Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1911, WOMAN'S SECTION, Page 4, Image 12

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Tub Omaha Sunday Bee.
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changed as oftca as reqaested.
Conservative Boston Is talking of
recalling It mayor. Oh, me! Oh,
Perhapa Dr. Wiley might have fared
better had he made fewer high-up
hem lea.
California proposes to raise more
rice. It has a lot of natural con
aumers within lta borders.
If former Governor Brown is the
"Little Joe" of Georgia politics, Hoke
Smith must be the "Big Dick."
The fatal fallacy of many a man's
reasoning is that he cannot conceive
of the possibility of his own error.
"Boy Bitten by a Bear." Headline.
Why not make It better and say, "Bit
of a Boy Bitten by a Big Black Bear?"
How times have changed. Not a
shilallah was raised to greet King
Oeorge upon his recent visit to
If the Christian Endeavorert would
only hold all their conventions in At
lantic City, one or the other might be
The lid has dropped on nomination
filings, but the privilege to withdraw
with honor will be available for a
short while.
Of course, King Oeorge must have
known that Dr. Osier excepted kings
from his superannuation chloroform
ing doctrine.
When it comes to playing the baby
act, the fake reformers for revenue
only hereabouts are matchless and
Evelyn Arthur See, the high jinks
of Absolute life, has been convicted
and may yet become an ordinary No.
6789 down at Jollet.
.Senator Bacon makes a pitiful plea
to get back to the good old days of
"senatorial courtesy," a mantle which
covereth many a sin. ,
Lillian Bell once said all men were
insipid until they were 35. Perhaps
that may help explain why Ethel
Barrymore is suing for a divorce.
Mr. Bryan's list or ellglbles for the
J 91 3 democratic nomination ia lengthy
enough, but It leaves out the head
liner, who, when at home, lives at
Perhaps Dr. Wiley has the enemies
he has made to thank for this trouble
that has come upon him. But then
his friends may be relied on to come
to his help.
The St. Paul Pioneer-Press speaks
of "rural Chicago." Evidently has
reference to St. Louis, and that por
tion of Indiana lying north and west
of Indianapolis.
Wonder how much Ice that was cut
In and about Omaha last winter was
hipped away to other points to make
the excuse of short supply for our
home consumers.
It's an "off" year in Nebraska po
litically, but, according to the barom
eters there seems to be almost as
much politics to the square inch as in
the average "on" year.
The editor of the Houston (Tes.) Post
l mad that'a very evident. Mr. Bryan's
We thought a certain local paper
had copyright on that expression.
And now Governor Deneen, too,
says Mr. Hlnes did not tell the truth,
the whole truth and nothing but the
truth. Evidently somebody is quali
fying for Ananias club membership.
It is betraying no confidence, we
trust, to divulge the fact that our
Congressman Lobeck has had carefully
prepared aeveral classified mailing
lists of his constituents, who may ex
pect to hear from him periodically
with suitable reminder under govern
ment frank.
A Question of Confidence.
Nearly every observer of social, In
dustrial and political conditions notes
the widespread unrest and discontent.
The spirit that Is abroad in the land
criticises and finds fault with nearly
all the Institutions which we have In
herited, explaining that while they
may possibly have been serviceable In
their time, they have outlived their
usefulness, have gone lame or broken
down altogether, and can no longer
keep pace with modern progress.
The tendency of this agitation and
Irritation is to undermine public confi
dence in the stability and Integrity of
our governmental and Industrial agen
cies, and even In the prevailing social
fabrie. As a rule It ia admitted that
the people as a whole are more Intel
ligent, better educated, more prosper
ous, more healthy, more comfortable
and less overworked than they have
been at any previous era in history,
but their desire for still further Im
provement is likewise more keenly
whetted and popular suspicion or
prejudice more easily aroused against
whatever appears to menace their ad
vancement or well-being.
Assuming that there are many
abuses that should be corrected and
many grievances that should be re
dressed, the next problem after ex
posure is cure, and tearing down will
avail nothing unless a new and sound
superstructure Is substituted. In lta
ultimate analysis the foundation stone
of civilized society la confidence, and
we must restore, maintain and
strengthen public confidence in the
permanency and beneficence of our
free institutions.
Whatever form of industrial organ
ization is accepted, both employer and
employe must be convinced that it
will produce substantial Justice in the
division of the product.
Whatever society may do to ameli
orate the living eonditlons of the
masses and improve the opportunities
of the rising generation; whatever it
may do to relieve social festers and
rescue social derelicts, confidence in
the family as the social unit, and pro
tection of the family group against
disrupting forces, ia elemental and
Whatever changes may be made In
the machinery of government, confi
dence la our ability to secure honest,
competent and devoted men at the
guiding wheel, and In all the smaller
positions of responsibility, will be in
dispensable. Once, when we almost completely
destroyed public confidence In our
currency, the wheels of Industry came
practically to a standstill and began
again to revolve and hum only when
confidence was restored. Without the
tonic of confidence in ourselves, confi
dence in our institutions, confidence in
our public servants, confidence in the
perpetuity of the republic, the body
politic is sure to languish and the in
dustrial organism to slacken its
Tyranny of Custom.
A Chicago minister baa thrown
down the gauntlet to the tyranny of
custom and gone into his pulpit on
Sunday morning in thin, white trdus
era and without a coat, and has bade
hlg congregation follow hia inspiring
example in making himself comforta
ble at the expense of empty form.
In such heated weather as the coun
try has experienced of late why should
sot even a preacher adopt a humane
style of dress? Does anyone suppose
that this man would preach better if
he were bundled up in a long clerical
coat, with the perspiration trickling
down bis body in streams so much
that it made blm feel, while trying to
expound the gospel, aa if he were pass
ing through purgatory. Not only did
this Chicago minister defy all prece
dent, but he carried the spirit of it
into hia sermon and preached on the
subject. "The Tyranny of Custom,"
showing how thoroughly wrought up
he must have been.
Too often we pay exorbitant tribute
to custom, especially in the matter of
dress. It would be better for varied
spheres of our public and private ac
tivity if people would do aa this cour
ageous pastor did. There la the po
liceman, the motorman, the floor
walker In the big store, and last, but
not least, that man of sorrows, ac
quainted with grief, despised and re
jected the base ball umpire. Ty
rannical custom bath decreed that
they wear their uniforms no matter
how blistering hot the sun may come
down. Well, here is their cue, given
them by this man of the cloth. Will
they accept it, or will they continue
to bow supinely to this tyrant custom?
And in the meantime, how about the
rest of the preachers? Will they have
the courage of their Iconoclastic
Economy in Syitem.
The economy commission named
some time ago by President Taft, of
which Dr. F. A. Cleaveland of Chicago
ia chairman, ia soon to make its report,
so Information from Washington
states, and It will have a report to
make on which the president may base
recommendations in his next message
to congress for the curtailment of niil
llons of dollars la the expense of run
ning the government. These recom
mendations will form a vital part of
the president's message to congress in
December and therefore give the coun
try something palatable to digest Just
before the national campaign year
An entirely new system of account
ing and conducting other details of the
government's clerical business will be
instituted If the report of this com
mission is adopted. The point of the
report will b to Install more system
Into government business and through
system effect economy. It Is not
graft, but careless waste of time and
resources, that consumes extra money
in keeping the official machinery of
state going. There are too many sys
tems. One department has Its way of
doing and another its way. Uniform
ity ia needed to effect greater effi
ciency and economy, and It is pre
cisely this towsrd which President
Taft aimed when he took hold of
This new system Is to be more di
rect and simple and therefore more
responsive to public needs. For in
stance, at present this commission es
timates that It costs in time of em
ployes more than $1,000,000 a year.
on an average, to supply congress with
Information it calls for. No one Is
claiming fraud or graft here, but sim
ply the fault of a bunglesome way of
doing things. And all along the line
such faults are to be found. If
$1,000,000 can be saved here In this
one remote place, what can be saved
in the whole scope of official Washing
ton? This Is a great work for the
people the president has ordered done
and congress would be derelict in its
duty not to put the reforms into effect
when they come up for Its approval.
Now for Results.
More than four months have been
spent by the new congress in sowing.
Now the time of harvest draws near
and we are about to reap. Five big
propositions are to be settled by vote
In the senate, and when that is done
congress may bring its long extra ses
sion to a close. The votes for which
definite times have been agreed to
are: Canadian reciprocity, vote on
which is set for July 22; wool revision
bill, July 27; frets list bill, August 1;
congressional reapportionment, Au
guBt 3; Arizona-New Mexico atatehood
bill, August 7.
This will still leave the Lorlmer
case pending, and as it was handed
down as unfinished business from the
last congress, it was all the more Im
portant that it should have been dis
posed of at this session. Undoubtedly
it will come up again at the first reg
ular session -of the Sixty-second con
gress next winter. Failure to vote
on it this time is, a victory for Lorlmer.
It is to be hoped that the senate will
allow nothing to arise to prevent final
action on any of these five measures.
Every one has been sufficiently de
bated and the country is ready, in
sistently anxious, for the curtain bell.
Canadian reciprocity, for which the
extra session was called, doubtless has
a clear track and will be accepted In
the senate without amendment by a
liberal majority. That means that
the free list bill is slated for defeat,
since it was hatched chiefly to encom
pass the defeat of reciprocity. No one
outside a few democratic politicians
takes it seriously. It would add
nothing to our concessions from Can
ada, but only to those we make to
Canada, for all that Canada will do
in the matter of tariff reduction Is
embodied in the reciprocity bill. The
free list bill does not even ask Canada
for any additional concessions, but
simply proposes that the United States
make concessions which it does not
have to.
Conditional statehood and congres
sional reapportionment, having been
favorably recommended, probably will
encounter no further difficulty of
being enacted Into law, though aa to
reapportionment, since It increases the
membership of the house, will meet
some popular disapproval.
Money that Goes Abroad.
Some people who have not gone
deeply into the subject of foreign im
migration find fault with the condi
tions by which aliens can come to the
United States, work, save their money
and take it back to Europe with them.
They profess to see In this a serious
draining of our wealth into the old
world, but do they stop to think of
the way some of our own people are
lavishly pouring wealth into these old
world countries?
Dr. Edward A. Stelner, an authority
on immigration and an eminent sociol
ogist, relates an experience on board
a ship going to Europe, which fits this
case well. In the steerage were about
1,000 southern Europeans going back
to their native lands, carrying with
them an aggregate of $25,000. In the
first cabin he met a dozen wealthy
Americans, men and women, who, he
learned, were supplied with a total of
$100,000 spending money for pleasure.
One or two of them condemned the
conditions that made it possible for
"these foreigners to come over here
and take back our good money to
build palaces for their kings and em
perors." But they had not stopped to
think what tho kings and emperors
would do with their much larger
"What is the difference?" they
were asked. "The difference is," one
replied, "that we are Americans and
they are not." "No, that Is not the
difference; it is that these people down
In the steerage have earned their
money, while many of you have not."
At any rate, every alien who goes
back to his native land from America
with hard-earned wages accumulated,
becomes a valuable representative of
democratic America In a foreign land
and It Is through such a medium that
the United States may hope to dis
tribute and extend lta power and in
fluence. In this way it may partially
assimilate less fortunate peoples with
out their ever setting foot on Ameri
can soil. Back of every dollar these
laborers take to southern Europe is
something of a conviction of the su
periority of the country that affords
them the privilege of earning enough
money to support themselves and have
a small surplus to carry back home
with them. They have not missed the
moral force of such an experience.
Summer Philanthropy.
Many rich people in large cities are
putting their means to the very use
ful end of supplying the poor with
warm weather comforts, among which
are ice and water aid fresh air. Here
are three two, rather of the com
monest necessities of life air and
water, and yet the most uncommon to
those who most require them, because
unpossessed of ample means. It
seems strange to talk of philanthropy
in supplying them. But the grim fact
Is there. Just the same. Many a mis
erable mortal In Chicago, New York,
Philadelphia and other cities during
every summer languishes for want of
these commonest of nature's'elements
and the people in places nearer home
suffer for them.
Conditions should be such as to af
ford every person all the fresh air he
needed to breathe and all the pure
water he wanted to use, and all thel
Ice required. But since conditions In
big cities are otherwise It Is a fine
form of philanthropy adopted by many
good men and women of means to
provide for their less fortunate fellow
beings. If anyone imagines that the
need for Ice in such weather as we
have had of late is thua overdrawn hia
illusion might have been dispelled by
reading an account of a run on an Ice
company's headquarters in one of the
large cities, last week, where the
crowd, when denied Ice, stampeded
the place, broke down doors and
helped itself.
Fortunately, we of the west, while
paying exorbitant prices in some cases,
as in Omaha, for Ice, have not come
to such extremes as this, but only be
cause we do not have armies of Im
poverished people to care for. Why
should not philanthropy adapt its op
erations to the seasons, giving timely
effect to'lts beneficences? The good
that free ice and free open-air excur
sions and free water do for the op
pressed In the squalor of large tene
ment quarters Is not to be measured
In dollars and cents. The greatest
Benefactor the world ever knew at
tached a very rich reward to the sim
ple act of giving a cup of cold water.
Helping the Laggard.
Give more time to the laggard, is
one of the recommendations to school
teachers made by the National Educa
tional association in its San Francisco
convention. The complaint Is that
too many teachers are not attentive
enough to the boys and girls at the
foot of the class. Perhaps this is
natural, for Americans instinctively
admire a winner. School teachers.
doubtless, prefer to give their extra
time to the pupil who is alert and
bright in hia studies. In fact, we think
this Is usually the case. The laggard
generally lags not only In his own
work, but also in favor with the
teacher. To balance things, it would
teem that more attention be given to
him than to bis more fortunate class
mate. It might make more winners.
Still, schools must fit their pace to
neither the best nor the poorest, but
the average. It ia a question in the
minds of a good many educators It
this Is not overlooked too much; that
Is, it has been felt by some that the
course of study in the public schools
might be above the average child.
This theory has bad a good deal of
consideration in the effort to arrive at
the real reason why as many pupils
drop out as graduate from the grade
to the high schools every year. Two
hundred and fifty thousand children
pass from the grammar to the high
schools every year and another 250,000
pass from the grammar schools out
into the world to lay down their les
sons and take up work for wages. Of
course, economic reasons are partially
responsible for this, but even that has
not overcome the belief In some minds
that the grades are above the average
and that if they were not, fewer would
become discouraged and leave school.
So, while, it is doubtless important to
give more time and attention to the
laggard. It would seem to be most im
portant to aim always at the average
without holding anyone back.
The Church and Worldly Approbation.
Shall the church gain the approba
tion of the world? This rather re
markable question is raised by some
of the "radical conservatives," the
"Covenanters" of the Presbyterian
faith, who are finding fault with their
leading church organ, the Continent,
because It excepts to the ruling of the
General Assembly, which approves the
verdict of guilty of heresy against Dr.
Grant of Pennsylvania, In the course
of an editorial on the subject the Con
tinent, which took the position that
Dr. Grant had not denied any funda
mentals of the faith, but committed
the sin of thinking for himself, said:
The man in the streets concludes that
Presbyterians consider independent think
ing a sin, and that they protect them
selves against new ideas by kicking out
the men who harbor them.
Which provokes numerous retorts,
one of whom superfluously preludes
his letter to the Continent by saying
that, "I am 77 years old and was
reared In the auld kirk on oatmeal,
Scotch herring and the shorter cate
chism," and declares:
The Presbyterian church ia not conduct
ing lta affairs in order to gain the appro
bation af the American public, but for the
glory of God.
It is one of the exigencies of re
ligious propaganda, however, that the
glory of God often depends in this day
on worldly approbation. At least no
church making progress cares to ig
nore that fact.' It was the Head of
the church who said: "I came not to
call the righteous, but sinners, to re
pentance." True, to do that He did
not become one "of" the world, but
He was always "in" the world, down
with the man in the street. Why, but
to gain his approbation? And so Is
any disciple or church of His today
that amounts to anything. Intoler
ance has been left in the rear. The
church long ago learned that to hold
a place as a potent factor In the world
It must concede to the world Its right
to do some thinking on its own ac
count. Yet who will say that Is let
ting down ecclesiastical standards?
Approbation is generally gained
through respect. The church knows
It must have the world's approbation
and It la seeking It at every turn and
It knows that before it has its appro
bation it must have its respect and it
cannot have that unless it accords to
the world a respectful hearing.
All men do not choose to live on
oatmeal and Scotch herring. Some
even object to being gagged In order
to be converted. This Is no day for
unrelenting dogma in the shape of
empty form.
The Atlanta Constitution opines
that If Hoke Smith and former Gov
ernor Terrell had submitted their
candidacies for the senate to the
arbitrament of the people at a primary
election Instead of the legislature,
Smith "might not have been elected."
In which case Smith, granting that
the popular election of senators is a
sure thing soon, might be regarded as
having come under the wire by a neck.
Plsrlng Illtth Stake.
Cleveland Leader.
Crop reports indicate that it will take
more than reciprocity' to prevent good
prices for most food staples during the
next year or so.
Something- Better In Mind.
Chicago Tribune.
Pocking Woodrow Wilson's pay when he
absents himself from the state of New Jer
sey will not keep him at home. Woodrow
has something In mind that pays better
than a governor's Job. O, several dollars
Sympathy for the Left.
Minneapolis Journal.
It, has been decided by an Omaha de
bating society that a horse Is more desir
able than an automobile, and yet you never
hear of any hlll-cllmbing contests nor long
distance runs by horses.
Battling Bob's Prime.
Chicago Tribune.
Mr. La Follette is only M years old, and
after a little reflection It may occur to
him that a man of his physical vigor and
abounding activities should be Just in his
prime and capable of doing his best work
at the age of 60.
Vexlnar Question Solved.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Former Vice President Fairbanks ex
pressed hie horror of the awful sin of
Atlantic City on the same day 100 converts
were made there. We have at least found
what to do with our ex-vice presidents.
They should take to evangelism.
Ragged Characteristics of Peter A.
Dey, Famous lowan.
Sioux City Tribune.
The death of Hon. Peter A. Pey at Iowa
City, at the ripe old age of So years, Is
not so important an event as It would
have been In years gone by, but It serves
to recall the fact that he was once the
most distinguished civil engineer In the
United States and that he made Iowa
famous. It is a long time back to the '60s,
but In the '60s he was chief engineer of the
first transcontinental railroad built In
America. In that great office he persisted
In being honest until he lost his position.
The Credit Mobiller had been organised
by George Francis Train, an erratio genius,
who had taught school, written books, lec.
tured, built the first street railways (tram
ways) In London, and undertook to build
them In Paris. In Paris he got his Idea
of the construction company which ha sub
sequently organized in this country under
the French name Credit Mobiller, by which
to build the Union Pacific railway. It af
forded the first exhibition of cost swelling
on an enormous scale. The men Interested
In the railroad were also Interested in the
construction company and the construction
company was to be a very extravagant af
fair and Its profits divided with the rail
road managers, who were to take the rail
road over as rapidly as it was conatructed.
Peter A. Dey, as chief engineer of the
railway company, refused to certify the
correctness of the construction charges and
he lost hia position. Meanwhile the con
duct of the Credit Mobiller became so
scandalous aa to bring about a congres
sional investigation which Involved some
of the greatest men In puhllo life at the
time. Some men committed suicide, some
congressmen resigned, some were expelled
and some were so tainted that they were
promptly retired from public lite.
Influence of Pension System Estab
lished by Ironmaster.
Brooklyn Eagle.
The Catholic Educational association
meeting at Chicago adopted resolutions de
nouncing the Carnegie foundation as "a
menace to the Intellectual and moral well
being of the American people" and as "aim
ing at the de-Chrlstianlzation of the educa
tion of this country."
Of course, no such aim can be fairly
attributed to Mr. Carnegie. That his pur
pose was a high one. we assume most
Roman Catholics will concede. He provided
pensions for Instructors In colleges that
came within the terms of his plan. He
barred out both Catholic and Protestant In
stitutions owned or controlled by a religious
body. In effect this took from Catholic In
stitutions ail hope of participation. This
was a natural corollary of the Roman Ca
tholic view of education.
And, frankly speaking, though th'ere was
no "aim" to de-Chrlatlanlze the education
of thia country, the question whether th'j
scheme Is working out In de-Chrlstianlza-Hon
is open to discussion. Protstsnt Insti
tutions that refuse to surrender church con
trol, like Catholic Institutions, find the pen
sions In more favored schools and colleges
a temptation to teachers and professors to
leave them, and as a consequence, the re
ligious colleges are placed at a disadvan
tage in the matter of securing instructors
equal in breadth and force to those of the
secular colleges. That disadvantage is real
and Is serious.
We do not think the scheme has gone
far enough yet to be finally passed upon.
Perhaps the exclusion of institutions under
church control was unwise. Perhaps Mr.
Carnegie may be brought to recognise Its
unwisdom. If ha should do so, and If the
foundation plan should ba so amended, all
criticism would be avoided, but In number
and volume the pensions would not be
what they are now
IhisDav In Omaha
JULY m. L -H
Thirty Years Ago
Rev. Jsmes McCcsh. P. P.. L. I P..
rreHdent of Trlnceton university, accom
panied by Mrs. McCosh, arrived to spend
the Sabbath In Omaha as the guests of
Mr. snd Mrs. O. F. Pavis.
A young man, named Charlie Yorrlck,
was caught just at dusk In the act cf try
ing to steal the contents of Krwln Ellis'
money drawer. He was seized by John
McCaffrey, who held him until a policeman
took him.
The Merchant's Exchange at the corner
of sixteenth and Podge streets, boasts
being "the only place In the city where
Schlltt beer Is found on draught."
The B. A M. and I. P. nines played a
game of base ball. Gxme culled at 3 p. m.
At tiie end of tho seventh Inning they
stopped because of the heat, with a score
off 11 to In favor of the V. P s.
Twenty Years Ago
United States Senator John J. Ingalls of
Kansas spoke at the Omaha and Council
Bluffs Chautauqua.
The city was visited by a fierce electrical
storm with drenching rains.
R. Arnot Flnley and Miss F. Mae Hal
bert were united In marriage by Rev. Frank
Crane, assisted by Pre. French and Wil
liamson, at 1612 Burdette street.
Charles Weymullers left for New Tork,
whence he would sail for Europe on the
23th Inst.
John Cooper and Catherine Fox, and Frltx
Eiloomcr and Anna J. Jessen were married.
The building permits for the day amounted
to $1,900.
The temperature ranged from M to 78.
Burglars robbed the meat market of
Samuel Preyfuss In the Hitchcock block at
Twentieth and Farnam, taking advantage
of the nhort police force. Many officer
were attending a picnic,
Ten Years Ag
Rev. Merton Smith held a tent prayer
meeting for rain In which 600 persons took
part, among them Rev. P. K. Tlndall.
The city council approved the paving con
tract with the Grant company, over Mayor
Moores' veto.
The funeral services of J. (J. Cortelyou
was held at First Methodist church. Revs.
A. C. Hirst, J. C. Jennings and Bishop
C. C. MeCabe conducted It.
Rev. Edward Frederick Trefs bravely de
clares the report that Kountxe Memorial
church will sell Its site at Sixteenth and
Harney streets Is without foundation.
The home of John Welch, 1963 Martha
etrtet, was struck by lightning.
Petectlve 'J. E. Williams of St. Louis
arrived In Omaha to visit his uncle, Judge
St. Louie Republic: That preacher who
is trying to find "The Real Jonah" should
call at the weather bureau.
Cleveland Plain Pealer: Does that pas
tor who claims a minister cannot marry
on less than W.SOO a year firmly refuse to
perform the wedding ceremony for hia
brethren unless the latter contrive to
show up something above the 11,100 limit?
Louisville Courier-Journal: "The liar,"
says the minister, "Is the littlest and most
contemptible of all men." Wen, tnere are
liars and liars. Some of them Inspire a
certain sort of respect by the liberality
of their design and the aavolr fair of
their execution.
Boston Transcript: It la reported of a
religious meeting in Atlantic City that
numbers of men were moved to tears.
Without wishing to discourage the evan
gelists, it may ba permissible to point out
that In weather like this, the use of hand
kerchiefs may be for other than the drops
of contrition.
Wichita (Kan.) Eagle: In the religious
world Wichita has just received con
spicuous honor by tha consecration of
Mgr. Tihen as bishop. All Wluhita will
Join with the faithful in the expression
that "God would bestow the abundance
of His grace upon the bishop-elect."
People Talked About
' Sweet are the uses of advertising. Eh,
Chicago proposes to invest a bunch of
money In voting machine. Omaha' Junk
pile won't be so lonesome when Chicago
builds its pyramid In a year or two.
Drouth In New York cannot be as bad
as reported. One concern there Jumped Its
capital stock from iotiO to 113,000.000. Pos
sibly a little wind was annexed on the
There are exceptions to the charge that
actresses doff the matrimonial harness
aa readily as they change costumes.
Ethel Barrymore respected the marriage
pact for two whole years.
James Whlteomb Riley's gift of J75.0O0
worth of property to the home folks at
Indianapolis is an example of the civic
spirit that cannot be overdone. It Is not
copyrighted. Any cltisen with oivio pride
in bis heart and having a purse to match
may In this way insinuate himself into
the lasting good will of the community and
hitch his nam to the chariots of pos
terity. Now Is the proper time. Po It
while you live.
Former Governor Vardaman of Miss
issippi Is pulling off a campaign for tha
senatorshlp that throws in tha shade the
best efforts of "Mayor Jim" last fall.
Vordaman rode into Meridian recently In
a chariot drawn by 160 oxen, all white
and decked with streamers bearing the le
gend, "Vote for the White Chief and Up
bold the White South." The pace of oxen
Is not as speedy a a motor car, but "the
race 1 not always to the swift." Jim
General John S. Mosby takes several
columns of the New York Bun to prove
that the "Lost Cause" was lost at the
first battle of Bull Run, because the con
federates failed to follow up the victory
by taking Washington, which he thinks
would have been easy. Similarly, McClel
lan at Antletam and Meade at Gettysburg
might have crushed the rebellion had they
vigorously pursued the shattered confed
erates. In each case the troops had all the
fighting that human endurance could
stand. Hindsight would be more illuminat
ing If it weighed physical limitations.
Consul General Church ilowe ha be
come the greatest peace advocate attached
to the foreign servioe of Uncle Sam. The
"stormy petrel" of Nemaha and Nebraska,
having "fit and fit and fit" at hums
while a feaJher clung to the proud bird
of liberty, evidently looks back on strife
and contention aa a shocking waste of
energy, besides being fruitless. In his
dove cote at Manchester, Eng., he coos a
soothingly as a warrior retired en a fat
pension. Manchester newspaper are
charmed by hi vocal talent and rarely
pasa up a chance to work him for copy.
The Evening News of June I attached the
general picture to a peace overture a a
guarantee of good faith.
Nothing tells for good Ilk truth that
lived. giVe,,
Good nature and good fortune cannot e
kept apart.
The higher lltt man la lifted, the
more he shrinks.
lieaning toward a sin is a bd a taking
It In your arms.
Po right, and God will M to It that
you come out right.
The mn who fight the dsvll with fir
will have a warm time. '
The lazier a man I today, the more he 7
Intends to do tomorrow.
A man s wife Is a better Judge ef hi
religion than his pastor la.
A man run down hi shoes because h
walks that way In hi mind.
The faster the wrongdoer travel the
swifter he goes to destruction.
When God la on our side every star in
the heaven Is fighting for us.
When the devil can run the choir he
don't care who does the preaching.
"Mother. I'm lnvlud to fro swimming.
"Well, niy dear, that's all right."
"I know It Is. mother, but tell me should
I leave my store hair on tr take It off be
fore I go into the water?" Petrolt Free
Olbbs Your wife seem to be a contrary
sort of woman.
Plbbs Contrary! Why. whenever I ask
her to darn my stockings eh knit her
brow. Boston Trsnscrlpt.
"How could you fall in love with such a
silent man?"
"Herause he I a man not of word but
of deeds, and he will make the most valu
able of the deeds over to me." Baltimore
"Look out." eald the woman with th
determined look, "or that dog will bite a
plere out of you."
"Well," replied Plodding Pete, "remem
berln' dat handout you passed me last
week I wouldn't blame de pun fur goln' In
deperate fur a change of food." Wash
ington Star.
"Young Mis Prettyface. who la ueh a
social favorite, made a stirring speech at
the suffragist meeting which caused every
body to cheer."
"Well, It ought to come natural to a bell
to make ringing speeches." Baltimore
"I've advertised for a reliable, careful
"Po you expect to get one?"
"Yes. indeed. All the reckless daredevils
stem to be employed." Petrolt Free Press.
"Joined In June" I the way a southern
newspaper heads a wedding report. This
suggests a few other alliterations, as. "Fas
tened in February," "Mated in May," "At
tached In August," "Spliced In September"
and "Plvorced In Pecember.'' Boston
TV". W. Edward In Pacific Monthly.
An empty shack on the mountain side
And an unmarked grave below.
Where guarding the plain stand sentinel
With helmet and shield of snow.
A "waif of nature's" last renting place!
Apart from the world's fierce strife.
Mid well loved scenes, he haa "fixed hit
At the end of his journey of life.
Though his history's page is a trifle dim.
In the yearn that he called his best.
He had piloted through an adventurous
Who were lured to the golden west.
He saw the change creep over th wilds
That followed men's greed for gold;
The cities that rose on valley and plain
Where the buffalo ranged of old.
But gold and cities held naught for him;
Remote from the haunts of men.
His spirit set forth o'er the Great Pivlde,
And what was hi monument then?
An empty shack 'neath the mountain pine
Chanting a reaulem slow.
And the sunsets fall like a royal pail
on tne lonely grave oeiow.
Birmingham New.
They were standing alone in the gloaming,
t-acn clasping tne other s trail li
As memory backward went roaming
To youth and a faraway land
Where mock-birds were trilling in merriest
And flower were blooming all over th
A far-away land which they, only, could,
They, only, today, understand.
His locks were of soft, downy whiteness,
Her eye's brilliant luster was dim;
His love was her life's only brightness,
And she was the sunlight to him;
"My Marie," he murmured, caressing her
A she lifted a face. In It lovellght still
And brokenly whispered, "My Jim."
They were back in the day of youth's
With the sunshine of love In each heart;
They were telling again the old story.
Inspired by Cupid own dart;
Her silvery tresses were gleaming with
His snowy whit lock were a brown a
of old
Fair visions th passerby failed to behold
Yet lingered, still loath to depart.
And there In the peace of th gloaming,
Alone In the dear yesteryear,
As memory backward went roaming
They kissed, for the parting was near
And she wa his Marie, fair, youthful
and gay.
And he waa her soldier her soldier In
They turned, but the stranger waa walk
ing away.
And silently wiping a tear.
Mr. Selby and Prize Baby
" I hare always used Cutlcur Soap
and no other for my baby and be
has never had a sore of any kind.
Its doe not even chare as most babies
do. I feel sure that It is all owing to
Cuticura 8ap, for be is One and
healthy, and when five months old
won a prize in a baby contest. It
make my heart ache to go into so
many homes and see a sweet-faced
bsby with the whole top of Its bead
a solid mu of scurf, caused by poor
soap. I always recommend Cuticura,
and nine times out of ten, th Beit
tun I see the mother she says, 'Ohl
I am so glad you told me of Cuticu
ra " (Signed) Mrs. O. A. 6lby, Re
dondo Beacb, Calif., Jan. it, mi,
Although Cuticura Soap tod Oint
ment are sold by drugiutg and deal
ers serywhere, a liberal sample of
each, with J2-page booklet will be
seat, post-free, on spplieatkm to
"Cuticura," Dept. S, Boston.