s ! j WANT ADS Want ads rr-rlTel at any time, but to insure proper classification most tx prntrl b( fore 12 n'rlix-k in l llm evening edition and before 7:30 for morning and Sunlf editions. Want ads rewired after such hours will have their first Insertion under the heading "Too Late to Classify." CASH HATES FOR WANT APS. , I i KG I' LA It CLASSIrTCATION One insertion 1 cents per word and t cent per word for each subsequent In sertion. Each Insertion made on odd days, iH cent per word. fl.BO per line pf r month. Katen apply to either The Dally or Fonday Bee. Always count sis words to a line. Want ads for The liee may be left at any of the following drug store one Is your "corner druggist" w'T are all branch offices for The Bee and your ad mill be Inserted Just as promptly and on the same rates mm at the main office In The Bee building Seventeenth and Farnam streets: Albach, W. C, 40th and Farnam. Raum Drug Co 2n N. lfith Pt. Beranek, H. A., 1402 8. lth Pt. Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Bemls Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cuming. Blake-Brarllsh, 2902 Sherman Av, Clifton Hill Pharmacy. 22U Military Ave. Caughlln, C. R., 472B Leavenworth St. Crlssey Pharmacy, 24th anil Lake. Coonev Pharmacy. 2223 Smith lth St. Cermak. F.mll, 1204-8 South 13th St. Ehler A Co.. 2Rf Leavenworth Pt. Foster t Arnold!, 213 N. 26th St. Fteytag, J. J.. 1S14 N. I4th Pt. FreKger Drug Co.. IPOt N. Mth St. Florence Drug Co., Florence, Neb. Oreen'a Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Padflo. Greenough A Co., 1026 S. 10th St. Grernough ft Co., 10th and Hickory. Goldman Pharmacy, 24th and Leaven worth Rts. Johanscn Drug Co., Nth and Spalding. Johnson Pharmacy, 2S20 Farnam St Hanscom Park Pharmacy. Wl 8. 29th Ave. Hlnterlong Drug Co., list Ave. and Far ram St. ' Hoist. John 24 N. lth St. Huff. A. L., 2924 Leavenworth St. Kin. H. P., 2238 Farnam St. Kountre Place Pharmacy, 230! N. 24th St Lathrop Pharmacy, 24th and Hamilton. I DEATHS AND rilNKBAL NOTICE!. HOLMEN Victor, aged 41 years. Funeral Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the family residence, 2416 South Twentieth street. Interment Laurel lull cemetery. KENNY Catherine, aged 8$ years, died at her residence. 3415 Parker street Funeral Tnursday morning at 10 o'clock. to Bt. Cecilia's church. Interment Holy Sepulchre cemetery. MILLER Mary, aged 80 years, 7 months 17 days, July 26. 1911. Funeral from family residence. 609 Marcy street, Friday morning at 8:15 to Pt. Mary Magdalene church. Nineteenth and Dodge streets, at V o'clock. Interment German Catholic cemetery. PAT.M Mrs. Carl G., beloved wife of Mr. Carl O. Palm, died Sunday. July 23, 111, at Los Angeles, Cal., at the age of 24 years. The funeral wilt be held from the homo of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Larson, Fifty-second and Sprague streets, Omaha, Neb. The funeral will be announced later. The funeral of Olga Olivia Randerholm will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o clock from the family residence, 14?3 North Twentieth street, to Swedish Mis sion church. Twenty-third and Davenport streets at 2:30 o'clock. Interment Forest Lawn cemetery. Friends Invited. . CARD Or THANKS We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to our neighbors and friends for their kindness and aympthy shown us In our late bereavement In the death of our wife and mother and for the beautiful floral tributes. Conrad Grot and chil dren. MARRIAGE) LICENSES, Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday to the following named persons: Name and Residence. Age. Karl De Bhureley, Council Bluffs 20 fcena Rasmussen, Council Bluffs 17 Percy K. Datson, Omaha 24 Marie Kreeger, Omaha..... 19 Clarence O. Adams, Omaha 28 Edna V. Marshall, Omaha 26 William M. Randolph. Omaha 24 Viola L. Hall, Omaha 21 ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTJJSMAN UNDER TAKER. euibalmer. lull Chicago Bt D. lout, MONEY TO LOAN LOW KATE. In sums to suit. 310 Bse BlUg. UNION LOAN CO PHOTO SUPPLIES Kodaks and cameras. The best develop ing and flnmliing in the city. MEUEATH BTAUlOisn-RY CO. Photo Department, loin ana Farnam Bta. OFFICE STATIONERY KO'f ERA tt LEAHY CO. Tel. Douaias 1m. After August 1st 71b S. 15th SL ICE CliEAM AJ5r"'1" brMd- Imuini; ice Cream Co. El). KOTIIERY,"" A,a.. run lint of litiUora And cUnra, c.f in connection, m 14th tit. LYNCH BEOS. "ftl1?"6 REPAIR WORK. 1708 Jackson b" D. V 1.000 letterheads (good bond paper.) l uu VHllm.l. u till aan...lA . . ...Z . ' ' printing. Tlrard Printing Co.. Omaha Com. College Bids-, 19lh and Farnam. Red Sxji. SMOKE COSTELLO'S Omaha Cut Plug, 60s N. 161b, St. YES, the NEBRASKA KU8PENDFR MiU CO.. OMAHA. Neb., make, the JL" "Caallesa " auHivun.i..,- i,n v.- "7 ii your merchant can't supply you send 60 cents and we will send you a pair direct by mail, postpaid W HAT does a name mean? If you want to know just try O Brlen's candies If Mrs Jack Payne, 3210 Maple St.. will come lo The lle offlr. .1,1,1.. CO,ne to ,.iirr. "ilr .rr- box Jt ELASTIC Stocktnsa. 8nnnn . Bandages. Stock alwaya new, because wa Harney 8urlcal SuiP'y house, 1410-12 BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., 1M14 Farnam. lnd. A SSJl- n..i... .Tt,. lo picture Fiainina and .11. ai-Kfi a i. Ulasa, VarnUhe and Wall Paper WILIXJW SPRINGS beer. llquor. rlgara. aamlwlchea. ALEX JET Ed. Uwhoulial; JOHNSON & FLODMAN. men's clothina nd furnUhlnae. 218 N. lath St "ulnS and DOUGLAS Prlntina- Co. Tel. Douglaa 84t PICTURE framing, one-third cheaper than department atoiea: most select stock of framed picture at reduced nrtce. Omaha Art and Frame Co.. 7i7 8. lGib St Phunee Do-iglaa low. ladeendent A-S5L S. H. Colo Sign Co. D. 274S. VIS Farnam. LADIEti' and gents' "shine parlor. t & Uth St. i01DON,n magasine man. 242J a UUlVDVrty,,, omah. When your nianailnes expire call Douglaa 7161. Steamftttlng; repair work. Call lnd. B-1773 MAGOARD Vaa & Storage. Pack. move, store and ship H. H. goods. D. 1406; B-liU. The New Elk Hotel. . Now open, all outside rooms. to kind 50c by day; week. 3 up. U7 N. 1Mb. D. WW. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) W. S. Heaton. American turnaesa. H. sMa. E. ROWK. WELL BORINO. Benson 246. OMAHA Furniture Repair Works. P. 1481. YOU'LL always be barpy If ,,,!r.wd,'" ring cornea from Brodegaard s. 11 i Bt At the aign of the cruwn. COAT ahd PANTS to order. m. Mao-Carthy-Wllson Tal'orlng Co.. H d- 1" B- 1.-. kiA nurif.r: tttr ana cheaper than lemonade; ail grocers, wc DAVID COLB CREAMKRT COMPANT. MRS. M. S. PIERCE SW" cordially Invites you to Inspect her new halrdressing parlors at 21 Farnam Bt t'hone Harney wnu, mu. HAHH r W. McVEA ra.5?fS(i JOBBING A SPECIALTY. TeL HAJt 461 TWENTY per cent less than Omaha prices. HUM b, runniiuiui v-w., Twenty-fnurth and L 8s., South Omaha. Loula Anko, Desx t.ninee wo nnVTFM Well boring and pump work. liVJlVHjVi phone Webster 19S8. GOOD PLUMBING CO. D. 1918, Red 2177. Casady Co., 8. W. Cor. 14th and Douglaa. BUY AND SELI. firing. 870 Brandeta Bldf. Tel. Webster 6976. trnn a Tra supplibs and IVUUAllO AMATEUR FINISHING DEMPSTER'S, tog a Uth Bt. 1ZU Farnam Bt B. F. WURN. ayeglaas repairing. 443 Brandela Bldg. THIEL, Cut Pries Tailoring. 719 South 18th. BEAUTIFUL Concordia park. 69th' and Center. Plumbing A hardware. O. A. HIU. 816 N. 40. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING ARKINS. 818 S. 15th. UPSTAIRa ir A XTTcn fn ..rtli,a I cnm n.nV flf tlldS tO concessions at Florence during Old Soldiers Reunion, August 14 to 19. Apply R. A. Guiding, Florence, Neb. " - AUTOMOBILES llVlUVSmth Wheels AVva. HERE'S THE BEST PLACES IN OMAHA DRUMM0ND, 18th and Harney Bta. WRITE for list ot second-hand auto mobiles. Some exceptional bargains In run abouta and flve-paasenger care. MITCHELL MOTOR CO. SECONn-HAND automobiles. 2616 Leav enworth. NEW and 2d-hand autos. Derlght Omaha. wiMTirn nmr-m tnr iiArlnr 810 month. Batteries charged, 40c. Owl Garage, 1813 Harney. BARGAINS IN SECONDHAND AUTOMOBILES: Waverly f Velle Pope Toledo ' Stoddard Dayton J Stoddard Dayton J'f Stoddard Dayton .o Btoddard Dayton Stoddard Dayton ?5 BlnAAmrA 1fmnllln Z, iW IrnmnbllD l.WU J. J. DERIGHT & CO., 1818 Farnam St. ', AUTO LAMPS VSrXZUfti Plating and Enameling. Excelsior Plating Works. 2106 Farnam. Douglaa 29&0. . Murphy Did It asgsa FOR . 8ALE A bargain. International de' livery, machine, first-class order and used three months. 924 N. 16th St Telephone Douglaa IkU Auto Snaps 11911 50 horse power Kissel Kar, seven passenger, equip ped with top, windshield, presto tank, trunk and trunk rack, $1,500. 11910 Interstate Touring Car. First class condition, $600. 11909 Oldsmobile, forty horse power. Has just been re paired, $800. See DRUMMOND, 18th and Harney. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business, call on GANGSTEAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. V. 3387. IF you want to buy or sell land, write J. K. LENOX. ALLKN, NEB. A Ten Dollar Note for a Flyer will carry a 25-word clasaifled Ad. Into a million homes one time tany day) In entire list: Bostoa HsralS. Buffsls gipri , Btillmora New. HoehMtar Kmoorat, IrncuH Herald, Omaha Baa, Plttaburg Dlapatch. Provldance Tribune, Naw llavan Loader, t'lavalaud Laa4ar, Bt. Loula Oloba-uem., I)a Moloes H. 4k Lasoer, Waahlngton Foat, Danvar Kapubllcan, Mllwaukaa Pra Praaa, San Fraa. Oironicla, (.'iiKlnnall Kria.ulrar, Atlanta Cbnatltullon, Mlunaapulla Trlbuna, Iiallaa Kawa, Detroit Fraa Preaa, Chicago Kacord-Hermld, Indiana polla Nawa, Kanaaa CUr Journal. OlVt 1H1S LIST A TRIAL. Pocket Guide Free. Rudolph Guenther,'- Reference Any publication on this list FOR BALE Must sell at once or may trade for something clear. About tl.Ouu slock granlteware. tinware and hardware. Tel. Douglaa ltKrfl. 5.000 DRUG stock In 1.600 population central Nebraska town; 312,OuO yearly busi ness. No trade considered. Don't write unless you mean business. Address, Y 104, Bee. HARDWARE for sale. 17.000 stock, best town in northeastern Kansas; doing good business, hell on account of alckneas. Ad dress Y 80. Omaha Bee. GROCERY for sale or will trade for real estate. Good location, doing good business. Will sell at invoice. C. W. Schrader, 24th and Franklin Sis. A COOL PLUNGE In Lake Manawa will overcome that hot feeling. If F. L. New ton, 3H4 Woolworth Ave., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a pair of round trip tickets to Lake M una we. FOR Sale or Rent In Illinois Market equipped with fixturea, power sausage ma cule, steam umt electiic lotvei. Ail modern equlvnimt. Suitable for wholesale and retail. Would trade for land. Address V 104. Omaha bee. FOR SALE First-class millluery business, lo cated in liv county seat In central Ne braska. Personal reasons for gelling, business perfectly satisfactory. Ex ceptionally good terms If taken at once. Inquire Box 74, St. Paul. Neb. IMPLEMENT stock, northeast Nebraska, good crops. Address T ltd, Bee. L JiILjJlL The Bee will run your ad for a situation or a servant girl free until you get the desired result. Telephone Tyler 1000. BUSINESS CHANCES (Continued.) 1 FOR SALE Good stock of hardware, furniture and Implements in good farm ing country. Box 21. Malmo, Neb. FOR S A LEv Good paying drug store In a good, live Nebraska town. For partic ulars. Address Y 98, Bee. INVEST M and receive 1750 In six months. Investigate. J -844. Be.. FOR SALE First class grocery: good location; very cheap. 718 No. 16th. Rooaataa; Hooscs for Sal. TRANSIENT rooming houaa for sal or trade. 617 So. Uth. Phono D. 8271 CHIROPODISTS MONHEIT. chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, hair goods. CM Nat Bit, D. SSI! DR. ROY, 1606 Farnam St Douglaa (407. DETECTIVES ZACK ELLIS. 808 Neville Blk.. Uth and Harney; both phonea, Tyler 1136; A-2767. , OMAHA Secret Bervlc. Detective agenoy, Inc., bonded. 428-k PaxUin Blk. D. 1318; A-UU "jAMES ALLEN, KM Neville block. Phone Tyler 1186 or A-2767. 16th and Harney. CAPT. T. CORMACK, 617 KARBACH Blk. DENTISTS BAILEY A MACII. td floor Pax ton. D. lObi, DRAINAGE J. J. STUBBS, room 416. First Nat bank. LOTS surveyed. Bruce at Standevan, Bee Bldg. DRESSMAKING Terry's Dressmaking College. 20th A Far. Mattlson, Modiste. Doug. 4608. 8410 8. lOLb, FIRST clasa reasonable. Wen. SKI EVERYTHING EUCTR1CAL HARTHUN ELEC. CO. D. 6293; 816 S. 14th. POTH ELECTRIC CO.. repairing dyna mos and motors a specialty. D. 6W7. SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS, dynamos, motors and repairs. Le Bron. 81J ti. Uth tit. Douglas 2176. EDUCATIONAL MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COL LKOtt Fine new building; all business branches taught. Our grauuates are in de mand. Knter at any time. Uet our catalog. MOSHER & LAMPMAN, 17th and Farnam eta., Omaha. Summer Term BOYLES COLLEGE la Now Open. STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY DAT. Omaha's largest and most successful Com mercial College. Business, Bookkeeping, btenography. Telegraphy, Civil bervlce and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is free. Ad dress H. B. Bovles. President. Omaha, Neb EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN PICNIC LUNCHES DSS WILLOW PLUMES made from your old or new feethara. Zt2i S. Uth. D. 6M8. CURTAINS LAUNDERED. Sli Dewey Ave. Tel. H. lla. WILLOW PLUMES made from old and new feathers. 1963 8. 11th. R. Sokolof. FLORISTS A. DONAHUE. 1607 Farnam. D. 1001. A-100L HESS A. SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam St L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. D. las. CUT FLOWERS and designs. 209 N. IBtli. FURNACE AND STOVE REPAIRS HAVE your FURNACE cleaned and RE PAIRED. Don't wait until (all, when you cannot secure EXPERT MEN. JOHN HUSSIE HARDWARE CO.. 1407 Cuming St Tel. Doug. 1111 TA kTnTi Telephone today to DO!! t W Ell have yur furnace. . . , V , "earn or. hot water heater cleaned and ready for fall use ,aMAHA, BT2VE REPAIR WORKS. 1206-8 Douglaa St. Douglaa W0. A-362L HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical aid Office. PRIVATELESSONS IN SHORTHAND At your home or office. L'nigraph Co. P. O. Box SsS. Omaha.. BOOKKEEPER, prefer lady who ha In surance experience, JnO. Stenographer, Lincoln, $76. Hilling clerk, experienced, $45. The above are exceptionally good posi tions, so see us AT ONCE. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO.. 1015-16 City National Bank Bldg. Factory aal Trades. GIRLS to learn balrdreaaing. OopeD belnt parlors. Prices very reuauuableT GIRL to learn halrdressing. 418 Paxton block. WANTED Experienced lady cashier must be able to furnish bond. Apply per sonally. Bauer's Cafe, 18th and Faruara Sts. Heasekeepera aaid Demestlce. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your DoiPesilo Help Wanted ad FREE until you get the desired resultr. Bring your ad tu 'ibe Lee otfire or ieletlioie lyier 1000. WANTED Girl for general housework small family; good wages. 845 Park Ave. ' WANTED Competent girl for general housework, immediately; Danish or Swed ish preferred. Doug. 6043 or 2562 8t Mary's Ave. DESIRABLE women between 13 and 40 years of age, residents ot Nebraska, wish ing general hoapltal, laundry or dining room worn may find good employment by addresaing Lut:k Box A. IngUsioe. Neb. WANTED Competent and thoroughly experienced woman cook, white. Must be A No. 1 and unduistand ber business. Ad dress The Irving, Uui Leavenworth St WANTED Elderly woman; a good home and small wages. 603 Pierce St. WANTED An experienced girl for gen eral housework. Apply 3MI1 Faruam 'fhene Harney 6978. WANTED Housekeeper on farm. Ad dresa, Milne. Burbank. S. D. GIRL for general housework; small fam ily; good wages. 13J0 8. 84th. Phone fco6- WANTED Girl for general housework; light work, no children, steady place. 312 North Mia M. SITUATIONS WANTED SERVANT GIRLS HELP WANTED FEMALE Henaekeepers aaal Dosses tics Ceat'eU WAKTITTV An airnrlinrd second ATtrl: no cooking. 426 N. 38th St. WANTED A good girl for general housework; no conking, no washing; for eigner preferred. 2423 Cass Si. attseeUaaeoaa. TOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Bt Mary's Ave. and 17th St, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look for our trav elers' aid at the Union station. A LITTLE spare time caoh day from now until Auguat 19 will pay you well in com missions In addition to winning one of the prises In The Bee's "Ad Getter" contest Call on or write Bee. Want Tad Editor, Omaha Bee. WANTED Experienced nurse; refer ences required. Mrs. J. A. C. Kennedy, 820 B. 88tb St Harney (63. WANTED Women and girls, August L Steady work and good wages. Apply Quaker Oats company. Fort Dodge, la. HELP WANTED MALE- Agrente, Salesmen and Solicitors. AGENTS Wanted at onoe, first class proposition; big commission. Write today, bartlesa oupply Co., Brown Block. Omaaa, Neb. ... 'rTT.T a ..... I. alAamn Man ft W AX A,l -OfcW. DM., v.... ..... .. ' " - ability can earn $5,000 this season. Write irameaiaieiy you wmi yv- An dreas, Y 10L Bee. . ....... mi;. T"". D.llakl. ttwmt Mmmm Mlunun VTAniEo wii.". . , 7 - to sell Central British Columbia farm lands along the Grand Trunk Pacifio Railway now unaer consirucnon. ww fj w1 w -missions, also advertising and office ex- . i;. . i .n . ...iruirt inillv ia ta.b!iaft UVUBQ. . wv. " permanent connections with largest land company in British Columbia. Send refer ences witn applications i Land Company, Limited, 410-411-413 Winch Building, Vancouver, B. C. NEW article. Whirlwind seller. Good In come assured. Write for illustrated book let .and free sample. Aberdeen Speciality Company, 22 Second Ave., S. E. Aberdeen, S. D. EXCLUSIVE household speciality. Make $8 a day. Repeat orders. Steady business. Samples furnished. Brown Speciality Co., 2723 McKlnney Ave., Dallas, Tex. WANTED Experienced specialty sales man with auto to work Iowa country grocery stores. Excellent opportunity for right party. K 810. Bee. , miMT man to aell an old line life insurance special policy In Iowa. Salary and commission, iq . cio. . ... i.,.nnnrn company. Home office; Coun cil Bluffs. Iowa. ENERGETIC YOUNG MEN; GOOD PROPOSITION; GOOD SALARY. CALL AT Y. M. C. A. AT 10 A. M., OR 7:30 P. M. WANTED Eight salesmen to sell established line to dealers, also to the retail trade, on a straight commission basis. - Salesman required to give a bond to pay own expenses. Address L; H. Welsch, Gen. Sales Agent for Nebraska, North Platte, Neb. WANTED Four men to travel, $18 to $25 a week and expenses; experience unneces sary. Call at 11)18 Farnam St I WANT one experienced life Insurance man, well acquainted In Omaha, who can write business In the city. I can give the right man an exceptional good salary, com mission and renewal contiact I represent one of the well established, old line east ern companies. In answering give me your age, experience In writing insurance, now long you have lived in Omaha, how much business you can write and your preaent occupation. L 846, Bee. Clerical avad Office. mt uinir-nRADR nnaltlon sea ua. Competent and experienced mon are AL WAYS in aemana. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1015-16 City National Bank Bldg. Factory sad Traaea. Drug RtoreatpnaDsl.Joba. Kniest Bee Bldg. WANTED By August 1. Linotype ma chinist operator, nine hours, $ . Must be able to deliver the goods. No transportation. Card man preferred. Barnstormers save stamps, Address Times. "rt Morgan, Colo. WANTED All around blacksmith; must be a good horseshoer. Steady job for right man. Fred Pantey, Lenox. Iowa. WANTED Experienced man ' to run moulding machine and planning mill. Ad dress Schaaf Manufacturing Co., 601 North 17th street, Lincoln, Neb. WANTED Watch and clock maker. Al bert LViholm. allscellaaeoos. WANT EI M en to prepare for positions now waiting at top wages. Learn the bar ber trade. Thousands have become success ful shop owners by our system and send to us for barbers. Few weeks qualifies. No dull season. No strikes. Cash every Sat urday night. Commission ajid tips In addi tion to wages amount to more than most mechanics earn. Tools given. Apply per sonally or from country by mail. Moler Barber College, 110 So. 14th St. U.S. $100 MONTH AUTOINQ. AUTO SCHOOL, OMAHA. NEB. LARGEST AND BEST. WRITE. LIVERY AND BOARDING A. Melcher, Livery, Feed. 151 Leavenworth LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horaea aaa Vehlclee. AREYOU BUGGY WISE? Answer us by coming In and buying an open or top BUOQY at less than factory cost. A dozen Special Buggy and Car riage bargains. These are medium-priced vehicles. If you want a fine high grade Buggy talk with us. We've got 'em. but not at half price. See Bee. DRUMMOND 18tb and Harney Sts. A NICE, gentle, young mare, sound and safe, for any lady to drive. Weighs about tu0 lbs., and one light grocery delivery wagon and set of single harness, almost new. Will eell at a bargain. Telephone Douglaa lO&C FOR BALE All kind of good horaea 1X8 N. Hat Bt 'Phone Douglas feuA LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horseo aad Vehicles Coatlaaed. COVERED wagon for sale, cheap. 8115 Burdette. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffa Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street cars. Many articles each day are turned In and the company is anxious to restore them to the rtghiful owner. Call Douglas 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANT. LOST Between Douglas and Farnam on 19th, or between 40th and Farnam and 43d and Harney streets, or Farnam car, black let brooch with small pearl. Valuable as family keepsake. Reward If returned to 118 South 19th street WHEN you spend your money, spend It for the best there is. If Mrs. N. P. Swan son, 1701 Cuming St, will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. LOST Lady's gold watch, with fob, Tuesday, between lfith and Harney and 24th and Poppleton. Reward. Call Douglas 3237. VISIT THE CLOTHES DOCTOR at THBJ WARDROBE, 2018 FARNAM. Doug. 1729. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. N0TICET0 ALL If you were positive that our rates and terms were the best In the city, wouldn't it pay you to see us when you need money? A comparison of our rates wltb those of other companies will convince you that this Is the place to borrow. $1.20 is the weekly payment on a $50 loan for (j weeks. Other pamenta In the same propor tion. If you need money write or pbone State Morgage Loan Co. R-12 Arlington Block. Villi Dodge St Phonos: Douglas $488; lnd. A-$4t. MONET loaned salaried people, womea keeping houae and others, without security; easy payments. Office In 87 principal cities. Tolman, 603 Omaha Nat Bank Bldg.. for merly N. Y. L. Bldg. WC, FTjATATI1514 rxxla-e Street DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rates and strictly private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 220 Bee Bldg. Doug. 1358. A 1364. MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMAN'S DELIVERY CO. Mov ing; furniture packing; fireproof storage. City office. 214 8. 17th. Doug. 384; lnd. B-134L FERRJN. Moving & St'g. Tyler 1200;B-1788. OMAHA VAN STORAGE CO.. cleans your carpets on your floors; electric vacuum cleaners. 804 S. lth; 80S & 17th. Doug. 4UU. VERNOR TRANSFER AND 8TORAGB CO., fireproof storage, household goods, pianos and baggage moved, packed 'and ahipped. Warehouse 1508 Burt Ht Tyler 1118. Office 7th and Leavenworth. D. 3158. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES ALVIN E. POOLE, violin Instruction. 8155 Farnam. REMBRANDT studio. 18 per cent dll count on Portraits. July and Auguat OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Hooaua. LARQE, nicely furnished room; best board; private family; West Farnam. Call Harney 45. MODERN furnished room with first class board near three-minute car service, or walking distance. Phone Harney 8389. LA ROE, cool, strictly modern room, suit able for two gentlemen, with excellent board In private family. UO & 86th Ave. Phone Harney 5430. BOARD By day or week. 2822, Farnam street 11 PARK AVE. Most desirable room, with best home-cooked board; private fam ily of two; reasonable; suitable for two. ROOM and board. 412$ N. 24th. ONE or two beautifully located rooms with board; walking distance; large yard, shade trees, veranda, etc. An Ideal place for summer. 208 S. 25th Ave. O. U. h hauls trunks. O. 811. A-2C11. NEWLT furnished front room, two pre ferred; board if dealred; rent reasonable, everything modern; close In. 2618 Dewey Ave. Faralakeel Rooms. TWO nicely furnished rooms, en suite or single; modern, 221 S. 25th Bt. 2d Apart TWO furnished rooms. Tel. Webster 6971 Kl N. 30th SU 2125 DOUGLAS Two newly furnished rooms; strictly modern; clean, cool rooms; shady lawn and porch. Gentlemen pre ferred. Phone Tyler 12U8. TWO rooms, all modern, good location, private family; gentleman preferred. Phone H. 4T3L DEWEY European Hotel, lltn e Fa.aa-a. PLEASANT room, modern, on car line. Breakfast served. H. 844U. TWO large nicely furnished rooms. 2514 Capitol Ave. NICELY furnished room, all modern. 2005 St. Mary's Ave. WELL furnished rooms; walking dis tance; white porcelain bath tub. 101 B. 2ULb St NICE large front roon. In Hanscom park district 3o23 Marcy St. Phone 11. 4063. NICELY furnished room, modern, elec tiic light; $10 per month; 2664 Douglaa St Phone Harney 1567. TWO modern furnished rooms, facing south. 2208 Douglas. ONE or tw extra fine rooms; fine furni ture; walking distance; no sign on house. 220 N. loth. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalsell's Ice cream. If. Mrs. Klmmell. 2614 Hamilton, will oome to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick ot this fine Ice cream. ONE nicely furnished room, all modern, with couple; good neighborhood; walking distance. 'Phone H 4K1X BTR1CTLY modern and neatly furnished rooms, plenty of hot water; one room suitable for two gentlemen. $1$ N. 13th Bt WELL furnished rooms, fine location; 4ne 8. 24th Ave. (near 24th Ave. and Harney); enameled wash bowls with hot and euld water; side lights for dressers; plenty of hot water at all times. $8 per month and up. COOL front parlor; also other oool rooms; reasonable; Ife bleaks (rem postuf. floe. 1814 Dodge. OFFERED FOR RENT Famished Rooms 1911 CASS PT. Light and cool, for one or two people. 40 ft 19TIT ST rn,Kl mon. for man an, I IF.' .iM .in.i.. modern. In Drlvat famiiv ihn'n. iinu TUL - LIGHT and airy; nlr.y furnished. Essy wslklns: distance. Modern. References. 3J8 North pSth 6t. Red 7045. ROOM with breakfast. D. 1452. CALT. AT Kla hT tir. t ... .t . i airy front room,' modem, close In. Best NICELY fnnl.hl - . private family; Majestic apartments; Pouth ..ir-iu-uaip. noi ann cold water oath; references required. ITIce reasonable. Telephone Webster 1223. Hotele aid Apnrtaaeata. NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 8. 13th Bt DODGK HOTEL. 13th and Dodge; all cool outside rooms; special week rate. OXFORD and Arcade, apecial wkl'y rate. THE ATLANTIC Hotel. 1409 Casa St Ogden Hotel Council RJu'Room. Faralahed Hoaaee. FOTJR-ROOM modern apartment: fur nished. Webstar 4458. Persistent Advertising la the Road to Big Returns. Apertaoeats and Flats. SUPICRB nothing like It 4 or flat all modern. aJO N. 23d Bt. THREE and six-room Oats. Mart is Block. Kth and Webster. APARTMENT three. The Sterling, for rent or sale; also a few very rare old dishes. Telephone Douglas 7613. FIVE room, steam neated flat The Dunsany loth and Pierce Sts., $26.00. Ad pl Ui Brandeis Theater Bidg. Douglaa 8-ROOM apartments, oompletely modern. Scargo Bldg., Bo. Omaha, above 530 N. 34th. Thos. F. Hall. 433 Ramge. D. 7408, A-4406. Famished Housekeeping- Rooms. NICELT furnished light housekeeping rooms good neighborhood; gas and bam" all modern. 2707 Dodge. H. fcW TWO light housekeeping rooms, south modern and use of basement Call after 6:80. 1815 Chicago St Phone B-2930. THREE rooms, modern except beat 2328 South 12th Bt WFI.I. flier l1aha w.n. . l . . - - .uuwuiu iiuuaeKeepina rooms. 2569 St Marv'a An -a .vT1"" ' ---a -BaJVV. TO aulet court a miu u,,-t rooms, all modern, very reasonable. 548 Bo. 26th Ave. FURNISHED housekaanlna. MA . .. vl.. u. w aa f; iiv,.".r.-J...""u?omB- complete wn.ifiNn ..... . . ' , , z -""". r one diock, nne ' ri 1,1 " i see to appreciate. With or Without Dlann. nn nkl.Mlnn .n - practice. Newly papered, furnace heat. gas, nice bath, plenty hot and Ice water. wv.. yuv.iM. .in. ww du jnary a Ave. f ATTO flomnl.1.1.. a. w ,wgiiyicLe3iy lurnisnca rooms lor iiuuocsvcriiiB, jvcsimuia neiKnoornooa. TO couple without children. Reference -re- nulriarl 9fM Nn inth Ht Fl VK- ROOM rnttavo-A ni-.iv ..-.iv,. 2115 California street Douglas 7216; B-1835. TWO modern housekenlna- rnAmi e,, nished. Call 2:80 or 6 p. m. Walking dis tance. 3201 Leavenworth St I7nfara.lsb.ed Hooaekeeplstar Rooms, THREE unfurnished rooms; mnm. heated: private family: walklna- D. 6283. 2223 Burt ITafarmlsned Rooms. " ..... . . uvi.i.p uvw, in yu ern; private family; close In. D. 6167. Uoasea and Cottaa-es. aJITXtr SvA.PAAm hnnv.tnw J Ti I HI .imr.a.lu mnAmwrt U.ll I . 1 - , J I . Co., 433 Ramge Bldg. Doug. 7406; A-4406. 2508 -MAPLE ST.. Cve rooms, modern ax. cept furnace, $22.50. Hall Distributor Co.. JAMES BISHOP, rurnrcure movlnsr and storage; two men, $1 an hour; specialty of hauling plaiios. 'Phone Web. 3184. B-1467. SOUTH SIDE HOUSES. 9-r. house cioe in, one at 2o32 Dewey and one at 2&U Harney Bt. All modern, iuii D&seineuiB, couioinuiion xixtures, large rooms, only $37.60 each. N. P. DODGE & CO., 15th and Harney. 6-ROOM house at 2830 Can. Ave. Inoulra next door. 7-ROOM modern bouse. 503 North 32d Bt. $26. Phone Douglaa 816. DOUBLE houae. 1313-1815 South $2d St; six rooms on each side, $30 each. Tele phone Douglaa 4040. 7-ROOM modern house, fine shade. Phona Webster 161fi. $3 MONTHLY rents a cood Diana. Hasps Co., 15L3 Douglas Bt Ob. Van e. s tors a Ce. packa.tnuves.storte feousebolu goods. Fireproof storaae: S04 a. iMh. Bremen, im k. ilia. iai. l. ai.si. a-um 1317 S. 32d St, 8-r. all mod. house. only 628.00 161!) Elm St., 6-r. cottage, mod. ex cept heat 20.00 4-r. collage, Mth and Ohio, newly papered and palntea iv.oo 4-r. flat, mod. except heat, 2821 Dewey Ave 13-ao 3-r. flat, mod. ex. heat 2823 Dewey Ave. T.oo 3-r. tlat, mod. ex. heat, 708 S. 16th St lo.oo 70S S. 27th St., 8-r. flata only 7.00 1604 N. 24tb St., 6-r. mod. ex heat only 16.00 N. P. DODGE 4 CO., Uth and Harney. Benson Transfer Moves Furniture. D. 159. 304 South 3feth, $45 a month; all modern. 6 room-.. Telephone Douglaa 4040. OMAHA Express Co., 418 N. 17th. D. 8351 rtnu-r.ririU nnii... mrMtarn. .t 111 a 44th Ht, on W. Farnan-Dundee Una. TeL Harney or uougiu eta. cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmeu's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. m. City office. 216 B. 17th St.. Bee Bldg. UNEQUALLED, central. 7-roora bouuaa, Oj N. bxt REV EN-ROOM modern house. In good condition; large corner lot and shade treea; rent $23. 1502 Ohio Bt. Apply lols Lathrop 61. Tel. B-3244. MnnmiN. 8-room flat opposite Hanscom park 6-room house, modern. South 32d Ave., $-'0. Phone HarneV US6. PIANO tuning and repairing. Chas. H. Thatcher. D. 5019. Houses. Ins. Rlngwalt Brandeis Th. Bldg. 1 1 nn cas Vrim of the olty. UOUSea t'reigh Sons & Co., Bee Bldg. 672 8. 28TH 6T. Eight rooms, completely modern, $35. Thos. F. Hall. 433 Ramge lllUg. Phones Douglas 7406, lnd. A-440b. vita nirvT k-room cottaxe. with a am good barn, well and cistern. $10. 8325 Miami Bt., Phone Webster 15. BViR RENT-NEW FIVE-ROOM COT. TAGE; MODERN EXCEPT HEAT; GOOD NEHilluUKMOOw; nu ijixjjhm r mom NORTH 34 TH CAR LINE. RENT $Ut. MUST BE BEEN TO BE APPRECIATED. CALL WEBSTER 145. m . r i , mrutra hnUHl Vflrtnt In. house nearly new and well located; cement sidewalks and paved street. ltKM N. 26th Bt $. rnn RENT Excellent 6-room flat. 6144 No. 22d Ht, $22.60; good neighborhood; fine view. Tel owner. Red 6264. x-m a I.I. modern. 7-room house. 35ol Franklin alt. Inquire of Mrs. Ik. Johnson, $414 Deuatur tt ncccocn rnn RPNT tvrr-iiui . w.. ...... a Iloaeee aad Oettaeee OeatlaweeV r 704 N. KHh St Rent $30. R H. Landeryou 443 Board of Trade. Phones Douglas 215L Independent A-2151. 1618 CLARK ST. A 6-room. partly modern cottage, newly decorated throughout $15. v PAYNE A SLATER CO., M f Sole Agents, th Floor Om. Nat Bk. Bldg. f CLOSE-IN BARGAINS. 6-r., mod., good repair, 83 N. 24th. $?$. 6-r., mod.,- good repair, 1508 N. 81st $15. 6 r., mod., good repair, 1006 Corby, $15. 6-r., mod., good repair. 1W8 8. Mth. $13.60. 6-r., city water, 734 Banoroft $12.60. 6-r.. water, barn, 4101 N. 2Sth Ave- lU-BO. Also 11 others, 4 to rooms, $7 to $30. Save rent by buying a home on monthly payments. See us for particulars. RUSSELL & McKITRICK CX. 433 Ramge Bldg. 15th and Harney. $16 6-room cottage, modern except beat, 934 Main St., Benson. $15 5-room cottage, new, 4308 N. 26th Are. $60 8-room flat, 318 N. lfth St. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO, ' Doug. 1781. A-nSS. 1613 N. 20th, built for home, ample rooms, full, modern bath, hall, front and back stairs, two pantries, large olosets, $ bedrooms, big cellar, new furnace, walking distance, free water. Kargain, ssa. r. j. HOOK, office 1101 N. Uth Bt. or PAYNH slater CO., in aw uinu nu. tvaui Bldg. TWO 6-room cottages, beeuttfuly located. 719 and 721 Bo. 87th Bt Webster zoro. ou"nrM.l3nnM Kaiiu atrtrttv mod em ! corner lot. 4303 Ersklne' St., $iL60 per mo. Call Benson 256 or Red 558. 6-R. COTTAGE with bath. 1411 Evans. $22. tores and Oftlooa. 1808 and 1S19 Farnam S Tel. Har. MS. STORE rooms for rent 2209 Cuming. Call - Douglas Sh89. AT 706 8. 15TH ST. Room 20x60, supplied with steam heat, now being put In fine condition; rrice reasonable. PETERS TRUST CO., 17th and Farnam. TWO offices. 2d floor Crelghton block; also store at 116 S. 16th St. Alfred Thomas, Agent 108 First Nat l Bank Bldg. FOR best grocery and meat market ' la city, with natures; a snap . v . bo, Office Space- Will divide use of deglrsble office, furnished, and servloea of stenog rapher and bookkeeper. Separate private rooms. Address M Ml, Omaha Bee. . ... AN EVENING at Lake Manawa rs well, spent If J. M. Stewart. 2702 Corby St, will come to The Bee office within three dayi we will give him a pair of round trip tick- ets to Lake Manawa. - OFFICES FOR RBNT. Two elegant up-to-date offices, well lo cated. Including light and heat Inquire PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. Doug. -1781! A 1188. FOR RENT Good room suitable for atore room or manufacturing purposes. Inquire Anchor Fence Co., 207 N. 17th St DRUG STORE) WANTED. In handsome corner room, next to best grocery In north part of olty. Coming busi ness center. The best unoccupied location In Omaha. Come see about It T. J. HOOK. Office 1101 N. Uth St. OFFERED FOR SALE Fwrnltmre. FOR SALE Party leaving city desires to dispose of dining room set las box and other furniture. Apply, No. 16 North, Fort Omaha. ELEGANT wicker wheel chair, rubber tired: exceedingly comfortable. Cheap. Tyler 1674. HOUSEHOLD furniture, pteos or lot Phone Webster 4096. pnD filT.TT it m. rta.ra-a.1n em Hum rooms; complete; practically new. 627 ' S. 25th Ave. Ind. A-1858. tiiO wardrobe for $25; double, bevelled doors. 2404 N. 22d. MoalcaJ Instreuneaita. Bargains in Used Pianos CRAMER ARION a,miie GILBERT CO ..... ...... $125 SCHUBERT $166 BTROH BER - $165 $135 KRAN1CH A BACH. $266 t SegerstromSr? THE PLACE TO BUT A PIANO. Tywrltes. BUT an I C. Smith Bros, typewriter, B. F. BwansoB Co., Distributers. ICJ y-. r. m n. IS, TYPEWRITERS. Hot weather prices Remington, tlx Smith Premier, $20, Oliver, $26; Underl wovu, a, J . . wu. , MuoaniiL a0; Jewett. $10; Chicago, $6; Densmore. $11; r ox, io. uirit twea 19 seieoi xrom. Full ' guarantee. B. F. SWAN BON CO- U14 ( Farnam SU City. . " - - - - - . . u. A I U IU UIO Oliver Typewriter Oo. Tel. Douglaa 2S18. atieeellauaooaa. FOR SALE New and aaoBnrl.hanA hn. Hard and pool tables. We lead the world In cheap bar fixturea. Easy paymenta. crunawica-osiBe-uouenaer. 407 Bo. 10th. SAFES Overstocked with, second-hand safea .all sixes and makes; bargaina. Amer ican euppiy to., ui arnam at SIX-FOOT bookkeeper's desk, oak fin Ish, for sale at $10.00. Apply George It Wright Bee Publishing Co. CHICAGO Upholstering & Mattress Wka. We sell mattresses retail, wholesale prices; gen. furn. repairs; 2d-hand furniture bought and aold; mattresses and springs made over. ina. r-j. mil iN. Ht, Bo. Omaha. New and second-hand safes. 1818 Farnam. AT a bargain. 12 second-hand Wheeler and Wilson and Blnger sewing machine. f none jiarney unu. THE best treat for wife and tuibv la a dish of Dalsell's Ice cream. If, Mrs. Camp- Den, sua norm i wenuein, will come to The Bee office within three daya we will give her an order for a quart brick of thta fine ice cream. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson, 308 2 Brandeis Theater Bldg. -Katheryn Nikolas. 634-6 Brandeis Theater. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Paxton Blk. Tel. Red-7111 HIRAM A. BTURG !: 8. reg. attorney. 64 Brandeis Theater Bldg. Douglaa i4aS. WILLARD EDDY. Solicitor, 1530 City Nat l bank. Tyler 1530; lnd. A-1864. PERSONAL MECHANO THERAPT massage treat ment, iheuinatlsm. Dr. Margaret lial loran. 222-3 Nevlie Blk. D. 7761. Open after 1 DR. BURKE, diseases of woman, Omaha. till A M POO UtmnU' Mrs.6teele.es. OLUVJyJJTVJV v 0pr t r. 107 B. 17th, 8 L ment E. Brott, n id floor. Bt, ACELTGHT hair food grows hair. Uma Frayer, Megeath bta. Co., 15th and Farnam MASSAGE Bwedlsh movements; excellent tor rheumullum, nervous ii.d kindred aii men tar treatments, ii lrs. B. Fiibbe E.V.r Vi? -u"ir.r.l,a rV1"".,.t,? ...w estiAWa sTe-a e Ws eVVIIslsfl Ults V7! t H 1 2