication of a vol
ume of sermons. Tou preach much better
than Dr. Tenthly. dear. Why not print a
few of your sermons T
" 'My love, the man whispered hoarsely,
'they were all printed long ago." "Wash
ington Star. .
The perfume of the nutmeg flower is said
by some naturalists to have an Intoxicating
effect on small birds.
tUiaf.ftrt f e Taaa Ptaa M awaw C4. M NM
Little Man Had Good Alibi
Mr. O. P. Prt entered the court room In
charge of a bailiff, having spent an un
comfortable night in a cell. Tne court room
was crowded with men and women eager
ta bear the preliminary trial in a most un
usual case, and out of the throng rose a
ponderous woman, who. with heavy etride,
reached the side of the prisoner and sat
"State vs. O. P. Prest," called tha clerk.
"Is the defendant ready for trial V asked
tha Judge.
"Tea. your honor," the pale little prisoner
weakly replied.
Vhat Is your plea?"
'Sot guilty, sir."
. "'Very, well; are jrou supplied with coun-
"It isn't necessary, your honor. I pro
pose to prove an alibi."' '
"And what" is' your ell bit" asked the
The prisoner flushed and heMltated. The
masculine woman by his side nudged hlin
prodded him on to pech but it aa only
E Incoherent spluttering, entirely lost upoi
i Judge. . ' '
'May I speak It privately to your honor?"
ptorad tba distracted defendant, glancing
SJuioushr hick at tba congestion of speo
"This is aa opaa court." enlightened Uu
Judge. "Tou say you can prove an alibi,
yet you he?Uate. Speak up. What is your
"Very well." meekly spake tha little man,
bracing himself for the ordeal. "I will aay
that I was at the time of the commission of
this crime at home preparing dinner for my
dear wife,"
r'lushiug scarlet, he dropped Into his seat.
and. shaking with sobs, he collapsed in
complete humiliation against ths strong
shoulder of his better half.
Sage Sayings
Facts are stubborn things.
The roving bee gathers the honey.
Plow deep a bile aiuKards sleep.
A man of pleasure Is a man of pains,
A long toague betokena a short hand.
Praise undeserved It scandal in disguise.
He that heareth reproof getttth under-tending.
"sTal aDK wml Al .
fQtO) BT, JS
A1 SQj
i l THE MAN fVE KEN S-pQ. f
S ti' V A lOOKiHC FOR. B0TS4Y. S J
S l WHAT'5 OH YOU MNb? - , -r
VI VjZx You toorf ittrE yovfc V
l t
J 7
I 1 1
I'M AuuruLLV
Name and Addrtwa. BcfaooL Y
Dorette Adler, 322 Hgrtiey St Columbian 1857
Jean ArgerslDger, (14 Sooth Seventeenth St Leavenworth ....111
Ruth Ball. 1620 Capitol At Central , 101
Abraham Bablor, 2211 Cuming St Kellom ........ 1I0S
Florence BeiteU 2314 Dewey Ave Central 10I
Charles Bolus, 1116 South Thirteenth St Paclfio 1811
Frederick D. Bradford, 181 Ohio St.. .... Lake ...... ......mi
Joiner Casadjr, 4808 Douglas St.. Saunders 1816
Ida Cohen. 1141 North Eighteenth St. Kellom ....... 1S
Clarke Conrey, 406 North Twenty-third St Central .1911
Clarence Cramer, 2858 Spalding St Lothrop .........1898
Anna Ferryman, 1344 South Twenty-eeventh St. park .1 00
Hllah Fisher, 1210 South Eleventh St High .........184
Frances Olglotte, 3721 Ohio St. Clifton Hill ....
Stuart GrenvlUe, 6203 North Fifteenth St ...High ........1811
Oscar Grim, 1623 Leavenworth St Leavenworth 1898
Maura Hendee, 4204 Burdette St.. .....High .189
Charles P. Hayes, 2016 Lake St High ........182
Roy J. Harpster, 803 South Thirty-eighth Et. ..... . Columbian . . M-1891
Marlon Heaton. 2607 HamUtoa 8t Franklin -19t
Grace James, 306 South Twenty-sixth St High ........ .1897
Helen Jensen, 3110 South Nineteenth St. ........ .Vinton ,.1900
Viggo C. Jensen, 2807 Burdette St Long 1904
George William Johnson, 8426 North Thirtieth St... Sacred Heart 1817
Lloyd Johnson, 1914 South Eighteenth St Castellar 1817
Elenor Kelly, 4307 Decatur St.. Walnut Hill . ....19
Blala Klosaner, 2917 Castellar St Dupont 1906
Lawrence Lee, 136 Cedar St Train 1898
Melnam L. Lydckholm, 1718 South Twenty-sixth St. . Tark 1897
Lewis F. Mathews, 2864 Ohio St Howard Kennedy. .1891
Stella Maxwell, 2704 South Thirteenth St High .1891
James H. McCormlck, 2504 Davenport St Central .1896
Nora McDermott, 722 Pierce St.... Pacific 1901
Beatrice V. McPeale, 1816 North Forty-sixth St Walnut Hill 1898
Ruth C. Meyer, 3032 Marcy St..... High 1896
TUlie Meyer, 1002 Davenport St Cass 1902
Edward Past, 4S19 North Thirty-eighth St High 1894
Bessie Paxton, 3102 Evans St Dm Id Hill 1906
Forest V. Pen-in, 8220 Burt St.- Webster 1901
Herbert W. Phillips, 4734 North Thirty-eighth St. . . .Central Park 1898
Serafla Piernlckl, 2916 Oak St Im. Conception . ..1903
Alva I. Riley, 1737 Sooth Eleventh St Lincoln 1900
Otto Swenson, 1502 North Thirty-fifth St Franklin 1903
Earl Schultz, 3328 South Twenty-fifth St -....Vinton 1906
Rose Scaletta, 1319 Pierce St St. Philomena ....1897
Evelyn L. Schofer, 1618 South Central Blvd St. Joseph ,1903
Ellen M. Schirck, 1420 Dorcas St St. Joseph 1906
Alma SamuelBon,, 5109 North Sixteenth St Saratoga ........1897
Henry Starkel, 3983 North Thirty-eighth St. ...... . Central Park .... 1897
Herbert Strauss, 124 South Thirty-first Ave Farnam 1899
Zelma Taylor, 4309 Isard St........ .Saunders 1904
Jerry Van Rensselaer, 2632 Harney St High 1893
George Walther, 714 North Twenty-eighth Ave Webster 1964
Elmer Wen berg. 946' South Twenty-third St Mason 1896
Leslie Williams, 2423 Poppleton Ave Mason 1897
Marie Widdoes, 1105 Dominion St Vinton 1894
Blanche G. Waidelich, 4022 North Thirty-third St. . . . Monmouth Park . .1896
Chicken Meat Grown from Protoplasm j
According to a special article In tha Bos-,
ton Herald of recent date. Dr. Warren 1L
Lewls, associate professor of anatomy In
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, and
his wife, Margaret Reed Lewis, also a phy.
siclan, announce that after a 'long series
of experiments they have found a way of
inducing tha Indefinite growth of cellular
substances by chemical processes. Thus
far Dr. Lewis and his wife have experi
mented only with embryonic chicks, and
their products, grown in test tubes, have
been microscopic . In Quantity. Hut the
principle has been established and there
seems to be no reason why developments
should not follow on a wholesale basis.
What Dr. Lewis and his wife have ac
complished In this: They have taken an
embryonic chicken, placed it in a saline
solution and grown chicken meat without
hindering future growth, and this process
can be repeated Indefinitely. This same
process may be repeated with any kind
of flesh.
Just as It Is now possible for the subur
banite to go out into his vegetable garden
and snip lettuce for his salad while his
wife pinches off the celery and. parsley
for the soup, repeating the operation from
day to day, so when this discovery shall
have reached Its full fruition It may be
possible for the housewife of the future to
go Into her pantry uncover a Jar and cut
off a piece of spring chicken: from another
Jar to get a slice of spring lamb; from an
other a piece of halibut and possibly, some
diamond back terrapin, in fact, she will
be able to grow any kind of flesh.
Here Is what Dr. Lewis himself has to
say of his discoveries:
"Tba value of all these experiments which
my wife and I have conducted has several
different phases. For Instance, It may
some day have a great commercial value.
Suppose that you had a number of vats
tilled with saline solutions, and that In
these solutions you put the muscles or
other organs of various animals not only
while In the embryo, but even when they
had reached the adult stage. There would
be large growths, and these would be edible.
In other words, the salt solutions could be
turned Into Incubators sure to hatch and
from which pieces of embryo chicks could
bo tsken every day without hindering the
increase of the supply. Thus there would be
a new delicacy.
"These possibilities are far In the future.
but that they will become true some dsy
there la every probability. This would
prove of great importance to the world.
as tha supply pf meats would never give
out so long as the chemicals could be
secured to make tha solutions In which
the generation takes place.
"But the more Important Immediate good
what the discovery will do Is of a medicinal
character. In these saline solutions It will
be possible to transplant organs of the
human body, to obaerva their growth, what
they feed on. what they secrete, the things
which are dangerous to them and the things
which are beneficial.
'As a result of this study important cures
can be effected. The difficulty about find.
Ing a cure for cancer is that no one knows
its exact cause. But when the solutions
csn be used tn this manner It will ba
possible to find the cause and determine
on a cure. Then also it will be possible to
determine what will cause a tumor to go
away and on what It feeds."
Knew His Limit
Mayor Oaynor, at a dinner in Brooklyn,
condemned certain ideas of civil service
that a German visitor from Berlin had
recommended. i
"Those Ideas may do well In Berlin," ba
said, "but I don't think they'd do well
here. We are opposed to freaks, and this
new sort of civil sen-Ice examination Is
as freakish as Old Bleuth's.
"Old Sleuth, the detective chief, was one
examining a new applicant for tha detec
tive bureau. He thrust Into the young
man's hand a pale mass of ruffles and
lace and cambric a woman's skirt and-.
" 'Find the pocket in that.' he said.
"But the applicant shook his head.
" 'No, chief,' he admitted frankly, that's
beyond me.'
"Then Old 61euth slapped him heartily
on the back.
" 'If you're smart enough, my boy,' ha
cried, 'to know It's no use to look for the
pocket In a woman's skirt, you're smart
enough to be a detective. Here's your
"You .appear so nervous. Mrs.
Yea, 1 bad such nice looking
frog tor luadb. but he wcj1 keep
Social Distinction
In some parts of tha south tha darkles
lts still addicted tha old style country
dance In a big hall, with tha fiddlers,
oanjolsts and other musicians oa a plat
'orra at one end.
At one such dance held not long ago In
an Alabama town, when ths fiddlers had
d'lly reslned their bowa and iakei their
places on the plstforrr., the ra.. ri
rose. .
"Git yo' vai.-t.s lo' d sex' Cr.ccel"
- t
yelled. "All you ladles an' gennulems da
wears shoes an' stockln's. take yo' places
In de middle of de room. AU you ladles an
gennulmens dat wears shoes an' no
tAckln'a. t.b . vd' rAmm In. m t, i -i. i
dem. An' you' barfooted crowd, you jaaf
js n ru" in aa corners. uppiaoott a.
Although tha drinking of healths Is of
old date, tha application of the word
"toast" Is modern, its origin having been,
in the in-art Ice of dropping a bit of
toasted bread in a Jug of ale. hemv cill 'l
'a toast ard tsrkard."
j TU -ity t. i:.e 3.;.ucfc-r!e Want Ada,