Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1911, SPORTING SECTION, Page 2, Image 22

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rolfert Play in the Third Bound for
Director' Cup.
aTaadlcaa Rale of Five t' or Mr
Bogey Tl, Make roar First
riir it off.
The third qualifying round for the Di
rector's cup, handicap golf match against
ogy, of the Itinnhfri of. tha Country
Blub wii held yesterday afternoon on the
slub's llnka. Twenty-one golfers partici
pated In the event and aoma good scores
wer hung up despite the fact that tha
play was listless at times.
Tha handicap rule In tha match waa that
five up or more on bogey tie, consequently
four men tied up for the flret place. But
one man of the entire number waa to
Qualify, therefore the first four men, J. P.
Magee. T. A. Fry, Ralph Petera and A. L.
Reed, will have to play the tie off In order
to determine which one of the four will
qulltfy to play In the final. Following Is
the result of the play:
J. P. Magee
T. A. Fry..
Ralph Peters
A. L. Reed
A. V. Klnsler. .......
W. E. Martin
F. J. Hoel ,
Fred Hamilton ,
J. B. Hahm
C M. Wllhelm
M. C. Peters
H. L. Cummlngs...
E. M. Mnrsman, jr.
J. H. Butler
I. A. Colea
F. 8. Morsman
J. A. C. Kennedy...
Z. T. Llndsey
M. A. Hall
r. F. MeOrew
W. B. Hughes
8 up
7 up
5 up
J up
......I up
...2 down
...2 down
... down
...1 down
...1 down
...4 down
...4 down
...4 down
...4 down
. . S down
..,1 down
. ..1 down
(Continued from First Page.)
Innings. Sacrifice hits: Hulswltt (J). Time:
1 M. Umpires: Hayes and Ferguson.
Bnaeh Hits an Win T si
o Three.
MILWAUKEE. Wis.. July lS.-Bt. Paul
bunched hits off Dougherty, while OToole
waa Invincible outside of the fourth, the
visitor winning, to S. Manager Duffy of
the Chicago American league club and
President Murphy of the Chicago National
league club and scouts for the Detroit and
Cleveland teams, watched O'Toole's work.
ABH O.AH ab h o a.b
riarka. If S 11 Mom. If I 0 1 1
n.i.k'f A l a riurlM. lb.. I 1111
MCmlik, lb 4 1 t I T. Jonea, lb I 111
Autror. lb... 4 1 I KaMall, rf.. 4 114 0
C. Jonaa. ct. 1 J X PrMt, tf . .. I 1 1 4
n,,tl.r. m. ... 1 0 I 0 Clark, lb... 4 1114
Kttlv. e 4 1 11 4 0 T-Hi. M....4 4 14 0
Novell, lb... 1 1 1 1 1 Wirnhnll. e.. 4 1 1 0
O'TooU, p... 1 tit 1 Dougherty, pi 1 i 1
Boaumont, p. I 1
' Totals 1 Ittll I
Total! 0 T 17 11 I
Milwaukee ftO0"0 03
Bt. Paul 0 I e 0 0 1 W.
Three-base hit: Clarke. Sacrifice hits:
Butler. O'Toole, Clarke. Left on bases: Mil
waukee, (; 8t. Paul. I. Bases on balls: Off
OToole. 1; off Dougherty, t. Struck out:
By OToole, 11; by Dougherty, t Wild
pitches: Dougherty ZV O'Toole. Time: 215.
Umpires: Chill and Weddlge.
Caaa of Job a Love of Kansas City la
Coatlnaed to Taraday.
KANSAS CITY, July U. When the case
of John Love, left fielder for the Kansas
City American association base ball team,
who attacked Edward W. Cochrane,-sport-Ing
editor of the Kansas City Journal, at
the ball park here yesterday, waa called
In the south aide municipal eourt today a
continuance until July 18 waa granted on
Love's plea for more Urn in which to
engage an attorney. A statement concern
ing a play of Love's printed In the Journal
several weeks ago is said to have led to the
Many Buyers Would
Take the Des Moines
Team from Higgins
Former Catcher Will Meet Higgini
in Lincoln Sunday Say. He
Has the Price.
W. C. Clarke, who did the majority of
the back stop work for the Antelopes last
season and who Is now In South Dakota,
Is another bidder for the Dea Molnea team,
and will meet with Jol-.n F. Higgins, owner
of the Dos Moines ball team In Lincoln
Sunday afternoon, for the purpose of ne
gotiating the purchase of the team.
Mr. Hi gins, who Is still in Omaha, re
ceived a letter from the old Lincoln catcher
Saturday, the rontenta of which said
Clarke had the price for the team, and was
personally acquainted with every man on
the IXa Moines team and would like to
buy it. Hlggina Immediately wired back
that the team was for sale to the man
with the price, providing he Is In the good
graces of the managers and owners of the
various teams In the Western league.
Still another bidder for the team Is W.
H. Carlisle of Pueblo, who Is anxious to
get the team and will in all probability
meet with Mr. Higgins In Omaha Monday
when the owner of the Deserters will come
buck to Omaha, Among some of the other
bidders for the team, are Doe White of
Chicago, White Sox pitcher, who wanted
the team laat spring. "Doc" Is anxious to
get. a grip on the Des Moines team and
strengthen It by his own work on the
mound. Ducky Holmes Is hot after the
team, but Mr. Higgins said Saturday after
noon, "Ducky Holmes could not get that
team of mine If he had a million dollars
to pay for It. He Is In bad with me. and I
think he Is not In the beet of standing
with other owners In the league."
Mr. Higgins said If he sells the team,
there are three players which will not go
with It as they are already conditionally
sold. These three players, according a
Higgins, are Mattlcks, the star hitter and
center fielder; Catcher Ulatowskl and
Bens. There Is a probability that another
player may be sold before the team goes.
If the team goes away from John Higgins,
the three players go. If the team stays
with John Hlggtns these three stay, were
the words of the magnate.
Attorney Wilkerson, Special Counsel
for Oorernment, Speaks at Chicago.
Trasta Designated as Coaaplraclea o
Restrain Trade and Arc Cease
aweatly Aetlngr la Viola
tion of the I -aw.
Loose flaylaar r Mock Islaaa Ro
salia la Ska teat.
ROCK ISLAND. 111., July lS.-Loose
playing by Rock Island resulted In a shut
out by Danville, 6 to 0. Score: R.H.E.
Rock Island 4 4 4
Danville . SSI
Batteries. Lakaft and Oondlng, Newland
and Hlldebrand.
DECATUR, III., July- IS. Hard hitting by
Decatur defeated Davenport, S to 4, today.
Score; . . R.H.E.
, Decatur I It A
Davenport 0 4 4
Batterlea: Hopper and Johnson; Crabb
and Culeman. ,
DUBUQUE, la., July 15. Timely hitting
by Kreitse and Paddock won for Dubuque,
4 to 3, today. Score; R.H.E.
Dubuque 4 11 1
leorla IU 3
Batteries'- Akers and Kreitse; Tammon
and Jacobs.
VlUlNCY. 111.. July IB. Waterloo bunched
hlta In the third and batted In enough
tuns to win, 4 to L Score: R.H.E.
yulncy 0 10 S
Waterloo 4 S 1
Hatter lex: Royer and Forney; Hendnx
nd Harrington.
Change in Training
for Mack's Athletes
Team Will Leave for Texas Before
First of March, Going- Straight
to San Antonio.
PHILADELPHIA, Pa.. July 15. Connie
Mack will Institute a radical change In the
spring training of the Athletics for next
xeason. The reaaon for a complete change
In the usual plans was the unsatisfactory
training trip this year. Poor weather,
practice limited to afternoons alone, arms
damaged by chill breezes, veterans falling
to round Into shape because of the tem
peratureall thcae things have militated
against the world's champions.
The Athletics will leave for Texas before
the first of March and go straight to Ban
Antonio. A few days' practice under the
superheated skies there and Connie expects
to have his team playing exhibition games
with the local aggregation the first Satur
day after the arrival of the champions In
the Lone Star state. After the spring prac
tice Is finlbhed the younger pitchers will
come north. There will be two or three
games on the road, presumably at Houston,
New Orleans and Atlanta, and the young
sters in the twirling corps and the regulars
will arrive home In time to open the spring
series with the Phillies. The older pitchers
will probably pass the time at San Antonio
until the regular championship season
opens. That will give them an opportunity
to keep In perfect trim, and not take a
chance with their arms by playing In 'the
interleague games.
This Is the plan that Hughle Jennings
adopted this year, and he has been suc
cessful. The youngsters, behind a club
of the powerful offense end defense of the
Tigers, came through with flying colors.
This gave the veterans a chance to round
to form easily, and not to be called upon
to pitch their heads off at- the start of
the season.
CHICAGO. July 15.-(8peclal Telegrams
James H. Wilkerson, special counsel for
the United States government In all the
Important cases that have been heard In
this district In the laat few years, and ex
pected successor to Cnlted States District
Attorney Sims, declared today that the
only good trust was a dead one.
Sheduled to speak tonight at the ban
quet of the Delta Chi law fraternity on
the topic, "Good Trusts against Bad
Trusts," Mr. Wilkerson too k exception to
the designation of an ytrusts as good, de
claring that In view of the nature of the
occasion the toplo obviously waa not to be
taken seriously.
Strictly speaking," he stated, "there Is
no such thing as a good trust. Like the
Indian, the only good one Is a dead one.
If,, by the word trust, we understand a
combination of a conspiracy, which ope
rates to restrain trade, then every trust Is,
of course, a violation of the law. Whether
or ot there Is such a thing as a good trust
la entirety a matter of definition. It ws
broaden the meaning of the term, then
how may good onea there are depends en
tirely upon how broad a definition we
give to the word."
Wllkerson's connection with the federal
trust prosecutions makes his sweeping
statements of the evil of trusts particularly
significant. In connection with the bill sup
ported by Senator Kenyon of Iowa, before
the Interstate Commerce commission, re
commending that all violators of the Sher
man anti-trust law should be. punished with
prison sentences. ' '
As the ' Sherman act stands, offenders
against Its provisions tre punishable by
fines. The, bill Introduced provides that
fines for Individuals be stricken from the
act, making it necessary In case of oon
victlon for the courts to impose prison sen
tences. The Kenyon bill also provides that
where parties use patents granted them by
the government to build up a trust or com
bination, that such patent should be for
feited. '
Secures Catcher to Tmko Plaee
Arbogaat, Who Is Badly
Following Arbogaat's Injury In Friday's
ball game, Rourke Immediately caat about
for a new catcher, securing one In the
person of Lynch of Des Moines. He is
rated as one of the best catchers In the
league. Arbogast will be out of the game
for at least two weeks. Lynch was In the
lineup Saturday afternoon's game.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., July 18.-John I. Tay
lor, owner of the Boston American league
team, has wired Owner John Holland an
offer for "Tex"Jones, the St. Joseph West
ern league team's big first baseman. It
Is said 15,000 Is offered for Jones, part In
Boston players, and it probably will be
accepted. Jones was purchased by Comls
key of the Chicago White Sox last fall,
but soon after the present season opened
he was turned back to St. Joseph.
Bammer la Western Booth Dakota
Has Been Free from All Ter.
rors of tha Heat.
(Continued from First Page.)
halts. Now Kid Pitcher, Mows Dowa
STANTON, Neb.. July 15. (Special Tele
gram. Today Btanton shut out the Nor
lolk team In an Interesting game. 10 to 0.
f-hii!t. the new kid pitcher, struck out
swenteen Norfolk men and allowed but one
hit. Heldel did some great hitting, get
ting three hlta out of five tlmea up, one
of these being a clean home run. Score:
Norfolk 000400000-0 1
Stanton 0 15 0 10 14 10 15 1
P.atterles: Stanton, Shults and Hopper:
Norfolk, Dobln and Hoffman, Kelller and
GIlHsman. Struck out: By ghulta. IT; by
Dobln, t; by Kelller, 1. Bases on balla:
Off fchults, t. Home run: Seldel. Three
base lilt: Dobln. Two-base hits: Hopper
and Tbemaaun. Umpire: Dr. Bolxell.
Mlstah Wlad.
(Ia Emporia. Kan., tbey have a pitcher
named Wind. He ought to fau even their
sluggers Omaha Bee.)
Ef It's true dar's a pitcher
Wlioa laa' name la Wind,
He oughter be one of '
Do whtff-'em-qulck kind:
Who hurls 'em and curls 'era
Rite over de plate.
Lak a hurrlcan' sallm'
At eighty-mile rate!
Ef It'a true dla yeah oclon'
Kin blow In de goods.
O breese waft htm quick
To die neca o oe woooai
R. T.
Cambrtda-o Shots Oat Alma.
CAMBRIDGE. Neb.. July 15.-(8peclal
Teles. rani.l Cambridge ahut out Alma In
a faat game here today. Hcore: 1
Cambridge 0 1 i 1 0 1
Alma 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
biruck out: By Whitehead, (; by Have,
4 Bases on baHs: Off Hays. 1: off White
head. 4. Batteries: Alma. Whitehead and
Richmond: Cambridge, Hays snd Warner.
V'mplre: Perry.
Ceatral t'llr Wlaa from Palmer.
CTTNTRAL CITY. Neh.. .luly tf (8pe
OU) Central Citv defeated the PalmtT
team here today by a score of 8 to 7. It
Was a very ranged frame, both teams Doing
guilty of a number of mlsplaya. Soore:
Central City... 0 I M 1 M I U I
falmer I 0 0 1 I 4 1 T k 4
Batterlea: Central City. Douglas and
Heaaon: Palmer, Mooney and Muoney.
Golrk'i t'hamaw VI
MASON CITY. Ia.. July 15. -(Special Tel-
esraui.r (ioicn a t. ham pa handed it to
Mason ciiy toaay in a closely plaved game,
I o 0. The rubber will be pUyeU off to
morrow. Clea lake's r,liivvn,irf m
Mitchell, 1; off Fisher, 1. Struck out: Bv
Mitohell. 4: by Fisher. 4. Time: 1:42. TJm-
plrea: Muilln and Perrlne.
DEAD WOOD, S. D., July 14-(8peclal.)
Efforts are being made by the Deadwood
Business Men's club to call more forcibly
to the attention of easterners who are
sweltering in the Intense heat, the delights
of summering in the Black hills. The gov
ernment record of the temperature here
for the past two weeks, while deaths and
prostrations have been recorded by the
scors through the east and middle west.
show that the highest figure touched by
the mercury here was 44 on July 1 and the
lowest, 17 on July 11, tha dally average so
far for the month being T4. The days have '
been perfectly clear and the night cold :
'enough for wraps. Other portions of the
Black hills report almost similar tempera- !
ture throughout the month. There has .
never been a case of either mmhtroke or
heat prostration in the annals of the Black
Superintendent of Clar
Deeprrater, Mo., Raa
( by Damnur.
Plant at
14.-A. E.
Errors and Opportune Hlttlasj Giro
Nino to Five Score.
CHICAGO. July 16. Errors and opportune
hitting enabled Chicago to win from Wash
ington today, 9 to 6. Bodle cinched the
game in the seventh Inning by knocking
the ball over the left field fence for a home
run with two men on bases. .Score:
Crt T. b.."'.4 l 4 4 o S-hMfer" ib! i i I i brother of Walter 8. Dickey, former chalr
r.n.han. if. 4 l t 4 KitierMid. tb t t l I l man of the state republican committee, now
m,: iw, Kt. . . . m m m v uvhi.t, n.., , v w V
M-(n'll, lb 4 I 0 I Walker. If... 4 I 4
7.cl1r. lb... I 4 11 MrHrlile. H.t I 4 1
Tionehlll, nl 1 1 7 S Tun ham, lb 4 4 1 I 1
Fayn, t I S 1 4 4 Henry, t t 4 I
Stott. 114 Huha. p... 1111
Touog. p.... ft 4 4 l'ouro7 .... 4 4
Bakar, p P I 1
boufhartr . 1 0 Totals 40 10 44 11 4
Dickey, superintendent of the Dickey Clay
Manufacturing plant here, waa run over I
and Instantly killed by a dummy engine
at the plant today. Mr. Dickey was a
president of tb Kansas City Missouri River
Navigation company.
Totals M inn I
Batted for Young In the fifth.
Batted for Hughea In the ninth.
Chicago 0 0 0 0 J 4 S 0 9
Washington 0 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 05
Two-baae hits: Oensler, Pchaefer. Three
base, hlta: McConnell. Hughea, Schaefer.
Home run: Hodif. Hits: Off Scott. 7 In
four and one-third Inning": off Bnker. 3
In four Innlnga. Sacrifice hits: I'avne
Elberfeld. Stolen Walker, Mclntvre
Double plays:. Payne to I.ord, Klberfeld
to gchaefer to Henrv, McConnell to Tanne
hill to .elder. Left on bases: Chicago. X;
Washington. (. First base on balls: Off
Scott, 4: off Hughes. 1; off Baker. S Struck
out: By Hughes. 3: by Baker, 1 Time:
J:26. Umpire:, l'lnetn.
Philadelphia Grta Hons la First aad
eveath Isolates.
ST. LOUIS, July ' li.-Plank's pitching
and Bt. Louis' errors won the game for
Philadelphia. Plank struck out five of the
local team. Heore:
Lord, rf all ShotUa. cf.. 4 I
OMrlaf. ef.. I 14 Au.lln. lb... 4 4 4
Blrimk, It .. 4 1 1 S'valtnr, rtt 1
Baaar. lb.... 4 111 Halllaaa. lb I I 1 1 3
Harry. M....4 1 t Hna.n. It. .. I IT
Muryhv, lb.. Stephana. .. 4 t 1 1
Mrlnixa, lb. 4 1 'ri.. lb ... I 1
Thamaj, . .. t I allaca.. aa. I 1
Plank, 4 4 4 Povall. p.... 4 4 4 4 1
Totala 11 17 11 4 Totals it 4 47 T I
Philadelphia 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 03
6t. Louia 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Two-base hit: Lord. Basra on balls: Off
Powell, 1; off Plank, I. Rtruck out: By
Powell. 1; by Plauk. 5. Time: 1:60. Um
pires: O'Loughlln and Evans.
Prrka Takes Wrnlliaf Matra.
MA BON CITY. Ia.. July 15. (Spec'tl Tel
egram.) Paul Prehn won a wrestling
match lat night with Andrew Young in
two straight (alia, the first in seventeen,
the second in eighteen minutes. Today a
, the vecoiid In eighteen minutes. Today a
match was arranged between Paul Uer
rler and Gus Brown, the Oreek champion.
Harris II. Stewart.
M'OOOK. Neb.. July 15. (Special.) The
body of Burrls H. Stewart was shipped to
Tingley. Ia., Friday evening for burial. Mr.
Stewart died In this city Thursday. Four j
brothers and a represent 5 tlvt of MoCuok
lodge No. 135, Ancient, Free and Accepted
Masons, accompanied the bod v. Deceased !
was the thirteenth brother In the family, j
and ten of the brother are expected to be
at the burial in Tingley, their early home. I
gamael R. Meosaer.
M'COOK. Neb., July 15-(Speelal Tele
gram.) Samuel It. Meaner fell lead a l:ie '
street in Dsn bury this afternoon. Mr. Mess
ner was one of the earliest settlers of '
Red Willow county, settling on the Beaver
creek over thirty years ago. H waa one '
of the leading farmers and stockmun and
a prominent Mason and politician,
Rev. C. E. Jlpp.
BOON E. la.. July tt.(pecal Telegram )
Rev. C. E. Jlpp. paetor of the German
Lutheran church at Ogden. Ia.. who ti;
taken critically III last night and rushed
to Boone and c per a ted on for appendicitis.
died this morning. He was one of the j
best known ministers In central Iowa.
Mrs. J. C. Smith.
Mrs. J. C: Smith, wife of an employe of
the Dally Newa, died Friday night at tb
Omaha General hospital from peritonitis.
She bad been 111 for torn time. The
funeral arrangements have not yet been
Lei This Be Your One Aim.
Buy land!
Buy it now:
Persistent Advertising ia the Road to Big
t ,
STELLA. Neb.. July 15-8peeial-Frank
J. Hanger and u Biiuda Weddle
w re man led at the home J her parents
Mi . and Mrs. C. J. U eUtlle, northeast ot
Stella. The couple will go to houa
inir on a farm nuar Salem: which
vacated by the grooun'a patents, who will j
Every man should own a lot of land. Certainly every
young man should own some. The opportunity is greater now
than it has been in fifty years to realize on good property.
In The Bee today many tempting offers appear.
People who acquired large estates are
willing now that others may share with them.
Wide awake dealers are advertising these
liberal propositions today.
Take advantage of it!
Do it now!
There is no possible way for you to ever
regret it.
For further information regarding this property call Doug
las 238, or address The Bee Land Department.
r v t
least ot J j
laekeep- , 1 1
Will be ' i ,fc
vWVw, s.iVvvwvW,sV VSKVae 'ftVt' aaa,, a,aafWVrtrNVVnVa,rVN; r-atwAwwwsatwsaajO a,a a ii' tiwvyyyY,
will play the tiVrod.ictory same tomorrow. I
move to Balera neat mvsth,
ung i;uana uiiy.