Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 20, 1911, Page 5, Image 5

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    T11F liEE: OMAHA. TH1.T?RDAV. JULY 20. 1911.
l ew Head of Lincoln Diocese Given
Great deception on Arrival.
Onveraaraal Kraelr nieeaaeed, llrraa
Belac la Mao t Rack fraak W.
Brom af La ar a star far la
(From a Staff Correspondent
MKCOLN, July lf.-(3perlal.)-rtt. Rev.
Henry Tlhen, bishop appointed to the bead
of the Lincoln diocese, arrived In the city
from Wichita. Kan., today htrtly befor
H o'clock to inumt hla new dutiea. A re
ception of mora than ordinary nthuataam
wee (trail h new bishop. Ha We met at
tha depot by more than 109 priests of hla
diocee and nearly 1.000 Catholics and
Protestants, Including a number of prom
inent me in be ra of hla own church from out
la the erate. He was accompanied her by
fourteen print from Kanaaa and a score
of reoreeentatlvee of the laity of Wichita.
When he stepped off tha train he til
preseated with a new automobile, the gift
of tha pHeeta of hie dlocea. In thla he
rode In a prow.eion which then aacorted
him ta St, Tbereea'a pro-cathedral, where
tha Installation services war held.
Following the aervloe a banquet for the
visiting prteata from both thla at ate and
Kansas was held at Walah hall. Father
iHiwphjr of Sutton waa toaatmaster. those
a tha toast list Including several of the
priest of tha new bishop's dloees.
Bishop Tlhen waa born on a farm In
Indiana July 14. lsst When he waa 4 years
aid ha moved with hla parenta to Jefferson,
Me., and remained In that city until tf0,
when It began hla oollrge Ufa In St. Bene,
diets eoUeae at Atchlaon, Kan. A few
era later he went to Milwaukee, Wis,
to pursue his philosophical and theological
studies la Bt rrancla seminary.
Ordained la it, LeaU,
Ob April n, iss, ha waa ordained to the
priesthood by Archbishop Kenrlck for the
arch diocese of St. Lou la.
Hla first appointment waa aa an assist
tit priest f Bt John's enureh at Bt
Lonla. Father J. J. Henneaay. now bishop
of the Wichita dloeeae, waa then pastor.
Hr they labored tor ether for thro years.
At that time Father He-massy waa ap
pelated Manen of Wlohita. He asked his
assistant t accompany him to the Kan
sas town.. In apaakbtg of his first trip to
WtohKa, tha new bishop said that ha went
thera for a, vacation and rest, but fall in
lov wfth tha city and "Just atayed."
tt w wn February lS. that Father
Ttben toe tip Ills work aa a priest In the
dlooee of Wichita. Plnce that tlms he has
been Intimately connected with the growth
and development of the diocese. Ten years
after his arrival thera ha received the ap
pointment aa chancellor of tha diocese,
April 12. 1WH, he waa made a papal cham
berlain, and July S, 1910, h waa appointed
domestic' prelate.
In 10 Monalgnor Tlhen went to th Cath
olic university of Washington, .where he
took a pedal course.
Hated Palplt Orator.
Monalgnor Tlhen has long been noted as
an eloquent pulpit orator and platform
speaker.-'He la In demand on all extraor
dinary occasions, ' such aa the dedica
tion of churches, labor day meetings, etc.,
ad under the auaplce of a lyoeura bureau
e.out-Nf a "artsff-T1 - tile'. United
States, . speaking on sooiaJ,. economic and
patriotic subjscts. Part Of the territory
thus covered win how he subject to his
episcopal jurisdiction. All the proceeds
escept actual expenses received from his
lectur tours were donated by Monalgnor
Tlhen to aid In th construction of Wich
ita's new cathedral. -Today ha Is a poor
A publlo reception was tendered Bishop
Tlhen at o'clock this evening at th
aaditorliim. John p. Sutton waa chairman.
K Urlef addreasea of welcome were given
by Governor Aldrlch, Mayor Armstrong,
Father Thomas Cullen of Tor. T. J.
Doyle and Prof. Clemens Movlus. Bishop
Tlhen made the principal address.
Bryaa's Head la Oetreraerahip.
Democrats are losing no time laying
plana for nest year's election In Nebraska.
Already the gubernatorial conteet haa as
sumed a thrce-eornered shape and those
men ar mentioned as Isadora In tha race:
Senator John H. Morehead of Falla City,
who by virtue of hla position as president-
pro tern of th senate, beeaus lieu-
tenant-governor upon th death of Judge
Hop wall; State Senator J. A. Ollls of
Ord and ea-Mayor Prank W. Brown of
Morehead make ao effort to conceal
bis candidacy. . He, It la rumored, will
mak a strong bid for thj "organisation's"
backing. Ollla will be th county option
candidal and, awing ta hi course In th
last legislature, will be Apposed by cor
porations led by tha Union Stock Yards
company. Prank Brown and thla Is tha
nsoat Interesting feature of th story
will be projected. If projected at all. by
Mr. Bryan. A keen political seer of years
expert en ee In Nebraska say aa ta Brown:
"Brown la sat as yst in th race. In th
seats that both tha other mea are, but
what fcl chances would be with the hop
of projecting him. Now, H would seem
that, under ordinary circumstances, Mr.
Bryan and bis friends might find Senator
Tfcd bljrbesi point of woman's Hap
piness U reached only thronrh moth
erhood, is the clasping of her child
within her anna. Yet the mother-to-be
is often fearful of nature's ordeal
and shrinks from the suffetiaf; incl
dent to its consummation. But for
nature's ills and discomforts nature
frovides remedies, and ia Mother's
riend is to be found s medicine of
great ralne to rrety expectant mother.
It is aa oily emulsion for external
application, composed of isjrredients
which act with peaeficial and sooth
ing effect bs those portions of the
system ioTolred. It is intended to
prepare the system for the crisis, and
thus relieve, la crest part, the suffering-
Lhroujrh which the mother usually
passes. The rrgnlar use of Mother's
Friend will repay any mother ia the
comfort it affords before, sad the help
ful restoration to health and strength
it brings about after baby comes.
Mother's Friend
drag stores.
fruboo? k. "Vmj
expectant moth. " '
era which contains much valuable
information, and many suggestions
ci a helpful nature.
Detailed Census of
The direotor of th census has an
according to Its minor civil divisions,
Precinct A
lTectnct B Including Bee village ,
Bee vlllaaa
Prwlnrt C, Including Ktaplchurat vlli
rtapienurat village
Precinct D
Precinct E. Including t.tlce villa...
I'tlca vlllnae
Precinct F, Including Tamora village
iamora village .
Precinr-t H. Including t;rmantown vll
uermaniown village..
ir-mr( i, inciuaing part or rieasan
Pleaaant Dale vlTlaae (najt of
Total for Pleasant Dais village I
rrpnnci j ,
Prerlnrt K
Precinct t.
Precinct M. Including Reaver Croaalng and Cordova villages
Heever Crn-Mln village
Cordova village
Precinct X
Precinct O. Including Mllford village
Mllford village
Precinct P. Includlnr prt of Pleasant Dale village
Pleasant lale village (part of)
fceM city
Ward 1
Ward 2
Ollls to their liking, since the senator
Is a 'dry' and a vary outapoken and ag
gressive one. but Bryan la not deeply lm
preaeed with Ollla' vote-getting powera.
It alao seems, from one point of view, es
pecially strange that Bryan should In
cline toward a man of Brown's type, an
out-and-out 'wet' But there are rea
sons to believe that Mr. Bryan will find
It possible to choke his anti-liquor prede
llctlons In the coming campaign when they
run counter of other plana
"It may not be generally known, but It
Is a fact, that Brown and Bryan have al
ways been close friends, personally and
politically. It wsa Brown, largely, who
got Bryan to locate In Lincoln and It waa
Brian, among othera, who brought Brown
out for mayor of Lincoln. It was alao
Bryan's Influence that sent Brown to a
national convention."
Prtsnary Law Very Strict.
Thouah democrats of this county hav no
oDDoaitlon la their county offices this fall
and numbers of the party have been plan
ning to desert their own party ranas in
order to bslp friends outside the party, It
la nrobabla that conies of the new primary
law which are now being dletrlbuted In
this county will put sj effectual and sud
den end to that determination.
The new primary law passed by a legis
lature which was still smarting under th
sting of a defeat made possible and certain
throuch th nomination of Jamee Dahlman,
sets out that entrance Into another party
under Its provisions shall be unusually
difficult. Those who have not registered
their party affiliations In places where
registration Is y law required will be com
pelled on primary day to fill out a blank
in whleh they Mate their party affiliation
and swear to the statement that they will
support ths majority of ita candidates at
the coming election.
Where registration is not required the
Judges and clerks Of election are required
to ask proapectlv voters with what party
they affiliate before they are given a bal
lot and allowed to proceed to cast their
The gehaols aad Bellglao.
Resolutions whleh were adopted by the
Evangelical Lutheran synod, which recently
held its sessions at Duluth, Minn., have
been sent to State Superintendent Crab-
tree, urging that educational Institutions
supported by ths state should not In any
war counteract the Influence of ths Chrls-
tion horns and the church as far aa relig
ious instruction Is concerned and above
all things should pot aiseeminaie aocirine
subversive to the Christian religion.
In reply Superintendent- Crabtree haa
written: "So far as I am able to deter
mine, th attitude of those In charge of
th certification of teachers and those
who are supervising our school are in
harmony with the resolutions aubmltted to
me In your communication."
Jfatnaa Wrilaea Iseeeesi V. B. WtU
soa aa Prealdeat of ta First
National Bank.
STROM8BURO, Nsb.. July U. (Special )
V. E. Wilson of this city, prominent In
banking and political circles of the stats,
haa abandoned the business of banking to
resume the practice of th law, discon
tinued by him about ten year ago. His
realgnatlon today as president and director
of the First National bank of Strome-
burg complete tha severance of the rela
tione held by him for a number of years
with several banking tnstltutiona In this
part of tha state. Nathan Wilson, a
younger brother, was elected president of
the bank to fill tha vacancy, and C. V.
Nelson waa promoted to th eaahlershlp.
The bank I th largest lit Folk county,
with reaourcea of over $400,000.
A a treat fair and carnival la In progr
here under the auaplces of the local cornet
The growing com crop In this county Is
In excellent condition and promises, with
the aid of seasonable rains from now on,
to maka yields abov th average of recent
The annual Chautauqua will begin Au
gust IS and continue on week.
New Iaatltatloa Will Opea for Baal.
aaas Pleat af Aaarast.
FAIRBL'RT, Neb.. July 19.-(Speclal.)
Lew Shelley, postmaster of Falrbury, Jjas
received a notice -from th Fostofflc de
partment that a postal savings bank will
be Installed her August L The four banks
af Falrbury hare been officially notified to
fit their securities with the department
If they are to be considered depositor! aa
for tha poataffloa funds. Under the exist
ing law they ar required to pay Itt per
cent Interest for the money on deposit.
Postmaster Shelley ha received various
kinds of blank stationery for the postal
savings bank. A United Eta tea lnapector
will be In Falrbury the latter part of July
ta tnatruet th poatofflc fore la regard
to th Installation of th postal saving
Pan ta th Falrbury poatofflc.
Maeala Caaaty Assaaat.
NORTH PLATTE, Neb. July l.-(8p-claj.
Th assessors' records, which hava
juM beau completed, show th valuation
of all assessed property In Uncolu county
to be Ther were 11.164 horses,
a gain of about a over IW0; 45.071 cattle,
mora than 1,000 lens than In Ulo,
and 114 automobile on the list, which Is
fifty more than ia 1110,
AsumIsb Maa Caarged with Aaeaalt.
BROKEN BOW, Neb., July 11. (Bpeelal )
Louts Lows haa been bound over to dis
trict court In th sum of COO to answer to
a charge of aaaault The complaining
witness u g, Broken Bow girl of It, who
waa employed la the Wlnneta hotel, where
Low wag working. Lowe la peat tl and
la a former sailor, hla aocne being near
Ansel mo.
Th B a haa la Plaaja
destroys fewer live taaa stomach, liver
and kidney disease, for which, Qectrie
Bitters la tha guaranteed remedy, too. For
sal by Beaton Drug C.
Friday aught' paper wtU eaataia full
particular of Tom K alley C.S semi-annual
shirt aala, Watch for them.
Nebraska Counties.
nounred the population f t
aa follow:
e-rard county,
f.X) 1S.1-0
Mi 4r4
771 77
ix4 1 048
(Hi 740
146 1.21
S:i f
1 S4
7T2 74
m 141
7 7TI
gi i7
712 7M
7'1 817
l.fl 1
717 71
l.M 1.S87
642 Vo
112 ?0
t Pale' village. !!!."!."
n preclncta I and P..
Prince Will Be
Candidate for
Congress Next Year
Grand Island Member of Legislature
Will Try to Wreit Komination
from VorrU Jfext April.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July .-8pe-
clal.) Representative W. A. Prince today
for the flrat time formally announced his
candidacy for the republican nomination
for rongres from the Fifth congressional
district subject to the wishes of the re
publican voter of tha district aa such
wish will bs expressed at Uie primaries la
"I am a candidate for the nomination
for congress," said Mr. Piinea, "on a pro
gressive platform. I believe I know the
general wlshee of the people of this dis
trict and if nominated and elected I will
carry out thoss wishes In the halls of con
gress to the best of my ability."
Representative Prince Is quits well known
by Nebraska republicans generally, baring
been a member of the legislature about
twelve years ago and again at the last
session, when ha was one of the leader
of the minority, led the fight for capital
relocation and aided materially In the
fight for an agricultural school in the
southwestern part of the state, and In
securing the passage of the law for a
board of control for all state Institutions.
LINCOLN, July 19. ?peclal.)-Republl-
can party worker and various out-ln-the-state
leaders are evincing more of an
Interest In the 1911 senatorial race than
ever before because of th avowed Inten
tion formally announced today of William
Prince of Grand Island to enter the con
gressional race In the Fifth district. The
question which Is giving these men the
greateet concern at the present time is
whether the present congressman from
that district, George W. Norris, will en
ter the senatorial race. By many, the an
nouncement of State Auditor Barton Is
looked upon as a sure Indication that
Norrla will try for the higher plaee.
Further the news which reached Lincoln
today that Representative William Prince
of Grand Island would make the congres
sional race Is taken as proof conclusive
that these men have Inside tips and are
certain that the McCook man will oppose
present Senator Norris Brown.
By a large number of the party ana
especially those who are admittedly rery
close to Congressman Norris, It Is be
lieved that he will not enter the sena
torial race, but that he will seek re
election In the FUth district. The raci
that Auditor Barton filed for th place is
looked upon by thera as an inaicauon m
the present state official Is so confidnt
that h ean carry the Fifth district thot
he Is willing to meet all comers for con
gress, the present incumbent not excepted.
Th entry of William Prince, one of the
ablest republicans on tha floor of th
houss at tho late session of th legisla
ture, ta believed by republican leaders
who have witnessed H. to be a more di
rect affront to Auditor Barton than It Is
to Congressman Norris. The friends of
tha Grand Island attorney have been urg
ing blm for some time past to make the
race, and have openly asaerted that he
could run better In his district than any
other man outside of Congressman Norris
Holds Divorce Grnate t Ilo
Caaaty Safftcleai to War Off
fksrt af B leaser.
. - forreaoondent.)
ir ruiH '
LINCOLN. July 19. (Bpeclal.)-Oovernor
Aldrlch today heard tha appucavwa
. ... , w p.t.nnn for a requlaltlon
lasusd by the governor of Iowa tor ths re
turn of her hueband. Peter Peterson of
Tekamah to Logan, la., on the oharg Of
bigamy. The first Mrs. Peterson appeared
at the executive office today. In company
..u . r.ih.r v. n. roet of Bmereon.
Nsb., and bsr attorney, W, R. Patrick of
South Omaha. Peter Peterson waa not
present, but waa represented by Smyth and
Slngfrous of Omnia
After hearing consldsrable evidence In
tha matter and the enltre review of ths
,Mnii in the case, the governor de-
iinii tn honor the requlaltlon on the
ground that the decree of dlvorc entered
by Nebraska court waa entirety vano,
therefore the Tekamah man had violated
no law and was not entitled to b taken
from the stats on tha charge which waa
filed against htm.
Tha validity of a dirorca proceeding in
Dixon county waa the point questioned by
the platntifrs attorney ana py wem as
serted to be sufficiently Illegal to b cause
for aa action.
The Key to th Situation Be Want Ads.
(From th Feminine World)
Th euicaest and surest way to mak
a good complexion out af a bad on 1 to
actually reraov th thla vU ef faded or
discolored outer skin from the face. This
can be eon easily, safely and privately
by any woman. Th sroces Is en f
genii absorption.
Get an ounce of pur mereollsed was
from your druggist and apply It at sight
Ilk Void cream, washing It off In th
morning. Ia a fsw day tha roeroolld
wax will hav absorbed th disfiguring
cuticle, revealing the fresh young skin
underneath; you will have a beautiful,
clear, natural complexion. Th procesa
la pleeeant and harml, making th fao
look brilliantly attractive aad youthful.
It also effectually removes such blem
ish aa freckles, tan, moth patches, Uvr
a pots, plmplea, eta. Every woman should
keep a little mereollsed was oa hand, as
thla simple, old-fashioned remedy th
beat emplktoa beau tiller and preserver
kaewsu Adv.
Delegates and Alternates to State Con
tention at Lincoln Elected.
Work af Caveraar Aldrlch. fteaator
Bra.., taaa-ressmaa !.. aad
Stat thalriaaa llaaenet
er Eadarsed.
DAVID CITY. Neb.. July l.-tSpei'lal.)
The republlcana of Butler county met In
convention here yeaterday and organised
by electing I. E. Doty eiianman of the
convention and Frank W. Howser secre
The following named persons were elected
aa delegates of the republican stats con
ventlon to be held at Lincoln, July :
Delegates John Clock, I. K. Doty, Wil
liam fiusenetter, M. It. Dibble, Frank
eman. Albert Keamprer, u. 8. Haatlnga,
Fred Judevtne, John Haslk, K. B. Rich
ard eon.
Alternates Charles Meachsn. W. J. Ulalr.
W. H. Saulabarrv. James Mlatnev. II H
Burgees, B. O. Hall, J J. Roberta, J. L.
ovooooa, h. c. vt itnera.
The following resolution waa offered by
E. O. Hall and adopted by the convention;
We. the republicans of Butler county. In
convention aaaembled, do hereby endorse
the administration of President Taft and
commend him for his proaieoslve fiaht for
the right of ths people. We can endorse
me record of Hon. .Noma Brown in the
Lnited Statea aenate and commend him tor
his flaht for the ooDular election of United
eiaiea senators. v e also endorse the record
of lion. U, H. Sloan as member of congress
irom toe rourtti congressional district.
We alao endorse unequivocally the ad
ministration of Governor Chester 11. Aid
rich and commend him for hi vigorous
administration of ths state affairs.
We also recommend and endorse Hon.
WUiisju Hutenetter for chairman of the
republican state central committee and
point to his wine and discreet management
to a sucoessful issue of the last republican
campaign in Nebraska, which resulted eo
auocessfully for the republican ticket.
Other resolutions endorse H. C. Beebe of
Osceola for railway commissioner and L.
S. Hastings for district Judge.
Jefferson Caaaty Filings.
FA1R11LRV. Neb.. July U. ispeclal.) A
great deal of Interest centers on the out
come vt the primary election in Jefferson
county on August 13. Following Is a list
of ths candidates who filed for same In
Jefferson county:
Sheriff James Chlrn9ide. republican:
Charles t ram, republican; Edward Hughes,
aenioorai; l. r . Axleli, republican; t'UII.
V. Uraves. democrat; Ueorge Max-key, so
cialist; Charles 8. BearUsicy, democrat;
Chris Hltkey, democrat; F. M, Tippln,
county judge c. C, Boyle, L. J. Nuti
man, republicans; D. C. McEnlee. demo
County Clerk A. W. Gardner, socialist;
Frank IS. Warren. C. H. Shaffer, republi
cans, Erneat A. Stark, democrat.
Coroner Arthur Klchardson and Dr. 6.
VY. 1 lodge, republlcajia.
Register of Deeds W. B. Kinnamon, Q,
W. Ureaory. O. 11. Honney. rt-uubilcana:
Ora Cox, democrat; Adln llouck, socialise
Clerk of District Court Oscar N. Clarn-
aey, republican; Ale fhepherd, democrat.
Superintendent of Public Instruction
Henry Abrams, James O'Connel, democrats;
ft- c. names, republican.
Commlsloner First District C. W. Kohr
baugh, republican.
Commissioner tiecond District L. Nlder
and I. B. Shelburne, republicans.
Few Candidates In Barl.
TEKAMAH. Neb., July 19. (Special.)
The filings for the primary election in Biirt
county show the republlcana to have no
organised opposition for any of the county
office except that of county superintend'
ent. The present officials' have no opposU
tlon for their renomlnatlons. New candi
dates for the superlrrtendency are W. T
Poucher, republican and A. Theodore So hi
berg, democrat.
Garfield Caaaty Filings.
BUB. WELL, Nob., July U.-tSpeclal.)
Th following filings hav been made for
tha primary election In Garfield county:
T. G. Hemmett, fusion, county clerk to
succeed himself, no opposition; J. A. But
ler, republican, and F. P. Heston, fusion
for county treasurer, Butler, present en
cumbent; George 8. Todd, republican,
county Judge, no other nominations on
either ticket; A. A. Waters, republican.
and A. H. Gericka, democrat, for sheriff;
J. L. Jenkins for county superintendent.
republican, and no other nomination. C. L
1107 laweavertfe
Tek Desek n; a-MTt
Preserve Your Piano o Year
You've been told of plana whereby you could not lose. Here is one in rhich
you take no riskcertainly, you cannot lose. Hoepe gives you the use of a be
ginner's piano for one year absolutely free. You don't pay a cent for it yon
pay for a new one which you get when you return the UBed instrument. You
can let. the children, while learning, thump it, scratch it, even injure it it's not
your piano it's HoBpe's and he takes it back when you are through. The
payments are as low as rental charges. The sale prices
Ilospe will rent you a piano, with scarf and stool, for $3 a
Ask Hospe more about bis piano plana.
1B1S-1S15 Dou&ias Btreet, Omaha, Neb.
Breach Store . 407 Hroadway, Co. Bluffs, Ia.
West era spresatatlv for ta "Wradenom
maaea ft MasUla ruut.
Bragg of this pise Is a candidate for the
republican nomination f"r Judge of the
district court of the Meventh Judicial
Bla Mate la Lincoln roaalr.
NORTH PLATTE. Neb.. July 19 (Spe
cial) Lincoln county haa the largest list
of candidate for office In Ita hlatory. Thif
la no doubt due to the preaent primary
law. The list la as follows:
Treasurer C. H. Wolter, A. N. Durbln.
F. T. Murray and W. II. C. Woodhurst.
republicans; W. B. McNeel, democrat; A.
E. Hell, socialist.
Oounly Clerk C. W. Toat and William
Otten. republlcana; F. W. ConneaJly and
Geurae F. Palmer, democrata.
Sheriff I. 1 Mlltonberger. A. J. Kalis
burr and Frank Coker. republicans; C. C.
M ci Ire, A. J. Sullivan and E. P. Kebhausen,
County Judge M. E. Croeby and E. W..
Crane, republlcana; John Grant, democrat;
F. J. Warren, soclaliat.
Purveyor Taul Meyer, republican; Rob
ert Cochran, democrat.
County Superintendent William Ebright
republican; Cleo t'happell, democrat.
Coroner-F. H. Long ley and A. B. Itoag
land, republicans; W. R. Maloney, demo
crat. i lerk, District Court George E. Proseer.
republican; W. C. IXlan. democrat.
County Commissioner. Third Irtstrlct J.
V. Abbott and H. J. Runner, renibllciin;
Henry Fulk and D. B. White, democrats.
Madison C'oaaty Ftllags.
MADISON. July U. (Special.) Filings
for Madison county are aa follows:
County Treasurer Republican. P. W.
Ruth of Newman Orove. W. M. Darlington
of Norfolk: democrats. Willie 1. ttlrk
of Battle Creek and Charles Beversdorf of
County Clerk Ileptihllcan, 8. R, Farland
democrat. H. C. Matrau.
Realater of Deeda Reoubllcan. S. C
Biackmen; democrat, John D. Oatdiek, and
F. H. Taylor of Battle Creek, republican.
County Judge Republican, II. D. Welglnt
of Meadow Grove; democrat, M. 8. Mc
Duffee. Clerk of the District Court Republican,
W. II. Field.
Hhpriff-Republlcan, C. S. Smith.
Superintendent Democrat. N. A. Houscl.
Flllaas ta Richardson.
FALLS CITY. July 1. (Special.) The fol
lowing is a list of the filings for county
offices In Richardson county:
County Treasurer John IL Hutchlngs
(dam , Falls City; C. L. Hummel (rep.),
Judge John Garnon (dem.). Falla City;
Alexander R. Bcott (rep.). Falls City.
Kuperlntenaent or schools T. J. Oliver
(dem.). Falls City: E. K. Hurst (rep ). Falla
Sheriff w. T. Fenton idem), Falls City;
John Hosenck (rep.), Falls City.
Coroner w. K. wagener (dam ). Daw
son; J. M. Greene (rep.). Falls City.
Clerk George W. Morris (dem.). Falls
Clerk of District Court Charles ixiree
(dem.), Falla City.
Surveyor R. E. Grlmetead (rep.), Balem.
Supervisor, Second Dlatrlct L. M. Wed-
dle (dem.), Shubert.
Supervisor. Fourth District W. B. Alex
ander (rep.). Damson; John A. Weaver'
idem.), Verdon; Thomas C. Keen (dem.),
Supervisor. Sixth District Morris Shee-
nan (dem ). Falls City; G. J. Cronk (rep.).
Falls City.
Franklin Republican Convention.
BLOOMINTON, Neb.; July 19.-8pecla!.)
The republlcana of Franklin county held
a harmonloua convention at Upland Tues
day. The following named persons were
elected delegates to the stats convention.
Scotty Cowan, Riverton; Andrew Erlck-
son. Campbell; Ed Erlckson. Franklin; Jens
iverson, upland; w. c Dorr;y, moomlng
ton; WU1 C. Boldt, Lincoln township.
Dr. N. T. Johnson of Upland was elected
chairman of the county central committee.
The committee on resolutions consisted
of I. E. Montgomery of Bloomlngton. Scotty
Cowan of Riverton and Karl L. Spence of
Franklin. The resolutions endorse the ad
ministration of Governor Aldrlch snd tha
work of Representative Norris In congress,
snd the candidacy of State Senator Jamea
B. McFrew for railway commissioner.
Polk Repnbllcaa Cesrestloa.
OSCEOLA. Neb., July IS (Special. )
The republican county convention con
vened at Osceola Tuesday and elected the
following delegates to the state convention
at Lincoln:
Joseph Koutsky. Oecar Mustard, J. O.
Thomas, C. E. Milks, E. L King, John
Skinner, D. R. Leard and Hayes Head
strom. Resolutions ware adopted endorsing the
national administration in general terma
and the administration of Governor Aid
rich. Democrata were condemned for ex
travagance In the last two legislatures, and
H. C. Webb of Osceola waa endorsed for
Your Taste
Will Tell
that no other Leer has the
clous appetising flavor of
TU Beer of Qulltr
P&Dst exclusive 8-day malt
exclusive process of Drewintf
a clean, rich, wholesome
that creates a hearty
and aids digestion.
Order a cas today.
when it comes to giving values, and
has just sent out another wireless
message to all men, "come quick,
danger." Come quick, for there's
danger of missing the
Greatest Suit Values in Town
Kuppenheimers, Stein-Bloch, Hirsh-Wickwire,
Schloss Bros, and Society brand clothes are all
in this Half-Price sale. $30 Suits for $15; $25
for $12.50; $20 for $10; $15 for $7.50; $10 for
$5, and plenty of them.
ths position of railway commissioner. The
matter of Norris Brown and hla work In
oongress was not mentioned, as neither was
that of Congressman Sloan. Nothtng la
said in the resolutions relative to the cam
paign for judiciary this year. The con
vention waa attended by about fifty dele
gates. llltenrock Repablleaas Meet.
TRENTON, Neb., July l.-(Speclal.)-The
republican county convention met here
Saturday. It endorsed the work of the
preeent stats officers and that of the prog
ressives at Washington, D. C, and elected
D. E. Reynolds, J. H. Ornish, A. L. Tay
lor and F. M. Flanaberg delegates to the
republican state convention.
roantr Coaventloa af Reaanliean
Comes Oat for Fifth District Con
greaamaa far Senator.
BCHUTLER, Neb., July 19. (Special Tel
egram.) Tti Colfax county convention,
held July 19 at Clarkson, endorsed George
W. Norris for ITnlted State senator to
succeed Norris Brown.
BEAVER CITT. Neb., July .-(?peclal
Telegram.) The republican county con
vention met here today with fifteen of
the twenty precincts represented. The fol
lowing were elected delegates to the state
convention John Krouch, J. F. Fiilts, Al
bert Phllllpson, D. F. Nelswanger, H. B.
Bhafer, S. A. Austin, A. C. Rankin. J. T.
Shua and A. W. Hunt. No resolutions
were adopted.
Aalo Clab Gets Aata Fees.
SEWARD, Neb., Juty 1. 8pdal.)-Th
Seward County Automobile club haa se
cured the right to expend the fees paid to
the oounty for registering motor vehicle
range from $60 to $110.
month. Fine-toned, too.
beveratfo rffyMM
-af sr issssssssssyssssssss
Our Grand
Half Price '
Of Mens and Young
Men's Suits has been a
hummer. The old re
liable store is surely there
for road work In the county tinder the di
rection of the club. There ar about
autoa In the county, whlcb will create a
fund of 100 a year which ean be used for
this purposs.
New Official for Deahler.
DESHLER, Neb., July 19. (Speclal.)-Mra.
Anna Austin ha received her appointment
aa postmaster to succeed J. H. Traugott
and will assume her new duties in a short
time. The office will be moved to the
building formerly occupied by Sullivan's
Jewelry store. Mrs. Terry Sullivan haa
been appointed deputy.
Stop .
Wake He Id's
Blackberry . Balsam
Quickly atop Diarrhoea, Dygpntery,
Cholera Infantum and all bowel trou
bles withont constipation. No opium
nor other habit forming drugs. Accept
only Wakefield's. It cares after othtr
remedies fail. 25o or 3 bottles for
$1.00. Everywhere.
11 row. bar triad avery other known
remedy for rheumatism do not de
spair. Yon atlll hav UHcaol, ta
practical certainty of CUE gad the
absolute certainty of material aad.
laatiaa benefit to fall back on.
Orlesol la not a coreail. its special
field is rheamatlo diseases and it
cere them by removing the eauee.
Kverybody nowadaya knows that
rheematism Is eaused by an exoeaa at
Urle Add la the blood. Local appli
cation may rail eve, bat they cannot
possibly set at the seat ot the dla
TJrlosol Is J oat what Its name tn
plies, a Bolreat and eliminator of
JJrtc Add.
Remove the cause and the dlseaao
!a gone.
tJrtesol not only cores the common
forms of rheumatism, bat tt does what
rio other remedr haa before acoonv
Becords are la our poasessloa ot
Sot one but many cases where the
Joints of the fins-era war so thick
ened as to be practically useless;
where the hip or the knee joints were
o filled with the deposits as to ren
der the rleUm wholly unable to walk;
yet the patients were completely re
stored to health and activity by tt
systematic use of DrlcsoL
la this wsy TJrtesol has been
We can truthfully claim the remark
able record of 0 per cent, of cures
where a proper opportunity Is given,
oar remedy t aeoompllsh the result.
We will gladly supply testimonials.
Write for folder.
If your druggist does not have tt,
end ens dollar to The California
Chemical Ce 825 New High at. Us
Angeles, Csllf, aad we will send you
aotite prepaid,
For sale anc recommended by
Sherman a UcConnell Drug Co., Owl
Drug Co., Omaha. Neb.
Cleaning Up on
We start our big cleaning
up sale on linoleums Monday.
Dropped patterns in both
printed and Inlaid linoleums
will be closed out at practi
cally factory prices. Our south
window Is filled with these
linoleums. Prlcss later.
Miller, Stewart
6c Beaton Co.
Established 1&S4.
dl8-lB17 South Sixteenth Bt,