Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1911, Page 2, Image 2

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Girls' Colored Wash Dresses
at Trade-Compelling Prices.
Mthr-who have been putting off the purchase of-,
wash drt5wfc for the little girls, will find here in' a few
minutfWtlr inuch-wantcd garments.
It is only occasionally that we .are able to place at
your disposal an assortment of such smart, stylish and serv
iceable dresses at Fiich easily-afforded prices.
( Should the girls be well' supplied just now lay-the
foundation for the school outfit by' a selection Thursday
from this extensive showing.
V : ' -
V The materials contributed are fine percales, figures or plain,
some in Btrloeat also wexford cloths and French and Scotch ginghams.
High asdi$o necks, long or short sleeves, full pleated' skirts
with wide hems. Sixes 8 to 14 years. The prices;
11.60 Dresses now $1.15
..'5 and SZ.Z5 Dresses
1 2.60 Dresses. flow.
th heart. Th company" la nearly
$760,000. Ita property conalated of two saw
mill. planlng'mlll, shingle mill, bolt mill,
lumbar yard, cedar yard, pump houae,
atorea and residences. The total loss are
probably la xces of fll&O.OOO.
The fire originated lr"a slab yard. In
Oacoda and In half an hour the entire town
was In flame. Tha fire quickly Jumped
the Ausabl river and soon- A,us'e also
was In the trip ol Jf. blaze that "reached
the town limits on every aide.
A passenger train In the Detroit Mack
nac railway got around the towns by run
ning . on 'i' I(llu rrftepur and arrived
here at" midnlgfil. (Flampa ' were Ihen run
ning a hundred'fieet m'lhe air declared the
fegssengers and lajr taehae heat scorched
the aldea of the train 'and cracked the wlo
dbws. fr xt;.:.4U''--
'.'A special trabe-eerrytnx fire apparatus
from Bay City to AWppi In reaponae to a
call ' for help from that city jumped the
the trick' fn'tryltn td fcaas' around the two
t6wna''and 'was1 ''held nntll nearly mldgnlbt
befdr the treeV .Was." repaired. It then
proceeded, aa -the tlle'at Alpena was said
to 'be still dans'nroa-2 S
u The high, wind waa general throughout
northern Michigan .last night and from all
ewer . fn'e aiairlet" '''ea'V report of flrea
fanned td"huge proportion by the breeca.
Which la reported at from forty to alxty
miles at fa.rRtt pAi&ta.. -
jThe ap4t wUji .Jiea.flre on Its bor
ders ead the-enttrewvopulation I out fight
ing it .
. Alger, i; en J" the Wohlgan Central, and
Turner, on .Ah XteirQlt At , Maoklnao, are
also In da'ngeR'.-i.r-i .','
!ttpo-if.en. reoifVed at "Alpena that
Bolton and MeU, which waa a few yeors
ago wiped, out. .are again threatoned, aa 1
also' MUlersbyrg, . a town of about 1.800.
Not''aaTeVaWfelpkone er railroad wire
Is working north of Oscoda on the Detroit
ikteWWiltfkA4ibeygan-'l also cut
fpmsmts? t
V- Ckbr( In Danger.
,At Cheyboyjran., a mountf of awdut, the
accumulation i" of "thirty years' Saving, has
been burning for .week, and Monday the
rUlng wind f anned 'rf Into a atlf f biaia.
YeaterdayattCheh?yaB '- clreus waa
foroed to stop its .performance owing to
the amok that overs Jha oltr, and steam
ers could no4Dairttte)r war to the dock.
It waa )aDfry)llr6Ad ffilals that
there is dangei; '.hesoygan from the
burning awdai .'csrle(hrough the air
by the hlgh.wi)d .lv the dlrtitct around
the mound hWhMV4r been foroed -to
leave thelri mXk bt?ls'.fl.4hararaok..' .. i
At WchmJl4Jr'Jitiilgafl:9eiitral cars
and a Ifaak
wnrvt a.n iwto'libfMjr' W. bund3- : t
In BeaVktBhHCS,wrdV,ipoBty,t
several fan! ffcktaitaM WqdV-Oia; townatl '
have been IJbwiW nytie',,CUt,tvnv
ber eompa'nff.i imtt '-Miinymt. ;Boyna
ntv. t rti.8"lirtwutidt4: in .Mont-
morencl coAta 'forsat fires i are j
damaging OU hgj -tt nhr,' and Aaey aral 9
camp ara .-'A iUM? injrrem danger
owing to thttih iOTii''!.'' " -
There is much anxiety in Bay City re
garding the fire condition north of her.
Last reports from Orayllng, West Branch.
RoMommon, Wolvrln and Oayiord by
telephone are to the effect that forest fire
re burning in every direction, but that
none of the town was In immediate dan
gen. Late last night tha wire went out
north of Btandlah, so that now there Is no
wire communication win all northern
Michigan, north of Btandiah, Arenac county
and East Tawas. . "
Refageea at Part Haroa.
FORT HURON. Mich., July 11 Two
hundred and eighty fire victim from
Osooda, principally women id children, ar
rived In Port Huron today on the steam
barge Nlko, Captain Ralph ,D. Mytra, of
Tonawanda, N. T. The. left Oacoda laat
night, some Just man a in if (6 gejt on board
the veeael when It cut low,'bow and atera
being on fire. Many rpt'on the decks.
Every woman ' heart responds to
the charm and sweetness of a baby's
voice, because fliiture intended her lor
motherhood'" But . even, the loviuf
nature of a mother shrinks' from the
ordeal because ..uch atirue is regard
ed as a. jeriod of suffering and danger.
Women who use Mother Friend1 are
caved much discorifpet and sufierintr
x . their.tsystfcivis'lieing thoroughly !
prepare bi-).ti rtatsremedy,.4ire
in a aeaiuiycxKuu6n to meet the
time -.ath .as lea'sf feasible t .uering
an1. "..-. or. Mqix,; ' rictid ia
1 1 1 . li A ' -A .
tho tnou . ;ds oi en Jor,: re
ceived frr.4 vomea who ? ics, m . it
are a guarantee of the benetjt be
derived from "n use. This .remedy
does not accojtnplijh wonders butim-f
ply assiits 'fixture to perfect .' .wovl;.'
Mother's Frjend. Uaja nausea,- pre-.
veuts cai:ingi
the breasts, and
in every Nfv
sTP erV ( ft ,
contriDutes to rH
. . . . a
strong, healthy JL
motherhood. Mother's Friend is sold
at drug stores Writo for our free
book for expectant mothers.
jcu ouiv ut v - rcj.ei ana
oriel c,5;itfct.iA't -inothers it'lsia
senc; A is :-M: lv. A"? ,ou.s ills.
i'.s i'Jciy ye.-ira'TjIt.MSt. iad
$3.60. 13.76, 13.95 Dresses
now $2.65
$6.75 and $7.50 Dresses ' i $3.75
People of Port Huron are . caring for the
refugees, aa few have money.
CHICAGO, July 11-Th Edward Hlnes
Lumber company today received the follow
ing telegram from Captain Meyer of the
steamer Nlko, who brought the iorjpt firo
refugeee'to Ptrt.Huron:; , - j..
J "Arrived, ber EortHuToiJ t'eVm., with
about 900- peovl- uaihl" bn .de
troyed t remained,, saving. fcll-riKJBiifI)l
in til erlihinaWayS by 'flatM. Tawtt M)0r
Alpena, are burning. Attempted la make
HuroV Beach, but big north see,' drove m
"The Nlko" Is on of the MlHS tleet. ' TJi
rrines company "has 'lost' heavily" In lumber
in the. devastated district f; . ' .
Toiriuiemt to Start Satwday
- at the Flrtd Clefc -with Mere -
Player Than fiver. '.v .
. .Entries In the city tnn I tournament to
be held at the Field club beginning Satur
day are larger than they have been In
previous years, and the tournament pretn
tie to be the largest that has ever been
held. The preliminaries and the first
round' will be played Saturday afternoon,
beginning at I o'clock.' The singles and
doubles will be played the following week,
with play beginning at 6:30 each day.
Barn. Burn and "Spike' Kennedy . have
the best chance of winning out in the
doubles' and Mf. McKay, who came from
Indianapolis, this- summer, is being touted
aa tha winner In the single. j
-Harry Koch, Ralph and.Jtobert How are
In charge of the tournament', and Arthur.
Scrlbner ha charge of the lockers at the
club for the visiting tennis' men. '
i Arapahoe Win from Alma.
ARAPAHOK, Neb., July 12. 8peclal Ter
egram.) The Alma Advertiser drew a
blank in th ball game here today, tha
home team winning by a a6re of t to (V
Kiuiuui. iiia Aim ooys laileo to aoore;
they put up a Xlrat claaa gm from atace
to- finlah. Score;
Ahna o ' ja-io
Arapahoe ........ ..r..O t w 0- 1 3
batteries:' Alma, N. Tanner and Rich
ardson; Arapahoe. J. Beltxer and Carrol.
Hit: Alma,- 4; Arapahoe, 7. Struck out.
By Tanner, 8; y BelUer. 1. Flrat baae
on ball: Off Tanner, 4; off Beltsen 1.
Two-baae hlu: Belter,rTannr, Richard
son, DUbrow. Umpire; , Hhafefl t
. 'iVi.ii. ,'' s
O.-O. Aato Road Marfee-d.
BEATRICE, Neb., July. 12. (Speoial.) W.
H. C'aman and J. Ed C. Fisher, 'two mem
ber of the Committee appointed by the
Gage. County Automobile association 'to
mark:- the - Oklahoma-Qmtrtia-Mmneapoll
automobile road, fiolaned he; 6Ht -yetrter-day,
The committee began at,fh Jeiterson
eoubty- line wt of -Beatt'lOe' Awf jnrkea
the- teiepHone'iaole.a. for l.S-'dlBtii,c of
thirtyavn' mHea t6 t b forth-, line of the
PUilt( TWO. JUfllti t)11.1-l-lth.. A, nn.
fThej letijr ,C(Kwitrt.!5nrrtfw: ponSmg
bands. .,A- w ; . v J-.
i ;''' 'il.' 'f " f' '
' moBd Wla ifrok Xvitie,r.t f
CaMQNb.rNeb., Juiy,'jb.MWecil.)fv
mond dafeaii wunw h. vin.u.?i.
thei tastetit game played: here Ahlkyearv t
to,l. Wiener acored . In' th fciirth and
wiwnona maae one in the fifth -wna'twayin
the eighth. - Everlat of Oflmond fannedut
eight men, only thirty-two men faolng him
during the game. Cooper of Wiener fanned
out aeven. Batteries: Osmond, Everist and
Theixan; Wlsner. Cooper '. and Cole. Hits:
Off Everist, I; off Cooper, eV ; u , ,.t
-.'X .'
Shatoat for Fallcrtoa .
SILVER CREEK, Neb.. July UL-(8pe-clal
Telegram.) tillver Creek ahut out
Fullerton today In a hotly contested game.
i to 0. Batterl: Hllver Creek,' a Shank
and H. Hhank; Fullerton. Thieman : and
C. Miller. Struck out: Ky Shank, 18; by
Thieman, . Hit: Off Shank. 1; off Thie
man, 4. Errors: Fullerton. S; Silver Creek, I.
Yoatfc with Great Record.
William Buach, a pitcher from Parker,
burg, la., ha won all seven games he baa
S Itched for the Wells, Minn., team and
urtng ' the seven games -has struck out
ninety men.
. . ' ' V - r t
Mink League Gossip
Kratsberg, the old-time pitcher has -been
appointed on the umpire staff and is going
good. t,p
Ben Hunt, who managed the Tecumaeh
club three year ago, la now tryirig out on
the umpire ataff.
Brewer, the coming first baaeman of Au
burn, is now hitting .305 and la a-ill playing
that bag in grand style.
It la reported that the Shenandoah team
ia credited with hitting out forty-tour
home run so far this season.
Eddl Dygert, the Omaha ''boy who is
piaying a star outiieid lor Auburn, is im
proving wonderfully with the aUuk.
: noooy Aictao,- tn star,; ouJxfelder of
Fall City, h left for home. 1 auya h
will play mote bail this seaabn. lis waa nut
Cy ' Mason . haa .nut his itnMimdm. team
going In good sliapo. Cy U- a gOQd man and
ad old timer. lie' uadertanda the game
from start to finish, and I a gentleman In
(very eespoot , .-.. i'v j
ThlVd Baaemaff Went f th Humboldt
club waa badlylnjured by being kit in the
face by a batted ball. He will be out of
the game for some time. Not long ago he
waa hit on the arm and waa laid mu some
The Bhenandoah team la still Vlimbing
and it now seems as though the race is
nicely on between Fall City, Aubtarn and
Bhenandoah. Thar la no question ut that
tilienauhoah ha th hardest hlttiag team
In th league. r t
Bulger Walsh, who was playing second
rr the MaryvlUea, was released when tits
club passed Into th hands of th Hum
boldt management Walsh haa paid about
in fine while with th.ath. He has
gone to Missoula, in the .Vlon -league.
. Although the' club waS hk bi ahap
w han thy bought it, .the Uuubolht people
.y Uly will slretigifcaa ,lA'lMbi ao ,
to bring It up to one-two-thr. And if they
make uo their mind for vwlnuing teaiii
they will bave it, aa thra ta a gwod, live
bunch for the game. ..... tt
'The MaryvUle club waa 'passed tpte the
band of Prwldent Car-x wb? It failed
to comply with th oonsUtutlon of-the Mink
f u! Hu"holdt bid for th franchise
and showed the proper support and secured
the team only about five hur were
necessary for th fan of Huaiboldt to raise
th amount of money to beat tha otbar
towns, lilawatht and Atlaaue.
Councilman Kugel Sees a Way to Meet
Exorbitant Prices.
Peddlers to Be Sapplled from Maatc
. leal Warcheaae Bad Prtea t
Coaeeaaera te Be Kepi at
A municipal Ice plant to save the poor
of the city the hardship of paying ex
orbitant prices for lea In hot weather Is
proposed by Councilman A. C. Kugel, who
suggested at the council meeting Tues
day night that such a project be
"The Investment required for an Ice
house and necessary machinery would be
vry small," said Councilman Kugel,
"and no great outlay would be necessary.
We have several men working all the
year round on a monthly wage who are
supposed to have charge of paving work
and who have little work In the winter
time. These men could take charge of
the Ice outtlng and storing. There would
be plenty of Independent peddlers who
would be glad to get the les and sell It
at prices determined by the council and
people who cam for It could have It
for a very low coat price. - Buch a plan
seems feasible and ought to be mad a
reality for the saks of the poor peo
ple." ' Aa;alast Private Sanitarium.
An ordinance forbidding the building
of any sanitarium or hospital for insane
people or Inebriates near a public park
or a school building was Introduced by
Councilman Fred Bohroeder. Th or
dinance follows th agitation against the
transformation of the Holdrege home
stead near Hanacom park into a private
asylum for the Insane and nervously
diseased. 'The . home owners have or-
ganUed hearty protest against th -
tablidhtneht r'o such an Institution there
nd'vtnjsbjlj,if passed, will prevent it
Th. .ordinance declares such a sanitarium
to be a nuisance if within GOO feet of a
public park or 700 feet of a public achool
and the health commissioner Is given
power .to abate ' it. The punishment is
from W to lioo fine.-' ' ."' .
"' Master Barber Protest.
A long petition signed by several dosen
master barbers protesting against th or
dinance on Sunday closing of a the shops
waa received . and fUedt Th barbers
promise . to cloao at noon Sunday, and
think that a common practice of closing
at noon would make unnecessary an or
dinance closing the shops altogether. The
closing ordinance la aUll hanging lira.
Street Commissioner Flynn will receive
for the work of weed cutting 11,000, as
was decided early In the year. His re
quest for funds for that purpose was
turned over to the council by th com
mittee with the information that 11,000
had been set aside for Uhe purposs and
no more could be allowed.
No Mere New Pavtaar.
The fact that th Intersection paving
fund Is already near exhaustion prompted
Councilman Kugel to submit an ordinance
ordering . paving atopped for the present
and tha resolution was passed.-'No new
contracts will be advertised.
Th investigation of all business in
which volatile oils ar used was ordered
by ' reaoletlon Introduced ; by Council
man McGovern. According to the reso
lution the ordinance and rules for safely
against, fire and explosion. ,In establish
ments' for" cleannlng and In" tneior garages
are .apt'being closely- observed. ' and Fir
Warden Edward Morris is Instructed to
bring about a reform, . .
Mme, Eames and z-y r
,! Einilio De Gogorza
, Married in Paris
rima Donna Becomes Bride of Baxi
; tone with Whom She Itas Long' .
U i Associated Professionally.: '
', . ;- ;t r ' , .'
i PARIS, July 1Z Mm. Emma Eames and
Ewilllo . de 'Oogorsa ' were married at the
ltx,htft In the eighth- arrondlssemeht to
day.; The ceremony was in. strict privacy,
only) the legal number ot 'Witnesses being
present V . - ' '.' v .
I The witnesses for the bride were William
Francis Warden, the painter, and FairchlldV
Btalr,. the. compoeety and for the bride
groom George Armstrong, a banker and
Earnest Arnal, a lawyer. M. Bansboeuf,
assistant to the mayor, officiated and made
a brief address, in which he wished the
contracting parties happiness and pros
perity and expressed the felicitations of the
The prima donna waa divorced from her
former husband, Julian Story, In the spring
of 1307. Tha baritone, who has been assov
elated with the bride profeaslonally, was
divorced from his wife. Mrs. Elsa Nue
mann de Oogorsa. last year.
Pettit Shortage May.
Reach Million and Half
CHICAGO. July 11 Expert accountants
under the direction ot Chicago bankers
today began an inspection of the books
and accounts ot ths late James Pet
tit and the Peavy Grain company
la an effort to determine the exact
condition of th Board of Trad tlrm'a
business. Late developments seem to In
dicate that the losses of the concern may
uach I1.W0.000, but this cannot be accu
rately determined until an alibi haa been
completed. It la expected this work will
take a week.
A series of big losses In specuiatl plung
ing in the wheat and oats market covering
a period of two years," during which James
Ptsttlt used the credit of the Peavy Grain
company to carry on his trades, is said to
have led to the large ahortage. Pettit tt
appears, lost in fcesrly' every recent specu
lation he made, although h had the repu
tation ot being ' one, or the ahrewdest
operatora in the Chicago market.
Deputy Coroner Conrad of Waukegan,
III., declarea than an autopsy of the body
of Pettit will not b mad unless members
of the . family demand it Representative
of the insurance companies in which Pettit
V carried policies aggregating Jiou.oou are
Lull Investigating tha conditions ot Pettlfs
MINNEAPOLIS, July 12. F. C. Wetmor.
vice president of th First National bank of
Chicago, was today mad chairman of a
joint 'committee of Minneapolis snd Chicago
bankers which Is considering th financial
affaire of F. H. Peavy Co. of
Minneapolis, chief stockholders " in the
Peavy Grain company of Chicago. In the
accounts of the Chicago company following
the recent death by drowning of Manager
James Pettit a shortage aald approx
imate U.oOv.OOO was discovered. .
Wesaaa Suffrage Btll Killed.
ALBANT, N. Y.. July 11 By a vote of
7 to 16 th aenate today rofuaed to advance
the Stilweil woman suffrage resolution from
general orders to the order of final passage,
thus killing the measure.
. "Today fewer women than ver before
depend an th halr-dreaser for ahampoo
Ing," write Mra. Mm Martyn. In the Bal
timore Herajd. 1 '"The"'eaon for this,"
she continue. "Is because of th almost
general use of canthrot for cleansing scalp
and hair. '
"A teaspoonful of canthrox dissolved In
a cap of hot water is enough for a good
shampoo. , This should be poured on th
head slowly snd the scalp rubbed briskly.
The rich lather neutral I sea th oil and
loosens dust and dandruff. After rinsing,
the aralp la tweet and clean, while the
hair dries very quickly and 1 left glossy,
fluffy an(i pasy to do up. So little- time
and labor Is required with conthrox that
shampooing Is a, positiv delight" Adv.
Proposes; Heavy Tax
on the Ddwries of
American Brides
Congressman 'Kahn of Calif 6 lira lias
Scheme to Jisoonrage Marriages
with. Impecunious Noblemen.
WASHINGTON," July 12.-A heavy tax
on the dowries of American brides in inter
national marriages, ''so that the penurious
but titled fortuna hunters might secure but
a small moiety of the price the bride pays
him for a nam which he himself dis
honors by thus putting It up at auction
to th highest bidder,? was suggested by
Representative Kahn of California, in the
house today, as a meana to stop all alli
ances between American . heiresses and
"broken down foreign noblemen."
- Mr. Kahn came warmly to the defense of
"dollar diplomacy,"' ,-Jhowever, - and 'his
speech was In anawer to an attack by
Representative Henry of Texas, a week
ago. -1 . . ...
Declaring that at no 'time tn 'th' history
of the republio "ntav tha'Amerlcsn ambas
sadors and ministers t foreign 'courts been
less obsequious, '6rese6d In simpler' clothes;
and resorted to" less rlhess'nd 'chicane, p
than now, Mr. kehn" 'paid 'tribute to the
lat John Hay, to BTihu - Root end tb"
Philander C. Knox. dwelt upon "the
brilliant, successful - efforts" of Secretary
Knox to extend American trade-, "and hit
pioneer work In- making American, diplo
macy an Intense and! world-wide vigilant
promotion, of the Interests of the American
people. .
Reading extracts from many musty docu
ments In. an effort to prove that , "in the
good old days'' referred , to by Mr.. Henry,
there was less o'f democratic simplicity In
the conduct of American diplomats abroad
than now, the speaker insisted that Benja
min Franklin and other ministers of his
time were paid proportionately higher sal
aries than the present day diplomats. '
As to the criticisms of John Hays Ham
mond, speoial ambassador to the coronation
of King George, Mr. Kahn said he believed
Mr. Henry, - after-' calmer consideration,
would admit. to himself hat they war
"unjustified and . entirely gratuitous." . r
Mrs. McMaiugal and . ;
Husband on Opposite '
Sides MeNamara Case
, LOS ANGELES," S1., July tt Mrsi Okl
of Portage, Wla.both of whom are aligned
with the defenseFslifured th Interest with
the MeNamara brothers todav whan tha
dynamite consplraoy,.aae waa called, and
juage waiter BoMell. prepared to render
a decision en th motion to nuuh th in.
I'dlctments against the Aecuaed labor leader
ana nia brother.
Mra. McManlgal and her uncle came to
the court directly from the Jail, where the
two made another effort. It Is asserted, to
induce Ortie McManlgal. the alleged con
fessed co-consplratof, to repudiate hla con
fession. ; -Torn between conflicting desires
to do as his wife wished and also to keep
tils alleged pledge to become a state wit
ness, McManlgal ia said to be on the verge
of collapse. :
McManlgal 1 said ia have wavered, but
to. have . refused .finally to desert the
proseoution; .' lir. J
"I cannot do k' a Is quoted aa saying;
"they would hang'njsir tfiU."
Peter Nice; Wvlag li. Coeaty,
J. Receives Injerle that Preve
. to. Be,: Fatal. .
BEATRICE Neb,' July tt (8pclal Tel
egram. Thrown In; front of a sickle of a
mowing machine, X-jKer Nlea, a prominent
German farmer, living two and a half miles
southeast of Bills, "this county, was hor
ribly mutilated today and died a few
hours later at a local hospital. . .
Mr. Nies was -rowing grain -near his
home when his team became frightened and
ran away, throwing him in front of the
machine. Mr. Nies waa 10 years of age
and had resided in Gage county for thirty
years. He leaves a widow and a large
family of children, all grown. . - '.
Leal Belts.
FALLS CITY. Neb., July tt (Bpeolal.)
Th funeral of Loula Salts waa held
Wednesday morning at th residence north
of thia city and burial will be tn the Bow
man church cemetery. Mr. Setts was born
in Germany In 1838 and In that oountry
was married to Miss Louise Rhodes, who
iurvtves him. They came from Germany
In 1S7" and settled on th farm wher b
died. Of twelve children born to them
only two survive Herman of Oklahoma
and Miss Louisa at home. -''
Iowa Maa Drops Dead.
LOS ANGELErt, Cel.. July 11 (Special
Telegram.) William I- Tubba of Santa
Ana, formerly of Glenwood. Ia., with rela
tives in Council Bluffs, dropped dead in
hi garage today, where he was found by
his wife.
Simple Home Remedy'
Fer Wrinkled Faces
(From Popular Toilettes.) .
Thousand of women ars spending for
tunes in their frantic efforts to remove
the signs of premature age from their
faces. When In this state of mind a wo
man will spend almost any amount of
money on worthless wrinkle removers, of
which there art many '
If these women only knew It, th most
effective remedy. Imaginable I a ' almpl.
harmless face waah which can be mad
up at home In leas than a minute. They
have only to get an ounc of powdered
aaxoUt ajid half a pint of witch hasel tit
the drug store and mix the two. ' Apply
this dally aa a refreshing lotion. The ef
fect Is almost magical. Even after th
first treatment a . marked Improvement 1
noticed and th face has a smug, firm
feeling that Is most pleasing. Adv.
Gas Bags from Mound City Qualify for
' International Bace. .
Laae Wear I.a Pas, 1m., Five H.
dred aed Tweaty-Ftv Miles freaa
Kaaaae Ctty -AUe Reaehea
Greatest Altltade.
KANSAS CITY. Jyly ll-With th bal
loona St. Loul IV and- Million Population
Club, both of St. Louia, rest th honors
of winning first and second pisces In th
national elimination balloon raoe, which
started from thla. city Monday evening, and
to two St. Loula balloon pilot fall th
right of joining Alan R, liawley ot New
York In representing th United State In
the international balloon races for the
James Gordon Bennett cup, which will
start from her October i.
While official returns of the rac will
hot be available for several days there ia
no doubt, according to official of th Kan
sas City Aero club, but that first plac will
go to the St. Louis IV, which landed near
LaPas Junction, Ind., at 1:16 yesterday aft
ernoon, and second place', to the Million
Population Club, which cam down at La
Crosse, Ind., at 2:4 yesterday afternoon.
The sight of a bright light lc the sky
moving out ovsr Lak Erl In Cleveland
last night, led to, ths rumor that th Mil
lion Population Club, th only balloon not
heard, from at that time, was ahead of
all. The whereabouts of the Million Popu
lation Club, however, . was settled by a
telegram received late last night from Its
pilot, announcing th landing at La Cross.
Th altitude record, of th race, as. well
a tha distance record,, la believed to have
bsea made by Lieutenant Frank P. Lahm
and Lieutenant John P.. Hart, pilot and aid
tn tha St. Louis. IV, whose Instruments
recorded a maximum altitude of 28,000 feet,
' Records ef Laadlsg.
Ths balloons, 'their 'landing place and
uhoffldal distances, as complied today,
are - " 'T
'St. Louis IV, pilot Lieutenant Frank P.
Lahm. . aid'. '-Lieutenant John- P. Haiti
landed near Lapaa Junction, Ind.; 625 miles,
, Million Population Club, pilot Captain
John Berry, aid Paul McCullough; landed
at 'La.Cros, Ind.: 486 miles.
Miss Sofia, pilot. William F. Ashman, .aid
Captain M. O'Reilly: landed near Franklin
ParX, suburb of Chicago; 44S miles.
Buckeye, pilot J.- H. Wade, Jr., aid -R. H.
Hitchcock; landed., four miles , east . of
New Holland, ill.; 316 miles.
Topeka II, pilot FrAnk M. ' Jacobs, aid
Raffe. Kmerlson; landed near La Harpe.
II. ; 190 milea .
New York, pilot Clifford B. Harmon, aid
Augustus Poitr landed at Fremont, Ia.;
168 miles.
Kansas City, pilot H. E. Honeywell, aid
John' Watta; landed near Linby, Ia.; 160
miles. . . .
' Lieut endat LaxTaaa AVe-ve Cload.
CHICAGO, July IX Details Were obtained
today of the trip of the balloon St. Loula
No. 4, in charge of Lieutenant Frank P.
Lahm and Lieutenant J. P. Hart which
left Kansas City at 4:50 p. m. and landed
at Lapas,' Ind.,' sixteen miles eouiUt ef
South Bend, at 4:15 p. .m yesterday. '
The balloon- represented th areonautlc
corps of the National Guard ot Missouri.
Lieutenant Hart said:
'JWi made the trip In record-breaking
speed and were between 16,000 and 22,000
feet from the earth during the entire Jour
ney. Our voyage was anything but pleas
onts Soon after leaving Kansas City Mon
day:, afternoon we encountered a series of
thunderstorms; which mad It necessary
for us to rise above the-olouds to get away
from 'the '.rain. - The storm seemed to fol
low us all through Missouri and minols.
"W . crossed the- Mississippi . river . early
Tuesday.. -noralng-.-:.Our 4aJloon behaved
handsomely "under the circumstances, al
though we were kept busy all the time. W
never, saw any of the other balloons after
leaving Kansas City. We landed without
mishap in a large field and slept last night
In ' a' farm house.' The highest altitude
reached was 22,000 feet"
Fonr Hart Wkes Aate Overtaras.
GARDEN CITY, Kan., Jury tt Mrs.Roxle
MeClellan of Morence, Colo., was seriously
Injured and- her. brother, J. H. Miller, of
this city and her two young sons slightly
hurt when an automobile driven by Mr.
Miller overturned on a oountry road eight
miles. east of here today.
' 'Her iummer Bracelet
' Fashion bus decreed that
the summer girl must bo
adorned witli a pretty brace
let to add grace to her arm
; when a short sleeved gown is
worn. At Atlantic' City and other
popular resorts ot tthe east, the
demand for new designs In brace
lets l very great and baa resulted
Jn some of. tha most beautiful
Creation of recent years. The Ed
bolm Btoje-Js showing a new col
lection pf brackets that will be
appreciated by all who inspect
them. . They were designed la the
east and sell for moderate prices
. Don't Merely Buy -Invest
- V-'Vy
- Jeweler
mfsffl Uniform'
Jll comes in CTcry
bottle bearing
ill the triangular
j label. Just re
i member this
I . and order Blatz.
II Tfce rifsawr
ii f sw 01-anwwer
;lW 802-110 Plu Smm, OuW. M.
Fhmmi Dougla t66j
fc Ifcrflii iiBIW - W I HiHl IT Ml
I rJk fc
hvwest Excursion Fares To'-
TSfcirinesota Lakes
r.l.f ....1, -
and all
Bake S
and via-St. Paul and the cool Northern routes to the Par
cific Coast through the Canadian Rockies Yellowsone
or Glacier Park, and returning via any of these ,or via
Colorado or any other route. If you will giye nle sotne
idea- of "where you want to go, I will plan your trip for
you,, give you the benefit of the lowest excursion fares
and give you free illustrated literature on the regions
, you wish to visit. If, you travel on the , ' '
y0hfgpGreat -Western Railroad
your, vacation will "be enjoyable from the moment. ypu
leave Omaha ..- ,
'"- " " ' ' ' ,'.
. P. & BONORDEN. C. P. and T. A. ; '
phicagp Great Western R. R.
;' ,. 1512 FARNAM ST., OMAHA ' -
; ' ' Phon Douglas 260.
IX yoo hart tried every other known
ramedy tor -fhetunatlam do not de
spair. vVett -sU base Urlcaot, tha
practical certAinty" of CUKU tad tha
abeolnte certainty of material aad
laatiBcr aahent to' fall Ijack on:
Urlcsolls bot a bureau. - Its special
Held la rbetuaatto diseases and it
eurea them by removing tbe eauae.
err body'' nowadays ksowa that
rheamatlsra la caused by an exceaa ot
Urle Acid In the blood. lxcal applr
cations may 'rellere," bat they cannot
poeslbly .get at .tha. ieat ot tha die-
Uricsol Is "just what Its nam Im
plies, a solrent .and f eliminator ot
iisic Acid. :
Kemora Xhe, cause) and tha dlseaao
la gone. '( ,r ,
TJricaol, not only eurea tha common
forma of rheumatism, but It does what
no other .remedy haa before acoom
juiBhed: .. ..
Records are In our, possession of
not one but-many , cases where tha
Joints of tha.. nager were so thick
ened as to be practically aaeleaa;
where tha hip ar the kaee Joints were
no filled with the deposits as to ran
der tha Ttctlm wholly unable to walk;
yet tha patients , were completely re
stored to health and -activity by tha
systematic nse of UricsoL
In this way TJrlcsol has been a
We can truthfully claim the remark
able record of 90 per-.cenC of curea
where a proper opportunity la given
our remedy to accomplish tha result,
We wUl gladly aupply teaUmonlala,
Wrlta for folder. .,
If -four drugflet doee. not haTa It,
aend ana dpUar, to ,The Callfarnla
Chemical Co, 125 New High 6L, Lea
Angeles, Calif, and ,w, "will aau4 you
w botUa prapalaV -ji - .
For, tale ant recommended by
Sherman & McCOanelt Drug Co., Owl
Drug Co. Omaha. Neb. "'
f.i.vr. -atV
.- - , i if-, i k M
Reaches th Live Steels O rawer.
llll I i
If y 11(1111
Children grow rapidly
and ttrong on this great
drink. ,
Delights the -whole
It bulla's up th blood bf.
supplying butter fats. ' asd
soUds to the body, yet eeesa't'
ta the stomach, being predl
gested. v
Fer the tired bnslnees-makV
th woman open whom socie
ty's section ar beginning
te tell, for tbe young girl or .
th child. It is th drink that
w ill de good. .
At - all soda fountains,
hotels, bnffrts and i clobe,;
and delivered to yonr home
In family sice bottlrw. -
Alamito Sanitary '
Dairy Company
(Mfg, ZJcensse.)
1813 FARNAM ST..,
Phones: .-. . -i
Dong. 411, Ind. A-4411,,
ports on
uperior :
Hamilton Apartments
Clngl room and privets bath .Si&OO.
, Two rooms and private bath, )3g and 140.
Three rooma and private-hath 140 and
All advantages of the hotel at half th
price Away from nolso and. dust
rise Cat la Conaeetloa.
Bathing, Boating, Picnicing,
Delightful Ballroom "
H. M. B ARNET; Mgr.
July 12-13-tJ4v
. July It I.adlas' Day . .
Cas reave lfta and Taraajn at tlaa
Vaudeville and Photij' Plays
Dine Out Doom ' .
ooox.EaT vLaoa xw oma-sa '
Admission 10 Oeata ' .
aususaa bkow
''J&S --
S ' r ' a.
Cofer A Le Mara, Vr VetUrltog t lecture "Il.t.lni ui..
liara;" Bab Llrd.- DiOVlngt pto..1
ifii e, y or
ean. liaily, l a &
ram h ,uH iSi,fA;
Jay xtt Casts.
luica, uii uiii oryan. jmily,
ana i 10 Li. furgrain i
nay ana rnursoa