Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1911, WANT AD SECTION, Image 26

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Shows Greatest Gain in A. aA. Mem
bership Campaign. ..
MaaaavrhaaVtt Waaalr All M !
1 n-r1amiMi Attached, Which
Shall Be VLIMe from rrt
end near.
MaaaachuMtU hu puMd a taw r-
Suliing "every vehicle on wheel to har
attached, to It a Ufht, or light, which
hall be to d ."played u to b visible from
th frant and the rear during the period of
one hour after sunset to on hour be
fore aunrlse." Thl etatute ! the reault
of the. activity of the' American Automo
bile a6clatloiVe : lae body. . Th chair
man of the JlUsachuetU legislative com
tnltfr ja'4-. R. peare. ,t6rrper, TrS.l4nt
(he national organisation, who doea not
trttend to be placed In the "has been"
The "llahta-on all-vehicles" act was first
obtained In New Jersey by the associated
automobile clubs, though the original
measure required an artiendjrient to' make
It truly effective, recently passed.
While It would appear that common
safety would require all vehicles should
carry lights at night. It has been dif
ficult to get legislation along these lines.
Hut the Amercan Automobile association
bodies In New Jersey and Massachusetts
persisted, and It la now a certainty that
similar statutes will be sought In all parts
of the country.
Nebraska has shown the greatest In
crease In American Automobile association
membership, owing to the statewide cam
paign carried on by Dr A. P. Overgaard
and Secretary D. E. Wgtklns, who -have
forwarded the"-names of le clubs for en
rollment on the national -list, which now
has a total close to 300.
The Automobile olub of Tiuffalo file a
claim to being the largest motoring club
In xthe entire world. , President Laurens
Knot yesterday wired president KObert f.
Hooper at national headquarters that 8,113
Bisons now require the attention of Secre
tary Pat H. Lewis, known throughout the
country as the pathfinder of many Amer
ican Automobile association tours.
Transcontlnentallsta - .are no longer
looked upon aa extraordinary .-motor
travelers, though one off the moat per
slstent tourists, both here "and" ''broad, t
W. M. Garland of the Automobile club of
southern California, from., wjilcfc Jblg-, or
ganisation of the Paclflq, ooast there comes
word that its ex-president fis How en rout
from Los Angelea to New York city. The
Los Angeles-Phoenix endurance contest
this year will be via . Ban Diego, 'and
President O. P. Dullard pt the Maricopa
Automoble club has ust completed the
details of the course to. Phoenix, which, as
the chief city of Arlxona. figures as the
leader In automobile affairs, with sub
stantial attention to highway improve
Qalck Shoe Repair House Uses
Franklin Llaht Delivery Car
la Syracuse, N. V.
The latest Instance of the exceptional
value of a commercial motor vehicle In
business cornea from a quick shoe repair
company, Syracuse. N. T.. using a Frank
ling 1,000-pound light delivery wagon. This
firm takes shoes, front lta customer to Its
place of bu-inee -and returns tHerft 'after
they are repaired, necessitating many trips.
"I would have to have 'three horses and
wagons," a&ld the . proprietor, ''to do the
work thla ar is doing, and then I could
not cover the suburbs. If I- got any trade
from that section It 'would have to be
brought In.
'This motor delivery car can travel all
over creation; it never gets tired, end 'en
able us to go after shoes away out in the
edge of the city and deliver t)iemv'at a
profit. These trips would tlneA a firse,
while the motor wagon is aa ready for
work at night aa when cranked in the
morning. The car baa a four-cylinder, air-
cooled motor."
Family Oce Fifty-Two Sf Ilea la teres
Hoars with Hoasehald, Goods
By using a motor truck a' Chicago fanir
lly hddlta household, good-moved a dis
tance or xitiy-two VUie overiana in seven.
hour na the vehicle', after being unloaded.
maae me trip oaca v m starting piaos
the same day.
This feat was performed by Sweeney
Bros, of Chicago, owners of a four-ton
Sampson freight motor. Before seeking ovX
this company th head of the house looked
Into the possibilities of transferring hi
goods by freight and by horse. He found
that the expense either waV - would be
greater and the time to make the trip
three times as long as by motor.
Th trip was made from Chicago to El
gin. III. The truck started early In ths
morning and was due In Elgin at noon. It
got there two hours ahead of time. When
the family arrived in Elgin everything was
unloaded, rf1 o hours later the -start fcack-4
to Chlcage-was mad' and at 4:30 o'clock
that evening th vehicle arrived.
A -f - -'
Nasnhav alaltlalled by Tea la Last
Tea Year., Aceardlna
Figures receatly published in lYanc
how development of automoblllng In that
country In the ten year. Krom 1M1 to
1910 the number of car Increased front
l,38i to U,9. The average horse power
has also increased materially, although,
perhaps, not to the extent expected. In
1901 the average was five-horse power
last year It had advanced to thirteen.
It Is pointed out that, the life of th
pedestrian In Pari Is becoming difficult,
not only because of more cars in use, but
because of the speed.
Th figures follow:
Tear No. of Cars. Av.ILP.
' 1W7
.... (,$
.... S.lUl
....12, KM
....17,10? .
Program la Arranged for Antetsta a
8AVANAH. Oa.. July IS. Th autooio
blle road racing situation in the aouth has
been cleared up. The grand prla will be
run at Savanab on November 10 and the
preliminary events on November ST. The
wlU b th Vanderbllt, th Savanab. cbal
lenge trophy and the Tledemann cup.
Tht dating will bring th Vanderbllt on
a Monday and . the gold cup conteat on
Thursday. By thla arrangement a suffi
cient number of days will elapse between
th Vanderbllt and the grand prla race
to permit driver competing in the former
also to tea th line In th latter.
Along Auto Row
Oeeaa-to-Orraa Aaloliti Visit
Omaha and Are Royally Enter,
talned Tire Stand Hard Te.t.
The ocean-to-ocean tourists who Were In
Omaha tba fore part of the week were
much Impressed with the city. They were
entertained "every minute of their stay."
Their trip I from Atlantlo City to Los
Angeles. Each car is driven by Its owner.
The car are -equipped with United State
tires. All drivers reported that they
were delighted with th wear of th tires.
They had had much less tire troubl when
they reached Omaha than they had antici
Manager Lee Huff of the Omaha branch
of the Nebraska Butck Company, says the
demand for Buick trucks is becoming
greater all the time. This type of car ha
been placed with many business firms in
Nebraska and Iowa during the last year.
Several recent orders have been reoe'ved
for these trucks.
Five year of constant service In ren
dering '"first aid to injured telephones'
and aa a "general utility car 1 the record
of an automobile which Is now doing duty
for the Warm 8ulphur Springs (Va.)
Telephone company and which was orig
inally owned by the Chicago Telephone
company. This car, which so aptly Illus
trates the automobile a a factor In th
entire Industrial world. Is a Mitchell four
cylinder with the serial number 160. As
the cars now being made by the Mitchell
Lewis Motor company are numbered above
the 30,000 mark, it Is evident that the
telephone car 1 an old-timer. The car
was discovered" by a Wisconsin banker,
who" -visited the Virginia resort recently
hnd who taw the ' car In service there.
:'Thls car" has been Ir- is every day.
Some day carrying seve.i," said he In- a
letter to the Racine firm. "It ha never
been washed. The driver tells me that a
few days ago he pulled a tyg
car over the steepest pass In this neigh
borhood, which th other car' could not
make alone."
Walter Hale, the artist-actor who has
Just finished a long engagement with John
Mason In "As a Man Thlnketh" at th
Thirty-ninth street thater, New York
City, will this week begin his fifth tour
of southern Europe. He will be accom.
panted by hi wife, Louise Closser Hale,
and wlU drlv a forty horsepower Oarford
car, every one of hi previous trips having
ben made in a. Oarford product '" ' " '
Scarcely had the last i skyrocket flared
and faded on the recent "Fourth" before
telegrams and letters began to pour into
the Goodyear Tire A Rubber Co!' offlco
at Akron, O., telling of th triumph of
uoodyear motorcycle tires. At the In
dlanapolls 8tat fair frounda. where Presi
dent Taft was a spectator, Baker, riding a
(even horsepower Indian equipped with
uoodyear "Blue Streak" tire, captured
three . first hra.kln-- h ... ji., . i.
. - - - . uii , i
record la -both th ten-mile and five-mile
event "for the second time In two days.
These tires were the same that carried him
th day previous when he won four first.
"On of th largest single order for
mdtor truck In New York City within th
laat few. month was placed last week bv
uim.ei Bros., th -big department store
merchandisers." said Jack Sharp;" Omaha
gent "The order was for eight Alco two-
ton trueka Olmbel Bros, already have flva
aico truck in service. . Three . are In New
York City and two In Philadelphia. All of
them are of three-ton capacity."
An announcement has Just been made bv
W. J. Mead, vice president and general
manager or the Olds Motor works. Lanslnir.
Mich-., to the effect that Le W. Place has
been' appointed assistant to the general
manager. Mr. Place la -well known among
automoDiie men, hi actlvitle with the
Olds Motor works dating from the year 1809.
at which time he was placed by Mr. Mead
In charge of th southern territory, em.
bracing all of th southern states east of
th Mississippi river. For some tim during
in latter part ot hi stay In th south
Place acted aa manager of th Old Motor
work branch hous at Louisville, Ky.
iunrwarai n turned vr the affair of
that branch to- W. E. Stokes, who had
formerly been general sales manager of the
Old Motor works. f.
' Th baa ball bleacher formerly were
Unchallenged in the production' of slang,
but motor car lingo has been developed Into
a style of Its own. aa unique aa any base
ball chatter. Chauffeurs and professional
car testers at factories abount In ft In
the test shed of th Columbia work at
Hartford. Conn., a humorous tester ha
bung a sign which reads:
Don't Anchor Her.
"Remarkable economy of operation and
reliability of performance was shown In a
national 100-rall economy test of Brush
runabout conducted In all pan of th
country on July i," remarked T. O. North,
wall, local Brush agent. "According to
bulletin reports telegraphed from the prin
cipal - points where tests were held, the
simultaneous running of a great number of
cars under Identical rule and condition
volved h winner with a performance of ig.l
mile per gallon of gasoline, which I
hlghek than any .mllea-per-gallon flgur on
record. This showing waa mad at Loa
Angeles. Cal.. by Y. R. Del Valla, who
used only tw gallon and one-half a pint
of gasoline In covering 100 mile. Thirty,
tw of th contestants who telegraphed th
observer reports to the contest headquar
ters la New York, averaged 1S. miles per
hour -with an average gasoline consumption
of 25.9 miles per gallon."
From twenty-seven cKie ef America
and Europe, branch managers of th Ford
Motor company met at Detroit to partici
pate In the annual convention of the Ford
union, July 1 to .7.
When the selling star of th Ford union
congregate at th horn of th Model T
they compris on of th most successful
bodies of automobile aleamen In the
world. There are twenty-eight branch
managera, but J. R. Durance of Melbourne,
Australia, waa not a'jl to coma
The Ford branch manager, alone, dis
posed of. K00 Ktord Model T car In ml.
which. 1 said to exceed the total output
of any .other automobile conoern.
The race lor first place among th Ford
salesmen waa determined at the conven
tion and will be announced later. From
th latest figure th honor lay between
Oaston Plaintiff ef New York and T. J.
Hay of Chicago, each having sold around
1,000 cara
The convention had sessions morning and
afternoon, th odd moments being given
over to yachting, aviation and motoring.
"Th amateur automobllist and sometime
qthar In an excess of seal will, upon
lifting the hood of th machine, oil every
thing In sight which ha ptaca t re
ceive olL "Tb magneto of today require
no more oil than an ordinary clock." aald
Charles Splltdorf. head of the Bplttdorf
laboratories, "and a few drops of light
oil applied rightly la worth mor than
pints scattered Inllc. rlinlnately. In exam
ining the motor, one should look for oil
upon wires leading to the magneto, as
there Is no worse enemy of rubber than
oil. At first this Is not discernible, but
after a time the oil causes the rubber to
swell and decay, thereby g'vlng cause for
a short circuit, and Is one of the moil an
noying troubles known to the automobllist"
C. J. Corklll Is driving an Apperson
"Jackrabblt" car to Cheyenne, where he
will enter the Frontier races.
J. A. Freeland whs In Detroit this week
arranging for the 1312 shipment of cars.
The 1913 model of the. Chalmers "36" Is
believed to be one of the most satisfactory
cars produced. It Is attracting a deal of
The Peerless Motor Car company has
announoed that they will build five-ton
trucks, along' similar lines with their
three and four-ton trucks, but larger
and stronger throughout, to meet
the additional requirements of the
Increased capacity. One of the features
of these trucks is th very liberal tire
equipment, the rear wheels being provided
with 42x( dual tires, and the front wheels
Wxl Inches. The Peerless company states
that everything about these trucks has
been designed with the Idea of simplicity
and durability, and It Is anticipated that
the demand for the five-ton truck will be
as large as for the other sixes. The five-
ton trucks will be ready for delivery In
July. f
On account of taking Invoice employes
In the factory of the Willys-Overland com
pany are enjoying a brief respite from
work. This Is the month of the year with
the Overland when comes the change In
the season's models. Considerable criticism
falls upon the heads of automobile manu
facturers, as It did with biryrle manufac
turers years ago because of the fostering
of a seasonable product launching Into
the market from year to year cars Dearing
changes and Improvements over the pre
ceding year's output.
Bob Burman tagaln demonstrated his
rlfrht to the title of "world speed king"'
when he made a mile In 4S :T2 seconds at th
Independence day dace on the mile circular
dirt track of the IlrlRhtnn Beach Motor
drome. This remarkable time of Bur-man's
beats the old world's record for circular
dirt tracks, which wa mads by De Pal ma
In a Flat at Syracuse, N. Y., September
17. 1310. With this new mark Burman Is
the holder of more world's speed records
than any one driver In the world. He ha
traveled faster than any man on any
course, hanging up new records for th
mile, kilometer and two miles on the Pay
tonis, Fla., course In official record trials
April 23. Driving the Remy-equlpped
"niltzen" Bens st the rate of 141.73 miles
an hour. Burman broke the records held
by Oldfleld. Burman used the trame car
and drove over the same course as Oldfleld,
but used the Remy Ignition system, while
Oldfleld used magnetos of another make.
Prepnre4 ' for Htm.
"Is the editor in?" asked the wild eyed
"Yes sir; I am the editor."
"I have come to tell you sir, thst after
years of Investigation I have discovered a
cipher In the works of Mother Goose. The
real author of her Immortnl poems was "
The editor pressed a button. Instantly
the combined blasts of a do-en powerful
electric fans struck the man and blew him
out of the building.
Who can estimate the debt of gratitude
that mankind owes to the great Inventors
whose genius Is ever -on the alert to re
move the obstacles that obstruct the on
ward march of happiness and civilisation!
Chicago Tribune.
Ocean-to-0cean Run
Draws Auto World
Hftzardoui Tour of Premier Cari Will
Mark New Epoch in Long;
Pleasure Trips.
The unprecedented and marvelous ocean-to-ocean
tour of ten Premier automobiles,
driven by their amateur owners and carry
ing families and friends, Is engrossing the
entire automobile world. Thousands of auto
enthusiasts. Including driver who are In
clined to attempt stunts out of th ordinary
In the touting line are taking notice.
There Is nothing small about the
Premier transcontinental dash. In fact It
will mark a brand new epoch In automo
blllng. When this tour ha been com
pleted autolsts will know for the first time
Just what a machine Is cspable of doing
when the amateur owner Is at the steering
There have been Innumerable touring con
test and tests of endurance In which pro
fessional drivers have competed, but until
th present Instance there has been nothing
to determine th capabilities of amateurs.
As the bulk ef the driver throughout the
country are amateurs the great Interest
that Is being shown In th Premier trans
continental caravan Is easily explained. -
On June 24 the owner of ten Premier
automobiles, with families and friends left
Atlantlo City, after dipping the rear wheels
of their cars In the Atlantic's waves and
headed for San Francisco and other Cali
fornia points with th expressed purpose
of wetting their front wheel In th waves
of th Pacific, thereby literally completing
an ocean-to-ooean tour. To appreciate the
daring of these autolsts It Is only neces
sary to tat that 4.00 miles Iky before
them and to cover this distance they set
side forty-six days. Sixteen dsys were
svibstr acted for entertainment along the
way, making the actual traveling time
thirty days. During fifteen dsys of this
Journey hotels will not bo seen. .The tour
ists will camp out between Omaha and
Fan Franclsro arid the greater portion of
this time will be spent In the Oreat Amer
ican desert. They left here Wednesday.
There have been a few transcontinental
tours before, but not by more than on
car and not with amateur owner drivers.
When the outcome of the Prelmer run Is
known then also will be known what th
amateur owner ran expert his car to do
fur him 1 p t'- wav of long distance touring.
How to spend a varatlon In your automoMl
Is oris of the lessons that will be learned
from this tour.
That Was All.
Phsrply spoke the conductor:
"Madam, you'll have to take that bulldog
Into the baggage car."
Mildly spoilt the sweet faced matron:
"Pardon me. but 1 am lame; I shall have
to ask you to take him there."
Casually spoke the bulldog in a low, deep
ir-r-r-r-r-r! Ow-wow!"
Then silence like a cataplasm descended
to meliorate the contusions of ululatlon.
Chicago Tribune.
Come in and see the latest thing in
Auto Fur Robes
Will be on Display Monday and Tuesday
in our shqw room.
j - -
1902 Farnam Street
Model "44"
7 Puenger, Fore-Door
Touring Car
The Abbott
for the season of 1912, in addition to their well Imown "30" which tliis year ;
will he sold for $1350, a new model to be known as the Abbott-Detroit "44"
seven-passenger fore-door touring car the pnee ofjwhich will be $1800
$1775 T,V.C. P"ccs announced have been made possible by the increased
viuwvut. ui uui uifcjiujxiiuuij.i me Keen competition among material
and parts makers, the larger production with its consequent increased
purchasine: power, coupled with many important labor-saving devices
which we have installed during the past year.
I The same excellent quality of product, both as regards its mechanical
-".construction, its style, finish and refinement of details will be
Model "44" Fore-door Deml-Tonnaau
Model "30" Fore-door Tourinr Car
d Several important refinements, however, have been added which will
greatly enhance its appearance and value.
tJJ So well has our policy of permanence been established and our
M methods of manufacture standardized, that we are hot only able to
guarantee our cars for life, but have also added to our organization a
service department of 12 divisions covering all parts" of the United
States which is ready at a moment's notice to co-operate with the dealer
and owner in the production of universal satisfaction.
flj Back of all this is a feeling of strong moral obligation and a sincere
desire to instill in rnr minrU rf AKKntf.n.fnn .1 :i;
... --- ---- iiuMuu-iywuuil UffUCIJ uiai iccuug
$1350 ?f confidence which should and must always be the basis of honest
. business relations. Rpan nnr mnrontM k.lM..
. w 0U.UH.V, UCIUW.
Model 30" Fore-door DemUTonneau
Model 30" Fore-door Rodter
Fully Equipped
fill Enumerated here are tome of the
HJI high grade feature which, while
frequently embodied In cars of the
four or five thousand dollar class, are
seldom incorporated in can telling for
these prices.
Exceptionally large and roomy bodies.
Band buffed leather upholstery, with thick
Circassion wdnut dash and trimmings.
Highest class finish 24 painting operations.
Three-quarter elliptic springs in rear, giving
exceptionally easy riding qualities.
Full floating type rear axle.
Chrome nickel steel drive shafts.
Multiple disc clutch.
Three-bearing crank shaft.
Unusually large valve openings.
Titnken roller bearings throughout
Extra Large Tires Reducing tir expense.
Gear Shifting device noiseless, easily
Large strong wheels.
Latest type of for-door bodies with inside
fK' SK loa atroke noter.
Dual IfuitJoa SrMrai with M.rneta.
"lkt WtrKfcjdHl.u l&aapare IraorHrttlaabattere-.TmaV
Pi. S' i""1' blf Ti' " awltl slated uuami
Combination oil and cWnc lid. aa4 UUmaata,
Horn. Tir. Ire, aod Took.
Vaimraai Draxmatebat Kim
Tarra-Suwd Tncumiwioa.
Two-Pod Control. Clutch aad Brat.
WfadbM. UOirchaa
Ventilated Pore-door Bodiea
itrrar $1800
iJtis r.n.i?:p2 1925
fore-door, fully .quipped, UmW torn aad
For. door Demi-Tonneau, f ully equipptdTlnoiudlaa' toi
windt&eld aad pdomter t
Fore-door Limoufioe, fully equipped.
4' a IX' four cylinder motor.
Splitdorf Dual I.nition Byitera.
Eleeurie hn-dliM-ta combin-tioti oil and aUetrle tide e.d tail laatp
100 ampere hour lif Min b.tury Tunaiura mm,
Horn. T'r. I rone. Tool..
Tires 34 a H ' CMck tfet-cktbU HirM.
Three oMed TrantmiMione.
Our Pedal Clutch and Br.k Control -Us dI. aaf aad aat.
Ventilated fort-door Bodies,
wfad-ffid..! $1350
roro-aoor lounng ar, tuiry equippea, locluaua. top and
Fore-door AoadWtw. fully eauipDOd. lj ton and
-hriJ, . . 1Z75
riBdahi-Sr Ur' luilr U'P1. laeJudiog top aad J 375
Celnai.l Coup., fully
Model V 30 Colonial Coup.
Abbott Motor Co.
Detroit, Mich.
W. L. Huffman
Automobile Company
Dong. 104. 20S3 Farnam St.
027 Dorajfla Bt-, Blou City, I.
tftite at a m a a - -
J ad ruaxaatee tea AuU oblke wtn4lf taw aaw-nvate
a" .sceptlue ol lira.. aua(uaui. k a(j tt.( Lio. ai a
faaudhFtMa raepeuue aaaVtra, uaa la awaaMtu.
taa .r
er eacimiia.
avoaat Wvtortoaa
..... v. ,uv., ar .an. tic taa ca.
raraas or pro ideiactiTe (run .ay eauaa K-yr iti, I
t-' auatoaiar aaall lorwka eu an-MaaU) U laTi
m oaf sod ia. aama at th. Aaaiar tia aa3
uraaad aa. the . e( karaaa.. a4 h iXallaZ
a kraal aea waa ao I a ra!ftT7aaTJi ka--T
iaa aa-7a w. .r... ZlT?TLJT''fm
TTTT' r ea u
aruyitkar throait lu iaai.r
aaaa. f r. ul . K.-. . . .
w lau-VIBS.
2rf '""l" 5 -i-,ly