Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1911, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 13, Image 13

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    TllK BEE: OMAITA. SATURDAY. JULY 15. 1011.
lith. M floor, room 6.
Hiwnoo tablrts win bund
strongtbea. too. BELL DRUO CO.
rot, ftooiich trouble. Dr Mtrnrft Hal
loran. 2-t NotIIs jil It. I. Kl. Uiwn efter L
rnWCTLT private r-onfWm-nt ham.
Ws fin home for bablea (bin mothers
not tW t car for teem. SUA Derm
port fiC
TOUNO WOICXN coming to Omaha as
strangers er Invited to vl1t the Touna
IVemen' Christian association building at
f!?rPth "V. ad Bl- Mary-" A., vhrrt
they will b directed to sultsble boar dint
pieces ar otherwise assisted. Look for 3ur
travelers aid at tha Union station.
rtT-T im . treatment. Mm. Alln of
l't St.. first floor. D.
RXlfT and repair all kmda of sewing
aaa. Ind. A-10O. Douglss 11
16th and Harney St.
gtaAolsh Pharmacy. Uth and Dodge.
Massage-Rlttenhouae. JOS Old Boston Bid.
7VR ", dert tise Pale!l a k
erm. BJ. Goldbarir. 12 N. lth Ht.. will
m to The Be office within three days
w" 57v him an order for a quart brick
of this fin Ice ereara.
Lew W. Eaber, Printer lJ"lBr.h.S,V
HIES HALL PtK- Co.. im g. 14th. Ind. A-3M4.
PHONE TKD. A U for ano4 artntlng!
Idmgstad Printing Co.. Uth and Capitol Ave.
WHAT doe a Mint mean. If you want
J? O-Brten candies. If
Otnida Phelps, 15 N 28th flu. will come to
Tte Boa office within three day w will
.?.h'm "".orter for a ft-eent box of
O Brten candy free.
"JPVAD Gur- Tru,t Co-. 1T1
H. H. Neaia. pres.; J. Campbell. c. D. 2M
PETER JE8HEN, jr. Co.. TL Doug. SU.
REED ABSTRACT" CO, oldest abstract
office In Nebraska. A Brandels Theater.
teenth floor City Nat l Bank Aside.
81MONSO.V A NORBT. furnace and Vm
work. Douglas 9440.
FOR ONLY $1,000
One-Fourth Cash
Balance easy payments.
Several homes have already been
sullt, costing from $7,000 to $50,000,
and other tracts are now being pre
pared (or the erection of handsome
houses in this beautiful residence dis
trict. . These improvements and the fact
that Fairacres li. in the direct line of
Omaha's best reaidence growth west
ward make this district the best and
only residence district of its kind near
For a home or an investment, an acre
or two in Fairacres present an oppor
tunity unequaled in or around Omaha.
For plats, prices and full informa
tion see
George & Company
Sth Floor City National Bank Bldg.
6 Rooms, New
Close In
Fine Neighborhood
2763 Webster St
An opportunity for you to get a good
( room, entirely modern bouse at a low
Price. It Is on one of the prettiest streets
In the city, wide and beautifully parked.
me clock from the Harney car line, lees
than M minutes' ride downtown, and within
easy walking- distance of the retail district.
The bouse has good basement, cemented,
furnace heat.
On the first floor there Is a reception hall,
open stairway, nice parlor and large dining
room, pantry, kitchen and rear entry. Oa
the second floor three bedrooms and bath.
AU of the rooms are nicely paperrd. The
wood work Is in good condition, and the
outside has just had two coats of paint. It
trio light and The yard is sodded, the
street Is paved and paid for. Thla is In St.
John's parish, close to t'relghton college,
one block from public school and close to
the high school. It is in a neighborhood of
home owner and will make a nice borne.
This la a cash price, but the owner will
1 sell to responsible party on mry terms,
with only C per cent interest. This la worth
looking into. It la vacant bow. Possession
can be given at once. .
Norris & Martin
40 Re Bldg. Douglas 4270. A -4270.
Extra Bargain
Near Omaha
GOOD 139-ACRK farm. wlUiln two miles
of Millard. Neb.,- several thousand dollar'
worth of Improvements, consisting of extra
good, well built 7-room house, almost ,
large barn for fourteen head, with hay loft
for forty tons; thiee acres of orchard and
other bulldlnKS too numerous to mention.
One-half of this farm Is extra stood bottom
land, balance upland. The p. k e is tldu pr
sera TT.OUi) or le. March I, li!i balance
long time Think of It. Macadam road al
most the entire diatame to Omaha and
farm within seven milts of South Omaha.
oooo boil This will be an exceedingly hig
Room 1213-14 City National Bank Bldg
10-Acre Frurt Farm
Only 4 block to electric ear line direct
Into city; hou-e. barns, outbuildings; all
kinds of bearing fruit: a beautiful sub
urban home sad fruit money snaking prop
osition. STANLEY P, POSTWICK. Sole Ac ant.
122a City Nat l Bank Bldg.
Got to Sell .
If you want a real bargain, w can offer
sn t-room strictly modern horn In West
r'arnam district; almost given away. Very
assy terms; This house ha got to b sold
Within a week.
121S-U CUjr National Bask Bids.
nnoMi r i.i, an m r . , r- i .
r J - - 1 in ,; pi uprouS isiiloau luJl. vuiikc.i
w!ri.iI0,t 1 1 . . . . I na bioek irom uepoi; goou scnooi.
. . , ---- . ius -ajina hi i cnurchea. Addresa uaner, uox u, fervivai.
a few bargaina ...,,. coumy. iowa.
OH IN a MP-RHTI T. raupiVT rrernoul coumy. .owe-
rJR BAI,K-Brtt built mdlum-rrWd
moo-m rand-nra In W nl rsrnam district;
row mo; quarter-sawed oak first floor;
natural hard pine K-ond floor; tlia floor la
Jeotihule and bath room; large cistern;
ruriiar heal; nealv decorated and painted;
built five year Will make prica attracUvo
lor iilrk sale. No agents. Owner baa
immediate uaa for money. Address, H 738.
cars bee.
W HAT have you In real aetata mortgage.
r other aerurltiea for t-room, slate roof,
modern house In fine location, or would
''cent small i n. tvi. it. a
;i""f: i Ak owner. Penns'y. 1239
vny .t. Bank Bldg.
-ROOM, private corner home. In good
condition, modern improvements: reason
able if bought from owner; 11.000 down,
balance on easy monthly payments; ce
ment walk and aphalt pavement, paid
for. Inquire at 1701 Dodge.
rYTTAOKat Lak Manawa; furnlahed.
cheap. r. sm
C rred Harrison and Geo. T. Morton for
business bargains. l Omaha Net i fcank
FOR BALE Two new portable housea.
Stephen CrandaJl. Ave. D and J7th. Council
T.nnoir himim v
- - ' vuw. '111 'Kl U J1U
ftne shade tres and frutt on lot. 4.40
ourueue ni r none M ebeter in.
TAKE a boat rtde on Lake Manawa. We
will give a pair of round-trip tickets to Q.
H. Perdue. lent So. th St.. If he will come
to The Bee office within three davs.
Arban e.
BEST fruit and feneral arming lands
for prk e in U. a.. In Mearcy Co . Ark. Bend
for booklet showing e to fit land near
town. W. M. Hensoa, Leslie. Ark.
LWS ACRE rich bottom land, sis mile
Newark, 110 per acre; terms. Pine orange
grove, Florida. Forty acree; I7.W0. Otber
bargains. A. A. Henderson. Newark. Ar
C3 A.. BliOOTH, Vm BU. railway station.
100 fenced. 40 cult., small boue. two walla
two public roads, lAsuO. Cnion Bank A
Trust Co.. Real Est. Uept, liearcy, Ajk.
16S, ml out. W In cult.. 130 black alfalfa
er clover land; fair Imp.; good neighbor
hood to, MO, I ml, from town of I. wo, near
P. O. and school; nearly all smooth up
land; W cult., bal. timber, clover: 4 al
falfa. ( bearing orchard. 13a fenced bog
tight; extra good 4-r. residence, store,
lodg bids., new barn, dark red Bandy
loam; good community; delightful location:
abundance sood water; H.iw. subject to
year loan feO; terms easy.
WM. UlLAiuHl.
MarshaJi. srL-
BEST frutt and general farming lands
for price In U. la Bearcy Co., Ark. Bead
for booklet showing fa to II lend near
lawn. W. iL Hanson. LeaU. Ark.
M TRACTS of land In the corn and al
falfa district of Delta land; black soil; good
schools; lands will double In value In three
ears; now rent from i ta I! per aora
rue .us what you want
Ptea Bluff. Ark.
All classes ef timber, farm and fruit lands
In Arkansas, Louisiana and MtsaiaaippL
from ta to S par aura. Writ J. IX AUy
Bolds, Camden, Ark.
COTTON plantation; 480 acree; elegant
10-roora dwelling; plenty tenant bouses;
good barn and outbuildings; rich, black
loam; will grow bale cotton or ii bushel
corn per acre; woven wire fence, 2M seres
cultivation; ?Q0 merchantable timber, hard
wood; healthful location; 4 miles from good
town; good neighborhood; near school and
church; price UOAv; reasonable terms
Address Johmton A WUis, care Southern
Trust Cow LilU Aiock, Aik.
OZARK. LAND CO., Oravette. Ark.
Stock ranches, fruit farms, berry fielda.
mall tracts. Installment plan; town proa
arty. Business bouses. Writ us
tM A. UNIMPRO TKD cut-off Umber
land; much fin timber yet on land; t to I
mi. from Eureka Springs; fine for fruit,
ranch and general farming; I7.S0. Special
bargain In improved farms, 110 to am
Eureka .Springs. Ark.
FOR SALE It you want a farm or farm
lands In southwest Alabama, we have all
kinds, especially -a.falta, corn and cotton
land, from i)0 to 1,0U0 acres. For full In
formation write to us. Hefner Camp Kealty
Co.. Akron, Alabama.
Ranch Snap
in Alberta. Canada, li miles no. in of Medi
cine Hat; !,) seres leased land, seventeen
)eara yet to run, at iai.0 per year mo
taxes); 2ti9 acres deeded; sooo agricultural
land; first-class two-story nouse of ( rooms.
tog stable and large rraine cattle shea, and
general improvements; ail lei.ctu; fine
kprlng water in pasture. Only fe.uuu for all.
'ine biggest snap ever ofieitd. investigate
L ACRES, close to town, naskatchewan;
lie acres In wheat; Us acre; third ess a.
baianc to suit- Writs tor terrn L
broule St . Fcrt Wllllaina. OnU, Can.
OOLDEN wheat lands tor sale. Im
proved and unimproved prairie (arms, any
sis. Aioeria, nasxaicncwaa.
coy. Vt alroua.
FARM lands la the Canadian west, tewa
lots In railroad divisional puinia, proierty
In Watrous. the Cariabad ot America.
Wclte W. M. Qalbraita. Watrous, Sas
katchewan. REAL ESTATE I have a Urge list of
lands la the Goose and Esgie lake district,
o betiar in Canada. U. i Leech, ttoae
luwn, bask-
I OWN a section of good wheat land
situated less thaa two mllea from growing
twwn In Saskatchewan. Will sell for 20 per
acre. Addrc, M. J. Carroiners, P. O. But
II 7. Wlanlwt. Manitoba
C elerade.
NORTH WESTiZtVN Colorado wbeat lands,
H2M to lis I er acre. A few unpieved
isinis. iu Vtrite J. li. itet.iaarui.
etuilug. Colo.
luO-ACKi; Irrlgaied larm, Cciorailo.
fiaely improii; Ad-ruwm dwelling,
itu; potio .. i4 aulu .ariunak, w
seres wheat; i acre alfalfa; no wasi
land; ever foul unuer uid waier righ,
take another farm, isn't wura both. j
nuts noitn ot ivr. ai nuiee aoutn ut
Uiceley. C. A. lireary. 4ue ilat u,u..
Denver, Colc
FOR SALE OK TiLsDE-My equity la
(tcliou ui raw lauu. J w-ca ot nuienu, 1
uules Kit Carson and mile Wild Horse,
Cnoyenue in, Coto , 1 ii, F. sty-. la
Buwd, shallow waist Ciairici; 1 nulo is
river; alls If a growu ucuesklulo uearby.
price, t-f acre; Dcuuit,ra4ice tL-e, i
UonaA at pei ceui, sue slay li. 114. Will
trade tbe equity, li.AH iur iaidenco
equal value. A also ha. a sevuoa jotning
k &.i wiiicu Is i.iei. u , I-,. lwu prop
erty, bame pttoe. V want c4.11 ias ii-eut
us thla at k per ru ;ir .t. Boyu.
New ma. la.
t, u 1 v uv ..u..- . ..- , . , ' Soil la ieilile and well adapted to dlverai
FOR SALL-B ownei. kj-scr farm In ,-e)J t,,.,,.. oairytm; aud gaidao Uum
low tan-iiic co. oii, oii.y u miles j a iuad hauls or transportation chargea.
south of oiuaua. ai. 111 cuiu.auon, teriue. . ,,ut rujni si tne duois of in. L.t loarkeis
- '.wen iiiii1 v , . ev., . u.
, wt A.wc.l- InmrAVad' f SA T IVt 7? milaa Wkn
,xr- a. -s aaasae www " w gta via
M-Si n Cit, I lullo from sma i town; I7i
en act; easy terms and p:eadid bargain,
Ul-aci umuil-ruvwd farm 13 aaiiea from
., sa Jly, ' miles trm Isj ti,er towiA,
ealy 10 aa sera We h e the bet bar
sias iiuriiiein lew Cunie anu see ua,
Aiasoa City, la.
FOR SALE Excellent M-cr farm la
corn and blue grass belt. Adams county,
laws; tana all well fenced. acres bug
Usht, US acres til4d. and all in eacelteat
euuivatwa: 11 mom bouse, large brick
Srllsr with cement flxr. remetii wa ka
large new barn and mill, with good Fair
bauas engine, new h.g bouse. Mber out
buiidinga. ail la good repair: good stock
and barnvaids. Isiice grove snd kood or
chard, four goud wells, exorl'.ea wat-r. iw
m! .mil. r irucu,ar aadre
Mrs Anna M. Kasa, am Uiga
Muutea, i-
LKSACRn fans T mllea Bovtheast Baa
rett, Rrb eouaty, Nebraska: a ar in
corn thla year, large acreage In timothy
and clover; good set of improvements
Price, IXt.ov per acre; one-third cash, bal
aao easy terms fU per cent.
m F. U T B d .
Bkraa City. la.
IM ACFER, Case armaty. Iowa. taisi t
proved and well located . pnea. (1W per
acre; my equity la t LA SOS. Uant sontae'-a
kimneeota ur Awkota land, clear. No In
flated prices considered One le-hora
power portable gasoline engine for what
have your Aoareas u. vs
Cass county, Lorab. Ia.
S40-ACRE estate, all tbe very ebolceet f
land, nothing nicer In the atata. M,u er
nor of Improvements ail In good ebape,
IS miles frura two goo tuwna. Muat be
Bold and soon. I have tbe exeiusiv-e hand
ling of this. Prica, M per acre, Marco t
eeUvery; H cash, balance t ymr cent. A
M. Sjnery, Northwood, la,
."JSacre fatm Is Pocahontas county; ear
ner right in tun; bu.lding 00 block from
depot at.d ramery; taa-room bouse nicety
iurnihd; tine grove and fruit trees; beau
taul bulging m.ic faciiig aoutb; cattle barn
44xM, M-foot punts, ftanchlons for about
tifty cattle; two silo bins; room for lo toot
cf hay; sis. feed cutter, corn grinder and
la-horse power gasoline engine; burse bin
lor IS horses, with hay loft and grain b.n.
windmill and three water tanks; farm
ltuced In six fields; 70 acree bogUghb
Price $106 par acre on very easy terms.
1. A. CARROLL. Knife. Is,
FOR SALB Splendid farms, well Im
proved, ranging In from M to M per
sera Tbis is chjloe iowa land, la well im
proved oommunitiea. near town and schoos.
There Is no mor fertile or beautiful part
of the state than Osceola county. Write
for parttcuiara T. 8v Kedmond. Sibley.
FOR SAXK Two lota, numbers and 17.
block E. k.nglewood addition. Highland
Park. Addreaa 4. H. Bennett. Oskalvosa.
K4 ACRES and 171 acres of souther
Iowa land. Improved, well located, good
oil, right price, for sare or trade; tT.oot
equity in brick store building; a flrst-cias
Income pmperiy. f ir sale or trade, quick,
on land, meichandise or automobile. Ad
dress Box a Diagonal. Ia.
MO ACRJ.8, six miles from Mineola, K
acres In wheat, one-third to buyer; new
4-rooro bouse, table, well, mill, tank, pas
ture fenced; rich black soil, hss raised
good crop every year since broken out;
great bargain. 3& per acre. Terms. Tat
Roy C Board Land Co. Mineola. Kan.
U0 ACRES, 14 miles out, 300 in wheat,
to buyer; balance pasture. Tbe late raia
and snow assures bumper crop; level a a
(ioor; UZ.atf per acre; terms. W. &. cui
oertson. ncott ity. B.U.-
Her is one. I am wanting money pretty
bad and have the following bargain to
offer to anyone who has a little money
to handle It: 1 have a fine, solid section
of land, lay miles from the county seat
of Wallace county, Kansas, which Is as
fine a section as will be found In the west;
lays fine; good, rich soil; no rock, no sand,
no glp; fine sheet water: good climate.
This land Is all free snd clear; good title. I
This is a dandy, snd to turn this Lund by
August 1 1 win put me i&na aown lower j
than any land on the market In Wallace
county for this class of land; $12.50 per
acre takes It, and I will take a good resi
dence property up to H.000; must be clear;
will consider hardware stock: any good
stock worth 13.000. if clear; S2.SO0 cash and
will carry balance on land at per cent
Interest. Here is a fine chance to make a
nice turn, at cash prices. Address owner,
box 214. Smith Center, Kan.
WE bar some choloe bargains In com,
heat and alfalfa lands for sale In Uentoa
and Rush counties; write for list of farm
bargaina American Investment company,
Hoiaington. Kan.
240 acres. 1 miles out; 130 acres in wheal;
delivered to buyer, level, rich, deep soli;
good well and windmill. $5,230; terms
Other wheat and alfaiia lands, ell siaes
ar.d pricea L. chuhmachar, owner.
Meade. Kan.
S3t ACRES, a miles good town; fenced,
well improed; all smooth lsnd; rich black
soil; good orchard; R. F. D.; phone; fine
surroundings. Me; good terms; will ex
change for hardware. Implements or gen
eral mere ban diss. W. H. Molt, liar lug lou,
X3S ACRES X In alfalfa; 10-room house,
large barn, granary, etc.; two miles to
Lsrned. Pawnee county; CO acres pasture,
balance in cultivation; rich, deep sou, abun
dance of water, wells and mills; IJUuO;
terms. Bunte Realty Co , Hutchinson,
VERNON parish. La; th land of sun
thine, soli, climate, markets water, health,
good; prices cheap; write Leesville Real
Estate and Improvement Co.. C M. Mc
Farland. Bec'y.. Leesvlll. La.
LOUISIANA farm and Umber lands,
good for truck, corn, cattle, etc.; on ac
count of cotton pest, cheapest lands on
n:arket. Hall. Eider A Beuctt. Monroe.
FINE farm horns. S3S acres. I mllea
from good town; black loam soli. AU
fenced; large trams dwelling, barn, gran
ary, machine sneda, etc.. 100 acres la field.
4t acres timber, balance clover and Urn
thy and meadow. Ideal dairy farm. 13
per acre, one-third cash, 'balance easy
terms. M- i. Kolb. Fosstoa. Minn.
FARM. SNAP tat acres level prairie
land, koo In crop, balance pasture and
meadow; good buildings. $7s acre. Morahan
A Atchison. Slants 10. sunn.
LANDS No. a&A lt acres 71 miles
Twin Cities; good tillable soil; state map
mailed with 4s tags book for AO oenia.
Hubert Land Co pbsuz Bldg.. Miiiaaap
oil. Minn.
A SNAP: MUST BB QUICK: 2C0-acre Ira.
Lioved farm In Murray eounty. Minneaota:
has first-clasa buildings, fences, splendid
grove, orcnara. two miios xrom 10 wc
Writs John Heiden, jr. Garvin. Minn,
If you ara thinking of Unmigratiiig west
this year, writs u for descriptive liter
ature of our lands la Minnesota, North
La Wot and Montana. We can suit yu
no matter what you want and wher
ou want it. and an aeii you anywnare
from 4 acre to 1.000. William, E. ulbboaa.
Lock Bos a Coiiuoraat. Minn.
1M ACRES IS mile from 8L Paul. I miles
from Atosetoont; all ft-need, black loam soil
pi acres cultivated, balance pasture and
black oak timber; only S3 par acre for lav
nufdiate sale; hall cub
iX-acre imptoed farm 14 mile from St
1 aui. 1 mil froui HI oh Valiay statisa:
nlue-room house, w indmiiL large barn and
Ltner buildings, ail In good condition
Liack loam ton, elay subsoil; always bea
cu uvaied by owner: 10 acta under niow.
1 seres fruit ireea, mostly apples, baisaoe
od iimutr laiu. p, ice and urau
W. F. A R. W. Morlty, Pioneer Pre
Udg- St. PsuL Mliia.-
W.Out acre In St. Louis ana Carlton
counties, Minnesota, near clues of Uu
luih and buperior, ai price within the reach
ef ail: I to 1J an act: easy terms; tour
teen railroads now entering these two ciliei
1 luruish cheap and uttca tranoporiation. A
Ihuou.iXa aieel plant now building by the
I Cniled buut bteel corpora uou near lamia
o the Ct-iica aiaiu, who cuuunt ucuiaad
and high pricea. Write for full wfuruiauoa.
busioa Duiulh arm Land Co Aims Ai-
worth Bldg.. uuin, Mlaa.
I HAVE a farm of IX acres i miles
ftoin good town. M uiilea trout Miuucapui.a,
.M av.,es tiiidir cul.iaiion, abuui m acir
neaduw. balance Umbor; caa all be opened
ncu aoii. iwu nous, baru auu othrt
buildings. ITn,. Hi per ci. Aiee Sv-slX
iarm two u.iie ttuiu sood town; acis
under plow, lw acie lubcr. good soil,
1-ivufU house, two Imtu aud other wui
Luilulu'. wi.m1uuiI lium naiuiai grove, or
tusru just .uiuoicucing la oeai. s'riea.
LiJjJ0. nil leraaa. tint i.wner. Cttarte
tskuuD. ..k AUier,
SEND for a list of our tm Ik proved
BLUiiMern Minrasoia laau; w have hun
dreds of pleased customer. C E. Brow a
Land Co.. Olfioe Madd-a aad Ne Rica
lsnd. Mian.
FOR SALE Its acres ot goad new hard
whrat land. neer Waihalla, Paints u
county. North Dakota. For particulars ad
dress swner, A. Itcasae. Ui '1 kit Ava.
N kl iaBxf Hie, AUaa,
mumti CewtlaseA.
P On equity la good quarter In southern
Minnesota; quarters two miles from
good town, having houae KxSa new bars
1x14. with gabie roof, small granary and
fence. v aut machine, it oca 04 Ury gooda.
I'rice tM per acre. Menl. A. Cone, vv'lndow,
FOR SALE One Of the beet and cheapest
farms in the Mlss'sstppi Delta, eonslailng of
1 acres, 700 acre In caltlvation, in bun
riower county. Kor pitoea and Mrtu writ
to ma i. D. Rigg. ima, Ala,
MISSOURI FARMS None better on
carta. Highly improved It acres, raise
anything. nOl Otber decided bargains.
W rite us. ouiiam Realty C., OUiiam, Hi-
FOR SALE Finest farm la Leaveawortb
county, Broaddus farm of 100 acres, 1
ailia from Fort Leavenworth. K.000 briek
residence, tot 46-year-old walnuts, loo augar
oiaple tree, natural gas, two telephone,
free delivery. 1 mile from bant I F sta
tion; examine prumises and writs Mrs. A
L. Klrby. liul FeUx St. fc. JosepM. Ma.
8TOPI Doa't go a step farther than
Dougias county, down In lbs beautiful
Osarka, raise anything; corn 10 to to bush
els per acre, all other crop In proportion,
cbeapeat good land on earth. Ml t w per
sera Free Information. Ureas Heal k.siale
Co.. Ave. .Mo.
S0-ACRE farm, an cultivated: fine boaaa.
barn, fancea, flrt-claaa condition; fin
pring water; I mile from town; I mile
from railroad. Southeast Missouri Immi
gration Co.. Piedmont. Me.
FOR SALE fanna. largo and small,
between Misalssippl and Missouri rivers,
sverage $3k per sera Write for big pries
list. William CYews. Wrlgbt City, Mo.
THIRTEEN sections in Dawson county,
near Sidney, one of the beat towns la the
Yellowstone valley; also have otber lands
that wo are re tail a g In any sin farm yea
want. Write your wants. Prices are right.
The Hayward Land .. Glendin. Mont,
Farms any sis for sal. 130 to fug par
acre. Improved or unimproved. H cash, bat
time, or 1-10 cash bal. ten year at A
Write your wants. Fifty-five mi lee east ei
Kansas City on C A A. R. K.
Hlgglnsvilla, Mo.
177 acre In HOWELL VALLEY. nar
West Plains; t houses, alfalfa, clover,
corn, grasses; 170 acre In cultivation; 40
per acre: terms. Also small farms. Trade
for merchandise and land. Box US, West
Plains. Mo.
MISSOURI farm, SSt acre; t-room house,
barn; M acres wheat, 200 acre corn; level
black dirt; t miles railroad, trie acre. Chas,
E. Huckstep Realty Co. Elabeny. Mo.
-4 Mantana.
tb coming farm state. 111 60 t J per
acre. Writ fur description. Shaw A
Clark Land Company. Hackney Bldg , St
Paul. Minn.
OO-ACRE homestead relinquishments for
ale; also one hotel, one bakery, one general
store, one saloon, one feed store. Addreaa
1 Charles F. Brown. Ualata. Mont.
FOR BALE Bitter Root Valley t acres
fine fruit isnd; oid water right, best
tion of the valley fine proposition for sub
division; fair buildings, essy terms Ad
dress owner. E. O. Lewis. Sisveaavlii
Good Upknd Farm
an exceedingly good one for the money,
within less than thirty milex of Soutn
Omaha and within two miles of small town
In good section of Cass county, Nebraska.
There are HO acres under cultivation, bal
ance good pasture and wooded land. The
Improvements are modest, but all the land
lays well; in fact fine, and soil Is good.
The crops will show fur themselves, price,
fe per acr. well worth tM); $750 cash, S3,2dv
mora March I. balance & year at only s
per cent. Good for general farming or
stock raising purposes. A farm you need
not be ashamed of. Nice stream in pas
ture. If you need something well worth
while, take this.
We have an extra large list of farms.
but a few bargains.
L21J-L214 City Nat l Bank Bldg.
FINE rtO-acre rauch, U runes Lwm towc,
t quarters tame hay, balance wild bay and
pasture; 4uo acres level, balance susli.iy
rolling; heavy black soli; two- flowing
vi ells, tf-ioom house, barn, Bia.iaiy aau
chicken bouse, telephone. S miie to school
This Is an exceptionally fine ranch and a
snap. Will sell on easy lernif. Ueurge fc.
Collins, owner. Atkinson. Neb.
640-acre Improved 1ajx.l1 near Keystone.
Nebraska. A line stock and gra'n proposi
tion; all good soli; gently roiling; tenced
and cross xenceo; room irame nouse;
barn foro eight horses: well and
windmill, steel tank; improvements an
new. This IS tne lilKgesi soap in wie siaie.
Write or wire. S. E. v sn a to, aw nee
gOO-scre ranch. 4H miles from Schuyler.
Keh.- 100 seres In corn, bslsnce blue grass
snd clovsr pasture; running water through
the ranch; soil oiaca, aanuy wvn, suiiaoie
for cutting up Into smsll farms This Is
sn exceptional! fin ranch and a snap.
Will sell on easy tertna
W. S. KINO, Owner,
tit McCague Bldg.
100 ACRES in Chase coumy. Nebraska,
12 miles south of Elsie; if taken soon will
lake iii.fis an acre; this is a good quarter
section and can all be tarmed: will lak
a good 1I0 or mi automobile on the deaiA
and carry the baisnce. '. A. Uarland, I
Charlton, ia
aot acres ' miles from Emerson, Neb ;
fin Improvements, lan4nfiys good; can
make splendid terms, arid the price Is 111
to 126 lees than adjoining places ar being
priced at- Fur particulars on or writ
HOMESTEAD 320 acre for 1150 in cash;
about 3U miles out; good plow land; not
sand- Another on for UTS: tS cash and
lie a month. J. A. Tracy. Kimball. Neb.
FOR SALE 330 acres Irrigated farm in
North Flatts valley, well Improved; best of
soli; three miles to town; close to school;
good water right- Price 140 per acre; one
halt cash. E. C. Packard, Paxton. Neb.
good land and soil; 773 cultivated; fair tm
nrovements: 12 mile to cood town of
tfy. on R. F. !., 'phone line. For 42.i0
per acre; SSOtw cash rt-Drunry 1. balance
in what you have worth tb money, and
gOiacr lease, 1 years, for M. O. E.
Cook, Owner, Ansley, Neb.
right, near Omaha. From 40 acres to fait
1213-1214 City National Bank Bldg.
fCR SALE lot acres ct,o:ces apple, pear,
rbeny, grape land Is th west, six mile
from town, on mil from railroad; aed
dei volcanic ash. Th Lai lea. Ore., prise
w U'Uing land. t
I'ji acres. 1 miles from town, new. mod
ern house, bars, teo-sment; 16 pear pruue.
bearing; young ueee, 1.'j0 grape vine;
good watery wood. Or will sell t aoraj an iuii;rovemeni. inveatigauoa
so.iciUd. C. H. Websur. The italics. Ore
North Oakeia.
ONE ef the finest rarais m lUchiaal
cunty. consisting of K6 acre of good,
productive land. Joining Wynamere. Flat
large building, lots of fruit, nice gro,i
and sever-falling rowing walL Price
ti't 56 per sera Easy iciw Martis
Paulson Land Ca, Vtadmwre. North Da
I uil SALS-A a exosptlonsPy tine lit, I
nil lee ol eicvaioe. six miirs of Vn admere
tcod, heavy, Liack soil. Wild slica riit:
liiiougu pasiir Fin new buiiojogs. w n.
: exceliatii water, windmill. .. ,m pr:
act. mu is a snav. Lawk bos iX
v 1 adiuci . Nona Dakota.
AUCTION SALE North cho.c
Walls and Stuiaman couiiiy farm at pueuc
aut uon Jan . Isil. on easy tws. Urue
for InlunuaUoa. A. F. sielcoer. Bale Mgr,
,keaioa. N. U-
lettk Csuraltaa,
LANDS S59t per acre xaade growing tigs
for preserves on the lalauda. Orchards oa
easy monlhly payments, new island orchard
Lecapa&y. Char lee ion. S C
Nee Stealro.
Thirty acres fruit land, now In
alfalfa; all fenced; under two
ditches; ' permanent water rights.
Address owner,
XL W. Thompson,
Eapanola, New Mexico.
SewUb Dakota,
FOR BALE Section good, raw land: all
fenc-d; sood flowing well; t mllea from
planklngton. S. D. For particulars write
J. K. O Malley. Philip. S- D
Ws have a list of Edmunds county land
for sale at from tut and up per acr. It
Interested writ ua for particulars snd w
wil, send our price and pocket map. If
you own land In South Dakota list It with
as Our motto Is "A Souere Deal to Buyer
nd Seller." Olve us a chance to prove our
Statement. Hasvoid Land Co.. Minn, Ed
munds county. South lakota.
WILL exchang choice farm land near
Pierre, the capital of South Dakota, for
good Iowa or Nebraska land; what have
you to offer? West Lsnd Co.. Fieri e.S. D.
Close to the Minnesota line; heavy black
soil; clay subsoil; lies very level and all
under cultivation. Must be sold within 30
day to close an estate. Half of thla year's
crop goes with the price. Sis per sere;
easy terms, gl.000 will handle It and It IS
a snap. No stones no foul weeds
Address W. F. McOea, Lak Prwtoo, SV AJ.-
Fair Improvements. Price. E.3t. Equity,
2.400. Akaska Real Estal Co, A k ask a
D-ACRE corn farm, out from Slows Falls,
excellent lmpro omenta, large grov and
fruit; all in cultivation; price for quick sale
tS, easy terms; si no 140 well Improved, easy
terms, snd 160 acre unimproved. Thaa ar
bargains for quick Bale. K. A, bilvlua,
swner, Sioux Fells. B. D.
This Is the lsnd ws havs. Free home
steads; relinquishments snd deeded lands
lor particulars write F. O. Wonder A Co..
Buffalo Gap. S. D-
Buy orchard and garden iands near
Houston, the greatest snd most prosper
ous city In the southwest, where values
are going up ail the time and fortune
mads in real estst In abort while. Easy
terms if desired. Address E. C. Robert-kou,-Vela.
'lea., and a ls-acr farm in th
Rio Grande valley, wnere th farmm"
cash Income is aa perpetual aa the day
that come and go. S. H. Jackson, TO First
National Bank Bldg, Houston. Tex-
WE are subdividing 2J0O acre of fertile
farm land In Jack -on county, tipiendid
crops every year. Rainfall about right, 44
inches, For aesorlption. plst snd prices
fl E. HcuMon L. San Antonio. Tex
FAN SABA VALLEY, the garden spot of
Texas, home of the paper shell pecan. We
can buy land for you or Invest money, t
I-er cent net to you secured by mortgage on
thee iands. Correspondence solicited. Re
fer to First Nat' I bank. Ban Saba Natl
bank. Ward. Murray A Co.. and th mem
ber in Cong ret from Texas Keiley
Hurlesor Co., San Saba. Tex.
FOR SALE 1,580 acres land, Martin
countv, Texas. Address owner. Box 667,
Wichita. Kan.
WRITE for Information about th "In
land Empire," also Spokane. Its metropolis
Farms, fruit lands, city property. Make
our office your headquarter snd Informa
tion bureau when In our city. IOWA
REALTY CO.. 411 Lindello Blk., Spokane.
FOR SALE MOW seres In I at ami
county. Wyoming. In Oolden Prairie dis
trict; sn.table for farming; now stocked
with csttle snd sheep; will sell with ranch;
will exchange for eastern Nebraska er
Iowa farms J. T. Bell. Owner, Cheyenne,
WYOMING farm and stock ranch; Im
proved, fenced, well watered. 930 acres.
I Will be sold best offer next sixty days
, ix ; . . .11 1 1
Persistent Advertising Is the Rosd to Big
WE exchange properties of merit. IL H.
Culver. kU-U O N. B. Bl-ig. D. 7Si3.
FOR quick results see Dean.
Bldg. Douglas Hat.
617 Be
WILL sell 7-room, all modern house; 3
blocks from Farnitm. !2,5u; monthly ia
slsllments 125. Good home tor large family.
Or will exchange lor rental property and
pay some difference. Address. S to. Bea
FOR SALE or exchsnge for Cotumbua
O.. property, six-room cottsgs in desirable
resident portion of Omaha, gut Brunson
Uidg.. Columbus. O.
GO OUT to Rourke park and root for
Omaha. If N. J. Decker, 2527 Charle SL,
will com to The Bee office within three
days we will give him a ticket to th base
ball gsme.
WANTED City loans and warrant. W.
rarnaui Sinlth A Co.. 1U0 Farnam bC
CITY and farm loans, Benson A Myers
Co. 424 Oinaha Nat'l Bank Bldg.
MONEY TO LOAN Paya Investment Ca
LOAN 8 to bom owners and home build
ers, with privilege of making partial pay.
menu semi-annually. W. H. THOMAS, all
First National Bank Bldg.
WANTED City loana, r'etar Trust Co.
GARVIN BROS., id floor N. Y. Ufa. 1501
to HwJ.OGO oa Improved property. No delay.
Representing the Penn Mutual Life laa
Co.. with u ot over liinotM.uuu. 1 am
rrepared to accept ah the good loans of
ered oa Improved Omaha real estate
Business and rtsidencs loans mads witA
kui delay.
City National Bank Bntg.
FOR SALE 64.000 of high class, long time
7 per cent securities covering down town
business property. Owner has immediate
use for money and will make price atrac
uve. Will dlvld. Address N-'i43, Be.
CITY and farm. JOHN N. FKK.'?rC
OMAHA Property and Nebraska Leads,
H16 New Omaha Natloaai Baa Bunding,
11 to Ii0,9ut mad promptly. If.
Wsod, Weed xlldg-. UlA and Famam.
tlu-U L anueis 1 neaier liiu.
Co., Omaha.
FARM LOANA Kloke la.
5 b fil4 cf. on city and farm property. W.
A. HfiO b. MEIK.LE. A6 Rami. aid
11.600 WANTED. Will pay 10 per cent
interest and give as security first mort
gage on 040-acre ranch. Improved, In west
ern Nebraska, worth SS.Ouo. Box 411 City.
MORTGAGE. 1150, two years to run. f per
cent, good security. Turkington, MS Be
HVKRT person know who D. J. O'Brien 1
I because he has made Omaha famous
with his csndv. If C R. Roberts. 12U) N.
?.ih hit., will come to The Ike office within
thre day w will Rive him an order for ,
0-cent box free.
CLEANING. Pressing.
U46 Sherman Ave.
McLeland. tailor.
BEST price paid for 3d band fura'Mra
carpet, clothing and shoea Tel. D. &7L
SELNER pay good prices for furnltura
carpets, aiothes aad shoea. D. &.
WANTF.D By good hotel tenant, flrwt
fl hotel of about thirty rooms Address
T JO, Bee.
1-YEAR-OLD hoy cf good habit wants
poeltlon In sn office; one year's eiperience.
Address N 7. Bee.
POSITION wanted bv JsnanM durtns
the mornings; any kind of work. 617 N.
16th St.
A MIDDLE-AO ED woman wants to as
sist In housework. Addresa C 7M. Bee.
ROUGH dry snd bundl laundry; lac
curtain a specialty. Webnter 9PS.
A IOl'N'O and trustworthy woman de
sire s position to saslst In tho car of
children- 'Phono Harney 140.
BOY or 1 want position office. Tat.
Douglss 715.
CALL Webster Oh4 for windows washed,
carpet and rug beaten, floor waxed.
WANTED Situation bv young lady ss
second girl, or help to elderly lady. Doug
las 490t.
RELIABLE girl wants dsy work,
ster toll
WANTED Children or babies to board.
Reasonable. Florence m
BY Intelligent young lady. Experienced
cashier In hotel or restaurant. D. !.
WANTED Work as porter. Addrsss P
74S Bee.
LADY wants position as chambermaid.
Webster 4707. Miss Smith.
WANTED Work by day. Douglas .7517.
FOR flrsvalasa practical nurse call
FOR those who ara seeking employment
The Bee will run your situation want ad
FREE 'until you get the dewlred results
Bring your sd to Th Be offlo or tele
phone Tyler 1.00.
STENOGRAPHER wants typewriting to
do at boms In svsnlnc Harney S143.
EXPERIENCED stenographer desires
work of sny kind during evenings. Ad
dress W. 74S. Bee.
WANTED Position as assistant to
plumber; two and a half year' experience;
In or out of town. Address K 76s. Bee.
LADY wsnts position ss housekeeper,
widow, sged 40. with boy t years old: out
west preferred. Mrs. Lillian Butts. SOB L
SC. South Omaha.
JAPANESE wants position as cook.
417 No. ltth St Frank Hamaa.
MEDICAL student wants position ss
drug clerk or chauffeur. Phoo B. 1832,
after 7 P. M.
GOOD, reliable boy want position In office-
Geo. Hooker. 70S S. ltth.
WANTED By elderly man position aa
night watchman: old resident of city; tem
perate and responsible. Call Tel. Harnoy
BE A BOOSTER for th national gam
of base ball. If D. R. Roberts. Ult N. Mtb
St., will come to Tha Bee office within
three days we will give htm a ticket to th
bail gam at Rourks park.
State of Nebraska. Office of Auditor ot
Public Accounts. Lincoln, June 17th, 111.
It ia hereby certified, that th American
Central Lit Insurance company of
Indianapolis, In tho stat of Indiana, has
compiled with the insurance law ot this
state, applicable to such companies and is
therefore authorised to transact the busi
ness of life Insurance In this stats tor th
current year ending July list, 1S12.
Summary of report filed for th year
ending December 31st, 110:
Premiums $ s7.04.
All other source 1U.8S3.44
Total u.oa,$si.e
Paid policy holders.. 20.146 00
All other payments.. lS4,4al.St
Total r4.t36.36
Admitted assets I7.83,770.07
Net reserve 2,412,016.15
All other liabilities... 45.7S2.SS I2,157.78.8t
Capital stock paid up.$ 137,000.00
Surplus beyond capi
tal stock and other
liabilities 245,002.07 t 381003.07
Total K.83S.770.07
Witness my hand and tha seal of ths
Insurance Department tha day and year
first above written.
Auditor of Public Accounts.
C. E. PIERCE. Deputy.
Sealed proposals will be received by the
City Clerk of Kandoipn, Nebraska, until
8 D9 D. m.. A u trust 1. 191L for furnishing all
materials and labor necessary for con
structing about 3,000 (three thousand) feet
of cement gutters, fians and specifications
can be obtained from City Clerk.
The right to reject any or all bids I
reserved by the city council.
By order of City Council.
F. E. BALLARD, City Clerk.
Julyl5-1 .
Sealed bids will b received until 13
o'clock noon July 33 for th construction
of a laundry building at th Hoe pita I for
Insane at Hastings, Nebraska. Plans snd
specifications are on file at the hospital,
office of secretary of stste snd Commis
sioner of Public Lands snd Buildings. Lin
Secretary Board of Public Lands snd
Buildings JyUdM
- l ;
IMew EleYators
The best elevator service in the citv
has just completed the installation of
its new hydraulic elevator plant and
now has the newest and best elevator
service in Omaha.
No building has yet been erected which compares in
solidity of construction and sterling quality with The Bee
Building. In every respect it is thoroughly commodious
and comfortable. It has never been allowed to get out of
repair or out of date.
If you are looking for a permanent office, select one
where you will be satisfied to remain for the rest of your
life. ' . 4
Here are a few choice offices
from which you can select:
ROOM 418 Hat 21 gq. ft- floor space and Is a food of flea facing; on
ths court. Inttda rooms art) comfortable la the Bee building en
account of ths largo And wall Heated court. The rental price,
per month, la only $
ROOM 518 Haa been newly decorated and la now In first clatt shge.
It la 12 to xS in slxe and wo will arrange to tult desirable ten
nant. Price, per month .817.00
ROOM 848 A Tery attractive tpac on the (th floor, facing Seven
teenth; having la connection a eommodioua vault which afforJg
apace foV stationary, valuable paper,, ate. Thla room rents at,
per month f .8I8.00
Tho Beo Building Company
Bee Business Of Hoe. 17th and Farnam Sts.
TJNION STATION Tenth aad Mis ee
Vvlwta rweirie .
Depart. Arrie.
" Frsn. Over! a nil I,, a 41 am a T n pra
China and Japan F. M a 4 46 pm a I 44 pm
Atlantic Kspreea a t 46 ant
Oregon Epre all SB pm all pnt
Ie Angrle Limited., a It 41 pm a I 9 pn
Denver Special a 7 04 am 1 l-!T am
Centennial State Spee'l sli m pm sll SS ant
Colorado Express a I pm a 4 M pm
oreron-n ash. Limited all M pm BIT pm
North Platte Loral a I II am a 4 4S pnt
Rrand Island Iocal a 10 pm alO M an
Strom burg Local bl?:41 pra b IIS pn
. Cbleaaw, Rsek Island A Farm
Rocky Mountsln Lid. . alt M snt sin w
The Mountaineer a 6 46 am a T-SK am
Omaha I 'ay Express a 4:10 pra
Chicane I -oca I Paws....bl0 H am bl0:l pra
Chtcaso Expreae a 410 pm a 1:19 pra
IV Molnee Local Pin a 4 tT rm alt lf nm
Chicago-Nebraska Ltd a t t pm a 1:47 am
Tbe Mountaiaeor a 1:01 am a t:4t ana
Loral Pasa to Lincoln a : am -
Ce4o,-Cal. Express ....a 1 16 pm a 4 0 pm
Ohl. A Tex. Bxprees. a 6.i pm all Bra
ChL-Neb. Ltd. Lincoln a I U tm
Rocky Mountain Ltd .slO 46 pm ail: JO ant
imerl Peeltle
K. C. . L Ex a am a T:4t am
K. C, A 8C L. Ex all:l6 pm a IM pot
-klrago A Northweetera
Twin City Express s 7:46 am alO pm
Sioux City Local a I pm s 12 pro
Minn, ft Dakota Es a TOO pm a I IS am
Twin City Limited a 1:41 pm a 7 M am
Minnesota Express all.-OO am
Carroll Local a 7K0 am a I It pra
Daylight Chicago a 7:40 am sl 40 pm
Chicago Local alzm. .ui a t 2s pra
Colorado-Chicago a i.iO pm a I t pm
Chicago Special a 4 1 i pm a I 49 am
Pacific Coast-Chlcaso . .a V. nm ulnun
Los Angeles Limited. .a I SO pm all 19 pnf
uveriano umiua a 1 oa pm a 1 is an
Carroll Local a 4:30 pm sll 00 am
Past Mali a 1:39 pm a I:S pm
Cedar Rapid. Sioux City
ami Omaha a pnt
Centennial Stats Llm.... 11:40 am 11:11 pm
Long Pins a 10 am a11-0am1
Norfolk-Dallas a 1-09 am al0:16 pm
Long Plne-Llneoln ....a 1:15 pm tlMnm
Hastings-Superior b I 15 pm b t:M pm
Dead wood -Mot Sprtngs.a I60 pm a 6:10 pm
Casper-Lander a 1:66 pm all -00 am
Fremont-Albion o o pm b l:6t. pnt
Calt , Mllwaakee A St. Pa el-
Overland Limited a T 50 pm 1:11 mm
Omaha Chicago Ex....b 7:15 am
Prry Local a 1:50 ara USam
Colo.-Cai. Express ....a t oo pm I K pm
Colorado Special ........a 7:41 am I M in
parry looai b 6:15 pra 12.-06 pm
' WSbUB-.
Omaha-St Louts Ex. ...a I pro a 1:16 am
Mall snd Express a 7:02 am all 15 pm
Stan by Lei (from C B.)b 6:00 pm an
CkUcagre) Great Westers
Clitcago Limited a 1:36 pm
Twin City Limited a 1:36 pm a 7:41 am
Twin City Ex press a 6:00 am a IN pm
Chicago Express a 1:41 pm.
Local Pssnansr a 6:11 pm
Tlllaola Ceatrml
Cbieags Express a T 90 ara a 3 41 pot
Chicago Limited a 6.-00 pm a l:M am
Minn. -SC. : Paul Ex b 7 :00 am
Ma.-St. Paul Lid a 6:v pm a l.-Ot aa
Ssrllsgtss Statloa lvth aad Msssa
Bwrllaatwa '
rv' Depart. Arrive,
Denver A California.... a 4:10 pm a 3:46 pm
Pua-et Sound Express.. a 4.10 pm a 1:46 pm
Nebraska points a .1:20 am a :lt m
Black Hills ..a 4:11 pm a 1 46 pos
Linooln Mail b 1:20 pm sU li pm
Northwest Express ....all:36 sen a 7 V0 am
Nebraska points a 620 am a t:lt pm
Nebraska Esprsss a 1:16 am a I it pnt
Lincoln Local b t:0t am
Schuyier-Plettsmouui b 1:05 pm bl0: am
Lincoln Local a 7:26 pm a 7:60 pm
piattsmouth-lowa a l:lt ara a tM am
Bellvu-PlatUmoutb...alI:39 pm a 3:40 pm
Chicago Special a 7:16 am aU:16 pm
Denver Special ...all:36 pm a 7:00 pm
Chicago Hxpress ..a 4.20 pm a 1:56 pm
Chicago Fast Express.. a t:30 pm aid am
Iowa Locai a i:u am ai0:39 am
ton (ia Local b l:o pra b!0:46 am
St. Louis ExDre
..a 4 39 pra aU:4S am
..SUV46 pm s 1:46 am
..a t it am a t:l era
..a 4:30 pm
K. C. A St. Joseph..
K. C A St. Joseph.
;C C A St. Joseph..
Webater ' Stattea
lllk sac Webster,
Hlaswart FmeiMe
: Depart Arrive.
Auburn Local b 3 30 pm bll:65 am
Cltleas, St. Pawl, Miaaeapella A
, Depart Arrive.
Sioux City Esprsss b 1:25 pm bU.06 pm
Omaha Local c 1:25 pm
Sioux City Pass l:S pm
Twin city Pas b I 45 am
Sioux City Local a 1:35 ara
Emerson Local a. b 5:56 pm b 3:10 am
b dally, exoept ' Sunday. cj Suaia
enly. (a) dally.
Boy Killed by Train at Iowa City
. Is Identified by Two Wnes
aad Maa.
' ' . '
IOWA CITT, Is.. July 14 Specisl-.
Tbe body of the 3S-year-old youth, mangled
by a Rock Island train at ths town of
Solon near here, hss been claimed by Mrs.
John Meyer of Muscatine, D. A. Dwindeil
of Des Moines and W. H. Palmer of Ka
lona, Ia. Mrs. Meyer ' and Mr. Palmer
are seeking a son. each. Mr. Dwindeil'
brother-in-law Is missing. The Palmer
boy was in Omaha about the Fourth of
July, and tho dead boy had an Omaha
street car ticket of thst date In his trou
ser's pocket ' .