TIIE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY, JULY 22, 191 1. Stores ('! e r. m. Katur- tin Krn. lug I hir ing. July nil .AllgUSt BRANDEI llaftt mpnt Biwm lal, Mpb'n 40c brlgftan and l'ndr at 19c. TORE THE SEASON'S BIG BARGAIN EVENT FOR MEN IPAM H71 ALE I i " I'l P HI '"in iu.ni. cm. in" ; i j iw,-.,.- mmmm Mens A i" Jf c- d dVAH i 5 oJ . :z ieiiht rT i M K I I n I 8alur" CAl I MjXlJ' 4 IJ nR Extra Special Sale MEN'S SHIRTS MIDSUMMER NEGLIGEE STYLES QO Worth up to $2.50, at 5 O C nt... MEN'S SUMM IER UNDERWEAR SPECIALLY PRICED Athletic or regular made undershirts and drawers; imported silk and French lisle: worth up to $5.00 a suit in three lots; at, per garment 75c, 98c and $1.25 Men's Imported Lisle Undershirts and Drawers, worth up to 91.23 at, pair 35 and .",0 Men's 80c, 40c and 60c Silk and Lisle Hosiery, at, pair, 10S 15 and 25c Saturday Jewelry Wm. Rogers 28-pIece Silver Chests 6 knives, 6 forks, 6 tea spoons, 6 table spoons, one butter knife, one sugar shell worth $10, at 83.60 Hair Ornaments Best hold Bar; rettes worth 50c, at . ...19 Women's Gold filled Bracelets, chased and plain worth up to 12.50, at $1 Women's White Canvas Pumps These smart, new arrivals will please you. Made of best Sea Island Cotton with good, flexible soles. Perfect fitting around the top. Dependable, late sum mer styles that are ex traordinary values, at $2.48 M BRANDEIS STORES OPENING OP ROSEBUD LANDS Four Hundred and Sixty-Six Thou-' land Acrei Subject to Entry. METHOD OF ' REGISTRATION Lands CarefaJlr Classified Will Be Sold o Meat Saeerssfal la Drawings at 35 Ceats to Sis Dollars aa Acre. DALLAS, S. D., July 21. 8pecial.)-If It Is true that the local sentiment la a correct measure of the Importance of any event, '.he registration for lands In Mellette and liennett county, South Dakota, Is the greatest scheduled event on the public calendar for this fall. Regardless of of opinions that may be held In other quar ters, the residents of Gregory and Tripp counties, where land Is selling at 130 to it ao acre, realize that It Is something of a situation to be able to acquire oontlguous lands of the same general character at 25 ctnta to tt an acre. Dallas la the registration point nearest to the lands to be opened and preparations are In progress for the rush expected dur ing the registration dates, October t to It. Inclusive. It la predicted that the total registration for this opening will reach 150.000, establishing a ne.w record in the government's land lotteries. elertloa of Leads. Those who are fortunate In the land drawing this fall, tu tales place a few days after the close of the registration, wUl find a much more satisfactory system of land selection in force than prevailed In the previous openings. Many hardships have been caused, in the past, through mistakes of locaters, but the new arrangement gives complete protection to the entry man. All of the lands to be opened have been care, fully classified and appraised by a compe tent crew and each person, at ths time of filing, may select any. class of land desired and pay only the appraised price on that classification. As a further protection the entryman la allowed fifteen day after re serving the tract before making his pay ment. which In each class amounts to one- fifth of the appraised value of the land The remaining four-fifths Is made la five equal annual Installments. According to the official schedule there are exactly 4t.5&L& acres subject to home stead entry in Mellette and Uennett coun ties. Of this amount approximately 30,000 acres Is classed as very choice agricultural lands and will be subject to entry at 24.50 to 50 an acre. About luO.OuO scree axe designated as second grade tgood) agricultural lands and will be subject to entry at 12 to 14 an acre. The balance is classed aa greilns land and la prloed at a centa to S3 an acre. All tracts must be selected subs tan tlally In accordance with the appraised and classified outlines. Metaod ( Healatratloa. In the rules formulated for the coming opening, comparatively few changes have baea made from these that governed similar vents of the past. Each reglstratloa ap Thousands of shirts, in excel lent materials and new pat terns, well made and just the shirt you need for business or dressier wear. Pleated bosoms, rout fronts, rf fv C Actually worth up to $2.50 - Men's Negligee and Outing Shirts, that are worth up to $1.50 in two lots.. 50c, 75c Specials 5! Main Floor ew Store Sterling Silver Hat Pins worth up to 1.60, at 35 Jewelry on front bargain square, worth np to 50c, at I". 10-k Shirt Waist Rings Genuine Matrix and stone cameo -worth up to $6, at i ns $2 Gold filled Lockets No charge for engraving initial at $1.10 Dance folios, organ folios, vocal folios, violin, guitar and mandolin Instruc tions, quartet folios, piano duets in folios, orchestra folios, mandolin and piano folios all at greatly reduced prices, i Mathews' Graded (Studies.' National Graded Course and Edition Wood at Cut Prices. plicant will subscribe to a slip giving his name, age, weight and general personal descriptions. These slips are enclosed In envelopes and deposited in large steel tanks, where they are held until the day of the drawing. On the eventful day, set for October 24, all of the envelopes will be dumped on a huge plateform and the drawing will begin, the first 100 envelopes to be ' selected by little girls. The order In which the envelopes are drawn estab lishes the numbers, or filing rights of the applicants, and the lucky ones will be no tified of the day, hour and place on which this right must be exercised. The number. In Itself, gives no negotiable right, and cannot be transferred. A number holder may merely appear, in his order, and se lect any land then open, to the extent of not more than 160 acres, provided he has a valid homestead right. Chadron is Coming With Big Exhibit Northwestern Nebraska' Will B Largely Represented at the Land Show in October. CHADRON. Neb.. July 21. (Special.) At a special meeting of the Chadron Com mercial club plans were mnde for a splen did Dawes county exhibit at the Omaha Lna show. This was the only Nebraska county to take an exhibit to the first Land show In January, but their showing will be the means of bringing diaplays from atl counties In northwest Nebraska The meeting was addressed by W. O. Paisley. general manager of the Omaha Land show, and resolutions were adopted engaging space, and plana were made for a complete exhibit of products from Dawes county. Crop conditions In the county are favor able and the people are enthuslastlo over the future of the county. A large delega tion attended the January Land show, but five times as many will attend in October. Alfalfa will be one of the big crops here this year. The alfalfa seed from this county ranks aa ths finest quality grown and will grade high this season. CAMPER USES TRUNK AS DRUM F. M. Bard Arrested at St. Joeeah. Saspeeted of Belaar Escaped. Asylaas Patleat. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., July 21.-Special Tele gram. ) Living alone In a tent at a sum mer resort near here, F. M. Boyd, believed to have escaped from an asylum for the Insan at Norfolk, Neb., was arrested to day on a charge of annoying other camp era. Boyd refused to talk and he wlU be held until the authorities at Norfolk are notified. Campers complained that Boyd sat up all night m his tent and pounded on a trunk, keeping them awake. When asked to Quit it. ha refused, saying he could do as he pleased. Tfae Key to the Situation Bee Want Ada. We have held clearing sales of men trousers but never before one the qualities so superior, and the values so extraordinary. so great, Any hundreds man ran save a dollar or two on a pair of the best odd pants he of the best patterns of the season. Every pair of pants A pair of these dressy "". fscted fyl odd trousers will give IV j is double service from your L1! W7 I summer suit. They may f rl eAV V"" nerve exactly aa well jCfr Hundreds of Men's Worsted Pants; plain colors, stripes or mixture trousers;- peg tops, side buckles. All sires great var iety, Pints Worth Up to $2.50 hjii muewmwa, m,m,im.t.. . ti.uui'.u 1 1 .wslum aiisuswui nypiaummu iw unui limn mmmmmamml Brandeis Clearing Bale Thousands cf the Your Choice i and lOo, at 19c. Bell Brand Steel Strings for mandolins, guitars and' banjos; also strings for violins, at One-Half former prices. MANY HOMESTEADERS COMING Thousands of Dakota Seekers Will Be Here in October. INDIAN LANDS ATTRACT THEM It Is Estimated that Sixty Taoasaad Visitors Will Be la Omaha D ar ias; Period of the Land Shaw. By a streak of good fortune a large per cent of the 120,000 people who are expected to file for claims In Mellette and Bennett counties, South Dakota, will pass througn Omaha and will be given an opportunity to see the Omaha Land Show, at which the resources and opportunities of the en tire west will be exploited. Thus it will bs poaaiule to directly Interest thousands of persons who are actually seeking homes and who will be In the proper frame of mind to receive and absorb all the informa tion that Is thrust upon them. Aa an example of the great number of landseekers who will pae through Omaha in October, It la set forth that in UOi lul.000 people registered at BonesWel. Four years later, at the Dallas registration for Tripp county lands, LU.OuO seekers made Mings. On these figures Is based the esti mate that there will be at least 120.000 regis trations at Dallas, Gregory, Rapid City and Chamberlain for the Mellette and Bennett county lands. At least 00,000 of these arc expected to pass through Omaha, which Is the gateway to the west, and it Wtll be pos sible to Interest a great many of them In the opportunities offered in the legion further west. The South Dakota registra tions will be made between October 2 and 21, and the drawings begin Octebor 'A, while the Land Show will be from October 1 to 28. The dates of the show will give the homeseekers an opportunity of visiting In Omaha both before and after they go to South Dakota. During the last South Dakota drawings most of the applicants came from Iowa, Illinois, Missouri and other states in the middle west, and the bulk of the coming registrations wtll be made by people from these states. It Is these people that the west Is now trying to Interest through ths medium of the Land Show. Wyaaalag la toss I a a; Big. CHEYENNE, Wyo.. July Sl.-(8peclal.)- Wyoming wlU be represented at the Land show In Omaha on October II to 2S by the largest and finest exhibit of the state's resources ever gotten together. The Sace selected by Commissioner Schenck in the coliseum at Omaha Is in one of the best plaoes In the large build ing, being next to one of the main en trances where all the people coming and going cannot fall to see It, and will be made one of the feature exhibits of the entire show that Includes exhibitions front all the westera states. Commissioner Schenck is preparing the (Be Fine Worsted, Casaimere and Scotches; light, dark and med ium colors including very fine summer outing pants. Pants Worth Up to $4.50 Latest Hits at Just a Fraction of i Concert Piano Folio, Dance Folio No. 2, Folio Graded Studies 1st to 6th grade, Honey Sal, Sing Me An Irish Come All Ye. Any Old Way You Cook Chicken, Playthings That's All, Christmas Songs, You Can't Chew My Chewing Gum, Such is the Love I Have For You, Gee, I'd Like a Little Girl Like You, Why Don't the Band Play Dixie? You Must Make Good To Me, Clrlberlbin, When You Dream of the Girl You Love, always sold at 10c, 15c and 19c. All the hits from the Popular Operatlcs Madame Sherry, Sweetest Girl from Paris, Girl of My Dreams, and hundreds of others. Always sold for 25c We have thousands of copies of music, for teaching; and popular music, formerly sold for 10c, that we are selling at, per copy lo Century and ley Editions always sold for 10c, at 6c. exhibits. There will be one large central exhibit for the state Itself, showing all the resources of the entire state, mineral, agri cultural and manufacturing, but In addi tion to this general exhibit, Mr. Schenck is Interesting the various counties and communities of the state in making an' ex hibit of their own particular resources to supplement the state exhibit, and these will be arranged around the state exhibit In a tasteful manner so that each county will be properly advertised and exploited. Gregory Makes Bid to Get Big Crowds Commercial Club Will Give Free In formation to All Who Oo to Land Opening. John P. fttehm. Joy M. Hackler and Lou! Storms, three live representatives of the Gregory Commercial club, were In Omaha yesterday on business concerning the forthcoming opening of South Dakota lands. While they are doing all In their power to spread the news of the opening broadcast, they are devoting plenty of energy to boosting their noma town as the real land office town of Dakota, laying special stress on the fact that it Is nearest to the land to be drawn. John P. Plehm, as spokesman for the trio, announced that the Commercial club Is doing everything to see that the many land seekers are well taken care of. There- will be quarters and provisions ample for all. and there will not be any gambling. The club Is going to see tlfat every visitor is well taken care of. John Witten will be there to superintend the opening, as will also the experts who appraised the land for the government, and they will furnish free Information to all who come. Maps will be distributed free to all by the commercial, and there will be no lack of Information. ' Many Strangers in Rogue Eiver Valley Grant's Pass is Much Encouraged by the Arrival of Mining Men and Fanners. P RANT'S PASS. Ore., July 2L-Speclal.) This part of the Rogue river valley and especially Grant's Pass, haa a bright out look for the immediate future. Strangers are arriving dally who are looking for In vestments and a looatlno. These are highly pleased with what they find In this sec tion. Among the erowd of new arrivals may ba seen, here and there, a group of mining men and prospectors. These have read the story of the find In the Red mountains and other districts and they push on into the digging as soon as they can gather up an outfit. Taken all to gether, the outlook of Oram's Pass the lands under irrigation and the pjnee are decidedly favorable. like this, where the varieties were ever wore, and select them from Highest class trousers, made of purest woolens and worsteds; strictly hand tailored. Stun ning pants for outing, golf or fine business wear. Worth $5, $6.50, $7.50 of Sheet Music Their Usual Pries We have mandolins. Your Choice McKln - j All Classic and Sacred Songs, black and white covers. Always sold for 25c to 38c, at 21c WONDERLAND OF THE WEST Puget Sound Contains Much of Interest to All Tourists. ANGLER FINDS. HIS PARADISE Interesting; Trig, Either Long or Short, Caa Ba Taken aa Boats of Paget Soand NkTigs tlom Company. SUATTLE. Wash., July 21.-(Speclal.) The eyes of the world are gradually being turned toward Puget sound, and bo part of the world gives promise of a more glitter ing future than does this wonderland of America. With the scenery of Switzerland, the climate of Italy, richer soli than the valley of the Nile, a growing commerce that in time will rival London, it requires no Delphic oracle to predict the future of this sound country. This vast Inland sea, studded with emer ald islands, extends Its encircling arms tar into the mainland, grasping the feet of the stately Olympics, and washing the skirts of the snowy Cascades. Leaving Seattle, that most wonderful of modern oiUes, In Its unprecedented achieve ments, ' the tourist may choose dosens of doxens of routes, varying from an hour's run to a month s cruise, as fancy dictates, while at every turn a bewildering vwlety of new and enchanting scenes is unfoldeu before his wondering eyes. Five leading routes of the Puget Sound Navigation com pany, following the natural channels of this Inland sea, take the voyager to Tacoma via the left arm of Puget sound, Union City via Hood canal, to Belling ham and Blaine via Everett, Anaoortes and Deception pass; to Victoria or Cape Flattery via Juan de Fuca, or to Vancouver via Georgia straits. Any one of these trips affords an experi ence never to ba forgotten one which once taken will be oft repeated. The trip to 'i'acoma, "the city of destiny," takes only an hour and a half one way, and it Is one of the most effective antidotes to tired nerves. Tacoma has the largest wheat warehouses in the world, the largest smeller In the United States, and the city has just completed a stadium iso feet long, the largest arena on the Pacific coast; it will probably be the scene of the next Olympic games that are played on this con tinent. Mature gave tills wonderful stadium to Tacoma, requiring only the labor and expense of seating and concreting, and it will seat 2&.0U0 people. The stadium may bs seen near the high school from the "In dianapolis" when leaving or approaching Tacoma. Paradlsa of Aaglers. About sixteen miles from Port Angeles is Lake Crescent, llng like a new sliver moon among the snowy Olympics, lisre the angler finds his paradise, especially if he likes game fish; the lake abounds In trout of such varieties as the Dolly Varden, Rainbow, Tully, Cut Thrvat. Half Breed, Crescent, Silver and Beardsloe, ths latter variety being found only in this lake; the Beardslee is considered the wildest and gamiest of the trout species. At Lake Cres cent you can forget the world and make the world forget to Interrupt you for awhile. 'The largest and moat prosperous of the Puget sound group Is the San Juan Island, the scene of the last struggle between the British and American foroea, Relics of the Saturday, Your Choice of Any Man's Genuine Panama Hat for $1.85 Every Panama Hat in our tire stock included. Values up to $7.50; V on sale Saturday, at. . . Sample Line of Men's Straw Hats, worth opto $4, at Men's high grade sample Straw Hats, in sennets, braids, Mackinaw, Milan and ltican braids values. up to $4.0U nt Clearing; Sale of Boys and Chil dren's Hats at 15c 33e, 50c and 75c values; Saturday at All the Boys' Tine Felt Hats, in blue, red, white and gray ; regular price $1.25 A Qn and $1.50, at. ....... ."t CUR CLEARING SALE IVIEIM'S SUITS Saturday In our men's clothing section, old store, we offer three wonderful clearing Bale specials. If you need a new suit don't wait another day. Buy it now. Light and medium weight suits of high grade. All our $10 1 Choice of all Men's Suits at our Men's $15 and $20 Suit i, $10 $5 v. Brandeis Dro I5o Lilac Talcum fowdr So 25c Sanltol Tooth Powder, for 14o JBc Dr. Grave' Tooth Pow der 13o 50c Java Rice Powder.. S8o B cakes Ivory Boap....l9o iBc buttle Hydrogen Per oxide 8o 1 lb. 20-mule-team Borix for So 15o Llquozone Soap Be 73c Pompelan Massage Cream B4e 26c Pond's Vanishing Cream le 50c Palm Olive Cream.. Me 2Bo fipyro Powder 17a 25c Bathaaweet ITe .,25c Arnica Tooth Soap lTo I5c Pebeoo Tooth Paste 38o stBc Bstfr Caps ., 15o a few violins. guitars, cornets, bugles, harmonicas, music boxes, toy drums, tin fifes, flutes, music rolls, auto harps and tam bourines that we will close out during this sale at below cost , "W f ' ' J ' We have a few Met ronomes that we will close out, worth up to 13.25. at $8.1 S. old forts are to be found at either end of the Island. Friday Harbor Is the chief town of the group, and la the seat of the county government. It has one of the most beautiful harbors to be found on the sound. The town is lighted by electricity, and haa a fine local and long-distance tele phone system and a wireless telegraph sta tion. At East Sound, Olga, Friday Harbor, andV in fact all the points reached by the steamer on this route, good accommoda tions can be found at hotels and private homes, and the tired worker who Is look ing for a complete rest will find this an ideal spot to spend a summer's vacation. "Beautiful Belllngham," the home of the greatest salmon canneries on the coast, lies at the terminus of the Puget Sound Navigation company's BeatUe-Everett-Ana-cortes-Belllngham route, and la one of the most prosperous and substantial cities on Puget sound. Blaine, about thirty-two miles by water, north of Belllngham, the borne of large sal mon canneries and saw mills, la a very in teresting point for ths sightseer. Ureat Commercial Arch. Vancouver, which Kipling describes as "the key to the greatest commercial arch In the world," la also reached by this line. At the opposite end of the sound and a strong contrast to the winsome beauty of the ban Juan islands, lies Hood canal, wild, bold and rugged in its mountainous steeps as the Himalayas, mors beautiful than the Swiss Alps, a miniature reproduction of ths famous inside passage to Alaska. Its densely wooded hills offer the greatest va riety of big game to ba found In the United States. It Is ths last stand of the elk. Protected In the government reservs, l,0o0 of these noble animals roam at will ever the jagged peaks of the Olympics. Deer, bear and cougar also abound la this region. No person should miss the opportunity to make this trip down Hood canal and gel closer than ever before to the great heart of nature. On opposite sides to the entrance of Hood canal lie Port Gamble and Port Ludlow, two of the most Important lumber towns on the coast. A visit to their huge saw mills, where the giant firs and cedars of the Olympics are converted into lumber, affords to the uninitiated a most Interesting experience. Ashland is Enjoying Substantial Growth Oregon City Has Many Municipal As sets and Mora Are Being Added Constantly. ASHLAND, Ore., July 21. (Special. ) Devoid of boomed phases, Ashland, Ore., still continues on Its steady progress to wards substantial betterments, and Its ad vancement along these lines Is notable. The major improvement, bltullthio pave ment. Is being steadily extended the pres ent season, and ths close of the year 1911 will witness the completion of a large ex tent of paved area; supplemented by miles of cement walks, curbs and gutters. In the Una of public buildings t,here are a number of structures under way, among them being a new high school for which an appropriation of 175, OuO ia available. Work on this fins educational institution is already in progress, and It bids fair to be one of ths most complete In its appoint ments of any like building on ths coast. A entire QRo VUv line of split Porto 95c 15c All the Odds and Men's Straw Hats ues will go on sale Saturday at. ..... . Ends of DSc vhI- 50c Choice of all our Men's $2" and $30 Suits, $15 and Photo De,ts. ft.. PHOTO SEO-lOW 8 tubes of M. w. Ue. eu'fr .or fij. 18c pkg. Arid Hypo iOo 1-lb. pkg. Plain Hypo...e 7.f0 bt-.iecu Cki.im.h. .S4.4S $10.00 Korona Camera $4.79 On-flith eff on 411 ..! eca l.'miierns .SntuivUy. BUBBXm OOOD8 $!.!0 Douche KouniHiii Syringe $1.BS $2 oO Combination Sri .. and bottle $1.69 11.00 FimntHin KyHmre eo tl.00 Hot Water Hotl.e 490 lctor Doui;h. .$2.S0, $3 " 7Bc Rubber Uloves 49 BIZAtili 150 Tooth Puw.Jer ISO Theatrical Cream, lb....33o 25o Violet Tul.. ISO Brandeis Stores new Carnegie library' is being built at t cost of 15,0U0. Ashland Is also to have i new armory costing IJO.000, ths expense ul which is to be borne by state, county and city. In the proportions of half by ths state and a quarter by the county and city each respectively. Deeds for tlie site of tht notable Improvement have alreadv pasted. The city has a commercial college In ad-i ditlon to being the center of churches un schools; a thriving Chautauqua ats...i j the scops of whose Influence Is evc.i , vc ognlsed beyond slate boundaries; c modern hospital; two large natatortutns; one of the best equipped creameries which draws pat' ronage for miles around; lumber manufac turing concerns. Iron works, canning fac tory, fruit and produce association In fact about everything which counts for progress In the work of town building. Chief assets also are climatic and sccnU advantages. These are not dwelt upon si length here, but they constitute attractions unrivalled, and Ideal conditions In these respects are found amid the elegant drives, romantlo canyon and beautiful parks and residence districts of "The Granite City'! In the famed Rogue river valley section ol southern Oregon. PAROLED MAN BACK TO JAlU Charles Clausen, recently paroled by Judge Est el I e. sold an automobile belong ing to a Thurston county man, and the! result Is that he has been given a berth; again in the county jail. Judge EetalM declares that if the Thurston county offl dais do not prosecute Clausen he will give the prisoner an Indeterminate sentence, Clausen was Involved In a forgery episode! when he was paroled. Brewed and Bottled under the most modern, sanitary conditions by skilled masters, In a brewery as clean as "mother's kitchen." BLATZ COMPANY S02 lis Ml kres. Oaak. DA Per iWfa 1