Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 25, 1911, Image 1

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Fhe Omaha Daily Bee.
Looking Backward
Th's Day In Omaha
rr tr in Thu Age
Tor NeNradka Fair.
For Iowa Fair.
nsitorlal Page sf ImI
VOL. XLI NO. 32.
"Wild Scenes of Disorder Mark At
tempt to Move Consideration of
Veto Bill Amendments.
Speaker Lowther Finall-" rfnspcnda
the SiUiags Until 1 t'w.
x.fc7 Ar; Anxious to He. -ct
Tar-ma nf tVa T71tir.itT!T- - V v"
Meurrk la Aasiona to'Avold'Swa
In Howae of reera with Jlew Cr-
tlone in! la Trjlat to lessee
tea tela la Vivid.
LONDON, July it rcenes of wild dls
evicr :rsrhed tn session r-f ths Ilo-se of
Cerr.n.ons tenia. Half a 4nen times the
l.-emter rose to fnove consideration c tna
lores amendments to the, parliamentary
b.ll and each time he iru lwwll down by
a dn so terrllic that the apeaker htd dif
tlcplty in making himself heard as he ap
pealed to b to Fid to observe parliamen
tary decorum. Aja,n Aaquith ereayed to
apeak, but was unable to prevail against
the uproar.
After trying- rainly for three-quarters of
sn hour to set a hearing, Asqutth
cut ahort his projected apeech and amid
a hubbub declared that If the lords would
not consent to restore the veto bill even
with resAonabls amendmenta, to substan
tially Ita orlctnal form, the government
would be compelled to Invoke the exerc-e
of the roal prerogative for the creation
of new peers.
A. J. Ba'four replied that the government
br thla one stroke 'had uaed the preroga
tive of the crown to destroy the eeoond
shamber. Others attempted to apeaJt but
were howled down and unable to restore
order. Speaker Lowther decided the sit
ting suspended until tomorrow.
peers Crave the Hewae.
No par.Aaieatary event of modern times
has so quickened the public pulse as the
present pol.Ucal cf.sia arlaing from the veto
blil and anxiety to know tha exact terms of
Premier Asqulth's ultimatum to the peers
crowded the house In a way not before for
many itara.
The roeoibvrs of the lower chamber, us
ually so decorous, gave vent to their feel
ings by rising and cheering frantically and
wavtn. handkerchiefs as their respective
leaders entered. There waa soma groans
front", the' unionists banc has Intermingled
with aa occasional shout of "traitor' when
Asqullh made his appearance.
The opening scenes of tha hlstorlo seasioa
were among the stormiest ever witnessed
In the house. As he. rose t speak the P ra
mi ar waa encouraged by a rear of applause
from the radical, Irish and labor beaches,
but an answering volley of cheers came
from the opposition, while a email group of
stafldpsAJJa; nfl T " rtrattor, "trai
tor, tialtor," until speaker Lowther warned
them to conU-el themselves. '
Prominent among the disorderly ones waa
' Lord Hugh Cecil, the conservative tree
trader from Oxford university, who inces
santly chanted "divide, divide, divide."
The radical members appealed to the
speaker to metaphorically turn him out.
, Frederick E. bmlta. unionist tor the Wal
ton division of Liverpool. Injected the claim
that the unionists were entitled to protest
to this fashion, if they thought that the
cabinet had degraded the political life of
the country.
Haar. Ckter foe Stodssoadl
Thla led to a renewal of the outbreak.
Meanwhile Premier Asquuh stood at the
table , waiting a lull In tha storm. Hla
first word, however, waa a signal tor an
other cyclone and for twenty minutes the
premier stood, unable to get a word In.
Cries of "hurrah for Redmond, the real
lie tni. " suddenly broke out from the con
servative benches. "We will listen to Red
mond." they added.
The British aristocracy, was the scorn
ful reply of the radicals, "look at 'em."
Sir Udward.yklanry Carson, unionist for
Dublin, then 'moved adjournment The
speaker said he would be delighted to en
tertain the mo tic a. but the proceedings had
not started.
Again and again Aaquith tried to speak,
but a whirlwind of cnes drowned his voice.
"Divide, divide, let us know the terms ot
the bargain, write another letter," "toe the
line" were among the favorite shouts.
A strong appeal by the speaker finally
Continued on Second Page.) '
The Weather
For Nebraska Fair.
Far Iowa Fair.
S a. m
a. m
T a. m ..
S a, m
.... M
' a. m. .....m...... (3
it a. i4
. 1 a. m. (j
U m- 4
1 p. m... at
P- m a
S p. m (7
4 p. m M
5 p. m M
4 P BLtsatH
T p. m U
t p. m T.. . M
Lral Record.
1IL 1910. IS. 1S0S
...... 7 M S3 M
H rrheet yesterday...
Tuiwest yealarday....
Si. a it teinpsrature...
e. mliatiun
...... M 7 J
i z n T
.UO .M .w .90
Temperature ssd predpUatloa departures
from tna normal i
Normal temraiure
Defickmcy for the day
T'Hal ao-eai Mrvoo March 1...
Normal precipitation...
leflcjocy for tae day
Total rainfall since March 1.
Trx ficlancv alnce alarch 1
. U
.14 Inch
.14 Inch
S K Inches
! Inches
Defick-ncy for cor. period. 1910... U ( Inches
DtttK-irnvy for cor. period, lie... .61 Inch
Heserts fraau atatloM at T P. St.
Station and Stats Temp. High- Raln-
ef Weather. T p
Cheyenne, pt. cloudy
tavenport. clear
le.i er. pt. cloudy
r i Motnea, pt. cloudy....
Loi:e City, clear
alji.ier clear
Nona Platte, clear
On.aha. pt. clouviy
pj'lio. cloudy
Xip.J City, clear
Sit Lata City, pc cloudy.
Bmri fr'e. rlatkiy
nr.dttU clear
S:oux City, t'lr,
Valentine, near..
1' iufli4:jfttae trace of ar
l i ni j
ia sax we. V
vo Ly
w MwneAr
n. sr V"
w-w a'ni' tY'
m. om. fail,
as w .M
a w . .
7 T
T4 7 .SO
7J 74 . .
7 71 ... .a
7) .0
7 70 .00
6a 7 M
4 M .w
M M .14
TJ 74 .
g . 7 .
71 71 A)
U A- WtioH, lacsJ recaate.
Two Killed in ,
Family Fight at
Jackson, Ky.
William Simms and His Wife Are
Killed by Their Son-in-Law, Nor.
real Allen,
LEXINGTON. Ky.. July 24. Specials
from Jackon. Ky., today give particulars
of a femll- flrht at fnuth Quicksand.
' near Jackson. Sunday In which two per
I sors were killed snii snother seriously
i v-ourded. The victims were William
! Klrrms and his wife. Mm. Ellxa Simms.
I who were killed, and Alonso Allen, who was
seriously wounded. Normal Allen, a son-in-law
nf the dead couple, and a brother of
Alcnxo, Is at le rare.
The Aliens, it Is said, attacked the old
people because of some grievances of the
That Mrs. S!mrr.s waa foremost In the
shooting was the statement of A! into Al
len, who was brought to Leximrton today.
Allen said that he and his brmhr went
t the Simms home on an Invitation and
that as they, entered Simms and his wife
began Trine at "them." After he w-j
wounded four times,, he said. ; his brother
hot and killed Mrs. Simms and then killed
her husband.
Wickersham Denies
Charge of Wickersham
Attorney General Tells House Com
mittee that He Has Not Shielded
Alaskan Criminals.
WASHINGTON. July t4. Attorney Gen
eral Wickersham today branded as false
hoods the charges of Delegate Wickersham
of Alaska, that the attorney general had
"shielded Alasksn criminals" and had al
lowed tbs statute of limitations to run In
an alleged coal contract fraud case. These
aid other emphatic disclaimers were made
before the house committee on the Judiciary
as an answer to the delegate'a allegations.
The attorney general said . that the
"proof which the delegate has given him
In the coal case consisted of aa affidavit
by H. J. Douglas, formerly auditor of the
Alaskan syndicate. This purported to show
thst a conspiracy had been entered Into by
the North went am Commercial company
and the John J. Sesnor company to get con
tracts for supplying coal to government
forts la Alaska.
The Douglas arfldlvft referred to alleged
affidavits made by Captain Jarvis, who
waa head of the Alaska Syndicate company
and who recently committed suicide In
Seattle and by John H. Bullock, who waa
president of the Seanor company.
The attorney general said that Special
Assistant Attorney General McNamara.
who was sent to Alaska to Investigate the
case, found no such affidavits and that tha
War department records fall to show any
thing of the sort aa claimed. The attorney
general said the statute of limitations in
the coal oontract case -wvuld not ruxt out
nam March. WS.
WASHINGTON. Jury 4-Representative
Littleton a" Hew Terk (dernooraO amid
Dalecata Wlakershan either should with
draw or confirm hla recent charges that
the' attorney general "purposely shielded
and ' defended tha Alaska eradicate crim
inate from punishment for crimes against
the government," In Instances where he
(the delegate) personally gave tha evidence
which would Justify tndtotmenta.
"I am here to make good," declared Del
egate Wickersham.
"Well. then, make good." snapped the
attorney general.
"Here la a man who accuses everybody
from Senator Nelson down. Let him prove
it. Es eaa't do If."
The delegate replied It would require eev
eral days to prepare" hla evidence, and al
though be had . written to the attorney
general In April. 1910. and laid before him
moot of the matters he had never received
a reply.
As to tha alleged coal frauds the attor
ney general said hla department still waa
Investigating the case and ha would be
glad to get any further Information.
The attorney general also defended Sena
tor Nelson from the charge by Delegate
Wickersham that there "had been Jo
packing la the senate committee on
Judiciary." '
County Assessor Gets
Eight , Years in Prison
Convicted of Hiring Accepted a Bribe
for Reducing an Assess
ment. OAKLAND, CaL. July ti-Former
County Assessor Henry P. Dalton waa
sentenced today to asi ra eight years la
the state penitentiary at San Quentla. fol
lowing his conviction of bavins; accepted
a bribe of SS,0( from tha Spring Valley
Water company In consideration of which
he. was to reduce the corporation's as
sessments In this county.
Pope Pius is 111 and
Suspends Audiences
ROME. July Si. Pops Plus has taken
cold and la suffering from a sore throat
as well aa experiencing the tnooavwnlenoe
of hoarscseea. Dr. Ettora Marchlafavs,
conaulting physician to his holiness, visited
the latter today in . company . with Dr.
Giuseppe Pettaed, tha pontiffs private
physician. They found that tha patient
had a slight rise la temperature and or
dered that hla audiences for tbs present be
abandoned. It la believed that the pope
would be restored altar a fsw days rest.
Aaka IsmUry WHsaa to Attend 3To
kruaa ataie ravlr Xext
-' (From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Jury St. (Special Tale
gram.) Senator Brown today presented to
the secretary of agriculture aa Invitation
to attend the state fair at Lincoln In Sep
tember. He waa assured by the secretary
that ha would very gladly accept the In
vitation If his engagements would permit
and would be able to say definitely la a
few days. Senator Brown feeis satisfied
tha secretary will be able to attead.
P.- sTanerson Taylor of Nebraska, United
States consul at Stavaager, Norway, ac
companied by hia wife, arrived la Wash
ington today. Consul Taylor and wife
Uava tonight for Aubura, Neb,
Every Effort Made at Fremont to
Keep Dogs of War in Leach at
Windows Are Plastered with Pictures
of the Ohio Candidate.
President Taft's Stand on Reciprocity
Pleasing in West.
Every-thlns; Propltlowa for Actio tTaat
Will Retire raited Froat Part
of fteowbllcaas of Ne.
CFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
FREMONT, Neb.. Jnly 14. (Special Tale
eram.) Vnlees some Handy Andy of the
Bryan household misunderstands his or
ders, there will be no fight worthy the
name In the democrat stats convention
tomorrow. That something good In that
line was generally expected Is Indicated
by the crowd of press men on the ground
thta eveenlng. Soma lows papers have
representatives here and they are busily
seeking for sensations. Shallenberger's
conference with Mayor Dahlman last week
has borne result In the certainty with
which the former governor announced this
evening that "the trouble has all blown
Shallenberger, Harrington. Stats Chair
man Byrnes and some other leaders con-
en lent to Columbus held a conference
there Sunday evening. It la understood
snd ths consensus of agreement was "let
the sleeping dogs die."
Close followers of Dahlman have been
given the tip that he la satisfied to rest
on his Omaha resolutions and when he
arrived this evening with Tom Flynn,
Colonel Fanning and George Rogers he let
that Impression prevail.
Hanaaa Pietare Everywhee-e.
It only needa a swivel tongue, though, to
start a row. One possibility of a break
away from the peace agreement appears
tcday In tha plastering of Fremont store
fronts with large pictures of Governor
Harmon of Ohio accompanied by flatter
ing comment printed underneath. The Fre
mont Herald window and those of ths
Platte Valley Zeltung blase with Harmon
lithographs and thla la true of a great
majority of the stores. Over against this
was ths declaration of Judges Sutherland
and Dean, aa soon aa tney arrived that
sentiment Is strong among their people.
Denial Is made that any organisation Is
responsible for the Harmon lithographs and
j those seeking to excuse them Insist that
! Mark Perkins, editor of the democratic
Fremont Herald, sent to Columbus. O, for
the. lithographs., printed and placed them
at bis own expense. But' they will stay tip
, to greet "Charley" Bryam wheat ho ar
i rtves Tuesday snoraW. H haa reserved
jfooms aa a gathering -place for tha Bryaa
fasJlemherwr Reads Reewlatiotaa.
While no announcement la vet mada flat.
) ernor 8hallenberger will be chairman of
the resolutions committee. The Bryan men
will be allowed to name the members of
the committee from the First district and
the Dahlman men to pick the members
from the Second district. Other districts
will be permitted to name their members
of thla body.
The resolutions are likely to be short
and formal. As ths convention does not
meet until I o'clock and half of the dele
gates will be In tonight ther eta Just a
chance that old coals will be kindled to
a dangerous heat during ths discussions
tonight and in the morning. One anti
Bryan man declared at the hotel head
Quarters this evening: "We must make the
east and south understand we no longer
worship Bryan." Hs waa not a delegate,
Attendance; at RennbUeaa Convention
Will Be Largo This Year.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July . (Special. Scores of
delegates to the republican stats conven
tion, which Is to be held In this city Tues
day, have arrived here and every train
la bringing in more. That there will be a
far larger attendance than waa predicted
by. the state central committee when It
met hero a few weeks ago Is now aa as
sured tae. Chairman Huae natter and Sec
retary Douglas of that committee assert
that the recent copious rains over the stats
have played nd small part In renewing the
people's Interest la the affair, and to this
they attribute largely the fact that all of
the eounlea are o be represened by larger
delegariotia than had the weather contin
ued hot and dry.
Talk as to the big gathering centers on
tha possibility of the convention making a
presidential endorsement. Many of the
delegates who have arrived here assert
that tha sentiment In their part of the
state la In favor of tha convention endors
ing President Tart aa to tha larger part of
hit administration, without necessarily
commending him to the future considera
tion of tha people. They declare that the
fine-haired distinction between the two
could not possibly be Interpreted as an af
front to the Intelligence of the voters. In
sofar aa they are given the opportunity to
express a presidential preference next
spring under the provisions of the new pri
mary act.
Reciprocity Plays Part.
Reciprocity plays no small part In ths
discussions In and about hotel lobbies. Not
all of those who represent farming com
munities agree on the workings ot tbs new
trade agreement, some of them maintain
ing that Its ultimata benefits to the west
ern people would be such aa a overshadow
any temporary reverses that might be felt
at first by them. Ths fact that soma of
Ita atancbest supporters Insist that It
mesne a downward revision of hs tariff
Is bearing wight with many of the repub
licans, who declare they will not act hastily
tn the matter.
Most notloeabls among the sentiment of
the early arrivals at the convention Is the
feeling displayed for President Taft aa
opposed to that d I play for him when the
ronventloa waa held here a year ago.
Men who openly condemned hhn at that
time and were almost harsh la thstr mani
festations of disapproval at hla actions,
now assert they may have been Impulsive
in expressing their views of the executive
Others who assert they have never had a
(Continued on Second Page.)
For the
From the Minneapolis Journal.
- essaeBsnssssmn
Fire Thousand Homes in Ancient
Quarter of Stamboul Burned.
Fir Which Breaks Oat In Several
Places at Saaae Tlsae Probably
Started by Pottrlcal la.
1835. December 16, New York
C47 buildings burned; loss, $17,
1842. May 21, Hamburg 1,980
bouses burned, 21,526 persons ren
dered homeless; loss, $85,000,000.
1848, August 16, Constantinople
2.500 shops and 500 houses
burned; loss, $15,000,000.
1849. May 18. St. Loupis Halt
ot business portion of city de
stroyed; loss, $3,000,000.
1852, July 8, Montreal 15,000
persons rendered homeless; loss,
1861, December 12, Charleston,
S. C. Most of city destroyed; loss,
1866, July 4, Portland, Me.
2,000 families rendered homeless;
started by firecracker; loss, $10,
000.000. 1870, June 6, Constantinople
Greater part of Pera (about 7,000
houses) . destroyed; loss, $25,000 -
1871, October 8. Chicago 18,
000 buildings, coveriss nearly five
square miles; loss $165,000,000.
1871, Notember 9, Boston
Sixty acres, containing 748 houses,
destroyed; loss, $70,000,000.
1875, October 26, Virginia City,
Sev. City almost destroyed; loss,
1876, September 3. St. Hyacinth,
Canada 80 stores and 560 build
ings; loss. $15,000,000.
1882, Kingston, Jamaica
Wharves and 800 buildings; loss,
1900, April 27. Ottawa, Canada
Loss. $10,000,000.
1901. May 3, Jacksonville, Fla.
Loss, $9,000,000.
1904, February 7, Baltimore 70
blocks, containing 2,500 buildings,
destroyed; loss, $50,000,000.
1906, April 18, San Francisco
Loss, $350,000,000.
1908, April 12, Chelsea, Mass.
Loss. $6,000,000.
CONSTANTINOPLE. July 24. The con
flagration which started yesterday after
noon continued until S o'clock this morn
ing, by which Urns the flames were gotten
under control, but practically because
there was no further fuel In their path.
The disaster was ths greatest since the
great fire in Pera. ths European quarter
In Wi
lt is believed that the present firs was
tbo work of political incendiaries. It broke
out simultaneously at several points In
Stamboul, the ancient city, while the peo
ple were celebrating the anniversary of
the new constitution. Ths most formid
able blase flared up near the ministry
of war and was borne by a strong north
wind through ths residential section of the
southern coast. From ths square In front
of the war ministry east of the center of
Stamboul to tha Sea of Marmora on the
south, practically nothing waa left standing.
Two Mean MUea Devastated.
Two square miles of ths city was de
vastated. It, is roughly estimated that
over L000 houses were destroyed. The
greater number of these were wooden
buildings, but several Important stone
structures were ruined.
The Kuropeaa quarter, across the Golden
Horn, te the north and east, was at no
time In danger, owing to the contrary di
rection of the wind.
StamaouL having tha Sea of Marmora
(Continued on Second Paga)
lite I
Is This the Answer? '
. r-.sYie Aun fnDERPlMr"?
Would vou.
. yy'. . rnnDP Ol v DONE?
rANV V v
Should we titer popular senator
Democratic Senators
Will Caucus on Wool
Indications that They Will Decide to
Support the House Bill Instead of
the La Follette Bill.
WASHINGTON. July 14. The democratic
senators have decided to hold a caucus
tomorrow or Wednesday to decide on wool
tariff revision. Democratlo leaders are
contenting. tlartrwaVreg to vote on the house
wool bill and to refrain from passing ths
La Follette wool bill, though senatorial
advocates of the La Follette bill are In
the majority. Many conferences have been
held among democrats and Insurgents to
day and the question Is monopolising ths
attention of senators.
Debate on the Underwood revision' bill
from the house, beginning after routine
business today, will run until the vote next
The senate Is going ahead with the pro
gram agreed on for clearing up all Im
portant business. When the wool vote baa
been taken up Thursday debate on the
free list bill will begin and that measure
will be voted on August L
Then will come the home reapportion
ment bill, with a vote on August S, to be
followed by the statehood measure, to be
voted on August 7.
Ths house will meet again Wednesday to
take up cotton revision.
Gompers and Mitchell
Plead Not Guilty
Labor Leaders Charged with Contempt
nead immunity under Stat
ute of Limitation.
WASHINGTON. Jnly 24 In lieu of for
mal answers ' to the contempt charges
aggaJnst them, Messrs. Samuel Gompers,
John Mitchell and Frank Morrison, of the
American Federation of Labor, today en
tered oral pleas of "not guilty before
Justics Wright of the District supreme
court. They also entered a plea ot Im
munity under the statute of limitations
and attacked the court for not having In
stituted the proceedings within ths statu
tory time limit Further hearing was post
poned for ten days.
Declaring that tha attack made noon
him before a congressional committee by
President Samuel Gompers of ths Ameri
can Federation of Labor left him no
alternative 'but to proceed with the trial
to the end. Justice Wright of the district
supreme court today reiterated his refusal
to certify the contempt cases of the three
labor leaders. Samuel Gompers, John
Mitchell and Frank Morrison, to soma
other member of the court.
Counsel for ths defendants again noted
aa exception. Justice Wright overruled
the motions for bills of particulars, hold
ing that the charges as framed by the
prosecuting committee would sufficiently
Flab Which Foraas Large Pavrt of
Caleb la Lake Erie Threatened
with Extletloa.
BUFFALO, N. T.. July Si. Blue pike,
which farm a large part of the catch In
Lake Erie, are threatened with extinction.
A mysterious plague, which baffles experts
oa fish, la killing thousands of them, and
dead fish are being washed ashore In
great numbers.
H. C. Crosaley, special lake warden for
Laks Erie, la making an Investigation. He
finds that tha small fish are dying from
a fungus growth oa the gilla Ths large
fish are not affected. Ths unusually low
temperature of tho water la believed to
be one of tho causes.
Ballooa la neoreloa Baetaesa. .
BADEN BADEN. July 24. The dirigible
bailooa Bchwaben I arrived here today
from Friedricbabafen and was turned over
to an aeruj navigation company by which
It will operate fur six weeks in excursion
tug his to Gotha and Berlin.
. j j answ nit
hl..:illl.l,HTTil m44Zr?L .
know atarifp- re-
L5? 1
kfri nmnei q X.yVV aVfc1
a asi
Unsigned Note from Former Congress
man Causes a Sensation,
President Took This View After tna
Illinois Man Explained that
Factions Ceald I'atte mm.
dtteaa-o Man.
WASHINGTON, July ti,-Edward Hlnes
of Chicago caused a sensation today by
testifying before the senate committee that
Representative Henry S.'Boutell of Illinois,
now American minister to Switzerland,
told him that President Taft regarded
Lorimer as an acceptable senatorial candi
date and anxious' to have him elected and
would be very glad to assist In hla election.
Today's session of the committee began
with Attorney Hanecy, counsel for Senator
Lorimer, questioning Hlnes further about
his trips to New York last winter, when
the Lorimer election Issue waa pending be
fore the senate. Hines testified that on
one ot these New York trips he called on
E. H. Gary ot the United States Steel
corporation to see about the price ot stock
In a Colorado Iron concern.
Hines Prodaeea Paper.
Suddenly at the instance of his counsel,
Mr. Hines produced a sheet of papsr with
out letter and without signature or date,
but which Mr. Hlnes swore waa In Mr.
Boutell's handwriting. The sheet contained
these words:
"I should like to have the senator know
who was the only man In Washington
who went to tne president In his behalf
and bring off (sic) tha goods."
Mr. Hines declared that the senator re
ferred to was Senator Lorimer and that
his election to the senate was ths subject
of the note. The witness explained that
he waa sura of his explanation, because
a little while after he got the note from
Mr. ' Boutell he had a conversation with
him which cleared the matter up. Mr.
Hlnes declared that In thla conversation
Mr. Boutell said he had gons to see Presi
dent Taft and had told him that Lorimer
seemed to be the only man oa whom ths
factions could unite.
Mr. Hlnes continued:
"Mr. Boutell said that after he told the
president of Larimer's capabilities and of
the ability of the factions to unite on him
he (the president) said that ha was very
anxious to have a senator sleeted from
Illinois and that Mr. Lorimer was very
acceptable to him and that he would do
all ha could to assist In electing him."
Kern Asks A boat Letter.
"When did you find this supposed let
ter f asked Senator Kern of Indiana.
"I found It yesterday In going through my
'"Did you not hsvs It when you testified
a few days ago?"
Mr. Hlnes explained that the sheet nf
paper had been enclosed to him In another
letter from Mr. Boutell Ths letter waa
brought from Chicago with a bundle of
papers, Mr. Hlnes testified.
Does not ths letter with which thla
sheet was sent show ths date?"
"Well, aa this sheet was rearardiMt mv
personal affairs It was separated from the
letter In which U came."
"Why did not Mr. Boutell writ. thi. -
ths rest of the letter T" asked Senator
Jones. ,
'I don't Just know."
"Wasn't there room?"
"I cannot say at thla time."
"When was It written?"
"Sometime after Mr. Lorlmer'a i-tin
Tou will notice a water mark on thla I-..-.
by which It might be traced."
Hines testified that Mr. Bnut.n-. i.ii.
with the president was two or three weeks
before Lorimer was elected.
Mr. Hlnes testified that at that tune
Mr. Boutell had given up hope of being
elected himself. Later. Mr. Hlnes placed
the date of the alleged talk between Boutell
and the president as probably not more
than ten dsys before Lorimer's election.
Mr. Hlnes In his previous testimony had
said that former Senator Aid rich had told
(Continued on Second Page.)
Interstate Commerce Com.nmion De
cides Cases Involving principle Ad
rerse to Bailroads' Claims.
Intennountain Territory to Get Most
of the Immediate Benefit.
Kates Based oa Straight Interpreta
tion of long- and Short Hani.
Pacifi: Coast Points to Enjoy Present
Locality Advantage.
Codtaslsaloa Fixes Limits and leaves
Details to Be Worked Owl by the
Cora pa ales Affeeted ny the)
New Order.
WASHINGTON. July St. Decisions of Jsr
reachlug importance were announced late
today by the Interstate Commerce commis
sion. They affect directly all freight rates
between the Atlantic ocean and the Pacific
ooaxt. Particularly, they affect the rates
In the territory lying between Denver and
Pacific coast points.
The rates to this lnter-mountaln territory
heretofore have been mads without any
definite relation to the water-competitive
rates to the Pactflo coast, the extent ot the
discrimination being entirely opttonal with
the carriers. By ths opinions handed down
today the commission has attampted to ar
rive at a definite relation of the rates to
the noncompetitive points ss compared with
those to the coast, and haa laid down the
extent to which the rates to Interior points
may exceed ths coast rates.
In all the cases decided the carriers are
given until October 15 to file tariffs with
the commission constructed In accordance
with the views set forth In ths opinions.
The net result of the decisions will be to
give lower rates on all west-bound trans
continental traffic to cities In ths Inter
Rocky mountain territory. To all Intents
and purposes the back-haul rates from Pa
cific coast terminals to cities in tha Rocky
mountain territory are wiped out and tha
service rendered by tbo carriers will be paid
by shippers substantially on a strict Inter
pretation of the long-and-ahort-haui pro. .
vision of ths existing law. '
-Warn ttW:Cseaiewesa ffolde.
Tha commiraloa holds' ' IS tha so-called
Reno case that traffia originating at Chi
cago and in Chicago territory moving under
commodity rates may hare a rate 7 per
cent higher to Intermediate points than
that Imposed on freight originating in Chi
cago and Chicago territory destined to tho
Pacific coast terminals. . From Buffalo
Pittsburg territory the rates may rise above
those demanded from tha same points to
Pacific coast terminals to tho sxtent of 15
per cent; while from New Tork and trunk
line territory the rates charged shall not
exceed 23 per cent over Pacific coast ter
minal rates.
These are the first decisions announced
by the commission in which a definite prin
ciple tn respect of ths krag-and-short-haul
provision Is laid down. WhDe the opinions
fully recognise the influence of water com
petition, to a marked extent they draw a
line upon ' Indiscriminate "market" com
petition. The effect of tha decisions will be to
notify the carriers thst they wUl be allowed
to meet water competition to a reasonable
extent, but that tho location of markets
hereafter will be left more to the play of
commercial causes tbsa to the will of the
trafflo managers of railways.
Cases Involved,
Ths cases Involved are those of the City
of Spokane against ths Northern Pacific
Railway company, known popularly aa the
"Spokane Rate Case"; the Commercial club
of Salt Laks City, against ths Atchison.
Topeka A Santa Fs Railway company and
others; the Railroad Commission of Nevada
against the Southern Pacific company and
others; and the Maricopa County Commer
cial club agalnt ths Santa Fe, Prescott A
Phoenix Railway company and other car
riers. Inasmuch aa the cases generally dove
tall Into one another the commission an
nounces Its decisions In two opinions, in
brief ths commission takes ths view which
tt took In its opinions of ths same cases
announced a year ago last June. At that
Urns the commission said It would maka no
order respecting ths rates which It sug
gested might be put Into effect until It had
had opportunity to determine from reports
made to It by the carriers of tbs probable
effect of the suggested rates. Meantime
the carriers have submitted ta ths commis
sion their earnings under the old rates and
what would havs been their earnings under
the rates proposed by tha ci..!
These tabulated statements have convinced
me commission that the ratea determined
upon by the commission in Ita decision of
Juns 7. 1310, are generally fair an4
-bl- The commission ears that there l.
no reason why those rates should not now
be established,
"Sines ths promulgation of that opinion,"
Quart bricks ofDal
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