THE BEE: OMAHA. FRIDAY. JULY 14. 1011. 1 ft i 4' r ) V A 4 Y As J LIVE STOCK FOR SALE ttr,utiue4 BUT sn t C. Ptn.t. A I'm. tvr-e writer P F MiiinCi, Distributees. 1R4 I er-r-aia St. TTrEWRITtP... AM. MAKSoM r r 14 sat repair el ' I . writer Impwuii vo. lac. M lrer.4eie Ai4g. FkoM. Ind Atoll; iwuflu 5. fet 'hM ,T(re Perrietten, I'.J; Smite. Premier. J. Oliver. Jt: Under ti: C a-rr.nh, , Monarch, t. Jewetf. Jf: ( Liura. ; lnfiror, t.J i r in. f Irt Moil to eo' eef f-oie. t'u'l mr.. ml .. . u 1, OT a V OM , V , l' . ttiirtrtM K I Farnara Vl- Csty VT'VL p.etrirfiot. tnted motr. a gnnerl ard faeee ef t roe ntmiaired ; lev. instalments if oeeired- 747. lee. Mla-orllaaeeea. S KAKD tool and rubber hose, tit N. Ilka. SAFES Overstocked wrt'h second-head galea ail aixes arid makes; Ainer traa fcuipiy Co, Lit Farnara FL FOR PALE New and eecsnd-rend btl l.arfl and iool tables We lead the world In cheap bar fixtuiea Easy paementa LruaeoKk-Aeike-Coliender. 407 go. lath.. iX KOOT kwkkifi Cek. eek tln Uh, lor aa at it. Appiy George i v right- fea Publishing ta. FTP. 8-VLB Hamilton piaoo. Har. 1HT. Jk-1T. K ar4 aaranaVbaea' aafra. rtma. KOrl KALE CHEAT Tracttoa thrafhlng utfiu Adraaa T-X Bn. FOrt. iALE chaaa. hih grada ptaaa. OSTEOPATHY Alioa icbnaaa. V-t ttrftftdv-.a Tltratcr Slfif . Kaihrrva Nlkolva. fiM-i Hraadrla Ttaatar. PATENTS r O EARKtLU riimt E!aTcl. Raa-TU7 WILLAKI LUDV. aollcitor. 1KH City KL .aak. T) ler J-. And.. A-i-fM. UiRAM A. infBOr.e, te. a.tlnry. a4 JVratideaa t hratar Hli. Duufitt aMa. PERSONAL UECHANO THE RAPT. Uaaag treat rtwnt. atomarh troubla. Tr. Marram Haiiaraa. tJ-A .aila Bit. A HaL DR. tl'KkC diaaiaaa of aomca. Omaba. CITA f Irin traatnwota. Mra Stasia. -ml A -Alt UU rn pvr ir, io; a. ilta. I fC MA6SAQC Saedtah morentrat; nalbtnB brllr for rbfunaiom. LaJiaa. Hi eotic men. C ad. AAA. X. AMI A ajnatn. lira., ta 4. MAGNETIC Traatmaot. . Brott. 1SU Cumlnf St. K-;iZL . ATE-LITHT hair fnod a-rawa nalr. Mtna rraar. ai (ata ata. laib aad faraaaa UNITED Eratbrea church arf-rJca l. nu, p. av AM.b aad Lotaraa. JAMES CORK ELECT RiC COMPACT navad U tl A 1Kb t. louT)aa ltul. HoapttaA Tat Faat uwu ooujf ii'u (iweaaadj. Ava.. Couaatl Slutfa, la. it P.M. SKTDER, wadlab maaaaaa. batha. raatator aad vibrator traatRtact. Tba Dumut, KiaA l. jaife aad Fterra. Loua. 4SM. 1 am. at. iiva, ja in loor. room 4. TMK BAJ.VATION ARM T aaltctta eaataff ctothiac, la fad. aaytainc yea da not acta, we oollact. repair and aell at Alt N. XJth St., for coat of caUeetica to tba warthy pear. CaUl abaaa Daulaa tilt aad arafuaa wtu eaU. BTRICTT.T private coaSsetoeat botna. Wl dad aomaa for bablea wbora raotbara are ot akvia ta cara for taata. JaU Iwria jrt fcs. HINDOO TABLETS win wuDd. braoa, atraarUMUL iue. kLL DKUO CO. VOL'NQ WOMEN rwntac ta OmaAa traaaara are tavltad ta vtati tba Y mhu i (brtauaa aaaoeiatioa aulidlaa; at taveataaatb &V aad AH. Mary'a Ava.. wbera tbey il aa directad ta suitable boara-ne: placea or cihervat aamikted. far aar traveler a aia at ia ccuoa axauoa. MASS GE Eth " roentio XXa30-UAw treatment. NWAlwa of fhuaea. ja sa. )7tA) St.. lira; ciaor. It. iota. WK RENT aad repair all ktnda of aeerliuT anacblnea. lad. A-1U. Cwuaiaa laaa. KEKRAKACa, CTCUC CO-. AAtb aad Baraey Sia. -DAT BIVXID REM ED T. Claddiak fbariaacy. Alia aad lf&s. Maaaaira Rirtenbowa. M Old Beetea Bids. POULTRY AND PET STOCK FOR SAXJE M Orptsrtaa ehlcka. H tnoalha old; 1 Orplartna cbieka. Aa aoeciL old. Fbona Wtbuw ria. PRINTING T atvt C Psk. Tnn4o Teteehona SEE SLK3. L.MKJLVCK ON COURT. SUES Hal.l. Ptc Ca M S. lata. UA. A4U1 PHONE IND. A-K3I far am4 artetia.. L n-itad Priotiaa Ca-. lata aad Capital An REAL ESTATE AS ITU ACTS r TSTLSV MIDLAND Ouar. dt Trust Ca.. 1714 rar H. U. aaia. prea.; J. Carr.baH. aac D. Jad PETER JE&S&N. Jr. Ca, TaL Dautk KAb KITATI OSALEIl REED ABSTRACT CO, aldeet ebetraet euita ta jvebraaaa. a eraadaia Tbaater. REAL B.3TATE TITLE TRUST CO Tf taeoU Oaar Cllf Kai l Baaa Ad. , SttLDEII' INPAILJAT10. WMONSON KORBf, faraaoa aad ta, ua. iouciaa leu CITT fttOfEkTT TOM. IA.UK. AT CUT PRICE J alM fctMiBidMaui MW i-taxrwa. k.MMu - m-aaa a? M Bafjj lay ear, la puadae, at ifc W abater AU. I baa ba-d-ood fialah. aaa raarn. full a:s burmni '" llvUis roam and dlalas raon. leraje loaexa; in lact, a r.r.a boroa Prioa. U.1UB. -aat aflara Friday. TtU property aUl aold for ahat It will V-ioa. and tt anay w- aT a great WaaJa. PICK UP THIS SNAP. EJIXJT 4TWKKT. IX la 1ZM Oty Natl Baa Bid. FOB. PALE BT OWNFR. NEW MOD ERN. tEVEX R-ViM H015E; BEPT lw CATION; URKAIEST F A R'i A I N IN THE ITT IF TAKEN ATCSV-E P A RT Af H VALANCE k-Ael TEKkla. Ai&H EM J 7 tAlv fcEE. Today orport unity k.BOfk.8 st your floor. If job realize It and see tba Bar all tcodrrs borne at 1141 S. Sith ft.; scd la it it ctae seel Eg trin ruh In The Loata contkiu gig mua Ur litre g rooms, larte ope esll; gll telertfd golden ogk 6nlfc( best of plucblneed gutrscterd far liars. Ixt is 4a)1I. cicely terraced sxd lil bs sodded Houseg Ilka this all fct fl.soi. But for very pood reascBg this tg now offered st $1.2 SO. alia ressongbia tertng Sew this ttig afisreooB gbont I e clock. Tog woa't be d.aappoiDted. For further l&for tcgtlos as J. W. RAST CO. (19 Brandies Elds. REAL ESTATE LOANS citt mortR TT roR IALE (Con tinned. NEW, IaARGE, 51?. COTTAGE SmaM Cah PitwW la' arc AVnit s-e a Pent N ',ire I rh'e Suk. eie-ei, p-1 id a:er. etc.. fill c.eer. ei'af. tf'ialaf iin aid e rwsaork. rerf e era i)r'i rreme e-d at'lc. nvt rwwnient i(TIIBmil Airw 1.-4 "i ' -C M front, tholce laoatica tw MieV e-w'h f car 1'r.e Hi Hnn Price. t t 1 his ta re1 .sre'n. rw o --r! it tor. P.l K1.T. at McKITRICK C r riflg. l-.h and IIrrey. Free Lot for Home F For urn price builder rhart? ion It fnr boua I'ort I ni faratrh aola i4 K an .rjmr. I; ta ru.r to thT wtxa I. '! krww n pito. HI flutfiy hw VU. If 4nn t wa th I h' t tmra ati4 up, a-t-rth trifr. hut U ihv roi u iThmf If T" hav ina ( tvHd he Kome. mr hru ' at T orxc Ak for Mr. Luflaig. 8-R. House, $3,250 l-rrarr. livinc room diniac raom, kltr-bvn. Mic adroiii rr den and bath a !' ; thrw Mrwnw upatair; rnw9n ft t-crclti-; eaat front Jot; rad rt nd (ifrmiTHTit aa'ka. A " xrrx drilrhtfml bom. io btcka from rar lina aad wrr tbeap. J. H. Dumont & Son rtwma toui aa Qm. 10S Famara Bt. Got to Sell If ou ant a ral barraln. can affar an a-rnom airttiJy tnndM-n bom ta Waat tiniin dlatrtrt: ilmnot f lrn aaray. Verr vary wm; Tbil hcruaa hat (trt ta be aoid artthto a et. GLOVER'REALTY 6TXD1CATK, inVa city National Bank Bus. NEW, STRICTLY MODERN COTTAGE, . WALKING DISTANCE EASY TERMS. Thla fin tive-rauin ceiiane la is our aew atd prettjr aewttion. uarr lat," near aberaaaji Ave. aad rpruve bt- It i ane et tne niorat arranard, beat built and nvei aniacte leaking voltaraa la tba wbote city. Ajvtag rooana in oaa; coionnaaa apetung. verr coant-ieie bathrwura with tiigtt graae fiaturea; big. fine reame; ebmre emribina tioa lighting ftsturea: large wi mitod bane meat, a It b laundry and firat-ciaaa lurbaoe; big. roomy aiua paruaiiv avtm, aowia front lot. Lara than a bioea ta rhermaa Ave. rar. Honatiy butit ' tbrowaboiit. Owner Uvea at 1U6 iruoe a fea- doora eaau and miU be giad to aliow aorone through arter i p. m. , For appolnurirrte during the day rail at our office. Price M.)00. A fvw bundred doilara down and balance practlraiiy like rent will buy Uiia property. Scott & Hill, Deuglas gtli KC MeCagae Blflg. C Fred Harrtaoa and Oea. T. Mot-tea for bualnena aargauaa Omaha Kiat I Atang tncidrrn readdfnoa In W et Fajnatn dlctrtct; I laomi; quartr-aa.wrd oak flrat fiaor; natural bard tuna arcond floor; tile ftaora la 'wuDure uju win fuwm. ivf ciaiarn; urnar haat; ncwiv dacoratad and paintad; 'Ullt ftva reara. 111 maka urioa attraptlva linmad"iata uaa tor faaoay. Addreaa, H 7M, wa FOR BALE by owner. teautlful g-rooa bouae. aardwood floora throiurboat: liai wood fimah first floor, white enatrel floor; full cerueated baaement with lauadry; aouth front, lot eftiX. Aaii Lotarop St. TaL W ebstar IMS. run mui i wo aew porta Die nouaea. Ptephea Craadall. Ave. D aad ATtb. Council Bluxia. 7-ROOM iBodern fmuae. wita barn and fine ahade trree and fruit on lot. iJa Burdeue St- r bona Webeter ael Near Cathedral M ft. aouth treat let. pretty terraoa. oa Cuming pear an.h. only tUuu. . a-reora. ail aeotiera home X block! away, ?tvtng paid, awner haa rut hie price et to dewa ta a point where tt will aell. he lot alone Aa worth withia tlMM of the new price. OKtSfs REAL fclTATS CO.. Ml Oaaaha National. . Uouglae ar A-2U2. A HOME for yau in the Field dub dis trict. Facing east en Sod near P-eppletoa e nave a lot xi. on which owner win build to suit purchaaer aad aell an con tract with email camb payment. Tbia la a r bo tea nelghborbaod and your apportunltv. Peter Trust Co.. Onutha Nat l iank Bldg. REAL ESTATE PAR. AND HAA CM LAA D FOR SALB Arl BEST fruit and general rahlhg land for pnoe ta U. A, la ftearcy Ca. Ark. bend far booklet ahowuig la to (ii land near tovu W. M. Benaoa. Aalia. Ark.. ' ltof ACRES rich borteta band, aix miee Rtswark- gi per acre; tersoa Fine orange grave, riorloa. Forty aerea; Other bargalna. A. A, Aieodaraaa. Newark. Ar- a. ta A, SMOOTH. 'W am. rail way atettoa, H teaeed. e ealU araail laeuae, twa walia two pubua mada. liJU. Uojub Bank A truat Ceu. KaaA eau LwiPU feearcy, Ara. AM. tnL eat. ta cuit 1J btaob alfalfa ar clever land; fair tmp.s goad neighbor heod. , SOU. ml. from town of l.ouv, tiaar P. Ol and aeeooli nearly all moo Lb up land; t eulu. Wi. timber. S aiever: 4 a lalfa, 4 beartag arcbard. AA tenoad itag' tight; extra good e-r. reaideava, atara lodge kig . new bara. dara red aandy loam; good corn it. ututr, delightful loeauoa; abuadaaoe id water; gt.aua, aaajaci ta t year Aoaa ImO: tanna easy. WM OIL is a K. Marsl.aii. are,- BEST fruit and general taranlng tanda tor pnee la t. a. ra nearcy t, atal taag far booklet ahcaiug i u U la ad aaar W. U t TRACTS of mad la tba cara aad al falfa district of Delta land , black eeu good echoelai Uada atu aeuuea Aa value ta tare teare; tit raet frota b as A.' per acra VVrii as what you waat Y. C. HULUKU A?1ds Biuff. Axa. BEST IN AMERICA FOR PRICS Ail cissana aX Uinber, farm ax.d frua laatda ta Arasnaaa. 1 axisiaaa aad Mnaiaai a-pi. tream as to ta per aura. Urate J. 1a etay betas. CamAca. Ark. COTTON plactaaloa; das aeres; elecaai As-rwoiB dwelling; pientv' tenant bousea; good Lara end eotbuijainga; rich. bark loaiaj will grew bsvie oetiaa or Si buehele eera t-er act e . wewa wire tenea. X14 acr cuiuvatioe; aa) mere baa table timber, bars aood; bea.lhf ui tocauos, 4 muea Arum ao4 towa: good neigxbtn heod; bear acbeal and church; pnee aai.ew, 1 ei nafcie tersaa Aodreea Jot-nston We. lis, caie aoutbaia Treat Ca AUtue Rack. Ark. OZARK LAND CO.. Ore vet ta, Ark u. n ranches, fruit farma. berry fietaa, snail tracta. taata u meat iji; test prop erty. Bu aaaa houaea. W rue ba let A- I'MlIPP.Oyyjl ruA-etf timber hvudi rnoch fite umber yet an land; 4 te I aa. from a,uvaa api-txgs, twvs far frwtt, ranch and general f arui ng; grid. Fpeciai bargaia In taaprevrd farma. git ta fm. WM JENKU-Ns A CO.. Eureka bpruiga. Ark. ' FOR BALE It ywu ot a farm ar farm tanda In southwest Alabama, we have ail k.ndx. eeirialiy r-faifa. tot a and cottoa land, trooi H te l.euu acrea. For full in formatkua write 10 aa. Hefner Camp Realty Ca, Aluaa. ie banai - (aavaaa. V ACRES, close te towa. aiaakatchewaa. IX auree eu wheat. A- acre; uurd caaa. baiabee to suit. Viiae ler trau. Aa ! tiioe 4l . Fcrt Wiluama. o.t. cm GOLDEN wheat taaaa tor aaia. lav ereved aad aula proved srai'Ui Aartna, aay aiae. Aibrrta. M.U:-tix '-'Mel 0. w, atreua, Saas-. Caa. FARM leads ta the Canadiaa waat. teera tats In raiirwad diviMotAi puuita. pratrts tii Hatioa. the iMuihad ef Aineru-a. Wrtte W. AC. OaJbraita, tA airaaj. baa-kau-bewaa.' REAL ESTATE riNM ASD IliMH MD rOR a 4 IE (tlaard. PEAT- Ff TATE I kit a Ur M al ia h Gooaa aoa k C Wa awrfr-t. tan. rak 1 iw, a -t it at saad aarat laaa nuatr4 taan ta mna frwta cin l n tr MUtirlwatB. V in au for U rr trra. AdCrraa, XI. t Carrotbara. f O. liwt f.7. M'lnaiprx. XlaBitofca tallforala. C limit. NCBTHWCrriCrlX Cvlorada bat lanJa. ta lii acta. A fa tmptavad mix. t ta mi- 'Mrtta a. U. Bci&bardt. laikuc. Cot Iflv-ACRK tt IrrVtstrd farm. Comrais; latir ttufitrt&i aw M-rovm d riuna. iih; vimiw ivi .ar bo)c Wv jrtM 4 rrra aavat. a acraa alfalfa. e rata and. rijr foot undrr aid wairr runt, Autia arxxbcr farta. caa't urk bota. l bum cuitb of A.warcr. v mil-a aaeia W Uifl. C A. ararr. Macs And. Uirr, C)a. Uwa, FOR SALE Splendid (inn. writ Im anaiad. la proa fraa i t 14 ar kia Thia .a cb loa Iowa laad. ta araU ba Mr4 ovtnmMTiitv. aaatr twwa and acoao-a Tbera ta mora ferilM ar baautttui par; lit tha atata Uiaa ( couaty. w nva ;ar parttcuiara. T. a aicaBiuad. Utnj, lav- FOR BALK OR TSAIS-Mf equity ta H arrtioa f law land. I aoJa of aorenta. 1 cnuea Kit Car aoa and a.Ura Wild Hunt. Cbataana Ca, Cola; oa L. P. ivr . laa a., aaaulow water dimrlri; 1 mtta ta rirr; aifalfa frawa auaoaaaf ally twarky. Fyicc Aj Mr a. eocum braaoa SLZba v ttonai a per real, sue Mar As. 6.4. MM trade te eauny. ll.tee, tor reaaenoa e eaual value. A aAea bare aacUwa loiaiag taa wbcAi as oer. e uaae ir torn prop tny. game prkca VV'ouid carry back flMt ea thia at per ceet Vaiier Ai. feeyd. Nawtaa. la. :et ACRES. Caaa jowtty. Ia, tare im proved and wru K-eetae; prtea. (lit par acre; aiy equity la la.atM. Want eouibera Maiieaota ij.acta land. dew'. No Id fted prieea coneidered. One Iv-tioraa Burn er poriabla gaeoline engine for a Awl aato your Addr C. W. MeCauatAaua. Cata cuuiit', LoiaJi. la FOR RA L.H IjcrlfBt 4a-aera farm la cam and blue graaa belt. Adama eoucf . lea a; tarin all wrll trae4. k acre bug Ugbt, 1M) acies tiled, and ail at eccalleat cuuvatlon: 11 ruora bouae. large brick ctllar witb cetuent flaar. cement waika. large new barn and null, with geo4 Fair backs rngiav. new big tMraae. jiner awi I'UiWlcga. all in good repair: good aieck and bartiTard!". taraie grove and good or chard, fmir gowl wetla elieat watrr. twa windJtllla Far farther parueuiare addreta Mra Anaa ki. Kaaa. Aaa Atigb fat. It M.lnea. Aa. i naACRR farat 7 talias aowtheaMt ecu. Rue oiM.ty, Neaiaska: B acres ta com this ear, largo acreage In umetay and clover: good set of lsnprovvOMata Prtea. tS.a par a ore. etie-thlid eaaa, bai- eaay taroia at a per eeat. CAKL OS r. U T BA. aiaax City. teVACRB ettate, all the vary cbotceet at lead, eetiiutg aicar ta tt state, E, w mora of iBkprovesoeatg ait la gad ahape, iit anilea trna two gooa tb. Must be euld aid aooo- 1 tae tha exciuaJve haaa Una of tbia. Pnoe. per acre. Uaxca 1 eeuk-ery; tb cash, ba i per cuL a M. EjneT'. North wood, la A REAL ESTATE SNAP. SSVetre fam la rw ahaataa euunty; aor. oar right ra un; mi block fraea aett ai.d creanMty; taa-roaoa beuaa suceig lwmined; ttne gree aad trult treea; beau imuI but'olnv a.M tacU.g aoaUit eattla bara 44xSa, t-fooi peerta; ataacbioaa for atvw titty eatue; two ativ ktua; rxaut for lut tuns t,f ha; ale. feea twtier. oata gnnder ana IC-boree power gaaHaiiue engine, txirae Imub tor It baraea, with bay toll aud graia b.u, wtndnalll and three aaiar taaAa; Lara teacad la ai tie. da; 9 acres ttogtiabi. i'rica. (lut per bore ee very eey teraas. 1. A CARROLL. Uolfe. la FOR SAUK Two aata. aumuera t aad if, block , lkaglewaod additioo. Highland rara. Addreaa J. U. cMaaett. Oaksleoea. SU a CAVES aad ITS acres a( aaatbera lawa land, improved, well located, wl aoll, right price, for sate or trade; tT.taa) eejulty ta brick store building; a firat-ciate tnocnta property, fur aaje ar trade, uica. ca Ian, naeichaodisa or automobilea. Aa drees Bos A. LuagouaO, la. ita-ACKAS improved farm, I miles from Maaua City. I mlloa from eras :i town; fli an aara; easy tersua snd splendid bargain; lM-evere uniu proved farm U miles from Kfaaua City. aallef tr ta tw ataer tuwi only Set aa acre. We Stave tae best bar galna ta northers lewa Come aad sea tu, MAaON CITT RIALTT CO, ' lieuo City. Aa. 444 ACRES, six miles from Mlneols, sn seres in wheat, one-third t buyer: aev e-reera buaa. stable, welt. null. tana, pas ture teaeed; rich biacAt eoti; baa raiae4 good crap every yaar since broken out; great baivaia. g Per acre, terms. 7 ha Key C Beard Laaa Ca, atiaeeia. Ataa. "ta ACRES, l1 miles out. So ta wheat. H ta buyer; bauaaee paature. Tha late raa and anew assares buiapar crop; level aa a Itewr; ULat per acre: tcrau. VT. Ja. ctl bartaea. aoott QU, Kaft- WE have some choice bargains la cara. wheat and alfalfa landa for aaie la Beatos and Rush oounueat write for list of laria bars Si na. Amencaa lnveertSBetM oompaay, lioieuaaTVOB, A ll WHEAT AND ALFALfA LAND CHAvAP US- acrea t miles out; lAa acres la wheat; M delivered ta buyer, level, deep eeli; good aell aad vtrmmwi, S&234; eerma Other wheat and allaOa lands, ail atari and prloea L. AT. -chnb.niacber. awarr. Meade. Awaju t ACRAC&. a. aUlee good town; fenced, well empreved; all amocth land; rich black soil; good orchard; H P. U : phne; t ne aurrouadinga. tul; good terms; erlU ex change for hardware, lavements mr gxa rrai marchaaflisa. W. M. Mou. UarUiguut, S3 ACRES S m alfalfa; 10-raom heuaa, large barn, granary, etc.; two amies ta Lerned, pawnee county; a acrea pastura, baiaata i cultivation; nch. deep aoll. abun dance t water, walla and suina; g2Atw; tei na Bubte Beaiti . sluLchiaaoa. lseete'aaa. VERNON pariah. La : the lead of aun ahlne, soil, chmeie. suaraeta water, baaith. gued; prices cheap; write Leeaiilia Ateai instate aad Improveinenl Co.. C AC Aia FariAan. Secy, Leeartua, La. LOCIRIANA farm and timber tanda good for truck, core, oat tie. etc; n ac count af eottua Pat cheapeat laTMla oa market- bait. Eider 4k cteucit. Monroe. Aeuieiaa Mlaareetsu FINS farm borne, 434 acrea. S tanea from good teen, buw loam sou. Ail tVnoed; largt francs dellii.g. bant, g-ras-ary. auacaiaa aneas, etc. Auti acrea ia field, at acres ' umber, tie lance eiover and un- t,tby em tnaaaow. laeei ami itna. pee- acre, oae-tbird caaa. balance easy tarma. hi. J. avoia. Foastaa. Minn. FOR SALE Tae farms, U acre cavch; ens althia mlies of a couple f g-od too r.a tbe other miles from erne. The one consists of S3D seres all tillable A-l farming land, good troprev etueata. Cropa oooa ia he exeeDtiouallr l(l, tne v. ber all tillable with tbe escepuoa of to acres timber ana running water; ane third am. balaaoe on ume ail lu south erners Minnesota. Parties leaving tbe cauniry reaaea for bs-rgais. Writs me. cars af this paper. T. xi. Bea. Mil FARM. FMAP-gJ acres loved wrairts land, sag is crop, teuanaa peat are aad meeAew; good buiidtaga. t a aura MereiMut A AW-Maon., Miaa. LAMS hie. aaa, 14 acrea 7t To 10 Cities: good tillable so. : State ng maued o lib as-pege b'nk for tj eeiita. H'oavrt Land Ca, A'bux Bicg.-; Mnaoaa elia A f NAP; MCT fcE QUirtt; vn Ira proa J larm la Murray tbutity. Unueoi; tea first -ciaae buiKliuga. teaoes, apieoaid greve. sn-airt, (we anilea tram towa vnis J Lb a Aioidaa. tr, tearitn. Aiuaa- 4tm eejulty ta good quarter la aouthera Mmaeoota: quarters two suies from aood town, bav. Ljr aouxe Mx.ia aew bars iUi wi'.B gable root, ear.a-l g: auaxy aaa tence Mast aacauu. aiora oe ary gooe. I ra Ml par aaire. 4eeit- Av tuna tt liubw. REAL ESTATE FARM 1XD HANCM LAX D FOR SALB Mrsareeti tie ;4 ACRt S U ml-ee ..ra et Peat S mne from P.oeraont: e'l f lc biecfc toars eel . f hyp. tiMiratf-d. t.slinoe peeture e is b eck eax t'. inner; only tie per acra fur Ira-m-citU aie: tialf a-h ih-acie impieed fsimO tellee from S'. Taul. I am e froat Htrh Valley atat.aa; nine-room 1 oue. eirOT-i L large lrn aa 1 ether bmldinica e l la grxxl fotxl ts. l ark ara mm u nay mhwil. alaara bea ru tivatvd t owner; tat sores under p-ow, acres tiult trea. metiy a;plee. balanee od - mber lar tt Ijw .11 pnev and term t P. A ft tV. Mnnty. Pioneer Press I Kg . Ft Paat. Mlna.- to snp srr ia ft. Laatt ana Car Ilea rouatiea, tl innreoi a near cities af L Nrth and Pi-ertor. at price wltMn the reach ef a.l t to tit aa acre; eay terma; four ten rallroatia aow entering these tee eiuee furnish cheep and auick transportation. A tio.ot; M si eel piant now lui.ding by tha Vtnted btatea b4eel corpora Hon hear lands toll la fertile and well adapted te dl versi fied lartrlr.g, a ait ring and gardes truck. Ne long tiaula ar traa;oT-tatioa charges but rig lit at tba doers of tbe beet markets ef the CUted atatee. with ooaataat Seanaad and high pneea. Write for full lafortnauea lrrtr.a A Lwiuth farm Land Lew Asm At worth bjdg- AVuiata. Muua. ATTENTION. HOMBfBEKERt, If vol are thinkine ef lmmicratina: tb.s year, write us for daauripfve liter a lure of cur land la Mmoeeota, North Dakota aad Montana tv aaa suit yea be matter what pes want aad abers tea want !:. and caa aeil yea ear here from e acrea te Laos. YViiaatn K. eaibbtavs. Lock atoa a Cormoraau Aulas. I HAVE g farm of SJ4 aeres 2 mtias from good tt'wa. w SaUee train Minaeapsiis, aci under cuKitatioa; abt-ut as aaree CBeadow, baautee timber ; cast all bs opened up, rich soil, gaoe neuas. barn aad etbef l-ulldinra. Frtce. ISA per acre. Aiae 4vare farm two mile treat good tewa. e acrea under plow. U acres timber, good rick ret), t-room he use tee bares and otbr eat bulidiuga. windmill, fine natural (rove, or chard lust commencing ta beau. Priea. tAJOr; easy terma. Writs owner. Charles H. niMvn. Eik BJver. Mica SEND for a Ust ef ear fine lanpreved Stathern Minreeota laade: we have rmn dreds of pleased customers. C Av. Brewa Land Co.. uffioea Medelaa aad New Rich land. Mine FOR SALE ! acres at good aew hard wheat land. bear Wallialie, Peinbiae ewonty, Ncrth Dakota. For particulars ad dress owner. A. Lucaaae. 27 TAurd Ave.. K, Miaaeai-alla, Miaav Miasteelppt. t FOR SALE One of the beat and cheapest farm la the Miee'eelppl Telta, oenclsilng et acres, Te acres In enluvsiion. in bun fiower county. For pi Ices and terms writs to me. J. ii. Biggs. Seima. Aid. Mlaeeeri. MISSOURI FARMS Nana better aa earth. Highly improved AM acrea, raises anything. Other decides aargiuns. Writ aa Gilliam Realty Ca. Oiiiiam. Miv FOR bALE Finest farm :u LeaveaworU county, feroaudua farm of tea acres, Ai4 atllea from Fort Leevecworth. tkcwa brick retideuca. 40 ta-rrar-oid walnuts, lib sugar mauls trees, iiaiurei aaa. tw teiepnonea tree delivery. l from banta re stA- uon; examine prrmutce aoid wyite Mrs. A U. Kir tr. Out Felix cO. t. iaeep-a. M- 1N MISSOURI. Farina any aiae for sale. 430 to S1S4 per sere, improved or unimproved. h cash, bel utua. or 1-1 cash bai. tea years at as. Write your easts A u'ty-tive muea east mt Wansas City on C. A A. K. It. WALTAvAt C Clili-tb P.i-Ai.1 T CO, liigginsviiie. Ala, THIRTEEN fvsenona tn La arson oouatf. hear r one of tba heat towns ia tae Yellowetorie valley; aiao nave other lands thst ws are retallx.g In any aise farm yea Kent. Write your wmsta frioee are right. The Uaywsrd Land ;.. tiieaoiae. Mont- Bt-ACRE farta, aa cultivated; fine bouse, bara, feotes. firat-claaa condi tloa; fine enrum water; 3 muas from town; ? taoies from railroad, southeast Missouri (ratios Co- iiediDaat. Ago. FOR AiALE 6s farms, largs and amaii, between Mississippi and Missouri rivers. a versa tat per aura Write for big pnoe list. WJiiam Crews. Wright City. Me. ETOPI Don't ge a step farther thaa Douglas county, dowa la tbs beautiful Ciurkx raise anything; cam M te eti biish- eia per acre, all atAver crepe tn AaroportAea; cbaapest gooa tana on eana. as w a per acra. Free uutirauutw. unw m ataiaie Co- Ava. Ma IN HOWELL COUNTT. MISSOURI TTi arres ia HOWELL VALLET. near Went Plains; 4 ho usee, alfalfa, clover, corn, rraesee; 1W acres In cultivation; H per acre; terms. Aiao email farms. Trades for merchandise apd land, itox IS. West Plaina. Mo. MISSOURI farm. SE4 acres; 4-room be use. barn; lull acres beat, 204 acres corn, levsL black dtrt; S tnliea rallroas. 4tt acrs Chas. S Huckatep Realty Ca. Avlsberrr. Ma. Mea laasu ewttrtf wm a tri S f'1 Tlk affAVT IMk riVaar-a3-AAaB. A v Vta l" aww wra, tb mvii.1 torn mimI tivm to 2 pt - , 1 1 . il.ulniMti Skas A eu-c iih. 1 Clark Land Cumpagy. Hackaar Baag., Si. haul. MiUB. Ifeano ic , 1. . . . . . m. . taie; aiao one bulel. one bakery, oae aseral stare, one eaJeoa. aoa feed stars. Andreas, Charles F. Brawn, Galata. Moat. FOR SALE Bitter Rest Valley U acre fine fruit land; aid water right best sec tion of tbe valley f oe propoajuuo for Sub division: fair buildings, easy terma. AsV 4re& 0 Moat. AC O. twia. Stcveamua Srkraaxa. PIKE r-tti-scra ranch. II mlies from town, I quarters tame hay. balsjiee wild Aiay and tiscture; tow acres level, balance eugbtiT telMag; heavy buvok aovl; twa flowing aeiia. r-rom t-use bara. granary ana rhickea boue. tetepuaoe; mile te acheot Tills te SB exceptional y fine ranch aad a anap- W ill aell oa easy terma Oeorge E. Cailiaa. owner. Atkiaaoa. Nes FOR BALE, fee-acre ranch, Vj mlies from Bckaylar. Keb.; 1 if acres la oera. balacoe blue graas aad clover pasture; running water through tbe ranch; null black, aanay Aoem. suitable fur cuiUi.g up Into stuail farms. Thla Is an exceptional) fiaa reach aad a snap. Win sell en easy terms. W. A KING. Owner. 414 McOague Bidg. t 10 ACRES la Chase county. Nebraska, U miles south of Litis; tt takes eoon will take Ail-s an acre; ln,a is a Koed e.uartr aectam and caa all be farmed: will tab a good lit ar igil auteouibiie ea the aeai arid carrjr the baiance. F. A. Oarlaad, cbaxitun. la Jut acres AH miles tram Eaaersoa. Neb ; i fiue laprmeiDMili, land lays geodr tag u.ake splendid terma, and tbe price la tit Ui tis less than adjoiruiig places are being l.riced at For furtictiiars call en or or lie A. kC LENNOX. ALLEN. NEB. HOMESTEAD 1 acres for SIM In cash; bout 31 mile out; good plow isnd; not sand. Another cave for S171: 43 cash and ti a tnenth. J. A- racy. Kim ball. Nee. FOR SALE 34 acres Irrigated farm An Nona Platte vaiiey. well improved, best ef I soil: three a.ilee to teas: cioee to school, good water right. Price t per acre: ono- nan caen. x-. v. rocooiu. luiua, t-u . FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 4W acres good land and soil: fTi cultivated; fair Im prtrt eaienta, 12 miles to good loan of . en R F I., poone line For tt? av areor H cash February 1. halam-e ! in what you have worth tha mener. and gd-erT lease, ia years. lor .v U. E. Cook. Owaer. Ansiey. Neb tliUk Porced to aacrlftce 44 also K acres best Ci. laaiaa tarma. rich. deep, black ml artlv unproved: close to untv aomt j ncnest county of America in natural re 1 aourcea. real bargaia for cotiaenauva in I v oator t'lease wvearurate WiU trade ffor mercbaaoise. ar aaiinUig 1 caa tura llrito seoney. Ctisii for caaa. Aay reaean- ablo of ir accepted. No tx.mmn.sioa A II irr era grswerea. mnrro ooner, net Averiaea. Nab- ar cheat Aeasoa A4. Letters aretarred- Ore sea ' FOR SALE acres eeaesres apple, pear. rbeeTT. grape lead la tbe waart. ais actio true town, one aaiie from railruad. aod 4p volcaoic aaa. The X allies. Ore- arias a uining aaad. te acres, 4-4 Bailee troae tears, new. anad-ra-house, barn, teaemeat: pear prtu U.rtl i, A.tu lour.t uooa, 1 eta) grape vinoe. good ttlari eooa. Car wui salt st acres aua ail leu rvveaeau. ibveeuuauaa awkctuA. C ii. Wcboivf. Tba I 01,0a. bti REAL ESTATE FARM AMD RANI It LAtD FOR SALK fOantinued.) Narth battle, n"CP af tre ritteat raema ta Wrt'tll ecentr. ounmrttng ef r aeeee et gewd, :euurtle lawd. tMnlrg t rMnora Flee tarye bunding, tot of truiv a ice are a ted aever-faiiing flowmg wwiL rrlre. t. J4 per acre. A r terma Mart. a auls3Q Land Ce. v raanete. North ia teta. t jh SALIC Aa exeerooaai-y re tam I esilea it eirvatnr, sis mi lee ef Wtelmef. good. bea r. alack aeii. WMd Riee rvver 1 crouch laat'ira Fine new buiidanga. well ef est-elletie water, windantil evev. 4A pet acre. 1 his U a saasv Avck Beg U toradmere. Sert Lwkota AUCTION SALE North Dakota: enelce el'a arid t-tuisa an county farms et publit auction June 4. AiA. oa eeey terma Writs ler informetm. A. F. Belcher, baias Mgr, aikeetoR. N. D geath Carwllaeu LANDS 4M4 per acre rnsde crewtef figs for pieairves oa the Islands Orchards eg easy month'y per meets tei lalaad OreAvard Compear, Cbarleetaa. A C Swath Debate. TOn SALB fecti oa gooO. raw lanS ai fenced; 4004 fioe lug wall; g tntleg rrwia plarikmrtea. S. D. Tnr parts ouiars wrtu 1. K O Mailer. Pallia. 4V X FOUTH DAKOTA t AND post. SAXJ4, We bare a that 4 Edmandd eouaty land lor aaie at from tit wad vp per acra If Ir wd writs as far partieuiars sad wa am eaabd aur prtoes aad pocket tnaa. if yea awa laud la Beutb Dakota I let tt w-tts n our metie is A 4V)are Laal ta Buyer and tv-Der." Give us a chance ta peeve aur statement, riee-veid land Oa, munaa oowaty, awuta Lsaacata. WALL e change sbotce tana tang 1 Pierre, the easiial of bouth Dakota, for good Iowa or Nebraska land: what have eu ta eflsrl West Land Ca, Pierre.A i H ACRES IN DEUEL CO., at D Close to tbe Mlnneeota line; tvmvy blart soil; clay subsoil; tiee very levi and all under culttvatioa. Must be aold wit his At days to rios an estate. Half of this year a crop gues aith the price, t3t per acre; easy tern., ti.and will handle It and it is a anap No gravel he stones, be foel weed. A4lres4 W. V. McOee. Lake Preston, a. Ai. OK FOURTH PrcTlO? FIVE MlAJU PROM TOWN. Fair Improvement. ITloa. 14,484. KqultT, II a. Aaaska Real Avatste Oa, At seta r d-- . tO-ACRK eera farm, oat tears Rtottx FaAia ezcaltent lmprtmaecs, lerge grove and fruit; all In eultrveuon; prtce for quirk sal PU, easy terms; alas weU Imprsved. easy terma, aad 184 acres unimproved. Taeas are bargains for quick sale. H. A. aitlvlua. eeruer. fcieus Falls, A IX ALFALFA -THC KTNO OF ALL FARM PRODUCTS. Thla la the land ere have. Free boms steads; relinquishrneais and deeded laaaa ler particulars write F. O. Wander A Ca, Buffalo Can, a. D - Te TEXAS INVKfTMENTS. Say ereiiai a and garoa taciAs a rar Aleustoa. tbe greatest and meet prosper aua oty In the southwest, wbera valued i going up all Uie time aixa fortune made ia real estate in abort aiule. Aaar terms if eeairea. Aodreas K. C. Robert son, Veia. iex, aad a Aa-acre farm ta the Kto Oraada valley, saere the farmer cash Income ia aa. perpetual aa the el that come and go. a, H. oacksoa, tut Firi Katlunai iaak Bldg- Meustoa. Tex WIS are rabdlvMlag tJO acres of fertile farm land la Jacksoa county, apiendtd crops sverj- jear. Ate ir fall about rigbc t anches. For aeef-MpUon, plat and price ante JOHN PUCHET at CO tU E. Houston ex, nAn Aniaalo. Tea RAN SABA VALLET. the garden spot ol Texas, name of tbe paper shell pecan. We can buy land for you or In vest money,-1 per cent Bet te you ae cared by mortgage oa these lands Correspond eace solicited. Re fer to First Nat l bank, fiaa Babe Nan bask. Ward. Murray A Co, and the me sa bers la congress front Texas. Avauey Burleae Ca, aaa fea be. Tax. FOR SALE IjM aires land, Martin county, Texaa. Address saner, Bex 447, w 1 chits. Waeatagrtaa. WRITE 'for Information about the '"la laad Empire," aiao Spukaae. its metroaolts Farms, fruit landa city property. Make our office your headquarters and Informs tion bureau when Is aur Oty. IOWA REALTT CO.. ill Liadelie Blk, Spokane. Wash. Wrealxg. FOR SALE 14.440 scree hi Laramie roaaty, Wyoming, in OoldeB Prairie dis trict: srvtabis for farming; sow ateekoi with cattle and sheep: will sail with reach 1 elll exchange Jor eastera Nebraska mr lev farma. i. T. Beli, Oerear, Cbereaaa -4 WTOM5NO Harm and stock rant-h: im proved, f nced. well watered. 430 acres . Will be sold beet offer pent sixty days Write ewner. Andrew Wilson. Parser, i Kaa. 1 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE WE exchange pi tipei ilea af merit H. H Culver. dU-U U X. B. Bi-tg. D. 7SSL FOR SALE or trade 4-00I modem house I9H a r:th ?t- Write E, U. AtcOtrr. Beatrioa. Nek. FOR quick results see Deaa. 417 Bee Bidg. Daugiaa 12C. WILL sell 1-rootn. all modern hbuat; 1 blocks from Far nam. tijM; monthly In stallments tS. Good home for large family. Or will exchange for rental property aad pay aoats diflerenee. Address. S 4m. Bee. FOR SALB or ecchsnge far Columbus, O.. property. Ili-nwrn cottage m desirable resident portion aT Omaha SM Brunsoa Bidg.. Calurabua O. EXCHANGE rVven acres ta Fiorenoe along the maca dam road for cottage or tacact kits In Omaha- The land ta only ten mmutee' walk from end of car line; Ilea high aad eighiiy; elegant view; fine place te raiae chMikena, rra(es and all kirnla of frutt HA8TINC A HEY DEN. Kit Harney ft- REAL ESTATE LOANS WANTED CUr loans and warrant, rajTuam South A Ca, It Faraaaa di. CITT sad farm toaaa. Bensoa A Myer Ca C4 Omaha Nat 1 Aiaak bldg. MONZT TO LOAN Payne ta at Oa LOANS te trosne owners aad ansae buiie rra. wit privilege of makuag partial par events semi-annually. W. H. JauAlAt, Mt f trai Natloaal Baak Bldg. WANTED City loans. Patera Trust CA GARVIN EROS- td fleer N. t. Ufa. 1M4 te Loa.uav oa Imprevod property. Ke aelay. CHEAP MONET. Repees rating the Pen a Mutual Llf laa Co.. with assets ef eier tilvov.. mm prepared ta accept all the good toaaa af leied oa Improved Omaha real estata buaiaeaa aad rsa'Srace aiaaBg made wita- I I est deaay. THOMAS RRENNAIV. I City Avaxaoaal Jaaak Axdg. FOR SALE 44 404 of high riaas. tong urns 1 per eeat securruss covering dewa towa business property. Owner hss rmmediete use tor money arid will soak prire arj ac tus. M-iu aivida Address N-O, Bee. CITT and farm. JOHN ti. KREXTZtT OMAHA Preparty and Nebraska O xLLr X. ttEAL. gvejAlAv CO ttat New Omaha heuaaal bans Biuidiag, j ts (it.tud xnaos promptly. P. IX btead. Weed atKig, Asia and FarasJB. LOW RATES. MIS-CARLAvK.aj LO, tav-tii: aWarmeia Tieaier iiig. WANTED! FARM LOAN A Kloa xaa. Ce- 5 4 iw r xixV&rxEX2 WANTED TO BORROW tlAt WANTED. Will pay 14 per rest Intet eat snd giva as serumr f : rat tnsn gage oa eeb-ecre reccb tn. iroved, In west era Neoraasa. worts t Bex 4:4 City. MOP.TGAGE. fi:l. tae years ts rust. 4 per rent, good aecunty. Turxingtea, atd Bee B-og TAILORING Cl.raNtNO. rreealng MeLrlsBd, taXoe, lt 8herman Ava. WANTED TO BUY PrfT price paid fee 44 barxt ftn-B'r era, eerpeia. eiothing and abesa Tel. V. AV7L FltLNER pars good peVee fmr fxraJtara. earpeu. seethes aad shoes. AA, 4S0L THE be-t treat for wife aad bar te a dlah ef IJaei a Ice cream. If raneite, Wesley, u N. Mth will come to The bee trftr within three davs are win grtve her aa order for a smart brick of this line Ice rrekan free. WANTED TO RENT WANTED By gnod hotel tee.nt fteet rise h"iel of about thirty rooms Add; t wi. tee WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Work aa porter. Addresa P Bea. LADT waots position as chambermaid. Wsbster 4707. Miss Smith, WANTED Work by day. Deug'.as m?. FOR first-class practical t43S. call tA FOR tboae whe Are See king eat pie . itieet The Bee wui run reur sttuatloa want ad FREE awtu ea gM tbe dee red resulta Bring your ad is Tba Atea office ar tele. paoce Tj ler i.asa AN elderly lady would tike poedttoa aa bousekeeper for widower: as eb)ecUea te going to country. Address. iat N. ZTtli u I'bone Webeter SI&. A BUTCHER aad saueae maker te ones for a position. tats price. A Tla Bea. LAUNDRESS wants day week. Ml. Doug. (P1KI9H in 1 aumiiitsiii ttaaleea tranala- tioa work for evenings. Address D. 7al. TOUNO kxdr wants position tn coffee fcouae or grocery store. 1 oux .as MT. ELIERLT wemaa wants position as housekeeper; small pay. Apply Ai North ITth tn. A MIDDLR-AftED woman want ta as sist la housework. Address C 7SU Bee. WANTED Work by tha flay. SMS. Webster MIDDLE-AGED married nan of rood education want steady work of any kind: am eoner, rename ana a w-inmg wnrser, whoiesaie warehouse frreferred. Addresa, R Tat, care Bea. CARPENTER wtth family must have wtn-k; win work cheap In country or city. M-74L Bee. - FIRST CLASS-Oradaate chauffeur, es rrlesioed la gars re work; prefers driv ing for fsmlrv wui de repairs on la any line H. 754. Bee. STEAM fitter, all around irtaa, wants work; S years In last shop. Phena Douglas TT. A TO U.N O and trawternrthy woman da tires a position aa lady's eorapar.lea fhone Harney IMS. SITUATION wanted by Beat young ec-1 man willing to do any kind of work Address Ed. Art her. lilt Burt t ABOUT 4 hours work dally la tatter hop. or (leaning or at anything. Mra Anderson. 414 Bo. 14 St. STTCNOtiRAFHER wants typew-riting te do at boos IB evening. Harney 4141. EXPERIENCED stenographer desire work af say kind during evening. Ad dress W. 74. Bee. WANTED Poxltion as anal slant ta plumber; twe and a half years' expei-leaec; in ar out af lawn. Address K 754. Bea TAKE me out ta tha Bell game. It Mr. Jehnerm. M Evans St., will come to The Bee office within three days ws will give htm a ticket to the ball game at Rourk park. I- LADT want position as housekeeper. widow, aged et, with bar 4 rears old: out west preferred Mrs. Lillian Butts, 2304 L M . ioutk omaba. JAPANESE wants portion as cook, 477 No lh St Frsrk Hsman LEGAL NOTICES Sealed bid will be racelved tmtil It o clock noon July 3 for the eonetruotien cf g laundrr building at the Hospital for Inaan at Hastings, Nebraska. A iAns and specifications are em file st the hoapltal, office ef serretsry of state and Commis elonar of PubUc Laadt and Pc'ldlngs. Lla- rein. ADA-'ISON WAIT. recretsry Board of Public Lards and r"1''T-r JylMM Ttror daughter may ba per mluoA. aaiely, U rami TL Be. No axasstraLa! avoeoasto of trti&t, BO flllA. so geaedki. ss eUoio aoT4 aerigalloBg; but ail tk uswa. RAILWAY TIME CARD CXIOSt STATION- Teath aaa Catsm Parlfle Depdt. Arnvg San Fran. Overland L. .a ( et am a f a pm China and Japan F. Ms 444 pm lie pm At lan He axprem a 4 dt sn OregoB Express .... al tt pm a t 1 pm Los Ang-eiea Limited. ..a U at pm a 4 M prn Denver Special a T- am a 77 sn Centennial Stat Spec l ell B pra si? B sm Colorado Express s t :M pm a i t rm Oregon-Wssk. Limited all 8 pm a 4.4 pm North- Plane Local., a I 14 am I AS pra Grand letecd Local... .a 4 pm al at sn Stromburg Loral MJ-41 pea b 1 f pes CAlcarw, Staeat SetaaS dt Paelfta -ABT. Pocky Mouataia Ltd. sl? am aNVSA pm The Mountaineer a 4.ei am 1 la am Omaha Dar ExprVaa... l:P rm Chtcaga Local Pass.-. bid S5 am bid It pm Chicago Express tin an a 1 M pro Dee Motoes Local faas a 4:17 pm aU lt pm Cbicaco-Nebiaska Ltd. a 4.44 pea a 147 am - WUT. The Mountaineer a I -et aaa a 4 at am Lecai Pass, to' Linculn a 4 4 am tio.-Cal. Expreea a 1 It pm a t.-W pm OxA. A Tex. Avx press, .a 4.-4 pm ail ej am t hi -Neb. Ltd. Ltaoola a t :S4 pra stocky Mouataia Ltd..al4.dV pm all. J aaa Miseoert faetfie AC C at. A t- U Ex.... L. aia.... atttara tin all -It ntlil . H ortb 1 1 1 et 1 NORTHBOUND. Twin City Express tit am at St Steux City Local a t at pea a I M Mlna. A Uakata Ks a I 3C pm tl li Tata City Limited . t.t pm aim Blicaesout avxpreee all :a) EATBOU"D. Carroll Loral a 7j0I am a 4 14 Layligbt CAiieago -a 7 ot aaa ai 4 Cruoage Lecai... elirt. pm a in Cotorsdo-( hioage a 1 pm a t la Cbioase Special a 4 ! pm a f pacific Coast -Chleasa. ..a 4 urn I a Lo Angeiea IJmlted..a I M pta all M Overland Limited ...a l it pm a til Carrel I Latca! a 4 3 pra a HI at Faat MaU j.-S I St pm b i t Cedar Rapida. tioug City and Omaba -.. a Crntanalal State TJm.... 11 41 ant U:14 WEaTTBOUXD. Long Pine a 144 am all 44 Norfolk-Dallas al t) am Long Fleve-lAaoola a I U pia aim Heatings-Superior b t 14 pm b I J4 Iieadweod-Heq bormgaa t hi pra a t M pm am pm pas par pm a 01 tun Paa am an pm Pl ain pm pes sm Caeoer-Lander a t at pm ail. to Fremont Albtoa b t A pre bl id rbb are Miloeaakoe e St. Past Ovwrtaad limited ......a 144 pm 111 Omaha Ctucags Ex. -.b 11 am Parry Loeai a 4 44 am 11-44 Caaa.-Cal. Express s 4 ae pra I - Colorado Special a " a: am 4 14 Parry Local b 4. it pm U44 pm pm sm pax am pre Cms ha-SC Louis Ex. ...a 4 44 Mail aad Exiareea.. l tHaab'y Lei Ureea C R )b 144 Catraapa stewat VetUra. f".iVr- Llmtted tit Twin City Limited. .t 4 tt Tens City Expirees Ale) Cblcaro Express . Lecai raaeeager S t At lAllaete Ce-atral B I ail tat am pm a 1 ' a 4 1 Pm rhtcage Expreae ..... a 1 44 am I a I Cr.lcage Limited -a t o Uma-rt Paul Ex b I -ta MAJLIS. Paul U4...A 4.14 pta a t FJULWAY TIME CARU t arliactenk StaUeea ASnM ktwrllagtea 1 INeparL AIN pra .at i pni A rr"v 1 el pra Denves1 A CaPf'vrnla. Puget Found Kxpreaa, Nebraska points . Black llJn ... 1 I.-- lAineola AleU , Sorihweet Kinross Nebraska pointa -iebraaaa Eaprees .. tiapit a 4 14 pm a 4 pm U U pie a 7 -is) am air pm a 4 14 pm b 4 04 am bJ M ant I I M pra lit'! it pm ail U pra a 7 pm atu pm a I en am si Av am M0 4i sm ail ei am s u sm 4 J4 pm .a js ana -a 4-1 pm ,.b 1 H pra .all HI. pm .a a sr am .A I -it ass lb 144 pm ..a 7.1 pm .a it am ..all t pm ..a U am ..all pm a e tet tm LAnoola locei frchur er- 1'lat tamouTk Llnoola Local pieitemeuth-Iewa .... Be 1 le vue-1' let t ameatk . Chioago fecial ...... Ienver Special ....... Chicago Frpreee Chieage Faat A-xproas lewa Local Crestoa tlal Lecai... St. Louis Expreea K C. rH. Joeeph.... K. C A Pt Joseph.... AC C A St- Jsa.... a t.J.1 pra .a 4 it am .b S 40 pm .a t (i pni .aH 4i pm .a 4 It am .a 4 4 pm Webeter Statta .a isth aat Webeter. rl ravel Doper-L Aretva. Aehoes Local tt t H pm bn U am ca tease i a awa, aa iseea peiia 4 Depart. Arrive. Stent Ctty Kvwresa b S St pm Mj nj rra Omaha lineal tin pm Soux City rasa. a J pa Torn City rase t am Sioux City Local elKen Emerson Local b 4J4 pm k HI am tb dally, exnept Sunday. fc Suniay only, ta) dally. EAMBUEO-AHEEICAN Lmasdoa . raris Ilanabarg Orart. ate n 1 P at Uaeots. ystr gata a. Aeg Tie, Aeg A. 'taerlk. aa. aa. a-tll sail at Ptraimn aa nyarkavro Rlta-Csrltoa a ta tins Aiaeiasjaot ARQUKD TMS WORLD 4N AN LIKER CMTJXBXS larwtlea 119 BAT 00 rr $650 aag , lAcJaajAA All Veoeeeery Stx-peaees A boar A aad Br tks Stoaaaokts -CX.TXl.AaTl- (11. eat Tea) Tee first as kae PW TOT Orletow tt. itli ras sonoa leave aaa ee- eieoo Fob. a, tea Aseosl Beoat o1pe t Oct , wt g yva. HU, t tarao Cms to a a nctsra Lalsa. K M tsaa. Mas. 14a West ttaa. Aelph St, VAkoeg-e, Ui, or lasal ageat. Seventeen-Year-Old Girl Tries Suicide aoaoBBBoaaam Detpondent Orer Troubles, lis Enih inj Takes ChJoreform and Jay Die. Troublss came aa fast end aurceroug upon little Miss Ids Rushing, lbs 17-year-old daughter of William Ruahlng, a liveryman of South Omaha, that shs decided early last Bight to end it all. The girl's mother found her st 4.14 o'clock Irmg unconscious la a bedroom of their home, m South Twenty-ninth street, sp- psrently drlng. An empty ounce bottle labeled chloroform lay by her side. Thres polio surgeons answered Mrs. Rushing' frantic calls fur afl aad worked with the girl several houre without bringlnc her to conaciouenesa. 3h was seat l St. Joeeph k hospital, where It eras said late last night that she ws still unoon clou and might die. It was said ths girl had become despond ent because her father strenuously objected to Nell Casaidy. aa IS-year-old boy. aa her aorretbrirt. Caaxldj , it was declared, had followed tha family to Omaha when they moved here from O. turns a. la., three works ago. The young tnaa had beaa meeting her out. member pf the family said, and Tuesday night, their most recent "data." the father had given ths girl a severs scolding about going with ths Ottumwg youth. Tuesflar another thing happened ' that g tided to her youthful sorrows She had been emnloyad Jn the Bceni baa; factory since coming to Omaha and had grown to like her petition. After gome trouble there Tuesday afternoon. It wa said, shs wa dmrhsrsed. Tuesday night she west out to confide her "borrows to Casaidy. Returning home shs reoelved ths scolding, which, tt It thournt. let her to attempt self-destruction. At til. Joseph's hospital Thursday morn ing It wa stated that Miss Rushing had aJrsoFt recovered and would bs able to go homo possibly today. DECREASE IN HOGS, QUALITY OF STOCK KEEPING GOOD Same Leaooalaa af Central Average f Welgrata, tit tel lallsrai Ceadltlea. v C1NCINNATL O.. July U Special Telo gram 'r Prtco Current say tbs msveme&i of hogs reflects some decrease for the week, but fairly good numbers are Indi cated. There ts evidently some iesaenlcg af general average of weights, but this As not a condition prevailing a ni for truly, for gain are shown la some Instances. The Quality at the stock being marketed Is good, with llttis exception. Total west ern slaughtering totaled tSt.ffil hogg, com pered with tftt,) head tbe preceding weak aad aM.ttut bead two week ago. For the corresponding time last J ear tbs number waa M6,on head, and two years ago was 42L,m head. Prom March 1 ths total was 14.C0, 006 head, sgaihst 7A1M44 htad a year age. an Increase at I, htsd. Tbs total two years ago was IJjb.OOt Leal. Promi nent places compare a folioa from starch 1 to July U: . 1U 1414 ...S1U.4M4 l.Sflt. lilim Sm) j ,.. Kt.( r:i.tvm ... rswio 4,fri ... Mt 4-j.Oi ... ia i7.mih ... fit WO Ml . ,.. ;.1.JI I67.OJ0 1 ... ( 1) .. lCOiW lAi.Ooy ... 4 4.l iHiv1 .. rN0 S4n - ,.. AA.ti pit.-) r Chicago Kara a City r-euth Omaha ............ St. Louie Ht Joseph Indianapolis Mliesukee Cincinnati Ottumas. la ., Cedar Ranida la. Sioue City, la" St. Paul. Mina Cleveland, o sera Xetee. LfG AN Th Mleourl Vllev and Locaa F-aptisl Sunaay si t.oois .f the rpertive town hrld a tnion picnic between Logaa and Missouri Valley tortay. BRIDGEWATERItk of facilities la keep rgga fresh during thia intensely hot weather caused gronws to aali them Mon day and Teearlay at t cents a n. LOGAN OpsJ Pnrrell, the little asughter of Mr. snd Me Henrv Purceil Logan died thie mciemng following sji tun roe eiae-e Sunday evening. Her death ts aua to ear lug ice dnaa. TRENTON Lswa Crafta a wel! known f near Treriton. fell from his hunting hoMate yeeterdar abile attemptrrig to aata tin that was being lwnJ tn ue hulidirg He aiaatamed Injuries tAat letTed fatal Hie bouae and the money ware enureir destroyed. VILLI8CA James Dalton. sged T, years' fell from a cherry tree at the home ef a neighbor, where he had gone te pirk rhemes Monday, snd died In a few hours Ho ass warned tbat he had better r.M climb tbe trees becaua of hi advanced age. but laughed et lb Warning, reuuvrk Ing ha eouid eitmb a tree as quietly sad easily as a ly. He waa as old setuer of Iowa and a prominent Maem. CRE9TON Frank M. Coeaie. formerly of this place, but now hold ng a poaition la Chicago, waa saarOed a eerdiet Mtvndsv la the Chinage circuit court for l.titea) Oaaiagea ara.nat the Chlesgo Italiwsy ooru paxy. Coogie eusiained lerooeial In tune about two year ao tor bwtng crusted . twees two care an the L rvstein Both l.ts arms and one leg were fractured and ha was ba-d y ta tured ttierwioa. Tbe rase waa tried before Judge Marfan, whe estab lished a precedent by tba vaav Siov. Coogie't rciaUva ul Live tore. it V J f