THE BEE: OMAHA. THTKSPAY. JULY 13. 1311. Dont Fail to read our ad Friday evening. SOMETHING DOING. NEBRASKA GETS EORE RMK! " j . i Stt TesttrdiJ. I COM IS G2IATLY DCPEOTXD i Mala f tbe L-t w Din Heir " ; l KiU Ha the Hrailn c DeeraiaU of the Farm r la otr pert of the eantera an 4 j ssisth western localities of the mate arc tm i a Joyf Hi trans e( mind c tut to T"rd tain which fell there Wednesday nwntria' and Jn ecme are prebabTy still falling:. At 1 fculo tba heaviest rains ef the vwasoa were' failing at J.SI a dwt. At thai tline two ; " inches ft raia bad faU-.' w itn rrowrU JYr J ltcFlieraOn TrebaUj Fltally fT-Tt.. ei-o tbe Burl.agu- route. I "FeTUVi-d J TTaJr VW KCy is tba W mi ing ClviK., r jK-- of rata Hf Had WoB la F6A.rT &eC vera tooc'vad car.'y this mciming, la the : UeCook division raia was UlUns goner- j FAIBBTBT. Neb, July IS (aertal.) -.Dy w the entire dlvnooa. Tba imiaha ' A poker tn ea tba lttla Blua rtver wu vaa LJamiB Ai-icuutia aiao rntirte4 rats , tbe cum of a rbavUr euttitts ftalr ba a.lllin ta a fe-r iacrtatefl apota. All r;teea a tramp aoa TYed Mcfbcraoa at -ba Al!ioe ) Jloa ciear akks, with poor : Fairburr. MrPber-oa la company arita waiwcta. Jt ram jirtvajtea. nii in ut , SBcrldaa tflvjaicm bnt a-eatlier uil ci-r ' tldaa a era rfiartid-r . . .Mlia4M Baia ax-pare. " Roporta rrooived at th benttiaeekera' AenarttTMtnt f fh ta-ltt-citt m K ' pQaet tli at tba corn aaa pick.ltic vp ta ' atmoet .11 parta ( tl state and Lhat i tba cctlra atatc bad beoa tmrtsrea a-rtb j arrihla tbc laat Slvt dajm. , a TTj-mor dirauoa la tbe con. flour- aa tba iHbtaj; and tba farmers is that locality are tba belief that tba an trup Is t ba i a bumper and very little damace baa bean ina by tbe unuauaJ 'cwtber of lata. Wint-r buat Ja flonnabiiic m ail parts T the ) atata. Tba Xunwtng; toa-ns roported rain i Vadneday jcnurainr : Hula. EroaTnille. Nemaha, :ebraaka City. iiej-ttji . Otwrlm. f-jTarua, ViiMinvilte, iiena-ieiiian. Flattamouth, em-ard. LTona. litTic.!' CeDter. nrinmbui. AKKUAL BUDGET CF BEATRICE Clte Eaaeaar Kill Shawa latnaat C n-a Tkwaal Ore 1-aot BEA TK1C& Xeb, July li-H BpaoiaL JU tba reruiar meelits of tbe otty oohucU 1M vainr the annual erpemaa bill f SO.K. -ana, ado ted .Tltio im an dacraaa f about SiMt aver lain )sar. Tba alootrte liavnt ardlnanoe, f rtnc tna rata at II oenta per kllearat arrts a tninimnTn taT C and aa meter rent. u tabled. A- K. KJdd. EL t. Bod a en and t. &. I3albe. a a apois.tad near tnratbera of tba lfbra r board. C oniaaioa ton a of car rnment waa tba limn that bleaai la ta arrtac ia aa. a nag ambti a da a rit ta a It buld. Mica a tiiiao in ut afort aatf fiteaMiita Aa ltf.B r eauia e-loa. TtB jczr vrlt zhozl tbca She is naturally a better judge of soup than you are. She will ' - appreciate the plain (acts better than amy man can. Call her attention to what we ay about n TOMATO Point out how satisfactory and whole some they are; how well suited to every occasion; and how tbey relieve her cf needless bother and fuss. Ask her to prove all this for herself. And yonll both be triad ; of it. 21 lands 10c a Caua ' J-tttdd Lot ivatrr. brrm tm m bang, .vKd pervc. Jo-i ra CK-nj. CeMravT Caaatas K J Lcaok for the rd aUd-whit UJ "duct Cay" 11 Uitzi HALTED r.HLH Til Fe.irkJi ter S3 Lti. , More LetitiJ tiao Tea or Cttx. Accea WKa tl-: -eiest dotation. VkLoaoi, mvgcntit mod tvutriiioua. P. . w.nHej f'tn, pov-fla iaroL A f a-A ksca jrtTarci ia a Bauntc. TAAdMiadMt-AiiiWHDZUCrS. rCT Others ere imitations. ; i wb.WI d;fcr . at t h tMh Tvvrtvday flay. G A. Murprv cf Hmkt. Okl; Frank TrtbcU of Fort gledkirk. Tokos. and ltss Sophia Hosael f Vtrjrinia, tbi county, were mtrrW hrf-re Monday by Rev. L t. T nirr.t Aft r a Ttalt here of a few day win Vrave fr their hem la tbe J lucm terrrrory. Tbe republican txiuuty oosvnlar i will toe held J-r S ana the oaocuaea te Belect del carate to the oanTCaOoi ariO toe beta July r. Cutting Affray . Near Fairbury tnr!a piott i mjas u. i e poker fan tth tba trams aaa tba fuimta. arfco ta uMe aa aant at fba pair w. aoooeflofl tm -rtralr aJl af tbe tramp a money. Tba tramp tb-a siaOa aa attack oa - ' atart4 on bia rirbt temple, tank a aoa-a-trl coorao OB bis cheek and -wound up ..a & aifc n eiti rat """" " . 7 ' "7" 7, ta tbe bona. It took twntr-tb-ea aucbea . . V. ' ... . . j i borne north of tba ctty park In a p oart- oua condition artth littla chance of ra- opto ry. 1 caae be doea reo-ver nls faoe j anil be peralyaed. Bberia Chtrnaida aue- : oeeded ta capturteK tbe tramp aeraral mile ! aoutla-ert of Fairbury and "orourbt btm j to Fairbury and ladrod him ta tba county jail. Ha as a young Cello about 3 yoai tf ape and claims be la a narreat hand from Bare C3ty, Kan, Ka 1U hara hia preliminary liuai iut la a day a GRAND ISLAND MAN FOUND DEAD IN CAR Kepact tbavt Cfce r Hatlataaar, GRANT tSLJkXD. NeaV.-Juy IT pe cUX Cbaater Holainr-r. tor many rears aubject ta pflep oamrTilBiooja. eras Xscrad dead rasaerday. la a ar,( a(Lt)k ne eras anloadinc for the' CtJcaro lAonber oompacy. Aa Iron bar sraa found near bins and tbe first surmise was that be had beea murdered. He a aa alone at vera. His brother has beea laid vp tor sine months ,-ttii blood poieoninc la one of hia hands and sraa not able ta cot late tha oar arhen be event to sec If tbe brother was ttlnf alontr ail rlri;t the latter fcarmc only foac ta work yeatarday. The acad pare ota are in needy dn umertanr a and a popular aubscriptioB la beinc tak a up ta help tbem out of their present difficulty. No hi tie excitement was eeoattmed for some time, and until it was aaonrtained that the death was from natural 1 NEWS NOTES FROM WEST POINT Causa ad (art aa let mm Baa h a Hew Aadla WEST POINT. Keb July IX. Special. Tba West Point Cadet band, wtdch has tbe to-Udinc- of the sew audlt-rrai sn charce, has purchased tha lot owned toy the West Point lAederkxana, tying atorth at the id West Point heuse an north Hast street, Tha lot Is aentraiiy loo tad and the cboioe crees a; norai aaxiattaerion. Tbc selection aaa made toy the vevea caT the ubacribera. Tba a lount realised trj the band frosa tha ettiaens" aubacilpqoas and donations Is The last ssansiiiiiiii. af personal pi cparty aa retun sed toy County Assessor Clatanaff shoa tha cash la the bands of tbe Cvujb inr county people ta be only SIBTAS as Against SHK.Clt rrrurned Is lBfi, This abo nace Is aoo ousted for toy the tact that the people have been buylua; autemontlea. buildtnc bouees and adorns; ta tboaa slisaflj b tit and doea not indicate any actual de eease of the read a ia.Hr of the county. The eifrhth rmde eaei rises of the oral schools of Cumins county were beta 6et nrday at tba higra acbaol aaditarium at West Point, with flfty-orvea rraduataa. CaioneJ J. C KUtatt ATTEMPTS TAB'K. la, July li (Special r-Joha Kted. a Tabor b very man. hanred himaeif tue Bidnry jail Tuesday lorauna; with rcpe that be mad out of the bedding- Tha Ji-kr found turn hanfinc from the top of the cell dour when be took nlm his break. faKt: He was SMariy choked to death anu two doctors worked ever him fur teo hour tot lure reolorinf; conscieuBneHa Mr. Reed bad driven a eoacmercial man t HJdnty and while there stela about t3 from the effioa ef the Bvery bam. pumutal and ledcef la Jail. Be Ceaaatr Vale S&WAKIX Nf-L, July County Aa as user Bcrnorher has made bis repurt ( the aaasaasneat of Beward 00 wit ie the skate Board ef Y. rutoi axios. The valuation ef peraonaj proterty for aaaaan this yeer Is C. which as sheet E leas than last year. The tetal aaaxa able property tor fKl is while last year It was ST.iaC. the lea et about IXUW botnc ta pseanal pruparvr. -Teas IWab EAsby r.RANi 1KLAKI1. July IX Spsraa!.V Mrs. Weed, who heaps a rusiiiiiia boasa ia a down town hlnck, m isand t e tm at af a wunaT wenaaa nsaned Mra. Waits s. Cbarrinc bar wtin the thett ml ) fa the hrnar seem. "At fkra I the nosuned o-med the thrJt. to t lat-r rsiiTi am and tarn ne chief f paiioa that she bed se- I re PaelSc dipac Paapped Dual. BsmI atoew Mw. eira Oaaaoa Bardtvaacait. s-aeantad tba mplasass. SUICIDE !N JAIL bar Has Insai d ( Ttoert Uaavsa Hiaa-wlf artrh Kapr Wade f mrddtaa. ij Nebraska Nebraska ONE ELUFFS DEALER PROTESTS Lonely LaioVrrai Syi Vbllm Afraid to Arprax. i voni) zxrosz tttth eialugs ; IUilrM4 Mm la fti4lM toy r"l"'l iMmw la MUlata Car Weteht Parte te Be idee e easVc aew aaaus. . Frora a &ttt I trrrrrcm otrt. LJ(XLX. July 12 Special. That t r taia aboleaale lumb-r dea.lrra araulo be Mark'.iKled -y t talleea oer tba atate for arllin di-Mt to roBniB-m. and that fear of this kept tbem from reari-tertn- obo tima airaitisl tlie propooed tneroaaa of minimum carload freipt -a-eifThta. aa tl charr mafle by R O. Miller of the Hafer L.rirjer romjiany of Council Bluffa. arhea tbe har1n on tbe matter -eras taken up before tbe State Baila-nj- re imt-alou to Car. tor atome appeartmt ta Tipht tbe ralae. Tbe laai-a man oontonoed that tbore ere f nl)r a bait doaon oonoerns in Omaha -hch woulfl he dt srtfy injured by the pr opnoea rajee.. but aaneffled tliat rhese co tpanios a-e-e arared and utiwll !tnc t attenfl the bearhnir beoauae It would lay bara tbetr rperatioT ta The rotafl doae-B of the mate. ATI -retail oeaJora. an tbe other hand, aooordinf to atate inta mada by Mr. Miller. miM te likewise aoi-erraely afTocted by tba ctoanr In the rates, but srould tmfleriro efteht injury becauae tboir troncmt competitors, the lafi order booms, a n mid be far)y handicapped ta thotr ft a: tit fir husinens af the dlroct bn T- Tbe Neibraaka i are not objortlns bocauaa of their on i oelfisb -naarnia" aaid Mr. MiTier ta the con imhnrion. "bat they are opposed to such a concern as ours and they hope by thia moans ta curtail amr bualnoes in this atata. Tbc mi i saaa, anak lna tbe m:ninaum as - lumbar ampmsaita K.we pounds metead off S."tt, aaald ark irreparable Injury ta tba no (party, and tbouch tt arauid hurt tba r-taJlera ta a a-ay It srould be as alifbt as t bardy ba ttotiosable. The 1 141. iwntatlw af tba Ooimcsn BrnfTs ouncrrn -sraa la a difficult poarctoa from tha bermnmc of tbe bearinc. the raj li aa a men, a number of a bom irera praaeot. almost repeatedly caRtnc tbc atMctirni af tba raileay ewiiuijiaatouea a to tba fa ot that it sraa aa ant af the state cmitocxa oblaet tns to the raioe of a Xebraaka rer-laMB of Nebraska eommea carriera. t-lannlaa Ktaiam Crrww." Mem bora of the city fiamaoe oamaalsteo are atiil of tba opinioa tkat tbey can snake up a budret of next rear'a expenses far the municipal year srbica arin net nail for aa tncraaae of tbe city rry. Councilor ten fijrure that this can be done, theucn tbey assert that If tbe Cull amount of city bonds -hick tall due are paid a Irry of X miila anil be entire inadoquate. Departmeot expanse far tbe year are ta tbc mala la so oeas of tne amount ere a them lat year, totalise airr tost naif a mil lion dollars, all of arnica must be se cured taV taaatioB. Tbc total aaseasad ralnatloa of tba city ta round numbers Is &.5W.M0. If tba lery la B nulls that amount arffl prodooa la taxes but SZCaSt. Of thia amount tne city Is ail oared ta ap propriate tout P per cent.' ae that taasns stLU leas left tor tbe ranxunc cxpens aaa of the year. The eneral fund and occupa tion taxes raise varying amcninta. which y be used aa that a total at about pUiue aocruwc f n tlmae wia toe avaO- abie to meet the demands of Cbe recea smioted touddet. cartaaa ta Pailaa Caasae. ratea for heanaera ea the applicatlena of three tore convicts ef the state poo- Hen tiary which have appoaled tor liberty have beea art by the state advisory board of pardons. Calvin Harris, col -red, of thia city, who was convicted cf criminal aa aauit, will' come before the board an Aa sTust L Harris la hia application does not deny his ruilt. tout assui ta that be has suffered sufficiently and toeue-es that be abeuM be released. Barm ZMrkoea ef Boyd county, seat te the state penitentiary for assault upon hi enepdapchter. win appear before the board Aarust X. Xhrkaea aites that be Is the victim af a csnapi-acy and that deeds ooBrrynac land te fete attorner for appoaHaa; the ease ts the state supreme court should be canceled team nuca aa the lawyer torro t te take further Intel -e at la the caa after be bad obtained title te the oM man's land. Chart Pumphrey cf Omaha, esartdnd and sentenoed for the murder of a f hlna man la that city, baa else applied" far a pardoa and bis case sriil be beard toy the board July 10. Ctft Caaouai la IMstrart faat. Tbourh tailins ta set a restraaninc ar der la the federal courts nt the n foroement cf the Hsush anti-free rift a terpriae art, the plaiarttfTa. the rpsry A HutchinsoB trading stamp can aoa af New Jeraey and tbe Stacaatea and Book com pany ef New Tark city, today arra the cace te tbe district court af this county and succeeded ta obtaining- thetr lajuno tioe. The Inunrtloa aa issued restrains Goiernor AJdricai and County Attorney Btrede tram farcins; a compnano wtib the r art. Te-terday'a case was threwa out of the federal court boraiiai the ap pticatioa for tbc restraining order waa anade out axatnut Attorney Oeneral Grant Q. lAartiB instead af the county attarnry. whoac duty It is te enforce tbe prerisJoaa f the new law under tbe act Itself. The case of Max 1 BJch of Grand Ir'and. charred with pert or tine a criminal epera tiea upon Flare noa aUrt her land, a lWmer HaH county achnol teacher, area taken np by tha ttats Board ef Health today ta this city. Ir. C. B. Fall ef Beatrloa, pre sidina Avrrumeats and the af tescU many occupied the entire afternoon. Atturueya W. B. Then ipaoa and Fred J Aai.toa ef Grand Island appeared for the J defense and H. B. Wilson ef this dty was 1 eounael for the complainant, Dr. B, B, ! McGratk of Grand Island, j The initial clash ta the pTeoaadinas --c J ! Hew te ihed" A Bad CempIezieB lts feeiiah te ettem I ts ma np or bide a sarise- nsniiilaslsn. when roe can ae easily rane-re tbe aallassias, ar the cempieea itself. Suause and the Use ea a tore wmsh akja. only ea nptisalna tba daferl The better way la ta appry pure wax tha earns as yea would putties at ea at niaht. resnevlac It ka the nanrataa with wan a water and si an foi lewtna k a dash T eeid water. The effect af a few appUcaxiana Is stanpty a r vefleua. Tbe toaif-ded f uooie 1 a teorlial T the wax inialteely. rradually. la txay impel ooptibie lertli ilia teiaellin the In a 11 1 trful veJvetr whn Ne won laa need have a si Has, blotchy, Pimple ar frerAied iwmi-iilna If e the drvr- s. Sat a ma aaaad mmr- wtoea tbe ef endant' counsel eertd te tha adtr laiitiia of aa efflflavn made the yevnc wo ma la the rasa, h a) near a . lestoetrt of the atste of Ore a. J U Asai saaaiat The lvate Board of Aaw wmwrti win : snoot Monday t equalise value as t ported . from the -ertous ooantie. The Indlcattotia are for a nllsrht de-reaae is the total i amount of taxable property rn the state, ( Couatdw able decree e Is accounted for re ! a Imtmm la the parnb-r of cattle la the i i mvA iiMia of era in Tbe f olleinc Is tbc comparative asaeosed ' raluatioa af tbe lest counties that filed ; report : HOI. Tharrr J a.TM.1 I t-pa Valine Valiey Lad raster '.r.'a l et w ffaaaba Madrt City. South Omaha la a model city, acoordtns ta statements made te Omrnor Aldricb thia afternoon by Commissioner Ttyan and other merr.bers ef the Jouh Omaha Fire anl rolioe board. The pacatmrtpwe men caDed ta extilam te the enter executive that saloons ta South rma.ha cinee oa eunaays and at t P. m. rrery week day and that there aa no other open flotation of tbe j law. . Law rosea taatreH ( j Tba board of pubhc iaads and build- mcs met this afternoon te consider tb ' reneeal f a oontract for convict enth tbe La Broom V Liuster com pan The ooatraet -iUi tbe state expires Ai s-ust 1. Clintoa X. deatres te m ; tbe earn ewnt-act no aa exist enoe. 11 ; previa a that tbe state ehall furtdBh 2k j coni-lcta te the company, tbe price ta be H ee nta a day for a tank or a fn3 ear ; work. The cempaay a.loo para W a month far tbe rent of ebopa. lirht. heal and power. There are about oonrict la the penltexitiary. - Tbe Platte Ehn-1 oempasy of Chicace baa a lass tor ! which will not exjilre tin o- Appeal In Wam pa T. Wntta. attorney tar tbe North wests a rnilread company, baa written ta"" the stats rail ay commission tor a com. ; ynete reeard ta tbc snatter cf the Wayne depot case. ladioaUnc that he tstends t appeal frecn the ardor at the ocaatmiaanan direct ts tne supreme court, under a pre-vt-koa of the sew law pre ndinc for a dV rect appeal. The eoanmlsHiam has ordered tbc company te build a new stone ore brick depot at Wayne. The railroad de sires ts reconstruct thje eld trams depot, tout the city affio-rs have refused te sus pend the fire limit ordinanoe tear the ac commodation of the company. Tbetea Ttaata Srbntaka. Max Thelen. attorney tor the railroad commission ef California, called thia tnre- oa the Nebraska railway coramis Bs win iaveeticate the work njn of railway oetmrleai-ns la several states and report Ondicir te bis own con imiesloa. Mr. Tbelea was toora In Nebraska and d urine bis vcunt r days Bved at Riainc City. Neb. Aldricb arte frees Plerec. Gomuu Aldrtch baa returned from Pierce, where be dell 1 red cm addi ise be fore the North Nebraska OM Soldier s aa sorlatina The crops alone tbe KIkborn alley.' said tne aoamior. nre the tia- 1 cat ut cf doom. A hoary rain tell bet are 'i 1 arrived and plenty cf rain has tali en durlne tba entire siniiinn.' BSATBJCK. Neb, Ju!y it BpoclaU The TUlaca board ef ,Ti as nt is, sranted aa- Mi . Emms, J ! It, ': S ."!? I I IB f I It leLV E? : 11. U Wy w I - li I, 4 B X - a W mm haa a the real old German lager flavor MAIL ORDERS l2 O licenses to Ja ie Huarbes and Jos Zuber last niarht, BA-aeetoB has been dry one pear. This makes ten saloons la ope re ation in Oaxe county. laaawar et tie aoa CATVSON. Neb.. July 12. (Special.) 3Leo Frloe Is suffermx from ts broken ribs, a broken collarbone and aa injury ts hia Hmfra as tbe result of a runaaay accident when drtvir.g into Dawson on his let urn from Humboldt. Mr. Prire was rendered unoonscious toy tbe accident. His tea 1 ran from tbc north part of town te Riley's park, and he was throws from the ris; near the depot. 1 ons PERFECT Toofh Powder j cleanses, pteservea and be-uib- j fies the teeth, prerenLs tooth decay and imparts parity j and rragrance to the weath.i When you drink ur. lv ytni taste that rare, delicious tang of the genuine old Ger man Lagex beer anappj; rich arkd mellovr becauae it's made by the old Gf-rman formula, from crisp barley-mah and mature hops. It's aged for months in (h-ss4ined tanks, to give it a ds Iicious flavor then pasteurized, to mskr. it pure. Comes in pint bottles of dear glass, so you can aee it's pure and dean. Tbe red or yellow wrapper keps out the light, preserving the anap and the life. Ask for it always better still, order a case sent borne. Dowlas 647-Ind. A-1215. Save the Caps trora bet tiea of Old FaalinJ Lacr Br and cxcKano them for r.luabi pKmiumi. Aak ua for fro book of 2.4D0 prcvrilumaw for -Old Faahioned Lager Bee "Now for o Genuine Sale0 Our Great IFF' SALE of Men's and Young Men's Fancy and True Blue Serge Suits in Outing and Three piece styles starts tOFday, duly iSOn All Broken Lots of 1911 Suits that sold for SIO to S3G will be offered for op to S17.GO See the Windows and Friday Evening Papers The Home of Quality Clothes. Beautiful Tooth ! 1 There are tout few people who have ! them. Good teeth everyone ilarht have ! If they would co to Ir. Bradlury. 7 tie ' cjuSckeet. easiest and least painful are tbe only inetMKia emplnved by ue and hundreds of our patierta. both in sn- out ef the city will cladly tell you about the rood dental v-ork and pur up-to-date .ay of doinr thinra. Crown and bridrc i work from t per tooth. Plates that fit from 14 f ee Ftbilmt extrac tion of teeth Nen ec cf tooth removed 1 without hurtini you. Work warranted ton years. VL EEW2I2T, TEE CERTIST IT Tears Basse Xrftcetiaa. lBOd arnaai Bt. Pnans B. ITS E. J. BAINS HEAVY HAULINQ SAFE HOISTING A SPECIALTY 1818 FAE.5AM STREET Fboae Ponelae SSS . BrlAace Harner 428S . vJ-;.V"-"55pS-s!Ssap k sMyfe!y,t - HHed the dsy received. Shrpped everrVhem. 0 a Ccoiodisn Pacific Excursions EAST to Toronto, JaontrrsU. tbo nttio kok.11 lAkrs. New r.rvlikd and tbe ris-ijixir and HorvUtr K orts or Basterm CahaOa. . (Tea tarsuf balsa daily tjwn Oil ea. WEST Tbe cue resj aor&ie rpt to Seattle. T aroma, Ponlaad. Fpo kace. Vaxocovrr, BellicstABv, Victoria. JLSXsUsr. Cm. At CiL tutor and IM. Clark Bt- Paea. raff. PBnc. Chieaar nl eum aal. Pea. xa. xxan LAsTT. -, P. A dl Ssitisr aV . Ksssas ory Womea twrt tbe best The paper thai is read hy iVe wtmesi pays Cornea la pint bottles only. aplwtai 1 m r iraans t-as at. real -la lul aa aba keaie. tioa en appbsestsa as aay naU read ajraat. 1 x i?v a