Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1911, WANT AD SECTION, Page 9, Image 33

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Most Unique Popular Newspaper Feature of the Year
Every day The Bee is printing the names of boys and girls in Omaha who are celebrating their birthdays,
day by day telling when they were born, where they live, and what schools they are attending.
Our readers can readily keep track through the birthday book of the anniversaries of their little friends, of
the children of their neighbors and of their children's playmates.
Every boy and girl in Omaha is watching The Bee to see what other boys and girls are having birthdays
on the same day with them.
The interest of the birthday book is likewise heightened by being illustrated with reproduced portraits of
one or more of the day's birthday boys or girls.
This great feature began with the 1st of Jan. last, and will continue throughout the remainder of the year.
The total number of birthdays recorded will exceed eighteen thousand, and includes the children in every
family in Omaha who are going to school-it includes public, private and parochial schools.
Have your children got the habit of consuming The Bee's Junior Birthday Book?
When once interested, old as well as young will be captivated by it, and watch eagerly for each succeed
ing list. v '
he Bee's Junior Birthday Book
News and Gossip from Suburbs of Omaha
What the Neighbors Are Doing and What They Propose to Do Set Down by Chroni
cle?! for Edification of Others Who Are Interested in the Doings of Their Fellows.
C. C. Crtwford 1 enjoying t two wttki'
Mr. J. P. Brown, who ha been tick, li
better now.
August Grleb of Omaha waa t Florence
visitor Monday.
A girl ha been born to Mr. and Mra.
August Minardi.
A boy has been born to Mr. and Mr.
Charles Johnson.
The school board met t the school house
Monday evening.
Miss Mable Anderson ha been on the
sick list this week.
Mrs. Paul Haskell Is a house truest of
Miss Mabi Allison this week.
Mrs. Albert Able of North Platte. Neb.,
ha been visiting the Dial family.
Martin nd Arnold Hersklnd are visiting
friends And relatives In Minnesota,
Ben Whltted of Papllllon, was visiting
friend and relative her Tuesday.
It. K. Olmsted tnd Robert Olmsted
motored to Bhenandoah, la.. Saturday.
The guild of fit. Mark's church met with
Mrs. F. 8. Tucker on Wednesday afternoon.
Ray Talbot of Rochester, N. T., was the
guest of Rev. Oeorge 8. Sloan Wednesday.
Oeorg Gamble moved hi pool room to
Twenty-first and Cuming street, Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. Raich Cutting enjoyed a
visit from Arthur Howe of South Omaha
on Monday.
Miss Viola Johnson, daughter of Mr. and
Mr ft us Johnson, Is visiting relatives at
Morreu, neo.
Mrs. J. W. Moor of Omaha and Mr. H
visitor Sunday.
New cement steps and sidewalk hava
been built t Bld-a-We. considerably Ira
proving the place.
M. C. Co leave Monday evening for
New York City and other eastern poind
on business trip.
Mrs. Andrew Anderson has been suffer
ing wth a pralnd ankle. She la now able
to be around again.
Miss Laura Craig Is spending a few
weeks at Ainsworth, Neb., the guest of
relative and friend.
B. C. Fowler will leave Monday for
Denver to take lu the convention of tbe
real tt men there.
The Ragle Initiated a class of thirteen'
on Wednesday evening and ha another
class of twelve for next Wedensday.
Mis Marene Plats, who has been visiting
her brother. EX L. Plats, and family, left
Thursday for her home In Lincoln.
orenson brothers are rapidly completing
the new cottage for Mr. and Mrs. waiter
Clrson. who were recently married.
Mr. Bwanson and daughter. Hilma, left
Saturday for Boyfletd, Wis., where they
will visit Mr. and Mra. Oscar Cailan.
Mrs. J M. Johnson and children of Co
lumbus. Neb., is the guest of her brother.
JS. C. Fowler, and family, for a short time.
Mr. 8. P. Wallace and children expect to
depart seen for Genoa, Neb., where they
will Join a camping party for a short vaca
tion. Miss Maud Grebe la contemplating a
visit to tit. Louis, Mo., in the near future.
While there she will visit friends nd rela
tive. Mr. and Mra. Bolts of Omaha, who left
this week to make their home In California,
rpent Sunday at the Mandy Lee poultry
Henry Andorson, John Lubold and John
Brlsbln represented Florence at the county
democratic convention In Omaha Saturday
Mr. and Mra. O. S. Bradley of Omaha
and J. Scott of Portland. Ore , visited Mr.
and Mrs. W. H. Thompson the first part
of the week.
Mr. Bently O. McCloud of Kenllworth,
III., arrived Wednesday to spend a few
weeks with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. K.
H. Olmsted.
R. F. Oilder of Omaha, the famous erien
tlst. who has done more than ny other
man to advertise Florence by finding Uie
skulls of primitive people here, (pent
Wednesday In Florence exploring an an
cient cache.
Dr. Adam tnd family hav returned
from a vacation scent In Minnesota. On
July 6, when it was so hot here, they had
to nave a lire.
Dr. Sumney and wife of Prlnghar. Ia..
have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Babbitt.
Mrs. Butnney, who 1 Mrs Babbit' sister.
has been quit 111.
Frank Pascal ha moved hi leather
good business to Omaha, having opened
up on Cuming street. He Is in the whole
sale business only.
Mr. and Mra. Chsrles Ortgg enjoyed a
visit from Mr. And Mrs. Thorn Anderson
and daughters, Zelle and Ethel of Omaha,
the first of the week.
For the second time this season the Flor
ence ball team met defeat Sunday at the
hands of the Steinberg of South Omaha
by the score of ( to I.
Mr. and Mr. Roy Campbell of Omaha,
will pay a weeks' visit to Mr. and Mra.
Paul Habkell t Bid-t-Wee. Mrs. Camp
bell 1 a sister of Mrs. Haskell.
Mrs. S. E. Wagner and children from
Columbus Junction, 1., are visiting with
Mrs. Wagner brother and lister, Mr. E.
Schmidt and Mrs. Urough and family.
Helen Holsman, who Is staying with Mrs.
Parks for a week, la rapidly recovering.
She was Injured by street car some time
go and has Just com from tilt hospital.
O. R. Potter, a member of the Eagle
and a former resident of Florence, died at
his home on Fort street Thursday morning
and will be burled today under the Eagles'
Father Noble of St. Mathla church of
Omaha, Is holding evening services at St.
Mark'a church during the absenoe et Canon
Marsh, who is enjoying a vacation at the
Mackinac islands.
Mr. and Mra. James Shaw of Scott's
Bluff. Neb., are visiting friends and
rlAiive in Florence. Mrs. ShiW ia a
daughter of the Raymonds, who lived Just
north of Flereno.
Tommy, th small eon of Mr. and Mrs.
George Foster, met with a bad sodden t
Monday when a horse stepped on htm. At
last accounts ha was getting on as nicely
as could b expected.
Rev. William Daup of Bryan, Tx., I
her Visiting friends. Mr. Daup s home la
near Paplllion. He was assistant at St.
Mark's church some years tgo when he
was studying in Omaha.
Mr. and Mrs. John Nicholson returned
from their wedding trip Mondsy night. Mr.
Nicholson and Mrs. Iloyster were married
at Muscatine. Is,, last week. They will
keep house en Fifth street.
Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Gramllch attended a
double wedding near Springfield recently.
It was a very pretty affair. Two sisters
man led two brothers. Tluy were the Mss
El well and the Messrs. Schoberl.
The Florence Athletl s will plv th
Whit City Ramblers Sunday afternoon.
Game called at 1:30 p. m. Batteries: For
Florence. Swansnn and Bell; tor White
City Ramblers. Philips. Probst and Winy.
H. E. Sears of Denver, Colo., is the guest
of his uncle, E. L. Piatt, and family this
week. Mrs. Sears, who is visiting In Chi
cago, Joined him here Friday, end Sunday
tbay will return to their horn at Denver.
H. E. Bear of Denver. Colo., and E. 1.
Plats were the guests of D. C. Lonergan
and family Wednesday. Mr. Lonergan Is
preparing to hold a big sale ot Poland
China hogs and certainly ha th goods to
make a good sal.
At th Preebyterlan church Sunday morn
ing Rev. Oeorge 8. Sloan will hav for his
toiilc, "Israel's Vision and Faith." There
will be no venlng servh e on account of
the address by W. J. Mran at Omaha,
which many will attend.
Mra. W. A. Toder and eon Ronald re
turned from Fremont on Monday. They
have been making a visit to Mrs. Yoder'e
parents, who live on a farm near there.
They report a good time, with sprint
chickens and other sueh good things thai
one finds on a farm.
Th teacher ot th Presbyterian Sabbath
school met with Mrs. R. H. Olmsted on
Mondsy evening All the teachere were
present nans tor th ummr work were
considered. The Sabbath school work Is
rapidly taking shape under the direction Of
Superintendent Paul Haskell.
In Order to stimulate business th mer
chants of Florence decided to set aside
Saturday, July 22, and each one offer a
special bargain of some Kind. They have
flooded the country with the announce
ment and expect a nig crown to come on
that day. They will serve refreshments
and provide amusements.
A number of young people gathered at
the Allison home on Wednesday evening
at the Invitation of Irvine Allison. Jr.
Dancing wa the order ot the evening. At
the close refreshments were served. Those
present were Misses Hasel Nelson. Eleanor
Morgan, Norma Morgan, Dustier, Sophia
Anderson, Ethel Hersklnae, liable Allison
Messrs. Arthur Moore. Hoy TtlbOtt. Cllf
ford Ketrle, Danielson, Trtcy, Mr. Paul
Th Ladles' Aid society of the Presby
terian church met with Mrs. Slert on
Wednesdav. Quite a number ot the ladles
were present. Mrs. Cos. chairman of the
work committee, reported much work done
They voted to take a little vacation, and
the next meetlns: will be on September 7.
at which time they will meet at the home
of Mr. Henry Andereon and help her eel
brat her birthday, which comes on that
date. Mr. Slert served a very delightful
Monday evening and sleeted teacher tor
next year.
Mrs. J. I. Ball and son, Earnest, of
Chadron, Neb., visited with E. Mead anu
family Wednesday.
Mrs. John Guild and Mrs. Win Guild of
Omaha visited with Postmaster Dave Ham
tnd family last week.
Mrs. Grant waa taken suddenly tit Mon
day morning about 4 o'clock and had to
u&ll medical help from Omaha.
Mr. Gust HuDner is taklnar a much needed
rest this week. Mr. Dave Ham Is working
in the store during his absence.
Mrs. Thayer Propst. while getting out of
a wagon Tuesday evening, slipped and fell.
throwing ner Knee can out or place and
sustaining other painful bruises.
parents. Mr. tnd Mrs. Peterson, tt Akron.
Mrs. Bert Gants entertained her grand
mother, Mrs. Hlckmnn of West Side, at her
home on Forty-eighth street the last week.
Mrs. Pearl McCarthy and daughter, Hazel,
arrived last week from Denver to he the
guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L.
Mm. Nelson Pratt and (laughter. Miss
Minnie, were the guests of the former's
parents. Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Henderson,
the first or the week.
Mrs. F. C. Davis of East Ambler, cnter-
Rev. Charles E. Baskervlll ha moved
Into the house formerly owned by Miss
Ctrrle Estill.
Prof. Hlsey, who recently underwent a
serious operation at the Omaha General
hospital, is reported to be convalescing.
The Women's Missionary society of th
Presbyterian church met Thursday after
noon tt the home of Mrs. A. A. Tyler.
Bellevue will have munlclpally-owned
waterworks, with all Us attendant con
veniences, Including ample fire pressure,
at no very remote time.
Rev. R. M. I Braden has left for an
extended vacation. He will visit his brother
In Iowa for a time and Intends then to
take a trip to the Atlantic coast.
The threshing of 900 seres of wheat and
200 of oats has begun on the K. T. Clarke
ranch south of Bellevue. The wheat will
average twenty-five bushel to th acre.
Rev. M. V. Hlgbee. D. 1 . and daughier
of Omaha have been visiting at the home
of James H. Stokes, the latter remaining
for a short vacation with Mr. Stokea' lit
tle daughter
Miss Marie Tavln Is visiting with Miss
Georgia MacMlchel of this place.
Mr. and Mra. Harrv Rivet left Monday
tor a short visit In Minneapolis.
Little Mae Chrtstensen waa brought home
from Immanuel hospital on Wednesday.
Arthur T. Sayle tnd Ella L. Stevens.
both of Benson, were married last week.
Miss Helen Larter ha returned from a
visit with relative in York and Seward,
Another room I being added to th west
school house. The addition will cost about
Miss Olga Peak has gone to California,
where she will visit for some time with
Mrs. Hale Smith and children of Lamona,
la., are visiting Mrs. gmitn s mother, Mrs.
The morning and evening services at the
Methodist church will be conducted by Dr.
E. Hlslop.
Miss Harris and Mrs. Marquette of Au
burn have been visiting Mra. Lew Raber
the last week. .
Andrew Morton went to Elkhorn Tues
day night, where he will visit at the home
of Hans Johnson.
A. C. Chiistftnsen, who has been visiting
relatives here the last week, returned Mon
day to Watauga, 8. D.
The Christian Endeavor plcnto given by
the Presbyterian Endeavorers Tuesday
nignt wss wen attenaea.
IS. A. Steiger returned Thursday evening
rrom Missouri, where he has been visiting
nis nrotner, ueorge eteiger.
Mr. and Mrs. George Wheeler tnd family
left Wednesday evening for a tew days'
visit with relatives in Coin, la.
James Morton and Arthur Fry went fish
ing on the Elkhorn, not far from Waterloo,
yesterday. They will remain over Bunday.
The members of the Carnation club and
their friends were entertained at a eurprise
party on H. P. Pettlt last Saturday even-
lained her mother, Mrs. Kleve of North
Omaha and sister. Mrs. L. Davis, and
daughter of Cheyenne, Wyo., the last week.
Willie Bernhardt Is able to be out of doors
after being confined to the house the lust
six Meks from injuries received from
being caught between two freight cars
while at work.
Miss Emily Kleve, sister of Mr. F. C.
Davis, and one of the talented violinists
of Omaha, left Prague and Berlin, Germany
this week, where she has been pursuing her
studies In music, and has gone tor a six
months' visit with her aged grtndparents
In Sweden.
Notes from Fort Crook
Funeral of the Late Sergeant Edward T. Lowe of the Fourth Infantry
Band Was Held Wednesday Mornings Personnel of the New Head"
quarters Staff Other Items of Interest from Garrison Near Omaha.
W. E. Webb tnd ftraily Of Bedford. I .. '"' Sm"-.?
ave moved to Bellevue. occupying the , 'tenad' Tn Bnson Dn 'urn-
Jimti tiow DroDerty. Mr. Webb will en
gage in business In Omaha. His two son
will attend Bellevue College.
Mr. H. C. Baakervllle and her sons, Ar
thur tnd Ernest, have been visiting for
the last week at the home of Dr. Stephen
Phelps, on their way from their old home
at HOyalton. Minn., to Princeton, N. J.,
mher they will live In th future.
A large number of Omaha people have
signified their Intention to buy lot from
Bellevue college as soon as they are
placed upon the market, which will be tn
the near future. Henry T. Clarke haa do
nated to the college 300 of the finest lots
tn Bellevue, which will be plseed on sal
as soon as th fund 1 completed for th
payment of the debt of the college.
Miss f leanor Crltchfleid ot Omaha visited
friend Monday.
Mr. Jim Polln la visiting friend In Piatt
mouth this week.
Mr. Mattl Meadows 1 visiting her son
near Grand Island.
Dr. O. W. Pugslev and wlf visited
friends In Ralston Friday.
C. N. Skinner and family hav moved
from Omaha to Ralston tor the summer.
Mr. J. I Howard and son. Willie, have
returned from their visit to Savannah. Mo.
E. Alexander tnd wife have given-up th
restaurant and have moved tn the Blcktord
Misses Mayeola and Vera Propst ot
Mvnard are visiting their brother, Thayer,
this week.
Tbt new school board met tnd Organised
The funeral of the late Sergeant Edward
T. Lowe, Fourth Infantry, who died at the
post hospital Wednesday morning, waa held
in this post Thursday evening and was
largely attended, all enlisted met) not on
duty attending, and sergeant Lowe's
father arrived In the lost in the morning.
In all It waa the largest military funeral
that has been held In this post for some
time. Home fine floral design were sent
by th Fourth Infantry band, in whicti he
waa serving at the time of his death and
he will be greatly missed by all those who
knew him. He leaves a widow, who was
formerly Mlsa Ruth Granger of Fort Crook.
They were married only few months tgo.
Notification haa been received at the
post hospital that Privates Edward R.
Dawe, Clyde Spangler and Andrew War
ganlng, hospital corps, who were trans
terred from this post at the mobilisation ot
the troops on the border and sent to the
maneuver division, San Antonio, Tex., are
ordered back to this post for duty again,
and will probably arrive in the post about
the first ot the week.
Private Peters of Company E, Fourth In
fantry, was admitted to the post hospital
st sick call Thursday morning tnd is get
ting along nicely.
The first patient to be sent from the tar
get range to this post from the first bat
talion was Fred Bernhardt of Company A,
who revorted at the hospital Sunday atler
noon. Pursuant to special orders No. tt, Fort
Crook, Neb., dated July 7, 1911, Captain Car
A. Martin, Fourth Infantry, quartermastei ,
Is detailed as regimental engineer oftlcei
relieving Captain Campbell E. Babooes.
Captain Martin will receipt to Capful.
Babcock for all property pertaining to tha
office. Bv order of Malnr Atkinson. L. It.
The Ice cream supper given by the Pres-J-Nuttman, captain Fourth Infantry, adju
ihe first general order relating to Uk
personnel of the new headquarters, centia
dlvlslun, Chicago, 111., where most of thi
business of this post is handled, has beei.
received at this post, and reads as follows:
in compliance with the provisions of gen
eral orders No. 74, War department, June
I, mil, the undei signed assume command
of the central dlvlslun. The following stafi
Is announced: Personal staff, First lieu
tenant Douglas Potts, Eighteenth Infantry.
Division Htaff Chief of staff. Lieutenant
Colonel George T. Harllett. General Staff
Assistant, Major Edwin A. Root; adjutant
general, Colenel William A. Simpson:, adju
tant Inspector genaral Lieutenant-Colonel
Charles J. Morton; Inspector general as
sistants, Lieutenant-Colonel James H Er
win; inspector genersl, Major Joseph T.
Dickman, and Major Ell A. Helmlck. in
spector general; Judge advocate, Colonel
Harvey C. Carbaugh; Judge advocate as
sistsnt, Major Beverly A. Read; Judge ad
vocate chief quartermaster, Colonel John
L. Clem; assistant quartermaster general
assistants, lieutenant-Colonel Thomaa L.
Cruse; di puty quartermaster general. Lieu-tenant-Clonel
Daniel E. McCarthy; deputy
quartermaster general. Captain William
Brooke; quarlermafter chief commlsary.
Colonel Edward E. Dravo; assistant com
misery general assistants, Lieutenant
Colonel Fank P. Eastman; deputy com
missary general, purchasing commissary,
Omaha Neb., Captain Douglas Settle;
commissary, purchasing commissary, St.
Paul, Minn.,' Captain Joseph E. Cusack;
commissary. Fort Sam Houston. Tex..
Captain Salman F. Dalton. purchasing
commissary, Lenvr, Colo. Chief surgeon.
Colonel L. Melvtn Mau. medical corps;
assistant. Lieutenant-Colonel William B.
Bannister, medical corps: sanitary InsDec-
tor, chief paymaster, Major Thomaa C.
Ished music
Mtf Louise Peterson had the misfortune
to run a needle Into her hand last week
and had to have a doctor to extract It.
She Is getting along nicely at present.
Mr. F. E. Young entertained twelve little
folks Saturday in honor of her son Earl's
birthday. Games and refreshments were
the program and everyone had good time.
Irene Horton tnd Lily Rymtn enterttined
some ot their friends tt t lawn party at
Dr. Ryman' Friday evening. Dainty re
freshments were served and a very pleas
ant evening spent by all present.
West Ambler.
Miss Virginia Whit I having a house
built on Forty-eighth and Poppleton avenue.
Mr. Frank Rodger tnd son, Clement,
have returned from t two months' trip to
Mlsa Jessie Hefler wa the guest of friends
In Council Blurts from Wednesday until
Mrs. P. J. Trabor entertained Mrs. J. E.
Aughe tt dinner tt her home In East
Ambler on Friday.
The Misses Sarah and Lillian Olvens were
the guests of Mlsa Gustha Long In West
Side the first of the week.
Miss Anna Peterson, aged 22 years, died
on Friday tt the home of her parents on
Gold street after t short Illness.
Walter Bernhsrdt and wife have taken
the home ot hi sister, Mrs. Gibbon, who
recently went to St. Paul to resld.
Miss Marguerite Rodger snd two broth
ers, rrancl and Wlllard, will leave next
wk for t month visit with their grand-
Goodman, paymaster. Chief engineer offi
cer. 'Ltoutenant-Colonel George A. -Inn;
corp of engineer. Chief ordnance officer,
Lieutenant-Colonel George W. Burr, ord
nance department, commanding Kock Is
land arsenal, Chicago, III; assistant. Major
ciamuel llof, ordnance department,; chief
signal officer. Colonel Richard E. 'i homp
son, signal corps; inspector of field artill
ery, Colonel Charles W. Foster, field ar
tillery; inspector of small arms practice,
Colonel William Simpson, adjutant gen
eral (temporarily). u. i. ruTiis,
Brigadier general, commanding.
Luther Countryman, who was formerly
stationed at this post with the Sixteenth
Infantry tnd who went to Alaska with
them on June last, waa nonorauly ais
charged from the service of the t'nlted
States a short time ago, by reason of ex
piration of term of service, and arrived tn
fort Crook Monday noon, where he will
live with his family, who stayed here dur
ing hi stay In Alaska. Mr. Countryman
does not Intend to re-enlist, but will live tl
Fort Crook.
Private Wleslnlskl, formerly at this post
with the Sixteenth infantry, has re-enllsted
and is again tt thla post for duty.
The following memorandum, dated Fort
"rook. Neb.. July 8. 1311, reads as follows:
Battalion and company commanders will
imke use ot at least two of the daya in
ah month, when they are given their en
Ire organisations for the day, for Instruc
iona iji night operations as required In
arsgraph 3, general orders No. 7, War
'rparlment. January 11, 1911. To this end
hey will make use of part of such days
taking their organisation out after
nrk and give the required Instruction,
tlur upon the reservation or upon th
ads In the vicinity of th post. Request
.'III he made upon the quartermaster for
everal wagons to represent a wagon train
n order that Instruction may be given in
the escort, attack and defense of a convoy.
Attention is called the paragraph above
c-lted, so far as It relates to patrolling and
outpoft instruction at night. Hy order of
L. M. Nl'TTM AN,
Captain and adjutant Fourth infantry.
Frivate Fred N. Curtlss. Company H,
Fourth infantry, has been detailed on extra
duty In the quartermaster, department.
Pursuant to authority contained In part
graph No. i. special orders NO. 11, Depart
ment of the Missouri, Mav 29, 1911, the order
Ivsued by the commanding oflcer, target
range. Ashland, Neb., July t, 1311. sending
one enlisted man to this poet. Is confirmed.
Captain Carl A. Martin, Fourth Infantry,
Is, In addition to his other duties, detailed
In charge of the prisoners, relieving Cap
tain Campbell E. Babcock, Fourth Infantry.
Captain Babcock will turn over all money,
property and records pertaining to the
above office to Captain Martin, who will
give proper receipt therefor.
Leave of absence for five daya, effective
on or about the 11th Inst. Is granted Cap
tain Campbell E. Babcock, Fourth Infantry.
Mr. Wilson, employed on one of the
nearby farms, while engaged In helping fix
the trucks on t binder, had the misfortune
to slip and the horse starting up quick,
threw hla hand Into the gearing and the re
sult was t badly lacerated finger, which
was dressed at the post hospital by Major
F. A. Dale and ta now doing nicely.
Captain Louis M. Nuttman adjutant.
Fourth infantry, ia appointed summary
court officer, relieving Captain John B.
fcecond IJeutsnant John H. Muncaster,
Fourth infantry, ta appointed athletic of
ficer, relieving Second Lieutenant John P.
Bubb, Fourth Infantry. Lieutenant Bubb will
turn over to Lieutenant Muncaster all rec
ords peitalnlng to the above officer, taking
proper receipt for the same.
Second Lieutenant George W. C. Whiting,
Fourth Infantry, is appointed assistant fire
marshal, relieving Second Lieutenant Alex
ander Wilson.
Private Koliert H. Hoke, Company II,
Fourth Infantry, is detailed on extra duty
as school teacher, relieving Private Howard
E. Baker, Company A, Fourth Infantry,
Second Lieutenant John II. Muncaster Is
now In command of Company F, relieving
Captain Samuel W. Noyes, Fourth Infan
try, who soon goes to the army school for
officers at Fort Leavenworth, Kan.
Private Prlngle, Company H. Fourth In
fantry, la now the new iiarber In Company
li. and Is getting along nicely.
First Lieutenant Marlon S. Lombard,
medical reserve corps, ai rived In the post
on Sunday atiernoun to take the examina
tion tor entrance to the medical corps of
the army. Major Frederick A. Dale, med
ical corps, I mud Mates ti my, surgeon at
this poKt, Is the president of Uie board.
George H. Carrol, Company 11, Fourth
Infantry, who has been sick In the poet
hospital for the last few daya, has so far
recovered as to be able lo tetuin to duly
and is now with his company.
The band concerts given by the Fourth
Infantry band, under the leadership of
Frederick H. Bahr, are getting to be quite
popular and quite u few people from
Omaha and vicinity may be seen at all
concerts, which are hold every Monday,
Wednesday and Friday, providing th
weather is fajr.
Pursuant to order Issued , from hesd
quartera, Department of the Missouri,
Omaha, Neb., Colonel Dodd asNtiineH com
mand of the department, relieving Colonel
Hatfield. Thirteenth cavalry, who has been
In command during the absence of Briga
dier General Frederick Smith.
Quite a few new screens and much
needed repairs to the post hospital are
being curried on this week by the carpen
ters tnd painters.
The following special orders have been
Issued from headquarters, Fort Crook,
Neb.: In compliance with Instructions
dated headquarters, Department of th
Missouri, datrd June ill, lull, First Ser
geant Richard T. Clarke, Company O, tin
charge); First Servant Charles W. Mor
rison, Company K; Corporal Jacob E.
Baker, Company F, and Corporal Georga
A. Gammon. Company II. Fourth infantry,
will proceed to Watertown, 8. I)., report
ing upon arrival to the adjutant general,
state of South Dakota, for duty at the en
campment of the South Dakota guard.
I'pon the terminat.on of the encampment
they will return to thla post. The quarter
master's department will furnish the ne( en
nary transportation for the round trip. The
subsistence department will furnish travel
rstlons for the detachment for the round
trip, for four days, with funds for trie
purchase of liquid coffee. The Journey la
necessary In the public service.
In order that he may comply with the
requirement contained In letter from
the surgeon general of the armv, dated
June 21. 1911, First Lieutenant Marlon 8.
Ixmibard, medical reserve corps, I'nlted
States army, will return to this post from
the rifle range at AMiland. Neb., July ,
1111. Lieutenant Lombard will return trt
the camp at Ashland, Neb., upon the com
pletion of tils examinaion here. The travel
la necessary In the public acrvlce.
Private Ed Palmer, Company B. Fourth
Infantry, having served one-half of th
Sentence of confinement imposed in general
orders 4, headquarters, Department of the
Mlhsourl, in, upon his own request and
the recommendation of his company com
mander, restored to duty on probation, In
accordance with paragraph 07V, army
Deeds filed for record, July 15, 1911:
J. V. Rose to Mamie Houston, lots 1 and
!. block 7, Boyd s addition $ 1
C. L. Dodge to C. L. Cowles, ne'i sw4
section 1-16-10 5m)
T. A. Slusser to O. E. Gift, lot 10,
block li. Walnut Hill L7j0
Mary F. Bourk to W. II. Thompson,
part tax lots 2 and 29, section 1-15-13
W. H. Thompson to C. St. P. M. A
O. Ry., sam 7,300
Annie Barker to J. B. Bone. lots 21
and 23. block , sub. J. I. Redtck'a
addition j
William Heyden to C. E. Allen et tl.,
lot 13. block S, A. 8. Patrick' ad
dition t toe