THE BEE: OMATTA, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1011. . . . . i i .I i II II" I'I'B'T 1,. I il nfi'i'ililii' IT -jl CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES Hundreds of Children's. Misses' and Juniors' Wash Dresses ages 1 to 14 worth up to V.X,z, fi9c-98c WOMEN'S TAILORED and LINGERIE WAISTS Scores of up-to-date mid -in ai mer waists many with low necks and short sleeves they Women's Fine Lin. gerie Waists Exquisite creatlona, many elaborately made of fine materials worth $3.00 .tnd.!::007.....$1.9i Store Closes 0 F. M. Saturday Evening ' are worth np to 12.00; on aale at 98c gJ 8 -SHBMSSB T PS Dainty Summer " "rj n r pij Waists JiM p Lit Good, practical styles ft k f I N I f- all new mid summer ij flV f I I models; worth i0- k JU I I ud to 11.50. at. . ,v v 1 ci Tf 1 T "a- V V JA M at Great -Sale of Wash I Sittt Presses $598 ALL DAINTIEST NEW STYLES, ACTUALLY WORTH UP TO $12.50, at QUsss. I , r- wjr y. , X V I r. Lw. . N . YV .m' jew '--t x BM 1 I . V J t I IT , . w Jml m W Vacation Clothes J.''.-. ' " ' J . m f f AWmWlM W Boys' $1.50 Wash Suits, second floor, old store 69c M J ' ." i 1 ' IMP Ml t 3 1 IWY&Wr XWKVl ' t fJr Boy.' $2.B0 Wash- Suits, second floor, old ft 4-- " I. Ei fp P; i ffOTUMTv'M "tore fl.50 wh- " m'7 - tt U-L I VIW fc Av VTir ' ffl V ' Boys' $3. B0 and $4.60 Wash 1 Suits, second floor, , R . . 'lsJw'rw awl L ' w 3-s "v3" - WidS: 1 7 ffiSff P ' 9jy3f- ''ll 5 - Boys' Soft Collars, tie to match, second floor, old -'l" I - Jjt !, 1 ipH jlL-, Brl 1 $&Zf$ jKx's'';l Boys' CadetShlrt Waist Blouses, old store 4Sc to 08c Ss 1 . ' -3Sy"" J I LUsj CfuV KVU-i- Boys' B0c Bloomer Wash Pants, b'm't new store 19c I ILAr-x,- . . I1 Va-8'f ,j . J J V rr'l S S 1 Rovs' BOc Khlrt WlRt Rlniidfin h'm nw tnr ate - i t -a-" xj 11 11. - v; v 1 f r ui 11 - -w - . ii rjmJtf: iluls t 7js' I A V'XTSW tK- HQ ooys ouc Kompers, oaBemeni. new store sc A-V55 ' .y - KXrr vr Hi By8' 3 Khaki Suits, basement new store S1.69 V . . If ' . v ' Wief ' H 9 Boys' $1.50 Base Ball Suits, basem't new store 75c - : - ; " .-' ' fl H Boys' and Girls' Indian Suits, b'm't new store SI H : "" J'. 'mm. imnmj n i iili iijii ;;i..i.ui,. iui i iilj.pi- - fT VV II fill Wash Marquisette and Voile Dresses White Lingerie Dresses Striped Tissue Frocks. Also smart novelty material frocks dotted Swisses linens and reps. Just 600 of them to select from- prettiest summer styles with low or high necks long or short sleeves white or colors many with sailor collars and 'jabots others with fancy lace trimming. Many odd sample V dresses in this great purchase. Misses' sizes 14 to 20; women's sizes 34 to 44 THE M1D ' SUMMER DRESSES, ACTUALLY WORTH UP TO $12.50, at 3 ' ' , WOMEN'S BEAUTIFUL SILK DRESSES-WOSTH UP TO $12.50, for $3.98. Fine Foulards and Summer Silks solid color silks striped bordered effects low or high necks, lace trimmed or sailor collars. All sizes for women and misses a wonderful variety to select. from-rdaintiest designs suitable for every purpose, at..... Q98 BARGAINS SATURDAY IN OUR BASEMENT CLOAK SECTION. Women's Kins With Coit Bults fine llnenr linen crash, repa, ducka. etc.r-noocl pra- jg fn tlcal kuKs -wrth up . 5z.!l?l to 1S.00. at...v...... Women's an.. Misses' Wool TH-T Worteti's ' Silk ' Petticoats in ored Suits all good styles, fine 1 blacks and colors Eood oual- jiutteriala mer and Worth. uits all good styles, fine 1 ' &,&s:.WiWl. . . $1.39 BRANDEIS STORES Misses' and juniors' Wash Dresses mushed and soiled; some show; i)B'U.,imperrectiina. Worth as iilch as.4. at .....i SELECT FROM OUR MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S $18, $20 and $22.50 SUITS In Correct Stvles ti1 Splendid Materials-New Patterns.. SATURDAY There's Not Another Oifer Like This in Omaha This chance comes to you because one of New York's lead 'ing wholesale tailors was so badly overstocked that he was willing to dispose of hundreds of his best suits at a big loss to him. For men '8 and young men's suits that are examples of best hand tailoring. Made of selected light weight woolen worsted fabrics newest patterns and styles that are strictly up-to-the-minute. They look like high quality suits, and that's exactly what they are. They are made to sell as high as $22.50 each. Men's and Young Men's t7 RS 10, 12.50, 15 Suit8......S' iW You'll not get a chance like this again this season no matter where you go. These are better than the fli ordinary $12.50 and $15.00 suits for men and young men, They are in the most desirable patterns splendid wearing fab rics and up-to-date styles. Select from hundreds Saturday at HP SSBssl VECSbbS' BESS r lie a B Clearing Sale . Men's Straw Hats Men's 98c Straw Hats, at 50 Men's $1.50 v Straw Hats, at 08 Men's $2.00 Straw Hats, at ....$1.50 Men's $3 Hats, at S2.50 - Mert's $3.50 Straw Hats, at ....82.95 Men's $4-00 Straw Hats, at S3. 95 Men's $5 Straw Hats, at ...'...$2.95 .Boys' and Children's 25c Straw Hats and i. Wash Hats and Caps, at ........10 Boys' and Children's 50c Straw" Hats, at 25 Clearing Sale Men's Silk and Lisle UNDERWEAR Shirts and drawers, athletic and regular made imported silk and French lisle. Worth up to $6 a suit at garment 75c-98c-$1.25 Men's' Imported Lisle Underwear shirts and drawers worth up to $1.25, a 35 . and 50 Men's 40c Balbrlggan and Ribbed Under wear basement, at 19 BR AIM DEIS STORES OMAHA. iAVOR NEW EXAMINER SYSTEM hnaia Bankers Like Recommendation of Comptroller of Currency. RT0EKS WELL IN LARGE CITIES ; . Caldwrll Mays 'thnt Swuie of the Re cent Rank f-'ailuroa Mlabt Have Beea -Averted bjr the, lac of ThU Srateiu. The recommendation of Lawrence O. Murray, comptroller of the currency, that leveral reserve clUes. Inrludlns Omaha, tdopt the system of having a clearing k house examiner, will be conaldered by the Dmaha Clearing Mouse association. It 1 tot probable, however, that any uctton will e taken by the aiaoclatlon before Septem ber,' aa the meetings, which at most any pme'of the year are IrreKiilar, in the sum- kier are almost discontinued. ; Letters sent out by the CJmptroller In ahich his recomniemlatlon of ih-i clearing souse examiner aru stuted specl'lcally kava not been received iy Oman's bunkers. l'beir cuiiiing l aaltvu u-UH much inter- Wit. : . V. H: Caldwell. vlcn president of the United States National hnrl., dec uie thet e personally, nud, so far a he kn.'iv, the kankera ofiOmuha, in ni iierul. would favor (ha adoptiin of the examiner system, lie laid: 1 "Therj Is no duubt that II la a sood thins Mid would havo worked a world of good 1 It the clearing- houuo of the country had taken this direct Interest tit the affairs of the banks sooner. Chicago was the first lo sdopt the examiner system, and then Minneapolis . and St. l'aul ' followed. New fork then took It up. . Would I'rrirul Knlluru. "It is safe to say' that the -V.'fU.ti failure b ChlcaRo or the Carnegie Trust company Snaah la New York never would have hap pened had there been a eltuiing house ex aminer Who would have kept the officers t the association In touch with tlui kind of bans that were being ntude by these banks. "The duties of a clearing house exam her are similar to those nf a national bank bspector, but with this advantage. His Held ja confined to one locality and In that Say the financial Institutions are in rloser touch with the current affairs of the hanks ft an the would be otherwise. "ThU ri' will be considered by th Hearing house, but I do not think there will ke anything decisive on the question before h kext fall. Of course, the examiner system korks better In Hie lame ell es, or rather I should say It is of more benefit, a there are more banks and they are further apart. But it should be so excellent proposition for a city like' Omaha." 1 doubt if it will have any effect locally," was the comment of Charles T. Kountxe, president of the Omaha Clearing House association on Friday morning when he was shown the Washington dispatches to the effect that Comptroller of the Cur rency Lawrence O. Murray has asked 1 Lar.kers In thirty-two large cities to adopt the plan of 'having a clearing house ex aminer. Asked If he expected the Omaha associa tion to comply with the comptroller's . re quest,. Mr. JCountze was reticent "I don't t are , to express an ; opinion," be said. "There can be no action of the sort taken except through an act of the association, and it h uncertain when there will bs a meeting. We have no stated meeting time, bul one called together ' by the managing committee." " . OMAHA, SATURDAY, JULY 16, 1911. Omaha Ad Men Select . Delegates to Boston Seven Delegates and Seven Alternates Are Chosen to Represent This City. ' Delegates to the AU Men's convention a. Fusion, August 1 to 4. have been selected and are preparing t9 make ., the Journey, .Milch la expected to give Omaha and Ne braska some wide publicity. The specU.1 .Nebraska train to Boston will leave Omaha July 27 and the route will Include a days trip on the St. Lawrence river. The delt giUes are: Delegates A..L. liule. at large; it 10. ttuuUerland, A. C. Scott, KUl,t iiiiieHpie , V.ctur While, O. K. McCune, Frank W. liarwood. Alternates W. F. Baxter. C. H. Liugdule, Jack i.enks. 1 1. A. Thompson, D. M. Llnerl. K. T. Swohe. K. C. Urlffin. TOIIS'S DLC GOLDEfi GOFFEE Start the 41 riehl. Drink a cue ol thl tuiicrb llciid. OUtrrve its iuli-oodl sua tl rahnek ol lit aroino. OI4 Ooldca utifiet because It is food coiiee llironth and through. Fineit coilce growths blciiJed lo sukr Ine mosX gloiioul cup that can ra e a hreakUtt table or lop oil a (ood dinner, tic sure Ut teal la uubrokea. 30c a pound at your grocer Is. TONE BROTHERS, Dea iWalnsa. tews) There art two kinds ol Spice , TwMiiiil "vCUrt." C. J. BURKETT AND FAMILY FINISHING A LONG TOUR iCxSeBator Jesrueii by Kar Staaea front New York t'ttr to Home '.. ' lay Maeola. Ex-Vnlted States Senator K. 3. Burkett, Mrs. Burkett and the three little Purketts in fact, the whole Burkett family looking brown as berries, rolled into Omaha Friday morning in a big touring car. and went on,, after a few hours atop, to their home In Uncoln. The ex-senator lSuks hale and hearty, and says he had a great time on hU cross-country ride, -being particularly gratified at the tonlo effect It has had on Mrs. Uurketl. who had been convalescing from a severe attack of typhoid fever. "I joined the family In New York two weks ago Sunday," continued Mr. Hurkrtt, "and we toured up hrough New Kngland as far as Bennington, Vt.. and then back to Troy. N. T. We left Troy a week ago last Friday, and kept straight on, with the exception of nearly two days In Chicago. It was a great trip, and wa had only one puncture on the whole Journey. Taking our stops out, we made better time than the ocean-to-ocean people, who were ahead and behind us. We encountered only ona rain, and that waa over In Iowa. We will be living In Lincoln from now on. tf this automobile touring habit does not Interfere too much." GOayden's eat iept. You Can Hon Afford Spring Chicken We bought the choicest lot of Milk Fed Spring Chickens ever brought to Omaha bought thera at greatly reduced prices. You get the benfit. Spring Chickens, ib 22c No. 1 Hindquarters Spring Lamb. lit? No. 1 Porequarters Spring Lamb 7i' Lamb Stew ; No. 1 Sirloin Steak . . Shoulder Steak, 3 lbs. for Pot Roast, 8c, 7c and Boiling Beef, 7 lbs. for ....... Boneless Rib Roast, 12Vc and Veal Roast ". 8c Veal Chops, 120 and .10c Veal Stew, 6 lbs. for 25( Rex, Winchester or Shield Bacon 20c No. 1 Hams . . . : 15c 10 lbs. Ground Bone,or chicken feed see ... 50 , 1214c ..25c . ...6c . . .25c ..10c C3t$ C3 zf& Care?a guVtj 3saCfsr3yt qssr u3 ,. Omaha's Pars J Omaha's Purs Food Center "SPECIALS" FOIi SATURDAY .25c .layden Bros.' eat Dept. 16c bottle Bayle's Chill Hauce I0 2Sc Holtle Ulshop's Chill Sauce 14-lb. tin "1'erndeU" Potted or Deviled Turkey ..10o Small tins bugar und Maple Syrup for '?? 2uc can ImporteJ Krench Peas loo . 2-lb. cans Morrill's Lunch Tongue oOO 2-lb. cuns Morrill's Prime KohbI Beef 300 6-lb. tins Fairy Soda Crackers, for 600 bars Bunny Monday Soap...6o .Stuffed Olives (assorted) for lOo, ISO, 850 Barrel Freah Crisp Ginger Snaps for .... J00 S cans Sunset Milk ..Soo Regular $1.00 Clothes Baskets. special 65 Picnlu Baskets, covered and pluln (all sizes) ISo to BUTTEX, EOOS AWD OHEXSB DiriSXHliXTl Strictly ttesh Kggs, per doz..23o "Lotus' Creamery Uutler (in cur tons) per lb 300 Our Bet Country Butter (In san itary Jars) per lb 880 Fancy Imported Swiss Cheese per pound .35c Domestic Swiss Cheese, joer lb. 85o Our best Imported Tloquefort Cheese, per lb : 400 Fancy Jar Cheese . .lOo, l5o, 8S0 Jt. Jar Chow Chow or Celery itellsh aOo Fresh rrult and Tegetabls Sept. Iced Fancy Florida il'atermelonn. ech 40o to 600 California Peaches, per dos. a 00 .to 300 S Stalks Celery loo Lemons, per dux 85o Fresh Mint. Cauliflower, Head Lettuce, Blueberles, Red Rasp berries, Apricots. Plums und fancy Cantaloupes. Coffee and Tea Department. Iced Tea, cooling and refreshing, should be used freely this hot weather. It costs but to per gal Jon; we aell it mixed, already for use, at. per lb. from . ...0o up Courtney's "Lotus-Ankola" Cof fee, the best 3 lbs. for fl.OU coffee sold lu the world, at per lb 35o Lotus Peanut Butter. nlwsys fresh, at per jar . .10c 16o, Site and 45o Bulk, per lb 800 Courtney's Spices, prepared in mr ttifht cuns, at per cun . .10o, 8O0 and 85o PIP Pounds Best Cans Granulated Sugar . . If You Parohase 81 Order of Other floods. We carry a full line of 'leas. Coffees, Spices, Fxliucts. ItakiriK Powder, etc. Try Oar Coffee, Special, at, a lb 30o. P-00 FJoyunc Tea Co. 406 North 16th Street. Tel. 1). 2446 Ind. U-2440. c5 c6iMti C1 C4 Cn33 People are becoming more and more interested in the development of the Great Northwest. And The Bee, which has been untiring in creating this interest, is read by a vast throng. Advertise your land in The Bee. WATER FOR DEAF INSTITUTE State Officials to mi- lu Omaha to I n vratlitate the Conditions at I tke Bcliool. 11 Addison Wait, secretary of stats, and Walter A. George, state treasurer, were lo Omaha Friday morning on an Investigation of conditions at the Institute for the Deaf. The city has prepared to make extensive improvements at the school, paving Forty fifth street from Military . avenue to tbe entrance, but the work has been held up aisaltlng the Installation of a new water system. - 'The deaf Institute Is ow without ada quats water arvice for fire protection, ac cording to Assistant City Engineer Cam pen, and It la proposed by the state to in stall new mains. The water company win then be able to get water out there without any -cost to Itself. No further work can be done toward paving until the water pipes are laid. ' Blrtka aad Deaths. Birtha Fred Brown, 613 North Thirty second, girl; Fred benson, 1630 South Tenth, gtrl; Thomas Crew, W South Twenty, fourth, boy;. John Carleon, IN1 Burt, girl; Thomas Toy. 1818 North Twenty-fifth, girl; avid Sherman. STiG Hurt, glrL Deaths Laura C. Anderson, Infant, 150 Ames avenue; Klva Kuth Akin, infant. iitO Camden' avenue: Anna Vasak, as U North Thirteenth, South Omaha; Reuben W. Klton, 4a, Twenty-fourth and Bristol ; OUs H. Sorter, 44. eWS North ThlrU-tbUL FARFWFI I TO W 1 CAMPBELL I IUm Kennedy connected Mr. Csmpbell up rantWCLL. IU im, H. OHBirDtLU wUh Scotlsnd as well as Omaha In a Lssckeos Ulvea is Ills Honor at tfce J "T "lch- Home Miller. W. F, Baxter Hotel Prior t Departure. Ilia aad Robert Manley also spoke. Will A. Campbell, who retires as head of the publicity bureau of the .Commercial club, waa the guest of thirty friends at s luncheon at the Rome hotel Friday noon, the occasion being a farewell before his departure for St. Paul, to enter the pub licity department of the a real Northern railroad. C. C. Roaewater presided at the festivi ties.' Colonel T. W. McCullough told sev eral reminiscences of Mr. Campbell's serv ice la newspaper work on The Dee; Wll- Frightened lato Fits by fear of appendicitis, taks Dr King's New IJfe Pills, and away goes bowel trouble. Guaranteed. !0c. For sale by Beaton Drug Co. Jots Hays Hammond Home. NEW YORK, July 14. John Hays Ham mond, special American ambassador to the ooronatlon. returnee today. His secretary felt free to aay that Mr. Hammond would not be the next ambassador to Germany. - The Key to the Situation Bee Want Ads. We Are Right In the Midst of Oeniodelifig There's a "forcing out" price on most every quart of liquor in this establish ment. If you are going to buy any liquor at all with in the next 6 months BUYI.'FJOW "GUOKENHEIMER" RYE WHISKY Full Quarts, OA at only UvV OLIVE OILS Purest Italian Pompeian S-,Srt..:;...68o BLACKB'RRY CORDIAL Best Panacea for all Sum mer Complaints 75c Bottles. GRAPE JUICE Unfermented, white or dark, as follows, 60c and 50c O O quarts, at ,.,OOC VIRGINIA DARE WINE 75c she CO-f-a bottles ..' Phone Douglas 1241. Phone. Ind. A-3241. EHiller Liquor 60. 1303 FARNAM ST. OMAHA, NEBRASKA Clearing Sale Men's Shirts Negligee styles with collar attached or neckband, all fine summer patterns, worth up to 3.60 ' two lots at 98c-$1.50 Men's Negligee and Outing Shirts Worth up to $1.50, 50c and 75c Men's 50c Silk and Lisle Hose At, per pair. . . .10c, 12MC and 25c 1 AMStSuiasiaiisyaxv l