TJIK r.KE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY. .TT7LY 2fi. 1911. Th e ee'g jn Mal a z? 1 P P. a', The BEES cliwfojJSzrIdSocJc How to Train a Wife J B59HsWaBBBBSBB9SR ; , ,, -,-,! ; , - , , , , ' : There bad bfn a guest for dinner, one of tlione frequent -babblers, of platitudes that i Inclfn rt morder: without .one's being sble ' to remember"' tdngle- speech that would warrant a yerdlct of Justifiable homicide. I The Confirmed Conimuter had asked the visitor. The. bore was hi ' K"Mt. Hence he Blade a .shallow1 effort at eprlghtllness while the nian who" edited' n encyclopedia In hl lighter moments droned on and on m nu Vl , n . Toward the,, close of the evening the learnt-d person..' perhaps oit of deference to the- shallow"', fntellect of hla hoateaa, turned to a., Hat 'it dls6usslon of a recently publlnhed treatise'' on "Death." "Tha subject la 'one In which 'I have ttl- ,iiii,J' taken a deep ln'terest.'' he remarked ?j i.. 'UnA "ih. 'ihlhor takes UD a luiiunuup;i(l . novel question th Influence of love oil faith. .The .raoajt fugftlve. ti.e moat mortal of passions, he aaya. la the one that com pels a belief In Immortality. Auk any woman, who elattnsMtf be an -unbeliever, If aha la ao convince, that when she dlea ahe will cease sd'atttrly' sxlstiaa to be willing for 'her Husb'nfid to' Wiarff again, and all her materrtalftm goes' ro pleoes. If she's honest she ll admit that hf ghost will come back and haunt him H he ahould ever think or such thing!"- -. .. For the first -tlms. during-a long, dull evening the face of tha Hopeful Housewife lighted with Interest. . i ' r . . 'Oh, I don't know." . ahe said. "I'm pretty much of pagan and -I can t Im agine a woman's having any vlndtatlve neaa on the iubjeofc.. Of course, she'd feel badly td think 'shs'ha been aupplanted by Znother woman,' but Irhe'd realiae that ahe as dead an hadn't anything to aay on 'ie subject." Ihs Confirmed Cpnynuter laughed. "Don't you. see you're,, giving your whole case away."-b said,,. "You claim not to believe in Immortality and yet. you talk about hew you .would- feel after you're dead. But," ba.. added, lightly, "you know 1'vs bad your .succesaor, picked out a long tlmo-half a doaeo of er. In fact. , Every time 1 go to a musteai .show .1. see a new one. ' . .. ' - v" .- ; Ui The .Hopeful IJousewlfe laughed, a an jves do t,thls styla o.. burner, though ne of them can aee any point in u. And from that moment till tne visitor took hla leave her face wore a'look of sol emnity and preoccupation "Thank'heaveir' he's- gone!"' erfclalmed the Commuter when h had closed the door upon hla proay guest.' "Ntiw I can get a chance at'tn evening papers. What's the matter?"-' ha adad Quickly aa ha noticed that MS wife's eye wer Aung with their heaviest cartam -of teserve. ,. nothing!'- sh . anawsrea in a rami 'wn 1 1 H ai sp l(; yZ-Oh, no "YOU ACTPAIXY TTlorGHT ABOUT MY SUCCKSSOR." 7 "But there is!" the Commuter persisted. 'Or perhaps you're Just all tired out from that fellow's monologues. Never mind, dear, I'll never ask him again.',' "But you must!" rejoined his wife stiffly, "I think he Is very Interesting particularly In his Ideas about love and death.' And he actually compelled you to tell the truth about what you are going to do when I die!" Her voice quivered and broke as her imagination dwelt lingeringly on a portrait of her own decease. .."..-. "What do you mean?" asked xfce amazed Communter. "Didn't you understand I waa only fooling? Can't you take a Joke? Why, baby, where Is your common aense?' He laughed reassuringly, but the mask or tragedy was not lifted from his wife'a face. "You needn't think that I don't know It" she began, excitedly. "I realised the very minute you met that woman you were at tracted to her and she was doing her best to ensnare you." "What on earth are you talking about? Are you going crasy?" gasped the as tounded Commuter. "Give me credit for just ordinary powers of observation," she anawered cVldly. "Sometimes when I haven't fert well I've had a sort of suspicion thaft there ' was some woman Juat sitting bark walling to step Into my shoes. And no you admit that you've actually thought afiJiut a sue-' ccssor In caae of my death and 'hive picked one 'out. Yea you did, and there'i '-no uae saying you were Joking, hut' remember this! If you were to marry again and let some other woman live In our house and have all my Moorish collection and " my ' beautiful Japanese prints I'll come back from the grave and haunt you both!" - ' (Copyright, 1911. by the N. T. Herald CV HOLY " 6r nt port WELL,?U !V1 it A try, AsYWAjf. MOJTStffTHiMtr I lC00LKESt COOt LIK& YOU. Will, HERE 9 H pnescwf Tiof. VOWT THINK AtmiT TM tT. THINK Ai hut a it vrmti) R5?i5St HHvrrrtH CWU.Y.TO0AV, WIU.IE f J bbhb k at Vw? WW f N-, a I II , mM VI 1 1 ."Vsf - . 'I ' 7 1 M4II Ttm m I X 1 f ' Wtw 72ns is (he Day We Ml 'II July 26, 1911. HOSOO O. BAKER. ' Z21S Ames Avenue. Name and Addrcww. School. " Tear. Ralph Burgett. 2028 Francis St Cafltellar-...l04 Roscoe Baker, 2218 Ames Ave .'Saratoga .1903 Benjamin H. Butler, 1403 North Thirty-third St.... High .......... .1892 Mores Black. 1432 South Thirteenth St T. Comenlus .1904 Ralph Burgett, 2026 Francis St... Windsor ........ ..1904 Francis Brlce, 211 South Thirtieth St... Farnam. 1898 Anna Cupak, 2940 Castellar St .Dupont ...:1899 Madeline I. Conn, 1302 South Twenty-ninth Ave.'. ..Park .......... .1900 Alphonse Czaplens, 2812 Vinton St Ira. Conception. ...1900 Anna, Donovan, 1810 Martha 8t Castellar ....... .1898 Mark Dorsey, 3332 Parker St Franklin ......... 1902 Frances Edwards, 1904 Corby St....... Lake ........... .1897 Joseph Fitzgerald, 2610 Spencer St Lothrop ...1896 Harry B. Hamer, 3408 Decatur St.." Franklin Joseph F. Harding, 924 Glenwood Are Franklin Bernie O. Holmquist, 1106 North Thirty-sixth St Franklin Leddy Howell, 2524 Dewey Ave.... Central Mary K. Hurst, 2432 Blondo 8t Long 1904 ........1903 ..1899 .1903 1903 Rose Harris. 1902 North Twenty-eighth St Long 1897 Sherman Jefferson, 2202 North Twenty-seventh St.. Long 1897 Chester L. Jones, 2421 North Twenty-fourth St.... Lake !l904 Fannie Kulakofsky, 1944 South Tenth St Lincoln 1900 Annie Kotva, 1929 South Twelfth St Marie Luce, 1805 Chicago St Gladys M. Larsen, 8803 Seward St.... William J. Laux, 8340 Larlmore Ave.. Albert Laux. 2757 South Ninth St.... Margaret Llnlnger, 811 Paciflo St.... Anna Mislevace, Second and Spring Sts Stumrier Student Elucidates ThS ' smart' waMrSaS ' ln'- ths lunchroom mittal sound. It ' didn't discourage the wofe,Vmetn9sts"tsteTay,,'-At,any:Tate, they looked like 'amethysts. ' A big comb at the" back " of her head, holding tip her monumental coiffure," was St' i .i THE BMART WA1TRKS8 IN THE DAIRY LUNCHROOM "WORE AMBTHYSTS , ybstErjudy. .'. , - . . '. f" I lull or th aurpls stones. The necklace at 1 her' throat, ths littls pina that held her waist together at tegular Intervals In the ' back, the Vtng on? her finger and the buokle on" her oelt' were all atudded with what looked Ilk tha real tfems. Ths two men who- met at lunch every day gased at this unusual decoration as their waitress brought them ths cus tomary crackers and milk. ' ' ' "Quasa .this IS her afternoon oft," ven tured the younger.' Tips' must'bs pretty good this season. S hrrgwled ths otner. u sno can anoru nw . TfLrklers. ,'. ' ' "Oh. they r not real, . said the younger, lis waa a summer , student, and liked to 'display 'his knowledge. "Ever study Qreok?" hs continued. The older, . auan - scorned to eonf ess his Ignorance.. H devoted, his -attention to ths -bowJ bators blnw v. , "if yoa had,- wsnt on his verdant friend. ;7tt'd know that amethyst gets Its -name Crom the Greek amethu ." Ths oUter- growled out some non-com- flow of . Information' from -ths.". youthful,. UPS. .' :'l ;' . ' "Well, that means not drunken,' and In olden times people used to wear the stone as a preventive for drunkenness. "The. original cure without drugs," growled his friend. t"Ouess it "worked as well as moat freak cures." "One old chap tried to explain1 Its methods of curing. His name was Pliny. Ever hear of him?" "Yes, he's In tha . biographical diction aries," continued the Growler. He was faintly interested, but didn't think It worth while to .betray ths fact- "Well. Pliny saya that it prevents in toxication .because it nearly, but npt en tirely, approaches the color, of wipe." . "In that case amethysts wouldn't be much use in a case of over , exhilaration from champagne or come r. other , non amethystine tinted beverages," vouch safed the Growler. . . . . . "But considering the ancient tradition," went on the younger, "it's pretty droll to find a waitress in a dairy restaurant wear ing 'em, isn't it?" Hs did not watt for an answer this time, but continued with his information. Loretta's Looking Glass-Held Up,to the Girl Who Shoves ii ii i .I. . ' Don McDolell, 2624 Burdette St , Dorothy M. Moon, 1587 Park Ave Lowell A. Miller, 3326 Larlmore Ave. May Mangen, 942 North Twenty-eighth Ave. Lincoln ........ .1895 High ....... ...'.1896 Franklin . . , , . , . .1900 Monmouth Park. ..1903 St. Joseph.. k . , . .-.1904 Pacific . ..1899 Bancroft ... ... , .1900 ...Long ........ ...1905 ..Park ....1899 ...Monmouth Park.. .1903 ...Webster ........ .1899 HE WAS A CUMMER HTUDENT. AND LIKED TO DISPLAY HI8 KNOWLEDGE, N - "Funnier still, ths amethyst Is dedicated to St. Valentine. I wonder If her best young man knew , that interesting little "Will you kindly ass your shoulder for the purpose for which It was intended?" You stared at the lady who made the request with your most Insulted, how-dare-you expression. . But there Is nothing the ' individual In front of you In the line to the box office would not dare. You have placed your shoulder against and rather under hers and havs steadily rammed her along till she is heyond caring what else happens. Just so you take your shoulder out of her back. ' . Why, you even shove when you go into church! Ths other day at a wedding you began your persistent propulsion on an elderly person with a real lace cape. 'I don't mind having my vertebra dis located, but this cape la an heirloom, and won't stand an attack from the rear," she said to you.- And again you wore your look of out- fact when he gave her all that Jewelry?" At this moment the smart waitress in terrupted his useful information by bring ing the daily wedgea of apple pie and the inevitable pay checks. Going out this afternoon?" ventured the loquacious luncher. Ths smart waitress smiled and nodded. "With your steady?" hs ventured. She tossed her head. "With my cousin," she answered. The Growler broke into the conversation. "Looks as if It was going to rain," hs muttered. "Funny thing," said ths other as they rose, to leave, "that's another virtue of ths amethyst. According to the ancients It prevents' storms 1" ' -(Copyright, UU. by ths N. Y. Herald Co.) raged innocence. . It. would be a blessing if you could get behind yourself and, shove, Just to cultivate a fellow feeling for the drastic massage treatment you give your Wctlms. ' J U may ba your, energy. It may. be your nerves. You may offer any . Jtlnd of an excuse for the maddsnlng imposition of your shoving shoulder on the anatomy of the one iu front. But none of them go. The- ton who endures your continuous I it pact feels a wild lonKlni; to whirl about and deliver you a variefc.Ued lot oC sample styles of prodding. Tha exquisite Joy of returning your evenly applied and forward- urging assault with a series of slaps and bang and whacks makes her.ifcands Itch. Bhu Is Just losing herself in the delights of a f.Nileuffing imagination when the wo man In' fj out turns around and says: "I wish you would top pushing tne!" In her frenzy at the mistreatment of her shuuldt-r and tho injustice jo her man n rs, M,e crk'e, "its no, .my,' fault! It's somebody just behind in!" She sees the scornful look m-hUm her as the re proachful one rfiiriVrs u mental verdict of her guile and in obviously disgusted at her cowardice in not uirig up to her shoving. Oh! if wd only dixpense. with our man ners now and t!u-n. when they are lp the way? Wouldn't it be a rich and rare re compense to be ulilti to turn o nthe ehover and thump and bump and baUtr and beat her! And, Alone with your straight-ahead pushing, you have the most exasperating babit of side-stepping and pushing the one who walk with you Into the gutter. It does no good to change over. Your an atomy works to both sides. ' Of course. It's a habit. But it's the kind that stirs an Impatient rags in the suf ferer that makes her want to Jump on you physically and linguistically. Just watch out! Borne day you'll be banging on the arm of a man. He may think you have cute,, coxy, cuddling little ways when you begin It; but by the time you have Inserted your elbow between his ribs and bruised hla intercostal muscles, besides steering him into the trees along the walk and making him tread the nar row ledge by the curbstone, he will think you. and your shoving as absolutely pro voking and unnecessary as tha rest of Us do. You will have shoved him quite away! The Lovely Rose The wild one is loveliest of all. What flower so delicious of scent? What blossom so exquisite of color? But Its loveliness Is not enough, forsooth. This most delightful of posies must go armed! . Yes, were Is not for Ha thorns, the cattle would eat It. The language of this variety of the flower of love Is simplicity. It's a relative of nearly all of our de lightful fruit trees and berry bushes. ' Alta Marshall, Z0Z9 North Twenty-fourth St Kellom i.,1898 Narah Madison, 1941 South Sixteenth St Comenlug ....... .1905 Alvord N. Nordquist 6406 Stone Ave .Miller Parki . . . . 1902 Verna I. Olsen, 2604 North Thirty-third St. . . . ... .. Howard Kennedy., 1905 Frank Olsen, 3624 South Thirty-fourth St... Windsor ....... ..1904 Agnes Peterson, 1520 North, Thirty-third St Franklin . .......1898 Hans Petersen, 3193 Fowler Ave Monmouth Park,. ,1896 John Walter Reel, 2616 Woolworth Ave. High' ..... .' 1892 Alanson Root, 1021 South Thirtieth Ave. ......... Park .1904 Nathan H. Sherman, 3302 North Thirtieth St. ..... Howard Kennedy.. 1898 Edward Samuelaon, 211 North Thirtieth St Farnam Eugene C. Sorensen, Thirty-sixth and Jayncs Sts. . Central Emma Slevers, 1609 Burdette St... High . . Florence M. Smith, 2915 Mason St. . . park . , Tressie Scribner, 823 South Twenty-third St. ...... . Mason , Mabel Seaver, 1116 North Twenty-second St ....... . Kellom Leonard Stanley, 2115 North Twenty-sixth St. Long ., James Slane, 621 South Seventeenth St Anne H. Scbupp, 2424 South Twelfth St Lorena Scott, 1710 North Twenty-eighth St... Anna Trouba, 2916 Gold St Clara Traurcki, 2518 South Twenty-fifth St... Leonard Tharp, 1908 South Fourth St....... Park ,;V.19M .. . ,1902 ........1893 .......1899 .......1896 .,....,.1904 . . . . . . .1895 ... Leavenworth . , . ,.1901 . . St. Patrick, .... . .1896 . Long . Dupont ...... . Im. Conception. .Train Gertrude Trenerry, 3519 North Twenty-eighth St Anna Wolfsbauer, 3410 Canton St Gustave Welst. 1910 Dorcas St. . . Sa",reJ Heart. . , St. Joseph ............ St. Joseph. .1901 .1899 .1893 .1900 .1095 .......1901 .......1905 V ,'iv -V y ALBERT LAUX 27B7 South Ninth Street. ANDREW LAUX. Cupid Wins innCompled Mule To the Editor oC The Bee Home Magaslne . when once they have plumped Into them they 11 be convinced of the truth of his In the Kealm of Childh ood S t l s LrJ .L2r5, WZtte:, i tsii. PSSSalS - " 1 .. ! SSaJaaaas----sr Page: Too bad that your correspondent of Ash Creek Line is having such a time with his frogs. (Ca-chool Bneeslng again; oh. my!) He thinks it Is the weather that so affects them. Perhaps. T aaked my father (ca-choo!) what he thought was the trouble and hs said hs guessed, they didn't have poods that antics 'to a cool and comfy nap or sweet repose. That may be. But wouldnt't a little New Thought treatment set things right? Ths Bachelor should have a talk, with his frogs; ' tell them that the ponds are cool, fresh and soothing' b, so very soothing (soft pedal) that argument and croak their testimonials without stint Now, I can't guarantee the treatment to work like a charm, but 1 think It's worth trying. And, too, Mr. Editor, don't you think if ths Bachelor had a few artificial frogs to us aa stool pigeons It would help some? Another thing has the cross-eyed mule anything to do with the frogs not swim ming? (Important queatlon) Does he drink from the ponds or cavort round them, oc casionally stopping to catch a glimpse of his physiognomy and form superb in the still waters? If so. It would be well to put a stop to such doings, and then aee If the frogs don't take a plunge. A man who can walk off with tbe honors of a fifty-yard foot race and a waltslng contest ought to find a way to make frogs swim. Pappy (ca-choo!) and I hope his inven tion to prevent hens scratching up gardens will provs an excellent thing. By tbe way, wouldn't something of that kind bo a good appliance for the scratchy man or woman who overdoes the thing? Hit upon that Invention, Mr. Bachelor, and thousands will rle up and call you blessed. ' ' . I asked, my father (ca-chool) If frogs should swim so as to be In condition for ths market. He scratched his head and said he thought so, but that maybs they'd be all right If they weren't swimmers. Ths thought cones to me that they'll probably exercise their swimming muscles, anyway, while in a somnolent or semi-conscious state. They'll dream they are swimming and well, they ars. Juat keep that mule away from ths ponds, practice soma New Thought treat ment, and you'll get good results, Isaao, Bmlllngly yours. A STAID MATRON. The Foxy Dog and Baby Mine I r . r54fV 3l Hon; from School "Dogzy cuit Ztt txne.' 4ezzJihut baby,