n SOCIETY ENTERTAINS VISITORS fi.fitwvaTiIiT4ff Former Omaha Girl to Marry llady Small Functioni Are Giren for Out-of-Town GuMtt. TEAVELEES ARE RETUROTUG Soeletr Matrea I "booked toy the flrqamt of Small Daeghter for Cigarette Case Like Mother II a. 318 -320 South 16th. St. tiie omaita Sunday beej july 23. ion. B 4 ' rial Calendar. MONDAY Mm. W. K. Hhafer, musical; children's matinee dance at Field club: Mr. and Mm. K. L. Keller, dinner at Hod and (inn club; dinner and dance at Rod and dun club. Tl'KSDAY MIks Grace Rohrboiigh and Minn Olive Hammond, luncheon at Miss Kohrbnugh's home for visiting Thetaii; Mrs. K. Johnson, Kllte club meeting; children'! matinee dance at Happy Hol low club: ladled day at Field, and Happy Hollow clubs; guest night at Rod and Oun club. WKlJNfcHIvAT Mrs. Edward Hortgan and Mra. Mullory, Columbian club meeting; dinner and dance at Field club; dance at Country club. THT'RSDAY Mrs W. A. Eddy, dinner at Hod and Oun club; ladles' day at Field and Happy Hollow clubs; vaudeville and pictures at Rod and Gun club. PATl'RPAT Dinner-dance at Country club; dinner-dance at Field club; dinner dance at Happy Hollow club; dinner-dance at Rod and Uun club. Motor parties and dinners at tha clubs have been the chief forma of entertainment for the out-of-town guests. Many social af fairs have been given for Miss Margaret Brown of ft. louts, gueat'of Miss Louise Dinning. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Davis entertained at a motor picnic Thursday, when those present were Miss Dinning, Miss Margaret Brown, Mr. and Mrs. VVII lard Hosford, Mrs. Ben Cotton, Mr. Hal Brady, Mr. Edward Ml Ian, Mr. Ackrold and Mr. and Mrs. Davis. Saturday evening Mrs. Ben Cotton enter tained at dinner at the Country club for Miss Brown. The other guests were Miss Dinning, Mr, Hal Brady and Mr. Elwyn Bloodgood. Another attractive visitor is Miss Mary Pauline Fordtran of San Antonio, Tex., who Is the guest of Miss Alice Coad. Miss Kurd t ran spent the first part of her school vacation visiting relatives In New Orleans, where many entertainments were given for her. Several small dinner parties have been given at the cluba for the young people. Last evening Miss Alice Coad had eight guests at Happy Hollow. Mrs. Jessica Losler Payne of New York City, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burna, has been honor guest at numerous lunch eons, teas, dinners and motor plcnlos. This evening Mr. and Mrs. Luther Kountie will entertain at dinner at the Field club for Mrs. Payne. Each day last week waa filled with engagement for thla popular guest . Miss Helen Magee of Chicago, who spent a few days visiting her brother, Mr. Way land Magee on tha Pratt farm, near Ben nington, was much entertained during her brief stay. Miss Magee has gone to Wy oming to join friends on a camping trip. Probably the youngest visitor is Master Laurence Updike of Southern Pasadena, Cal., who 1 visiting his grandparent, Mr. and Mra. Edward Updike. A motor picnic to the state fish hatcheries at Louisville Friday waa much enjoyed. After motoring to Louisville a plcnio supper was served. Those present were little Misses Haael and Mary Updike, Mias Updike, Miss Lucy Up dike, Mrs. George Updike. Mrs. N. B. Up dike, Masters Judson Squires. Clarence Squires, Laurence Updike, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Updike and Mr. and Mr. Edward Updike. . ' The brides and grooms of June are re turning from their wedding trips. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wilhelm, who have been trav eling", In Europe since the first week In June.' have arrived in Quebec and will go .to Mackinac, the summer home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward A. Cudahy, for a visit before returning to Omaha. Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Potter, who have been on the Massachusetts coast, arrived In Omaha the first of last week and are at the' home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Potter until they take possession of their apart ment at the Troy the latter part of the week. Mr. and Mrs. George Barker, whq spent their honeymoon In Estea Park. Colo., are now settled In their new home on South Thirty-eighth street. Mr. and Mra. Joseph Barker, who were married In Canada and who visited Denver and other points of In terest In Colorado, are at the home of Mr. Barker's parents, : Mr. and Miw. George Barker, unUl their house on South Thirty fifth street is in readlneas. Mr. and Mra George W. Johnston, whose wedding waa earlier In the spring, returned home last week after spending several months In Europe. ' t i i Although smoking has gained but scant popularity among Omaha women, there are a few principally those who have traveled much abroad and who have brought their newly -acquired continental habits back with them who enjoy an oc casional cigarette. This Is not surprising, but that the practice has Inspired the small girls with Interest, has given at least one mother food for thought No one In the family la greatly surprised when the youngest son evinces a desire to mlrnlo his father and take a smoke. The usual bribes for keeping sonny from smok ing until he Is of age are begun to post pone the evil day. But when the youngest daughter voices a similar desire to Imitate mother, the affair takes on a different color. Recently an Omaha woman who thinks nothing of smoking a cigarette now and then a woman distinguished by the per sonal care which she gives to the educa tion of her small daughters was given a sudden Jolt by her 1-year-old daughter, who came to her with a request for a silver box for cigarettes like mother's. Tb astonished matron, who Is nothing If not quick-witted, put her small daughter off with these words: "You are too young now. Walt until you are eighteen." In honor of three visiting Thetaa, numer ous entertainments are being given by the local members of this sorority. Miss WUla Spiers of St. Joseph Is the guest of Mrs. Burnham and Miss Florence Dutton of Hastings and Miss Geraldlne Gray of Hastings are visiting Miss Anna McCague, An Informal tea was given Thursday by Miss McCague. Friday Miss Ruth Llndley entertained at a house party at her cot tage at the Rod and Gun club. Friday evening was spent canoeing and sailing and the guests remained until Saturday. Those present were Misses Florence Dutton, Ger aldlne Gray, Anna McCague, WUla Spiers, Alice McCuliough, Grace Rohrbough, Olive Hammond. Helen Bllsh, Ruth Llndley and Mrs. Llndley. Sunday evening MUs Helen Blish will en tertain at a house party at her home and Tuesday Mlsa Grace Rohrbough and Miss Olive Hammond will entertain at luncheon at the home of Miss Rohrbough In honor of the visitors. At the Country Club Mr., enti .Mrs. John C. French gave a u inner Saturduy evening at the Country club, hn their guests were Pean and Mrs. Tancock, IV. and Mrs. E. C. Henry. Miss French of Brooklyn and Mr. and Mra George W. Johnston. Mies Hamilton's guests were Mr. and Mrs. MIS3 ETTA BEEMAN OF KANSAS CITY, FORMERLY OF OMAHA, WHOSE ENGAGEMENT TO MR. ERNEST EVANS DAVIDSON IS ANNOUNCED. Sprague, Mr. and Mrs. Fairfield, Miss Cur tis, Miss Doane, Mr. Frank Hamilton, Mr. Earl Gannett and Mr. F. A. Brogan. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Hall had as their guests Saturday Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Peters, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Plokens, Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Llndsey and Mr. and Mrs. C. 8. Mont gomery. Pleasures Past Mrs. Ernest Hart of Council Bluffs gave a luncheon Saturday at her home for Mrs. Payne of New York. Among the Omaha guests Invited were Mrs. John 8. Daugh erty, Mrs. Baldwin, Mrs. Bums and Mrs. Eastman. In honor of her guest, Miss Eda Lucas, of Peoria, 111., Miss Ethel HIbbs entertained at her home Friday evening In the Streh low. Those present were: Misses Misses Eda Lucas, Reglna Andreesen, Amy Nelson, , Eva Nelson, Irene Nelson. Ethel Hlbbs. Mrs. Ernest E. Hart of Council Bluffs entertained at luncheon 6aturday for Mrs. Jessica Loaler-Payne of New York. Those present were: Mesdames Mesdames John Daughertjr, John N. Baldwin. Samuel Burna Osgood Eastman. Payne. Miss Maude Smith, Council Bluffs. ' Several young men gave a house party Saturday afternoon and evening at their -cottage at Lake Manawa In honor of Miss Hllder Seger and Miss Mayme Golden, who leave this week for Chicago and Milwau kee. Dancing and canoeing were the en tertaining features of the day. Those In the party were Misses Hllder Seger, Grace Troste, Mayme Golden, Dolly Jensen, M. McDonal, Messrs. Ray Mead, Lloyd Jen sen, Royce Sargent, C. Merrltt, George Soute. Mrs. Charles Hubbard entertained Friday for her mother, Mrs. M. A. Woodruff of Los Angeles. Those present were: Mesdames M. A. Woodruff, A. C. Bunce, Qulnn, E. R. Hume, 1. 8. Leavltt, A. C. Crossman, H. C. Balrd, A. D. Bradley, C. L. Lusk, Mlnses Marshall, Mesdames H. W. Lloyd. George Young, , Clark Shelly, A. H. Benton, W. O. Henry." W. W. Johnston, Allen G. ' Butt, J. W. Marshall, Misses Cuter. Hewitt, Miss Bess Lohrman entertained at her home Thursday evening in honor of her visiting guests, Misses Dorothy and Sarah Fogelson from Lincoln. The evening was spent In dancing and playing games. Prises were won by Mr. Ed Rosenberg and Miss Sophia Alperson. Refreshments were served and a few musical selections were rendered by Miss Gertrude Harris and Miss Dorothy Fogelson. Those present we're Misses Irene Harris, Esther Frank, Sarah Fogelson. Joe Sharpe, Ruby Lucas, Dorothy Fogelson, Dagney Gebuhr, Augusta Backlund, Ger trude Harris, Sarah 8. Cohn, Dorothy Kal man and Charlotte Kalman of Grand Island, Mattle Alperson, Sophia Alperson, Elenore Wisenskl, Bess Lohrman, Messrs. Bam Lewis, .Thomas Buckroan, St Louis; Arthur Harris, Leo Klein. Sam Newman, Ed Rosenberg of Ann Arbor, Mlch.j Mike Charson, Charles Lohrman, Harry Lohr man, Abe 8. Cohn, Morris 8. Cohn, Bam 8. Cohn. A' party of young people of the University of Omaha together with some high school pupils, have been enjoying a ten days' camping and fishing trip on tha Elkhorn river, near Waterloo, Neb This is a yearly event for moat of them. Those who were initiated to the joys of camp life thla year look forward with anticipation to a repeti tion next year. According to Mr. Byrd, this year's ftshin. has bea more successful than any of his former trips. They held open camp to viaitorr e'l week, which was taken advantage of by many of the Wat erloo residents, as well as many Omahana. They had many urgent invitations to make Waterloo their next camping grounds. The camping party consisted of Misses Beulah Byrd, Lola Byrd. May Yates, Sarah Cole, Vivian Byrd, Kalherlne Case, Marllla Case, Zela Elmer, Grace Mathews, Messrs. For est Byrd, Norval Baker, George Lessell, Walter Hixenbaugh. Frank Hixenbaugh. Mrs. W. A. Case and M. P. Byrd acted as chaperons. A partial list of the visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hixenbaugh, Miss Aiarie iiixenoaugn, air, v. a. -W. A. Horton, Mr. Earl Montgomery, Mias Nora Sumner, Miss Pearl Sumner, Mr. Decker. Mra Bell, Miss Luree Bell, Miss Lets Frood, Mr. and Mra. Stow, Miss Esther Stow, Mr. Ray Stow, Mr. Ben Mil ler, Mr. Orta Reevos. Mr. WlUard Floor. At Happy Hollow Nelson Pratt had five' guests; J. A. Sunderland, three; J. W. West, four; Miss Hasel Lyon, eight; Margaret Lane, three; A. D. Laa, seven; Hubert Dempster, four; O. P. Ollmore, three; F. H. Hose, two; K. C. Peters, three; E. A. Bears, two; R. U Robertson, four; R. a. Coad. eight. Complimentary to their cousin, Mrs. Jes sica Uuuer Psyne Of New York City, Mr. and Mra Thomas J. Kelly entertained at dinner last evening at Happy Hollow. Cov ers were placed for: . Mrs. Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Osgood T. Eastman. Mr. Charles T. Kountze. Mr. and Mrs. Kelly. At the Field Clutt Mr. and Mrs. Luther L. Kountse will en tertaln at supper at the Field club this evening In honor of Mrs. Jessica Lozler Payne of New York City, guest of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burns. Those present will be: Mrs. Payne. Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Eastman. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Burns. Mr. and Mrs. L. 1 Kountse. , Mr. Ward Burgess. . Mr. Charles T. . Kountse. Mr. Andreesen. One of the larger dinner parties at the Field club last. evening was given by Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Grlmmell. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. George-H. Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Ingwersen. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Lee S. Herdman. -Mr. and Mrs. George Platner. Mr. and Mrs. V. L. Yetter. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Grimmell. Dr. H, L. Burrell. ' Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Boyles entertained at dinner in honor of a party of Omaha peo ple who have recently returned from Lake OkoboJI. Those present were. Mr. and Mrs. W: B. Roney. Mr. Jeme Roney. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Andreson, Mr. and Mrs. II. B. Boyles. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Meyer entertained at dinner last evening In honor of their son, Mr. Louis Meyer of Dallas, Tex. Covers were placed for Mr. and Mrs. Robert Updike, Mr. and Mrs. George Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Meyer, Messrs. John W. Towle, Louis Meye.and Vogel. , Mr. B. W. Capen entertained four guests in honor of Lieutenant and Mrs. Leasure of Fort Omaha; A. H. Lee had five guests; F. H. Clarldge, six; Dr. B. U Christie, four: E. J. McVann, six. E. Brando, three; E. B. Carrlgan, four; Dr. Young, three) R. H. Manley, six; Edward Crelghton, five; W. H. Eldridge, five. Personal Gossip Miss Myrne Gilchrist Is visiting friends in Fulton, Mo. R. W. Breckenridge and son hava left for Walchott. Wyo. Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Davis and family are at Atlantic City. Miss Dorothy Morgan returned Sunday from St. Joseph and Lincoln. Mr. Clinton Brome leaves today for Colorado to spend a few weeks. Mr. John A.. Rlne has returned from a short outing at Colorado Springs. Mr. Herbert Eiery of Mitchell. 8. D., la vfsTtlng his aunt, Mrs. W. E. Shafer. Mr. and Mrs. William Glass left Satur day tor a month's stay in Colorado. Mr. F. W. Heron leaves Sunday for Quebeo and will sail July 28 for England. Mr. Homer Phillips Is spending the sum mer with friends at the Thousand Islands. Mrs. C. 8. Montgomery, who spent a fort night at Lake OkoboJI, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. John F. Flack have moved Into their new home on Thirty-eighth street. Mr. C. Louis Meyer of Dallas, Tex., is visiting bis parents, Mr. and Mra A. L. Meyer. Mr. and Mra Denlse Barkalow motored to Lake' OkoboJI and returned the first cf the week. Mr. and Mra Frank Walters and family, who have been at OkoboJI,, are expected home today. Miss Helen Borenson returned Saturday from a visit with Miss Louise Klrkpatrlck at Ashland. Mr. H. F. Estes of New York City Is the guest of his brother, Mr. W. J. Estea, 2811 Bristol street. , Miss Florence Rahm left Wednesday for Green Lake. Minn., to join her sister, Mrs. Sslwyn Doherty. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Breckenridge ex pect to leave in October to make a trip around the world. Dr. and Mrs. E. Carson Abbott,, who have been visiting in Iowa City, are ex pected home today. Mra Isaac Douglas has returned from an extended visit in Chicago and Interesting points on the lakes. Mra W. F. Wapplch Is at Whits Bear lake, Minnesota, visiting her sister, and will be gone a month. Mrs. F. S. Cowglll and son, who havs been visiting in Cleveland, left there Thursday for Mackinac. Mra 8. C. Parsons has been visiting her mother, Mra C. F. Edward, and sister, Mra O. C. Taylor of Seattle. Mr. and Mra John 8. Weltsell. who have been visiting In Illinois, are now settled in their new home in St. Louis. Mrs. H. E. Hubermann and daughter, Dorothy, went to fltanton. Neb., Friday for a week's visit with relatives. Miss Ada Alexander left Saturday for Davenport to visit before going to Frank' fort, Mich., to spend the summer. Miss Grace Sorenaon, who has spent the last five months visiting ia different places Our a 1 Our Entire Stock of High Class Apparel for Women and Misses at Half Price and Less I 4 Our Entire Stock of Linen Suits $F795 Sold at $12.50, $15.00, $19.50; ft July Clearance Price Li All Our $65.00 Dresses July Clearance Price 50 3 $59.50 Dresses July Clearance Price CCOO 7 C only SZr. J D $50.00 Dresses July Clearance Price only '. $39.50 Dresses July Clearance Price-only OST remodels fop II Special summer , JUL Corner 20th and Farnam. of interest In California, is now in Port land. Mrs. Margaret Houston left Thursday for a six weeks' visit In Canada visiting her sister In Kingston and then going to Mua koka. Mr. and Mrs. T. C.' Brunner are at their cottage "The Aharoa," at Clear Lake, la., where they expeUt to stay untlt Septem ber L Captain and Mrs. Samael Noyss of Fort Crook have gone to Fort Leavenworth, where he has been ordered to attend the array school. , Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schwars and daughter, Miss Lillian, of Cincinnati, are the guests of Mra. W. C. Bouk, 25U North Twenty eighth avenue. r A son was born last week to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Burns, who are spending the summer at their country home, Oakburn, In Sarpy county. General Frederick Smith and his aides, Lieutenant Watson and Lieutenant Ray Smith, returned Monday from the man euvers at San Antonio. Mr. and Mrs. George Haverstlck have re turned from a trip to Atlantic City and other eastern points, Including Mr. Haver stick's old home in Pennsylvania Mr. and Mrs. George W. Johnson, who returned this week from their wedding trip In Europe, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. John C. French, 3222 Dodge street. Mrs. W. E. Shafer will give a small musical at her home Monday evening, when Miss Frances Talaif will alng and Miss Alice Ramsdale will give violin solos. Mr. James McKenna left Wednesday for New Tork and sailed Saturday on the Caledonia for Scotland, and from there will make the trip to Norway and Sweden. Mr. and Mrs. Geocge D. Tunnicliff expect to leave next week for Eagle River, Wis., for a three or four weeks' stay and will also visit Galesburg, 111., before returning. Dr. and Mrs. F. 8. Owen have as their guest their niece. Miss Harriet Baldwin of NUes, Cal. Miss Baldwin will remain for several months, returning home the first of December. Mr. Robert Morsman, who sailed last week, Is now in London, where he will meet and travel with Mr. Lucius Tate, as sistant cashier of the Corn Exchange bank of Chicago. Mra M. Elchberg of Chicago Is the guest of her daughter, Mrs. L. 8. Relchenberg. Mr. Wilcox Stephens of New York, form. erly of this city, is visiting his brother, Mr. Lucten Stephens. Miss Mayme Golden and Miss Hllder Seger leave . this week . for a few weeks' visit in Chicago and Milwaukee, where both have a number of friends and will be largely entertained. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Boyles, Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Roney, Mr. James Roney and Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Andreson, who have been spending a few weeks at Lake OkoboJI, have returned home. Miss Adelaide Funkhouser, Miss Claire Patterson and Miss Lois Howell, chap eroned by Mrs Howell, have taken a cot tage at Tree Lake, Wis., for the rest of the summer, returning to Omaha Septem ber IS. Lieutenant Colonel Omar Bundy of Fort D. A. Russell, formerly of Omaha, spent a part of last week In Omaha enroute to Indiana, where he will spend part of a two months' leave of absence visiting re latives. Dr. and Mrs. J. P. Lord and Miss Louise Lord returned Thursday from a month's trip through California and a week at Colorado Springs. Mlsa Anna Hungate, who accompanied them, remained at Long Beach, CaU Mra. Arthur C. Smith and her daughter, Harriet and Mr. Huntington Smith will spend the last two weeks of August at Profile House, Franconia Notch, N. H., at the cottage of her father, Mr. White of Brookllne. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hanlghen have re turned from Chicago, where tbey spent the week. Mr. John Hanlgnen, who has been visiting Mr. Harold MoConnell at Lake Catherine, near Chicago, returned home with hie parents. Mlsa Marlon Becker of Keokuk, la., ar rived Tuesday and la the guest for. two weeks of Mrs. Oscar B. Hlllls and her daughters, and on Monday Miss Helen Boggs of Lincoln will arrive to be a guest at the same bouse. Mra W. R. Moraad aceompanled by Mrs. William J. Capuoe and little son. William C Jfly The One Great Sale That Women of Omaha Have Learned to Wait for Is In Full Force. Several Tailor'd Skirts $ Sold at $10, $12.50, $13.75, $15; July Clearance Price ..... Beautiful Dresses at Half Price $25.00 $19.75 prices expert work. Telephone Doug. 3040. Conrad Capune of Chicago, sailed Thursday morning on the Prlns Oikar, Hamburg American line. They will spend two months visiting Paris, Berlin and other points of Interest. Miss Hartell and Miss May Hartell leave Tuesday for New York City, where they will aall July 29 on the steamer President Lincoln for London and Paris. At the lat ter place they will spend several weeks at the Continental ' hotel and will return to Omaha, September 16. Miss Beatrice Coad and Miss Irene Coad who have been visiting school friends In Troy, Amsterdam and Albany, N. X., have taken a number of motor trips Including one to Lake George. They leave next week to visit In Grand Rapids, Michigan before returning; home. Mr. Chauncey Jessen, the well known tenor of the First Methodist Episcopal church, has secured an engagement with the Savage Opera company and leaves next month for New York to begin rehearsals for the coming season. Mr. Jessen is a pupil of Thomas J. Kelly and has been well known in local musical circles for several years. Mrs. E. P. Peck loft Wednesday for New York, stopping en route at Bryn Mawr, Pa., where her sisters, Mrs. Funkhouser and Miss Bishop, have been staying since the graduation of Miss Elsie Funkhouser In June. Mrs. Peck sails next Wednesday on the Olympic for a tour of England with Mrs. Henry D. Estabrook and Colonel Clowry of New York. Wedding Bells Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. McCreary an nounce the engagement of their daughter, Miss Francis McCreary, to Mr. Thomas Lynch. The wedding will be celebrated in September. An engagement announced in Buffalo, N. Y.. this week of Interest to the younger set of Omaha is that of Miss Katherlne Wright to Mr. McCloud of Buffalo. MUs Wright spent several weeks last summer as the gueat of Miss Alice Cary McGrew and has many friends here. Mra Ella .May Beeman of Kansas City, formerly of Omaha, announces the engagement of her daughter, Miss Etta Beeman, to Mr. Ernest Evans Davidson of Kansas City. The wedding will be cele brated in the autumn. Miss Beeman, who formerly lived here, has a large circle of friends In Omaha. She attended the Omaha High school, after which she went to St. Mary's school In Knoxville, 111. Since moving to Kansas City Mlsa Beeman has several times visited Mrs. Harry Mont gomery. The wedding of Mias Ruby Elisabeth Wlllams of Omaha, niece of Mr. and Mra. E. O. McGilton, to Mr. Walter Earl Wil liams was celebrated Saturday morning at 11 o'cloek at Prairie Lodge, the ranch home of the bride. Rev. Mr. Elver of Hugo, Col., officiating. The marriage lines were read In the living room, which was decorated with ferns and yellow daisies. The bride wore a dainty white lingerie gown of embroidery and cluny lace and carried white daisies- Following the ceremony a wedding break fast was served In the screened porch, where ferns and daisies were also used in decoration. About forty guests were pres ent, including Mr. and Mrs. E. O. McGilton and Miss Eleanor McGilton of Omaha. After a wedding trip In Colorada Mr. and Mra Williams will reside on a ranch In Colorado. GYPSY CAMPERS ANNOYING Computet Cornea fron Carter Lake that Tfcey Are ateallaa; Aay. thlnsr They Cam Carry. A camp of gypsies on the northeast shore of Carter lake has caused residents of that neighborhood considerable annoyance, and numerous complaints have been made to the Park board to have them run off. They are said to be stealing everything they can find loose, are bathing In the lake in costumes extremely shocking to people at the beaches on the other side and are generally annoying. Nothing has been done yet to drive them away, as they are not on the publlo highway, EM Hundred $35.00 Dresses July Clearance only.. $29.75 Dresses July Clearance only , .. $25.00 Dresses July Clearance $19.50 Dresses July Clearance Price-only Kratz Beaten in Own Home With Baton by Y. M. C. A. Club MeniberY, ot jtho , 01m 'CJukr- Surprise Their Leader with Gift of Tint Baton'. ' The Young Men's Christian association Glee olub surprised Mr. Kratz at his home Friday evening by presenting him with an ebony gold-mounted director's baton. In the early evening, while the professor was sitting with his family on the front lawn, the telephone bell - gave several violent, convulsive rings, and going to the phone, a voice at the other end asked If "Mr. Krats was at home." After hearing the reply in the affirmative, the voice was heard to say, "Just wait a moment" and hung up. While waiting and wondering what all this meant, the answer soon came floating in through the open door in song, to the words, "It's a fine old world, and 'tis full of pleasant people," as sung by the club. The gentlemen were Invited In, when Mr. Soule, to Mr. Kr'ati' surprise, presented him with the baton, at the same time ex pressing the appreciation and good will of the club. After thanking the gentle men for thla token of appreciation, he in cidentally remarked that this "beat" the best "time" he ever had. Mrs. Krati having been let Into the secret, entertained the gentlemen with light refreshments. Double Wedding is Performed by Judge Leslie at Court House Two South Omaha couples celebrated a double wedding In Judge Leslie's office In the court house Saturday morning with more than the usual pomp and ceremony that prevails In court house weddings. The bridegroom In one wedding, Thomas Harvat, Jr., who married Miss Annie Lleher, was a brother to the bride In the other, Miss Annie Harvat, who entered the state of matrimonial bliss with Charles HeldL All were from South Omaha. They came up the court house hill on Farnam street In a white brougham, drawn by a team of pure-white steeds and driven by a servant In cream-colored livery. Miss Lleher was dressed all In white and carried a large bouquet of bride's roses. Miss Harvat broke Into the general color scheme somewhat, however, with a gown of pink chiffon over pink satin and an im mense bouquet of pink carnations. So au fait was tha double ceremony In all Its appointments that Judge Leslie and all attaches of the office are some what elated over the prospects of the court house turning Into a fashion center that will out-Newport them all. Gold Watch Given to Miss Nan Dorsey Friends Present Nurse with Beautiful Gift as She is Leaving the City. Miss Nan Dorsey, who has been head nurse of the Visiting Nurse association for seven yeara, and who will leave Monday to take charge of the district nursing for the Anti-Tuberculosis society at St. Joseph, Mo., was honor guest at an informal out door party, held by the board of directors of the organization at the association Babies' camp in Rlvervlew park this after noon. The directors presented Miss Dor sey with a gold watch as their parting gift. Mrs. W. R. Adams, superintendent of the association, made the presentation speech. Warehoase d Hera Beraed. VOUN, July Speclal Telegram.) Fire last night destroyed J. T. Dough erty company warehouse, barn. Ice bouse and other buildings. The loss Is $6,000, with $1,000 Insurance. The cause of the fire is unknown. ; " .1 Our Entire Stock of Linen Coats $ 1 S Sold at $10, $12.50, $15 $19.50; July Clearance Price. Price Price $17.50 $14.75 Price 5 0 $9.75 s s BAILEY l MAGH DEN T I ti TO nest equipped dental effloe la' tha middle west. ' Hlgneet grade dentistry at reasonable prlees. Porcelain (tilings, )ut Ilka tha tooth. Ail Instruments carefully sterilised after saesj bkieni. THIRD FLOOR. PAX TON BLOCK Corner Id Lb sad Karnam M tree to. Umaha, Neh. Evening of Music for Crippled Poor Shut-Ins Will Be Entertained Tonight at tne Home or kits, warn on Grand Avenue. The "shut ins" who were entertained with an automobile ride and plcnio a week ago will be entertained with mnslo tonight by Mra. E. M. Clark, 3824 Grand avenue. It Is not possible for the hostess to have at her home as large a crowd as was taken through the city In motor cars, but about twenty of them, old men and women whose social pleasures are restricted by cir cumstances, will be asked to attend and automobiles will be provided for them. There will be several members of the Henry Cox symphony orchestra ' present who will help to entertain. Besides the "shut Ins" there will be present the young women connected witn the Associated Charities offices, MIbs Ida V. ' Jonts," Anna Bourne, Josephine Rhoden, Mathilda Yost, Maud Cloud and Mrs. Freda Tlmme. Began by Little Pimples. Scratched Until Blood Came. Kept Getting Worse. Could Not Sleep Nights. Used Cuticura Soap and Ointment and the First Day They Relieved Itching. In 3 Weeks Eczema Cured "I suffered with eczema on my neck for about six months, beginning by little plra ples breaking out. I kept scratching till the blood came. It kept getting worse, I couldn't sleep nights any mora It kept itching for about a -month, then I went to a doctor and got . some liquid to take. It seemed a if I was going to gel better. Tbe Itching stopped for about three Amvm K 1 1 whan I. a, . P, mA rY-"w . .. In waa mwmn vnrmm than before, ine edema itcbed so badly 1 couldn't stand it any more. I went to a doctor and he gave me some medicine, but didn't do any gooo. we nave oeen iiavinK cuticura rem edies In the house, so I derided to try them. I had been using Cuticura 8oap. so I rot me a box of Cuticura Ointment, and washed off tha affected part with Cuticura Soap three time a day, and then put the Cuticura Ointment on. The first day I put it on, It relieved me of Itching so I could sleep all that nifrht. It took about a week, then I could mt the scab come off. I kept the treatment up for three weeks, and my eczema was cured. "My brother got hi face burned with run powderand he used Cuticura Huap and Oint ment. The people all thouKht he would have scars, but you can't see that he ever had hie face burned. It was simply awful to look V before the Cuticura Itemed les Irtoap and Oint ment cured it." (Hlgned) Mlsa bllzshelk Oelirkl. Forrezl City, Ark., Oct. 10, 1W10. Although Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are sold by druggists and dealers everywhere, a liberal sample of each, with S2-(age booklet on the skin and bur, will -be sent, post-free, on application to Putter lrug A Chern. Corp., Dept. 17B, Boston. Your Vacation Leave your silverware and other valuables in our burglar and (Ire proof storage vault The charge Is nominal cheaper than Insurance and then, some things can't be replaced with insuraaue money. Phone for ratea Douglas f J. Omaha Safe Deposit & Trust Co. Omaha STatloaal Bask BatlatatT. ' Street Satran.ee, 1614 Jrenaas, ' ECZEMA ITCHED SO ICOULDNTSTAND IT rv s