18 THE BEE: OMAHA. SATURDAY. JULY 2, 1011. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Einti of Damage to Spring Wheat Come from Northwest CORN BELT WEATHER IS FINE l.eea WUIrr Wkral Mt.rnMl la FalUa Off mm4 I'orrUi News l Proapeels. OMAHA. July 7,. 1511. From the reports In the northwest It looks a If the spreading of black rust may add to the daman already done the spring wheat crop by extreme heat and drouth. Justifying the lowering of estimates being given out by crop experta. The action if the market Indicates the trade to be free from fear of further liquidation. Winter wheat movement la falling off and foreign newa la less favorable on crop prospects. Weather In the corn belt continues fair with no rains forecasted temperatures re main normal. The general fueling among the trade Is that liquidation has been thorough on the recent setback and shorts are not Inclined to stand any pressure from a return of high temperatures or further crop scares. Wheat firm and higher early on buying due to bad run reports In the northwest. Receipts are lighter helping the market tone. Cash wheat was 'to to lc higher. Corn advanced early on covering liy shorts and further dry weather reports. Keceipts keep light and cash corn was -Lc to In higher. Primary wheat receipts were 1.5!9.Oii0 bushels and shipments Were 42S.OOO bushels, against receipts last year of 811,000 busnels and shipment of ofls.OOO buhels. Primary corn receipts xveie 2ftti.u)0 bush els and shipments were SiWO bushels, scainst receipts last year of :;S7.10 !:ushel and shipments of W3.000 bushels. Clearances were 12,(100 bushels of corn, none of oats, and wheat and flour equal to :'40.(no bushels. Liverpool closed Hd to 7d higher on wheat, and 7d higher on corn. The following cash sales were reported WHBAT No. 2 hard: 1 car. dark. V4c; 24 cars, S3c; cars, tC'.c. No. 3 nurd:. 2 cars. Me. CORN No. t white: 1 car, 6-. No. 3 white: 1 car, 63'4c; 2 cars. 6.1c. No. 2 yel low: S cars. S2'.c: ! cars, KKo, No. 3 vellow. 4 cars, c; I car, Kc. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, 2Hc; 1 car, R-"ic. No. 3 mixed: 1 car. 24c; 3 car. fi2'c. No. 4 mixed: 2 cars. 2c: 1 car. 61'.c. OATS No. 3 white: 1 car. 40.c: cars, 4V. No. 4 white: 1 car. rjoFc: 1 car. SSc. No. 3 mixed: 1 car, 39c. No. 4 yellow: 1 car, 3Kc Omaha Cash Trices. WHKAT No. 2 hard. 2V4tW?c: No. 3 hard. o2i4Vtc; No. 4 hard, 73V7!,.:C; re jected, hard, SMjTJ'V". CORN No. 2 white. SWBI.c: No 3 white. 62itii3,'c; No. 4 white. 2Vo2,tP: No 3 color. 2Vt3rfi3c; No. 2 yellow, SJ'.'jf ti'c; No. 3 yellow, 62'4rG2.c: No. 4 yel low. MMiiOTic; No. 2. o2'4r62'!,c; No . X s2VR2'i.c; No. 4, Blffc.; no grade, &f K1OAT8-No. 2 white. 40. tO'ie: standard. 4ruft40ii.c; No. 8 white. eWir 40V.C ; No. 4 vn te. :wfrisc: ino. j yi, win t I't. 25. I.ard, unchanged: prim steam, $7 .I'fi .02'. Prv salt meats, unchanged: boxed extra shorts, $9 75; clear ribs. $8.75; short clears, ts 12'V Bacon, unchanged; boxed extra shorts, tS.75; clear ribs, $i.7."i; short clears. $10 I2S- Receipts rthlpmcnts. Flour, bhls I.7) Wheat, bu 146.0m tatom) Corn, bu an.OKl 5:."0 Oats, bu 160.000 48.000 NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS 1KW TOR K (JElfEH t l M R K KT Matt Yerlea of the Day Com mod I ties. NEW YORK. July 21. FMllR-QnleC. spring pati-ntH. H.wrii ir.: winter straights, t.t.!sn4.10: Kansas sttalshts, $4 lnfi"4.2f.. Rve flour, iiulrt: fair to good, $4.Dtit5.flO; choice o fancy, $.YI54iS..1&. rtlKNMKAIi-Steady: fine white and yel low, $1.35jl.40; L-oarse, tl.304jl.35; kiln dried, $3.56. V MIC AT Spot market. Irregular: No. 2 red. new, 9o4c elevator, and SC'te f. o. b. afloatf No. 1 northern Duluth. II 014 f. o. b. afloat. Futures murket was firm dnr. lug the early operations on further rust damge reports and the cables, but sagged under realizing and on large receipts and a loss active export demandd, closing Wit .c net lower. Julv. 9fa'Vt. closed at Slc; September. WI'-hSJitMo. closedd at 93'4c; liecember, W4'ii!7'c; closed at 9c. Re ceipts. lfi.1.'Ki0; shipments. 24.876. I'OHN-fpot market, firm; export' No. I. 7flifC. f. o. b. afloat. Futures market was without tranMactlons, closing at Sc to Ve net advance. September closed atWSc ; December closed at 7V. Keceipts, 21,375 bushels; shipments. 10,818 bushels. OATS Spot market, steady. Futures market was without transactions, closing nominal. Receipts. 7V125 bushels. 1 1 A V Firm; prime, $1.45; No. 1, $1.40; No. 2, 11.25; No. 3. We. . IIIKKS yulet: Central America. 20Vfcc; Bogota. 214ft22Hc I.EATHEH-Steadv; hemlock firsts, 24'-,!?j 27c: seconds, 22'a'23c; thirds, 19020c ; re jects. lVulRc. PROVISIONS Pork, steady; mesa. $17.FA$ 18 00: family. $18.0018 50; short clesrs, $15.50 t I7.0t. Beef, steadv; mefs. tin.54MMl.00; family, $12.00(f 12.50; beef hams. t27.50ji' 29.60. Cut meats, steady: pickled bellies. 10 to 14 pounds, $10.00i7l3.00; pickled hams, $14.00. I.srd, sK'Hdy. middle west prime. $.S.20frS.:; refined, barely steady; continent. $8.60; 1 South America, $9.65; compound, fi.3ity(p 7.62V. TAMjOW Firm; prime city, hogsheads, $5.87; country, $5.626.12'. bUlTKU- Steady: creamery specials, 20c : extra, 2ic; firsts, 21W22": seconds, ?i'4'!y22c: thirds. ltK20c: state dairy, finest, 24c; good to prime, 21?23c; common to fair, lVflJOc; process, special, 21Hc; extras, 21c; Hints, l!iin2iso; secunrts. li Vlse; factory. current make, firsts, )!Hic; seconds. lSViflc. CHKF.SK Firm: skims, SWa'Jc. t;aOS Firm: fresh gathered, 2225c; exira ttrst, iiraiic; iirst. hiiim:; aeconaa. KSiliic; fresh gathered, dirties. No. 1, uvt 12Hc: western itathered, white, 17ig-21c. POUIjTRY llve. irregular; western suring chickens, 20c fowls. 15'nl6c; turkeys. c. Dresseert. quiet; western nroliers, c; fowls, llylttc; turkeys, 12il.ric No. 4 yellow, 38.T8',ic. HARI.KY-No. 3. i)f8Rc: No. 4. 1 feed BMlTBc: releeted. 4!fT)74c. RYE No. 2. 8183c; No. 3. 7981c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Chicago 5HI MlnneMnolla 21'8 ... Omaha Uuluth 20 74Slc; 94 Oats. 44 CHICAGO GRAIP: V.-D PEKVIIO9 Feat ares of the Tra.lln nd Closlnf; Prlrea on Ronrd of Trade. CHICAGO. July 21. The black rust bug aboo waa banished fr6m the wheat lilt this afternoon and so was the fear of Cana dian frost. The market fell hack and there was a weak closing. vc to ,?i:i.c. under ! nlrht Final ssles left CO in iC to -C down, oats off ;c to l'ic, end Hog products varying from the level of twenty-four 11 waa expiainea oy a irviiu) m"-h 'J""- Columbus th velvet Chan variety 01 wneai m which Uie black rust had been at work had ma tured probably enough to be exem;t from much actual damage. The real danger would occur If the rust were to spread to blue-stem wheat, the kind that ripens later. , Further north advices were received tht the weather in the Canadian northwest bad become Ideal and that the larse'v In Renewed Outburst of Specnlatire Activity Toward CloM. RAILROAD STOCKS MOVE UPWARD Large Bloeka of la too Parlfle floaaht HaaMty Hlalaar Scale of Prleea Caaadlaa Pacific Advaaers. Corn nail tVhrst ltralon llnlletla. Record for the tw?nty-four hour ending at 8 a. m. Friday. July 21, 1911: OMAHA L1ISTR1CT. Temn Rain Stations Max. 41 in. fall NEW YORK, Juiy i. After a day ot dullness anu narrow muvenieiits, ihe 1.101 iuuikci vti tuuvenea shortly oeioie lm hum: 01 me aay uy a renewed uutouiat 01 speculative acuvity sucli aa vairieu pncta up rapiuiy vainer In tne ween. As was tue case iielore, tne buying movement wiw vonceniiateu on vue U aain raiuoail stocKs, an.ong which 1 uion facuic wa iiiobi prominent. Large ulocka of tn.s siock .. li bought 011 a tapiuiy rising scaie o. prices. ine last suie v. as at tne 11181. price ot tne day. l'.'i wmcn waa aiso tin. nigneal llgure of 111c year. 1 he gam 01 two points in this issue was larger than in mom 01 tne otner shares, but the upnara movement waa general, many ottiei mifii pneva for Uie yt. were rccurued and tne average at ttie close kioou at me mgliest point since April, lull), canaaian taciuc once moru toucnea me ii.ncni point in Us History, today's mark being Zi. .tiinougu inici cm. in the local traction situation was sun keen, today a uuteiop inetit had iar les ltuiuence on uie mantc. man whs inu case yesterday. Aiinouiictiucni of tue aoaid of all the suoay KAi.HK.oii8 to the iiruuklyn ICai'n. iiansii coiupuny was loiloweo oy oni conical biivc. small movement in MiC atocKS alieeied. Canadian raclfic's advance attracted at tentiun, since only yestcruay tne siock was under prtsnure because ot senilis lrom Abroad. The stock is so closely ne.u and has so little following tnat Its contin ued auvancn exercises slight speculative Influence. Minneapolis, St. faul and Sault Ste. Marie and Wisconsin Central allied lines rose with Canadian i'acuic. The Hill Issue made a further advance, being well absorbed on moderate offerings. Ex pectations of adoption of the Canamaii leciproclty treaty were set forth as a cause of the strength of the railway stocks ot the Canadian and the northwestern groups. l:nlted .States Steel was under some pres sure during the early part of the session, but closed the day with a good fractional gain. The general list was steady through out, with small gains until the final up turn. Dealings In the southern roads fell off sharply. Most of the Industrial shares were neglected. The known movement of cash for the week points to a gain of from $3,700,000 to $4,500,000, with prospects of a loan con traction. Bonds were steady, with no change In the government Issues on call. Total sales, pnr value, 12,822.000. Number of sales and leading quotations of stock were at follows: sales. High. Lew. CV changed to , higher than yesterday's New York closing. T t It lsl.rlll S N. 7 T it M , K. T .. 7t N. T. Ofitr.1.., .. Norfolk at W... . do pit ..tot Ontario W... 11:14 IVtinnrlT.nl. ... :.vi rt.nit Mines l Rrlln. 7.S Rnuth.i-11 Rf.... lJiH o pra . l"i snutnern p.rire. . tlH Inloa r.rlllc... . M do M . V. S Steel . fvt pfd . 4H Watiun . MI't So pt .147 V. RMA'KR Bar. quiet at 24 6-16d per ounce. MONKY 1 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 1 per cent; for three months' bills, 2 1-16 pi r cent. Conaal.. moo.r . . Sn srotiunt Am. I Capper.... An.oAnda Ati-hl.'in 6t ptd n.ltlmnr AV Ohio.,, Can. ill. n Pacific... tiMiaha' O.... ( hli air. O. W CM.. Mil. A gt. P. lis Rara , Iwsrer Rio O... do prd Krlo do Irt M do 2d ptd Orand Trunk , Illinois Ontral. ..is .. 7--t ..lit ..111 .. S3 .. 47H .. i .. 7H .. 1 i. 34 .. 7S ..)?7S . . 1 f. 1 a .. .. t ..i:s .. t .. RETOllT OF TIIK CI. ft 4 mi a novsK Traaaaelloaa of the Associated Books for the Week. NEW YORK. July 21. Rradstreet s hank hearings report for the ween ending July 2C, nhows an aggregate of $2,9N8,lll,00n, as sgalnst $3,047,232,000 last week and $2.M8.907, ono In the corresponding week last year. The following is a list ot the cities: CITIES. Clearings.! Inc. I Deo. Ashland, Neb.... H5 6ii Auburn. Neb 9i nil H'ken LIow. Neb. W) M Columbus, Neb.. Wr 1 tulliertson. Neb. 0 nil Knlrbury. Neb... Is) 3 Fairmont. Neb... M t Or. Island, Neb. f'l IW Murtinvton. Npb. 'M r.'i Hastings. Neb... R7 63 Holdiege, Neb... 87 6! Lincoln. Neb !2 t No. J'latte. Neb. Wi 64 Onkdale. Neb.... SS r.6 Omaha. Neb 1 65 Tekamah, Neb... ill 64 Valentine. Neb. 81 6" .00 .00 00 .00 .0 00 .01 .00 01 .00 .00 .o .01 .13 .on (VI 00 .00 .10 .00 .00 .00 for Rkr. Clear Clear Cloudy I't. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Vt. cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy I't. cloudy Clear Cloudy Cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear twelve-hour Sioux City. la... ss .Mta la 81 5", Carroll. Ia W Cliirinda. la !l 61 Sibley, Ia 87 51 Minimum temperature period ending at S a. m. DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp.- Rain- District. Stations 0 17 Louisville. Kv 20 Indianapolis, Ind.. 11 Chicago. Ill 2"i r; St. Louis. Mo 2"i lies Moines, la.... 21 Minneapolis, Minn. 30 Kansas City. Mo.. 24 Omaha. Neb IS Temperatures have continued moderate Max. M'n. tall. . S 62 .90 84 6t .40 88 62 .40 SI M .00 81 63 .611 SO BS .10 78 46 .00 86 66 .10 30 60 ' .10 .... ..o m.r. . hit harvPir Ciail- turougnour me corn aim wneat region our tial buying power, which earllr in tne day had puslied prices higher, seemed to give out and the market sagged. Foreigners were still largely bidders, but were 1c to 2c out of line. The fact was regarded as having bearish significance that world shipments were estimated at nearly 4.0u0,000 bushels in excess of the cor responding time a year ago. luring the serslon September ranged from 8Sc to S94o, closing 'iHie net lower at fiSK'nc. Refusal of eastern buyers to follow an advance In corn, pulled down that cereal. September fluctuated between 61'ic and liVc, with the close weak at 64KiC. a net loss of e. Cash grades were firm. No. 2 yellow finished fw'n'6rri4c Threshing returns on oata proved In creasingly favorable. High and low points lor September were 42c and 41',c, with last trade. HiU.c down, at 41l(fi41!c. A - considerable shortage In September pork resulted In that option being sharply advanced. At the end of the day, ::0? of the gain was still held and on the rest of the (1st the market kept an even keel. The leading futures ranged as follows: I ing the last twenty-four hours. Good rains were quits general ln tne rt. Louts and Ixiutsvllle districts, and appreciable show ers occurred In sll other except the Chi cago and Minneapolis districts. A fall of 1.54 inches occurred at New Burnslde. III. L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Weather Kureau. Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. I .Yes y W heat-l I July...) 8H Sept...(SRVM-l I ec... un,fi92 May...frVttVl Coin - I I SS IKSflSWlel B-,i. siywuw1:. u''rv9iH,i I 87'..' 89,l I Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. July 21. WHEAT Un changed to lc higher; No. 2 hard. 8o'3S9c: No. 3. 82ftSSe: No. 2 red, 82V4W83C; No. 3, SUftSlVc: September, 87Hc, sellers; Decem ber, 87"c. sellers. CORN VWilc higher; No. 2 mixed. 65 63W:c: No. -6, Glflet'dc; No. 2 white, 65MuHc; No. 3, 63c; September. 63&jc bid; December, 6O14 iH6frc. OATS Unchanged; No. t white, i3Wf 44W: No. 2 mixed. 42!fJ43c. RYE 90tf92c. HAY Strong to $1 higher: cholc tlm oMiv, $19.0OW20.00; choice prairie, $16. 25' IC.7'5. BKTTETt-Creamery. 23c: firsts, 20'tc; seconds. 18Hc; packing stock, ic. EGGS Extras, 19c; firsts, lBHc; seconds. 8c. . 64;iil . 62lfi4J2'. .IWU64V.' I I 42 Hi I ..l42Vstl, ..I 44-Si ,. '4CT.ii (71 96- 1 64'l. 65! 62 M 42M 44' I 93' 6ta 61-", 61 6;,!63Vl 3'i 61'. I 10 V 4ftiil 4IS.:41W( ;.l 47 I 16 30 I 18 70 IS 60 J lj GO s 30 8 30 8 to 02',; 4-'ii 16 .10 15 40 s 8 25 I 8 47m 7 97'.'.! 4 46 v..-! 16 50 15 40 8 27 ' i 8 25 8 50 7 97 'A 6Ti 64 v, 62 Mtitil'i 4:' 42 S, 44 10 2i 15 42 '4 8 27' 8 25 8 521& 8 00 Wtaeat. bu Corn, bu.. Oats. bu.. Receipts. ... 218.000 ... 41000 ... 2o.0"0 Shlpm'ts. R'.'WI Alll.-rh.lm.rs pfd Amslsamated Copper American Airrlcultural Americas Boot Sugar Am.riran Can Amark-an C, 4t P Amaricajl CVlttoa Oil Amaiican H. A U pfd Am. Ico Securltloa American Unaood American ljocomottvs American S. & R American 8. & R. pfd Am. Steel Foundries Am. Sugar Refining American T. aV T American Tobacco pfd American Woolen Anaronda Mining Co Atchtaon Atchleon pfd Atlantic Coast Una lUUfmnro A Oplo nethl'ham Steel Brooklyn Rapid Tran.it.... Canadian Pacific Central Leather Ontral leather pfd Central of New Jersey Cheaariealcs Ohio Chicago Alton Chicago O. W Chicago O. W. pfd .... Chicago A N. W Chicago. M. A St. P C. C. C. A St. L Colorado F. A I Colorado A Southern Consolidated Oaa Corn Products Delaware A Hudson Denver A Rio Grande Denver A R. O. pfd Dlatlllera' Securities Erie s. Krie let pfd Erie !d pfd Oeneral Electric Great Northern pfd Great Northern Ore ctfe..., Illinois Central Interborough Met Inter bornugh Met. pfd International Harvester ... Int. Marine pfd , International Paper International Pump Iowa Central Kanaas City Southern K. C. 80. pfd ; Laclede Gas Louiavtue at .Naanvuie Minn. A St. Louie M . St. P. A ft. S. M Mliaourl, K. A T Miaaourt, K. A T. pfd Mliaourl Pacific National Blacuit National Lead N. R ft. of M. !d pfd.... New York Ontral N. T.. O. A W Norfolk A Wertern North American Northern Paclflo Pacific Mall Pennaylvanla People's Gaa P.. '.. O. A St. L Pittsburg Coal Preened Steel Car Pullman Palace Car I.SflO. J M'4 100 M 6t t.tOO M'A 63H " ieo 1,400 57S 17 " ioo 'si'" 'ii" 'tiioo 'wi 'iiii 100 107 107 " ino iitTi 4,100 137 13S 100 t6V NVj ' . ivi iiii. iis'ii ioo 10314 10314 100 131t. 131 1,500 1091. 10 300 S24 13,600 S4'4 MVi 400 247 8414 200 0tt 0'4 " iio "ti " ioo "t'vi 'iiti '"ioo 148'.' i4'4 10,000 118 128 " ioo '3514 joii 1,200 147 14614 200 Mli 14 T. 300 2IV4j 18'4 00 goo !00 ioo .too B00 too 1.000 4.S00 600 10) "too " ioo l.wo 700 300 400 300 " 400 "ioo ' no too no 100 13,100 goo 1.000 ioo S714 (4 i3t4 J:l7-4 114 14.', 1S4 (! 124 174 42ii 30 i 107i 1624 31 M 143 37 6014 10M, 4tV4 1094 744 1344 2T4 12il4 10i4 3 it 137 so 14 144H 17?i M14 124 1714 '43" io74 15214 31 14214 36 "4 'ivi ioo" 44'4 10 74 133tj M14 1241, 10614 214 09 14 M 64 114 67 67 26 23 1014 4lWi 74 1114 39 118 i:iH 91 32 39H 1H4 10s 181 1091s J2'i S3 14 1464 30 100 281 30 234 4414 14 i:s4 6 3,-iH 64 146 14 171 S7 36 36 6Si 48 162 137 New York 4'hieago Boston Philadelphia .... St. Iannis Kansas City cittstiurg Pan Francisco... Baltimore Ineinnatl Minneapolis Cleveland New Orleans ... Ietrolt OMAHA l.os Angeles I.niilsvllle , Milwaukee Seattle St. Paul , Atlanta Portland, .Ore .. Buffalo Penver .. Indiananolis .... Providence Richmond Washington ..... St. Joseph , Koit Worth .... Memphis salt Lake City.. Columbus , Albany Tacoma Savannah Ppokana Toledo Hartford Rochester Ies Moines .... Nashville Uuluth Wichita Peoria Norfolk Oakland. Cttl.... Sioux City New Haven Orand Rapids .. Scran ton Birmingham Jacksonville, Oklahoma City Syracuse Augusta, Ga Worcester Evansvllle Springfield, Mass.... Dayton Portland, Me Little Rock Charleston, S. C Knoxvtlle Chattanooga Lincoln Davenport Wilmington, Del .... Mobile Wilkesbarre Kalamaxoo, Mich .... Sacramento Topeka Cedar Rapids Macon Fill River Youngstown New Bedford Springfield. Ill Fort Wayne , Canton. O Sioux Falls, 8 D AKron I Helena I Columbia Lexington 8.41 4.4 8.6! S6.0 1.4 6.2 "i.'rV 34.fi ,6.0 r.2.2 23.9 2.6 4).6.... 10.3.... 3.3.... 6.51 24.4 19.6 1.11.... 13.9j. 27.4... 8.4!, Fla. ' one, a u 1 ila,"s.'c.'.'.'.'.".'."1 61 123 17 10 42 16 36 7 o Fat eo. N. T. 144 , Krie. Pa '"' I Hneltfnrd Til I Quincv. Ill ) Bloomlngton, 111 I Chester. Pa I Springfield, O South Bend, Ind.. Lowell lanlruin Ul.. 107.t ' " " v """1 oq .... 152 Blnghamton Liecatur, ill Mansfield, O Fremont, Neb.... Vicksburg. Miss.. Jacksonville, III.. York. Pa Waterloo, Ia Houston Galveston July.. Sept.. 4J July.. Sept.. Iec... May.. Fork Kept.. Jan. .. I d Sept... 8 27V4 Jan....) 8 25 I Ribs- I 1 Sept...;8 47(ii50 Jan.... 8 00 Cash quotations were a follows: Fl AJITR Firm; winter patents. $3.Krft .: straights. t3.C5ti4.SO; spring straights. t4.lii4.U): makers, 3J.4HiiH.50. HY K No. 2. 8 lj" 82c. BAULKY Feed or mixing, 70fiS2c: fair to choice malting. 65c4.i$l.l4. SKKD8 Flax. No 1 southwestern, nomi nal; No. 1 northwestern, nominal, timo. thy, $9.001 13.50; clover, $?.00?t15 50. PKOV I.Nlt.S Mess . Mrk, por bbl , $16 :n'vfti'6.50: lard, per 100 lbs., $8.17: short ribs, sides lloosel. $7 U.'Mi-o.liTH; short clear sides tboxedl. $S.2.VjiX.r V... Total clearances of wheat and flour were enual to 241.000 bushels. Kxports for the week, ss shown by Hradslre?t's were equul to 1.677.000 bushels. Pilmary receipts were I.TiIO.ttiO bushels eompared with 8.II11.HOU ' buahels the corresponding day a year ago. estimated receipts for tomorrow wer?: Whtat .V.H rim: corn. 7S cars; oats. 175 cars; hogs. I3.0M head. I lileaau Cash Prh.es Wntat: No. ! red, k.'i ',: Not 3 red. 8t1iS5e; No. 3 hard, eniSM-; No. 3 hard. 85.is7c: No. 1 north ern 11 OJtl 11.06 W: No. i northern w.t,ll iu. No. 3 northern, 9J-i.4X; No. 2 spring. 1) m' I 12sl(12ViC, ; No. s spring. cViiHto; velvet chaff, Wii) V'-'e; durum, 8.Vri9.'c. Corn: No. 2. tindiuijc: No. 2 white. iu-iii;c; No. 2 yellow, 65'n, ijSi'l No. 3. M-i.muoo: No. 3 white. 6'i !!; No. 3 yellow. 65iiriKiio: No. 4. tl.4 6W ; No. 4 white. ll,(ic: No. 4 yellow. t..l,4i'-4'o. Oats: No. 2. 41.c; No. 2 white 42'i:i4;fc-: No. 3 white, new. tliC'e; No 4J'ii42i'; No. S white. 4li4lV-: No. 4. 4lil.ie; standard, it'itt 2-c: standard, new H'-WIV. Hye: No. 2. SHitLV. Barley: 7tV $115. Timothy, $10.C(tl 13.00. Clover. S9.uvj I5.u". I tiUS Steady: receipts. 7.635 eases: at mark, easra Included, 5tillVsc; firsts. 14'-c, prime flrMa, l.'ijc. BCTTKK Kteady; creameries, 19:ic; lis I rle. su22c. CHKF.KH Steadv: daisies. l'ilT-c; twins. 1!'.ul2'-e; young Americas. IJ'.ft 13Vc; long horns. 14e. ft )T A TO h'-S Irregular ; barrelled. 4 M: bulk. $I..V4ll.M. POl'LTRY-Sieady: turkeys. 12c; fns. 12tsc: springs. 15c. VKA I. Steadv : 50 to 60 lbs., 40c; 60 to si bn., riHc: U to 110 lbs., lie. Hallway Steel Sarins 44M11 Reading 4.000 I Republic Steel Republic Rteel pfd . . . : I lock island to Minneapolis Grain Market. Kock i,.d ro. ofd MINNEAPOLIS. July 21. WHKAT July, gt. U A 8 F Id pfd 95c; September. 95c; December, Mc; .ft. iyuis s. w cash. No. 1 hard, iwc: No. 1 northern, p,cs,'.c,m.C; 0, 3 northern. 94;&7Vic; No. 3, 921 94 etc. 400 404 it. bin 10 i'loo 1.200 300 37 162 isi 0 32 41 41 Ff . vCloserl at $2:15. P n LE Y 0e6 $1 .07. CORN No. 3 yellow. 8i"ii,i5c. 0TS No. 3 white. 41V.fi 42i.c. TtYF No ? 7c T R N ?0. WNn 21 fO. FtOI'R First natents. Ji5.0H!i5.2i: secod paten's M.nOM 7S: first clears. S2.35tf3.55; second 'clears, $2.35lfi2 50. rrorta Market. St. Louis 8. W pfd Sloee-Sheffleld 8. A I Southern Pacific Southern RallwaT Southern Railway pfd Tennessee Copper Tesss A Pacific T., ft. I,. A W..." T.. St. t. A W pfd t'nlon Pacific t'nlon Pacific pfd t'nlted Statea Realty t'nlled Statea Rteel I'. S. 81 eel pfd Vtah Copper V -Carolina Oiemlcal .... PF.OR1A. HI.. Julv 21 CORN-Lor; No. j Z .Xl.l 2 white, file; No. 3 white. 4e: No. 2 yel w.aTern Msrvlasd"".':::.'.. It.w. 04c: No. 3 vellow, Mc; No. 4 yellow, wetttnghouae Klectrle 200 t.fmo too soo 300 1!4 33 76 42 37 162 isi 30 's: 65 48 lSJ'a 33 74 41 29 39.200 COO 16,400 700 . COO 800 191 96 "t0 i 118 60 63 189 4 '79 118 49 67 i- '.c: No. 2 mixed. 6Te: No. 3 mixed, V,ic; Western Inlon Nti mixerj. ific: namtiie, iwitfftoie. " OATS Steady : No 2 white. 4mfitlle standard, old, 41Vjfi41c; standard, new. 41c; Nr. 3 white, old. '1Jc; No. S white, new 4(lic; No. 4 white. 39Hc l.lTerpool Grain Market. L1VKRPK)L. July 21. WHKAT Spot, steady: No. 1 Manitoba. 7a 7d: No. 2 Manitoba 7s5'd. Futures, strong: July. Osll.d: Oetober, 6s9Std; December. Cs 10d. CORN Spot, firm; old Amerleal mixed. rsSd; new American kiln dried. 6s 3d. Fu tures, strong; September. 5s6',4d; October. 5s 6d. ' rhllndelphla Prodsre Market. PIIILADF.I PHIA. July .l.-HCTTER-Firm: extra western creamery'. 2o; nearby prints. 27e. KCOS I'nehanged. CHKKSIC Firm, 'i1! higher; New York foil creams, fancy, 12f13c; fair to good. Wheeling A b. B Lehigh Valley Total sales for the day. 300 JO0 ioo 1.900 303,900 4 76 1 176 share 4 76 114 174 30 142 36 7 49 m 64 30 109 4S ins 74 134 29 1?S 104 7 20 37 161 I 36 I 168 30S 3 2 66 48 32 69 49 l..li 33'. 76 41 '.' 20 41 191 9", 73 80 l' I 60 ' t7i I 36 j 4 15 ; 61 i 3 116 l$l,672.997.enn 2i.K74,l, 174.ni5.0(ll 175,Oii4."Of! 74.431.OHOI 49.42S.01i 4!.ri5.tl'.0 49.064. t0 rv.97s.0001 S.1.497.0K) KKVt.OHOI 18.2S9.noo1 .rHs.ono1 l9.2Sl.ooni 14,3S?,O00 ;m. iiw; 14,047.000 12.526.0001, 9.611, IK10, 10.571 .0O0 . 7. ir77 .nno., 9.927.0001, ,543.000 9. 152.fl00 , 1 1.4SK1 .KM 8.607.1100!, 7.214.i0i 7.0S1,00H 6.094.0110 5,tM6,i!Oii 5,399,00i 7.113,0"Oi 6.464,O00 6.679.0001 3.H06,onoj 3.898.0001 4,183.000 5.233,000 4.696,000 4.4ra.OeO 3.8:10.01)0 3.867,000 2.896.000 3.650.000 2.747.000 2,940.0001 3.299,0001 2.1S7,000 3,711,000 2.479,000 2,540,0001 2,321,000 2.M.,OU0l 1,804.00) 2.709,O)0 1, 188,000 ! 2,5iil,O0O 2.711,000 2,627.0001 2,467.0001 1.710,0001.... 2.09N.OQOI 38.7 l,335,CO0 . l,661.C00j, 1.792,0X1 1.602,0u0, l,432,OO0 . 1,579,000 1,2S3.000 1,428.000 1.086,0001 1,46O.000 1,423,0001 1,494,0001 2.500,0001 263. 3! l.ois.ooo .. 1,3S8,00O 61.8. ' 1.0T,4.000 1,116,0001 1,702.0001 1.112,0001. 732,(iO0 . " 1.567.0MO: 1,032.000! 64.W). 824 .0001 430.000' . , soo.ooor 701,0001. 605,0001 547,0001 . 475.0001 . 632,00111 . 653,0001 . 623,0001 282,0001 . 490.000!. 623.0001 430,000 387.0001 2O2,O00 3W.000I 913,0001 1.487,000 24,768,0OO 13.308,0001 OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Are Light and Values Are Steady to Strong. HOGS ARE FIVE CENTS LOWER De-ma 4 froaa All Quarters Was Broad, hat Rattier ale4 keeai Arc Weak to Lower la Prleie. SOUTH OMaHA. July 21. 1911. Receipts were: Official Monday ... Ottirial Tuesday ... (if filial Wednesday Official Thursday..., Estimated Friday.... Cattle. ... 4.095 ... 2.978 ... 3.247 ... 2.276 ... 750 Hogs. Hheep. 5.2I9 lO.O.'fl S.946 lO.sfti .OM 8.400 8.2!i' S.465 2.843 6.300 Five days this week.... 1J346 42.561 30 004 Same days last week..,.17.2K (1.252 21.999 Same days 2 weeks ago.. 16.379 38.652 10.591 fcame days 3 weeks ago.. 17. 42 M.S5S 23.0.2 Same days 4 weeks ago.. 15.209 61.186 10.422 Same days last year 25.098 32.892 &M93 The following table snows tne receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, as compared with last yeHr: 1911. 1910. Inc. Cattle 645. 15 530.94 24.204 Hogs 1.6..6.198 1,211.631 $44,567 Sheep 833.691 808.143 24,648 The following table shows the average prices on hogs at Houth Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Hates. 19)1. 1910.1909. 11908.11907. 1906. 1905. 4.7 8.7 14. 6.1 4:1 i'.'i 8.8 11.7 9.7 3 0 I 16.2 46. 2.4 Julv 12... July $.... July 14. July July Julv July Julv July July 15.. 16.. 17.. IS. . 19.. :0.. 21.. 931 7 eel I R 741 g 641 5 33 30,l 8 Sll 7 7 491 R 741 6! 6 24 I 8 26! 7 76' 421 10 671 5 47 ( 2.-.UI 8 .t5l 7 811 6 III S 71 I 281 1 83! 371 6 76 S 50 0 30'4j 7 741 e 44 s 73 B hi HI I 8 SSI . I 6 40 6 69 62 35 18 .151 7 761 16 74 I 61 6 32V 8 28 ! 7 76 33 8 80 47 6 2TS 8 31 7 701 271 48: 6 64 e Lsf 6 63 6 59 6 61 66... 10 so iro m n t r 6 16 f ;s H M f 36 I'. t; 37 t: 4 37 ( 37 t 37V. 17 17 M M. 6 97.... 1 ... 67.... .... 91 ... V . . . U ... 68.... 66... an... 41... 30 ... 90... I ... 1.... Ml an 3? ?0 3! 71 37 -ii . . 3 : ??i joe i n 906 36 ! 90 6 . 319 40 I 36 ?.T 40 " 303 . . .It 313 40 96 ?! ... 36 ,?H ... 36 3.40 ... 35 1 ... 97 .194 ... 40 I4 40 t 40 .193 ... 4 4 .194 ... 4 46 Sunday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Cnloii stock yards. outh Omaha, for twenty-four hours enJmg at 3 o'clock yes terday: RECEIPTS-CAUIJADS. C. M. & W a'lasli Missouri St. P... C. fc N 4 '.. c, C; C., Pacific .... " Mc W east.... . . , tl i. s t . . . . P.. M. A .... & Q., east.... & Q., west.... 1. A P., east.. I. & P., west.. .... I tlllnnl. c. o. w , 18.7 I 6.8 Total reteolnla 6.01 3.8 7.7 'io".i 6.8 '25.7 8.8 "i'.k t.T 8.3 0.3 6.4 5.0 3.8 8.8 3.6. 12.31. 9.2! . 34.91. 2.6 -9!6 18.2 0.8 i'.i '2I4 2 25.0 347 Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Schwarts-Bolen Co Murphy Cudahy, K. C W. B. Vansant Co . Stephens Bros Hill & Hon Huston & Co J. B. Root & Co , J. H. Bulla S. Werthelmer H. F. Hamilton Other buyers Totals 3 3 2 1 2 5 .. 1 25 15 2 H 11 . 46 2 I 8 17 1.. 7 20 2 1 2 1 1.2 1 31 12S 22 1 JN HEAD. Csttte. lines. Sheep. 144 405 22 199 1,891 123 .... 165 1.623. 2,239 149 661 902 365 1,680 120 31 1 ...3f.ll ...J0 ...3? ...M0 ...343 ...?4 ...lit . . . M ...t.M ...346 ...140 ...;3 ...347 ...374 ...367 ...340 66 331 W 1.' L' 11 . . .1 I I. . . . v i,uninri.a in eiirt-p Sllia lamos had rather large volume for a Frldav, about twenty loads of stock showing up. All but three or four loads came from the range, Idaho furnishing the big bulk. Roughly classified, the run consisted of five loads of Idaho yearlings, eight loads of lambs and two of mixed stock from the same state, two loada of Montana wethers and three loads of native odds anil ends. ljtmbs with plenty of flesh met with best demand, the same as yesterday, and usually landed at good, firm prices. Pack ers bought freely In this branch of the trade, with the result that the market was practically emptied within a short time afttr the opening. Toppy Idaho gmssers reached $7.2S, a six-load out bringing this figure. A fe-w natives also sold at $7.25. There have been no feeder lambs of consequence on sale lately, but fat grade have been In fair supply and have scored an advance of about a quarter over a week ago. Sheep acted slow and the demand for heavier classes seemed to be especially dull. Lax competition enabled killers to chenpen cost In many Instances, the mar ket ruling weak to right around a dime lower. Kxtra good ewes, both nstlvea and rangers, sold as high as $-l.7MM,85. but wethers would have to be flrst-claas to command 14.25. While fullv three-fourths of the receipts this week consisted of fat range stock there was enough business In feeders to warrant the belief that trade Is In slightly better condition than earlier In the month. Orders are being filled with more fre quency, and while country demand Is still conservative trend to values lately has been rather bullish than otherwise. Quotations on sheep and lambs: Lambs, good to choice, $6.75?r7 25; fair to good, $6.:.Vrf.75; feeders. $4 65OT .15: yearlings, fair to choice, $4.60g5.0O: yearlings, feeders, $3.35 W3.S5: wethers, fair to choice. $3.9JVff4.Sp; wethers, feeders. $2 5ff3 40; ewes, fair to choice. $2.76ff3.S6; ewes, feeders and culls, tl.60ip-2.76. Representative rales: No. 15 western ewes, culls 40 western ewes 46 native lambs ,X2 Idaho spring lambs 81 Idaho ewes 179 Idaho ewes 17 Idaho ewes 298 Oregon yearlings .. DUN'S REYIEW OF TRADE Trade Continue. Quiet, but Condition Are Sound. BETTER WEATHER IS HELPFUL r reseat Progrft. 1st I rata Bad Steel Haslaeem Asian Well for Fatare Mill Operations Heporteel Broadeoltiaj. NEW YORK, July 21. Dun's Review Trade tomorrow will say: ' Trade continues quiet, but conditions are essentially sound. Hetter weather through out the crop area has largely relieved the apprehension about the staple crops, aii'1 lower temperatures In the large cities have helped, general business, rapoclally retail lines. Progress In Iron and sleel ttrgues veil for the future. While Improvement Is not pronounced consuSiers nre more dispose! to cover reUliements. and mill operators are broadening. Kvlilence of the Increas ing demand is furnished by Hie placing of orders for 100.000 tons of steel products for carlv shipments with a western jtnbsltllsr . of the lending Interest, the greatVr portion of these bookings comprising rails an! track fastenings. BHAD8TnKKT'8 RFVIF1W OF THAOF. 11 11 2 7 1 179 .1,049 $.625 839 6,225 AV. ...lOo ...143 ...70 ... 68 ... 64 ...104 ... 94 ... 60 Price 2 60 3 85 7 26 7 25 4 76 5 75 2 25 4 65 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET 9.4 :7!5 16.3 "0.7 2.7 I 1.6 4.31.. 20.01 . . 24.6.. 39.6., 35.6...... I 17.7 17.01 lA.-l 4.4 , 15.6!.. ....I .... ....! S.'. 23.9 1.6 38.2! '.'6 6.8 7.6 I CATTLE Cattle recelDta were very light thin morning as usual for a Friday, only thirty cars being reported. The total for the week foots up only 13,346 head, aa com pared with 17,260 head for the five days last week and 26,098 head for the corre sponding period a year ago. The market on beef steers waa in very satisfactory condition for this late In the week. The few cars were picked up very readily at good, steady or strong prices, as compared with yesterday. There was noth ing good In sight to make a top, the best cattle being only good enough to bitng $6.40. As compared with last week's close, it Is safe to quote the market on beef steers as 1020c higher. ' What has been said regarding beef steers would apply equally as well to the market on cows and heifers. Everything here to day sold very readily' at good, firm prlCes, or lOiiiDOc higher even than that. There was one load of feeders here today good enough to bring $6.00, but aside from that, the supply was limited to a few odds and ends. While the market was stronger the first of the week, it la now 10'oJOc lower than on Monday. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beef steers. $.STtHJ 6K: fair to good beef steers. $6.90(36.20; common to 4.9 I fair beef steers. $1.7535.75; good to choice ... I heifers. $5.0O'ti5.65; good to choice cows. 2.0 1 54.75(55.50; fair to good cows and heifers, 7.0 ao.ooriM.txj; common 10 inir cows ana neu- a. 00 ers. .'.;'.)'i2 3..j; gona to cnoice Blockers ana 1 aiK feeders. J4.fcBo.-T; fair to good stocKers and feeders, Jf (JOIN. 60; common to fair rtoekers end feeders. $3.2534.00; stock heifers, $2.75ig3.75; veal ealves. $3.506.00; bulls, stags, etc.. $2.70(36.00. Representative pales: BEEF PTBIKRSJ. At. Pr. No. 100 24.. 6 90 17.. 10 14. . COWS. 2.2 Demand for Cattle 8tronT Hoais Weak- Kheep Higher. CHICAGO, July 21. CATTLE Receipts, 2.000 head; market strong; beeves. trOf? 7.40; Texas steers, $4.604i.60: western steers, M.004i6.90; stockers and feeders, $3.0l(ii.90; cows and heifers, $2.30(6.86; calves, $5.25 7.76. HOOS Receipts, 22,000 head; market weak to 6c lower than opening, light, $6.3OtfJ.80; mixed, $6.30T(i6.80; heavy, $6.104j.75; rough, 6.10(&Ai.30; good to choice heavy, $6.30&4i75; pigs. J6.60i.50: bulk of sales, $6. 404). 70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 12,000 head: market 5c up; native, $2.6mi4.65; west ern, $3.0O'o4.70; yearlings, $4.3(86.60; lambs, native, eo.iu't'i.ou, ycoiciu, Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, July 21. CATTLE Re ceipts, 1,800 head, Including 1,100 southerns: market strong and active; stockers and feeders, weak; dressed beef and export steers, $6.1566.S5; fair to good, $4.7546.10; western steers. $4.60(ir4.15; stockers and feeders, $3.0OJi6.00; southern steers, $3.60'qv 5.65; southern cows. $2.7.ri4J4.60; native cows, $2.5&6.00; native heifers. $3,5066.60; bulls, $3.00r4.75; calves. $4.00Cn6.75. HOGS Receipts, S.800 head; market steady to 60 lower. Bulk of sales, $6.25(n4.60:. heavy, $6.45i?r6.60; packers and butchers, $6..V4i6 65; lights, $6.26i6.55. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1,500 head; market strong; lambs, Io.50fi7.00; yearlings. $4.5065.25: wethers. 34.Ooii-4.50; ewes. $3.403.90; stockers and feeders, $2.50 33.50. 22.1 2.2 30.7 15.4 "5.6 St. I.onla Live Stock Market. ST. LOC1S. July 21. CATTLE Receipts. 9.t0 head. Including 100 Texans; market strong; native shipping and export steers, $5.90'u6.65; dressed beef and butcher steers, $5,0016.25; steers under 1,000 pounds. W.W. 6.60; stockers and feeders, $2.664.60; cows ind heifers. i:i.mH.&0. canners, $1.00tt2.76: bulls, $2.75(5.26; calves, $3.007.76; Texas and Indian steers, $3.26&4.00; cows and heifers, J3.0OIH.50. HOGS Receipts. It. 700 head: market steady; pigs and lights, $4.00516.80; packers. $6.55ft6.90; butchers and best heavy, $6.70 SHEEP AND ' LAMBS Receipts. 3.600 head; market strong; native muttons, $3.26 (o4.2..; lambs. J4.iahu7.2d; culls and bucks, $1.002.75; stockers, $1.603.00. Neatlmrnt More tieerfnl. hot Artnal Business Still Qalet. NEW YORK. Julv 2t.-Hrndstreet's to morrow will hay: While sentiment Is more cheerful, based upon the Improvement In crop respects, aetual business at wholesale has been and Is still slow to expand. For this, conserva tism as to the fall outlook, some prV-e uncertainties, as In cotton goods, where sharp declines In raw materials have brought about revisions In the goods markets: tariff uncertainties and the de sire to obtain a clearer view of crop out turn, are all held contributory. Retail trade largely lias been confined to clearance sales of summer goods, hut the results here have not been uniformly satisfactory. Perhsps the most uniformly favorable re ports as to trade comes from the south, where bumper crop prospects stimulate a fair degree of confidence, and from points of the southwest, where the passing of the reason's long drouth hs Improved sentiment. . Collections ranged f mm slow to fair. Business failures In the I'nlted Mates for the week ending July 20. were 230. against 196 last week. Business failures In Cansda for the week number twenty-four, which compsres with J twentv-two lest week. . Wheat, including flour. xports from thTrr t'nlted States and Cansda for the w-eeif ending Julv jo, sggrerate 1.676.M bushels, against 1.801.083 bushels Inst week. Corn exports for the week are 634.621 bushels, agninst 898.391 bushels last week. Oils and Kosin. SAVANNAH. Oa., July 21. TTrRPEV TINE Firm; 61ff51.e; sales, 970 bhls.; re ceipts, 1.435 bhls.; shipments. 6H bhls.; stocks. 25.124 bbls. ROSIN Firm; sales, 2.676 bbls.; receipts. 2.947 bbls.; shipments, 7.361 bhls.; stock. 109 516 bbls. Quotations $5.806.00; K. $.15(S8.' $6B?6.65: N. $6.R0(fl.! W. W., r.l057.26. es. a.oin nnis. ; receipts, its, 7,361 bhls.; stocks. . ions: B. $3.256.60; D.f 1. 40: F. G. H. I. K. 'ivH 45.90; W. G., $7.0097.05: LOOKED LIKE A SEA SERPENT Monster Two Hundred Feet Long, TUh the Beard ot m Prophet, Mocks Ship's Crew. hlv UStf' Not included In totals because cmtalnlng other items than clearings- Boston Mining; Storks. BOSTON, July 21. Closing quotations on stocks Alloues Amal. Copper A. Z. L. & 8. Arlsona Com. folluWK. .. 30 Miami Copper ... . .. 49 Nevada Con. ... .. 33 Nlpi.siiig Mines ia isortn Butte .... !' , 194 . No. It... 14... 16... .ion . 976 .1(71 At. .1103 .lU'l .1400 40 40 46 B. C. C. A 8. M. 1?1, North Lake Butte Coalition Cat. A Arlsona.. Cel. A Hecla.... Centennial Cup. Range C. C East Dutte C. H Kranklin fllroux Con Oranby Con Greene Cananea Ile Itnyal Kerr Lake Lake (topper ... La Salle Copper 18 Old Dominion .. . . . 67". Osceola ...460 Farrott S. A C. ... 1lVi Wulnrjr ...60 Shannon . .. 14 Superior ...13 Superior A B. M. . .. 6i Tamarack ... 3D V. 8. 8. R. A M 7 ....10044 .... 11 73 10i 33 6Vi 34 38S do pfd 4'i Copper. 17 t:tah con 17 Sis ftah Copper Co 4941 3'i Winona 3 3', Wolverine 110 New York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK, July 21. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Alice Com. Tunnel stock. edo bonda Con. CHI. A Va.... Horn Silver .. Iron Silver Leadvllle Cos Ottered. I.lttle Chief . Mexican Ontario Ophlr Standard Yellow Jacket . 05 . 40: ..l?s . .S05 .100 .. 20 It!!!!! 33!!.!! ll!!!!! 17.!!!! .. o .. 37 .. 190 .. SA .. 913 .. 943 .. S3 .. 7( .. 893 .. ni .. 316 .. SCO .. 948 .1000 .. 640 .. 333 .. 637 .. 783 .. 799 .. 741 .. 760 ..1260 ..l:ioo ..1300 ..1M ..i:70 13 14 10 26!!!!! to!!!!! 10 is!! nnlnth tirala Market. j TU'U'TH. Minn.. Julv 21. WHKAT No. I 1 northern. $l.to( 1 flt;i: No. 2 northern. 7sri9ti'4c; July. $l.fl04j bid; September, 7c , blil. OATS 42,c. ; Omaha Prodsre Market. BUTT Ell Creamery, 23fcc; pat-king stock, 17,-.c. riKIS-Nii. I. 14'ic; No. 2, c. POrirKV Brolleia. 124c; roosters, 4c; j hens. Vc; ducks. 10c; geese, ue. 4. I.ual t.ei -isl MarWrt. ST. IXtL'IS Jlilv 21. KUX'R Ktrm: re. Inter patents tt4i4 00; extra fancy an1 stialght, (U44ki:.90; hard winter clears, $2 4 j -1 10. . K V. Kt- Ti moth v. IOOfiOJO. VRNMEAl-$2 50. ' HR.AN Lower; sacked, east track. $106 J1 . HAT Ktac1v; timothy. $J0.09& 29.00; pral fie. $ISfliV(jri 4)iV eDnoVlloNS-Pork, higher; Jobbing, t'ottnn Market. NEW YORK. July 21. -COTTON Spot closed (iulet: middling uplands. 13.45c; mid dling gulf. 12.704-: aiiles. fcOO bales: futures opened steady: July. l.l.tCc: August. 12.754JI $f.25ir I 12.641-1 September. 12.16c; tlctolier. 12c; le- cemner. 11. sw; January, uc; nsitru, i.iv , J4ev. 12.15c. Cotton futures closed ateadv. Closing Mils: luly. 11 I'tc: Aucust. 12.74c: Sentcm ber. 12 22c: O'tober. 12.0'ir; Novetnlier. 12.4c; lie-ember. W-: January. 12.05c; March. 1211c: May. 12 19c. New York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 21. MONEY On call, steady: 2'4(&2Vi per cent; ruling rate, 24 Per cent; closing bid, 2 per cent; offered at Zi tier cnt. Time loans, quiet: sixty days. 2Cfi3 ter cent; ninety days. 3ThU'3 per cent; six months, SHfrS. per cent. PRIMK MERCANTILE PAPER 484,,i per cent. STKKIIMi tAl M AINtiri vveaa, nn actual business in bankers' bills at $4.8475 for sixty-day "hills and at $4.8615 for demand. Conimerlcal bills. $4.8425. HI.VKK-Bar. 524i-; Mexican dollars, 45c. BONDS Oovernment. steady; railroad, steadv. Closing quotations on Donds were as lows: IJ. ref. ta. ref.- IOOiJ Japan 4e 4. coupon 10m do 44a do ia res K. C. Ko, 1st 3a ... do i-uiipon 101 ' L. S, deb. 4a 1931. l S. 4.. reg u: U A N. unl. 4a.... do coupon n..-t Ja. n- t. IK . . do sen. 4. 10J' Mo. P.cllir 4. let K. It. It. ot M 4a 93 ?' .V. Y. C. s. 3Wa 671. tor, do deb. is 93S ji. n. 1 . .. 11. 99 cv. fs 11. N. W. let c. 4a lllii do rv. 4. ' Ko. P.tirie 4s Hi', do 3s 91'. O. 8. U rtrta. 4... SAW Fens, i v 3Vas 1916.. 97 71. do coa. 4s 103V .Its'. Keedliig sen. 4 , Vi, r. it 4. .is Imports at New York. NEW YORK, July 21. Imports of mer chandise and dry goods at the port of New York for the week ending July 15 were valued at $17,270,246. Imports of specie for the port of New York for the week ending today were $74,851 silver snd $118,656 gold. Kxports of specie for the week were $llo.&9 silver and $2,500 gold. 250 81 376 130 , 120 , 340 324 , 224 STOCK ER.- 643 4 00 , 669 4 10 746 4 16 (86 4 16 1 60 3 65 I 76 3 90 3 80 I 90 3 00 3 10 3 16 3 25 3 36 3 35 3 60 3 60 HEIFERS. 3 35 4 3 60 1 3 40 4 3 70 7 3 90 1 4 00 BULTJ4. 3 15 1 3 35 1 3 35 1 3 36 1 3 40 1 3 60 CALVES. ..1170 ..1160 .. 41 .. 843 .. 883 ..1133 ..1047 .. 916 .. 937 .. 000 ..1090 ..1002 .. 943 (53 452 77 854 (20 ..1040 ..1310 ..I Mr) ..1220 .. 990 i 60 ( 60 t 60 3 70 3 80 3 90 4 00 4 10 4 35 4 45 4 60 4 40 4 80 4 00 4 00 4 40 4 60 i 36 3 60 3 60 4 25' I 60 St. Johseph I.lve stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. July 21. CATTLE Re ceipts, 300 head; market steady; steeis, $5.0OS6.7O; cows and heifers. $2. 5085. 25; calves. $3.2607.00. ' HOGS Receipts, 3.000 head; market steady to 5c lower; top, $6.60; bulk of sales, $6.356.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Reteipts. 600 head; market steady; lambs, $6.0O7.00. Stock In ttlKbt. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western markets yesterday: iame. nogs, eneep. 750 .. 300 ..1,800 ..9.600 ..2,000 8.400 3.000 3.800 13.700 22,000 6.300 b 1.50J 3.000 12,000 3 75 3 75 4 40 4 75 t 00 i 60 6 50 5 60 123 157 . 191 150 10 300 FEKDKRS. (54 4 20 40 4 20 tii 4 30 cm 4 35 40 4 40 ( 00 4 On 41 00 ( 25 ( 60 ( 50 ( 60 7 00 3 3s!! AND e. ii. ( 746 4 15 13. 3 Ba 4 15 10 6 722 4 20 5 WESTERNS-NEBRASKA. 11 feeders.. 568 4 10 24 feeders.. 972 5 00 6 feeders.. 715 4 15 2 feeders.. 685 4 15 HuUd The hog market, determined by cost of droves, averaged barelv a nickel ..4.450 60,900 22.900 South Omaha 1 St. Joseph . .. , Kansas City. St. 1-otiis .... Chicago Totals OMAHA GENERAL MARkKTS. FCTTFB Creamcrv. feo. 1. delivered Is the retell trade In 1-lb. cartons. 20c; No. 2. in 30-lb. tubs. 24c; No. 2, in 1-lb. carton. 24c; packing stock, solid pack, 17c; dairy, in 60-lb. tubs. lsc; market changes avery 'i net-day. CHEESE-lmported Swiss. 32c. American Swiss. 22c; block Swiss, 18c; twins. 16c; triplets. 16c: daisies, 16c; young America, 17c; blue label brick, 5c; limbuiger U lb.), lM--. I'tnhiiraer 11 lb.). lc. F8H -Pickerel, 10c; white, ibc; pike. 11c; tain s dinner. trout. 140; large crappics, otouut., oiiamsn mackerel. 19c; eel. 18c; haddock, 13c; flound ers 13c; green catfish, ltki; roe simd, $10) each: shad rot- per pair, &:; salmon. 15c, halibut, 6c; yellow perch. 8c; buffalo. o. Impleads. )4 BHKV CUTS Ribs: No. I. 16c; No. 2. 13c; No. 3. v.c. Loin: No. 1, 18c; No. 2, 14"4c; No. 3. llVsc. Chuck: No. 1. trVjc; No. 2, 6c; No. 3 6V.c. Round: No. 1, 10c; No. 2, M,c; No. 3, 9c. Plate: No. 1. 4c; No. i. 4c; No. 3. 3Vfcc- FRUITS Apricots: t aeorma. crai Is. 4s. 4WS.. 4a chlik- Wex.1 Market. ; ST. Ull IS. July 21. WtOIMarket un. changed, territory and medium. I7ljl9c; fine mediums. ltU17Vtc; fine. U'trl4c. asgsr ttarket. NEW YORK. July 21-8rUAR-Raw firm; muacovado. 89 test. 186c; cenlrlfuual. S teat. 4.36c; molasaea sugar. 69 lest, 1.61c. IU fined, steady. Allls-Chsl. let Ann As. 5a. Ant. T ei T. Ant Toh. ta . do Armour eic tV Atililson sen. do cv. 4. du cv. a. A 1. I., lal 4s... B. A . 4s. do SS. do S W. !' Brook Tr. . 4a iiu. of Ga. 6a.. lea. leather 6a.... 99 SI. L. H C. of N. J. 6a ...121 do ten. 6s Chea. A Ohio 411a..KH' St. L. 8. W c do ref. 1. , 9.' .do 1st sold 4a. ( hlr.ao A A. (We... 451 S A. L. 4. C. II U J 4a 9 So Pac. col. 4a do sen 4. M' do rv. 4. C. M. A S.P. S IHl Ki do 1st ref. 4a. C. K. I. A P. e. 4a. 1.iJ So. Iiallar 6.. do rfs la at. oo gen .a. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. July 21. COFFEE Fu tures opened irregular at an advance of three points to a similar decline, near posi tions being Influenced by reiiorts of slightly hiKher firm offerings from Brazil and rumors that prominent Hiaxillaa mrr cliants had formed a syndltate to protect prices In the primary markets, while, later months, were easier under European selling and scattering liquidation, which was prob ably inspired by a feeling that an Increasing new crop movement would eventually weaken the Brazilian market. Business was only moderately active, hut there was enough demand to absorb offerings around the Initial figures, and prices firmed up in the late trading on covering and trade buy- H. A 11. nK. The clue was steady net two points 123V. ! L.t.'cr (a nlti iwiintH liiifhpr Sales 53.760 .S bags. July. ll.tSi-; AtiRutt. 11.48c: Septem- iirr, it. ,ww , ir luuri , tv.mw , ,..., , ..... , Det-emlier. January and February, 10.64c; March and April, 10.65c: June, 1i.67o. Havre was franc higher. Hamburg was W'H pfg. higher. Kio uni-hanged at . 7 $00. Santos. 50 rels lower; 4s, 7 $150; Js. $650. Ket-elpts at the two Brasillan ports. 4j.0u0 bags, against COOK laut year. Jundiahy re ceipla. 3;.44) bags. BKalnut 44.200 latit year. New York warehouse deliveries yesterday. 7.4rM bags, against 14. 5M last yrar. SMit coffee, steadv; Rio No. 7. 13c; Santos No. 4. U7c. Mild. Ulet; Cordova, lilc nominal. lower. Actually prices ranged from weak $2u0. Bananaa: Fancy, ael'.-ct, bunch, I iu iuii t'v v.i, .uuu uovtiiiii Biiun Ilia Ills least weakness, while ordinary and skippy lights got the poorest treatment. It was a trade in which discrimination was the rul ing Influence and smaller spreads merging Into one another resulted. Choice lard Captain A. E. 8. Hambleton of the White Star liner Celtic denied that he had "limped into port" the recognised si news formula under one propeller beca a sea serpent had bitten off the other while he was nearing Fire Island, N. Y., In the shadowy light of the dawn of yesterday. It was true there had been a report of a sea serpent appearing about that time. It was dark brown like the taste in the mouths of those who had sat up looking for strange sea changes and serpents and other zoological things. The purser dented the story, declaring that the Celtic had not been chartered as a seeing-the-sea-serpent yacht, but he admitted that there had been an unusually large Sunday svhool of whales noted off the starboard bow, or Inshore, toward Amagansctt early yester day morning before anyone who had gone to bed was up. He could not account for the visions of those who had not gone to tjed and who might have been holding royal flushes made up of marine monsters before the lights in the smoking room wy. extinguished. Robert Hllllaxd waa among those who went to bed. He says that he had never seen a sea serpent before. This one that Is under consideration was pointed out to! nun bis ine urm gray streuas ok aawn ap- peared far off on the ocean's misty brim.11 (These are Mr. Hilllara's own words.) He was In his berth when he was aroused by a pounding on the door. He had left word to the steward to call him If anything un usual occurred on shipboard or out In the illimitable ocean (Mr. Hllllard). He asked sleepily. "What's ' the mazser?"' and the faithful steward answered, "Whales, schools of 'einf" Mr. Hllllard drew on his pajamas and went out on deck. There he met the purser snd asked where the whales were. "Whales?" said the purser. "You mean sea serpents!" : Mr. iiuiara and all the persons who I had not gone to bed ran to the rail Cstar j board. Mr. Hllllard, who has played In j the nautical drama, t-aysi and saw suitie j thing they say was different from anything iney ever nan seen urtcr any other cap- The monster was at lean 200 feet long, judging from its twenty convolutlons that showed above the sur face, and it had a beard that Mr. Hllllanl says reminded him ot King I .ear. It was a white beard. Just nstem of the shoulder blades, or the place where the shouleVrr tiiaucs niigni nave been ir the serpent had had any, were wings, and they seemed ' to be at least 100 feet from tip to tip. The aviator who hud stayed up all fol- . 6814 . 94. . 74V. . M . Ml. . 97V ' . 971, 77, 99S 71V, 941. 6a. A e 4a Ind r. a r. II. A H. cv. 4e 1) 4s H. O. 4a da ref. 6a PL! I (Jits' 6s ....... trie p. I. 4e r. . do sea. 4s do ev. 4a, Mr. A. do .arte B Ilea. Klei;. cv. 6a... Ill t'en. let ret. 4a. Ble. t, Inlon Parirlc 4a... .i do iv. 99V. do t.t A ref 4a. 91 S t g. Rubber to... 9US V. S. Steel id 6e . Tlv. Va. far. t'dem. 6a. 69V, W.buh lei ae J' oo ut a ev 4a.. an Wealerii 644 4a . . 90 W. l. Kin- cv. i. Ul W la t enlr.l 4a... 94V. Panama la 89 '4 791s . 92s, . 91 . OSS . 994, . 95 .im 79t inn. .tost . 97 .1044 79 toov. .in. tj2.50; Jumbo, bunch. i2.;.Va3.75. Cherries: I nigiu remitiKea mat ne believed that the lloma grown, 21-il. case. $2.25. Can I a'.- j serpent was of the new livdrnplaue spet-lei-. oupes: California, standard, 45 count. U.yj ...rhril t)U. thinu , ,,- ...ntl..- ft4.00 crate; pony crates. 51 count. $3.00. ,n ' "ut tn"" to "- ntle- Dates: Anchor brend, new, :)0 1-lb. pkgs. in ' "'en, ' said the amateur aviator. "That boxt-s. bux. $2.14). Cioosebcrrics: I loinn creature will not leave this shin until he weights sold as high as common lights in i grown, per 24-ijt. case. -J.iio 1-win.n: , reueiveB human sacrifics I nronnse I i many Instances. l.imonelra bland, oxtru fancy. 300 size, box, , human sacrifice. I piopose l.i Receipts had moderate size and eiuallty 1 17.0U; 3tK size, box. 7.00; l.oma Linionelia, the Interest of the innocent people alxiard was more or less unattractive. About 125 ' fancy, 314) size, bo. $;.60; J6t' size, box, ; to cast lots among us 11ml ihe man losing S.'SS.;'"1 jutnp overboard , e the ship." Niagara Upland Valencia!, Hb-n-l :0 " would raihor," Mi. lUltuird naid uY.em. box. i.fv ; l7G-20t-'-'lfi-JM sis. U k. i 'ilay a round of jat'ki.ou iind Ui lite loe; ... a... J a t. . I llniiiiliiiai I 'tl flil'llIM 1141 X I'MIIIIK- ? r Ccent'U o alTu l inapples: Fio. i.la. ! At this point there was ., ..emendotu orders other than local packing. 14-30-36-42-48 slses, crat. $: .x. Led 4 ur- upheaval on the shore side 1 uui,t . 1 . arrn .nr..rf rants: I'er 2t-ot. case, j.isj. vvatf-r- 1 nt 1.; ''r.Cil-, no and best bacon trrades dronned melons IO SO.Ii). m lltvuri uimri iniriu.j IIIKH: . . .i rn. .nrl ., haukot l 1 price, but 5c above tops aflat week's . ?Urto?V-: tV,., Hot bouse. ar.tl 2 cuz. in box. p.-r oails arrived, bacon and light butcher stuff being t lie rule, with good heavies the ex ception. Demand from all tiuartera wss fairly broad, but rather unlet, packers tak ing offerings of all weights and quality. Dry 4ioods Market. NEW YORK. July 21.-DRY t.ttODS-lt was announied today that printers others who lecently removed and restrictions III continue to give Trade wss somewhat v.! steadier as a coriaetiuem-e In cotton goods. 4 i i.ut vslIimui sr. revedlna. Buyers of woolens .Inland worsleda for spring are taking hold ! slowly. Yarna are declining. 1 from their lines ' obters protection. 91V. ste I Letaotesi Stevrk Market. I-OND4IN. July 21 American securities were featureless during the early trading today. 1'rltTes at noon ranged from un- Oils asd Rsmla. SAVANNAH, Ga.. July 21. OIU-Turpen-tine, firm, olc. KoblN-Jr'irm; F and O. $41.16. close. Kcprc-entrtive ales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. Ne. Av. h. Pr 67 :99 K0 15 I? -t 60 4 27V 1 ;91 40 IS 0 Ml 90 17, ja X'6 ... 4 15 H6 194 ... 4 J7V, 64 ;ir. 40 4 15 7t !M 10 4 57 V, SO :t 40 4 16 78 1S4 ... (80 71 303 IW 70 :2S 80 4 30 49 3S4 l.HI 4 70 24 744 . . 4 90 9 -0 M lil 7 :43 11 ( W 4 :i mi 4 :o so ;;o 900 t as 64 274 90 4l JH7 4 ( 9S 04 5 ... tlO l J-t S90 f JO 61 Sit ... 4 70 74 40 4 4J IM ISO 4 fl 81 19 t?0 4 So 67 319 ... 4 JO 47 :4 !00 H 66 :4 to . rn lot JWi y t ao (8 Ji" ... 4 10 7. .:c to 4 80 60 -4 U in 74 263 ... 4 90 90 :.. ll 77 i7S ... (10 16 342 ... 4 10 126 :4 ... 4 30 86 561 ... 4 3s 44 1.-.4 ... 130 19 361 ... 4 2 47 ISO ... 114 10 1-4 ... (St 67 M ... 410 A ;4 10 4 22 7t ... 4 10 tl 2i 1M 4 77 U 2Si ... (99 t 90 4 !2i 74 Ml 11 4 30 68 266 10 26 4! 212 MIS (0 276 90 4 ZS 12 :4 80 J 60 M7 K 4 16 49 2M 2W I SO M ;si ioo 4 26 aa 216 4 90 M 2. ... 4 26 81 H4 130 90 99 S4I 90 4 25 41 24 . . 4 So 71 2M 140 4 16 64 Ill S IU 70 Ill ... 2 94 :4 ... 4 M 0 2SJ 40 2 764 40 4 Hi. 69 3M 90 - 42 14 90 4 17 24 140 4 56 76 224 It 4 12i. 9 244 :i4 lit 74 274 ... 4 12 V, a, 114 ... 4 44 1H ... 4 1Jk, I stow awuy in the sea sorpenT." of the liner. Oeorgia and Florida, per 11... IV- : "'"' -wium.-. i.j.nn tne rnm.i. VEGETAUI.K.S- Means: Mring and wax. j Of tne bwiks navy on tne still Imiii tl nitte it. tan-t was seen no more, it hud presumably :umbers: ,., ..,,j .... .... ...... , ' .... mi 1 V. Ill .1.1,1 1111, U lllllllll f.v 111" 150il.75; hom t;rowr., per market htskPt of about 2 dos . $I.CC. Ecg Plant: Fancy I 1..1 . -i -l .1 J 1!u.Ma 14'vli-a fuiu'i' r lornia uv. . v"-w .....w .n..w... ,.n I m,i.k. th ii.. lettuce: l-'.lttrn fancv Ipnf I dos. inc. ' Radishes: I'er doz.. 20c onions: 1 which was retipt ued 1 Texas Bermudn. white, crate. $2.25: yellow, i were crate. f2V: Calllorma. in sai-ss. in.. :tu,c. Parslev: Fancy, homo grown, doz. bunohea. 4.- Potatoes: Virelnln. new slti-k. In bb!s.. lH.r bbl.. $u.0(i: California, white ini-k in sacks, bu . $2 35. Tomntot-s: T.-n- I nessi-e. 4-baket crste. II 10 Nl.'TS Almonds: California, soft soell, lb. lxc: l:i sack lots. 1o less. Brasll: lb.. 13c: In sack lots. 1c less. Flllit-rls: lb., 14c: I In sai'k lots, lc less. Peanuts: Roasted, J lb., sc; rw. lb.. 6c- Pecans- Iargu. lb., lc: in sack lots, lc less. Walnuts: Cali fornia, lb.. 19c; In sack lota, 1c lea. HONEY New. 24 frames, ti 75. hydroplane sen serpent when Tie dived Mr. Hllllard anil the- men who had stuttd all nlh'ht fled to the smoke room for them, and llit-v still there w hrn the ship newa re porters boarded at iiuarsntlne in the after noon. The smoking loom steward sjid it was Jot wliules tliat had cuust-d ihe com-motion.-Now York Sun. Melal Market. NEW YORK. Julv 21 MKTAI.S Stan dard copper, unlet: ait and futures. $12 10 to $12.25: l-ond n market, steadv; sKit. X'5o 15s: futures 14i-i7 fta ad. ISke coier. lo callv. tU.tiitflll.i; electrolytic. $12.S2I-T 12.75; casting. $l!.37Mi'2ee Tin. uuli-t: siit and futures. ItO.fi to 2 Vi. lniton market, firm: spot. jC 1!2 1s; futures. ;IK4 10s lsul. steadv; M 40i K.. New Vork: $4.4011 45. Kast Mt. lx)Uia. Iindon. 13 12 M Speilter, steady: 5.'.l.'i.e0. New York; $5 5515 62, Kast tit. IjouIs. london. C25. Antimony, liiulet; Cookaon's, $.5u. iron, quiet. Jolts W. tiatea Mill laaatreilaa. . PARIS, July 21. The phyaiclsns atteiee UK jonn xx. i i,i tes. inougn suiisiieq win ine rate oi iiniiruvcuieni aiiown oy ui. patient, were not preparer tonay to si.y that he wss out of danger, bei au.e lite nephritis is still at-tive. The malady must I run its tegular course and It will lie iunw 'days before a definite opinion as to the outcome will be justified. Ilatldlna- I'rraalla. J. A. Moran. 2215 Pratt, frame duelling $2,500; McCiigue Investment companv. :.. South Tweniy-rniJi i n avrntie. rratne Dwell Ing, $1.00; Russell & Mc Kit rick, 2016 Mere dith avenue, frame dwelling, $2,500.