TIIE BEE: OMAITA, TUESDAY. JULY 25, 1911. 3 FX. Antelopes Trim Omaha; Pueblo Loses; Phillies Lose to Cardinals; Giants Win i w 1 X s, f i V J' LINCOLN TAKES THE OPENER Omaha" ii Defeated by a Score Three to One. cf LOCALS OPEN WITH HOriE RU tntelnnen Mnk All of Their Itnna I 'In Mrtiid (iimr la n !tni'r Bftwffi the Pitchers. LINCOLN, July 24. -(.Special Telegram. Althoagh the Rourkes hit Just as well aa the locals and their bobbles did not Inter Into the score, Lincoln won by the score of I to 1 this afternoon on bunched hit In one Inning. After going down In rotation In the drat, tha Lopes took advantage of Hall's weaken, lng In the second Inning; and scored all of their runs. McCormlck. first up, hit the ball over the right field fence for a homer. Thomas singled to center and Was sacri ficed to. second by aagnler. Cockman walked and both men were safe 'on a double steal, Thomas' pretty slide eluding Picks hand. McOraw slapped tha ball to Nlehoff. who heaved to tha plate to cut off the run. Thomas aig-xngged up and down basee In ordes to allow Cockman to reach third and McOraw second. . He dodged around while tha whole Omaha team ran up and got Into tha play. On a wild toss, he dashed back to third, but Cockman wss there and again he siff-sagged between bases when Thomas slid back to third safely. Wolverton was the next man tip and his hot slash went pnst Nlehoff to right center while Thomas, ,ind Cockman scored. Colo popped to KaeAvca and a beautiful stop by Plait of Cobb's grounder ended the In ning. ' . , V , Tha Rourkes made, but one hit off Wol verton prior t '-tve sixth Inning although two men reached, bases on ' walks. Pick hit a bouuder which, bounded over Wolver ton's head and'goVaway from Dundon fur a single.- Jflehoff walked and Thomason smashed on to rtht for a score.' . Kane droue out what ahould have been a hit but Oagnter made a ' oije-hand catch of It while running full speed for the fence. ' Cbl cama j half In and picked Schoonover's fly, from off his shoe string. Kneavea' "hit In tha seventh got him nothing as -ha died on first In the. eighth. Pick fanned and Nlehoff singled to right. Thomason lifted i Texas leaguer which Gagnter was unable to reach but a beauti ful' stop doubled Thomason at second, Nle hoff taking third. . Schoonover's foul to McGraw made tha third out Pick's field ing at .-third and Kane's work at first ..featured Omaha's playing Tha Rourke. -thlrtl baseman, whose bad leg finally worked Into shape to permit him to return Jo 'tha game, took them on all sides of him. Ha came to the plate on sacrifices and In all handled seven chances perfectly. . . In tha sixth Inning Kane made thres --.wonderful catohea In success on wild throws by Hatl, Pick and Kneaves. Gar ni ei- great playing at short and Cole' catch of Bchoonover's fly featured the 'Lopes' defensive work. The umpiring of both Morgan and Knapp was off Color, but was equally vicious as respects both teams.. Score: LINCOLN. , AR R. H. O. A. E H. I S 'l 1 0 0 V 0 1 o. 1 0 0 t. 10 ' s 2 T 0 coie, cr 4 o Cobb. rf......t.., I Xundon, fb. .......... 8 MCormlck,4lfj.f.,. Thomaa.t lb, Gagnler, as I Cockman. 8b... ....... I McOraw, c........ ., Wolverton, 1 J'otala 28 I 17 OMAHA. AB. R. H. 1 ' I 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 o. 1 s 1 15 1 0 I a 0 A- pick. sb.'... v. .:.., Nlehoff, 2b...... Thomason, cf,. ..4 1 0 '0 0 0 0 0 0 Kane, lb.' , Schoonover, If. 'Illiams, rf neaves, ss... Agnew, c. ....... j Hall, p.. Totals 33 t 24 Uncoln 0 I 0 0 0 0 Omaha 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 21 0 0 0-1 Runs batted In: McCormlck, Wolverton (2) Thomason. Horns run: McCormlck. Double play: O&gnier to Thomas. Left on bases: Lincoln. : Omaha. 7. Stolen basea: Thomas, Uagnier, Cockman. Sacrifice hits: McCor mlck. Cobb. Gagnler. Struck out By Wol verton, 6; by Hall, 8. Bases on balls: Off Wolverton, -l; off Hall. 2. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Knapp and Morgan. - ST. JOB SHUT S OUT. PUEBLO WaWderers Are Uaabla t Ptaal Pitch ee OlffCB. PUEBLO, July 24. Pueblo could not hit Glffen and was shut out In ths first game of th series with Bt. Joseph. Tha score was t to 0. Score: ST. JOSEPH. . : AB, Kelly, rf. .A 4 Powell, rf............ 4 Kellly, 2b B Zwllling. cf.... 4 Jones, lb 6 Hamilton, Sb 4 Melnka, ss... 4 Gossett o 4 Ulffin, p.. R. H. O. A. B. 0 110 0 1 2 4 0 0 1 I S 4 0 1 S I 1 0 2 S 10 0 0 0 S 1 1 0 0 12 4 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 S 0 "5 IS 2 18 0 X' R. H. O. A. E. 0 0 2 0 0 O S S 2 0 0 110 0 0 O S 0 0 0 0 110 0 1 S 0 0 0 1 2 0 1 0 18 S 1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 "o " n u 1 Totala 38 AB. Belden. ' cf i I Koerner, lb... Hughes, 2b Davis, rf..). ClaJre, 3b J Shaw, c J Peaster. P J Clemmona 1 Tnlall SO Betted for Peaster In ninth, St Jnienh' V V 1 V 1 o 1 3-4 Pueblo .....o V v v v v v v stolen bases: Kelly (3). Belden, Olffln, Powell Zw II ling. Two-base hits: Powell, lone ' Claire. Three-base hit: Pavls. noubl'e plsrv Oif fin to Melnke to Jones. Sacrifice hit: Hamilton. Struck out. By 0 0-0 eair, , ' ... ... , - -i . . .tjL Paaitar. 8: off Oiffen. . Time: Umpires: Clarke and McDowell. ' TOPEKA IHCT1 OUT THE SIOUX Bnenanan la 4Sia Boa Proves to Bo In vincible, While Sntro la Hard Hit. TOPEKA. July- 84. Buchanan ' Was In vincible in pinches and Topeka won, 8 to a 8a; was hit hard at times, but the locals soured their throe runs on a wild pitch, a doirble steal aaH a pass with the bases full that forced In a run. Score: TOPEKA.- , AB. R. H. O. A. E. Rickert. If '112 5? King. 8b....... S 0 0 S 8 1 Beecher. . rf 4 1 J Gardner, cf 4 0 8 0 Whitney, lb 8 1 1 J 1 Crisp, c I.J Kmory, 8b S ! 1 f ? Edmlstoa, as 8 1 8 8 1 1 Buvhanan, p..... 8 0 t 0 S 0 Totals... 88 8 SIOUX CITT. Aa R. S 87 ' 18 H. O. A. Andreas, lb Stem. lb.... 4 4 4 Preen, ri . 0 t 0 Wsvaner, cf rltxgerald. If... Hartman, aa.... Kellley. Jb Dawson. C Sage, P Totals Topeka Sloua City Two-base bits: ..88 . 0 S . S . 84 18 0 1 ' ( Edmlstoa, Crisp. Sacrt- ! rti j -r m II i . . VEST. LEAOl'E. I It AT. LEAGUE. W.L.Pct. W.L.Pct. MVfr 5 31 .R".2 Chicago M 31 .Ri. nraln ......61 37 .SnOI Phllsoelptila f2 34 .ft). , .icblo ...... 4S .6621 New York...! 33 .41 Joseph.. 49 41 .fa Bt. lxuls 50 X S Pittsburg ....41 37 . Cincinnati ..35 4 .4 Brooklyn ....31 53 :t Boston 20 S6 . AMKR. LEAOUr- ..tn V-ty---4- 44 .WW aha 41 47 .47 , ekn .".... 37 47 .4731 . Mn!nes..2S 65 .27S AM Kit. W.LPct W.L 1'. I t'olumhu ...:,4 42 .fr!21 Detroit . .59 28 .Alw l.54 21 .b-U ivsnxns t'lty.M 44 .MJ Phllarirlphli Minneapolis hi 45 .KW ( nicago .44 40 .5J1 Toledo 4S 60 .4!t New Y ork... .45 41 .ai4 Milwaukee ..4 M .4W! -leveiana ...41 .em St. Paul. ...47 49 . 4991 r0"'0" J? Louisville ...44 M .455 Washington..! Ml i Indianapolis 43 5Ti .4331 MINK LEAGUE. Nco. LfcAUl K. WI f !. I W.LPct. ,i -. n-n. Fans i:iiv...i a .mi Kimerlor !"!'! i til hi Shenandoah 32 M .552 flrarnl lard. .37 3Z .bWil uourn ... w ..... r , 30 28 .517 .28 31 .475 Hastings .....12 35 .477 fiannaa. Seward .32 35 .477j Humboldt Kearney ....30 3 .4411 Neb. City. ..26 32 . 448 ..23 36 ,.397 ( oltimbus ...31 39x4Ui York 25 41 .379 Yesterday's Resnlts. WESTERN LEAGUE. Omaha. 1; Lincoln, S. Rt. Joseph, 6; Pueblo. 0. Bloux City, o; Topeka, v 2. Ies Moines-fenver, no game. ' NATIONAL LEAGUE. Brooklyn, 2; Plttaburg. 8. New York, 8; Cincinnati, 1 Boston-Chicago, wet grounds. Philadelphia, 2; Bt. Louis, 10. AMERICAN ASSOCIATION Louisville, 8-2; Milwaukee. 2-3. Indianapolis, 6; Minneapolis, 4. Columbus, 7; Kansas City, 4. Toledo, 8-1; Bt. Paul, 0-3. NEBRASKA STATE LEAGUE. FewarO, 11; Superior, 9. York, 4; Hastings, 2. (Sixteen Innings.) Game Today Western League Omaha at Lincoln, 6t Joseph at Pueblo. Bloux City at Topeka, Les Molnea at lenver. National League Hrooklyn at Plttsourg, New York at Cincinnati, Boston at Chic cago, Philadelphia at ni. Jouik. American League ueiroit ai wasnmn- ton Cleveland at Philadelphia, Bt. ixuis at New York, Chicago at Boston. American Association Lioulsvuie ai ivan- sas City, Indianapolis at St. Paul, Colum bus at Milwaukee. Toledo at Minneapolis. Nebraska State Ioague superior ai Grand Island, York af Kearney, Hastings at Columbus, Seward at Fremont Mink League Nebraska city ai raus City. Clarinda at Humboldt, Auburn at Shenandoah. flee hit: Sage. Double play: Hartman to Andreas to Stem. Stolen bases: Kicneri, King, Emory, Hartman. Bases on Dana: Off Sage. 6. Struck out; By Buchanan, by Bage, 4. w ho. piicn: cwge. nm; 1:80. Umpires:1. McKee and Weaver. Pa Rourke Writes m - ' " m ; uoncerning learn Four Are on the Hospital List, but All .Are Fighting Hard for v the Games. A letter received from Pa Rourke. writ ten while he was with the team at Topeka, states that four of tha Omaha players are on the hospital list and are not fit to be playing, but should be resting up. Pick, third baseman, is suffering in tensely from a strain he received wniis at Pueblo. Pa mid he did not .know how long It would be before ha would be In first-class condition again. Kneaves la playing shortstop with a sore log. Nlehoff suffered with cramps for a couple of days while at Pueblo; but- low In good work ing order again. ' - Two of tha best catchers. Including tha new manager, Arbogaet. are out oi ins game entirely. Lynch is laid up with a smashed finger which ha received in tha second game at pueblo, and Arbogast is still carrying . his middle finger on his meat hand in a sling. Ha received tbl Injury in the .last game with Dea Moines here. . . . , Aslds from his men being on tha sick list everything is breakng poorly for tha team, said Pa. Ball which would ordinarily win any game under the sun is falling to do so for Omaha. The' boys are playing tha best ball of the aeason and refuse to get out of the game on account of their Injuries, but insist' upon fighting for all there is in it There has been but ons poor game since the team left home, and that was the one with Topeka where ths boys made five errors. The str(ngv wind on Saturday cost tha Rourkes the game because Kneaves could not judge tha ball. Rourke, however; is confident that his team ranks among the best in the league. and upon their return Thursday will prove to tha omana tans tnat tney are there witn the goods and battling hard for ovary game. Cleveland is Defeated by All-Star Players Fifteen Thousand Persons at Benefit Game for Family of Late Pitcher Joss. CLEVELAND, July 14. The All Stars, made tip of well known American league players, defeated the Cleveland team be fore an audience of 15,270 persons today. Tha game was played for the benefit of the widow aadN children of the lata Addle Joss, Cleveland pitcher. The proceeds of tha contest were near $10,000. The All Stars were more consistent In their hitting than the locals and won, S to 1 The following was tha lineup: All Stars. . Cleveland. I Speaker. Milan. ...Left .. ..vv. Qraney Ball Jackson j uoiuna, jajoi.... eecona Cobb Center I Baker Third . I Crawford Right . Chans Flret ., Wallace Short . , Turner Butcher a. .Olsen ,!- ....Fisher, Smith . Standing, Kaler ...Young, Orlgga i Ti- 1 t...- DitMk .W. I wu, ...... , Johnson, Walsh. ..Pitch . Score: Cleveland ., 0 1 S 1 1 0 01 All Stars ...S 1 ROURKE SIGNS NEW . PLAYER (teen res Fren Meore, Porasar atgrer of tha TosokS) Team, Utility Player- Man. Fred Moore, formerly manager and short stop of the Topeka Western league team. has signed as atlllty player with the Omaha club. Moors had a nonreservs contract with Topeka and quit that club as tha re sult of a disagreement with tha manage ment over financial matters. Herman Wins front Lssgi, HERMAN, Neb., July 21 (Special.) The game between the R. E. Longs of Omaha and the locals, played here, resulted S to in favor of Herman. Weber, for Herman, allowed the' Longs but three stingy hits and sent sixteen to the dog house by the whiff route, while the locals collected twelve safe blows off Nelson. A high wind made fielding difficult. Tha game was called In the eighth inning to allow the visitors to catch a train. Score by Innings: Longs 0 0 0 Herman 8 S 4) 0 1 Batteries: Herman. Nelson and Brown; Herman. Weber and Ray. Herman plavs Tekamah on tha diamond aext Frtdav. SUPERIOR LOSES HARD GAME Gives Seward Contest, Eleven to Nine. ' After Hating: it Won. SMITH AND CONNOR HIT HARD nmbastlna; of Rail Comes la ElRhth and fcilnth Iwlsgs ' Haasea Baaaped for Foar Ri la Sixth. .SUPERIOR, Neb.i July 24 (Speclsl Tele gramsSuperior threw away a game to Seward today In the eighth and ninth after having It handed to them, having knocked Smith and Connor out of the box In the first two Inninga and bumping Han sen for four runs In the sixth. Score: SBWARR SUPERIOR ABHO.A.E AB.H.O.A.B. Stanley, M..4 t I Allen, cf...'.. Krannon. tb. I I t I 1 Orr. cf 1 1 I 1 i a Naff, lb I MicnMI, . t t rnyl. rf I 0 MrD-xll, tb I 0 Prurhft, 4 S F.Bo'k'tt. If. 4 Zlnk, Jb 6 Henry, cf.... t Hmnaen, f-p. 4 Hnblnaon, rf. 4 W.lljr. t 4 Smith, p i onnor, p.... 1 Fuller, rf.... t i i i 4 t i 1 11 D.Bo'k'U, lb I i 10 Porch, lb ... 4 S 1 Lnrmatr, . 4 Lubreon, p.. 1 Totals... Peward . Superior .14 I IT 14 t Totals 14 10 17 ........1 0 0 0 3 0 0 5 311 4 1OOO04OO-S I'wo-base hits: Allen. Michael. Coyle. D. Rockewlts (2). Fullen. t Three-base hits: Zlnk. Brannon. Home run: Zlnk. Bases on balls: Off Smith. 1; off Connor. 1; off VianHAfi A- nft f jinralilr S fttrnr'k nut: ! Hy Connor, 1; by Hansen, 5; by Incaster, ; by Luhrson, l. Hit by pitched bsiis: Stanley, Neff, McDowelK Double play: Lancaster to Mlchsel to D. Bockewlts. Stolen bases: Stanley, Brannon, Neff, Michael, Coyle. McDowell. Sacrifice hits: Henry, Hansen, Coyle. Time: :10. Um pire: Held. . W. H. Russell Buys Boston Nationals President of Club Secures Control by Purchase of Stock -of Page Brothers. BOSTON, July 24. The control of ths Boston National Base Ball club passed Into the hands of President William H. Russell today. Vice President L. C. Page was given a certified check for $28,650 In exchange for 191 shares held "by Mr. Page and his brother, George A. Page. Coursing Medts at Friend and Sutton Dates for National Futurity for Grey- hound Puppies and Waterloo Cup Are Announced. The National Futurity Coursing club has announced that national futurity, a grey hound puppy stake, has been awarded to Friend, Neb., racing to begin October 4 and continue each day until finished. The Waterloo cup stake will be run at Sutton, Neb., starting October 10. About 3)00 greyhounds from leading kennels of ten states wrtl compete In these events. Over 15,000 will be distributed as prises. ' Princess de Chimay is Again mthe Courts Decree Issued Providing that Eicci ardi Shall Live Apart and Not ' . Bemarry. PARIS, July 24. The civil court today issued a decree of conditional separation to M, Rloclardl and Mme. Ricctardl. the former Princess de Chimay, who was Miss Clara Ward of Detroit, Mich. The decree provides that the parties shall live apart, 'but does not permit either to re marry The decree was granted on tha request of the husband. DREYFUS BACK FROM ST. PAUL Ptttskarsx President Dealea Report He Also Gave Player for O'Toole. PITTSBURG, Pa., July 24. President Barney Dreyfuss of the Pittsburg Base Ball olub baa returned from St. Paul. Re ports to 'the contrary notwithstanding, Dreyfuss did -not give a Pittsburg player in exchange for Pitcher O'Toole in addi tion to the 822,500 paid for OToole's re lease. Dreyfuss Is also negotiating for Catcher Kelly of St. Paul and It Is stated has offered $10,000 for him. GAMES IN THREE.I .. LEAGUE Holleabeek Pitches for Waterloo aad Wins Proa Qnlney. WATERLOO, la.. July 84. Hollenbeck pitched splendid ball for Waterloo today and defeated Qulncy. Score: R.H il Waterloo ,"...8 S 0 uuincy, o 4 1 Batteries: Hollenbeck and Harrington; Vyskocll and Clarke. DANVILLE, 111., July 84. Danville got a lead of four runs In tha first Inning and won. Score: R.H.E. Danville m. 13 4 Rock Island : g 11 8 natter lea: rxewnn and Massing; Couch man, Hughes and Gondlng. PEORIA, I1L. July 34. Peoria won both games of a double-header from Dubuque today, S to 1 and S to a Score, first game: R.H.E. Peoria 8 11 8 Dubuque 1 1 ' DAVENPORT, la.. July S4. Davenport- uecatur game postponed, rain. Dodaro Wlaa Bixtea-Innlnar Gaane. DODGE. Neb.'. July 84. (Special.) The Dodge Athletics defeated ths Morse Bluffs team in ths only slxteen-lnnlng game played here this season. The game was ..... .. ...... i i . i . . . amaiuivu uy awiiBmi.uiiavi uviuuis ny ins outnelders on both teams. The Dodge outfielders got six assists and the Morse Blurts outnelders three assists, a record for amateur ball. Botch pitchers pitched gilt-edged ball and received sensational aupport, especially in the pinches, as tha men left on baaes will show. Morse Bluffs had eleven left oh baaes and Dodge had twenty, ecore: R.H-E, Moras Bluffs.OOOOOOOatOOOOOOO-3 8 8 Dodge 00060100100400 08 18 Double plays: Dodge. 4; Morse Bluffs, a Assists: Morse Blufts, 25: Dodge, 25. Hases on balls: Off Bockemuehl, 2; off Spad.e I. Struck outi By Bockemuehl, C; by Spade, 11. Batteries: Morse Bluffs, Bockemuehl end Lehmer; Dodge, Spade and Butler. Time: 8:30. Umpires: Parmenter and Ralston. Rowlaai Association Winning;. ' The Council Bluffs Rowing association ball team, the leading team in Council iiiurrs, won us yiiteentn straight game Sunday by defeating the fast Underwood (la.) team by the score of 8 to I. The asso ciation team is ready to meet the Stors Triumphs and other fast teams that can give them a good race. Address George w heeler, manager Rowing association, council eiuiia. Deshler Wins Tat lee. DESHLER, Neb.. July 34.- Special.) Deshler defeated the Lincoln All Stars In two games of Dan Saturday and Sunday the first game, to ft, and the second, 14 to au. Detent for Allen Brothers. 00 1 The Midland Ulass and Paint rnmnan. defeated the Allen Bros, company Satur day to tna tuna ot ii to a. Next Saturda they will play a double-header with the Woodmen of tha World and the ax-leaguers rrom canaoo. 'NN'.TrU.v If. vnvr-vTCJU how Fwac . fO OtlS,-!. DIVIDE THE DOUBLE-HEADER Toledo Takes First and St! Paul Seo ond Association Game. ONE SHUT 'OUT FOR HOME TEAM Visitors la Their Last Effort Manase to Get Oae Score aad Oae Base Base Hit by Catcher Cartach. ST. PAUL, July 24. Toledo and St. Paul divided a double-header here this after noon, the visitors winning th first game, 2 to 0, and losing the second, 8 to 1. Scose, first game: Toledo. st. pavu ABH.O.A.K. r Wl'rhman lh 4 A t 1 S Clark. If. ABH.O.A.K. 4 ft t ft Nile, rf 4 11 t D iwien my, it 1 MoTor'ck. tb 4 0 Antray, lb.,. 4 1 4 Jonas, cf 4 ISA. Butler, a 4 0 Kallr, e I 4 Hnwell, lb... I 1 4 Laroy, p 1 Ballaten .... 1 1 ft ft t 1 II 1 ft ft 4 ft 7 I 4 1 ft ft ft I ft I S ft ft ft ft 1 II 1 4 4 4 0 ft ft 1 ft Ho'nh'rat, lb 4 ft 11 Burna, rf . .. . 4 t I Clynea. If.... 4 ft 1 Bronkta, lb.. I 4 ft Carlach, C...I 1 4 W. Butlar, aa I 1 I Swan, p I 1 ft Totala M I 27 II 1 Relger. p ft 4 Totals It I IT IT 4 Batted for Laroy In sixth. Toledo 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-1 St. Paul 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0 Two-base hit: Delehanty. Three-base hit: W. Butler. Base on balls: Off Swan, I. Struck out: By Laroy, 4; by Rleger, 2; by Swan. 4. Time: 1:40. Umpires: Bler halter and Weddlge. Score, second game: TOLEDO. ST. PAUL. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.B Nllaa. cf 4 1 lift Ctarka. If.... I I ft ft ft lift Beaumont, cf I ft ft ft ft T ft ft McCor-ck. lb t ft 1 1 ft 1 ft ft Autrey, lb... 4 I 11 1 0 I A ft Jonea. rf I I 4 0,0 ft ft ft A. Butlar, aa 4 1 1 4 ft tO Kallr. 4 ft T 1 ft ft ft ft Howard, lb.. I 1 t I 4 111 Rtecar, p.... I ft 1 ft 1 lift ft 1 0 Totala 17 I IT 10 1 Ht'cbman. tb 4 4 Ho'nh'rat, lb 4 1 Burna, rf.... 4 1 Clynea, If.... 4 4 Malony ... 1 ft Brankle. lb,. 4 ft Hickman ..1 ft Carlach, ... IJ W. Butlar, si I Plana, p I 1 Totala U 4 14 14 1 Hatted for Clynes in ninth. Batted for Bronkle in ninth. Toledo 00010000 01 St. Paul 8 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 Two-base hits: Clarke, Jones, Nilea. Three-base hit: Clarke. Bases on balls: Off Flene. 8. Struck out: By Rleger, 7; by Flene. 8. Time: 8:00. Umpires: Bler halter and Weddlge. 1 MILWAUKEE, July 84. Milwaukee and Louisville broke even this afternoon, the visitors winning the first. to 2, and los ing the second, 3 to a In the first game the home club played stupid Dan in me field, although Cutting was effective. Htg glnbotham was unhlttable. In the second ?ame both Nicholson and Pflester were ef ective with men on' bases. Stone fanning twice, with all the bases filled. The sec ond game was finished In a rain storm. Score first game: tyntnaviixB. ' milwaukek. AB.H.O.A.B. Stone. If.... 4 ft I 4 Howard, lb.. I t ft 1 4 Charles. Ib.. 4 ft I t Hulawljtt, tb. 4 I J I Kprandnrf, lb. 4 Hafford. tb.. 4 1 I I Ifiandall, rf.. 4 Hayitan. rf... I 4 1ft ft Breen. cf...,l Roblnann, as 4 1 4 ft Clark, lb.... 4 Btanabury. If 4 1 4 4 ft lwta, as.... I Stanley, of... 4 4 4 t (TMarahall, c. 4 Hot-has. ....! ft I ft ft Nlcholaon, 0 Hl'bothain. l ft 1 1 ft Cuttlns, p. ..ft 7 ft 111 1 ft ft 1 f ' 0 4 1 111 ft ft ft ft 0 1 ft ft ft ft ft ft 14ft Marion, p.... a Totals '.44 I IT 14 1 Dousharty . 1 Ollllsaa .... 1 Totala II I 17 U 4 Batted for Cutting In the seventh. Batted for Nicholson in the ninth. Milwaukee 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 13 Louisville 0 0 0 0 3 4 0 0 04 Two-base hits. Hulswltt, Marshall, Ran dall, Clark. Hits: Off Cutting, 7 In seven innings; on txicnoison, i in one inning. Sacrifice hits: Cutting (2). Stanley. Stolen bases: Breen, Hlgglnbotham, Howard, Hafford. Hughea. Double play: Stanley to Howard. Left on bases: Milwaukee, 8; Louisville, 9. Bases on balls: orr Hlggln botham, 8; off Marion, 2; orr cutting, 4. Hit bv Ditched ball: By Howard. iA.rlon. Strnuck out: By Hlgglnbotham, 2; by Cuttlnar. 8: by Marlon. 2. Wild pitch: Cutting. Time: 2:00. Umpires: Hayes and Eddlnger. Score second game: MILWAUKEE. LOUISVILLE. AB.H.O.A.B. AB.H.O.A.B Stona. If I t ft ft ft Howard, lb.. I iJ I I Charles, Ib. . 4 1 7 Orondort, lb. 4 4 11 Randall, rf.. 4 1 t Breen, cf.... 4 I 1 Clark, lb.... 4 14 Lew I a, aa.... 114 Marshall, ft.. I 1 I Nlcholaos, p 4 4 4 1 a HuiawHt, jo, a a a t w ft ft Hafford, lb.. 4 8 8 I ft ft ft Harden, rf . I 1 I ft ft ft ft Roblnaon, sa I ft I I I I ft Bmaraoa. If.. I 1 1 ft 0 I ft Stanley, cf... 1 ft 1 ft 4 ft ft Millar, e I 1 I ft ft I 4 Pfelater. p. .. I 4 4 1 4 Huahea. a... 1 ft ft 4 4 Totals. , ..M 10 17 17 4 Hl'botheaa, p4 4 ft 1 ft stanabury ..11440 Totals 10 ft K 1ft ; Batted for Miller In the ninth. Only one out when winning run scored Batted for Pflester in the ninth. Milwaukee 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 18 Louisville 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 13 Two-base hits: Emerson. Charles, Clark, Lewis. Hits: Oft Pflester, In eight In nings; off Hlgglnbotham. 1 In ons inning- Sacrifice hits: Marshall, urenaorf, man- lev (2). Emerson. Stolen bases: Emer son, Charles. Double plays: Charles, Uwli. Orendorf. Charlea to Urendorf; Clark; Charles to Orendorf. Left on bases: Milwaukee. 12; Louisville, 8. Bases on balls: Off Pflester, 3; off Nicholson. 6. Hit by pitcher ball: By PTlester, Randall. Struck out: By Pflester, 4; by Nicholson, 1 Time: 1:45. Umpires: Hayes and Ed dlnger. v Kansas City Ontplnys Colanabns. KANSAS CITY, July 24. Three singles. two doubles and five mlsplays by the visit ors allowed Kansas City ten runs in the seventh Inning here today, defeating Col umbus, 15 to 7. Love's single In the seventh, which went through Odwell, In center field, waa good for a home run. Umpire Owen" was hit by a foul tip In the ninth and Maddox finished the game. Score: KANSAS CITT. COLUMBUS. ABH.O.A.K AB.H-Q.A.B. Barbaas. lb.. 4 14 1 1 0Rosrka, Ib 4 4 4 I 1 Sulllvaa. ct.. 4 lias mi enmaa, tr. 1 s ft 114 1 Conaaltos, rf 4 s4 4 4 111 4 Dow oa. lb... 4 I I I 4 4 11 4Parrlni. lb.; 4 t II 4 1 1 4 4 4 VUhllifs. aa.. 4 I ft I 1 114 aodw.ll. cf... I 1 I 4 1 till Wal.h. e 4X1 I 4 4 1114 Laaaard, p... 114 11 4 14 4 Lattlmort.. 1 14 4 0 4 4 4 4 Totala 11 11 44 M 4 Lore. It 4 Hretl, Ib-rt, 4 Bhanoon, rf.. 4 B' warm's, lb 1 Corrldoa, aa.. 4 Dowsey. e.. 4 Jamea, a 4 Madooz, a... I Owena. a I Baker, ...... 1 Totala 14.11 ITII I Batted for Shannon in seventh. Batted for Lessard in ninth. Columbus 0 4411101 1- 7 Kansas City ,.0 1 0 S 0 0 10 2 15 Home runs: James (2). Lessard. Three- base hits Corrldon. Mahllng. Two-base hits: Corridon, Hyatt, Sullivan i Congaiton, Owens. Sacrifice hits: Sullivan, Love. Cor rldon. Hits: Off Maddox, I In five and one- third Innings; off Owens, S in two and two- thirds inninga Struck out: By Leseard. S; by Mtdiioi, l. uase on Dans: orr Lessard, 4; off -Maddox, 1. Double play: Lessard to Walsh to Perring. Wild pitch: Owens. First base on errors: Columbus, 2; Kansas City, a Hit by pitched ball: Bar beau by Lessard; Odwell by Maddox. Left on Bases: Columbus, 4; Kansas City, 7. Time: 1:1$. Umpires: Owens and Maddox.- Ta Die a the Scat told is plalnless compared with the weak, lams 1 back kidney trouble causes. Electric Bit tars Is tha remedy, too. For sals by Bea ton Drug Co. RECORD CROWD AT ST. LOUIS Fans Turn Ont to See Locals Trounce Philadelphia. PLAYERS ARE DACE FROM EAST Fire Bans Are Scored la be First l. Blast aad Alexaader of tar Visitors t Poanded Ont of (he Box. I ST. LOUIS, July 24.-A record-breaking attendance grerted the St. 1-ouls team on Its return from Its eastern tour and saw the locals defeat Philadelphia today, 10 to i. The locals rcored five runs In the first lnnlngfand drove Alexander from the mound. Hums, wno reiievea mm, Ing hit hard. Score: BT. 1HT18.' rHILADKWHlA An.M.n.A.a. AB.H.o.A.R. I Huanlna, lb.. 4 lit Knahe. tb.... 4 0 Hauler, aa. .. ( 4 Pankert. el.. Ubert. h... I 0 1 0 4 ft Uuderua. lb.. 4 1 I 4 4 Wal.h. If.... 4 1 4 ft Kill. If t 1 Kntiotrbr. lb t 1 Rvana. rf . .. . I 1 Smith, lb 4 I 1 1 Berk, rf I s 1 e o ft ft nnnlan, tt... I ft t 4 ft I 4 rinoln. r I I I 1 I 4 Aleitfndrr. p. ft 4 ft ft Oakea, cf . . Bliaa. e.... Harmon, p. t i a o Bunia. p I ft ft a 1 Totala M II IT i 1 ; Totala 4 4 14 I St. Louis ' 5 8 0 1 0 1 1 0 -10 Phllsdelphla 0 0010000 12 Two-bas hits: Konctchy, Hugglns, Paskert. Three-base hit. Paskert. Home run: Smith. Bases on bull: Off Har mon, 1; off Burns. 2: off Alexander. 2. Struck out: By Harmon, 9: by Hums, 3; by Alexander. 1. Time: 1:47. Umplrea: O'Day and-Emslle. , New York Wins From Cincinnati. CINCINNATI. July 24 New York found Keefe for five hits and as many runs In the second Inning end won easily. Score: NEW YORK. CINCINNATI. ABH.O.A.K. AB.H.O.A.R. Pwror If... Ill ft 1 Manama, cf. . ft 1 I I 0 Ttmrher. If... 4 14 0 ft 1 o o o nnrie. tb.:.. a I I i Rnodarasa, cf 4 0 ft Hnblltrcl. lb 4 ft 11 4 ft Mitchell, rf.. 4 14 1 ft Almeida, lb.. Ill 1 ft Orant,' aa I ft ft I ft Downer, aa.. 1 ft ft ft ft Kg.n. tb..... 4 I 4 Murray, rf.., t Merkla, lb.. 4 Hertog, lb... 4 Fletchar, as.. I Meyera, C..-.4 Marquard, p. 4 4 ft I . i l ft' i : 1 1 1 ft 0 I I ft McLaanv C... 4 ft Xeefa. p ft ft f p 4 1ft ToUla II II IT t 1 Smith, I ft Totala S3 ft n It t New York 0 5 1 0 0 0 1 0 1-8 Cincinnati ..0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0-8 Two-base hits: Merkle, Almeida, Hersog, Meyers. Three-base hits: ' Marquard (2), Doyle, Meyers. Struck out: By Marquard, 7. Rases on balls: Off Keefe. 1; off Smith, 1; off Marquard. 5. . Time: 2:10. Umpires: Johnstone and Kason. i , Brooklyn Easy for Plttsharai. PITTSBURG, July 24.-Plttsburg had no trouble today In defeating Brooklyn, 8 to a Wilson hit safely every time ho went tobat, getting three three-baggers and a home run. Score: 0 P1TTSBCRQ. BROOKLYN. AB.H.O.A.E. AB.H.O.A.B Byrna, lb.... I 10 1 ft Burch. rf 4 1 o ft Loach, cf.... I ft I ft 0 Daubert, lb.. 4 Cany, If 4 I I 0 0 Wheat. It.... 4 Wasnar, as. . I ft 4 I ft Hummel, tb. 4 Miller, lb.... I 111 0 DarliVron. cf. 4 MrKech'a, lb I 1 4 0 A Stark, aa I Wllaon, rf... 4 4 10 ft Zlm'man. Ih. I Blmon, c 4 ft 4 1 0 Erwln, o I A da ma, p.... 4 I ft I ft Barter. P .. I 0 10 V u t I ft ft 1 4 ft ft iioo l t l liiti I ft 4 ft Totals 14 IS V I 0 Totala It 4 14 II ft Pittsburg 0 0 2 0 1 8 0 3 Brooklyn i.l 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 03 Three-base hits: Wilson (3), Adams, Barger. Home runt Wilson. Bases on balls: orr Barger,- Z. Htruc out: ay Adams, 4: by Barger, 1. Time: 1:36. Um pires: Rigler and Flnneran. Sloop Mavourneen is Wrecked but Winner Eleven Yachts Race From Chicago - and Are Now Lying Along the Lake Michigan Shore. MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich.. July 24. Of the eleven yachts that left Chicago Sat urday In the Chlcago-Macktnao race, five are anchored In the harbor here, three have put In for shelter at life porta along Lake Michigan, one Is wrecked on Baavef Island, one lies on Mission Pojnt and an other haa not been heard from since yes terday morning. This Is theresult of a storm, wtllch reached its height between I and S o'clock this morning, after blowing a gale all day yesterday. The winner of the race, the Sloop Ma vourneen, shortly after capturing the Mackinac cup, dragged her anchor and now Ilea pounding to pieces on the beach. Fears are felt for the safety of the Illi nois, nothing having been heard from her since yesterday morning, when the Mavour neen passed her. . The Juanlta Is at Charlevlox, where she put In for the night. The Sloop Vencedor is aground on Flshermans' islyand In the Beavers. The Capslclum is reported at Frankfort. The JJIoop Prairie arrived here j at 10:12 this rorennon and the Irlquols is reported In shelter at South Manltou. The Amorlta and the Shark were the first to arrive last night. All of the boats arriving here show much evidence ofa terrific battle with the storm. Nebraska City Wins Out at Falls City Clardinda Wins in the Twelfth Inning by Bunching Hits on Hum boldt. FALLS CITT. Neb., July 24.-Vebraska City outplayed the league leaders and won today by the score of 5 to a Score: R.H.E. Nebraska City 0 0 0 8 Falls. City. .S 0 0 0 1 0 0 1-6 S 1 0 0 I 0 0-S S 4 Batteries: Nebraska City, Walliford and Pinkerton; Falls City, Forrester, Wood and Black. Umpire: Kratzberg. HUMBOLDT, Neb., July 24. Bunched Lite with the locale' errors In the twelfth wont a close game for Clarinda today. Score: R.H.E. Clarinda 1OO040O9IO0 14 ft t Jiumboldt 1 00 0 4)0 0 0 1 0 0 0-S 7 4 Batteries: Clarinda, Pmlthson and Har mony; Humboldt, Oswald and Diets. Um pire: Meyers. SHENANDOAH. Is.. July 24. Johnson i kept the hits scattered and Shenandoah 1 won today. eore: R.H.E. I Auburn 0 1000100 1-3 72! Shenandoah .... 2 0 0 9 0 1 0 4 1, Batteries: Auburn, Zonderman and ! Kranlcger; Shenandoah, Johnson and i Castle. Umpire: Sage. - Kansas Opens Tonrnnnient, WICHITA, Kan., July 24. In the Kansas state open tennis touriney here today, D. K. Campbell and Jack Cannon, both of Kansas City, Mo., defeated W. A. Penley and H. K. Uncapher, both of Augusta, Kan., for the doubles championship, 4-2. S-. 4-2, 4-1 Charles Spelcle or Klngnsner. Okl., de feated Gordon Parker of Wichita In the singles championship, 4-2, 4-4, 4-4, 7-5. Silver Creek Loses to Colnanbns. SILVER CREEK. Neb.. July 24. (Special Telegram.) Silver Creek lost to the Colum bus State league team xoaay oy tna score of 7 to S. Batteries:. Columbus, Hay and I Annew; Silver t.reek. K. tnank ana Mam- son. Hits: - urr nay, s; on onam, a. Struck out: By Hay, 11: by Shank. T. Three- base bits. Torrance. K. en an a. Two-oaae hi... Uarrlaon. Mniiell 2i. . E. Brown. Ijeaeh. Time: 1:40. Umplrea: Mets and Roth. Newark, Ball Plant Bnrnaal. NEWARK. O., July 24. Following closely yesterday afternoon's accident at the New. ark Central league base bail park, when a portion of the bleachers collapsed Injuring ikirtv naranna. some seriously, tha base ball company suffered another loss early j today when tire, penevea to oe or incen diary origin, destroyed tha grandstand and sH ths club's equipment. Including road and horns uniforms and tha park fence. There was no Insurance. TEMPLE ARRIYES IN OMAHA Even Though He js Alive, Several More Identify the Burglar. THOUSANDS VISn THE MORGUE Mam Who Kara that He Is Temple Comes to Look Over 4ae Body of the Dead Robber la "oath Omaha. The real. Jack Temple, who was sup posed to have been the burglar shot last Saturday morning by Councilman1 Franek of South Omaha .arrived here yesterday afternoon at 1:1ft. coming from Atlantic over the Rock Island. Though several more persons who as serted there are acqalnted with Jack Tem ple yesterday declared thnt the dead burg- ar was the Atlantic man the pnssenger who alighted at the I'nlon station insisted veFterriav afternoon he Is not a burfflar. llthat he haa not been shot, nor haa he died, ft i . .. . . i ne live man came to umana, accompiinica by Frank Marnhardt, A brother-in-law. In an Interview Temple spoke rather con temptuously of the mlxup In Identity, say ing that the whole affair is a big joke. He does not take kindly to the notoriety that has been given him and is somewhat peeved. There is a strong resemblance between the dead and live men, -so much so, It seems, that even his most Intimate friends have been unable to separate them. Temple went to South Omaha during the afternoon and after viewing the body of the dead man said that he had no Idea who It was. More Identifications. Even while Temple was speeding toward Omaha on the Rock Island, several more peopllp have Identified the body of the burglar as that of "Jack Temple." .More than a tloxeti people have Identified the deud man aa Jack Temple, the latest ones to make the assertion being A. liloc.i, nn Omaha Insurance man. and Mrs. Joe Wclxel of 2923 T rtieet, who viewed the tody Monday morning. Among those who declared the dead burg lar to be Temple, many were well ac quainted With the man, they said, and some of them were old schoolmates of the supposed burglar. No less than 10.000 people viewed the corpse Sunday In the parlors of the Larkin undertaking establishment. There was . a constant stream of morbid individuals In and out of the death chamber, and It was particularly noticeable that young girls, in their ,'teens. and short dresses, swjllod the throngs that surged about the morgue awaiting turn to have this curiosity satls- fled. A few of those who weru whirled Into the vortex of swarming beings submitted to the crush with an anxious desire to clear up the mystery that existed Some of them denied that the body was that of Temple, while others were frank to admit that the dead burglar' was none other than the At lantic boy. Between the denials and ad missions the South Omaha police were thrown deeper than ever Into the depths of uncertainty. ' Jenkins Was Positive. W, B. Jenkins, a traveling salesman for Sunderland Bros., was attracted to jthe morgue by newspaper accounts, since he knew Jack Temple well. "There's no doubt about It." said Jenkins. "I was reared, and went to school with him in Atlantic. I know him too. well." Jenkins was post 0 Wfl szzm WnnJ anS-f allikin d,sefs" can be traced to some humor in the 2d ,therc.forc Phe cure of any skin trouble can come only through t .thorough cleansing of this vital fluid. Salves, washes Jo ions etc T reliev? some of the itching and discomfort, help toniiXmir or 2d - flnHknFPin2 CUtQ dctt such treatment does Shffi blood and of course can have no rea curative effect nir. Tot of every kind because it purifie'sThe'blood ' IH? an internaf rerS dy' fo? an internal trouble, and works on the, only reasonable indK iSthS i C;u 55,f rcmoves a acids and humors from the circulation and leaves the blood stream rich, healthy and nourishing in order ?h-H?m-2 SA1fflrdnfl,l Skin and -dicllic?! s THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO, ATLANTA, CA. x Low Fares TICKETS ON SALE DAILY, Round Trips from OMAHA to Atlantic City, N. J $43.50 Asbury Park, N. J. . . ..$42-fl5 Boston via Montreal. ... 944).eo Boston, direct 41-f45 Buffalo, N. Y.... 32-34 Detroit.' Mich 23.20 Return limit 30 days. Correspondingly reduced rates the east via the MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL RAILWAY Low 60-day, circuit tour fares to New York City, $49.40 and up, to Boston $52.20 and np according; to route' selected. Long limit summer tourist fares to Wisconsin," Michigan, New York State, New England, Pacific Ceast and Canadian resorts. Information and fold ers free. , W. E. BOOK, 0. P. A., 1524 Farnam St., Omaha. Phone Bell Douglas 284. Independent A -3 138. , ! B Omaha to Kansas City DOUBLE DAILY SERVICE Morning and Evening Trains Broiler Buffet .Car on Day Train. , Drawing Room Pullraa,n Sleeping Cars on Night Train. VIA THE live, and. since the InTormstlon came from such s reliable satires Cic cttwiT discarded all dourt. even thotiish relstlvcs hsd In formed him that the reul Jack Temple wss olive and well and happy tvlth his parent at Ktrs. Bohemian Sokols ' Enjoy an Outing Fire Hundred Countrymen Assemble Sunday aad Engage in Vari ous Pastimes. Nearly M Ilohem.an tokols attended the picnic given by the association Sunday afternoon at Klahteenth and Valley streets. Racing contests took tip the early rati of the afternoon. In which the follow ing were winners: Fat men's race, Tom Mlratcky; thin men's race, Ktnll Proskocll; man led women's rnce, Mrs, Anton tends: unmarried women's rsce. Miss Anna Yunek. 1 After the racing contests a ball game between the married and unmarried men was played. In which the latter won by a score of 14 to 12. The following was the line-up: Single Men. Bill Novotny.... John Ostronlc... Joeeph Moravec Position. Married Men. f'atch..l..Ailolph Krejo. Pitch.. ...John . Krsllcek Klrsl......Tom Miratskv Second 1. J Krumi Jim t-Kryia Attorney I'adrnoa... Third Stsnlev llruhv .1. Skouinal Short Frank Runa Jim Stnry ..Center ...Jos. Zaloukek vV.V,iT.. Left. ....Frank Peehots Right Flank Kurara umpire, ynariea Kremia. s' Merlons l.neeratlons and wounds are healed without danger of blood poisoning by Rucklen's Arnica Salve, the healing wonder. 25c. For , sals try Beaton 1'rug Co. Merchants O, Elkhorn O. The Sherm;in Avenue Merchants defeated rT.khorn Sunday nfternoon by n score -of fi to 6 on the Intter's grounds. The Mer chants hsd Elkhorn outclflSFcd In ever' purt of the game. The ' Me-chanls two rielilers failed to i-how up Sunday morning before train t'me and this made It neceti- sry for Manager Hyera nnd scorekeeper Young to fill their places. The feature of the game was the all round playing of the Merchants' team In general, A Life Sentence of suffering with lung anil throat trouble Is rjnlckly commuted by Dr. King's Ne DldCovrry. 60c and 31.00. For sale by Bea ton Drug Co. Any Shape You Wish UTBOLIN WATERPROOFED LINEN COLLARS will satisfy your collar needs. Style, service, economy and comfort. Permanently clean. Launder with A damp cloth. Won't wrinkle, wilt or ravel. The same collar you have always worn-only waterproofed. Collara, 23c each Cuffs, 80c a pslr Al yam dealer V r by mail ea receipt el price Tie riBERLOrn CO. 740 Waver lyPL,H.Y. UEMOVES AIL HUMORS tHUM BHF He nlm Last Montreal, Que Muskoka Lakes, Ont. $33.00 ' New York, City $42-43 Quebec, Que. $30.00 Portland, Me $42.85 Toronto, Ont. ......... . $20.00 Return limit 60 days. to many other tourist .resorts in MISSOURI PACIFIC Thos. P. Godfrey, Passenger and Ticket Agent, 1423 Farnam Street or Union Station.