Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 26, 1911, Image 1

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    The Omaha , Daily Bee
Looking Backward
This Day In Omaha
Thirty Tea Tear Ago
rai:aMi rag f zck issue
For low Fair and warmer.
For Nebraska Fair and wanner.
VOl j. XLI-XO. :w.
DEMOS THROTTLE lUnderwood Explains
The Democratic Investigation Craze
Republicans at Lincoln End Day ia
Ovation to President, in Which
Insurgents Join.
Tribune Editor Prosecuted Man Who
Got Money from Him to Buy
Records of Lobbyist.
Adopt Platfonn at Fremont that: Democratic " St Mea(tire
Leaves Out All Mention of ; , . nftitt,. WiH Cnt
Present Duties Fifty Per Cent.
WASHINGTON. July 20 The new cot
ton revision bill submitted today to the
Original Document 4, ' i-e Revised ; caucus ' t' house democrats from tho
Erfon" " ' : ways and mean committee cuts from an
CP 'equivalent ad valorem nite of 48.12 per
' M M Mi Ceo 14 Sr
N ' .'JAi. s. k.x I !
Charged Senator with Taking Fee for
Getting Mail Privilege.
Little Differences Forgotten and Fac.
tions Overlooked by Convention.
Merrick Delegate Propo,
Vote on- President.
Dick Metealfe Sqaeesrs In t'ommen
dattoa of ServlMs Pension Har
mon Manager Advises No
(From a Staff Correspondent)
PHBMONT. NeW July 23. (Sreclal Tele
Kram.) After much .strenuous saving of
the notion In conferences among leaders,
tho democratic state convention adjourned
this afternoon without even the hint of
an open fight. The brlflamme of Bryan
was not once raised In the convention, ex
cept by Chairman ' Harrington, when he
spoke of tho Lincoln man as "the splen
did leader of the Nebraska democracy,"
which allusion evoked scattering cheers.
Underneath wan an easily felt current
of threatening restlessness, but the cap
tains on watch did 'not - fall asleep and
there was no apparent break In the agree
ment to "keep still." -'
VV, It. Thompson, candidate for senator,
had his opportunity , to shine before the
delegate, while Forme Governor Bhallen
berger was Wrestling for peace with Met
calfe, over the Colorless, platform.
The Hryan editor was stubborn In his
argument for 'an .Indorsement of his lead
er's work, and Instead ef being out a few
minute, as expected, the' platform com
mittee was out over two hours.
Platform Radically Changed.
When Hhallenuefger announced before
reading that the platform had been adopted
unanimously by the committee, the an
iiuuncenuni was greeted by cheers and a
siah of relief went up. The Instrument had
been radically changed from its original
outline, but Bryan's name was not in It
anywhere. It was adopted with a hurry
by the convention, which then adjourned.
It was 2:20 o'clock when Chairman Byrnes
of the state democratio committee called
the delegates to order.
Rev., W. H. Busa Invoked the Divine
b.chslng. Chairman Byrnes declared that
those who had come to the convention
looking tor dissensions ahoufd have to go
to Lincoln. Mayor Wols was then intro
duced and welcomed ' the convention to
the city. The mention by Chairman Har
rington o the names of Mr. Bryan and
li.tunp Clark brought the convention to
cheers, no greater than that which greeted
the nam'.letor' .Hituhooesv Th -governor
of Ohio wa''caaualiy referred to by
the speaker and brouht out A hearty -response,
i '
speech of Chairman Harrington.
. 'ieuii-oiary Chairman M. F. Harrington
began with the remark that "For one In
seventeen year .we are assembled In con
vention at a time when we have control of
even on branch of congress.
"During all that long and dreary period
there have been' he said, "no loaves and
tithe to divide, there baa not been either
the sustaining Influence of patronage or
the cohesive power of public plunder held
out as an Inducement to any democrat. The
only reason why the party has remained to
gether, . undismayed by successive defeats.
Is because of the conviction of Its members
that in standing- for Jeffersonlan democ
racy they were standing for that which
was eternally right..
"During those sixteen years there was
much of division and discord In our ranks.
In every election there was disunion.
Neither Mr. Bryan nor Jndge Parker re-,
celved the support of a united party.
Finally the turmoil seemed to cease, the
democratio minority In the house of repre
sentatives have evidence of such good
sense, such a patriotic sense of duty, that
great Independent newspapers and maga
zines paid tribute to the splendid service
that this democratic minority was rendering
to the people of the United States. Differ
ences there were even In congress, but
under the splendid leadership of Champ
Clark this struggling minority became a
niuuntficent fighting force.
Roast for tho Tariff.
"The securing of the house of represen
tatives has been to us of Inestimable value.
It was Uie boast of organised greed, acting
through republican politicians and news
paper, that the democratic party was In-
(Continued on Page Two.)
The Weather
6 a. m
6 a. m
I a. ni
8 a. m
a. m
10 a. m.
II a. m
12 in
1 p. m
2 P.- m
3 p. m
4 p. m
6 p. m
( p. m
1 p. m
.... 68
P- m ft
Local Hevord.
1911, 191 (V 1909. 190R.
7 92 71 . 8S
..... 67 9 82 tit
J SO M 1
!.Bliiftt yeatirJay
lowest yesterday
Mtiin te.mperature
0 .61 .7 .00
'ieiiUM-ratur and precipitation deDarturaa
from the normal:
fsorn al uintiuture
I'tficlency for the day , 11
'total excess nine March 1 ...632
Normal precipitation n nc,
IiefU'lem-y fur the day.. it Inch
Total i tain (all vlnee iiarch 1 S. 36 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 9.15 inches
1 tendency for cor. period. 1910. .11.19 Inches
Deficiency cor. period, 19U9 1$ Inch
t UrpurU from statlea at T l. M.
Station and Plate Temp. High-Rain-
( v earner. in. in. Ni. f.ii
Cheyenne, cloudy 74
l'avrnivri, ciea. ... s
ltenver. cloudy 7
Ites Moinea, clear 74
Dudtte City, part cloudy... 7S
1-auiler, cloudy 72
Omaha, clear . i
'iietilo, ralnlnt M
ftai.UI City, clear S2
e city, i
Minta Ke, e'oud.t
.. U4
Sheridan, clear
-loux City, clear
Valentine, clear
re, clear 78 90 .00
U A. WELSH. Local Forecaster,
for Iowa
I V NOUMSIfteMtfay
mtiwiM lvvl
l'l ."VMS.. 1M1
I average ad valorem rate of 27.06 per cent.
I nder the Wilson bill of 194, the last
democratic tariff, the average ad valorem
was . re.
I'nder the proposed rates the committee
estimate the imports of cotton goods for
twelve months at f.1!i.lG3,SO0, against $28,
417,441 last ymr, and that the duties derived
under the new act for a year would be
$10,:9,0to as against S13.673.S01.
Democratic Leader Underwood explained
tho cotton bill to the democratic caucus
this afternoon. '
"The schedules," he said, "are cut nearly
50 per cent, or practically In half, and we
wtll push It through the house with little
Some of the proposed duties follow:
Cotton thread, carded yarn, warps, etc.,
10 to 16 per cent ad valorem; Payne rate,
bpool thread, crochet, darning and em
broidery cottons on spools, 15 per cent;
Payne rate. 2.113.
Cotton cloth, not bleached or colored,
average rate of 24.61 ; Payne rate, 42.4.
Handkerchief)) or mufflers, 30 per cent;
Payne rate, 5D.0G.
Clothing, ready-made and articles ' of
wearlnK apparel of every description cora
poHed of cotton or vegetable fiber, 30 per
cent; Payne rate, 50.02.
Sheers, 25 per cent; Payne rate, 60.02.
Mushes, velvets, velveteens, corduoroys,
30 pr cent; Payne rate, 54.33.
Curtains, table covers, tapestry, "up
holstery goods, 35 per cent; Payne
rate, 60.
Stockings and socks, machine made, 30
per cent; Payne rate, 30.
Stockings and s.ocks. hand-made, 40 per
cent; Payne rate, 71.57.
Men's and boys' glove., cotton knitted
or woven, 30 per cent; Payne rate, 71.57.
Shirts, sweaters and underwear, SO per
cent; Payne rate, 59.
Bandings, belting, bindings, garters, rib
bons, tire fabrics, suspenders,-lamp wicks,
25 per cent; Payne rate, 36.97.
Towels, dollies, quilts, blankets, mops,
wath rags, etc., 25 per cent; Payne rate, 45.
Council Asks What
Water Board Wants
With More Money
Refers Request for Hundred Thousand
Dollars for Next Tear to the
Finance Committee.
Why the Omaha water board should
ask for 1100,000 for 1912 current expenses
when It haa $70,000 still In the bank after
seven months of 1911,' Is a question the
city councU wants answered. The council
Monday afternoon in committee meeting
wa engaged In 'figuring up the levy for
next, year and a ..request came, from .the
water board tor $100,00,. Counoilroea began
to ask. each other what . had beendone
with the $100,000 that waa levied for 1911,
and It waa discovered that of that amount
allowed the water board tor 19U only
$20,000, less than a third, had been ex
pended In seven months. ,
"Why can't the water board pay some
of that surplus for hydrant rentals with
out expecting the olty to levy It all on
the taxpayers?" asked Councilman Tom
Mcdovem. 1
The city Is now defendant In an action
brought by the water company by man
damus proceedings to force payment for
two years' hydrant rentals. The water
company has been asked before by city
officials why . some of this money could
not be used to pay hydrant ntal Judg
ments and no satisfactory explanation has
been found for Its Idleness. On motion bf
Councilman M. F. Funkhouser the finance
committee was Instructed to wait upon the
water board Immediately and find what can
be done about using some of the money
the board has been accumulating.
Vedrines and
, Beaumont in Lead
Aero Trip Around Great Britain Be
comes Neck and Neck Race Be
tween Two Frenchmen.
BRISTOL, England, July 25. The flying
race around Qreat Britain for a prise of
$50,000 offered by the London Dally Mall
developed today In a neck and beck con
teat between Vedrines and Beaumont, with
only O. Hamel and Valentine keeping any.
where near -the leaders. Today's schedule
called for a flight from Edinburgh to this
city by way of Stirling, Glasgow and
Manchester, 4 total distance ef 3S3 miles.
C T. Weymann, the only American com
petitor, who has had hard rack from the
start, had further trouble with, his engine
today and abandoned the sc-iest.
Vedrines and Beaumont made the cir
cuit of Scotland, starting front Edinburgh,
stopping at Stirling and Olaegow and pro
ceeding to Carlisle during the - forenoon.
M They left the Soottlsh capital at S o'clock
u this morning being delayed later at Stir
7 ling by heavy rains. In the early flying
SB I Beaumont made up some time lost on
71 1 Saturday and Monday, but Vedrines over-
71 ; came this advantage In the flight from
72 i Glasgow to Carlisle, covering that leg of
74 eighty-six miles In one hour and fifty-nine
"4 ! minutes against Beaumont's time of two
74 , hours and thirteen minutes.
74 i Valentin the Englishman, left Rrtln.
uiLrtn iwn aiier , in jrenuiuu nau
started and reached Stirling , safely, but
met with a mishap to bis propellor between
that place and Glasgow . which compelled
him to desoend.
Meanwhile the other competitors were
still struggling on the second stage from
Hendon to Edinburgh. Captain Cody left
Harrogate this morning and damaged his
machine In descending at Durham. Hamel,
who was further along, left .Newcastle at
S o'clock this morning, but owing to trouble
from winds descended at Inoerwtck. from
which point he made a new start for Edin
burgh. ,
Reynolds, who arrived at Harrogate this
morning, smashed his machine In attempt
ing to get away again. Astley also reached
Harrogate this morning. Weymann Uied
to renew the race at Leeds, but oauld not
make bis engine work properly and with
drew. . .
Prleet Badly Hart la Raaaway. '
BELLEVUE, la., July 16. hpcial.-Rev.
Father Hauble, na.tor of &. Catherine
Catholic church. n nrobablv futMiiv in.
J;Jured when he was thrown Jrom the buggy
1 1 uon he was driving ran away
(and burled the vehicle against a post
Said He Had Them, but Wanted to
Withdraw from Agreement.
lac He Came to Washington, How
ever, He Haa Heard Something;
that Mid II I m Change
Hla Mind.
WASHINGTON, July 25. James Keeley
of the Chicago Tribune told the senate
Lorimer committee that George O Glavis
recent arrest on a charge of embenlement
was at his (Keeley's) request, afte Glavis
had been authorized to buy lobbyists'
books, which Glavis claimed would show
that lobbyists paid Lorimer 26 per cent of
a fund of $2,000 In a fight made by the
"Fireproof" magazine of Chicago for the
mailing privilege. Keeley said Glavis told
him former Representative Tawney of
Minnesota, for many years chairman of tho
house appropriations committee.' was
"mixed up In. the deal." .. ?
Elbrldge Hanecy, counsel for :. Senator
Lorimer, crone-examined Mr. Keeley. Mr.
Keeley Bald Medill McCormlck, editor of
the Tribune, was on a vacation when the
confession of State Representative Charles
A. White was printed and had nothing to
do with its publication.
Mr. Hanecy suddenly asked Mr. Keeley
where he was last night.
The witness said he was in the Tribune
bureau here and that J. H. Marble, at
torney for the committee, called.
"How did he happen to call?"
"I sent for him."
"Because I had some Information I de
sired to give him a telegram I received."
"What was ltT"
"I decline to give It."
The commltteee ruled that the activity
of the committee's counsel could not be
Inquired Into.
McCormlck aad Lorimer.
Mr. Keeley testified Medill McCormlck
believed Lorimer should be driven out of
"And he worked consistently to do that?"
asked Lorlmer's counsel.
"Yes and no," replied Keeley.
Mr. Keeley admitted that the election of
William J. Moxley to the house of repre
sentatives at Washington to succeed Lori
mer was one of the things that made Mc
Cormlck hostile to Lorimer.'
"M. Kohlsaat has defined Lorlmeriara as
m combination of democrats - and repub- j
llcana. Did you regard the defeat ot Mox
ley by a combination of democrats and re
publicans as McCormlcklsmT"
"No, air; I think Mr. Kohlsaat was talk
ing about a combination where the cohe
sive force was public plunder."
W hat Glavis Said.
Mr. Keeley told tne Glavis story In re
sponse to questions from Lorlmer's counsel.
The witness testified that Glavis said the
books were in the possession of the widow
of one of the lobbyists; that she had tuber
culosis and would sell them.
Then the witness told the story about
the Fireproof magaslne. He declined to
answer whether any other names were
mentioned. The committee Instructed him
to repeat eevrythlng that had been told
him by Glavis.
"Glavis said that the books showed that
Congressman Tawney waa mixed up In this
postofflce matter," said the witness. "He
also said that an Item In the books showed
that Lorimer had something to do with a
liquor case." v
Mr. Keeley said he telegraphed $660 to be 1
paid Glavis for the books and that Glavis
acknowledged having purchased them, but
later sent word he would like to withdraw
from the agreement and refund the ad
vances. Mr. Keeley would not assent.
"Why did you want the books T' asked
the attorney.
"To turn over to this committee. If they
were useful evidence."
Mr. Keeley said he became convinced
that he had purchased a gold brick, but
something ' that had happened since he
came to Washington In the last week had
changed "his mind.
Tawaey Never Heard ot It.
WINONA. Minn., July 25.-When shown
the dispatch from Washington this after
noon at his office, Mr. Tawney said:
'The matter is all Greek to me. I do
not know Mr. Keeley of th Chicago Trib
une nor Mr, George O. Glavis or any other
Glavis. I never before heard ot the Fire
proof magaslne and know nothing what
ever of any mall prlvUeges which It ever
sought or obtained."
Boatell Coatradlets Hlaea.
NEW YORK, July $6. Edward Hlnea tes
tified in th Lorimer Investigation yester
day that a fragment of a letter which he
produced was In the handwriting of H. S.
Boutell, former member of congress and
at present United States minister to Switz
erland. It read as follows:
"I should like to have the senator (mean
ing Lorimer) know who waa the only man
In Washington who went to the president
In his behalf and brought oft the goods."
This statement was communicated by
cable to Minister Boutell and the following
from him was received by the Associated
Press today:
BERNE, Switzerland, July 26 I never
heard President Taft speak ot the situation
but once, when he expressed no preference
or objections to the numerous candidates
mentioned, but hpped the republican caucus
would decide on a candidate and elect at
once. This view waa known to all and 1
never wrote acyone on the subject.
. (Signed ) H. 8. BOUTELL.
Senate Will Pass
House Wool Tariff
BiU Thursday
Leader Underwood Serves Notice that
the La Folletto Wool Bill Will
Not Be Accepted by House.
WASHINGTON. July K.-As the result of
a series of conferences held today the pre
diction was freely made In th senate that
the upper house of congress on Thursday
would adopt the bouse wool bill. This will
put the wool Issue squarely up to President
Taft. Democratio Leader Underwood today
served nolle that th house would not
accept th La Follett bill.
From the Philadelphia fciqulrer.
Convention at Lincoln Endorses Only
William J. Bryan.
Former Gevrraor ghalleaberaer Is
Twitted on Wastlas; Sweetness
oa Desert Air and Delegates
Applaad Seatlsaeat.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Neb., July I6.-(Speclal Tele
gram. -Nebraska populists, who met In
this . city today, commended William Jen
nings Bryan, as the greatest living Ameri
can, took, nnusuat cognizance of the many
deeds . of , the , great . statesman and ended
up by withholding from C. B. Manuel of
Kearney, the plum la the state chairmanship,-
which ho' has. held for some time
past.' : . ..
Th Utter . action, however, was done
only, after resolutions prating the present
superintendent of tho Indus trial, school had
been passed and his. work had-been recog
nised In the aid givn to the republican
state ticket of last year. .' .
J. G. Grosvtnor of Aurora, was chosen
as Manuel's successor, which In substances
means that there will be an effort on
the part of the populists to exist aa a
separate party from now on. - Grosvenor,
It Is understood,' supported by other, men
as W. L. Stark, also of Aurora, and other
leaders In the party, will fight along the
lines of party-singleness of purpose.
A distinct slap was taken at former Gov
ernor . Shallenberger when In the resolu
tions which were passed he waa referred
to as a man who went about securing nom
inations only to waste his sweetness on
the desert air long after the men who had
fought for him had been neglected and
forgotten. The reference, whioh was rather
by Inference than a direct attack on the
former ex-etat executive, brought forth
rounds of applause from the assembled
No mention was made of fusion with any
other party, though there were indications
among the majority of the delegates that
the alignment between that party and the
democratic at the coming election would be
almost similar.
Senator J. A. Ollls, author of the stock
yards bill, was chairman. It was under
stood that the sentiment which has lang
been present In the party, that Ollls waa
to be a candidate on the party's ticket for
the governorship, met with approval and
that only the Valley county senator's
modesty prevented him from securing an
endorsement In that respect.
The convention contained eighty dele
gates, the total county vote represented be
ing In the neighborhood of 260, all ot which
were cast when divisions were called for.
Three Children Burn
to Death at Provo
Home of Ray Ferrin, a Ranchman, De
stroyed and Three Little Ones
. Incinerated.
PROVO, S. D., July 26. (Special.)-, fir
last evening that destroyed the horn of
Fay Ferrin, a ranchman living about one
mile out of town, also took th lives of his
three little children, the oldest aged
years. ' The bodies were found In an un
recognizable, charred condition; As is fre
quently the case In this part of the country;
the wen is situated nearly a mile from rh
house, and before Mrs. Ferrin returned
with water for the evening meal the house
was In ruins. - It is . presumed the fir
started ss a result of ths children playing
with matches. .Ths parents sre distracted
!as the sad happening leaves them without a
Des Moines Consumers
Crowd New Market
Opening of City Hall Lawn to Food
Venders is Signal for Sharp . .
Slump in Prices.
DES MOINEfi, la., July 25. A lively
scramble participated In bv mora than inn
Des Moines consumers marked the estab
lishment here today of a permanent mar
ket place to combat the high cost of living.
Following a campaign of several weeks
th city officials turned the chy hall over
to the vegetable and farm produce venders.
New potatoes were bought for $1.76 a
bushel, where formerly the price had been
H to $4 per bushel. Apples, which had been
selling at 26 cents a peckr were sold for 10
cents to 12 cents. Cucumbers found ready
buyers at three for 10 cents, against the
former price of 10 cents acb. which had
prevailed, .......
Secretary Wilson
Takes Wiley Papers
to White House
He Says if His Recommendations Are
Not Satisfactory to President He
Can Change Them.
WASHINGTON. July 26. Secretary ot
Agriculture Wilson brought the papers in
the case of Dr. Harvey W. Wiley to the
White House today.
He refused to say what recommendation
he had made to the president regarding the
charges against the pure food expert whose
resignation from the' service was recom
mended by the personnel board ot the de
partment and by Attorney General Wicker
sham. ' Mr, ' Wilson reached . the Whit house
some" time before the cabinet meeting and
had an opportunity to discuss the - Wiley
case with the. president before the session
began." He said lie did not 'know wheth V
his recommendation would be acceptable
to the' president or not. He declared fur
ther that there could be no clash between
him and Mr. Taft because If the recom
mendations made today are not agreeable to
the president he could change them. It
was Inferred from the tenor of Mr. Wil
son's remarks that the recommendations
were not favorable to Dr. Wiley.
'There Is every reason to believe, however,
that Dr. Wiley, at the worst, will receive
but a mild reprimand.
WASHINGTON. July 26.-At the conclu
sion of the cabinet meeting several mem
bers declared that the Wiley case had not
been discussed, but added that the presi
dent had talked it over with the secretary
of agriculture. Mr. Wilson said that, the
papers In the case and his recommenda
tion had been left with the president.
Riot in British House
of Commons Arouses
, Puhlic Interest
Unionists, Who Claim to Be Party of
.Order, Fear Incident Will Hurt
Them with Country at Large.
LONDON. July 26. Yesterday's scene In
the House of Commons when the opposition
denied a hearing to Premier Asqulth, who
sought to move consideration of the lord's
amendments to the veto bill, resulting In
the arbitrary suspension of the sitting 1 y
Speaker Lowther, haa really aroused public
Interest In the constitutional crisis, regard
ing which the people generally had before
refused to take more than passing Interest.
Th Downing Street home of the cabinet
and th vicinity of th bouses of parlia
ment today attracted many curious ones
who on occasions of special political activity
are anxious to see the participants In th
strife. At the political clubs and elsewhere
a variety of opinions as to ths outcome
was expected. The liberals believe that the
treatment to which Mr. Asqulth waa sub
jected will tend to stiffen the backs of the
ministers. If that la necessary, and maks
them insist on the prompt passage of the
veto bill, falling In which the required
number of peers to Insure the enactment
ot the legislation will be created. While
the unionists generally excuse th conduct
of the Insurgents . on the ground that the
situation was one of great gravity, they
secretely deplore the Incident as likely to
hurt them with the country, as heretofore
they have been held up to public view as
the party of order and decency.
Riot in Chicago -
Peddlers' Strike
Three Wagons Loaded with Fruit
Overturned in Haymarket Square
and Drivers Assaulted.
. CHICAGO, July Zo.-The first scenes of
violence in the demonstration' of street
peddlers against the antl-notse ordinance
which prohibits them from calling their
wares, occurred today when a crowd of
thirty persons- attacked three wagons
loaded with fruit In Haymarket square.
The vehicles were overturned, the contents
strewn over th street and the drivers as
saulted. Extra details of police have been as
signed to disperss street gatherings and
prevent disorder.
Produce merchants declare that the fruit
and vegetable business has decreased 76
per cent since the beginning of th ped
dlers' stria three days ago.
Copy of Contract of Plate Mills is
Placed in Evidence.
Each Company Utven Percentage of
Business and Any Violation ot
Terms Was Punishable by
Heavy Fine.
WASHINGTON. July 25. When the bouse
Steel trufst committee resumed Its session
yesterday Chairman Stanley put In the
record a copy of the Ironclad agreement by
which the Steel Plate Association of the
United Slates was entered into November
4, 1900.' The agreement has been In pos
session' of Chairman Stanley for some time
and a number1 of witnesses have been ques
tioned ( regarding It. Eleven steel com
panies entered into the agreement and ap
portioned among themselves-shipments of
all steel . plates..",- v ".-. ' '.- -'
The. steel company that dared violate
the agreement laid Itself liable to 'heavy
penalties, and It Is said that fines of $1,000
frequently were Imposed on members of
the combination when complaints were
filed with the executive committee. ' Each
firm wis required to make monthly sworn
statements relating to shipments, rolling
production, etc., and any member who
shipped more than his apportioned amount
was required to pay a penalty on each
pound ot such excess, the money thus col
lected being apportioned among the mem
bers who did not ship up to their allotted
. Division of Trade.
The agreement showed the following ap
portionment ot shipments allowable by the
various companies party to the agreement:
Carnegie Steel company, 46.26 per cent.
Jones & Laughlln, limited, 4.76 per cent.
Illinois Steel company, 11 per cent.
Crucible Steel Company ot America, 4.60
per cent.
Otis Steel company, 2.60 per cent.
Tidewater Steel company, S per cent.
Lukens Iron and Steel company, 7.60 per
Worth Bros, company, 7 per cent.
Central Iron and Steel company, 8 per
American Steel and Wire company, 5.60
per cent.
Glasgow Iron company, to the extent of
sales and up to 40,000 tons, should they
be able to acoomplmh them, prior to De
cember, 31. 190L
Leach Goes Over
Horseshoe Falls
in Steel Barrel
Veteran Navigator of the Whirlpool
Rapids Has Leg Broken, but is
Otherwise Unhurt.
NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y., July 28. Bobby
Leach, the veteran navigator of th whirl
pool rapids of Niagara river went over the
Horseshoe falls at 8:18 o'clock this after
noon In a steel barrel.
Flashing over the brink the barrel shot
downward and disappeared In the spray and
spume 168 feet below. Th barrel reap
peared In thirty aeconds with part of one
end knocked off. Efforts to capture It
were at once begun.
The barrel was recovered and Leach
taken off. He had sustained a broken leg,
but was otherwise uninjured.
Members of Wire
Pool Plead Guilty
Forty Men Change Pleas and Are
Fined Thousand Dollars Each for
First Violation of Law.
NEW YORK. July 25.-Forty members of
the wire pool who were Indicted for viola
tion of the 6herman anti-trust law today
withdrew their pleas of not guilty and en
tered pleas of noils contendre.
Judge Archbald In the cases of the Rub
ber Covered Wlr association members Im
posed a fin of 81,000 for th first viola
tion and $100 for each of the other viola
tions. Aviator's PoMenger Killed.
ST. PE'IEUSBCKO. July 26.-The aero
plane piloted by M. Slusarenkos In the St.
Petersburg to Moscow race fell near Tear-skoe-Selo
today. The airman's passenger,
M. Scblenakl. was killed, and Slusarenkos
was badly injured, both legs being broken.
Alfonso Starts for England.
SANTANDER, tipain. July . King Al
fonso sailed for England today aboard the
royal yacht Giralda. The yacht was es
corted by the Spanish cruiser Kelna Re
gent. . .
Choice for Candidacy Left to the Pri
maries Next Fall.
Chairman Jefferts Start It with HI
perch aad Old Soldiers Present
Make the Day One of
.(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 26. tSpeclal Telegram.)
The republican convention her today
proved to be a "get together" convention.
Despite ominous poitunt of trouble and
dissension everything went by unanimous
vote when the machinery got startod and
the delegates dispersed with more party
enthusiasm and greater assurance of a
successful campaign than in many years.
The element of radical insurgents who
talked of precipitating a fight sgnlnst any
endorsement of the Taft administration
suhsded when they found that they con
stituted an exceedingly small minority.
Just before tho noon recess I. D. Evans of
Adams undertook to get the floor for a
evolution he wanted to ottet, but It was
ordered sent to the resolutions committee.
He. persisted that It was not a platform
resolution and the motion to adjourn was
put while he gave notice that he would
propose it again on reconvening.
It developed that the Evans resolution
i was in the nature ot Instructions on the
resolutions committee to omit all reference
to any candidates and eliminate all en
dorsements that night tend to Influence th
expression of the voters in the primary.
Those whose sentiments this resolution re
flected, however, evidently concluded that
It was not wise to inUte a test vote sui
to expose their exaggerated claims ot
strength and the resolution vanished into
When the platform declaration cam out
of committee signed Unanimously by all
mesbers, insurgents as well as regulars, it
was adopted unanimously with' loud ac
claim, and a standing vote without even
a request for a division. ' '
Majority Favors Report.
Though tnoso in la . or of tne adoption ot
the report were largely In ' the majority
at the' convention, for th matter was put
to g vote of the delegatea, scores ot
avowedly strong La Follett men rose to
their feet and gav their endorsement to
th resolutions. Ths whit dove of peace
decended upon th big gathering with lit
tle hesitation, a4 the'. Vmsr' predicted hos
tilities Igonominlousiy failed-te materialise.
The committee on resolutions a chosen
just before the noon adjournment, was
composed of Victor Rosewater of Omaha,
later elected chairman; W. A. Seileck, of
the First district; M. D. Tylr of Norfolk,
of the Third district; Samuel Rtnaker of
Beatrice, of the Fourth district; D. M. Net-
itleton of Spring Ranch, of the Fifth dis
trict; Aaron Wall of Loup City,, of the
'Sixth district, and S. W. Bumhanl of this
city, a member-at-large.
The convention was called td order st
12:10, by State Chairman Huasnotter, who
Introduced A. W. Jeffries of Omaha, as
temporary chairman. ,
Mr. Jeffeiia Immediately stepped to the
front of the platform and as he did so re
ceived an enthuslastio welcome. The dele
gate attendance was not far from 460 when
Mr. Jefferls began to apeak. Scores ot
others' drifted in during his addresa.
Jefferls' reference to th democratic Met
to Mike letters was greeted with great
laughter and applause. Hearers leaned on
every word of the giant Omahan. His
references to nonseparatlon ot the party
through mere details brought hand clap
ping that almost shook the convention hall
Delegates were manifestly swinging Into
the line of the regulars and Insurgency
was decidedly In' the background. Har
mony was present, though ho effort at In
ducing It was made under the guise of
subscribing to latter compromises. '
The first mention of the name of Wil
liam H. Taft brought forth th loudest ap-,
plause of the entire address, for not alone f
were the delegates content to manifest '
their approval ot his name by hand clap- '
ping, but loud yells and whistles were
heard from various parts of the big hail.
Of the serious work of th convention Mr.
Jefferls said:
"Let me say that, In my Judgment, no
higher duty can devolve upon th rank and
file of our party, than In th selection of
the nominees for Judges to administer th
law and establish Justice by the settle
ment of contention and differences of our
people, to the end that they may enjoy
to ths fullest possible extent the rights of
men In their rights of labor and rights of
property. No duty Is fraught with mors
interest for the future welfare of our
state than that of fostering and develop
ing the educational advantages of our
stste university for the education of Ne
braska's sons and daughters. Upon our
courts of Justice,' upon our Institutions
of learning, and upon the reasonableness
and fairness of railroad rates, the future
progress and happiness of our people in a
large measure depends. This Is no off
year politically In Nebraska. Next Apri:,
we will, through the direct primary, ex
press our preferences for th president of
the United States, and at the same tlm
we will nominate the United States senator,
candidates for congress, for governor and
Quart bricks ofDal
zell's Ice Cream.
Boxes of O'Brien 'a Candy.
Bound trip tickets to Laka
All given away tras to tnosa
who Hud their nam In lb
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your name will appear sometltus,
may be mora than once.
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