" 1 1 WANT ADS Want arl recrlff! at any time, bat to In no re prop classlflcatitm mast b prrsentrtl brfore 12 o'clock m. lor I he evening edition and bcfort 7:80 for morning; and Sunday editions. Want ads received after such hour will have their first Insertion under tho heading "Too Lata to CUsslfT." ' CASH RATKS FOR WANT ADS. RKOULAR CLASSIFICATION One insertion 1 H centa per word and 1 rent per word for each subsequent In sertion. Each insertion made on odd days, 1 M rents per word. $1.60 per Una per month. Rate apply t either Tho Dally runday Bee. Always count six words to n line. Want ads for The Bee may be left at any of the following drnff stores one Is your "corner droirtfH" they are all branch offices for The Bee and yonr ad will be Inserted lust as promptly and on the same rates as at the main office In The Bee .building Seventeenth and Fa mam streets: . Albsch, W. C, 40th anil Farnam. Raum Drug Co., tCT N. 1th St. Beranok, S. A., 140i B. 16th Ft. Benson Pharmacy. Benson. Neb. Remls Park phsrmsey, 83d and Cuming. Blake-Bradlab. Vffl Sherman Arc. . rilfton HIM Pharmscr, 1218 Military Are, Caughlln. C. R.. 47 T,eavnworth St Olssey Pharmacy, 24h and liSke. Cooney Pharmacy, 8228 South lth Bt. Cermak. Emit. IWH-f South 18th St Fhlar Co., iJ Leavenworth St. Foster ft Arnoldl. 18 N. 2Mb Ft. Freytag, J. J.. 1914 V. !4th St. Fregger Pros Co.. 1oj N. 1th t. Florence Dran Co., Florence, Neb. Green's Pharmacy, Park Ave. and Pacific. Oreenough A Co.. 10?S 8. 10th St. Oreenough Co., 10th -and Hickory. . Goldman Pharmacy, 24th ' and Leaven worth Bts. Jnhanscn Tnig Co., ?4th and lpalrllng. Johnson Pharmary. 2930 Farnam St. Hansenm Park Pharmacy. Wl 8. 29th Ave. Hlnterlong Drug Co., Slst Ava. and Far tiam Pt. Hoist, John ?4 N. Vtth Pt. Huff, A. I. f!4 Leavenworth Bt. Kin. H. B., tW Farnam Bt. Kountie Place Pharmacy. 2302 V. 24th Bt. . Tjthrop Pharmacy. 24th and Hamilton. Marea. Fred I. M19 Central Blvd. Monmouth Pharmacv, 83d and Cuming. Patrick Drug Co.. IW2 N. 24h Bt. Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Aya. Bchaefer'e Cut Prlca Drug Store, 16th and Chicago Ft. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming. ANNOUNCEMENTS J. A. GENTIEMAN oNg; embalroor. Uli Chicago D. im. B-K6. MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE. In sums to suit 110 Bee Bldg. Phone Puuk. xiu. UNION LOAN CV PHOTO SUPPLIES kodaks and cameras. The best develop ing and finishing In the city. MEOEATH CITATION ERY CO., fhoto Iepartinent. 16th and Farnam Sts. OFFICE STATIONERY Si? KOTERA 4 LEARY CO. Tel. Douglas lutiO. After August 1st 71 a loth St. ICE CREAM HrJln Hyglea brand. iV;avuwviU Aa lemdina druggists. Harding lco Cream Co. ED. ROTHERY fjn111", A,!,'"-r ' Fu line of liquors and cigars. Cafe In connection, t 111 b. 14 th tit. LYNCH BROS. HEATINO AND Tj I tin ntvi REPAIR WORK. 1T08 Jackson St. D. 1477. SMOKE COSTELLO'S Omaha Cut HARRY W. McVEA "MBiNg JOBBINQ A SPECIALTY. I,1.HH DAVID COLE CREAMERY COMPANY. Beautlfui Concordia Park. Mth 4 Center. MISSOURI FILTER, lit B. 20th. D. 4711 TWENTY per cent less than Omaha prlcts HOME FURNITURE CO.. Twenty-fourth and L fits.. South Omaha. E. ROWE, WELL BORING. Benson 246. EAT KOSHER HOME COOKING AKKINS. Sis 8. 15th. UPSTAIRS. Louie Ahko, best Chinese cafe. 1417 Doug. 130YDEN We" bor,n' n1 P"mP "Tk. iJyjl Phone .Webster 198S. ,MRS-,-f?ARLJC8 C- HUNQATE, china filing. 8,0 Brandela Bldg. Tel. Webster 8975. Cosady Co., B. W. Cor. 14th and Douglas. BUY AND SELL",0"'! Writs fire Insurance. KODAKS ? " L 1 E 8 and DEMPSB. 55??n2S r,B- ; J.1-111' yK'ass repairing. 441 Brandela Bldg. THIEL, Cut Pries Tailoring, 71 South MAGGARD Van & Storage. Pack, move, store and ship H. H. goods. D. 1408; B-2428. The New Elk Hotel. Now open, all outside rooms, too and 60c (by day; week. t2 up. S17 N. 16th. D. 7287. , W. B. Heat on. American furnaces. H. t&Si. THERE Is a beautiful new dancing pa vilion at Lake Manawa. If Van Rensler, 406 8a 40th St., will come to The Bee of fice within three davs we will kIvs him m pair of round trip tickets to Lake Manawa. OMAHA Furniture Repair Works. D. 2481. YOU'LL always be harpy If your wedding ring cornea from Brodegaard's, 116 8. lain 01. At me aign ot the crown. COAT and PANTS1 to order. $17.60. Mao- -anny-wnson uaiiorlng Co.. 304 B. leth St. D. W. DUDGEON, plumbing. H. 1966. DRINK Grandmas Wild Cherry Phos phate, tonlo and blood purifier; better and . nearer man lemonade; all grocers. 10c BARKER BROS. PAINT CO., 1609U Farnam. Ind. A 3821; Douglas 4760. We do picture Framing and Glaslng, SPECIAL DISCOUNT this month on Paint, .Ulass. Varnishes and Wall Paper. WILLOW STRINGS beer, liquor, cigars, tanuK lchea. ALEX JETES. 1303 DouKlaa. JOHNSON FLOL'M AN men's clothing ind furnishings. 218 N. 16th St. DOUOLA8 Prlntlns Co. Tel. Douglas ML PICTURE framing, one-third cheaper than department stores: most select stock of framed pictures at reduced prices. Omaha Art and Frame Co.. 707 S. 16th St. : Phones Douglas lut4. Independent A-25il. t 8. II. Cole Sign Co. D. 276S. U16 Farnam. i( U?nnThe magaslne man. S423 S. ttUUl'Ulty,), omaha. When your magazines exvire call Douglaa 7163. LADIES' and gents! shins parlor, 230 S. Uih bt. PLUMBING. Huber Foreman. 816 8. 20th Steamflttlng; repair work. Call Ind. B-1773 AUTOMOBILES H0NKSSH0NK HERE'S THE BEST PLACE IN OMAHA DRUMM0ND, 18th and Harney Sts. THE best treat for wlf. and baby la a dih of Dalsell's Ice cream. It Mrs. M. Overfvrle), i36 Fsrnam St.. will corns to Tiie Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of to is fine Ice cream free. "1KW anU 2d hand autog. Dexlg ht, Omaha. AUTOMOBILES (Continued.) ATTTO T.AfP5 and Radiators Re AUly IjAML pred. All klnda of Plating and Knameltng. Excelsior Plating Worka, 2106 Farnam. Douglas 28W). Murphy Did It REPAIRING. PAINTING. TRIMMING. FOR SALE A bargain; International de livery machine. flrst-clas order and need three months. 824 N. 16th St Telephone Douglas lJ4. WRITE for Hat of eecond-hand auto mobile Some exceptional bargains la run abouta and five-passenger cars. MITCHELL MOTOR CO. FOR BALE One second-hand Bulok truck, cheap. McCord-Brsdy Co. SECOND-HAND automobiles. SIS enworth. BUSINESS CHANCES TO OET In or out of business, call on GANGSTKAD. 404 Bee Bldg. Tel. D. 337. FOR SALE Half Interest In large den tal practice In Omaha; lant year's cash business 812.0UO. Address P. T. Barber, Dental Supply Co., Omaha. IF you want to buy or aell land, write J. K. LENOX, ALLEN, NEB. ONLY PICTURE SHOW In town of 6.000, making big money, will sell aheap. . Y 86, Bee. FOR. BALE-OenersJ merchandise stock ; Invoice about KOuu; located about 180 miles west of Omaha. Established business; oiean stock; salea, $i&,Ogo annually. Owner wishes to retire. Address Y 88, Omaha Bee. FOR BALE Good general merchandise stock and building In a good business town In eastern Nebraska. For further Infor mation write to Box B. Uehllnc. Neb. I- FOR BALE Well established tailoring. cleaning and pressing shop; a sacrltlce price If sold at once; account death. Ad dress Airs. C. P. bales, Missouri Valley, Js FOR SAXiE 1,000 shares International Aabestoa . preferred stock at 30c. Address K. Crawford. Neb. I- SCOTTSDLUFF flouring mill tor sale: 60-bbl. capacity; machinery up to data. A bargain It sold soon, O. K. Brown, bcotta bluif. Neb. PATENTS Books, how to obtain and sell patents. With 10U mechanical movements. Mailed tree. F. G. Dlelerlch at Co., law yers, Washington, D. C. VARIETT STORE Cash business; popu lation of town, 10,i0; financial difficulty reason for selling. Address Y 46. Bee. FOR SALE Restaurant and confection ery, doing a first-class business; have good reaaona for selling, If taken soon. Address 114 Norfolk Ave., Norfolk, Neb. FOR SALE Meat market. 2S20 Leaven worth St. FOR BALE Bakery and confectionery In town of 1.200 people, two railroads, only bakery In town, doing excellent business. Write for particulars. Y 7 Bee. WHO IB IT7 WHERE IS HET The man whs wants the best stock ranch In Kansas. If Interested, address the Allen County Investment Co., Longton, Kan. HARDWARE for sale. t7.00 stock, bent town In northeastern Kansas; doing good business. Sell on account of sickness. Ad dress Y M, Omaha Bee. FOR SALE Good stock of hardware. furniture and Implementa In good fann ing country. Box 21, Malmo, Neb. WANTED Location for short order res taurant In eastern Nebraska town of 600 to l.zw people. Address 1-82. Bee. FOR SALE Reataurant In good location In Madison. Neb.: cheap If taken at once. G. J. Peterson, Madison, Neb. i RoomlasT Hornsea for Sale. TRANSIENT room In r house for nr traae. bit no. istn. frione v. 8Z74. O'BRIEN'S chocolates are famous averv- where because they are the best. If Mrs. Keiier, iu no. i.nn ot., win come to The Bee office within three davs we will aiv her an order for a 60-cent box free. CHIROPODISTS MONHE1T. chiropodist, manicuring, hair dressing, bslr goods. City Nat Bk., D. 2883 DR ROY, 150b Farnam St. Douglas 6407. DETECTIVES ZACK ELLIS. 806 Neville Blk., 16th and Harney; both phones, Tyler 1136; A-2767. OMAHA Secret Service Detective agency. Inc., bonded. Paxton Blk. D. 1219; A-1319 T iura AT.T.TCV WW XImHII. K1l ti Tyler 1136 or A-2707. 16th and Harney. CAPT. T. CORMACK. 517 KARBACH Blk. LAKE MANAWA Is the coolest place to be found. If Von Rensselaer, 4u So. 40th St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a pair of round trip tickets to Lake Manawa. DENTISTS BAILEY at MACH. 3d floor Paxton. D- 10b6. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalsell's Ice cream. If Miss Ada Brown, Uti Cuming St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. DRAINAGE W. J. McEathron, C. E.. 610 Paxton Blk. J. J. STUBB3, room 416. First Nat bank. LOTS surveyed. Brucs Standeven, Bee Bldg. WHEN you spend your money spend It for the best there Is. If Mrs. A. Drew, 2413 Bo. 20th Ave., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Briens candy free. DRESSMAKING Terry's Dressmaking College. 20tn Far. Mattlson. Modiste. Doug. 4608. 8410 8. 10th. FIRST clasa reasonable. Web. 89TL FANCY DRESSMAKING neatly dona. Mil Hamilton St. AN EVENING at Lake Manawa la well spent. If N. B. Cole, 40J2 Charlea St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him a pair ot round trip tickets to Lake Manawa. EDUCATIONAL MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COL LEGE Fine new butldinx; all business branches taught. Our graduates are in de mand. Enter at any time. Get our catalog. MOSHKK A LAMPMAN. 17th and Farnam Sts , Omaha. Summer Term BOYLES COLLEGE is Now Open, STUDENTS ADMITTED ANY DAY. Omaha's largest and most successful Com mercial College. Business, Bookkeeping. Stenography. Telegraphy, civil Service and Salesmanship. The catalogue Is free. Ad tliens II. B. Uoi les. President. Omaha. Neb EVERYTHING ELECTRICAL HARTHUN ELEC. CO. D. 6293 ; 816 8. 14th. SECOND-HAND ELECTRIC FANS. dynamos, motors and repairs. Ls Bron. 811 B. Uth St Douglas 2176. ruin x.L,a;-1 mi; repairing Dyna mos and motors a specially. D. 6837. FLORISTS A. DONAHUE. 1UUJ Farnam. D. 10U1. A-100L HESS 8WOBODA. 1416 Farnam 8L L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. D. H'lA CUT FLOWERS and designs. 30 N. lain. THE best treat for wife and baby Is a dish of Dalsell a Ice cream. If H. Trim ble. Ii Parker, will come t The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a a.ua(J brick of tola tine Ice cream TTTT-TU1 SITUATIONS Y ANTED 11 liiLiiia SERVANT GIRLS The Bee will run your ad for a situation or a servant girl free until you get the desired result. Telephone Tyler 1000. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN PICNIC LUNCHES lu?JZ Farnam. D.677J WILLOW PLUMES made from your old and new feathers. 1162 S. 11th. 8. Sokolot WILLOW PLUMES made from your old or new feathers. 2326 8. 12th. D. 6666. MAN or Woman G. in business for yourself at home; $26 starts you; handle your own money; earn 130. weakly. Ad dress L 741, Bee. UUttiAliNa Dewey Are. Tel. H. 11M. FURNACE AND STOVE REPAIRS HAVB your FURNACE eleaned and RJ0. PAIRED. Don't wait until fall, woes yeu cannot secure EXPERT MEN. JOHN HUSSIE HARDWARE CO 1407 Cuming St. Tel. Doug. 1111 Don't Wait Telephone today to nave your furnace. "iwii v. noi water heater cleaned and ready for fall use OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS, 1206-s Douglas Bt. Douglas S60. A-362L HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical Ma- Office. STENOGRAPHER, Insurance, $. Stenographer, Smith-Premier, 60. Stenographer who possesses executive ability, 176. CO-OPERATIVB REFERENCE" OCX. lul-li City Nat l Bank Bldg. Factory and Trades. GIRLS to learn hairdresslng. Oppeav helm parlors. Prices very reasonable. WANTED Experienced linen room women. Apply bouaekeeper. Hotel Rome. GIRL to learn hairdresslng. 418 Pazton block. Housekeepers asl Domestics.' WANTED A competent girl for general housework, small family. . Harney 4782. 3616 Dodge Bt. GOOD girl for general housework. 1526 Farnam. Phone Harney 899. WANTED A competent girl for general housework, small family. Call Doug. S12& or 846 S. 22d. WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing or Ironing; fair wages. 2010 N. 20th St. THE SERVANT GIRL PROBLEM SOLVED The Bee will run your Domestla Help Wanted ad FREE until you get the desired results. Bring your ad to The Bee office or telephone Tyler 1000. WANTED A good girl for general house work, good wages. Harney 2tt. 8331 Har ney St. DESIRABLE women between U and 40 years of age, residents of Nebraska,' wish ing general hospital, laundry or dining room work may find good employment by addressing Lock Box A, Ingleside, Neb. WANTED Competent young woman as nurse for children. Mrs. W. J. Foye. Ill S. 33d. WANTED Maid to assist In housework snd care of children; no laundry. 2408 Bris tol St. GOOD girl for general housework at 620 North 22d. I- WANTED Good girl for general house work; must be good cook: no washing; wages 86 a week. Apply 2804 Harney St. GOOD girl to take care of baby and as sist with light housework; references re quired. Call B-3381. Miser llaaeoaa. TOUNG women coming . to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at Bt. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwise assisted. Look tor our trav elers' aid at the Union station. A LITTLE spare time each day from now until August 19 will pay you well In com missions In addition to winning one ot the prlzea In The Bee's "Ad Getter" contest. Call on or write Beo Want Tad Editor. Omaha Bee. WANTED Experienced nurse; refer ences required. Mrs. J. A. C. Kennedy, 620 8. 88th St. Harney 853. WANTED Young lady for refined vau deville sketch. 1811 Capitol Ave. Phone A. 2365. EVERY person knows who D. J. O'Brien Is because he has made Omaha famous with his candy. If Miss Alberta Foiks, 1614 Nicholas, will come to The Bee office within three days we will give her an order for a 60-cent box of O'Brien's candy free. HELP WANTED MALE- Agents, talesmen and Solicitors. AGENTS Wsnted at once, first elass fropoaitlon; big coinmlaaiun. Writ, today, baitleaa supply Co., Brown Bluuk. Oma Ken. I WANT a man to aell an old line life Insurance special policy In Iowa. Salary and commission. The Western Mutual Life Insurance company. Home office; Coun cil Bluffs, Iowa. Clerical and Office. LEDGER CLERK. 868. ' Stenographer, t6o. Stenographer, aome experience, 850. Salesman, rood specialty line. Collector, prefer man who can speak Bo hemian. We are CONSTANTLY in touch with the business men and know their wants. Call and ace us. Established FOUR YEARS In Omaha. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., 1016-16 City Natlinal Bank Bldg. i . WR Invite everyone who ls looking for a position to call and Investigate our new Don't hesitate a moment; come and tell us your experience and' we will gladly vnu of nosltlona we have to offer. Remember we make no charge unless we Dlace you. TravfltnK salesman, mercantile line.. 3100.00 Traveling salesman, specialties Bookkeeper and cashier ;.oo 85 00 6K.00 60 00 60.00 6O.U0 Ledger clerk Asst. DooKKeeiwr Stenographer Office clerk btenographer ana ciera. uemucr win 66.00 D,.Jir,nh,r and asst. bookkeeper.. 40.00 Jlr. . WESTERN REFERENCE & BUND ASSN 7&4 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Faetery aad Tresis. Drug BtorsaCanapeJ.Jobe. Knleet Bee Bldg. WANTED A young man or boy to work In grocery store. 2&64 Cuming Bt- WANTED Competent custom shirt tnak- era' good pay ana pieawui laciury. au dress 416 Brownell Blk., Lincoln, Neb. WANTED By August L Linotype ma chinist operator, nine hours, l& Must be able to deliver the gooda. No transportation. Card man preferred. Barnstormers save atampa. Address Times. Fort Morgan. Colo. Bigger, Better. Busier That ls what advertising In The Bee will do for your , business. HELP WANTED MALE- Mleeellaaeeas. WANTED YOUNG MEN boat 14 to II years of aga. A seal book-kaeDln er accounting xperlenos er a good selling oxpsrlonoa preferred. Ts mot aa selling agents In permanent territories for tho COMPTOMETER Adding; and Calculating Manillas. We give you thoroush schooling In the operation and selling. An exceptional opportunity for young men of ability, energy and reliability. Call for 8. C. BROWN, Saturday, July 22, 111 Rom. Hotel, 18 A, M. to P. M. I P, It. to 10 F, M. FELT & TARRANT MFG. CO. WANTED Young man that can play organ for traveling medicine show. Write or wire Captain G. U. Smith, Liberty. Neb. WANTED Gasoline engine man: must be experienced. Inquire Manawa park or phone 460. Up 3100 MONTH AUTOING. N ATJTO SCHOOL, OMAHA, NEB. -' t.AROERT INn BF.ST. WRITE. WANTED Two reliable men to take charge of route; married men preferred. Alamlto Banltaryy Dairy, 1818 Farnam St LIVERY AND BOARDING A. Melcher, Livery, Feed, 1616 Leavenworth LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horaea and Vektcles. AREYOTJ BUGGY WISE OR AUTO FOOLISH? Answer us by coming In and buying an osn'or top BUGUY at less tban factory cost. 1 A dozen Special Buggy and Car riage bargains. These are medium-priced vehicles. If you want a fine high grade Buggy talk with ub. We're got 'em, but not at half price. See DRUMMOND, 18th and Harney Sts. FOR SALE All kinds of good horses. 118 N. 21st St. 'Phono Douglas 60u0. HORSE for sale, 1.000 lbs. Doug. 6549. FOR SALE No. 1 driving horse, weight l ttm ihs. : also 1 little pony, harness and buggy; lady or boy can drive It. 4915 Web ster. Harney 673S. FOR RALE Best family driving mare In Omaha. 9u0 lbs. 6 years old. 332 Neville block, Oman a, xseD. LOST AND FOUND PERSONS having lost some article would do well to call up the office of the Omaha & Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left it In the street care. Many articles each day are turned in and the company ls anxious to restore them to the rightful owner. Call Douglas 48. OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STREET RAILWAY COMPANY. IF PARTY who exchanged suitcase on Burlington train No. 2 will return it to Gus A. Johnson, Holdrege, Neb., they will receive their own In return. VISIT THE CLOTHES DOCTOR at THE WARDROBE, 2016 FARNAM. Doug. 1729 RNGLISH brlndle bull dog, strayed or stolen from 2809 Davenport Su Liberal re ward. MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. noticet6 all If you ware positive that our rates and terms were the best In tns city, wouldn't it niv vou to see us when you need money T A cmpdrison of our rates with those of othtr companies win cunmi yuu mat .hi. is tha Dlace to borrow. 81.20 is the weekly payment on a M loan for wetks. Other pamenta In tho same propor tion. It you need mine writs or phone State Morgage Loan Co. R-12 Arlington Block. 1SU4 Dodge Bt Phones: Douglas 2466; Ind. A-24oo. JJ p T, AT ATT 1514 lodge Street W. Kj. r liAiAU Telephone Red Mia DIAMOND LOANS AT 5 CHATTEL LOANS Lowest rates and strictly private. NEBRASKA LOAN CO.. 220 Bee Bldg. , Doug. 12d, A -135. MONEY loaned salaried people, women keeping house and others, without Security ; easy payments. Office in 67 principal cities. Tolman, 603 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg., for merly N. V. L. Bldg. MOVING, STORAGE, CLEANING EXPRESSMAN'S DELIVERY CO. Mov lag; furniture packing; fireproof atoraga City offioe. 21 8. 17th. Doug. 3M; Ind. B-13U FERR1N. Moving ds Bfg. Tyler 1200; B-1786. OMAHA VAN STORAGE CO., cleans your carpels on your floors; electric vacuum cleaners. 8u4 B. Uth; 808 8. 17th. Doug. 4161. VERNOR TRANSFER AND 8TORAOE CO.. fireproof storage, household goods, pianos snd baggage moved, packed and . ,, A ur..Ahv.,.-A Rnrt Kt TvlAr 1118. Office 7th and Leavenworth. D. 314. Persistent Advertising is tne noaa to xig Returns. MUSIC, ART, LANGUAGES ALVTN K. POOLE. Ttolln Instruction. 8166 Farnam. REMBRANDT studio. 16 per cent d'.s oouat oa rorUuts. Jul and August. OFFERED FOR RENT Board and Rooms. LARGE, nicely furnished room; best board; private family; West Farnam. Call Harney 46. TWO nicely furnished front rooms with board; everything strictly modern. 8401 Harney. LARGE, cool, strictly modern room, suit able for two gentlemen, with excellest board In private family. ISO 8. 26th Ave. Phone Harney 6&90. O. U. E. hauls trunks. O. til. A-Mll. ONE or two beautifully located rooms with board; walking distances large yard, shads trees, veranda, eto. An Ideal place for summer. 808 8. 26th Ave. BOARD By day or week. 1821 Farnam street MODERN furnished room with first class board near three-minute car service, or walking distance. Phone Harney 8389. NICELY furnished front parlor with board; walking distance. 2610 Dodge. TAKE a boat ride on Lake Manawa. We will give a pair of round trip tickets to J. P. Ives, 2610 So. 12th St.. If he will come to The Bee office within three days. Fwralaked Rooms. TWO nicely furnished rooms, sn suits er single; modern, 221 8. 26th Bt 2d Apart TWO furnished rooms. Tel. Webster 6873. Ml N. 20ta St LIGHT snd airy; nloely furnished. Easy walking distance. Modern. References. 24 North 26th Bt Red 7046. LARGE south room, cool and well vsn tilated. 1806 Capitol Ave. -4 TWO rooms, all modern, good location. private family; gentleman preferred. Phone H. 473L 816 N. fist Bt, for gentlemen, beautiful large front room. In private all modern home. Call or phons Tyler 1016. DEWEY Kuroveaa Hotel. 1KB, e jrarnaia. DESIRABLE rooms, best of board; block from oenter. 618 B. Uth Bt 206 N, 23d, nicely furnished large front room. Tyler 108L . : 1 NICELY rurnisneo: room in good locality; all modern conveniences; refined home for lady employed. 220 N. 23d St Tel. Red 4232. PLEASANT room, modem, on car lino. Breakfast served. IL 8446. WELL furnished rooms; walking dis tance; whits porcelain bath tub. 101 8. 26th Bt NICE large front rooru In Hanaoom park district 8023 Marcy St Phone H. 4063. NICELY furnished room, modern, elec tric light; 810 per month; 2664 Douglas Bt Phone Harney 166T. NICE, cool, housekeeping rooms, also sleeping rooms on Dodge and Harney lines. 116 North 20th St ONE or two extra fine rooms; fine furni ture; walking distance; no sign on house. 820 N. 20th. ONE nicely furnished room, all modern, walking distance, with private family. 2602 Bt Mary's Ave. Red 2977. ONE nicely furnished room, all modern, with couple; good neighborhood; walking distance. 'Phone H 4983. 2036 FARNAM Cool south rooms; mod ern; gentlemen; shade, . lawn and porch. Phone Doug. 4621. LARGE front parlor, suitable for two; with board. 2113 Douglas. Douglas 6178. STRICTLY modern and neatly furnished rooms, plenty of hot water; one room suitable for two gentlemen. 816 N. 19th Bt NEWLY .furnished front room, two pre ferred; board If desired; rent reasonable, everything modern; close In. 2618 Dewey Ave. ' NICELY furnished front room near Han scom park. Call Harney, 4016. COOL front parlor; also other cool rooms; reasonable; 1H blocks from postot flce. 1814 Dodge. Hotels aad Apartsaents. OXFORD and Arcade, special wkl'y rata NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS for gen tlemen. THE CHATHAM. 110 & Uth Bt ' DODGE HOTEL. 13th and Dodge; all cool outside roomsi; special week rate. THE ATLANTIC Hotel. 1408 Cass St j TT41 Council Bluffs. Rooms i2 to 87 per week. FOR a dainty dessert use Dalsell's Ice cream. If H. H. Marheff. 8430 Seward St., will come to The Bee office within three days we will give him an order for a quart brick of this fine Ice cream. Furnished Hoaaes. FOUR-ROOM mooern apartment; fur nished. Webster 4468. Apartments and Flats. BUPERB-nothlng like It 4 or S room flat, all modera. 120 N. 83d Bt. i AUUL o ...., -. j ... . . nicely decorated, ground floor, easy walk ing distance, near car. 2423 Poppleton Ave. AUGUST 1ST 8 and 6-room apartment in the California. See Janitor. D. 6237. ' MODERN, 7-room, brick, fine repair, paved, looa N. 23th. $30. Fine house at low price. , Davenport, i rooms, main floor, partly modern, 815. TURKJNGTON. 602 Bee Bldg. FOR RENT Six-room modern flat $, 1 N. lh St THREE and six-room flats. Martls Block. 16th and Webster. 2308 8. 24TH ST.. cosy 6-room modern flat. Phone Webster 978. 2523 CAPS ST. A brand new. five-room, strictly modem St Louis flat, hot water heat, gas range, refrigerator, shades and curtain rods fur nished. This flat Is sound proof and will be completed August 1 PAYNE & SLATER CO., Sole Agts., 6th Floor, Om. Nat l Bk. Bldg. APARTMENTS. 820 per month. S-r.. and bath. 1708 Burt Bt $27.60 per month, l-r., and bath, Lafayette, 17th and Jackson Sts. 837.60 per month, 8-r., and bath, Lafayette, 17th and Jackson Sts. (60 per month. 4-r.. and bath. Lafayette, 17th and Jackson Sts GEORGE at COMPANY. o2 City Nat l Bank Bldg. FIVE room, ateam neated flat. The Dunsany. loth and Pierce Sts., 826.00. Ap ply Brandela Theater Bldg. Itouglaa 1571. -ROOM apartmente. completely modern. Pcargo Bldg.. Be. Omaha, above 620 N. 24th. Thos. F. Hall. 433 Kamge. D. T406, A-4406. FsrsUkie IIonaekeeplasT Rooms. NICELY furnished light housekeeping rooms, good rplhboihojd ; gas and batn. all modern. TO" Dodge. II. t4. THREE rooms, modern except beat 2328 BoutA. uts git OFFERED FOR RENT Fornlaked Hoeeekeeplag Room. lini'OPL-frwwvn so .in gll So. ISth St. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. fll$ Chicago St. TWO nicely furnished rooms, complsts for light housekeeping. 2018 Davanport 660 SO. STH AVE, modem front room; light housekeeping. Reasonable. WALKING distance, car one block, fine location. Must see to appreciate. With or witnout piano, no objection to musio or practice. Newly papered, furnace heat, gas, nice bath, plenty hot and Ice water, both phones. $18. 8f3 St Mary's Ave. TO quiet couple, suits of housekeeping rooms, all modern, very reasonable. 648 So. 2Ath Ave. WHAT does a name meant If you want to know Just try O'Brien's candles. If Mrs. Jack Payne. 8120 Maple, will come to The Bee office within three days we will Slve her an ordr for a 60-cent box of Brlen's randy free. Untarnished Housekeeping; Rooms. 1 nnr.r. mil ui 11 iwihbi heated; private family; walking distance. D. 5283. 2223 Burt. TJnfarnlsned Rooms. UNFURNISHED rooms; reasonable; water, gaa, bath. 1670 Bpauldlng. FOUR blocks from court house, 8 large rooms, ground floor, $16. 628 8. 20th Bt ONE or 8 unfurnished rooms, new, mod ern; private family; olose In. D. 6187. Bosses sal Cettasrea. NEW five-room bungalow, 2884 Blnney Bt, completely modern;. Hall Distributor Co., 433 Ramge Bldg. Doug. 7406; A-4406. FOR RENT Eight rooms, all modern, cheap. Phone Harney 4091. FIVE-ROOM cottage, bath and gaa, 30J9 Corby St., $16. Webster 6561. 602 N. 82d St, 7-room. modern house, near Harney car. Douglas 816. fmi Clark St.. 4 rooms. $1160. 2706 Farnam St., 8 rooms, modern, $60. 8409 Capitol Ave., 8 rooms, modern, $3160. RING WALT BROS.. Brandela Theater Bldg. NICE 6-room, modern cottage, 883 Main St., Benson; paved, on car, $18. Turklug ton, Bee Bldg 2608 MA PLE ST. five rooms, modern ex cept furnace. $22.60, Hall Distributor Co.. A-4406. D. 7408. BIX room cot tegs, all modern sxoept beat 1021 South Twenty-fourth St 7-ROOM modern bouse, 608 North 82d Bt. $26. Phone Douglas 816. JAMES BISHOP, rurnrtur. moving and storage; two men, $1 an hour; specialty of hauling pianos. 'Phone Web. 2184. B-1407. DOUBLE house, 1318-1316 South 82d 8t; six rooms on each side, $30 each. Tele phone Douglas 4040. $3 MONTHLY rents a good piano. A. Hospo Co., 1618 Douglas Bt Benson Transfer Moves Furniture. D. 166. Om. Vaa A Storage Co. packs. moves.etnr-t household goods. Fireproof storage; 8(4 . ltth. Branch. s . 17th. Tel. D. 414. A-isu 804 South 88th. 846 a month; all modern. 6 rooms. Telephone Douglas 4040. OMAHA Express Co., 416 N. 17th. D. 8364, EIGHT-ROOM house, modern, at 118 & 44th St.. on W. Farnanr-Dundee lino. Tel. Harney 83a or Douglas 844. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expreswmen's Delivery Co., Tel. Doug. SIM. City office. 816 B. 17th Bt, Bee Bldg. UNEQUALLED, eentral. T-room house, tlo N. 83d. , , 88TH AND BURT. East front, ons block to Farnam or Cum. Ing lines, one block to cathedral, cloae to stores; 8 rooms and hall; newly decorated; splendid basement; big trees; first floor trimmed In oak. with fireplace. 26th and California, block to Crelghton. $ rooms and hall, hot water heat 866. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 1016 Omaha National. Douglas or A-2161 TTrmaoa la all parts of ths olty. LlOUaca Cr-l8n Bons Co.. Bee Bldg. PIANO tuning and repairing. Chas. It Thatcher. D. 6018. Houses, Ins. Rlng-walt Brandols Th. Bldg. 1008 PACIFIC CT.. 4 rooms, partly mod ern $13. 2602 Chicago, 6 rooms, modern sxoept heat, $16. na Chicago, 3 rooms, partly modern, 88. 4232 Harney St, 6 rooms, all modern. $26. 8.13 S. 21st St., 6 rooms, modern, sxoept heat, $23. 1512 Ohio st, a rooms, partly modem, 818. 2674 Evans Bt. 7 rooms, new. all mod ern. $30. 2038 pierce Bt, 6 rooms, partly modern, 816. 1306 S. 11th St.. 6 rooms, modern sxoept heat $22. BIRK.ETT TE3BBKNB, 423 Bee Bldg. Phones Douglas 4764, Independent A-17B4. SEVEN-ROOM modern house. In good condition; large corner lot and shade trees; rent $23. 1602 Ohio Bt Apply uu Latnrop St. Tel, B-3244. MODERN, 8-room flat opposite Hanaoom park, $32, t-room house, modern. South 82d Ave., $3). Phone Harney 638a. 67$ 8. 28TH ST. Eight rooms, completely modern, $38. Thos. F. Hall, 483 Ramge Bldg. Phones Douglas 7406, Ind. A-4406. FOR RENT Excellent t-room flat 614H No. 22d St, $22.60; good neighborhood; tine view. Tel owner. Red 6264. 6.00 6-room cottage, new, 4208 N. th Ava. 8.00 8-room apartment, 1666 N. 16th. ft 00 4-room anartmenL 114 N. 18th. 8&0.00 8-room flat, 818 N. 19th. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO.. D. 1781; A-1188, CLOSE-IN COTTAGE. 104 Bo. 26th Ave., a 6-room, all modern, newly decorated cottage, within easy walk ing distance. $25. PAYNE SLATER CO., Bole Agents. 6th Floor Om. Nat Bk. Bide CLOSE-IN BARGAINS. 8-r., rood., good repair, 833 N. 24th, $28. 6-r., mod., good repair, 1M8 N 81at $16. 8-r., mod., good repair, 1606 Corby, $16. 6-r., mod., good repair, 1938 & Uth, $13 60. 8-r., city water, 724 Bancroft, $12.80. 6-r., wit., barn. 4101 N. 28th Ave., $1J.6D. Also 11 others, 4 to 8 rooms, $7 to $30. Bave rent by buying a home on monthly payments. See us for particulars. RUSSELL & M'KITRICK CO., 432 Ramge Bldg., 15th and Harney. HOUSES FOR RENT, t iwr month. 7-r.. new and modern, 8810 Grant St. . $30 per month, 7-r., modern, 811 No. 88rd St 830 per month, 7-r.. modern, 820 No. 83rd St 836 per month, -r., modern, 4824 Webster St. .. ,, $45 per montn, ,-r , moaern, i rw Ave GEORGE 4 COMPANY, 802 City Nat l Bank Bldg. tores aad Offices. 1808 snd 1818 Farnam R Tel. Har. 2486. " TWO offices. 2d floor Crelghton block; also store at 116 8. 15th St. Alfred Thomas, Agent! , First Nst'l Bank blag. "for best grocery and meat market la eity. with fixtures; a snap . 220 N. 23d. Office Space Will divide use of desirable offioe, e.irnUhed. and services ot stenog- ranhar and bookkeeper. Separate private rooms. Address M Omaha Bee. 647. 1 TWO new nice storerooms, excellent lo cation. 20Us Lake St. F. Rohacek. LARGE store room, new front 1707 N. I4th. Webster 1256 persistent Advertising is tbs Road to Big Ks turns. OFFERED FOR RENT lores nnd Off lces-ntlnao4U STORES FOR RKNT. 618-16 Bo ISth St., fine new store fronts, iectrlo light, new floors and decoration Next door to the new Union outfitting iii.i,. f t wnnA oemented base ments. Rental 8,6 to 81i per month. St Iarga show windows, up to date In every way. Good basement and freight holxt Rental on application. 1216 Farnam St.. 8 stories and basousant. Oil." feet. Rental $18S per month. -2718 leaven worth St., good storo redWt, $22.60 per month. , GEORGE COMPANY. . I 803 City Nst'l Bank Bldg. OFFERED FOR SALE raraltnro. A SOLID mahoany combination . brary and poker tsblo for private use. A bcauiltul make. John Feidiuan, N. 17th St. Phone Doug. 8128. FOR SALE Household gooda oonslsttng of one coal range, kitchen table and chairs. $ Iron beds, couple dressers, rocking chairs and tables. Icebox. Call Harney 6739. Call from 8 a. m. to p. m. CH1FFONIF.R library table, chlld'a bed; first class. Phone Webster 81137. Typewriters. TYPEWRITERS, A IX MAKE"-olL rented and repaired. TYPEWRITING IN, SPECTlON CO.. Inc., 684 Bran dels Bin.. Phons Ind. A-4418; Douglas 4837. . VJ1 BUY an L. C. Smith ft Bros, typewriter, B. F. Bwsason Co., Distributers. 18M Far nam Bt TYPEWRITERS. Hot weather prloes Remington, Ittj Smith Premier. $30, Oliver, $26; Under wood. $40; U C. Smith, $40; Monaroh, 840; Jewett. $10; Chicago, $6; Densmore, $12; Fox, $16. Large rtock to select from. Full guarantee. B. F. SWANSON CO.. 1314 Farnam St., City. RENT an Oliver typewriter from ths Oliver Typewriter Co. Tel. Douglas 2818. Mnalcal Instrnmeata, Bargains in Used Pianos CRAMER ARION GILBERT ft CO , SCHUBERT 6TROHBER KRANICH ft BACH... ..$1.15 ...(. 4yl 4.4, $165 $i6 $266 SM 'IK Segerstrom THE PLACE TO BUY A PIANO. ' MUcellaneooa. t-HAND tools snd rubber boss. 418 N. 18th. A NEW $300 Vlctrola with $92 worth ot records, particular selection and llttie used, at a big discount B 801. Bee. FDR SALIC New and second-hand blV Hard and pool tables. We lead the worl In ehean har fixtures Eiiv Daymen Brunswlck-Balks-Collender. 407 So. 11 SAFES Overstocked with second-hajhd safes .all sixes and makes; bargains, Amer ican Supply Co., U10 Farnam Bt SIX-FOOT bookkeeper's desk, oak fin ish, for sale at $10.00. Apply George R, Wright. Bee Publishing Co. CHICAGO Upholstering ft Mattress Wka We sell mattresses retail, wholesale' prloes; gen. turn, repairs; 2d-hand furniture bought and sold; mattresses and springs ni&ds over. Ind. F-1446. 2617 N. Bt. Bo. Omaha. Nsw and second-hand safes. 1818 Farnam. A COOL PLUNGE In Lake Manawa w overcome that hot feeling. If A. BusseJ nvn.j r i , win cviutv m nm x? office within three days we will give him a pair of round trip tickets to Lake Manawa. OSTEOPATHY Alice Johnson, 806-6 Brandela Theater Bldg. Katheryn Nikolas. 634-8 Brandela .Theater. PATENTS D. O. BARNELL, Paxton Blk. Tel. Red-Tnl HIRAM A. STUROBS, rag. attorney. 848 Brandela Theater Bldg. Douglas 840s. ' W1LLARD EDDY. Solicitor: 168 dt Nat' I Bank. Tyler 16M; Ind. A-1884. PERSONAL DR. BXTBJCJB. dia RTT A lvfPOO treatments. Mrs. Stoats, x tail tm rUU pert apar-tT. UI S. UiS fS MASSAGE Swedish toantamatt "rthfrtsl uiam. i sniM, u gestls 1808 Fnrnanv Doag. ttfi. man, slob. .apt. a. f A nxrvrrrn Treatment Brwtxv 3d Uth bt. fkoa ' ACEXJGHT hair food grows hair, Km Frayer. Megeath Bta. Co, Uth aad JfWmaot Good Samaritan Ave.. CounaU Bluffa, Ial MASSAGE Swedish ndreeT'Tiii for rheumatism, nervous and kl menu; treatments, $10s. Dra. B. PHbW now and Harriot L. Jot. Suite atl Warn Blk, 808 B. Uth Bt tU. teug las ik T THE SALVATION ARMY sHesj clothing, la fact anrtivinsr wma A need. We oolleot, repair and aetl at VnThLS um m., ior m oi oeueouoa is tne WY poor. Call phono Douglas 4181 and wa Will osui. JAMES CORR mTLEOTYUO OOMTAJV T8 movoa w a usxn ex. uougias '"i MASSAGE fj? "S1;, Kr 187 B. 17th, 8d floor, room tl 3j HINDOO TABLETS will build, bl sirensuien. sua. su,u ut u J UU MBCHANO THERAPY mssssgs treats ment stomach trouble. Dr. Margaret Hal loran, 822-8 Nevlle Blk. D. 7761. Open are. YOUNG WOMEN coming to Omaha aa: strangers are invited to visit the Young! Women's Christian association building a( Seventeenth Bt and Bt. Mary's Ave., where iney win om oireciea to suitaoie boarding yimuvm vr vijiwwim asaiaiea. lox ZOr 01 1 traveler s aid at uie union station. MASSAGE gJitmsUt" ' i5?n. ft treatment Mine. , Allen 9 v;nicago. u bo. ltn Bt. Ilrst floor. U. w. WE RENT and repair all kinds of aewlnt u.w. ,iu. a-ito. iougias leba, NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Uth and Harney Bta. A HOMELESS BOY an orphan a farmer boy 16 years ole now at Child Havlnsa Institute. 42d aia Jackson Sts., wants a permanent home or a tarm, to go to scnoni in winter and ti earn wages in summer. I 63-DAY BLOOD REMEDY. Gladdlsh Pharmacy, Uth and Dodge," 4) Massage Rlttenhuiise. 398 Old Boston Bid MRS. BNYDER. Swedish massage, bat raaiaior ana viorsior ireatiiieni. . ..'IT Dunsany, Flat 3, loth ft pierce. Doug. 4 it STRICTLY private confinement .hois v We find homea for babies where motli are not able to care for them. 2rU pavd port St. ' . y POULTRY AND PET STOCK L HOMER pigeons. 60c pair. 204 Ames Ave. Web. 6637. Otto Wolfi. 5w.H XrrJ fSAflT. Tin Hna-llah bull lM,rt .1 i. good watrh dog. Call 4S16 Webster or. Tf j Harney 6738. SEVEN laying hens five ducks, eat spring chicks. Sell by piece or lot mil C4 forma. PRINTING Lew W. Raber, Printer BEE BLDG. ENTRANCE ON COUR RIE8 HALL Ptg. Co.. 108 8. ltth. Ind. A t . . ,i I , i V V 1KTY A for MtwA rrlntr Iyngstad PrtnUng Co., uth ana capital 81 vl I if i J f r w