Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 27, 1911, Page 8, Image 8

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All Opinion and Dope on Wheat Up- j
let at the Opening.
Corn Market Xot e genaltlve
Wheal anil Oprntnc Vnlaes,
While Higher, Consider
ably l.eaa Iladlral.
OMAHA. July M. 1311.
.til opinions and dope on wheat were
up.t nt lh.' opening iti today's market.
Sintlinent last night wu strongly In favor
of l lie bcai being quickly reversed this
morning whin Liverpool cables came
Fhurply higher nnd heavy export rales
were reported. The sharp advance at ihe
mart was checked by free selling by longs
Ini' profits and values eased off from open
.ng prices.
The corn market was not so sensitive lis
wheat and opening values, while higher,
were tes radical. The market ruled mod
erately narrow, slightly lower than early
high IfVflS. -
'I he exd'ment at the opening In wheat
calmed quickly 'and the market steadied
down, ruling wllghtly higher than yenter
duv's close. fault whtat was unchanged.
Corn iiim film and stronger through- j
out the oay. htuceipts Keep ugni nnu mix
ing di'vr loped i in all weak spots. Cash
corn was W.iv lower.
i'limmy win nt receipts were 1.472.000
lnmliele arul fhlpments were CM "00 bushels,
oxainst receipt lat year of l.Xtf.OOO bushels
i.nrt fhlpmculB of .i21,000 buchcls.
1'rlmary coin receipts were 2:il.nOO bushels
and shipments were 270.000 bushels, against
receipts n.t yer of 331.000 bushels and
i.hipinents of MJ.On bushels.
(.'balances were 11.000 bu. of corn. 7.000
l.u. of oats and wheat and flour equal to
U-..0K) bu. t
Liverpool doped UflVI higher on wheat
ni"l unchanged to 'id lower on com.
The following cash sales were reported:
Wheat No. 2 hard: 1H cars, 82c. No. t
hard: 1 car. 81c; 1 car, Sl'ac; 2 cars, 81c
No. J mixed: J ear, 82M-C.
Corn No. 3 while: 2 cars. mc. No. 2
vellow: 1 car. 00c. No. 3 yellow: cars,
roc. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, IWc. No. 8
mixed: cars, Nc. No. 4 mixed: 2 cars,
oats No. 2 white 3 cars (new). S7c. No.
4 white: 1 car (old). 37c; 1 car (new). 36MiC.
No. 4 yellow: 1 car, 36'c.
Omaha Cash Prices.
VV HEAT No. 2 hard. 8HtU'S4Vxc; No. 3
hard, &04iS3Ujc; No. 4 hard, i ;!'' 78 Vic; re
jected hard, tii'ftTBVic.
COHN-No. 2 white, 001VS'fiO4c; No. 3
white, 0HSiH0.c; No. 4 white, tW4HfcH4c; No.
i color, w'4(tiovt'; No. 2 yellow, tofeifjMc;
No. 3 yellow. MfciiOc; No. 4 yellow Slftf"
Wc; No. 2, &9ViiiHuc; No. 3, 6Wukc; No.
4, b!Hl!)Vc; no fciade, 5Stiu9c.
OATS No. 2 white, J74r;c; standard,
Z'anc; No. 3 white, 36VMH7Hc; No. 4
white. Si'a.wc; No. 3 yellow, 3ti'4(Utf7c; No. 4
yellow, 3ut((ltc.
BARLK1 No. 3, 7ff8c; No. 4. 74S4c;
No. 1 feed, i:iru,79c; rejected, 6474c.
HY E No. 2. 7H80c; No. 3, "W9c.
I'arlot Receipts.
Wheat Corn. Oats.
Chicago 857 101 322
Minneapolis 151
Omaha 79 68 2
lJu.uth 175 ... ...
Prospect of War Over Morocco Sends
Wheat t'p a Notch.
CHICAGO, Morocco pushed, the rest of
the earth off the map today so far as
wheat traders were concerned. War possi
bilities regarding the corner of Africa op
posite Gibraltar outweighed every other
Influence, and sent prices soaring. Al
though a reaction ensued the close was
firm at 4&'4c net advance. Latest figures
on conr were the same as last nlgnt to
WyVhe up, oats varying from fcc lower to
V.ic gain and hog products dearer by 24j
1'he worst of the flurry as to Morocco
took place right at the opening of business.
Much excitement prevailed In the wheat
pit and there was unusually free buying,
shorts, In particular, showing their anxious
frame of mind. When the rush to pur
chase had been In a measure settled the
market fell back more than half way from
the top level reached. Speculators for the
most part were convince that a heavy
export trade was going on In red winter
wheat from the seaboard and In hard win
ter from Chicago. Statements that the
blue stem crops In the northwest had be
come rust smitten like the velvet chaff
variety acted as a further discouragement
to tne bears late In the session. Between
the opening and the close September ranged
mint 8Sc to 8c with last sales fco net
higher at 8ic.
Light rtcetpts as well as ths wheat bulge
had a strengthening effect on corn.
September fluctuated from 62V4662c to
63Vtc, closing steady He net dearer at 82c,
but distant months virtually at the upper
most polret of the day. Cash grades were
eay. No. 2 yellow finished at 62624c.
Oats were under constant drag from
hedging sales by country and by local spec
ulators, who were handling rural consign
ments, September varied from 3SK6'39VsO to
40'c and closed up a shade at 39Vtt-c.
Persistent buying of hog products re
sulted Indirectly from the war talk. In the
neighboring wheat crowd. At the close pork
had risen 2Hh2Uc. lard 645T12Vic and ribs a
nickel to a dime.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes'y.
Wheat I
July... sr.M,tr87
91 '
July... 61Vtf2!
Sept. ..I
Pork- I
44 44
16 70
16 75
17 00
16 70
16 80
15 80
16 70
18 90
16 60
18 70
16 80-90
15 85
a 40
S 60
8 46
16 8TV4
15 82Vs
8 47H
8 67V
8 671
8 50
8 47H
8 42Vt
I 60
8 55
8 70
8 42H
I w
8 65
8 70
Rita- I
8 50-2
8 BV-ZVl
8 62V,
8 17Vz
8 65-7 W
8 tCW
8 Z2V
8 22tt
8 IMf
8 17HI
FLOUR Steady; winter patents. 83.900
4. 35; straights, $3.6u'd'4.20; spring stralghU,
$4 104.30; bakers, $5.80.
KY E No. 2, 80Vxii81c.
BARLEY Feed or mixing, 60gr70c; fair
to choice malting, 87cu"$1.00.
-EEL8 Flax, No. southwestern, nominal;
No. 1 northwestern, nominal; timothy, $9.00
t13.2o; clover, $9.tKa 15.60.
PKOV1SIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $1S.754
i:.7t. Lard, per 100 lbs., $8.4", 4. 8hort ribs,
sides, loose, $7.62Vs8.60; short clear aides,
boxed, $8 Xl8.37S.
Total clearances of wheat and flour war
equal to lft.000 bushels. Primary receipts
were 1.473.0(A) bushels, compared with 1.357,Ou0
bushels the corresponding day a year ago.
Estimated receipts for tomorrow: wheat, cars; corn. Ilk cars; oats, 254 cars; hogs,
iI.O) head.
Chicago Cash Prices Wheat: No, I red,
fc5titV:; No. 3 red, 83'dic; No. 1 hard,
K.ih.s8Lc: No. 1 hard. SSVaSSUc: No. s hr,i
85Vs(ij!fic; No. 1 northern, $l.u6Vjl.07; No. 3
noi inern, iwjai.w. . a nortnern, 93c(c
$1.00; No. 3 spring. 8Mb97c; No. $ spring,
S4495c; velvet chaff, 8j92c; durum, ooifl'Stio.
Curn: ino. z, j,ivc; ro. 8 white, 66i
Wic; No. 1 yellow. 62V.Bi2o; No. 8. 624
i.2'c; No. $ white, 44ut4c; No. 3 yellow
mHiuraVtc; No. , 6i',(aicc; No. 4 white.
UV.ti3c; No. 4 yellow. ivti2c. OaU: No.
'.' New, 8tWc; No, 1 white. S4f39Vc; No. 3
white, new, wnc; no. t wnite, S838W:
No. 8 white, 37V4c; No. 4 white, JJV3!c'
standard, old, l'lliuc standard, new
diTHi. , w-ic, riariey
fwc 1.15. llmothy: $10.0Crl3.00. Clover:
ltl'TTER Steady; creameries. 20325c:
dairies. lKd22c
KiUS Firm; receipts. 7.324 rases; at
mark, cases Included, 6313c; firsts. 15 Vic;
prune firsta 17c.
CHEEciE Weak; daisies. 12V4frlSo; twins,
11 Sly 124.-: young Americas, 13130; long
lioins. l.tnc.
POTATOES Firm; choice to fancy, $1.50
-(1 1. 55; receipts. 61 cara
POULTKY Firm; turksys, 12c; fowls,
127i". springs, 15c
VEALiNteady; 50 to 60 lbs., 8fr9c; 60 to
S.7 lbs , 9V.jlt,c; 85 to 110 lbs., Ho.
Daily movement of produce:
Keceipts. tsnipments
St)u4 tO)
, 699.0K0 I17.o
Klotir, bbls
Wheat, bu ,
Curn, bu
tats, bu
live, bu...'
, ' nrley. bu
141 0vJ 7410
672.OU0 343.0U8
I.i0 T.OOO
Wheat, 857 cars, with
Cat lot receipts
S9 contract grade; corn. 101 cars, with 30
contract giadei oats. 322 cars. Total re
ceipts of wheat at Chicago. Minneapolis
and Dulutb. today were 1U3 cars, corn-
' pared with 1.004 rara last week and 8J7
i cure the corresponding days a year ago.
i OMAHA tsttAKRAI. l . It r; I .
Xr&$. IX' J. Vft sTnTfb.
2m-; packing sio k, i-oild pack, ISr; dairy,
in 60-lb. tubs, market changes every
. l Kl-SK Imported Swiss. J2c, Amerl"Sit
Kwlsa. 22c; block Snrls. 18c; twins. Ifa;
triplet. : ,iatte. lc; young America,
17c; blue Isbel brick. Mr; llmburger (2 lb.)
if il.-ll, . II IU.I. I!C.
POULTRY Broilers, 2ic per lb.; hens,
IV; otk, 9c; ducks. Air; spring ducks,
lMr20c; geeset l.'ic; turkeys. 4-; pigeons,
per dus.. II. W.- Alive: Broilers, lt'ibc; hens.
KMrr: olil roosters, jc: old ducks, full feath-
! trva, ioc; gecxe, tun reainerea, oc; turseys,
!12'tc; guiena fowls, lac each; pigeons, per
! dos.. ttnc: homers, per dos , fci.uu; squabs.
No. 1, per dos., i.oo; No. 2, peraox. ,wc ;
hen turkeys, 15c.
t iSii t-icsfiel. 10c; white, loc; pike, lie;
li'iut. 14c; large craipies. 6'nJ; Spanlsi
mackerel, lAc; eel. lxc; haddock, 13c; flound
ers green rat fly h. tbc; toe snad, II
ri'li; shiid lor per pair. fiio; salmon, lftc;
hnllbut, 8c; yellow perch, c; buffalo, 8c;
HKKF CL'T rillCKS Ribs: No. 1 ribs.
10c; No. 2. 13c; No. 3, 9'c, Loin: No. L
lhc; No. 2, 14'ic; No. 3, 11'4C Chuck: No.
1, GSic; No. 2, 6c; No. 3. 6c. Hound. No.
1, 'c; No. 2. 'c; No. 3, 8e. Plate: No.
1, 4c; No. 2, 4c; No. 3, 3 via
FKU1TW Apples: Dutchess, per bbl., $4.00;
per bu. hek., fl.SU. Bananas. Fancy select,
per bunch, $2.2ij2.50; Jumbo, bunch, 32.75
3.75. Churles: Home grown, per 24-qt.
cue, 2..A)u'i.5. Cantaloupes: California,
standard, 45 count, 3.504j 0i per crate; pony
crates, 04 count. 13.00; jumbo, 27-33 size,
l.t.U). Hates Anchor brand, new, 30 l-ll.
fkk's. Ill boxes, per box, 32.00. Oooseberiics:
Home grown, per 24-qt. case, 33.O0. Lemons:
Limoneira brand, extra fancy, :)0 size, per
box, I7..10; Sit size, per box, $7.00; Loma
l.lmonclra, fancy, 300 size, per box, JI.VA:
36u Rise, per box, 36.60: 240 and 420 sizes. ."Ac
per box lens; Cymbal brand. 300-3b0 sires,
per box. 300. Ornnges: Niagara fledlands
Valencias, 90-126 lze.t. per box, $4.00; 150 176-20M-216-2T.O
sizes, per lox. $4.50; choice Valen
cias. K0-P6 sizes. $.1.75. Peaches: California,
per box, $1.45. Plums: California, per crate.
$1.85. I'runes: Tragety, per 4-bsk. crate.
$1,110. Pears: California, per 50-lb. box.
$.1.25. Watermelons: tlcorgla and Florida,
per lb.. lc.
VEOFTA HLKS Besns: String and n-sx,
per hamper, $2.60: per mkt. bsk., $1.00.
Cabbage: Home grown, per lb., 4c. Cu
cumbers: Hot house, IVi and 2 doz. In box.
per box, $1.50'ul.76; home grown, per mkt.
bsk. of about 2 dos., $1.50. Egg Plant:
Fancy Florida, per doz., 41.60. Garlic:
Kxtra fancy, white, per lb., 12c. Lettuce:
Extra fancy leaf, per dos., 40c. Radishes.
Per doz., $20. Onions: Texas Bermuda,
white, per crate, $2.25; yellow, per crate,
$i.00; California. In sacks, per lb, 8c.
Parsley: Fancy home grown, per doz
bunches, 4fic. Potatoes: Virginia, new
stock, In bbls., per bbl., $5.75; California
white stock, In sacks, per bu., $2.00; home
grown, per bu., $1.75. Tomatoes: Tennessee,
per 4-bsk. crate, 90c.
MISCELLANEOl'8 Almonds: California
soft shell, per lb., 18c; In sack lots, lc less.
Brazil Nuts: Per lb.. 13c: In sack lots, lc
less. Filberts: Per lb.. 14c: in sack lota, le
less, peanuts: Koasted, per lb., 8c; raw,
per lb., c. Pecans: Large, per lb., 16c;
In sack lots, lc less. Walnuts: California,
per lb.. 19c; In sack lots, lc less. Honey:
New, 24 frames, $3.75.
Corn and Wheat Rea-lon Bulletin.
Record for the twenty-four hours ending
at 8 a. m. Wednesday. July 26, 1911:
Temp. Rain-
Stations. Max. Mln. fall. Sky.
Ashland. Neb.... 82 52 .00 Clear
Auburn, Neb.x.. 82 51 .00 Clear
li ken Bow, Neb. 80 41 .00 Clear
Columbus, Neb... 80 49 .00 Clear
Culbertson, Neb. 88 64 .00 Pt. cloudy
Falrbury, Neb... 83 64 .00 Clear
Fairmont. Neb... 82 64 .00 Clear
Ur. Island, Neb.. 81 67 .00 Clear
Hartlngton. Neb. 77 60 .00 Clear
Hustings, Neb.... 85 65 .09 Clear
HoMrege, Neb... 84 67 .00 Clear
Lincoln, Neb 81 56 .09 Clear
No. Platte, Neb. 82 62 .00 Clear
Oakdale. Neb 78 46 .00 Clear
Omaha, Neb 76 68 .00 Clear
Tekamah. Neb... 79 50 .00 Clear
Valentine, Neb.. 80 68 .00 Clear
Sioux City, la... 74 52 . 00 Clear
Alta. Ia 82 60 .00 Clear
Carroll. Ia 76 50 .00 Clear
Clarlnda, Ia 76 42 .00 Clear
Sibley, Ia 75 47 .00 Clear
Minimum temperature for twelve-hour
period ending at 8 a. m.
.-.of t7Teme Rain-
Stations. Max.
Columbus. 0 17
Louisville, Ky 20
Indianapolis. Jna.. 11
Chicago, 111 25
St. Louis, Mrf 25
Dps Moines. Ia.... 21
Minneapolis, Minn. 30
Kansas city. Mo.. 24
Omaha. Neb 18
The weather Is much warmer this morn.
Ing in the corn and wheat region west of
the Mississippi river. It remains unsea
sonably cool in the eastern districts. Light
and scattered showers occurred in the lake
region ana unio valley within the last
twenty-four hours. L. A. WELSH,
Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau.
Stock la Slht.
Receipts of live stock at the five Drinclnal
western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hoars Sheen
south Omaha 4.0no lO.Oflo 6.000
eit. jusepn 1.200
Kansas City 11.000
a MO imi'
ft am s'nnft
aim s'fki!
25,000 Z8.0U0
St. Louis 6.000
Chicago 20.000
.42,200 56,500 61,000
, St. I, oats General Market.
ST. LOUI8. July 26. CATTLE Recetnts.
3.900 head; including 300 Texans. Market
steady; native shipping and export steers,
86.00ra6.76; dressed beef and butchers steers.
35.604j4.26; steers under 1,000 pounds. 84.60tg
o.Do; stocsers ana ieeaers, 82.t(t.7o: cows
and heifers, 83.006.60; canners, $1.0iS.7o;
dumb, iz. n(so.iu; caives, utuKjatj.ii; Texas
and Indian steers, 33.406ti,00; cows and
heifers. $2.004f4.50.
HOQ8 Receipts, 7,900, head; market
10c higher. Pigs and lights, $4.25&'7.10;
packers, 37.OOtif7.10; butchers and best
heavy. !6.9wU7.10.
SHEEP Receipts, 8.300 head; market
steady. Native muttons, 83.504.00; lambs,
S4.00'7.00; culls and bucks, 31.0Uf2.50; stock
ers, tl.0CKg3.00.
Minneapolis Grain Market.
964c; September, 954c; December, 91c; No.
1 hard, 9So; No. 1 northern, 9tflra9S4c;
No. 2 northern, 944(&974c; No. 8 wheat. KM
FLAX Closed at 2.10.
BA RLEY 70cef81.07.
CORN-No. 3 yellow, 62v4So.
OATS No. 3 white, 3SV;V4e,
RYB No. t, 810.
BRAN-4)20.50(S 21.00.
KLOUR rlrKt patents, 84.9006.10; second
patents, 34 40 4 66: first clears. 33.254f3.45;
second clears, 2. 25(51.46.
Mllwankea Grain Market.
No. 1 northern. $1.03'1.04: No. t northern.
$1.01$ 1.02V. No. 1 velvet chaff. 9tyeft J1.00H:
No. 2. 97(?Kc; No. 2 hard, 87(g88c; Septem
ber, (Oi'ic; December, 92e.
BARLEY Mailing. tl.00Q1.10.
OATS Standard, 39Hc.
Dalatk Grata Market.
DULtTTH, July 6.-WHEAT No. 1 hard.
$1 0iv; No. 1 northern. $1.0o'4j; No. 1 north
rrn, 97Vn-9Sic; July, $1.00H; nominal; Sep
tember, 87V4ij97c old.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. July 26. CORN Steady; No. I
yellow, 6ic; No. 8 vellow, 63c; No. 4 yellow,
62c; No. 8 mixed, 63c.
OATS Lower; No. t white, 39c; standard.
S7Vi3,i,c; No. white, 37474c; No. 4
white. 37c.
Cnttoa Market.
NEW YORK. July 26. COTTON Spot
closed quiet: middling uplands. 13.60c; mid
dling gulf, 13.85c; sales. 151 bales. Futures
opened barely steady; July, 13.13c; August,
12.3Srtl2.)c: September. 11.60c; October.
11.40c; November. 11.36c; December, 11.45
1156c; January. 1152U.46c; March, 11.660
11.60c; May. 11.63c.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, July 26. COFFEE Futures
closed steady net 4 points lower to 4 points
higher; sales, 19,500 bags; July, 11.59c; Au
gust, 11.40c; September, ll.S4c; October,
10.96c; November. 10.80c; December, Janu
ary, February, March, April and May,
10 65c; June, 10.67c. Spot quiet; Rio, No. 7,
13 5-164) 13S,c; Santos No. 4, 3c; mild, dull;
Cordova, Haliic, nominal.
Dry Goods Market.
NEW YORK, July K. -Lonsdale 4-4
bleached sheetings were revised Ho a yard
downward to a basis of 74c during the
day and fine count bleached cottons c
a yard. Trading Is on a very moderate
ncale tn all cotton goods lines. A few houses
are doing a fair trade In men's wear, but
the general movement thus far Is light on
spring goods. Knit goods buyers are ask
ing revisions In piicaa. following a drop
l:t cotton, but agents went to the trade for
sprltig with low prices and are not conced
ing requests from buyers.
Attempt is Made to Start Bear Move
ment on the Exchange.
Harvester Ktocka llrronr Weak os
Intimations that the GoTernmrnt
Mar Start Proceedlnga Aaralaat
the Cosapaar.
N7V YORK, July 2i. The most forceful
btar movement of several weeks was un
dertaken on the Stock exchange today nnd
prices gave way before the onslaught. The
giavity'of the Morocco situation and the
piunpect of a long delay before the Cana
dian reciprocity agreement is adopted by
tne lonuninn were the chief factota made
use of by the bear party.
Two groups of stocks were conspicuous
throughout the day. They were the coal
shares and the Issues of the tallroads af
fected most directly by the Canadian re
cipnclty. The latter stocks which have been
advanced on the strength of the benefits
i .... r.nm . i .. . .. i.. . i, Di,tt-.,u.
Canadian Pnclfic and Its affiliated roads I
and the Hill and Harrlman stocks fell from
1 to 2 points. Heading, Lehigh Valley and
Passenger Coal, common and preferred,
were the chief beneficiaries of the continu
ation of yesterday's buying movement In
the coal stocks.
in the Industrial group. United States
Steel was relatively firm, nt no time de
clining more than a fraction. The street
vas inclined to place favorable construc
tion on yesterday's quarterly report. De
spite the gain shading of prices on certain
products was reported.
International Harvester was one of the
weakest of the Industrials, receding 34
points on Intimations that the federal gov
ernment might proceed against the com
puny. The stock displayed marked strength
toward the close, however, ending the day
with a loss of less than 1 point.
London selling was a contributing factor
In the market weakness. The uneasiihess
over tho Moroccan dispute was reflected
not only In London, where consols touched
a new low record, but In all the European
financial centers. .
Colorado & Southern was one of the first
roads to report its earnings for June, show
ing a falling off of nearly $300,000 In gross
receipts. This was almost offset, however,
by a cut In operating expenses.
The bond market was steady. Total sales,
par value, $3,533,01)0. United States bonds
were unchanged on call.
Number of sales and leading quotation
on stocks were as follows:
galea. Hlrh. txvw. Cloas.
aiiis-i naimers pra ...
Amalgamated Copper .
8.0(10 t (7t4 M4
100 ra St Bftty
t.tno K 64S M1
110 llt 11S US
fl0 674 K 7
700 57 B M
100 16 M
100 40V, 40V, 40V,
3,100 7V, 7IV, 7V4
100 106 V, 104V, 104 V,
MO n S
i,(M mv, imh s
00 v, mv V4
10,000 lisv, 11m U.1S
100 130V4 110 V, uov,
1.700 io-, 10S 10'S
1.SO0 I4S H
1.000 82V, SIS tV4
4.9O0 84444 I44S I44S
700 JSV, 1V4 tV,
100 280 180 ISO
900 81 81V, tl
200 22 V, 12 V, 12 S
600 147 14(4 144V4
7,S0t) 128 126S 1274
400 34V4 4Va 4V,
400 146V, 148 14H
100 171 171 171V,
100 V4 lVi 28
300 67 V4 87 V4 87
8.800 JH K MS
3,000 57 58V4 67 H
4O0 47 47 4V,
100 18.1V, lHJV, 12S
9.800 135S 13874 194S
1.200 69 68V, (844
100 14(44 146 146 "4
1,100 18 17S 17T4
200 (IS (IS (1
800 124V, 122 S 121
I American Ret gufsr
Amerlrn Cm
'American C. F....
American Aancultursl
Amerlcan Cotton (Ml
American H. aV L. pfd..
Am. lea ftecuritlea
American Llnaeed
American LocomotlTS ...
American a. at R
Am. 8. A R. pfd
Am. Steel Foundries....
Am. fiusar Refining..,.
American T. & T
American Tobacco pfd..
American Woolen
Anaconda Mining- Co...
Atchiaon pfd
Atlantic Coast Line
Baltimore A Ohio
Bethlehem Steel
Brooklyn Rapid Tr
Canadian Paclflo .......
Central Leather
Central of New Jersey.
Chesapeake A Ohio
Chicago Alton
Chicago Oreat Wee tern.
Chicago a. W. pfd
Chicago N. W
Chicago. M. A Bt. P...
C. C C. A St. L
Colorado F. A I
Colorado A Southern...
Consolidated Gas
Corn Prodncta
Delaware A Hudson....
Denver A Rio Grands..
Denrer A R. O. pfd....
Distillers' Securities ...
Erie lat pfd
I Erie Id pfd ,
General Electric
I Great Northern pfd...
Illinois Central
Irterborough Met
Interborough Met. pfd...,
International Harvester ..
I Int. Marine pfd
I International Paper
international rump
iu.i i.minM
Kansas City Southern...,
K. C. 80. pfd
Laclede Gas
LoutsTllle A Naahvllle..
Minn. A St. Loula
M , St. P. A 8. 8. M...
Missouri, K. A T
M . K. A T. pfd
Missouri Pacific ,
National Ukcult
National Lead
N. R. R. of M. td pfd..
New York Central
N. Y., O. A W
North American
Northern Pacific
Pacific Mall
People's Uaj
P., C, C. A St. L
100 18 V, 18S 18V4
800 16 86 86S
400 108V4 IMS UK S
600 161 161H 162
500 81V, S1V, SOS
800 141S 128 140
1.400 3S M ' ses
100 67 S 7S 7S
1,400 4S 48 S 48S,
100 66 V, 54 V4
(00 108U. 108
100 4S 48V4
4 S
16,200 132S 180S 131S
800 2S 1S Hl
1,900 126S 124S 124S
200 1MS4 106 S JO'S
, 4
1,400 22S 31 12
100 87 MV4 844
800 87 S 87S 80S
94,100 1(944 K7S 169,
700 80 S 80S 80S
100 94 '4 94 S 4S
2.800 82S 1 S 8
700 4 84 S 4S
1.800 4SS 47 47 S
, 81
. J 4Q
Plttaburg Coal
' Pressed Steel Car
1 Pullman Palacs Car
'HMlllh RtM
Republic Steel pfd
Rock Island Co
Kock Island Cb. pfd......
Bt. L 4; B. P. Id pfd....
St. Loula S. W
St. L. 8. W. pfd
Sloaa-Sheffleld 8. A I.:..
Southern Paclflo
Southern Hallway
So. Railway pfd
Tennesaes Copper
Texas A Pacific
T. , St. L. A W
T., St. L. A W. pfd
10.800 122S 121S 122S 1
8,800 32S 'IS 12
1,800 73S
72 S 7244
40S 4044
19 tS
11 20S
300 4044
700 IBS
100 lis
100 47 S
7S 44S
t'nlon Pacific
I'nlun Pacific pfd
United States Realty.
M.900 190U 1884 190
700 96 S 94 S 94 S
, 74
1.700 , 41S 4044 4044
29. 800 7944 79 79.
1.100 119 119 119
United Slates Rubber
l olled Blalea Steel
II. B. Steel pfd
Utah Copper
1.800 49 49 49
va. -Carolina cnemlcsl ..
Wabash pfd
Western Maryland
Waitlnghouas Electric ...
Western Union
Wheeling A U B
Lehlgb valley
17,200 17844 174 178
Total sales tor ths day. 883,900 snares.
New York Honey Market.
NEW YORK, July 26. MONEY On call
steady at 24i2i4 per cent; ruling rate,
2 per cent; closing bid, t per cent; of
fered at 2 per cent: time loans, dull and
ateady; alxty days, 2V44J3 per cent; ninety
days, 24)3 per cent; alz months, 83
per cent.
per cent.
actual business in bankers' bills at 484.25
for sixty-day bills and $4.8615 for demand;
commercial bills. $4.8735.
SILVER Bar. 52'4c; Mexican dollars, 46c.
BONDS Government, steady; railroad
bonds, steady.
Closing quotations on bonds were as fol
lows: V. i. ret. la. r...t00 Int. 14. M. 4c.
do. coupon 100s Japan 4s
So te res 101 io 4a
do coupon 101 K. C. So. lat la..
II. S. 4a. res 111 Lu seb. a 1981.
94 14
do coupon aw- l.. ae n. uni. e vsa
Allls-OhsJ. 1st ..-. 75 it., K. & T. lat 4a.. 97
Am. As. 6 101 do fen. 4a 87
Am T. T. e. 4a... 107 Mo. Paclflo 4a 77
Am! Tobacco 4a 88 N. R. R. of M. 4 98
On 1. 104 N. V. C. s. SS 87
Armour Co. 4.. 92 do deb. 4a 91 Va
Atchison sea. 4 99 N Y , N. H. aV H.
Atchiaon son.
do ct, 4a.
do ct. to
A. C. L. 1st 4a.,
Bal. A Ohio 4s.,
do 9s
do I. W. t.
Brook. Tr. ct. 4i
Can. of Oa. to..
.11114 ev. (a 111
.118 N. W. lat e. 4s.. 97
.94 do ct. 4a 108
. 98 No. Paclflo 4a 99
. 91 do Is 71
. 80 O. 8. U rids- 4s ... 94
. M Pens. ct. 3a 1818..
.10 do con. 4a 1IU
. 99 Readlns sen. 4s 98W
Cos. Leather to..
C. of N. J. I. os....lSl. 1. k a fg. 4a kl
Cbes. a Ohio ta...i" 00 sen. aa 89
do ret. (s Bt. U S. W. a. 4s... 80
Chlcaso A. Is... 6 do lat sold 4s 2
C. . 4 U 1- A. U 4a 81
do too. 4s 9 Bo. Pae. col. 4s 92
C 14. 4k P. l8 92 do ct. ta 99
C. R I. r. 1o 00 1 ref. 4a. 94
do rfg. 4a. go. Railway to 100
Colo. Ind. to 77 do gen. ta 79
Colo. Mid. 4s Vnlos Pacific 4a. 101
C 8 r. a e. 4a 9 do ct. 4a lo
D. A H. CT. 4a 99 do 1st rat. 4a.... 97
D R O. 4a 81 U. 8. Rubber ta ll4
do ret to ' V- 8- teel Id to.... 106
Distillers' to 77 Va.-Car. Chesa. to...luu
Krle p. 1. 4a 19 Wabash 1st to list
do sos, 4s 19 do 1st aV es. 4a.... M
do CT. 4av ear. A.. 8 Western Md. 4s SaS
do eortea B 19 West. Else. ST. to... 84
Oen. lec. ct. to.. ..181 Wla. Central 4a 8JV4
III. Can. 1st ral. te. mo. rac. ct. fee-.
lot Met. 4a. 79 Panama Is
Did. ottered.
. MS
London Stock Market.
LONDON. July 16. American securities
opened around parity, but later eased off,
induced by the weakness tn the other sec
tions. In the afternoon New York buying
caused aubatanttal recoveries throughout
the list and the market closed ateady.
l.ondon closing stock quotations:
Consols, Bsoner 7S Laulav!lle Naih.,169
do account ' 9io.. Kan. A Tua. 81
Asset, topper 4 hm tor 4 Central.. .111
H NortotS We(ern..l1l
tlS So tM IM
Ontario Wrttrm . n't
111 PrsnaTlranla
h- panil Mlnea TH
4 Radln
I! Southern Tlallsar .. SS
HI 4t fil U
ItH Soulhrrn rrlfle
? fnlos Tactile IK
. do rfd
II V. S Steal 1
4 do s'4
4 Wh.h 1
. J do pt4 at
Sli.VKH Har. quiet at 21 l-16d per ounce.
MONEY 1 per cent.
The rste of discount In the open market
for short bills Is l'yl per cent; for three
months' bills, 2't21 per cent.
Boston tilnlns Stocks.
HOSTON. July 26--Closlng quotations on
stocks were as follows
. n 'Mohawk
. 8S Nerada Con. ...
. 80 Nlpt'alng Mines
. I5S North Butte ....
. 12 North Lake ....
. 18 Old Dominion ..
. (7S Oaceola
.4,0 parrott B. AC.
. 11 ijulncy
. 80 Shannon
, 4844
, 48S
Amal. Corner ..
A. I. L. A S...
Arltona ( om. . .
B A C. C. A S.
flntte Coalition .
Cal. A
CSI. A Hecla...
Cp. Hangs C.
Es.t Butta C
. 14S Superior
. IIS Superior A
4 1-18 Tamarack .
. 87 U. S. S. R.
Glroux Con. ...
Granbjr tNin. ..
B. M...
Greene Cananea
Isle Royals Copper..
Kerr Lake
I.ake Copper
La Salle Corner
'. SS do pfd
. 18S t'tsb Con
. 4t4 rtsh (pper Co...
M Winona
84 Wolverine
Miami Copper
Ex-dlldend. Aeked.
Neve York MfnlnaT Stocks.
NEW YORK. July 26.--Closing quotations
on mining stocks were:
Allen 160 'Little Chief 8
Com. Tunnel stock.. 21 Mexican IK
do bonds 18 Ontario :"
Con. Cal. A Vs 90 Ophlr 17S
Horn Silver 10 Standard 100
run Silver 86 Yellow Jacket 10
Leadvllle Cos 10
Cattle 74 tea ay, While Hoaja More) In
a Notch.
CHICAGO, July 26. CATTLE Receipt.
20,000 head; market steady for some grades;
others slow and weak; beeves, 36.1OU7.10;
Texas steers, 34.40re.K; western steers,
4.XK(t6.00; stockers and feeders, 83.00fi".4O;
cows and heifers, $2.106.85; calves. 35.10XU)
HOGS Receipts, 23,000 head; market 5
10c higher than yesterday's average; light,
$6.f)5fi7.0O; mixed, .6Hi7.05; heavy. 6.2.Yy
7.00; rough, 36.25Jt6.50; good to choice heavy,
3S.MVov7.0n; pigs, 85.254i.60; bulk of sales,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 28.000
head; market 10315c lower than yesterday's
average; natives, 32.6tW4.25; westerns, 32.60
(fi4.25; yearlings, 83.9Wi6.30; native lambs,
$0.9u87.4; westerns. 34.507.45.
. 84. I.nnla Live Stock Market.
BT. LOUIS, July 26 F"LOUR Firm ; red
winter patents. $3.904.00; extra fancy and
straight. 83.404j3.90; hard winter clears,
22. 804(3. 10.
SEED Timothy, $6.009.60.
' RAN Weak; sacked east track, $1.03
1 05
HAY Stead v; timothy, $18.002S00;
prairie. 18.00g22.00.
1 1 u w J t b- hlo-Vior tnnnlna.
$16.50. Lard, higher; prime steam, $8.22
418.32H. Dry salt meats; unchanged; boxed
extra short, 9Hc; clear ribs. 9Vc; short
clear, 9c. Bacon; unchanged; boxed
extra snorts, lufto; ciear nos, iva-, ""o
clears, 10o.
Receipts Shipments
Flour, bbls 1500 8.60O
Wheat, bu 121,tl0 46.000
Corn bil 1. 64.OO0-- 100.000
Oats, bu 138.000 96,000
Kansas Cltr Lle Stock Market.
ceipts, 11,000 head; 2,400 head southerns.
Market steady to strong. Heavy steers,
$7.00; yearlings. $7.20; dressed beef and ex
port ateers. $6.10037.25; fair to good, $4.76
6.00; western steers, $4.608',.25; stockers
and feeders, $3.50(66.50; southern steers,
$4.15i66.60; southern cows, $3.004i4.65; native
cows, 32.6W.26; native heifers, $4,004x7.00;
bulls, $3.26&5.26; calves, $4.007.00.
HOGS Receipts, 9.000 head; market 10c
higher. Bulk of sales, $6.55ff.75; heavy,
$6.7Ott6.S0; packers and butchers, $6.654jl.80;
lights, $6.60416.80.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 3,i00
head; market steady to weak. Lambs, $5.50
7.26; yearlings, $4.60415.60; wethers $3.7&4f
4.25; ewes, $3.5t)4.00; stockers and feeders,
St. Joseph Me Httxik Market.
ceipts, 1,200 head; market steady; steers.
84 6046.50; cows and heifers, $3.D0U.25;
calves. ta.OX&lM. r
HOGS Receipts, 4,500 head; market 63
10c higher; top, $6.80; bulk of sales, $6,654,
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4,000
head; market steady; lambs, 14.604j7.00.
Liverpool Grain Market.
steady; No. 1 Manitoba, 7s Td; No. 2 Mani
toba, 7s 6Vd; No. 3 Manitoba, 7s 4"d;
futures steady; July, 7s; October, 6s 10Vd;
December, 6s ll',4d.
CORN Spot firm; new American mixed,
Es 4d; old American mixed, 6s 8d; new
American kiln dried, 6s 6d; futures quiet;
September, 6s 6d; October, 6s 6d.
KLOUR Winter patents, 27s 3d.
Sasjrar Market.
NEW YORK, July 26. SUGAR Raw,
firm; Muscovado. 89 test, 3. 864)3. 98c; cen
trifugal, 96 test, 4". 38-34.40; molasses sugar,
89 test, 8.614)3. 73c; refined, firm.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK, July 26. COPPTR Stand
ard copper dull; spot, July, August, 8ep-
t A 1 1 T 19 9- Tinrlnn
leiiionr suu ,'li, ., - --1
ateady; spot 66 3s 9d; futures, 56 10s; lake
copper, $12.75 13.00; electrolytic, $12.62H
12.75; casting, $12.37'8'12.50. Tin, steady;
spot and July. $41,75442.26; August. S41.75'((
81. TO; Depiciliusr, e.iu, w - "v ,
London, firm; spot 191 10s; futures, 1186 15s.
t 1 A.M, ee tvlaiv VnrW 14 4-V,f
4.47oi. East St. Louis; London, 13 16s 3d.
Spelter quiet; o.(wbo.ov, new iui,.jo.iv,
n . i . t A ens nm Antl-
mony, dull; Cookson'a, $8.60. Iron, quiet.
Wool Market.
ST. LOUIS. July 26. WOOL Unchanged;
territory and western mediums, 174) 19c;
flni mediums, 164fl7Vc; fine. ll14V4c.
Dank Clearings.
OMAHA, July 27. Rank clearings for to
day were $2,120,093.05 and for the corre
sponding date last year $2,467,818.20.
Cumins; Republican Committee.
WEST POINT. Neb.. July 28. (Special.)
The republican county central committee
consists of the following: Bancroft. John
G. Gannon; Beemer, W. A. Holmes; Wls
ner township, Peter Baehr; Wlsner City,
First ward, J. C. McNlsh; Wlsner City,
Second ward, C. H. Huff; Bismarck, Fred
Borgelt; Blaine, O. H. Thompson; Cleve
land, Louis Kratke; Cuming, C. W. Sass;
Elkhorn, William Brockman; Garfield,
George Vandenberge; Grant, V. J. Flennl
ken; Lincoln. James Kucera; Logan, John
Krause; Monterey, John 8chorn; Nellgh,
Chris Groth; Sherman, Martin Bysong; St.
Charles, Gus E. Grunke; West Point, First
ward. Otto Stolsman; West Point, Second
ward, A. L. Krause; West Point, Third
ward, Otto Feyerhern. The following of
ficers were chosen: Chairman, J. T. Bau
man, West Point; secretary. Roy Carlberg,
West Point; treasurer, J. C. McNlsh. Wls
ner. Two West Point Weddlasjs.
WEST POINT. Neb.. July 26. (Special.)
News has reached the city of the marriage,
at Beatrice, or Henry Lelsy and Miss Anna
Pcnner. Mr. Lelsy Is one of the oldest set
tlers and largest landowners In Cuming
county . and his bride was a professional
nurse, holding the position of head nurse
at the new Mennonlte hospital at Beatrice.
A marriage license has been Issued to WU
llam Schuls. -Jr.. and Miss Ella Schwartlng,
both well known young people of Bismarck
township, the children of old settlers.
New Farmers' Elevator.
SEWA9RD, Neb., July 26. (Special.) The
farmers of Bee and vicinity met In that
village Monday evening in company with
W. D. Dickinson, George Bower, n. B.
Palmer and Charier Gambler of the Goch
ner Elevator company and organised a
Fanners' Elevator company. The' capital
stnek will be 826.000 An ortranlsatlon was
effected by the election of the following
officers and directors: rresiaent, rrank
Tornade; vice president. Will Downing;
teraaurer, Frank Kudrna; secretary, Au
gust Rurup; directors, B. R. Colnian, Amll
Duffek and oJe Pelan.
On sfrt
Paltlmnr Ohio...
t anaillan PacUIr ...
Ctirapak ft ohln.
CM. Oreat W'Mtarn
hi , Mil. St. P.
I ner
Denver Itlo O...
4o Bfii
So I pffl
So til M
nrantl Tnirk
llllnnla Central ...
i Cattle of All Kinds Command About
i Steady Pricei.
Sheep and Lambs Slow and Hall
TkroiRhost Day, vrlth rrlces
Shadlasj Off a Little Feed
era Scarce mm A Stead.
SOUTH OMAHA, July 26. 1911.
Kei elptM ere: t.a.tie. . .
Official Monday 7,1?)) 8.832 11,4'a
Otilcial TucsdHy 4. Sit ll.ino
Lstimato Wednesday.... 3.4.12 .
Three days this week.. 15,04 25,165
Same da) a last week.... 10.320 25.110
Minm duys 2 weeks ago.. 14,445 35.3SW
Same linys 3 k. agr... i.i.lS 15.44i
!-Mine days 4 wtCKs ago..l2.J it. 6,5
Santo duys last vesr 1H.807 22.931
The following t.ib.e shows the tecelpis of
cattle, hogs anil snrep at eon in Oiimna
the year to date, as comoared witn iat
jesrt mil. 'i"
Cattle 5i,522 635.943 24.579
Hogs 1,6S6.92! 1,240. lW 346,i 43
Sheep 860.611 M4.212 16.3J9
The following table shows the average
fr!ces of hogs at South Omaha for the
ant several days, with comparisons:
Dates. 1911. 1910.1909.1908.1907.1906.19v.
6 3Q'4I
6 3. 8 35
6 to 8 &
7 74
6 44
5 721 6 51
5 6'J t 62
5 36
t 56
5 6.1
5 59
6 40
7 7i
5 74, 6 61
5 M( 6 47
July 20..
6 32! 8 2S1
7 75
July 21...
S 771. M HI I 7 711 S Zi
6 4h 5 51
I 5 48
July 22...I "S .UV4I 8 431 7 591 6 32 i 6 SSI
Jnlv 2.1 I IS 8Kl 7 571 6 H4l 6 92
6 52
Julv 24 ... f 6 32'4f I 7 57 311 6 94i n6 t 47
July 2S..I 6 S6SI 8 28 I 24 5 '.M 6 ii o
July 26...) :.) 8 27 7 61 6 99 6 50 6 60
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Union Stock Yards. South Omaha, for
twenty-four hours ending at 3 o'clock yes
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H'ses.
C, M. & St. P 4
Wabash 11
Missouri Pacific A
Union Pacific 21
C. at N. W., east.... 2
C. & N. W., west.... 47
C, St. P., M. & O.... 8
C, B. & Q., east 6
C, B. & Q., west 3S
C R. I. & P., east.. 12
C, It. 1. & P., west.. 2
Illinois Central 5
Great Western
11 1
0? "a 'i
1 1
66 .. i
16l ? 8
lil 13 7
Cattle. Hogs, bneep.
Omaha Packing Co 851
Swift and Company 9:
Cudahy Packing Co 994
Armour & Co 721
Schwartz-Bolen Co
Morrell 2
W. B. Vansant Co 162
Hill & Son 48
F. B. Lewis 65
Huston & Co 60
J. B. Root & Co 87
J. H. Bulla 29
I F. Huss 6
L. Wolf 87
McCreary & Carey 98
S. Werthelmer 69
H. F. Hamilton 97
Iee Rothschild 63
Mo. & Kan. Calf Co 80
McConnaughey 16
Other buyers ?32
2.H.H8 1.338
2.176 2.0H9
Totals 4.727 10,601
CATTLE Receipts of cattle this week
are holding up very well, the total for the
three days amounting to slightly over 15,000
head or about 4.700 head more than for the
same three days last week. Still the runs
are falling way below a year ago, tne total
for the corresponding three days amounting
to 18.600 head. -
The demand for killing cattle was very
good and buyers were all out in the yards
in very fair season. In spite of the fact
that early reports from other selling points
were a little discouraging, the market as a
whole was In very satisfactory condition,
with prices fully steady with yesterday.
Possibly the common and Inferior kinds
may have been a little slow. As high as
JW.75 was paid for the best beef steers, this
being the highest of any day since De
cember of last year.
Cows and heirers were also in gooa oe
mand and fully steady, with some of the
more desirable kinds possibly a little
stronger In spots.
The feeder trade did not show any ma
terial change, continuing Just about steady
with yesterday. There has been of late a
very good demand for stock heifers and the.
feeling on that kina 01 came is, 11 any-
ththg. a little stronger.
Quotations on catue: uooa 10 vnoice
beef steers, $6.404V6.70; fair to gooa beet
steers, $5.90(ff6.40; common to iair oeei
steers, $4.2545.85; good to choice heifers,
5.O05.6O; good to choice cows, $4,604)5.25;
fair to good cows and heifers, $3.754j'4.40;
common to fair cows and heifers, 32.254f3.75;
good to choice ttockers and feeders, $4.60
Kin- fair tn if nod stockers and feeders, 24.00
4.60; common to fair stockers and feeders.
I3.254J4.00; stock neuers, .s.ioiei.!o; vcai
calves, $3,504)6.50; bulls, stags, etc., $2.7549
Representative sales:
At. Pt.
..1281 8 50
..1810 8 60
..1680 4 71
..1432 76
00 .
4 15
8 16
4 It
4 60
115 3 75
844 1 86
I. .
48 I 60
, SOt I 60
817 4 00
884 3 00
746 8 10
798 t 16
807 I 16,
694 I 80
991 I 85
879 4 00
. 822
4 10
. 806
. 87S
4 15
4 SO
4 85
4 60
1065 I 60
, 718
, 684
I 66 16
8 46 IS
. 134 3 90
. 679 4 15
. 838 4 St
.1410 4 84
488 t 86 IS
444 3 75 1
t 121 00 4....
8 876 4 60 11....
1 820 4 60 16....
1 230 6 00 ....
.... 116 I 84
.... 110 4 00
.... 17 00
M. US 4 24
100 24
784 I 84
743 S 80
828 4 10
725 4 38
i 316 5 01 1.
I 776 8 "n 88
16 828 t 60 14
21 406 S 66 16
4 486 t 75 8
10 416 1 90 11
691 4 40
hi. f. ticwia uont.
55 steers.. ..1170 5 60 44 steers.. ..1010 5 00
HOGS Lively demand in the hog yards
produced a fast trade and early clearance
at prices 6010c higher. All buyers went
after a moderate supply In hungry fashion,
Ignoring weights and observing quality only
by small premiums. About 15 loads were
received, bulk having usuul variety and
average quality.
A brisk demand from shippers helped in
a large measure to stimulate trade, but
orders from this quarter were more or
less discriminating. Good, medium butchers
were favored for shipment and total pur
chases by outside buyers amounted to
2,000 head, a full 20 per cent
Late market was governed by a demand
even more urgent than the early demand,
with the result that a large portion of
closing business was transacted at the dime
advance. Entire receipts had changed
hands before 10 o'clock.
Long string ranged from $6.35 to $6.60 and
best light bacon grades reached $6.60. This
figure is not only a dime above yesterday's
top, but is also the highest price paid lo
cally, since March.
Representative vales:
No. At. s. rr. No. At. 8h. Pr.
18 876 40 4 10 84 346 40 f 46
61 17T 40 4 S1V 80 846 40 6 44
...26 120
4 So
81 861
48 Stl
T7 268
80 4 46
...176 ...
...SA9 0
...860 40
...2f4 40
...176 ...
...191 ...
... ...
...8S1 ...
4 86
4 86
4 86
4 86
4 36
4 36
4 81
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 40
4 4
4 46
..178 ... 6 46
.144 120 4 46
..Sfil 1M 4 46
..814 KJO 8 46
..840 M 6 46
..120 40 4 46
.128 ... Ill ... 4 46
..22 ... 4
..26 ... 6 46
.164 ... 46 ... 4 46
..110 ... 6 46
..270 SO 46
..StS ... 6 46
..114 ... 6 46
..111 80 6 46
..866 ... -
..12 124 8 44
..826 140 4 46
,.Si8 ... 4 46
,.lb4 ... 4 46
..!. ... 4 46
. 31 8S 46
..863 ... 4 46
..147 80 6 47
..318 Su 6 6
..848 12 4 64
..1.9 40 4 60
..4k8 ... 60
..124 ... 4 6
..111 ... 4 60
..841 ... 4 6
..1J0 ... 4 60
..224 ltd 6 60
..126 ... 4 to
..816 44 4 6
,211 ... 4 tt
..1st 44 4 61
...866 80
...226 ...
...S64 40
.. 16 ...
4 40
ISO 4 40
...840 ... 4 60
...128 8 4 60
...1M 10 4 40
...177 40 4 40
...867 M 4 til
...81 SO 4
...16 120 40
.. .214 1W 4 40
...89 140 6 4 80 40
...K6 ... 4 4
...tS 4 6 SO
...Ml 8 4 40
...28 tt 6 to
...17 ... 4 4
...Ml ... J tt
...174 Kit
...SaS ... 8 40
...864 let 6 to
...III ... t 4
...608 ... 4 41
Tl ... 6 42 7 Jit ... 8 66
2M 1M 6 41S 61 2l ... (-,-,
-"7 SO 43 M. 1.1 to 66
22 . . 46 14 IT 90 M
4 80 '8 43 17 1M ... 6 66
2-0 t 49 6 .- ... 6.',
171 ... 6 4.'. 30 14 80
48 1M 4 68 i:6 ... 4 W
....110 r0 46
fimci - l u)m of sheep and lambs kept
well tinner cover during the early part of
the market, and the demand In general
presented a rattier dull edge. Uncertainty
regarding conoltlon of trade at other
points was the main reason tor delay and
I lie fact that killing gangs were in no
pressing need of material also encouraged
leisurely buying.
About twenty-five loads of stock mnde
up receipts, big bulk consisting of range
sheep. Something like fifteen loads of (at
wethers were Included In the run in addi
tion to a lew loads of good grass yearl.nns.
Idaho furnished larger shipments and W y
oming otferln;5s wete limited to seven
loads of wetheis. There were ho range
lambs of consequence on ale. ProUnbiy lu
per cent of the entire supply had f.nlsn
enough to kill out well.
When trading finally started It wss evi
dent that shsded prices would have to buy
most of the run. Packers trimmed best
bids to figures weak to about a dime lower,
end clearance, while Inte. was mnde on
this bssls. Wyoming wethers were among
the first to sell, bringing $4 05. The few
bunches of native lamha on sale were neg
lected, except In cases where quality was
strictly good.
Huslness In feeders had a package sn
pearsnce and the trade showed no quotable
changes. Good, thrifty, thin Ismbs would
prohnbly sell around v$",00 and feeder year
lings are In fair demand at $ Th
better kinds of feeder ewes have been
selling around $2.5012 6.1.
Quotations on sheep and lambs: Umh.
good to choice, 86 75'a i.l.'.; fnlr to good.
46.256(6.75; feeders. 84 tHjr.l.V, yearlings, fair
to choice, $4.50fSj5.0n; yearlings feeders. $3 5)
4M.00; wethers, fair to choice. t3.80if4.Si;
wethers, feeders, $2.85(ft:i.40; ewes, fair to
choice, $27.V(3.75; ewes, feeders, $2.256 2. "6;
e" , culls. M 5007? .
Representative sales:
No. Av.
RS native ewes 114
170 native lambs, culls 67
37 native lambs, culls 48
84 western ewes 128
46 western ewes, culls 104
12 native lambs 65
36 western yearlings 85
15 western yearlings, culls 60
30 western ewes 87
11 native ewes 126
24 western lambs 69
t 90
D 25
3 75
8 65
2 15
7 00
4 50
8 25
2 60
$ 75
6 00
(Continued from First Page.)
tlon by Senator Hansbrough or 8enator
Bonaparte Called For.
Mr. Stanley announced that a subpoena
had been Issued for Mr. Bonaparte, who Is
now in Canada, and that sn effort would
be made to ascertain from him and from
other government officials why there never
was any prosecution of the International
Harvester company upon Townsend's
charges. Mr. Stanley also announced his
intention of endeavoring to rhow a close
connection between the United States Steel
corporation and the International Harvester
company and as a basis tor future inquiry
he had read Into the record the names of
the directors of both corporations, the same
being identical In many Instances.
Mr. Townsend's report Is exhaustive, go
ing Into the entire history of the harvester
companies Involved and the organization
of the International In 1902, the transaction
being directed and guided by J. P. Morgan
& Co. The steel committee will call atten
tion to the forming of the steel trust the
year before.
Harvester Selling; Prleea.
A feature of the Townsend report which
the steel Inquirers lay stress upon Is the
The International Harvester company
sells to the foreign trade at a cheaper
price than the domestic trade. It sells
machines of all kinds fv; export, deliv
ered at New Tork, at the same price for
which they are sold to domestic, pur
chasers f. o. b. Chicago. This makes a
difference of from $6 to t10 per machine.
"I was surprised to learn while investi
gating this subject that the Street trust
refunds to harvester companies $3 per ton
for all steel used In the manufacture of
machinery exported, thus giving the same
result as If the steel had been imported,
the Import duty paid and afterward re
funded under the drawback law, indicating
that steel can be profitably produced In
this country and sold at the foreign price.
It justifies a small difference between the
domestic and foreign prices, but It would
amount to only a few cents for each ma
chine, and In no way explains the differ
ence Indicated above."
Mr. Townsend detailed many other
charges of violation.
"I have learned," he said, "of many al
leged dishonest acts ol the International
Harvester company, such as legislature
bribing, tax dodging, etc., some based on
apparently authentic information, some on
These matters he submitted to enable the
attorney general to determine whether
there has been violations of the anti
trust law.
"In my Judgment," the report concluded,
"the facts concerning the organisation of
the International Harvester company con
stitute a violation of the anti-trust law."
Moraraa'a Fees Are High.
Mr. Townsend in his report particularly
referred to the price paid to J. Plerpont
Morgan and company In the harvester
deal declaring "that $5,000,000 la a very
high price for the simple service of sug
gesting to people how they can agree In
a legitimate transaction. It Is not un
usual." he said, "In Illegal transactions
such as creating a trust which can evade
the lawa. Doubtless if proceedings were
Instituted against the International Har
vester company the manner of Its defense
will demonstrate that the fee was earned."
In explaining the purchase by the In
ternational of the D. M. Osborne & Com
pany in 1903 for t4.00O.O000. the Aultman
Miller ft Company for $700,000 In the same
years, the Minneapolis Harvester com
pany $700,000 and the Keystone company
for $460,000. Investigator Townsend re
ported: "The manner of these purchaeee and the
use made of the property show the pur
pose of the International Harvester com
pany. Each of the purchases was made
secretly, In the name of some of Its di
rectors or stockholders who held the stock
in trust for It. The Osborne and Keystone
companies were both operated for some
time ostensibly as Independent, compet
ing plants; the International Harvester
company concealed its ownership. Why?
Was It not because they were conscious
that its disclosure would give added testi
mony of their trust character and trust
methods T"
"Again the Aultman-Miller at Oo.,
and the Minneapolis company were both
abandoned Immediately after purchase and
the plants dismantled. The purchase of
the plants could have been for no other
purpose than to destroy competition; tl,
400,000 was expended to acquire plants
which It did not Intend to use but simply
"Bear In mind that in all of these In
stances all patent rights were acquired
and are still retained by the International
Harvester company."
The "steel trust" Investigating commit
tee adjourned late today to meet at the
city hall In New York tomorrow morning.
It probably will take up the Tennessee
Coal ft Iron company case first.
lashed with a Htttr,
wounded with a gun or pierced by a rusty
nail, Bucklen's Arnica Salve heals the
trouble. Guaranteed. S6c For sale by
Beaton Prug Co.
. 1
Federal Jndre States How Hydrtpr
Rentals Must Be raid.
Oa Kellnre to Pay neatals CUT Is
Com ma ad eel to Certify Amontit
to County Clerk to Be levied
aa a
Taa. ,
Tk. ! nt cininha must pay to
Omaha Water company something over
tZW.m as hydrant rental and must collect
It by levying an additional tax to that
amount, to be collected along with the
regular levy for 1012. Such Is the gist of
the decision handed down on Wednesday
afternoon by Judge W. 11. Munger In the
I'nlted States circuit court.
Although the formal decree has not been
frnmrd and will possibly not be signed
for a month. Judge Munger gave to the
opposing counsel a very dear statement
of what the decree Is to contain. The city
Is first directed to pay the sum of $2tl.
457.88. with Interest and the costs of .ault.
and. falling that, Is commanded to certify
the amount to the county clerk to be
levied aa a tax, and the county commis
sioners are commanded to levy It as a tax.
This tax Is to be levied and collected In
the same manner as the regular tax ievwtaf
for 1012. but the amount realised la to be
kept separate.
It will not be necessary for the city coun
cil to convene nnd make the levy Immedl
tely, however, but they must do ao before
tho county commissioners adjourn their
present meeting ns a board of equalisation.
The decision came after a spirited argu
ment which occupied ail of Wednesday
morning and a considerable part of the
afternoon. Throughout the hearing John
F. Stout, who appeared for .he water
company, argued that the answer of the
city had put In Jssue nothing but the owner
ship of the Judgments in question and ob
jected to the Introduction of evidence on
any other points.
John Lee Webster, who conducted the
case for the city, showed that the city
was not allowed to levy more than $1,000,00(1
per year, Vhlch amount had been levied .
and will be practically exhausted by the
yenr's current expenses. 1
City Comptroller C. H. Cosgrove was t
colled as a witness and testified to the
condition of the city's finances. On cross
examination, under Mr. Stout'a Insistent
queries, he admitted that the present sys
tem of handling city affairs Is unbusiness
like and Inefficient. "I think twenty men
could be secured at the same salary to do
the work of tho thlrtv now amAlnvsit In -
some of the departments," said the comp
troller when asked his opinion in the mat- .
ter. Manager Fairfield and Treasurer!
Stockton Heth of the water company were
also put on the stand. ,
Agency Buncoed Boy,
Judge Imposes Fine
Country Lad Comes to Town for a Job,
Fays a Dollar for One that
Doesn t Exist.
Judge Crawford In police court adminis
tered a fine of $10 and costs to the Union
Labor agency for defrauding a young
country youth. "This practice Is going too
far," said the Judge, "and there is going
to be a stop to it." The country lad, D. D.
Allendcr, came here from somewhere In
Nebraska searching for work.. He applied
at the agency and was told that there was
a job awaiting him at a livery stable. He
paid a fee of $1 and then' went to the
stable to go to work. He was told that
there was nothing there for him to do, and
also that the labor agency was not au
thorized to send him there. Allender re
ported the matter to the police and the
arrest followed.
Messenger BoysCut
and -Beat Boyer La
With a Knife and Club Five Young-1
sters Founce Upon Stranger on
Douglas Street.
Junlth Boyer, 15 years old, was assaulted,
beaten with a club, and cut with a knife
by five messenger boys at Twelfth asiot
Douglas streets Tuesday night. The at
tack, which was made without provocation,
Boyer says, has already resulted In the
arrest of Floyd Bolser and Will Dlneen,
both employed by the R. M. E. They
were arrested shortly after the assault
was made, hiding In a barn at 1020 Douglas
street. Besides being badly bruised, young
Boyer was slashed across the atomach with
a knife. The wound was dressed by Po
lice Surgeon Peppers. Boyer Is an Indiana
lad and is visiting here together with
his father. Both are stopping at the Met
ropolitan hotel. In police court the prison
ers pleaded not guilty. Bolser was sen
tenced tn fifteen days and Deneen drew
Mrs. E. H. Harriman in
Omaha for Short Time
Mrs. E. II. Harrlman, wife ot the former
head of the great Harrlman system of rail
roads, passed through Omaha early Wednes
day morning, a special carrying the party
on its trip from the Atlantic coast to the
Mrs. Harrlman was accompanied by her
two boys, Averill and Roland, and her
youngest daughter and the aervants. Only
the brlefeat of stops was made here, sev
eral officers of tho Union Paclflo meeting
the party, it was announced that the trip
was merely a vacation tour to the coast
and return.
Is Knocked from Ills Motorcycle
Whea Struck by the tar aaa
Thrown fader Wheels.
John Foley, an Inspector of the Omaha
Gas company, was ground under a west
bound West Leavenworth car at Twenty
seventh and Leavenworth streets Wednes
day afternoon while riding his motorcycle.
The Impact of the car aent him from
his machine Into the tracks in front of
the car and before the motortnan could
put on the brakes Foley had been ground
under the wheels. He was taken to Bt.
Joseph's hospital and It Is feared that som
of the Injuries may prove fatal.
Mrs. Mary Miller Ilia Llve4 la This
rity for tat last fifty.
t'mur Veers.
Mrs. Mary Miller, SOt Marry street. S4
years of age, died Tuetday evening at her
home. She has been a resident of Omaha
for fifty-four years. The funeral will be
held Friday morning from the residence
to Bt. Mary Magdalen church. Burial will
be in the Oerman Cat holla osmetery.