The Omaha Sunday Bee PAST TWO WOMAN'S SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT EDITORIAL SECTION PAGES ONE TO EIGHT Hi S. t Y VOL. XLI-NO. 4. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 16, 1911. SINGLE OOrY FIVE CENTS. iMNInIM 11 Everthing for everybody . - - - : - (-. ,, r.-. r.i-. ry.-ri-wCVt fPiM flpwv'"! Ot s&TTT: IS .v... (Lato&ij LtoLktd; jl Art's, i, bi t&, 3 JXdj vjbvit& M ''- ' ftyl To Appreciate the Importance of Our Profit Sharing, Trading Stamp Plan You Must See the Beautiful Premiums We Give FREE! .T IS manv years since trading stamps passed the experimental stage and qecame a real tact. 1 hey have long been used bv this firm, and approved of by the women of Omaha and vicinity, as being the most satisfactory way of rewarding customers. They are in strict harmony with our policy of giving our customers the most of the best for their money and are in line with the most modern methods of merchandising. They make you a profit-sharer in this business--they mean more than the mere "Thank you" you are in the habit of getting when you do not make purchases at the Ben net store. They enable you to obtain for your home many beautiful and useful things without a cent of cost whatever. Here's how you get the stamps: OU spend hundreds of dollars each year on which you fail to get value received unless you insist on getting b. & ri. Green Trading Stamps every time you make a v purchase. Homes are being beautified and furnished without one cent of cost by those who trade at this store and save their S. & H. Stamps. If you have never interested yourself in trading stamps before, by all means begin now and you will soon thank us for bringing the matter to your attention. No matter where you live or what you need, just call up Bennett's, or come to the store, and when you have left your order just say, "I want S. & H. Green Trading Stamps." We give them freely and cheer fully with every purchase. Here's what you get for the stamps: 8 fry m OR every ten cents worth of goods you buy we given S. & H. .Careen 1 rading btamp as a soecial discount for your trade-it is the interest on the x' money you spend. These stamps, are to be collected in a book which we will !,fumUh you and when you have filled the book you bring it to our pre mium parlor on the Balcony of. the Main Floor and .choose from any. of . the articles marked "Given for one book.". There are .also . premiums for two books, three books, etc.-articles you need and want and will be " pleased to have in your home. If you are a new customer at this store, 1 or if you wish to start some additional new books, we will give, tomor '. row, ten stamps absolutely free, and before you make a single pur-'chai-e in the store. Apply for them on the Balcony. Every time you spend a dime ask for S. & H. Green Trading Stamps We redeem them with beauti ful Premiums. T HE PREMIUMS we give for S. & H. Green Trading Stamps consist of merchandise that is on a par with that carried in every department of our great store. We have many customers who have secured for themselves new rockers, tables, and laoe.curtains for the parlor; bed spreads, dressers and commodes for the bed room; newdamask, china and silverware, for. the dining rporn table; a go-cart fqr the I baby; a watch for Johnny; something for sister or other member of the family-hundreds of things we couldn't list here for lack of space". S. & H. Stamps are the greatest incentive for sav ing you ever knew because you cannot spend them until you have secured enough to obtain a choice of something that is really worth your while. They are the only money we recognize in our Premium Parlors. is JULY CLEARANCE OF White Goods, Lin ens & Domestics White Goods In New Stripes, Checks, TUot-ks and Small Figures; that regu larly sell at 25c and 30c the yard, Jlonday only ' 15 Choice of all our white ' goods that sell up to 50c the yard, Monday, ! Qr JL v 7 "J "M M only. 72-inch, Hound Thread, Finely fin ished, Pure IJnen Sheeting, for sum mer wash suits and skirts, regularly $1.25 the yard, Monday 75 80-inch Long Clotli. of an extra fine grade for women's underwear; regu larly 15c the yard, Monday, the bolt of 12 yards . $1.55 $1.19 70-inch bleached ta ble damask in spot, stripe, rosel thistle, fleur de lis, and other patterns; tf? rr Monday, only. . . U1 -VJU 73x90 Sheets, made of the best qual ity sheeting, regular 79c values, Mon day 65 45x30-inch Pillow Cases, of a good weight material that wilt give the max imum amount of wear, 19c values, for Monday only 13 3S-inoA sUkollnea tn new and don-to-date patterns of varied design; 12 c and 16c Rood", for Monday only, the yard, lOo t-4 blaaohed sheetings-- A rtandard brand that regularly brlnKS SOcMundsy only, limit of ten yards to a customer, 85o "j ' '"' " ' ' Advance Season Sale of Fine Russian Pony, Saltex Fur and Sealette Plush Coats Prices are about what you would expect to pay when the winter is over-Only new styles. Just one year ago this month, we held an advance season sale of fur coats that caused a sensation in the merchandising circles of Omaha. If. you remember it, and if you hap pened to be one of the "lucky" women, who purchased a coat then, you will delight in telling your friends about this sale for it will eclipse the previous one in every particular. We have made our fur reputation on this basis-Just fine beautiful furs; properly cured, properly Joined and every sort, exactly what it is represented to be. That's the Bennett fur store-quality and honesty of purpose the whole way thrextgh. Incidentally fur fashions were never so lovely as this season. Ivery Coat Is Full of the Indivl3uality and Charm of Paris and Comparison Will Show the Regular Prices to Be Exceptionally Reasonable. 1 $19.50 PnU Ung-th "Saltern" caraoul coat, lined with high grade iiutHw ..viu, nam suawj cotiar ana laaiens wun large metal buttons; regular 125.00 values, Monday TuU lenrta "Baits" plnah ooats, lined with guaranUed satin style and cut such as you would expect to find only In the more expensive garmentsregular flTl t Ki $35.00 values, Monday pXJ.tVf mil lenrta coats of nlg-hest g-rads "Saltex" fur, lined wln satin, brocadeatheae garments are slashed at the back and sides and have deep borders of Persian paw with rounded corners; large Bailor collars or long roll in front, as you may wish regular $60.00 CiO K.f values, Momlay piUuU ruU length "Bealette" plush ooats with iarge shawl col lais and deep border around bottom an en- oqc tf tlrely new style regular $45.00 coats, Monday pt.VFtf rull length ooats of black pony fur. lined with Skinner s satin and fastened with three large metal CJ'-t1 Art buttons; regular $50.00 values, Monday ipii)iUU PuU length "SsaUtte" plush ooats. lined with ,. teed colored satin fabric. and finished with large ,ha"5i collars and on re vers: regular 135.00 n '.AV'i.J values, Monday tBU.DV ii 1.,?rth vonr tu M wltl Ion" roll shawl collars i t . l lined with elegant brocaded satins; regular eKK An f $75.00 values. Monday ' BOO.OO V ? ' ,f tui isngxn oasian pony fur ooats matle from very soft lecially selected aklns; have large shawl collars with a $65.00 spec: long roll and linings of brocaded satin; regular $85.00 values, Monday 'ill lenrth "near aaal" ota whh i.. .1 ,, with deep roll, lined with beuutlful brocaded satins.-thia fur promises to be quite popular the coming ar7rr fMl winter season regular $100.00 values. Monday ? PuU length Kusslaa pony ooats made of full, flat skins: large sailor collars with long roll revere, linings of hiKh: est quality brocaded satin of various wanted shades, and two large frog ornaments for fastening; (CQCC tl regular $100 00 values, Monday IpOO,JJ Our Little-at-a-Time Payment Plan Will Help You to Share in This Sale. To enable every woman in Omaha and the surrounding country to scure one of these beautiful coats JVVZ?1 aQ a8rto-pay P,an that WU1 meet ith tbelr entire approval Simply come n and !iI!?.Lth.! ,ro5-".b"t: By U8 a...caBl1 deP8lt of $10 and then a little each week until the ?ull for It will never be' ml lie We 7.,?, Z " Sl !Bt'IMl and th mon ' mo uiueui iree oi cnarge. a " Sr ISJ r You Need a Macey Book Cabinet in Yoar Home To set one of the new Macey book rablnets In your home is to set before your children an vxxniplo of such good taste that through out all the days of their lives tl:-y will feel its refining Influence. The aew Maoey Booh Cabinets aro the onlyectlonaOJxoa thMoajjs added to both up wards and sideways and still not look like sectional bookcases , hut Ukehejrtoomjurnituroj They oaa oaxenfronirarjranged without destroying their beauty ox style. Macey designs harmonlia with any furniture you may now have and are made In such a variety of popular fit any requirement of space or purse. 9r Begin This Week Right By Buying Your virocenes ai uur rure f ood Store JULY CLEARANCE SALE Special Prices on Foulard Silks Every Foulard Silk want can be fully satisfied from our brilliant and comprehensive collection of the novel ties as well as the staple designs and colorings. Heres how we price them for Monday's selling. $1.25 36-inch foulards at. . . .98c $1.00 24-inch foulards at. . . .79c 85c 24-inch foulards at. 59c JULY CLEARANCE SALE Sweeping Reductions in Wash Goods For Monday only, we offer your choice of each and every pleoe of lawns, dimities, organdies and batistes In our store at the following prices. Many pretty patterns for your choos ing. 25c values, Monday, at 19c 19c values, Monday, at 15c 15c values, Monday, at 11c 1214c values, Monday, at. .7y2c And your Unrestricted' Choice of All Voiles at Special Figures 19c novelty and plain voiles at, yurd..lSo 25c voiles in pretty bordered effect, ut, the yard i0 50c French voiles, Monday only, at, the yard 36o Colored Linens at 49c Your cholco of any colored linen In our Wash lloitd section that regularly sells at !o and TGc the yard. StJ and 40 lnclie-t wide, Monday , 490 Bordered Lawns at 19c One lot of bordered luwns tn floral de signs of exclusive utyle. full 40 Inches wide, regulurly i5c the yard. Monduv only .180 Ask to see them the next time you are In the store. Bennett's Golden Coffee, and 20 stamDs Bennett's Capitol Coffee, and 20 stamps 1 pound assorted teas, and 50 stamps Corslean Blend tea for Iced tea, and 30 stamps Package tea siftlngs, and 10 stamps , Nutlet Peanut Butter, and 16 stamps 2 Jars Nutlet Peanut Butter, and 20 stamps 14-pound sack Diamond Crystal Salt, and 20 stamps S boxes Shaker salt, and 10 stamps , . Full Cream Cheese, and 10 stamps, per lb 2 cans Capitol Whole ToniatneH and 10 stamps aso Large jar Queen Olives. ..... .35o I packages Capitol Mince Meat. and 20 alamos , ..SSo 4 pound clea.ied Currants .... S6o Marshall's Preserved Bloater. and 10 stamps 800 SPKCIAL PREMIUM BUTTKK- 1NK, 2-lb. rolls, and 10 stamps. at 46 Bottle Oalllard's Pur Olive Oil. and 20 stamps BAo .Mo . .30O , . 6BO . .4dO . .160 . .10 . .80a . .B5A . .so . .800 Shed That Old Suit for a New One You can afford to do it if you take advantage of our great sale of men's and young men's clothing Choice of Each and Every Suit in the Store Blacks, Ul' TM, blues and Fancies in all the Newest and Best Styles llall JT FlCe This sale is one in which our sole object is to lower( the stocks to the lowest possible notch an to prepare ourselves for the advent of another season. We get ready for fall and winter a long time before you do, which hastens the time for reduction of prices but still leaves plenty of hot weather ahead in which you can enjoy your savings. Qualities are such that when summer is over you will be pleased to lay them away until the next summer rolls around. Former Prlce3 Range From S10.00 to $35.00 the Suit. Choose Now at J5.00 to $17.50 Positively there Is nothing reserrel-all must go at the prices we have named. Find tut: staple blues and blacks, and all of the choicest fancy weaves and mix tures In shades and patterns that have made the season famous. Two and three button styles In sizes to fit all men. iisiisiiiirarat wm Pi Pi ILs&lf iLvKSa-JJ a&attxJj 4ckhldU iSSSdi lbJatz2i L....JJ Lw J LwxvjM JU Lwa.jj .W.-yWwisii n M I'M ii Irrcn trzmi irrr-j ril tt ?r-ri fS 3J ILissteJI iLoiJi Lii! Loiij iLii! iLsMi t