Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1911, Page 6, Image 6

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The omaiia daily bee
Entered at Omaha poatofffce aa second
eiaae matter.
Sunday Hee, on a year WW
Saturday Um, 0na year l.BS
Jally Hm (without Sunday), ona year.. 4 00
Laiiy and Sunday, ona year (.00
Kvenlng Baa (with ftunday), per month.. JSc
Dally Baa (Including fiunaay), pe mo.. tec
Daily Bea (without Hunday). per mo.... 4&
Addreaa all complaints of Irregularities
In delivery to City Circulation Department.
Omaha-The Bee Bulldlny.
Houth Omaha 2s N.. Twenty-fourth St
Council Bluffs 1 Scott 8t
Lincoln M Uttle Hulldlng.
Chicago-IMS Marquette Hulldlng.
Kansas City Hellene Building.
New York-34 Weat Thirty-third Ft.
Washington 728 Fourteenth St., N. W.
Communications relating to newa and
editorial matter ahould ba addreeaed
Omaha, Bea. Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or poatal order,
payable to Tho Bee publishing Company.
Only 2 cent Himpi -cid In payment of
mail accounts. Personal ehecka except on
Omaaa and eastern eschsnge not aLcepted.
Bute of Nebraska, County of Douglas, :
Dwlght Williams, circulation, manager of
Tha Baa Publishing company, befog duly
sworn, aaya tha the average dally circula
tion, lesa . spoiled, unused and returned
copies, lor tha month of June, 1911, was
Circulation Manager.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before ma this first day of July, 1911. . .
Notary Public
Subscribers laaTlan tha elty teaa
porarlly akaald hare The Baa
smile ta' taeaaJ Addreaa will ba
g4 aa often aa reqaeated.
Secretary Hllles must ba the city
dltor of the White House.
There have been more "coming"
men thaa moat any other kind.
. Also, the water wagon la more or
leea popular resort these days.
Where will McAleer get hie baae
bail crowds when 'congress, adjourns?
Somebody ought to take a clap
board to the Lumber trust for putting
Lorlmer over.
Speaking of dissolving the Standard
Oil, isn't that the oil that is supposed
to be Insoluble?
Speaking of a vegetable hat, those
adorned with potatoes probably will
come the highest.
Mr. Plnchot Is entitled to a few
smiles, but excess in Indulgence is bad,
this sort of weather.
Old Sol, in his nation-wide dry
siege, certainly showed those prohibi
tionists a thing or two.
The circus doubtless took a lot of
money with it out of town, but the
rain was 'worth the price: '
Ever since that last conversation
the loquacious Mr. Hlnes could be
easily mistaken for a mute.
The circus had hardly pitched Its
teat till old Pluvius spied it and shed
a few large tears Just for old-time's
sake. ;.
It is feared- the cry,-"Remember the
Maine," will not go down In history aa
the equal of "other American shibbo
leths, v-
Again do we see vindicated the su
perstition about "13" in Mr. Wolgast's
Fourth of July triumph over Mr.
Without Mr. Bryan that coming
democratic state convention at Fre
mont will hardly be worth paying
railroad fare to go to.
Have you signed the commission
form petitions? If not, and you do
not hurry, they may get in without
bearing your autograph.
The Elks will meet at Portland next
year. All right B.1 P. O. E. No. 31
will have a glad hand for the dele
gates that go through Omaha.
The kaiser le' saying nice things to Un
cle Bajn, while sticking pins In France.
Baltimore American..
Yes, and your uncle Is closely eye
ing bis lingers..' 1
Our Conareasman Lobeck rannta
Iha Imnntltlnn that k la In Amnmm
of becoming a Chautauqua orator, and
insists that he will never wilfully fall
so low. 1
As soon aa the reciprocity bill passes
the senate the commander-in-chief of
the army and navy will call out, "You
may adjourn when you're ready, con
gress." '
The Ircny or fate is perfected In a
mob asking a victim It has chased a
mile if he baa anything to say. Just
before he is drawn up, why be should
not be lynched.
The Kansas City Star thinks the
trouble arose because the equator got
unbuckled and slipped as far as Okla
homa. Then Texas bad better take a
.lf-altch on its trousers, quick.
Talk about a city Ice plant may
90UHX good, but it does not relieve
vlcUu.1 of the ice holdup who bave to
pay 11 per cent more for Ice in Omaha
they Ja exacted In any other nelghbor
lk city.
It bas remained for one of our dis
trict Judges to Invent a device to undo
a divorce in order that the post-mortem
widow may get the ex-husband's
Bfe insurance. . In this case no doubt
rnbstantlal Justice is done, but It only
Alustrates the elasticity of the law.
Water Works Questions and Answer.
The Bee has given spare to a letter
from one of our subscribers propound
ing certain questions as to the pend
ing proposal to vote water bonds. As
evidence of good faith the writer says
he is sending the same communication
to all the newspapers, although be
doubtless knew he would get diver
gent answers, as the Water board and
the Water board organs have stead
fastly persisted In a policy of misrep
resentation and suppression of the
true facts. i
I. The original water works fran
chise gave the city an option to pur
chase by the appraiser plan, without
paying for any franchise value, at the
end of a twenty-year period. The
water company has always contended
that the franchise runs Indefinitely,
subject only to this option and a stip
ulated right of the city to regulate
rates and make a new) hydrant rental
contract after twenty-five years." The
city was conceded the right at any
time to take the plant by condemna
tion procedings. '
II. When we voted the $6,560,000
water bonds in 1909 the Water board
Issued over its members' signatures
an appeal giving reasons why they
should be voted, among them the fol
lowing: 4. It is Important that the bonds be voted
now that tha Water board may be In posi
tion to make Immediate compromise of tha
litigation, If this Is possible.
I We do not Intend to, nor will we, pay
the amount of the award (W,2G3,000) unless
compelled to do so by the decree of the
supreme court, where tha matter Is now
pending. i
II If the bonds are voted the judgment
can be paid by tha proceeds of the bonds.
, Despite this promise, no attempt to
compromise was made before the ad
verse decision of the supreme court.
Naturally, the water company . saw
nothing to compromise after It had a
valid Judgment for $6,263,295.49.
III. The Water board says it will
not issue the $3,000,000 bonds voted
In 1900 nor the $6,600,000 bonds
voted, in 1909 if another $8,250,000
bonds are voted in 1911, but the pres
ent proposition does not specifically
rescind the previous bond issues. A
new Water board would not be bound
by the personal pledges of present
Water board) members.
IV. We have already expressed our
opinion. that voting $3,250,000 water
bonds now is just as much putting
cart before the horse as was voting
$6,600,000 water bonds two years ago,
because we are still waiting for the
decree Informing us just how much
we will have to pay. The ostensible
eagerness of the Water boarders to
bave the bonds voted in order to start
Improvements before they bave pos
session of the plant strikes us as In
sincere, because the water company
has had a standing offer for nearly
Ave years to build the needed .main on
mere agreement for reimbursement.
V. The decree of Judge Sanborn, re
quires the city to pay $6,263,295.49
an4 interest at 7 per cent from the
date of the appraisal, first deducting
the net earnings of the water com
pany. ' It is from this order that the
city bas appealed, which appeal is still
pending. If the city.wins, it Will have
to pay no interest at ' all, and the
$6,600,000 bonds already voted, if
marketable, would be ample to pay
the bill. If the city loses, it will prei
sumably require upward of $7,000,000
to settle, as there are also judgments
and accruing interest for hydrant ren
tals aggregating $300,000. The
board says it wants the extra million
for betterments and extensions.
VI. If we vote $8,250,000 water
bonds and use the proceeds as out
lined, the water plant, which we were
told could be purchased for $3,000,
000, will cost us $8,350,000. That is
to say, the plant will bave to earn in
terest, depreciation and sinking fund
charges on $8,250,000 Instead of on
$3,000,000. This more than doubling
of the Interest and. sinking ., fund
charge, will have to be taken Into ac
count In connection with all the vari
ous arguments heretofore used with
reference to reduction of water rates,
profits of operatioa, free hydrant ren
tals and possible need to make up
losses by taxes.
VII. Member Charles R. Sherman
of the Water board In a public inter
"lew two weeks ago declared thai the
failure to vote the $8,250,000 bonds
"would not have any effect In hasten
ing or retarding the actual possession
of the plant by the city," which waits
the outcome of pending litigation.
Training- the Child to Observe.
There is more than mere fancy in
the old philosophy that when you have
a child taught to observe and then to
think you bave it educated. One
thing la eertaln if the chlMrts never
taught to observe be will never be
well educated, for he will never do
much independent thinking.
The power of observation dwells
within every child's mind, but, like
any other faculty. It bas to be "led
out." to come to the literal definition
of the old Latin's e-duce to educate.
And that is a matter that rests more
with parents than teachers at school.
In the home on the street. In the field,
wherever the child and Its parent may
be, la the place to begin this elemen
tary education. .
This would be a good thought for
parents who become impatient at In
quisitive children. Instead of telling
the child to "hush upj' or "don't ask
so many questions," the parents
should encoursge It to ask more ques
tions and try to answer those It asks.
Take bold of its power of observation
and belp the chill to exercise it.
Teach him, first to observe, to notice
what he sees and then to think, to
ponder upon what he has observed. It
Is a necessary tonlo to the young
mind that you would like to see de
veloped Into discriminating Intelligence.
Senator Hoke Smith in the List
The most notable fact in the career
of Hoke Smith, the new senator from
Oeorgla, is that he resigned hie place
as secretary of the Interior under
President Cleveland in August, 1896,
in order to support William J. Bryan
for the presidency. He defied the old
line democrats there and then and has
done so since whenever It seemed to
suit him. He is a forceful character
and, at 66, still young and vigorous
enough to claim a part In the struggle
within his party for political prefer
ment. It must be remembered that
he still stands high with Mr. Bryan,
who, only a few months ago, spoke
favorably of him as one of the many
possible democratic presidential nom
inees. That he will now be added to
the already rather long list of entries
for that race may be accepted as set
tled. Hoke Smith is one of the men who
have made Oeorgla politics as uncer
tain as Tennessee's. He and his polit
ical arch rival, Joseph Brown, bave
been having a sort of four-year go-as-you-please
governorship race. Two
years ago Brown beat Smith for re
election and v few months ago Smith
beat Brown for re-election. But last
November Governor Brown bad the
privilege of naming former Governor
Terrell to serve out the unexpired
term of the late Senator Clay and it
seemed Smith was in total eclipse.
Now comes the state election and
Smith defeats Brown; then the legis
lature meets and elects Smith to do
what Brown- had appointed Terrell to
do, and, just aa he Is about to step
back into the state house for another
two years as governor, Smith is sent
to Washington to serve In the senate
until March 3, 1915. In the meantime
It would scarcely be Smith if he did
not shy his castor still further into the
arena of national politics and try out
his luck for that big plum which the
democratic national convention will
shake down next spring, or summer.
Should Senator Smith enter the race
for the presidential nomination, with
Governor Harmon already in It, It
would make two former members of
the Cleveland cabinet In the contest.
Harmon, however, never disagreed
with Mr. Cleveland over Bryanlsm, but
has always disagreed with Bryan.
'Mountain Out of a Mole Hill.
The Washington correspondent of
the Chicago Tribune, writing about
the democrats' investigation of the
Controller bay land case, says:
Tha Controller bay Incident promises,
after the dust has cleared away, to go down
In history as an attempt to make a moun
tain out of a mole hill. The vital question
involved Is whether or not tha president
and former Secretary of tha Interior Rich
ard A. Bellinger gave a monopoly of exit
to the sea for a railroad connecting with
the rich' 'coal'' mines of southwestern
Alaska. No auch monopoly been
This correspondent, whose paper was
among the powers that from the first
opposed Ballinger and have at times
criticised the Taft administration se
verely, goes , on' to say that there Is
nothing to the story that Charles P.
Taft interceded with his brother, the
president. In behalf of the Guggen
helms and that the whole charge of
unfair dealing is based on error. This
testimony surely cannot be regarded
as biased.
But what effect will this and other
equally relevant testimony nave upon
those who are seeking to make polit
ical capital out of this case at the
expense of the administration? One
thing is certain if the democrats go
very far with their scheme it Is likely
to react with serious results upon
them. .
The president, after conferring
with his cabinet officers, bag directed
that everything bearing on the Con
troller bay case be turned over to the
Investigators and that all possible as
sistance be accorded them in any ef
fort they bit make to get at facts,
for it is facts only the public wants.
It looks as if tha democrats had
driven their ducks to the wrong mar
ket this time.
The ex-clty school superintendent
that Omaha unloaded on Milwaukee
is on the resolutions committee for
the National Educational association
at San Francisco. It he Is to write
the report we trust be has as able an
assistant to rewrite it into English
for him aa he used to have for his
superintendent's reports as head of
our publio schools.
Of course, there Is no agreement
among dealers to raise the price of
butter, eggs and milk. It will be
purely accident if all their prices go
up at the same time and to the same
The meeting of the Missouri Valley
veterlnarles here In Omaha Is Just a
reminder that the auto has not yet
made good on its promise to de
monetise the horse and mule.
Intelligent Self-la teraat.
Cleveland Plain Daaler.
It has been decided by an Omaha de
bating society that a horse Is more de
sirable than an automobile. "Ntbraaka has
mora oats than gasoline.
Tha Lara of a Clack.
Indianapolis News.
' And that lea famine was so sudden, too.
Nobody tteept tho loemen had hoard a
word about It until It landed with both
feet right on our pocketbooka.
Foaalllaeal PreeaWata Hold Oa.
Pittsburg Dispatch,
Tha fact that tho United mates senate
has lust broken a precedent by permitting
tha installation of electric fans encourages
the hope that some day It may abollah that
other fossilised precedent that permits an
obstructive minority to hold up publio
business Indefinitely. '
ookiri Backward
1 lib Day inOinalm
3 . - ,
u-.--r J Jtl.Y 13. I ,
Thirty Years Ago
Coup's circus is In town, with tickets on
sale at Edholm at Erlckson'e Jewelry store.
opposite the postofflce. The big show pulled
off the usual street parade stunt In the
morning to a host of onlookers.
The rules and regulations of the water
works have bean printed and are now being
distributed. Applications will be received
from those desiring water In their houses.
General Manderson returned from Lake
Mlnnetonaa, and Will A. Redlck left for
the same place to spend his vacation.
County Treasurer Helns is whooping It
up for the delinquent taxpayers for current
and former years.
The Omaha Land league held a meeting
In Clark's hall, with President Gray in the
chair. Mr. Donovan announced that ha had
forwarded 1300 to the Irish World. John
Rush was one of tha speakers.
Twenty Years Ago
At the meeting of tha Board of Educa
tion Secretary Conoyer and Superintendent
of Buildings Hamilton furnished two boxes
of cigars and started a big smoke, to show
appreciation of election to their respective
Justice John S. Morrison and bride re
turned from their wedding trip, having
visited cities on the Atlantlo coast and took
up their dwelling at SOU St. Mary's avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wlthnell and Mr.
and Mrs. John Wlthnell and daughter left
for Toronto.
Tha Board of Trade held the liveliest
meeting In Its history, at which it Was
decided to give Omaha a grain market
The special committee appointed at a
previous meeting to visit other cities and
report was composed of Euclid Martin, I
D. Fowler, D. H. Wheeler, F. . White
and W. N. Nason.
It was decided to hold "the largest ex
position this year that has ever been held"
at tha "magnificent structure on North
Twentieth street," beginning September 1
and lasUng until September at.
Ten Years Ago
J.x-Btate Treasurer Joseph S. Hartley
was paroled by Governor Savage from the
penitentiary. The liberation of the de
rauiter created great consternation and
Charles II. Pickens received a telegram
announcing the death of his mother, Mrs.
Elisabeth A- Pickens, at Gait Lake City.
Mr. Mel Uhl and family left for Platte
Canyon, Colo., to spend the rest of the
Dr. David R. Kerr, president of Bellevue
college, announces a gift of 110,000 from a
friend, who withholds his name from the
County Commissioners Hoctor and Ho-
feldt forced through a resolution at tha
county board calling for 110,000 for grading
work. It was opposed by Commissioner
Chicago Tribune: Mr. Bryan probably
would like to make another trip abroad,
but he feels that there Is Important work
for him to do In the United States this
year. .. , ,
Kansas City Times: Speaking of Presi
dent Taft, Senator X Follette eaye but
pshaw I A paragraph Is no place to try to
express what Mr.-LavTvllette thinks of the
president.- t-rsw f .: '
St Louis Globe-fanloorat: The bauls of
the charge of Charles P.- Taffe Implication
In an AJaskan steal la just about as flimsy
aa was the story of his Implication In a
steal In Panama. After saying which. It
Is not necessary to say more.
Houston Post: Bob Knight of Dallas pre
dicts that Martin Littleton will be gover
nor of New York within six yeara and
after that president We are testing this
prophecy with our private horoscope and
the astral positions seem entirely favor
able If they are not disturbed by tha Ne
braska comet which respects no orbit In Its
pullmanary flight through political space.
Baltimore American: It la said that In
the jail to which tha Indicted Chicago pack
ers may be sent if convicted some prisoners
are allowed automobile rides, in addition to
other Indulgences. With all the comforts
and luxuries of home, the sentences, If Im
posed, will serve aa means of affording a
pleasant and much-needed rest to these
persecuted packers, - worn and harassed
by the toilsome occupation of piling Pel Ion
on Ossa In the way of millions. They win
come out. If they go there, freshened and
invigorated by the respite from work and
People Talked About
Life father. Ilka son, Sothern at tha
present day Is one of the greatest actors
of Shakespearian roles In this country.
Isaak nveltoo's "The Compleat Angler"
has nothing to say aa to the risk of angling
with a steel rod behind a power house.
That lesson Max Engles learned for him
self Friday at Marietta, Wis. But they had
to work over him for some time before ba
knew that ha had learned it
Tom Farrell, a potato raiser, of Oaylord,
Kan., lias adopted the method of paying
his obligations by writing ehecka payable
for a bushel of potatoes, the checks passing
readily at the banks or stores for tin a
bushel. Farrel bas promised to Issue no
more paper than he can readily redeem at
any time.
Daa Coughln, fashion oracle of Chicago,
announces in Boston that the hiplass trou
sers is all that Is needed to lend grace and
beauty to the forms of Boat on men. With
Chicago's cultured draperies supplementing
the stock ca head, the sacred codfish will
be able presently to alt up and take some
thing besides salt water.
Antheay Hope Is an enthusiastic Lea-
doner and up to tha time of his marriage
to an American It was hard to get him
away from tha city. Ha likes to guide his
American friends through quAlnt aqd little
known London streets and he is particu
larly devoted to the region of the Inner
Temple, where ha spent his yeara, of train
ing to become a barrister.
Norris' Big Bomb
( onarraaraaa'a Kapoaare of Ike
White lloaa Pabllrlty Bnrenn
and the Allrneri Conspiracy.
Washington letter In Boston Transcript.
Since the publication by Representative
George W. Norris of Nebraska of a letter
written by him to the Rrepubllcan Pro
gressive league of his state, charging tha
White House, or tha White House "press
bureau," with laauing falsa political state
ments, newspaper men have been curious
to learn the facts. If any, upon which Mr.
Norris bases hla charges. These charges
are directed more against the local than
the general press, but they are sufficiently
broad to Indicate that many newspaper
correspondents are acting In lino with
some suggestions from Cherlea D. HlUes,
secretary to President Taft, and misrep
resenting the circumstances of the candi
dacy of Senator Robert M. La Follette of
Wisconsin for the presidential nomination.
The first charge of Mr. Norris is that
"a systematic and dally publication of mis
representations and false reports regarding
the course taken by leading progressive re
publicans in congress have earmarks
that indicate that they originated In tha
White House." Thla la a reference to a
story published some weeks ago that eer
taln leading progressive senators would not
work for La Follette delegations la their
states and thus, Inferentially, and te that
extent, would support President Taft for
The original story, which was accurately
stated by the correspondents first receiving
It presented tha axact facts in the case.
It waa obtained at the capitol and not at
the White House,' which had no more to
do With It tlianvMr. Norris bad. It was
based on the knowledge that several pro
gressive republicans had declined to sign
a paper advocating the nomination of Mr.
La Follette tor the presidency and It con
veyed the Information that these gentle
men, while sympathising with the La Fol
lette movement and being personally op
posed to President Taft, yet believed that
the La Follette candidacy would be futile
and therefore were not Inclined to en
courage It In their own states. It waa dis
tinctly stated that the progressives named
were not enthusiastic for or even friendly
to President Taft but that they regarded
his renomlnation as Inevitable and thought
It wiser politics to send a solid Taft, dele
gatlon from their own communities.
This was the substance of the original
story, but the inside facts were known to
only a comparatively few writers and aa
the tale traveled it finally was distorted
into a statement, In some papers, that the
progressives bad "deserted" Mr. La Fol
lette and that he was so depressed by ths
desertion that he contemplated going over
to the democratlo. party. This distortion
of a few simple facts Mr. Norris and other
progressives are justly entitled to condemn,
but it Is a mistake, arising from a mis
understanding equally unfortunate, to
charge the misrepresentation to tha White
House or any one representing it.
Another Incident referred to by Hepresen.
tative Norris Is the pumicatlon In Wash
ington of an lntervew wth Fraakln A.
Shotwell, secretary of the Republican Pro
gressive League of Nebraska, In which
that gentleman declared for tha renomlna..
tlon of President Taft. From the tone of
Mr. Norris' letter ir might be Inferred that
he also charges this utterance aaralnat tha
White House press bureae, although ha
did not say so. The facts are that Mr.
Shotwell was Introduced to President Taft
by Senator Norris Brown. On imiHnr tha
White House offices ha was approached by
the newspaper men, as all visitors of any
distinction ' are, but Bald practically noth
ing "worth a story." Tha Whlta Houaa
bulletin presented a simple fact, without
comment, that Secretary Shotwell had vis
ited the president in company with Sena
tor Brown. Later, at his hotel, Mr. Shot
well was Interviewed by a reporter for a
Washington paper, and speaking for him
self only, declared enthusiastically for the
renomlnation of the president This Inter
view. It Is understood, was not s-lven hv
him aa secretary of the league or Intended
to represent the views of Its members. The
Washington paper later declined to print a
telegram to Mr. Norris from the leazun
setting forth different views than those
entertained by Mr. Shotwell and attempt
ing to correct whatever Impression Mr.
Shotwell may have given, if any, that the
Republican Progressive League of Ne
braska favored the renomlnation of Presi
dent Taft Whether or not thla caoer imert
good professional judgment In declining to
puDiisn tne matter requested, the Shotwell
story did not emanate from the White
Houoae and the offending newsDaner la
democratlo sheet
Newspaper men lnstlnctlvalv
presa Bureaus and. among themselves, have
Indulged In aome comment over the press
oureau system which has been established
in several of the departments this wholly
aside from the merits of tha nrasa
product The White House press bureau. If
it may be aigmried by such a name, was
established in response to a legitimate de
mand of the correspondents for prompt and
early information as to the routine transac
tions of the president's office. While as
sistant secretary of the treasury, Mr. H tiles
made hla office noteworthy among the
newaigatherers by his courtesy and fore
sight In preparing and issuing erfrly in the
day bulletins stating concisely the concrete
news of the hour. Often these were were
tips," starting with which the corres
pondent was enabled, after maklnv
Inquiries of one or more officials, to send
nis paper an interesting - or important
story. Thla method has been followed by
Mr. HUles slnoe be became secretary to the
president and has brought excellent results.
Mr. HUles Is assisted In the preparation of
these bulletins and the giving out of routine
news by Gus J. Karger, correspondent of
the Cincinnati Times-Star, who is not only
a first-class newspaper man, but Is excep
tionally popular In the press gallery and a
man of unusual tact But neither Mr.
HUles nor Mr. Karger has made the mis
take of using the press bureau to head oft
the publication of news by requiring that
no Information should ba given out except
through tha presa agency and questions
are answered as freely as If no press ser
vice existed. In tha days of Fred W. Car
penter, the correspondents got no news at
all at the White House except of the most
wooden character. Secretary Norton talked
more freely, and Secretary HUles has gone
him one better by issuing typewritten
sheets, and thus saving ths time of him
self and everybody else.
Blackberry Dalsam
Quickly stops Diarrhoea, Dysentery,
Cholera Infantum and all bowel trou
bles without constipation. No opium
nor other habit forming drugs. Accept
only Wakefield's. It cures after other
remedies (all. J 5c or I bottles tor
I. 00. Everywhere.
takt's nrsiirss MKTiions.
Sarreaa of AdmlnlMrattna Pollrlra
Ormonat rated by Sarptna.
WanhlnRton Post.
No better evidence can be given aa to
the success of the business Bide of Presi
dent Taft's administration than the an
nouncement that fur the first year since
1 ItVf the Vntted States treasury has a sur
plus. In the last fiscal year approximate!
I700.OPO.000 was collected, Including 3S,000.000
from the corporation tax. The gross sur
plus Is said to be t4K.Oie.000 and the net
surplus la about 131,000,000. The estimates
of receipts and expenses were prepared so
carefully that the actual receipts from all
sources were only tlO.000,000 more than ex
pected, while the actual expenditures were
K.000,000 less than expected.
The closeness with which the estimates
were prepared shows clearly how well
President Taft has Impressed upon his
subordinates the necessity for estimating
accurately. The old method was for the
head of a bureau to give a guess and then
add a few millions, while congress, know
ing the departmental method, gave another
guess and slashed off a few millions. The
guess made on each side made an element
of chance to the appropriations that may
have added to the Interest of the proceed
ings, but certainly detracted from effi
ciency and economy.
With the president's reform In effect at
the present time, the work of congress In
the future will be simplified. Appropriation
committees can accept It as a fact that the
department chiefs have pared" down their
estimates to the very bone. Not only Is
economy effected scientifically at the out
set, but the valuable time of congress la
saved simultaneously.
The else of the corporation tax receipts Is
an evidence that business is booming. The
tax Is dependent on the amount of earnings
and It Is clear, therefore, that the earnings
UiXMsLUl IMIW- VP f! n 111
Only the woman who has tried knows ;
what comfort and relief a New Perfection?.'
Oil Cook-stove brings into the kitchen.
It is not only that the New Perfection cooks o well'
It saves so much work in other ways. There nre no,.
ashes to clean up before going to bed ; no fire to bank for
the night Everything is ready for cooking in the morning
at a touch of a match.
You are saved from an overheated kitchen; saved,,
from soot and dirt; saved from chopping wood and carry- -ing
coal. In the kitchen or the laundry, for the lightest or
the most elaborate meal, you will find the New Perfection
stove with the New Perfection oven is the best and most J
can aiKBrrCTirg rara
Have your ticket
Vacation Tours. West,
as. rranoiseo. &os Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Taooma, daily ..i. ,JpOVFUU
San rranclsoa, 3Los Angeles, Portland, Seattle, Taooma, August 7th to i K( ((
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To Oar dinar entrance
Side tow from U rings ton, all accommodations
Tour laoardiae (official entrance),
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moulding rail, stags and hotels 5V4 days 1U75&
Through standard sleepers Omaha .direct to Gardiner Entrance.
Denver, Colored Springs, Pueblo ...,i',?17.50,
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hMrecwr SrSSfi.'"
waTtaJflti " w"nl0 nteM
way to resorts and vsjushes along the
HOMESEEKERS' PARES nd thlrd Tueedeys to the West and
11 Northwest. Including nan v deatlnatlona nni in
the scheme of summer
Phone Bell D. 1238.
Tlffiv PLAZA
Fifth Avenue and Fifty-ninth Street
The coolest Hotel in New York, overlooking Central
Park. Convenient to theatres and shopping" district. '
Single Rooms, with bath . , $4, $S and $6 per day ' i
Double Rooms, 2 beds, with bath, $6, $7 and $0 per day
Outdoor 7"rraca, ,amwf fimniin with Ruimm String OreAesffw
Spcimt fares sarwig Ih Sana Saeoa
The Plaxa-Copley, Boston, sow ee-Jer construction, eeene May
1st, 1912, eader same manajemani as The Plaza, New Yeik.
must have bean large. Altogether, consid
ering the business di-presnlun and Mral
conditions that prevailed wh-n he cam
Into office. President T.ift bus rraaoti to be
proud of the business aide f his administration.
Foanal a Snbatltate.
"Hobby, you're shy a thumb.
I'nur little man! ,
Flrecrnrkers?'' "Nu, by gum
t;iwtrlc tan!" Chicago Tribune.
The Swatter.
Bwatl Swat! Swat!
At tha fly and bug and flea;
And It mlKht not be indite to utter
The thoughts that rlse In me.
Kmporla U.nete.
Mary's Ilea.
Our Mary bad a little hen.
She had It fricasseed; . ..
And when she'd eaten It all up.
W ith her It disagreed.
"1 mlxht have known as much," she said,
When mopping off her brow; ,
"It never did set well In lite ,
Why should It set well now?"
Yonkers Statesman.
Mother's Darling.
She reela off Homer by the yard,
She knowa her Virgil, too;
She knows more than her father er
Her grandslre ever knew.
But still she's most soncerned about
The clothing that she wears.
And lingers in the hammock while
Her mother mops the stairs.
Chicago Record-Herald.
Gritlas; a Living.
Thera was a man from our town
Supported by hla wife;
But one sad day she passed away
His only prop In life. , .. .. .
And when he saw his wife waa gone.
He started on the run, . , .
With all his might and main to woo
And win another one.
Woman's Home Companion.
"What a Relief!"
, Mais waa t. l aad 9 bonm. with'
ba. tuntaoaa blue oaatU i liij 1 1
WSftM SAhad4jiratM. The
tea. wkick k kumA riik
Mliai, low! Meat, aw.
irnnani wrfct foe imr. , v
ckewaf a iba una na
Standard Oil Company
tiaeeraoratae) ,.
read "Burlington
Round Trio
Fares frou
a.aaeaa. a.... .... V W W
XouU 915.00 fclffhr.
inoludlng : 'stage's a keteis "tot jjq
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asf j
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to'Teu'owstone' Pert,' o'etel Oft Prcr
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tourist f area
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" Ind. A -83 23.
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